lincoln county since 1870 75¢

The week of september 29, 2017

Vol. 148, No. 4

crime Illegal marijuana grow uncovered near Pioche By Dave Maxwell was being held at gunpoint at a campsite in Spring Valley State A dawn raid on an illegal Park. I don’t think the campers mountain marijuana grow knew he was a fugitive from a northeast of Pioche resulted marijuana raid, [they were] just in the seizure of about 5,500 - worried that he walked into 6,000 plants and the capture of their camp late at night. Kind of one suspect. scared them.” County Sheriff Kerry Lee re- However, Lee said, “Because ported that on Friday, Sept. 22, we did not have enough prob- the raid was made in the White able cause and were not able to Rock Wilderness area about 30 positively identify these three miles from Pioche on the east of suspects, believed to also be Mt. Wilson in the Spring Valley California residents, as actu- area. About 35 officers from the ally having been those who ran Bureau of Land Management, from the marijuana site, we Dave Maxwell U.S. Forest Service, could only hold them after they KW Legacy Ranch in Hiko celebrated its fifth anniversary Sept. 23 with a special visit from some Division of Investigation, Lin- were photographed, finger- who have supported and served as consultants for the program over the years. coln County Sheriff’s Office, the printed, and DNA taken, until Nevada National Guard, and they were released to family the Nevada Counter Drug Unit members. But, we are seeking from Reno, converged on the to collect additional evidence to area. be able to issue arrest warrants Hiko’s KW Legacy Ranch Lee said, “It was located for each of them.” about a mile off a dirt road, so At the grow site, officers we were able to get that close found camping equipment, celebrates fifth anniversary with our vehicles. Kudos to tents, sleeping bags, a small all those guys for a lot of hard kitchen, food supplies, etc., and By Dave Maxwell six girls on a regular basis. Normally, all are en- work and a well-planned and Lee thinks it had been in opera- rolled at Pahranagat Valley High School taking coordinated operation.” tion for two or three months. KW Legacy Ranch in Hiko marked its fifth an- online classes and can earn a diploma. Some have Officers from the Nevada “Most of the plants had been niversary with a special observance Sept. 23. walked in the PVHS graduation ceremonies. A Counter Drug Unit estimated harvested already and were in Founded by Luke Hatch and Yancey Whipple, couple of past students even played on Pahrana- the street value of the mari- the process of being dried and KW Legacy Ranch is a place for troubled youth gat Valley High sports teams. juana was about $17 million. packaged. We did not find any and also is a drug rehab treatment center. Whipple said, “Maybe once in awhile we might Lee said, “We had a National weapons, though, like we have KW promotes the ranch environment as being have one who has already graduated from high Guard helicopter assisting for found in some other locations.” “a family focused adolescent program that uti- school when they come here, but that has been medical and communication Lee said a tip from hunters lizes a real working cattle ranch as the therapeu- quite rare.” purposes.” a few weeks ago alerted offi- tic approach to changing lives and playing a small He said the visitors to the anniversary com- No shots were fired. All of the cers to the existence of the site. part in helping transform the family’s legacy.” mented they were very impressed with what suspects fled on foot, and after “With the help of several agen- Whipple said, “A number of the people we the ranch is doing with the students. Those they a short pursuit, officers were cies, we have been investigating work with, supporters and others, including edu- talked with said they liked the program, how able to capture one suspect, but this place, doing both aerial and cational consultants, psychologists, psychiatrists, genuine the relationships were with the staff, and three others managed to escape. ground surveillance to confirm and placement specialists, who help refer us to how they could be outdoors and get some healthy However, two later surrendered its location, and creating a plan parents who are looking for a place to send their activity. Friday night to private citizens for the raid.” child, came on Friday night. These people came Being a working ranch, the students are doing without incident. On Saturday This is the second time a raid here from several of the western states.” activities associated with any ranch operation. night, the other suspect sur- on a marijuana grow has cap- He said, “We had a nice breakfast Saturday “That is the uniqueness of this program,” Whip- rendered. All three were found tured a suspect on site. About morning, did a little cattle drive with some of ple noted. “There are maybe only one or two oth- near the Spring Valley ranger five years ago, a man was cap- the visitors, students and staff. We had a lunch ers nationwide that are even close to what we do. station. tured on a raid in the Oak on the lawn at the main house. Some of the girls It’s what sets us apart. Working side by side with Juan Cruz-Hernandez, 24, of Springs area, but Lee could performed cowboy poetry, and we took a group the staff, learning self-esteem, work ethic, re- Santa Maria, California, was not remember the date. visit to the petroglyph sites and scenery on Irish spect, responsibility, and appreciation, etc. These the man captured at the grow On April 1, 2015, 35-year old Mountain. Saturday night, we held a dinner past five years have shown us how much we do site and is being held at the Teodoro Avalos-Linares of which included our current staff and some of the affect the lives of those we are seeking to help.” Lincoln County Detention Cen- Menifee, California, was ar- previous staff members. One of the visitors took time to write a letter of ter, awaiting an appearance in rested on suspicion of seeking This event was not an alumni gathering of KW appreciation to the ranch expressing their thanks Meadow Valley Justice Court. to get a new grow started in an Legacy, Whipple said. “We do those each year, for the opportunity to come to see the program Lee said the cold, wet, snowy area also east of Mt. Wilson, one for the girls, one for the boys, at other times, first hand and gain a greater understanding of the weather was the reason the where a previous grow had usually around Labor Day.” lasting value “of the really exceptional program other suspects later turned been used some years before. KW Legacy handles about 15 teen boys and you have built.” themselves in. “It was really Lee said those who operate cold at night. There was about these illegal mountain grows three inches of snow on the “have gotten more sophisti- ground in the area when we cated in hiding them and it is were searching for them.” due to tips from the public, county commission Nighttime temperatures were hunters, hikers, ATV riders, near or below freezing. bow hunters, etc., that we rely He said the third suspect was on to give us this information. suffering from hypothermia They are our eyes and ears out Western Elite planning expansion when he surrendered to camp- in the woods. Anytime we get a By Dave Maxwell Stubbs, and Ford, a public land have advantages. ers Saturday night at Spring tip, we follow up immediately and energy consulting firm in One is to ask the BLM for the Valley State Park. because we want to be able to Western Elite landfill, south assisting Western right to purchase the desired “This man,” Lee said, “actu- respond.” of Alamo, wants to expand. The Elite, talked about the options acreage via direct sale, in which ally called in on his cell phone This is the first mountain plan is to move onto about 160 that might allow for the expan- they would have to compete asking to be picked up. We were grow that has been found in acres, about 35 miles south of sion of the current 500 acres of with other potential buyers on trying to find him that night Lincoln County in a while, Lee Alamo on the west side of U.S. private land they occupy. the open market, or acquire the with officers from State Parks, noted, but there may be oth- Highway 93. There are a number of op- land through the Recreation Fish and Game, and Nevada ers. “We can’t just dismiss the In a presentation to the Board tions, Ford said, but primarily, and Public Purpose (RP & P) Department of Fish and Wild- whole idea, although the season of County Commissioners on two ways exist for dealing with life, when we were notified he is just about over.” Sept. 18, Mike Ford of Abbey, landfill sites, both of which > See LANDFILL, Page 3

community Grover C. Dils holds annual health fair | Page 2

sports Lynx roll to shut out win over The Meadows | Page 5 Page 2 Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 your seven-day forecast

today saturday sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday

77/49 79/47 80/49 79/50 76/48 76/45 73/44 Mostly sunny Brilliant sunshine Partly sunny and Sunny and beautiful Sunny and beautiful Sunny and beautiful Partly sunny beautiful Grover C. Dils holds annual health fair By Mary Cordle Medicare should also keep a close eye on their statements looking for items and The Grover C. Dils Medical Center charges for things they did not receive. (GCDMC) held its annual Health Fair at They can report any problems to the the Caliente Fire Hall on Sept. 16. As al- Medicare Patrol at 702-486-6403. ways, it was well attended by both adults Medicare will be issuing new cards and kids interested in new attractions. in April 2018. These cards will have a Tables included IsAgenix, a healthier number that does not have a person’s so- way to lose weight; doTerra essential cial security number listed. oils; and healthy and safe alternatives to People need to be aware of scams that prescription drugs. Olsen Senior Cen- are going around about this change. ter had a table selling raffle tickets for a Know that Medicare or Social Security quilt. will not be contacting anyone about the Downwinders provided free cancer new cards. If anyone has questions, they screening for people who lived here in should contact the Patrol to make sure Lincoln County and other counties from they aren’t being scammed. Always be 1950 through 1962. These screenings cautious if someone asks you to provide were done at the GCD medical clinic. your social security number, bank ac- Doctors provide bloodwork and chest count information, or Medicare number. x-rays. If anybody was diagnosed with The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office cancer, they walked them through the and Nevada Highway Patrol teamed up compensation process stemming from to give information on carseat safety and the bomb testing at the Nevada Test Site. the correct size needed as children grow. Courtesy photo Lorie Powers, outreach coordinator They also took fingerprints for the Safe The annual Health Fair put on by Grover C. Dils Medical Center was well at- with the Nevada Senior Medicare Pa- Child Kit, showed what happens when tended once again. trol said, “We fight Medicare fraud. We a car rolls in an accident, and addressed go out and educate people on Medicare the importance of buckling up. and their family and caregivers about In the back corner, blood tests were the fraud, error, and abuses in the Med- provided at a reduced rate. This booth icare system. It’s actually a $60 billion a was kept very busy by people taking ad- year problem. We want people who are vantage of this service. on Medicare to never give their number People went from table to table getting out to anyone and not even carry their information, just visiting, and getting to Medicare card with them. People on know the health opportunities in the area.

school district news

By Collin Anderson of sexual misconduct toward students; mandatory reporting of child abuse or This past week, the Lincoln County neglect; and the approval of the school School Board met again, with a few dif- district’s mission and goals. ferent issues on the agenda. Overall, the meeting was focused and As usual, the meeting opened with the came to a close rather quickly. While resolution of some bills. After that, a few much was discussed in the first hour of items were discussed, including the res- the meeting, a major point of discussion ignation of William Vea. came up right before the meeting was Later, some revisions to the policy were discussed that dictated the prevention > See SCHOOL, Page 10 Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 Page 3 thursday sion, “would also open the door for them Landfill to haul the garbage from the southern History: Hail the mule! continued from Page 1 end of the district, Alamo, Rachel, Hiko. That could help to decrease the cost of By Dave Maxwell companies. Business owners, too, in the our solid waste by a little over half.” frontier towns of Nevada wanted quick Act, where BLM conveys land to a gov- He said Coyote Springs may favor the Many Old West historians like to tell delivery of luxury items and feed, so ernment entity (the county) at no cost. In expansion also. “If they can get out of the story of the tenderfoot who objected they also hired the mule express teams. that case, the county keeps ownership their present agreement with Republic to riding a mule down an almost perpen- Tireless, they were, but tricky. A and works out an agreement with West- Services in Las Vegas, they could also dicular cliff. “Don’t worry none,” said an conniving mule might learn to hold its 73/44 ern Elite in terms of operations, liabili- have pickup by Western Elite.” However, old timer, “that mule thinks too much of breath while a pack was being tight- Partly sunny ties, and other issues. a representative of Coyote Springs could itself to fall and break its neck.” ened, then shed the heavy load instantly Ford said the land around the Western not be reached for comment. Even in the mining towns of Nevada by letting out its breath. Aggravating! Elite site has not specifically been identi- Commission chair Paul Donohue back in the days of the Comstock Lode One particular mule working the fied by the BLM for disposal at this time, mentioned another option, asking if the and the follow-up strikes in Austin, Eu- mines in Pioche even learned to count. but could be made available under the County’s existing Land Use Plan could reka, White Pine County, Pioche, and Normally, mules were hitched up to Recreation and Public Purposes. be amended to add the land Western Delamar, the tough, sure-footed mule three ore cars to be pulled out of the If the RP&P process were to be fol- Elite desires to obtain. Ford said chang- played an important part in winning mine to the loading areas. But this mule, lowed, Ford told commissioners, the ing a Land Use Plan is a long and in- the West and keeping the local economy if she sensed four ore cars were being firm would be paid by Western Elite (if volved process, but it could be amended surviving. hooked up, refused to move until the feasible) to do the work on acquiring the for a specific, stand-alone individual ac- Flop-eared and sad-eyed, it was not extra car was removed. Happened more land on behalf of the county. “We don’t tion. handsome, but certainly deserved its than once. make any of your decisions, but we will After hearing the presentation and dis- reputation for stubbornness. Some townspeople in the pioneer- take it through the BLM process and cussions, board members voted to allow Originally brought to the Americas by ing communities of Nevada also owned bring it back to you for review and final Abbey, Stubbs, and Ford to approach the the Spanish in the 1520s, mules proba- a mule or two for their own needs. In acceptance.” BLM on behalf of Lincoln County for the bly came into present-day New Mexico Pioche, for example, when the mines Commissioner Varlin Higbee later said purpose of discussing the options of a with the Conquistadors. Then they were finally closed in the early 20th cen- that he thought a Western Elite expan- possible expansion for Western Elite. taken to Missouri and bred there for tury, the remaining mules were simply many decades. By 1822, Captain William turned loose to roam the hills around Becknell led the first trading caravan town for the rest of their days. Great fun on the Santa Fe Trail using pack mules. though for the local boys and catch and Historians note that Missouri became ride them. a famous center for breeding first-rate And it should be noted that mules city council news mules and pack animals. So, by the time served faithfully in the U.S. Army dur- of the gold and silver booms in Nevada ing the Indian Wars in the west, before in the early 1860s, pack trains were in- and after the Civil War. General George By Mary Cordle Frehner noted that a certified letter strumental for opening up the Amer- Crook, one of the Army’s best Indian had been sent but not picked up and he ican West. Some of the animals could fighters following his Civil War service, At the most recent Caliente City would like to table the matter until a let- carry up to 250 pounds of supplies and and who might have saved General Council meeting, the council approved ter could be hand delivered to the Mulls. equipment, survive on rough forage, did Custer at the Battle of Little Bighorn a conditional use permit for a year and The council agreed. not require feed, and could operate even had his regiment arrived from the south business license to Rheajean Roberts to A suggestion was made for the Room in the arid elevations of the Rockies. in time, rode a trusted mule he called have a vacation rental, “Caliente Cottage Tax Board to meet and give its input. They were equally instrumental in the “Apache.” Crook also used mule trains Street,” at 290 Main Street. The Planning Jerry Carter said he wants at least to heyday of the North American fur trade. to supply his troops when serving in the Commission also gave approval. see a deposit addressed. He will meet Not only did the settlers come in the rough Arizona country fighting Geron- Some neighbors had objections and with the Room Tax Board and get a great American westward migration, imo. letters were sent out to them explaining spreadsheet going. but the long-suffering mules were there Thus, the significance of the mule sim- that this will be an improvement to the A long discussion took place about too, carrying the packs of the prospec- ply cannot be overlooked in whatever city in terms of motels and places for peo- setting policy and/ or rates for special tors and miners who roamed about the capacity it was used in the rough and ple to stay during events and holidays. events. Jones said he wants to keep the mountains and mining towns of the ready days of the Old West. Roberts has two other vacation rent- events coming in, making sure it is fair to southwest, Nevada included. Today, the Food and Agriculture Or- als. The rentals are booked through an the city, the residents, business owners, Oxen were preferred for those trav- ganization of the United Nations (FAO) agency and deposits have to be made and the events taking place. eling on the Oregon Trail, but men reports that China was the top market to ensure that there are no problems. Mayor Tommy Rowe said we don’t involved in mining operations, who for mules in 2003, closely followed by Councilman Victor Jones asked about want to discourage events coming to wanted to get their ore to railheads, Mexico and many Central and South the room tax. City Attorney Dylan Fre- the area. There’s a need to create a more often than not hired mule express American nations. hner said that will fall under the same checklist identifying what constitutes requirement as the motels. Frehner fur- an event. ther stated that if they charge for a night, Promoters Regan Gubler and Donald the room’s tax is 10 percent of what the Jackson give back to the community by rate is. They will have to fill out the pa- donating to different non profits. This perwork and submit it on the 15th of each year they donated to the Box Car Mu- month, showing what their occupancy seum, Caliente Elementary, and always was. to the Fire Department. A public hearing was held on a com- “The community needs to know of the plaint to revoke Mull’s Midway Motel’s thrift and the impact to the local non- business license for failure to comply profits and volunteers,” said Jones. with a city ordinance. It was stated that It was mentioned that Frehner is in ne- the room tax had not been paid in some gations with the union and should be on time and this has been an ongoing prob- the next agenda for approval. lem. The next meeting will be Oct. 5. Lincoln County Record The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 Write to us Lincoln County Record [email protected] opinion Page 4 editorial Zinke’s national monument Trump tells modifications too modest it like it is rankly, Interior Secretary Ryan gas weighed in by declaring, “Gold But- Zinke’s memo to President te’s opponents have created a straw man Trump recommending modifi- argument about water rights without cations to a few national mon- mentioning that the monument’s proc- at the U.N. Fuments — including the 300,000-acre lamation includes language to protect Gold Butte National Monument in Clark them. Now we must recommit our effort he New York Times editorial County — is far too modest, but it has to protect these precious public lands in called the speech bellicose and the Democratic contingent of Nevada’s the courts and send a strong message to said it had a dark tone and Washington delegation squealing like a Thomas Mitchell Zinke and Trump to keep their hands focus. It compared the speech pig stuck under a gate. off our monuments.” Tunfavorably to one by a more humble Commentary Zinke recommended unspecified Democrat Rep. Jacky Rosen of Hen- President Obama in 2009 when many changes to the Gold Butte boundaries derson claimed, “This rash decision by of the same problems existed — without but totally ignored the massive 700,000- Democrat Rep. Ruben Kihuen of the Trump Administration will not only a hint of recognition that Obama had acre Basin and Range National Monu- North Las Vegas, whose district in- endanger Nevada’s natural beauty and failed to resolve any of those problems. ment that straddles the border between cludes Gold Butte, screeched about chip away at our cultural heritage, but it The Los Angeles Times editorial Nye and Lincoln counties, even though Zinke’s modest memo, “This decision will also hurt our state’s outdoor recre- said the message was undermined by members of the Congressional Western will not only be detrimental to Ne- ation economy by eliminating jobs that bombast, boastfulness, illogic and was Caucus recommended reducing it to vada’s economy and shared cultural have contributed significantly to our needlessly offensive. “It was a bizarrely 2,500 acres — “the smallest area com- heritage, but it is further proof that the local tourism industry.” bellicose message for an American patible,” as the law says, to protect the monument review process has been Democrat Sen. Catherine Cortez president to send to an audience of Indian petroglyphs there. rigged from the start. Secretary Zinke Masto of Las Vegas has opposed reduc- world leaders,” the paper opined. The Interior Secretary noted in his promised that Nevadans’ voices would ing the footprint of any national monu- So President Trump’s speech to the memo that the Antiquities Act of 1906 be heard. Instead, we got half-hearted ment. United Nations General Assembly was gave the president authority to protect attempts to meet with stakeholders and Republican Sen. Dean Heller and Rep. obviously a rousing success. historic and prehistoric landmarks and secret memos cooked up behind closed Mark Amodei both opposed the des- “As president of the , I will objects of scientific and historic inter- doors, all when the outcome was pre- ignations of Gold Butte and Basin and always put America first, just like you, as est, but the monument designation has determined from the beginning. When Range. the leaders of your countries will always, instead been used to block use of vast it comes to altering our monuments Heller said, “As a strong proponent and should always, put your countries landscapes. “It appears that certain and impacting our livelihood, Neva- of states’ rights, the Obama Adminis- first,” Trump told the assembly, which, monuments were designated to prevent dans deserve more than unofficial leaks tration’s decision to bypass Congress despite the negative reviews of the liberal economic activity such as grazing, min- and uncorroborated reports. Secretary and designate two national monu- press, reacted with applause. ing, and timber production rather than Zinke should look Nevadans in the eye ments in Nevada despite widespread Yes, he pulled no punches when he to protect specific objects,” the memo and give it to us straight, rather than disagreement at the local level is an talked about the regimes in North Ko- observes. hide behind the administration’s contin- example of extreme overreach and the rean, Iran and Venezuela, and he did not He also noted that the public comment ued shroud of secrecy.” failed Washington-knows-best men- let Russia and China escape criticism. process has been usurped by well-or- Actually, his constituents in Mesquite tality. That is why I welcomed Secre- “We must protect our nations, their ganized, well-funded, self-styled envi- welcome the reduction, especially if it tary Zinke to Nevada to see first-hand interests, and their futures,” Trump ronmental groups, drowning out local assures the town it will have access to the impact of monuments designated declared. “We must reject threats to sov- officials, ranchers, miners and loggers. springs in the region that will be needed under the Antiquities Act with no local ereignty, from the Ukraine to the South These environmental groups and to supply the growing community with input.” China Sea. We must uphold respect for their Democratic cohorts are dead set drinking water in the future. The monument designation does law, respect for borders, and respect for on protecting every inch of barren dirt Zinke’s memo specifically noted that nothing to add actual protection for the culture, and the peaceful engagement and rock from the invasive non-native the water district has historic water few petroglyphs and other artifacts that these allow. And just as the founders species known as mankind. rights to six springs and five of those are are located on the sites, but Zinke did of this body intended, we must work Not that any of them has ever worked within the Obama-designated national recommend the president seek funding together and confront together those as a roughneck or roustabout in the monument boundaries. The memo to actually protect those artifacts. who threaten us with chaos, turmoil, grease orchards, castrated a calf or further said that there are four active and terror.” branded a steer, driven a Euclid filled grazing allotments in the area, though Thomas Mitchell is a longtime Nevada newspaper He pointed out that North Korea has with ore or operated a jackhammer or the proclamation claimed there were columnist. You may email him at thomasmnv@ shown contempt for other nations and a chainsaw or cashed a pay check for none. He also blogs at http://4thst8.word- its own people by starving, imprisoning, doing so. Democrat Rep. Dina Titus of Las Ve- torturing and killing them. “If this is not twisted enough, now North Korea’s reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with un- thinkable loss of human life,” he said of the ruthless dictator he dubbed the “Rocket Man,” who is on a suicide mis- sion for himself and his regime. Trump called the Iranian nuclear deal brokered by Obama the worst, most one-sided deal ever entered into by the United States. As for Venezuela, Trump singled out the root cause of its economic collapse under the dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro. “The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented,” the president said to a round of applause, despite the fact the L.A. Times called this a gratuitous insult and a simplistic denunciation of socialism likely to offend many coun- tries. “From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela, wherever true socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure. Those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contrib- ute to the continued suffering of the peo- ple who live under these cruel systems.” He also warned the U.N. members that the United States is fully aware that it bears a disproportionate burden, noting there are 193 countries in the U.N., but the U.S. pays 22 percent of the entire budget. Trump concluded his tell-it-like-it-is speech with a stirring call to action, “So let this be our mission, and let this be our message to the world: We will fight together, sacrifice together, and stand together for peace, for freedom, for justice, for family, for humanity, and for the almighty God who made us all.” The liberal media is going to criticize Trump no matter what he says, and he too often deserves criticism for pop- ping off. Perhaps he should give more speeches like this one and send fewer Tweets. — TM Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 Page 5 sports lchs football pvhs Panther girls open league in first place By Dave Maxwell A large number of points Pahranagat Valley earned in the matches last week Last week at home in Alamo, the resulted from errors made by the oppo- Pahranagat Valley girls volleyball team nents. had matches to open league play. No Earlier last week, Sept. 19, before be- offense to speak of from the opponents ginning league play, Pahranagat Valley was quite apparent in the matches traveled to White Pine for a match with In a match with Word of Life on the Bobcats. And it was a close one, as Thursday, PVHS won handily 25-4; 25- expected, with White Pine coming out 16; 25-9. The next night, hosting Round with a 3-2 victory. The sets went back Mountain, the scores were similar: 25-8; and forth with the scores usually only Courtesy photo 25-6; 25-5. four or five points apart. White Pine Lincoln County dominated on both sides of the ball last Friday in their 54-0 win Neither the Eagles nor the Knights won the first and third sets. Pahranagat against The Meadows. were able to return service very well. Valley took the second and fourth sets. “I credit my girls,” Coach Ginger The Bobcats won the tie-breaking fifth Whipple said. “They serve hard. Even set 15-9. 4A teams (ones faced in pre-season tour- “We didn’t play as well as we should Lynx roll to shut out naments) struggled with our serves and have,” Whipple said. “I would guess I know how it turns the game around the girls missed 40 percent of their for us. If the other team can’t return our serves. That hurt us really bad because serve, it’s a point for us. We’re just good it changes the momentum. I felt we just win over The Meadows servers, and you could see that Round didn’t get off the bus that day. But I still By Marinda Lamb two-points. That put the Lynx up 16-0. Mountain was noticeably frustrated feel good about pushing them to five In the second quarter, when most with themselves.” games.” The Lincoln County High football damage was done, Lincoln doubled its She explained a good serve is one that This week, Pahranagat Valley played team shut out Meadows last weekend points thanks to both the Smith boys, is low to the net, [making it] more dif- at Sandy Valley on Wednesday and at by a score of 54-0. Thornock, Harr, and Vincent. All to- ficult to know where it is going and to Tonopah today. Coach Raymond Wadsworth said, “It gether they had four touchdowns and get ready for. Not a serve that is lobbed “Tonopah is always good at home,” went really well. Our game plan worked eight extra points from two-point con- high over the net, “but one that zings just Whipple said, “so we expect a chal- for the most part and obviously, we were versions. over the top of the net. Other than the lenge.” However, PVHS is 14-2 against successful.” In the third quarter, Landen Smith jump float, it is probably the best type of the Muckers since 2007, having won the The boys started out quickly and, right scored the final touchdown with a 24- serve.” last five meetings. off the bat, pushed to get ahead. yard run, putting the Lynx to 54-0. Less than five minutes into the first Wadsworth said, “They run a similar quarter, running back Noah Smith offense to one we have used before, so we scored the game’s first touchdown, and were able to defend it because we knew lchs volleyball his brother, Landen Smith, added a two- the weaknesses. That really helped in point conversion. the long run.” Elijah Harr caught a 15-yard pass The Lynx have won both of their from Mason Thornock, scoring another league games and are played the Laugh- touchdown with two minutes left in the lin Cougars yesterday for their Home- Lady Lynx fall on the road first. Then Alex Vincent ran in another coming game. By Marinda Lamb handed to us. Once we were finally able to reset and let that go, the games were a Last Friday, Lincoln County girls vol- lot closer, but it was too late.” leyball team traveled to Las Vegas to Lincoln didn’t have an answer for pvhs football play The Meadows School. Dani Mason, a Meadows junior. She The Lady Lynx were not on top of their leads the stats in kills. If the Lynx had game and were defeated by the Lady had confidence and told themselves Mustangs. Lincoln didn’t play horribly. they could win, they could’ve blocked They did have lots of rallies, but they and dug Mason’s hits, which ulti- played hesitantly, which caused them mately sealed the game. Holt also said, to lose point after point. Coach Chantel “Too often we go into the game with Holt said, “Unfortunately, we didn’t win a preconceived idea of what the other because we didn’t think we could win. team is like instead of just playing our We went into the game not sure if we game. It’s like we’ve already decided could win and we kept waiting for them before we start the game where we’re to give it to us.” at.” Holt added, “No team is going to give The Lady Lynx faced Laughlin yester- you a game and we basically got our tails day for their Homecoming game.

lchs cross country Runners compete at UNLV

By Marinda Lamb with a time of 26:44. Head coach Lacie Pearson mentioned a tradition the team Dave Maxwell Lincoln County’s cross country team has. Whatever runner on the team im- The Pahranagat Valley football team uses picture signboards as a way to competed in the UNLV Invitational in proves the most that week gets a red jer- quickly communicate with offensive players on the field what play to run next. Las Vegas on Saturday, Sept. 23. Many sey. Alex Rowe had a huge improvement large schools like Bishop Gorman and and received the jersey this week. Legacy were competing at this meet. Pearson said, “So many of the run- The boys’ team score was 531. Cody ners had improvements. They are work- Panthers use unique way Dirks was in the top quarter of 157 run- ing really hard, and I think if they keep ners with a time of 17:50. Chance Chris- working really hard, they will definitely tensen obtained a new personal record have a chance at state. They are such to communicate plays of 19:57. Lincoln Frehner PR’d at 20:02; good, hard-working kids.” Alex Rowe at 20:54; Guy Heaton at 21:27; Their next meet will be on Saturday, By Dave Maxwell players on the field in the quickest form and Jaydon Heaton at 29:22. Oct. 7, at the Falcon Invitational in Hen- possible so that they are all on the same For the girls team, Mayah Hafen PR’d derson, Nevada, at Foothill High School. Pahranagat Valley High football has page and know what to do.” started using unique picture signboards The team uses four boards, each with on the sidelines. Primarily introduced to four pictures or symbols on each side, college football by Chip Kelly at the Uni- and Hansen said everybody can look versity of Oregon in 2007, the signboards over to the sideline and know what pic- became so popular that many teams, ture or symbol they are supposed to pay both high school and college, have used attention to that specific down. the method for several years. “We use them just on offense. None for Panther coach Brett Hansen said, “As the defense, as of yet. Sometimes they far as I know, we are the only school don’t mean anything; [they’re] just a de- in the state using sign boards.” He ex- coy. Other times it signifies what play plained, “The idea was to come up with we want to use at that time. Coach Brian something different. Throw a little wrin- (Higbee) and I can also use hand signals, kle in there that we hadn’t done before. from the sidelines, to let the players on The concept is the same as it is for other teams: a way to communicate with your > See SIGNS, Page 10 Page 6 Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 Alamo Town Board meets fire district news By Sarah Judd the equipment safe. Loveday offered to donate blocks towards the enclosure. By Sarah Judd gether when it comes to Emergency Pre- The Alamo Town Board met Sept. 13. The board also discussed putting pea paredness. The prisoners worked on repairing gravel about eight to ten feet around the The Pahranagat Valley Fire District Lonny Walch gave the Fire Chief Re- the field. They will come back Splash Pad, about two inches thick, and met Sept. 25. port and informed the board of a high next week to finish the softball field and then the Friends of Pahranagat Valley Ryan Rhodes informed the board angle rescue training that will start in the work on the rest of the fields and chil- would like to install grass leading up to that the EMT course has been ap- near future to hopefully start a division dren’s park. the gravel. proved by the State and will start with Dan Park leading it. The Road Department has been fix- There will be a preview of the Splash Oct. 10 and run through Dec. 20, with Lastly, on Oct. 9 there will be a drill in- ing up the roads around town with cold Pad later this month. Thanksgiving off. The classes will volving many emergency response per- patches. Lonny Walch informed those present run every Tuesday, Wednesday, and sonnel. So don’t be alarmed when you Brad Loveday made a request for or- that there will be a county-wide hazmat Thursday nights from 6 to 9 p.m. and see an influx of cops, firefighters, and dering more red dirt for the fields. The drill on Oct. 9. Those involved with emer- every other Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 emergency responders in Alamo. board will table this request until next gency response in the area will practice p.m. There are currently 6 to 7 people The drill will run mostly from 9 a.m. month when they can look at the budget. an Emergency Operations Center. enrolled in training. to noon with more training for some at 1 Paint was ordered to repaint the There will also be evacuations prac- The certification test will be adminis- p.m. The drill will include three parts: an crosswalks in front of the schools. Some ticed in schools, where they will bus the tered sometime in January. Emergency Operations Center, Hazmat buckling has been noticed in the side- kids to a location, count heads, bus back, An interest in getting more people Station, and School Evacuation. walk as well. Plans to repair the con- and practice reunification with parents to drive ambulances in Hiko was men- If you, as a parent, want to participate crete sidewalk will be made in the com- so everyone is on the same page. tioned. in the reunification part of the school ing months. If parents are interested in participat- Roberta Park, Emergency Manage- evacuation drill, please talk to Mike Robin Rowley, from the Friends of ing in the reunification part of the drill, ment Chair, reported that all of the Sparrow at Pahranagat Valley High Pahranagat Valley, gave an update on contact Mike Sparrow. This will take churches in the valley are working to- School. the Alamo Splash Pad. There was a test place between 12 and 12:30 p.m., before run of the system after the electricity was the students are dismissed for the day. hooked up. The plan is to build an enclo- Lastly, there will be a table-top and sure around the pump to lock up and keep hazmat decontamination drill. New online resources for county Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (All Periodicals Publications Except Requester Publications) Submitted to Life?” 1. Publication Title Battle Born Media-Lincoln 2. Publication Number 3. Filing Date “Wild Horses: Adored by the Pub- 9/29/2017 dba Lincoln County Record 5 8 7 _ 1 2 0 Lincoln County Cooperative Exten- lic, but Destroying Water Resources,” 4. Issue Frequency 5. Number of Issues Published Annually 6. Annual Subscription Price sion and the Lincoln County Conserva- “From Sugar Mills to Hog Farms, U.S. Weekly 52 $36.00 tion District have come together to offer Agriculture Braces for Irma.” 7. 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PS Form 3526, July 2014 (Page 3 of 4) PRIVACY NOTICE: See our privacy policy on Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 Page 7 Is this You? puzzles

Modern Times to make that It seems that when something bad mark we desire happens time drags by and sometimes to make. But I time even seems to stop. But when have an idea. Crossword Puzzle something wonderfully good happens Well of course I the time flies by. For instance… do! We had company visit and they Spend it brought their little baby. The time we wisely. I used spent with our friends zoomed by. But Trina machacek to bemoan to during that same week we were wait- Commentary myself, oh you ing to go to a doctor’s appointment that don’t want to we were very anxious for and the time bemoan out just drug by, like cold molasses coming loud—people tend to gather the white out of a bottle. How can that be when coats if you bemoan out loud. Anyway. both things were happening at the same I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact time? It’s a time warp thing. Not saying that one second was gone and then an- I’m warped! other and another and nothing spectac- There’s also a new song out that relates ular happened. How sad is it that time to wanting to be older until you are older, goes by without any recognition of its then when you are that older person you passing. But it has in the past, does in the want to be younger. Seems we are never present and will in the future. That’s just satisfied. But that is in actuality a good the way of the world and it’s pretty cool. thing. I mean really, if you find you are sat- Finally, with our time, something hap- isfied you never reach for more, want to pens that we don’t have to do anything be more, be better, and achieve everything about. We don’t vote it in or out. We your little heart desires. But, my friends, don’t need a committee to regulate it. We be very careful what you wish for. aren’t going to stop it no matter what we As a kid I hope you took the time to do or don’t do. It just goes and goes. wish upon a star. You know, “star light, Time doesn’t wait for payday to come star bright …” Well of course I wished around. Time isn’t working towards re- upon a star once or twice in my youth. tirement thank goodness or we would all Gee I sure I hope I wished for some- be out of time. Although it is very, very thing good and it came true, for as time precious time doesn’t care what the price has gone by I don’t recall when or what of gold is or what its resale value will be those whishes were. after depreciation. Time is just pretty un- CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN It probably is a good thing we don’t re- flappable no matter what we think say or 1. Leopold’s partner in crime 1. Box top member stuff like that from our youth. It do about it, do to it, do or with it. 5. Black furs 2. Small integers 3. Mild yellow Dutch cheese might be kinda of embarrassing to see a Time doesn’t need parents, teachers, 11. Truman’s hometown grown up get a wish of unlimited choco- siblings, co-workers or bosses. Time 4. Bolivian savanna 14. Dean residence 5. Open air performing for love late chip cookies or, well I have skidded never needs to be fixed or fiddled with 15. Chief Polish port 6. No matter what or which off the wish list haven’t I? like an old jalopy. Time doesn’t need to 18. Grin 7. Religious degree Have you ever watched a clock click off be re-done like a really bad perm that 19. Complied with 8. Lower limb seconds or minutes as you sit in a wait- you got from a hair dresser and you left 21. Explosive 9. Prefix meaning inside ing room? Or as you wait for the timer the salon looking like you just stuck you 10. Crust covering a wound 23. Perennial woody plant on the oven go beep, beep, beep, very finger in a light socket! 12. Assail repeatedly annoying on its own, but watching the So what of this time we have? Time 24. Expression 13. Samoyedic (alt. sp.) time go by you realize that those seconds on our hands. Time to spare. Time af- 28. Small Japanese deer 16. Damascus is the capital 17. Peeps (Scot.) or minutes were here and are now gone ter time. There are some things about 29. Denotes past 30. Bullfighting maneuver 20. Transaction and never will be back? Your life has time that I think we hopefully can all 22. Touchdown 32. Deaf signing language cashed in that time, those breaths you agree on. Time is precious. Time heals. 25. Associated press took for granted are gone forever. How Time in its own time tells all. Some two 33. Assistance 26. An opening between things eye opening that can be? But what are thousand years ago was a time of un- 35. What part of (abbr.) 27. Increasing you going to do about it? certainty and also hope. Those were the 36. Parts per thousand (abbr.) 29. Cologne As much as we all desire to make our times huh? Now, today in modern times 39. Two-toed sloth 31. Ethiopia (abbr.) mark in life there is just no possible way even though an almost enumerable 41. Exclamation of surprise 34. A 24-hour period 36. Kitty sound to make every second of every minute of amount of seconds have clicked away in 42. Extinct European ox 37. Prefatory discourse every hour of every day count for some- 44. Moving in a circle 38. -frutti thing important. Important enough > See MACHACEK, Page 10 46. College army 40. Biblical Sumerian city 47. Radioactivity unit 43. Criticize harshly 49. Give a quick reply 45. 25th state 48. Comedian Carvey 52. Spanish appetizers 50. A wild disturbance 56. Environment 51. Pueblo American Indians 58. Gold, quartz or iron 53. 9-banded armadillo 60. Fellowes’ Masterpiece series 54. Arbitrageurs 62. Old style recording 55. Thai language of Khammouane 63. Questions 57. Atomic #105 58. 1st weekday (abbr.) 59. Fleur-de-___ 61. The 7th tone SUDOKU

Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,

column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues

already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle.

SUDOKU ANSWERS SUDOKU CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS PUZZLE CROSSWORD Page 8 Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017 Page 9 Page 10 Lincoln County Record || The Week of Sept. 29, 2017

LCAT looking to promote tourism Ducks brought to the game in 2007. Signs Because of not having to huddle after 4:30 to 6 p.m. each play, the team can line up quickly By Mary Cordle continued from Page 5 Ben Rowley gave a report on LCAT’s and go again. At times, the Ducks, and The Lincoln County Authority of website, saying it was getting good traf- other teams since then, even in the NFL, Tourism (LCAT) held a meeting on Sept. fic and was up from last month. Ben the field know if it is a decoy or a real in- have been known to run an offensive 12 in the Extension Office. brought up that Rick Stever is looking struction to follow. It’s not exclusive for play every 15 seconds or less. Pahranagat According to Marcia Hurd, President for volunteers for people to be part of all our offensive plays, just when we want Valley may not be that fast, but Hansen of LCAT, one of the main focuses was the emergency management volunteer to go no-huddle or up-tempo. It gives us said, “the players seem to enjoy being to promote tourism into the area. LCAT group. He explained that this group more variables on to what we are doing. able to play at a fast pace. They see their also helps organizations that do not have will help out in an emergency situation, We’re putting it in a little bit at a time.” favorite college teams doing it and they the means to raise money, such as the helping victims find resources and do- Coach Higbee, the offensive coordina- have picked up on it. And there is still parks. ing crowd control. tor, will still have quarterback Preston more to add, if we want to.” Keith Larson announced that the cou- The group also discussed upcoming Higbee come to the sideline each down The signboards are not the only fac- pons for the farmers’ markets were now grants for marketing Lincoln County and verbally give him the next play to run. ets of the Panthers play this season that available at the Extension Office and to visitors and plans on building local “That’s the traditional way,” Hansen Hansen said he is pleased with. could be used in October. The grant will infrastructure so visitors can have the notes, “but we could do it with the sign “Having played for and studied under roll over into April, May, and June. information and services they need dur- boards as well.” (former) Coach Ken (Higbee), I focus a lot The next meeting is on Oct. 17 from ing their stay. The players have had to learn how to on the fundamentals, footwork and tack- interpret what each of the 16 pictures ling, that he and his coaches stressed. or symbols mean, “but we have tried to Coaching with them for the last seven make it as simple as possible for them,” years, I saw it used every day in prac- County invited to serve military families he said. tice, an aspect of the game not forgot- Hansen said the idea came to him dur- ten about. I have tried to continue that By Sarah Judd Military Council at Nellis Air Force ing a meeting he was at not long ago. “I philosophy, that when you do the little Base. The group is collecting presents was getting bored with the meeting and I things well, good things will happen.” There are many great programs that for families stationed at Nellis Air Force started thinking about how we might do This week the Panthers (4-0, 1-0) play serve Lincoln County around the holi- Base. It’s part of Operation Warmheart. the signboard thing. I presented the idea at Tonopah (2-2, 0-1). They then begin days. If you have a little extra to give, you The presents need to be unwrapped. to Coach Higbee and he was all for it.” a three-week home stand Oct. 6 against can help serve the families of airmen. New gifts are needed for boys and girls Another advantage of the signboards Indian Springs, Spring Mountain, and Lonny Walch is part of the Civilian from 0-17 years old. The older kids tend is that they allow the team to play at a Beaver Dam. The final league game is to be left out, so gift cards are appreci- faster pace, another wrinkle the Oregon Oct. 28 at Beatty. ated for them. You can bring the presents to Lonny Walch or call him at 775-725-3637 and he will come pick them up. If you have any issue, and that she had been more or less questions, feel free to call him. forced to make the deal. Presents will be delivered to Nellis Air School Pat Kelly, another member of the continued from Page 2 Force Base on Dec. 12. Any help is appre- board, also pointed out that both C.O. ciated. Bastian and CYC were understaffed and about to be adjourned. The issue was that their funds were being stretched too brought up by Wade Poulsen, a member thin. of the board, and his grievance was that, Poulsen then noted that they were go- Machacek from his experience, the money that the ing to try and change the language of the State provides Lincoln County to help contract to ensure that Lincoln County continued from Page 7 run C.O. Bastion high school isn’t enough, received the funds necessary to give both since the county has had to dip into funds the students of C.O. Bastian and the stu- the last two thousand years we still have specially designated for the rest of the dents of the rest of the county the educa- the time to meet and greet and love and Lincoln County School District. tion they deserve. Otherwise, the State laugh. And go back and get that perm re- This issue was made even more alarm- would have to completely take over the done. It wasn’t a pretty sight no matter ing by the fact that the State declined financing of C.O. Bastian. how much time I spent brushing it out! to reimburse the school district for the The board was then informed that the Until next time! money they had to supplement to main- students of Lincoln were enjoying the tain C.O. Bastian. new lunches that the county is provid- Trina lives in Eureka, Nevada. Share with her at Superintendent Pam Teel brought up ing, and with the addition of a few more [email protected]. Really! that they were working on solving the small notes, the meeting was adjourned.

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