Copyright by Venkata Vivek Kumar Koppula 2018 The Dissertation Committee for Venkata Vivek Kumar Koppula certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation:

Program Obfuscation: New Applications and Constructions from Standard Assumptions


Brent Waters, Supervisor

Adam Klivans

Amit Sahai

David Zuckerman Program Obfuscation: New Applications and Constructions from Standard Assumptions


Venkata Vivek Kumar Koppula,

DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of


THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN August 2018 Acknowledgments

First, I am extremely thankful to my advisor, , without whose guidance and support this thesis would not have been possible. His enthusiasm towards research has been a great source of motivation, and I feel truly indebted to him. I am also grateful to Amit Sahai for hosting me at UCLA on multiple occasions, and for his engaging discussions.

This thesis mainly consists of two separate projects, and I wish to thank my collaborators Allison Bishop, Rishab (L.C.) Goyal and Brent Waters for the numerous discussions on these works. Special thanks to Rishab for both the technical as well as non-technical conversations we’ve had over the last four years. I am also thankful to colleagues with whom I had the pleasure to do research (that is not part of this thesis). Many thanks to my PhD committee members (Adam Klivans, Amit Sahai and David Zuckerman) for their valuable feedback on my thesis. Finally, I thank my friends and family for their constant support and confidence in me.

iv Program Obfuscation: New Applications and Constructions from Standard Assumptions

Publication No.

Venkata Vivek Kumar Koppula, Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Supervisor: Brent Waters

Code obfuscation has been one of the main focal points of cryptographic research over the last few years. This proposed thesis studies two different as- pects of program obfuscation. In the first part, we examine the power of indistinguishability obfuscation. This notion of indistinguishability obfusca- tion requires that the obfuscation of two functionally identical programs must be computationally indistinguishable. In this work, we show how obfusca- tion for circuits can be used to obfuscate Turing machines. Our obfuscation scheme satisfies the succinctness requirement; that is, the obfuscation of a Turing machine M has size polynomial in the machine description |M| and a maximum bound on the input length n. Previous works that addressed this problem required an additional bound on the maximum space used by the Turing machine. Our construction is based on indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits, one way functions and injective pseudo random generators.

v In the second part of the proposed dissertation, we study constructions of obfuscation for restricted function classes under standard assumptions. We introduce the notion of lockable obfuscation. In a lockable obfuscation scheme there exists an obfuscation algorithm that takes as input a security parame- ter, a program P , a message m and “lock value” α and outputs an obfuscated program P˜. One can evaluate the obfuscated program P˜ on any input x where the output of evaluation is the message m if P (x) = α and otherwise receives a rejecting symbol. We proceed to provide a construction of lockable obfuscation and prove it secure under the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. Previ- ous constructions of obfuscation under standard assumptions worked for much weaker function classes such as point functions and conjunctions. Next, we describe multiple applications of lockable obfuscation. The first application is a generic transformation of any attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme into one in which the attributes used to encrypt the message are hidden from any user that is not authorized to decrypt the message. Similarly, we show how to upgrade broadcast encryption schemes to have one-sided anonymity. We also show applications of lockable obfuscation to separation and uninstantiability results.

vi Table of Contents

Acknowledgments iv

Abstract v

Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 A Brief History of Program Obfuscation ...... 2 1.2 Summary of Our Results ...... 12 1.2.1 Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines . . 13 1.2.2 Lockable Obfuscation ...... 16

Chapter 2. Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines 22 2.1 Overview of our scheme ...... 22 2.2 Preliminaries ...... 30 2.2.1 Notations ...... 30 2.2.2 Puncturable Pseudorandom Functions ...... 31 2.2.3 Obfuscation ...... 32 2.3 iO-compatible Primitives ...... 33 2.3.1 Iterators ...... 33 Construction ...... 36 Security ...... 38 2.4 Positional Accumulators ...... 42 2.4.1 Construction ...... 48 Correctness ...... 52 Security ...... 53 2.4.2 Splittable Signatures ...... 61 2.4.3 Construction ...... 66 Proofs of Security ...... 69 2.5 Message Hiding Encodings ...... 85

vii 2.5.1 Construction ...... 86 2.5.2 Proof of Security ...... 89 2.5.3 Proof of Lemma 2.11 ...... 99 2.5.4 Proof of Lemma 2.12 ...... 106 2.5.5 Proof of Lemma 2.13 ...... 119 Analysis ...... 123 2.5.6 Proof of Lemma 2.14 ...... 128 Analysis ...... 129 2.5.7 Proof of Lemma 2.15 ...... 130 Analysis ...... 133 2.6 Machine Hiding Encodings ...... 135 2.6.1 Construction ...... 137 2.6.2 Proof of Security ...... 140 2.6.3 Proof Outline for Lemma 2.16 ...... 145 2.6.4 Proof of Lemma 2.17 ...... 162 2.6.5 Proof of Lemma 2.18 ...... 178 Analysis ...... 180 2.6.6 Extensions and Variations ...... 181

Chapter 3. Lockable Obfuscation 183 3.1 Overview of our Lockable Obfuscation Construction ...... 183 3.2 Preliminaries ...... 191 3.2.1 Lattice Preliminaries ...... 193 3.2.2 Branching Programs ...... 197 3.2.3 Public Key Encryption ...... 198 3.2.4 ...... 200 Leveled Homomorphic Encryption ...... 200 Fully Homomorphic Encryption ...... 202 3.2.5 Pairwise Independent Hash Functions ...... 203 3.2.6 Low-Depth Pseudorandom Generators with Polynomial Stretch ...... 204 3.3 Lockable Obfuscation ...... 205 3.3.1 Correctness ...... 206

viii 3.3.2 Security ...... 208 3.3.3 Extending the Message Space ...... 209 3.3.4 Relationship with Existing Cryptographic Primitives . . 211 3.4 Our Construction ...... 212 3.4.1 Security ...... 217 Simulator Sim ...... 217 Sequence of Hybrid Games ...... 218 Analysis ...... 224 3.4.2 On the Need for a Pseudo Random Generator ...... 231 3.5 Predicate Encryption: Achieving 1-Sided Security ...... 233 3.5.1 Key-Policy ABE with Bounded Decryption Depth and Size233 3.5.2 Generalizing to Other Types ...... 245 3.5.3 Encrypting to a Hidden Public Key ...... 248 3.6 Separating IND-CPA security and Circular Security ...... 249 3.6.1 Separating IND-CPA Security from n-Circular Security . 252 3.6.2 Separating IND-CPA Security from 1-Circular Security for Bit Encryption ...... 258 3.6.3 Creating an Unbounded Public Key Cycle Tester . . . . 261 3.7 Uninstantiability of the Fujisaki-Okamoto and Related Trans- formations ...... 264 3.7.1 The Fujisaki-Okamoto Transformation ...... 266 3.8 Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Rejecting Programs . . . . 276 3.8.1 Defining Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Rejecting Programs ...... 278 3.8.2 Witness Encryption ...... 280 3.8.3 Construction of Rejecting Indistinguishability Obfuscator from Witness Encrytion ...... 281 Security ...... 283 3.9 Upgrading Broadcast Encryption to Anonymous Broadcast En- cryption ...... 286 3.9.1 Preliminaries ...... 287 Security ...... 288 3.9.2 Upgrading Broadcast Encryption to One-Sided Anony- mous Broadcast Encryption ...... 290 Security ...... 293

ix Index 302

Bibliography 303

x Chapter 1


Cryptography (derived from Greek words krypt´os meaning ‘secret’ and graphein meaning ‘to write’) is the art of hiding secrets. Traditionally, cryp- tographers have been interested in hiding secrets in messages – transforming secret plaintext messages into scrambled text such that only authorized parties can recover the underlying plaintext message. Decades of research resulted in very efficient solutions for hiding secrets.

Since the dawn of the software industry, a different ‘secret-hiding’ prob- lem has emerged : hiding secrets in programs. Suppose Alice has an exciting software P . How can Alice ‘scramble’ this program P into a program P 0 such that P 0 works exactly as P , but hides the implementation of P ? We refer to this problem as code obfuscation, and it is a well-studied problem, both in theory and practice.

1 1.1 A Brief History of Program Obfuscation

The goal of code obfuscation is to make programs ‘maximally unintel- ligible’. An obfuscator takes as input the description of a program P 1 and compiles it into a program P 0 such that P and P 0 have identical functionality, yet P 0 ‘hides’ the internal logic of P . The idea of code obfuscation has been around for many years. Diffie and Hellman, in their seminal work on public- key encryption [241], envisioned that such one-way compilers could be used to transform any private-key encryption schemes to a public-key encryption schemes. In practice, there exist multiple commercial solutions for code ob- fuscation. However, all these solutions are primarily heuristic approaches, and there are no hardness guarantees.

Theoretical Foundations of Code Obfuscation: A theoretical study of obfuscation was initiated by the seminal work of Barak, Goldreich, Impagli- azzo, Rudich, Sahai, Vadhan and Yang [61], who proposed various definitions for code obfuscation. One of the definitions they proposed was called vir- tual black box(VBB) obfuscation, which (informally) states that having an obfuscation of program P is similar to having oracle access to P (that is, any predicate that can be computed in polynomial time from the obfuscated code can be simulated via oracle access to the program). This notion captures our intuition of a compiler hiding internal logic, because any information that can

1Here, a program could be any form of computation; for instance, it could be a circuit, a piece of code in a high level language, etc.

2 be learned given the VBB obfuscation of a program can be learned from oracle access to the program. As discussed by Barak et al. , VBB obfuscation for general (polynomial time) computations would have immense applications in /security. Such obfuscators can be used for software protection, homomorphic encryption [485], replacing random oracles [89] and transforming private-key encryption schemes to public-key schemes. Unfortunately, Barak et al. showed that under certain cryptographic assumptions, there exist (con- trived) function classes which cannot be VBB obfuscated. Later, Goldwasser and Kalai [320] showed that in the presence of auxiliary input, there exists a “wide and natural class of functions” that cannot be VBB obfuscated.

Therefore, if we wish to have obfuscation for general functions, then one must aim for weaker notions of obfuscation. The work of Barak et al. proposed a couple of such notions, one of them being indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). An obfuscator O is said to be an indistinguishability obfuscator if it has the following security guarantee - for any two circuits C0,C1 of same size that have identical functionality (that is, for all inputs x, C0(x) = C1(x)), obfuscation of C0 is indistinguishable from obfuscation of C1. Note that the security guarantee holds only if the two circuits are identical on all inputs. At first, it is not clear why this security notion would be useful, since the security guarantee only holds for functionally identical circuits. Goldwasser and Rothblum [324] gave some evidence of its usefulness; their work showed that indistinguishability obfuscation is the ‘best possible obfuscation’. Other than that, over the next few years, indistinguishability obfuscation did not

3 receive much immediate attention since (1) there were no such obfuscation candidates at the time and (2) the perceived lack of applications due to the fact that it only guaranteed security between two functionally equivalent circuits.

First Candidate iO Scheme and Applications of iO: However, the landscape changed dramatically in 2013. In a breakthrough result, Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai and Waters [287] gave the first candidate in- distinguishability obfuscation scheme for all circuits, and used iO (together with some standard cryptographic primitives) to construct a powerful primi- tive called functional encryption. Shortly thereafter, Sahai and Waters [500] showed that iO (together with some basic assumptions) can be used to con- struct a wide range of cryptographic primitives such as public key encryption, short signatures, non-interactive zero knowledge proofs, and advanced primi- tives such as deniable encryption. Their ‘punctured programming’ technique gave rise to a plethora of applications, including some of the applications of VBB obfuscation discussed by Barak et al. [61].

This first wave of applications had one broad common feature - all of them used obfuscation of circuits. Although circuits represent a general model of computation, they have the drawback that the size of a circuit description of a computation is proportional to the worst case running time of a compu- tation. This might be much longer than the time required to simply describe the computation in a different form. For this reason, it is desirable to develop an obfuscator for Turing Machines (or other similar models) where the obfus-

4 cation time grows polynomially with the machine description size, as opposed to its worst case running time. In addition to serving as its own application, such a construction would pave the way for other applications such as delega- tion/verification of computation. Let us consider the following scenario where a party, say Alice, that has a Turing machine P , input x and string y, and Alice wants to check whether P (x) = y. Alice does not have the resources to compute P (x), and therefore needs to delegate this task to a server. This prob- lem can be solved if Alice could obfuscate Turing machines. Alice can choose a uniformly random string r and compute an obfuscation of Prog[P, x, y, r], where the program Prog[P, x, y, r] takes no input, and outputs r if P (x) = y, else it outputs a special symbol ⊥. The server simply evaluates the obfuscated program and sends the output to Alice. If Alice receives r, then she can be convinced that P (x) = y. In this scenario, it is crucial that the time to obfus- cate Prog[P, x, y, r] does not grow with the running time of Prog[P, x, y, r]. If the time to obfuscate grows with the running time of Prog[P, x, y, r] (which is equal to the running time of P on input x), then this defeats the entire goal of delegating this computation! Using the security property of indistinguisha- bility obfuscation, one can argue that if P (x) 6= y, then no (polynomial time) cheating prover can convince Alice that P (x) = y (an outline of this proof is described in Section 2.1).

Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines: Let us con- sider the most natural approach for constructing a Turing Machine obfuscator

5 from a circuit obfuscator: using an obfuscated circuit to perform the step functions of a Turing Machine. At each time step, the obfuscated program will take in authenticated and encrypted state/tape symbols. It then verifies the signature, decrypts, and calculates the next state/tape symbols which it then encrypts, signs, and outputs. In such a construction, the obfuscating time will be proportional to the size of the machine M, while the evaluation on input x will call the obfuscated program up to T times, where T is the running time of x on M. Such an approach can be fairly easily analyzed and proven secure if we assume the circuit obfuscator satisfies the Virtual Black Box (VBB) notion of security for obfuscation. This is because we can then treat the obfuscated program as an oracle. However, as mentioned above, there exist many functionalities that cannot be VBB obfuscated, and it is not clear which functionalities can be VBB obfuscated. This motivates the current practice of searching for solutions that do not depend on VBB obfuscation.

An initial line of research addressed [144, 30] this problem using differing- inputs obfuscation (diO). The notion of differing inputs obfuscation was also proposed by Barak et al. [61] as a weakening of VBB, and its security guar- antee is as follows - if there exists a (polynomial time) adversary A that can distinguish between an obfuscation of C0 and an obfuscation of C1, then there exists a polynomial time ‘extractor’ that can extract a differing-input x such that C0(x) 6= C1(x). Due to this extractability nature, this assumption is also considered to be risky. Garg, Gentry, Halevi and Wichs [289] gave recent ev- idence that there might exist functionalities that cannot be diO obfuscated.

6 Later, Bellare, Stepanovs and Waters [91] showed additional negative results for diO, thus potentially putting diO security into a similar situation as VBB. More recently, [369] proposed more restricted form of differing inputs obfusca- tion called public-coin differing-inputs obfuscation (pc-diO) and showed how a circuit obfuscator could be bootstrapped to a Turing Machine obfuscator using this notion. An advantage of the public-coin restriction is that it circumvents the implausibility results of [289, 91]. At the same time, even pc-diO inher- ently has a stronger extraction flavor. Moreover, unlike iO, we currently do have any approaches for basing the security of pc-diO on ‘simpler’ assump- tions.2 Therefore, it is desirable to have an iO scheme for Turing machines based on iO for circuit.

Two concurrent works partially addressed this problem. The works of Bitansky et al. [100] and Canetti et al. [189] constructed iO for Turing ma- chines with bounded space and bounded length inputs, assuming iO for circuits. In both these results, the size of the obfuscated program grows with both the input bound as well as the space complexity of the Turing machine. This is not desirable, because there exist many programs where the space complexity is close to the time complexity, in which case this approach is as inefficient as expressing the program as a circuit and using iO for circuits. Even if the space required is less than the time complexity, it could still be much larger than the input size, and using the obfuscation schemes of [100, 189], the size of the obfuscation grows with the space complexity.

2See Page 8 for some approaches towards proving security of iO.

7 In a joint work with Lewko and Waters [392], we proposed an obfus- cation scheme for Turing machines without the memory restriction. Our con- struction, based on iO for circuits, required new tools and techniques. More- over, these tools and techniques led to several follow-up works on functional encryption for Turing machines [37], delegating and garbling RAM computa- tions [188, 32, 178], time-lock puzzles [102], patchable obfuscation [35] and so on.

Understanding Security of iO Candidates: When the potential of in- distinguishability obfuscation was exposed, attention naturally moved to es- tablishing security of obfuscation candidates. All existing iO constructions are based on (noisy versions of) multilinear maps. The notion of multilinear maps (mmaps) was introduced by Boneh and Silverberg [132]. Informally, a k-linear map consists of a group G and a ‘target group’ GT , both of order p, and a k-ary map e : G × G × ... × G → GT . This map e is a non-trivial k-linear map; that is, if g is a generator of G, then for all a1, . . . , ak ∈ Zp,

a a a Q a e(g 1 , g 2 , . . . , g k ) = e(g, g, . . . , g) i i .

Bilinear maps (where k = 2) are extremely well studied objects in cryp- tography/cryptanalysis, and the corresponding assumptions have been exam- ined for nearly two decades now. However, there were no candidates for multi- linear maps with multilinearity greater than 2. In a revolutionary work, Garg, Gentry and Halevi [285] proposed the first candidate for (noisy) multilinear

8 maps based on ideal lattices. Shortly thereafter, other candidates [226, 298] for noisy multilinear maps and related objects were proposed. The first candidate obfuscation scheme by Garg et al. was based on the multilinear maps candi- date of [285], and that was followed by different candidates based on different mmap candidates.

Initial work towards establishing security of obfuscation candidates at- tempted to prove security under certain multilinear map models or assump- tions [60, 153, 467, 300, 301]. However, the security guarantees delivered from such proofs could only be as strong as the underlying multilinear map can- didates [285, 226, 298, 228] which have been under a steady stream of crypt- analysis (see e.g. [227, 211, 223, 147, 224, 225, 137, 364, 348, 210, 444, 212, 39] and the references therein). To combat this, there have been new multilinear map candidates proposed as well as models meant to capture most existing attacks [50, 292, 424, 72]. While these techniques present progress in defense against currently known cryptanalysis, it is unclear whether they can be con- nected to standard assumptions.

Another set of works [104, 33, 34, 413, 417, 414, 37, 416] have shown connections between certain types of ‘functional encryption’ schemes and in- distinguishability obfuscation3 with results showing that a constant degree multilinear maps combined with a constant depth pseudorandom generator give indistinguishability obfuscation. The current state-of-the-art in this di-

3[104, 33, 34] showed that subexponentially secure functional encryption implies indis- tinguishability obfuscation.

9 rection [416] gives us an indistinguishability obfuscation scheme for circuits, using degree three multilinear maps and ‘block-wise’ pseudorandom genera- tors. The same work also gave an iO construction based on bilinear maps and 2-blockwise local PRGs. Unfortunately, the 2-blockwise local PRGs are ‘too good to be true’, and recent works [420, 59] have shown polynomial time at- tacks against such PRGs. Moreover, constant-blockwise local PRGs in general need further cryptanalysis.

Obfuscation from Standard Assumptions: An alternate approach is to anchor ourselves to the existing standard assumptions in cryptography, and try to build obfuscation for large function classes. Currently, there exist few VBB schemes for restricted functionalities such as point functions [174, 530, 179], hyperplanes [195], proxy re-encryption [359], conjunctions [158] which are based on (semi-)standard assumptions. Due to the restricted nature of these function classes, their applications are also fairly limited.

Towards Achieving Obfuscation from Learning with Errors Recently, there has been a growing interest towards building new primitives from the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. The LWE problem, introduced by Regev [483], can be reduced to the worst-case (quantum) hardness of some well studied lattice problems [483, 469, 151] and therefore believed to be a ‘stan- dard assumption’. Since its inception, this assumption has led to many expres- sive cryptographic primitives such as fully homomorphic encryption [296, 154],

10 attribute based encryption [327, 328] and so on. Moreover, unlike the group- theoretic assumptions, the limitations of LWE (and other lattice based as- sumptions) are not clear; hence we believe that this is a plausible tool for achieving obfuscation from standard assumptions.

Initial works in this direction addressed problems which had certain flavor of functional encryption/indistinguishability obfuscation, but were sim- pler than full-fledged iO. One such problem was constructing circular security separations. A circular secure system considers security in the presence of key cycles. A key cycle of k users consists of k encryptions where the i-th cipher- text cti is an encryption of the i+1 user’s secret key under user i’s public key.

That is ct1 = Enc(pk1, sk2), ct2 = Enc(pk2, sk3) ..., ctk = Enc(pkk, sk1). If a system is k circular secure, then such a cycle should be indistinguishable from an encryption of k arbitrary messages. A natural question is whether any se- cure encryption scheme is also k-circular secure. If this is true, then it would imply the existence of a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on LWE, via Gentry’s bootstrapping procedure [296]. Unfortunately, it turns out that there exist secure encryption schemes based on iO/multilinear maps that are not circular secure [490, 395]. In a joint work with Waters [396] (concurrent with [24]), we showed new n-circular separation results based on LWE. Next, we studied the problem of circular security separations where the encryption scheme is a bit encryption scheme. This problem required some new ideas, and in a joint work with Goyal and Waters [332], we showed a secure (private key) bit encryption scheme that is not circular secure. This construction had

11 some similarities to the multilinear maps of [298], and we believed that this scheme could be useful elsewhere.

”However, we believe that the ideas used in this work can be used to prove security of GGH15 mmaps for special graphs/secret dis- tributions (note that GGH15 gave a candidate multilinear maps construction, and it did not have a proof of security for general graphs)” – quote from [332]

Shortly thereafter, in a joint work with Goyal and Waters [329], we con- structed (average-case) VBB obfuscation for a large class of functions, which captures previous obfuscators for point functions and conjunctions. We pro- pose the notion of lockable obfuscation and use it to obtain a wide range of applications. Finally, we show a construction based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption [483], which in turn can be reduced to worst-case (quantum) hardness of various lattice problems. A concurrent work by Wichs and Zirdelis [532] achieved similar results. Detailed discussion on lockable obfuscation and its applications can be found in Section 1.2.2.

1.2 Summary of Our Results

In this section, we give an overview of the main contributions of this work. We will start with our obfuscation scheme for Turing machines.

12 1.2.1 Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines

Turing Machine Obfuscation from iO for circuits: Previous works and their limitations As mentioned above, two concurrent works addressed this problem partially. The works of Bitansky et al. [101] and Canetti et al. [190] constructed iO for Turing machines with bounded space and bounded length inputs, assuming iO for circuits. Both works first build a weaker primi- tive called succinct randomized encodings (SRE) scheme for Turing machines with bounded space, and use a simple transformation from an SRE scheme for Turing machines with bounded space to iO for Turing machines with bounded space and inputs. A succinct randomized encoding scheme consists of two algorithms - an encoding algorithm and a decoding algorithm. The encoding algorithm takes as input a Turing machine M, input x, and outputs an encod- ing Mfx. The decoding algorithm takes as input an encoding Mfx, and outputs M(x). There are two requirements from an SRE scheme. First, we require that the encoding is succinct; that is, the time to encode (and therefore the size of the encoding) must only depend on the description of M, x and the security parameter (in particular, the encoding time should not depend on the running time of M on x).4 For security, we require that the encoding of M, x reveals nothing about M other than M(x). Therefore, if we have two machines M0,M1 and an input x such that M0(x) = M1(x), and both have identical running times, then the encoding of M0, x should be indistinguish-

4If we are considering space bounded Turing machines, then the size of encoding is allowed to depend on the space bound.

13 able from the encoding of M1, x. In some sense, randomized encodings can be viewed as iO for ‘machines with a single input’.

Using a randomized encoding scheme for Turing machines, one can eas- ily build an iO scheme for Turing machines with input bound n as follows: the obfuscation of M is an obfuscation of a circuit CM that has M hardwired, takes as input a string x of length at most n, and outputs a randomized encoding of M, x (the randomness for the encoding is obtained via a pseudo- random function). Let this obfuscation be M˜ . To evaluate M˜ on input y, one needs to first run the program on input y. This outputs a randomized encoding Mfy, which can then be evaluated to obtain M(y). Security follows via a sequence of 2n intermediate hybrid experiments, which results in a 2n factor security loss; that is, if any polynomial time adversary has advantage at most  in breaking the randomized encoding scheme, then any (polynomial time) adversary has advantage at most O(·2n) in breaking the security of the obfuscation scheme. This means the security parameter for the obfuscation scheme needs to be set depending on the input bound n, which is the main reason why this approach for building obfuscation can only handle Turing machines with bounded length inputs. The bounded space restriction in the obfuscation scheme, however, arises because the randomized encoding schemes of [101, 190] work only for bounded space Turing machines.

Our Approach We also build iO for Turing machines via the ‘randomized- encodings route’. However, unlike the SRE schemes of [101, 190], our SRE

14 scheme works for general Turing machines without any bounded-space restric- tion. Before discussing our SRE scheme, we first present a simpler primitive that we call message-hiding encodings (MHEs). Suppose a party has a TM M, an input x, and a message msg, and wishes to give an encoding that will disclose the message to any decoder if M(x) = 1. As in the case of SRE, we are interested in succicntness - the time to encode must depend (polynomi- ally) only on the size of M, x and msg and the security parameter (the running time/space of M on x can be much larger than the size of M and x; we require that the size of the encoding must not grow with the running time/space). For security, we require that if M(x) = 0, then an encoding of M, x, msg should hide msg. Such a solution gives rise to applications where we want to disclose information based on certain conditions, and has applications in delegation of computation [101, 190]. We prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1.1. Assuming the existence of (sub-exponentially secure) iO for circuits and injective pseudorandom generators, there exists a succinct message hiding encoding scheme for Turing machines.

The notion of message hiding encodings for Turing machines is a delib- erate weakening of SREs for Turing machines (in the context of randomized encodings for circuits, similar weakenings of security have been studied [370], where the goal was to achieve better efficiency by relaxing the security require- ment). One important difference between MHEs and SREs is that in MHEs, we do not need to hide intermediate computation. On the other hand, a se- cure SRE scheme must not reveal the intermediate states/symbols during the

15 computation. However, this simpler primitives precisely captures the techni- cal hurdles that arise due to the ‘succinctness’ requirement. Using the ideas from our MHE scheme, we show a succinct randomized encoding scheme for Turing machines. This immediately gives us an obfuscation scheme for Turing machines with bounded-length inputs that is iO secure. More formally, we prove the following theorem.

Theorem 1.2. Assuming the existence of (sub-exponentially secure) iO for circuits and injective pseudorandom generators, there exists a succinct ran- domized encoding scheme for Turing machines.

1.2.2 Lockable Obfuscation

We begin by informally introducing the notion of lockable obfuscation. A lockable obfuscation scheme consists of an obfuscation and evalution algo- rithms. The (randomized) obfuscation algorithm Obf takes as input a security parameter λ, a program P , a message msg and lock value α and outputs an obfuscated program Pe. The evaluation algorithm Eval takes as input an obfus- cated program Pe and an input x. If P (x) = α then the evaluation algorithm outputs the message msg, where P , msg and α were the program, message and lock values input to create Pe. Otherwise, if P (x) 6= α the evaluation algorithm (with high probability) outputs the ⊥ symbol to indicate rejection.

Intuitively, security states that if the lock value is chosen at random and kept from the attacker, then the attacker cannot learn anything about the program and message other than their sizes. That is there exist a simulator

16 Sim such that for all program message pairs P, msg

λ m(λ) λ |P | |msg| {Obf(1 ,P, msg, α): α ← {0, 1} } ≈c Sim(1 , 1 , 1 ).

We show how to construct a lockable obfuscation scheme for any poly- nomial sized circuit of sufficient output length from the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption.

Theorem 1.3. Fix any polynomials d, `in, `out such that `out = ω(log(λ)). Let

C be the set of all circuits of depth at most d(λ), and mapping `in(λ) bits to

`out(λ) bits. Assuming the Learning with Errors assumption with subexponen- tial modulus, there exists a lockable obfuscation scheme for C.

Next, we present some applications of lockable obfuscation.

Application 1: Hiding Attributes in Attribute-Based Encryption Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is a powerful extension of public key en- cryption. In a (key-policy) ABE system [497] a user will encrypt a message msg under an attribute string x. A private key, as issued by an authority, will be associated with a boolean function f. When a user holding a secret key for function f attempts to decrypt a ciphertext he will learn the message if and only if f(x) = 1. Otherwise, the message remains hidden. While an ABE ciphertext will securely hide a private message, its security definition provides no guarantees about hiding the attribute string x. This can be problematic in many practical scenarios. Suppose we use ABE to encrypt email messages

17 and use header metadata such as the sender, recipients, time and subject as attributes, where access functions are written over these attributes. In many settings this metadata itself will be very sensitive and disclosing it as part of the ciphertext is undesirable.

Almost all expressive5 ABE systems built from standard tools6 allow for an attacker to learn the attribute string associated with a ciphertext. One notable exception is the work of Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan and Wee [328] that achieves ‘one-sided security’ in hiding attributes. Their construction hides the attribute string x as long as f(x) = 0 for all functions f that the adversary has a secret key for. This gives a much improved security picture to before as in our example an attacker will not be able to learn the header metadata of the emails so long as they are not authorized to decrypt them. We will call such a scheme a predicate encryption scheme with one-sided security.

The GVW construction was built by adapting the ABE system of Boneh et al. [121] and required an intricate knowledge of the original system in order to utilize certain special mathematical properties. The resulting construction achieves the same functionality of bounded depth circuits as the original as well as maintains selective security under the Learning with Errors assumption.

In this paper we show how to use lockable obfuscations (sometimes in

5We note that there are constructions of more limited expressivity such as vector match- ing [135] or inner product testing [385] that hide the attributes too. 6For the purposes of this discussion we roughly consider number theoretic constructions grounded on RSA, bilinear maps and (Ring) LWE to be standard tools and those based on multilinear maps or indistinguishability obfuscation not to be.

18 combination with fully homomorphic encryption) to generically transform any ABE scheme into a predicate encryption scheme with one-sided security with corresponding functionality. An advantage of using a generic transformation is that it can take advantages of the features or forms of ABE constructions that have been introduced over the last 10+ years, including key-policy [336], ciphertext-policy [98], adaptive security (without complexity leveraging) [407], multi-authority [199, 200, 409], and efficient expression of keys as determin- istic finite automata [526, 47] and circuits [327, 121]. Currently, there is no single ABE construction from standard tools that simultaneously delivers all such features. The most desirable ABE form can vary significantly between applications. Our transformations will allow one to inherent the properties of the underlying ABE scheme and at the same obtain one-sided hiding of the ciphertext attributes.

Separation and Uninstantiability Results We now demonstrate the power of lockable obfuscation for achieving negative results in cryptography by fo- cusing on two families of separation and uninstantiability results.

In recent years there has been a significant interest on the problem of circular security [166, 398, 10] perhaps in large part due to Gentry’s [297] result showing that a leveled homomorphic encryption scheme that is circular secure implies unbounded fully homomorphic encryption. Roughly, an encryption system is circular secure if it maintains security in the setting where there are n pairs of public keys and ciphertexts arranged such that the ith ciphertext

19 encrypts the (i + 1)th secret key.

There have been several separation results [8, 197, 491, 395, 430, 99, 24, 396, 331, 332] showing that such security does not come for free. In particu- lar, they show in different contexts that there exist schemes that are IND-CPA secure, but not circular secure. (We discuss this prior work in detail in Sec- tion 3.6). A natural dichotomy of these results is between separations achieved using indistinguishability obfuscation [395, 331] and those built from standard assumptions [8, 197, 99, 24, 396, 332] such as assumptions on bilinear groups or LWE.

Separations built on indistinguishability obfuscation have the advan- tage that they can be developed relatively rapidly and are also relatively simple as one can build constructions using “normal” programs without diving into number theory. The disadvantage is that indistinguishability is not currently known from any standard assumptions. On the flip side, the number theo- retic constructions are based on much more standard assumptions. However, developing and understanding such solutions is a much more arduous task.

In Section 3.6 we show how to translate existing two indistinguishability obfuscation separation results due to Koppula, Ramchen and Waters [395] and one result due Goyal, Koppula and Waters [331] to rely on lockable obfuscation. The translations are extremely straightforward and our resulting solutions are almost identical with the exception that we use lockable obfuscation. The main insight is that the programs obfuscated in the above results come in a lockable friendly form. In particular, they perform a sequence of computations

20 on the input that result in a value s. Then the program tests and reports if PRG(s) = t for a pseudorandom generator PRG and hardwired value t. Using lockable obfuscation one simply uses s as the output (which is a possible lock value).

Our translations of these prior works to lockable obfuscation lead to separations that can be built on the Learning with Errors assumption. Con- cretely, we obtain new results from LWE that were previously known only from indistinguishability obfuscation. (1) We show how to build a public key bit encryption scheme that is not circular secure and (2) we show a separation for unbounded length cycles.

Our second family of negative results relate to a grouping of construc- tions related to the well known Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation that achieves chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle model from any scheme which is IND-CPA secure. Included in this grouping are: the Bellare et al. [79] transformation from an IND-CPA scheme to an injective trapdoor function, two transformations from IND-CPA to IND-CCA security due to Fujisaki and Okamoto [278, 279] and the deterministic encryption construction of Bellare, Boldyreva and O’Neill [77].

All of the constructions follow a similar paradigm where they encrypt a string x under random coins determined from H(x). (How the string x is construed varies somewhat between the schemes.) The works above show that if H is presented as an oracle access to a random function, the transformation results in a secure scheme under the relevant definition.

21 Chapter 2

Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines

2.1 Overview of our scheme


A High Level Overview of our MHE scheme: Recall, a Turing machine M consists of a worktape, a set of states (which includes a ‘start’ state,‘accept’ state and ‘reject’ state) and a ‘next-step’ circuit. The next-step circuit takes as input a state, symbol and outputs the next state, symbol to be written and tape movement (left or right). Initially, the worktape has the input x, the tape head (which indicates the bit to be read from the worktape) is at location 1, and the computation starts with the ‘start’ state. At each step, the next-step circuit reads the current state and the symbol at the current tapehead, and outputs the new state, the symbol to be written at the current tape head, and the tape head movement (left or right). The machine accepts input x if it reaches the ‘accept’ state, and outputs 0 if it reaches the ‘reject’ state.

We will now present a simplified version of our MHE scheme. In our approach, the MHE for machine M, input x and message msg consists of an

1A preliminary version of this chapter appeared in [393].

22 obfuscated circuit CM,msg, a hash hinit of the input x and a signature on hinit together with the initial state and symbol. The circuit CM,msg takes as input a state st, symbol sym, position pos of tape head, hash h of worktape, and a signature σ. It first verifies the signature, uses the hash to verify that sym is indeed the symbol at position pos. If both these verifications pass, then it computes the next state st0, sym0 and tape movement. If the state is the accepting state, then the circuit outputs the message msg. Else, it updates the hash to h0, computes a signature σ0 on (h0, st0, sym0), and outputs all these components.

It is easy to check the correctness of this scheme. To evaluate this obfuscation of M, one needs to iteratively evaluate the CM,msg on appropriate inputs. The evaluation starts with hinit and signature on hinit together with starting state/symbol (recall these are provided as part of the encoding). The obfuscated circuit outputs the next state, symbol, hash and signature, which are used in the next iteration. Suppose M accepts input x in T steps. Then, after repeating T such iterations, the circuit CM,msg either outputs msg or ⊥, depending on whether M(x) = 1 or not. Let us now analyse the size of circuit CM,msg. This circuit (i) verifies the signature/hash, (ii) computes the new state/symbol (iii) updates the hash, (iv) computes a new signature. As a result, the size of CM,msg depends only on the size of M, msg and the security parameter, provided the signatures can be verified/computed succinctly, and the hash can be verified/updated succinctly. Both these goals can be achieved easily via standard techniques, and therefore the size of the encoding only

23 depends on |M|, |msg| and the security parameter.

Let us now consider the security of this scheme. Intuitively, we want that the circuit CM,msg does not reveal the message msg. Using the security of the signature scheme and the hash function, we can hope that the adversary can never deviate from the correct computation. As a result, if an adversary is given an encoding of M, x, msg such that M(x) = 0, then showing that the adversary does not deviate from correct computation suffices to argue secrecy of the message msg. However, since we are working with indistinguishability obfuscation, translating this intuition to an actual proof presents several chal- lenges. In particular, one main issue is that standard signature schemes and hash functions are not iO-friendly

A natural proof strategy is to proceed via a sequence of hybrids where in Hybrid i the program is “hardwired” to demand at timestep t = i that the output mout (that is, the new state, symbol, tape movement, hash and

∗ signature) match the honestly computed value mi . The goal is to iterate the proof hardwiring until the step t∗ where the honest computation will hit the reject state and halt. As we move along from Hybrid i to Hybrid i + 1, it is important that the proof will “clean up” the hardwiring on step i as it places new hardwiring on step i + 1. Otherwise, the final circuit of the proof would contain hardwirings for all t∗ steps of the computation. If this occured, the obfuscated step circuit of the real computation would need to be padded to this length to make iO arguments go through (recall that iO security only works for circuits of identical size and functionality), which would defeat the

24 entire point of aiming for Turing Machines.

A central difficulty comes from the fact that each computational step i will not only require the signed TM state computed at step i − 1, but also needs a tape symbol that may have been written at a much earlier time period. The main challenge is how to enforce that the hardwiring of the output of step i − 1 can be translated into a correct wiring of step i without having the obfuscated program pass the entire storage (i.e. tape configuration) at each step. In addition, we wish to avoid any encoding which requires programming proportional to the maximum storage.

To overcome this challenge, we introduce our technique of ”selective enforcement”. Here we first create a primitive called a positional accumulator, which is a special hash function that is compatible with iO. A positional accu- mulator, as standard hash functions, allows for a small commitment to a much larger storage. The commitment is unconditionally sound for a select piece of the storage. Moreover, we are able to computationally hide which portion of the storage is unconditionally enforced. The idea of the selective enforcement primitive is to use such an ”iO-friendly” tool that allows us to make two dif- ferent programs equivalent at different stages of a proof. In particular, if we are at hybrid step i which reads tape position pos, then we want unconditional soundness at this tape position.

More specifically, a positional accumulator behaves somewhat simi- larly to standard notations of accumulators [96]. It has a setup algorithm Setup-Acc(1λ,S) that takes in a security parameter (in unary) and a maxi-

25 mum storage size S in binary (which can be assumed to be exponential in the security parameter). It outputs parameters PP, an initial accumulator value w0, and storage value store0. In addition, the system has algorithms for writing to the storage, updating the accumulator to reflect writes, and proving and verifying reads. Writes will be of a message m to an index in [0,S − 1] and reads will be from a certain index. The accumulator value will stay small while the storage will grow with the number of unique indices writ- ten to. Similarly, the update and verify read algorithms should be polynomial in lg(S) and λ. In addition to the normal setup, there is a separate setup al-

λ ∗ gorithm Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 ,T, (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk), index ). This algorithm takes in a sequence of message and index pairs as well as a spe- cial index∗. Informally, this setup has the property that if one writes the messages in the order given (and updates the accumulator from w0 to wk hon- estly) then it is unconditionally impossible to give a false proof for index∗ on accumulator value wk. Moreover, the output of this setup algorithm is computationally indistinguishable from the output of a standard setup. There is also an analogous setup algorithm for selectively enforcing correct updates on the accumulator. Our construction uses iO, puncturable PRFs, and public key encryption — thus it can be done from iO and one way functions. The construction uses a form of a Merkle hash tree that fills out the Merkle tree dynamically, using an obfuscated circuit as the main hash function.

With these ideas in place, we can describe our main proof steps at a high level. At Hybrid i the obfuscated step circuit will be hardwired to

26 only output a “good” signature if the derived output is the correct tuple

(stout, wout, vout, posout) representing the correct output TM state, positional accumulator value, iterator value, and tape position.2

We next transition to an intermediate hybrid where (stout, wout, vout, posout) are hardwired into the input of the next stage i+1. Thus the changes from this proof step move across iterations. Executing this step involves many small hy- brids and the use of another iO friendly tool that we introduce called splittable signatures. We again defer further details to the main body.

To complete the hybrid argument we need to be able to transition from hardwiring the inputs of step i + 1 to hardwiring the outputs. This is where the selective enforcement enters the picture. In general, using a normal setup does not guarantee the equivalence of hardwiring the correct inputs versus hardwiring the correct outputs. However, if we first (indistinguishably) change the accumulator and iterator to be unconditionally enforcing at the right places, then we can use iO to change the hardwiring from the input to the output. We then cleanup by changing the accumulator and iterator to normal setup. In contrast to the last, this proof step makes its hardwiring changes within a timestep.

Taken all together, our proof can iterate through these hybrids until we can change the hardwiring to the step t∗ and then use iO to erase the message from the program. We also remark that are selective enforcement approach

2 We also define a second tool of an iterator that is allows for a different kind of selective enforcement. We defer further explanation to the main body.

27 has a similar flavor to the somewhere statistically binding hash of Hubacek and Wichs [365] used in the context of secure function evaluation.

Finally, we consider the time bound T . In practice we could set T to be 2λ. Since the overhead of obfuscating is a fixed polynomial in lg(T ) and λ, applying this setting would give a fixed polynomial in λ. At the same time the construction would then work for computations whose running time was any polynomial in λ. Note that this may result in a negligible correctness error. Consider a class of computations whose running time is some polynomial function p(·). There must exists some constant λ0 such that for all λ ≥ λ0 we have p(λ) ≤ 2λ and the system will be correct for all those values. Thus a particular poly-time computation will only incorrect for a constant number of λ values and have negligible error asymptotically.

Succinct Randomized Encodings : Hiding the Computation We now move toward the more complex case of hiding the computation. Here we con- sider oblivious Turing Machines [474] whose tape movements can be calculated by a function d(t) of the time step. Second, instead of writing the state and tape symbols in the clear they will be encrypted by the obfuscated step circuit under a public key derived (via a puncturable PRF) from the time step t on which they were written.

To prove security we will show that an encoding of (M0, x) is indistin- guishable from a simulated encoding that does not reflect either computation other than the final output, input, tape movement, and time taken. We will

28 prove this by a hybrid which erases both the machine logic inside the obfus- cated program as well as the state and tape symbols it writes out. The high level strategy is to iteratively replace the normal logic at step i with a pro- gram that on any valid signature will simply output an encryption of a distinct erase symbol erase to both the state and tape. We first observe that such a hybrid strategy will not work well if it follows the computation in the forward direction from start to finish. Suppose we have just erased the logic of the i-th step, then the i-th step will write erase to a tape position which is read at some later time step j > i. However, since time step j has not yet been changed, it will not know how to handle the erase symbol and the proof cannot proceed.

For this reason, our proof proceeds in the reverse direction from Hybrid t∗ to Hybrid 0, where t∗ is the number of steps the computation takes. At Hybrid i all steps j where i ≤ j < t∗ are hardwired to be erasing. Step t∗ is

∗ wired to the output M0(x) and steps j > t simply abort. Steps j < i are as in the real construction.

The proof proceeds with two major steps. First we define an interme- diate variant of Hybrid i where steps j ≥ i are erasing as describe above and steps j < i−1 are as in the normal scheme. The significant change is that step i − 1 is hardwired to the correct output of the computation. We do this by essentially using our proof techniques from the message-hiding case as a sub- routine for hardwiring the correct output at i − 1. Next, we use the security of the encryption scheme plus some iO tricks to switch i − 1 from the correct computation to an erasing one, thus moving down to Hybrid i − 1. Once we

29 get to the bottom hybrid step, the proof is complete. The main theme is that the enforcement ideas from before plus a little additional encryption is enough to hide the computation.

2.2 Preliminaries 2.2.1 Notations

In this work, we will use the following notations for Turing machines.

Turing machines A Turing machine is a 7-tuple M = hQ, Σtape, Σinp, δ, q0, qacc, qreji with the following properties:

- Q: set of finite states, Σinp: input symbols, Σtape : tape symbols. We will

assume Σinp ⊂ Σtape and there is a special blank symbol ‘ ’ ∈ Σtape \Σinp.

- δ : Q × Σtape → Q × Σtape × {+1, −1}: the transition function.

- q0 ∈ Q is the start state, qacc ∈ Q is the accept state and qrej ∈ Q is the

reject state, where qacc 6= qrej.

For any i ≤ T , we define the following variables:

T T - Mtape,i ∈ Σtape :A T dimensional vector which gives the description of tape before ith step.

T - Mpos,i : An integer which describes the position of Turing machine header before ith step.

T - Mstate,i ∈ Q : the state of the Turing machine before step i.

30 T T T T Initially, Mtape,1 = ( ) , Mpos,1 = 0 and Mstate,1 = q0. At each time step, the Turing machine reads the tape at the head position and based on the current state, computes what needs to be written on the tape, the next state and whether the header must move left or right. More formally, let (q, α, β) =

T T T T T T T δ(Mstate,i,Mtape,i[Mpos,i]). Then, Mtape,i+1[Mpos,i] = α, Mpos,i+1 = Mpos,i + β

T T and Mstate,i+1 = q. M accepts at time t if Mstate,t+1 = qacc. Given any Turing

T machine M and time bound T , let ΠM = 1 if M accepts within T steps, else

T ΠM = 0.

2.2.2 Puncturable Pseudorandom Functions

The notion of constrained PRFs was introduced in the concurrent works of [136, 145, 386]. Punctured PRFs, first termed by [501] are a special class of constrained PRFs.

A PRF F : K×X → Y is a puncturable pseudorandom function if there is an additional key space Kp and three polynomial time algorithms F.setup, F.eval and F.puncture as follows:

• F.setup(1λ) is a randomized algorithm that takes the security parameter λ as input and outputs a description of the key space K, the punctured

key space Kp and the PRF F .

• F.puncture(K, x) is a randomized algorithm that takes as input a PRF

key K ∈ K and x ∈ X, and outputs a key Kx ∈ Kp.

0 • F.eval(Kx, x ) is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input a punc-

31 0 tured key Kx ∈ Kp and x ∈ X. Let K ∈ K, x ∈ X and Kx ← F.puncture(K, x). For correctness, we need the following property:

( 0 0 0 F (K, x ) if x 6= x F.eval(Kx, x ) = ⊥ otherwise

In this work, we will only need selectively secure puncturable PRFs. The selective security game between the challenger and the adversary A con- sists of the following phases.

Challenge Phase A sends a challenge x∗ ∈ X. The challenger chooses uniformly at random a PRF key K ← K and a bit b ← {0, 1}. It computes K{x∗} ← F.puncture(K, x∗). If b = 0, the challenger sets y = F (K, x∗), else y ← Y. It sends K{x∗}, y to A.

Guess A outputs a guess b0 of b.

0 F A wins if b = b . The advantage of A is advA(λ) = Pr[A wins] − 1/2.

Definition 2.1. The PRF F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF if for all

F probabilistic polynomial time adversaries A, advA(λ) is negligible in λ.

2.2.3 Obfuscation

We recall the definition of indistinguishability obfuscation from [286, 501].

Definition 2.2. (Indistinguishability Obfuscation) Let C = {Cλ}λ∈N be a family of polynomial-size circuits. Let iO be a uniform PPT algorithm that

32 takes as input the security parameter λ, a circuit C ∈ Cλ and outputs a circuit

0 C . iO is called an indistinguishability obfuscator for a circuit class {Cλ} if it satisfies the following conditions:

• (Preserving Functionality) For all security parameters λ ∈ N, for all C ∈ 0 0 λ Cλ, for all inputs x, we have that C (x) = C(x) where C ← iO(1 ,C).

• (Indistinguishability of Obfuscation) For any (not necessarily uniform) PPT distinguisher B = (Samp, D), there exists a negligible function negl(·) such that the following holds: if for all security parameters λ ∈

λ N, Pr[∀x, C0(x) = C1(x):(C0; C1; σ) ← Samp(1 )] > 1 − negl(λ), then

λ λ | Pr[D(σ, iO(1 ,C0)) = 1 : (C0; C1; σ) ← Samp(1 )]−

λ λ Pr[D(σ, iO(1 ,C1)) = 1 : (C0; C1; σ) ← Samp(1 )]| ≤ negl(λ).

We remark that (Samp, D) are two algorithms that pass state, which can be viewed equivalently as a single stateful algorithm B. In our proofs we employ the latter approach, although here we state the definition as it appears in prior work.

2.3 iO-compatible Primitives 2.3.1 Iterators

In this section, we define the notion of cryptographic iterators and show a construction based on indistinguishability obfuscator, selectively se- cure puncturable PRFs, and IND-CPA secure PKE. A cryptographic iterator

33 essentially consists of a small state that is updated in an iterative fashion as messages are received. An update to apply a new message given current state is performed via some public parameters.

Since states will remain relatively small regardless of the number of messages that have been iteratively applied, there will in general be many se- quences of messages that can lead to the same state. However, our security requirement will capture that the normal public parameters are computation- ally indistinguishable from specially constructed “enforcing” parameters that ensure that a particular single state can be only be obtained as an output as an update to precisely one other state, message pair. Note that this enforcement is a very localized property to a particular state, and hence can be achieved information-theoretically when we fix ahead of time where exactly we want this enforcement to be.

Syntax Let ` be any polynomial. An iterator I with message space Mλ =

`(λ) {0, 1} and state space Sλ consists of three algorithms - Setup-Itr, Setup-Itr-Enforce and Iterate defined below.

Setup-Itr(1λ,T ) The setup algorithm takes as input the security parameter λ (in unary), and an integer bound T (in binary) on the number of

iterations. It outputs public parameters PP and an initial state v0 ∈ Sλ.

λ Setup-Itr-Enforce(1 ,T, m = (m1, . . . , mk)) The enforced setup algorithm takes as input the security parameter λ (in unary), an integer bound T (in bi-

34 `(λ) nary) and k messages (m1, . . . , mk), where each mi ∈ {0, 1} and k is some polynomial in λ. It outputs public parameters PP and a state

v0 ∈ S.

Iterate(PP, vin, m) The iterate algorithm takes as input the public parameters

`(λ) PP, a state vin, and a message m ∈ {0, 1} . It outputs a state vout ∈ Sλ.

For simplicity of notation, we will drop the dependence of ` on λ. Also,

k for any integer k ≤ T , we will use the notation Iterate (PP, v0, (m1, . . . , mk)) to denote Iterate(PP, vk−1, mk), where vj = Iterate(PP, vj−1, mj) for all 1 ≤ j ≤ k − 1.

Security Let I = (Setup-Itr, Setup-Itr-Enforce, Iterate) be an interator with

` message space {0, 1} and state space Sλ. We require the following notions of security.

Definition 2.3 (Indistinguishability of Setup). An iterator I is said to sat- isfy indistinguishability of Setup phase if any PPT adversary A’s advantage in the security game Exp-Setup-Itr(1λ, I, A) at most is negligible in λ, where Exp-Setup-Itr is defined as follows.

Exp-Setup-Itr(1λ, I, A)

1. The adversary A chooses a bound T ∈ Θ(2λ) and sends it to challenger.

` 2. A sends k messages m1, . . . , mk ∈ {0, 1} to the challenger.

35 3. The challenger chooses a bit b. If b = 0, the challenger outputs (PP, v0) ←

λ λ k Setup-Itr(1 ,T ). Else, it outputs (PP, v0) ← Setup-Itr-Enforce(1 ,T, 1 , m =

(m1, . . . , mk)). 4. A sends a bit b0.

A wins the security game if b = b0.

Definition 2.4 (Enforcing). Consider any λ ∈ N, T ∈ Θ(2λ), k < T and ` λ m1, . . . , mk ∈ {0, 1} . Let (PP, v0) ← Setup-Itr-Enforce(1 ,T, m = (m1, . . . , mk))

j and vj = Iterate (PP, v0, (m1, . . . , mj)) for all 1 ≤ j ≤ k. Then, I = (Setup-Itr, Setup-Itr-Enforce, Iterate) is said to be enforcing if

0 0 0 0 vk = Iterate(PP, v , m ) =⇒ (v , m ) = (vk−1, mk).

Note that this is an information-theoretic property. Construction

We will now describe our iterator construction. The main idea is that states (generated by the normal setup algorithm) will correspond to ciphertexts encrypting 0 in a PKE scheme, and the public parameters will be an obfus- cated program that computes randomness for a new encryption by evaluating a puncturable PRF on the current state. To enforce the information-theoretic property at a particular state, we will use a sequence of hybrids to switch to using a punctured key, replace the randomness at that punctured point with a fresh value, and exchange a hardwired fresh encryption of 0 with a fresh encryption of 1. Perfect correctness for the PKE scheme will ensure that this

36 value cannot be obtained at any other input, since all other inputs will produce encryptions of 0.

Let iO be an indistinguishability obfuscator, PKE = (PKE.setup, PKE.enc, PKE.dec) a public key encryption scheme with message space {0, 1} and ciphertext space

CPKE. We will assume PKE.enc uses r bits of randomness. Let F a puncturable pseudorandom function with key space K, punctured key space Kp, domain {0, 1}λ, range {0, 1}r and algorithms F.setup,F.eval,F.puncture. Our iterator I = (Setup-Itr, Setup-Itr-Enforce, Iterate) with message space {0, 1}` and state space CPKE × N is defined as follows.

• Setup-Itr(1λ,T ): The setup algorithm chooses (pk, sk) ← PKE.setup(1λ) and puncturable PRF key K ← F.setup(1λ). It sets PP ← iO(Prog{K, pk}),

where Prog is defined in Figure 2.1. Let ct0 ← PKE.enc(pk, 0). The ini-

tial state v0 = (ct0, 0).

Program Prog

Constants: Puncturable PRF key K, PKE public key pk. ` Input: State vin = (ctin, j) ∈ CPKE × [T ], message m ∈ {0, 1} .

1. Compute r = F (K, (vin, m)).

2. Let ctout = PKE.enc(pk, 0; r). Output vout = (ctout, j + 1).

Figure 2.1: Program Prog

λ k • Setup-Itr-Enforce(1 ,T, 1 , m = (m1, . . . , mk)): The ‘enforced’ setup al- gorithm chooses (pk, sk) ← PKE.setup(1λ). Next, it chooses K ← F.setup(1λ).

It computes ct0 ← PKE.enc(pk, 0) and sets v0 = (ct0, 0). For j = 1

37 to k − 1, it computes rj = F (K, (vj−1, mj)), ctj = PKE.enc(pk, 0; rj)

and sets vj = (ctj, j). It computes a punctured key K{(vk−1, mk)} ←

r F.puncture(K, (vk−1, mk)), chooses rk ← {0, 1} and sets ctk = PKE.enc(pk, 1; rk). Finally, it computes the public parameters PP ← iO(Prog-Enforce{k,

vk−1, mk, K{(vk−1, mk)}, ctk, pk}), where Prog-Enforce is defined in Fig- ure 2.2.

Program Prog-Enforce

` Constants: Integer k ∈ [T ], state vk−1, message mk ∈ {0, 1} , Puncturable PRF key K{(vk−1, mk)}, ctk ∈ CPKE, PKE public key pk. ` Input: State vin = (ctin, j) ∈ CPKE × [T ], message m ∈ {0, 1} .

1. If vin = vk−1 and m = mk, output vout = (ctk, k)

2. Else, compute r = F (K, (vin, m)).

3. Let ctout = PKE.enc(pk, 0; r). Output vout = (ctout, j + 1).

Figure 2.2: Program Prog-Enforce

• Iterate(PP, vin, m): The iterator algorithm simply outputs PP(vin, m).

Efficiency The construction runs in time polynomial of lg(T ) and λ. Security

We will now show that the construction described in Section satisfies indistinguishability of Setup phase and is enforcing.

Lemma 2.1 (Indistinguishability of Setup Phase). Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, PKE is a IND-CPA secure public key encryption

38 scheme and F is a selectively secure puncturable pseudorandom function, any PPT adversary A has at most negligible advantage in the Exp-Setup-Itr security game.

Proof. In order to prove this lemma, we will define a sequence of intermedi- ate hybrid experiments Hyb0,..., Hyb3. Hyb0 corresponds to the case where the challenger sends public parameters PP generated using Setup-Itr, while

Hyb3 corresponds to the case where the challenger sends PP generated using Setup-Itr-Enforce.

Hyb0 In this experiment, the challenger computes PP using Setup-Itr.

1. A sends T ∈ Θ(2λ).

` 2. A sends k messages m1, . . . , mk ∈ {0, 1} . 3. Challenger chooses (pk, sk) ← PKE.setup(1λ) and K ← F.setup(1λ).

r It chooses r0 ← {0, 1} , sets ct0 = PKE.enc(pk, 0; r) and v0 = (ct0, 0).

4. It sets PP ← iO(Prog{K, pk}) and sends (PP, v0) to A. 5. A sends a bit b0.

Hyb1 This experiment is similar to the previous one, except that the chal- lenger sends an obfuscation of Prog-Enforce. The program Prog-Enforce uses a punctured PRF key, and has the PRF output hardwired at the punctured point.

39 4. Next, it computes rj = F (K, (vj−1, mj)), sets ctj = PKE.enc(pk, 0; rj)

and vj = (ctj, j) for all j ≤ k.

It computes a punctured PRF key K{(vk−1, mk−1)} ← F.puncture(K, (vk−1, mk−1)).

It sets PP ← iO(Prog-Enforce{k, vk−1, mk−1,K{(vk−1, mk−1)}, ctk, pk})

and sends (PP, v0) to A.

Hyb2 In this hybrid experiment, the ciphertext ctk is computed using true randomness, instead of a pseudorandom string.

4. Next, it computes rj = F (K, (vj−1, mj)), sets ctj = PKE.enc(pk, 0; rj)

and vj = (ctj, j) for all j < k.

r For j = k, it chooses rk ← {0, 1} , sets ctk = PKE.enc(pk, 0; rk) and

vk = (ctk, k).

Hyb3 In this experiment, the challenger outputs PP computed using Setup-Itr-Enforce.

It is similar to the previous experiment, except that ctk is an encryption of 1.

r 4. For j = k, it chooses rk ← {0, 1} , sets ctk = PKE.enc(pk, 1; rk) and

vk = (ctk, k).

Claim 2.1. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any PPT adversary A,

Pr[A outputs 0 in Hyb0] − Pr[A outputs 0 in Hyb1] ≤ negl(λ).

40 Proof. Here, the behavior of Prog and Prog-Enforce are identical, as the hard- wired value ctk for Prog-Enforce is computed precisely as it is computed in Prog.

Claim 2.2. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any PPT adversary A,

Pr[A outputs 0 in Hyb1] − Pr[A outputs 0 in Hyb2] ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Here, the only difference is that the value of the F at the punctured point is replaced by a fresh random string. Since A is only receiving PP formed from a punctured key, this follows immediately from the selective security of F .

Claim 2.3. Assuming PKE is an IND-CPA secure public key encryption scheme, for any PPT adversary A,

Pr[A outputs 0 in Hyb2] − Pr[A outputs 0 in Hyb3] ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between these two hybrids is that ctk changes from a fresh encryption of 0 to a fresh encryption of 1. Hence this follows immediately from the IND-CPA security of PKE.

In summary, it follows that if iO is a secure indistinguishability obfus- cator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, and PKE is IND-CPA secure, then any PPT adversary A has negligible advantage in Exp-Setup-Itr(1λ, I, A).

41 Lemma 2.2 (Enforcing). Assuming PKE is a perfectly correct public key en- cryption scheme, I = (Setup-Itr, Setup-Itr-Enforce, Iterate) is enforcing.

Proof. This follows immediately from perfect correctness of PKE because the hardwired value ctk in Prog-Enforce is an encryption of 1, and all other states produced by Prog-Enforce are encryptions of 0.

2.4 Positional Accumulators

We will now define the notion of positional accumulators, and then show a construction based on iO, puncturable PRFs, and public key encryption.

Intuitively, a positional accumulator will be a cryptographic data struc- ture that maintains two values: a storage value and an accumulator value. The storage value will be allowed to grow comparatively large, while the accumu- lator value will be constrained to be short. Messages can be written to various positions in the the underlying storage, and new accumulated values can be computed as a stream, knowing only the previous accumulator value and the newly written message and its position in the data structure. Since the ac- cumulator values are small, one cannot hope to recover everything written in the storage from the accumulator value alone. However, we define “helper” algorithms that essentially allow a party who is maintaining the full storage to help a more restricted party who is only maintaining the accumulator values recover the data currently written at an arbitrary location. The helper is not necessarily trusted, so the party maintaining the accumulator values performs

42 a verification procedure in order to be convinced that they are indeed reading the correct messages.

A positional accumulator for message space Mλ consists of the following algorithms.

Setup-Acc(1λ,T ) The setup algorithm takes as input a security parameter λ in unary and an integer T in binary representing the maximum number of values that can stored. It outputs public parameters PP, an initial

accumulator value w0, and an initial storage value store0.

λ ∗ Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 ,T, (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk), index ) The setup en- force read algorithm takes as input a security parameter λ in unary, an integer T in binary representing the maximum number of values that can be stored, and a sequence of symbol, index pairs, where each index

is between 0 and T − 1, and an additional index∗ also between 0 and

T −1. It outputs public parameters PP, an initial accumulator value w0,

and an initial storage value store0.

λ Setup-Acc-EnfW(1 ,T, (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk)) The setup enforce write algorithm takes as input a security parameter λ in unary, an integer T in binary representing the maximum number of values that can be stored, and a sequence of symbol, index pairs, where each index is between 0 and T −1. It outputs public parameters PP, an initial accumulator value

w0, and an initial storage value store0.

43 PrepR(PP, storein, index) The prep-read algorithm takes as input the public

parameters PP, a storage value storein, and an index between 0 and T − 1. It outputs a symbol m (that can be ) and a value π.

PrepW(PP, storein, index) The prep-write algorithm takes as input the pub-

lic parameters PP, a storage value storein, and an index between 0 and T − 1. It outputs an auxiliary value aux.

VerifyR(PP, win, mread, index, π) The verify-read algorithm takes as input the

public parameters PP, an accumulator value win, a symbol, mread, an index between 0 and T − 1, and a value π. It outputs True or False.

WriteS(PP, storein, index, m) The write-store algorithm takes in the public

parameters, a storage value storein, an index between 0 and T − 1, and

a symbol m. It outputs a storage value storeout.

Update(PP, win, mwrite, index, aux) The update algorithm takes in the public

parameters PP, an accumulator value win, a symbol mwrite, and index between 0 and T − 1, and an auxiliary value aux. It outputs an accumu-

lator value wout or Reject.

In general we will think of the Setup-Acc algorithm as being randomized and the other algorithms as being deterministic. However, one could consider non-deterministic variants.

44 Correctness We consider any sequence (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk) of symbols m1, . . . , mk and indices index1,..., indexk each between 0 and T −1.

λ We fix any PP, w0, store0 ← Setup-Acc(1 ,T ). For j from 1 to k, we define storej iteratively as storej := WriteS(PP, storej−1, indexj, mj). We sim- ilarly define auxj and wj iteratively as auxj := PrepW(PP, storej−1, indexj) and wj := Update(PP, wj−1, mj, indexj, auxj). Note that the algorithms other than Setup-Acc are deterministic, so these definitions fix precise values, not random values (conditioned on the fixed starting values PP, w0, store0).

We require the following correctness properties:

1. For every index between 0 and T −1, PrepR(PP, storek, index) returns

mi, π, where i is the largest value in [k] such that indexi = index. If

no such value exists, then mi = .

2. For any index, let (m, π) ← PrepR(PP, storek, index). Then VerifyR(PP,

wk, m, index, π) = True.

Remarks on Efficiency In our construction, all algorithms will run in time polynomial in their input sizes. More precisely, Setup-Acc will be polynomial in λ and log(T ). Also, accumulator and π values should have size polynomial in λ and log(T ), so VerifyR and Update will also run in time polynomial in λ and log(T ). Storage values will have size polynomial in the number of values stored so far. WriteS, PrepR, and PrepW will run in time polynomial in λ and T .

45 Security Let Acc = (Setup-Acc, Setup-Acc-EnfR, Setup-Acc-EnfW, PrepR, PrepW, VerifyR, WriteS, Update) be a positional accumulator for symbol set M. We require Acc to satisfy the following notions of security.

Definition 2.5 (Indistinguishability of Read Setup). A positional accumula- tor Acc is said to satisfy indistinguishability of read setup if any PPT adversary A’s advantage in the security game Exp–Acc(1λ, Acc, A) is at most negligible in λ, where Exp–Acc is defined as follows.

Exp–Acc(1λ, Acc, A)

1. Adversary chooses a bound T ∈ Θ(2λ) and sends it to challenger.

2. A sends k messages m1, . . . , mk ∈ M and k indices index1,...,

indexAk ∈ {0,...,T − 1} to the challenger.

3. The challenger chooses a bit b. If b = 0, the challenger outputs (PP, w0, store0) ←

λ λ Setup-Acc(1 ,T ). Else, it outputs (PP, w0, store0) ← Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 ,

T ,(m1, index1), ...,(mk, indexk)). 4. A sends a bit b0.

A wins the security game if b = b0.

Definition 2.6 (Indistinguishability of Write Setup). A positional accumu- lator Acc is said to satisfy indistinguishability of write setup if any PPT ad- versary A’s advantage in the security game Exp–Acc(1λ, Acc, A) is at most negligible in λ, where Exp–Acc is defined as follows.

Exp–Acc(1λ, Acc, A)

46 1. Adversary chooses a bound T ∈ Θ(2λ) and sends it to challenger.

2. A sends k messages m1, . . . , mk ∈ M and k indices index1,...,

indexAk ∈ {0,...,T − 1} to the challenger.

3. The challenger chooses a bit b. If b = 0, the challenger outputs (PP, w0, store0) ←

λ λ Setup-Acc(1 ,T ). Else, it outputs (PP, w0, store0) ← Setup-Acc-EnfW(1 ,

T ,(m1, index1), ...,(mk, indexk)). 4. A sends a bit b0.

A wins the security game if b = b0.

λ Definition 2.7 (Read Enforcing). Consider any λ ∈ N, T ∈ Θ(2 ), m1, . . . , mk ∈ ∗ M, index1,..., indexk ∈ {0,...,T − 1} and any index ∈ {0,...,T − 1}.

λ Let (PP, w0, st0) ← Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 , T ,(m1, index1), ...,(mk, indexk),

∗ index ). For j from 1 to k, we define storej iteratively as storej :=

WriteS(PP, storej−1, indexj, mj). We similarly define auxj and wj itera- tively as auxj := PrepW(PP, storej−1, indexj) and wj := Update(PP, wj−1, mj, indexj, auxj). Acc is said to be read enforcing if VerifyR(PP, wk, m,

∗ ∗ index , π) = T rue, then either index ∈/ {index1,..., indexk} and m = ,

∗ or m = mi for the largest i ∈ [k] such that indexi = index . Note that this is an information-theoretic property: we are requiring that for all other symobls m, values of π that would cause VerifyR to output T rue at index∗ do no exist.

λ Definition 2.8 (Write Enforcing). Consider any λ ∈ N, T ∈ Θ(2 ), m1,

..., mk ∈ M, index1, ..., indexk ∈ {0,...,T − 1}. Let (PP, w0, st0) ←

λ Setup-Acc-EnfW(1 , T ,(m1, index1), ...,(mk, indexk)). For j from 1 to k,

47 we define storej iteratively as storej := WriteS(PP, storej−1, indexj, mj).

We similarly define auxj and wj iteratively as auxj := PrepW(PP, storej−1, indexj) and wj := Update(PP, wj−1, mj, indexj, auxj). Acc is said to be write enforcing if Update(PP, wk−1, mk, indexk, aux) = wout 6= Reject, for any aux, then wout = wk. Note that this is an information-theoretic property: we are requiring that an aux value producing an accumulated value other than wk or Reject deos not exist.

2.4.1 Construction

In this section, we will construct a positional accumulator Acc = (Setup-Acc, Setup-Acc-EnfR, Setup-Acc-EnfW, PrepR, PrepW, VerifyR, WriteS, Update) for the symbol set M := {0, 1}`0 . Let iO be an indistinguishability obfuscator and let F be a selectively secure puncturable PRF with key space K, punc-

≤2`+d z tured key space Kp, domain {0, 1} , range {0, 1} , and algorithms F.setup, F.puncture, and F.eval. We let PKE = (PKE.setup, PKE.enc, PKE.dec) denote a public key encryption scheme with message space {0, 1} that is perfectly correct and uses z bits of randomness for encryption. We set ` to be suffi- ciently large so that ciphertext produces by PKE, the special sympbol ⊥, and all symbols in M are represented as unique `-bit strings.

Without loss of generality, we assume that T = 2d for some integer d = poly(λ). Our storage will take the form of a binary tree containing up to T leaves, with each node indexed by a binary string of length ≤ d. A node in

≤d the tree indexed by a binary string x1x2 . . . xj ∈ {0, 1} is a child of the node

48 indexed by x1 . . . xj−1. An internal node contains an `-bit string, as well as pointers to its left and right children. If either child does not exist, the pointer takes a default value ⊥. A leaf node contains a symbol ∈ M. The accumulated values will correspond to the ` bit strings stored at the root node.

• Setup-Acc(1λ,T ): The setup algorithm chooses a random key K for the puncturable PRF, and a secret key, public key pair sk, pk ← PKE.setup. We let H denote the program in Figure 2.3.

Program H

Constants: Puncturable PRF key K, PKE public key pk. ` `

1. Compute r = F (K, (h1, h2, index)). 2. Output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r).

Figure 2.3: Program H

The public parameters are PP := iO(H). The initial value w0 is ⊥, and

the initial store0 is a single root node with value ⊥.

λ ∗ • Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 ,T, (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk), index ): The setup algorithm chooses a random key K for the puncturable PRF, and a se- cret key, public key pair sk, pk ← PKE.setup. It creates ciphertexts

ct0,..., ctd−1 by encrypting 1 using PKE.enc with d independently sam- pled values for the randomness. For notational convenience, we also

∗ ∗ ∗ define ctd := mi∗ where i is the largest integer such that i = index .

∗ If no such i exists, ctd := .

49 It defines store0 to be a single root node with value ⊥ and w0 := ⊥. It then defines the program H as in Setup-Acc above, and iteratively runs

WriteS(H, storei−1, indexi, mi) → storei to produce storek. We let

∗ indexj denote the j-bit prefix of index.

We let H0 denote the program in Figure 2.4.

Program H0

Constants: Puncturable PRF key K, PKE public key pk, index∗, values ∗ d of nodes in storek for prefixes of index and their siblings, {ctj}j=0. ` `

1. If index is a prefix of index∗ of length j < d, check if the value among {h1, h2} corresponding to the child that is a length j + 1 prefix of index is equal to ctj+1, and the other value among {h1, h2} is checked against the corresponding node value in storek. If both of these comparisons yield equality, output ctj.

2. Otherwise, compute r = F (K, (h1, h2, index)) and output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r).

Figure 2.4: Program H0

The public parameters are PP := iO(H0).

λ • Setup-Acc-EnfW(1 ,T, (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk)): This algorithm

λ ∗ simply calls Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 , T ,(m1, index1), ...,(mk, indexk), index =


• PrepR(PP, storein, index): Here, index is interpreted as a d-bit string. We let j ∈ {1, . . . , d} denote the largest value such that the node in

storein corresponding to the length j prefix of index is defined (i.e.

50 not ⊥). If j = d, then the leaf node corresponding to index is defined, and contains some symbol which is assigned to m. Otherwise, m := . π is formed as an ordered tuple of the `-bit strings stored from the root

down the path to the ancestor of index at level j, as well as the strings stored at each sibling of a node along this path.

• PrepW(PP, storein, index): Similarly to PrepR, we interpret index as a d-bit string, and let j ∈ {1, . . . , d} be the largest value such that the

node in storein corresponding to the length j prefix of index is defined. aux is formed as ordered tuple of the `-bit strings stored from the root

down the path to the ancestor of index at level j, as well as the strings stored at each sibling of these nodes.

• VerifyR(PP, win, mread, index, π): If the value of j reflected in π is < d

and mread 6= , then the VerifyR algorithm outputs F alse. Otherwise, for

each level i from 0 to j − 1, the algorithm defines h1,i+1 and h2,i+1 to the be `-bit strings given in π for the two children on level i + 1 of the node

at level i on the path to index. It computes PP(h1,i+1, h2,i+1, indexi),

where indexi denotes the i-bit prefix of index. If this output does not equal the `-bit string given in π for this node, it outputs F alse. Similarly,

if the root value given in π does not match win, it outputs F alse. If all of these checks pass, it outputs T rue. Note that when j = d, the value

mread is one of the input `-bit strings for the check at level d − 1.

• WriteS(PP, storein, index, m): First, if there are any nodes correspond-

51 ing to prefixes of index or siblings of prefixes of index that are not yet

initialized in storein, they are initialized with ⊥ values. Next, the `-bit string associated with the node index is set to m. For each i from 0

to d − 1, we define h1,i+1, h2,i+1 denote the `-bit strings (or ⊥) values associated with the two children of the node corresponding to the i-bit

prefix of index. We iteratively update the values for the prefixes of index, starting with i = d − 1 and setting the value at the i-bit prefix

equal to PP(h1,i, h2,i, indexi) (again, indexi denotes the i-bit prefix of index). After these changes are made all the way up through the root,

the resulting tree is output as storeout.

• Update(PP, win, mwrite, index, aux): The update algorithm first performs the same checks as described in the VerifyR algorithm. If any of these fail, it outs Reject. Otherwise, using the values in aux, it re-computes the

`-bit values for the nodes whose prefixes of index as described in the WriteS algorithm, starting by replacing the value at index itself with

mwrite (note that the values given in aux suffice for this). It outputs the

new root value as wout. Correctness

We consider any sequence (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk) of symbols m1, . . . , mk and indices index1,..., indexk each between 0 and T − 1. We

λ fix any PP, w0, store0 ← Setup-Acc(1 ,T ). For j from 1 to k, we define storej iteratively as storej := WriteS(PP, storej−1, indexj, mj). We sim-

52 ilarly define auxj and wj iteratively as auxj := PrepW(PP, storej−1, indexj) and wj := Update(PP, wj−1, mj, indexj, auxj).

By definition of the algorithm WriteS, it is immediate that a leaf of storek corresponding to any index contains the value mi for the largest i such that indexi = index if such an i exists, otherwise it is uninitialized or has the ⊥ value. The PrepR algorithm therefore correctly returns mi or  in these cases respectively. This ensures correctness property 1.

To see that correctness property 2 also holds, we observe that every call of WriteS maintains the invariant that for any initialized internal node (at some index) the `-bit string that it stores is equal to PP(h1, h2, index), where h1 and h2 are the values stored at its children. Thus, the checks performed by VerifyR will pass because the output path produced by PrepR maintains this invariant. Security

We now prove our construction above satisfies indistinguishability of read and write setup:

Lemma 2.3. Assuming that F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF and iO is an indistinguishability obfuscator, our construction satisfies indistinguisha- bility of read setup.

Proof. We let Exp–Acc0 denote the version of the security experiment where b = 0 (i.e. we are running the real Setup-Acc algorithm), and Exp–Acc1 denote

53 the version of the security experiment where b = 1 (i.e. we are running the Setup-Acc-EnfR algorithm). We will show these two experiments are computa- tionally indistinguishably using a hybrid argument that gradually transitions from Exp–Acc0 to Exp–Acc1.

Our intermediary experiments will be parameterized by a depth pa- rameter z between 0 and d − 1. In all experiments, the challenger will choose K, pk, sk as is common to the Setup-Acc, Setup-Acc-EnfR algorithms, and will define ct0,..., ctd, storek as in the Setup-Acc-EnfR algorithm. The exper- iments will differ only in the program to be obfuscated to form the public parameters.

We first define the hybrid experiments as follows:

Exp–Acc0.1,z In this experiment, the program to be obfuscated is H0,1,z (see

∗ ∗ Figure 2.5) and it is defined as follows. We first set r := F (K, h1,z, h2,z, indexz),

∗ ∗ where indexz denotes the length z prefix of index , whichever of {h1,z, h2,z}

∗ corresponds to the length z + 1 prefix of index is set to be Cz+1, and the other is set equal to the corresponding value in storek. We also compute

∗ ∗ K{(h1,z, h2,z, indexz)} ← F.puncture(K, (h1,z, h2,z, indexz)). Finally the pro- gram H0,1,z (defined in Figure 2.5) is obfuscated.

Exp–Acc0.2,z In this experiment, the program to be obfuscated is H0,2,z (see

∗ Figure 2.6). To define this program, we again let indexz denote the length

∗ z prefix of index , whichever of {h1,z, h2,z} corresponds to the length z + 1

54 Program H0.1,z

∗ Constants: Punctured PRF key K{(h1,z, h2,z, indexz)}, PKE public key ∗ ∗ pk, randomness r , h1,z, h2,z, index , values of nodes in storek for prefixes ∗ d of index and their siblings, {ctj}j=0. ` `

1. If index is a prefix of index∗ of length z < j < d, check if the value among {h1, h2} corresponding to the child that is a length j + 1 prefix of index is equal to ctj+1, and the other value among {h1, h2} is checked against the corresponding node value in storek. If both of these comparisons yield equality, output ctj.

∗ 2. If index is a prefix of index of length z, h1 = h1,z, and h2 = h2,z, output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r∗).

3. Otherwise, compute r = F (K, (h1, h2, index)) and output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r).

Figure 2.5: Program H0.1,z

∗ prefix of index is set to be Cz+1, and the other is set equal to the cor-

∗ responding value in storek. We also compute K{(h1,z, h2,z, indexz)} ←

∗ ∗ F.puncture(K, (h1,z, h2,z, indexz)). We set r to be a fresh random string.

Exp–Acc0.3,z In this experiment, the program to be obfuscated is H0,3,z (see

∗ ∗ Figure 2.7). We again let indexz denote the length z prefix of index ,

∗ whichever of {h1,z, h2,z} corresponds to the length z + 1 prefix of index is set to be Cz+1, and the other is set equal to the corresponding value in storek. We

∗ ∗ also compute K{(h1,z, h2,z, index z)} ← F.puncture(K, (h1,z, h2,z, index z)). We set r∗ to be a fresh random string.

55 Program H0.2,z

∗ Constants: Punctured PRF key K{(h1,z, h2,z, indexz)}, PKE public key ∗ ∗ pk, randomness r , h1,z, h2,z, index , values of nodes in storek for prefixes ∗ d of index and their siblings, {ctj}j=0. ` `

1. If index is a prefix of index∗ of length z < j < d, check if the value among {h1, h2} corresponding to the child that is a length j + 1 prefix of index is equal to ctj+1, and the other value among {h1, h2} is checked against the corresponding node value in storek. If both of these comparisons yield equality, output ctj.

∗ 2. If index is a prefix of index of length z, h1 = h1,z, and h2 = h2,z, output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r∗).

3. Otherwise, compute r = F (K, (h1, h2, index)) and output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r).

Figure 2.6: Program H0.2,z Program H0.3,z

∗ Constants: Punctured PRF key K{(h1,z, h2,z, index z)}, PKE public key ∗ ∗ pk, randomness r , h1,z, h2,z, index , values of nodes in storek for prefixes ∗ d of index and their siblings, {ctj}j=0. ` `

1. If index is a prefix of index∗ of length z < j < d, check if the value among {h1, h2} corresponding to the child that is a length j + 1 prefix of index is equal to ctj+1, and the other value among {h1, h2} is checked against the corresponding node value in storek. If both of these comparisons yield equality, output ctj.

∗ 2. If index is a prefix of index of length z, h1 = h1,z, and h2 = h2,z, output PKE.enc(pk, 1; r∗).

3. Otherwise, compute r = F (K, (h1, h2, index)) and output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r).

Figure 2.7: Program H0.3,z

56 Exp–Acc0.4,z In this experiment, the program to be obfuscated is H0,4,z (see

∗ Figure 2.8) and it is defined as follows. We again let indexz denote the length z

∗ prefix of index , whichever of {h1,z, h2,z} corresponds to the length z+1 prefix

∗ of index is set to be Cz+1, and the other is set equal to the corresponding

∗ value in storek. We set r to be a fresh random string.

Program H0.4,z Constants: Punctured PRF key K, PKE public key pk, randomness r∗, ∗ ∗ h1,z, h2,z, index , values of nodes in storek for prefixes of index and d their siblings, {ctj}j=0. ` `

1. If index is a prefix of index∗ of length z < j < d, check if the value among {h1, h2} corresponding to the child that is a length j + 1 prefix of index is equal to ctj+1, and the other value among {h1, h2} is checked against the corresponding node value in storek. If both of these comparisons yield equality, output ctj.

∗ 2. If index is a prefix of index of length z, h1 = h1,z, and h2 = h2,z, output PKE.enc(pk, 1; r∗).

3. Otherwise, compute r = F (K, (h1, h2, index)) and output PKE.enc(pk, 0; r).

Figure 2.8: Program H0.4,z

Now that we have these experiments defined, we will argue that we can start with Exp–Acc0, transition to Exp–Acc0.1,d−1, then to Exp–Acc0.2,d−1, then to Exp–Acc0.3,d−1, then to Exp–Acc0.4,d−1, then to Exp–Acc0.1,d−2, and so on.

We finally arrive at Exp–Acc0.4,0, which is identical to Exp–Acc1.

We make the following claims for each z from d−1 to 0. For notational convenience, we consider Exp–Acc0.4,d to be another name for Exp–Acc0.

57 Claim 2.4. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any PPT adversary A,

Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.4,z+1] − Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.1,z] ≤ negl(λ).

∗ Proof. To see this, note that the hardwired value r in the program H0.1,z is the same that will be computed from the unpunctured key in the program H0.4,z+1.

We also note that the ciphertext produces in line 2. of H0.4,z+1 is distributed identically to ctz+1, so hardwired the randomness in H0.4,z+1 and hard-coding ctz+1 in H0.1,z does not cause a difference. The input/output behavior of H0.1,z and H0.4,z+1 are hence identical, so the iO security applies.

Claim 2.5. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any PPT adversary A,

Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.1,z] − Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.2,z] ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only change being made between H0.1,z and H0.2,z is that the hard- wired output of F at the punctured point is replaced by a freshly random, hardwired r∗ value. Computationally indistinguishability then follows imme- diately from the selective security of F .

Claim 2.6. Assuming PKE is an IND-CPA secure public key encryption scheme, for any PPT adversary A,

Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.1,z] − Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.2,z] ≤ negl(λ).

58 Proof. This follows immediately from the definition of CPA security, as the only change is that a (freshly random) encryption of 0 is replaced by a (freshly random) encryption of 1.

Claim 2.7. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any PPT adversary A,

Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.3,z] − Pr[A outputs 0 in Exp–Acc0.4,z] ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Here, the behavior of the programs H0.3,z and H0.4,z are identical, be- cause the punctured point value is never computed. Hence the iO security guarantee applies.

Lemma 2.4. Assuming that F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF and iO is an indistinguishability obfuscator, our construction satisfies indistinguisha- bility of write setup.

Proof. This follows immediately from Lemma 2.3, as the Setup-Acc-EnfW al- gorithm simply calls an instance of the Setup-Acc-EnfR algorithm.

We now establish that our construction satisfies the required information- theoretic enforcement properties:

Lemma 2.5. Our construction is Read Enforcing.

59 ∗ Proof. We consider a sequence (m1, index1),..., (mk, indexk) and a index ,

λ and we let PP, w0, store0 ← Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 , T ,(m1, index1), ...,(mk, indexk),

∗ index ). We let wk, storek denote the resulting accumulator and storage values after then storing and updating this sequence using PP, starting from

∗ w0, store0. The “right” m to be read at index is mi for the largest i ∈

∗ {1, . . . , k} such that indexi = index , if such an i exists. Otherwise, m := .

We suppose (for contradiction) that for somem ˜ 6= m, there exists a

∗ valueπ ˜ such that VerifyR(PP, wk, m,˜ index , π˜) = True. Now, by definition of

0 the program H that is obfuscated to form PP, wk will be the value ct0 (the value stored at the root of the tree in storek). Since this is an encryption of 1 and the scheme PKE is perfectly correct, it will never be an output produced by line 2. of the program H. Hence, the only values for its children that will pass the check performed by VerifyR are the unique values that are checked in line 1. of H0. Applying this reasoning iteratively down the tree, we see that the values in π must match the true values stored in the tree in storek at these nodes, and hence this applies also at the leaf where m is stored (or where the path to index∗ reaches a ⊥). Thus, we cannot havem ˜ 6= m and still have a successful verification.

Lemma 2.6. Our construction is Write Enforcing.

Proof. As in the proof of Lemma 2.5, we have that the only value of aux that will pass the checks performed by the Update algorithm is the true values along the relevant path as stored in storek. This will then deterministically

60 produce wk as the output of Update.

2.4.2 Splittable Signatures

In this section, we will define the syntax and correctness/security prop- erties of splittable signatures and then show a construction based on indistin- guishability obfuscation and pseudorandom generators.

A splittable signature scheme will essentially consist of a normal sig- nature scheme, augmented by some additional algorithms that produce alter- native signing and verification keys with differing capabilities. More precisely, there will be “all but one” keys that work correctly except for a single mes- sage m∗, and there will be ”one” keys that work only for m∗. There will also be a reject-verification key that always outputs reject when used to verify a signature.

Our required security properties will be closer in spirit to the typical security properties of MACs as opposed to signatures, since we do not provide access to a signing oracle in our security games. Our properties are nonetheless sufficient for our application, and avoiding unnecessary signing oracles makes it possible to argue that these different kinds of verification keys are compu- tationally indistinguishable, the attacker is not provided with a signature on which they behave differently.

Syntax A splittable signature scheme S for message space M consists of the following algorithms:

61 Setup-Spl(1λ) The setup algorithm is a randomized algorithm that takes as input the security parameter λ and outputs a signing key sk, a verification

key VK and reject-verification key VKrej.

Sign-Spl(sk, m) The signing algorithm is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input a signing key sk and a message m ∈ M. It outputs a signature σ.

Verify-Spl(VK, m, σ) The verification algorithm is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input a verification key VK, signature σ and a message m. It outputs either 0 or 1.

Split(sk, m∗) The splitting algorithm is randomized. It takes as input a se-

∗ cret key sk and a message m ∈ M. It outputs a signature σ(1) =

∗ Sign-Spl(sk, m ), a one-message verification key VK(1) , an all-but-one

signing key skabo and an all-but-one verification key VKabo.

Sign-Spl-abo(skabo, m) The all-but-one signing algorithm is deterministic. It

takes as input an all-but-one signing key skabo and a message m, and outputs a signature σ.

∗ λ Correctness Let m ∈ M be any message. Let (sk, VK, VKrej) ← Setup-Spl(1 )

∗ and (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) ← Split(sk, m ). Then, we require the following correctness properties:

1. For all m ∈ M, Verify-Spl(VK, m, Sign-Spl(sk, m)) = 1.

62 ∗ 2. For all m ∈ M, m 6= m , Sign(sk, m) = Sign-Spl-abo(skabo, m).

∗ ∗ 3. For all σ, Verify-Spl(VK(1) , m , σ) = Verify-Spl(VK, m , σ).

∗ 4. For all m 6= m and σ, Verify-Spl(VK, m, σ) = Verify-Spl(VKabo, m, σ).

∗ 5. For all m 6= m and σ, Verify-Spl(VK(1) , m, σ) = 0.

∗ 6. For all σ, Verify-Spl(VKabo, m , σ) = 0.

7. For all σ and all m ∈ M, Verify-Spl(VKrej, m, σ) = 0.

Security We will now define the security notions for splittable signature schemes. Each security notion is defined in terms of a security game between a challenger and an adversary A.

Definition 2.9 (VKrej indistinguishability). A splittable signature scheme S is said to be VKrej indistinguishable if any PPT adversary A has negligible advantage in the following security game:

λ Exp-VKrej(1 , S, A):

λ 1. Challenger computes (sk, VK, VKrej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ) .Next, it chooses

b ← {0, 1}. If b = 0, it sends VK to A. Else, it sends VKrej. 2. A sends its guess b0.

A wins if b = b0.

63 We note that in the game above, A never receives any signatures and has no ability to produce them. This is why the difference between VK and

VKrej cannot be tested.

Definition 2.10 (VK(1) indistinguishability). A splittable signature scheme S is said to be VK(1) indistinguishable if any PPT adversary A has negligible advantage in the following security game:

λ Exp-VK(1) (1 , S, A):

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger computes (sk, VK, VKrej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ). Next, it computes

∗ (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) ← Split(sk, m ). It chooses b ← {0, 1}. If

b = 0, it sends (σ(1) , VK(1) ) to A. Else, it sends (σ(1) , VK) to A. 3. A sends its guess b0.

A wins if b = b0.

We note that in the game above, A only receives the signature σ(1) on

∗ m , on which VK and VKone behave identically.

Definition 2.11 (VKabo indistinguishability). A splittable signature scheme

S is said to be VKabo indistinguishable if any PPT adversary A has negligible advantage in the following security game:

λ Exp-VKabo(1 , S, A):

64 1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger computes (sk, VK, VKrej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ). Next, it computes

∗ (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) ← Split(sk, m ). It chooses b ← {0, 1}. If

b = 0, it sends (skabo, VKabo) to A. Else, it sends (skabo, VK) to A. 3. A sends its guess b0.

A wins if b = b0.

We note that in the game above, A does not receive or have the ability to create a signature on m∗. For all signatures A can create by signing with skabo, VKabo and VK will behave identically.

Definition 2.12 (Splitting indistinguishability). A splittable signature scheme S is said to be splitting indistinguishable if any PPT adversary A has negligi- ble advantage in the following security game:

Exp-Spl(1λ, S, A):

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 0 0 0 2. Challenger computes (sk, VK, VKrej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ), (sk , VK , VKrej) ←

λ ∗ Setup-Spl(1 ). Next, it computes (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) ← Split(sk, m ),

0 0 0 0 0 ∗ (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) ← Split(sk , m ). . It chooses b ← {0, 1}. If

0 0 b = 0, it sends (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) to A. Else, it sends (σ(1) , VK(1) ,

skabo, VKabo) to A. 3. A sends its guess b0.

65 A wins if b = b0.

In the game above, A is either given a system of σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo

0 0 generated together by one call of Setup-Spl or a “split” system of (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) where the all but one keys are generated separately from the signature and key for the one message m∗. Since the correctness conditions do not link the behaviors for the all but one keys and the one message values, this split generation is not detectable by testing verification for the σ(1) that

A receives or for any signatures that A creates honestly by signing with skabo.

2.4.3 Construction

Let M be the message space. For simplicity of notations, we will as- sume M = {0, 1}`, where ` is polynomial in the security parameter λ. Let F be a puncturable pseudorandom function with key space K, punctured key

λ space Kp, domain M, range {0, 1} and algorithms F.setup, F.puncture and F.eval. Finally, we will also use an indistinguishability obfuscator iO and an injective pseudorandom generator PRG : {0, 1}λ → {0, 1}2λ. (The pseudoran- dom generator will be used in the proof, but will not be needed in the actual scheme.) We will now define the algorithms Setup-Spl, Sign-Spl, Verify-Spl, Split and Sign-Spl-abo.

• Setup-Spl(1λ) The setup algorithm takes as input security parameter

λ λ and chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ) and K2 ← F.setup(1λ). Next, it chooses x ← {0, 1}λ. The secret key sk is set to be

66 (K1,K2, x), the verification key is an obfuscation of the program Prog-VK

defined in Figure 2.9; VK ← iO(Prog-VK), and VKrej ← iO(Prog-VKrej),

where Prog-VKrej is defined in Figure 2.10.


λ Constants Puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ∈ K, x ∈ {0, 1} . Inputs Message m ∈ M, signature σ = (σ1, σ2).

1. If σ1 = (F (K1, m) ⊕ x) and σ2 = F (K2, m) output 1. Else output 0.

Figure 2.9: Prog-VK


Inputs: Message m ∈ M, signature σ = (σ1, σ2).

1. Output 0.

Figure 2.10: Prog-VKrej

• Sign-Spl(sk, m) The signing algorithm takes as input the secret key sk =

(K1,K2, x) and message m ∈ M. It outputs σ = (F (K1, m)⊕x, F (K2, m)).

• Verify-Spl(VK, m, σ) The verification algorithm simply executes the ver- ification key with inputs m and σ. It outputs VK(m, σ).

• Split(sk, m∗) The splitting algorithm takes as input secret key sk =

∗ ∗ (K1,K2, x) and a message m ∈ M. It computes σ(1) = Sign(sk, m ).

Next, it computes VK(1) ← iO(Prog-VK(1) ), skabo ← iO(Prog-skabo) and

67 Prog-VK(1)

λ ∗ Constants Signature components s1, s2 ∈ {0, 1} , message m ∈ M. 2λ Inputs Message m ∈ M, signature σ = (σ1, σ2) ∈ {0, 1} .

1. If m 6= m∗ output 0. 2. If σ1 = s1 and σ2 = s2 output 1. Else output 0.

Figure 2.11: Prog-VK(1)


∗ ∗ ∗ Constants Message m ∈ M, punctured PRF keys K1{m },K2{m } ∈ λ Kp, x ∈ {0, 1} . Inputs Message m ∈ M.

1. If m = m∗, output ⊥. ∗ ∗ 2. Compute σ1 = F.eval(K1{m }, m) ⊕ x and σ2 = F.eval(K{m }, m). Output σ = (σ1, σ2).

Figure 2.12: Prog-skabo

VKabo ← iO(Prog-VKabo), where the programs Prog-VK(1) , Prog-skabo

and Prog-VKabo are defined in Figures 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13 respectively.


∗ ∗ ∗ Constants Message m ∈ M, punctured PRF keys K1{m },K2{m } ∈ K, x ∈ {0, 1}λ. Inputs message m ∈ M, signature σ = (σ1, σ2).

1. If m = m∗, output 0. ∗ ∗ 2. If σ1 = F.eval(K1{m }, m) ⊕ x and σ2 = F.eval(K2{m }, m) output 1. Else output 0.

Figure 2.13: Prog-VKabo

68 Correctness For correctness, note that Properties 1, 3, 5 and 6 follow di- rectly from construction, while Properties 2 and 4 follow from the correctness of puncturable PRF keys. Proofs of Security

We will now show that S = (Setup-Spl, Sign-Spl, Verify-Spl, Split, Sign-Spl-abo) satisfies VKrej indistinguishability, VK(1) indistinguishability, VKabo indistin- guishability and splitting indistinguishability.

Lemma 2.7. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator and PRG an injective pseudorandom generator, any PPT adversary A has negligible

λ advantage in Exp-VKrej(1 , S, A).

Proof. We will define a sequence of hybrid experiments Hyb0,..., Hyb3, and then show that the outputs of each hybrid are computationally indistinguish- able.

Hyb0 In this experiment, the challenger sends VK to A.

λ 1. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ←

λ λ F.setup(1 ) and x ← {0, 1} . It sends VK ← iO(Prog-VK{K1,K2, x}) to A.

0 Hyb1 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-VKrej (defined in Figure 2.14).

69 λ 1. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1λ) and x ← {0, 1}λ. It computes y = PRG(x) sends VK ←

0 iO(Prog-VKrej{K1,K2, y}) to A.

0 Prog-VKrej

2λ Constants Puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ∈ K, y ∈ {0, 1} . Inputs Message m ∈ M, signature σ = (σ1, σ2).

1. If y = PRG(F (K1, m) ⊕ σ1) and σ2 = F (K2, m) output 1. Else output 0.

0 Figure 2.14: Prog-VKrej

Hyb2 This experiment is similar to the previous one, except that the chal- lenger chooses y as a uniformly random λ bit string.

λ 1. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ←

λ 2λ 0 F.setup(1 ). It chooses y ← {0, 1} and sends VK ← iO(Prog-VKrej{K1,K2, y}) to A.

Hyb3 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-VKrej.

1. Challenger sends VK ← iO(Prog-VKrej) to A.

Analysis Let pA,i denote the probability that A outputs 1 in Hybi.

Claim 2.8. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

PPT adversary A, |pA,0 − pA,1| ≤ negl(λ).

70 Proof. This follows from the fact that PRG is injective, and hence the programs

0 Prog-VK{K1,K2, x} and Prog-VKrej{K1,K2, y} are functionally identical. As a result, their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable by the iO security requirement.

Claim 2.9. Assuming PRG is a secure pseudorandom generator, for any PPT

A, |pA,1 − pA,2| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Now that the pre-image x is no longer referenced in the verification program, the fact that a random image y can be replaced by a uniformly random value in {0, 1}2λ follows directly from the security of PRG.

Claim 2.10. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

PPT adversary A, |pA,2 − pA,3| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that since y is chosen uniformly at random in Hyb2, with over- whelming probability, it does not lie in the range of PRG. As a result,

0 Prog-VKrej outputs 0 on all inputs, making it functionally identical to Prog-VKrej. Therefore, their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable by the iO security requirement.

Lemma 2.8. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F a secure puncturable PRF and PRG a secure pseudorandom generator, any PPT

λ adversary A has negligible advantage in Exp-VK(1) (1 , S, A).

71 Proof. To prove this lemma, we will define a sequence of hybrid experiments

Hyb0,..., Hyb7.

Hyb0 In this experiment, the challenger computes (σ(1) , VK) as in the original scheme.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ It sets s1 = F (K1, m ) ⊕ x, s2 = F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2), VK ←

iO(Prog-VK{K1K2, x}) and sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

Hyb1 This experiment is similar to the previous one, except that the chal- lenger hardwires a punctured PRF key instead of K1 in the verification key VK, and y = PRG(x) is used to check instead of x itself:

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ ∗ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), s1 = F (K1, m ) ⊕ x, s2 =

∗ F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2).

∗ ∗ It sets y = PRG(x), VK ← iO(Prog-VK-Alt{m ,K1{m },K2, y, σ(1) })

(Prog-VK-Alt is defined in Figure 2.15) and sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

72 Prog-VK-Alt

∗ ∗ Constants Message m ∈ M, punctured PRF key K1{m } ∈ Kp, PRF 2λ λ λ key K2 ∈ K, y ∈ {0, 1} , s ∈ {0, 1} × {0, 1} . 2λ Inputs Message m ∈ M, Signature tuple σ = (σ1, σ2) ∈ {0, 1} .

1. If m 6= m∗ ∗ (a) If y = PRG((F.eval(K1{m }, m) ⊕ σ1)) and σ2 = F (K2, m) output 1. Else output 0. 2. Else if m 6= m∗

(a) If s = (σ1, σ2) output 1. Else output 0.

Figure 2.15: Prog-VK-Alt

∗ Hyb2 In this experiment, F (K1, m ) is set to be a uniformly random string in {0, 1}λ.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ λ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), chooses r ← {0, 1} and

∗ sets s1 = r ⊕ x, s2 = F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2).

∗ ∗ It sets y = PRG(x), VK ← iO(Prog-VK-Alt{m ,K1{m },K2, y, σ(1) }) and

sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

λ Hyb3 In this experiment, s1 is chosen uniformly at random from {0, 1} .

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

73 ∗ ∗ λ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), chooses s1 ← {0, 1} , sets

∗ s2 = F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2).

∗ ∗ It sets y = PRG(x), VK ← iO(Prog-VK-Alt{m ,K1{m },K2, y, σ(1) }) and

sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

Hyb4 This experiment is identical to the previous one, except that the chal- lenger sets y to be a uniformly random 2λ bit string, instead of PRG(x).

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ λ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), chooses s1 ← {0, 1} , sets

∗ s2 = F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2).

2λ ∗ ∗ It chooses y ← {0, 1} , sets VK ← iO(Prog-VK-Alt{m ,K1{m },K2, y, σ(1) })

and sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

Hyb5 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-VK(1) .

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

λ ∗ It chooses s1 ← {0, 1} , sets s2 = F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2).

∗ It sets VK ← iO(Prog-VK(1) {m , σ(1) }) and sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

74 Hyb6 This experiment is identical to the previous one, the only difference being a syntactical change. It chooses r ← {0, 1}λ, x ← {0, 1}λ and sets s1 = r ⊕ x.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ λ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), chooses r, x ← {0, 1} and

∗ sets s1 = r ⊕ x, s2 = F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2).

∗ It sets VK ← iO(Prog-VK(1) {m , σ(1) }) and sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

∗ Hyb7 In this experiment, the challenger sets s1 = F (K1, m ) ⊕ x.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1,K2 ← F.setup(1 ), x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ λ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), chooses x ← {0, 1} and

∗ ∗ sets s1 = F (K1, m ) ⊕ x, s2 = F (K2, m ), σ(1) = (s1, s2).

∗ It sets VK ← iO(Prog-VK(1) {m , σ(1) }) and sends (σ(1) , VK) to A.

Analysis Let pA,i denote the probability that A outputs 1 in Hybi.

Claim 2.11. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

PPT adversary A, |pA,0 − pA,1| ≤ negl(λ).

75 Proof. To use the security of iO, we need to argue that Prog-VK{K1,K2, x} and

∗ ∗ Prog-VK-Alt{m ,K1{m },K2, y, σ(1) } have identical functionality. However, this follows directly from the correctness of F and the fact that PRG is injective.

Claim 2.12. Assuming F is a secure puncturable PRF, for any PPT A, |pA,1− pA,2| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Now that the program being obfuscated only depends upon the punc-

∗ ∗ tured key K1{m }, we can replace F (K1, m ) with a random value by invoking the security of the punctured PRF.

Claim 2.13. Hyb2 and Hyb3 are identical, and hence, pA,2 = pA,3.

Proof. This follows immediately because we have merely made a syntactic change and re-parameterized the same uniform distribution over {0, 1}λ.

Claim 2.14. Assuming PRG is a secure pseudorandom generator, for any

PPT A, |pA,3 − pA,4| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Now that the preimage x is no longer referenced, we can rely on the security of PRG to change y from being a random image of PRG to a uniformly random string in {0, 1}2λ.

Claim 2.15. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

PPT A, |pA,4 − pA,5| ≤ negl(λ).

76 Proof. Note that with overwhelming probability, a uniformly random y does not lie in the range of PRG, and hence Step 1(a) of Prog-VK-Alt always outputs

0. Therefore Prog-VK-Alt and Prog-VK(1) are functionally identical with all but negligible probability, and in this case the iO security guarantee applies.

Claim 2.16. Hyb5 and Hyb6 are identical, and hence, pA,5 = pA,6.

Proof. This is simply a reversal of our prior syntactic change.

Claim 2.17. Assuming F is a secure puncturable PRF, for any PPT A, |pA,6− pA,7| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This is again simply a reversal of our prior change, and follows analo- gously from the security guarantee of the puncturable PRF.

Combining the above claims, it follows that

| Pr[A outputs 1 in Exp-VK(1) |b = 0]−Pr[A outputs 1 in Exp-VK(1) |b = 0]| ≤ negl(λ).

Lemma 2.9. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F a secure puncturable PRF and PRG a secure pseudorandom generator, any PPT

λ adversary A has negligible advantage in Exp-VKabo(1 , S, A).

λ Proof. Let A be a PPT adversary such that Exp-VKabo(1 , S, A) = . As in the previous proof, we will define a sequence of hybrids Hyb0,..., Hyb4, where

λ Hyb0 and Hyb4 correspond to the two modes of Exp-VKabo(1 , S, A).

77 Hyb0 In this experiment, the challenger outputs (skabo, VK) as in the original scheme.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1λ) and x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ),K2{m } ← F.puncture(K2, m ).

∗ ∗ ∗ It computes skabo ← iO(Prog-skabo{m ,K1{m },K2{m }, x}) and VK ←

iO(Prog-VK{K1,K2, x}).

It sends (skabo, VK) to A.

0 Hyb1 In this experiment, the challenger uses the program Prog-VK-Alt (de- fined in Figure 2.16) to compute the verification key VK.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1λ) and x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ),K2{m } ← F.puncture(K2, m ).

∗ ∗ It sets w = PRG(F (K2, m )). It computes skabo ← iO(Prog-skabo{m ,

∗ ∗ 0 0 ∗ ∗ K1{m }, K2{m }, x}) and VK ← iO(Prog-VK-Alt {m ,K1,K2{m }, w, x}).

It sends (skabo, VK) to A.

78 Prog-VK-Alt0

∗ ∗ Constants Message m ∈ M, punctured PRF keys K1,K2{m } ∈ Kp, w ∈ {0, 1}2λ, x ∈ {0, 1}λ. λ λ Inputs Message m ∈ M, signature σ = (σ1, σ2) ∈ {0, 1} × {0, 1} .

1. If m 6= m∗ ∗ (a) If σ1 = F (K1, m) ⊕ x and σ2 = F.eval(K2{m }, m) output 1. Else output 0. 2. Else,

(a) If σ1 = F (K1, m) ⊕ x and w = PRG(σ2) output 1. Else output 0.

Figure 2.16: Prog-VK-Alt0

Hyb2 This hybrid is similar to the previous one, except that the challenger computes w = PRG(r) for some random r ← {0, 1}λ.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1λ) and x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ),K2{m } ← F.puncture(K2, m ).

λ ∗ it chooses r ← {0, 1} and sets w = PRG(r), computes skabo ← iO(Prog-skabo{m ,

∗ ∗ 0 0 ∗ ∗ K1{m }, K2{m }, x}) and VK ← iO(Prog-VK-Alt {m , K1, K2{m }, w, x}).

It sends (skabo, VK) to A.

Hyb3 In this experiment, the challenger chooses a uniformly random 2λ bit for w instead of using PRG to compute it.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

79 λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1λ) and x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ),K2{m } ← F.puncture(K2, m ).

2λ ∗ Next, it chooses w ← {0, 1} . It computes skabo ← iO(Prog-skabo{m ,

∗ ∗ 0 0 ∗ ∗ K1{m }, K2{m }, x}) and VK ← iO(Prog-VK-Alt {m ,K1,K2{m }, w, x}).

It sends (skabo, VK) to A.

Hyb4 This experiment is similar to the previous one except that the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-VKabo as the verification key.

1. A sends a message m∗ ∈ M.

λ 2. Challenger chooses puncturable PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1λ) and x ← {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ),K2{m } ← F.puncture(K2, m ).

∗ ∗ ∗ It computes VKabo ← iO(Prog-VKabo{m ,K1{m },K2{m }, x}), skabo ←

∗ ∗ ∗ iO(Prog-skabo{m ,K1{m }, K2{m }, x}).

It sends (skabo, VK) to A.

Analysis Let pi,A denote the probability that A outputs 1 in Hybi.

Claim 2.18. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

PPT adversary A, |p0,A − p1,A| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that since PRG is injective and F satisfies the correctness property

∗ of puncturable PRFs, circuits Prog-VK{K1,K2, x} and Prog-VK-Alt{m ,K1,

80 ∗ K2{m }, x} are functionally identical. As a result, their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable by iO security, and hence |p0,A − p1,A| ≤ negl(λ).

Claim 2.19. Assuming F is a secure puncturable PRF, for any PPT adversary

A, |p1,A − p2,A| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This follows directly from the selective security definition of punc-

∗ turable PRFs, as only the punctured key K2{m } is reflected in the programs given to A.

Claim 2.20. Assuming PRG is a secure pseudorandom generator, for any

PPT adversary A, |p2,A − p3,A| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This follows immediately from the security of PRG, as the preimage r is uniformly random and only w is hardwired into the verification program.

Claim 2.21. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

PPT adversary A, |p3,A − p4,A| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that since w is chosen uniformly at random, with overwhelming

0 ∗ probability, it does not lie in the range of PRG. In this case, Prog-VK-Alt {m ,K1,

∗ ∗ K2{m }, w, x} outputs 0 on all inputs with message component m . Hence,

0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Prog-VK-Alt {m ,K1, K2{m }, w, x} and Prog-VKabo{m , K1{m }, K2{m }, x} are functionally identical (with overwhelming probability).

81 Combining the above claims, it follows that any PPT adversary has negligible advantage in Exp-VKabo.

Lemma 2.10. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F a secure puncturable PRF and PRG a secure pseudorandom generator, any PPT adversary A has negligible advantage in Exp-Spl(1λ, S, A).

Proof. Let A be a PPT adversary with advantage  in Exp-Spl(1λ, S, A). We will define a sequence of hybrids Hyb0,..., Hyb4 and compare A’s advantage in each of these hybrids.

Hyb0 In this experiment, the challenger sends all components corresponding to the same singing key, verification key pair.

1. A sends message m∗ ∈ M.

λ λ 2. Challenger chooses PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1 ) and x ∈ {0, 1}λ.

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ It computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), K2{m } ← F.puncture(K2, m ),

∗ ∗ ∗ σ(1) = (F (K1, m ) ⊕ x, F (K2, m )), VK(1) ← iO(Prog-VK(1) {m , σ(1) }),

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ skabo ← iO(Prog-skabo{m , K1{m }, K2{m }, x}) and VKabo ← iO(Prog-VKabo{m ,

∗ ∗ K1{m }, K2{m }, x}).

It sends (σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) to A.

∗ ∗ Hyb1 In this hybrid, the challenger replaces F (K1, m ) and F (K2, m ) with uniformly random λ bit strings.

82 λ λ 2. It chooses r1 ← {0, 1} , r2 ← {0, 1} and sets σ(1) = (r1 ⊕ x, r2).

It computes VK(1) , skabo and VKabo as in previous hybrid and sends

(σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo) to A.

Hyb2 This experiment is exactly identical to the previous one, except for a notational change, where the first component of σ(1) is set to be uniformly random.

λ λ 2. It chooses r1 ← {0, 1} , r2 ← {0, 1} and sets σ(1) = (r1, r2).

0 λ 0 Hyb3 In this experiment, the challenger chooses x ← {0, 1} and uses x to compute the first component of σ(1) . This is a notational change, and this hybrid is identical to the previous one.

0 λ λ λ 2. The challenger chooses x ← {0, 1} , r1 ← {0, 1} , r2 ← {0, 1} and sets

0 σ(1) = (r1 ⊕ x , r2).

0 0 Hyb4 In this experiment, the challenger chooses keys K1,K2 and computes

0 0 the signature σ(1) using K1,K2.

λ λ 2. Challenger chooses PRF keys K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1 ),

0 λ 0 λ λ 0 λ K1 ← F.setup(1 ), K2 ← F.setup(1 ) and x ∈ {0, 1} , x ← {0, 1} . It

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ computes K1{m } ← F.puncture(K1, m ), K2{m } ← F.puncture(K2, m ).

0 0 ∗ 0 0 ∗ Next, it sets σ(1) = (F (K1, m ) ⊕ x ,F (K2, m )).

83 Analysis We will now analyse A’s advantage in the above experiments. As before, let pi,A denote the probability that A outputs 1 in Hybi.

Claim 2.22. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

PPT adversary A, |p0,A − p1,A| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Since only the punctured keys are reflected in the programs given to A, it follows from the security of the puncturable PRF that we can replace

∗ ∗ F (K1, m ) and F (K2, m ) with uniformly random strings.

Claim 2.23. Experiments Hyb1 and Hyb2 are identical, and therefore, p1,A = p2,A.

Proof. This is just a notation change, as the distribution of σ(1) is the same.

Claim 2.24. Experiments Hyb2 and Hyb3 are identical, and therefore, p2,A = p3,A.

Proof. This is similarly just a notation change that does not affect the distri- bution of σ(1) .

Claim 2.25. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

PPT adversary A, |p3,A − p4,A| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Here, we can apply the selective security for the puncturable PRF in

0 ∗ 0 ∗ reverse, replace random strings with the values F (K1, m ) and F (K2, m ) at the punctured points.

84 λ Noting that Hyb0 and Hyb4 represent the two scenarios in Exp-Spl(1 , S, A) and combining the above claims, it follows that any PPT adversary A has neg- ligible advantage in Exp-Spl(1λ, S, A).

2.5 Message Hiding Encodings

We will now describe a simpler primitive called message hiding encod- ings for Turing machines. Let M be a Turing machine, inp an input to M, and

T T an integer. Recall that ΠM (inp) denotes whether M accepts inp within T steps. A message hiding encoding scheme MHE for message space M consists of algorithms MHE.enc and MHE.dec described as follows.

MHE.enc(1λ,M,T, inp, msg) The encoding algorithm takes as input the se- curity parameter λ (in unary), the description of a Turing machine M, time bound T (in binary), input inp and message msg ∈ M. It outputs an encoding Enc.

MHE.dec(1λ,M, inp,T, Enc) The decoding algorithm takes as input the se- curity parameter λ (in unary), the description of a Turing machine M, time bound T and encoding Enc. It outputs either a message msg ∈ M or ⊥.

85 Correctness For all Turing machines M, time bounds T , inputs inp and

T messages msg ∈ M, if ΠM (inp) = 1, then

MHE.dec(1λ,M, inp,T, MHE.enc(1λ,M,T, inp, msg)) = msg.

Efficiency For efficiency, we require that the encoding procedure MHE.enc should run in time poly(λ, |M|, |inp|, lg T ), while the decoding procedure MHE.dec’s running time is bounded by poly(λ, |M|, |inp|, lg T, t∗), where t∗ is the time at which M halts on input inp. Note that this implies the size of encoding Enc is bounded by poly(λ, |M|, |inp|, lg T ).

Security The security notion for message hiding encoding schemes can be formalized as follows.

Definition 2.13 (MHE Security). A message hiding encoding scheme MHE for message space M is secure if for all security parameters λ, messages msg0, msg1 ∈

T M, Turing machines M, time bounds T , inputs inp such that ΠM (inp) = 0, for all PPT adversaries A,

 λ  Pr A(MHE.enc(1 ,M,T, inp, msgb)) = b : b ← {0, 1} − 1/2 ≤ negl(λ) where the probability is over the choice of b, the random coins used during encoding, and the adversary’s random coins.

2.5.1 Construction

We now describe our message hiding encoding scheme for Turing ma- chines and message space M. We will assume the number of states of any

86 input Turing machine, and the input time bound T are polynomial in λ, and therefore expressible using λ bits. Let Acc = (Setup-Acc, Setup-Acc-EnfR, Setup-Acc-EnfW, PrepR, PrepW, VerifyR, WriteS, Update) be an accumulator for message space Σtape with accumulated value of size `Acc bits, Itr = (Setup-Itr,

Setup-Itr-Enforce, Iterate) an iterator for message space {0, 1}2λ+`Acc with iter- ated value of size `Itr bits and S = (Setup-Spl, Sign-Spl, Verify-Spl, Split, Sign-Spl-abo) a splittable signature scheme with message space {0, 1}`Itr+`Acc+2λ. We will as- sume that Setup-Spl uses `rnd bits of randomness. Let F a puncturable PRF

λ `rnd with key space K, punctured key space Kp, domain {0, 1} , range {0, 1} and algorithms F.setup, F.puncture, F.eval. The algorithms MHE.enc and MHE.dec are defined as follows.

λ • MHE.enc(1 ,M,T, inp, msg) The encoding algorithm first computes (PPAcc,

λ we0, store^ 0) ← Setup-Acc(1 ,T ). Let `inp = |inp|. It computes store^ j

= WriteS(PPAcc, store^ j−1, j − 1, inpj), auxj = PrepW(PPAcc, store^ j−1,

j − 1), wej = Update(PPAcc, wej−1, inpj, j − 1, auxj) for 1 ≤ j ≤ `inp. Finally, it sets w = w and s = . 0 e`inp 0 store^ `inp

λ Next, it computes (PPItr, v0) ← Setup-Itr(1 ,T ), chooses a puncturable

λ PRF key KA ← F.setup(1 ), and computes an obfuscation P ← iO(Prog{M,

T , PPAcc, PPItr, KA}) where Prog is defined in Figure 2.17.

λ Let rA = F (KA, 0), (sk0, VK0) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA) and σ0 = Sign-Spl(sk0,

(v0, q0, w0, 0)). It outputs Enc = (P, w0, v0, σ0, store0).

87 Program Prog

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF key KA ∈ K.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, symin, posin, π) = 0 output ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rA. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rA). (c) Let min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥.

2. Computing next state and symbol

(a) Let (stout, symout, β) = δ(stin, symin) and posout = posin + β. (b) If stout = qrej output ⊥. (c) If stout = qacc output msg.

3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, symout, posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (stin, win, posin)). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rA. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rA). (d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout) and σout = 0 Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

4. Output symout, stout, posout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.17: Program Prog

λ T • MHE.dec(1 ,M, inp, 1 , Enc) Let M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji and Enc =

(P, w0, v0, σ0, store0). Let pos0 = 0, st0 = q0.

88 For i = 1 to T , compute

1. Let (symi−1, πi−1) = PrepR(PPAcc, storei−1, posi−1).

2. Compute auxi−1 ← PrepW(PPAcc, store−1, posi−1).

3. Let out = P (i, symi−1, posi−1, sti−1, wi−1, vi−1, πi−1, auxi−1). If out ∈ M ∪ {⊥} output out.

Else parse out as (symw,i, posi, sti, wi, vi, σi).

4. Compute storei = WriteS(PPAcc, storei−1, posi−1, symw,i).

The basic idea of this construction is that input can accumulated as a preprocessing step, and then an initial signature is produced. This then allows for the main program to step through the computation, taking one transition of the Turing Machine at a time. We note that the decryption only takes t∗ steps rather than T , as we have a condition in line 3. above that breaks out of the for loop when the computation is finished.

2.5.2 Proof of Security

Theorem 2.1. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12, MHE is a secure message hiding encoder.

89 Proof. Suppose there exists a security parameter λ, machine M, time bound T ,

λ input inp, messages msg0, msg1 and PPT adversary A s.t. Pr[A(MHE.enc(1 ,

M, T , inp, msgb)) = 1] − 1/2 =  which is non-negligible. To arrive at a contradiction, we will first define a sequence of outer hybrid experiments

Hyb0,..., Hyb4 and then show that any two consecutive hybrid experiments are computationally indistinguishable. Let us assume M accepts/rejects inp at time t∗ < T .

Hyb0 This hybrid corresponds to the real security game.

Hyb1 This hybrid is similar to the previous one, except that the challenger chooses another PRF key KB to be used for signing/verifying ‘B’ type signa-

λ ture. The challenger computes KB ← F.setup(1 ) and outputs an obfuscation of Prog-1{M, T , PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB}. (defined in Figure 2.18). In this pro- gram, the program checks for ‘B’ type signatures, and if the incoming message has a ‘B’ type signature, then the program signs the outgoing message as a ‘B’ type signature. Also, if the incoming signature is ‘B’ type and t < t∗, then the program rejects if state is qrej or qacc.

∗ 0 ∗ We will now define 2t hybrids Hyb2,i alphand Hyb2,i for 0 ≤ i < t .

Hyb2,i In this hybrid, the challenger first computes the ‘correct message’ mi to be signed at step i. The message mi is computed as follows:

90 Let st0 = q0, pos0 = 0. For j = 1 to i:

1.( symj, πj) = PrepR(PPAcc, storej−1, posj−1).

2. auxj = PrepW(PPAcc, storej−1, posj−1).

3.( stj, symw,j, β) = δ(stj−1, symj−1).

4. wj = Update(PPAcc, wj−1, symw,j, posj−1, auxj).

5. vj = Iterate(PPItr, vj−1, (stj−1, wj−1, posj−1)).

6. storej = WriteS(PPAcc, storej−1, posj−1, symw,j).

7. posj = posj−1 + β.

It sets mi = (vi, sti, wi, posi) and computes the obfuscation of Prog-2-i{i,

M, T , msgb, PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB, mi} (defined in Figure 2.19), which accepts only ‘A’ type signatures for the first i time steps. Also, if the state output is qacc in the first i steps, it outputs ⊥ instead of outputting message. For the output, if t = i and the message to be signed is the ‘correct message’, it outputs an ‘A’ type signature, else it outputs a ‘B’ type signature. For t > i, the type of signature output is the same as type of signature input.

0 0 Hyb2,i In this hybrid, the challenger outputs the obfuscation of Prog -2-i{i,

M, T , msgb, PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB, mi} (defined in Figure 2.20), which accepts only ‘A’ type signatures for the first i + 1 time steps. If the state is qacc at (i + 1)th step, it outputs ⊥. For the output, if t = i + 1 and the input message is the ‘correct message’, it outputs an ‘A’ type signature, else it outputs a ‘B’

91 type signature. For t > i + 1, the type of signature output is the same as type of signature input.

Hyb3 In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of P3 = Prog-3{M,

∗ T , t , PPAcc, PPItr, msgb, KA, KB} (described in Figure 2.21). Note that

∗ F (KA, t ) will not be computed in this hybrid. Also, the only inputs for which a ‘B’ type signature can possibly be output correspond to t = t∗.

Hyb4 In this hybrid, the challenger outputs the obfuscation of Pb = Prog-4{M,

∗ T , t , PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB} (defined in Figure 2.22), a program that outputs ⊥ for all t > t∗, including the case when the signature is a valid ‘A’ type signature. As a result, it doesn’t output msg at any instant, and hence P0 and

P1 are identical.

x 0x Analysis Let advA denote the advantage of adversary A in Hybx, and advA 0 the advantage of A in Hybx.

Lemma 2.11. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a secure puncturable PRF and S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying

0 1 Definition 2.9, for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.5.3.

92 Claim 2.26. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscation, for any

1 2,0 PPT A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Programs Prog-2-0 and Prog-1 are functionally identical. As a result, their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable, by the security re- quirement of iO.

Lemma 2.12. Let 1 ≤ i ≤ t∗. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF and S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12, for any PPT

2,i 02,i adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.5.4.

Lemma 2.13. Let 1 ≤ i ≤ t∗. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, Itr is an iterator satisfying indistinguishability of Setup (Defini- tion 2.3) and is enforcing (Definition 2.4), and Acc is an accumulator satis- fying indistinguishability of Read/Write Setup (Definitions 2.5 and 2.6) and is Read/Write enforcing (Definitions 2.7 and 2.8), for any PPT adversary A,

02,i 2,i+1 |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.5.5.

Lemma 2.14. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator and Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Definition 2.5), for any PPT

02,t∗−1 3 adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

93 The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.5.6.

Lemma 2.15. Assuming S satisfies VKrej indistinguishability (Definition 2.9), iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator and F is a selectively secure pseu-

3 4 dorandom function, for any adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.5.7.

Claim 2.27. Any adversary A has 0 advantage in Hyb4.

∗ Proof. Prog-4{M, T, t , PPAcc, PPItr,KA, KB} is independent of message msgb. As a result, any adversary has 0 advantage in guessing b.

94 Prog-1

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF key KA,K B ∈ K.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, symin, posin, π) = 0 output ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rA, F (KB, t − 1) = rB. Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA),(skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). (c) Let α =‘-’ and min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’. If α =‘-’ and t > t∗ output ⊥. If α 6= ‘A’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1, set α =‘B’. If α =‘-’, output ⊥ .

2. Computing next state and symbol

(a) Let (stout, symout, β) = δ(stin, symin) and posout = posin + β. (b) If stout = qrej output ⊥. (c) If stout = qacc and α =‘B’, output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc and α =‘A’, output msg.

3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, symout, posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (stin, win, posin)). 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rA, F (KB, t) = rB. Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rA). (d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout) and σout = 0 0 0 0 λ 0 Sign-Spl(skA, mout),( skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rB).

4. Output symout, stout, posout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.18: Prog-1

95 Prog-2-i

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K, message mi.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, symin, posin, π) = 0 output ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rA, F (KB, t − 1) = rB. Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). (c) Let α =‘-’ and min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’. (d) If α =‘-’ and (t > t∗ or t ≤ i) output ⊥. (e) If α 6= ‘A’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1, set α =‘B’. (f) If α =‘-’, output ⊥ . 2. Computing next state and symbol

(a) Let (stout, symout, β) = δ(stin, symin) and posout = posin + β. (b) If stout = qrej output ⊥. (c) If stout = qacc and α =‘B’, output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc and α = ‘A’ and t ≤ i, output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc, output msg. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, symout, posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (stin, win, posin)). 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rA, F (KB, t) = rB. Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 0 0 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). (d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). 0 If t = i and mout = mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = i and mout 6= mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output symout, stout, posout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.19: Prog-2-i 96 Prog0-2-i

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K, message mi.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications (d) If α =‘-’ and (t > t∗ or t ≤ i + 1) output ⊥. (e) If α 6= ‘A’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1, set α =‘B’. (f) If α =‘-’, output ⊥ . 2. Computing next state and symbol

(c) If stout = qacc and α =‘B’, output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc and α = ‘A’ and t ≤ i + 1, output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc, output msg. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). 0 If t = i + 1 and min = mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = i + 1 and min 6= mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output symout, stout, posout, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.20: Prog0-2-i

97 Prog-3

1. Verifications

(c) Let min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 2. Computing next state and symbol ∗ (c) If stout = qacc and t < t , output ⊥. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). ∗ 0 If t = t , σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

4. Output symout, stout, posout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.21: Prog-3


0. If t > t∗ output ⊥. 1. Verifications : Same as previous hybrid. 2. Computing next state and symbol

(c) If stout = qacc output ⊥. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature : Same as before 4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.22: Prog-4

98 2.5.3 Proof of Lemma 2.11

∗ Formal proof We will first define t intermediate hybrids H0,...,Ht∗ , and then show that any two consecutive hybrids are computationally indistinguish- able.

Hybrid Hi In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of

Prog-0-i{i, M, T , PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB} (defined in Figure 2.23).

Clearly, Ht∗ corresponds to Hyb0 and H0 to Hyb1. Therefore, it suffices i to show that Hi and Hi−1 are computationally indistinguishable. Let advA denote the advantage of A in Hi.

Claim 2.28. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a secure puncturable PRF and S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying

i i−1 Definition 2.9, for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. We will first define intermediate hybrid experiments Hi,a,...,Hi,f .

Hybrid Hi,a In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-0-i-a{i,M,

T , PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB} (described in Figure 2.24), which is functionally iden- tical to Prog-0-i{i,M, T , PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB}.

99 Hybrid Hi,b In this hybrid, the challenger first punctures the PRF key KB on input i − 1. It computes KB{i − 1} ← F.puncture(KB, i − 1). Next, it

λ computes rC = F (KB, i − 1) and (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rC ). It hardwires KB{i − 1} and VKC,rej in the program Prog-0-i-b{i,M, T , PPAcc,

PPItr, KA, KB{i − 1}, VKC,rej} (defined in Figure 2.25).

Hybrid Hi,c This experiment is similar to Hi,b, except that rC is chosen uniformly at random from {0, 1}λ. More formally, the challenger computes

λ KB{i − 1} as before. However, it chooses (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ).

The obfuscated program has VKC,rej hardwired as before.

Hybrid Hi,d In this hybrid, the challenger chooses (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) ←

λ Setup-Spl(1 ) as before. However, instead of hardwiring VKC,rej, it hardwires


Hybrid Hi,e In this hybrid, the challenger uses a pseudorandom string to compute (skC , VKC , VKC,rej). More formally, the challenger computes rC =

λ F (KB, i − 1), (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rC ).

Hybrid Hi,f This experiment corresponds to Hi−1.

i,x i Analysis Let advA denote the advantage of A in Hi,x, and let advA denote the advantage of A in Hi.

100 Claim 2.29. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

i i,a PPT A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. First, since Verify-Spl(VKB,rej, min, σin) = 0 for all min, σin, both pro- grams output ⊥ when α =‘B’ and t = i. For inputs corresponding to t 6= i or t > t∗, both programs have same functionality. Therefore, both programs have identical functionality, and their obfuscations are computationally indis- tinguishable.

Claim 2.30. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

i,a i,b PPT A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between Prog-0-i-a and Prog-0-i-b is that the latter uses a unctured PRF key KB{i − 1} at steps 1(b) and 3(c). At step 1(b), functionality is preserved since the correct verification key is hardwired as

VKC in the hybrid. Next, note that step 3(c) functionality can possibly differ only if t = i − 1 and α =‘B’. However, by definition of the program, this case is not possible.

Claim 2.31. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

i,b i,c PPT adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that both programs depend only on KB{i−1}. As a result, we can replace F (KB, i − 1) with a random value. From the security of puncturable PRFs, it follows that these two hybrids are computationally indistinguishable.

101 Claim 2.32. Assuming S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying VKrej in- i,c i,d distinguishability (Definition 2.9), for any PPT adversary A, |advA −advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Here, we rely crucially on the fact that skC was not hardwired in the program. As a result, given only VKC or VKC,rej, the experiments are indistin- guishable.

Claim 2.33. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

i,d i,e PPT adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is similar to the proof of Claim 2.31, and follows analogously from the security of the puncturable PRF.

Claim 2.34. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

i,e i,f PPT A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between Hi,e and Hi,f is that Hi,e uses a PRF key

KB{i − 1} punctured at i − 1, while Hi,f uses KB itself. Using the correct- ness property of puncturable PRFs, we can argue that the programs output in Hi,e and Hi,f are functionally identical, and therefore Hi,e and Hi,f are computationally indistinguishable (implied by the security of iO).

0 To conclude, for any PPT adversary A, if A has advantage advA in 1 0 1 Hyb0 and advA in Hyb1, then |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

102 Prog-0-i

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, symin, posin, π) = 0 output ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rA, F (KB, t − 1) = rB. Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). (c) Let α =‘-’ and min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’ . If α =‘-’ and (t > t∗ or t ≤ i) output ⊥. If α = ‘-’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1, set α =‘B’. If α =‘-’, output ⊥ .

2. Computing next state and symbol

(a) Let (stout, symout, β) = δ(stin, symin) and posout = posin + β. (b) If stout = qrej output ⊥. (c) If stout = qacc and α =‘B’, output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc and α =‘A’, output msg.

3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, symout, posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (stin, win, posin)). 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rA, F (KB, t) = rB. Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 0 0 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). 0 (d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout), σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output symout, stout, posout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.23: Prog-0-i

103 Prog-0-i-a

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rA, F (KB, t − 1) = rB. Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rB), VK = VKrej. (c) Let α =‘-’ and min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’ . If α =‘-’ and (t > t∗ or t ≤ i − 1) output ⊥. If α =‘-’ and t = i and Verify-Spl(VK, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥ If α = ‘-’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1, set α =‘B’. If α =‘-’, output ⊥ . 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature: Same as before. 4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.24: Prog-0-i-a

104 Prog-0-i-b

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA ∈ K, Punctured PRF key KB{i − 1} ∈ Kp, verification key VKC .

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(b) If t 6= i, let F (KA, t − 1) = rA, F.eval(KB{i − 1}, t − λ 1) = rB. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), λ (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rB), VK = VKB,rej. Else VK = VKC . 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature 0 0 (c) Let rA = F (KA, t), rB = F.eval(KB{i − 1}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 0 0 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rB).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.25: Prog-0-i-b

105 2.5.4 Proof of Lemma 2.12

Formal Proof To prove Lemma 2.12, we will first define a sequence of hy- brids H0,...,H13, where H0 corresponds to Hyb2,i and H13 corresponds to 0 Hyb2,i.

Hybrid H0 This experiment corresponds to Hyb2,i.

Hybrid H1 In this experiment, the challenger punctures key KA,KB at input i, uses F (KA, i) and F (KB, i) to compute (skC , VKC ) and (skD, VKD) respectively. More formally, it computes KA{i} ← F.puncture(KA, i), rC =

λ F (K, i), (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rC ) and KB{i} ← F.puncture(KB, i),

λ rD = F (K, i), (skD, VKD, VKD,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rD).

It then hardwires KA{i},KB{i}, skC , VKC , skD, VKD in an altered pro- gram P = Prog-2-i-1{KA{i}, KB{i}, skC , VKC , skD, VKD, mi}(defined in Figure 2.26) and outputs its obfuscation. P is identical to Prog-2-i, except that it uses a punctured PRF key KA{i} instead of KA, and KB{i} instead of

KB. On input corresponding to i, P uses the hardwired keys.

Hybrid H2 In this hybrid, the challenger chooses rC , rD uniformly at random instead of computing them using F (KA, i) and F (KB, i). In other words, the

λ secret key/verification key pairs are sampled as (skC , VKC ) ← Setup-Spl(1 )

λ and (skD, VKD) ← Setup-Spl(1 ).

106 Prog-2-i-1

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public pa- rameters for Iterator PPItr, punctured PRF keys KA{i},KB{i} ∈ Kp, secret/verification keys skC , skD, VKD, VKD, message mi.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(b) If t 6= i+1, let rA = F.eval(KA{i}, t−1), rB = F.eval(KB{i}, t− λ 1). Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), λ (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). Else set VKA = VKC , VKB = VKD. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature 0 0 (c) If t 6= i, let rA = F.eval(KA{i}, t), rB = F.eval(KB{i}, t). 0 0 0 λ 0 Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). 0 0 Else set skA = skC , skB = skD.

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). 0 If t = i and mout = mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = i and mout 6= mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.26: Prog-2-i-1

Hybrid H3 In this hybrid, the challenger computes constrained signing keys using the Split algorithm. As in the previous hybrids, it first computes the ith message mi. Then, it computes (σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , σC,abo, VKC,abo) = Split(skC , mi) and (σD,(1) , VKD,(1) , σD,abo, VKD,abo) = Split(skD, mi).

107 It then hardwires σC,(1) , skD,abo in P = Prog-2-i-2{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) ,

VKC , skD,abo, VKD, mi} (defined in Figure 2.27) and outputs an obfuscation of P . Note that the only difference between Prog-2-i-2 and Prog-2-i-1 is that Prog-2-i-1, on input corresponding to step i, signs the outgoing message m using skC if m = mi, else it signs using skD. On the other hand, at step i,

Prog-2-i-2 outputs σC,(1) if the outgoing message m = mi, else it signs using skC,abo.


Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, punctured PRF keys KA{i},KB{i} ∈ Kp, constrained secret/verification keys σC,(1) , VKC , skabo,D, VKD, message mi.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications: Same as before. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature: 0 0 (c) If t 6= i, let rA = F.eval(KA{i}, t), rB = F.eval(KB{i}, t). 0 0 0 λ 0 Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). 0 0 Else set skA = σC,(1) , skB = skabo,D. (d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). If t = i and mout = mi, σout = σC,abo . 0 Else if t = i and mout 6= mi, σout = Sign-Spl-abo(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.27: Prog-2-i-2

108 Hybrid H4 This hybrid is similar to the previous one, except that the chal- lenger hardwires VKC,(1) in Prog-2-i-2 instead of VKC ; that is, it computes

(σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , σC,abo, VKC,abo) = Split(skC , mi) and (σD,(1) , VKD,(1) , σD,abo,

VKD,abo) = Split(skD, mi) and outputs an obfuscation of W4 = Prog-2-i-2{KA{i},

KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skD,abo, VKD, mi}).

Hybrid H5 In this hybrid, the challenger hardwires VKD,abo instead of VKD.

As in the previous hybrid, it uses Split to compute (σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , σC,abo,

VKC,abo) and (σD,(1) , VKD,(1) , σD,abo, VKD,abo) from skC and skD respectively.

However, it outputs an obfuscation of W5 = Prog-2-i-2{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) ,

VKC,(1) , skD,abo, VKD,abo, mi}.

Hybrid H6 In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of P =

Prog-2-i-3{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo,VKC,abo,mi} (described in Fig- ure 2.28). This program performs extra checks before computing the signature. In particular, the program additionally checks if the input corresponds to step i + 1. If so, it checks whether min = mi or not, and accordingly outputs either ‘A’ or ‘B’ type signature.

Hybrid H7 In this hybrid, the challenger makes the accumulator ‘read en- forcing’. It computes the first i ‘correct inputs’ for the accumulator. Initially, the state is st0 = q0. Let tape be a T dimensional vector, the first `inp entries

109 Prog-2-i-3

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, punctured PRF keys KA{i},KB{i} ∈ Kp, constrained secret/verification keys σC,(1) , VKC , skabo,D, VKD, message mi.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications: Same as before. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). If t = i and mout = mi, σout = σC,abo . 0 Else if t = i and mout 6= mi, σout = Sign-Spl-abo(skB, mout). 0 Else if t = i + 1 and min = mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = i + 1 and min 6= mi, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.28: Prog-2-i-3 of tape correspond to the input inp. The remaining are ‘ ’. Let sym0 = tape[0] and pos0 = 0. For j = 1 to i

1. Let (stj, symw,j, β) = δ(stj−1, symj−1).

2. Set tape[posj−1] = symw,j, posj = posj−1 + β, symj = tape[posj].

Let enf = ((inp , 0),..., (inp , ` −1), (sym , pos ),..., (sym , pos )). 1 `inp inp w,1 0 w,i i−1 λ The challenger computes (PPAcc, we0, store^ 0) ← Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 ,T, enf, posi).

110 Hybrid H8 In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of program

W8 = Prog-2-i-4{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skD,abo, VKD,abo, mi} (defined in Figure 2.29). This program outputs ⊥ if on (i+1)th step, the input signature

‘A’ verifies, and the output state is qacc. Note that the accumulator is ‘read enforced’ in this hybrid.


Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, punctured PRF keys KA{i},KB{i} ∈ Kp, constrained secret/verification keys σC,(1) , VKC , skabo,D, VKD, message mi.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications: Same as before. 2. Computing next state and symbol

(c) If stout = qacc and α =‘B’ output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc and α = ‘A’ and t ≤ i + 1 output ⊥. Else if stout = qacc and α =‘A’ output msg. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature: Same as before 4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.29: Prog-2-i-4

Hybrid H9 In this hybrid, the challenger uses normal setup for the ac- cumulator related parameters; that is, it computes (PPAcc, w0, store0) ← Setup-Acc(1λ,T ). The remaining steps are exactly identical to the correspond- ing ones in the previous hybrid.

111 Hybrid H10 In this hybrid, the challenger computes (σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , σC,abo,

VKC,abo) = Split(skC , mi), but does not compute (skD, VKD). Instead, it out- puts an obfuscation of W10 = Prog-2-i-4{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo,VKC,abo,mi}.

Note that the hardwired keys for verification/signing (that is, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo,VKC,abo) are all derived from the same signing key skC , whereas in the previous hybrid, the first two components were derived from skC while the next two from skD.

Hybrid H11 In this hybrid, the challenger obfuscates a program Prog-2-i-5 (defined in Figure 2.30) which has a secret key, verification key pair hardwired, instead of the four components in Prog-2-i-4. More formally, the challenger

λ chooses (skC , VKC ) ← Setup-Spl(1 ) and outputs an obfuscation of W11 =

Prog-2-i-5{KA{i}, KB{i}, skC , VKC }.

Hybrid H12 In this hybrid, the challenger chooses the randomness rC used to compute (skC , VKC ) pseudorandomly; that is, it sets rC = F (KA, i).

0 Hybrid H13 This corresponds to the hybrid Hyb2,i.

i Analysis Let advA denote the advantage of A in hybrid experiment Hi.

Claim 2.35. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

0 1 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

112 Prog-2-i-5

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, punctured PRF keys KA{i},KB{i} ∈ Kp, constrained secret/verification keys skC , VKC , message mi.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(b) If t 6= i+1, let rA = F.eval(KA{i}, t−1), rB = F.eval(KB{i}, t− λ 1). Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), λ (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). Else set VKA = VKC . (c) Let α =‘-’ and min = (vin, stin, win, posin). (d) If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’ . If α =‘-’ and (t > t∗ or t ≤ i + 1) output ⊥. If α = ‘-’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1, set α =‘B’. If α =‘-’, output ⊥ . 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature 0 0 (c) If t 6= i, let rA = F.eval(KA{i}, t), rB = F.eval(KB{i}, t). 0 0 0 λ 0 Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA), 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rB). 0 Else set skA = skC . (d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). 0 If t = i, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = i + 1 and min = mi, Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = i + 1 and min 6= mi, Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout). Figure 2.30: Prog-2-i-5

Proof. The only difference between H0 and H1 is that H0 uses program Prog-2-i, while H1 uses Prog-2-i-1. From the correctness of puncturable PRFs, it follows

113 that both programs have identical functionality for t 6= i. For t = i, the two programs have identical functionality because (skC , VKC ) and (skD, VKD) are correctly computed using F (KA, i) and F (KB, i) respectively. Therefore, by the security of iO, it follows that the obfuscations of the two programs are computationally indistinguishable.

Claim 2.36. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

1 2 adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. We will construct an intermediate experiment H, where rC is chosen uniformly at random, while rD = F (KB, i). Now, if an adversary can distin- guish between H1 and H, then we can construct a reduction algorithm that breaks the security of F . The reduction algorithm sends i as the challenge,

λ and receives KA{i}, r. It then uses r to compute (skC , VKC ) = Setup-Spl(1 ; r). Depending on whether r is truly random or not, B simulates either hybrid H or H1. Clearly, if A can distinguish between H1 and H with advantage , then B breaks the PRF security with advantage .

Claim 2.37. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

2 3 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This follows from correctness property 2 of splittable signatures. This correctness property ensures that Prog-2-i-1 and Prog-2-i-2 have identical func- tionality.

Claim 2.38. Assuming S satisfies VK(1) indistinguishability (Definition 2.10),

3 4 for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

114 3 4 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| = .

Then we can construct a reduction algorithm B that breaks the VK(1) indis- tinguishability of S. B sends mi to the challenger. The challenger chooses

λ (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ), (σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo, VKC,abo) and re- ceives (σ, VK), where σ = σC,(1) and VK = VKC or VKC,(1) . It chooses the re- maining components (including skD,abo and VKD), and computes Prog-2-i-2{KA{i},

KB{i}, σ, VK, skD,abo, VKD,mi}. Now, note that B perfectly simulates either

H4 or H5, depending on whether the challenge message was a

Claim 2.39. Assuming S satisfies VKabo indistinguishability (Definition 2.11),

4 5 for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof is similar to the previous one. If there exists an adversary

4 5 A such that advA − advA = , then there exists a reduction algorithm B that breaks the VKabo security of S with advantage . In this case, the reduction algorithm uses the challenger’s output to set up skD,abo and VK, which is either

VKD or VKD,abo.

Claim 2.40. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

5 6 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Let P0 = Prog-2-i-2{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skD,abo, VKD,abo, mi} and P1 = Prog-2-i-3{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo,VKC,abo,mi}, where the constants of both programs are computed identically. It suffices to show that P0 and P1 have identical functionality. Note that the only inputs

115 where P0 and P1 can possibly differ correspond to step i + 1. Fix any input

(i + 1, min = (vin, stin, win, posin), symin, π, aux. Let us consider two cases:

(a) min = mi. In this case, using the correctness properties 1 and 3, we

0 can argue that for both programs, α =‘A’. Now, P0 outputs Sign-Spl(skα, mout), 0 while P1 is hardwired to output Sign-Spl(skA, mout. Therefore, both programs have the same output in this case.

(b) min 6= mi. Here, we use the correctness property 5 to argue that

α 6=‘A’, and correctness properties 2, 1 and 6 to conclude that α =‘B’. P1 is

0 0 hardwired to output Sign-Spl(skB, mout), while P0 outputs Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

Claim 2.41. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

6 7 nition 2.5), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This follows from Definition 2.5. Suppose, on the contrary, there ex-

6 7 ists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| =  which is non-negligible in λ. We will construct an algorithm B that uses A to break the Read Setup indistinguishability of Acc. B first computes the first i tuples to be accu- mulated. It computes (symw,j, posj) for j ≤ i as described in Hybrid H7, and sends (symw,j, posj) for j < i, and posi to the challenger, and receives

(PPAcc, we0, store^ 0). B uses these components to compute the encoding. Note that the remaining steps are identical in both hybrids, and therefore, B can simulate them perfectly. Finally, using A’s guess, B guesses whether the setup was normal or read-enforced.

116 Claim 2.42. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

7 8 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Let P0 = Prog-2-i-3{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo,VKC,abo,mi} and P1 = Prog-2-i-4{KA{i}, KB{i}, σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo,VKC,abo,mi}. We need to show that P0 and P1 have identical functionality. Note the only dif- ference could be in the case where t = i + 1. If Verify-Spl(VKC,(1) , min, σin) = 1 and the remaining inputs are such that stout = qacc, then both programs can have different functionality. We will show that this case cannot happen.

From the correctness property 5, it follows that if Verify-Spl(VKC,(1) , min, σin) = 1, then min = mi. As a result, win = wi, posin = posi, stin = sti.

Therefore, (symin =  or VerifyR(PPAcc, symin, wi, posi, π) = 1) =⇒ symin = symi, which implies stout = sti+1. However, since M is not accepting, sti+1 6= qacc. Therefore, t = i + 1 and Verify-Spl(VKC,(1) , min, σin) = 1 and stout = qacc cannot take place.

Claim 2.43. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

8 9 nition 2.5), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is a reversal of the step from H6 to H7, and therefore the proof of this claim is similar to that of Claim 2.41.

Claim 2.44. Assuming S satisfies splitting indistinguishability (Definition

9 10 2.12), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

117 Proof. We will use the splittable indistinguishability property (Definition 2.12)

9 10 for this claim. Assume there is a PPT adversary A such that |advA−advA | = . We will construct an algorithm B that uses A to break the splitting indis- tinguishability of S. B first receives as input from the challenger a tuple

(σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo), where either all components are derived from the same secret key, or the first two are from one secret key, and the last two from another secret key. Using this tuple, B can define the constants required for Prog-2-i-4. It computes KA{i},KB{i}, PPAcc, PPItr, mi as described in hy- brid H9 and hardwires σ(1) , VK(1) , skabo, VKabo in the program. In this way, B can simulate either H9 or H10, and therefore, use A’s advantage to break the splitting indistinguishability.

Claim 2.45. Assuming S satisfies splitting indistinguishability (Definition

10 11 2.12), for any PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This claim follows from correctness properties of S. Note that the programs W10 and W11 can possibly differ only if t = i + 1. Let us consider all the possible scenarios. Each of those can be addressed using one/more of the correctness properties of S.

1. Signatures verify and stin = qacc. Both programs output ⊥.

2. Verify-Spl(VKC,(1) , min, σin) = 1 and stout 6= qacc. In this case, W10 outputs 0 Sign-Spl(skA, mout). Note that using correctness properties 3 and 5, we 0 get that min = mi, and therefore, W11 outputs Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

118 3. Verify-Spl(VKC,(1) , min, σin) = 0 but Verify-Spl(VKC,abo, min, σin) = 1. In 0 this case, W10 sets α =‘B’, and therefore the program outputs Sign-Spl(skB,

mout). Using property 6, it follows that min 6= mi, and hence W11 also gives the same output. 4. Signatures do not verify at both steps. In this case, both programs output ⊥.

Claim 2.46. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF scheme, for

11 12 any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim is identical to the proof of Claim 2.36.

Claim 2.47. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

12 13 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof is identical to the proof of Claim 2.35; it follows directly from the correctness of puncturable PRFs.

2.5.5 Proof of Lemma 2.13

Formal Proof We will first define a sequence of hybrid experiments H0,...,H8,

0 where H0 corresponds to Hyb2,i and H9 corresponds to Hyb2,i+1.

0 Hybrid H0 This corresponds to Hyb2,i.

119 Hybrid H1 In this hybrid, the challenger uses ‘read enforced’ setup for the accumulator. The challenger computes the first `inp + i ‘correct tuples’ for the accumulator. Initially, the state is st0 = q0. Let tape be a T dimensional vector, the first `inp entries of tape correspond to the input inp. The remaining are ‘ ’. Let sym0 = tape[0] and pos0 = 0. For j = 1 to i

1. Let (stj, symw,j, β) = δ(stj−1, symj−1).

2. Set tape[posj−1] = symw,j, posj = posj−1 + β, symj = tape[posj].

Let enf = ((inp[0], 0), ...,(inp[`inp − 1], `inp − 1), (symw,1, pos0), ...,

λ (symw,i, posi−1)). The challenger computes (PPAcc, we0, store^ 0) ← Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 ,

T , enf, posi). The remaining steps are same as in the previous hybrid.

Hybrid H2 In this hybrid, the challenger uses program P2 (defined in Figure

0 2.31), which is similar to Prog -2-i. However, in addition to checking if min = mi, it also checks if (vout, posout, stout) = (vi+1, posi+1, sti+1).

Hybrid H3 In this experiment, the challenger uses normal setup instead of ‘read enforced’ setup for the accumulator.

Hybrid H4 In this hybrid, the challenger ‘write enforces’ the accumula- tor. As in hybrid H1, the challenger computes the first `inp + i + 1 ‘correct tuples’ to be accumulated. Let symw,j, posj be the symbol output and the

th position after the j step. The challenger computes (PPAcc, we0, store^ 0) ←

120 P2

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K, message mi, iterator value vi+1, position posi+1 ∈ [T ] , state sti+1 ∈ Q.

0 Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications: Same as before. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). If t = i + 1 and min = mi and (vout, posout, stout) = 0 (vi+1, posi+1, sti+1), σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). Else if t = i + 1 and (min 6= mi or (vout, posout, stout) 6= 0 (vi+1, posi+1, sti+1)), σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.31: P2

λ Setup-Acc-EnfW(1 ,T, enf), where enf = ((inp[0], 0),..., (inp[`inp − 1], `inp −

1), (symw,1, pos0),..., (symw,i, posi−1), (symw,i+1, posi)). The remaining compu- tation is same as in previous step.

Hybrid H5 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of

P5 = P5{i, KA,KB, mi, mi+1}, which is similar to P2. However, on input where t = i + 1, before computing signature, it also checks if wout = wi+1. Therefore, it checks whether min = mi and mout = mi+1.

121 P5

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K, message mi, mi+1.

0 Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications: Same as before. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). If t = i + 1 and min = mi and mout = mi+1, σout = 0 Sign-Spl(skA, mout). Else if t = i + 1 and (min 6= mi or mout 6= mi+1), σout = 0 Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.32: P5

Hybrid H6 This experiment is similar to the previous one, except that the challenger uses normal setup for accumulator instead of ‘enforcing write’.

Hybrid H7 This experiment is similar to the previous one, except that the challenger uses enforced setup for iterator instead of normal setup. It first computes PPAcc, w0, store0 as in the previous hybrid. Next, it computes the

first i + 1 ‘correct messages’ for the iterator. Let st0 = q0 and pos0 = 0. For j = 1 to i + 1

1.( symj, πj) = PrepR(PPAcc, storej−1, posj−1).

122 2. Let (stj, symw,j, β) = δ(stj−1, symj−1).

3. auxj = PrepW(PPAcc, storej−1, posj−1).

4. wj = Update(PPAcc, wj−1, symw,j, posj−1, auxj).

5. storej = WriteS(PPAcc, storej−1, posj−1, symw,j).

6. posj = posj−1 + β.

Let enf = ((st0, w0, pos0),..., (sti, wi, posi)). It computes (PPItr, v0) ← Setup-Itr-Enforce(1λ,T, enf). The remaining hybrid proceeds as the previous one.

Hybrid H8 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of

P8 = P8{i, KA,KB, mi+1} (defined in Figure 2.33), which is similar to P5, except that it only checks if mout = mi+1.

Hybrid H9 This corresponds to Hyb2,i+1. The only difference between this experiment and the previous one is that this uses normal Setup for iterator. Analysis

i Let advA denote the advantage of A in hybrid Hi.

Claim 2.48. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

0 1 nition 2.5), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof is identical to the proof of Claim 2.41; it follows from Read Setup indistinguishability (Definition 2.5) of Acc.

123 P8

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public param- eters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K, message mi+1.

0 Input: Time t ∈ [T ], position posin ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications: Same as before. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). 0 If t = i + 1 and mout = mi+1 set σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). Else if t = i + 1 and (mout 6= mi+1), set σout = 0 Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.33: P8

Claim 2.49. Assuming Acc is Read enforcing (Definition 2.7) and iO is a se-

1 2 cure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any PPT adversary A, |advA −advA| ≤ negl(λ).

0 Proof. In order to prove this claim, it suffices to show that P0 = Prog -2-i{i,

M, T , msgb, PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB, mi} and P1 = Prog-2-i-b{i, M, T , msgb,

PPAcc, PPItr, KA, KB, mi, vi+1, posi+1, sti+1} are functionally identical. P0 and P1 are functionally identical iff min = mi =⇒ (vout, posout, stout) =

(vi+1, posi+1, sti+1). Here, we will use the Read enforcing property. Note that min = mi =⇒ win = wi, vin = vi, stin = sti and posin = posi. From Definition

2.7 and the definition of H1/H2, it follows that if VerifyR(PPAcc, wi, symin, posin, π) =

124 1, then symin = symi. This, together with stin, vin, posin implies that vout = vi+1, posout = posi+1 and stout = sti+1. This completes our proof.

Claim 2.50. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

2 3 nition 2.5), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is a reversal of the step from H0 to H1; its proof is identical to that of Claim 2.35.

Claim 2.51. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Write Setup (Def-

3 4 inition 2.6), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof follows from the Write Setup indistinguishability (Defini-

3 tion 2.6) of Acc. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that advA − 4 advA = . We will construct an algorithm B that uses A to break the

Write Setup indistinguishability of Acc. B first computes the first `inp + i + 1 tuples to be accumulated - enf = ((inp[0], 0),..., (inp[`inp − 1], `inp −

1), (symw,1, pos0),..., (symw,i+1, posi)). Next, it sends enf to the challenger, and receives PPAcc, we0, store^ 0. The remaining encoding computation is iden- tical in both hybrids, and therefore, B can simulate it perfectly using PPAcc, we0, store^ 0. In this manner, B can perfectly simulate either H3 or H4, depend- ing on the challenger’s input, and then use A’s response to win the security game with non-negligible advantage.

Claim 2.52. Assuming Acc is Write enforcing (Definition 2.8) and iO is

4 a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any PPT adversary A, |advA − 5 advA| ≤ negl(λ).

125 Proof. Let P0 = Prog-2-i-b{msgb, mi, vi+1, posi+1, sti+1} and P1 = Prog-2-i-c{msgb, mi, mi+1}. In order to prove that P0 and P1 have identical functionality, it suffices to show that min = mi and (vout, posout, stout)=(vi+1, posi+1, sti+1)

=⇒ wout = wi+1. Here, we will use the Write enforcing property (Defini- tion 2.8). Using the Write enforcing property, we can conclude that wout =

Update(PPAcc, wi, symw,i+1, posi, aux) =⇒ wout = wi+1 or wout = Reject. In either case, we get that the functionality of P0 and P1 is identical, therefore implying that their obfuscations are indistinguishable.

Claim 2.53. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Write Setup (Def-

5 6 inition 2.6), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is a reversal of the step from H3 to H4; its proof is identical to that of Claim 2.51.

Claim 2.54. Assuming Itr satisfies indistinguishability of Setup (Definition

6 7 2.3), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

6 7 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| is non- negligible. We will construct an algorithm B that breaks the Setup indistin- guishability of Itr (Definition 2.3). B computes the first i + 1 tuples to be

‘iterated’ upon. Let stj, wj and posj be the state, accumulated value and po-

th sition after j step (as described in hybrid H7). B sets enf = ((st0, w0, pos0),

...,(sti, wi, posi)) and sends it to the Itr challenger. It receives PPItr, v0 from the challenger. The remaining computation is identical in both hybrids. Fi- nally, it sends the encoding to A and using A’s response, it computes the

126 6 7 output to challenger. Since |advA − advA| is non-negligible, B’s advantage is also non-negligible.

Claim 2.55. Assuming Itr is enforcing (Definition 2.4) and iO is a secure

7 8 indistinguishability obfuscator, for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. In order to prove this claim, we need to argue that P5 = P5{i, KA,KB, mi, mi+1} and P8 = P8{i, KA,KB, mi+1} are computationally indistinguish- able. If we can show that P5 and P8 are functionally identical, then using iO security, we can argue that their obfuscations are computationally indis- tinguishable. Note that the only difference between P5 and P8 is in Step

3d: P5 checks if (min = mi) and (mout = mi+1), while P8 only checks if

(mout = mi+1). Therefore, we need to show that mout = mi+1 =⇒ min = mi. This follows directly from the enforcing property of Itr (recall in both hybrids,

PPItr, v0 are computed using Setup-Itr-Enforce). Since vout = vi+1, it implies vin = vi and (stin, win, posin) = (sti, wi, posi). This concludes our proof.

Claim 2.56. Assuming Itr satisfies indistinguishability of Setup (Definition

8 9 2.3), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This is a reversal of the step from H7 to H8, and its proof is similar to that of Claim 2.54.

127 2.5.6 Proof of Lemma 2.14

We will now describe a sequence of hybrids, where the first hybrid

0 ∗ ∗ corresponds to Prog -2-t − 1{M,T , t , PPAcc, PPItr, msgb, KA, KB, mt∗−1}

∗ and the last hybrid corresponds to Prog-3{M,T , t , PPAcc, PPItr, msgb, KA,


Hybrid H1 In this hybrid, the challenger computes the parameters for the accumulator using read-enforced setup at position post∗−1. It first computes

∗ the first t −1 ‘correct inputs’ to be accumulated. Initially, the state is st0 = q0.

Let tape be a T dimensional vector, the first `inp entries of tape correspond to the input inp. The remaining are ‘ ’. Let sym0 = tape[0] and pos0 = 0. For j = 1 to t∗ − 1

1. Let (stj, symw,j, β) = δ(stj−1, symj−1).

2. Set tape[posj−1] = symw,j, posj = posj−1 + β, symj = tape[posj].

Let enf = ((inp[0], 0), ...,(inp[`inp − 1], `inp − 1), (symw,1, pos0), ...,

λ (symw,t∗−1, post∗−2)) and let (PPAcc, we0, store^ 0) ← Setup-Acc-EnfR(1 ,T, enf, post∗−1). 0 The remaining hybrid proceeds as Hyb2,t∗−1.

Hybrid H2 In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of W2 =

∗ Prog-3{M,T , t , PPAcc, PPItr, msgb, KA, KB}.

Hybrid H3 In this program, the challenger uses Setup-Acc for Acc instead of using Setup-Acc-EnfR. Note that this corresponds to Hyb3.

128 Analysis

i Let advA denote the advantage of an adversary A in hybrid Hi.

Claim 2.57. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

0 1 nition 2.5), for any PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof is identical to the proof of Claim 2.41; it follows from Read Setup indistinguishability (Definition 2.5) of Acc.

Claim 2.58. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

1 2 PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

0 ∗ Proof. To prove this claim, we need to argue that W1 = Prog -2-t − 1{M,T ,

∗ ∗ t , PPAcc, PPItr, msgb, KA, KB, mt∗−1} and W2 = Prog-3{M,T , t , PPAcc,

PPItr, msgb, KA, KB} have identical functionality. The only possible reason for differing functionality is that W1 could output ‘A’ type signature when min = mt∗−1, while W2 could output ‘B’ type signature. The critical observation here is that since min = mt∗−1, both programs output ⊥. Since min = mt∗−1, win = wt∗−1, posin = post∗−1 and stin = stt∗−1. If we can show that symin = symt∗−1, then it follows that stout = stt∗ = qrej.

Since setup is read enforced at post∗−1, there are two possibilities:

1. VerifyR(PPAcc, wt∗−1, symin, post∗−1, π) = 0, in which case both programs output ⊥.

2. VerifyR(PPAcc, wt∗−1, symin, post∗−1, π) = 1, in which case, symin = symt∗−1.

This implies stout = qrej, and therefore, both programs output ⊥.

129 Hence, both programs have identical functionality. As a result, by the security of iO, their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable.

Claim 2.59. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

2 3 nition 2.5), for any PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is a reversal of the step from H0 to H1; the proof is identical to the proof of Claim 2.41.

2.5.7 Proof of Lemma 2.15

˜ ∗ We will define t = T − t + 1 hybrids H0,...,Ht˜, and show that they are computationally indistinguishable.

Hi In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-3-i{i, msgb,

KA, KB, mt∗−1} (defined in Figure 2.34).

Clearly, programs Prog-3 and Prog-3-t∗ are functionally identical, and therefore Hyb3 and Ht∗ are computationally indistinguishable. In order to show that Hi and Hi+1 are computationally indistinguishable, we will define intermediate hybrid experiments Hi,a,...,Hi, such that Hi,a corresponds to Hi and Hi,f corresponds to Hi+1.

Hi,a This corresponds to Hi.

130 Prog-3-i

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KA,KB ∈ K, mt∗−1.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(c) Let α =‘A’ and min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If t∗ < t ≤ i output ⊥. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(d) Let mout = (vout, stout, wout, posout). ∗ 0 If t = t , σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.34: Prog-3-i

Hi,b In this hybrid, the challenger first punctures the PRF key KA at input i; that is, KA{i} ← F.puncture(KA, i). Next, it computes rC = F (KA, i),

λ (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rC ) and finally, outputs an obfuscation of

Pi,b = Prog-3-i-b{i, msgb, KA, KB{i}, mt∗−1, VKC } (defined in Figure 2.35). It has verification key VKC hardwired.

λ Hi,c In this hybrid, the challenger chooses (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ) using true randomness instead of pseudorandom string. It then hardwires VKC

131 Prog-3-i-b

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Punctured PRF keys KA{i} ∈ Kp, Puncturable PRF key KB ∈ K, VK.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], symbol symin ∈ Σtape, position posin ∈ [T ], state ` stin ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Verifications

(b) If t 6= i + 1, let rA = F.eval(KA{i}, t − 1), rB = F (KB, t − 1). λ Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rA). Else let VKA = VK. (c) Let α =‘A’ and min = (vin, stin, win, posin). If t∗ < t ≤ i output ⊥. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 2. Computing next state and symbol: Same as before. 3. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature: Same as before. 4. Output posout, symout, stout, wout, vout, σout. Figure 2.35: Prog-3-i-b in Prog-3-i-b.

λ Hi,d In this hybrid, the challenger chooses (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ) as before, but instead of hardwiring VKC , it hardwires VKC,rej in Prog-3-i-b; that is, it outputs an obfuscation of Prog-3-i-b{i, msgb, KA, KB{i}, mt∗−1,


Hi,e In this hybrid, the challenger chooses (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) using F (K, i).

λ It computes rC = F (K, i), (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rC ), iO(Prog-3-i-b{i,

132 msgb, KA, KB{i}, mt∗−1, VKC,rej}).

Hi,f This hybrid corresponds to Hi+1. Analysis

We will first show that Hi and Hi+1 are computationally indistinguish-

i able. Let advA denote the advantage of adversary A in H0.

Claim 2.60. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

i,a i,b PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between Hi,a and Hi,b is that Hi,a outputs an ob- fuscation of Prog-3-i, while Hi,b outputs an obfuscation of Prog-3-i-b. Prog-3-i uses puncturable PRF key KA, while Prog-3-i-b uses punctured key KA{i} punctured at i. Prog-3-i-b also has verification key VKC hardwired, which is computed using F (KA, i). For t 6= i + 1, both programs have identical func- tionality (this follows from the correctness of puncturable PRFs). For t = i+1, the verification part is identical, since VKC hardwired is computed correctly. Also, note that the corresponding secret key is not required at t = i (for t = i, both programs do not output an ‘A’ type signature). As a result, the programs have identical functionality. Therefore, this claim follows from the security of iO.

Claim 2.61. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

i,b i,c PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

133 Proof. The proof of this claim follows from the security of puncturable PRFs.

Claim 2.62. Assuming S satisfies VKrej indistinguishability, for any PPT ad-

i,c i,d versary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that the secret key skC is not used in both the hybrids. As a result,

i,c i,d if there exists a PPT adversary A such that advA −advA is non-negligible, then there exists a PPT algorithm that breaks the VKrej indistinguishability of S. B receives a verification key VK from the challenger, which is either a normal verification key or a reject-verification key. It hardwires VK in Prog-3-i-b. The remaining steps are identical in both hybrids. Based on A’s guess, B guesses whether VK is a normal verification key or if it always rejects. Since

i,c i,d advA − advA is non-negligible, B’s advantage is also non-negligible.

Claim 2.63. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

i,d i,e PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is the reverse of the step from Hi,b to Hi,c; the proof follows from the security of puncturable PRFs.

Claim 2.64. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

i,e i,f PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only differences between the programs Prog-3-i-b and Prog-3-i + 1 are:

134 1. Prog-3-i-b uses a punctured PRF key KA{i}, and has the reject-verification

key computed using F (KA, i). As a result, it outputs ⊥ for all inputs corresponding to t = i + 1. Prog-3-i + 1, on the other hand, uses a punc-

turable PRF key KA, and for inputs corresponding to t = i + 1, directly outputs ⊥.

Using the correctness of puncturable PRFs, and the fact that VKrej always out- puts ⊥, we get that the two programs are functionally identical, and therefore,

Hi,e and Hi,f are computationally indistinguishable.

2.6 Machine Hiding Encodings

In this section, we will describe machine hiding encodings. Let M be a Turing machine, x an input to the Turing machine, and T the time bound.

T As before, let ΠM (x) be a function runs M on input x for at most T steps, and if M does not halt in T steps, it outputs 0. A machine hiding encoding scheme McHE consists of algorithms Mc.enc and Mc.dec described below.

Mc.enc(1λ, M, T, x) The encoding algorithm is a randomized algorithm that takes as input the security parameter λ (in unary), the description of a Turing machine M, time bound T (in binary) and an input x. It outputs an encoding Enc.

Mc.dec(1λ, M, T, x, Enc) The decoding algorithm takes as input the security parameter λ (in unary), the description of Turing machine M, time bound T (in binary), input x and an encoding Enc. It outputs 0/1.

135 Correctness Fix any security parameter λ, Turing machine M, input x and time bound T . Then, the following holds:

λ λ T Mc.dec(1 , M, x, Mc.enc(1 , M, T, x)) = ΠM (x).

Efficiency We require that Mc.enc outputs the encoding in time poly(λ, |M|, |x|, lg T ) (which implies the size of encoding is poly(λ, |M|, |x|, lg T )), while Mc.dec runs in time poly(λ, |M|, |x|, t∗), where t∗ is the running time of M on input x.

Security We consider the following indistinguishability based security no- tion. Let M0,M1 be any Turing machines, T a time bound and x an input to the Turing machines. M0 and M1 are said to be conforming on input x if

∗ M0(x) = M1(x) and both halt in t < T steps.

Definition 2.14. A machine hiding encoding scheme McHE is said to be secure if for all PPT adversaries A, for all security parameters λ, machines M0,M1 with equally-sized descriptions, time bounds T and inputs x such that M0 and

M1 are conforming on input x,

λ | Pr[A(Mc.enc(1 ,Mb, T, x)) = b] − 1/2| ≤ negl(λ).

Here, when we say that M0 and M1 are “conforming” on x, we mean

∗ that M0(x) = M1(x), and both halt at the same time t .

Remark 2.6.1. For our construction, we will assume the encoding function also receives as input the tape movement function for machine M on input x, and

136 that M0 and M1 have identical tape movement functions on input x; that is

tmfM0,x and tmfM1,x are identical functions. We can make this assumption without loss of generality because both M0 and M1 can be compiled into oblivious Turing machines OTM0 and OTM1 such that they have identical tape movement functionality. The overhead associated with converting them into oblivious Turing machines is only polylog(T ) [474].

2.6.1 Construction

In this section, we will construct a machine hiding encoding scheme McHE = (Mc.enc, Mc.dec). This construction is similar to the message hiding encoding scheme construction described in Section 2.5.1. As mentioned in Remark 2.6.1, we will assume the encoding function is also given the tape movement function tmfM (·).

Let PKE = (Setup-PKE, Enc-PKE, Dec-PKE) be a public key encryp- tion scheme. We will assume Setup-PKE uses `1 = `1(λ) bits of random- ness, and Enc-PKE uses `2 = `2(λ) bits of randomness, where `1 and `2 are polynomials and let `rnd = `1 + 2`2. We will let `3 denote the bit length of ciphertexts produced by Enc-PKE. Let iO be a secure indistinguisha- bility obfuscator, Acc =(Setup-Acc, Setup-Acc-EnfR, Setup-Acc-EnfW, PrepR, PrepW, VerifyR, WriteS, Update) a positional accumulator scheme with message

`3+lg T space {0, 1} and producing accumulator values of bit length `Acc, Itr =

(Setup-Itr, Setup-Itr-Enforce, Iterate) an iterator for message space {0, 1}`3+`Acc+lg T with iterated value of size `Itr bits and S = (Setup-Spl, Sign-Spl, Verify-Spl, Split,

137 Sign-Spl-abo) a splittable signature scheme with message space {0, 1}`Itr+`3+`Acc+lg T .

For simplicity of notation, we will assume Setup-Spl uses `rnd(λ) bits of ran- domness. Let F a puncturable PRF with key space K, punctured key space

`rnd(λ) Kp, domain [T ], range {0, 1} and algorithms F.setup, F.puncture, F.eval. The algorithms Mc.enc and Mc.dec are defined as follows.

• Mc.enc(1λ, M, T, x, tmf) The encoding algorithm first chooses puncturable

λ λ PRF keys KE ← F.setup(1 ), KA ← F.setup(1 ). KE will be used for

computing an encryption of the symbol and state, and KA to compute

the secret key/verification key for signature scheme. Let (r0,1, r0,2, r0,3) =

λ F (KE, 0), (pk, sk) = Setup-PKE(1 ; r0,1).

λ It computes (PPAcc, we0, store] 0) ← Setup-Acc(1 ,T ). Let `inp = |x|. It en-

crypts each bit of x separately; that is, it computes cti = Enc-PKE(pk, xi)

for 1 ≤ i ≤ `inp. These ciphertexts are ‘accumulated’ using the accumula-

tor. It computes store] j = WriteS(PPAcc, store] j−1, j − 1, (ctj, 0)), auxj =

PrepW(PPAcc, store] j−1, j −1), wej = Update(PPAcc, wej−1, inpj, j −1, auxj) for 1 ≤ j ≤ ` . Finally, it sets w = w and s = store . inp 0 e`inp 0 ] `inp

λ Next, it computes (PPItr, v0) ← Setup-Itr(1 ,T ), Finally, it computes an

obfuscation P ← iO(Prog{M, T , PPAcc, PPItr, KE, KA}) where Prog is defined in Figure 2.36.

It computes ctst ← Enc-PKE(pk, q0). Let rA = F (KA, 0), (sk0, VK0) =

λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rA) and σ0 = Sign-Spl(skA, (v0, ctst, w0, 0)). It outputs Enc =

(P, w0, v0, σ0, store0).

138 Program Prog

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. Let posin = tmf(t − 1) and posout = tmf(t). 2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t, out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (c) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 3. Computing next state and symbol

(a) Let (rlw,1, rlw,2, rlw,3) = F (KE, lw), (pklw, sklw) = λ Setup-PKE(1 ; rlw,1), sym = Dec-PKE(sklw, ctsym,in). (b) Let (rt−1,1, rt−1,2, rt−1,3) = F (KE, t − 1), (pkst, skst) = λ Setup-PKE(1 , rt−1,1), st = Dec-PKE(skst, ctst,in). (c) Let (st0, sym0, β) = δ(st, sym). (d) If stout = qrej output 0. (e) If stout = qacc output 1. 0 0 (f) Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , sym ; rt,2) and 0 0 ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , st ; rt,3). 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout) and σout = 0 Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

5. Output posin, ctsym,out, ctct,out, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.36: Program Prog

139 • Mc.dec(Enc) The decoding algorithm receives as input Enc = ((P , ctst,0,

w0, v0, σ0, store0)). Let pos0 = 0. For i = 1 to T ,

1. Let ((ctsym,lw, lw), π) = PrepR(PPAcc, storei−1, posi−1).

2. Let aux = PrepW(PPAcc, storei−1, posi−1).

3. Compute (posi,(ctsym,i, lw), ctst,i, wi, vi, σi) = P (t,(ctsym,lw, lw), ctst,i−1,

wi−1, vi−1, σi−1, aux, π). If P has output 0, 1, or ⊥, then output the same.

4. Otherwise, compute storei = WriteS(PPAcc, storei−1, posi, (ctsym,i, i)).

2.6.2 Proof of Security

Theorem 2.2. Assuming PKE is IND-CPA secure, iO is a secure indistin- guishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12, McHE is a secure machine hiding encoding scheme (Definition 2.14).

Proof. Consider any Turing machines M0 and M1, input x and time bound T such that M0 and M1 are conforming on input x. Let tmf(·) be the tape move-

∗ ment function corresponding to M0 and M1, and let t < T be the instance at which the machines halt on input x. For the proof, we wil define a sequence of

‘outer’ hybrid experiments Hyb0,..., Hyb, and then show that any two outer hybrids are computationally indistinguishable.

140 Hyb0 This hybrid corresponds to the real security game. The challenger

λ chooses b ← {0, 1} and honestly computes Enc ← Mc.enc(1 ,Mb, T, x, tmf(·)). It sends Enc to A and A sends its guess b0.

∗ ∗ Hyb1 In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-1{t ,KA,KE, b } (defined in Figure 2.37) as part of the encoding. This program is similar to Prog, however, for input t > t∗, it outputs ⊥. At t = t∗, it outputs b∗, which is hardwired by the challenger to be Mb(x).

0 Next, we define a sequence of hybrids Hyb2,i and Hyb2,i, where 1 ≤ i ≤

∗ t . Let erase be a symbol not present in Σtape.

∗ Hyb2,i In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Prog-2-i{i, t ,

∗ ∗ KE, KA, F b } as part of the encoding. Prog-2-i also rejects on input t > t , and outputs b∗ on t∗ if the signature is the correct one. For t < i, its input output behavior is similar to that of Prog. However, for i ≤ t < t∗, on receiving a valid signature, it simply outputs encryptions of erase as the encryption of the state and symbol. It accumulates and iterates accordingly.

0 Hyb2,i In this hybrid, the challenger chooses b ∈ {0, 1}, runs Mb for i−1 steps and computes the state st∗ and symbol sym∗ written at (i − 1)th step. Next, it

λ computes (ri−1,1, ri−1,2, ri−1,3) = F (KE, i − 1), (pk, sk) = Setup-PKE(1 ; ri−1,1),

141 Prog-1

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , ∗ halt-time t ≤ T , message msg, Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA ∈ K, output b∗.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

∗ 1. If t > t , output ⊥. Else let posin = tmf(t − 1) and posout = tmf(t). 3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗, output b∗. (b) Let (rlw,1, rlw,2, rlw,3) = F (KE, lw), (pklw, sklw) = λ Setup-PKE(1 ; rlw,1), sym = Dec-PKE(sklw, ctsym,in). (c) Let (rt−1,1, rt−1,2, rt−1,3) = F (KE, t − 1), (pkst, skst) = λ Setup-PKE(1 , rt−1,1), st = Dec-PKE(skst, ctst,in). (d) Let (st0, sym0, β) = δ(st, sym). (e) If stout = qrej output 0. (f) If stout = qacc output 1. 0 0 (g) Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , sym ; rt,2) and 0 0 ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , st ; rt,3).

Figure 2.37: Prog-1

∗ ∗ ct1 = Enc-PKE(pk, sym ; ri−1,2) and ct2 = Enc-PKE(pk, st ; ri−1,3). It then

0 ∗ ∗ computes the obfuscation of Wi,b = Prog -2-i{i, t ,KE,KA, ct1, ct2, b }, which has the ciphertexts ct1 and ct2 hardwired. On input corresponding to step i − 1, Wi,b checks if the signature is valid, and if so, it outputs ct1 and ct2 without decrypting.

142 Prog-2-i

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA ∈ K, output b∗.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗, output b∗. (b) If i ≤ t < t∗ 0 0 i. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1). 0 ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,2) and ctst,out = 0 Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,3).

(c) Else let (rlw,1, rlw,2, rlw,3) = F (KE, lw), (pklw, sklw) = λ Setup-PKE(1 ; rlw,1), sym = Dec-PKE(sklw, ctsym,in). (d) Let (rt−1,1, rt−1,2, rt−1,3) = F (KE, t − 1), (pkst, skst) = λ Setup-PKE(1 , rt−1,1), st = Dec-PKE(skst, ctst,in). (e) Let (st0, sym0, β) = δ(st, sym). (f) If stout = qrej output 0. (g) If stout = qacc output 1. 0 0 (h) Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , sym ; rt,2) and 0 0 ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , st ; rt,3).

Figure 2.38: Prog-2-i

x Analysis Let advA denote the advantage of adversary A in hybrid Hybx, and 0x 0 advA the advantage of A in Hybx.

Lemma 2.16. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S

143 Prog0-2-i

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,Kst ∈ K, output ∗ b , ciphertexts ct1, ct2. Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗, output b∗. (b) If i ≤ t < t∗ 0 0 i. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,2) 0 and ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,3). (c) Else if t = i − 1,

i. Set ctsym,out = ct1 and ctst,out = ct2.

Figure 2.39: Prog0-2-i is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

0 1 and 2.12, for any PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.6.3.

Claim 2.65. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

1 2,t∗ adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. We note that the programs Prog-1 and Prog-2-t∗ are functionally iden- tical.

Lemma 2.17. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3

144 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

2,i 02,i and 2.12, for any PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.6.4.

Lemma 2.18. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, PKE is IND-CPA secure, for any adversary

02,i 2,i−1 A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is contained in Section 2.6.5.

2,1 To conclude, we note that advA = 0, as the differences between M0 and M1 have all been “erased.”

2.6.3 Proof Outline for Lemma 2.16

0 Proof Outline We will first define hybrid experiments Hint,Hint and Habort.

Hybrid Hint In this hybrid, the challenger first computes the correct mes-

∗ sage mt∗−1 output at time t − 1. Next, it outputs an obfuscation of Pint =

∗ Pint{t ,KE,KA,KB, mt∗−1} (defined in Figure 2.40) which has mt∗−1 hard- wired. It accepts only ‘A’ type signatures. However, at t = t∗ − 1, it checks if

145 Program Pint

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ∈ [T ], Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, message mt∗−1.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). 0 0 (c) Let rS,A = F (KA, t), rS,B = F (KB, t). Com- 0 0 0 λ 0 pute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A), 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (d) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). ∗ 0 If t = t − 1 and mout = mt∗−1, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). ∗ 0 Else if t = t −1 and mout 6= mt∗−1, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

5. Output posin, ctsym,out, ctct,out, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.40: Program Pint the outgoing message is mt∗−1. If so, it outputs an ‘A’ type signature, else it outputs a ‘B’ type signature.

0 Hybrid Hint This hybrid is similar to Hint, except that the challenger also

∗ 0 0 ∗ computes b = Mb(x) and outputs an obfuscation of Pint = Pint{t ,KE,KA,KB,

∗ mt∗−1, b } (defined in Figure 2.41). This program is identical to Pint, except for inputs corresponding to t = t∗. At t = t∗, the program verifies the validity of signature, and then outputs b∗ (which it has hardwired). It does not decrypt

146 the ciphertexts.

0 Program Pint

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ∈ [T ], Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ message mt∗−1, bit b .

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗ output b∗.

0 Figure 2.41: Program Pint

∗ Hybrid Habort In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Pabort{t ,

∗ 0 KA, KE, b } (defined in Figure 2.42). This program is similar to Pint, except that it does not output ‘B’ type signatures.

int 0int abort Let advA , advA , advA be the advantages of an adversary A in Hint,

0 0 1 Hint and Habort respectively. Recall advA and advA denote A’s advantage in

Hyb0 and Hyb1 respectively.

Lemma 2.19. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

0 int and 2.12, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

147 Program Pabort

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ∈ [T ], Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public ∗ parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA ∈ K, bit b .

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗ output b∗. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let rS,A = F (KA, t). Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). 0 σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

Figure 2.42: Program Pabort

Proof. The proof of this lemma is very similar to the proof of Theorem 2.1. Therefore, in this section, we will give outline of the proof, consisting of the outer hybrids, and refer to proof of Theorem 2.1. We will first define interme-

0 ∗ diate hybrids H0,H1 and H2,j,H2,j for 0 ≤ j < t .

∗ Hybrid H0 The challenger outputs P0 = Prog{t , KE, KA}.

∗ Hybrid H1 The challenger outputs P1 = P1{t , KE, KA,KB} (defined in Figure 2.43). This is similar to Prog-1 defined in Figure 2.18. This program

148 has PRF key KB hardwired and accepts both ‘A’ and ‘B’ type signatures for t < t∗. If the incoming signature is of type α, then so is the outgoing signature.


Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, output b∗.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let F (KB, t − 1) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). 0 0 0 0 (e) Let F (KB, t) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (f) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin) and α =‘-’. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’. If α =‘-’ and t ≥ t∗ output ⊥. If α = ‘-’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘B’. If α = ‘-’ output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). (c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout) and σout = 0 Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

Figure 2.43: P1

149 ∗ 0 ∗ Next, we define 2t intermediate circuits - P2,j,P2,j for 0 ≤ j ≤ t − 1. These programs are analogous to Prog-2-i and Prog0-2-i in the proof of Theorem 2.1.

Hybrid H2,j In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of P2,j =

∗ P2,j{j, t ,KE,KA,KB, mj}. This circuit, defined in Figure 2.44, accepts ‘B’ type signatures only for inputs corresponding to j + 1 ≤ t ≤ t∗ − 1. It also has the correct output message for step j - mj hardwired. If an input has j + 1 ≤ t ≤ t∗ − 1, then the output signature, if any, is of the same type as the incoming signature. If t = j, the program outputs an ‘A’ type signature if mout = mj, else it outputs a ‘B’ type signature.

0 0 Hybrid H2,j In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of P2,j =

0 ∗ P2,j{j, t ,KE,KA,KB, mj}. This circuit, defined in Figure 2.45, accepts ‘B’ type signatures only for inputs corresponding to j + 2 ≤ t ≤ t∗ − 1. It also has the correct input message for step j + 1 - mj hardwired. If t = j + 1 and min = mj it outputs an ‘A’ type signature, else it outputs a ‘B’ type signature. If an input has j + 2 ≤ t ≤ t∗ − 1, then the output signature, if any, is of the same type as the incoming signature.


Claim 2.66. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is

150 P2,j

Constants: j, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ output b , message mj.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let F (KB, t − 1) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). 0 0 0 0 (e) Let F (KB, t) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (f) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin) and α =‘-’. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’. If α =‘-’ and (t ≥ t∗ or t ≤ j) output ⊥. If α = ‘-’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘B’. If α = ‘-’ output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥.

(b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)).

(c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). 0 If t = j and mout = mj, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = j and mout 6= mj, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

Figure 2.44: P2,j

151 0 P2,j

Constants: j, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ output b , message mj.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let F (KB, t − 1) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). 0 0 0 0 (e) Let F (KB, t) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (f) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin) and α =‘-’. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘A’. If α =‘-’ and (t ≥ t∗ or t ≤ j + 1) output ⊥. If α = ‘-’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 1 set α =‘B’. If α = ‘-’ output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). (c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). 0 If t = j + 1 and min = mj, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = j + 1 and min 6= mj, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout).

0 Figure 2.45: P2,j

152 a secure puncturable PRF and S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying

0 1 Definition 2.9, for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.11.

Claim 2.67. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

1 2 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Note that P1 and P2,0 have identical functionality.

Claim 2.68. Let 0 ≤ j ≤ t∗ − 1. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF and S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12, for any PPT

2,j 02,j adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.12.

Claim 2.69. Let 0 ≤ j ≤ t∗ − 2. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, Itr is an iterator satisfying indistinguishability of Setup (Defini- tion 2.3) and is enforcing (Definition 2.4), and Acc is an accumulator satis- fying indistinguishability of Read/Write Setup (Definitions 2.5 and 2.6) and is Read/Write enforcing (Definitions 2.7 and 2.8), for any PPT adversary A,

02,j 2,j+1 |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ). indistinguishable.

The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.13.

Claim 2.70. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

2,t∗−1 int PPT adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

153 Note that P2,t∗−1 and Pint are functionally identical circuits. This com- pletes the proof of our lemma.

Lemma 2.20. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

int 0int and 2.12, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. To prove this lemma, we will define a sequence of hybrid experiments and show that they are computationally indistinguishable.

Hybrid H0 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of

∗ P0 = Pint{t , KE, KA, KB, mt∗−1}.

Hybrid H1 In this hybrid, the challenger first computes the constants for program P1 as follows:

∗ ∗ 1. PRF keys KA and KB are punctured at t − 1 to obtain KA{t − 1} ←

∗ ∗ ∗ F.puncture(KA, t − 1) and KB{t − 1} ← F.puncture(KB, t − 1).

∗ λ 2. Let rc = F (KA, t − 1), (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rC ), rD =

∗ λ F (KB, t − 1), (skD, VKD, VKD,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rD).

154 ∗ ∗ ∗ It then outputs an obfuscation of P1 = P1{t ,KE,KA{t − 1},KB{t −

1}, VKC , skC , skD, mt∗−1} (defined in 2.46). P1 is identical to P0 on inputs corresponding to t 6= t∗ − 1, t∗. For t = t∗ − 1, it uses the hardwired signing keys. For t = t∗, it uses the hardwired verification key.

Hybrid H2 In this hybrid, rC and rD are chosen uniformly at random; that

λ is, the challenger computes (skC , VKC ) ← Setup-Spl(1 ) and (skD, VKD) ← Setup-Spl(1λ).

Hybrid H3 In this hybrid, the challenger computes constrained secret/verification keys. It computes (σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo, VKC,abo) ← Split(skC , mt∗−1) and

(σD,(1) , VKD,(1) , skD,abo, VKD,abo) ← Split(skD, mt∗−1). It then outputs an obfus-

∗ ∗ ∗ cation of P3 = P3{i, t ,KE,KA{t −1},KB{t −1}, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, mt∗−1}

(defined in Figure 2.47). Note that skC , VKC , skD, VKD are not hardwired in this program.

Hybrid H4 In this hybrid, the challenger chooses PPAcc, w0, store0 using

Setup-Acc-EnfR. It then uses PPAcc, w0, store0, and proceeds as in previous

∗ ∗ experiment. It outputs an obfuscation of P3{i, t , PPAcc, KE, KA{t − 1},

∗ KB{t − 1}, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, mt∗−1}

∗ Hybrid H5 In this hybrid, the challenger first computes b = Mb(x).

155 P1

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , halt-time t∗ ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys ∗ ∗ ∗ KE,KA{t − 1},KB{t − 1} ∈ K, output b , message mt∗−1, VKC , skC , skD.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. ∗ ∗ (b) If t 6= t , let rS,A = F.eval(KA{t − 1}, t − 1). Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A).

Else VKA = VKC . ∗ 0 ∗ (c) If t 6= t − 1, let rS,A = F.eval(KA{t − 1}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). ∗ 0 ∗ (d) If t 6= t − 1, rS,B = F.eval(KB{t − 1}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). (c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). ∗ (d) If t = t − 1 and mout = mt∗−1, σout = Sign-Spl(skC , mout). ∗ Else if t = t − 1 and mout 6= mt∗−1 σout = Sign-Spl(skD, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

Figure 2.46: P1

∗ ∗ It then outputs an obfuscation of P5 = P5{i, t , PPAcc, KE, KA{t −

∗ ∗ 1}, KB{t − 1}, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, mt∗−1, b } (defined in Figure 2.48).

∗ This program differs from P3 for inputs corresponding to t = t . Instead of

156 P3

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , halt-time t∗ ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys ∗ ∗ ∗ KE,KA{t − 1},KB{t − 1} ∈ K, output b , message mt∗−1, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. ∗ ∗ (b) If t 6= t , let rS,A = F.eval(KA{t − 1}, t − 1). Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). Else VKA = VKC,(1) . ∗ 0 ∗ (c) If t 6= t − 1, let rS,A = F.eval(KA{t − 1}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). ∗ 0 ∗ (d) If t 6= t − 1, rS,B = F.eval(KB{t − 1}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (e) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥.

(b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)).

(c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). ∗ (d) If t = t − 1 and mout = mt∗−1, σout = σC,one. ∗ Else if t = t − 1 and mout 6= mt∗−1 σout = Sign-Spl-abo(skD,abo, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

Figure 2.47: P3

157 decrypting, computing the next state and then encrypting, the program uses the hardwired output b∗.


Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , halt-time t∗ ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys ∗ ∗ ∗ KE,KA{t − 1},KB{t − 1} ∈ K, output b , message mt∗−1, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, ciphertexts ct1, ct2.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗ output b∗. (b) Let (rlw,1, rlw,2, rlw,3) = F (KE, lw), (pklw, sklw) = λ Setup-PKE(1 ; rlw,1), sym = Dec-PKE(sklw, ctsym,in). (c) Let (rt−1,1, rt−1,2, rt−1,3) = F (KE, t − 1), (pkst, skst) = λ Setup-PKE(1 , rt−1,1), st = Dec-PKE(skst, ctst,in). (d) Let (st0, sym0, β) = δ(st, sym). (e) If stout = qrej output 0. (f) If stout = qacc output 1. 0 0 (g) Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , sym ; rt,2) and 0 0 ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , st ; rt,3).

Figure 2.48: P5

Hybrid H6 In this experiment, the challenger uses normal setup for Acc (that is, Setup-Acc) instead of Setup-Acc-EnfR.

0 Hybrid H7 This hybrid is identical to Hint. In this experiment, the chal-

0 lenger outputs an obfuscation of Wint.

158 x Analysis Let advA denote the advantage of adversary A in hybrid Hx.

Claim 2.71. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

0 1 PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between P0 and P1 is that P0 uses puncturable PRF

∗ ∗ ∗ keys KA,KB, while P1 uses keys KA{t − 1},KB{t − 1} punctured at t − 1.

It also has the secret key/verification key pair (skC , VKC ) hardwired, which

∗ is computed using F (KA, t − 1) and the secret key (skD) computed using

∗ F (KB, t − 1). From the correctness of puncturable PRFs, it follows that the two programs have identical functionality, and therefore their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable.

Claim 2.72. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

1 2 PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Claim 2.31; it follows from the selective security of puncturable PRF F .

Claim 2.73. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator and S

2 satisfies VK(1) indistinguishability (Definition 2.10), for any PPT A, |advA − 3 advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. In order to prove this claim, we consider an intermediate hybrid pro- gram in which only the constrained secret keys σC,(1) and skD,abo are hardwired, while VKC is hardwired as the verification key. Using the security of iO, we can

159 argue that the intermediate step and H2 are computationally indistinguishable.

Next, we use VK(1) indistinguishability to show that the intermediate step and

H3 are computationally indistinguishable.

Claim 2.74. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

3 4 nition 2.5), for any PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim follows from Read Setup indistinguishability (Definition 2.5); it is similar to the proof of 2.41.

Claim 2.75. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

4 5 PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof is similar to the proof of Claim 2.42. Note that since PPAcc is read enforced, and VKC,(1) accepts only signatures for mt∗−1. As a result, if min = mt∗−1 and PPAcc is read enforced, then stout = stt∗ , which implies that the output is b∗.

Claim 2.76. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

5 6 nition 2.5), for any PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim follows from Read Setup indistinguishability (Definition 2.5); it is similar to the proof of 2.41.

Claim 2.77. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF and S satisfies VK(1) indistinguishability

6 7 (Definition 2.10), for any PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

160 This step is the reverse of the step from H0 to H3. Therefore, using similar intermediate hybrid experiments, a similar proof works here as well.

Lemma 2.21. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

0int abort and 2.12, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is almost identical to the proof of Lemma 2.19.

Lemma 2.22. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure PRF and S satisfies VKrej indistinguishability (Definition

abort 1 2.9), for any PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

∗ ∗ Proof. Note that at t = t , Pabort either outputs b or outputs ⊥. This allows

∗ us to use VKrej indistinguishability to output ⊥ for all t > t . More formally,

∗ ∗ we will define T − t + 1 hybrids Habort,i for t ≤ i ≤ T . In hybrid Habort,i,

∗ ∗ the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Pabort,i{t ,KE,KA,KB, b } (defined in Figure 2.49) which aborts if the input corresponds to t > i.

Clearly, Pabort and Pabort,T −1 are functionally identical, and Prog-1 and

Pabort,t∗ are functionally identical. Therefore, all that remains to show is that

Habort,i and Habort,i−1 are computationally indistinguishable.

161 Program Pabort,i

Constants: Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ∈ [T ], Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ message mt∗−1, bit b .

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

1. If t > i, output ⊥. Let posin = tmf(t − 1) and posout = tmf(t).

Figure 2.49: Program Pabort,i

Claim 2.78. Assuming S satisfies VKrej indistinguishability (Definition 2.9), iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator and F is a selectively secure pseu-

abort,i abort,i−1 dorandom function, for any adversary A, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.15.

2.6.4 Proof of Lemma 2.17

Proof Outline As discussed in the intuition above, we will first define the

∗ programs Wint = Prog-2-iint{i, t , KE, KA, KB, mi−2} (defined in Figure

0 0 ∗ 2.50) and Wint = Prog -2-iint{i, t , KE, KA, KB, mi−2, ct1, ct2} (defined in

th 2.51). Both the programs have the correct message for the (i−2) step - mi−2 hardwired, and also have a PRF key KB for ‘B’ type signatures. In addition,

0 Wint also has ciphertexts ct1 and ct2 hardwired. These are encryptions of the state and symbol output at (i − 1)th step, computed as described in hybrid

162 0 Hyb2,i.


Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ output b , message mi−2.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (d) Let F (KB, t) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (e) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥.

(b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)).

(c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). 0 If t = i − 2 and mout = mi−2, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = i − 2 and mout = mi−2, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

Figure 2.50: Wint

163 0 Wint

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ output b , message mi−2, ciphertexts ct1, ct2.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗, output b∗. (b) If i ≤ t < t∗ 0 0 i. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1). 0 ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,2) and ctst,out = 0 Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,3).

(c) Else if t = i − 1, set ctsym,out = ct1, ctst,out = ct2. (d) Else

i. Let (rlw,1, rlw,2, rlw,3) = F (KE, lw), (pklw, sklw) = λ Setup-PKE(1 ; rlw,1), sym = Dec-PKE(sklw, ctsym,in). ii. Let (rt−1,1, rt−1,2, rt−1,3) = F (KE, t − 1), (pkst, skst) = λ Setup-PKE(1 , rt−1,1), st = Dec-PKE(skst, ctst,in). iii. Let (st0, sym0, β) = δ(st, sym). iv. If stout = qrej output 0. v. If stout = qacc output 1. 0 0 vi. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , sym ; rt,2) 0 0 and ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , st ; rt,3).

0 Figure 2.51: Wint

Let Hint be a hybrid experiment in which the challenger outputs an obfuscation of Wint, along with other elements of the encoding. Similarly, let

0 0 Hint be the hybrid experiment in which the challenger outputs Wint. For any

164 2,i int 0int 02,i+1 PPT adversary A, let advA , advA , advA , advA denote the advantage of 0 0 A in Hyb2,i,Hint,Hint and Hyb2,i respectively.

Lemma 2.23. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

2,i int and 2.12, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this lemma is along the same lines as the proof of Lemma 2.19. We will define similar hybrid experiments here.

∗ Hybrid H0 The challenger outputs P0 = Prog-2-i{i, t , KE, KA}.

∗ Hybrid H1 The challenger outputs P1 = P1{i, t , KE, KA,KB}. This is similar to Prog-1 defined in Figure 2.18. This program has PRF key KB hardwired and accepts both ‘A’ and ‘B’ type signatures for t ≤ i − 2. If the incoming signature is of type α, then so is the outgoing signature. It is defined in Figure 2.52.

0 Next, we define 2(i − 1) intermediate circuits - P2,j,P2,j for 0 ≤ j ≤ i − 2. These programs are analogous to Prog-2-i and Prog0-2-i in the proof of Theorem 2.1.

165 P1

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, output b∗.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let F (KB, t − 1) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). 0 0 0 0 (e) Let F (KB, t) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (f) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin) and α =‘A’. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 and t ≥ i − 1 output ⊥. Else if Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 set α =‘B’. If α =‘B’ and Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). (c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout) and σout = 0 Sign-Spl(skα, mout). (d) Output posin, ctsym,out, ctct,out, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.52: P1

Hybrid H2,j In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of P2,j =

∗ P2,j{i, j, t ,KE,KA,KB, mj}. This circuit, defined in Figure 2.53, accepts ‘B’

166 type signatures only for inputs corresponding to j + 1 ≤ t ≤ i − 2. It also has the correct output message for step j - mj hardwired. If an input has j + 1 ≤ t ≤ i − 2, then the output signature, if any, is of the same type as the incoming signature.

0 0 Hybrid H2,j In this hybrid, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of P2,j =

0 ∗ P2,j{i, j, t ,KE,KA,KB, mj}. This circuit, defined in Figure 2.54, accepts ‘B’ type signatures only for inputs corresponding to j + 2 ≤ t ≤ i − 2. It also has the correct input message for step j + 1 - mj hardwired. If t = j + 1 and min = mj it outputs an ‘A’ type signature, else it outputs a ‘B’ type signature. If an input has j + 2 ≤ t ≤ i − 2, then the output signature, if any, is of the same type as the incoming signature.

x Analysis Let advA denote the advantage of adversary A in hybrid Hx.

Claim 2.79. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a secure puncturable PRF and S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying

0 1 Definition 2.9, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.11.

1 Claim 2.80. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, advA − 2,0 advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that P1 and P2,0 have identical functionality.

167 P2,j

Constants: i, j, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time ∗ bound T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Pub- lic parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ output b , message mj.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let F (KB, t − 1) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). 0 0 0 0 (e) Let F (KB, t) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (f) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin) and α =‘A’. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 and (t ≤ j or t ≥ i − 1) output ⊥. Else if Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 set α =‘B’. If Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). (c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). 0 If t = j and mout = mj, σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout). 0 Else if t = j and mout 6= mj, σout = Sign-Spl(skB, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skα, mout). (d) Output posin, ctsym,out, ctct,out, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.53: P2,j

168 0 P2,j

Constants: i, j, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time ∗ bound T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Pub- lic parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE,KA,KB ∈ K, ∗ output b , message mj.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) Let F (KA, t − 1) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 0 0 0 (c) Let F (KA, t) = rS,A. Compute (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). (d) Let F (KB, t − 1) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) = λ Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). 0 0 0 0 (e) Let F (KB, t) = rS,B. Compute (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← λ 0 Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (f) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin) and α =‘A’. If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 and (t ≤ j + 1 or t ≥ i − 1) output ⊥. Else if Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 set α =‘B’. If Verify-Spl(VKB, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥.

0 Figure 2.54: P2,j Claim 2.81. Let 0 ≤ j ≤ i − 2. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF and S is a splittable sig-

2,j 02,j nature scheme satisfying definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12, advA −advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.12.

169 Claim 2.82. Let 0 ≤ j ≤ i − 3. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, Itr is an iterator satisfying indistinguishability of Setup (Defini- tion 2.3) and is enforcing (Definition 2.4), and Acc is an accumulator satisfy- ing indistinguishability of Read/Write Setup (Definitions 2.5 and 2.6) and is

02,j 2,j+1 Read/Write enforcing (Definitions 2.7 and 2.8), advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.13.

2,i−2 Claim 2.83. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, advA − int advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that P2,i−2 and Wint are functionally identical circuits.

Lemma 2.24. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

int 0int and 2.12, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this lemma is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.20. To prove this lemma, we will define a sequence of hybrid experiments and show that they are computationally indistinguishable.

Hybrid H0 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of

∗ P0 = Wint = Prog-2-i{i, t , KE, KA, KB, mi−2}.

170 Hybrid H1 In this hybrid, the challenger first computes the constants for program P1 as follows:

1. PRF keys KA and KB are punctured at i − 2 to obtain KA{i − 2} ←

F.puncture(KA, i − 2) and KB{i − 2} ← F.puncture(KB, i − 2).

λ 2. Let rc = F (KA, i − 2), (skC , VKC , VKC,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rC ), rD =

λ F (KB, i − 2), (skD, VKD, VKD,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rD).

∗ It then outputs an obfuscation of P1 = P1{i, t ,KE,KA{i − 2},KB{i −

2}, VKC,(1) , skC,(1) , skD,abo, mi−2} (defined in 2.55). P1 is identical to P0 on inputs corresponding to t 6= i−1, i−2. However, for i−2, its output signature is computed using either skC or skD. For inputs corresponding to t = i − 1, it uses VKC for the verification.

Hybrid H2 In this hybrid, rC and rD are chosen uniformly at random; that

λ is, the challenger computes (skC , VKC ) ← Setup-Spl(1 ) and (skD, VKD) ← Setup-Spl(1λ).

Hybrid H3 In this hybrid, the challenger computes constrained secret/verification keys. It computes (σC,(1) , VKC,(1) , skC,abo, VKC,abo) ← Split(skC , mi−2) and (σD,(1) ,

VKD,(1) , skD,abo, VKD,abo) ← Split(skD, mi−2). It then outputs an obfuscation of

∗ P3 = {i, t ,KE,KA{i − 2},KB{i − 2}, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, mi−2} (defined in

Figure 2.56). Note that skC , VKC , skD, VKD are not hardwired in this program.

171 P1

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , halt-time t∗ ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys ∗ KE,KA{i − 2},KB{i − 2} ∈ K, output b , message mi−2, VKC , σC , skD.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) If t 6= i − 1, let rS,A = F.eval(KA{i − 2}, t − 1). Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). Else VKA = VKC,(1) . 0 (c) If t 6= i − 2, let rS,A = F.eval(KA{i − 2}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 (d) If t 6= i − 2, rS,B = F.eval(KB{i − 2}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (e) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥. (b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)). (c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout). (d) If t = i − 2 and mout = mi−2, σout = Sign-Spl(skC , mout). Else if t = i − 2 and mout 6= mi−2 σout = Sign-Spl(skD, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

Figure 2.55: P1

Hybrid H4 In this hybrid, the challenger chooses PPAcc, w0, store0 using

Setup-Acc-EnfR. It then uses PPAcc, w0, store0, and proceeds as in previous

∗ experiment. It outputs an obfuscation of P1{i, t , PPAcc, KE, KA{i − 2},

172 P3

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , halt-time t∗ ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys ∗ KE,KA{i − 2},KB{i − 2} ∈ K, output b , message mi−2, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

2. Verifications

(a) If VerifyR(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,in, lw), posin, π) = 0 or lw ≥ t out- put ⊥. (b) If t 6= i − 1, let rS,A = F.eval(KA{i − 2}, t − 1). Compute λ (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) = Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). Else VKA = VKC,(1) . 0 (c) If t 6= i − 2, let rS,A = F.eval(KA{i − 2}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skA, VKA, VKA,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,A). 0 (d) If t 6= i − 2, rS,B = F.eval(KB{i − 2}, t). Compute 0 0 0 λ 0 (skB, VKB, VKB,rej) ← Setup-Spl(1 ; rS,B). (e) Let min = (vin, ctst,in, win, posin). If Verify-Spl(VKA, min, σin) = 0 output ⊥. 4. Update accumulator, iterator and compute new signature

(a) Compute wout = Update(PPAcc, win, (ctsym,out, t), posin, aux). If wout = Reject, output ⊥.

(b) Compute vout = Iterate(PPItr, vin, (ctst,in, win, posin)).

(c) Let mout = (vout, ctst,out, wout, posout).

(d) If t = i − 2 and mout = mi−2, σout = σC,one.

Else if t = i − 2 and mout 6= mi−2 σout = Sign-Spl-abo(skD,abo, mout). 0 Else σout = Sign-Spl(skA, mout).

(e) Output posin, ctsym,out, ctct,out, wout, vout, σout.

Figure 2.56: P3

173 KB{i − 2}, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, mi−2}

Hybrid H5 In this hybrid, the challenger first computes ciphertexts ct1 and

0 ct2 as described in Hyb2,i.

∗ It then outputs an obfuscation of P5 = P5{i, t , PPAcc, KE, KA{i − 2},

KB{i − 2}, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, mi−2, ct1, ct2} (defined in Figure 2.57). This program differs from P3 for inputs corresponding to t = i − 1. Instead of decrypting, computing the next state and then encrypting, the program uses the hardwired ciphertexts.

Hybrid H6 In this experiment, the challenger uses normal setup for Acc (that is, Setup-Acc) instead of Setup-Acc-EnfR.

Hybrid H7 In this experiment, the challenger outputs an obfuscation of

0 Wint.

x Analysis Let advA denote the advantage of adversary A in hybrid Hx.

Claim 2.84. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

0 1 PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. In hybrid H0, program P0 is used, while in H1, program P1 is used.

The only difference between the two programs is that P1 uses punctured PRF

174 P5

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound T , halt-time t∗ ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys ∗ KE,KA{i − 2},KB{i − 2} ∈ K, output b , message mi−2, VKC,(1) , σC,(1) , skD,abo, ciphertexts ct1, ct2.

Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗, output b∗. (b) If i ≤ t < t∗ 0 0 i. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1). 0 ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,2) and ctst,out = 0 Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,3).

(c) Else if t = i − 1 set ctsym,out = ct1 and ctst,out = ct2. (d) Else

i. Let (rlw,1, rlw,2, rlw,3) = F (KE, lw), (pklw, sklw) = λ Setup-PKE(1 ; rlw,1), sym = Dec-PKE(sklw, ctsym,in). ii. Let (rt−1,1, rt−1,2, rt−1,3) = F (KE, t − 1), (pkst, skst) = λ Setup-PKE(1 , rt−1,1), st = Dec-PKE(skst, ctst,in). iii. Let (st0, sym0, β) = δ(st, sym). iv. If stout = qrej output 0. v. If stout = qacc output 1. 0 0 vi. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F (KE, t), (pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , sym ; rt,2) 0 0 and ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , st ; rt,3).

Figure 2.57: P5 keys KA{i − 2} and KB{i − 2}. It also has the secret/verification keys com- puted using F (KA, i − 2) and F (KB, i − 2). As a result, using correctness of puncturable PRFs, it follows that the two programs have identical func-

175 tionality. Therefore, by security of iO, their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable.

Claim 2.85. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

1 2 PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Claim 2.31; it follows from the selective security of puncturable PRF F .

Claim 2.86. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator and S

2 satisfies VK(1) indistinguishability (Definition 2.10), for any PPT A, |advA − 3 advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. In order to prove this claim, we consider an intermediate hybrid pro- gram in which only the constrained secret keys σC,(1) and skD,abo are hardwired, while VKC is hardwired as the verification key. Using the security of iO, we can argue that the intermediate step and H2 are computationally indistinguishable.

Next, we use VK(1) indistinguishability to show that the intermediate step and

H3 are computationally indistinguishable.

Claim 2.87. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

3 4 nition 2.5), for any PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim follows from Read Setup indistinguishability (Definition 2.5); it is similar to the proof of 2.41.

176 Claim 2.88. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

4 5 PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof is similar to the proof of Claim 2.42. The only additional property we require here is the correctness of decryption of PKE. Also note that the outputs are identical because the encryption is deterministic once KE is fixed.

Claim 2.89. Assuming Acc satisfies indistinguishability of Read Setup (Defi-

5 6 nition 2.5), for any PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is reverse of the step from H3 to H4, and its proof is similar to the proof of Claim 2.41.

Claim 2.90. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF and S satisfies VK(1) indistinguishability

6 7 (Definition 2.10), for any PPT A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

This step is the reverse of the step from H0 to H3. Therefore, using similar intermediate hybrid experiments, a similar proof works here as well.

Lemma 2.25. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, Itr is an iterator satisfying Definitions 2.3 and 2.4, Acc is an accumulator satisfying Definitions 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8, S is a splittable signature scheme satisfying security Definitions 2.9, 2.10, 2.11

0int 02,i and 2.12, |advA − advA | ≤ negl(λ).

The proof of this lemma is similar to the proof of Lemma 2.23.

177 2.6.5 Proof of Lemma 2.18

0 We will first define hybrids H0,...,H5, where H0 corresponds to Hyb2,i and H5 corresponds to Hyb2,i−1.

0 Hybrid H0 This corresponds to Hyb2,i.

Hybrid H1 In this hybrid, the challenger punctures the PRF key KE on inputs corresponding to t = i − 1. It outputs an obfuscation of program

0 ∗ 0 W1 = Prog -2-i-1{i, t ,KE{i − 1},KA, ct1, ct2} where Prog -2-i-1 is defined in Figure 2.58. Note that the only difference between Prog0-2-i and Prog0-2-i-1 is that the latter uses a punctured PRF key KE{i − 1} instead of KE.

λ Hybrid H2 In this hybrid, the challenger computes (pk, sk) ← Setup-PKE(1 ) using true randomness. Also, the ciphertexts ct1 and ct2 are computed using

∗ ∗ true randomness; that is, ct1 ← Enc-PKE(pk, sym ) and ct2 ← Enc-PKE(pk, st ).

Hybrid H3 In this hybrid, the challenger sets ct1 = Enc-PKE(pk, erase) and ct2 = Enc-PKE(pk, erase).

Hybrid H4 In this hybrid, the challenger computes the ciphertexts using pseudorandom strings generated using F (KE, ·). More precisely, the challenger

λ computes (ri−1,1, ri−1,2, ri−1,3) = F (KE, i − 1), (pk, sk)Setup-PKE(1 ; ri−1,1), ct1 = Enc-PKE(pk, erase; ri−1,2) and ct2 = Enc-PKE(pk, erase; ri−1,3).

178 Prog0-2-i-1

Constants: i, Turing machine M = hQ, Σtape, δ, q0, qacc, qreji, time bound ∗ T , halt-time t ≤ T , Public parameters for accumulator PPAcc, Public parameters for Iterator PPItr, Puncturable PRF keys KE{i − 1},Kst ∈ K, ∗ output b , ciphertexts ct1, ct2. Input: Time t ∈ [T ], encrypted symbol and last-write time (ctsym,in, lw), ` encrypted state ctst,in ∈ Q, accumulator value win ∈ {0, 1} Acc , Iterator value vin, signature σin, accumulator proof π, auxiliary value aux.

3. Computing next state and symbol (a) If t = t∗, output b∗. (b) If i ≤ t < t∗ 0 0 i. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F.eval(KE{i − 1}, t),(pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,2) 0 and ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , erase; rt,3). (c) Else if t = i − 1,

i. Set ctsym,out = ct1 and ctst,out = ct2. (d) Else

i. Let (rlw,1, rlw,2, rlw,3) = F.eval(KE{i − 1}, lw), λ (pklw, sklw) = Setup-PKE(1 ; rlw,1), sym = Dec-PKE(sklw, ctsym,in). ii. Let (rt−1,1, rt−1,2, rt−1,3) = F.eval(KE{i − 1}, t − 1), λ (pkst, skst) = Setup-PKE(1 , rt−1,1), st = Dec-PKE(skst, ctst,in). iii. Let (st0, sym0, β) = δ(st, sym). iv. If stout = qrej output 0. v. If stout = qacc output 1. 0 0 vi. Compute (rt,1, rt,2, rt,3) = F.eval(KE{i − 1}, t),(pk , sk ) = λ 0 0 0 Setup-PKE(1 ; rt,1), ctsym,out = Enc-PKE(pk , sym ; rt,2) 0 0 and ctst,out = Enc-PKE(pk , st ; rt,3).

Figure 2.58: Prog0-2-i-1

Hybrid H5 This corresponds to Hyb2,i−1.

179 Analysis

Claim 2.91. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

0 1 PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. To prove this claim, it suffices to show that W0 and W1 are functionally identical. The crucial observation for this proof is the fact that F (KE, i − 1) is not used anywhere in program W0. For inputs corresponding to t > i − 1, both programs don’t use F (KE, i − 1) since the programs do not decrypt for t > i−1. For t = i−1, the ciphertexts ct1 and ct2 are hardwired. For t < i−1, note that it only computes F (KE, τ) for τ < i − 1. As a result, F (KE, ·) is not evaluated at input i − 1, and therefore, it is safe to puncture KE on input i − 1 without affecting functionality. The rest follows from the correctness of puncturable PRFs.

Claim 2.92. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

1 2 PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim is similar to the proof of Claim 2.31; it follows from the selective security of puncturable PRF F .

Claim 2.93. Assuming PKE is IND-CPA secure, for any PPT adversary A,

2 3 advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Note that the secret key sk is not required in both hybrids H2 and H3.

Suppose there exists an adversary A that can distinguish between H2 and H3

180 with advantage . Then we can construct a PPT algorithm B that breaks the IND-CPA security of PKE with advantage . B receives the public key pk from the challenger. It interacts with A and computes sym∗, st∗. It sends

∗ ∗ m0 = (sym , st ) and m1 = (erase, erase) as the challenge message pairs, and receives a ciphertext pair(ct1, ct2). B can now perfectly simulate H2 or H3 for A, depending on whether (ct1, ct2) are encryptions of m0 or m1. This completes our proof.

Claim 2.94. Assuming F is a selectively secure puncturable PRF, for any

3 4 PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This step is the reverse of the step from H1 to H2; its proof is similar to the proof of Claim 2.31.

Claim 2.95. Assuming iO is a secure indistinguishability obfuscator, for any

4 5 PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between the programs used in the two hybrids is that one uses a punctured key KE{i − 1}, while the other uses KE. Using the correctness of puncturable PRFs, we can argue that they are functionally identical. As a result, from the security of iO, their obfuscations are compu- tationally indistinguishable.

2.6.6 Extensions and Variations

Since our proof is aimed at achieving machine hiding, it does not erase the input. However, the proof could be easily extended at the end to do this

181 via a simple IND-CPA based hybrids. Note that at the end of our current proofs the no steps actually decrypt the cipertexts. If we add this step of hiding the input, the construction can serve as a secure randomized encoding.

182 Chapter 3

Lockable Obfuscation

3.1 Overview of our Lockable Obfuscation Construction


We will now describe our lockable obfuscation scheme for a family of poly-depth circuits. The construction is described in details in Section 3.4. At a high level, our scheme can be divided into three components — (1) A lockable obfuscation scheme for a family of low-depth circuits and 1-bit messages, (2) a bootstrapping mechanism to amplify to lockable obfuscation for a family of poly-depth circuits and 1-bit messages, and (3) extending to lockable obfuscation for a family of poly-depth circuits and multi-bit messages. (Note in our actual construction, we combine the first two components into one for technical reasons.)

Lockable Obfuscation for Low-Depth Circuits and 1-Bit Messages. The primary ingredients of our construction are low-depth pseudorandom gen- erators (PRGs), lattice trapdoors [302], telescoping products/cascading can- cellations [396, 24, 298] and oblivious sequence transformation [332].

1A preliminary version of this chapter appeared in [330].

183 First, let us recall the notion of permutation branching programs, lat- tice trapdoors and oblivious sequence transformation. A permutation branch- ing program of length L and width w can be represented using w states, 2L permutations σj,b over states for each level j ≤ L, an input-selector function inp(·) which determines the input read at each level, and an accepting and rejecting state. The program execution starts at state 1 of level 0. Suppose the branching program reads first input bit (say b) at level 1 (i.e., inp(1) = 1).

Then, the state of the program changes to σ1,b(st). Such a process can be car- ried out (iteratively) to compute the final program state at level L. Depending upon the final state, the program either accepts or rejects.

A lattice trapdoor generation algorithm can be used to sample a (uni- formly looking) matrix A together with a trapdoor TA. The trapdoor can be used to compute, for any matrix U, a low norm matrix S such that A·S = U.2

As a result, the matrix S can be used to ‘transform’ any matrix Ae ≈ A to another matrix Ue ≈ U. Oblivious sequence transformation is a technique that enables sampling a sequence of matrices B1,..., Bw along with some trapdoor such that for any sequence of matrices U1,..., Uw, one can construct a short matrix X such that Bi · X = Ui for all i (and X is oblivious of i).

Moving on to our construction, at a high level the obfuscator starts by first generating a sequence of permutation branching programs corresponding

2For ease of exposition, we will use the notation A−1(·) to represent the pre-image operation. In the formal description of our algorithms later, we use the pre-image sampling algorithm SamplePre.

184 to the circuit C (where each branching program computes one output bit), and then encoding the state transition permutations for each level for every branching program using the technique of oblivious sequence transformation. Let ` be the output length of C. In other words, for obfuscating circuit C under lock α with message msg, the obfuscator first expresses C as a set of

(i) width 5 permutation branching programs {BP }i of polynomial length L, where for each i ∈ [`] BP(i) computes the ith output bit of circuit C.3 Without loss of generality, we can assume that all branching programs have a common input selector function inp(·) such that inp(j) bit of the input is read at level j. The obfuscation algorithm continues by choosing 5(L + 1)` matrices, one

4 (i) matrix for each (level, state) of each branching program. Let Bj,w be the matrix corresponding to state w ∈ [5] at level j ≤ L for branching program

(i) (i) (i) BP , i ∈ [`]. For every i ∈ [`], the matrices {Bj,1,..., Bj,5} for the first L levels (i.e., all but top-level matrices) are sampled such that they have a

(i) common trapdoor Tj , i.e. using oblivious sequence transformation. The top- level matrices, however, are sampled uniformly at random without a trapdoor subject to the constraint that the top-level matrices corresponding to lock string α sum to a special fixed matrix depending upon the message msg. More formally, for each i ∈ [`], let q be the LWE modulus, and acc(i) and rej(i) be the accepting and rejecting states for BP(i), then the obfuscator chooses the

3From Barrington’s Theorem [70], we know that for every NC1 circuits there exists a width 5 permutation branching program of polynomial length. 4Note that if a branching program has length L, then it has L + 1 levels.

185 matrices B(i) , B(i) such that L,acc(i) L,rej(i)

( n×m X (i) X (i) 0 if msg = 0. B + B = L,rej(i) L,acc(i) √  n×(m−n) q · In || 0 if msg = 1. i : αi=0 i : αi=1

For each level j ∈ [L], the obfuscation algorithm also chooses two low-norm ma-

(0) (1) trices Sj and Sj (these are shared across all branching programs), and com- (i,0) (i,1) putes 2` low-norm matrices {Cj , Cj }i,j such that for every state w ∈ [5], (i) (i,0) (0) (i) (i) (i,1) (1) (i) Bj−1,w · Cj ≈ Sj · B (i) and Bj−1,w · Cj ≈ Sj · B (i) . That is, j,σj,0(w) j,σj,1(w) (i,0) (i,1) the matrices Cj and Cj represent the state transition from level j − 1 to j when bit 0 or 1 is read at step j of branching program execution. For each

(i,b) i ∈ [`], j ∈ [L], the Cj matrices can be generated using the lattice trap- (i) (i,0) (i,1) doors Tj . The obfuscation algorithm outputs these matrices {Cj , Cj }i,j (i) together with the base-level matrices {B0,1}i as the final obfuscated program.

At a high level, one could visualize the obfuscated program which con-

(i) (i,0) (i,1) sists of the base-level matrices {B0,1}i and matrices {Cj , Cj }i,j as “en- codings” of the branching program starting states and state transition permu- tations, respectively. Therefore, evaluating an obfuscated program on some input x will be analogous to evaluating the branching programs BP(i) on in- put x directly. Fix some i ∈ [`]. Suppose the first input bit x1 is read at level 1. Then evaluation of BP(i) at level 1 would map the state 1 at level 0

(i) to state σ1,x1 at level 1. Analogously, the obfuscation evaluator can compute B(i) · C(i,x1) ≈ S(x1) · B(i) . In general, if the program state at level j − 1 0,1 1 1 1,σ(i) 1,x1 during execution is w, then the evaluator will accumulate the product of the

186 (i) form Γj−1 · Bj,w, where Γj−1 is a product of j − 1 low-norm matrices. This can be easily verified as follows. Suppose the next bit read is b, then the

(i) new state at level j will be σj,b(w), thus the new accumulated product dur- (i) (i,b) (i) ing obfuscation evaluation will be Γj−1 · Bj,w · Cj ≈ Γj · B (i) , where j+1,σj,b(w) (b) Γj = Γj−1 · Sj . Therefore, the invariant is maintained. Note that the matrix (0) ΓL will be same for all branching programs since the low-norm matrices Sj (1) and Sj are shared across all branching programs.

Continuing this way, the evaluator can iteratively compute the matrix product at the top. Thus, for each branching program, the accumulated prod- uct at the top will either be ≈ Γ · B(i) or ≈ Γ · B(i) , depending on L L,acc(i) L L,rej(i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) whether C(x)i = 0 or 1. Let ∆ = ΓL · BL,st(i) , where st = acc or rej depending on C(x)i. Finally, the evaluator simply sums the top-level accu- mulated products (≈ ∆(i)) and checks whether the norm of the final summed matrix lies in appropriate range. More concretely, consider the case when

P (i) P (i) n×m C(x) = α and msg = 0, then i ∆ = ΓL · i BL,st(i) = 0 . Since the P (i) final top-level matrix sum is close to i ∆ , thus it will have norm close to 0, and hence the evaluator can simply test this and output 0 as the message.

Similarly we could argue correctness for the cases when msg = 1 or C(x) 6= α. However, our current proof techniques do not seem sufficient for proving the security of above construction. The reason is that there is an inherent tension in setting scheme parameters while basing security on LWE. This is discussed in detail later in Section 3.4.2. We were able to bypass

187 this problem by obfuscating an “expanded” circuit, which evaluates a low- depth pairwise independent hash function h and a low-depth pseudorandom generator PRG with a large enough polynomial stretch (in succession) on the output of circuit C, instead of directly obfuscating circuit C using the above matrix encoding procedure.

In other words, let Q be the circuit that on input x, outputs PRG(h(C(x))). Observe that if h and PRG can be computed by low-depth circuits (NC1), then Q also can be computed by an NC1 circuit (since C is assumed to be a log- depth circuit). Therefore, Q can be expressed by a set of width 5 permutation branching programs of polynomial length L as well. Additionally, now the matrix component generation procedure will use β = PRG(h(α)) as the lock instead of α. This modification is sufficient to avoid the tension between scheme parameters, and also allows us to prove security of our scheme under LWE with only polynomial hardness. This completes the description of our lockable obfuscation scheme for low-depth circuits and 1-bit messages.

Bootstrapping Lockable Obfuscation. Let ONC1 be a lockable obfuscator for log-depth circuits. We will use leveled homomorphic encryption (LHE) with

1 an NC decryption circuit to bootstrap ONC1 to an obfuscator that works for any depth d. The obfuscator gets as input a circuit C of depth d, a string α and a message msg. It first chooses the LHE secret-evaluation keys and encrypts the circuit C. Let Q be the circuit which takes as input an LHE ciphertext and decrypts it using the hardwired LHE secret key and outputs

188 the decrypted string. Note that the circuit Q is a logarithmic depth circuit.

The obfuscator outputs O ← ONC1 (Q, α, msg) together with the encryption of C and the LHE evaluation key.

Evaluating on input x. Let Ux(·) be the universal circuit with input x hardwired (that is, it takes a circuit C as input and outputs C(x)). The evaluation algorithm first homomorphically evaluates the circuit Ux on the encryption of C. This results in an LHE ciphertext ct, which is an encryption of C(x). It then evaluates the obfuscation O on input ct, and outputs the resulting string. Using the correctness of O and the LHE scheme, we can argue that if C(x) = α, then the evaluation outputs msg, and it outputs ⊥ otherwise.

The security proof here is fairly simple. Using the security of the un- derlying obfuscator ONC1 , we first switch the obfuscation O to be a simulated obfuscation. Once the obfuscator O is simulated, the obfuscator no longer needs the LHE secret key. Therefore, we can now replace the LHE encryption of C with encryption of zeros, thereby erasing all the information about circuit C except its size. Therefore, the final simulator simply outputs an encryption of zeros, together with a simulated obfuscation, and this is indistinguishable from the honestly computed obfuscation.

Extending Lockable Obfuscation for 1-Bit Messages to Multi-Bit Messages. We would like point out that the standard repitition method for extending message space does not work for lockable obfuscation schemes

189 because the security is only guaranteed when the adversary does not know the lock string α. However, we observe there are still multiple ways to extend its message space. We briefly discuss two possible extensions. One option could be to encode a multi-bit message directly in the top-level matrices. Currently, √ the top-level matrices are set to sum to 0n×m if msg = 0, otherwise to q ·

 n×(m−n) In || 0 . However, if we interpret the mesage msg as an integer v <

√ √  n×(m−n) q/2, then we could simply set the sum to be v · q · In || 0 .

The second extension could be carried more generally without exploit- ing the mathematical structure of the underlying obfuscation scheme. The high level idea is to again “expand” the circuit C using a pairwise indepen- dent hash function and a pseudorandom generator before obfuscation. Suppose the lock α be a string of length k. Let β = PRG(h(α)) and |β| = ` · k. To obfuscate circuit C under lock α for an `-bit message msg, the multi-bit ob- fuscator (for each i < `) independently obfuscates the circuit Q[i] under lock

β[i] for message msgi using the 1-bit obfuscation scheme, where circuit Q[i] denotes the circuit that outputs the i·k +1,..., (i+1)·k output bits of circuit

PRG(h(C(·))) and β[i] = βi·k+1, . . . , β(i+1)·k. The security proof follows from a simple hybrid argument.

This completes the technical overview of our lockable obfuscation scheme.

190 3.2 Preliminaries

Notations. We will use lowercase bold letters for vectors (e.g. v) and up- percase bold letters for matrices (e.g. A). For any integer q ≥ 2, we let Zq denote the ring of integers modulo q. We represent Zq as integers in the range

(−q/2, q/2]. For a vector v, we let kvk denote its `2 norm and kvk∞ denote its infinity norm. Similarly, for matrices k·k and k·k∞ denote their `2 and infinity norms (respectively).

We denote the set of all positive integers upto n as [n] := {1, . . . , n}. For any finite set S, x ← S denotes a uniformly random element x from the set S. Similarly, for any distribution D, x ← D denotes an element x drawn from distribution D. The distribution Dn is used to represent a distribution over vectors of n components, where each component is drawn independently from the distribution D. Two distributions D1 and D2, parameterized by security parameter λ, are said to be computationally indistinguishable, represented by D1 ≈c D2, if for all PPT adversaries A, | Pr[1 ← A(x): x ← D1]-

Pr[1 ← A(x): x ← D2]| ≤ negl(λ). For a family of distributions χ = {χ(λ)}λ over the integers, and integers bounds B = {B(λ)}λ, we say that χ is B- bounded if Pr[|x| ≤ B(λ): x ← χ(λ)] = 1.

This section closely follows [332].

Min-Entropy and Randomness Extraction. The min-entropy of a ran-

def dom variable X is defined as H∞(X) = − log2(maxx Pr[X = x]). Let SD(X,Y )

191 denote the statistical distance between two random variables X and Y . Below we state the Leftover Hash Lemma (LHL) from [353, 252, 251].

Theorem 3.1. Let H = {h : X → Y }h∈H be a universal hash family, then for any random variable W taking values in X, the following holds

1q SD ((h, h(W )) , (h, U )) ≤ 2−H∞(W ) · |Y | . Y 2

We will use the following corollary, which follows from the Leftover Hash Lemma.

Corollary 3.1. Let ` > m · n log2 q + ω(log n) and q a prime. Let R be an k × m matrix chosen as per distribution R, where k = k(n) is polynomial in n and H∞ (R) = `. Let A and B be matrices chosen uniformly in Zqn × k and Zqn × m, respectively. Then the statistical distance between the following distributions is negligible in n.

{(A, A · R)} ≈s {(A, B)}

Proof. The proof of above corollary follows directly from the Leftover Hash

Lemma. Note that for a prime q the family of hash functions hA : Zqk × m →

Zqn × m for A ∈ Zqn × k defined by hA(X) = A · X is universal. There- fore, if R has sufficient min-entropy, i.e. ` > m · n log2 q + ω(log n), then the Leftover Hash Lemma states that statistical distance between the distribu- tions (A, A · R) and (A, B) is at most 2−ω(log n) which is negligible in n as desired.

192 3.2.1 Lattice Preliminaries

An m-dimensional lattice L is a discrete additive subgroup of Rm. n×m ⊥ Given positive integers n, m, q and a matrix A ∈ Zq , we let Λq (A) de- m n u note the lattice {x ∈ Z : A · x = 0 mod q}. For u ∈ Zq , we let Λq (A) denote the coset {x ∈ Zm : A · x = u mod q}.

Discrete Gaussians. Let σ be any positive real number. The Gaussian distribution Dσ with parameter σ is defined by the probability distribution

2 2 m function ρσ(x) = exp(−π kxk /σ ). For any set L ⊂ R , define ρσ(L) = P x∈L ρσ(x). The discrete Gaussian distribution DL,σ over L with parameter

σ is defined by the probability distribution function ρL,σ(x) = ρσ(x)/ρσ(L) for all x ∈ L.

The following lemma (Lemma 4.4 of [442], [302]) shows that if the parameter σ of a discrete Gaussian distribution is small, then any vector drawn from this distribution will be short (with high probability).

n×m Lemma 3.1. Let m, n, q be positive integers with m > n, q ≥ 2. Let A ∈ Zq ˜ ⊥ be a matrix of dimensions n × m, σ = Ω(n) and L = Λq (A). Then

√ Pr[kxk > m · σ : x ← DL,σ] ≤ negl(n).

Truncated Discrete Gaussians. The truncated discrete Gaussian distri-

m bution over Z with parameter σ, denoted by De Zm,σ, is same as the discrete

Gaussian distribution Dσ except it outputs 0 whenever the `∞ norm exceeds

193 √ √ m · σ. Note that, by definition, De Zm,σ is m · σ-bounded. Also, note that

De Zm,σ ≈s DZm,σ.

Learning with Errors (LWE). The Learning with Errors (LWE) problem was introduced by Regev [483]. The LWE problem has four parameters: the dimension of the lattice n, the number of samples m, the modulus q and the error distribution χ = χ(n).

Assumption 3.1 (Learning with Errors). Let n, m and q be positive inte- gers and χ a noise distribution over Zq. The Learning with Errors assumption (n, m, q, χ)-LWE, parameterized by n, m, q, χ, states that the following distri- butions are computationally indistinguishable:

 n×m   n×m  > > A ← Zq , > A ← Zq , (A, s · A + e ): n m ≈c (A, u ): m s ← Zq , e ← χ u ← Zq

Under a quantum reduction, Regev [483] showed that for certain noise distributions, LWE is as hard as worst case lattice problems such as the deci- sional approximate shortest vector problem (GapSVP) and approximate short- est independent vectors problem (SIVP). Later works [469, 152] showed clas- sical reductions from LWE to GapSVPγ.

These works show that for B-bounded discretized Gaussian error dis- tributions χ, solving (n, m, q, χ)-LWE is as hard as approximating GapSVPγ ˜ and SIVPγ to a factor of O(n · q/B). Given the current state of art in lattice ˜ n algorithms, GapSVPγ and SIVPγ are believed to be hard for γ = O(2 ) (for

194 fixed  ∈ (0, 1/2)), and therefore (n, m, q, χ)-LWE is believed to be hard for B-bounded discretized Gaussian error distributions χ with B = 2−n ·q·poly(n).

LWE with Short Secrets. In this work, we will be using a variant of the LWE problem called LWE with Short Secrets. In this variant, introduced by Applebaum et al. [41], the secret vector is also chosen from the noise distribu- tion χ. They showed that this variant is as hard as LWE for sufficiently large number of samples m.

Assumption 3.2 (LWE with Short Secrets). Let n, m and q be positive inte- gers and χ a noise distribution on Z. The LWE with Short Secrets assumption (n, m, q, χ)-LWE-ss, parameterized by n, m, q, χ, states that the following dis- tributions are computationally indistinguishable 5:

 n×m   n×m  A ← Zq , A ← Zq , (A, S · A + E): n×n n×m ≈c (A, U): n×m . S ← χ , E ← χ U ← Zq

Lattices with Trapdoors. Lattices with trapdoors are lattices that are statistically indistinguishable from randomly chosen lattices, but have certain ‘trapdoors’ that allow efficient solutions to hard lattice problems.

Definition 3.1 ([21, 302]). A trapdoor lattice sampler consists of algorithms TrapGen and SamplePre with the following syntax and properties:

5 > n×m n m Applebaum et al. showed that {(A, s · A + e): A ← Zq , s ← χ , e ← χ } ≈c n×m m {(A, u): A ← Zq , u ← Zq }, assuming LWE is hard. However, by a simple hybrid argument, we can replace vectors s, e, u with matrices S, E, U of appropriate dimensions.

195 n m • TrapGen(1 , 1 , q) → (A,TA): The lattice generation algorithm is a randomized algorithm that takes as input the matrix dimensions n, m,

n×m modulus q, and outputs a matrix A ∈ Zq together with a trapdoor


• SamplePre(A,TA, u, σ) → s: The presampling algorithm takes as input

n a matrix A, trapdoor TA, a vector u ∈ Zq and a parameter σ ∈ R (which m determines the length of the output vectors). It outputs a vector s ∈ Zq .

These algorithms must satisfy the following properties:

n m 1. Correct Presampling: For all vectors u, parameters σ,(A,TA) ← TrapGen(1 , 1 , q), √ and s ← SamplePre(A,TA, u, σ), A · s = u and ksk∞ ≤ m · σ.

2. Well Distributedness of Matrix: The following distributions are statisti- cally indistinguishable:

n m n×m {A :(A,TA) ← TrapGen(1 , 1 , q)} ≈s {A : A ← Zq }.

n m 3. Well Distributedness of Preimage: For all (A,TA) ← TrapGen(1 , 1 , q), √ if σ = ω( n · log q · log m), then the following distributions are statisti- cally indistinguishable:

n {s : u ← Zq , s ← SamplePre(A,TA, u, σ)} ≈s DZm,σ.

These properties are satisfied by the gadget-based trapdoor lattice sam- pler of [440] for parameters m such that m = Ω(n · log q).

196 3.2.2 Branching Programs

Branching programs are a model of computation used to capture space- bounded computations [139, 70]. In this work, we will be using a restricted notion called permutation branching programs.

Definition 3.2 (Permutation Branching Program). A permutation branching program of length L, width w and input space {0, 1}n consists of a sequence of

2L permutations σi,b :[w] → [w] for 1 ≤ i ≤ L, b ∈ {0, 1}, an input selection function inp :[L] → [n], an accepting state acc ∈ [w] and a rejection state rej ∈ [w]. The starting state st0 is set to be 1 without loss of generality. The branching program evaluation on input x ∈ {0, 1}n proceeds as follows:

• For i = 1 to L,

– Let pos = inp(i) and b = xpos. Compute sti = σi,b(sti−1).

• If stL = acc, output 1. If stL = rej, output 0, else output ⊥.

In a remarkable result, Barrington [70] showed that any circuit of depth d can be simulated by a permutation branching program of width 5 and length 4d.

Theorem 3.2 ([70]). For any boolean circuit C with input space {0, 1}n and depth d, there exists a permutation branching program BP of width 5 and length 4d such that for all inputs x ∈ {0, 1}n, C(x) = BP(x).

197 This permutation property will be useful for proving security of our main construction in Section 3.4. We will also require that the permutation branching program has a fixed input-selector function inp. In our construction, we will have multiple branching programs, and all of them must read the same input bit at any level i ≤ L.

Definition 3.3. A permutation branching program with input space {0, 1}n is said to have a fixed input-selector inp(·) if for all i ≤ L, inp(i) = i mod n.

Any permutation branching program of length L and input space {0, 1}n can be easily transformed to a fixed input-selector branching program of length n · L. In this work, we only require that all branching programs share the same input selector function inp(·). The input selector which satisfies inp(i) = i mod n is just one possibility, and we stick with it for simplicity. We will use the following corollary, which follows from Theorem 3.2.

Corollary 3.2. For any boolean circuit C with input space {0, 1}n and depth d, there exists a fixed-input selector permutation branching program BP of width 5 and length n · 4d such that for all inputs x ∈ {0, 1}n, C(x) = BP(x).

3.2.3 Public Key Encryption

A public key encryption (PKE) scheme E for message spaces M = {M } consists of the following polynomial-time algorithms. λ λ∈N

• Setup(1λ) → (pk, sk). The setup algorithm takes as input the security parameter λ, and outputs a public-secret key pair (pk, sk).

198 • Enc(pk, m ∈ Mλ) → ct. The encryption algorithm takes as input a public key pk and a message m, and outputs a ciphertext ct.

• Dec(sk, ct) → m. The decryption algorithm takes as input a secret key sk and a ciphertext ct, and outputs a message m.

Correctness. A PKE scheme E for message spaces M is said to be correct if

λ for all λ, m ∈ Mλ and (pk, sk) ← Setup(1 ), we have that Dec(sk, Enc(pk, m)) = m.

Security. The standard security notion for PKE schemes is IND-CPA secu- rity. Formally, it is defined as follows.

Definition 3.4. A public key encryption scheme E = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is IND- CPA secure if for every stateful PPT adversary A, there exists a negligible functions negl(·), such that the following function of λ is bounded by negl(·)

 λ  (pk, sk) ← Setup(1 ); b ← {0, 1} 1 Pr A(ct) = b − (m0, m1) ← A(pk); ct ← Enc(pk, mb) 2

A stronger security notion for PKE schemes is IND-CCA security. For- mally, it is defined as follows.

Definition 3.5. A public key encryption scheme E = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is IND- CCA secure if for every stateful PPT adversary A, there exists a negligible functions negl(·), such that for all λ ∈ N, the following holds:  λ  Dec(sk,·) (pk, sk) ← Setup(1 ); b ← {0, 1} 1 Pr A (ct) = b Dec(sk,·) − ≤ negl(λ), (m0, m1) ← A (pk); ct ← Enc(pk, mb) 2 where adversary A must not query ciphertext ct to the decryption oracle.

199 3.2.4 Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic encryption [485, 297] is a powerful extension of public key encryption that allows one to evaluate functions on ciphertexts. Homomor- phic encryption schemes can be classified as either leveled or fully homomor- phic encryption schemes. A leveled homomorphic encryption (LHE) scheme allows bounded depth computation over the ciphertexts. The setup algorithm takes as input a ‘level bound’ ` together with the security parameter, and out- puts a public-secret key pair. Given an ciphertext ct corresponding to message m, one can use the evaluation algorithm to evaluate a bounded depth circuit C on ct, and the resulting ciphertext ct0, when decrypted using the secret key, outputs C(m) if the depth of C is less than `. Fully homomorphic encryption, on the other hand, allows for arbitrary computation on the ciphertext. Leveled Homomorphic Encryption

A secret key leveled homomorphic encryption scheme HE with message space {0, 1} consists of four algorithms Setup, Enc, Dec, Eval with the following syntax:

1. Setup(1λ, 1`) → (sk, ek) The setup algorithm takes as input the security parameter λ, bound on circuit depth ` and outputs a secret key sk and evaluation key ek.

2. Enc(sk, m ∈ {0, 1}) → ct The encryption algorithm takes as input a secret key sk, message m ∈ {0, 1} and outputs a ciphertext ct.

200 0 3. Eval(ek,C ∈ C`, ct) → ct The evaluation algorithm takes as input an

evaluation key ek, a circuit C ∈ C`, a ciphertext ct and outputs a ciphertext ct0.

4. Dec(sk, ct) → x The decryption algorithm takes as input a secret key sk and ciphertext ct and outputs x ∈ {0, 1} ∪ {⊥}.

We will now define some properties of leveled homomorphic encryp- tion schemes. Let HE be any homomorphic encryption scheme with message space {0, 1}. First, we have the correctness property, which states that the decryption of a homomorphic evaluation on a ciphertext must be equal to the evaluation on the underlying message.

Definition 3.6 (Correctness). The scheme HE is said to be (perfectly) correct if for all security parameter λ, circuit-depth bound `,(sk, ek) ← Setup(1λ, 1`), circuit C ∈ C` and message m ∈ {0, 1},

Dec(sk, Eval(ek,C, Enc(sk, m))) = C(m).

Next, we have the compactness property which requires that the size of the output of an evaluation on a ciphertext must not depend upon the evaluation circuit. In particular, we require that there exists one decryption circuit such that this circuit can decrypt any bounded-depth evaluations on ciphertexts.

Definition 3.7 (Compactness). A homomorphic encryption scheme HE is said

Dec to be compact if for all λ, ` there is a decryption circuit Cλ,` such that for all

201 λ ` Dec (sk, ek) ← Setup(1 , 1 ), m ∈ {0, 1}, C ∈ C`, Cλ,` (sk, Eval(ek, C, Enc(sk, m))) = C(m).

Finally, we require that the depth of the decryption circuit is bounded by a logarithmic function in the security parameter λ.

Definition 3.8. A compact homomorphic encryption scheme HE is said to

Dec have log-depth decryption circuit if for all λ, `, depth(Cλ,` ) = O(log λ).

For security, we require that the underlying scheme is IND-CPA secure.

Definition 3.9 (Security). A homomorphic encryption scheme HE is secure if Γ = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is IND-CPA secure (Definition 3.4).

Starting with the work of Gentry [297], there has been a long line of interesting works seeking to improve the efficiency/security of homomorphic encryption schemes. Today, we have LHE schemes [155, 148, 303] with log- depth decryption circuits that can be proven secure under the Learning with Errors assumption. Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Fully homomorphic encryption is a stronger notion of homomorphic encryption where the evaluator can perform unbounded computations on the ciphertext. As a result, the algorithm does not need to take the depth bound as input.

202 A secret key fully homomorphic encryption scheme HE with message space {0, 1} consists of four algorithms Setup, Enc, Dec, Eval with the following syntax:

1. Setup(1λ) → (sk, ek) The setup algorithm takes as input the security pa- rameter λ and outputs a secret key sk and evaluation key ek.

2. Enc(sk, m ∈ {0, 1}) → ct The encryption algorithm takes as input a secret key sk, message m ∈ {0, 1} and outputs a ciphertext ct.

3. Eval(ek,C, ct) → ct0 The evaluation algorithm takes as input an evaluation key ek, a circuit C, a ciphertext ct and outputs a ciphertext ct0.

4. Dec(sk, ct) → x The decryption algorithm takes as input a secret key sk and ciphertext ct and outputs x ∈ {0, 1} ∪ {⊥}.

Definition 3.10 (Correctness). The scheme HE is said to be (perfectly) cor- rect if for all security parameter λ,(sk, ek) ← Setup(1λ, 1`), circuit C and message m ∈ {0, 1},

Dec(sk, Eval(ek,C, Enc(sk, m))) = C(m).

The security and compactness requirement is same as that for leveled homomorphic encryption.

3.2.5 Pairwise Independent Hash Functions

Definition 3.11. Let H be a family of hash functions where each h ∈ H has domain {0, 1}` and co-domain {0, 1}`H . The family H is said to be a pairwise

203 independent hash function family if for all x, y ∈ {0, 1}` and a, b ∈ {0, 1}`H s.t. x 6= y, 1 Pr [h(x) = a ∧ h(y) = b] = 2 . h←H (2`H )

A simple family of pairwise independent hash functions is the following set of functions:

`H×` `H {hA,b(x) = Ax + b : A ∈ Z2 , b ∈ Z2 }.

This family can be implemented using log-depth circuits.

3.2.6 Low-Depth Pseudorandom Generators with Polynomial Stretch

In this work, we require polynomial stretch pseudorandom generators which can be implemented by polynomial length branching programs.

Definition 3.12. Let `, `PRG be polynomials. A circuit class PRG`,`PRG =

`(λ) `PRG(λ) {PRGλ}λ where PRGλ : {0, 1} → {0, 1} , is said to be a pseudorandom generator if for all PPT adversaries A, there exists a negligible function negl(·) such that the following function of λ is bounded by negl(·):

 `(λ)  `PRG(λ) Pr 1 ← A(PRGλ(s)) : s ← {0, 1} − Pr 1 ← A(u): u ← {0, 1}

Using PRFs in NC1, we can show that there exist PRGs of logarithmic depth which can achieve any polynomial stretch. Low depth PRFs, in turn, can be constructed from the Learning with Errors assumption.

Theorem 3.3 (PRFs in NC1 [57]). For some σ > 0, suitable universal con- stant C > 0, modulus p ≥ 2, any m = poly(n), let χ = DZ,σ and q ≥

204 √ p · k(Cσ n)k · nω(1), assuming hardness of (n, m, q, χ)-LWE, there exists a

k m×n function family PRF consisting of functions from {0, 1} to Zp that satis- fies pseudorandomness property and the entire function can be computed in TC0 ⊆ NC1.

From Theorems 3.2 and 3.3, the following corollary is immediate.

Corollary 3.3. There exists a polynomial p such that for any polynomial

`PRG, there exists a family of pseudorandom generators {PRGλ} where PRGλ :

`(λ) `PRG(λ) th {0, 1} → {0, 1} , and for all i ∈ [`PRG(λ)], the i bit of PRGλ can be computed by a branching program of length p(λ). This family of pseudorandom generators can be proven secure assuming hardness of (n, m, q, χ)-LWE with parameters as in Theorem 3.3.

3.3 Lockable Obfuscation

In this section, we define the notion of lockable obfuscation, and discuss how it is related to other cryptographic primitives. An lockable obfuscator takes as input a program P , a message msg, and a ‘lock’ α. It outputs an obfuscated program Pe which has the same domain as the program P . The program Pe, on input x, outputs the message msg if P (x) = α. If not, then with overwhelming probability, it will output ⊥. For security, we require that for all programs P and messages msg, Pe for a uniformly random α can be efficiently simulated given only the sizes of P and msg. We will now present the syntax, correctness and security definition.

205 Let n, m, d be polynomials, and Cn,m,d(λ) be the class of depth d(λ) circuits with n(λ) bit input and m(λ) bit output. A lockable obfuscator for

Cn,m,d consists of algorithms Obf and Eval with the following syntax. Let M be the message space.

• Obf(1λ,P, msg, α) → P.e The obfuscation algorithm is a randomized algo-

rithm that takes as input the security parameter λ, a program P ∈ Cn,m,d, message msg ∈ M and ‘lock string’ α ∈ {0, 1}m(λ). It outputs a program


• Eval(Pe , x) → y ∈ M ∪ {⊥}. The evaluator is a deterministic algorithm that takes as input a program Pe and a string x ∈ {0, 1}n(λ). It outputs y ∈ M ∪ {⊥}.

3.3.1 Correctness

For correctness, we require that if P (x) = α, then the obfuscated pro- gram Pe ← Obf(1λ,P, msg, α), evaluated on input x, outputs msg, and if P (x) 6= α, then Pe outputs ⊥ on input x. Here, we give three correctness definitions, which differ in the case where P (x) 6= α.

Definition 3.13 (Perfect Correctness). Let n, m, d be polynomials. A lockable obfuscation scheme for Cn,m,d and message space M is said to be perfectly correct if it satisfies the following properties:

n(λ) 1. For all security parameters λ, inputs x ∈ {0, 1} , programs P ∈ Cn,m,d

206 and messages msg ∈ M, if P (x) = α, then

Eval(Obf(1λ,P, msg, α)), x) = msg.

n(λ) 2. For all security parameters λ, inputs x ∈ {0, 1} , programs P ∈ Cn,m,d and messages msg ∈ M, if P (x) 6= α, then

Eval(Obf(1λ,P, msg, α)), x) = ⊥ .

Definition 3.14 (Statistical Correctness). An lockable obfuscation scheme is said to be statistically correct if it satisfies the following properties:

n(λ) 1. For all security parameters λ, inputs x ∈ {0, 1} , programs P ∈ Cn,m,d and messages msg ∈ M, if P (x) = α, then

Eval(Obf(1λ,P, msg, α)), x) = msg.

m(λ) 2. For all security parameters λ, programs P ∈ Cn,m,d, α ∈ {0, 1} and msg ∈ M,

Pr[∃ x s.t. P (x) 6= α and Eval(Obf(1λ,P, msg, α), x) = msg] ≤ negl(λ)

where the probability is taken over the random coins used during obfus- cation.

Definition 3.15 (Semi-statistical Correctness). Let n, m, d be polynomials.

A lockable obfuscation scheme for Cn,m,d and message space M is said to be semi-statistical correct if it satisfies the following properties:

207 n(λ) 1. For all security parameters λ, inputs x ∈ {0, 1} , programs P ∈ Cn,m,d and messages msg ∈ M, if P (x) = α, then

Eval(Obf(1λ,P, msg, α)), x) = msg.

n(λ) 2. For all security parameters λ, inputs x ∈ {0, 1} , programs P ∈ Cn,m,d, α ∈ {0, 1}m(λ) such that P (x) 6= α and msg ∈ M,

Pr[Eval(Obf(1λ,P, msg, α), x) = msg] ≤ negl(λ)

where the probability is taken over the random coins used during obfus- cation.

Looking ahead, our construction satisfies the semi-statistical correct- ness condition, and will be sufficient for our applications.

3.3.2 Security

Definition 3.16. Let n, m, d be polynomials. A lockable obfuscation scheme

(Obf, Eval) for Cn,m,d and message space M is said to be secure if there exists a PPT simulator Sim such that for all PPT adversaries A = (A0, A1), there exists a negligible function negl(·) such that the following function is bounded by negl(·):

 λ  (P ∈ Cn,m,d, msg ∈ M, st) ← A0(1 ) m(λ)  ˜ b ← {0, 1}, α ← {0, 1}  1 Pr A1(Pb, st) = b : ˜ λ  −  P0 ← Obf(1 ,P, msg, α)  2 ˜ λ |P | |msg| P1 ← Sim(1 , 1 , 1 )

208 3.3.3 Extending the Message Space

In this section, we show that an lockable obfuscation scheme with mes- sage space {0, 1} can be extended to an lockable obfuscation scheme with message space {0, 1}l for any polynomial l.

Let (Obf, Eval) be an lockable obfuscation scheme with message space {0, 1}. We will also require the following tools for this transformation:

- A pairwise independent hash function family H with domain {0, 1}`out

and co-domain {0, 1}`H

- A pseudorandom generator PRG : {0, 1}`H → {0, 1}l·λ

Consider the following lockable obfuscation scheme (Obf0, Eval0) for circuit class

l C`in,`out,d and message space {0, 1} .

0 λ th • Obf (1 ,P, msg, α): Let msgi denote the i bit of msg for i ≤ l, and s[i,j] be substring of s consisting starting with the ith bit of s and ending with the jth bit.

The obfuscation algorithm first chooses a hash function h. Let Qi be a

`in circuit that takes as input x ∈ {0, 1} and outputs PRG(h(P (x)))[(i−1)·λ+1,i·λ].

λ i The obfuscation algorithm computes Pei ← Obf(1 ,Q , msgi, PRG(h(α))[(i−1)·λ+1,i·λ])   for each i ≤ l. The final obfuscated program is Pe1,..., Pel .

0    • Eval Pe1,..., Pel , x : The evaluation algorithm computes yi = Eval(Pei, x)

for each i ≤ l. If any yi =⊥, it outputs ⊥. Else, it outputs (y1, . . . , yl).

209 Correctness We will show that the above scheme satisfies the semi-statistical correctness definition if the underlying scheme also satisfies the semi-statistical correctness notion. Fix any security parameter λ, program P , string α, input x and message msg. If P (x) = α, then it follows directly that Eval0 Obf0 1λ,P, msg, α , x = msg.

If P (x) 6= α, then we need to show that with high probability (over the coins of obfuscation), the evaluation algorithm outputs ⊥. Let β = PRG(h(α)),

i and let β = β[(i−1)·λ+1,i·λ] for simplicity of notation. Fix any i ∈ [l], and let Badi

i denote the event that PRG(h(P (x)))[(i−1)·λ+1,i·λ] = β , and let Ei be the event that Eval(Pei, x) 6=⊥. Using the pairwise independence property, we can argue

−`H that Pr[Badi] ≤ 2 , and using the underlying obfuscator’s semi-statistical correctness, we get that Pr[Ei | Badi] ≤ negl(λ). This implies Pr[Ei] ≤ negl(λ), and hence with overwhelming probability, the evaluation algorithm outputs ⊥.

Security Security follows from a hybrid argument. The simulator will run the underlying scheme’s simulator l times. To prove that this is indistinguish- able from the honestly computed obfuscation, we define l + 2 intermediate hybrid obfuscations. In the first hybrid, we switch h(α) to be a uniformly random string. This follows from the Leftover Hash Lemma. Next, we switch PRG(h(α)) to a uniformly random l · λ bit string. This follows from the se- curity of PRG. At this point, each of the locks for each of the l calls to Obf are independent and uniformly random strings. We can now simulate each of

210 them independently. In the (i + 2)th one, the challenger simulates the first i obfuscations, and honestly computes the remaining l − i obfuscations. The (i + 1)th and (i + 2)th hybrids are computationally indistinguishable due to security of the underlying obfuscation scheme.

3.3.4 Relationship with Existing Cryptographic Primitives

The notion of lockable obfuscation has some similarities with existing cryptographic primitives such as witness encryption and obfuscation for evasive function classes. In this section, we look at these similarities in more detail, and discuss how this new primitive differs from the existing ones.

Witness Encryption Garg, Gentry, Sahai and Waters [290] introduced the notion of witness encryption. A witness encryption scheme for language L consists of an encryption algorithm and a decryption algorithm. Using the encryption algorithm, one can encrypt a message x for any instance x. If x ∈ L and w is a witness certifying that x ∈ L, then the ciphertext can be decrypted using w. The correctness requirement is natural: let ct be an encryption of m for instance x. If x ∈ L and w is a valid witness, then decryption of ct using w outputs m. Security, on the other hand, is guaranteed only for x∈ / L.

In particular, if x∈ / L, then encryption of m0 for x is indistinguishable from encryption of m1 for x.

An lockable obfuscator for circuit class Cn,m,d can be used to encrypt

211 messages for NP statements of the form:

xP,α = ∃ y s.t. P (y) = α.

However, note that the security of lockable obfuscators works only when α is chosen uniformly at random. Moreover, the ‘lock’ α is not revealed to the adversary. On the other hand, in the security game of witness encryption, the adversary knows the instance xP α, which in turn reveals α.

Obfuscation for Evasive Functions Barak, Bitansky, Canetti, Kalai, Paneth and Sahai [58] studied obfuscation for evasive function families - function fam- ilies where for any input x in the domain, most functions in the family output 0.

In our case, for any program P ∈ Cn,m,d, message msg and lock α, the function QP,α,msg outputs 1 on input x iff P (x) = α and msg = 1. As a re- sult, if m is significantly larger than n, then for any P , the function family

{QP,α,msg}α,msg is an evasive function family. Our definition of lockable obfus- cation is stronger than the notion of VBB for the function class {QP,α,msg}α,msg because in our case, the adversary must not learn even the program P . How- ever, in the cas

3.4 Our Construction

In this section, we present our lockable obfuscation scheme. For any polynomials `in, `out, d such that `out = ω(log λ), we construct a lockable ob-

212 fuscation scheme O = (Obf, Eval) for the circuit class C`in,`out,d. The message space for our construction will be {0, 1}, although one can trivially extend it to {0, 1}`(λ) for any polynomial `.

The tools required for our construction are as follows:

- A compact leveled homomorphic bit encryption scheme (LHE.Setup, LHE.Enc,

LHE.Eval, LHE.Dec) with decryption circuit of depth dDec(λ) and cipher-

texts of length `ct(λ).

- A pairwise independent hash family H : {0, 1}`out(λ) → {0, 1}`H(λ) which

can be implemented by a circuit of logarithmic depth dH(λ).

- A pseudorandom generator PRG : {0, 1}`H(λ) → {0, 1}`PRG(λ) of depth


For notational convenience, let `in = `in(λ), `out = `out(λ), `H = `H(λ), `PRG =

`PRG(λ), dDec = dDec(λ), dH = dH(λ), dPRG = dPRG(λ) and d = d(λ).

Fix any  < 1/2. Let χ be a B-bounded discrete Gaussian distribution √ with parameter σ such that B = m · σ. Let n, m, `, σ, q, Bd be parameters with the following constraints:

- n = poly(λ) and q ≤ 2n (for LWE security)

- `H = ω(log λ) (for PRG security)

- `out − `H = ω(log λ) (for strong extraction)

- m = Ω(n · log q) (for SamplePre)

213 √ - σ = ω( n · log q · log m) (for Preimage Well Distributedness)

- `PRG = n · m · log q + ω(log n) (for applying Leftover Hash Lemma)

- `PRG − `H = ω(log λ) (for correctness of scheme)

2 L 1/4 - Bd = `PRG · L · (m · σ) < q (for correctness of scheme)

dDec+dH+dPRG (where L = `out · `ct · 4 )

First, note that it is important that L = λc for some constant c and

L 1/4 Bd = `PRG · L · (m · σ) < q . This crucially relies on the fact that the LHE scheme is compact (so that `ct is bounded by a polynomial) and that the LHE decryption, hash function evaluation and PRG computation can be performed by a log depth circuit (i.e, have poly length branching programs). The constant c depends on the LHE scheme, pairwise independent hash function and PRG.

One possible setting of parameters is as follows: n = λ4c/, m = n1+,

n 2+2 q = 2 , σ = n, `PRG = n and `H = `out/2.

We will now describe the obfuscation and evaluation algorithms.

• Obf(1λ,P, msg, α): The obfuscation algorithm takes as input a program

`out P ∈ C`in,`out,d, message msg ∈ {0, 1} and α ∈ {0, 1} . The obfuscator proceeds as follows:

1. First, it chooses the LHE key pair as (, lhe.ek) ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1d log d).6

6We set the LHE depth bound to be d log d, where the extra log factor is to account for the constant blowup involved in using a universal circuit. In particular, we can set the LHE depth bound to be c · d where c is some fixed constant depending on the universal circuit.

214 2. Next, it encrypts the program P . It sets ct ← LHE.Enc(,P ).7

3. It then chooses a pairwise independent hash function h ← H. Let β = PRG(h(α)).

4. Next, consider the following circuit Q which takes as input `out · `ct

bits of input and outputs `PRG bits. Q takes as input `out LHE ciphertexts {ct } , has LHE secret key hardwired and i i≤`out

computes the following — (1) it decrypts each input ciphertext cti

(in parallel) to get string x of length `out bits, (2) it sequentially ap- plies the hash function and PRG on x and outputs PRG(h(x)). Con- cretely, Q(ct1,..., ct`out ) = PRG h LHE.Dec(, ct1) || · · · || LHE.Dec(,  ct`out ) .

(i) For i ≤ `PRG, we use BP to denote the fixed-input selector per- mutation branching program that outputs the ith bit of output of

circuit Q. Note that Q has depth dtot = dDec +dH +dPRG. By Corol- lary 3.2, we know that each branching program BP(i) has length

dtot L = `out · `ct · 4 and width 5.

5. Finally, the obfuscator creates matrix components which enable the evaluator to compute msg if it has an input strings (ciphertexts)

ct1,..., ct`out such that Q(ct1,..., ct`out ) = β. Concretely, it runs the (randomized) routine Comp-Gen (defined in Figure 3.1). This

7Note that LHE scheme supports bit encryption. Therefore, to encrypt P , a multi-bit message, the FHE.Enc algorithm will be run independently on each bit of P . However, for notational convenience throughout this section we overload the notation and use FHE.Enc and FHE.Dec algorithms to encrypt and decrypt multi-bit messages respectively.

215 routine takes as input the circuit Q in the form of `PRG branching

(i) programs {BP }i, string β and message msg.   n (i) o n (i,0) (i,1)o (i) Let B0,1 , Cj , Cj ← Comp-Gen({BP }i, β, msg). i i,j 6. The final obfuscated program consists of the LHE evaluation key ek = lhe.ek, LHE ciphertexts ct, together with the components   n (i) o n (i,0) (i,1) o B0,1 , (Cj , Cj ) . i i,j

• Eval(P˜ , x): The evaluation algorithm takes as input obfuscated program

n (i) o n (i,0) (i,1) o ˜ `in P = ek, ct, B0,1 , (Cj , Cj ) and input x ∈ {0, 1} . It per- i i,j forms the following steps.

1. The evaluator first constructs a universal circuit Ux(·) with x hard- wired as input. This universal circuit takes a circuit C as input

and outputs Ux(C) = C(x). Using the universal circuit of Cook

and Hoover [222], it follows that Ux(·) has depth O(d).

2. Next, it performs homomorphic evaluation on ct using circuit Ux(·).

It computes cte = LHE.Eval(ek,Ux(·), ct). Note that `ct ·`out denotes th the length of cte (as a bitstring), and let cte i denote the i bit of cte .

3. The evaluator then obliviously evaluates the `PRG branching pro-

grams on input cte using the matrix components. It calls the com- ponent evaluation algorithm Comp-Eval (defined in Figure 3.2). Let    n (i) o n (i,0) (i,1) o y = Comp-Eval cte , B0,1 , (Cj , Cj ) . The evalua- i i,j tor outputs y.

216 3.4.1 Security

We will now prove the scheme secure as per Definition 3.16. For proving security, we will first need to define a PPT simulator. The simulator Sim gets as input the security parameter λ and size of program 1|P |, and it must output a simulated program.

We emphasize that our proof will use a polynomial number of hybrids and each (computational) reduction will only rely on a primitive being se- cure against poly-time attackers. Thus we avoid making any subexponential hardness assumptions. Simulator Sim

The simulator first chooses the parameters n, m, q, σ, `PRG as in the original scheme. Next, it chooses LHE secret/evaluation keys. It computes (sk, ek) ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1d log d) (note that the depth d of the circuit class is fixed for the scheme). It then computes an encryption of 0|P |. Let ct ←

|P | (i) n×m LHE.Enc(sk, 0 ). Finally, the simulator chooses `PRG matrices B0,1 ← Zq (i,0) (i,1) (i,b) and low norm matrices {(Cj , Cj )}i,j for i ≤ `PRG, j ≤ L where Cj ← χm×m. The obfuscation consists of the LHE evaluation key ek, ciphertext ct,   n (i) o n (i,0) (i,1) o together with the components B0,1 , (Cj , Cj ) . i i,j

To prove security, we will define a sequence of hybrids, and show that the hybrids are computationally indistinguishable. The first hybrid corresponds to the case when the challenger outputs an obfuscation of the program, while the

217 final hybrid corresponds to one where the challenger outputs an obfuscation of an ‘all-reject’ program. At a high level, our aim is to replace the LHE encryption of the program P with an encryption of all-zeroes string, and to remove the message msg from the matrix components. To achieve this, we will first replace the matrix components with random low-norm matrices. This switch ensures that the matrix components contain no information about the msg or the LHE secret key. We can then switch the encryption of P with encryption of all-zeroes string. Sequence of Hybrid Games

In the security game, the adversary A starts by choosing a program

P ∈ C`in,`out,d and message msg ∈ {0, 1}. It sends the P, msg to the challenger and the challenger chooses a random bit ζ. If ζ = 0, the challenger computes program Pe as an obfuscation of P for message msg with random lock using the obfuscation algorithm. Otherwise, the challenger computes Pe using the simulator. Now, in the sequence of hybrids described below, Game 0 will correspond to the case ζ = 0 (i.e., the challenger computes the obfuscated program honestly) and (final) Game 5 will correspond to ζ = 1 (i.e., the challenger simulates the obfuscated program).

In the following hybrid description, we only describe the challenger’s execution and in the later games, we only highlight the changes made in each consecutive hybrid. Note that the program P and message msg are provided by A to the challenger.

218 Game 0: As mentioned above, in this game the challenger computes the ob- fuscated program honestly.

1. The challenger first chooses the LWE parameters n, m, q, σ, χ and `PRG. Recall L denotes the length of the branching programs. 2. It chooses (sk, ek) ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1d log d) and sets ct ← LHE.Enc(sk,P ).

3. Next, it chooses a uniformly random string α ← {0, 1}`out , hash function h ← H and sets β = PRG(h(α)). 4. Next, consider the following program Q. It takes as input an LHE ciphertext ct, has sk hardwired and does the following: it decrypts the input ciphertext ct to get string x and outputs PRG(h(x)). For

(i) th i ≤ `PRG(λ), let BP denote the branching program that outputs the i bit of PRG(h(x)).

(i) 5. It chooses `PRG uniformly random matrices BL of dimensions 5n × m, (i) such that the following constraint is satisfied (recall BL,1 represents the (i) (i) (i) first n rows of BL , BL,2 represents the next n rows of BL , etc) ( X (i) X (i) 0 if msg = 0. B + B = L,rej(i) L,acc(i) √  n×(m−n) q · In || 0 if msg = 1. i : βi=0 i : βi=1

(i) (i) 5n m 6. For i = 1 to `PRG and j = 0 to L−1, it chooses (Bj ,Tj ) ← TrapGen(1 , 1 , q).

7. Next, it generates the components for each level. For each i ∈ [1, `PRG] and each level level ∈ [1,L], do the following:

(0) (1) n×n (i,0) (i,1) 5n×m (a) Choose matrices Slevel, Slevel ← χ and Elevel , Elevel ← χ for (0) (1) i ≤ `PRG. If either Slevel or Slevel has determinant zero, then set it

to be In.

219 (i,b) (b) For b ∈ {0, 1}, set matrix Dlevel as a permutation of the matrix (i) (i) blocks of Blevel according to the permutation σlevel,b(·). (i,b)  (b)  (i,b) (i,b) (c) Set Mlevel = I5 ⊗ Slevel · Dlevel + Elevel for i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (i) (i) (i,b) (d) Compute Clevel ← SamplePre(Blevel−1,Tlevel−1, σ, Mlevel)

8. The final obfuscated program consists of the LHE evaluation key ek, LHE   n (i) o n (i,0) (i,1) o encryption ct, together with the components B0,1 , (Cj , Cj ) . i i,j

Game 1: In this experiment, the challenger replaces h(α) with a uniformly

0 (0) (1) random string α . Also, it chooses the matrices Slevel, Slevel without checking if their determinant is non-zero.

3. Next, it chooses a hash function h ← H, a uniformly random string

α0 ← {0, 1}`H and sets β = PRG(α0).

7. Next, it generates the components for each level. For each level level ∈ [1,L], do the following:

(0) (1) n×n (i,0) (i,1) 5n×m (a) Choose matrices Slevel, Slevel ← χ and Elevel , Elevel ← χ for

i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (b) For b ∈ {0, 1}, set matrix Dlevel as a permutation of the matrix (i) (i) blocks of Blevel according to the permutation σlevel,b(·). (i,b)  (b)  (i,b) (i,b) (c) Set Mlevel = I5 ⊗ Slevel · Dlevel + Elevel for i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (i) (i) (i,b) (d) Compute Clevel ← SamplePre(Blevel−1,Tlevel−1, σ, Mlevel)

220 Game 2: In this experiment, the challenger replaces the pseudorandom string β = PRG(α0) with a truly random string.

3. Next, it chooses a hash function h ← H, a uniformly random string

β ← {0, 1}`PRG .

Game 3: In this experiment, the challenger chooses the top level matrices uniformly at random.

(i) 5. It chooses `PRG uniformly random matrices BL of dimensions 5n × m, without any constraints.

We will now define 4L+1 intermediate game Game (4, j∗, 0), Game (4, j∗, 1), Game (4, j∗, 2), Game (4, j∗, 3) for j∗ ∈ {0, 1,...,L − 1} and Game (4, L, 0). The experiment Game (4, 0, 0) will be same as Game 3.

Game (4, j∗, 0): In this experiment, the challenger chooses the top j∗ + 1

(i) ∗ matrices Bj uniformly at random (without a trapdoor). Also, the top j

(i,b) ∗ Cj matrices, for j > L−j , are chosen randomly from the noise distribution χm×m.

6. For i = 1 to `PRG and j = 0 to L − 1,

∗ (i) (i) 5n m • if j < L − j it chooses (Bj ,Tj ) ← TrapGen(1 , 1 , q).

∗ (i) 5n×m • if j ≥ L − j , it chooses Bj uniformly at random from Zq .

221 7. Next, it generates the components for each level. For each level level ∈ [1,L − j∗], do the following:

(0) (1) n×n (i,0) (i,1) 5n×m (a) Choose matrices Slevel, Slevel ← χ and Elevel , Elevel ← χ for

i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (b) For b ∈ {0, 1}, set matrix Dlevel as a permutation of the matrix (i) (i) blocks of Blevel according to the permutation σlevel,b(·). (i,b)  (b)  (i,b) (i,b) (c) Set Mlevel = I5 ⊗ Slevel · Dlevel + Elevel for i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (i) (i) (i,b) (d) Compute Clevel ← SamplePre(Blevel−1,Tlevel−1, σ, Mlevel)

∗ (i,b) m×m For all level > L − j , i ≤ `PRG and b ∈ {0, 1} choose Clevel ← χ .

∗ (i,0) Game (4, j , 1): In this experiment, the challenger chooses Mlevel uniformly ∗ (i,1) at random for level = L − j (Mlevel is same as before).

7. Next, it generates the components for each level. For each level level ∈ [1,L − j∗], do the following:

(0) (1) n×n (i,0) (i,1) 5n×m (a) Choose matrices Slevel, Slevel ← χ and Elevel , Elevel ← χ for

i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (b) For b ∈ {0, 1}, set matrix Dlevel as a permutation of the matrix (i) (i) blocks of Blevel according to the permutation σlevel,b(·). ∗ (i,0) 5n×m (i,1) (c) If level = L−j , choose Mlevel ← Zq and Mlevel same as previous hybrid.

(i,b)  (b)  (i,b) (i,b) Else set Mlevel = I5 ⊗ Slevel · Dlevel + Elevel for i ≤ `PRG.

222 (i,b) (i) (i) (i,b) (d) Compute Clevel ← SamplePre(Blevel−1,Tlevel−1, σ, Mlevel)

∗ (i,b) m×m For all level > L − j , i ≤ `PRG and b ∈ {0, 1} choose Clevel ← χ .

∗ (i,b) Game (4, j , 2): In this experiment, the challenger chooses Mlevel uniformly at random for level = L − j∗ and b ∈ {0, 1}.

7. Next, it generates the components for each level. For each level level ∈ [1,L − j∗], do the following:

(0) (1) n×n (i,0) (i,1) 5n×m (a) Choose matrices Slevel, Slevel ← χ and Elevel , Elevel ← χ for

i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (b) For b ∈ {0, 1}, set matrix Dlevel as a permutation of the matrix (i) (i) blocks of Blevel according to the permutation σlevel,b(·). ∗ (i,b) 5n×m (c) If level = L − j , choose Mlevel ← Zq . (i,b)  (b)  (i,b) (i,b) Else set Mlevel = I5 ⊗ Slevel · Dlevel + Elevel for i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (i) (i) (i,b) (d) Compute Clevel ← SamplePre(Blevel−1,Tlevel−1, σ, Mlevel)

∗ (i,b) m×m For all level > L − j , i ≤ `PRG and b ∈ {0, 1} choose Clevel ← χ .

∗ (i,b) Game (4, j , 3): In this experiment, the challenger chooses CL−j∗ from the noise distribution.

7. Next, it generates the components for each level. For each level level ∈ [1,L − j∗], do the following:

223 (0) (1) n×n (i,0) (i,1) 5n×m (a) Choose matrices Slevel, Slevel ← χ and Elevel , Elevel ← χ for

i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (b) For b ∈ {0, 1}, set matrix Dlevel as a permutation of the matrix (i) (i) blocks of Blevel according to the permutation σlevel,b(·). (i,b)  (b)  (i,b) (i,b) (c) Set Mlevel = I5 ⊗ Slevel · Dlevel + Elevel for i ≤ `PRG. ∗ (i,b) m×m (d) If level = L − j , then choose CL−j∗ ← χ for b ∈ {0, 1}. (i,b) (i) (i) (i,b) Else compute Clevel ← SamplePre(Blevel−1,Tlevel−1, σ, Mlevel)

∗ (i,b) m×m For all level > L − j , i ≤ `PRG and b ∈ {0, 1} choose Clevel ← χ .

Game 5: In this experiment, the challenger computes an encryption of 0|P | instead of an encryption of P . Note that the LHE secret key sk is not required at any other step in this experiment. This corresponds to the challenger sim- ulating the program.

2. It chooses (sk, ek) ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1d log d) and sets ct ← LHE.Enc(sk, 0|P |). Analysis

We will now show that the above hybrid experiments are computation-

A ally indistinguishable. For any adversary A, let pi denote the probability that the adversary outputs 1 in Game i.

A A Claim 3.1. For any adversary A, |p0 − p1 | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim relies on the fact that a pairwise independent hash function (with appropriate domain and co-domain) is a strong extractor.

224 There are two differences between these two experiments. First, in one case, the challenger chooses h ← H, α ← {0, 1}`out and sets β = PRG(h(α)), while in the other case, the challenger chooses h ← H, α0 ← {0, 1}`out and sets β = PRG(α0). Secondly, in Game 0, the challenger ensures that the matrices

(0) (1) Slevel, Slevel are full-rank, while in Game 1, it chooses these matrices from χ without the rank check. Note that any n×n matrix sampled from χ is full rank with all but negligible probability. Therefore, this switch is indistinguishable. We will now show that switching h(α) to a uniformly random string is also statistically indistinguishable.

A A Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |p0 − p1 | = . We can construct a reduction algorithm B that can break the strong extraction property of H with probability . The reduction algorithm receives (h, γ) from the strong extractor challenger, and P, msg from the adversary A. It chooses LHE keys (sk, ek) ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1d log d), computes an encryption of P as ct ← LHE.Enc(sk,P ) and sets β = PRG(γ). Next, it defines the program Q which takes as input an LHE ciphertext, and has sk hardwired. Q first decrypts

(i) the input ciphertext to compute y, then computes PRG(h(y)). Let {BP }i be the branching progams corresponding to Q. The reduction algorithm computes

(i) the components using Comp-Gen({BP }i, β, msg), which is identical in both experiments. It sends the components, together with ek and ct, to A and the adversary outputs a bit b0. If b0 = 1, the reduction algorithm guesses that γ is an evaluation of the hash function. The reduction algorithm has advantage

A A |p0 − p1 | =  in the strong extractor experiment.

225 A Claim 3.2. Assuming the security of PRG, for any PPT adversary A, |p1 −

A p2 | ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. We describe a reduction algorithm B which plays the indistinguisha- bility based game with PRG challenger.8 B receives β from the PRG challenger, and P, msg from the adversary A. It then chooses (sk, ek) ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1d log d) and computes ct ← LHE.Enc(sk,P ). Next, it defines the program Q which takes as input an LHE ciphertext, and has sk hardwired. Q first decrypts the

(i) input ciphertext to compute y, then computes PRG(h(y)). Let {BP }i be the branching progams corresponding to Q. The reduction algorithm computes

(i) the components using Comp-Gen({BP }i, β, msg), which is identical in both experiments. It sends the components, together with ek and ct, and the ad- versary outputs a bit b0. If b0 = 1, the reduction algorithm guesses that β is an evaluation of the hash function.

Note that when the PRG challenger sends a pseudorandom string β = PRG(α0) for a uniformly random α0, then B exactly simulates the view of Game 1 for A. Otherwise if the PRG challenger outputs a uniformly random

A A string, then B exactly simulates the view of Game 2. Therefore, if |p1 − p2 | is non-negligible, then PRG is not a secure pseudorandom generator.

A A Claim 3.3. For any adversary A, |p2 − p3 | ≤ negl(λ).

8Note that if A is a non-uniform attacker, then our reduction algorithm will be non- uniform as well.

226 Proof. This step is information theoretic, and uses the Leftover Hash Lemma (matrix version, Corollary 3.1).

Note that the difference between Game 2 and 3 is the way top level

(i) matrices BL are sampled during the component generation phase. In Game 2,

(`PRG) matrix B `PRG is chosen as L,stL ( (`PRG) H if msg = 0 B (` ) = √ L,st PRG  n×(m−n) L H + q · In || 0 if msg = 1   where H = − P B(i) + P B(i) , st(`PRG) is i≤`PRG−1 : βi=0 L,rej(i) i≤`PRG−1 : βi=1 L,acc(i) L

(`PRG) (`PRG) acc if β`PRG = 1, and rej otherwise. It can be equivalently written as follows h i B(`PRG) = −A·R, A = B(1) || B(1) || ... ||B(`PRG−1) || B(`PRG−1) (`PRG) L,rej(1) L,acc(1) L,rej(`PRG−1) L,acc(`PRG−1) L,stL

> 2`PRG−2 where R = u⊗Im ∈ Zq2m(`PRG − 1) × m, u = (u1, . . . , u2`PRG−2) ∈ {0, 1} and for all i ≤ `PRG − 1, u2i = βi and u2i−1 = 1 − βi. That is, matrix R con-

th sists of 2`PRG − 2 submatrices where if βi = 1, then its 2i submatrix is identity and (2i − 1)th submatrix is zero, otherwise it is the opposite. Let R denote the distribution of matrix R as described above with β drawn uni-

`PRG formly from {0, 1} . Note that H∞(R) = `PRG − 1 (min-entropy of R), and

`PRG > m · n log2 q + ω(log n). Therefore, it follows (from Corollary 3.1) that    A, B(`PRG) = −A · R : A ← n × 2m(` − 1), R ← R (`PRG) Zq PRG L,stL

≈s    A, B(`PRG) : A ← n × 2m(` − 1), B(`PRG) ← n×m (`PRG) Zq PRG (`PRG) Zq L,stL L,stL A A Thus, |p2 −p3 | is negligible in the security parameter for all adversaries A.

227 ∗ A A Claim 3.4. For all j ∈ [1,L], for all A, |p(4,j∗−1,3) − p(4,j∗,0)| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. This proof relies on the Matrix Well Distributedness property of TrapGen (see Definition 3.1). The only difference in Game (4, j∗−1, 3) and Game (4, j∗, 0)

(i) ∗ (i) is the choice of {BL−j∗ }. In Game (4, j − 1, 3), {BL−j∗ } is chosen with a trap- ∗ door for all i ≤ `PRG. In Game (4, j , 0), these matrices are chosen uniformly at random. Note that in both the experiments, the trapdoors corresponding

(i) (i,b) to BL−j∗ are not used, since the matrix components {CL−j∗+1}i,b are chosen from the noise distribution χ. As a result, using the Matrix Well Distributed- ness property of TrapGen, we can argue that these two games are statistically

A A indistinguishable, and therefore |p(4,j∗−1,3) − p(4,j∗,0)| ≤ negl(λ).

Claim 3.5. Assuming the LWE with short secrets assumption (Assumption 3.2)

∗ A A For all j ∈ [0,L − 1], for all PPT adversaries A, |p(4,j∗,0) − p(4,j∗,1)| ≤ negl(λ)

∗ (i,0)  (0)  Proof. In Game (4, j , 0), the challenger computes ML−j∗ as I5 ⊗ SL−j∗ · (i,0) (i,0) ∗ DL−j∗ + EL−j∗ . In Game (4, j , 1), this matrix is chosen uniformly at random. We will use the LWE assumption (short secrets version) to prove that these two hybrids are indistinguishable.

Suppose there exists a PPT adversary A that can distinguish between these two games with advantage . Then we can consruct a reduction algo- rithm B that can break the LWE-ss assumption. First, B receives as LWE-ss challenge two matrices (F, G) of dimensions n×5`PRG ·m, and P, msg from the adversary A. It then partitions F into `PRG submatrices of dimensions n × 5m as [F(1) || ... || F(`PRG)]. Further, each matrix F(i) is parsed into 5 matrices of

228 (i) (i) dimensions n × m as [F1 || ... || F5 ]. Similarly, the matrix G is partitioned (i) into {Gk }i≤`PRG,k≤5.

The reduction algorithm chooses the LHE keys and computes the ci- phertext as in the two games. Next, it needs to choose the matrix components.

∗ (i) ∗ First, it chooses the top j − 1 matrices {Bj }i≤`PRG,j>L−j uniformly at ran-

∗ (i,0) (i,1) ∗ dom, and the top j −1 components {(Cj , Cj )}i≤`PRG,j>L−j from the noise (i) (i) distribution. It then sets BL−j∗,k = Fk for all i ≤ `PRG, k ≤ 5.

(i) (i,0) The reduction algorithm then uses Gk to define ML−j∗ as follows:

 (i)  G σ(i) (1)  L−j∗,0  (i,0)  .  ML−j∗ =  .  .  (i)  G (i) σL−j∗,0(5)

(i,1) The matrix ML−j∗ is computed identically in both the games. Using (i) (i,1) BL−j∗ , the reduction algorithm can compute ML−j∗ . Finally, it computes (i,b) CL−j∗ for all i ≤ `PRG, b ∈ {0, 1}.

The remaining components are computed identically in both games, and the reduction algorithm can perfectly simulate them. Finally, it sends all the components, together with the LHE evaluation key and ciphertext. The adversary sends a bit b0. If b0 = 1, the reduction algorithm guesses that G = S · F + E for some matrices S, E drawn from the noise distribution. If b0 = 0, then the reduction algorithm guesses that G is random.

If G is an LWE sample, then B simulates Game (4, j∗, 0), else it simu-

∗ A A lates Game (4, j , 1). The advantage of B is p(4,j∗,0) − p(4,j∗,1).

229 Claim 3.6. Assuming the LWE with short secrets assumption (Assumption 3.2)

∗ A A For all j ∈ [0,L − 1], for all PPT adversaries A, |p(4,j∗,1) − p(4,j∗,2)| ≤ negl(λ)

∗ (i,1)  (1)  Proof. In Game (4, j , 1), the challenger computes ML−j∗ as I5 ⊗ SL−j∗ · (i,1) (i,1) ∗ DL−j∗ + EL−j∗ . In Game (4, j , 2), this matrix is chosen uniformly at random. This proof is identical to the previous proof.

∗ A A Claim 3.7. For all j ∈ [0,L − 1], for all A, |p(4,j∗,2) − p(4,j∗,3)| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The proof of this claim relies on the preimage well-distributedness prop- erty of lattice trapdoor sampler (TrapGen, SamplePre) (Definition 3.1). Note

(i,b) that the only difference between these two games is with regard to CL−j∗ . In Game (4, j∗, 2) these matrices are computed using the SamplePre algorithm.

∗ (i,b) In Game (4, j , 3), they’re chosen from the noise distribution χ. Since ML−j∗ is chosen uniformly at random, we can use the preimage well-distributedness property to argue that the two games are statistically indistinguishable.

Claim 3.8. Assuming the LHE scheme is IND-CPA secure, for all PPT ad-

A A versaries A, |p4,L,0 − p5 | ≤ negl(λ).

A A Proof. The only difference between p4,L,0 and p5 is that the LHE ciphertext is an encryption of P in one case, and an encryption of 0|P | in the other. Note that in both games, the LHE secret key is only used for computing the ciphertext (it is not used by the branching programs BP(i)). Suppose there

230 exists an adversary A that can distinguish between these two games. Then we can construct a reduction algorithm B that breaks the IND-CPA security of the LHE scheme.

The reduction algorithms receives P, msg from the adversary A, and sends P, 0|P | to the LHE challenger. It receives an evaluation key ek and

(i) a ciphertext ct. It then chooses the matrix components B0 uniformly at (i,b) random, and the components {Cj }i,j,b from the noise distribution. Finally, it sends ek, ct and the matrix components to the adversary. The adversary sends a bit b0. If b0 = 1, then the reduction algorithm guesses that ct is an encryption of P , else it guesses that ct is an encryption of 0|P |. Note that the

A A advantage of B in the IND-CPA game is |p(4,L,0) − p5 |.

3.4.2 On the Need for a Pseudo Random Generator

An interesting question is whether the application of a Pseudo Ran- dom Generator is actually necessary for the security of our construction. A natural alternative construction would be to use the same overall struc-

ture with the modification that the circuit Q computes Q(ct1,..., ct`out ) =

LHE.Dec(, ct1) || · · · || LHE.Dec(, ct`out ). In particular, Q just per- forms an LHE decryption and does not compute a pairwise independent hash and pseudo random generator to the result. In this case we set β = α instead of β = PRG(h(α)).

While we do not rule out that such a construction might work, there appear to be some inherent tensions in setting parameters to prove such a

231 system secure. Let’s return to the proof of the scheme as it is. A critical proof step is to move from Game 2 to Game 3 where in Game 2 it chooses the B(i) , B(i) values such that L,acc(i) L,rej(i)

( n×m X (i) X (i) 0 if msg = 0. B + B = L,rej(i) L,acc(i) √  n×(m−n) q · In || 0 if msg = 1. i : βi=0 i : βi=1 Whereas in Game 3 all are chosen uniformly at random. By our choice of parameters we have that `PRG  n · m · log q. Therefore, with high probability, there will be many strings w such that P B(i) = 0. It follows that i : wi=0 L,wi (in the case where the message bit is 0) programming the matrices so that on a random β P B(i) = 0 is statistically close to just choosing them i : βi=0 L,βi uniformly at random.

Now if we instead use the alternative construction we have that there are `out pairs of matrices instead at the last level instead of `PRG. In our construction `out < `in since the input HE ciphertext must be big enough to encrypt α. And `in < log q due to the noise accumulation in our construction.

So we have that `out  log q and the statistical argument we used earlier for going from Game 2 to Game 3 no longer holds. We might instead consider a computational argument for moving between these games where the LWE assumption with binary secrets is a natural candidate. Unfortunately, known conversions [152, 441] between standard LWE and binary LWE require the LWE challenge vector to increase by a factor of log q which would again violate our parameter constraints.

Another interesting question is whether the pairwise independent hash

232 function could be removed from our construction where the circuit Q would go straight from decrypting the HE ciphertext to evaluating a pseudorandom generator. Currently, the pairwise indepdent hash function is in place to as- sure semi-statistical correctness of Definition 3.15. Consider a pseudorandom generator PRG that always ignored its first input bit. Furthermore consider a program P , input x, lock value α such that P (x) =α ˜, whereα ˜ is a bitstring that equals α at all bit positions except the first. Then the triple P , input x, lock value α would violate semi-statistical correctness under the construction where the pairwise independent hash function is removed.

3.5 Predicate Encryption: Achieving 1-Sided Security

Below we first give a formal description of our transformation for the case of a key-policy ABE (KP-ABE) system where the decryption algorithms are of a bounded depth and size. We follow (in this section) by enumerating different forms of Attribute-Based Encryption and informally discussing how our transformation could be adapted to each case. We finally sketch a deriva- tive application where we can encrypt to an arbitrarily formed public key and hide from everyone except the receiver which public key we encrypted to.

3.5.1 Key-Policy ABE with Bounded Decryption Depth and Size

In this section, we construct a PE scheme which achieves 1-sided secu- rity from any KP-ABE scheme and a lockable obfuscator. Our construction inherits the attribute space and predicate class of the underlying KP-ABE

233 scheme.

Outline. The central idea is to hide the ciphertext inside an obfuscated circuit. During encryption, instead of encrypting the message m (using the underlying encryption algorithm), the encryptor chooses a lock value α for obfuscation and encrypts the lock value α under the input attribute x to get ciphertext ctα. Next, it obfuscates (under the same lock value α) the decryp- tion circuit of the underlying ABE scheme with the ciphertext ctα (encrypting lock value) hardwired. Now, output of this obfuscated circuit Pe would be set to be the actual message m and the obfuscated circuit Pe will be the final ciphertext. Observe that given any valid secret key skC (such that C(x) = 1), one could simply evaluate the obfuscated circuit using the secret key and its output would guaranteed to be message m by correctness of the underlying decryption and evaluation algorithms. At a high level, this hides the attribute x because if the adversary can not decrypt the ciphertext ctα containing the lock value α (i.e, it does not know the secret key for the corresponding at- tribute), then it has not no information about the lock value α. Therefore, by the obfuscation security, we can guarantee that the circuit Pe (i.e., challenge ciphertext) could be simulated instead. Below we describe our construction PE = (Setup, Enc, KeyGen, Dec) for attribute spaces {X } , predicate classes λ λ∈N {C } and 1-bit messages. λ λ∈N

234 Background: Attribute Based Encryption and Weak Attribute Hid- ing Predicate Encryption A key-policy attribute based encryption (KP- ABE) scheme ABE, for set of attribute spaces X = {X } , predicate classes λ λ∈N C = {C } and message spaces M = {M } , consists of four polytime λ λ∈N λ λ∈N algorithms (Setup, Enc, KeyGen, Dec) with the following syntax:

λ • Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, Mλ) → (pp, msk). The setup algorithm takes as input

the security parameter λ and a description of attribute space Xλ, predi-

cate class Cλ and message space Mλ, and outputs the public parameters pp and the master secret key msk.

• Enc(pp, x, m) → ct. The encryption algorithm takes as input public

parameters pp, an attribute x ∈ Xλ and a message m ∈ Mλ. It outputs a ciphertext ct.

• KeyGen(msk,C) → skC . The key generation algorithm takes as input

master secret key msk and a predicate C ∈ Cλ. It outputs a secret key

skC .

• Dec(skC , ct) → m or ⊥. The decryption algorithm takes as input a secret

key skC and a ciphertext ct. It outputs either a message m ∈ Mλ or a special symbol ⊥.

A key-policy attribute based encryption scheme is said to be correct

λ if for all λ ∈ N,(pp, msk) ← Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, Mλ), for all x ∈ Xλ, C ∈ Cλ,

235 m ∈ Mλ, skC ← KeyGen(msk,C), ct ← Enc(pp, x, m), the following holds

C(x) = 1 ⇒ Pr [Dec(skC , ct) = m] ≥ 1 − negl1(λ),

C(x) = 0 ⇒ Pr [Dec(skC , ct) = ⊥] ≥ 1 − negl2(λ),

where negl1(·), negl2(·) are negligible functions, and the probabilities are taken over the random coins used during key generation and encryption procedures.

Security. The standard notion of security for a KP-ABE scheme is that of full or adaptive security. It is formally defined as follows.

Definition 3.17. A key-policy attribute based encryption scheme ABE = (Setup, Enc, KeyGen, Dec) is said to be fully secure if for every stateful PPT adversary A, there exists a negligible function negl(·), such that the following holds:

 λ  (pp, msk) ← Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, Mλ) KeyGen(msk,·) KeyGen(msk,·) 1 Pr A (ct) = b : ((m0, m1), x) ← A (pp)  − ≤ negl(λ) 2 b ← {0, 1}; ct ← Enc(pp, x, mb) where every predicate query C, made by adversary A to the KeyGen(msk, ·) oracle, must satisfy the condition that C(x) = 0.

Predicate Encryption

A predicate encryption (PE) scheme PE, for set of attribute spaces X = {X } , predicate classes C = {C } and message spaces M = {M } , λ λ∈N λ λ∈N λ λ∈N consists of four polytime algorithms (Setup, Enc, KeyGen, Dec). They have the same syntax and correctness condition as that of a KP-ABE scheme.

236 The standard notion of security for a PE scheme is that of full attribute hiding (or 2-sided security). A weaker notion of security is of 1-sided security which is captured by the following indistinguishability based definition (one could alternatively define a simulation based definition as in [328]).

Definition 3.18 (1-Sided Security). A predicate encryption scheme PE = (Setup, Enc, KeyGen, Dec) is said to be 1-sided secure if for every stateful PPT adversary A, there exists a negligible function negl(·), such that the following holds:

 λ  (pp, msk) ← Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, Mλ) KeyGen(msk,·) KeyGen(msk,·) 1 Pr A (ct) = b : ((m0, x0), (m1, x1)) ← A (pp)  − ≤ negl(λ) 2 b ← {0, 1}; ct ← Enc(pp, xb, mb) where every predicate query C, made by adversary A to the KeyGen(msk, ·) oracle, must satisfy the condition that C(x0) = C(x1) = 0.

Definition 3.19 (SIM-1-Sided Security). A predicate encryption scheme PE = (Setup, Enc, KeyGen, Dec) is said to be SIM-1-sided secure if there exists a sim- ulator Sim such that for every stateful PPT adversary A, the following holds:

 λ   (pp, msk) ← Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, Mλ)  AKeyGen(msk,·)(ct): (m, x) ← AKeyGen(msk,·)(pp)  ct ← Enc(pp, x, m) 

≈c  λ   (pp, msk) ← Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, Mλ)  AKeyGen(msk,·)(ct): (m, x) ← AKeyGen(msk,·)(pp)  ct ← Sim(1λ, pp, 1|x|, 1|m|)  where every predicate query C, made by adversary A to the KeyGen(msk, ·) oracle, must satisfy the condition that C(x) = 0.

237 Construction. Let ABE = (ABE.Setup, ABE.Enc, ABE.KeyGen, ABE.Dec) be a key-policy attribute based encryption scheme for set of attribute spaces {X } , predicate classes {C } and message spaces {M } with de- λ λ∈N λ λ∈N λ λ∈N cryption circuit of depth d(λ) and secret key space {0, 1}`(λ). Also, let O =

(Obf, Eval) be a lockable obfuscator for circuit class C`,k,d (i.e., the class of depth d(λ) circuits with `(λ) bit input and k(λ) bit output). For simplic-

k(λ) ity, assume that Mλ = {0, 1} . Below we describe our construction. For notational convenience, let ` = `(λ), k = k(λ) and d = d(λ).

λ • Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ) → (pp, msk). The setup algorithm runs ABE.Setup to generate public parameters and master secret key as (pp, msk) ←

λ k ABE.Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, 1 ).

• Enc(pp, x, m) → ct. The encryption algorithm chooses a random string

k α ← {0, 1} and encrypts it as ctα ← ABE.Enc(pp, x, α). Next, it ob-

fuscates the decryption circuit with message m and lock α as Pe ←

λ Obf(1 , ABE.Dec(·, ctα), m, α). Finally, it outputs the ciphertext as ct =


• KeyGen(msk,C) → skC . The key generation algorithm runs ABE.KeyGen

to generate the secret key as skC ← ABE.KeyGen(msk,C).

• Dec(skC , ct) → m or ⊥ . Let ct = Pe. The decryption algorithm evaluates

the obfuscated program on input skC , and outputs Eval(P,e skC ).

Remark 3.5.1 (Preservation of Algorithms and Retroactive Application). We would like to point out that the above transformation preserves the original

238 ABE setup and key generation algorithms as well as the private key structure. This could allow some flexibility in encryption. If the user encrypting data feels that hiding the attributes is important, he can apply our transformation. If not, he can default to the original scheme. Also, it allows for one-sided predi- cate encryption to be retroactively applied to an ABE scheme that has already published its public parameters and distributed its keys. Of course, only newly generated ciphertexts generated with using the transformation would have the attributes hidden.

Correctness. For all λ ∈ N, message m ∈ {0, 1}, attribute x ∈ Xλ, public λ parameters and master secret key (pp, msk) ← ABE.Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, Mλ), the ciphertext corresponding to message m under attribute x in our scheme is

k an obfuscated circuit Pe, where α ← {0, 1} , ctα ← ABE.Enc(pp, x, α) and

λ Pe ← Obf(1 , ABE.Dec(·, ctα), m, α).

For any predicate C ∈ Cλ, the corresponding secret key in our scheme is simply skC ← ABE.KeyGen(msk,C). Consider the following two cases:

1. C(x) = 1 : We know that if C(x) = 1, then with all but negligible

probability ABE.Dec(skC , ctα) = α. This follows from correctness of the ABE scheme. Next, using correctness of obfuscation, we can conclude

that Eval(P,e skC ) = m as ABE.Dec(skC , ctα) = α. Therefore, if C(x) = 1,

then Pr[Dec(skC , ct = Pe) = m] ≥ 1 − negl(λ).

2. C(x) = 0 : Similarly, we know that if C(x) = 0, then with all but negli-

239 gible probability ABE.Dec(skC , ctα) = ⊥. Also by correctness of obfusca-

tion, we can conclude that if ABE.Dec(skC , ctα) 6= α, then Pr[Eval(P,e skC ) = ⊥] ≥ 1 − negl(λ). Since ⊥ 6= α, therefore combining these two facts we

0 know that if C(x) = 0, then Pr[Dec(skC , ct = Pe) = ⊥] ≥ 1 − negl (λ) for some negligible function negl0(·).

Therefore, PE satisfies the predicate encryption correctness condition.

Security. We will now show that the scheme described above achieves 1- sided security as per Definition 3.18. Formally, we prove the following.

Theorem 3.4. If ABE = (ABE.Setup, ABE.Enc, ABE.KeyGen, ABE.Dec) is a fully secure attribute based encryption for set of attribute spaces {X } , pred- λ λ∈N icate classes {C } and message spaces {M } satisfying Definition 3.17, λ λ∈N λ λ∈N and O = (Obf, Eval) is a lockable obfuscator for 1-bit messages and circuit class

{C`,k,d}λ satisfying Definition 3.16, then PE is a secure predicate encryption scheme satisfying 1-sided security as per Definition 3.18 for 1-bit messages and same attribute space and predicate class as the ABE scheme.

Our proof proceeds via a sequence of hybrid games. Each game is played between the challenger and attacker A. Let A be any PPT adversary that wins the 1-sided security game with non-negligible advantage. We argue that such an adversary must break security of at least one underlying primitive. The first game corresponds to the 1-sided security game as described in Definition 3.18.

240 In the final game, the challenge ciphertext is simulated and does not contain any information about the challenge messages.

We will first define the sequence of hybrid games, and then show that they are computationally indistinguishable.

Game 1: In this game, the challenge ciphertext ct is honestly generated, i.e. by first choosing a uniformly random lock α, then encrypting it under attribute x to get ciphertext ctα and finally obfuscating the decryption circuit with lock α and message mb.

1. Setup Phase. The challenger sets up by generating public parameters

λ k and master secret key as (pp, msk) ← ABE.Setup(1 , Xλ, Cλ, 1 ). It sends pp to A.

2. Pre-Challenge Query Phase. A queries the challenger on polynomi-

ally many predicate circuits Ci to receive the corresponding secret keys

as skCi ← ABE.KeyGen(msk,Ci).

3. Challenge. Next, A sends the challenge messages and attributes ((m0, x0), (m1, x1))

to the challenger such that Ci(x0) = Ci(x1) = 0 for all queried pred- icates. The challenger chooses a random bit b ← {0, 1} and a uni- formly random lock string α ← {0, 1}k. It computes ciphertext ct as

ct ← ABE.Enc(pp, xb, α). It also generates obfuscated program Pe as

λ Pe ← Obf(1 , ABE.Dec(·, ct), mb, α), and sends Pe to A.

241 4. Post-Challenge Query Phase. A queries the challenger on polynomi-

ally many predicate circuits Ci as before. The challenger handles these as in pre-challenge query phase.

5. Guess. A outputs it guess b0 and wins if b = b0.

Game 2: This is same as Game 1, except the challenger computes ciphertext ct as an encryption of an all zero string instead of α.

3. Challenge. Next, A sends the challenge messages and attributes ((m0, x0), (m1, x1))

to the challenger such that Ci(x0) = Ci(x1) = 0 for all queried pred- icates. The challenger chooses a random bit b ← {0, 1} and a uni- formly random lock string α ← {0, 1}k. It computes ciphertext ct as

k ct ← ABE.Enc(pp, xb, 0 ). It also generates obfuscated program Pe as

λ Pe ← Obf(1 , ABE.Dec(·, ct), mb, α), and sends Pe to A.

Game 3: This is same as Game 2, except the challenger does not choose the lock α anymore and it simulates the obfuscated program Pe instead of generating it honestly as an obfuscation of the ABE decryption circuit.

3. Challenge. Next, A sends the challenge messages and attributes ((m0, x0), (m1, x1))

to the challenger such that Ci(x0) = Ci(x1) = 0 for all queried predicates. The challenger chooses a random bit b ← {0, 1}. It generates obfuscated

program Pe as Pe ← O.Sim(1λ, 1s, 1) (where s = |ABE.Dec(·, ct)|), and sends Pe to A.

242 i 0 Let advA = |Pr[b = b] − 1/2| denote the advantage of adversary A in 3 guessing the bit b in Game i. First, note that advA = 0. In other words, A’s advantage in Game 3 is 0. This is because the challenge ciphertext Pe does not contain any information about bit b.

To complete the proof, we establish via a sequence of lemmas that no PPT adversary A can distinguish between each adjacent game with non-

i i+1 negligible probability. We show via a sequence of lemmas that |advA − advA | is negligible for all i = 1, 2. Below we discuss our lemmas in detail.

Lemma 3.2. If ABE = (ABE.Setup, ABE.Enc, ABE.KeyGen, ABE.Dec) is a

1 fully secure attribute based encryption, then for all PPT adversaries A, |advA − 2 advA| is negligible in the security parameter λ.

1 2 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| is non- negligible. We construct an algorithm B that can distinguish encryptions of lock α and an all zeros string, therefore break security of the ABE scheme.

The ABE challenger generates a key pair (pp, msk) and sends pp to B. B simply forwards the public parameters pp to adversary A. A queries the reduction algorithm B on polynomially many predicates Ci for corresponding secret keys. B forwards each predicate query Ci to the ABE challenger and

receives back secret key skCi , which it then sends to A as its response. Next, A sends the challenge message-attribute pairs ((m0, x0), (m1, x1)) to B such that

Ci(x0) = Ci(x1) = 0 for all queried predicates. B chooses a random string

k k α ← {0, 1} and bit b ← {0, 1}, and sends t0 = α and t1 = 0 as its challenge

243 messages and xb as the challenge attribute to the ABE challenger. The ABE challenger chooses a random bit β ← {0, 1}, computes the challenge ciphertext

∗ ∗ ∗ ct ← ABE.Enc(pp, xb, tβ) and sends ct to B. After receiving ct from the challenger, B runs Step 3 as in Game 1. That is, B generates obfuscated

λ ∗ program Pe as Pe ← Obf(1 , ABE.Dec(·, ct ), mb, α), and sends Pe to A. Next, A makes more key queries and B answers them as before by forwarding those to ABE challenger. Finally, A outputs its guess b0. If b = b0, then B sends 0 as its guess (i.e., α was encrypted), otherwise it sends 1 as its guess (i.e., 0k was encrypted) to the ABE challenger.

Note that if the ABE challenger encrypted α (i.e., β = 0), then B perfectly simulates Game 1 for adversary A. Otherwise it simulates Game 2

1 2 for A. As a result, if |advA − advA| is non-negligible, then B breaks the ABE scheme’s security with non-negligible advantage.

Lemma 3.3. If O = (Obf, Eval) is a secure lockable obfuscator, then for all

2 3 PPT adversaries A, |advA − advA| is negligible in the security parameter λ.

2 3 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| is non- negligible. We construct an algorithm B that can distinguish an obfuscation of the ABE decryption circuit with a random lock from a simulated obfuscated program, therefore break security of the obfuscation scheme.

B samples an ABE key pair (pp, msk) and sends pp to adversary A.

A queries the reduction algorithm B on polynomially many predicates Ci for

corresponding secret keys. B answers each query with secret key skCi , with

244 skCi ← ABE.KeyGen(msk,Ci). Next, A sends the challenge message-attribute pairs ((m0, x0), (m1, x1)) to B such that Ci(x0) = Ci(x1) = 0 for all queried predicates. B chooses a random bit b ← {0, 1} and computes ciphertext ct

k as ct ← ABE.Enc(pp, xb, 0 ). B sends the ABE.Dec(·, ct) circuit along with message mb to the obfuscation challenger, and receives an obfuscated program

Pe. B finally sends Pe to A as the challenge ciphertext. Next, A makes more key queries and B answers them as before. Finally, A outputs its guess b0. If b = b0, then B sends 0 as its guess (i.e., ABE decryption circuit was obfuscated), otherwise it sends 1 as its guess (i.e., program Pe was simulated) as its guess to the obfuscation challenger.

Note that if the obfuscation challenger obfuscated ABE.Dec(·, ct) for some lock α, then B perfectly simulates Game 2 for adversary A. Otherwise

2 3 it simulates Game 3 for A. As a result, if |advA − advA| is non-negligible, then B breaks the obfuscation scheme’s security with non-negligible advantage.

3.5.2 Generalizing to Other Types

We now briefly discuss other forms of Attribute-Based Encryption and informally describe how our transformation could be adapted to them.

Key-Policy ABE with Unbounded Decryption Depth. The above con- struction above applies to ABE systems where there is a system wide bound on the depth of the decryption circuit and bounded key size. This can account for both for ABE schemes where there is already such a bound in place such

245 as circuit ABE schemes from LWE or be applied to ABE schemes where no such bound is in place, but one is created for purposes of the transformation. The advantage of this is that the only added assumption is the Learning with Error from lockable obfuscation.

However, in many cases we will want to use systems that don’t have such a bound. For example, most key-policy ABE systems that support keys as arbitrary boolean formulas could have decryption circuits of arbitrary depth. Note that bilinear group ABE systems are the only ones that currently support dual system encryption and adaptive security using only polynomial-hardness assumptions [525, 408, 407].

To accommodate this we modify the transformation by adding an extra FHE layer as follows. The encryption algorithm starts as before by choosing a random lock value α and encrypting the lock value under attribute string x using ABE encryption algorithm. However, it next creates a fresh FHE public-private key pair and encrypts the ABE ciphertext under the FHE public key. Next, it creates a lockable obfuscation that is created with lock value α, the message we want to encrypt and a program that takes as input an FHE ciphertext and decrypts using the FHE secret key. The ciphertext consists of the FHE public key, ciphertext and (lockable) obfuscated program. To decrypt simply use the fully homomorphic decryption algorithm to decrypt the ABE ciphertext inside the FHE ciphertext and then submit the resulting ciphertext as input to the obfuscated program.

The security argument is almost the same as before. In the first step

246 ABE security is used to change the ciphertext encrypting α to encrypt the all 0’s string. Next the obfuscated program is changed to a simulated program which looses knowledge of the FHE secret key. Then we can finally change the FHE ciphertext encrypting the ABE ciphertext to encrypt the all 0’s string.

Such a technique will be applicable to many forms of key-policy Attribute- Based encryption including those that use dual system encryption for adaptive security [525, 407], ABE for boolean formulas [336] and ABE for deterministic finite automata [526, 47].

Unbounded Size, but Bounded Depth. An in-between variant of our first transformation and the methods described above would be to accommo- date ABE systems that inherently have decryption circuits that have bounded depth, but not bounded size. A prototypical example is an ABE for circuits scheme from LWE [327, 121]. In this case we can do the same construction as above, except use a leveled homomorphic encryption scheme where the level is chosen to match the maximum ABE circuit decryption depth. The advantage of this approach is that realizations of leveled homomorphic encryption are known from the LWE assumption [155, 148].

Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption. An alternate form of Attribute-Based Encryption is ciphertext-policy ABE. In this setting the se- mantics associated with the keys and ciphertexts get flipped. Here a function f is associated with a ciphertext and an attribute string x with a private key. A

247 user with a private key for x should be able to decrypt a ciphertext associated with f if and only if f(x) = 1. In the setting of one-sided predicate encryption we want to hide the function descriptor f associated with the ciphertext from all those users who cannot decrypt it. Using universal circuits (or formulas) one can build [335] a ciphertext policy-ABE schemes from key-policy ABE scheme, however, this only works for circuits of aprori bounded size.

Using a variant of our approach from Section 3.5.1 we can handle all ABE schemes that have ciphertexts of bounded size. If we add a layer of fully homomorphic encryption the bounded size restriction goes away and we can handle additional schemes including those that are in the multi-authority set- ting [199, 200, 409] or have ciphertext functions associated with deterministic finitie automatas [526, 47].

3.5.3 Encrypting to a Hidden Public Key

Our final application of this section is that using lockable encryption one can create a ciphertext that encrypts to a public key, but hides the iden- tity of the public key from anyone who does not have the secret key. Such functionality was considered previously, see for example [529, 76, 4] and the references therein. However, in previous cases the hiding would only be among all public keys that shared some common parameter such as all using the same elliptic curve group. Suppose instead that we wanted to encrypt in a way that it is not clear whether it was to someone with a 4096 bit RSA key, a 2048 bit RSA key or using an ECC key.

248 To do this the encryption algorithm first creates a ciphertext ct that encrypts a randomly chosen lock value α using encryption under the recipients public key cryptosystem. Then the encryption algorithm creates a program P that takes as input a decryption circuit description and applies it to the ciphertext ct. The final ciphertext is a lockable obfuscation of this program P under the lock α and the message to be transmitted. The decryption circuit description and program size should be padded to a include all decryption circuits of a chosen class. To attempt to decrypt such a ciphertext, one must first translate their secret key and decryption algorithm into a decryption circuit and then input this circuit description into the obfuscated program.

3.6 Separating IND-CPA security and Circular Secu- rity

A group of n public keys and ciphertexts is said to form a key cycle [166] if the ith ciphertext encrypts the (i + 1)th secret key. A system is said to be n-circular secure if key cycles of length n are indistinguishable from the case where the ciphertexts consists of encryptions to the all zeros message. Achiev- ing circular security is very desirable in some cases. For instance, a leveled homoromorphic encryption scheme that is circular secure implies the existence of a fully homomorphic encryption scheme via Gentry’s [297] bootstrapping technique. As long as the levels of the homomorphic decryption circuit fit within the levels given by evaluation.

There have been several recent works that have shown that circular se-

249 curity, unfortunately, does not come for free. In particular, there exists IND- CPA schemes (in various contexts) that are not circular secure. Achieving such results initially depended on the existence of indistinguishability obfus- cation. Subsequent works showed how in some scenarios one could make the desirable trade of assuming learning with errors instead of indistinguishability obfuscation. However, each of these constructions required the introduction of specialized LWE oriented techniques. Here we show that these separation results can instead be achieved by lockable obfuscation. The insight is simply that the original results used iO on programs that were “lockable obfuscation compatible” to begin with. So all we need to do is make very minor tweaks to the programs and then essentially copy the results. (We work things out fully below for completeness.)

The benefits are two fold. First, we are able to achieve some separation results that were not previously known under standard assumptions. And second, the solutions provided via lockable obfuscation are simpler to describe and understand in comparison to direct number theoretic constructions. Of course, direct constructions will likely be more practically efficient, although the importance of this is not clear in the setting of separation results. We now overview our three solutions along with the preceding work in each case. We present our results using the language of cycle testers as introduced by Bishop, Hohenberger and Waters [99].

250 Cycle testers of length n. Acar et al. [8] using the SXDH assumption in bilinear groups provided an IND-CPA scheme that was not two circular secure. Subsequently, Koppula, Ramchen and Waters [395] showed separa- tion results for any n cycle length assuming indistinguishability obfuscation. (Concurrently, Marcedone and Orlandi [430] did this from VBB.) After these works Bishop, Hohenberger and Waters [99] gave a cycle tester under the LWE assumption for n = 2. Finally, Koppula and Waters [396] and Alamati and Peikert [24] gave cycle testers for any a priori bounded length under the learn- ing with errors and ring learning with errors problem.9 Below we will provide a translation of the KRW n cycle testers.

Cycle tester for bit encryption schemes. The above separation results do not apply for when the underlying encryption scheme encrypts single bit messages. Rothblum [491] first showed a separation for bit encryption cycles of length one using a high degree and non-noisy multilinear multilinear pa- per. Koppula, Ramchen and Waters [395] (in a different solution from above) showed the separation using indistinguishability obfuscation. Very recently, Goyal, Koppula and Waters [332] gave a bit encryption cycle tester secure under the Learning with Errors assumption. Their cycle tester, however, only worked for secret key encryption while the others were public key. Below we provide a translation of the KRW bit encryption cycle tester.

9In their ring LWE solution Alamati and Peikert [24] built testers for any cycle length that could depend on the security parameter. In their LWE solution the cycle length had to be constant.

251 Cycle testers of unbounded length. Returning to the case of encryption schemes with multi-bit messages Goyal, Koppula and Waters [331] recently provided a cycle tester that had no apriori bound on cycle length. Their solution requires both indistinguishability obfuscation and leveled (bootstrap- pable) homomorphic encryption. We show how we can swap out indistin- guishability obfuscation for lockable obfuscation.

3.6.1 Separating IND-CPA Security from n-Circular Security

In this section, we construct a key cycle tester Γ = (Setup, KeyGen, Enc, Test) from any public key encryption scheme and a lockable obfuscator.

Let E = (Setup, Enc, Dec) be a public key encryption scheme for mes- sage space {0, 1}2k(λ) with decryption circuit of depth d(λ), secret key space {0, 1}k(λ) and ciphertext space {0, 1}`(λ). Also, let O = (Obf, Eval) be a lock- able obfuscator for 1-bit messages and circuit class Cn·`,k,n·d (i.e., the class of depth n · d(λ) circuits with n · `(λ) bit input and k(λ) bit output). Below we describe our construction. For notational convenience, let k = k(λ).

• Setup(1λ, 1n) : The setup algorithm outputs public parameters as pp = (λ, n).

• KeyGen(pp) : Let pp = (λ, n). The key generation algorithm runs Setup to obtain a public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ). It also chooses a string α uniformly at random as α ← {0, 1}k.

Next, consider the program Progsk described in Figure 3.3. It obfuscates

252 program Progsk with message 1 and lock α as Pe ← Obf(1λ, Progsk, 1, α). Finally, it outputs the key pair as pk = (pk, Pe), sk = (sk, α).

• Enc(pk, m) : Let pk = (pk, Pe). The encryption algorithm computes ci- phertext as ct ← Enc(pk, m).

• Test(pk, ct) : Let pk = (pk1,..., pkn) and pk1 = (pk1, Pe1). The test-

ing algorithm evaluates the obfuscated program Pe1 on input ct as b =

Eval(Pe1, ct). If b = ⊥, it outputs 0. Otherwise, it outputs b.

• Dec(sk, ct) : Let sk = (sk, α). The decryption algorithm outputs Dec(sk, ct).10

λ Correctness. For all λ, n ∈ N, public-secret key pairs (pki, ski) ← Setup(1 ) k and strings αi ← {0, 1} (for i ≤ n), a key cycle of length n consists of a sequence of n ciphertexts ct = (ct1,..., ctn), where each ciphertext cti is  computed as cti ← Enc pki, (sk(i mod n)+1, α(i mod n)+1) . Also, the program Pe1

λ (which is part of public key pk1) is computed as Pe1 ← Obf(1 , Progsk1, 1, α1).

Let cte = (ctf1,..., ctfn) be encryption of zero strings, where each cipher- 2k text ctfi is computed as ctfi ← Enc(pki, 0 ). For correctness of Test algorithm, we want to argue that it’s advantage in distinguishing a sequence of encryp- tions of secret keys from encryptions of zeros is non-negligible.

10We would like to point out that cycle tester framework does not contain a decryption algorithm. However, since it is naturally available in our scheme, therefore we also specify it.

253 First, note that Progsk1(ct) = α1 (by construction). Therefore, by correctness of obfuscation Eval(Pe1, ct) = 1. Similarly, Progsk1(cte ) 6= α1 (with all but negligible probability) as α1 is chosen uniformly at random and Progsk1 is independent of string α1. This suggests that Pr[Eval(Pe1, cte ) = ⊥] ≥ 1 − negl(λ).

Therefore, we can conclude that Γ satisfies cycle tester correctness condition as it can distinguish key cycles and all zero encryption with non- negligible probability.

Security. We will now show that the scheme described above achieves IND- CPA security as per Definition 3.4. Formally, we prove the following.

Theorem 3.5. If E = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is an IND-CPA secure public key encryption scheme for message space {0, 1}2k(λ), secret key space {0, 1}k(λ) and ciphertext space {0, 1}`(λ) satisfying Definition 3.4, and O = (Obf, Eval) is a lockable obfuscator for 1-bit messages and circuit class Cn·`,k,d satisfying Definition 3.16, then Γ is a secure cycle tester scheme satisfying IND-CPA security as per Definition 3.4.

Proof. Our proof proceeds via a sequence of hybrid games. Let A be any PPT adversary that wins the IND-CPA security game against Γ with non-negligible advantage. We argue that such an adversary must break security of at least one underlying primitive.

254 We will first define the sequence of hybrid games, and then show that they are computationally indistinguishable.

Game 1: This game is the original IND-CPA security game described in Definition 3.4.

1. The challenger generates a public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ). It uniformly samples α ← {0, 1}k, and computes the obfuscation of pro-

gram Progsk (described in Figure 3.3) as Pe ← Obf(1λ, Progsk, 1, α). It sends the public key pk = (pk, Pe) to A.

2. A receives pk from the challenger, and computes messages m0, m1. It

sends (m0, m1) as its challenge messages to the challenger.

∗ 3. The challenger chooses bit b ← {0, 1}, computes ct ← Enc(pk, mb), and sends ct∗ to A.

4. A receives challenge ciphertext ct∗ from the challenger, and outputs its guess b0.

5. A wins if it guesses correctly, that is if b = b0.

Game 2: This game is same as Game 1, except the challenger does not choose the lock α anymore and it simulates the obfuscated program Pe instead of generating it honestly as an obfuscation of program Progsk.

255 1. The challenger generates a public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ).

It computes the obfuscated program Pe as Pe ← O.Sim(1λ, 1s, 1), where s = |Progsk|. It sends the public key pk = (pk, Pe) to A.

We now establish via a sequence of lemmas that the adversary’s advan-

i 0 tage between Game 1 and 2 is negligible. Let advA = |Pr[b = b] − 1/2| denote the advantage of adversary A in guessing the bit b in Game i. We show via

1 2 2 a sequence of lemmas that |advA − advA| and advA are negligible. Below we discuss our lemmas in detail.

Lemma 3.4. If O = (Obf, Eval) is a secure lockable obfuscator, then for all

1 2 PPT adversaries A, |advA − advA| is negligible in the security parameter λ.

1 2 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| is non- negligible. We construct an algorithm B that can distinguish an obfuscation of program Progsk with a random lock from a simulated obfuscated program, therefore break security of the obfuscation scheme.

B runs step 1 as in Game 1, except it does not compute obfuscated program Pe. Concretely, B chooses a key pair (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ). B sends the program Progsk along with message 1 to the obfuscation challenger, and receives an obfuscated program Pe. It sets the public key as pk = (pk, Pe) and sends pk to A. It executes steps 2-5 as in Game 1. If the attacker wins (i.e. b0 = b), then B guesses ‘0’ to indicate that Pe was an obfuscation of Progsk; otherwise, it guesses ‘1’ to indicate that it was simulated.

256 Note that if the obfuscation challenger obfuscated Progsk for some lock α, then B perfectly simulates Game 1 for adversary A. Otherwise it simulates

1 2 Game 2 for A. As a result, if |advA − advA| is non-negligible, then B breaks the obfuscation scheme’s security with non-negligible advantage.

Lemma 3.5. If E = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is an IND-CPA secure public key

2 encryption scheme, then for all PPT adversaries A, advA is negligible in the security parameter λ.

2 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that advA is non-negligible. We construct an algorithm B that can break security of the PKE scheme E.

B receives public key pk from E challenger. It runs step 1 as described in Game 2 with the exception that it uses pk generated by E challenger instead of running the setup algorithm. During challenge phase, B forwards the challenge messages (m0, m1) it receives from A to E challenger as its challenge messages and receives ct∗ as the challenge ciphertext, which it then forwards to A. Finally, B outputs the same guess as A.

We observe that if A wins (i.e. b0 = b), then B also wins because it

2 exactly simulates the view of Game 2 for A. Therefore if advA is non-negligible, B must also have non-negligible advantage against E challenger.

257 3.6.2 Separating IND-CPA Security from 1-Circular Security for Bit Encryption

In this section, we construct a key cycle tester Γ = (Setup, KeyGen, Enc, Test) for 1-bit messages from any public key bit encryption scheme and a lockable obfuscator.

Let E = (Setup, Enc, Dec) be a public key bit encryption scheme with secret key space {0, 1}`1(λ), ciphertext space {0, 1}`2(λ) and decryption circuit of depth d(λ). Also, let O = (Obf, Eval) be a lockable obfuscator for 1-bit

messages and circuit class C(`1+k)·`2,k,d (i.e., the class of depth d(λ) circuits with

(`1(λ) + k(λ)) · `2(λ) bit input and k(λ) bit output). Below we describe our construction. For notational convenience, let k = k(λ), `1 = `1(λ), `2 = `2(λ) and n = k(λ) + `1(λ).

• Setup(1λ) : The setup algorithm runs Setup to obtain a public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ). It also chooses a string α uniformly at random as α ← {0, 1}k.

Next, consider the program BPsk described in Figure 3.4. It obfuscates λ program BPsk with message 1 and lock α as Pe ← Obf(1 , BPsk, 1, α). Finally, it outputs the key pair as pk = (pk, Pe), sk = (sk, α).

• Enc(pk, m) : Let pk = (pk, Pe). The encryption algorithm computes ci- phertext as ct ← Enc(pk, m).

• Test(pk, ct) : Let pk = (pk, Pe). The testing algorithm evaluates the

258 obfuscated program Pe on input ct as b = Eval(P,e ct). If b = ⊥, it outputs 0. Otherwise, it outputs b.

• Dec(sk, ct) : Let sk = (sk, α). The decryption algorithm outputs Dec(sk, ct).

Correctness. For every λ, public-secret key pair (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ) and string α ← {0, 1}k, a key cycle consists of a sequence of n ciphertexts ct =  (ct1,..., ctn), where each ciphertext cti is computed as cti ← Enc pk, ski ,

th sk = (skt, α) and ski is i bit of sk. Also, the program Pe (which is part of

λ public key pk) is computed as Pe ← Obf(1 , BPsk, 1, α).

Let cte = (ctf1,..., ctfn) be encryptions of zero, where each ciphertext ctfi is computed as ctfi ← Enc(pk, 0). For correctness of Test algorithm, we want to argue that it’s advantage in distinguishing a sequence of encryptions of secret key bits from encryptions of zeros is non-negligible.

k First, note that BPsk(ct) = α and BPsk(cte ) = 0 (by construction).

Therefore, by correctness of obfuscation Eval(P,e ct) = 1. Also, BPsk(cte ) 6= α (with all but negligible probability) as α is chosen uniformly at random. This suggests that Pr[Eval(P,e cte ) = ⊥] ≥ 1 − negl(λ).

Therefore, we can conclude that Γ satisfies bit encryption cycle tester correctness condition as it can distinguish a key cycle and all zero encryption with non-negligible probability.

259 Security. We will now show that the scheme described above achieves IND- CPA security as per Definition 3.4. Formally, we prove the following.

Theorem 3.6. If E = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is an IND-CPA secure public key bit encryption scheme with secret key space {0, 1}`1(λ) and ciphertext space

{0, 1}`2(λ) satisfying Definition 3.4, and O = (Obf, Eval) is a lockable obfuscator

for 1-bit messages and circuit class C(`1+k)·`2,k,d satisfying Definition 3.16, then Γ is a secure bit encryption cycle tester scheme satisfying IND-CPA security as per Definition 3.4.

Proof. Our proof proceeds via a sequence of hybrid games. Let A be any PPT adversary that wins the IND-CPA security game against Γ with non-negligible advantage. We argue that such an adversary must break security of at least one underlying primitive.

The proof of this theorem is identical to proof of Theorem 3.5. There- fore, we only sketch the sequence of hybrid games.

Game 1: This game is the original IND-CPA security game described in Definition 3.4.

1. The challenger generates a public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ). It uniformly samples α ← {0, 1}k, and computes the obfuscation of pro-

λ gram BPsk (described in Figure 3.4) as Pe ← Obf(1 , BPsk, 1, α). It sends the public key pk = (pk, Pe) to A.

260 2. Next, the challenger chooses bit b ← {0, 1}, computes ct∗ ← Enc(pk, b), and sends ct∗ to A.

3. A receives challenge ciphertext ct∗ from the challenger, and outputs its guess b0. A wins if it guesses correctly, that is if b = b0.

Game 2: This game is same as Game 1, except the challenger does not choose the lock α anymore and it simulates the obfuscated program Pe instead of generating it honestly as an obfuscation of program BPsk.

1. The challenger generates a public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) ← Setup(1λ).

It computes the obfuscated program Pe as Pe ← O.Sim(1λ, 1s, 1), where

s = |BPsk|. It sends the public key pk = (pk, Pe) to A.

3.6.3 Creating an Unbounded Public Key Cycle Tester

In this section, we construct a cycle tester Γ = (Setup, KeyGen, Enc, Test) for unbounded length key cycles from any bootstrappable (leveled) homomor- phic encryption scheme and a lockable obfuscator.

Let LHE = (LHE.Setup, LHE.Enc, LHE.Eval, LHE.Dec) be a bootstrap- pable homomorphic bit encryption scheme for message space {0, 1}`(λ) with decryption circuit of depth d(λ), ciphertexts of length `ct(λ) and secret keys of length s(λ). Also, let O = (Obf, Eval) be a lockable obfuscator for 1-bit

261 messages and circuit class C`ct,k,d (i.e., the class of depth d(λ) circuits with

`ct(λ) bit input and k(λ) bit output). Below we describe our construction.

For notational convenience, let k = k(λ), s = s(λ), d = d(λ), `ct = `ct(λ) and ` = `(λ).

• Setup(1λ) : The setup algorithm runs LHE.Setup to obtain a public-secret key pair as (,, lhe.ek) ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1d). It also chooses a string α uniformly at random as α ← {0, 1}k.

Next, consider the program described in Figure 3.5. It obfuscates

λ program with message 1 and lock α as Pe ← Obf(1 ,, 1, α). Finally, it outputs the key pair as pk = (, lhe.ek, Pe), sk = (, α).

• Enc(pk, m) : Let pk = (, lhe.ek, Pe). The encryption algorithm com- putes ciphertext as ct ← LHE.Enc(, m).

n • Test(1 , pk, ct) : Let pk = (pk1,..., pkn), ct = (ct1,..., ctn) and pki =

(lhe.pki, lhe.eki, Pei) (for all i ≤ n). Also, let circuit Cct be a circuit which takes as input s+k bits and decrypts ciphertext ct using the first s bits of

s k the input, i.e. Cct(x || y) = LHE.Dec(x, ct) where x ∈ {0, 1} , y ∈ {0, 1} . The tester algorithm runs as follows.

0 0 First, it sets ctn = ctn. For i = n−1 to i = 1, it computes ciphertexts cti

0 as ct = LHE.Eval(lhe.ek ,C 0 , ct ). Next, it evaluates the obfuscated i i cti+1 i 0 0 program Pe1 on input ct1 as b = Eval(Pe1, ct1). Finally, it outputs b.

262 • Dec(sk, ct) : Let sk = (, α). The decryption algorithm outputs LHE.Dec(, ct).

Correctness. For all λ, n ∈ N, LHE key pairs (lhe.pki,, lhe.eki) ← λ d k LHE.Setup(1 , 1 ) and strings αi ← {0, 1} (for i ≤ n), a key cycle of length n consists of a sequence of n ciphertexts ct = (ct1,..., ctn), where each ci-  phertext cti is computed as cti ← Enc lhe.pki, ( mod n)+1, α(i mod n)+1) .

Also, the program Pe1 (which is part of public key pk1) is computed as Pe1 ←

λ Obf(1 , UPlhe.sk1 , 1, α1).

Let cte = (ctf1,..., ctfn) be encryption of zero strings, where each cipher- s+k text ctfi is computed as ctfi ← Enc(pki, 0 ). For correctness of Test algorithm, we want to argue that it’s advantage in distinguishing a sequence of encryp- tions of secret keys from encryptions of zeros is non-negligible.

0 First, note that LHE.Dec(lhe.skn, ctn) = (sk1, α1). Therefore, ctn−1 =

0 LHE.Eval(lhe.ekn−1,Cctn , ctn−1) is an encryption of (sk1, α1) under key lhe.pkn−1, 0 where ctn = ctn. Therefore, the top-down iterative LHE evaluation during test-

0 ing would finally result in ciphertext ct1 that will be an encryption of (sk1, α1) under key lhe.pk1. We could prove this by an inductive argument over cycle length n. The base case n = 1 follows directly from the construction. The inductive hypothesis would be that the test algorithm successfully reduces a length k key cycle to a length 1 key cycle. The induction step can be proven by first reducing a length k key cycle to a length k −1 key cycle (which follows

263 from the correctness of the LHE scheme) and then applying the hypothesis.

0 Finally, the test algorithm evaluates the obfuscated program Pe1 on ct1 which is encryption of (sk1, α1) under key lhe.pk1. Therefore, by correctness of ob-

0 fuscation scheme Eval(Pe1, ct1) = 1. In other words, we can claim that the test algorithm always outputs 1 in this case (i.e., with probability 1).

0 Similarly, UPlhe.sk1 (cte 1) 6= α1 (with all but negligible probability) as α1 is chosen uniformly at random and neither UPlhe.sk1 nor any of the ciphertexts 0 cti depends on the string α1. This suggests that Pr[Eval(Pe1, cte 1) = ⊥] ≥ 1 − negl(λ).

Therefore, we can conclude that Γ satisfies cycle tester correctness condition as it can distinguish key cycles and all zero encryption with non- negligible probability.

The IND-CPA proof of this scheme is identical to the proof of Theo- rem 3.5.

3.7 Uninstantiability of the Fujisaki-Okamoto and Re- lated Transformations

We now move to our second set of separation results where we use lock- able obfuscation to show random oracle uninstantiability [183] for a certain family of transformations. These include: the Bellare et al. [79] transfor- mation from an IND-CPA scheme to an injective trapdoor function, the well known Fujisaki-Okamoto [278, 279] transformations from IND-CPA and the deterministic encryption construction of Bellare, Boldyreva and O’Neill [77].

264 All of the constructions follow a similar paradigm where they encrypt a string x under random coins determined from H(x). (How the string x is construed varies somewhat between the schemes.) The works above show that if H is presented as an oracle access to a random function, the transformation results in a secure scheme under the relevant definition.

An important question is what can be said about the security of these transformations when H is instantiated by a concrete hash function. Assuming indistinguishability obfuscation Brzuska, Farshim and Mittelbach [162] provide negative results on the instantiability of these transformations. In particular assuming iO for circuits they provide encryption schemes that are IND-CPA secure, but where the transformation is insecure when instantiated with any hash function up to an apriori bounded size. Furthermore, if one assumes iO for Turing Machines with unbouded input, the result holds for hash functions of any size.11 The main idea of BFM is to create an encryption scheme that includes an obfuscated program which can be used to break security when the description of H is known.

Here we show that such results can be achieved from lockable obfus- cation and thus the Learning with Errors assumption. More specifically, the uninstantiability results for apriori size bounded hash functions follows from lockable obfuscation and the unrestricted results follow from lockable obfua- cation combined with fully homomorphic encryption. The main insight into

11We note that constructing Turing Machine iO for unbounded length inputs from stan- dard iO remains an open problem.

265 the result is simply that the program breaking in BFM falls within a pattern that matches lockable obfuscation. Once this connection is made the technical argument follows readily. In addition, we again see that for iO programs that match the pattern of lockable obfuscation, fully homomorphic encryption can serve to give the “Turing Machine version” of such programs.

Below we give a proof of uninstantiability for an IND-CPA encryption scheme for the second Fujisaki-Okamoto [279] transformation. We do so in the unrestricted size case using lockable obfuscation along with fully homomorphic encryption. We believe uninstantiability results for the other schemes men- tioned above follow in a very similar manner.

3.7.1 The Fujisaki-Okamoto Transformation

The Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) transformation is a technique to convert an IND-CPA secure public key encryption scheme into an IND-CCA secure public key encryption scheme.12 The transformation relies on a public key encryption scheme, a symmetric encryption scheme and two hash functions (which are modeled as two independent random oracles).

Let PKE = (PKE.Setup, PKE.Enc, PKE.Dec) be a public key encryption scheme, SKE = (SKE.Setup, SKE.Enc, SKE.Dec) be a (deterministic) symmetric encryption scheme, and H1,H2 be two hash functions. As per FO transforma-

12The FO transformation only requires the starting PKE scheme to satisfy one-way secu- rity, which is a slightly weaker notion than IND-CPA.

266 tion, an encryption of message m under randomness r is computed as

PKE.Enc(, r; H1(m || r)), SKE.Enc( = H2(r), m).

H,He More formally, the FO transformed scheme FOPKE,SKE = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is described as follows.

λ • Setup(1 ) → (pk, sk). It chooses two hash functions H1,H2 as H1 ←

Hλ,H2 ← He λ. It also samples a public-secret key pair (, for PKE scheme as (, ← PKE.Setup(1λ). It outputs the public-

secret keys as pk = (,H1,H2) and sk = (,H1,H2,

• Enc(pk, m; r) → ct. Let pk = (,H1,H2). It computes ciphertext

ct1, ct2 as ct1 = PKE.Enc(, r; H1(m || r)) and ct2 = SKE.Enc(H2(r), m).

It outputs the ciphertext as ct = (ct1, ct2).

• Dec(sk, ct) → m or ⊥ . Let sk = (,H1,H2, and ct =

(ct1, ct2). It decrypts ct1 as r = PKE.Dec(, ct1). Next, it de-

crypts ct2 as m = SKE.Dec(H2(r), ct2). Finally, it checks if ct1 =

PKE.Enc(, r; H1(m || r)). If the check succeeds it outputs m, oth- erwise it outputs ⊥.

In this work, we show that FO transform is uninstantiable in the stan- dard model. Concretely, we prove the following.

Theorem 3.7. If FHE = (FHE.Setup, FHE.Enc, FHE.Dec, FHE.Eval) is a fully homomorphic encryption scheme satisfying Definition 3.4, and O = (Obf, Eval)

267 is a lockable obfuscator for circuit class {C } satisfying Definition 3.16, `·`,`,de λ then there exists a public key encryption scheme PKE = (PKE.Setup, PKE.Enc, PKE.Dec) such that for every hash function family H = {H } and H = λ λ∈N e n o He λ , symmetric key encryption scheme SKE = (SKE.Setup, SKE.Enc, λ∈N H,He 13 SKE.Dec), the corresponding FO transformed scheme FOPKE,SKE is not secure.

We prove the above theorem by constructing such a public key en- cryption scheme PKE = (Setup, Enc, Dec). Consider a public key encryption scheme PKE = (PKE.Setup, PKE.Enc, PKE.Dec) for `-bit messages, a fully ho- momorphic encryption scheme FHE = (FHE.Setup, FHE.Enc, FHE.Dec, FHE.Eval) for 1-bit messages with decryption circuit of depth d(λ) and ciphertext space {0, 1}`e(λ), and a lockable obfuscator scheme for `-bit messages. Below we de- scribe our construction. For ease of exposition, assume that the FHE setup, FHE encryption, PKE encryption and lockable obfuscator also take ` bits of randomness as inputs.

• Setup(1λ) → (pk, sk). It generates a PKE key pair as (pk, sk) ← PKE.Setup(1λ), and sets public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) = (pk, sk).

• Enc(pk, m; r) → ct. Let pk = pk and r = r0 || r1 || r2 || r3 || r4, where each

ri is ` bits long. It samples an FHE key pair (,, fhe.ek) =

λ FHE.Setup(1 ; r0) and computes ciphertext ct1 as ct1 = PKE.Enc(pk, m; r1).

13 H,He The FO transformed scheme FOPKE,SKE does not even achieve IND-CPA security.

268 14 It encrypts message m under FHE public key as ct2 = FHE.Enc(, m; r2).

It also obfuscates program with message m, lock r4 and ran-

λ domness r3 as Pe = Obf(1 ,, m, r4; r3). Finally, it outputs the

ciphertext as ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe).

• Dec(sk, ct) → m. Let ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe). It decrypts ct1 as m =

PKE.Dec(sk, ct1) and outputs m.

First, we prove that the above scheme is IND-CPA secure.

Theorem 3.8. If FHE = (FHE.Setup, FHE.Enc, FHE.Dec, FHE.Eval) is a fully homomorphic encryption scheme satisfying Definition 3.4, O = (Obf, Eval) is a lockable obfuscator for circuit class {C } satisfying Definition 3.16, and `·`,`,de λ PKE = (PKE.Setup, PKE.Enc, PKE.Dec) is a public key encryption scheme for `-bit messages satisfying Definition 3.4, then the scheme PKE = (Setup, Enc, Dec) is IND-CPA secure.

Proof. Our proof proceeds via a sequence of hybrid games. Let A be any PPT adversary that wins the IND-CPA security game against PKE with non- negligible advantage. We argue that such an adversary must break security of at least one underlying primitive.

We will first define the sequence of hybrid games, and then show that they are computationally indistinguishable.

14Note that FHE scheme is a bit encryption scheme, therefore it encrypts one bit at a time. However, we overload the notation and use FHE.Enc to encrypt multi-bit messages as well. So, ct2 is a sequence of ` FHE ciphertexts.

269 Game 1: This game is the original IND-CPA security game described in Definition 3.4.

1. The challenger generates a public-secret key pair as (pk, sk) ← PKE.Setup(1λ). It sends the public key pk = pk to A.

2. A receives pk from the challenger, and computes messages m0, m1. It

sends (m0, m1) as its challenge messages to the challenger.

3. The challenger chooses bit b ← {0, 1}. It samples an FHE key pair

λ (,, fhe.ek) ← FHE.Setup(1 ) and computes ciphertexts ct1, ct2

as ct1 ← PKE.Enc(pk, mb), ct2 ← FHE.Enc(, mb). It chooses a ran- dom ` bit string r and obfuscates program with message m

λ and lock r as Pe ← Obf(1 ,, mb, r). Finally, it outputs the

ciphertext as ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe). Finally, it sends ct to A.

4. A receives challenge ciphertext ct from the challenger, and outputs its guess b0.

5. A wins if it guesses correctly, that is if b = b0.

Game 2: This game is same as Game 1, except the challenger does not choose the lock r anymore and it simulates the obfuscated program Pe instead of generating it honestly.

1. The challenger chooses bit b ← {0, 1}. It samples an FHE key pair

λ (,, fhe.ek) ← FHE.Setup(1 ) and computes ciphertexts ct1, ct2

270 as ct1 ← PKE.Enc(pk, mb), ct2 ← FHE.Enc(, mb). It computes the

obfuscated program Pe as Pe ← O.Sim(1λ, 1s, 1`), where s = ||.

Finally, it outputs the ciphertext as ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe). Finally, it sends ct to A.

Game 3: This game is same as Game 2, except the challenger computes ct2 as encryption of all zeros string.

1. The challenger chooses bit b ← {0, 1}. It samples an FHE key pair

λ (,, fhe.ek) ← FHE.Setup(1 ) and computes ciphertexts ct1, ct2

` as ct1 ← PKE.Enc(pk, mb), ct2 ← FHE.Enc(, 0 ). It computes the

obfuscated program Pe as Pe ← O.Sim(1λ, 1s, 1`), where s = ||.

Finally, it outputs the ciphertext as ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe). Finally, it sends ct to A.

We now establish via a sequence of claims that the adversary’s advan-

i 0 tage between any two consecutive games is negligible. Let advA = |Pr[b = b] − 1/2| denote the advantage of adversary A in guessing the bit b in Game i. We show

i i+1 3 via a sequence of lemmas that |advA − advA | (for i = 1, 2) and advA are negligible. Below we discuss our lemmas in detail.

Lemma 3.6. If O = (Obf, Eval) is a secure lockable obfuscator, then for all

1 2 PPT adversaries A, |advA − advA| is negligible in the security parameter λ.

1 2 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| is non- negligible. We construct an algorithm B that can distinguish an obfuscation of

271 program with a random lock from a simulated obfuscated program, therefore break security of the obfuscation scheme.

B runs step 1 as in Game 1, i.e. it samples a PKE public-secret key pair

(pk, sk) and sends pk to A. Next, it receives two challenge messages (m0, m1) from A. B chooses a FHE key pair (,, fhe.ek) ← FHE.Setup(1λ) and random bit b. B sends the program along with message mb to the obfuscation challenger, and receives an obfuscated program Pe. It encrypts message mb as ct1 ← PKE.Enc(pk, mb), ct2 ← FHE.Enc(, mb). Finally, it sends the challenge ciphertext ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe) to A. Next, B receives A’s guess b0. If the attacker wins (i.e. b0 = b), then B guesses ‘0’ to indicate that Pe was an obfuscation of; otherwise, it guesses ‘1’ to indicate that it was simulated.

Note that if the obfuscation challenger obfuscated for some lock r, then B perfectly simulates Game 1 for adversary A. Otherwise it

1 2 simulates Game 2 for A. As a result, if |advA − advA| is non-negligible, then B breaks the obfuscation scheme’s security with non-negligible advantage.

Lemma 3.7. If FHE = (FHE.Setup, FHE.Enc, FHE.Dec, FHE.Eval) is a fully

2 homomorphic encryption scheme, then for all PPT adversaries A, |advA − 3 advA| is negligible in the security parameter λ.

2 3 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that |advA − advA| is non- negligible. We construct an algorithm B that can distinguish encryption of message mb and an all zeros string, therefore break security of the FHE scheme.

272 B receives an FHE key pair (, fhe.ek) from the challenger. B runs step 1 as in Game 1, i.e. it samples a PKE public-secret key pair (pk, sk) and sends pk to A. Next, it receives two challenge messages (m0, m1) from

A. B computes the obfuscated program Pe as Pe ← O.Sim(1λ, 1s, 1`), where s = ||. It chooses a random bit b and encrypts message mb as

` ct1 ← PKE.Enc(pk, mb). It sends (mb, 0 ) to the FHE challenger as its challenge

∗ ∗ messages. B receives ct from the challenger and sets ct2 = ct . Finally, it sends the challenge ciphertext ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe) to A. Next, B receives A’s guess b0. If the attacker wins (i.e. b0 = b), then B sends 0 as its guess (i.e.,

` mb was encrypted), otherwise it sends 1 (i.e., 0 was encrypted) as its guess to the FHE challenger.

Note that if the FHE challenger encrypted mb, then B perfectly simu- lates Game 2 for adversary A. Otherwise it simulates Game 3 for A. Therefore,

2 3 if |advA − advA| is non-negligible, then B breaks the FHE scheme’s security with non-negligible advantage.

Lemma 3.8. If PKE = (PKE.Setup, PKE.Enc, PKE.Dec) is an IND-CPA se-

3 cure public key encryption scheme, then for all PPT adversaries A, advA is negligible in the security parameter λ.

3 Proof. Suppose there exists an adversary A such that advA is non-negligible. We construct an algorithm B that can break security of the PKE scheme PKE.

B receives public key pk from the PKE challenger. It sends pk to A.

Next, it receives two challenge messages (m0, m1) from A. B chooses a FHE

273 key pair (,, fhe.ek) ← FHE.Setup(1λ). It computes the obfuscated program Pe as Pe ← O.Sim(1λ, 1s, 1`), where s = ||. It also computes

` ciphertext ct2 as ct2 ← FHE.Enc(, 0 ). It sends (m0, m1) to the PKE challenger as its challenge messages. B receives ct∗ from the challenger and

∗ sets ct1 = ct . Finally, it sends the challenge ciphertext ct = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe) to A. Next, B receives A’s guess b0. Finally, B outputs the same guess as A.

We observe that if A wins (i.e. b0 = b), then B also wins because it

3 exactly simulates the view of Game 3 for A. Therefore if advA is non-negligible, B must also have non-negligible advantage against PKE challenger.

This concludes the proof of IND-CPA security of PKE.

Uninstantiability of FO Transformation. Now, we show that for every n o hash function family H = {H } and H = H , symmetric key en- λ λ∈N e e λ λ∈N cryption scheme SKE = (SKE.Setup, SKE.Enc, SKE.Dec), the FO transformed

H,He scheme FOPKE,SKE is not IND-CPA secure. Below we describe an attacker A.

1. The challenger chooses two hash functions H1,H2 as H1 ← Hλ,H2 ←

He λ. It samples a public-secret key pair (pk, sk) for PKE scheme PKE as (pk, sk) ← PKE.Setup(1λ). It sends the public key pk and hash function

descriptions H1,H2 to adversary A.

2. A chooses two `-bit messages m0, m1(6= m0) uniformly at random and sends them as its challenge messages.

274 3. The challenger chooses a random bit b and an `-bit string s ← {0, 1}`.

It computes r = H1(mb || s). Let r = r0 || r1 || r2 || r3 || r4, whereeach ri is ` bits long.

λ It samples an FHE key pair (,, fhe.ek) = FHE.Setup(1 ; r0)

and computes ciphertext ct1 as ct1 = PKE.Enc(pk, s; r1). It also encrypts

s under FHE public key as ct2 = FHE.Enc(, s; r2). It obfuscates

program with message s, lock r4 and randomness r3 as Pe =

λ Obf(1 ,, s, r4; r3). This corresponds to the PKE part of the

ciphertext, i.e. ctPKE = (fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe).

Next, it encrypts message mb using SKE scheme as ctSKE = SKE.Enc(H2(s), mb).

Finally, it sends ct = (ctPKE, ctSKE) as the challenge ciphertext to A.

4. A receives the ciphertext ct = ((fhe.ek, ct1, ct2, Pe), ctSKE) from the chal-

lenger. It first homomorphically evaluates the hash function H2 on ct2

and then decrypts the resulting string to decrypt ciphertext ctSKE. Con-

0 cretely, it computes ct = FHE.Eval(fhe.ek, SKE.Dec(H2(·), ctSKE), ct2).

0 Next, it homomorphically evaluates hash function H1 on ct , ct2 as cte = 0 FHE.Eval(fhe.ek,H1(·), (ct , ct2)). Let cte = cte 1,..., cte 5`.

It evaluates program Pe on ciphertexts cte 4`+1,..., cte 5` as t = Eval(P,e (cte 4`+1,..., cte 5`)).

It decrypts ciphertext ctSKE as m = SKE.Dec(H2(t), ctSKE). If m = m0

or m = m1, then it guesses accordingly. Otherwise, it guesses randomly.

We claim that A always guesses b correctly. In other words, A wins with non-negligible advantage.

275 First, note that (by correctness of FHE evaluation) ciphertext ct0 encrypts challenge message mb as H2(s) is the SKE secret key used for encrypting mb.

Similarly, ciphertext cte is an encryption of string r = H1(mb || s). Therefore, ci- phertexts cte 4`+1,..., cte 5` are encryptions of each bit of r4. Since 4`+1,..., cte 5`) = r4. thus, by correctness of obfuscation, we know that Eval(P,e (cte 4`+1,..., cte 5`)) = s. In other words, t = s. Finally, by correctness of SKE scheme, we can con- clude that SKE.Dec(H2(t), ctSKE) = mb. Therefore, A always guesses correctly.

We would like to point out that A learns the challenge message com-

H,He pletely, therefore we could also prove that scheme FOPKE,SKE is not even one- way secure.

3.8 Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Rejecting Pro- grams

We now consider a new notition of obfucation that we call indistin- guishability obfuscation for rejecting programs and show how to construct it from lockable obfuscation and witness encryption for circuit satisfiability.

Obfuscators that meet this notion will be defined over boolean circuits. Like indistinguishability obfuscation our obfuscator will take in any (not neces- sarily rejecting) boolean circuit C in a class and output an obfuscated program that is functionally equivalent to C. However, the security guarantees given by such an obfuscator are limited to “rejecting” programs. Informally, they state that no PPT adversary can distinguish between circuits C0 and C1 as long as for all inputs x C0(x) = C1(x) = 0. In contrast, standard indistinguishability

276 obfuscation security allows C0,C1 to have arbitrary (both 0 and 1) outputs as long as they are functionally equivalent.

Our construction is simple and follows along the same conceptual lines as our techniques for attribute hiding from Section 3.5. Recall, that in a witness encryption scheme for circuit satisfiability the encryption operation will take as input a circuit description C as well as a message msg. The message will be computationally hidden as long as there is no satisfying assignment to C. I.e. for all x we have C(x) = 0. However, there is nothing in the definition of witness encryption that guarantees the hiding of the description of the circuit C itself.

To obfuscate a circuit C one first chooses a random lock value α and creates a witness encryption of the message α under circuit C to get a (sub) ciphertext ct. Then we can create a lockable obfuscation of the following program. The program on input x will first check if C(x) = 0, and if so it outputs 0`out . Otherwise, it runs the witness encryption decryption algorithm with x as the witness that C is satisfiable. It is easy to veryify correctness. On any input x where C(x) = 0 the lockable program will reject and we can output 0. On the other hand if C(x) = 1 the internal decryption will result in the lock value α and a message will be output. The security argument follows readily and is given below.

While the idea of indistinguishability for rejecting programs might at first seem limiting for creating applications, it is important to remember that the actual obfuscator can be correctly used on programs that are not nec-

277 essarily rejecting. The restriction on rejecting programs is needed only in proof steps that invoke the security of the obfuscator and other outside prim- itives might be used to make other proof steps work. For example, Garg et al. [290] show how to use witness encryption and unique signatures to give an Identity-Based Encryption scheme. But one where the identity one encrypts to is revealed. If we replace the witness encryption scheme, with an indis- tinguishability obfuscator for rejecting programs, we get an anonoymous IBE scheme [3]. 15

3.8.1 Defining Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Rejecting Pro- grams

We will now define the notion of rejecting indistinguishability obfusca- tor (riO). The syntax and correctness properties are similar to that of standard indistinguishability obfuscation. The obfuscator is a compiler which takes as input a circuit, and outputs an obfuscated progam which has identical func- tionality as the input program. For security, we require that if two circuits reject all inputs, then their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable.

Syntax Let {Cλ}λ be a circuit family, where each circuit in Cλ has domain

Dλ and co-domain Rλ. A rejecting indistinguishability obfuscator consists of a compiler riO.Obf and an evaluator riO.Eval with the following syntax.

15This resulting construction (perhaps not so surprisingly) is actually very close to what one get if one first constructed an IBE scheme from witness encryption using [290] and then applied our techniques from Section 3.5 to hide the identity. If one uses obfuscation for rejecting programs roles these two parts into one.

278 • riO.Obf(1λ,C) : The obfuscator takes as input a security parameter λ ˜ and a circuit C ∈ Cλ. It outputs an obfuscated program C.

• riO.Eval(C,˜ x) : The evaluation algorithm takes as input an obfuscated ˜ program C and an input x ∈ Dλ. It output y ∈ Rλ ∪ {⊥}.

Correctness Here, we will be considering perfect correctness, which requires that the obfuscated program has identical functionality as the input program. Formally, an obfuscator riO = (riO.Obf, riO.Eval) is said to be correct if for all security parameters λ, circuits C ∈ Cλ and inputs x ∈ Dλ,

riO.Eval riO.Obf 1λ,C , x = C(x).

Security We will now define the security notion for rejecting indistinguisha- bility obfuscator . This notion guarantees that if two programs reject all inputs, then their obfuscations are computationally indistinguishable.

Definition 3.20. An obfuscation scheme riO = (riO.Obf, riO.Eval) for circuit class {Cλ}λ is said to be a secure rejecting indistinguishability obfuscator if for all PPT adversaries A = (A0, A1), there exists a negligible function negl(·) such that the following function (of λ) is bounded by negl(·):

 λ  (C0,C1, st) ← A0(1 ),

 ˜ Cb ∈ Cλ  1 Pr A1(Cb, st) = b ∧ (∀x, C0(x) = C1(x) = 0) :  −  b ← {0, 1},  2 ˜ λ Cb ← riO.Obf(1 ,Cb)

279 3.8.2 Witness Encryption

In this section, we will define the notion of witness encryption, first introduced by [290]. A witness encryption scheme for an NP language L consists of an encryption algorithm and a decryption algorithm. Using the encryption algorithm, one can encrypt any message for an NP statement x to compute a ciphertext ct. If there exists a witness w proving that x ∈ L, then one can use w to decrypt the ciphertext ct. The security guarantee states that if x∈ / L, then encryption of message m0 for statement x is indistinguishable from encryption of message m1 for statement x. We will now give a formal description of the syntax, correctness and security requirements.

Syntax Let L be an NP language with witness relation R(·, ·) (that is, x ∈ L iff there exists a witness w such that R(x, w) = 1). Let n = n(|x|) be a poly- nomial denoting the length of witness for statement x. A witness encryption scheme WE for language L and message space M consists of the following algorithms.

• WE.Enc(1λ, x, m): The encryption algorithm takes as input security pa- rameter λ, statement x and message m ∈ M, and outputs a ciphertext ct.

• WE.Dec(ct, w): The decryption algorithm takes as input a ciphertext ct, witness w and outputs y ∈ M ∪ {⊥}.

280 Correctness For simplicity, we will define perfect correctness.

Definition 3.21. A witness encryption scheme (WE.Enc, WE.Dec) for lan- guage L and message space M is said to be (perfectly) correct if, for all security parameters λ, statements x ∈ L, witnesses w s.t. R(x, w) = 1 and messages m ∈ M, WE.Dec(WE.Enc(1λ, x, m), w) = m.

Security We will be using the adaptive soundness security definition from the work of Bellare and Hoang [80].

Definition 3.22. A witness encryption scheme WE = (WE.Enc, WE.Dec) for language L and message space M is said to be secure if for all security param- eters λ, PPT adversaries A = (A0, A1),

 λ  (x, m0, m1, st) ← A0(1 ) 1 Pr x∈ / L ∧ A1(ct, st) = b : λ ≤ + negl(λ). b ← {0, 1}, ct ← WE.Enc(1 , x, mb) 2

3.8.3 Construction of Rejecting Indistinguishability Obfuscator from Witness Encrytion

We will show how to construct rejecting indistinguishability obfuscator from witness encryption and lockable obfuscation. Let C = {Cλ}λ be a family of circuits, where each circuit in Cλ has depth d(λ), takes n(λ) bit inputs, outputs a single bit. First, we need to define an NP relation for our witness encryption scheme. The NP language for our witness encryption scheme will be CIRCUIT-SAT = {C ∈ C : ∃ w s.t. C(w) = 1}. The set of witnesses for any

281 C ∈ CIRCUIT-SAT is {w : C(w) = 1}. The tools required for constructing riO for C are as follows:

- A witness encryption scheme WE = (WE.Enc, WE.Dec) with message

`out space {0, 1} for NP relation CIRCUIT-SAT. Let `ct denote the size of the ciphertext. Further, we will assume a canonical family of circuits

λ λ λ {CWE.Dec}λ where CWE.Dec(ct, w) = WE.Dec(ct, w). The circuit CWE.Dec

has depth dWE.Dec(λ), takes `ct(λ) + n(λ) bit inputs, and outputs `out(λ) bits.

- An lockable obfuscation scheme (Obf, Eval) with message space {0, 1} for

circuit class Cn,`out,d+dWE.Dec .

We will now describe the obfuscation and evaluation algorithms.

• riO.Obf(1λ,C): The obfuscation algorithm first chooses a uniformly ran-

dom string α ← {0, 1}`out . Next, it computes a WE ciphertext ct ←

λ 16 WE.Enc(1 , C, α). Let Qct,C (·) be the circuit defined in Figure 3.7. The ˜ λ obfuscator then computes an lockable obfuscation C ← Obf(1 ,Qct,C , 1, α). The final obfuscation is C˜.

• riO.Eval(C,˜ x): The evaluation algorithm first computes y = Eval(C,˜ x). If y = 1, the riO evaluator outputs 1, else it outputs 0.

16By circuit C, we represent the statement that ∃ w such that C(w) = 1.

282 Correctness We need to show that the obfuscated program has identical functionality as the original (input) program. Fix any security parameter λ,

n circuit C ∈ Cλ and input x ∈ {0, 1} . Let α be the random string chosen during obfuscation, ct ← WE.Enc(1λ, C, α) and C˜ ← Obf(1λ, 1, α).

`out ˜ If C(x) = 0, then Qct,C (x) = 0 . As a result, Eval(C, x) = ⊥ with all but negligible probability over the coins chosen during lockable obfuscation (as- suming the semi-statistical correctness of lockable obfuscation scheme). Hence, riO.Eval(C,˜ x) = 0 with all but negligible probability.

If C(x) = 1, then Qct,C (w) = α (assuming perfect correctness of the witness encryption scheme), and hence riO.Eval(C,˜ x) = Eval(C,˜ x) = 1 (as- suming correctness of lockable obfuscation scheme). Security

We will prove security by defining a sequence of computationally indis- tinguishable hybrids, and finally showing that in the last hybrid, the adversary has zero advantage. At a high level, our proof works as follows. Recall that the adversary must output two programs that reject all inputs. As a result, if we encrypt a string α to either of these programs using the witness encryption scheme, then α is computationally hidden. Hence, we can replace α with the all-zeroes string. Having done this, we can now use the security of our lockable obfuscation scheme to simulate the obfuscated program.

We will now formally define the hybrid experiments.

283 Hybrid H0 : This corresponds to the real experiment.

1. The challenger receives as input two circuits C0,C1 such that both cir- cuits output 0 on all inputs.

2. The challenger chooses a uniformly random string α ← {0, 1}`out and b ← {0, 1}.

λ 3. It then computes ct ← WE.Enc(1 ,Cb, α).

˜ λ ˜ 4. Finally, it computes C ← Obf(1 ,Qct,Cb , 1, α) and sends C to the adver- sary. The adversary outputs a bit b0 and wins if b = b0.

Hybrid H1 : This hybrid is similar to the previous one, except that the challenger encrypts 0`out instead of α.

λ `out 3. It then computes ct ← WE.Enc(1 ,Cb, 0 ).

Hybrid H2 : In this hybrid experiment, the challenger uses the simulator for the lockable obfuscation scheme to output the final obfuscation. Let Sim be

the simulator for the lockable obfuscation scheme. Let s = |Qct,C0 | = |Qct,C1 |.

4. Finally, it computes C˜ ← Sim(1λ, 1s) and sends C˜ to the adversary. The adversary outputs a bit b0 and wins if b = b0.

i Let advA denote the advantage of adversary A in hybrid Hi.

284 Claim 3.9. Assuming the witness encryption scheme WE is secure, for any

0 1 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Suppose, on the contrary, there exists a PPT adversary A such that

0 1 |advA − advA| = . We will use A to construct a reduction algorithm B that breaks the security of WE.

The adversary first sends two circuits C0,C1. The reduction algorithm

`out `out chooses a string α ← {0, 1} , b ← {0, 1} and sends Cb, α, 0 to the witness encryption challenger. It receives a ciphertext ct. It then computes C˜ ←

λ ˜ Obf(1 ,Qct,C , 1, α) and sends C to the adversary. The adversary sends its guess b0. If b = b0, the reduction algorithm guesses that α was encrypted, else it guesses that 0`out was encrypted.

Claim 3.10. Assuming the security of lockable obfuscation scheme, for any

1 2 PPT adversary A, |advA − advA| ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Suppose, on the contrary, there exists a PPT adversary A such that

0 1 |advA − advA| = . We will use A to construct a reduction algorithm B that breaks the security of the lockable obfuscation scheme.

The adversary sends two circuits C0,C1. The reduction algorithm first

`out chooses b ← {0, 1} and computes an encryption of 0 for Cb; that is, it

λ `out computes ct ← WE.Enc(1 ,Cb, 0 ). It then sends circuit Qct,Cb and message 1 to the lockable obfuscator challenger, and receives an obfuscated program C˜

285 which it forwards to A. If A guesses correctly, then B guesses that C˜ is an honestly computed obfuscation, else it guesses that C˜ is simulated.

2 Claim 3.11. For any adversary A, |advA| = 0.

Proof. This follows directly from the definition of hybrid H2. Note that the

challenger only requires the size of Qct,Cb , and this is independent of b since ˜ |C0| = |C1|. As a result, the final obfuscated program C contains no informa- tion about the bit b.

3.9 Upgrading Broadcast Encryption to Anonymous Broad- cast Encryption

The notion of broadcast encryption was first formally discussed in [266]. In a broadcast encryption scheme, we have a set of N users. There is a common public key for all the N users, and each user has a private decryption key. Using the encryption algorithm, one can encrypt a message for any subset of users. Suppose message m is encrypted for set S. Then any person in set S must be able to recover m using the decryption key, and if person i is not in the set S, then person i should not learn the message m. For efficiency/succinctness, we require that the size of the ciphertext be at most |S| + poly(λ), where λ is the security parameter.

While hiding the message might suffice for certain applications, one might be interested in the case where even the set S is hidden. This is referred

286 to as anonymous/recipient-private broadcast encryption, introduced by [71]. In this work, we will consider a weaker notion which we call one-sided anony- mous broadcast encryption. Here, if a message is encrypted for a set S, then for any user i∈ / S, both the message and the set S will be hidden.

In this section, we will first define the notions of broadcast encryption and one-sided anonymous broadcast encryption, and then show how to trans- form any broadcast encryption scheme to a one-sided anonymous broadcast encryption scheme.

3.9.1 Preliminaries

We will first introduce the syntax, correctness and security properties of broadcast encryption. A broadcast encryption scheme BE with message space M consists of the following algorithms.

• Setup(1λ,N): The setup algorithm takes as input the security parameter λ and a bound N on the total number of users. It outputs a pubic key

pk and N decryption keys sk1,..., skN .

• Enc(pk, m ∈ M,S ⊆ [N]): The encryption algorithm takes as input the public key pk, a message m ∈ M and a subset S ⊆ [N] . It outputs a ciphertext ct.

• Dec(sk, ct): The decryption algorithm takes as input a secret key sk and a ciphertext ct, and outputs y ∈ M ∪ {⊥}.

287 Correctness We require that for all security parameters λ and bound N on total number of users, for all sets S ⊆ [N], messages m ∈ M,(pk, {sk1,..., skN }) ←

λ N Setup(1 , 1 ) and ct ← Encrypt(pk, m, S), if i ∈ S, then Dec(ski, ct) = m.

Succinctness For succinctness, we require that for all λ, N,(pk, {sk1,..., skN }) ← Setup(1λ,N), messages m ∈ M and S ⊆ [N], if ct ← Enc(pk, m, S) then |ct| ≤ poly(λ) + |S|. Security

We will now present two different notions of security. The first one only hides the message encrypted, while the second notion requires that the set of users associated with a ciphertext is also hidden.

Definition 3.23. Let BE = (Setup, Enc, Dec) be a broadcast encryption scheme. Consider the following security game between a challenger and an adversary A.

λ N • Setup Phase The challenger chooses (pk, (sk1,..., skN )) ← Setup(1 , 1 ) and sends pk to A.

• Pre-Challenge Query Phase In this phase, the adversary queries for

secret keys. It sends an index i ∈ [N], and receives the secret key ski.

• Challenge Phase The adversary sends two challenge messages m0, m1

and a set S. The challenger chooses b ← {0, 1}, computes ct ← Enc(pk, mb,S) and sends ct to the challenger.

288 • Post-Challenge Query Phase This is similar to the pre-challenge query phase. In this phase, the adversary sends an index i ∈ [N], and

receives the secret key ski.

• Guess The adversary finally sends its guess b0. Let Q be the set of indices queried by A. The adversary wins if b = b0 and Q ∩ S = φ.

The scheme is said to be secure if for all security parameters λ and all PPT adversaries A, the advantage of A in the above security game is at most negligible.

Definition 3.24 (One-sided anonymous broadcast encryption). Let BE = (Setup, Enc, Dec) be a broadcast encryption scheme. Consider the following security game between a challenger and an adversary A.

λ N • Setup Phase The challenger chooses (pk, (sk1,..., skN )) ← Setup(1 , 1 ) and sends pk to A.

• Pre-Challenge Query Phase In this phase, the adversary queries for

secret keys. It sends an index i ∈ [N], and receives the secret key ski.

• Challenge Phase The adversary sends two challenge messages m0, m1

and two sets S0,S1. The challenger chooses b ← {0, 1}, computes ct ←

Enc(pk, mb,Sb) and sends ct to the challenger.

• Post-Challenge Query Phase This is similar to the pre-challenge query phase. In this phase, the adversary sends an index i ∈ [N], and

receives the secret key ski.

289 • Guess The adversary finally sends its guess b0. Let Q be the set of

0 indices queried by A. The adversary wins if b = b and Q∩(S0 ∪S1) = φ.

The scheme is said to be secure if for all security parameters λ and all PPT adversaries A, the advantage of A in the above security game is at most negligible.

3.9.2 Upgrading Broadcast Encryption to One-Sided Anonymous Broadcast Encryption

In this section, we will show how to upgrade any broadcast encryption scheme to achieve one-sided anonymity. Let BE = (BE.Setup, BE.Enc, BE.Dec)

∗ be a broadcast encryption scheme with message space {0, 1} . Let `ct(λ) de- note the length of ciphertext corresponding to message m ∈ {0, 1}λ. Our scheme with one-sided anonymity aBE = (aBE.Setup, aBE.Enc, aBE.Dec) uses the following cryptographic primitives:

- PRF F with keyspace K, input space {0, 1}λ and output space {0, 1}. Let

dF denote depth of circuit evaluating F (·, ·).

- Leveled homomorphic encryption scheme LHE = (LHE.Setup, LHE.Enc, LHE.Dec, LHE.Eval) with decryption circuit having depth bounded by


- Lockable obfuscation scheme (Obf, Eval)

The scheme can be described as follows.

290 λ N • aBE.Setup(1 , 1 ): The setup algorithm computes (pk, {sk1,..., skN }) ←

λ N BE.Setup(1 , 1 ) and outputs pk as the public key and {sk1,..., skN } as the secret keys.

• aBE.Enc(pk, m, S): The encryption algorithm first chooses a random string α ← {0, 1}λ and computes ct0 ← BE.Enc(pk, α, S). Next, it

chooses a PRF key K ← K and LHE keys (, ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1dF ).

It computes mask = (F (K, 1),F (K, 2),...,F (K, `ct)) and sets ct1 =

0 ct ⊕ mask. Let ct2 ← LHE.Enc(,K). Finally, let CLHE.Dec be the LHE decryption circuit with hardwired. The encryption al-

gorithm computes P ← Obf(CLHE.Dec, α, m). The final ciphertext is

ct = (ct1, ct2,P,

• aBE.Dec(sk, ct = (ct1, ct2,P, The decryption algorithm first computes an LHE evaluation using the encryption of PRF key. Consider

a circuit CF that takes as input a PRF key K and outputs (F (K, 1),

F (K, 2), ..., F (K, `ct)). The decryption algorithm performs LHE eval-

uation on ct2 with CF . It computes cte 2 = LHE.Eval(ct2,CF ). Next, let

Cct1⊕ denote the function that has ct1 hardwired, takes input y and out-

puts ct1⊕y. The decryption algorithm computes cte 1 = LHE.Eval(cte 2,Cct1⊕).

Next, consider the circuit CBE.Dec = BE.Dec(sk, ·) which has a secret key

sk hardwired. Let cte = LHE.Eval(cte 1,CBE.Dec). Finally, the decryption algorithm outputs y = Eval(P, cte ).

291 Correctness Fix any security parameter λ, N ∈ N, message m ∈ {0, 1}λ λ and set S ⊆ [N]. Let (pk, {sk1,..., skN }) ← aBE.Setup(1 ,N) be the pub- lic/secret keys. The encryption algorithm chooses α ← {0, 1}λ, K ← K,

λ dF 0 (, ← LHE.Setup(1 , 1 ) and sets ct ← BE.Enc(pk, α, S), ct2 =

LHE.Enc(,K). Finally, it computes P ← Obf(CLHE.Dec, α, m).

The decryption algorithm first computes cte 2 = LHE.Eval(ct2,CF ). Note that cte 2 is an LHE encryption of mask = (F (K, 1),...,F (K, `ct)). Next, the decryption algorithm computes cte 1 = LHE.Eval(cte 2,Cct1⊕). By construc- tion, it follows that BE.Dec(sk, LHE.Dec(, cte 1)) = α. Therefore, cte =

LHE.Eval(cte 1,CBE.Dec) is an LHE encryption of α. As a result, the obfuscated program P , when evaluated with input cte , outputs m.

Efficiency The ciphertext in our anonymous broadcast encryption scheme consists of three components. The first component ct1 has size `ct(λ) = poly1(λ) + N. This follows from the efficiency of the underlying broadcast encryption scheme. Next, the second component is an LHE encryption of

PRF key K, and therefore its size is bounded by poly2(λ), independent of N. Finally, the last component is an obfuscation of LHE decryption circuit. This also depends only on the security parameter, and is independent of N. As a result, the ciphertext output by our anonymous broadcast encryption scheme has size poly(λ) + N.

292 Security

In this section, we will show that the scheme described above satisfies the one-sided anonymity definition (see Definition 3.24). We will prove security via a sequence of hybrid experiments H0,H1, where H0 corresponds to the original security game.

Hybrid H0

λ N • Setup Phase The challenger chooses (pk, (sk1,..., skN )) ← BE.Setup(1 , 1 ) and sends pk to A.

• Pre-Challenge Query Phase In this phase, the adversary queries for

secret keys. It sends an index i ∈ [N], and receives the secret key ski.

• Challenge Phase The adversary sends two challenge messages m0, m1

and two sets S0,S1. The challenger chooses b ← {0, 1}.

λ 0 1. It chooses α ← {0, 1} and computes ct ← BE.Enc(pk, α, Sb).

2. Next it chooses a PRF key K and sets mask = (F (K, 1),F (K, 2),...,

0 F (K, `ct)), ct1 = ct ⊕ mask.

3. It then chooses LHE keys (, ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1dF ) and

sets ct2 ← LHE.Enc(,K).

4. Finally, let CLHE.Dec be the LHE decryption circuit with hard-

wired. The challenger computes P ← Obf(CLHE.Dec, α, mb) and out-

puts (ct1, ct2,P ).

293 • Post-Challenge Query Phase This is similar to the pre-challenge query phase. In this phase, the adversary sends an index i ∈ [N], and

receives the secret key ski.

• Guess The adversary finally sends its guess b0. Let Q be the set of

0 indices queried by A. The adversary wins if b = b and Q∩(S0 ∪S1) = φ.

Hybrid H1 This hybrid is identical to the previous one, except that the challenger computes a broadcast encryption of 0 instead of the lock α.

λ 0 1. It chooses α ← {0, 1} and computes ct ← BE.Enc(pk, 0,Sb).

Hybrid H2 In this hybrid experiment, the challenger simulates the obfus- cated program. Instead of computing P ← obf(CLHE.Dec, α, mb), it computes

P ← Sim(1|CLHE.Dec|, 1|mb|).

4. Finally, let CLHE.Dec be the LHE decryption circuit with hard-

wired. The challenger computes P ← Sim(1|CLHE.Dec|, 1|mb|) and outputs

(ct1, ct2,P ).

Hybrid H3 In this hybrid experiment, the challenger replaces the LHE en- cryption of PRF key K with encryption of 0.

3. It then chooses LHE keys (, ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1dF ) and sets

ct2 ← LHE.Enc(, 0).

294 Hybrid H4 This experiment is similar to the previous one, except that the challenger sets ct1 to be a uniformly random string.

`ct 2. Next it chooses ct1 ← {0, 1} .

i Analysis For any PPT adversary A, let advA denote the advantage of A in the hybrid experiment Hi.

Claim 3.12. Assuming BE is a secure broadcast encryption scheme, for any

0 1 PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between these two hybrids is with regard to the

0 ciphertext component ct . In hybrid H0, the challenger computes a broadcast encryption of α, while in H1, it computes an encryption of 0. Also, note that the adversary’s queries lie outside the set S0 ∪ S1. Suppose there exists

0 1 an adversary A such that advA − advA = . We will use A to construct a reduction algorithm B that breaks the security of BE.

The reduction algorithm B first receives the public key from the chal- lenger, which it then forwards to the adversary. Next, it receives secret key queries from the adversary, which it forwards to the challenger. For each key query i, the challenger sends ski to B, and the reduction algorithm forwards it to A. Next, the adversary sends two challenge messages m0, m1 together with sets S0,S1. The reduction algorithm first chooses a bit b ← {0, 1}. It then sends mb, 0 as the challenge messages, and Sb as the challenge set. The challenger sends back the challenge ciphertext ct0. The reduction algorithm

295 then chooses a PRF key K, LHE keys (, ← LHE.Setup(1λ, 1dF ),

0 sets ct1 = ct ⊕ (F (K, 1),...,F (K, `ct)), ct2 ← LHE.Enc(,K) and P ←

Obf(CLHE.Dec, α, mb). It sends (ct1, ct2,P ) to A. Next, the adversary sends post-challenge queries which are handled similar to the pre-challenge ones. Fi- nally, if the adversary’s guess is correct, the reduction algorithm guesses that

0 0 ct is encryption of 0, else it guesses that ct is encryption of mb.

Depending on whether the challenger sends an encryption of mb or 0, the reduction algorithm simulates either hybrid experiment H0 or H1.

Claim 3.13. Assuming (Obf, Eval) is a secure lockable obfuscation scheme,

1 2 for any PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. Suppose, on the contrary, there exists a PPT adversary A such that

1 2 advA − advA =  for some non-negligible function . We will use A to build a reduction algorithm B that breaks the security of lockable obfuscation scheme.

The reduction algorithm first chooses the public/secret keys of broad- cast encryption scheme and sends the public key to A. Next, it handles the queries of the adversary using the secret keys. In the challenge phase, the adversary sends m0, m1 and subsets S0,S1. The reduction algorithm chooses

0 b ← {0, 1} and computes ct ← BE.Enc(pk, 0,Sb). It chooses PRF key K,

0 LHE keys (, and sets ct1 = ct ⊕ (F (K, 1),...,F (K, `ct)) and ct2 ← LHE.Enc(, K). Next, it sends CLHE.Dec and message mb to the challenger and receives an obfuscated program P . It sends (ct1, ct2,P ) to A. The adversary finally sends its guess. If the guess is correct, the reduction

296 algorithm guesses that P is a simulated obfuscation, else it guesses that P is an honestly computed obfuscation.

Note that the lock used by the obfuscator is not used anywhere else in hybrids H1 and H2. As a result, the simulator can correctly simulate either

H1 or H2 depending on whether P is simulated or not.

Claim 3.14. Assuming LHE is a secure leveled homomorphic encryption scheme,

2 3 for any PPT adversary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between these two hybrids is that in one case, the challenge ciphertext has an LHE encryption of the PRF key K, while in the other case, it is replaced by an encryption of 0. Suppose there exists an adversary that can distinguish between the two hybrids with advantage . We will use this adversary to break the INDCPA security of LHE.

The reduction algorithm first chooses the public/secret keys of broad- cast encryption scheme and sends the public key to A. Next, it handles the queries of the adversary using the secret keys. In the challenge phase, the adversary sends m0, m1 and subsets S0,S1. The reduction algorithm chooses

0 b ← {0, 1} and computes ct ← BE.Enc(pk, 0,Sb). It chooses PRF key K, LHE

0 keys (, and sets ct1 = ct ⊕ (F (K, 1),...,F (K, `ct)).

Next, the reduction algorithm sends K, 0 to the challenger. It receives an LHE public key and ciphertext ct2 from the challenger. Next, it

|CLHE.Dec| |mb| computes P ← Sim(1 , 1 ) and sends (ct1, ct2,P, to A. The adversary finally sends its guess. If the guess is correct, the reduction algorithm

297 guesses that ct2 is an encryption of 0, else it guesses that it is an encryption of K.

Note that since the obfuscated program P is simulated, the reduction algorithm does not require the LHE secret key.

Claim 3.15. Assuming F is a secure pseudorandom function, for any adver-

3 4 sary A, advA − advA ≤ negl(λ).

Proof. The only difference between these two hybrids is that in one case, mask = (F (K, 1),...,F (K, `ct)), while in the other case, mask is uniformly random. Note that the PRF key is not required anywhere else in the security game (in particular, recall that ct2 is an encryption of 0). As a result, it follows directly from the security of PRF F that no PPT adversary can distinguish between these two hybrids with advantage greater than negl(λ).

4 Claim 3.16. For an adversary A, advA = 0.

Proof. In hybrid H4, the ciphertext component ct1 is a uniformly random string, ct2 is an LHE encryption of 0 and P is a simulated program which is independent of the bit b chosen by challenger. As a result, any adversary A has zero advantage in this experiment.

298 Comp-Gen   (i) n (i) o (i) (i) (a) Let BP = σj,b : [5] → [5] , acc ∈ [5], rej ∈ [5] j∈[L],b∈{0,1} for all i ≤ `PRG.

(b) First, for each i ≤ `PRG, j ∈ [0,L − 1], it chooses a matrix of dimensions 5n × m along with its trapdoors (independently) as (i) (i) 5n m (i) (Bj ,Tj ) ← TrapGen(1 , 1 , q). The matrix Bj can be parsed as follows  (i) Bj,1 (i)  .  Bj =  .   (i) Bj,5

(i) n×m (i) where matrices Bj,k ∈ Zq for k ≤ 5. The matrix Bj,k corresponds to state k at level j of branching program BP(i).

(i) (c) For the top level, it chooses top level matrices BL,k for each i ≤ `PRG, k ≤ 5, uniformly at random, subject to the following constraint:

X (i) X (i) B + B = 0n×m if msg = 0. L,rej(i) L,acc(i) i : βi=0 i : βi=1

X (i) X (i) √ h i B + B = q · I || 0n×(m−n) if msg = 1. L,rej(i) L,acc(i) n i : βi=0 i : βi=1

(d) For each level level ∈ [1,L], do the following:

(0) (1) n×n (i,0) (i,1) 5n×m i. Choose matrices Slevel, Slevel ← χ and Elevel , Elevel ← χ (0) (1) for i ≤ `PRG. If either Slevel or Slevel has determinant zero, then set it to be In. (i,b) ii. For b ∈ {0, 1}, set matrix Dlevel as a permutation of the matrix (i) (i) blocks of Blevel according to the permutation σlevel,b(·). More formally, for i ≤ `PRG, set   B(i) level,σ(i) (1)  level,b  (i,b)  .  D =  .  . level    (i)  B (i) level,σlevel,b(5)

(i,b)  (b)  (i,b) (i,b) iii. Set Mlevel = I5 ⊗ Slevel · Dlevel + Elevel for i ≤ `PRG. (i,b) (i) (i) (i,b) iv. Compute Clevel ← SamplePre299 (Blevel−1,Tlevel−1, σ, Mlevel)

n (i) o (i,0) (i,1)  (e) Output B0,1 , {(Clevel , Clevel )}i≤`PRG,level≤L . i Figure 3.1: Routine Comp-Gen Comp-Eval Input: Input string z, Components n (i) o (i,0) (i,1)  B0,1 , {(Clevel , Clevel )}i≤`PRG,level≤L . i Output: y ∈ {0, 1, ⊥}.

(a) For each i ∈ [1, `PRG], do the following

(i) (i) i. Set M = B0,1. ii. For j = 1 to L, do the following (i) (i) (i,0) (i) - If zinp(j) = 0, set M = M · Cj . Else, set M = (i) (i,1) M · Cj .

P (i) h (1) (2)i (1) (b) Compute M = i M . Let M = M || M where M ∈ Zqn × n (i.e. a square matrix). Next, do the following

- If kMk∞ ≤ Bd, output 0.

(2) - Otherwise, if M ≤ Bd and kMk∞ ∈ √ √ ∞  q − Bd, ( q + 1) · Bd, output 1. - Else output ⊥.

Figure 3.2: Routine Comp-Eval

Program Progsk

Constants: Secret key sk. Inputs: Ciphertexts ct1,..., ctn.

1. Let sk1 = sk. For i = 1 to n:

(a) Decrypt cti as (sk(i mod n)+1, α(i mod n)+1) = Dec(ski, cti).

2. If any decryption step fails, output ⊥. Otherwise, output α1. Figure 3.3: n-Cycle Tester

300 Program BPsk

Constants: Secret key sk. Inputs: Ciphertexts ct1,..., ctn.

1. For i = 1 to k:

(a) Decrypt cti+`1 as αi = Dec(sk, cti+`1 ). 2. If any decryption step fails, output ⊥. Otherwise, output α = α1 || · · · || αk.

Figure 3.4: Bit Encryption 1-Cycle Tester


Constants: Secret key Inputs: Ciphertext ct.

1. Decrypt ct as (sk0, α) = LHE.Dec(, ct). Output α.

Figure 3.5: Tester for Unbounded Length Key Cycles Program

Constants: Secret key Inputs: Ciphertexts ct1,..., ct`.

1. Decrypt cti as αi = FHE.Dec(, cti). 2. If any decryption step fails, output ⊥. Otherwise, output α1 || · · · || α`.

Figure 3.6: FO

Program Qct,C

Constants: Ciphertext ct, circuit C. Inputs: String w ∈ {0, 1}n.

1. If C(w) = 0, output 0`out .

2. Else output WE.Dec(ct, w).

Figure 3.7: Program Qct,C

301 Index

Abstract, v Acknowledgments, iv

Bibliography, 389

Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Turing Machines, 13, 22 Introduction, 1

Lockable Obfuscation, 16 Lockable Obfuscation , 183

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