
Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337

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At-sea determination of female American

( americanus) activity: Patterns vs. expectations

a,b,∗ b c

Tracy L. Pugh , Jason S. Goldstein , Kari L. Lavalli ,

d,1 b

Michael Clancy , Winsor H. Watson III


Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, 30 Emerson Avenue, Gloucester, MA 01930, USA


Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA


Division of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, College of General Studies, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA


Department of Biology, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, CT 06226, USA

a r a

t i b s

c l t r

e a

i n f o c t

Article history: We examined female American (Homarus americanus) for evidence of mating activity in selected

Received 30 April 2013

regions within Gulf of (GOM) and Southern (SNE) waters. The presence of a sper-

Received in revised form 8 July 2013

matophore in their seminal receptacles was used as an indication of mating activity (spermatophore

Accepted 14 July 2013

positive, “SP”). To determine if all presumably-mature females had mated, the proportion of females that

were SP was compared to the size-at-maturity data used in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com-


mission (ASMFC) Stock Assessment. A total of 1696 females were examined, and in all

American lobster

regions >75% of these females were SP. In most regions, more presumably-immature females (based on


pre-existing maturity data) were SP than expected, while in the two SNE regions (Rhode Island) there

Sperm limitation

were more presumably-mature females lacking than expected. We suggest that due to the depleted

Mating activity

Spermatophore condition of the SNE lobster stock, the discrepancy between expected maturity and mating activity in

SNE females warrants further attention. Additionally, our data suggest that there is a need to re-examine

lobster size-at-maturity throughout the GOM lobster stock. It appears as if either the maturity schedules

have recently shifted, or sexually immature females are regularly mating in many regions.

© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Sainte-Marie and Hazel, 1992). In some , fishing pressure

has been shown to alter operational sex ratios (MacDiarmid and

Management of many decapod fisheries operates Sainte-Marie, 2006), disrupt reproduction in local populations by

with the underlying assumption that sperm is not a limiting fac- decreasing the frequency of encounters between potential mates

tor in the exploited population. Regulations protecting ovigerous (Gray and Powell, 1964; Powell et al., 1973; Ennis, 1980; Stephens

females and setting minimum size limits have arisen based on the et al., 1999; Gascoigne et al., 2009), and interfere with the process of

view that reproductive success depends primarily on female biol- sexual selection (Sato and Goshima, 2007). As a result of all of these

ogy (e.g. size-at-maturity and size-based fecundity). As a result, factors, sperm limitation is a strong possibility in exploited popu-

decapod fisheries tend to preferentially remove males at har- lations (Miller, 1976; , 1986; Smith and Jamieson, 1991;

vestable sizes while allowing reproductive females to accumulate Sainte-Marie and Hazel, 1992).

in the population (Cobb and Wang, 1985; Smith and Jamieson, Recent work suggests that sperm limitation may occur in a

1991). This can ultimately limit the number of large males while number of commercially important marine decapod

simultaneously increasing the number of larger females in the pop- including spiny lobsters ( edwardsii and argus,

ulation (Miller, 1976; Pollock, 1986; Smith and Jamieson, 1991; MacDiarmid and Butler, 1999), blue ( sapidus, Jivoff,

1997, 2003; Kendall and Wolcott, 1999; Kendall et al., 2002; Hines

et al., 2003), king crabs ( camtschaticus, Powell et al.,

∗ 1974), spiny king crabs (Paralithodes brevipes, Sato et al., 2005), and

Corresponding author at: Division of Marine Fisheries, 30 Emer-

son Avenue, Gloucester, MA 01930, USA. Tel.: +1 978 282 0308x138; snow crabs (Chinoecetes opilio, Rondeau and Sainte-Marie, 2001).

fax: +1 617 727 3337. The manner by which sperm is limited for these species varies,

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T.L. Pugh), [email protected]

but includes: (1) increased dependence on small males that have

(J.S. Goldstein), [email protected] (K.L. Lavalli), [email protected] (M. Clancy),

insufficient sperm supplies to fully inseminate larger females (Paul,

[email protected] (W.H. Watson III).

1 1992; Jivoff, 1997; Kendall et al., 2001; Robertson, 2001; Sato

Current address: RI Nursing Institute Middle College, 150 Washington Street,

Providence, RI 02908, USA. et al., 2005, 2006); (2) males depleting their sperm reserves over

0165-7836/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2013.07.008

328 T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337

multiple due to female-skewed sex ratios (Dewsbury, data from commercial trap sampling programs were available for

1982; Nakatsura and Kramer, 1982; Rutowski et al., 1987; Jivoff, examination of sex ratios. Most of the regions selected were in the

1997; Kendall and Wolcott, 1999; MacDiarmid and Butler, 1999; (GOM) lobster stock, which is in “favorable condi-

Sato and Goshima, 2007); (3) insufficient time between matings to tion” and where “overfishing is not occurring” (ASMFC, 2009b). We

fully restore sperm reserves (particularly for small males; Powell also selected two regions in the Southern New England (SNE) stock,

et al., 1974; Paul and Paul, 1989; Sainte-Marie et al., 1995; Kendall which is in “poor condition” and for which “recruitment failure”

et al., 2001; Rondeau and Sainte-Marie, 2001; Sato and Goshima, was recently declared (ASMFC, 2009b, 2010). For each region, we

2006; Sato et al., 2005, 2006); and (4) males limiting the size of their compared the proportion of females in a given size class that were

spermatophores to allocate their resources among multiple females carrying spermatophores to the predicted proportion of females

over a short time period (Pitnick, 1991; Pitnick and Markow, 1994; at that size that were sexually mature. Maturity data provided

Warner et al., 1995; Preston et al., 2001; Rondeau and Sainte-Marie, to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Lob-

2001; Sato et al., 2005; Sato and Goshima, 2006). ster Stock Assessment (ASMFC, 2009a; personal communication R.

Similar to other crustacean fisheries, the U.S. fishery for Amer- Glenn, ASMFC Lobster Stock Assessment Committee Chair 2012)

ican lobster (Homarus americanus) is managed using biological were used as the model to represent the proportion of females at

controls that include minimum harvestable sizes (determined a given length that should be sexually mature and thus reprodu-

partly by female size-at-maturity) and protection of ovigerous cing. We hypothesized that the proportion of females in each size

females (see Miller, 1995 for review). An additional management class that had mated (acquired a spermatophore) should match

tool is the conservation of females that are ‘proven breeders’ using the proportion of females that were sexually mature, and that dis-

the practice of V-notching (mandatory in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) crepancies between mating activity and expected maturity may

stock), whereby a v-shaped notch is cut into the uropod of ovige- indicate the data utilized in the assessment might not accurately

rous females to protect them from harvest after their clutch has represent current reproductive activity. Additionally, we examined

hatched (Kelly, 1992; Miller, 1995). These differential protections the sex ratios in each region to determine if skewed sex ratios might

that female lobsters receive relative to males upon reaching har- influence mating activity.

vestable size increases female survivorship and allows females to

accumulate in the population, which increases the potential for

2. Materials and methods

sperm limitation.

Mating in the American lobster is generally focused around the

2.1. Study sites

female’s molt (Templeman, 1934, reviewed in Atema, 1986). Pre-

molt females seek out and cohabitate with the dominant males in

This study targeted four regions in the Gulf of Maine (GOM):

their shelters just prior to molting and for several days afterwards

mid-coast Maine (Friendship), coastal New Hampshire, Mas-

(Stein et al., 1975; Atema et al., 1979; Atema, 1986; Karnofsky

sachusetts (inner and outer Boston Harbor), and two regions in

and Price, 1989; Cowan and Atema, 1990). Mating typically occurs

Southern New England (SNE): Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island and

within 24–48 h of the female molt (Templeman, 1934, 1936) and is

Rhode Island Sound (Fig. 1). Sampling trips were conducted oppor-

accomplished when the male turns the female onto her back and

tunistically aboard commercial lobster vessels during their normal

inserts his modified pleopods into her seminal receptacle to deposit

operations. A total of 16 at-sea trips were completed during the

a spermatophore (Templeman, 1934; Atema et al., 1979), a portion

fall of 2008 and summer and fall of 2009. Additional samples were

of which subsequently hardens into a sperm plug (Templeman,

obtained in the summer of 2010 from port (dealer) sampling, to

1934; Talbot and Helluy, 1995).

increase the sample sizes of females from Narragansett Bay, RI. Pre-

Some field data suggest that sperm limitation may be of concern

liminary analyses indicated no differences between seasons, so all

in American lobster populations. Gosselin et al. (2003) examined

time periods were combined for subsequent analyses.

the seminal receptacle loads in female American lobsters from the

Gulf of St. Lawrence, (Anticosti and Magdalen Islands), and

their results suggest that small males are primarily responsible for 2.2. Sampling procedure

mating with females in these areas. Complementary laboratory

trials showed that small male lobsters contribute smaller sper- During each sampling trip, we processed a haphazard sample of

matophores to females than larger males (Gosselin et al., 2003). female lobsters ≥60 mm in length (CL) that were captured

While female size is positively correlated with fecundity (Aiken in standard commercial lobster traps. Shell hardness was examined

and Waddy, 1980; Attard and Hudon, 1987; Estrella and Cadrin, to determine molt stage (based on external criteria; Aiken, 1980)

1995), the evidence presented by Gosselin et al. (2003) may suggest and the CL was measured to the nearest 1.0 mm using conventional

that sperm limitation could prevent larger females from fertilizing calipers. The presence and stage (early, late, or recently hatched) of

their entire clutch when insufficient numbers of large males are extruded ova were noted for all ovigerous females. A total of 1696

available. In fact, subsequent work documented multiple paternity female lobsters were examined.

in heavily exploited locales (Grand Manan Island and Magdalen To determine if a given female had mated, the seminal recepta-

Islands vs. Anticosti) and the authors suggested that promiscuity cle was examined for evidence of a spermatophore (Goldstein et al.,

by females was an attempt to avoid sperm limitation (Gosselin in press). When a male deposits a spermatophore into the female’s

et al., 2005). Finally, recent tag/recapture data collected in New seminal receptacle, a portion of it typically hardens into a sperm

Hampshire waters indicated that approximately 15% of ovigerous plug that blocks the entrance of the receptacle and protects the

females had dropped their clutches prematurely, which may indi- spermatozoa, which remain in gelatinous form near the bottom of

cate that those females lacked sufficient sperm reserves with which the receptacle (Talbot and Helluy, 1995). Therefore, the presence of

to fertilize their (Goldstein, unpublished data). a sperm plug indicates a female has mated. To acquire a sample from

The overall goal of this study was to examine the mating activ- the seminal receptacle, we inserted a blunt-tipped hypodermic

ity of female American lobsters as a first step in understanding the needle (Monoject 18-G × 2.5 cm, Webster Veterinary, Devens, MA,

potential for sperm limitation in portions of the U.S. fishery. We USA) into the receptacle and pushed it through the sperm plug (if

focused on regions throughout the inshore fishery where maturity present) to the bottom of the receptacle where the spermatozoa are

data utilized in the American Lobster Stock Assessment could be stored (Fig. 2A–C). The needle acted as a mini-coring device, remov-

used as an index of expected mating activity, and where additional ing a tiny core of plug material and the associated spermatozoa.

T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337 329

Fig. 1. Map of coastal New England showing the locations of the six at-sea sampling regions, as well as the Gulf of Maine (GOM) and Southern New England (SNE) lobster

stock areas. Circles within each sampling region indicate the approximate areal extent from which commercial trap sampling data were used to calculate sex ratios.

The initial sample was deposited into an Eppendorf tube, and then in individually labeled 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes and kept cool. No

a small amount of seawater (<0.5 mL) was used to flush the recep- mortality was noted with this sampling technique.

tacle. A second sample was collected after flushing and included Samples were subsequently examined in the laboratory to

the added seawater; this was placed in the same Eppendorf tube. determine the presence or absence of sperm. Approximately 50 ␮L

In receptacles without a sperm plug, the needle encountered no of fluid was removed from each sample tube, placed under a cover

resistance until reaching the bottom of the receptacle, where a slip on a glass side, and viewed at 100× with a compound light

sample of any material present was taken. Needles and syringes microscope (Olympus BH System; Fig. 2D). Each sample was coded

were thoroughly rinsed with seawater and wiped clean to remove as sperm present (sparse or abundant was also noted) or absent.

any residual material after every sample; needles were replaced if A female was considered “spermatophore positive” (SP) and to

clogged or if samplers believed they could not be cleared. Presence have successfully mated if a sperm plug or sperm were present in

or absence of the sperm plug was noted and samples were stored the seminal receptacle. Females that had no sperm plug but were

330 T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337

Fig. 2. Methods used to obtain sperm, as well as images of a seminal receptacle and sperm. (A) A blunt-tipped needle being inserted into the seminal receptacle of a female

lobster. Needle was inserted at a slight angle, as shown, to both determine if a sperm plug was present and then to sample for sperm. (B) Dissected seminal receptacle showing

penetration of needle into hardened portion (plug) of spermatophore. (C) An enlarged view of a bisected seminal receptacle with a spermatophore. Sperm cells typically are

located at the bottom of the spermatophore (left side in this image), while the top portion hardens into plug. (D) Sperm cells from a sample of spermatophore taken from a

female’s seminal receptacle. Scale bar in D = 50 ␮m.

positive for sperm were excluded if only sparse amounts of sperm We reasoned that lobsters within a 15 mm CL size window were

were detected, to avoid any potential questions of contamination. If potential reproductive partners (e.g. Templeman, 1934; Gosselin

no sperm plug or sperm cells were detected, that female was coded et al., 2003; Pugh, unpublished data), making this an applicable sex

as not being SP. ratio for our purposes.

To determine if there was a limitation in our ability to detect Additionally, data from the MADMF commercial trap samp-

mating activity relative to the timing of the female’s reproductive ling program (the longest available time series, sampled annually

cycle, we included ovigerous females in our samples. If there was May–November from 1981 to 2011) were examined for any

no evidence of a spermatophore in ovigerous females, then our changes in the long-term trends of ovigerous females by size class.

technique would be unable to differentiate between a used sper- For this analysis, all trips within National Marine Fisheries Service

matophore and lack of a spermatophore, limiting the time window (NMFS) Statistical Area 514 (Cape Bay north to the NH border;

in which this technique would be useful. see http://www.nero.noaa.gov/nero/fishermen/charts/stat1.html

accessed 6/17/13) were included.

2.3. Sex ratio and maturity data

Maturity data (ogives) were obtained from the ASMFC Ameri-

can Lobster Stock Assessment Subcommittee, and these data were

Raw data from the 2008 and 2009 commercial trap sampling

originally collected as noted in Table 1. These data represent the

programs conducted by the Maine Department of Marine Resources

maturity information incorporated into the ASMFC Lobster Stock

(MEDMR), New Hampshire Fish and Game Department (NHFG),

Assessment; thus we used them here to represent the expected

Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries (MADMF), and Rhode

proportion of females within each size category that should be

Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) were

reproductively active. The purpose of this comparison was to deter-

used to calculate the sex ratio in each sampling region. Since tagging

mine whether mating activity corresponded to the size-at-maturity

studies indicate that inshore lobsters often move approximately

data used in the stock assessment. Specifically, we were testing

5–10 km from their release location (see reviews by Krouse, 1980;

the hypothesis that the proportion of females in a given size class

Haakonsen and Anorou, 1994; Lawton and Lavalli, 1995; Gold-

that were SP would match the proportion that the maturity data

stein and Watson, unpublished data), only lobsters sampled from

indicated were sexually mature.

commercial trips that occurred within the vicinity of our samp-

ling regions were included in the calculations of sex ratios (Fig. 1, 2.4. Data analysis

circled regions). For each region, we calculated the sex ratio for

each 5 mm CL size bin by including all lobsters one size bin above To test the aforementioned hypothesis, the proportions of SP

and below the given size bin (for example, the sex ratio for size females for each 5 mm CL size bin were calculated and compared

bin 75–80 mm included all lobsters from 71 mm CL to 85 mm CL). to the proportion of mature females based on the existing maturity

T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337 331

Table 1

Field sampling locations where SP data were collected, and the sources (location, data collection agency, approx. time period) and analysis techniques for the representative

maturity data, utilized in the ASMFC American Lobster Stock Assessment.

ASMFC Stock Assessment Maturity Data

Field sampling location Location (source) Technique

Friendship, ME Boothbay Harbor, ME (MEDMR, ∼1994–1998) Ova diameter

NH coast Cape Porpoise, ME (MEDMR, ∼1994–1998) Ova diameter


Boston Harbor (Inner and Outer) NMFS Area 514 (MADMF: Estrella and McKiernan, 1989) Cement gland and ova diameter


Rhode Island coast and Narragansett Bay NMFS Area 539 (RIDEM, ∼1990–1995) Ova color, external examination


Please refer to http://www.nero.noaa.gov/nero/fishermen/charts/stat1.html for map of National Marine Fisheries Service Northeastern Statistical Areas (accessed


data from each region. Either the chi-square goodness of fit test 3.2. Sex ratios

or, for those size bins with expected frequencies ≤5, the binomial

test for goodness of fit was used to detect statistically significant Data from the various state-run commercial trap sampling

differences (Zar, 1999). programs generally indicated that sex ratios became more female-

We also examined the sex ratios for each size bin in relation to skewed at larger sizes, particularly above the minimum legal sizes

the proportion of females that were SP, with the expectation that if (83 mm CL in GOM regions, 86 mm CL in the two RI regions; Table 2).

the proportion SP was lower than the expected proportion mature, There were two exceptions to this pattern: Boston Inner Harbor

the sex ratio would be female-skewed, suggesting that available was generally male-skewed (Table 2c) and Narragansett Bay var-

males were a limited resource. ied from male to female-skewed (Table 2f). Small sample sizes in

the largest size classes make the sex ratio data difficult to interpret,

although our SP data were similarly limited by small sample sizes

3. Results

in the larger size classes. The truncated size distribution of the lob-

sters in both GOM and SNE inshore stocks makes obtaining data on

3.1. Mating activity

larger lobsters difficult, as there are relatively few available.

In those size ranges where the bulk of our SP samples were

Overall, most of the females sampled in the six regions were SP,

obtained, sex ratios were relatively balanced to slightly female-

indicating that they had mated (low 78.5% in Maine, high 97.1%

skewed (except in Boston Inner Harbor and Narragansett Bay). Sex

in RI Sound; Table 2 and Fig. 3). Within each region the pro-

ratios within a region were relatively consistent from 2008 to 2009,

portion of SP females generally increased with increasing lobster

except in those size categories with lower sample sizes (Table 2).

size (Table 2 and Fig. 3). However, in nearly every region, there

One size class in Narragansett Bay and one in Rhode Island Sound

were surprisingly high proportions of SP females in size classes

had female-skewed sex ratios and SP levels significantly lower than

that were, according to available maturity data, predominantly

the expected proportion mature (Table 2e: Rhode Island Sound

immature. In Maine and coastal NH, females from 76 mm through

91–95 mm CL, 88% SP, 65–85% female; Table 2f: Narragansett Bay

90 mm CL had mated significantly more than expected based on

86–90 mm CL, 87% SP, 73–77% female).

maturity information (Table 2a and b, Fig. 3A and B). In the two

Boston Harbor regions, females as small as 71 mm (Inner Harbor,

3.3. Reproductive activity in small females

Table 2c and Fig. 3C) and even down to 61 mm CL (Outer Har-

bor, Table 2d and Fig. 3D), had mated more often than expected,

The preponderance of smaller, presumably immature females

and this trend extended up to the 91–95 mm CL size class in both

that were SP in the four GOM regions presented a surprisingly large

regions. Sample sizes of lobsters smaller than the 81–85 mm CL

discrepancy between the maturity data and our SP data indicat-

size class were limited due to larger escape vents in the two

ing mating activity. To determine if there was additional evidence

Rhode Island regions; however we had sufficient data to deter-

that smaller females in GOM areas were more reproductively active

mine that females in the 81–85 mm CL size class in Rhode Island

than in the past, we calculated the percentage of females that were

Sound had mated significantly more than expected (Table 2e and

ovigerous in each size class from the MADMF commercial trap

Fig. 3E).

sampling data. Since 1981 there has been an increase in the per-

In none of the four GOM locations did we observe signifi-

centage of females with eggs in multiple size classes (Fig. 4A and

cantly lower proportions of SP females than expected based on

B). However, for those size classes affected by the fishery and by

the maturity information. However, in the two Rhode Island (SNE)

increases in minimum legal size over time (Fig. 4B), it is difficult to

regions, there were some larger females that should have been

separate conservation-related effects (i.e. allowing more females

mature that were not SP. In Rhode Island Sound, significantly fewer

to reproduce by increasing minimum legal size) from changes in

females in the 91–95 mm CL size class had mated than expected

reproductive activity. Lobsters ≤80 mm CL have never been har-

based on available maturity information (Table 2e and Fig. 3E). In

vestable, and there has been an increase from <3% to 10–15% of

Narragansett Bay, there were three size classes that had signifi-

females with eggs in the 76–80 mm CL size class, and a less dra-

cantly lower proportions of SP females than expected: those in

matic increase (<1–5%) in the 71–75 mm CL size class over time

the 86–90, 91–95, and 96–100 mm CL size classes (Table 2f and

(Fig. 4A). This suggests that smaller females have become increas-

Fig. 3F).

ingly reproductively active in recent years, and that size at maturity

In the four GOM regions combined, 172 of the females sam-

may have shifted to smaller sizes since it was last examined in the

pled had fertile clutches (detectable eye spots), and 98.8% of

mid-1980s (Estrella and McKiernan, 1989).

these females were SP. Only 32 ovigerous females (fertile clutches)

were sampled in the two RI regions, 90.6% of which were SP.

These data provide evidence that the sperm plug does persist post-

4. Discussion

fertilization, and demonstrate that use of this sampling technique

is not limited to new-shelled females in the period between mating

Overall, mating success was relatively high in all six samp-

and spawning.

ling regions, particularly considering that the size range we

332 T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337 no





(2422) (2812) (3493) (6399) (10,724) (12,927) (11,884) (7156) (3683) (940) (324) (149) (104) (904) (2841) (4054) (4186) (2596) (998) (319) (66) (34) (172) (258) (345) (603) (873) (847) (274) (76) (23) (12) (8)


(1147) (1350) (23) (20) (990) (519)


9.2 8.7 8.3 40.9 20 2009 49.1 49.6 61.1 61.3 57.5 58.9 79.6 75.2 51.1 51 54 63.1 66.3 67.6 66.9 65.4 59.9 84.8 97.1 53.5 49.2 37.3 35.3 34 27.3 11.7 12.5 females 100 100






sampling )

data analysis N





(2355) (2977)(5358)(9423) (11,617) (11,154) (6891)(3756) 50.9 (1231) 59.2 (585) (340) (314) 53.8 50.9 (679) 68.3 (884) (1041) (3443) (3727) (2520) (977) (300) (77) (114) (223) (831) (1054) (906) (493) (166) (26) from

(1843) (2211) (50) (28) (25) (150) (466) (8) (5)


50 60.3 80.2 80.6 50.5 70.1 40.8 80 commercial % 2008 51.3 53.6 58.9 62.1 62.2 61.2 57.6 57.1 68.5 51.8 52.6 65 68.1 68.7 68.1 61.7 85.7 96 96 52.6 42 32.7 41 39.6 33.9 29.4 21.7 42.3 75 result 100 Table







p) of



number (binomial

or the

2 sampling maturity

ID ID (0.000)** 110.71** 20.09** ID ID ID ID ID ID ID 99.57** 54.42** 22.68** (0.410) ID ID ID (0.012)* (0.679) (0.000)** 334.64** 222.35** 42.40** 10.21** ID ID ID ID SP,










to proportion




to females

0.000 0.000 0.001 0.067 0.209 0.487 0.979 0.994 0.998 0.003 0.008 0.020 0.045 0.101 0.386 0.597 0.778 0.892 0.979 0.991 0.996 0.004 0.008 0.017 0.038 0.079 0.159 0.294 0.476 0.665 0.813 0.905 0.955 0.979 0.990 mature Expected of


size) expected


were the





presented: (and


0.000 0.000 0.5000.778 0.731 0.846 0.875 0.0190.785 0.7740.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.889 ID 0.885 0.953 0.833 (0.443) 0.211 0.847 0.000 0.200 0.000 0.636 0.922 0.916 0.911 0.917 0.750 0.838 Proportion 1.0001.0001.000 0.0051.000 1.000 0.926 1.000 ID 1.000 1.000 ID 1.000 ID 0.9521.000 1.000 ID 1.000 of are


data noted.




(**) proportion


the following


SP, or the



1 2 1 1 5 1 2 2 1 6 1 1 (*)

N to bin


CL 0.05

refer =




at 5





0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 7 3 1 2 2 7 3 2 1 1


21 49 33 14 32 46 41 15 71 51 33 of

109 280 N 128 149 For







the Statistical


statistic 2


0 0 0 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 8 7 2 2 7 4 2 1 sampled

sperm), 28 69 54 45 18 11 11 77 56 region


N 168 182 119 335

each mature


for Harbor

statistical ME and

data NH








Coastal Friendship, Boston to


– – –

51–55 CL a 51–55 51–55 b c 56–60 56–60 56–60 66–70 71–75 116–120Totals 0 86–90 96–100 61–6566–7071–7576–80 81–85 86–9091–9596–100 0 101–105 1 106–110 2 111–115116–120 40 Totals 17 1 3 61–65 1 76–8081–85 86–90 91–95 96–100 101–105106–110 111–115 37 3 61–65 66–7071–75 76–80 81–85 91–95101–105 10 106–110 111–115 116–120Totals 36 1 Table Summary expected data detectable

T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337 333 (610) (902) (1234) (2346) (3439) (3646) (2390) (904) (177) (26) (137) (201) (339) (703) (3199) (4171) (4241) (1755) (637) (51) (194) (276) (1643) (11,349) (12,838) (12,521) (2896) (256) (13)

(18) (10) (7) (153) (18) (6) (498) (1149) (47) (5)

60.8 70.1 70.6 80.4 52.3 51.9 51.9 66.1 72.2 75.7 96.2 59.9 55.2 61.4 71.7 84.9 86.1 86.5 84.8 82.1 81 96.1 53.6 47.1 54 71.8 79.1 76.8 57.1 41 26.2 66 84.6 100 100 100 100 100 100

(569) (853) (1253) (2452) (2950) (1119) (287) (71) (37) (28) (27) (19) (39) (71) (183) (879) (1217) (1250) (569) (52) (13) (135) (168) (263) (747) (4045) (4722) (4732) (1522) (726) (175)

(3942) (4228) (203) (24)

50.5 60.2 80.8 55.2 55.1 65 68 68.1 66.5 62.4 78.9 83.8 85.7 92.6 42.1 46.2 52.1 62.8 79.2 75.8 74.3 64.5 64 92.3 48.1 45.8 45.2 67.2 78.7 76.2 72.6 51.2 42.4 37.7 75 (5)


ID (0.002)** (0.000)** (0.000)** 701.90** 642.18** 135.55** 12.58** ID ID ID ID ID (0.006)** (0.290) (0.001)** ID ID ID ID (0.572) (0.001)** (0.000)** (0.000)** (0.989) ID ID

0.004 0.008 0.017 0.038 0.079 0.159 0.294 0.476 0.665 0.813 0.905 0.955 0.979 0.990 0.004 0.016 0.055 0.173 0.425 0.722 0.903 0.971 0.992 0.998 0.999 0.004 0.016 0.055 0.173 0.425 0.722 0.903 0.971 0.992 0.998 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

0.000 0.200 0.682 0.920 0.979 0.986 0.992 0.948 0.000 0.988 0.880 0.971 0.902 0.865 0.902 0.880 0.896 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 6 1 11

0 0 3 4 5 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 15 23 25 84 22 37 45 37 22 11 137 274 126 617 166 155

0 0 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 50 15 23 25 25 87 25 43 58 42 25 11 141 278 128 654 173 184 RI

Harbor Sound

Bay, )





2 Boston Rhode


– –

d 51–55 51–55 51–55 e f 56–60 56–60 56–60 61–65 66–70 71–75 76–80 81–85 86–90 91–95 96–100 101–105 106–110 61–65 66–70 71–75 76–80 81–85 86–90 91–95 96–100 101–105 111–115 61–65 66–70 76–80 81–85 86–90 91–95 96–100 106–110 116–120 111–115 116–120 Totals 106–110 116–120 Totals 71–75 101–105 111–115 Totals Table

334 T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337

Fig. 3. The proportion of females in each 1 mm CL size class that successfully mated (presence of a spermatophore, “SP”) in each of the six sampling regions: (A) Friendship,

ME; (B) coastal NH; (C) Boston Inner Harbor, MA; (D) Boston Outer Harbor, MA; (E) RI Sound; (F) Narragansett Bay, RI. The number of females sampled in each 1 mm CL size

class is indicated by the gray bars (right axis). Diamonds indicate the proportion of the females in each size class that were SP (left axis). The dashed line is the maturity ogive,

representing the expected proportion of females that were mature in each size class (see Table 1 for data source; left axis). Note that, if diamonds fall above the dashed line,

it indicates that more females than expected had mated in that size class.

sampled encompassed many presumably immature lobsters. In the deteriorated past the level of detection, either due to poor initial

four GOM sampling regions, there was no indication that mature quality or from previous use.

females were failing to mate. In fact, in these areas, the unex- While it is possible that these non-SP females were immature,

pectedly high occurrence of smaller females with spermatophores two of these females had mature ovaries upon subsequent exam-

suggests that there may be more mating activity than anticipated ination (the remainder were not available for ovary examination),

based on existing maturity data. In the SNE sampling regions, and three others were carrying fertilized egg clutches. In addition,

represented by the two Rhode Island regions, there were some the females without sperm had width to CL ratios (an

presumably mature females that were not SP, particularly in the indicator of maturity; Krouse, 1973; Aiken and Waddy, 1980) com-

Narragansett Bay region. parable to those of SP females (Pugh et al., unpublished data). Thus,

while it seems unlikely that these particular females (all >86 mm

CL) were immature, future sampling to document mating activity

4.1. Rhode Island females

may benefit from combining our sperm sampling technique with

observations of ovary condition, cement gland stage, or both (see

One size class of females in Rhode Island Sound region and

Waddy and Aiken, 2005) to clarify any maturity-related concerns.

three size classes in Narragansett Bay had lower proportions of SP

The most likely explanation for the lack of a spermatophore in

females than expected based on available maturity information.

these Rhode Island females is that they either did not mate, or they

For those Rhode Island females that were not SP (had empty recep-

mated but received a low quality spermatophore from their part-

tacles), there are several possible explanations including: (1) they

ner. Female-skewed sex ratios, especially in the larger size classes,

were immature, (2) they failed to mate, or (3) the sperm plugs had

T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337 335

quality spermatophores; see MacDiarmid and Butler, 1999; Kendall

et al., 2001; Rondeau and Sainte-Marie, 2001; Sainte-Marie et al.,

2002; Gosselin et al., 2003; Hines et al., 2003; Sato et al., 2005;

Wolcott et al., 2005). Additionally, males stressed by the elevated

inshore water temperatures in SNE, which have been linked to

other negative physiological effects (Powers et al., 2004; Dove et al.,

2005; Glenn and Pugh, 2006; Homerding et al., 2012), may pro-

duce poor quality spermatophores (see Talbot et al., 1983; Aiken

et al., 1984). Comeau and Benhalima (2009) documented damaged

reproductive organs in male lobsters with shell disease, which is

prevalent in SNE (Castro et al., 2005; Glenn and Pugh, 2006; Castro

and Somers, 2012). Smaller or lower quality spermatophores may

not function well as a sperm storage device and may produce a

negative result in our sampling procedure, as well as sub-optimal

fertilization results if sperm are not well protected between mating

and spawning.

Finally, the depleted stock conditions in Rhode Island (part of

the Southern New England lobster stock; ASMFC, 2009a, 2010) may

reduce encounter rates between pre-molt females and available

males, leaving some females unmated. If mating success in this

species is density-dependent (e.g. mate-finding Allee effects, see

Stephens et al., 1999; Gascoigne et al., 2009), the relatively low

abundance in Southern New England could be negatively impact-

ing female reproductive success, which will further complicate

attempts to rebuild the stock.

4.2. Mating activity in small GOM females

We observed higher than expected frequencies of small SP

females, particularly in the GOM sampling locations. This suggests

that either large numbers of immature females are mating, or that

females are maturing at smaller sizes than existing data indicate. It

has been documented that males will mate with immature females

(Krouse, 1973 (but see Waddy and Aiken, 2005 for critique of matu-

rity definition); Waddy and Aiken, 1990; Watson: 12/66 females

Fig. 4. Percent of female lobsters by size category (5 mm CL size bins) that with immature ovaries had mated, unpublished data). However,

were ovigerous, 1981–2011 (May–November annually) MADMF commercial

this is considered to be a rare occurrence (Waddy et al., 1995) and

trap sampling data in NMFS Statistical Area 514. (A) Unexploited size classes

males are apparently capable of distinguishing female ovary stage

(61–65 mm, 66–70 mm, 71–75 mm, 76–80 mm) and (B) exploited size classes

(Waddy and Aiken, 1990). Males of the Penaeus vannamei

(81–85 mm, 86–90 mm, 91–95 mm, 96–100 mm, 101+ mm). Please refer to

http://www.nero.noaa.gov/nero/fishermen/charts/stat1.html for map of National perform the first three stages of mating behavior with immature

Marine Fisheries Service Northeastern Statistical Areas (accessed 6/16/13). females, but do not actually inseminate females unless they have

ripe ovaries (Yano et al., 1988). Mature spiders (Anelosimus studio-

sus) also appear to “practice” mating in a similar manner, which

could prevent some females from finding an appropriate male with benefits them in subsequent encounters with mature females;

which to mate, resulting in either a failure to mate or a sub-optimal however, they also do not actually transfer sperm to the immature

spermatophore. There are no restrictions against landing males females (Pruitt and Riechert, 2011). While “practice” may similarly

within the window between minimum and maximum legal size benefit a male lobster by attracting other females to his shelter

(86 mm CL to 133 mm CL in Lobster Conservation Management (Atema, 1986), it would be a waste of potentially costly sperm to

Area 2), which can produce female-skewed sex ratios in the legal- actually pass a spermatophore to an immature female (Dewsbury,

sized range in some portions of SNE (Glenn et al., 2007; MADMF 1982). In contrast, it would benefit an immature female to molt,

unpublished data). mate, and then receive protection from a male while her shell

We had originally hypothesized that female-skewed sex ratios hardened.

could lead to mating failure. One size class of Rhode Island Sound It is possible that there have been shifts in maturity schedules

females and one size class of Narragansett Bay females did have since the time when the original maturity data were collected (see

SP levels significantly lower than the expected proportion mature Table 1), and that female lobsters are now maturing at smaller

and female-skewed sex ratios. While the Narragansett Bay sex sizes. The increase in ovigerous females in several un-exploited size

ratio in larger size classes varied from male to female-skewed, in classes since 1981 (Fig. 4) supports this hypothesis of shifts toward

Rhode Island Sound it was consistently female-skewed at larger smaller sizes at maturity. -induced selection for early matu-

sizes. Unfortunately our small sample sizes in the larger size classes rity, resulting from persistent high levels of exploitation over the

preclude further testing of this hypothesis with the existing data. past several decades, may be a contributing factor. Additionally, sea

However, these results, while not providing strong evidence that surface temperature data suggest warming trends in New England

sex ratios may affect mating, support the need for additional work coastal areas (Nixon et al., 2004; Oviatt, 2004), which could also

to examine the potential relationship. drive shifts to smaller sizes at maturity since temperature is a key

Exploitation that removes large males may alter the male mat- determinant of this life history parameter in lobsters (Waddy et al.,

ing pool so that only smaller and/or depleted males are available, 1995). Landers et al. (2001) documented a reduction in the size-

potentially resulting in reduced male contributions (smaller or poor at-maturity over the course of approximately 20 years in female

336 T.L. Pugh et al. / Fisheries Research 147 (2013) 327–337

lobsters from eastern , and suggested warming (Newington, NH) and Champlin’s (Pt. Judith, RI), who

temperatures and fishing-induced selection as potential causal fac- allowed us onto their vessels or into their facilities to collect data.

tors. The bulk of the maturity data used for comparison to our SP Dr. Michael Armstrong and Robert Glenn (Massachusetts Divi-

results were derived from studies conducted in the 1980s and early sion of Marine Fisheries) provided valuable critiques of an earlier

1990s (see Table 1), so exploitation levels and environmental con- version of the manuscript. The manuscript was further improved

ditions have had multiple generations on which to impose selective by comments from two anonymous reviewers. TLP would like to

forces. The discrepancies between our SP data and existing maturity thank MADMF Director Paul Diodati for supporting her disser-

data suggest the need for a systematic revision of lobster maturity tation research. This work was supported by the NH Sea Grant

(see Waddy and Aiken, 2005) to provide updated data for stock (NA06OAR4170109 to WHW). This paper is contribution No. 43

assessment models. from the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries.

5. Conclusions References

Aiken, D.E., 1980. Molting and growth. In: Cobb, J.S., Phillips, B.F. (Eds.), The Biology

In this study we documented mating activity in female lobsters,

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based on evidence of a spermatophore in the seminal receptacle,

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throughout portions of the Gulf of Maine (GOM) and Southern New Aiken, D.E., Waddy, S.L., 1980. Reproductive biology. In: Cobb, J.S., Phillips, B.F. (Eds.),

The Biology and Management of Lobsters, Volume 1: Physiology and behavior.

England (SNE) lobster stocks. We made no effort to quantify sperm,

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so our data only indicate whether a female has mated, not whether

Aiken, D.E., Waddy, S.L., Moreland, K., Polar, S.M., 1984. Electrically induced ejacu-

there were sufficient sperm delivered to fertilize all the eggs. Sper- lation and artificial insemination of the American lobster Homarus americanus.

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Atema, J., 1986. Review of sexual selection and chemical communication in the lob-

et al., 1984), and partial fertilization of female clutches has been

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documented (Johnson et al., 2011); however, there are no publi- 43, 2283–2390.

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09-01 (Supplement). Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Washington,

lobster. The first step in successful reproduction for a female is to


acquire a spermatophore from a male, and this is where our data

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), 2009b. Terms of reference

are informative. and advisory report to the American lobster stock assessment peer review.

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Mating activity was higher than expected in most of our samp-

Commission, Washington, DC.

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matophores, probably due to either a failure to mate or to low


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Acknowledgements 601–610.

Dove, A.D.M., Allam, B., Powers, J.J., Sokolowski, M.S., 2005. A prolonged thermal

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foundland populations of the lobster (Homarus americanus). Canadian Journal

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Kathleen Reardon (Maine Department of Marine Resources), Joshua

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Island Department of Environmental Management). We would also

Estrella, B.T., McKiernan, D.J., 1989. Catch-per-unit-effort and biological parame-

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grateful they shared their data with us. The following UNH stu-

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Glenn, R., Pugh, T., Barber, J., Chosid, D., 2007. 2005 Massachusetts Lobster

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Monitoring and Stock Status Report. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fish-

commercial lobstermen in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts,

eries Technical Report TR-29. Available from http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dmf/

and Rhode Island, as well as the Little Bay Lobster Company publications/tr29 lobster monitoring.pdf

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