198 Broadway * New York, NY. 10038 * (212) 962-1210 William H. Booth. President

198 Broadway * New York, NY. 10038 * (212) 962-1210 William H. Booth. President Wyatt Tee Walker. Vice President David Scott. Vice President Jennifer Davis, Executive Director June 24, 1992 For more information call: Richard Knight American Committee on Africa 212-962-1210 ADVISORY U.S. Mayors Call for Sanctions to Stay The U.S. Conference of Mayors, representing some 900 mayors of cities with populations over 30,000 in the United States, passed a resolution today at their annual meeting in Houston reaffirming support for city sanctions against South Africa. The mayor's resolution notes that "Nelson Mandela has stated that he will call on U.S. cities to lift existing sanctions against South Africa when the negotiations have resulted in the establishment of an interim government" and calls for cities to maintain sanctions against South Africa "until representatives of the democratic movement in South Africa call for their lifting." Mayor after mayor at the meeting stood up to condemn the South African government's role in the recent killings at Boipatong. The Mayor's go on to say that when an interim government is in place, "companies which do business in South Africa will make a positive commitment to help overcome the legacy of apartheid and promote equality of opportunity among all South Africans." The resolution was sponsored by Boston Mayor , who is outgoing president of the conference, and the mayors of New York, Los Angeles, Washington, , Atlanta, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Cleveland, , New Orleans, Houston, Detroit, Seattle, Baltimore, Kansas City, San Leandro, New Haven, Newark, and Miami. The South African government lobbied vigorously against the resolution, and Ambassador Schwarz had aides place personally addressed letters to each mayor under their doors at the conference hotel. Schwarz argued against linking the lifting of sanctions to a call from the democratic movement and Nelson Mandela. Dumisani Kumalo of the American Committee on Africa, who worked with Mayor Flynn to draft the resolution, and attended the conference. "The support of the mayors for this resolution shows that U.S. cities are firm in their support for the struggle for freedom in South Africa," Kumalo said. Supporting African freedom and independence since 1953 - Established The Africa Fund. 1966 Resolution No. 69 Submitted by: The Honorable Raymond Flynn Mayor of Boston The Honorable David Dinkins Mayor of New York City The Honorable Emanuel Cleaver II Mayor of Kansas City, MO The Honorable Sharon Pratt Kelly Mayor of Washington, D.C. The Honorable Xavier Suarez Mayor of Miami The Honorable Richard Daley Mayor of Chicago The Honorable Tom Bradley Mayor of Los Angeles The Honorable Sharpe James Mayor of Newark, NJ The Honorable Dave Karp Mayor of San Leandro The Honorable James Scheibel Mayor of St. Paul The Honorable Donald Fraser Mayor of Minneapolis The Honorable Michael White Mayor of Cleveland The Honorable Wellington Webb Mayor of Denver The Honorable Sidney Barthelemy Mayor of New Orleans The Honorable Bob Lanier Mayor of Houston The Honorable Mayor of Detroit The Honorable Norman Rice Mayor of Seattle The Honorable John Daniels Mayor of New Haven CITY SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA 1) WHEREAS, the system of apartheid continues in South Africa and 30 million black South Africans cannot vote; and 2) WHEREAS, more than 11,000 have died as a result of apartheidrelated violence since 1984, over half of them since Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990; and 3) WHEREAS, we look with hope to the negotiations for the ending of apartheid and the establishment of a democratic government held under the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) which began last December; and 4) WHEREAS, we are concerned that despite the optimism surrounding these negotiations, the South African government has yet to agree to establishing an interim government composed of all races to run the country in the period leading up to democracy; and

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