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Approved for use in E ng lish IV

S um m a ry of th e W ork : R a tiona le:

The Haunting of Hill House takes place over a single week in the 1950‘s E nglish IV , M *A *S *H , m y stery , ad ventu re, su spense and horror, is a ru ral A m erica. T he story b egins with D r. J ohn M ontagu e, a psy chic section of the req u ired E nglish IV cou rse. T his cou rse em phasiz es the researcher, who realiz es H ill H ou se, b u ilt som e 8 0 y ears b efore, is a tru e analy sis of non-fiction and novels. S tu d ents shou ld have an appreciation hau nted hou se. D r. M ontagu e seeks ou t volu nteers inclu d ing E leanor, for and love of read ing. thirty -two, who com es to the attention of D r. M ontagu e b ecau se of an incid ent involving a poltergeist when she was twelve. S he has spent The Haunting of Hill House is a classic novel from the horror genre. It m ost of her life caring for her invalid m other, and is shy , repressed , and u ses the su b tle techniq u es that were part of the early horror genre. looking for her id entity . T he phy sical horror of H ill H ou se is su b tle; m ore E lem ents of The Haunting of Hill House can b e fou nd in S tephen K ing d istu rb ing is the em otional torm ent E leanor end u res. E leanor‘s su m m er and other writers. S hirley J ackson is an im portant stay at H ill H ou se along with the three other gu ests proves to b e a A m erican writer whose —The L ottery “ is a part of the A m erican psy chological jou rney of the im agination tu rned evil. cu ltu re.

The Haunting of Hill House has b een the prem ise for a nu m b er of s. S tu d ents will b e fam iliar with the plot.

P rofessiona l R eview s a nd/or C ritic a l E ssa y s: N oted D istinc tion: • S ee T itlewave for A ward s. http://som any b ooksb log.com /2 007 /09/2 4 /the-hau nting-of-hill-hou se/ R ea da b ility :

L ex ile S core: 990 http://www.theharrow.com /colu m ns/reviews/hillhou se.htm l • • R ead ab ility L evel: 7 .1 http://www.lam b d asf.org/lsf/b ooks/reviews/hau nting.htm l L ea rning R esourc es G uidelines: • T he novel m eets the L earning R esou rces G u id elines. ‹ Print resou rces are availab le from the lib rary m ed ia enter and S ta nda rd Alig nm ent: (link) lib raries in the d istrict. C ontact any lib rary m ed ia specialist to view the scholarly sou rces. Approva l: ‹ S cholarly reviews are also availab le online throu gh B ooks in S ub m itted to C om m ittee: Print and G ale. C ontact the lib rary m ed ia specialist to ob tain u sernam e and password inform ation to access the su b scription d atab ase of fu ll-tex t Approved for Adoption: reviews. S ub m itted to C om m ittee: Approved for Adoption: N otes on th e T ex t: C onnec tion to th e C urric ulum : (The b est w ay to ev aluate and und erstand a nov el is to p ersonally read the b ook in its entirety .) • A m erican fem ale writer

H orror genre T he story is a psy chological ex ercise that twists and tu rns and , finally , • controls the m ind of E leanor V ance, em otionally the weakest of fou r • Psy chological terrorism elem ents visitors to H ill H ou se. B u t, the tru e horror of the b ook is learning that the • C haracter d evelopm ent hou se, itself, is evil-withou t ex planation or apology , it is ju st evil. • T hem es of isolation, oppression T he representation of a ghost withou t visib le representation is often m ore terrify ing than a phy sical presence.

Additiona l C onnec tions: (A P , Honors, E ssential/A p p lied , D ram as, F ilm s, etc .)

The Haunting of Hill House, 196 3 , starring J u lie H arris and C laire B loom . J ackson was pleased with the m ovie. It ad heres m u ch m ore closely to the story line and effects of the novel than d o m ost m ovie ad aptations.

The Haunting (1999) d irected b y J an d e B ont.