■ t Anne'a HOtbara Circle will Tba Siateriiood of Temple Beth tractora, including Wadhama and Town meet tomorrow at t p. m. at the Sholom vrIU meet tonight at 8:30 Telephone Call May Save May, constructors of the Vemen- home of Mra. Hector Provoat, 104 in the vaatry. Huabanda and • L ife ek Fonacr ReeM^t School Work Lydall School and Bonvlcinl Con­ I BUaidwUi Drive. frienda ara cordially invited to struction Co., builders of ths ' tttlM Vadti, N a 72, KnlthU of thia apeclal Chanukoh maatlng^ There’s a former Manchceter^ Bowers addition, have aaked for Pythiu, will mMt tomorrow night S t Jude Thaddeua Mothera Cir­ The membera are requaated to resident living up In West May Be Done specifleations for the prophaed •t 2 o’doek la Oning* Halt Of* cle will hold a Chriatmaa party to­ bring a 25-oant gift for the grab- GranvUIa Mass., who is trying eeney elementary acheol. BMa fiMcafor Uw uuniing t«m will be morrow at g p. m. at the home ' bag, A apeclal prlae drawing ia desperately to roestabllah are being received until Dec. 22. BeatfBatod nt thle meeting. Start­ Mra. Robert D. .Brennan, 21 planned for all who pay their -communication with some for­ On Contract Lawrence Perry, clerk-of-the- ing m January the lodge win bold Princeton S t duea thia evening. Membera al­ mer friends here. His life de­ worka engaged by the town, re­ a memtb, on the fi ‘ b at ona ready paid-up may try for the pends on a quick phone call. The posrtbillty of letUng sep­ ported on progress at varioua aacend Wi of each month. prise. A pageant, “Weddings He is a b ^ l e hound waar- arata contracts for constructing schools under construction, and Membera of the Women'a Club Then and Now,*’ will be presented. Ing a Manchester, Oonn., li­ a sanitary sswar to ssrvicf the G. N. Cols, a commlttaa member, The Xloreaa Society of Emanoel of Mancbeater are reminded that Hoeteasea for the social hour to cense 108593 but otherwise he proposed high school at Memorial reported on a State Board of Edu­ Xaitheran Church will have its an­ thia month'a meeting will be held follow will ha Benjamin Ehrlich, carriee no identifleation. Flaw, building a conduit to en- cation conference which took place next Monday, Dec. 14, at 8 p. m, cloaa the brook there and rough Wonderful gift towel aets by Martex. All colors. — ------««AXVvn«xi.M ,a)NN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER f,lfW (TWENIY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWDSECTIONS) FMCE nual Cairlatmaa party tomorrow in the Emanuel Uitheran Church. Mrs. Manning FendcU, Mrs. Irving Kd Benton who runs the gen­ Saturday. evening at the church, Memben The Canter Theapiana win preaent Goddard, Mrs. larael Goodatine, eral store in West GiraavtUe grading the aiU to ready it for ’The group planned a trip to O tH E R TOW EL SETS TQ $4.98 , are reminded to provide a pre­ a one act Chriatmaa play. Mrs. Harry Kovensky, Mra. Ma­ found him .in the woods and erection of the buUdinga was dis- Windsor ’Thursday to study the pared dlah of eome kind for the thias Mohilst Mra. Sidney Moaler, tried to find his owner through cuaeed last n i|^ t by tha School new high achool there.* Bupper at 6:80 p. m., alao a 25- Mra. Isadora Redding, Mrs. Irwin Town Clerk Samuel J. ’Turiclng- Building Committee. In me repbrt. Cole noted that eent gift for Santa’a pack. A The Joy Circle of the North Reanlck, Mrs. David Rubin, Mra. ton. , The three projecu must be done aebpol building coats have rlaen progrwn and ehort buaineM meet­ Methodiat WSCS win hold a lunch­ Leon Rubin, Mrs. William Rubi- His license Is so old, hoW- in that order before construction about 4 per cent per pupil since A Wonderful Value! ing will follow. The committee eon meeting and Chriatmaa party now and Mrs. Sanol Solomon. evsr, the clerk can find no rec­ on tha building can bsgin. Al­ last yean • according to Informa­ ALL PURPOSE' RAINBOW PAHERN in charge includea Mra. Mabel tomorrow a t.12:80 at the church. ord of it. Petty aoon Benton Is though the group was unable to tion learned at the conference. Membera are aaked to bring gifta going to get lid of the dog if set a time-table last night, Rm Eisenhower Bid Stirs World Hope, Debate JUnunerman, Mra, Helen Wright, to exchange with each other, Mra. peal Mra. Vivian Stone, Mlaa Fride- of Emanuel Lutheran Church, will he cannot locate iUi owner. He’s Goelee, chairman, saiid he hoped bprg Thoren, Mra. Viola Kreaa, EUen T. Picklea, leader of the waiting at his phone—West the rough grading could get start­ Fine Scatter Rugs circle, la chairman of the luncheon give the invocation and bring Police Report Dip Mra. Ruth Werner and Mra. Mae greetings at the opening of the Granville 8407 or 3617—for any ed during the winter. and wUl conduct a brief buxlneaa information leading to the Buck and Buck. Hartford con- Wogmmn. meeting preceding the Chriatmaa traditional Lucia Feat, Friday at 8 p. m.. In Emanuel Lutheran identity of the man who owns emting engineers, have been'aaked In Arrestc Total REG. $4.98 26x46 party. Mrr. Griawold Chappell the beagle. to give advice on the eaniUry S t Francia Xavier Mothera heada the program committee. Church. 'Thlk traditional featlval of VALUE $ 3 -2 9 SIZE Orcle will have a dinner meeting lights has not been presented for a eewer^ That firm also la being Arrests during the month of Russia Seen Facinf^ Challenge to Cooperate for Peace a t the home of Mra. Bmeat Green, number of years. The program, consulted about the conduit which November for motor vehicle of­ Beautiful, fine quality rugs in rainbow stripe design 22 Oliver Rd., tomorrow at 7:15 Another doll repairing aeaaion sponsored by tha Missionary Circle, Carol Howes. 136 Demlng St., Goelee said he felt ehouW constat fenses dropped to 89 aa opposed to. thit will go with every color scheme. •m *r -V -r* — • _ I __ __ _ ^ ' ' I.I I , ------;------' p. m. The oo-hostcu will be will be held at the Girl Scout of­ will include an explanation of the chairman of ths membership com­ of two parallel flve-foot diameUr 109 for the month before with a Sira. Wlnaton Chevalier. fice, 083 Main St., Thuraday morn­ origin of the Lucia Feat by Mra. mittee of the Student Christian pipes traveraing tha aite. Buck large portion of the difference In DBAPEBV DEPT. ing at 10 o’clock. Anyone intereat- Victor Swanson. Nancy Scott will Association at the University of and Buck have outlined a conduit serious vlolattona, a report by Po­ toe Calls for InterMtional Atomic Anency ed in helping fix the dolla, which portray Lucia. Mrs. Eric Anderson Connecticut, represented the uni­ system designed to carry 283,000 lice Chief Herman O. Schendel New York City v ifh in s k y will be given to the Welfare Dept, and .Ronald Olson will sing solos; versity at the Student Christian gallons of surface water a min­ shows. for diatribution at Chriatmaa, la the Girls Choir will sing and Mrs. Movement'a "Ufa in. ths Church” ute, a flow capacity Goalee feels Arrests for other than MV of­ Hanson welcome. Herman Petersen will play a piano is more than adequate. — • ' Will Study Congress Seen conference in Cambridge, Mass., fenses remained almost ths same prelude and accompany the aing- over the weekend. * Goalee informed the group that with 24 in October and 21 Novem­ QUINN’S ers. The program ia open to the it ia plainned to leave a large ex­ ber. public. — Members of the Army and Navy cavation aomewhere on the site Although there were two evad- I Kitchen Gift Sets> New P lan PHARMACY e ■ Auxiliary are reminded that reser­ during the rough grading so that ihg responaibllity arrests last * Plastic Cutlery Tray with 3 dish cloths, 2 pot holders, ^ The Intermediate and Brownie vations for ths Christmas party to earth dug for the building founda­ month and none the month before, 1 utility cloth ...... fi.9 8 M Wary of Reds United Natlow, N. Y., Dee. LECLERC Girl Scout Leaders Clubs are plmn- be held at the club on 'IVss^y, tion can be thrown into it. there were two fewer reckleee driv­ N ew York, D ec. 9 (IP)— atrlpa for Nov. 80 and Before the rough grading be­ Plastic Spice Cabinet with 6 dish cloths...... $1,98 3 9 W — President Eisen­ FUNERAL HOME ning to hold a Christmas party Dec. IS, must be in by Saturday. ing arrests, 14 fewer arreeta ’for Newspapen were back on the Dec. 1, OPEN SUNDAYS tomorrow night at 8 o’clock in the They may he made by contacting gins, howsvtr, the park depart­ speeding, and 19 fewer for rules of Plastic Napkin Holder with 6 dish cloth s...... 99c Tim'Long lalaad Btar-Jouraal. hower’s bold new ivopoeal for ment will take aoundinge at the the road. * atands today for miliiona oi • By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ' ladies’ parlor of the South Meth­ either Florence Sullivan- dr Chris­ Plastic Measuring Spoons with 2 dish cloth s, 1 pot adiloh bad auapendad puhUeatioa ‘an intematitmal atomic ener­ FUNERAL odist Church. Those attending tine Glenney. Those ettending the Held to determine where there' Is Accidents, parking violations, New Yorkera. The full quota when ataraotypera refused to print gy pool put squarely up to in the United StatM and the Eiutopaan roias 9 A.M. to 1 PJl. are reminded*to bring a 50 cent party ahould bring a dollar grab- top soil to he saved! and complaints alao dropped in holder, 1 'utility cloth ...... , 99c Of afternoon and momihg advertising matter from tha atx tpd^ greeted with m ix^ I'caction President Eiaenhowsr?]^ It was reported that seven'con- November, the report ehows. Rusaa today a fatidul de­ SERVICE exchange gift. bag gift. Other Sets 69c to 99c I newspapers publiahed for the struck major newapapeia. also ro- cision on cooperation with the to share atomic energy knowledge a i^ m aterials for nori-dnffl. 9 P.M. to 9 PJI. Walter N, first time aince being, halted Bumad pubUeatlon. tarvtary uses.uaea. SomeSnm* called uit a. bok stroke for peace, others wwfi Leclerc, The Wealey Group of the South Daug^iters were bom at the 12 AFL photo engravers and pub- West. tatm cautious and refrained from* MKIW IW KKIW KKW gMiniW m days ago by a photo en­ llahera of tha atruck newapapera AndrM VlehlnMcy. chief Soviet public expressiott. Director Methodist ^ u rc h will hold a Hartford Hospital on Dec. 4 and I gravers strike that ended late Christmas party poUuck supper Dec. 5 respectively to Mr. and yosterday agraad to a faderal delegate to the United Natlonr. Doubt of Approval 28 Main Streat Manchcatar tomorrow night at 6:45 in Cooper Mrs. James McVeigh, 81 E. Gar­ yesterday. ■ otedlators’ proposal for a 83.76 a «Ud "It is nacaasary to study" the But at the same time, here at Call MI-9-5869.- Hall. There will be an ejlchange of den Dr., and to Mr. and Mrs, Wal­ 1 "W«’n glad to aM you with 11 waefc packagt wage increase and Pweldent’e propoeaL UJ4. dlplo- home, doubts were-voiced that NOW IN STOCK small gifts. ter Fleming, 34 Jensen St. I daya of nowa,” aald the attaniooii appointment of a fact-flndi^ roate declare that a favorahia Congreas would give its approval A-Stockpile Jounial-Aasartcan ia Ita laadhig panel to determine if the award Soviet respenee could greatly kd- for any coatrthuUons to a United t Toaster Covers 2 headline. should bo graoter. vance proepeete for avactuai con­ Nations atomic agency ’ unless trol of the atom—while, h rejei!. ITie World-Telegram A B ua Georga Maany. AFL praaidant, thero was advance agreement on Increasing, printed a aonaal firat page ex e^ union number of the panel, was tlon would further harden the fool-proof internaUonml inspeetkm 42*9® ea. 1 for oae atory devotad to a sum­ aefaaduled to meat in New Toth wimin perticlpeting nations. mary of nawi avaata that oeemred later today.'with Richard fOocuin. The President himaelf. in during the atrike. general manager of the PhUadel- The comslpti feat of Pireai- speech to the U. N. General Aa-. Ike Reports 19S4 A UniqueiuegiftIM gift I Mamby ami doll toaster covers will capture 2 “'As Ws War* flaylag" eambly at New York yesterday, | ------your’'‘-Ilfly’a famfly’s heart. " phis Evening BuUetln. the industry E isM li^cr's apcceh be- LACQUER COLORS "Aa we w m saying...,’’ said nwnber of tba panel. said hte proposal had the virtue the Poet in its Mggeat headUae. fere the United Nations win of avoiding the inspection irrita- ^ .Wfiahtngtoa, D ^ . 9 (ff)— Dainty Embroidered 2 Ukt the othera, it had aa extaa- They wUl cbooae a thiid member be feond on The Herald Edi- Frueldint Ihilghl A ,___ he UnMai Natlana*aeuetal AsaemMy and tldos which have stalled previoua Eisenhower sfiys MANCHESTER CLOSE OUT Mva 11 days newa auasawry. or, if they cannoV agree, the Fed­ On and ether ateiiile petn tsr^dPage. 1- - . ietermHanal agemy te devetep wmm ei attempts to get an atonUc agree­ the U. S. stockpile of atomic *'HeUo, glad to see you again,’’ eral MediaUqn Service wUl choose the nteaa. Sentet hnhlad the ment with Ruaeia. 2 ■aid tha aMrnlnf iNews la aa ban- tha third member. U. N.J Mra. V: L. PamBt, ^ ^ Seeretary-Genond ef tha iwiM ring “dafly.” . AUTO PARTS tary-GeneraL af the Oenerel AaeemMy. and Andrew OerSler. aeeietant Seeae- He called tor creeUon of a new In 19tt one teat of two bomte 275 Broad S t Td. MI-»-«dS8 aar headUaa at tha top of paga Creation of a fact-finding board *oot-Weat datullock on this hfe- agency to which the United SUteo, Eyelet Batiste Scarfs | one as it rasuoad puhUeatioa. was a compromisa batween tha aad-daath Issue. Russia and other nations would was believed to have con- 1953 General Dectric ’’Striha anda. Hart’s your Mir­ pubUrtiera’ proposal to submit tha "begin now and continue to make ror,’’ was tha hanaer liaa atgAal- dtamite to arbitration om tha Eisenhower, fresh from the Ber- mnte Conterence where he got the Joint contributions from tOrir Whole stockpile. iag tha Mirror's return. Strikers’ refosal to do .do. stoekpUea’’ of atomic materiate. Juat what did the President I n e News and Minor rap aum- hacUv rrline Minister Oiiirch- I4'^x 34" >| oo I ArbitraUon would ''havs m and Frtach Premier Lanlel for Bishop Flanagan Installed; TUs new agency, the President w e n t© imply by the neceaaarlly PRE^HRISTMAS aurlas of what had happaned in binding. However, the engrav­ anld, would work to develop peacp- their coaale atripe and ptchad up ers voted to retufn to work ^ Ctenertl ful uaca for tha atom ia agrlcnl- SP EC IA L O N i^PLIANCES I With the currant strips. terday oniy .'aftar baing amaud A a a e n ^ late yaotarday the Unl*.- $ | . o o •tftm was raady te Join imme­ Une. BMdiciaa and tba production The Jouraal-AmSrlcaa called thay can sUOu again if tha firt- diately in aecrat telha on satUag of power. A n weapon n deyr CHROME KITCHEN I4" x43" “ * upon ita readara to "catch up on flndera’ deoaion does net autt Norwich Rites Impressive Beat, Edwin €X Jehaaoa (D- 2 the comloa you mlaaed” with a up an iFteraational atemte energy o* a we«ro a d » r Cblo), a member of the lianita teSSLUTS®” Thetta- SETS 20% OH Limited Quantities douMo perttaa aU itlag Wflh tha on Vnge nOrWiCSL House Atomic Oommittae, in "*™mion. of coureeTb top aecrat. SHOP FOR VALUES $ |.2 9 2 (or paaceful theaecM itfl______ea interview he doifoU the UJ4. «e anae m aSX ftJ; AT 1 4 " X 5 2 " Bits te ia any pootUea to ra^th, tbfi Roman«^:;Nixon Guai?d^ have to ry coatrote over ntemic 2 Fare Hike Plf^ Ckardt iilatalled A — taiformnaoB. He aaU the BENSON'S, Inc. Combinatibn Refrigerators Night Table Size 39*^ Md not name ether aatlont, MW bishop today in a m w By Iran Police; trjf. cartatady couldn’t bo counted ■WBo time ago, parhape IM I MAIN ST.—MI-2-52U GE Fires Employes it was im ad ha e Conneetleut dioom. Th« im- upon to prevent or control ntomie to. outbraJrof t £ ^ painty white bethte for chests, dressers and double 2 M taia., whidi preduaas atom'c Draws Protest pMsaiva cdremony in n«wly warfare. to ths pro. dresaers. Matteialt. and . South T rip Near 8em Knm^ead of CaHfernia. ■*»! Atomic En- A (^ , (Mnada • and- Bdgtura, i^vated St. Patrick^ Rcpubllcna Floor Lender and have aeld puhUclr and Food Freezers Other scarfs to 12.98. 2 Linked to Red Line which produce ureal ura, ihe raw Hartford, Dec. 9 (P)—The Coo- -..”!?**!*’mimvij, w oicn no becomes a a member of the Senate-House TWiran, Iran. Dee^fi OH—Vloa A to ^ c Oommittee, said he fears •e*aM t5ir^!LSfSS® “ ^ M well w ujw matertal. also ahould he ia- necUcut Oa., eechiag a hue fare cathedral, m ade the Moet PreeidaBt R ic h a rd ^ Nixmi «r- ^^Jtoetotel pfoduced, wpa due to C u b ic F f. W a s N o w rise ef 20 per cent, today (eoedac Rov. Bernard J. Flanagan, rived today ia Tehran. Hia pi«~- the Prcaideat’a propoeel would be Make A Crinoline 2 werkabie only if ."full oafoguarda A When in I9M the UnHad New York, Dec.- 9 (IP)—fWva auspanded employes a _Tlte revoIuUotiary nature of the tion aimed at hcaaklag up tha Bishop of Norwich. waamidm fighter asoort aadthe ^ wtabbalMd to moka cotnin ( 2 ) LH 11K ••••••••eeeeaoeeaeoseoon $ 5 2 9 .9 5 $ 4 2 9 .9 5 General— < Electricm — Kfatsella,KtBMlU. ABIMMIMM announcinguW ha is !■ pre^npiml Rv W* Him ‘^mtable.46^ intellectual putnaed the dail^surroiS g operated by GeaamI Blactric eouatriea hacauae it avoids for tha pared tu fight "unreeacnebie Oa- g^** and by eomprriianaiva prac- the airport ns Nixon arrived. A Korea Walkout rowvaJon ^ two othere hod First quality nylons with self or dark seams in sheer Get your free pattern at the fabric department when « oath before "a competent moment the whole queetie hwM need on KroMUma sod Naga- ( 1 ) LD 112 ■ 1 1 .2 ...... $ 3 9 9 .9 5 $ 3 4 9 .9 5 The eempeay noted ‘Vith great crl ml nation" against bus ridera in S ^ff^^tlon ha has. "eh^ hie teat fonqal can of a globnl ( 1 ) LD87 and semi sheer weights. . . ' you purchase the crinoline. / government authority^’ on ehminatlon ef atomic anna. thia city and aurrounding towna in tofo a s M emieeary of Praaidant 9 * 7 eeeneeeeeeeeeeeeeOeeeeeee $ 3 1 9 .9 5 $ 2 1 9 .9 5 fluch mattera. cohoam ths puhUo haarlaga of ^ matter of ferae, aervloe and Threat Uttered Th# Proaldaat spoke la *t1m Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales rinngreaainnil eemmltteeo in which Instead It calls for creation of a Etemnower. Nixea nteas.to cctifar TIm m prIcM inchid* your oM rofrigurotor. 51 GAUGE BUDGET SHEERS...... 79c Pr. In n formal policy statement, practical operating body under the bus sqnipmant, haa fllad a reaolu- Jrith Zahodi and fihah Mohammad jh®8uasr ef atomic warfare’’ when the cbmpeny termed the present aomp G enial EUctrte amployea. banner of the V. N. which Would tlon asking the City Council, aa a ReanPuhtevL «««»»ea 60 GAUGE ARKWRIGHT SHEERS ... $1.00 Pr. (i>9Ugh few in number, have re- (trot step, to protest the bus oom- The ceremony was aimilar to By Envoy Deail ventaMUt aaeurtty program for ftteed to answer questions concern- engage in atricUy paaeeful use of that peiformad a weMt ago today foSV*iSi?**“ «dththe _& Sfanae pleats "good" but "not atomic materials for the wtaidmtuq peny’a petition lor a fere inoeaes. t o (OTO^milUona ef tons of explod. 66 G A U G E EXTRA SHEERS...... $1.00 Pr. ^ aaplmagt,' aabotege, or their w n Oe te Oaurts' to ?t* Auguatina’a ChthadrMM UM Shah’s marbte pateco waa fully edaquate In tha preaant con­ Oommunlst amilaUons." heiaaAt ef the greateot poaalbla when the Moat Bar. ItaMd by aoidlcm. They stood at at- Peamuajom, Doc. S m —V. A dition of world nffairs.” number of natloos. For example, That move wiU bo foUewed up. Jtovoy Arthur H. Dean thieetaned etomle bombo 25 times NO-MEND WALKING SHEERS |TtMJW HAL€eo.f The eempeay operates 181 Klnselln aeld. "by cenylng the J. Bheiiaa’ became Bteh- teotten at every 100 foot Aa the aufhU^r than Uw 20 000»tm ” Sat Up Ssenrtty Agency the egency could aetabUOi n i^ u t «P v t Bridgeport e « Beared Um city Itanite troope Electric Ranges $1.35 and $1.65 Pr. Plante, empfoyiag 280.0M werk- to furaiah atomic power in aeme unjust trantmant of Hartford iSSlLi® tottering The oompeay celled upon the .• » ' Its oefaaae work is ooncen- 7»e Dioceae of Norwtehmand iatetspeieod with bluecicietad prolimtaiary Korean ponce talks ua- age dawned" only etehtlmmuMo govenim|ht te aet up ea IndaptO" area without adaquate powar re­ Divlalon bus rldars to the courts, if Uoe watched for any aign e t a •em progreea is mads in a reason­ Vim NO-MEND SHEERS...... $1.35 and $1.65 Pr. tmtad ia 14 major piaate, Bead he.” He said he will welcome BrUgepert were caaeted testaim - thus mUeSSig^SleSK mil a ■! ------— ■ dent aeciuity agency which would ploying about 69.000 workers. aw When Pope Pius x n audethe ReaMaatraUan. But only scattered able time and Um AUted detegn- equlvivalent toahaU -m iU ^ t m o f VAN RAALTE SHEERS______$1.35 Pr. n t apparent of Amerleen support ef otOelals in auburhnn V tu u sa greeted Nixon and hia ^ prtpered to hand home for TNT. (1) illK STRATOUNER ...... $ 4 4 9 .9 5 $ 3 7 9 .9 5 Tha company said about eight com muni ties. Htoaeee of Hertford an Archdlo- Chrtetmas. par cent ef the 69.000 defense nfSctela Is that if tba free netloaa oeat and alevated Btehop O’Brten Zl**..“ .***^'’ Jtorty aaarod the 12) 021J STRATOUNER . 77?...... $ 4 0 9 .9 5 ALBA PERFECT FIT SHEER NYLON and Ruaeia could oooparate in such Said Kinaella, "after htariaga City iteelf. *Tt te M>pereat that tha Ameri­ $ 3 0 9 .9 5 workers ere repreaented hy the held in Merch and May ef 1962, by to Archbishop. ' * — VageTwentjH M ) D11K$PEED$TER ...... $369.95 $1.15 to $1.50 Pr. United ElectrlcaJ, tUMo end Ma­ an undartaklng,.learning te work Nanriy 100 officiate and dlplo- can dalegation win ba out of here $ 3 1 9 .9 5 CEMETERY GRAVE COVERS together in so compttceted and order of the PUC the Connecticut Archbishop Richard J. Cuahinr mnte. including Premier Zehedi «*• W«i» »«»uwe Cl) C31K AIRUNER ...... $309.95 ALBA PERFECT FIT SEMI SHEER .... $1.35 Pr. News Tidbits chine Worfeera of America. That Co., was grented e subetantlal ed Boston had planned to be among said. “Our boys are- packing." $ 2 7 9 .9 5 union was am ilad four yean ago deUenta a Said, they might gain g r o ^ Nixon at the Colled froai AP Wires mutual oenfldeacc which would uniform increeaa tat rates through­ tM n ^ y high church dignltariM Aoched out ia tn d i- Communist Inai stance on Ruaeia tn m tha CIO on the grounds it eventually lead to a workable ays­ out the eUte te offast statewMo attending the peace conference aa AND SPRAYS FOR C H R I^A S was Oemmiihist-domlaated. wk Persian ortaador. The tem of InternatioMtl atomic energy Bnancial lose. b^etOM in *Mt FHday I nadtr* hangar vras covered wttk thous- a neutral ohaarver rather aa Bulletins ostoria PLACE TOUB OBDEB EABLT J ^ B TOUB Tha company noted that tha control and eboUtiop of atomic "It wee conceded at the hear- a voting participant haa stahnatod Atomic Energy Oi preaent govermnept aacurity pro- I r Sporidlag , rine NeHenpl S p lO ty ______Seven, years of negeOa- ^**that the faipe duuged in the (CleaHuuifW ^ liMaV « s) Mj^iatiotta to arrange the peace from tke AP Wins Freezers V Crave Covers — Wreaths — Baskets nwnrd of honor for low scon oa Hertford Division were affording 'Mtttfer-EteMegs' death and injury 'among employes (Oauthraad ou Page Two) (Oenllnuedea Page Twenty seven) tte ^ p a n y seven cents proAt on ^ would not WCM N o w the dollar. be bullied into accepting Ruaeia as TAKES POOF SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION .... Flench Uttlen tnepe an- — — 14 ■ ' m I timichad la oepltal ef Fre-FVench Continued Klnselle, "Hertford a neutral aad waiiMti that hs nee. S uP4*.,iIbbn^ $ 2 9 9 .9 5 AND AVOID THE RUSH Thaln' area of Nerthwoatem Indo­ end ita surroundiag towna ahould U. S. Court Hears Final would continue the negotlatloaa 1 M sharply hi Ike 111 N A t j '* ...... 5 4 2 9 .9 5 watt teaaaly to aaa at wftat not ha forced to aubeidlsa the only as long as tbaro te a “reason­ teday in ttwaridM $ 2 7 9 .9 5 able chener’ of success. I 4 DRIVE DOWN OR PHONE TO point advancing VIctimi High Honors in Store wiU strike. Ho said he had full authority Segregation Arguments from Um 17 AUted naUane he rei^ AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS. Screen Aetreaa Gene ’nemey raaeats to walk out whanever ha says aha la eaaaldavlng. nmirlniii For George Marshall ^ surcham Hartford for the New faate tbaro te no chance ef reach- ■tE,.;. - - WOS KRAUSE’S GREENHOUSES with Prlaoa Aly B haaw t has not „^^**^®ktoEk Dec. 9 (PI—The^ef rvin—ble reuuire eome fivn lag,, agreement. mads up her mhid yet..; Former I*«H»on loeeee te V. A Supreme Court.heera today — *-• T*. ** (ova* of 19 Mare Rafnee Return MANCHESTER'S LAR6EST RETAILERS Wafdist party strong mye Fuad Weahlngton, Dae. 9 m — Tha the latradueOen of the "ratten aepegatioa in publle rA U . K IU B boro^ eymm" Into the SM of the test ef the legal ergnmeats it MaenwhUe, enother 30 South $ 2 9 9 .9 5 Serag El Din ptaeAs hmaeant be­ peaceful yeera end high honors roquaated for guideaee tai the mo- ■fBooto. Three other atotee permit Koroea war priaonars who refused a >«*ee. Doe, S (1) IE100 2 4 "...... $339.95 fore revolutionary court to charges nave oobm for George C. MoiahaU, 1* ^ utumSTwhercln those cities A as-fset toetory-----*-|b » $ 1 9 9 .9 5 ■Bow ^ e p r ^ are com pelted to mcatous doetelen whether aegrega- teiiSr*!* ogldate have repatriation imanteaously reaf- . of profiteering end undermining American aoldier and atatesman. tkm af Whiten and N egros^ pub­ of going over to privuU (iTOMd tholr dectehm to remain un- 1 ^ . UMag twe Egyptian state. Tomorrow, in Oslo. Norway, he my (or loHeh at other towna to •chool s y a ta n M if ordered t o deesn- taaure otatewida profit for ths lic schools vtalateo tha Constitu­ dar Commuatet rule. Gov., Lodge says at StraUord he win receive the Nobel Peace Prise tion. "8«U e puWlo aefaoote. for the U. A fertiga eld urogram Coone^ent Oo. Hartford does not w ^ h to h b n g ef an ndjeceat Is "extroaaely tpHmtilir about gain hy any such arrangenmt The Juotken probably wiU taka Aigumante ia the Virginia. ^ 220 RGK prteoiMni withotit economic fiiiure of Coraecticut which bora his name. several montha to reach their con- ■wrihCarollne and Kansas caeca getting a alagle ona to change hit' and New England, . . . Kabraaka The general .flnt learned of hU 2««wed li^ ly on the queettam Wringer Washers « I eu Page Two) cluaions, writs their decteian on 'A it|^ private accused of daaertlag eeleeuon for the high hqpor when the main teaua and—if it te against ^ Amendment, <« an Page •) JO B E A BSSM n a b b e d Vim to Rode goes on trial and tnlwn newsmen called hia horot for ooat- a^regmtioa—oa whother and how MopM after the avfi War. teas TMgna, Dee. • ever ana dajenas demanding 8o- n m t Ho was aurpriged and da- the federal Judiciary may prevlda ■ogragation. In Um vtat efflcar be progu^ as wlt- lighted—eapaclaUy plaaaed that, State Won’t PresB (or a period of tranaition. pw trtct of Cohnnhia caaa the legal !?i $124.95 $ 9 9 .9 5 Ward Krause in ndw had made a pro- Four Stetea Oancteda X clause of the ^ * apy ring hi a S i! a ! ! ...... $ 1 4 4 .9 5 5 1 1 9 .9 $ MnlHii Isilnsiisl awl nimuriii Dr. PhUlp V. CordonV of L ena, ------of drma. ha should re­ Attoraeya alrandy hnd 'apoktn th a t no la the Tehye aro ID W C630 ...... $159.95 Utah is alartad dhecterr gHMod. ef ceive the a w i^ for peace. Conspiracy Charge their fiaal words in ceaaa lavolviag w ahaU ba **daprivad of Ufa, uSk Officer’! Face News $ 1 2 9 .9 5 GIFT HANDBAGS VH. Food and Agrlcul I N " niHuro Or- Marshall was Secretaiy of statg Virginia, South Carolina and Kaa- ^ Tlwso prieos ioclHdo your oM woshor. goalsatlan (FAO). . . . Niaateoa . R*n h# performed the service • (F>—SUU’a At- oas. The court turned today to Is Firebox Red New styles in top handle or over the shoulder band K w e . . . R u s s m a . . . m ip f e t i^ -o U l bariMthan fom ard for nmn U»e award. It waa cne ^rney Albert 8. BW taya ha wlU casts from tha District ef Colum­ The Detewara oaaa. teat up for bags. Plastic call or faille. Colors: Red, navy, black, IT W w m M's fiow t boiM and orciM fro loftrEiiiMift Kant State UhiVeraRy dim ef la- of three Jobs te which he wm te- o( conaplraejf against bia and Delaware. vgument. unhke the'othera. orig­ tan, brown. Joelae cioetere aey hrm ^W ed laat c e B e d ^ te r ba^thofught he had ^ •jf‘Hator and a flroworka The Ftewihawir ndaslnlstrattoa inated in state rnthor than f adetnl. IAm. S (P)— fa - Ufa as a flve- manutacturer when their "fire- Joined up yaoterdey with those eo o ^ The auto’s Supreme Court r Phaak In m Bter genoral wl&i more than 80 urgliig the high court to eutlnw ifoMd e lower court daeteion or- eMglng Automatic Washers GRIISCH MOADCASTER DRUMS West Bmtla elty n te b la hotel years Arqgr servtee. aegregeUan. but Virginia, South • c ^ Nagroae admitted to two then end ahepkeeprs keep fihgera Ha came te undertake WUUam M. Ckrellna and Kaaaaa contandad tha oehoois near WUminSton on tha yeatardny te W a s eroaaad ia^liepe*.>foaeoiP wlU ae- n snoelal - Ohiang Kai- quaation of dual sdwol ayetanui tlM NegroAdMole were ta- Pins Tax R .C J L VICTOR •opt A M tetpiipbSW Big Four ■hek'for i Truman. Later a litw WBB Um legislatures—not tha Jerior to these provided for White Cl) W A450 ...... $299.95 $ 2 4 9 .9 5 in RaaVa Jon. 4 ..Mia- he ser third of la t i ? eourta—to dacida. puplte Q iaar* Wayaw, l^ptrptia, Toy Rocordm l »wmalter,aaya kb otR tefom; . contendiag W M your uM waskur. Greta Staai«e Given With Caali 8alaa teeka lllu a fMteral, th a .- ..— I ' A F K ie rf TkolBed BepAhwea ^ of an antt eagragntloB daena, JMt«6ay they have the E atraace 87 Walnat Street. PIB ai M1-8-5S84 X j l fi.aB9 hnadad fiewn. , r and duty* to into that ItheDtetriet

■ f MANCHE8TEB KVENW O HERALD, M AW CH iaTEB, NNi. WEDNESDAY^ DECEM BER 9,1953 dom rslaUvm' sat la places of tha fhrona hla first Episcopal of Oathifilctam in tho Thames booer tmerved for them sLtoday's blisatot to the ccwgregatkm. River Valley from 17M wbes, he UakNi o( Bootrioat Woriiers to obtain Informatloa on the kind WhUs ths choir chanted tha *Ta oming at PiSfi and at 10 o’clock iEMiMi.):: F^Umqgan, iM talled; otronMoy. aald, 490 Acadian oxllas from Hova GE Empldyes (CIO), OM the PreaideiU of a of work which is being done. !ln SL Jamaa* Church. Burial will Hartford to M ^nfltbaa to Dtoeaoa . Deum,” tha church’s traditional Scotia, landed at New Lendou, rival union "did not tell the Oarey reiterated hia charges be in S t Jamajif Cematary. •m Nefwieh Dhmsas, efUsist- hymn cf thanksgiving, nwmharaof about half of them ramaining In truth” when he oaid all the Unit- that the UE had 900 or more Uit. stcular and rsiigioua cisrgy aaatsrn Connecticut. Prescribed by ad Electrical Woikers aaaigned to Friends may call at tha funeral Bus Fai« Boosts Nonoich _ Rites hhpreasive tng of 94 pari shoo In which about linked to Reds munists among union officers and homa tonight from T tp 10 ofid 190,000 Roman (Mtholles Uva, saUrod tha sanctuary, one by one, Tbay ware, ths ArchMSbop eald, classified "secret” projects in Gen­ employe^ ana he said many i>f to mahe their vowe of absmence eral Electric plants have been in- tomorrow from 9 to S sod from 7 ad an archpishop from attemllng eomprtsss tha oountlss of Middle- utUriy and dssoiately without tha these wore active in organisation to 10 p.m. (O fU mSid U m a Page Om ) sax, Now London, Windham and to tho new Btshop. vestigntsd by tlu PBI. (work in the campaign (or unlmt tho Bimgspert Installation iuaa Mass, tha font awl canter of Cath­ Face Dismissal ■4. opentloB yesterday ArchMsliop Francis P. Kseugh cf Tolland, the same territory as the Ortabtatoa Hlga Msee olic hfe. Thoy ware without the Carey DtaaatlaUed representation on which OE work­ "My study shows,” acid Kin- BalUmoro, under whom BlaSop 2nd CotigreaslMMl Dlotrtet. After the, InstaUation, Bishop SocranMnte, without thf Bounding Carey told a news conference ers at Lynn and Everett are voti^ A rtb u tE . Bw m « ■alia, ’’that tha ramady r«ata In a la reoojpiltkm of this, U. 8 . On Your Set bad coughs JSi .(Osattaaed trsai Pago Om ) tomorrow. •tr-Boatoq, Archbishop (Mahing Shepan aervad os auxiliary btshop Ftaaagan for the first time osle- of the Ooepel, without the sense that union officers are not "ordi­ Arthur E. Sweet, dt, of 93* Va:- dUferantlatad fara rata, based o« raportad racovaruig today had plaansd to deliver tas Instal­ Rsp. Horace Heely-Brewn of Pom- bratsd a Pontlfichl High Maas in id strength and eomfort -of PKETU8SIN do« mom than r»> narily subjtct to investigation" al­ ley St., WiUlmanUc. brother of Funerals gram Is good in that it kaopa se­ Carey termed as "stUy” the ^n>ortionment of values, rovanutt from a bladder operation perform­ lation sermon at Bridgeport, fret aent this SMsaaga to Bishop honor of tho Immaculata Ocmcop* CathoUc eommunity. Tbelrs was a OIEL WAS TOPS When You Buy Any Moke litv* local Mtatiaa! PIeRTUSSIN though he asserted these officers Taft-Hartley non-Communist afft- Mra. Alice Ray of this town, died ed by Dr. Ghailes J. B. Klckham, Biahm John J. Ruaaall of Chariet- Flanagan: tlon, whoaa feast day tha entlra silent church, an am.hryonle vorloi MmiaUir—looMoi pUatm curity risk employes from classi­ had acbesa to the plants and to in­ davits. early yaatarday morning at his Anton Kansk and expenaea of each aeparata divl- Largely attended funeral aar- don, Jre at S t EUaabaUi’s'»••• m Hoaidtal. manwjimh'bhe ■ tan,ngisst nvi8 . C v n y , 'tasameuhatituted e ewaewwie -for him. ”Aa tho only public omctal wkoaa Cstholto' world celebratad yastar- church.” , Minneapolis (4 )—Paul GieL the 2V Ty^onsole At sad thus **breaka*ttp” coughiag fied work or inforinatlon. It kdded formation on tne secret projects. The oath serves the Communists homa, aaer » long Ulnaaa. constituency exactly coincides vrlth Carey said only employes work­ vtoas for Anton Kanakt IM Por­ ■Tba PUC finding of 1W3 dla- Tha lateal (3 iancaiarin cm bulletmbiillatm mid Bishop-Flsasgen. bora be 46 yaara day. - That Is tha way it remalnaiL al­ versatile tailback for the Golden ■ptlla of colds. that imder present procedures the by msking it appear that It proves Ha was a membar of the Flrtt tha houndariea of your now diocese. ' Tho new BIMiop, hla former au- ing on the prc-Jecta were InvesU- Baptist Ckurch and affiliated with ter S t, were-held this morning at cloaed a cursory sxamlnatlon and "itefBxcMleney: Uts making A a l ^ aB Wir-w>r- ago la Proctor, Vti, obmrvnd t the though there were pioneering ef­ O o fittn of MianeaoU, proved to It’siaaipsBaiTol PERlU SSlN government does not tell the com­ they are not Cummunista. he said. 9:19 at the Joha-B. Burks FuMral summary diamlmal of the Idea of mdl n c o v s ty fromnn anra jmaratlonjmarajlon of flbid snnlvaraaryennlveraary of hie ordlaa- It Is my desire to extend to ytw pertov, Btohop Edward F. Ryan of forts by various Catholic clergy­ gated. Ha said a Oaaununlst oould sign Eastern Star Lodge. A. F. and upon this liappy «>ecaa(bn a most bo the Big Ten’s top all-aroQnd pany the reasons an employe la He said many union officers had A. M , Laurel Forest TaU Cedars Home and at 9 o’clock In S t differenuation. ripanlbd^jkUMd' Don tion yesterday:'yestsrday:' ChancellorChi of Burlingtoa, Archbishop O’Brisa men, until tha second Bishop of JERRY FATS TV BARNI deemed a security risk. (he oath and "through trickary' James’ Church. ’A atudioua re-examination of tho the Diocese of Bwitngton, Vt„ hearty wticome to eastern Con­ and the Rev„ Doaet JetU of 8 t Hartford, Bernard (TRetHy, eon- offenaivo star for the second time free access to plants for the pur­ not be a member of. the party at of Lebanon,, Obwobetuck Lodi necticut, and to expram my sinoart In Boatdn, James B. Carey, pose of checking grievances. In lOOF.------Violet •tRsbekah] R e b a ^ Lodge l O ^ TTm Rov. Rdgar FbrreU was tha criteria of the company’a assign­ The hdspi^ raid the fiS-year-old prior, to his appointment Mary's Cfiiurch in Putnam, spoke firmad' 190 peraCna, in Norwirii’S in three years. He ‘set a one-game LAXr ST.. ViRNON—TBL MI-3.SB44 president of the Ii^tematlonal tha motnent of t| )e aignlng, but be able expenaea must ba mads. Hart­ pralata muat-meidi ”tnm or Uirm btshop, he was consecrated wlthea for your own haalth and at a lunebeim for tha clergy held first Catholic church Just 100 yaara mark of 59 individual plays (35 order to do thati he said, they had a Communist party mamber im­ and Echo Orrange oftMaaKlM. Ml Celebtant_^a Rav. Edward Rooa- bappinam in the Important now IF .1TOU DO NOT HAVE TEAN8POBTATION Beaidea his liatfr In Manchaster,er. 4y, of m. Thomas’ Seminary, ford is not ao Inter-ralatad ^wlth rmt. hlahop at Burlington m Nov. SO. In Bt. Petrtck’a auditorium afUi ago, the Ardibiahop recalled. rushes and 19 passes) and a sea- CALL UK AND WE im X PBOVIOB SAME GIFTS FOR ALL mediately before and after the Naw Haven and Navi Lendan 5s to ed»tha fioipttal-last Vriday.— Jthi paronta. Mr. and: Mrs. John reaponsibilltias for wMch yoy have ths inatallanon. ___ aignlng. ha leaves hla vHfe, Mra. Mar Bkwmflald, tha deacon - and : tto been consacraUiL” In praise of tho now Bishop, aiMi’a reixird of 193 rushes. The lat­ KODAK, ANSCO Sweet; a daughter.' katblem'^'!]l[' Rav. Thomaa FarrelL* also of S t oondder ths whole a "unit epara- i»a cuhiiii^ r. - ^ H. Flansgan of Proctor, Slid other In the installation sermon, Arch Arehtdahop O'Brian aald; ter record displaced Alan Meanwhile in Waahington Sen. tien.” It la aconemlcaUy saparata Governor John Lodge headed the Sweet of WllUmantic; a brother, Thomaa’ Seminary, the subdeacon state and municipal olScIhIa at- biahop O'Brien traced the history "In the prime of Ufa, endowed Ameche’a mark act in 1991. Arthir Drac Stem! McCarthy continuing a search for William Sweet of Glastonburv; Mrs. Jane Maccarone was organ­ and distinct from the other dlvl- evidence of espionage at the Army ist and Bololit. -*’•— — SiOM.” Umding the inatallation. Signal Ck>rps laboratoriee at Ft. four other sisters, Mrs. Raymond Norwich City Manager Irving H. J. Baldwin of ..Windham ^nter. Seated In the sanctuary werq Beck and Praaident Jeremiah E. 6A U Monmouth, N. J., recalled today a Miss Mlwie Jennatt, Mn, iloao- tha Rev. John F. Hannon, the Rev. auspended civflian ecienttet to Hat-'f phlna LaMonday and Mrs. Neills George Hughes and tha Rev. PbiUp Bweency of the Norwich City en to testisnony about blmmlf. Kendall, til-of Ptitnam, andaaveral. Blaney, also of S t Thomas’ Baml- m o B R a t s Council also attandad. NEW YEJUrS The adentlat is Aaron H. Cole­ niecaa and nephawa. Hiary. • ' ■sRMisafmTH Prior to tha certmony, aa tha S J ! man, 49, of Ixmg Branch, N. J., . The fiuieral wlU be held tomor­ Burls] was in 8 t Jsm sF Osm- w a a v u t m i t procesaioa entarad tho cathedral, who was suspended by the Army ArchhlahopjQfSrien pauaad briefly row afternoon at 9 o’clock In tha atsry, whers tbe committal service in tha vaKWoU whera he prasent- Keith's..Manchester's Santa Since 18 9 9 ..Suggests You EVE last Septambar from bia $9,d00-a' First Baptist Church, Willimant'.c, was rssd by Father Hughes, as- 4LMX3LOB Ofi Ol'S jPRIENOSNIP GARPEN:*ATH POWDER .... $1.10 year research Job. Oolaman, whs with the Rev. Earl B. Roblnion oiavr MinacLE-MiBBOB ed the crucifix to the aew BishM. Q ncc-n S ici silted by Father Rooney, Fkther ClNEMASCOrE SCEKBIt! w B x n the two prolatee entorad the said yesterday his position gave officiating. Burial will be la the fTbomaa FarreU.iFather Hannon ...... PARTY him acceea to secret materiel, at isHULTON STICK ^OL6gNE $1,00 center aisle of the cathedral the' new WllUmantic Cemetery. ’ and Father Blaney. •ebeit (airier choir latonod the preekssiwial previous secret hedringe had den­ Friends may call at the PoUtr . Bearers were Carl W. tieas, Otto Aas miik Victor Mstare > a o a a hymn "Ecce Sacerdoa Magnus* ied Communist or et|Mnege aC' Funeral Home, 4M Jackson St., F. Schueta, Guido Annum, Ciharles Mewsvt OiSsser Srsa Slmsian CCTY STICK (iOLO^NE"...... ti Vi ties. wiuimantle, tonl^t Cibm't to 9 "All the (Behold the High Priest), after L. Tucher, Harbert Wyllie and "ASalrs With which Archbiah^ O’Brien and Given On C.O.D. Deliveries o’clock. .Frank Silvay. ' Bystbers pESSRt FU^WER rATB>OWDER .. a 0 • a a ORANGE HALL McCarthy announced yeet^day Were Valiant” A Straagar” Bishop Flanagan procoadad to the he will refer to the Justice' De Many friends called at thg fun- «la eebrl e throBM erectod In the partment, with a raoommaadation Mn. KatbertiB P. flonnmi aral boms to pay last raapaeta and ' iiSBSiH liM FRIENDSHIP GARDEN BUBBLE BATH a a a a Mrs. Kathtrino Folay Gornmn. sanctuary. S P.M. M 2 A.M.. mUSMAY, DIC. 31 (or a grand Jury In q u ir y , a numerous beauUful floral trlbutas Also: A naiinf Sdsaes* The ceremony Itself began with transcript of testimony by aiul widow of Patrick M. Oonnan. dled wars received. ki "Ona Fury" (la reler) YARpLEY TOILET SOAP I a * a a s a DANCINO — NOISIMAKISS early thla morning at thar heme, Fiction—‘Tsptivo W o b im ” dia raading of the Apostolic Let­ about Qileman. Ha indicated he ters, first in liturgical Latin and thought perjury had bean oommit. 97 Loouat S t, after a long lUneas. • .rv tITTLE LADY TOILET WATER ....> a s s a a a M F S I S H M n m ted. t«wd^ure. MiM JHartin O utlines then In Bngliah. by the notary, the RANGE & FUEL OIL •Vera Gormaa a|| Miss Alloa B. Rev. Joseph V. King of Volun* In a brief appearance yesterday. town. gfi.00 PER COUPLE Coleman affirmed the accuracy of German, both of Mancbeater; two HAinPORD. OONM. LITTLE LADY BATH^I^OWDER^ ...... $1.25 taatimeny he had given at a sec sens, Walter P. Gorman of Man­ In-Service Class It was then time (or Biahop TIckete may be procured from: Bobert BeO, fiT Hemlock S t, FABERGE BATH P0W5EK .C.‘. $ 2 .0 0 Planagan to ascend the steps to ret subcommittee session in Oc­ chester and A- OUford Gorman PARSOHS TEL. ll-BdSI the altar where a collect (prayer) TeL Ml-b-diat! Thomas Tedferd, <7 Pearl St,. MI-S-S770, and tober^ In it, he denied Communiet San Francisco, GaUf., and thraa to 8 t. Patrick, patron of the The BOLAND OIL CO. ties or association at Ft. Mon­ grandchildren.. Heads of departments Yn the YARDLEY SHAVING BOW LS ...... $1.25 Philip WllllamB, Birch Mouatala Road, MI-S-811E town government, today discussed MAT. Cathedral, was chantad. mouth Imthe IMOs with Julius Funeral eervieaa will be held DEC 10,11,12 SAT. D E C . 12 I with General Manager Richard LOOSE POWDER COMPACT ...... 9 8 e Returning from tne altar, m . Mltebol 3^320 Rosenberg, executed last summer from the W. P. Quish Funeral Martin tha po-siblllty of b courm Biahop Flanagan was aacortad to for atomic spying. I Home, 925 main S t, Friday of in-servlca training in general tha throna on tha Oospat sldo by ... FOR LASTING COMFORT AND CHARM administration ‘ which, would be STARTS TOMORROW YARDLEY,MEN'S SET $1.90 ArchbUhop O’Brien who then pro- — ,4k conducted first among top admin­ ecnCtd him with the Oosler, the istrators and spread eventually to pastoral staff aymbollMng his ail workers performing adminis­ First Showing Tomorrow trative or clerical Jobs. A eOMEDY HOT Upon receiving It, Bishop ^'KROEHLER" • i A mccUng was held in the hear­ Flanagan stood and imparted from ing room of the Municipal Build­ ing this morning at which Martin PRIOR TO MOADWAYI outlined a plan, for tho ln-s«(viaa LAWSON SOFA Iraiainf which would uao mate­ ■iBM WlliMii fU tiiw U ~E9m » rial, from tmtbooka circulated oy' the International Ataii. of City. Managers asthe bdaia (orhemlntr For A Lovely Gift! diacuaslons. . ISIBS Mstti Part of the In-service' ceurae - Disttnguiahed in design and workmanship, to maka would conPem general aapebts svm oB NadMial Fire ...... 76H 79H ( « ■ % J k A Q K Graeaful fan hack, flo- PbqanU ...... m • 106 (■ • O B B >tee force m.acUew. ral prints. KMUi quaU- Colonial Rocker U ie and Indeemtty laa-Cba. ~ «t> Ttuvisioh-^nii * ty eonstructloa. -a Entireiy new Aetaa L ife ...... 904 gn{| S:se "Jteem aad^A B a r Solid Mahogany frame, finer Aemcamialty ...... ISS 144 TapeatryTapestry cover*. ^ ^ 9 ^ 9 5 Onm General...... 310 915 lOVBR AuthenUc design. Hartford gtaam BoU. . 4«Vk 49M lUog . WALL TILE Ubaral Keith Budget Travelers ...... SOO >«90 SI3 Show­ ' ■ ( Termi Can Easily Ba PahUe DtflHiaa "Koaeaiies er The Me Arrangtd On AH Pur­ that m alm any driving Grande" K R S O N A U m Oonn. Ugbt Power . . IS 16K loh— ..... chases. HASSOCK maka an ahvaya Coon. Pow er...... 8714- S9 Vk . M Iee n o p n s , l E e . wclcoma gift and Keith’s has Haitierd jaee. L t 61 0 4 . Eh-Jasa (Vo- Main at. lO-l a largt selection in chotM o t Hartford Gas Co. . . . . ISH MU (SB hPOBVE Stm HeajF ' colors. Starting MVimc Base is something every- 8a Hew England . at,...... $3.95 body wants—but you don^t. TM...... T 3 94 ii:{ ^YW a^ats& T - D JCHUSTMAS IS ;lUSt know wbst easy driving is until you Am. JBardware ... drive this new 1954 Mmeury! Arrow, Hart. Hcg. AROimD THI CORNIR The new 161-horsepowcr V-8 Ammc, Spring...... 99 * 39 fSSi ______B ra ss...... 14% 19H M A K EYQ M R engine is only part of the story. New CMBey B rea...... 9 lOH AFPOttnMRNT lARLY (SS4il .^ ^ ^ jrp aaaah engine design givm you the easiest, Ooiaas...... U — I^ H a r t ...... 36U MU “siH tmootbeat, ta/estntpomt you've ever r Bearing...... 97 £#asaa“- esperiented in an automobile—and Cootay ...... 49 CHILO PHOTOOBAPHT “ ’*• < •> ____ Platform Rocker with greater economy, too. Vou use' —_jr», Frary, Ok. . M M 8 J a y * O'Ceoaor Naw B rit Mach,. Oa . 49 ‘ 91> 47d U £ S S T«-TBL. MM-99M With fabulou* Foam Rubber rueh- only a smsD part of that energy V ion! Nicely styled. E i l O QIR ^orth and Judd...... 26 39 In better Tapeatriee. for normal driving—to you’ve a ■ h u a e ^ ^ g $14 lo u ’aid" tremendous reserve available og Staalay Works com. . 49 44 :l3r.i1:ssfts'»wn8i£^r MA(fAZINK BASKET in Ma­ Tarry Steam ...... (00 — lai Velour Lounge Chair hogany flniah with eon- hills, hi|h**7*- iu traffic, an y ttkat. 7^»«:«nfton...... ; . 4 6 U MU Boston Rocker venlant handla. Keep all mag- Mhm f -m hr whrkiadhil Here’s 8 > 3 (« (ShnBBmrg'nMMBaBS Hahdiiome tufted beck chairs ia Ball-Joint Front Suspension is RV -Mim>BI4to pmmha as—The Mercury Son U. S. bvalope com. .. 70 77 < t> U V i luxurious vcloura. In Solid Maple with1 aimpad aaiiMa ordtriy, A E found only in Mercury in its price the finest engiiie ever used in a a Mercury first—exclusive ia its flsH - and Valley opens up new boriioae in eutamotive design U. 8. pfd. . .,'8 1 M TemmeewVlEajttmi BUMUMa A 'gift of Imprta* seat and hack. A gWvalueat... popular-prked car. And it has a gives an effortless new kind of handling earn— Veeder Root ...... 90 M iiM tou MahOAV WBhnur alva beauty...... diarming gift. .... clast. Afew minutes behind the wheel —e dream car of tomorrow-eoom true today. Now $59.50 $22.95 f W E PARKING IN of this wonderful 1954 Mercury can new 4.birrel vacuum-operated better comeriag and road stability—easier you can enjoy overhead visffiility with the eomfort, Tlia above qnoutlons are oot to (>u liti (S S n K ftw cariMiretor and overhead valvee. be nmstrued as aetual marfcete. 4iSS (SS) TOhh TO a nUBHB KEm rs PBIVATE PARK. teR you far more than words how paildag. the wind and weather protection of a coupe. Tim « m ^ MBBOh anrliB^ XNO LOT ADNXNINO TBOE Its 161 horsepower ghrei Mercury 4i« ( S> Oh mUBBCOOVIIT much easier and safer it mskee oor- P«*4mntly fixed ploxMlm Am! is spedally dated OPEN TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 BTOKB: Ns IMIor PteMa« more power per cubic-inch di^ K 4-wey Power Seat, 2) Power Steeriag, 3) to keep oat Exdume iaterion add to ita to The EhMi * Bleek 4 m I aering, turning, and parking. placement thu'aay car in its twer Brakee, 4) Nookift Merc-O-Matic Drive 11 Baafih Of th a BUee! For the essiest driving you dm distiaictum. like cost? Much lem than you would • rail___ cysfOM cwm# class for eatiar, safer aoeeleratkm or gmoaving Touch-O-Matic OverdriT^ and expect Here’s the car that will causa mom -««f PWOVO R P E B E ’ t ay - drive a Mercuiyl 7!M ( Bdiiflh aV4B - Jem WbeoPuHeelPM . . . and eves: greater soenomy. S) EUctric Power Window lifts. mtnt than any nthar aa the lead ia 19641 '■ByRNSIDfC', • V s , s s { r Ban’l mist tm Ms totovlatoo m , “t O U t OF. T U TOWK” wMi M BaMvas. M t o r evsotas, • to S. Mattoa Wliac-TV. (btassl E ttowait Otaacm lO U U 'S Bkbmt Tartov i "A S tha Prathers •XDXUEir MORI ARTY BROTHERS, Inc. W«f9 VnlVmr a i E t*• r ^ ’liU TI ( A ■■ i i ^ s t i f 301-311 CmTIR STIW --M ANCHiSTBI f. s r ' ' • 9 » wm bM ^ . . : - ' J*',.'. -' ■' J" ' ..‘■O..' df'*< MANCHfiaTEB BVSNINO HERALD. lykNCHBSTBR. 0 0 ^ . WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9. «0 IIANCHIPSTER BVCNINO HERALD. IIANCHS8TSR. CONN., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9.1958 MrSs MAriMta ItN.. •( the Chapman; weiflare. Mra. Howard decorated by Mra Fred Pohlman. -« iSSESS!^ state Department of Health,lea.___, Bu- Garden Cltdi Holdg' Vtbhert; measheraUp. afra. Henry It was later drawn aa a door prisa reau of Maternal and Child Ry- A. Rockwnll; gwhlie Mintlona. WII- and won hjf Mias Trotter, feach giene. Annual Yule Party Uam E. Buckley; weyc end menhs, member preeent drew n gift pei- tm ittid i School Yule Project HmrbCXasa te Meat Mlsa MUllcent Joswa; publicity, taintng to gardening. SbtoRou tv M 1|H TIm Herb Class will meet a t Mra Joseph J. SulUvsn. Carol ■iiti;lng..by the group fol­ 12:80 p.m. tomorrow at Caprilands a 'a The Manchester Garden Club M|A Rockwell' Introduced two. lowed v.lth Mrs. R F. Bnhore at SEE JERRY FAY AT Herb Farm for a discussion of holi­ held its annual Christmas party in newhMmhera Misi Hmsel Trotter the piano. Mn Horace Learned, ir SMIUW VSIRViei Will Be Gifts for Hospital day dishes, Christmas legends and Woodruff Hall of Center Church, end Mre Arthur Schultheise. chairman,' and mambera of the stories; a workshop on Cnristmas Monday evening. The hall was Center ^ u r c h ThesptniM enter- executive boatd. served refresh­ Jtrry F fi’i TV Bara decorations; m aki^ pot pourri; beautifully decorated for the occa­ I Ooventry. Dec. 0 (BpecUl)—Th«*ruid OrgMizanonal Oommltteea, • tslned the club hy presenting "A ments, and a most enjoyable syt- wrapping gifts. sion by Mrs. Hcraca Learned. Child Is Bom" by Stephsn Benet nlng cams to n close. oM TV f tn t CoKKrcxtUanal Church p. m. in the Center Bu:iding. $n nllownafe 'X OEB M e ^ g Bebeduled Mrs. Alexanodr Mannella, club The play was snjoyed by nil. towards T of Shy School ChriitmM Gift project will 4-H Awards Listed Climax Chapter. OE8, “will have presidtat, conduoted a brief bust- Much fnvomlM comment wits The ' Ttydntielh Century Fund t r dsMsI set. «• be a white flft ihowcr for the Nor> Local 4-H Club members receiv­ a Christmas party for mmsbers ness meeting, at whieh the follow­ mads on tho mrtistle table center- ssUmatsa uint the Your Christmas Store . . - ing County awards have been an­ and their children Friday at 7 p.m. ing working committees for the piece made by Mias Ellen Buckley. and Csnsds produced shout half l a k e ST.—VERNON ■ wich State Hoepital. Finid (Ute for nounced by Miss Shiley Weik, (tfta le Dec. 20. in Uriel t«dge Masonic Hall in coming year were announced; The Christmas tree, doqated by the world's industrial- output in TEU M1-I-8S44 Each Sift is to be wrapped in county assistant agent, and Albert Merrow, The Laurel Forest, Tell Program cheirman. Miss Ellen George a a r k , waa beautifully 1947. B. Gray, county agent Cedars of Lebanon, will join the Buckley, with Mrs. William Bells, i white ceSAYCRIy, tagsed With description of cOntenU, stidi The list follows: Barbara Bamo, chapter for the party. Mrs, ,C. Elmore Watkins, Mrs. as siae and designated whether for pin for canning project; Adele Members will bring one a.Vcent Warren L Keith and Mrs. Edward a man or woman. Any gift bearing Gehring and Wayne Clay, gold pin gift for an adult and one gift for Kirkham as her committee. name and address of sender will be for garden project; Jean Bradfleld, each child they bring. Masons and Horticulture. Mias Mary O. acknowledged. Sandra Hansen, Theodora Hladky, their families are invited. Suggestedid glJtsglJU for women men- i ?.***!l5?*_'^‘**^**"!*."’ •Hy?*' P’" Oeariag Events s * '- m TEU MI-S-S191 i for dress revue blue ribbon sewing tal patientsI ati Ibe hospitalisnlti include Today's meetings Include y J N B i. MAKOHESTER talram and fare powdtr, perfume. project: Kay Hansen, gold medal Brownies Troop 89 at t p. m. at She'll love you for giving her . * toilet soap, combs, hair bows, bar- ' for clothing [ Kalber the Robertson School; Kraft.v rettes, earrings, bracelets, neck­ and Roberta Kalber, peuulls. home Klippers 4-H iMwlng Club, S;Sb laces, stationery,., small pencils, egg laying contest reportingf p. m. at the Hens Hansen home; Ci award; Roberta Kalber, silver pin, [ Tk. Frisky Needle 4-H Seizing Club, f/eed. powder puffs, mittens, scarfs, bed- jackets, sweaters, slippers, ker­ poultry project; Mary FarreU, gold 7 to 8:30 p. m. at the home of Miss chiefs, socks, handkerchiefs, face pin, achievement projects. Naomi Griffith; Red Cross First tissues, face cloths, pocketbookr, Gold seals awarded local 4-H Aid with Civil Defense supplement —. small books with pictures, candy, Club members for their record course, 7 to 9:SC p. m. in the F.re- f a r CM Myl latjoanJ} -i gamesnes, playing cards, packaged books include: Mary Farrell, food house in. South Coventry; choir of preservation, freesing; Dorothy the-First Congregational Church, fruit. l u r t o n 'i For the men: neckties, pipes to­ Latimer, clothing; Mary and David ?:tt0 p.' m. in the sanctuary; choir LINGERIE bacco, cigarette rollers, cigarette Farrell, livestock, rabbit; Donald of the Second Congregational woBMier pers, cigarettes, cigars, candy, Smith, James Kalber, poultry; Church, 7:30 p. m. in their sanctu­ Sate, jron fM Mcc sc "snaaMO WOoaiJBi'1 Gift Kndkerchlefs. playing cagds either Wayne Clay. Linda Wahmann, Gall ary; set-back party, 8:30 p. m. in They crawl isM decs through coed bnsipi, straight decks or pinochle, Chinese Millerd, Pamela Glenney, Donald the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ emh kuA, worn stteting petti. They Met Csrtificgt# checkers, pocket combs, shaving Gehring, garden; Mary Griffith, ter. yen plcaiy ia tire wear, blow.oaia, cream, after-shaving powder and flowers. ACemhna. Sate emy k • *«ib OPEN SATUBDATS TIL NOON I NYLONS NOV. SI TO DSC. 19 1 to 3 p.m. DEMONSTRATED lY MR. KEITH AT YOUR CONVDIlINCE The choir of the Second Congre­ oola4a lace! gational Church will present a special program of Christmas music the evening of Dec. 30. The Read Herald Adva. • public is invited. * WM«py Sliaanf Prbvocetivp new lingtri# ee- Trustees of the church will meet Saturday at 8 p.m. at the home cant ... tha spicy French touch of Mr. and Mrs. C. Irving Loomis * laagar W aorlag! of two-tono Nito 'N Day laca, on Route 44A. D skillfully lavished by Saamprufa. PatienU at the Manchester Me­ morial Hospital include: Rrs. John * S aii9 9 ar A iU a Fit! You'll want all thraat E. Kingsbury and Mrs. Richard M. Gallnat. 8S4-828 $135 , Coming Eveata TEU Ml-8-Bin * M ar* StratelM bilityl Tomorrow’s meetings will in' MAIN ST. MANCHEaTEB elude: the Young Mothers aub Sponsored well-child conference, * Extra GKra and CANXAN NIGHTIE . . .. 9:30 to 11 a. m., in th* Rabertson S p ria g b y k l wMi a Fraacli oecoBtl School; Porter Library open from 8:30 to 7:30 p. m. in »h» Church Two-tona Nita 'N Day laca Community House: the Nhthan S l . 9 t Hale community Center Executive bodice, accented with appli­ que; more laca at hemline and back V. Elastic at back waist Mojud. tha latest word in nylons, art as glamorous as only; nylon ribbon sash. 32-38. v w m a k f i - Naw Yaar's Eva.. Wispy shaars ara fabulously flattor* $8.98 k . -the. ing and you'll give hor axfra glamour, too, bacausa aH Mofud "Magic-Motion" stockings have axtra "giva " and sprijngback in tha knit for flawUss fit! C A N - C A N SUP... f w l w a a d with two taaa Icnm ! ...... Nita 'N Day laca, scalloped and laaf-appliquad at *bodica— ' aKPKiw i#(aKiw «#im i#H#nw Hg»iniKi#n#^ pouffao over nylon not ruffle at nam. Sizas 32-38. a m [ f7.9B : • UwMt pewMe term tsilarad It year bedm-ara ywn lor Um itliiet Sma8 down peyawnt, sweliit te pay bsiMca S«a« youp * • M" CAN.CAN KTT|.$WST . . . FORD DEALER ^ frathad wHh tww-teiid local

Thraa tiers of Nita 'N Day laca :\ lavished over satron-pipad ny­ lon net ruffle. S, M, L. $5.98 Airline TV-Radio Gito

Fnd. tax inch 274.95 Yr. Wmty. incL . V' Dosignod for both maximum ModtivitY and pteluro tuba for dwrp pldvro ootihrotl Kvingroom bnooty—glorhNog" mihogony ond darky. TWod lafoty glam oflmmalos fW*h complomoiUi your fInoU fumohingi. nxnoymg rollocHone. Cewcedn Tutml-lypo Thi* qow vonion of Iho molit papular TV .. hmor. Cat«y convortod In UHT menplion. Wordi over told hot a 2l-*mdi Mock Aik about W ards Tormi. dawnelle

CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS GLOVES V ■’i ■ ® CNIdron’t Umo Hangar Cowtroy lent. ® Woman'i lalartpa 06 Mack rayaa Q Of block fob krkh roll looHinr solos. 6-3. HaM deosrsled earijr Amerlcna 1.98 •Mki bmeoda. Ciahiona# imolas. 4- 9. Oalsnhd Milk QIm Wa call it "Dixit." It's Dawnalla's classic U g k t . ^ ar ^ InfanH Sunny labbM wMi blua rayon •opnmtely. Pine deeomtton © Womoa’i Stapdns in SgM blna nodN- thraa-button slip-on of doubi# wovan "Ei- ; i ',7 phak odi. Soft laoihor m Ios. SIsoe 4-1A la ohaleo of pink AC 1.98 cplofadf vatta." A washabla, . kip saam glovo with W vIoleL ...... # 7 . 9 5 ®9torad rayon satin. In smasfcam 4 L98 MEW TABLE RADIO 0 Soy’s Iwo-loao brown Inolhor SSppor a 3 naadia draw-back. ••■ny other bond pnlatod |ahie, CLOCK RADIO 6 Man^t anor n ^ boadolr laaHn nn «*- «tNi«lnrfui ploid cotton Ining. S - 3. 2.29 a\7 0 SikY- Got yoaro 1m # « a|l» ao- ► . 9 5 talas. 6 to 13. * T p r W 3 4 . 9 5 G Okfs forty Pump of glooming block f % A O 0 Aba’s fvarant of dark «dno wSli Wokat yw tb yaur pmgranr-HliM bwiap paNMIaathor. WkitaMshSiMsSMloS. W a ^ C f — a- tuidinfcMliii um ^ dsas 4- 12. 2 * 6 9

•f. -•] .'r 1. . 2 ,^ . ddpn. b #Ms frM 4-13. Oft ■. a t l i J r 9 ■■■ a-w,-'* y. r* • u cl C] I ■ t i t Y C I M ci

. t , ’ . 7.''' ^]Z' M ANCHSmB BVSNINO HERALIL MANCHB8TER. OONN, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9,195$ MANCHESTER BVENINO HERALD. MANCh I sTEB. CONN, gifts find than rafTashaaenta war* yearff old Jan. l, assy obtain aa- local poselMliUee. Entries cloaa the i^rtMitWA m m I"- -I,! sack’s aad the Popular Food Mat^ served. It was voted to bold a BouiiMaaonts aad a n t^ forms for Jan, 1. St Mary^B Men Dept, an ------Store Sales to Aid ket. card party In tha lower hall at tha tha 1994 4-H Baby Beef ahowa at JuJltSd.tm fh 6 Chrass Hie Manchester Assn, for the Friendehip Class Town Hall Jan. 9. at I p. m. the Eastern States Exposition. MSachaster Evantag Hamid E3- To Hold Dinner pianists. Ketarded Children Htip of Retarded Children is de­ Oruoary ffaeUI Blatad Tboy may be picked up a t the Mngtaa eartaapasdaai, Mr*. O. P. Group elpging trta Im .ladd'l$F. voted to furthering the welfare of The Amariean Lagion Auxiliary County 4-H Club offlea in Berr, t e le v e n s EodnrIBa S-M13. Sydney MsieAligwt - retarded children in this town. W6orable«Woltoint Names Officers. wUl hold a grooary aoeial la the villa. St. Mary's Men's Club win have A large tarseatlir9i94Bt«A IU> s Same at Zoo This week several grocers in Through its efforts, ths "ioAed WalUr n Uawta, A.A.O.O. or-T Town Hall Ariday night at fi. Those who participate must Plat life being protected in a dinner meeting at the church servatioM for them mmer^ mMph town are featuring Betty Crock­ dbor" known as mental retarda­ ganlat, am ehoiimastar of the KUlngton, D ^ 9 —^ (Special) mgM F»mia AvallaMe agrsa to meet the show and aalea Acadia National Park in Maine Friday at 9:30 p. m. ie being put on hvtm aoinaBMM afof the* < ^ lOMMEM Q. PATnKGTON er Cake Mixes and every package tion is gradually swinging open. Projectronect ^ 'l^ b y tartan Church, The 9-H Chib bOya or girls who rules and regulations Uetod la the ultimately %rill represent a bptanic - Following the dinner, a busineat membera of tha club,lub, may ke be midd |fBA4fMitel Corfwp—awit sold will benefit the Manchester .Educational faellltias are being lapMWO( I. In Will ------Tha Friendahl^ oUm met at ths own Hereford, Angus or abort- entry forma. Albert Gray, county garden of the entire Acadian re- meeting wilt be held and then en­ by contacting either Philip Hnto im tough all pver, but •sn. for-the Help of Retarded expanded, research Is being con­ tha Man( ar MemUK.OiliNrua In boma of Mrs. Jgkn Shanahan of hom hoof steers and who are 13- club agent, is lataraatad in any gtm. tertainment will be provided by Un or Earlo Rohan. mvHA you go out and awip« a Children. ducted to asosrtain the reasons the taconi fanual praamtatlon of Maadow Brook RA Monday night M k* or a baadache tablet ar a On Thursday, Friday and Sat­ for this condition and parents are Handal'sj/:;iIa«daJi’^ ■imday. Dec. ffir tkatr bualMaa'BaaaUng and so- ,dUtrt of womuT Those are some urday representatives of the asso­ being guided in meeting the prob- 3T, at T:m pm. m the South Math- oiat. of the choice bits of loot filched ciation will greet shoppers at the lenos that confront them daily in odlat Chiibh. Offieara aleetad for the coming -49 thieves during 1953, a banner following stores: A A P Super raUing retarded youngsUrs. Hawitf waa bom In Rockvillo; yoar includa; Mrs. Hasel Haln, y itr for looney larceny. Market, First National Super Mar­ William L. Mercer and a team riVVtRRY wharo M one time hla mother was praiidant; Mrs. Ethel Berr, vice The Miaks, a six-foot indigo Job, kets, Manchester Popular of store caputns are directing organlat for the t ^ t Mcthodlat preeUfeat; and Mrs. Edpa Ed S»ai stolen from the Staten Island, Hale's, Plnehurst Orocefy, Biur- this benefit sale. ChurciL He attmdtk! tha JuWard wards, abcratary-traaaurar. N. T , soo. The headache tablet, School of Mualc and the North- The aoeial part of tha program along with 335 worth of other THAT SAYi.. i weatera, Columbia and New York was tha axchanga of Cnrlstmas hOadache tablets, was in a sales­ /I • UnlV(raratUfia. An impoalng array of man's sample case that vanished CHRISTMAS teaci hava oontributad. tiialr in ftsadena, Calif. And a Syra- know! l and hetpod ttovaiop and 'cuss, N. Y., bait dealer was the perfect hie talenfa'andd abintlea in poor fish robbed of 1000 quarts of orgaa. piano, voice, theory and worms. . compeeiuon. Very enterprising were the Bal­ He has given recitala through­ timore, Md., thieves who carried out tho eaat, the moet noteworUty e tt a prefabricated house. Then being at Princeton Vnivorslty they came back and stole the floor­ Chapel, American Guild of Organ- ing and supports. Other crooks ti-m ; ,5h - . 'J WaMer N. Maaritt r V • * • r lets Ragtonal Convention la With Mg ideas were the gang that Wllkaa-Barra, Pa., and Princeton, tCMak a 2S-by-4« foot house near - nN. Watson, In preeanttng an annual Motorola TV K‘? ;• •'<'■4#. hv'j N. J. parformanca of "The Meaeiah" In lAsaburg, Va. Ra la an asaoclato 'membar af Steal Flying Saucer New Jersey. tha American Guild of Orgaalats. The public Ie cordially Invited to AU NIW POt ‘fiAWITN In this era of space flight, 1053 past dean of tha Metropolitan Naw saw the first report of the theft attond this traditional Cbrietmu Jersey Chapter and past ptMldent praaentatlon. ‘nckets will not hs Of a flying saucer. It happened in of the Mualc Educaton Aaan. at New York, and not Just one fly- sold, but a free will offering will New Jersey, Inc.; Music Teachers be rSeelvad during the evening. saucer, but a whole shipment. Aaan. of the Oranges and vicinity, They were, of course, toys. N. J.; and Arlington, S. J. Mualo Perhaps the most original bit of Club. law-evading of 1953 happened in Nineteen years at unUriilg effort #OHPfllFICT GIFTS AUey, Germany, where a man got and devoted lervice by Hevritt hae sent away to the pokey for l9 mad# the Prospect Presbyterian SELECT • SUNIEAM weeks. His crime was buffing the Church in Maplewood, N. a fu n off gooseberries and selling leader, and an Ineplration to all • MUUERS them for grapes. churches and communltlas. With e IRONS Other criminal loot oddities con- Ua four choirs and 199 choristers, e TOASTERS TREASURE CHEST Mmed the Sweetwater, Tex, hs has developad a choir program eCOFFEE MASTER crook who, over a period of ' a that la well known throughout the e WAFFLE BAKER saenth, swiped one shoe each from country. eRAZORS 19 pain in a shoe store; the Lon don, England, robber who hijack­ Hewitt has not only distingulah- AT ed a truck loaded with burglar ed htmaclf aa a lecturer and direc­ alarms; and the Lafayette, Ind., tor In music ciiClos, but also as a tlitevcs who stole 318 worth of SnJCT HIS TIES FROM OUR LARGE DISPLAY OP , specialist In accompanying ora- BENSON'S, ihc. boys' sports shirts, eaxh one bear- torloa on the organ. For 13 years, >Mu |e ‘ r alwiic leWt i»«e«l. ll-ia. he collaborated vrlth Andrew R. INS Mala S t. Pfcona MI-9-9t4S ■■•fe.(rM hib* kei a'teter ((•riiir, ' Ing the motto, "I'm a Little Stink- $1 .9 8 Gift Neckwear IMsOai taaH.,AUo OliUim U ktH t. OTr'-’ New, lap. Hfid WI 4 n ed. M ■ T«» twcl. P re a c l^ Too Soon TO Four-ln4iand, Ready Tied and To Tie Bowa In St. Louis, a hold-up artist encountered a victim who had no cash. The angry bandit .put the 3 .9 8 $1.00 AND UP. BOXED ^ $2 8 9 .9 5 the Ftheet Mte on his target anyhow, and $ made off with his false teeth. 60% Angora, 50% Nylon, Reinforced The new revolutionary coHar on OL9SMOBILE. Even churches weren't safe. In One (or blowing—one for MANOdfTCa MOVOa SMIt J u a r e X, If exlco, two pickpockets with 100% Wool were kneeling in prayer, and sim­ showing—and one for a tnoney eau Buyt ultaneously relieving the man in Van H eusen ■pare, f fine ouaUty cotton i 3 i i j front of them Of his wallet. For­ the'Mw fashion m{s that’s Van Hepaeo tundkerchiela U iiB iiW g il BUDGET tunately for Justice, a poUoeman with elegant cord borders was in the row behind them and way sn tap and priead ri|ht down to earth ...luxunoualy initihllcd in Tha Hi i m t( SaMy TaiM Uiaf Ban that was that. And, in South Bend, the time they robbed a cabinet Century shirts white or colors. Gift wrap­ Ind., a minister retired to his study company of 31500 worth of toola Many atyles to chooM from. CENTER Abiolutoly FU W LISS, A^’choels Treosure Ch«t after his sermon to find that 349 They punched in and out on the ped in shiny cellophane, MAHBHESTER MOTim SUES, las. Millinery Dept.—2nd Floor it’s the had been stolen. His topic bad concern’s time clock. And in Los 512,WEST CENTER 8T. TEL. MI-.3-41S4 or 9-6427 91 Center St.. Manchester diomondi come in every size from one-quorter corot been, "Who was the criminal." Angeles, a thief left a complete Double jtrfT Green Stamps Thursday Crime doesn't pay, and it ‘cer­ description of himself when he won’t wrinkle...ev6r! tainly didn't for a few unlucky stole 390 worth of clothing. He'd Van Heusen iL. upward. So whether you spend $95 or $5000 for her crooks in '53. There were the two taken only things in his sise. who decided to hold-up a Phila­ According to a survey made by Once they’ve worn it, men can’t teem to say enou^ initial tro y delphia grocery store. The grocer the Birmingham, Ala., puMic lib­ THE •ngogement ring — or ony amount in between — b t seiud a flea spray gun and rary, one of the most f r ^ s n t about the Van Heusen Century shirt. For it’s the o^y items stolen is calorie charts. WHIPPET g OPEN TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. ' J pumped insecticide at them until TfisJWHALCee.smi— WRW CIW tm shirt in the world with a soft collar that wen'twriiMa sure to spend it for o Mkhoels Treasure Chest d’lomond they had to flee. That's why so many crooks don't . . . tver! Another gunman tried a Wor­ even have a fat chance of suecesa cester, Mass., variety store. When STETSON Practical GIFT idea | ond you’ll know you ore giving her the finest quality the cash register was opened, it Almost two million Americana only contained one dollar, so the live in trailer homea Ifsaviiimr^attriuUhlt^ robber grow ls. "It wouldn't pay," White $3.95 Colors $4.50 thero is in th# world, to sure to see our wide selectioni and walked out. Then there was gtsi selUiig kaf—the Situom the crook who set his sights on from puf BOYS’ SH O P X at $150« $300 and $300« tax included. a restaurant. He first ate at a only $1.00 for throo Whippet, A dm lrejit perfect 31.95 meal, gave a 33 bill to the \6utlflkoyK proportloHM^tke correct cashier and, as he was about to m pull his gim, became frightened crown h elfh, the baandbrim SHIRTS by " M o d e l" I and left. He forgot his change and B r o j B n y m a m u l a v l i o d tost five cents on the desL SOMETNMe HNE C O n O N S and stylish brim width, the • • • Jer dross # leheel # or outdoor play casual crease. Thisthoroeth- Drop That Cmsteeean OMKC WONDOm A woman was arrested for shop­ Of 3 $1 .5 0 bred Stetson Is a sure tUstg— lifting in Dallas, Tex. Police found afyoub* DRESS SHIRTS | ample evidence on her person—a me.AND unIrersaUy becoming I *10 bag of candy, two Mllfolds, a rain- eo|ti a boy's shirt, two brassieres, - F O R D UNENS t White or colors. Sizes 8 to 14. five pairs of stockinga a Jar of deodorant, a tube of tooth paste, two pints of paint, two flow er DEAIER’S 1.98, 2-25, 2-98 I bulbs, four packages of seeds and Box Of 3 $ 1 o 9 5 ' StOtMB three packets of buckshot. That's ,e The IwMst possible . o m Fine aanforlzod broadcloth with supermarketlifting. lenra.., nienlhhr with Ride apread collar. With or without studs, Perhaps the most unusual—and peymtflis tiilofed to piar CortMicato in white or novelty checks or stripee. . affective — weapon employed by from $10 Boxad seta with bow tie included a t criminals during 1953 was that bwi|at Thit'i wh« yosT 3.99. used by four Johannesburg, South fled k your Ferd Deiier'i Sweofers A Warm QiHt Africa, thieves. Ihey relieved a Cosie in now, tnd drive GiH Socks gas station attendant of 339. hold­ ■wsy in the A-1 seed cer CO A T m i PULLOVER at the finest quality aad beat ing him at bay with a live lobster. yw went HOW. FLANNEL SHIRTS XiSter. they were pincheA ^ STYLES. $7.95 CMd bp af atyUng. ’ ' j m Indianapolis, thieves obliging­ Reis aiu^leetway Paiamas ly gave police a precise record of ^ lo R o d . Broadcloth, rayon, flannel and knitted. ^ Wjh Coat and middy styles. AC L ^ m w ^ 1.98 to 3.98 FANCY RAYON Sizes A, B, C. D, E. And Up, Boxed •r COTTONS Slaea 3 to 19, Velvety aanforiaed fiannela In j MEN'S GIFT t ^ newest patterns: Twoeda,'smart plaids, m checks, aad importbd Holland fiannela or aoUd { Christmaa red. Two pockeu, full cUt and all ^ Jowejry and 65c Aad Up guarantoad waahaUc. Lounging or TV Rohes t 2 Wallets AiL NYLON lODY Rayon, beacon, cotton and corduroy. ^ SPORT SHIRTS 6 to 18 -Mb' By mutesi. SwaMi aad Shields Small, medium. Urge and C O A C , 1AN0UN.ENM€SED 75c Aad Up extra Urge. e^O.yDAndUp J in Fno corduroy or gabardine J J i y v i U Y m m A m w e a t k r l o t io n h Fresn $1.50 “Boxed PART NYLON- 2.98 to 4.98 •llae m i WOOC ARGYLES GiHi^Supreme f rom House's WALLETS CH AR G E Tr S m a r^ atylad with aaddla aUtchad collar and MIDGET OR ' ' " ‘•ty a •mart eolore tailored $2.95 FMr to by the finaat ahirt-makera . . . and waah- fof The Man You Admire CNABOE-PLAN ahla toe! Frem $3.50 IN GIFT \ ■ ■ Here 1$ the AAkhoels Treasure Chest that ir—'SMgY.'ssussir SUITS, TOPCOATS,, OVERCOATS, SPORTS COATS POLO 5HIRTS by "Donmoor'' ^ Matched Tie and Shirt Gift Sots AND OUTDOOR JACKETS m procloims to oil the world that the diamond ^ Of fine wuhmbla cotton, fUnnel, hound»tooth pattern. |(49 to 2.49 ^ Blue, green, brown and maroon. Sizes: Sizes 35 to 50 and RMuleU to suit everyone. thorein it ftowlets. It it o faithful reproduc* r ^ SmaU, medium and Urge. In gift boxea. Top favorit^ for boya. Crew jaecka or amart contraat- tog collar w la s in atr•tripaa, chacka aad novelty pat- Hon of o Tudor chest ond'w os designed to sym­ ■ah tama. tunic's to lA OTHER COnOM. RAYON. CORDUROY AND bolize the superior quolHy of AAichoels diomonds. VIRGIhVWOQL SWEATERS by "Pickwick" Handy family —Six |1 asse bottW .i.lS W O O L shlRTS FOR IDEAL GIFTS CXHOUSE&SON I Put amw a year’s supply at thia special prtea! Daa H NEW YEAIS as au au-o*sr iodear Pink, fiagraat, rnamj . . . $3.25 ^ np.'loxod. ■ h ^ hands, elbows, heals, legs feel ailken smooth. ^ I WE — GIVE - - 'V GREEN K c .c .n ?TAMO A A Mp r S5 WeMerfnl as a powte base, tM AUfnimpkutm W l HAVI ONE OF THE SAVE SOH! w *i***4****4**i*i***4***A 4**i4*i.i******44*44*4^*4^44^^^^ f LANOUHENRI CHSD FINEST SBLECnON$ IN TOWN TUSSY WIND a WEATHER HAND CREAM Got Your Cards More Now Regularly $2, now osdy—8 1 Rich hand cream with all ^ we*. i Double C Green Stam ps! JEWELERS ~ SnVBtSMfTHS F. L BRAY 9S8 MAIN MANCHPTil Miif.42f3 DRUG STORE ' a r—RT. lAMM M to ^ .: n r MAIN ST. SEATHMAiailiM. IS Z ALL DAY THURSDAY! THf^ KNOWN NAMI. 44lt##i?*444444444^4*444\4U44444444444'4444444''u4444ii^1f ' TNI. KHOWN q u a l i t y t l M r C I ' f M

- V- V.

, • - , '

liANCHBgTER EVENINQ HBBALD. MANCanBOTKB, CONM^ UTOtfEgEAY, DECEMBER 1968 lUHcaw isa »rsMaio m iute; iu kcugsirivjeww*OTWiEgPAY, De c e m b e r i i h . LVr It e t ^ MBJeet is globhl. not other nation enjoy equally the apeak more loudly than promises of world • w O e ' inspection and •Btolng that lo ^ feat, lases. tulle. wars calling to ths hustUqg cMivds BMC^ snnrato fag dUMcter. right o f choalng their own wpy o f or ptotshtetlons o f peaceful in control. sg att toese A * 1110 14 111 fo r T o ^ y ternduae and rsflsot. ; On Jvdy W. . ! • « , the - United Ufa. tent -Bund It; too sMk out. For hair, m M t e f t i f . A lte r the esnteot, alt How manym timss dO": God's voica The atomic e^MTiy agency _ and ’to t . 1.W I "tte first So my country's purpose la to sSMtaataxts use. yarn, hut ha aeiM to toa M ttiri 4teU to us to eoma maids aad bnvs a . ' But I do not wlah to rest either could be made reqpanetble for be doaa U N IC B r batdou artm TIte otosr day as I was walking; a t o a ^ t ia t explosion. help us ware asms with real hair and. ire, eum m iy, doll-leee. few momenta of qutstneas wlto K riM a ^ out of tto dark upon the reiteration of past pro­ toe ImpouMHag. storage and pn». Dora# Orseae, who laaka barsbr bthsrs with fa^hare and threap ga tn-Fnmce, , Oreeee, H n- along.Main Street in.Hartford, X Him, but ws fail to he - becauss of ' 8 i ^ that day in 1848, the chamber horrors into the poaalat^w ara EMor theuiD Irestatement cSLaLailiCilL Dxof pastIIKBL tecUon of toe o o ^ b u te d fission­ _ u t her teana harself, runa toa and fur and aaytktng alee that M d/ Lriwnon, Western G«m ahF, beprd one of tooaa great Ug DteesI too prossure of buslnoao? Unttat States of America has con You’ll see the 100th Annlvemry ; g - light to find a way by which the T h , ^ .^ Ity o f the tlmVla able and other materials. The in­ Fdr Y u le tid e ooateat and daily cartami looks hstr-Ifte. T. Austria and Korea and parts « l tfsiler trucks start up as the tight So often ws are eo engntooed in ducted 43 atomic test explosions. rural U. 8. They’ll all f r t '•n ifto minds o f niea, the h o ^ o f men, nich that every new avenue o f »genuity — d f bur eeieaUste_will pro­ Steinway, shown below and msny * ' of stutCsd H85u at her office. And wuM Taiiaii the busy workday world tost God’s u u n theyra gotitg before Christmas. hinted green. The noise was ear- OR THE BEST IN SEASONAL F I B ­ Atomic bombs today are more others at Watkins in Hartford. , { Now York—(NBA) — Twenty <»a»y «»ay d whet a aoch Despite the tact, that thsy all voles goes unhoard and un- the move forward toward peace „„itter how dimly dis- vide special safe condiUens un­ spIHUng as ths huge engine labored ftfiftWGrsd, than 35 times as powerful as the • nH maasl eoMall ____ • . start with the same little rubber ERS GROWN IN OUR GREENHOUSfS. and happlntM and w«U belnf. ccmlble, should be explored. der which aUch a bank o f fis­ IhouMtnd pMre M p lali wW u a to get the load rolling. So great was • • • little cotton and a lot o f ImqgtM- face, the rheuilant dolls all seem UFBOUABO TO THE RESCUE How about’ you? How ofton do wreapons with which the atomic inan'a eoehs are going to ba Uon. yqh draw aside from your busy day * * • . sionable material oouM be mhde different. Some of the girta stuff the impact of sound upon my oars YOUR arrangements , WEDDING lOUv' age dawned, while hydrogen wea­ In this quest, I know that we and listen for God's words? He wtU There la at least one new ave­ eaaenUally immune to surprise ••"onsr the moot welcome Chriat- Foir instance, ene s h ^ was lot them a little fuller than othera, San Diego, Ctelif. (FV-The min- that 1 found It literally Impoaslbia, . . . XUBSCRIPTIUN R ATI pons are in the ranges 6f millions to Uilnk-for a few moments tST bops and inspirstton PUETS, FUNERAL DESIGNS. AND COR­ must not lack patience. '' nue of peace which has not yet seixure. fifte this year. They're going ed with "character d ^ " There producing fat .della Some add ute Jim Gilmour came home he Pirabte In ARnuie* of tons of TNT equivalent Wert, from Idft to right, a m^-r whole worid was bloUad out by toe in toe **“ midat of ’—business ------cares and- Hiil! I know that many steps wlU been explored—an avenue now The more important cespon- |o needy children In parte of toe freckles o f tBUStechee and aome beard his son's cry for help.- Hs worries—if you give Him toaoopor- SAGES DRIVE^ DOWN OR RHONE MAN­ Today, the United SUtm* stock­ Mrid. Feter Fan, Uncle Sara, N A cacophony that boat upon my onre. have to be taken over many slblllty of this atomic energy .V* R> and overaeaa, change the original blue o f the grabbed tools and twisted pIpM to tonlty. laid out by the General Assembly tis d ^ dolled up like a Chriatmas eyes to brqam. Than, as toe truck moved on up 1CHESTER'S LARGEST RETAIL GROW ER. pile of atoinic' weapons, which, of months before the world can look of the United NaUons. agency would be to devise meth­ rescue the gold fiah that had alip- the street and as 1 turpsd n comsr, "In quietness and confidence WMklR . .. *>“**• figure how t tiae), an organ grinder complete Aad toa "ooBtumea are aU var­ shall be your strength." •Ingli Copy course, increases dally, exceeds by at Itself one day and truly realise R e e ^ child wlU welcome a man'a wto Into the kitchen sink diala. tha noiaa died away and I became In its resoluUon of Nov. 18, ods whereby this fissionable ma­ with organ end monkey, a epace- ied, and aO show hours of loving —John Godfrey Gourley.' many times the explosive equiva­ that a new climate o f mutually f»c lte you haven’t eeen what Rescues are Oilmour’s business. aware of another sound, this time MEMBBR o r terial would be allocated to serve man with helnMt, Queen Elisabeth labor. The organ grinder had He’s a Hsutenant of city beach lent o f the total of all bombs and 1953^ this General Assembly sug­ American youngetere can do with n in her inaugural gown, a cow. sweet and restful aad inepirlng. It Sponsored by too Manchester KRAUSE GREENHOUSES _ . T B > ABSOCIATftO F R U S peaceful confidence is abroad in the peaceful pursuits of mankind. corduroy pants, ttieen Elisaboto lifeguards. was the peal of bells .on one o f too Council of Churches. T m Aiwetatcd Pt« m Ii cxcluslT«ly all ahelli^ that came fron\ every gested—and. I quote—"that the t man’a aock. They literally doU ^ y . with a water plaUd In h la 'M UvMf i •nUUtd to Um um ot republleatloR-ot the world. Experts would be mobilised to ap­ them u | ^ a few cute. a .IltUe-cot- IL (don’t toll anybody) wore a churches playing a well known ,621 HARTFORD Rb.->-Mi«ch«ll 9-7700 •II Mwa dlipatebci credited to It or plane and every gun in every disarmament commission study i- Aer, a nun, and a skier with stda g t r ^ Sonia Iwvs-earrings. Soma But I know, above all else, that ply atomic energy to the needs , atufflng, aome clever needl In toe 1980 census Psnnsylvania hymn tune. King-siM cigarettes contain ■ot otherwlae eredttec.' In tbU Mper the. desirability o f establishing a lefSffd evaa long red underwear. have' homemade feather shoes )iad 1,185,000 fewer pe

the bank whara my wife has kradad Into port. 8e Arnaon mate Ameri­ not even type h!s Immortal words. for yaara and otfarad a fl.50 check BrightFuture can maritime hlMoty. ^ They’ll come out in printed pages. ciiAM i# AiW signed by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., A New York youth who'd seen a So the boss will have to perfect ■ ^ '<6kywqicH Seffeduk himself, the caiJilar wouldn’t cash request for “wireleas’' operators on hts English. it until 1 went home and got my In Electronics a bulletin board at Otriumbia Unt- For file clerks—no more bulky SEPTIC TANKS iR< tlnn^, Dae ' O P E N : r e t t f u l Social Security card to prove my versUy, ha mate several other voy­ files. When you want to know A eemplato nrgnMantten n( TRAINED 8BWAOB S n M U U B fS MidnUM—S e m...... VahtMaara Neadid identity. ages before coming ashore. On land something you'll press a button of -.log Iha meat mateen sf lpinint and martbunr BBlPMfi A S e m.“-4 e m. “Are you going to stand for this he worked for the Marconi Wireleae a memory-device machine and the ...... Fhvirii rtnpm ag Ludwig Arnson, Who BETTER------Jeb nt n LOV - -iwntnucB. » 4 a. m.—d e m. ; ...... Hondid Not Easy to Acquire nonsetue?" I’d M saying inside Telegraph Oo. of America from machine will tell you all about it. d e in.—• A m. . TUESDAY and THURSDAY eaeeaeeaee.. . ______myself. Well, I am the kind of guy New York to Alaska. For. /he whole cOuntry—no more THIS IS W HY • e m.—Nix»n , , , , who can’t even say no to himself. Sent First SOS Sees In Itoa Arnaon approved the hii> fire alarm ayrtems. Through a n Wntarpmeflag of eallnf% ...... Mr. and Mra. Willard Sraaii n New nadergronnd emtar . . , nord horM call NoM—3 p. Ill...... ‘ . New York, («V-Woul


Ons Of Otar Tremaadoua Mothers: guIih thtir fist , Stock Of to school SKIRTS 5.98 lo 14.98 In tha lataat paatal twaada. U ffttaa, fe lt Bitaa 10-20. tla c k e t • When your youngsters step off towgrd school nuke nure their feet Are protected with Poll Par­ Wa-OalSi kills dress rot Shoes! For PNI Parrots ars pre-tested by real boys and glrta . . . so you can be sure they’re right . . . for style, for fit, for waHavsIasUs and only.,. 17*98 WMr! See our wide selection of patterns. Widths from "A” to “ E". Jacket oii, jacket off . . . either way you’ll look your charming beat now and into aununtr . . . for this doubla- duty, doubia-baauty MynatU uavrai of mastar-typa uyen **FimNG IS OUR BUSINESS" crap# ia jictually two complata oaatumaa in ana! Undar I Grumbacherl the pert jacket ia a hidden treasure . . . a stunning dress, 10.98 u> 14.98 ■mart enough to be on Ita own. enriehed with ailk ahnn- tung and boaating a . baauUftal' multl-gorod aklrtt NayNavy A rtists' Sets mmd I m r r dUiml or black In porfact fit^wtthaut-altamUon alma 14HI ito 23%, ^^iristmas ^^vrappiHgt 309 GAINSBOROUGH OIL COLOR SET . ., S2.7S NEW—FINEST QVALITT FINE QCAUTY 12 tubes of famous, artlata* quality Oalnaborough Oil Colmr Our quiltad ocafota paignoir k iprMklad wifk paaiai and (Slae n . . . H ” X'2’’l In wood grain box. Set contains linaaed oil, MOIRE ROBES RAYON BROCADE ROBES turpentine and an aaaortment of bniahaa. Ih wbh sotin piping. Sha'II wobr it flowing, bahad-er w (CNXINED) TWO-XOXE • you laa it hara, holf 'n' halfl And shall odera its woihaBla MAIZE AND BLACK 310 GAINSIOROUGH OIL COLOR SET . . . $3.75 GRAY AND MEDICM GRAY $ 8 .9 5 12 tubee of famoue, artlata’ quality Gainiborough Oil Color notura. Molta, pink and oquo. Sim H> to 11 (sisa n ...H " x 2’’( in 6" x 7” natural grain lacquered sketch $ 1 4 .9 5 box. Acceaaoriea include: Ilneeed oil, tu n ^ tin e and an aaaort- FULLY SATIN UNED ment of brushaa. s N in im V $ 1 2 .9 5 BROOKS 30-17 "SYMPHONIC" ARRANGEMENT .,. $3.50 NEW—TWO-TONE Brilliant Wnter Color Set As Advertised in NYLO.V AND RAYON 15 round cakes In a 5|t" x 7ti" bakad anamel finish meUI box Shoe Thaaa magnlflcant nylona ara an RAYON BROCADE ROBES with deep mixing wells in the lid. Arrangement of these Brilliant raatarhably waar-reolatant that wa COMBINATION aetualiy inaura them! Yet far all MAROON AND, GRAY ' Water Colors in apectrura sequence ■■ a "Symphonic" Color Clr- cla qM* only factliUtea mixing, but la a valugbia aid the in- thair imtaxing durability they’ra DRESS ROBES Btnictor In dcmonitrating color thoory. LacirKe water color Isrtiili luxuriously ahear , . , with a aott, S kates ■ubdued finiah. $ 8 .9 5 and color theory explanatory chart art furniahtd withto tha aet $ 1 2 .9 5 FOR WOMEN ALL-PURPOSE SHEERS 324 GAINSIOROUGH OIL COLOR SET ... $7.50 S11.9B m i I14.9B 61 ^ u fe—Only $1.39 pr. - 24 tubes of famous, artlata’ quality Oalnaborough Oil Oblor LUXURY SHEER (aise II...*4" x 2") In sturdy 7" x 12" natural grqln lacquered p o r ' m i n •0 gauge—Only 81.59 pr. TERRY ROBES hardwood sketch box. Set contains bottles of linseed oil and WHITE. MAIZE AND BLCE DESIARNEZ ROBES turpentine, palette, palette cups and ‘an assortment of bruahea. S12.9B mui $13.49 Bxtenaiva paletta of colors is useful for decorative pa|n{li)g, $ 9 .9 5 $ 1 4 .9 5 GIRLS'S7.9S — BOYS' S7.9B Study in *■ ; SOS PRE-TESTED OIL COLOR S R 7" x 13" 50 if i 7 studio aixa tubes of Grumbacher Pra-testad Oil Color in com­ 100% Nylon Crept pact sketch box. Set consists, in addition to artiat-aeiected paletto of colors, 2H Of, bottlaa of Unshed oil and turpentine, paletta, paletta knife, and an aaoortmaat of Orumhaeher bruahea. P i j i m i s

raM're eewny ea a Seeoawi la go NEW DUNEIIA 10A%.WOOL S07 PREvTESTED OH. COLOR S R 9" x 12" S12.S0 y maWMonoafaiir 100% wool Halt* HMMMMHIfWaiHKWWnHIH FU ID ROBES 10 atudlo BiM tubes of Grumbacher Pre-teatad 6u Color in hand­ FUNNEL ROBES some double lacquered weathair and acratch reaiatant natural ARRIVED TODAY! WE ARE LOCAL HEADQUARTERS FOR { ..Mteifiyiaiaariivawr WARMTH WITHOtrr WEIGHT MARTON AND NAVY flnlah hardwood sketch box. Set contains, In addition Urcalnra, Another Shipment OfThoaa 21i os. bottlaa of linseed oil and turpentine, palette, paletta knife Baadaf-Tttaa and cups, and ani.asaortment of Grumbacher brushes. In a bvadrad tm y •ayi. $ 1 0 .9 5 Flexibis Flyer Sleds $8.'95 Vm "ORLON, CARDIGAN ADAM hats I' $ 1 2 .9 5 - SWEATERS iae *eB ia emerted dan mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmm White. Siaea 34-40/ • - / ii.ail^hby IStadml DeVOE ARTISTS m O RS /• 10.98 f ' WASHABLE ATJM> A IJkRQE 8EI-ECTION OF 8ABARDINE ROBES V COTTON SEERSCCKER AND SKETCH TADS. IKUSHES OF A ll KINDS, LOOSE 8oltd or twe-toae. Maroon, Green, Grny and Navy. Small, ^ medliim, PLAID ROBES TUBE OIL COLORS--BOOKS ON HOW TO large and sxtin Ingge.

DRAW IT W . T. FOSTER a $ 8 .9 5 $4.95 to $6.95 TOLE CRAR TRAYS. WASTEBASKETS NORTHUtND SKIS AND LETTER lA S K I H WE HAVE A FIIU UNI OF S O S •IVE HIM A REOAL GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR A R O K CR AR MASTER PAINTING SETS WITH AND WimOUT HAaMUt DONT FORGET THAT W IU GLORIFY HIS LEISURE HOURS WITH NUMIERED COLORS THie FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11 MANOHESTER Emtara bias (juiA-dippiag 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. -V f T J S'• f ^ ■ Ci wink-tiaM drying. KMniRe S aPPLY CO: ptrleel to uka aloog to Mhaal! Nevdnr priat 4, Moodaria ki WUta, Piak or Blue. Siaa« S2 to S8. Nsw/eMwiwd print , FORMENO^LYt Ea A* Jbliiisoii F. >. BUSH-ZO, rn% UN I ■ natdudd«i^ faPink,BI»*ofM5iia.Sii5f88ta6a ■i.urp; <^f IPs Har^ifrare We H a ^ b * 5.98 P a in t Coa •77 PHONE MI-S-442f . ■ 699 MAIN STREET MANCHBRBX

i ’. v . - f ■"

■/ / . a - * ■ /'.’..•> •-'. V .'> • ■•:. ', -r,

..... V'*-{ i I. , ■ ' • ' — • HANCmayilcR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTBlt. CONH„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9.1968 COML WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9,1968 Was shown to sevani dassas'last motbar of tbo^ brido^lsct, and bride t f Adam.Chrlstla of'HHrt- waek, also a Sim on tha steal in> Phyllig Scraittoa dnstry and a adanoa Sim “ What Elected to Board of Dlrectora of SNETCO about ja ftMWM ford on Jan. S At tba South Meth­ M . , .... S ^edlilefi Makai; Rain.” odist Churcb, ’ Geor^^Daumn at Guest at Sbow eM o C m iu ^ aa d FALSE ^M fTH W v a an Tawa OoBMalttoo )i4ia sat udder Installatioii Ttar following parsons are serv­ ' --f' daCoratod in ' SRlNiHt or ? ing on tha Town Commlttaa: Mrs. Miss Vhyllio Scraatoa, ; l » ■O^Pisegtorial Priea War Montagm White, Ouy Outlaw. wadding itoga, fslea Knighton St.. Was guost oT Honor ippad bar mhny com POLDERS Aaaam. 0*c. • (SpMlid)—In Misa 1. P. Owens, M n. Farcy haadtttniMtto. UrlAtor I t«Mk O D ^ ffir WUooK. pMt sUte mMt«r with hi* Cook, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchin­ at a miacellanooua shower last PBBB OOIN'A p PKUSAL s . Idar/P n C A) —MUHonalto jJSjgjM * «■ «? »»« tiM lirtbMF •matpaCi wUl tiwUU affloen of son, Roscoa Talbot, Peter Mort- ITlday h lgh t> t the homo of bar playad a bitgat sarvdd. >wito a larga J MW*. lidded*^ iSnS^ th orgr PatfW i daalaa that ha ' In T S w a y ho iboutht an aaUn tte OnoK* at Uia mMUng Jan. 4. lock. Unwood B ngg, Mra, Oaorga aunt, M n John Buhla, U also daeOMtoWt . eecurilr by iuMlas Wst** Mar* surtod tha Korean War, avaa Hannon Cochran* waa alec ted Uuiga, Mrs. Larry JiUson. Mrs. HORSY SHOPPE nriMy/ Ne^Mimmy. Booey, peely lent* surplus d sp ^ a fuUy- ft. .Tba boBtom w u aa^ | Mra. MiclUud liSlikipontodf***^' Oar. Oaoter sad OrWwatd though Ito claaned tip a fortuna on OTonMar Uat night attar tha realg• Grant McNeil, Andrew Gasper, alstad by M n Jamaa Scranton, Mlaa Scranton wUl baeoind. tba It ffut h* proudly admus that he wMch ho nation of Klwood Hudson. Hobart William McCarroll, Mr. Ikid M n I tnmed beck Horweglans. MORS iMlolit Rift Idffcw, started a war that avaryoaa sd- Later he Kally waa alactad aaalatant Clifton Horne, the Rev. Stephan joys-a pite war ta tha «Wi la- up voMflid ard. Chamberlain. RuasaR J. Tbomp- Mid by tho •an* to a Gor>' maa Stnwbarry ahorlcaka and coffaa son, M n Brian Mlnalga and M n Dstohonr atngto-fiaadad, wC camgmm BM Ihem bogh Wan sanrad by tha Rafraahmant Doris Chamberlain. ----- thaTUh btoaopoly of Britain. It’s Mtbe AmMeaas ; a fancy prto*; Committee who#* membera wan: To Have Plant TUMa baUg fouaht with fish—and also The Korean Wtor had roeketod MORE tb chooffs^l r ^ .* o-. !■ Ausry < Mlaa Anna Lindholm, MIsa Olga M n Ronald Bockus will hava with disdt-bBok and fountain pan, their vahM. Undholm, Mias Mary Landbolm, charge of the plant table at the for Dawssn is nsiBg bis ptraawd Kdwln Undholm, Mr. and Mra. silver tea and sale to be bald fortuas to dsfy a two-year-old ban ^ t b ffort^Jflr7the Srttmr Oaotga Marritt. The commlttaa Thursday and spoaisored by tha oa fiffi Impwtod from lealaad. H^ « m . D a a ^ la k a e p liM S for naat Dec. 21 meeting will ha Ladias' Benevolent Society. Tba ban was imposed by British ■ngwa cfMWsd. *T may not make Miss V a n Stanley, Ooroim Rica, trswlsr owasra in 1961 whea they •a much out of dib as Z did out of Ruth . Rice. Viiginia Osborne, Manchester Evening Hein e i^ m M rs NO suistmiTE m k ware sad iidsd from 6,000 square surplus, but n io|sks onmgit," hs Richard Osbotna and Mrs. Itlaie Andover eorreanondent, ''M n _ U ^ a* Taalaa* Rwcy. Oewgto Nelson, telephena Pilgrim J < Schoal to Cloaa his flirt bpatioad of cod tranTia^ anoeraou BritishBnusotpro i prodnims. D*w- I School will dose Monday for land, ha waa hailsd as a aatienal Is kning moB^ « the Christmas vacation and then At Its widest point, the main here. British hpuwwlvea mad* Mm eod, Hs to Dulldtag hish otrii 3300,-> w ll be only a half session that day. island of. Bermuda is Im than two their pla-up boy. as he ahowsrsd 000... processing . - -jlin r - 't t 4t Grimrty, In e movie, ‘‘Huckleberry Finn,” miles adoas. ^ New Haven. Dec. t —Ralph A. pany’s plant department and lator thtm with free fIMi. Mttlng.. Ing up hishto oMnoaftn salessi__ _ prgsninn.______Powers, ot New Londan. and aervad as assistant vloe praMdent WiU oulckdlrstsa sonto of ths J ------Bkigana J. McNaaly. of New .Tdrk la the peraonnel department at Tbs irty-poly, ftvs-toot. 44-yiar- Osh to MirahroMff. City today warp elected mernbeni ATAT. In January 1949 he was eU cockney has sot always been "If ths traaddr owners try to of the bMrd of director# of the named vice preaident In charge of tha darling of the British public. ^ p me,” he w:tma. ‘TU Sy the Southern New England Telephone operations and a director ot the At CM tlms hs was wanUd for Oeh la from loci and.” qtiestlanlng J»y SooUsnd Taid, tba Cb. Northwestern BeU Tetephone Cb. iff liEfftolfff G W Jffwffiryf ItowsM p n abno into the Ice- Powers is president and a direc­ He waa elected president of tba French Burato and tba U. t/Hotne toadie Oshiag busineaa pretty TMrd, fortune GeOi^ Dewaon, who mad* sad tort two before, tor of tha Robertson Paper Box company later that year. ■ t of RsprasentoUvss. . Amsricaa thorougMy. He ih making a Hrat- to hasid on flah. Thft roto-poty checks Wi on hto ftolt at BUUaga, Company in Montville and Mc­ He returned to ATAT as person' Tin UMmwH inm naha CoagrsBsw in accused him of luuM study of tkb boat wUto wines gatsi LondOn‘5 fish ptaikac Nael^ I* a Vico president of the nel vice president In 1992 and making a $100,000,000 pront on to drink with flot* confplling s per- American Telephone and Tele­ the fo-sala of Amerlcea war sur­ effective Jan. 1 he will become plus goods. Mnal oeokery-lxipk of flah reeipss, graph Co. ‘Their election came it ATAT vice preaidant In charge of Of Yicur LffVff offtf ftfffffai..* and ptannlng anreUkihiUon of foa- “dsh” war, the Sunday Tbnas to- tha quarterly meeting of tha coiiv Nor has ha always enjoyed baak- tandle ait in London. operatlmi end. engineering. Me- big In a sunlight of pubUclty. tjfc» emtijr ebqiwved: ■BUBOr TOUK pany'a board of directors. ‘The Neely la a d i^ to r of the BeU As a cocknny.Aawsoa genuiasly . *TMb Is not, ns 4ha Irtohmsa board also voted a dividend of 49 mtei^one Lebdretorlea, the lUi Harry Lime ot ‘Tb* 'nilrd Maa” loves Sah, hsnl^en known to swrt said, n ffeSrnto Bat the po- cents a share on tha ebmpany'e nols BeU TeleiAione CO., ATATa fame, Dawson’ has preferred tbs Ms Rolto-RoyetMc'Mi to tha dodk* Uesmaa to'lookiaf tbs rtbsr way. caplUI < worth of cMp(*, ef SoK dmaas'lown in ths abM*. able on Jan. 15 to stockholders of of. reach of tlis.lMr at the twang. Cbnimenting ' oa record on Doc. 15. His alectlon as a director of the ef a Mthsr- ' ths present good luck to It” MOST Powers is widely known as a Southern New England Telephone bustaes* arid civie leader. He has Oo. revives a pracUca esUbUahsd DRESSER in 1885 and continued to 1986, been president and a director of With hlB sausagp lags tucked compleU coilsetion s f ths tbe.Robertacn' Co. since 1921. He accordiiig to A. F, Brooke, presi­ vary bsst. dent of the company. Ovar that beneath,* Lswlo tS v desk at No. is s director of C onb^cut Power SET 36 BarkHah Sguaia, Oswaon ad­ Sbatetfng Ksartnofe Cards Ot>., a corporator of the Ssvinj^ interval. Brooks said, there were at all times two officers of ATd^ mitted Utai It io-the Btrt DEWEY-RICHMAN Bank of New London, a member of has ever owned. 751 M AIN jK i the New lAndon area advlaory and on the hoard of directors of the s n e m ^ executive committeee of the Hert- Southern New England Telephone “An my life Toe mad* my deals fbrd Nntionnl Bank and Trust Co., Co. $ 2 9 .S ^ In bars,” ho say* cmidldly. mam motummMtti ft member of the Connecticut ad­ ‘‘The appointment of Powers end StarUngt at the ags ef 12, w h « ha rented out h|s..M^^^ Dawson visory board of the Uberty Mutual McNeely to the board,” Brooka Maay o tk m ap to SS«i JO a w msli i i salscffiA « l Am. Inauranpe Co., vice praoident and continue "brlnga Its membership has marto-- and Same say, la s t- director of the National Paper- to 13. ‘Their long end varied experi­ two fortunes. HVs now storting board Asah,, a director of the Na­ ence wiU be of greet value te ug.-” Dtowead Blag . . . on hla third. M mmiy piiM ranso. N » uMllar tional Aaan. of Mancfacturera and 8 fall eat dtaaMiadsi Fortune No. 1: By huyiag up r you wcnt.ywi w « M i» kartf) •resident nnd chairman of the 14-K hroksn-doWB tiudks la Juu yards •oard of Hlanigera of Lawrence and dtUng tha ussfaT parU to- end Mcmortal Asaociated Hos­ Instraetion in Gnitar S r" ’125" gethsr, ko to asU cem- pitals, New London. Mandolin, Violin, Hano pleU msfhinfts, bbnaalf scqulrsd Powers'was formtoly executive s dart sf tracks. At tha ago of vice president end director of the Accordion and Dnuns A dtatlaetlve the Ainericen Agricultural Chem­ nsausy ana ma own airpiaBa. Inatnimcnta, Fiery eeator.'dia- w#|iirKi arEwidiuBi ical Oo. Ha was a member of the aiead! 14-K geM. For^'UM No. 2: Dawson got Into Connecticut Development Coinmla* Musical SnppUca the■ eersp...... business ■ ■ sfU r T ttw war Sion from 1944 to 1963 and at on« by buying up a Ipt of self-seal­ Orchestra For Hira keaaty! •175- MkilWESTEII O M K T OENTER time was vtca preaident and direc­ ing aircraft laaks. 'He split tha 55S llA u ir B1^ fKML MtOOUS T n U -M O M B MMMS tor of the New England Council, tanks ooon. riooed eat their rub- vice preaiddnt end tmatee of the DUBftLDO Feor brUllaat aide 1847 Rogers Bros. 8U- Men's diamond onyx 4-pc. electric coffee * Connecticut HoaplUl Amn. and ver eet 50-pc. aervice Maaonle ring 542JM. am set $36.96. Bright gift ideas to keep a fdlow looking and feeling vice president aitd rideotor oof the make this a gift to"^ for • complete with 1 m e ^ long after Christmas. He always needs Sport New London Chamber of Com­ MOSn CENTER (2 , tieaeare! Lively cheat 575.16 186 MIDDLE TPK. WEST SMrts—so yon re always right to iqake hira^ gift of merce. He serves on the War Pro­ eeater dla- thesel duction Board la Washington and TEL. Ml S 42W waa a member of both the Area —A 14-K ' goMrti 1275" l l - ■ . Boys’ Dept<— Downstairs War Man Power Oommisslon and i the regional advisory board of the Small Defense Plants Administra­ tion. He wet a naval aviator in SRtCIAL DOUILE GMIN STAMPS GIVEN World War L RUSINESSMEN'S Bora in Houlton, Maliw, Powers I WITH CASH SALES AU DAY THURSDAY attended Bowdoin and Harvard LUNCHEON New London. colleges. Mr. and Mrs. Powera $ 1 . 0 0 make thehr home at 23 HUIalde Rd. SERVED OAILT M cN e^e entire career has been Plea to have year | ta the telephone business. JUft J^ss party here. Call as W J horn In Jackson, Mq, and lo b ^ 5I1-S-4I98. IcJiJtOllSEfiSOM tha Southwestern BeU T O lei^e Co. as a student engineer after Iw W E 9 Z V E J tfC GREEN STAMPS. his gradualton In 1922 fivm the Ciub Chianti UnlverWty of Mlaaouri. He roea 14 DEPOT 'SqVABE through tha ranks of the com­

Only 13 Shopping Dayt Until Christmos! &B T H E G I H SH rit lOUf.

Smoll appliances ore g i ^ b l o in -a m e iu c a n ' LADIEB' BENRUS MUSICAL S STRAND PEARLg EMBRACBABUI P O ^ E R BOX that Gveryone enjoys ond $9,00 $49.S0 i | - $i*9S they are so proctlcole We hove a complete line of opplionces ready for you. 'K'-'c-W S^.' A ll well known mokes! JOHNSON ■ L ffc riu c s h a v e r s Brothers fUCTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1043 MAIN ST. --MANCHSSnR


1- ' I ^ ■■ Vl' '

'll •. ■ ■

■i’ MANCHBSTKa EVENING HEBALD. MANCHMTBB, CONN, WSDifEESAY. DECEMBER 9. IMS ■ M- Section Two W9 DN9 8 DAY. DECEMBER 9. 19 H InoUi WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 ,19B8 SA Band, Carols Hebron nAm '-V,- Guest SpedEcr ■WSBP* At Verplanck PTA OldlBiUsSh^w Santa to Vi$it //■ * li^n SCOUTS Truck Victim UepntT Slate Health Cammlaairsissw. JAM States Ream mie I^m lw r mestinc of tho livin g in. 4 VerpUack FTA, Uat o voiIiif <« All Ch(idrem RUihtr Plana the achod auftttortim, was dovou ^ Gruidw^iDayl On Contract ed to CSiriatmu mualc, rirrlmUet m Pot FUneral The InteraatloasI Asm. t i M a-f -Imd Cim SCO t^ and vociO, prM uitod Jointly l»y Hebron-^BUIs aad aoeonnta dst-1 Uia Salvntlon A rm y Band, under Ing back to IftRI and 1884 have Newhara to OeonaoUeut will bq Ohartto Hehvlg. 581 Canter St, chinlsts, AFL, laid thia morning! Mtrrjr ChrlstMfti Cs A f ' the direction of Bandmaster Peter' come to light raohhtly and they Ybuad boys aad glrla more aax- was downbesrted wfien he celled the resulU of tho voto taken today Ha Can 8ay,SR 4 B s^ L$i4 Carlson. and-doeepR Triaao. fScol* give aome lak iiag o f what w n le .i^ aaraittag (nudataiaa aad the by Pratt and Whitney Aircraft’s 1 ty member who led the carol pobablv UMNightto thoaa d upen .D0g Warden , Lee Fracchu slnginf. be the "blgbi eeet of Uvlng.” ^ v a l M Santo than at the Naw- ra lly this mOrntog. East Hartford workers on wbetheri Has anyone seek a pu idtiit By Far toSton and HaiFitot foe to aeecpt or rejset n “finst" com-' sreiaid MiuKdisatsr that ipsa The meditaUon in a Welsh hymn Abner Hendec, a prohUnant mer- Hefwig'and Ms father were buay vocabulary of but two-ws|da cbsnt of Hcihon at tha time, sold Crippled Children to N^ngton. working on one elf the C hei^ se­ pany eontraet pfepeam would be[ tune entitled "Hyfrydal.” armnsed Kvary (^irstmas for the peat Merry Christmaa? by Blomberr. a S'wediah hulsician. to Captain Jeaae JHard nt tsUs on H ertford Read whan known tontgbL I aeveral large Mils dE goods For 88 years, each child a t ths A ^ parakset of Mra iBlHi thrilled the audience prith its dUrlU's boxar dag went aut into A union spokeaman raid the bal-1 J. SpeS^, Jr., 84 HoU a t, chances in mood and* .its majestic instance. Capt Hurd b o ^ t of Mr. 1 the read and was styuck by a hit- escaped aad ste asked' Deg Hendee four bushaVaad a half iff] U totod M to which the paopla e l and-run truck driver. lots, cam.soeratly by three ehlfta. endinc with the deep bass notes Connectlrat provided for tbeai. of workers today, would be counted! Wardefi Lae Fraechia tor flUlnc the hall. - In s)iarp con­ white beans a t 81 cents a baahel. f Sdection o: The dog was examined and ha aiatonce ia recovtoing the bM. Two firklnge (hia spaUlng) o f but­ With ■ the rising eoets for csre didn't move. HeiWlg got Into his OB tho stags of the StsU Tbaater, ^ trast was the somber. soothtnC ter cost him 12 aad a half cents and treatment o f the patients, the la Hartford, nt tbe conclusion of Anyone wbo notices or harmony of "SUr of thd East.” ear and vlalted Warden FraecUa, catbhto a murakaat that say* pound. hospital budget cannot provide nahtag that Lee handle the b u ^ the third awra niectlng, which Isi written by Evanceline Booth, Thirl—jirtj-clx yards of tdw cloth Chriitoiat gitta for theae ctoldren scheduled to start at 4:80 p.m. Merry Chrutniaa is urged to whose name is sjmonymous with nt the Fat. contact Mrs. Spencer. coct the Captain SO cents per yarA 1 who range from 8 months to 18 Lea aecompaniad Charlie back 1A88 la f i n * Veto Salvation Army 'work every­ What is tow cloth anywsvt Some Mqre than 1,000 lA M members w here The lUv. Olffeid Tiewle years of agw T b a help of Inter- to Hartford 'Road and the site of kind o f linen, probably. ■Pero pro* { aMed people from aU over ‘ tbe cast tbeir ballots at a meeting in The musicians themselves thor- Dm aeeldant instead of aeaing t ^ The Rev. Gifford H. Tbwle, Con- vision osrrele cost $1.84, or 87 State ill msktog a happy. Joyous Bog lying in the road, ths boxw ths Eastwood Theater, in East at the lest negotkUlag meeting oufhly enjoyed renderinc "The cenu per bsrreL 18 gellona of lard holiday for them will bo grate­ Hartford, tMa morning, snd the held before th* talks were brniUKi ChrUtmss Joy March" by Liedaen. crecational rural misSloiiaiy from wu Maafliig up with Charlte’a Vadala, India, wlU spselc 8 t C ^ te r rame to 18.84. or 48 cenU a gsUoa fully received. Sabn Ito IMw second shift was schedulod to sU rt off Thursday, and the company KIT KARSON.KIT $5.95 The Glorious UbeMtion M ar^ Mir "ssB" banela coat him 88.84, mseting in the Stole Theetor et a new selecUon played only once OoncrecaUonal Church sit several Many of these children come The dog waa then token to the baa agreed to frecM into the baeo Sixty buth^ of eaU sold for] • from Urge families whose parents John L , Von Dade waa electatf vatorinarlan on Weodbridge Street 1:80 p.m. rstoa e 17-cent cost-of-living al- before In New Enfiand. deUchted services the comlnc weekenA Bom 81A or so centa per buabeL OheeM in Worcester, Maas.,, and educated Snd it dlfffeult to buy the gifU worshipful mastor af Manahesur the examining doctor Said tha Sentiment at thia morning’a lowsac* now being paid. the audience, as A d the other se­ went fo r six cents e pound. Forty- meeting which waa ru n n i^ in lections offered by the ban4 in Massachusetts State Oqllece. Whai*8tke they would like to give. Lodge No. 78, a ; F. aad A. M., at was all rignto aa^pt for Tba compromlto wage offer la seven b;i8hels o f oats coat tbs esp- b vo ImpUeit FMOi K ittUa bump on his head. favor of rejoetton anyway, wes four cento lower than the union’s namely "Hamilton March" by Hartford Theoloclcal Seminary .tsln 88 cenU a busheL Three bar­ the annual matting held laat night As people are plsnntog gifts for at the Masoato TtmpU. The read­ W hat bad happened,aHiFi|i usiwtsa was wvoera that siamv spurred by union leaders, who said original demand and two eeato Merritt and "Christmas Tldlnn" and Cornell ITntvereity, he and rels of pork cost him 842 or 814 good word ? they could not recommend accep- by H ole \ Mrs. Towle apent nine years in thair own friends snd tomilies. ing of rsparta Indicated a year of the dog waaI 'knaeked eMder than higher then the companye flnrt per barrel. Ninety-seven pounds o f a n 'lea cube wnan struck^ tbs tonce of tha contract. offer. rural parishes in the United SUtes flax seed went for 10 centa a many also think of leas fortunate 1i|neadld pragrew under tha leader- A brief business meetlnc follow­ children to whom they woUM like ehlF o f Graham Is Clark, tha fstlr- truok.- The leaders, who . earlier aeld On th* stage of the East Hart­ ed the procram, with Mrs. Herbert before going to India. pound. 20 bushels o f com w tnt for ...It*8 they would present th* contract to A s director o f the Commiseibn 82H cents a busheL to give a praaent Santo CUus' tog mastor. ford theater this morning were A. Huffleld presidinc-\ The eve- Helpers at Newington wtteema . Oilier effleera alactad wars Erie Harold p. B a til^ 130 lAkewood Circle, deputy commissioner of the State D a o f*^ Hrafth th* membership "without com­ nlnc was cllmsxed with the serv- on the Godvra Church Council, the The Old store where. Mr. Hendee ment,” expraeeed themselves on Theodore Botbur, president af Rev. Mr. Towle has helped to did business ISO or more years ego, theae gUU which mean that the S^imndettioa, aentor warden; Hei;- accepts congratuiaUaea Ifrora Diek S'. Carpenter, presltmt of tho Rotary Club, aftor Dr. Barrett’s so- Lodge 1748 snd ehaJrnuui o f tM Inc of sessonal refreshmenU at mors needy children will have so -$ m J, Leggett, Junior wardra; W. ^raher at the club jneatlng last night st the MsnehMter Country Club. Hsr^ the preposal In enewer to quei- attracUvely decorated tables in orcsnlse nlm^ new churches and went up la the big fus to Hebron Four to Seek Msidmint, left, Introdneod Dr. Bsrrett. Uona from the floor. negotiating committee; Noebort directed the Isyinc ot foundations In 1881. It was tSoa operated by sxclting packages as others to the lUymond Hewitt, treasurer; T. Dianne, prerident of lAM Distrlet the cafeUria by Mrs. Fred room. Every' effort la made to Waltor Reickard. aaereUiy. Past CMtMse P-W Letter Veneaia and her conunlttee. for a 200-patient leprosorium in the late Lucian LeonsrA The top lesden also criticised 81; Grand Lodge Repreesatativ* Vadala. He is in charcc of the vo- autt tha gifts to tha exproaaed de­ Master W alU r S. Broadwell and [es Edmond Paraainha; and Grand sires of the children as many the company (o r aaaertlona in its esUonai achool, the hoateia where Past Master Raymond D. BUnea Golden Age Club . Chonia at 300 to Les4 Keeney PTA See* totter to employes Monday which Lodge RepreeentotHre QUbert students live and is director of IMimrVMB.BMi have Already written lettare to were alaetad tniatOes. Local Conaiiuiity Sisg were labeled untrue. The letter, Brunner, who recently arrived la Santo CUus with the implicit faith Holds visual cducaUon for tha entire M IVM rfOW J Von Deck U oaahiar nt tha Con- Town Planaars to Mi»8t Plans Yule Party which outlined the company's let- Hartford to aet up strike maehln* Marathi Mlsslcn. that U so chsracterisUo of all neetteut Muftul'XJfe Inauranee Ox ‘A Child I* Bora' tot offer and offered reasons for ery. SiliNTA WILL BE children as Chriaunas spproschsa. to Hartford, and realdas with his Dec.' 17 for Hearings About 300 members of three its rsrusel to grant saveral makw 20 Point Margin Ha received hia maater of sci­ / COX tlltt Saggestiaas wtfa and three aOns at 11 Jean Ri| ’The Golden Aga Club w ill hold singing groups will lead in a ence degree in agriculture at Cor­ H i i N d i n g A apocial Christmaa program, demands by tte union, described For those who would like to help He u a 82ndAa|r0a Mason' snd V its 'first Chris.mss party at the community carol sing to take talk of a a'.rike as a "threat" and nell, and his main reaponaibllity is Santo visit The Newington Home member o f XMSa Q iaptcr, Royi^ place Dec. 18 at 8:45 p. m. in featuring a play by tho Center Holiday Display Efforts to unseat setback play­ the big 15-aere farm o f the Vidals HMDWXRE I’W M ir-A- iwFw ^ .>a M iaveiQp- Conunuhity "Y ." North. Maw SL, part of a 'Tampaign of fear." ers under the banner of Uebe's H1|RE IN PERSON sr'>< Heepitot fo r CrippUd Children, Arch MaeonAiAe Adonlrsm Oetiii Oenter Park under the epon- Thespians and carols by tho High Tbe union ia demanding — and Mission, which is demonstrating to tomorrow afternoon st 9 o'clock, FoiRf, Shelf Hordwora, some of whom have already tele­ cll No. 14, J(L snd 8. M . Me alia EH«t.fesifm8;-a^ tbs aorsbip of the Manchester CUB TIE CUSP Wallpaper from their top position the entire ebuntrysids the beat in the hsaquet ball of the bUildlM. School Round Tablo Singers was the company ao far is refusing At Depot Square in the tournament under way at phoned to make inquiries about beeOmaa a member of tbe board e< fdttlrafNdl^ Tail Die.. 268 Oiamber of Commerce and full arbitretlon, automatic wage way o f doing thinga. Btetricd SrpbBm , tnastow during hU term aa msa^ Through the cooperation of Di­ Nutmeg Forest Tail Cedars of presented hut night st the month­ the Red Men's Club on BrainarA aultabU gifts, tbs tollowlng list the' Town rector William Stearas, of the T, progreaaion aad a guaranteed un 6 0 c Fins 80% ■rue PI., failed last nlcbt and the team On tha farm, crop rotation, In- T t t o b . THURSDAY has been made up to help them: tar. Lebanon. ly moctiag of the Keeny School A holiday display, tho traditional troducuon of n«w vegetables, bet­ aasuakalaAto cksnxa aChrisimsa tree will be a frature. PTA ia the South School Audi­ Ion membership, which le a modifi­ NaUvity Scene, has bran arectad at lead the flOld by 80 points. Soft-atuffe4 animela, corduroy The n ei^ aUcted snd the sp^ Walter Dawley will accom­ cation o f an earlier demand fo r a ter stock snd poultry breeding, use V O n M r M C M CHM poUUva officerk wiU be instolM iram ’;'jiaaHMEea M .aim i ’There will elen be cerol-slngtag, pany the high school chorus, torium. Depot Square. Lights on th* die- Liebe’s has held the lead for sev­ II P. M. to 9 P. M. overaUa siid Jerseys—sitce 2 to 8. 2 ^ n Uf laO nltm naU an ares refreahtnenu, snd tho exchange of union chop. ptoy will be turned on tonight CUBRMC eral weeks as opponents strove to of tractors are relieving poverty Middte Tw iw lw East woolen cape—eises 4 to 10, mittens on TUlisday evdning, Dae. 15. numbering about 250, the boys’ Th pUy, "A Child Is Bora." is o m e iAL snd distress to the extent of tbe hsMaen PlnhliW Mew RireeU. 85-cent gifts. Mrs. Skheleen L tw ii choir from St. James’ Church an adaptation from s radio script ReJacUon o f the contract by the Ekhrsrd Mortorty is chairman e f topple the team. TEL. M f-X iU I for chlidrra 8 years snd up, coa- ThtSyia one oT-^Beur. aFpUchtiona heads tbe committee ef arrange­ membership could mean a strike, Scores so far: Uebe's, 2,«1T; limited personnel snd funds of the with about SB imungstars and based on the 'beautiful drams o f the committee from the Maaehse- Plus 80% Tmx I SATURDAY Btriiction toys—-particularly erec­ that w ill aahm befofa. a fubUe ments. but union spokesmen have aeld ter Improvement Aaan. that annual­ HAVERSACK $1.25 CouchUn's All-Stars, 2,B97; Mor- mission. Through demonstration tor sets, socks—slses to 12, In- the Round Tsbls Singers from tbe NaUvity by Stophen Vincent thejr have been able to show to 8 About Town haartog Thuraday avsntok. Dec. 17, This will be the only get-to­ Benet. AUy directed by Philip that, regardless of the outcome of ly sponaora and erects the display iarty PainUrs, 2,503; Piters, 2,486; axpenaivf cheaa aets. House o f gether thia month, ae tbe next Manchester High SchooL the vote,' coatract negotiations small farmers that IrrigsUon, di- at- 8 o'clock to 'the Municipal Harold BsgUn. tenor, wiU ap­ Burgeaa, the cast consiaUng of on th* perklet north of tbs train Ttm 80% Milikowski, 2,473; Jack’s AlbStars, 10 al|m . u n t il c lo sin g cards gsme. older boys sad girU Building. , meeting would fell on Thursday. with the company would be re depot. OUB WRIST 2,458; Hood’s Milk, 2,430; John­ versifled snd Intensive methods of Miaa A very Ruaacll, daughter « f Dec. 24. The club waa organised in pear aa a soloist. Cboir dlree- Allan Coe. Jr.. Penny Richter, $3 Fed.Tks games suth as scrabble and There is aa existing induatrisl tors from stversl churches are Mary J o.P ow all, Betty Ekigluad sumed. with the union presenting Tbe Mancbeater Improvement son’s Paint, 2,424; Oliva's, 2,420;; agriculture win lift the farm Fhane Hertfetd 48-8885. OaReetl $2.98 c-nssta, wallets, SaahUgbts, cot­ Mr. and Mrs: Robert RusecII, February by the Manchester either the seme demands or modi- Red Men, 2,320. family out of the rut of the one- arcs where the plant is now, but expected to psrtictpstc. Com­ and Craig Noran, gave a moving Association wUl bold its aimuai \ WATCH AB Work Oaeieateed ton socks U| bright colors and pat­ Mountain Rd., Glastonbury, a Jun­ Branch o f tha TW C A fek men sn

iiStaaps AB Duj Thursdasr SSON RLO Fu rn itu r e d e p a r t m e n t

, ^ j s p g e t w y n poor • h e s im n m u h a msts * mmsm a' ionb m c . n o m . iu. 1 4 '> s ' " ■■ ;• -:r >■' ■ ■". : l.'Sf

HAH0BB8TBB JB V E ^ Q W ^ ^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9,1988 PAGPI MANCHE8TBR BVENINO KERAU). MANCHES1ER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBSIt 9.1988 ...... , I '■ I HI" I U e a m i "Aeaggn C MnnhalL” Me ffietad that S erg ef the Aaaerieaas nutfc -er Utto. But the tmldeiils and 'axiamal halrsdi, and which var, Jk., tba qieclal fitata Depart* know Was wML Ha eftan riogs M will decide to return home. Nuton Visits Iran; ment ell adviser, until NOton ra^ M0tto rt iir Store Qty No apparent piegieae baa bean rajoica la chnoa and human misery, kls strolls Mmut tosra to chat dgs* \ are on tha retreat." turns ta Waahlngtoii. usdly with y a ^ e ha maats. ■■ made in the preliminary pence Nixon, who had completed a talka aince they began Oct. 28. Tour Nears End The Ntxona arrived after a five- MarMall was asito tpo days M t ts The Reds Wednesday rajected out­ hour flight from Karachi ««ar the 10-day visit to tho Indian subcon­ IPor Marshall of a sickbsd uftaK IB bearded a right for a aecond time a "final" barren aatlanda and JU fad apoen- tinent, wqa Btlau on -what ha will liner la New York to anil for Cu- handad them Tueeday by « Om) talna of souUiwaat Pakistan and advkw - Presfifient P|mabow4r Mthtasw inalltttte « t Lanlngton. rope last w«ak. Mg. had baan As Strike Ends through tha h | ^ of te a . ' about l^ a n -n k ista a tm lrias. ■ with a virus infbctlos. anda of Osasn worth of' rare vFor n fapi. minutaa tha'iapeqlai Thii proposal would seat Rus- Peralaa o a ^ ta , featoened with whom Mnr- Ha baa Issig baen a beoaUr ef "I rsslly had n hafd Uma with Vraai Fac« Om ) ^.a at uie conference and require ceastaUatibR^flaW on tbisa motora hna avar.bad.ckiaa. contact West Point'a grlffison toansa and thru," ths gesaral tsM reportara laural andBd 'daebratod'with dacorae whlla tta ^aUrbqanl angina wna her to voto with the CSommuniat flaga of Irak aiuT tlUe United eallad by thatr ffra^ n saa. . eonyMars hiasatlf aamatlilng ofaa who asw him sff. tiMm. Th* dtoMon nuiy bt nwly bloc and to aasume full reapon- fantharad to aUmtnata. alf vapar- Personal Notfeita sidar bUUmnan-naaieh for "ths n a mrinr ema good and ha spska Statea. And atop tho decorationa iaation. Hq#4wC tba ptana wna Arn^ttiiet a< a a t WMk. It U not bindinf on slbillty for complying with the ■tbff and, Dwlgbt DriSaBBlsowar Point’* nt tta yonrly Army-Navy as alemyS with firm voice. But hs FROM GAUDET’S wars twin plaquaa of tha American in no troubto •itbor ttdo. terma of a treaty. eagla and tha ancient lioi^ aun and I Suprema Commander of Allied claaM* In PhnadsIpbtA had lest weight. Dean alao suggested inviting Tba Niaanardrova teradimebaoa InBfttiorlui^ Ha likes golf but no kmger playa Vndor tho aCTMiaont. tho 400 aword of Iran. in Europe, Msirahnll nd- Nswamaa tried to ask his views neutrals with experienca la Korea sngsgemant. Tritb the Shab. lAtar. IL Ha baa a putter’s touch for on currsat world nlfslrs—on ftua- photooncrmTora Involvod will g tt In a abort speech. Nixon ‘ de­ thf Vice P e d a n t wna to maak 0 4 AWfMUllte It him aa ''Biaenbbwer"—no to attend as non-voting observers ke" or "General," juM "Biaan- croquet, which ha plajra. occasion­ ,sis, osS the gsnsrsl Buropesn sttns- m IS WMkly wafo IncreaM, plus with Umtted rights to take part clared It waa'a aourca of deep sat* Premier Sfinedl at teg.- Tnitoiv ally. He ftahea some and goes iafaetlon to the UmUd States that row Nixon ivill meet noUtlcni; la* Da keif ysist leaa.ltf m m * m n But ha baa changed that Uon. But tha former Army C3Uef 70 c«nU worth of other beneflU— in debate. Teap ss yea like wklMMS tpsiaUiafi. $ 1 1 B e _ canoeing when on vacation In tha and Secretary of jitata made It , which boycotted Iran haa been making "effective bor and agricultural ' leadera and ji|hL awdiwn « dsik. Mpw ha calls hu old comrade la Adimwdacks of New York fitata. tho Muno packaco which the pub- use of such financial, technical and dine with tha Shah: ' Tha Nix- Il's3insgl*t.... nftna "My. Prealdsht" plain he no longer was an official, Ilihen etood on ell alonf, even Tuesday's session becauaa of ob­ « ksalssi.,TbSae ssaidf Mostly he reads and answers his that whan ha left the last of hla jections to Dean's proposal, was military assistance as wa hava ona are etajring at tha pataca of tkmoag’ few first name ex- bulky maU. Wbsa tke Nobsl Frias while propoelng arbitration. The been able ta extend . . . It is en* Prince Aborrssa until their de­ gays ot s^ntM iUii earn* over us, four Mg jobs, fiacretary of Da fact'Andins board can recommend represented again Wednesday. 1 ^ 1 is sUonco oltrn Oev, ^Uoiu for Maraball are MaJ. Geo. award was Onnouaead lattart cansa fansa, be became jest a ritlaen.-..^ couraging to note that in Asia, as parture for Tripoli on Satimday. not mssortrs k,ep you evor Beer aa by the taundrada—from presidents Please Everyone Dean said dUferencas had been »«***'**.«# ee«* «e*«ee«e*e**t^eee*m******«*******fi McCoy, who served with additional amounts. The unioh elsewhere in the world, the destruc­ , Informed aourcea aaid Nixon Tbouch you left us oao year ago. and just plaia peopla. I "When I reUred 1 walked had aoufht originally a $15 pack­ "aleviated but not aolVed." The the 1st Corps at Chicago, straight ouL” be aaid. U.S.- envoy said he' would meet tive forces which promote intqrhal will not meet with Herbert Hoo- The Packard Ijtwlly. McCarthy, a aec- When at hla Lsashurf home, age; ac^ed this down to 17.50. Marshall vlslta naarby WaBhlnff- Strike leadera said the formula again iater thla week with ROK wUry of^HW ieral aUff when i - President Syngman Rhee. Karahall headed It during World ton two or three times a*monui la expected to set a pattern for on buaineaa trips. Hs is chairman the other 20,000 union employes Five North Koreans ang three wbr n. 'T' ' ; Three Welcomed Chinese prisoners returned to the ^ h e n llanhall called a nuui In of tha AntMlcaa • Battle Mosni- of the city's newspapers. msnts Commlsslca, which has _ ir - The publishers estimated that Communists Wednesday, the flret a ^ started out just balling him in more than a waek to ask for "Jones," Jones knew thinga~wera jurisdiction over esmetarisa •v«’- Into Nurse Assn. the 13.75 package, extended in­ seas whara U. fi. dead of both dustry-wide in New York, would repatriaUon. The Indian Oommand The Santa-About-Town Says running at aa even keel. But if he said 278 Chinese and North Ko- OMned up with "Mr. Jones" or world warn rest Kasdly intarssrtad At the monthly meeting of the edit them better than 13,750,000 In this, ktarataan lu kas p^adlo GIFTS^HIM a year. Any added grant by the reane have now returned to the "QoloDel Jonea” tha gantral was MnHkhestar FuHle Health Nurts^ Communists. nnoyed and troubla was brewing. trips abroad to chaefc Ass the mala- Aaan. yaaUrday, Mrs. Philip Nel- fact-Snders would figure out at a 'Troubla doean’t come often now. tenancs and conditign of., tbs sol­ million dollafs a year industry­ Ths Indians also said ths mill dier burial placaa. ami, pseatdent. welcaasad three tary trial of seven Chinese prison- K E R E N S H O W Mgrahnlt hna put it aaide along new menkbere to the boerd. Mre. wide for every weekly dollar • n , . FaHf eaSaassSk. AC wlUi nil the other haraaementa of Gees to Ptaafeand. K. O. gained by the engravers. srs on a charge of murder will arDC ladadss ass WhssL wdntsr isaiistHla on Wssh- XAertesM# Cue, Mre. John Dfir- begin here Dec. 12. The Chineae are cesnmaad, high offiCAand making mor and Mre. Jeh|i RoMneon. Publishers were taking the in­ ****#.*•**«***••**•**•< o f policy. Ington and northern Virginia, in# GENT'S BLACK ONYX RING From dustry-wide view since eight other accused by former fellow pris by Gourielli « ; OasHral and Mbs. MnrsbaU go tto Mrs. Oertrudd lUyner reported unions, including the CIO Ameri­ oners who went back to the Com !Now life la aaaler. The general thair other home at Ptnahurst, M. an extremely busy month duii^ can Newspapers Guild and af­ munista of killing eome pro-Oom^ spends hours In contemplative C., asut live there until apriag. November ns tha nunma asads IS / / filiates of the AFL Printing munist prleonere in the south If hg's goy, charming ond cotmopoibon, " rebding of nawapapers and magn- Liscombs Lodge, dielr fHnehurst vtstu and 2fi cllalcC were held. In SILVER PLATED JIGGER Trades Council, have contract camp. crisp Hafa's How groemort ora mexia |mI liges about othsr peoples’ prob­ boma, la a modaat. clapboard line with the poUey s f having the negotiations or wage reopenings No bodies have been discovered. for the likot of hhn. lems. There are quiet evenlngri bungalow act in a smalUah garden, nursea keep alMesust aC. tho newer lad in g or due to come up aoon, The trial will be held under Indian spent In hia library and aftemoaia' so well screened by trees it barelv nspecta of treatment of. diseases MEN'S TIE BARS jCditorial, bualneas and some other military law. Norn's Mow Shavg firigi After Shove LoHw, on n sunny porch. Tha ganeral la visible from the. road only 2S and techniques ef auralag cart, the a employes are represented by the o liucket of Shaving Soap and Tolc, 5.Sp. likes Western novels—a reading yards away.. There la a covered numee attended n meeting'nt the m hdbtt ha picked up for reMAattoa veranda. A living Mom with a blf Guild. ‘ Here's How ihmm n iiialii After Shove lotion lloapiU^wbere Misa Bracken of the Members of these unions refused during the war. fireplace faces on a terrace, fier- Hartford HoaptUL was the to cross the picket lines set up by Cosmopolitan Club and Talc, 3.00. And it's He enjoys puttartag about the vanu are a maid anfi the ganaral'a 8 N . COfniMfi JIWMY MAMONO fOUTAMI MEN'S CUFF LINK SETS Frem vegetable garden ta back ef hla apoaher. the photo engravers, forcing the oil Christmas-boxed and reody to givel Cflilf mi tilH M k ; ______ordh^, Sgt. WlHlam Heffner. Alao attended were n regional heme on.Uio outaklrti of Leesburg, . When Uie MarabaU'e came ta to suspend. Had only the To Hear of Dolls « . * conferenoa jn Glastonbury and a sirstssmv ISO photo engravers quit, the papers AH wm wool itoiHn, Sow. VA He occasionally shows Up live nt Finehurst a 50-ySar-old O M M M H a t tba local grocery store tA r p meeting of the Connecticut State 8-PC. CHROME COCKTAIL SET $19.50 could have put out picture-less men’s golfing orgknlsatton, tha Nuretng Aaan; toi Hartford where editions. Tho engravers make the Mre. Grace K. Dyar, of Hart­ bit of shopping. Tin Whistles, elected him na hon­ ARTHUR DRUG STORE Marshall retires along sffiout orary member. HaST. 3AME8 BLOCK mjld-evonijig and rises sar|ybi ths eye on gdlf nffalm'nad in the Mg morning. Hs never was an antbusl- North and fienth TWirnamants, proved moat Informative. Mrs. The photo engravers agreed to tique Dolls,” at the meeting on nstle follower of the cocktail cir­ follows matches la Ills jeep stsUon fitorrs, .Mrs. fimytbe and Mra. LEATHER BILLFOLDS rm S5.00 and the strike yesterday by a vote Friday at the Center Church. cuit, even when his official- life in wagon, bops out nt greena to see Rayncr nsaUtod Dr. Nicholas of 191-77. Twice before they had Mrs. Dyar has an extensive col­ VA^aakington completed attendance hopr tha piutlnr goes, perchss on a Marsialo In giving flu shots to ths voted against accepting arbitra­ lection of dolls, and she will bring SLfi auch gSLthertikia. It's aaaier now camp a*.m to train Maoculars on town employes. CHROME MILITARY SET tion, which the publishers offered some with her. She has spoken tof pass up Invltatlona. He hasn’t npproadiUlg pl^'yers. Msmbsrs of the board ere re $7.50 along with the 13.75 package. to clubs and church groups in the smoked since 1935. Occnaumally he join, in a quail minded of a special meeting to be The photo engravers had asked Hartford area, over the radio last ^ e general likes football, a shoot. held Tueeday, at 10 a.m. to wrap a |15 package weekly increase at spring during a special exhibit of sperts Interest that dates bMk to There Is a small, plain nama Christmas irifts to b# distributad PARKER DESK SETS the start of the strike. They cut her collection and at the Connecti­ blfi student days at the Virginia plats at ths aatrsnes to Ltsi-embe by the nurasa. $13.50 I It in half last week. They had cut Historical Society building. earned 1120 a week for day work MEN’S W BlO eL She also had some of her dolls at Sparkling M tiniel—dependable as Santa himaelf PfiA tU and 1131 for night work. the 1953 Eastern Statea Exposi­ <"^E Appliances are evefjr homemfiker'i fivorite udyii tr-dR«ni Resumption of publication by the tion in Springfield. PHOTO-IDENT BRACELETS snoming papers was marked by . ♦ 5 fVMi $14.95 Mrs. Walter Dorman is hostess lift.Come in and adeet tout G-B-fift.NOW! IT''' CNAMI IV~ 9 S abbreviated first editions. for the meeting. Tea will be SM No ads, except death notices, served. * 1 9 were carried by the Times, which Members should bring to the ROLLS RAZORS S17.50 aaid on page 1 of an 18-page edi­ meeting their Christmas gifts for tion; paUenU in ths mental hoapltals. ARTHUR "Because of the difficulty in re­ j m m AddsfiePMA , establishing normal operations X L S T M i J U m i Samssf sfisNseiRi after a shutdown, the Times U de­ DO YOU WANT nneWsedfSe voting its entire mechanical facul­ B U D G ^ N T E R A T s r . Ysnr Hsmt Wish ties today to presenting as full a report of the news as possible. It 91 CENTER 8T.-4NANCHESTER AMOBAY PINE tCM M m therefore appears without adver­ ATTHECiNtER ON SAU THimSDAY, FRIDAY t SATURDAY I MOTHER tising except lor notices of death. Meae fa aiaka "At a later date, the Times will 817 Main fit—Next to DavU Bakery complete the record, in condensed arraageaiaats far a laaa fiENRRAL^flECTRIC Bitiilriiif form, of editions lost during the C l . 7 t V a V / D R U G STO R E Strike." •lO 9«»SOO .. • r *w-- ‘ 1 “ The Times devoted a column to ' P * . 's • * « "brief obituaries for strike period." _ -- . 7“ ; < TOYS GALORE . . . 67-PC. DINNER SET $24.95 First editions of today’s News imp ^ m. W^— ^ M ,, II ..III 1 .■■stra and Mirror, both Ublolds, con- tainad 34 pagM. In later odiUona S IS 1 , Mt the Mirror added 24 pages. The St S S - t MS J Tn RCA KRSONAL CLOCK RADIO $39.95 Newa second edlUon had 32 pages, m J 4F.4I i l l a s ^ 7 and the fihal had M. Summaries of the newa during T>«t — >«—< — ..ir.. J, Barstow Says: "Ws The Truth" the strike period were carried by ' B O O E K 8 BBO B. BEKV 1C 3B F O B S the Newa and the Mirror. Both also M O N ilf to htrfp wMi ewrroot WE NOW HAVE ANOTHER carried brief resumes of comic t a p o n t O L “ CHOCK FULL” 'FLAT Wa r e SET $39.95 Btripe missed during the walkout M O lM Y for iloctors ieotlsf, a g dlsptey ads fiUed the Herald fioipHo t fooofol b ilk OF WONDERFUL WESTINGHOUSE RROOUGT Tribune, which had reduced its sise / M O N IY for toRoi, intoroit* to- K)xii I VKKVOxl. TnblMible Toya t " i l " to eight pages during the strike. iw rooctr tuffioo. INEXPENSIVE GIFTS f a K b LADIES' BLACK ONYX RING $16.95 17'JIW M RgMMOTON " 4 0 " The paper said it was a record M O N IY for fumiturOr tools, lillla Trsvelee.svelen Hit. NNCn amount of advertising lineage for o^uipoionf. .. for tho Backed byT^yeais dTsetviceij'lD American VVbmenI dressesM ■i*ir» foM aa sefi-afufien, gr ^bs the paper. hom o, form , summof A MAN WILL LIKE THESE . . . iadudsddail firm body; Ear* 0 7 195 (imemstr 50 c o m p . 5-PC. MANICURE SET $3.98 $22^ *19 *27 M O N IY to m oitt litrifip moro Newell Rifle Wooden Train IN LEATHEK CASE convtniont, m oro ffi.fifi BUfeMs - Handeas, sheota 4«ffi KMa delIgM la tola ento Dean Threatens . plootoflf, m oro € 010- LOVELY, LACY SLIPS, 6 0 WNS NElV! With secret peekat plaattc b a B ...... A Uttla ftu Ifi f o r t e b l o . 1 To Halt !lParley ^M O N IY to molio your worh of OR PANTIES Quart Ibcrsnos m ffi hom o, to th t shop, on • • • • . * e • e to* y 4-PC. CHROME TEA SET $19.95 ' tho form , oosior« (Coatiiiiied ften Page Oae) t like la MV Nylon tricot or rayon. Ex­ mind. Thirty of the 108 remaining TIlWHONt • WRIT! • ar VISIT quisitely made and designed. GE KITCHEN CLOCK $4.88 to be interviewed will be called up Thurs(^y. FREFERRID $2.98 to $7.98 JJSssInaClriow- W ^n the South Koreans are riN A 'N Cf C O ., IN C. 3 ** 1B47 BOoiRBS nUNL 80.V BB FLAIIBO Mnmeted early next week, 22 MANCHiSm CBM , . «f| and 1 Briton who atav- wj SUM nwii • • «-i-i ft... SIW INO lAACHINI task and toy . . . .« r ~ BUTTER DISH AND KNIFE $5.50 S-A-x-x*?? ed with the Communists'will ap- Okm asm. Im,. WW. hi. V.Jf 1,JS Bare to nuke s BUtOVA-21 Jewels * r before Allied explainers. One ■U IfcwaSeye fiJC • I A.|.R, Man'eONVX «»<• •• imMmh W ..ySr tm . DadtPsercr Pan Anieriran IMTIAl MNO Egh American officer has pre- LOVELY RAYON. tU ILM N OwKseen. . Clipper Magic Craaa Road s t e r l in g s il v e r c a n d y d is h $4.95 ti-tawHstr 50 95 / GOWNS 9TITOM)4MinRI Plnla bean famene air- Crees eenetry train *59 tUiS All tixea to 46 llnar asarklngs; M ia tan net, craaamg ra ia *15 ♦ ” g iy ," wing epraad A ana gate. Fba .. 16 From $2.98 stltcMnB MiMMhMMiib -CHI Voda Mr. and Bite. Fetoto ALL KINDS OF ANTENNA WORK wINiM ’ C TBs nneerer T4a Hei CALI. yiMinn ms 3. fsg SO „ 9 8 * llf.NMHIY • * <* r C0hrfattr 4m k r tiif HolidiY GIFTS TO TAKE HOME C b ± a aiLKNTNlOJft.-- ' iK'J GIFTS(fT'^H0M E THE UTTLE SHOP HAS THE TOILET W A^B ..T.- " TV ANTENNA" SPECIALIST PBE8BBB M T B : SALTS w d SSRVICS—VEST FAW PtWSS 3 piecen in cnee . . I ...... - LARGEST SELECflON OF COTTON HA0t BKV8H . 4«fiS l andurii Tfla MODKLES8 TEL. MI-9-4772 -JEWlXlTE!' JMgainlijirM. ^ SUsiK Mrittoitfi*! TBAIN CASB^'^'* ^ ’nresd.BUtacIc, m|a KEYSTONEMOVIECAMERA «„$49;95 STREET FROCKS IN TOWN ‘'VaImaA mgV WW iVWLM flW mfffWIPv VMM W JU.R l targe mlirer Ne-.lid ... lA Cssittti3^...jC^ M O D EL AO Mlaay or half alaan SewwHeefcsSIrw REVERE MOVIE CAMERA $49.95 . to $ V I fbureFbA RA ^ traad Taattor $198 8.98 Aasse cssiersi fiash Tk>.md turn ssyUsa. anil, 3 films, CeothsadUs. mae 11-PC. ANSCO COMPLETE I CHRISTMAS TREES II w ashabl'e rayons included at ss.ts ;l6iey wesaaa kaewa the aame ItoaWesUHnewa It MaaA Mr V 4 ‘ “ Chrome finisb. . FLASH CAMERA SET $13.95 Slaea 13-30—14H to 34H- yeara aC dependsUIity, good asrvlaa New, pear stg mg aewiag aMkhsa Detacto eim be A waederfia aew Itoa-WeMlaebeeee MgSagl Few ean sisblehi * FbrbsAtTaUo Bathroom Scale fsadastlng, eadtaa varMy eC deeasH ra aestliw; beasdlMI *Mha« 7-cup pcrcolsssr whb I N0A4A LIGHTS, ORNAMENTS nuih'in Move. A mgs TDC 35mm SLIDE PROJECTOR $39.50 weifc oeoe poagUe ooly ea'aaamsaqial tbeamsabssa' wodUaai; am lASO sH tM er..J» 6.95 tA2Y SUSAN niverpietea HeOewnre 4 p*. COMFIi SIT yeeraslfbieru»eebe*eClMlee>adfiwwAIAadeae*/TbeIVwl | t 3 Wimiiigbsmi bagMa MMili 0 UUar la eesy to iitl Ten ana lastn As I tvraing' In ‘ IsSide Teiktte plus Caaco Haating Pad Not Bowl Sat 4-PC. CORONET "3D" Ml It ^ ^ 9 5 ******** tim nim r $04^95 eperatlenlnl8sskwtea.Tbanewftoe.Was>laghBadsMgfcglg04< IVllCtfiBf I e o o *5 ^ Sanaa 31* finaaci i lagBsaddnetadeytfiaeit'fsryemBeltMWf FLASH CAMERA . $19.95 i "4 TOYS - w __ J taeeeao. ■ i : usrnus-SMiUBm W H iH m LARGE'SEUCTiON .OF HOLIDAY LIQUORS Buy Now-Pay Latere Never Any Charge For Credit r ^ ^ fburalna 10% Off Hardware LOVELY AiiomiKi $ V k Q .95 On and Electrical PARKER'S RBSERVR AO N .^ ^ ^ P i l n t a .Wallpaper jM rOM Olf lACIWf SCHENLEY'S m gmi. Supplies GHT APRONS' 8 « Proof ...... F ifth A e W O Decanter Bottle ...... Fifth MRS. BAIMTOW h as UQED A FREE-WE8TINGHOU8I [I - ■ ■■■ ■ ' CALVERT RESERVE- CORBY'S B E S iim . -Av. V $ I i9 to 32.98 FOR 15 YEARS*.L]^ M R g||OW ^ d o d Whiakey ...... Fifth B ltM fU eker ’ •' • • Wftfc P^FUNTMUPFLYGO. tiBERAL Home demonsY" ------“ JtRApON BY P 4 ,, GRAND MacNISH ' l AND 1 YEAR F ^ JERVICE H E U B L ^ OOGRTAli^ V s FROMfkA. M. titil p. M. ' fleetch W h ia k e y ...... F ifth JUnbattana. Martini .,. .nfth ...... 1 . ^ fla te PlMNM BU-9-9018 ^ MISSION BELL Wmili ‘ * A PARKER'S W ^ ^ M A IN 5 T . BAR fart,,Sherry,. -W P n e t . B8T. 1982 if44«4444i.i4«A*' WPIWBII iM iM lii m

n • • - ' ■■ - - ' ■■ { , ■'- ■■ 'V^'■>' .. . ■ - ■ J-V ' ■■.V'.V:,. ■ ■■■ ■ ,> ■ ' '^’■^■' ■■'■■ ■ ■■' ; ■ . ■■ ■'^ ■ ■'■ MAKCHiaTEB EVENlNg HEBALP. MAITOHEglTHt, CW$hr*m . Hy tha -Daarbom t Si^E^EiEliit lE B ^ U i t f W U . M U IS M S E U UR B 1 wjwUHir «6r OHigUtBtlM abaU pn-. attamaya for Virginia, and South ona aaetlon o/ tha law and'RgelM answer "many questions aaked by J C i M U H f r W U A * - n t Marierl* B. Martin, Mn. and {grar, Mra. iotora Co.. Allan Rychling was Debates vail." Carolina, arguad that Congraae, In ■twWIiT ASctlon. Groton Unit Silent the committee.” _ _ \Jr»‘ '-T Town Is Invited Alfred R. Ckde, Allan U Carr, Mr. awarded one of the three gold p(|is Tnm am ■aHma OUad proposing tbs J4th Amendmeht, wit l a ^ b t f u i . ” Rta Slid. ”tbO Pratt esid-further steps of tHe w n o —IN* and Mrs Hsiury A. JMiks, Mr. and given by the 'Allla Chambera Ca., % Nankin, undar questioning, eald didn't contamplsts outlswing ws could hava gi'oupad- tha eoff- In Principal Firing CEA committee would iw deter­ Mrs. Oardnsr Q. Shorey, J. Robert In gardening. On Segregation tha Justice Department ad o ^ th* **SF*nUott. And. Wilson oaM, the ■piracy count with two different mined by the local board's action To Join Annual Rchuylcr. Mrs. Charles M. Iat- 1 K- views on aegrsgatloa expressed In ststee in sdopting it didn't under- cborsMi*” on Brown'* request for a public Visit '^A Y -Y atanU Benefit comb and ;«me othcra ChlMrsa to Rehearse a brtaf died hy tha iDruman ad- stsnd that it would do eo. Thar# la no naaffi* cbU updii^ba 'Oroton, Dee. p (Pi—A fact-find­ baartng. VStr- firaat 01Wer*l**v* Th* Gilead'Stinday School chll- Kaneaa law permits local school aonaplraey atatuta, .RUt asoMted Mrs. Kathiirlne M. Bribanee, :o^ I Starway . Christmas Sing Inexpinaive gifts war* sx- dran, axcaptlng klnd^arten and Enter Last Day mlntstratlocR iaqt year: This brief ing commlttaa of tha OonaecUcut j wu* _.ctor Chiiatlan ebanged between those present. In His CludstEMS Gift called th* "eeparat* but equal" boards In Srat olaas cities (15,000 bsMuaa tha ram atnlng two Bduealtnn Aa*a (CXA) says th* cAalmAn of (the Board of Rkhice- Miuie ^^WOWS-rBulldos Dmnunond some esaee causing much merri­ nurstry children, will rehearse at population and up) to provida charges. If proved porartt *^itfo- tion refused to comment on last tha ehurch after school Fridsiy. (Centtaaad P7«M Page Ona) doetrlaa laid down by the Supreme Oroton Board of Bduca'.ion refused Johnson Poultry Farm WHdY-Yalanu Baneflt Hetaron, Dec. S (Special)—Th* ment. J.., AT Court In IMS "wrong," and asked segrsgstod etementary achoola quat, penalty.” night's meeting WTIO— Great Olldtralaiv* entira community 1* Uivitad tS take New AnRral and In tha ease of Kansas City, If convietad, Foord faeaa a max­ last night to amplify lu reaaone Brown, principal of Pitch High __Hop WTHT—Mlk* Malkw .C^arols were eung and other In- ■egrugatipn violataq tha 14th th* court to ce-examine and over­ School for tC years, wss Informed _____ Rtvuo - -Doctor Chrtrtlaai part In a Chriatmaa community Btrumental music snjoved. Robert A daughter was bom to Mr. turn it. The Juatlc* Department aeparats high schools. imum penalty of 10 yaars In pris­ for denying a new oontnut for -NowirMudo -BuUdoc Drommond ■ing, Dec. 33. at about S p.m., In Horton 1* an sccomplished mua!-. and Mr*. Robert H. Horton Mon­ Amendment. •aid Raakin 'w u. ^peaking for the Wilson asld bis sole purpose In on. Principal B nest g. Brown of Fitch seversl woeks sgo his contract Thu OnristBias SeaioB UIU b«Uu front of the Congregational day. This la their second daugh- J. ta^say Almond, J#., ^flrglaig'a. appearing was to defend the con- Bsekes, If found guilty, fseeo a would hot be lenewed. There ha* ^Sounlry Mu*ic ^^_-^--Y aU nta Benefit clan and graatly helped out the praaent adBsiklstration. High gchooL bsen no offleial explanation but' un­ w.«tC-Health Aid* —W no-You Bet Your Uf* Church. Thl* la an annual occa­ program. Ur. HARMACS etitutlonallty of that law—not to maximum penalty of fiiro yoara. Attorney General, countered that MT'WnT-MIOOli niRNPIKI WTHT—»PlBvhouiA sion. Carols will be sung, and th* 4-H O ah Wlaa n*Mre A brief Sled by Atty. Gen. defend eegregation as a matter of The conunlttee met for en hour official rsporta said the board sr.d WOMS-Jack Ooiraejr The Gilead and local Congrega­ Brownell Nov. 37, responding to Foord and Badua wore airoated aad 45 minute* with the Board of WDSc-GathTand KliloU L*w1. selectmen have given permieelon tional Churchea will observe White The local 4-H Milk Squirts wars th* tourt was Iwlng aaked by public poUcy, last July 31 on bench warrantsJa- Brown had not seen eye to eye oh **lmAY—810 PoUt* Hop tsja_WONS—New*; SporU for a Are to be made to keep The DUtiMtive Men V Shop opponenta of aegregatlon "to go th.; court's speclSc quesUons, had ■dueaMon In what the execuUve the type of a new high school the Noor Loiro Lssm oimI WHbor Cross Hlfhwoy ' w nC —WMd«r Browu Gift Sunday. The Gilead aervtee Hated among the 10 outstanding not gone that far. It said th* pur­ sued by the guperlor Court sftar secretary of the CKA. Lyndon TI. town rtieuld b-jlld. WlilT-Jo* G lr^ WHAY—Y atanU Benefit Unger* and toea warm. will be at 11:19 a m. People me 4-H Clubs of th* county. Robert farther than the Congress ever In­ a oue-maa grand Jury- aald ha Pratt, called a "privato and In­ WOHC—Rocord «>op -You Bet Your Llf* « Folk* coming, to the sing are asked to bring gifts for shut-ins, H. Horton ia leader of the club. tended this court Should go.” pose of th* 14th Amendment "was found probable cauaa to bring the Browr. has asked for a public WOMS-Jaek DowMjr —Playfaou** aaked to bring elong Tule logs to to oeeur* for Negi'oes full end com­ State Won’t Pregs formal saselon.” lieariag wn the matter end ha* and Elliott L*wl* clothing for Korea, money for And T, Justin Moore, who also two men to triaL In a statement for the commit­ been .pronrued one within two keep th* Are going. Those who transportation charges on cloth­ Msnehaatar Bvenlag Herald He- BUY HIM A GIFT WITH A LABEL'HE KNOWS— opok* for Virginia, told the couH plete equaUty before the lew and The two men were Involved In **I?HAY-810 MkA -Bop havd any kind of a portable inetru- to abolish all legal diitlnctlons Congpiracy Charge tee Pratt eald the tnembere of the weeks of the onto of his rsquest, Order Your Capons arul —Th« Womio WHAT—Nile Watch ing, and for Veterans of th* cross. broa corrcopandaat,wdent. Mils Suaaa the Mgregatton lesu* calla for Judi­ ao-called "ftreworka scandal” of Board of Eoucatloa also refused to Nov. 80. r—Jo* Oinnd W nc-Big Story ment which might help provide Talent Show HeM PeadletoB. HArrlsilArrlson S-OSSO. ALL MERCHANDISE SOLD WITH A MONEY^BACK cial restraint "If any Issue ever biM-ed on race or color." the 1001 Lagislatlirt. . I, Rocord Shop WTOT—M>*tery Theater music are asked to bring them. bae." Rankin auggestsd lower courts WONS-Jack Downey WDRC—Crime Cla**lce The last four grades of the Ele­ GUARANTEE—CHEERFUL EXCHANGES AFTER CHRISTMAS (Ceattaued Page Om ) Chickens NOW For Christmas The experiment was tried some Harbors In northern Norway are "In my humble Judgment, there might be given the task, if segre­ DODBLK DATE “THAY—Weirtern Cararaa ^ WONS—Fanuiy Tbaatar years ago of providing a portable mentary School participated in a ,/nC —Juat Plain BIU talent show last Friday at the lea free although well above the IMWMMMWSSMMMMWMSMMMEMnVSNESHNHBSOStaMSr isn't anytIHnt yon could do that gation wero eutlawad, of consider­ He explained that the conspiracy Xipe Angeles :/P)—In addition to WTHT—Jo« Olrand WHAY-Nlte Watch reed organ to lead th* music, but Arctic Circle becauae they are ..r"' would be worse then an adverse ing plans for school Integration Wnc—Bik story * chilled Angers made' playing difA- school. Acta put on Included sing­ charges wtre instituted at the time meeting Michigan gtata In tha WDRC—Record Shop WTHT—Myatery Theater ing. dancing, speaking chorusas warmed by the Gulf Stream. degree,” Moore added. proposed by the local officials af­ of the arrest because It was Impos­ Rose Bowl, U.C.U.A. has a basket­ WUNS—Bobby Benion WDRC—Crime aaailc* cult and this was given up. Any and pantomimes. fected. These courte, he eald, FoR Lino of Oroeorios, Fmltt m i Ysfotohlig ■ tU — ^^wOfj^Famlly Tbaatar smalt instrumeiit such as an ac­ S Large Selection Of Nationally Advertised Thurgood Marshall, Negro attor­ sible then to ascertain the extent ball date with the Bpartaas WHAY—Weetem Caravan It was. not A’ contest, and there ney for tha National Asaociation could determlna how much time or nature of crimes that would be New Year* ev«. TTie Bruins aad WTIC—Front Pag* FairaU WHAY-Nlte Watch cordion, a jewsharp, or a'gutter, would ba required for a change­ HOSIERY SPECIALS CHRISTMAS TREES AND WREATHS- were nb Judges. gHeetIvely for the Advancement of Colored unearthed by subsequent InvasUga- U.g.C. will play Michigan gtata i WTHT—Jo* Oirand WTIC—Fibber. Molly would welcomed. * over. WDRC-rRccord Shop > WTHT—Headllh* Other groups will go caroling After Jan. 1, member* of th* 4-H S Brands ^At Popular Prices People (NAACP), said the ques­ tlon. and Iowa In a hoHday Intersee- SMB SEAMLESS WONS—Bobby B*naaa WDR^Roger* of th* Ga**tt* about the village later on, accord­ Gilead Dairy Herders will have the tion is "whether or not the wlehea Aeelatant Atty. Gen. Paul B. The difficulty. Bill said, was that tional court ^doubtehtader at WONS—Frank Edward* privilege of using the old White nCHY »IN RASH of these states shall prevail - or Wlleon, who apoke for Kansas, like Foard U charged with violation of Paa-Pacific J^ttorium . *‘I?HAY—W*»teni Caravan U:U— ing to custom. •*1 *)•«•* r*IM MW tt»m •iM*vl*f, *■>• S • ARROW SHIRTS •MeORiOOR SPORTSWIAR • DORIS HATS DARK SEAM PLAIN or MESH WTIC—Lorenao J. «ww, < WTHT—Joe Glrand W nC —Can You Top Thl* Members of the Hebron Congre­ Dairy Club will , appreciate a* regu­ ith f. I f w wwM iww «n *iM*. a wrlMlt, WDRC—Memory Lan* . WTHT—Turner Callfn* lar meeting place. •IM tM i**l. ftaWM. ri«*w*o», *» a A t • INTIRWOVIH HOSi • RAHIOR ROliS • SWANK JIWiUY Visit Osr Gift Shop WONS—Wild Bfll Hlekbk WDRC—Roger* of the Oaxell* gational Church are warned to «ti*n«Uf c«««S Mi* •** *cale lftH*S«w M » $1.19 Fair $1,09 S:4A— M-.Sa-WONS—Starlight S ej^p K h o n y meet at the Chapel Saturday at A Gold Seals Awarded •«V«e*r* IrM* b**S •* »»* WMiStr t«l** WHAY—New* p.m., to take action on the adoption Gold seals placed on 4-H Club Nllw** HcW»* |H*l**lta. S * w ^ i|^ • PLEETWAY PAJAMAS # SIMTEX FLANNEL SHIRTS • HICKOK lELTS WTIO—Pay* to Marry WHAY-NIt* Watch record books kept by club members btetatU •• «*iS»ri, **f*** Fr. Fer Pr. For W o hovo 9 Rm ouorf- - tthT—J o* Olrand WTIC—Report* from Whitehou**. of the church budget diacutaed at CWmMm k**H**. w**s*r M r* h vM**. ♦ • 3 $3-40 3 $3*25 „'DRO—Ma**ey. Tilton WTHT—Front and Center the recent church meeting, and to th* peat year among local mem­ *r*MM*ib »S»ntw S«M **• Smw « • CUPPER CRAFT CLOTHES • ALUGATOR COATS woNS-wnd m Hickok WDRC—New*; Mood* fnr Romanc* •ttl*. Um H wllk **»SSn c « ' H I* Mf« WONS—8l*e|lght l^rapitony act upon any other proper bual- bers included those kept by Arthur Rag. $1.29 Pair Rag. $1.19 « Pair moot of gifts, toys iMd «!«*- neaa. Perham. ASan Rychfing, Arthur Ur «MMrwi **S Mk*«* niii. •*«»- WHAY—W«w* IMS I* s* MggjM** s !2!! TEXTILE STORE'S The present Church Committee Keefe, Harry , and Save Lenefsky, ■MMV k«ck •HS**I *wHW*. W**S*» w n c —Report* tram Whltebouie NuvGiliBfs v g ih g h i d M WTHT—Front and Center is made up of Edward A. Smith, Joyce Kinney and Charles Schrcicr, |*lv*. J tn *r T*b**. ••* Wm 4 m t***. TRY OUR HOSIERY AND COMPARE WDRC—New*; Mood* fnr Romanca LeRoy B. Kinney and Fred Patten. in dairying; Charles Schreler, poul-' Said la Manehseter by Artker, ★ FranCUftBoEM ★ Gift CnrHOcstM FOR QUALITY AND PRICE WONS—StarllguT Ihitn^oay Pet-lAiek Sapper Held try; Allan. Rychling, gardening; WeMaa and lnr I iini’-up a lit ;ikt .''••I \ lie a ( ill \\ -I'hin;' FOR YOURSELF Power Tools For Christmas MANCHESTER ^••FOR GIFTS! *Reg.TJf. December 10-11-12 .. . for receiving iis to generously* We hope to merijt the tome confident in your -cotnfnunity os we hove in the Greoter.Hortford Areo fer the pott 20 yeort. We ore hot infollible but will endeovor to our utmoit to c m I foirly ond recti/y ony TIERS pair Plains,. Cromspuns, ^3 0 Plaids, Figured Prints, SA VING reosonoble mittokes promptly. Our prices will renfioin reosonoble ot oil timet, Nylons, Otgandics. ■ -iJh'' ond WE WILL NEVER KNOWINGLY BE UNDER RRiCEO. Regulor Cosh-ond- ^ EMBROIDERED on Complete SKIL Power Workshop Cofjy prices will stort of 89c for ony plain suit, coa^or dress — 49$ for sport DRAW DRAPES $3.98 up shirts, trousers, sweoters and ploin skirts. WEEKLY SPECIALS WILL BE AD­ Figured and plain colors. M” long to 00" long. VERTISED SO THAT THE PUBLIC CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM *. a AND "SAVE WITH SUPER." ' Just Received I HEAVY PRINTED IViRY STfP, Nf. n. (1 .98 FAILLE DRAPERIES EVERY DAY, Full width—00 Inchss long. Regular price last year $10.98. NOW A LOVEUER ■ A mk SHIRTS LOOK GASH AND CARRY YOU IN THEIR BEST Any Three WOMBN'S OR MEN'S BATH MAT AND LID ALL VIRGIN WOOL COVER SETS $2r9« ST. MARY'S BLANKETS Othars to IIO.M ^ $l4.9Sup THE WAY G SKIRtS Alt sines of mats In ovsla rounds^ plain TRENCH or figured with lid coyera to match. G SWEATERS BEAUTIFUL PEPPERELL W EDOTHhir CARESS BLANKETS STOCKINGS G TROUSERS PLASTIC SHOWER AND Rayon and nylon blend • That’s beeauee we ui* the equip­ COATS $9.95 SAVE *10 SAVE *20 ment, Mipplies and method* tjut WINDOW CURTAIN SETS There’s excite, SNOW SUIT CLEANED AND. MADE •a y any SKN. Hmso Shag OrW KM ar Powar Chaet (from inaure a ftedeet job every tiaM. Ve $2.98 to $8.98 nent in the way Ballet’s Soft twy any SKA Hasna Shag ar tuH dan Saw (fiaai $49.99 evea m e a epeds) laundry eiaM WATER REPELLENT $M.9S to $54.95), e«* • cartHkato warih $10 toward others in Pepperell plain taffeta, hand-, CHATHAM PURREY Foent Finuh gives toft a 6at* to $99.50), gal a caitiAcato wgiNi $20 toward gtm lwsa celled Velvet Rainbow that hoM 3 POD painted taffeU and striped satins. gemhata af lha naw SKU. Hanw Shag lanch Orindar. af a SKA Saw TaMa and Sandan Shagar KA toting misty lotA . . . excite. ■birU wriakle-freaand aaniiaruM* 89.05-$13.9^180S ” BLANKETS $10.95 r much longer tbea ordiaafy bon^ menl.ilQO, in Ballet’* stronger, Saa ua now for a demonatration. We’ll show bold .tenma*. Try u* on yanr aent' longer-wearing ebeemess end shirt buadle, aad eat the diSareaqe! ALL LINEN PATCH QUILTS $7.98 how SKIL toob enable even an amateur, to get. Ruffled. cuelom-ehapcd 6t. GUEST TOWELS 98c Each .faationtl raaulte- Make furniture, built-ina; do homa The color* aremagieallymsted ramodeling and repairi, hobby work and many SINGLE SHIRT ^ MARTEX AND DUNDEE ^ PEPPERELL SHEETS to the season’s leading fabric .Save 820 en a SKIL BOXED TOWEL SETS AND PILLOW CASES other joba. Your power tools will pay for them- SawTeUeandSandefw 2Sc shade*. Start weariag lowA to f. m J p a I^ ALL DAY WEDNESDJ^ aaeat. A. L. SLOCOMB, Prap. e a s t HARTFORD.; NAKTFOKP ., W tSy:#AI>‘rFORo;...... WILLIMAMTIC m a------n o h e^ f t f r 913 MAIN STREET->NEAR MANCHESTER SAVINGS BANK

I ^ L r>.. I .... <\V ■- 0^.<>- .

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BtANC»»^STER, CONN., WEDNESlSAYi DECEMBER 9 ,19S3 MANCHESTER BVEWNQ HERALDl M A N d^^ WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9,1968 - ...... ■ ' I. Mslvndreras vs, 'Jacinto It M M M M M U M M M M MIM IiMBb lilM IN M R^y!Pe*Vernon at the Silver Star. Agawnat. A®*** Gwga Ecker of f '' t » ■ ‘ ' .' ^Boltoa School PupUa l.eani Banking T echnl^et Gibbons Assembly Msiandraras; Bimjce P.-Cbrletow- Members will meet At, the Jipme V ( M ^ Canter. . ” n om a s Of Meriden, bn# eietor, m aky vs..John Ckristowakyi Gei- Mrs, Margaret ReUley of New YoaCW fBl^:.; •- -J

C h aryaltv S U N '* S EN I Bor AstiMaAs B o d fo t o r for Toddlers,Girls, Sub-Teens $ l o o ' • a m « » “ • at least twenty-fiv# stylos to aARHUOHT «NSMZ

^ salect from in taeh slza ranga. TRAINER BIKE CINDY B r Slebn X r j i r Wheel with seml-pneumatfo‘Miae, ehaln ! r - a r . - ■ u " . 2 v . A drive, chrome fendera, Coaspleto ' • A-e-C BLOCKS STRUTTER With halaneeia. Reg. fS9.9S. A A • '4 A Galaxy of GIFT ROBES | /ALL VINYL DOLL SPECIAL ...... $1.00 and 51.98 AKirt Ol III Ten ...... R l a n d q u i l t e d " T -V " p a j a m a s b y i * . t a c m i i W

With rootbd ksfr—can bt Uncle Wiqgley Gome • G ’ THE YOUNGSTER'S POWT GAME QUACKY FAMILY 3.98 to 8.98 Blade to walk like the Tlw cute pun toy greup weddlea along. 1 $ 1.00 nnOy quaddag. AH. wood cenatrnettea. i Coloful quilted cotton prints or hard pisstie body dolh. •ft MMX atnam washable celanese quilted bem» $1.25 i 29” tail bergs, B elt^ stylos, pegnoirs, zip­ per housefeoats. And don’t overlook i » - stm 17. Iiwfh. Nstu. these new "TV” quilted pajamas. $8.98 t o U O l Sim s 1 to 3 ,4 to 6it, 8 to 14. Priced 'f* ' liirz.’stts ri GENUINE Mm M . M . Ms Recording to size range. ^ SHEARUNO CUF^ • fM lEATNER SOtESI f l a n n e l p a j a m a s o r G O W N S REO-UUE-TAN.

Yo«it«ftan will lova you for Hiasa wans, cosy sKppart. Tha/ra cufo-«s 9 H 9 9 L - n L S9UAMI X d U M S h M U M . rJfiTiTi ilf^T aTi I I

I / / / ■ •. • •• 'v»\ •' '" .-V . / ■ ."'V " '■ ■■ :f'- ■' ■■ ■ ■ V • U546^>.'t-Ji'. r;.., ;*■■■:' . ' ■ ' ,. MANCHE8TEB EVENING HEBALD. MUICUSSTEB. CONN. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9,1 9 6 8 OOWM. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9^ 1968

BY CONTAINS COX FUNNY BtIBINBSS BY mmoiRiniORB DAILY diOeSWORp PUZZLE MeiYs Gift SUppem vi m Ha’ll always nppreefata a gift of Scraps MakrDBlI dtf)»as '-.p ^ A MAN<50IN» COMPtETCLY PfeAHUT». ••I't fortabMSUfVM m itu i 1 Answer to PreviouaCua^' Sense and NoiiBensO liar mpccasifi string. anti J 0 9 T - ONB Various Homtt IDT^ o i f Main Slraet, PAULOYJ has soft KIdskIn leathers ' and ONE. HANOFUt. mL An 3 8 1 ^ IttUs BUM^ bounced consistent! H m atlsea’e Craed some with Shearling Sheep strsd. So f A c e o s t ic is n p •1 believe in my Job. To eome into Uw Bostmaster’s oMco and for luxurious warmth at S3.3g and I Early man’s 4DsF Street has much to offer from gey Doctor—According to this anal­ days I've carried two burdens—pa SANTA", SI Center Street, has easy to keep clean. It is guaranteed f o o t w e a r for glamour and ROTARY IRONBR profsaatonal '44 Insects ysis there ie every indication that and the Are. Every time I ve tumsd ANGORA FOM FON 'TIE to ptaa- OUT OUR WAT BY J. R. WILIJAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ar ■inwt^H ODeteet high fidality PHONOGRAPHS washable, to preserve ita- velvety utility in corduroy,- felt, or allng results may be obtained and it 4SGirU a small percentage of blood is to look at one, the other has gona richness. 3o for wall paint that’s back safina $4.25 to $7.00, UcTMANGe PURSES and ueeful StM at tha PINE PHARMACr, that ara duigned to satiafv exact­ GLOVE HOLDERS that pay for can ba dene ao affortlaaaly and '4S Comforted getting into your alcohol system. out. 604 Center Street, where you'll complatoly different, get SUFER quickly. In the Electricalat 53 Past ing mnslc lovers. Mmiy RECORD themaelvM many Umea over. VAJ MIAHT Ab WELL YOU MUST SB IM find TOT8 for all ages. Books, PLAYERS for all aga groups and KEM-TONR at THB SHERWIR. liance Department ef J. W. 54 Motherhood OoafldcBtlslIy Wondering what to serve for des- Warm and dremy OLOY’ES of ny­ T A X s m r r h u r r y - u p p e r In a traffle snarl Ona of tha in* Racords, Fingtr PalnU and boxad budgets are on display, but whlch- W1LUAM3 OOMrANV, 71S MAIN 6 0 3 5 SlALB CORF, the ironer comas BjSAP MARTHA/HOM SALU8RIOU6 IP SHAPE—'AT teaer 50 French see sort when the bridge club comee? lon or cotton and dUttnctlvc AN' K A T rr/ HE'S NOT VPirRE ABLE TO The porclf brigade will surely know evitable horn-tooleu began blast­ Gamaa. You’ll anjoy ahopptng here aver model you chooec you'll be STREET. Hem’s a suggaation: Arrange with pull ,up chair and portable GETTIN’ OUT ASIM TOO*y- ilEniRM-tOlHfiMAMOR AFTER A - ST Unclose B^ore the summer's done HANDBAGS of faille, plastic THROva that OLD ing his horn. A man in a car along* for deepi^lona and Oirlstmaa giving lasting enjoyment broiled pineapple rlnga on apong- leathers and a few 'Cordaa that be­ stand. Saa their compieta Uaa HE WAS *IDLP NOT ID 6 0 ■■“W A L ftESE AlOO FiMD ^ \eOR SO Bacchanalian TTie secrets that we'd nevef tell aids looked over and politely In* Stattouery and Nate Papers H#r favorite doll will seem like NEAR. TH' CREEK AKT RPUMOHOUSE.^ lighting aquipmant beeauaa you calm squares and top with hot cara­ lle their thrifty prices. BLOUSES of AUTOMATTC PBRCOtATOM . j^-CHEEklEO ViBRAKtr 6e\JP/ cry At home to anyone. quired: "What eiae did you gat for can help soma ohlldrSn win valu­ For Christmas notes and Holl- mel sauce and a fluff of whipped brand-naw when you sew this for fragrint, dallcioua coffaa ovary •IS SEAT PUMSHEP m m r snoiAKtr p s R s o i- CURAE 59 Donkey —Catherine E. Berry Christmas, Flavor guide t As a rule, light, that are sh'-er or not—all favorite whole set ef elothaa. Usa aerapa AEAlM/ J able priaea by depositing vour colored honeys art milder in flavor day InvItaUons and maaaagca, th* cream. Plenty of calories in this team-matea with skIrU and suits. Ume, $11.35 to $37.50. TOABT* ALrrV INSPIRES MB TO 00 Ointment J » NOTE FAFERS at 50o a box are one, but it taates awfully good! yon’va aavad. AAOkii luckSrrAi 01 AUK RBXAIX CONTEST COUPONS than tha dark.colorcd ones. RRS that will give you golden 01 Shoe part right in the atore. BOXED COA- appropriate glfta for every name Pattern No. 8035 is for doUa 14, brown toast aa you Ilka it $13.36 CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNBR Buy only the amount of fresh 13, 18, 30, 32, 34 inches. For exact DOWN MEi'iC SETS by laadlng manufac­ on your list aa well aa STA- TYeaaured m fts for Vour Family sweet potatoes or yams that your to 33030. -rHAR-RuMPMf t turers are on glamorous display. MMalght Black IJagcrls 7TONRBV handsomely boxed, at­ yardage, consult pattom. 1 Concern Glamorous, mysterious BiJtCK It is pouiale to check off cve.y family can uaa in one week, ainca tractively decorated or smartly name on your Christmas iUt with this vegetable does not store weU. For this pattern, aand SOc in A daah of curry powder gives , 3 State JL IJNGERIE including Gowns, Slips, Initialed for Men and Women aU coins, your name, , addreoe, eita L Rubber tile Aoore will last a lonj Panties are available in matching a one-atop visit to tha DRWEV- seat to cream of tomato soup. ttnfe if properly cared fi $1.00 to $5.00 at HARRISON'S, Making cupcakes? Then surprise desired, and tha pattern number enacmbla aata at BURTON'S, INC,, S40 Main Street. RICHMAN OfnCPANY 767 Main to SUE BURNETT, THE MAN­ wipe wwith a damp mop la all that S41 Main Straet. With a whisper of You'll have fun decorating the Street, Not only JEWELRY to your family with one of these taste I Double Beauty Gift la acquired for good, everyday care. lace bodice the Nylon Tricot Satins suit every taaU and age group, treats. Tuck a couple of drained CHESTER RVENINa HERALD. DOTY’S DUSTING POWOBB B U G S B U N N Y Christmas tree and packagss if Serve citrus salads often wll^ 1159 AYE. AMBRICAB, NEW BtMl wonl-is helpful In removing are lustrous dreamland luxury ao you and the family make the trim­ but also LEATHER GOODS, 8TA- stewed apricot halves in iha hatter and COLOONE -Swlvciatick in a anp dltfgurttig marks. ^ easy to launder. Sq# the Black and meat, po>iltry or fish courses dur- in each cup before baking. Or YORK 33. N.r. <, gay "Strike Up the Bend” pack- mings. These are ao easy to make I Ing tha winter. An orange and onion TTONERV, BOOKS and glfu of Basie Fashion for ’53, Fall and "Shocking Pink" ensemble by —crocheted angel, bells and star ^BUNO 81LVEB ar. \ttrac-i fP'l?*** with agmg at the WELDON DBUG ^ Are VjMt Eedeo^Ung ' ring salad Is delicious with loaM small pieces of semi-sweet idmco- Winter, is a complete guide in COMipANY, 901 Main Straet Rogeni compute with Boudoir for mother and daughter to make; duck; grapefruit and red apple tivcly di^layed. 1m (Ts fa iw te chair in tima fag Gown, permanently pleated, brush­ tha others from paper and paate late before baking. Use either of planning a practical, sew-aimple cornea in four heavenly flra- Chtlatmaa? Many attraetlva make a refreshing accompaniment these auggeationa with white or wardrobe. Gift pattom printed in- grancea; L’AimanL Lferigan, Parie ed with lace. You owe it to yourself for dad and son to tackle. to roast pork. Ftaay Girls’ HeUday Dreeses REMNANT LENGTHS in Dad'S to aea thla lush lingerie tomorrow. Pattern No. S42i contains dlrec- chocolate before baking. Use either alde the book. Send 25 centa today. and Emeraude at $330 plus tax. fevariU color comblnaUoos ars Glamorisa your llttie angels this of these suggestions with whits or It’s a gift with feminlna M>paaL tloha for crocheted pmamenta, Offb-SIxe Rags far Christmaa Christmas season with gay dresses slMlWn aM n C N E V RROrrHERS stitch illflatratlont, tracing pat­ chocolate cake, batter. out Wrapping and Ties A busy Santa ran still deliver a from THB TOTS 'N TEENS 956 ArGela’ Blatotlala RHMNASIFSALESROOM; you'll terns and romplete' dlMctiona for Tha JOHNSON PAINT COM­ Orlffbu Sriaawrs find Tm m P frieset in self- The gay, imaginatively designed nift to' please the entire family if Main Street. There is euch a com­ Gift Ideas Quality sclaaors from the No­ ------!*»' wrapping papers la HARgUSON’a. ipaking 9 trimmings. PANY 390 Mam Street la fea­ todsd m Mw also antiqus vel- Band 25c in Colaa. your name, a 0‘s;13‘ -RUG fits 'pour needs. At plete selection of fairyland nylons, PHTTURE FRAMEft from MA- tion' Counter o f J. W . HALE Stt Mein Street, make poaeiMa an tha k U NCHEBlE B CARPET chamhraya. polished cottons, vel­ THER’8 AT THE CENTER are turing materials and auppllea in vetji ana'^lkniasks. addrtea and the Patum Number aeU and accaaaoriaa for thoor who COEP. ere auggaated aa gifts fer array of distiactiva packaring. U CENTER, 808 Main Street you'll veteens end Bates’ "dieclpllnes". shown in various sixes to hold two Issting valus and usefulneaa. Pre­ ^*s 0-* i t - 4 you choooae CDNTfNUOUSBOUS to ANNE CABOT, THE MAN­ like to work with OILS AND CHESTER EVKNfBO HERAIJ>, fin'd Affmlnstera, Twlats, Wiltons •A^ll at* ao feminine ao ^cture- or four picturaa. Some fold up cision-made for efficiency aad CTR^TEW proflL Famous names Uka Wtodaor finer aewing there are NHBABB yOBR, N. V. or Rayon blends by such famous laundering. Sisa 1-14 and Sub­ hand decorated, all make welcome for dressmaking in tha 3", V aad sighUd, tor targs and small pack­ manufacturers aa Bigelow, Mo­ teens tagged $2.9d to $14.98. Newton. Oelnaborough, and M. ages may be wrapped without PransnUng tha complete Anne 'giftB. COMPACTS and gay little 8" also the 4” , 5" and 3” Ladlas A L L E Y OOP Surprise BYV.T.RAMUN Cabot Needlework Album. Dirac- hawk and -Oullistan ^ 340, $55 Pill or stamp boxes in sterling or Grumbachar ara found here not aciaaors and doubla point Embroi­ waste. Some are D.oo a roil; the end 330 and up. Also COtten Rugs only at Chrlatmastima but la±. 12.60 else has 2t' of gold, silver, tlona for puppet mittens, baaic em­ There are bright flashes of color gold-fllled are shown. 3-pc. and dery Bclaaare for metlculotia sew­ broidery stitchee and. grand 'de­ in 4 colors, r x i2 ' for $57.00. throughout tha year. To en- ers. All- ars nickel plated drop green and red Foil. Large rolU of in coat and Jacktt linings this fall. 5-pc. DRESSER SETS in Jeweler's couraga worthwhile bobWea that signs are printed in thla issue. 35 Bronte or Sterllag sire handsomely forged steel at $3. and $3.00. WHATBA IPBAT EN^dySSHOP GIFT RIBBON that will not snap Thert ara alto touches of color in the Textile Painting Seta fer per- yveiiuHNtN' • db auuH ST. or break, that ties and curia at cents. Table and Chair Seta shoe- linlnga and cancan petticoat gift boxed. For easy cleaning the maRmcRrsB. donM Juirt in time for your holiday ruffiaa. brushes have removable blacks. bring out ones creaUra abUitlas When choosing a patterned eur- /. $1.00 lor .400 Faet in red, green or the Textile Painting Seta for white. , — - Custom-Cat Glsao Tope nceda THB KIDDIE FAIR. 1089 Attraetlva glfu for a beautiful ^ ^ . . tarn fabric, make aura that tha Msa To protect the tops of Desks. MalnStroet. offers quality TABLE Far the Feanfly, A Mavto Oamera lady’s dreaaiBg UbIe. aprons • of the design m the cuiteina ia in AND CHAIR SETS at savings. AU m handkerchieCe fer popular gift- acale with tha site of the room and > Goldenrod Egga are easy to pro- Rn<$ Tables or Coffee Tables from What could bring mote lasting giving. scratching or ring marks, tha 3. are gifts with a future for today's Here's a nutritious sweet: Steam lie fumMtings. For axampio, smaU paca and amaU frv love this dirii eating and playing enJoymenL pleaauEa to your family than designs m light colora ara attrac- OUTFIT YOUR Cook #6V6ruseveral e MSS a t untilunUI thsvlhav an A. WHITEfnbbsbm RXEnnaoGLASS COMPANY.e , 34 having 'a movta camera to capture and pit large prunes, then sttfff POLOINO BRIDGE TABLE AND them with pecan or walnut meats Dry your chopping bowl and tiva m small reoma with amaU win- wfite. fnthini CHAIR s n n yeg. now S3.9S. forever on aim the poignant family Vtok out of kaepiag alivera and add mam to a cup of act apcciflcationa tha glaaa thick mlleetOM p f abated exRarteiicea. and nesa Host suitable to yOur needs. Solid Hardwood aet$ Bf^Hedstroitt sugar, with maasiva win- medlum>while Sauca, H»at and la mapta pr waked birch regularly that -bflF’ the gtow i^^ - of flt-f ■ BOYS pour over ertap toast; new rub the For inexpenaivs protection of your chlldtw^' the apecial eventa. It la cup of fine fumibire~tt)ephone MI-9-fS33. $13. now 17.93 it has painted de­ hard-cooked yolks through a aiava sign on table. A sdbetal group of poaaibie to aMka a Jiving memory Desks V- n ■«. a a NS ea and let them garnish the dish. Thla Your aatimate inquiries ara in with^«...^VnB CAMERA from Vi tod. CHROSIR EABUB a n d c h a i r B li _ DazxUag, P l a e l ^ For the budding executive er sw,.wnwais«OTW FROM OUR amount will be enough for two or THE rAUxyr s t u d b b to e . three servings. SETS naw 'f $3.93 ragtiiariy 325.00. MAitBER'S A7 MagniScent Christmas bueineea woman, 3 INBSK o f thair WEOUORT-IKON SETS-with a Center S tiW . Prices start ht own encouragaa orderlinaas aad ‘Thajroub|t with that# sptituds tsats to that thay’rs If you want a coatljig of flour or $39.75, ^ v e HlRTHtHiaNH 4 rofr'that expeneian BRACELETS. uSoL crumbs to stick to fiah fUlcta to be modem feaUngAU.33 usually $30. aesuraa treasured privacy for per- iltbto to ahow you’r# fittsd for aomo kind of Job!’' Good Eating far the Holidaye carry that "eepMally :fo r you" re- BAREINOS. and NECKLACES at CHRIS WELKIN. Planetecr Boardinr Party ^ k d i i r • BOYS’ fried, dip the fllleUi into lightly and a verjr hrnited quantity of membranca whether it be to r !MATHER’S AT THB CENTER aoaal balongtogs. At THB KIDDIB BY RUSS WINIERBOTHAM FRUIT CAKES fragrant and de­ salted milk before dipping in the ROUND TABLES Ivith Captain Sny •Harry Cbrbitnu” FAHL 1039 Main StreeL you’ll find BUens AND HER BUDDIES licious ara packaged In useful Hn Husband, a Slater or a Niece.!'*’*^* entice you to want them for A Fine Thing \ •T EDGAR MAR11M flour or crumbe. . . Chairs in waxed birch o t maple with Fleweie Yott:u find 3 complete selecUon m *or gifts thla htfUday see- a select group of flat top. roll top Boxes ready for mailing, for giving $21.98 formerly $34.93. A holiday TABLE ABBANGE- desks in maple oi> blond flMMi. II hbi' ihe TML 9ECTIPI O B n C M E ^ l^ ^ ’nUI$ /MS/«fBJdN! ^ .and lor one's own detscUble enjoy­ mOiqr aettinga . from Januaty’s l * ^ 3"** months to come. See I n s ^ . , . ~ ~ NOWITB TWt HOMitSt \ VOO Mb TWt SUPIR Neckwear for Mea MENT o f fresh flowers by THE Garnet amU Rbbruary’n Xteathyst * EVENING SIAOS If you tVEdOTTNE ^ ment. Assorted CHRISTMAS - Is there e Man who actually has Naaeltra Spart Gifts JOYCE FLOWER SHOP 34 BMrU and Ties HTEAFEON MNSVeVT A K M B M MOD VIOK. VNL Y lR PtC X COOKIES for holiday guests are to July's Jti^ '-ahd 'Decwiber’elE!*” your wa- into the W R Y « t Y V S i OF XY.MN N«\- more ties than be cares to thumb You'll find many Sport GlfL Sug­ Onirch Street perroeetea a home Tur^olae. jdaq-April’s DUsaohd; Year. For bejaweled accents Alwaya a favorite gift fOr men TIC4M.T1>$I3«E molded into Santas, Horses, Trees through every morning? A wonder­ gestions displayed on the two at Christmestime, the BRKNT .3 EOCKENPSCP XSfMMCi p u E ' H e w L o p A jiio N and Glngermen. STOLLEN. tha a warm feetlv. glow you cen iTftw^ eh^e fi;;ij;;Sbto TVitORV • fully oomplete aaeortment to aelect floors of NASSIFF ARMS COM­ feel. DelightDellelif vm,eyour Christmas hos­ a., scoop necMinea do see the disttnc STAB SHIRTS with the collar WEAEur^RtCe taaty raised coffee bread, la plump for the coneervative Business Man, PANY* dOlS.Main Street where guaranteed to outlast the Shirt ara with fruits and nuts. CAKES decor­ tess with a Joyce CORSAGE and thre ONYX NECKLACE ‘AND FUMrBRE0> « the wardrobe conacloua Teen-ager, 8 and H GREEN STAMPS are if it la at all poasiUe do place Favortto Gift Wenraklee iKAWwrwA “ featured at MONTGOMEBY MfurKi M ^ 98S Mjiin ated with POinaettiA confectloM will the sqptitsUratod college crowd. At I given. You maymi prefer a GIFT TTie W lU foSB DttBSS SH(M> WARD COMPANY for 33.38 and tto bakad t^your order aa wot any- your order wel) m advance. Tel. II Mam Street is bvexBmatag'rS^' BEAD set of earriags and the d il ^ K Y BROTHiatS REM-1I CERTIFICATE for any particular MUchcU 9-0701, 001 Mato StreeL ; la ovw^swjlng with the French Cuffs tiiav a n a / 1 ^ meettf you have in mind by NANT 3ALESROOM. amount or specific gift fbr with it with Holiday weprabies to heaping <*****'“ '*• wanted value. The BRENT BN* Ttififwwb M|-3jJY54 THE n N B FASTBY, 60S Cbntor with the festive aura-of Christmaa. 8EMBLE iacludee a set o f Cuff / . StreeL ^ "V-.... goes tbs privilege o ^ e recipient's Remove ' coffee or tea atalna personalrsonal selection. TheTIte JJoh-B Hand Mirrors to Reflect Christmas Jay Nylon end wool SWltATCaM Ui- . HauarheM Stoala mmd TaMes Liidu, and a Tie 3|Jida on a quality f d while fresh by pouring boiling IVarmer caught our eye; only The J. A. WHITE GLASS COM­ lorad or bcjcwelod ’are vsraatlla C 0800 STOOLS and UTtUTY Brant shirt with ooft collar and water on atatna from hel^t of two $2.98 it’s a convenient acceaaorv PANY. 34 Birch StreeL has a year 'round attin. The Mary Bar­ T a b l e s from Ui# Hoiiaewarva* stays, at 33.43 complete to a gift ^Mt>ifoiK9kiA9mKxm or throe feet. Waah in warm soap­ for winter apectator sports. It wlil selection o t , MIRRORS .for every ron and Fray Pruf SUPS frothy Dapartment of J. W. HALE COBP. box. You’ll ftod eompleta atxa imnowm>mvtiM£o suds. Bleach may ba necasgary. hcht all day on one filling. room In yottc hom^ VENETIAN with lace and elegant detail are would be welcomed aa gifts by range and color aaaortment in the FREietmER.. .1 ’ < a s Mirrors ara fully ba^ed and ready all-time fenUntoe favorites at $2.33, modem homemakers. The Cooco Brent 33.83 broadcloth shirts. for hanging over the.mantel, the 13.08 and up. FUttertog H08IEBT line ia known for Ita durabla NECH'tlES of Dscron slso wool ' 7 . , divan or the buffet. For full length PRISCILLA’S POP Vi.! fiauqhfe? gets and BLDUSES that are conserva­ chrome conatructlon, laottog at- and rayon with Initial or pattern, T he B iz Sw itch B Y a L V E R M E E R view DOOB Mirrors sulUble for tive or daring to top SKISTS of tracUveneos and the posture becks some on sale for ffle othon to MICKEY FINN entrance hall cleeeta, or the Bou­ Co-Opcrstilicf LANKLBONASD aland out fullness are . to stock. on the stoola make for additional 3130. ^em rs, votT OOOHL HHOW X V4ATI f I fit ill Busfei- Brawns doir are available, and are eug- There are Weiner Bras and Gir­ coihfort and support. R u bW pad A M A 2E T H E S e ^ ^ geatsd for thoughtful glft-^ving. dles for baeic glamour and then STEP STOOLS so sturdy are a ME 70U SAID THE CHILDREN'S (O O O D ME MfU-NHOn N AN O fm ^ MMWWMITAME V Xt RATHIftSLEEP (W,IOIMIMTALaeiNMM(! UNDER I If you have a apecial problem or must for the safe reachtog mto WKNMrMWr WRENCNEP ir^ an unusual need telephone MI the Chriatmea frosttog by way of Thelncpiirer FROLIC WAS A LOT OFe- ToPMHEoom K A u m e u m tn , AMOlUI W E T lg l0 5 5 r JEWELED Pint, Eantofa and high cabineto. FOLDING UXUJTY tbatT mitx KratEfANP ANPHAVEMtEAKMSn PHILt MTymi COPPEEANPONKatSHWIE THE tree: 9-7533; your Inquiry will receive t a b l e s with chrome lege end ^O N SlN SIlj-^ experienced advice. Necklaces to accent and highlight THINK WU IBSOKir A SENTUP? y OO0OWNANP VMrCAIMVERAimcir your wardrobe. metal top flniobed in limed oak, OOGHTIONAME m u iE S biond. Rray, green or rad are Itoe You know tbt importaaceof ctft- You’ll save currant If you keep EAT ANYTHING WITH AUMGNr . Make a habit of Jotting down the for extra y/oA apace, for serving; mourn! rscr sIm and proper 9 c That’s your electric light bulbe clean. To the ceatera permit easy rolltog. clean a bulb, (remove it from its date on which you’ve bought a FALSETEETHI why o « r S m o t Brown $alt$mtn Many bright colon to choose, socket Slid waqh the glees but not n ice right on the container. If priced f r ^ |3J5. > if yea have we«M« o id i ri*Ma always jnifcif jo w daugbitf's the metal aerew. Be sure to dry there's a little left to the container dH(Xle.m di.cn(eMtcaANY you^U’ fliui gtfla to hcmlinea Uiey are $3.33 In ail sixet. a^ it maUa aatftedy. fcut at a»a taatalaaa, CAPTAIN EAST tog utensfl for test waterleas food The Acetate and Nylon ollpa keep' The Missile BY LESLIE TURNER loR f wbEringlAvoaits lolOf. please your own V. I. P. from egadaia. haiw lwa is yoa aag yaar p lim , preparation, tha prised-poaoesaion their beauty through many wach- Riatoyakia at gitaewg. Moacy hath if ooe FKECKLBS AND RI8 FRlENm Identifibd of modten homemakars. THE stocking f 11 he r a to handsome U&T T4L THEYKB THEY mcrX nis A niniE ae«TUR^ •Y MERRILL C MLOBflm Mw’U get comfort, styic, perfset under-the-tree packages. BOXED ingx and are generously cut with O U THE B E A C H . GET BUDGET CENTER *YHB HOUSE comfortabla fullasoa at 37.98 in ID V en nswrub WORE.M1D i t and good long wtar from OF SANTA” 01. Canter Street has UANDRERCHIBF8 of imported BRIMM'- i‘l ft .11 I INI If BhCKOVECnEnpfie JusroNB, \ PtO HE N o, HE TALKED hanks th sixes 32-44 la blue, white, peach SHOOT TBS Jm EU AU BE WRCD T f m ^ p a i r . the 7-pc. starter set for $14.95 Irish Linen with hand rolled or ,M(XLV.Kr tS*6T M TIME.SKl- /OU T. S«iC E THCRTU JUNE/BUT HAVE A TRYiNG '.jiK a-ITZ. ST Stowiy and black. Rayon sU'pa in extra .MminuGopoM :^ C E 1DNSOU, A MCXIIH- --ANO EXIREMEUr which fncludea a atatolcaa steel bordered hems, some mitialed BENOONU ISSr TO FUL QF _ U3UOf priced 3 in a box for gl.OO'to $1.79. Slxag 44-52 are also shown, as wall REPORT IT HON! rack. Thera are 12-pleea and 15- as half-alipa $1.00 to $1.93. Rayon* SOUNpEP MARBLES? V pleea sets available, aU sturdUy Warm, colorful,' boxad MUF­ THE GIFT THATS gift boxad. _ FLERS m wool or nyon to light Jersey GOW^S with Aispendcr shoulderx have beautiful nylon 8 URETOPLBABB A or dark aolids or plaida 98c to MtHP/ Yamooi Quality 31.98. Comfortable, wrap-around trim tagged 33.38 to alses 33-43 Jt you re a kitchen^ta cook. and tha Rayon-crepa gowna da- iBSoS’ r you’U find It wlse-ta Mart and end ROBES or Rayon, Gabardine, or EUCTRIC iUNKBT your meals with a cold course. Beacon Blanket Cleth to all ateae ligbtfully .femtoine yrlth dainty Then you «an use yeur limited heat- j and colora at $7.96 regular 313.00 nylon lace trim $2.98 siasd 33-44. tog space for the main course. ' value. Col’S Cell It’s a laughter-producing toy for the younger child. Imagtoativcly designed ^or f< top enjoyment, Cal’e KfMP'S .RECORD DEPARTMENT SUO O ESn Colt at THE . KIDDIB FAm 103$ Mam Street is a bouncing spring ______/2 -f horaa in two rises selling r e ^ a r - yiC FLINT Oh. Hello, Libby! NECKWEAR frem CHENEY BROTHERS B E N S O N 'S , InCa BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY WE OP MARTHA WAYNI Touch And Go New Record Releases ly at $7.98 and $9.33 now rtouced 1933 Main SL, Phowo MI-3 - 32a WILSON SCRUGGS NOW from our very complete seleo- to $5.98 and 37J8. The child ie ______iMVAa/KflNif w e/W IU .ItL H M « , AgB\OUBOM M TH» B A N UNIN- gently exercised but the toy eUya EMBNAWWllTNe tioiK All the -weated patterns^ and colors. I NiN^^*N^JDi ••••«• •'••••••••«•••• tfjBBi ^loBM T PORHKNBV ^ .oosGbMyMnBrAiI/ MBM*H«r,A«.'Sheriff MONOir, V « » 3 h lM .I ______irm ly lb one spot. PLJNnOR JLE O L B V y. WHAff ANssenoMK 3H0MB Puokcr I /' OH MEIN PAPA ...... _____ ... E«WiB HslMr | flAN iLbpfl^H APPM Df HAS NAhHLUAHeUiB. - AEMNANTR a n d IMPHlUrBCTa : Sowliig em* Utltttr CRhIxaki 7HS R U rnC D LlR TOLMfr HOwaOMWOlAFX M SADIE THOMPSON SONf ...... I At the BINOBR BEW M B U lT L E m CENTER, 383 Mato Rtnat a Urn- [sTil^WAY. TO HEAVBI ...... SNb i WkitmoB | Itad number ot hendadme BtwkMT SlSZ^SSilSKL oe Store and UtUity CaMnetia v f sHarM at SSfcJ a wihMafRtoi a x i ^ . Rdna With iBUt! two, thMRor fPur gMalMa draw* remnant SAUSRQOM J era fltt«4 frith dUDl# ,Rmys aad BA1|TFOItO ROAD *^ HANCMBSTVI ' thraad gpei* theaa,:. “

^D N E SO A liU C pR l MATED- ___ PUSNI M i MUSIC BOMB OF PRIGIDAIRBI to tl3.0» pPEh^% Y6 5t3t-f^TUROAY t 4:48 T l t J U M f . ' a trC G m m M i.s*6M a - ' 4 ’•> fi’’’*!'- ^ f ^ t '

. J

-fi, s * ...... ^ MAfiCmsSTEl CVSNIN6 BEBALD. MANOlnBTiB. OCmif. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ». 198S MANCHSStiCR EVSNINQ BERALD. WHOTeSDAY. D&agXESR i, 1081 * Scores Feature Rec Cage High Explodes in Final Period to Drub

Figures in Red. Sox-SetMlprs Deal *Four Horsemen* Honour Lattner Frick Says Pension Plan ' Av Heavyweights So Bad Marciano iNassiff’s and Newsmen Home Five Post 59-43 Win; Johnson Features * ■ Has to Go on Biim-of-Month Diet; Each Get 82 Points Will Remain in % New York (N EAl—The wind la Gene Johnson H oops 14 manner in which Big Jim Norris Former Rallies to Beat beginning to blow a bit more brisk­ Starsa, Vet Nardico and Biwreroni and the International Boxing Club must figure as prominent contend­ 82 Paint Totals Points, But Fails to (_ Not Enough Punch* aion*Pt^‘^ ilii* ^ ’ ^ i ^ 33-year-oId flychaaer ly along Jacobs Beach, but It Isn't Mayflowers, 82 to 73; elon Plan will be abandoned only who bntted .363 In bis n o i i b see- make matches, he la perfect. He ers, or what passes for such these over my dead body.*' | emi. Rocky, Tuiue;^ "hoiting” the Important members does not figure to draw much days. hstklll Araili ItSl Courant on Big Spree Get Help from Mates ; ' ^ Sar4f«v4 Wsh (36| money, even at the peak of the R I Baseball Ommisaioner Ford I Jensen, whose long ban right- of the b o j^ g mob. THE ANSWER to the alluatton Miller. f ...... It A tpuHst season in Florida. He docs To Trounce ^^meras Setter Leads Winners • | i Frick, despite the stunning action bandod hitting stfongth should fit AL WEfLL has flown his slight­ is obvious. It’s got to be another 0 Hrrk. t ...... ' s Plato. I Fight Tonight ly wondcrfulous built to in not figure to last more than two or II Tom. I ...... 3 by the Mg league players in A t-' three rounds with Marciano. But Bum-of-the-Month Club. Mike Ja-. '3- Biirowli'C. r. ... By HAL-TUREINGTON 1 i lanta last Wedneadav m .e. tiii. '• Psrk, batted only J 66 lest a bold bid to become the new 13 Oinorn. s STANDINON Hartford High exploded la Uie i w Wednesday, made but he drov*^te 64 run* and . aaveiand. Doc. 6 (S)— RoekF mikado, or something. James D. the Utirholder has to be kept mov^t'COhs conducted one for Joe Louis, ;« Tertlord, ■ .... 4 4 this, ing, no matter how painful. and here and there along the trail V Mason, g ...... W L Pet. final period and ran away from 1 ieiter, ! ...... eu!u •* ^ major league Mt 10 boroert in epMioua Griffith Ckatellani nod Gil Turner istll atap Norris is shuttling between New Frankie’s Drivt-In . . . 2 0 1.000 club ownem eat down to dlaeuae j BUdlum; The former CaUfomte \ork and Fliroda, probably seeing JIMMY Ih^ANOBI^ even talks there cropped up gn exciting en­ Mancheater High at the Hopkins - m.,. Into tiw ring at even o4, to mention, that is if you’re a nice whom Marciano deposited on the Bomber's meeting with Buddy P K PI*. Morh.rdI, t ...... 3 •v*er^ “ ■ PUyer trmJes ring apron last September. Man­ 4 McKUIft>i. t tt ...... 7 14 Herm’s Chuneras ..... I 1 .500 win over the Indiana. J >3 i over to ine PMyere^ , weren't too bright today slnoe sev- sptto publiahad ring ,ratingp. gtiy. It’s Tokyo and Miami Beach Baer in Washington. 3 PSxh**r, ( .... * ...... 3 n Miller’s Rastaurant . . . Col*. I 3 ager DeAngelo la ready to accept Nardico In Miami would provide 0 a .000 The local Jayvees squared mat- 1 John4on...... f .7 CaaUUaiU, tha rt-yggif-gtfi atab- where the ring news is being made 1 N. f ...... • 0-0 13 Mayflower Restaurant and it all Involves, naturally, an offer to fight Don Cockell in an excellent start for the Marciano 3 & c ,...... y s 15 0 3 .000 tars for the evening by staging a 1 ' ...... 2 TME EXECUTIVES will vote on! 5 2 J e * 4 ^ e and-croaa puncher who near Uvaa 3 oroFnhfLum, i ...... a 4-4 B a number of pUyer demands. By ‘ Dehlu^im Weill’s former ditcit digger, Rocco London at the end of March. edition of the club. Ihen Bucceroni 1 (irlffUittlA ...... R 16 ■econd half offeiue Ihet produud .3 LiuSnbech.'c'.” .".';.',','3 at nearby Clavaland Hatghta, ia "We figure to beat Cockell," he 2 0*0 Two contesU were played in the a 43-39 victory over the Hartford'*B Bilyer.Silver, q s ...... ,. 3 Marchegiano. While Rocky Mar­ in Philadelphia, Oiarlea in New XUlrTArf Vest...... 0 0 n nrlswoM, s ...... ranked officially oa Um No, 6 con­ ciano cashes In on the heavy­ aaya 'Then we can get one good York and Valdes any place would Rec Senior League last night. In yearlings. “3 Bo|ll. ■ ...... oV^^-siTn^dr&i^u^^ts: 13 TnUI* ...... *S Imis 73 the firat game the Hartford Gowr- controveralal resohiUon peaoed at •‘•rtUfiS news unearthed by tender for the .title OMforaia’a weight championship on a lour of wip over a Charlea or a Valdes keep the string going along neatly. Mi half lime. 33-31 Mayflower. a n t^ w n e d Herm'a Cameraa. 83 COACH ELGIN ^*rURSKV has IB Tout...... 14 11-37 43 the Sept. 29 meeting of the EMecu- y«*terday Bobo Olson reeenUy Uftad t n m the far east, Jim Norris is trying and we’ll be right back looking Marciano would be curbing that Referee,’ Realilo-Bossinl. Score at h.lf time. 31-2S llarUord. tivetlve Council recommendingreoommendinr that a H**.*^ ------pUyer pOyer representetivea representatives England's Randy lYnpln. ‘ to put together a February match fq.' Marciano." w 62. ai^ In the second scrap, th "Help Wanted" sign out. end appetite. Weill would iJe making Nessiff Arms defaeted the May­ Offlcltl.. Hellyer and O’Brien. committee be set up to study and had sought and acted on the advice Before deetdi^ tha odda war* in Miami which would see the "That’s the key to the thing. money and Norris would have MarlUrd. Caaraal (St) he meaiis big help. Only thing the Tim* Pour S mtn. |>*rl. «4 GonHBHMTcontander behindueiuna llght-hcavyweight Danny Nardicn, fight. Nardico has been soundly have Roland LaStarsa ready for IN THE OPENER the Courant supply some p ^ t e . Thej were 5 • .... 1 n ers will move to dissolve the multi- ball folks here by storm. That Notre Dame back, aa he holda Helaman trophy awarded annually by Downtown Athletic Club to 3 Hannon, s ...... ,,S f-3 17 another PhillUladg^ian, Joe Oiar- ju m ^ out in front in the second beaten again last night, their aec- £ * ' f ‘ ...... <1 washed-up Eszard Charles; Dan trounced by Bucceroni. The string- what woifld be called another big 1 DIBonnliloio, s ...... 3 3.4 $ 5 5 ..... 0 million dollar plan. Deqpite their wee e chief topic of dlncusaion in deill. year'a outstandinir colleire football player, at the club in New York. Left to right, they are: Don Bucceroni or Nino Valdes. bean Philadelphian with the China i Conran, g ...... 4 041 3 quarter and waa never threatened ond loss in two schoolboy engage-' aockifr. f V.'.V.V the hotel lobby end in the meet­ one. a Hlllery. s ...... 3 1-1 7 bitterneee toward the players at The IS-rMMd'mmdloirt feotaraa EM Miller, Elmer Layden, Lattner, Jim Crowley and Harry Stuhldreher. Nardico is being mentioned most chin spent the better part of an Does anybody want to be a from then OH’ The one man who' .-*^5** i**“ *"* *^*’**> Washington Sonatora, was traded Dec. I to the Boaton menta, because Hartford had a Mg ■ * ...... what they term ''defamation of ing of at least e*ie ls4|gue. kept Herm a in the game was John Tom Umphlett. left, and pitcher Maurla McDermott, center. It was the first big edge in height SSth Annuel Toy prominently. Under tha normal evening on the floor against La­ matchmaker? lu Totala ...... :..^..3* TI» U our character," most owners are Frick refused to diacuaa this epeneered by tho Clevelned No I^ m ts k y with his sharp aet- trade ce m p le ^ at ma^r league winter meetings eurrcnU)r In acaalon in New York. Jensen hit .366 last Gene Johnson showed signs of Cci*. g ...... convinced the ptan should be re­ latest turn of evenU but he lUd hot P R r pi«. shootlng. He scored 25 points. The MUon ^ t drove In 84 runs. Umphlett. ene ef prise rookies of 1953, batted .463 and McDermott nndr win he televiaed ever CEE 1 ParcUk. f ...... e. 5 iM) 10 coming out of hie slump. It we* ’ tained. But some like Presidents •by sway from questions concern­ starting St la pi. M. (EOT). 0 Waenwici, ( ...... 4.1 scoring for the winners waa oulta had his beat year In the majors with an 18-10 won and lost record. his eccurete one-bended •booting Altk.a. —• ' s, ' Welter O'MeUey of the Brooklyn ing hie heaale with Maiue I^ y e r ■ii 3 Beryer. 1 ...... 0 ^enly divided with four men hit­ Clevelaad aran may ba JVew Yorkers Dissatisfied Fuller Paces 3 tiordfui. r ...... from Hdecourt that put the pres­ Dodgers and Tom Yawkey of the RepresenUUves Ralph Klner and sot, ' .. 3 ting double figures. Red Hannon sure on the Owls. Hot as a fire­ Totals 17 B-34 41 Allle Reynolde. He ineieted Kiner 0 E. Witrsclkl. g ...... 3 Msrtt.re Js)rv*.* (St) Boston Red Sox want no part of Caatellanl, who unco Uvdil at CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1 Langrnaver. g ...... 1 was high for the Newsboys. with cracker, Johnson ripped five sue- P . B r T it. it and have expressed wiUlngnese and ReynokU had given thbig 4 . Dohndsky. g ...... • 13 17-while Burke, Gil Kidd, and Bob Two Contests Camill*. f,...... ; ...... 1 3-3 4 ^ jnt to the reeoluUon which u Loseme, Pa., haa won 6S pro Rec Bowlers 0 Dayis, g ...... oeaalva shot* through the hoop In to let the players run it them­ With First Look at Bevo a. 3 Grabek picked up 14, 16, and 14 BtajtifnrC, I ...... 1 aimed at terminating the Pension bouts, lost fiva and had two Anawa. the second canto as the Injuns' sriinulo.'/ 1 selves. So far this year, be baa wob aavan n „ToUU...... ,,37... 3-13 <3 points reapectlvaly. Wally Parciak managed to stay within five points • 0006. f I ...... n Tha owners, in seperete league Plan and that the players’ attor­ New York (JifEA)—It has been Score St halt time, 44-31 Cniirsnt. In Y League and lost one—a 12-round esmtasi He Wants the Most Chet Nowicki Runnerup with 10 poinu and Flash Gordon of their favored rivaU. Once Coach i ‘ ...... « meetings yesterday, dlscuaaed the ney, J. Norman Lewie, Waa in the a year since disbelieving basket­ with nine w ^ the only ones who y - B a W L I N G room when it happened. with Pierre Langloia Feb. 6 in Joe Kubachka stsuted to double-1Uari^ c .'.'.‘," ." .'.‘.*.'.*.‘.'."..0 Pension Plan, as well os the player • • • New York. He beat LaiMtola ball people began to read about Ttomasiewicz* Death After First Round; could help-ipobrutsky with any Green Manor will be after their team Johnaon, the locals gradually Rinaldi, c ...... o I-I 1 regularity. ■' WOMKM‘6 LBadt'X Temple ae«h filwleai tal»...... W ^ » the elube flneily completed a man- By far the heat looking, beat fitting collar last year, pqpple were speaking of Tomaolewtcs, 20, of Southing­ The Mayflower Rcstafirant, ofOr- Kloter ...... — n n 170 Qaenon ...... S4 Mancbaattr missed several 1 "I went to go on record that 1 While still a weNar, ba waa atylea in the world. Make this a ^ ft for trouble to the Area. Micky Finde'.i Boor* al hnlf tim*. lUll. Hartford. elsed player trade. The Washing­ his 116-point total against one ton, uas not caused la an.v way Rec. Bowling League are setting Nasslff Arms fng the oppoeition in this contest, Billy Holmes and Bob Upton mal:e Bburay .. no golden opportuMUca to acore be­ Official*, Quy and Pandlsia. have not voted to terminate the •topped in July, 1652, by every man on your liat. Total...... M4 440 443 1437 Hildebrand .. 103 cause the ball handler missed the ton Benetors deelt slugging out­ plan, aa baa been implied," be said. school and a SO-polnt average due to his purticipation In the the individual pace after the first AI Surowlec, Bob Tedford, Tom were not counted out until the final up the front co*:rt. while Dick Ferr a. a. Baelt.s <#) Hindi...... K)6 pion Kid .OavUaa. Seventeenth Annual Five Mile busser oounded. , •, Berxeiukl ...... b 131 107^ 311 J. Uisaccmno______SS feet break. Some easy lay-ups were fielder JecMe Jensen to the Red “We couldn't vote, anyway, be­ against others in amased tones. round of play. Clayt ’’Jass" Fuller Mason, Fred Booth. Lucian Miller, and Jack Vo’s patrol the back- laicaul...... M M “ — " - break off the Jump for an easy lay­ Sox for southpaw Maurice McDer­ Road Race Thanksgiving morn­ In the first quarter. Nassiff’s court *The Aces will have ever d-- SB £S7 N. Lupocebinn — *1 93 bloM’n. cause we have no 'vote in the Ex­ NEW T w m . Revo’s scoring was rivaling the has a 123.18 average t6 head the Frank Toro. Tom Deneen, Frank Wllhelln ...... M SB 44 375 ----- up, Cutting the margin to four. mott end outfielder Tom Umphlett. ecutive Council meeting. It waa my best science-fiction on the market, ing. Tomaaiewlcs, enptnin of Jumped off to a 19 to 14 lead only pendaliies, ready for action. Bill 'Irlwv ...... S3 S7 SO 340 Total...... 493 J ki ~474 14SS Veteran Marty Setter paced the Settar and Dom Pinto matched up list while teammate Chet Nowicki Scelsa, Pete Heck, Wally WIdholm. Low Man...... BB SO Owls as he pmired in 16 points, In a .lesser transecUon, the Phile- underatanding that the main point most suspected. the University of Connecticut Jerry Deutsch, Jim Ahem. to drop behind, 33 to 31. at the Shaw, Joe and Jack Tedone. Rav IB 3S0 — w_ Johnson's five eccond quarter baa- Boston, Doc. 6 (/P h~ U gauy Mc­ crons country team, collapsed la the runnerup at 119.7. So. M*tkoe>*4 No. 3 111 high man in the game. Although delphie Athletice sold veteran sec­ in tbs resolution was to appoint a Dermott's switch from, t t e ROaton Francis’ scoring and the selling, Miner's Restaurant halfway mark. At the end of the 21emanek and a host of other foot­ Tulals kete and held to a five point lead. ond baecman Cess Michaels to the yards from the finish line Three uarden drove plaaers, Vic ballers.. •*** Ualhlrmi ...... 103 33 30 outscored, tha Imltane were not committee to get together and Rad gox to tha WaahliMtoa Rana- Job done by his coach, John Newt 10 Paul Arcari, Al Smith, Lou third period. George Mitchell’s Haash ...... 31 — S3 Following Intarmioaion, the In­ Chicago White Sox for a reported review the Pension Plan to see if on Main StreeL He died two Abraitis 117.16, ^^Ippo Correutt quintet maintained a three point The recond gume should provide Lohniaa'* AUaaN* (4) l-oomis ...... 133 93 130 out-fought. They * bowed a lot of diana cut the lead to two points to n baa provided tin t lanky Oliver, soon attracted the attention Magelaner, Nell Mutschler, Dave Topnlas . KB 3*3 Mullln .... 615,000. it could be improved. As far as I of Madison Square Garden's Ned dnyn later at Hartford Hoopital. 116.11 and .Mike Hedor 115.9 are la 56 to S3 margin. some fast action for the .voung ...... IIS 131 13B scrap under the hoops end gave up before falling behind by eight It a • • southpaw pitcher with a new gag TIES Floyd, Bob Shea, Dan Pinto, Bob M^arfiiy . no ^ Johnson ...... 134 IflO 133 the ball unwillingly after a good know, nothing baa been done." for his night club craonlag act. Arrow, Beau Bnimmell and Irish and the little southern Ohio Dr. Rembraadt H. Ounsmore, Ihe top ten. Abraitis la third, to r­ season. The North Ihtd Parluige Chapman .. 104 3U lfcConk*r was a low aeoring scaalon, both 6IANAGEB BCCEY HARRIS ef the aeuro-onrgeon who operat­ rent! flfth and Sedor aeveath. Halt Johnson, John Anderson, Phil 31 374. bailee. Bill O'Leary, Setter and Now the MC at a downtowj i chib Cape Cod wool tiea. Perfect Bchoot was given a date In the Tinsley, George Demko. Leo Day. t h e w in n e r s oulscored their still smarting et its loss to Pioheer elube off in their shooting. Hart­ Washington appeared well satis­ The 650,000 HialeMi Turf Handi­ ed on Tomnsiewles.. said that .Suchy of the Dart-Maids is In a will be out in force trying to get N 313 ToUUs ...... S73 474 643 1413 Tom Karranda were Juat too Mg ford.Mt for only three hoops while aeka McDermott, "Row win you gifta for any man. A com­ New York basketball mecca. Frankie’s Drive-In opponenU 26 to 30 in the final —~ ' Bo, M*tbadl«t Sm. 1 (I) fied with the deal that gave Mm cap, formerly kfiown as tba Miami pitch to Tad WfUlemat’* "Tba beat plete aelection of bowa, too. The booking—against Adelphi, participation In races helped three-way tie with a USA average. quarter to put them on even terms a win over Hillnski’a Sunoco Ber­ Total* ...... \..4»3 4M 107 1497 PcrklBS ...... 37 94' 104 fo" the locals to win tlM rebounds. the locals were even worse, getting ■ Lou Desci, Frank Bores, Joe •tMs Mmp (S) a- 25-vear-old -vHj |jii.,:nErpitcher whowno wonwen Bsach, bss bean achedulad for way ia low and behlad bim," Me- a small local college—turned out prolong the life of the young Other members of the top ten with the previously league-leading ate August. Eddie Vilga and Norm Brown ...... 13S 103 S7 Hartford shot Into a quick lead only a pair. Bores, Jerry D’Apice, Bemie Mc- Qoodln .. ■ ...... 33 n *1 3E0 M*rc*r ...... 99 113 ids W, and aUyed there all the way. Set- • • • IS and lost 10 last oeaaon and a Hlaleah’a closing day, March 6. Dennott replies. to be one of the two mistakes runner. Dr. Dunsmore said are: Stan Polinsky, Armory Tav­ Frankie's Drive-In. VKtnei, will, be in the starting line­ Consuntln* ...... 77 94 SB 1S4 Bkbmond ...... 116 33 116 .50 that because of a hardening of ern, sixth With 115.14; Ray Win­ Qiieeny, Tom Moore, Ken Plnney, up for the Package men while Pound ...... 74 U m 343 Bank...... 136 103 133 ^ I ter and Jack Abmiiteae hooped a Oliver has made, basketball people Bill Wade. Ray McKenna. Red Dooley Miller walked off with Pum.ll ..,...... 104 M — I. . . .V -V I lONTTINO aa aU-court preea. a up the artery cnndltioa Just above ter, Hartford Road Grill. Jerry the scoring honors with a total— for the Sunoco live it wilt be Gun­ U1 331 633 '6(» 633 tTiK deoperstion meaanre to get beck point out. It was a mistake be­ Leonard, Pete Gustamachio, Matt KrIIrrmaa ...------ICB 103 n 339 ToUls .... 633 too 633 ffOaed a 16-6 period advan- m u the lead. Manchester rot two cause Adelphi, SO-point losers to the heart, a hardening which Goodrich of Renn’s Tavern and of 34 markers. Frank Toro was ner Hlliiiski, Jackie Robb, Jehnny into the lead. Manchester got two almoot closed the opening of Suchy are deadlocked at 115.8. Forman. Oroman, along with round man, Total...... 44* 433 441 1333 hoops by Alan Cole on the end of Fordham two nights before, came not far behind with 23 paints, grrmmg C««g** (I) ’ J oh n son got going' on the next Ihe heart, it waa the fact that Best triples to date have beea Hartford Courant and Al Surowlec chipped in with Btoa Davia. vnd Tommy Davit Maltrion ...... 39 107 fast breaks hut Hartford forged on to expose Rio Grande and Bevo ready for the tap. n««at4'* ham itnptm g (4) N Vlt«n*r ...... *3 KM 3M ' tap-off. Howie Lautenbach out- aa something less than a good Tonuwlewlez was a runaer that 413 totals by Snehy and Fuller. Bob Grabek, Bill Hannon. Norm 1 1 , besides taking down more Cowl** ...... ;. 37 1(6 104 Qullltch ...... no back to break it open with about FREE prolonged his life span. IOC 315: Jumped O’Leary and tipped the Uiraa rolautea to play- Junior college team by beating the Abraitis* IBS single la tops. Andy Burke, Oil Kidd. Tom Conran, Paul than hia share qf rebound. For T*dford ...... 31 34 M ElclK>IU*r ...... 31 ball to Eddie Wojcik who sent a The condition of Ihe artery DIBella of Garden Grove rolled a Hlllery, John DiBenedetto, Mario the losers Slim McElligott, Norm Richmond,__ ___ Va., Dec. 9 (85—Old Kfi 3B 37 337 MeCurry ...... 100 Hartford used nothing more CURRIER visitors. 83-76. .— — ~ I court-iengtU pass to Johnaon on a than the aiacleat figure eight • • • tailed to show up in any exam­ 94 without a mark to lead la this Casterlno, Jack Perry, Joe Young, and Bill Zabel. and Bill Griffith j S J ® .. _473 _ 633 495 149*------■ ------—...... , ination at either Southington department. Phil Jones, Burt Dawson. were best with 14, 12, 15 and 16 CwwBiaeUy ItepM^I*! weave to shake men loose tor one- The other mistake c4Mse la the higb School or the University Dari-Maids hold high team sin­ Rerm’a Camera* points respectively. B Piedmont League he left 17 I Touia ., , ...... 4*0 4S0 4M 1434 Ballard. 104 aac Lraora kanderq from inside the foul line. and IVES handling of Francis. Although he veare era for the malor lenfuea i Tows Ne4*r* (3) 4^orf*ll P*r*rve !” ;;!‘.!I;!” ..1’4 103 103 Mc4;asa'* (3) The Otvia have all learned to tosa of Connecticut. A final au­ gle and triple with 644 and 1830 Fred Server, Wally Parciak, Ed w i V ...... 39 30 870 Buklnd ...... 33 M IW rierUn ...... #7 110 333 7 CHEVROLET/ 1scored 32 points against Adelphi's topsy report wilt not be com­ totals. Wiersbicki; Al Davia, John Wilson, Tho one-time ulxerii of th»C’n-.S, cowiea ...... m ti M 37t (siiroy — 00 170 Chamb*r»...... |3 100 them up the same way their coach LON five and' six-inch smaller kids, cinnatl pitrhtnr staff la g'olng tO,Carp*Bi*r IM Yoconn ...... 07 101 293;H*dlund ...... Ill io does. pleted until another seven days. Name Team O John Dubnitaky, Bob Ericson, Gift Boxes basketball-wise New Yorkers were Ave. manage the Richmond Colts In -. Hurkint ...T, too 114 333 ! Outhri* .. ,.... m Fuller, Dart-Mafds 21 123.18 Herm Wiersbicki,' Don Lange- Last Night's Fights Tetal* ...... 334 374 7TI 347 ------^__ Ijutirtureux ...... 133 It waa a fort game. Both clubs Your gift, will be packed in sorely disappointed. Nowicki, Dari-Maids 15 RBuer. Ed Bilman, Bill Ooedi^. 1954. - 433 101 B30 143S „ , went at top speed and never once a beautiful Currier and Ives They saw a nice, gangling coun­ 119.8 ^TeUt« ...... •33 ifiB let up. <^1 Silver played a bril- Abraitis, Garden Grove 17 Ray waaowics. “ b7 t h e a s s o c ia t e d p r e s s ' I TRTS gift box. These boxes n e^ try boy, who Is, Incidentally, a 117.16 No. MoUadlsI No. ^^1) Pagani's (ft A miracle fabric that waahca Taggart, Renmi Tavern 21 117.8 Mayflower Restaurant Los Angeles — Al Crus, 12414. —■ - — - Totals. Brown ...... JO* 93 jp^iilant defensive game for the Indi- no gift wrapping. couple of inches less than the Outlook Bright Bemie Fisher,* Jim Chesney, cai'Bi'H LEsora . Brown 113 314 jf^SJT'sr.' 33 — e i; ana. _ He broke______up aevaral pasoea. perfectly, dries quickly and Cort'cnti, Garden Grove 21 116.11 Los Angeles, outpornted Rudy C*at*r CeagM Nik 3 (I) bill^ six-nine, and who has a lot Polinsky, Armory “rav. 21 Tom Matera, Bill Griffith. Jack R13). 333 Ncwinan...... 108 no 101 371 ...... 103 i« 130 midiinked two oaay'hoops himself wears wonderfully well and 113.14 Garcia, 126. Los Anigelea, 13. :N*llt ...... Ill 34 33 104 334 .. Cbandler ...... 39 108 101 303 yXihLii needs no ironing. of basketbail to learn. What both­ For Notre Dame Sedor, Garden Grove 21 Perry, Bill 2Sabcl, Norm Za^l, Houston. Tex —: WUIl* Pep, 129, 'Cruabyl*Ck*l ...... 113 104 37 77 III n SJi*"** ?•■**<* t o r another pair. 115.9 L**ll* ...... 93 30 *4 ^311 “ ...... ■ 1« »a 329 »i ...... — 67 171' TTie Indian! were much improved SW ANK ered them more was the fact that Winter, Hfd., Rd. Grill 21 115.8 John McEillgot, Harold Green- HartfoM, Confi., knocked out Bil­ 33 USED CARS Bevo had basic flaws which the CMTER’S ToUUUcComb ...... ~6n~443 03 03 *6M MU Touts ...... : 43S 530 over their play against HeU last Goodrich, Renna Tav. 18 115.8 baum. Wee Dlnnie. Bill McDonald, ly Lima, 134, Havana, 3. tlea Laiharaa <11 at. arMgrt’* (1 ) ‘ sm .To u u ...... 314 *31 fast-talking and cocky Oliver does Chicago, Dec. 9 (ff>—Notre Suchy, Dari-Maids 21 Tom DeLucco. Friday. Wojcik had one of those 115.8 Chicajfo—Jed 'EHack, 147,- Janes- C. Ilamotoa ...... 73 74 79 331 MocNealy ...... 33 9U 114 3371 . ------nights any player is .bound to run lEWELRY not aeem to be able to comprehend. Dame followers, never conceding viUe, Wis., outpoint^ Nprman WORK CLOTHES G. Usminen ...... Ill ,93 73 390 Stawart ...... 106 93 99 309! . Armsry TasfVa (3) Oliver sat and listened wide- that Maryland outranks the Irish H, Hanii*ii...... 33 31 37 771 8uIIIt(U1 ...... 107 137 M *3n RoMrt* ...... Ill 113 into durinig the courae of a aeasoa. A man’s Jewelry crafted by t » t T'Vrrr-'/^-v T as the ION mythical national foot­ PRO RASKETBALL (NBA) Webb. 147, Chicago. 8. l*)W (cnr* ...... 39 30 M 334 McCarthy ...... 77 — 103 193 Sfirt*'-'* ...... 113 Iri With a Uttla halp for Johnson, the AT eyed as a writer gave him advice. H. Hampton...... 110 lo t 33 307 I O'NeU...... ball champion, can get solace by WESTERN DIVISION San Antonio, Tex — Pets Gil, For Painlera, ...... 13S 89 103 303 Wiltarlm ...... 33 39. locala might have won. pieces and sets. It wasn’t supposed to be this way, Knicks^Warriors 160, Austin, Tex., outpointed Ben­ — - Prior ...... — U — W 187 110 BUXTON for Newt Oliver, you see. He has looking, ahead to next year. Tout* ...... *433 433 I3U — '-----iPoIfnsky ...... i l l 93 Next outing finds Mancheater w L Pet. ny Evans, 159, Oklahoma a ty , 10. Carpentars, Ptumhera Touts...... "(57 ~4M visiUng East Hartford Friday. made no secret about the fine The 1954 team should carry on ToUU ...... ,. .. ..’ 633 "sis xS40 1331 CARTER where this season’s outfit—tabbed Play ill New Haven Minncapell* ...... 14 4 .tJ S Miami Beach, FIs. — Bobby at. Jake’* 13) coach he is supoaed to be. Fort W a yn e...... 12 6 .(too Dykes, 159, Miami, stopped Tina PInchamyk ...... 131 33 — 331 ! c o n Martford Biud (1 ) $1-50 up Billfolds by Coach Frank Leahy aa. "my 8. (irxvb ,. 133 30 334 Blsson*tt* BOUND BAIL NOW But he listened—and. he was Recheeter ...... 1 1 6 .5T9 Longoria, 160, Houston, 7. Bogsy'a (4) Monti* .., Buxton stitchleas billfold will < greatesV’—left off. , N, ' r. Rubacha S 100 37 313 K. Johnsoa ...... 100 74 94 269 learning—as he was told that New Haven, Dec. 9 (gV-The New Milwaukee ...... 4 IS .285 Kalamasoo, Mich.—Eddy Simms, , H. Gntyb ...... ira 103 104 813 A. Johnson ...... 96 100 90 346 last the life of the leather. Francis had to develop at least Many experts predict the 1954 York Knicks and the Philadelphia inntiijU ff u ’ A. Rnbocha Winter , aemeon, 8. C. (NBA)—Banks CHEVROLET Irish wll' be even more terrific and EASIXRN DIVISION 159, Chicago, outpointed Chuck ...... 13 — 130 303 Lormtsan ...... 7* -74 234 McFeddcn, former aemaon snd Initialed in gold free. one other type of shot to comple­ Warriors will meet at the New 3lawUlow*kl ...... — 3B 33 130 Sped* ...... 37 M 91 3*9 * well equipped to extend the ur- Coleman 150, Detroit, S, —— — ■ Nelson...... M M 113 293 pro football Dodger star, now Pendleton ment bis good Jump shot. H.e also Haven Arena on Jan. 22 In a regu­ New Y o r k ...... 13 5 .722 London—Yolande I ^ p e e , Trin­ Total* ...... 343 B33 843 ISU heard that Bevo had to learn how beaten rtreak that now stretches larly-scheduled National Basket­ ToUU ...... 662 *0* x*40 1*37 coiuhes the aemeon basketball Syreeuae ...... 10 1 1 .476 idad, knocked out JIAmy King. EaKuisel Lotbaran (3) ToUl*...... Ml M3 "433 Isi? X Won roll oft team. to come out and meet the ball through 12 games, including the ball Association game. Beaton ...... Horan ... 10* 333 mr4it% <•> up final two of 1952. 8 10 .144 Buffalo. N. Y., 2 (MiddlewelghU). Andaraon 311 Rourk* ...... 77 •3 78 316 W O O L when it was thrown to him. Nathan Podoloff, general mana­ Philadelphia 8 10 .444 Banwin .104 Duq ...... 71 71 71 313 I I i When that waa doae. Newt had ger of the Arena, aaiiLthe game la BoUbneid • • • ...... 3 14 .178 COI.UCOE BASKETBALL Jnhnwm . .132 ll ... a ...... Rfl m 70 330 to show Bevo a few Incldeatals. 8CHOLA8T10 BA8 KETBAIA. being .moved from Madison Carlaon .. cMulUn ...... w 93 96 367 / THOROUGHLY INSPECTED East Schmidt ...... 74 *9 100 333 SHIRTS such as how to guard a man. haw Hartford 59, Manchester 43 Square Garden due to other com­ Tuasdaya RoauH Holy Cross 66, Massachuaerts 43. Total* ... 34* B34 SBO 1*3* a ■ This is one wool shirt that I to rebound aad bow to move, In- ' Bulkeley (Hartford) 62, East mitments for the Garden that Rochester 97, Boston 79. Louls"ine 87. Manhattan 76. I ToUU ...... 3»t 1*6 401 1177 can't be beat. All wool ahirta t otead of staad atlU, arouad the Hartford 44. night It will be listed os a Knicks Tsropie 78, Setort Hall 50. , . Csntsr Coogos No, 1 It) keyhole. Mairk ...... 97 107 33 3*3' Boh* (I) / RICONOmONED FOR SAFETY in plain colors shadow p|aids : Weaver (Hartford) 74, Bristol 58 home game, he said. ItYU 82, Equitable Ltfe.65, Bate*...... *3 ' *4 S3 Francis stil? has to learn bow to Gilbert (Wlnated) , RockvlUe and tackle. But he doesn't think TUXED 3*9 OuUh...... 6* *7 r t IK and authentic clans, 66 football ia all life has to offer. And Connecticut 79, Oolby M. Peter*...... 117 133 104 343 Ullberleon ...94 92 m 334 play basketball. The Job could be 58 Quonaet Flyrra 74. Fairficid M. Smith ...... *1 13S ill 31* Chemuk .. *3 74 M 343 done. Bevo has as fine a scoring he la sincere in attributing hia SasleU ...... lli. lit 380 Mmy 134 .. *0 *4 S3 277 GARAGES Stafford 05, Griswold (Jewett Dickinaon (Pa.) 68, Bucknell 43. / RiCONDinONED FOR PERFORMANCE Lattner Honored? success in the game to hia coaches Kentals — —— DummyDamn .. 3* 16 33 366 n i - 9 5 up touch with his one Jump ah6t aa a t y ) 31 ^Boston College 96, MeiVim'ack ToUU ... 60* MB 113 16*4 I can be found. He’ll alwaya acore. and to his teammates. m. lUry's <•! ToUU...... " i i 401 4M 1307 some with It—but against class Praises Coaches "Without a good tea-m behind Trinity 63, MIT iso. Nelson ...... *..•* M '** 3*0 , (II TR1N BEATS MIT him there la no such thing as a Bloodtood ...... iin ton 107 301. Lundberg .. .. 73 13 I* 131 opposition he won’t acore enough. Cambridge, Dec. 9 (JP)—Trinity’s California (Pa.) 73. aarion 86. Nothing to aend away for Thomas *• MO_ 100 ,3*3iHorvath ...... 91 106 7* 317 / RICONDinONED FOR VALUE g* ROBES Actually, Francis played a fine neatly balanced basketball squad ao-calied star," Lattner said in ac­ —wa Bopply you right out Hyde ...... 3* *3 *9 3a*'OIMln>. . Ml...... *1 18 243 p Pendleton and Dun mar robes CHICO game—for the equipment he has. '. New York, Dec. 9 iJPt—John cepting the award, at the 19th WWthsr ...... *....113 US lOi » Locksrond . .. 1* 113 93 300 romped to a 83-.50 victory over taittner, a pretty fair halfback for of our own stock. . -----— ------! Bfauchen* , .. 77 13 18 333 in wools and' rayons. Plain Oliver, 29, ahould keep his nice annual banquet at the Downtown ToUU...... 4M 4*3 10114**' r — - -- -- Maaaachusetta Institute of Tech­ Notre Dame,'has done football a / HONESTLY DESCRIBED colors and beautiful authentic MOCS kids in their class, the cage ex­ nology hero last night Trinity's Athletic Club. ‘'It's hot false Tuxedos,, Cutawaya ahd all —------.ToUls...... 0 418 ~ iu 404 1334 Scotch clans. Interwoven perts agreed. Newt has a date with scoring strength was well spread. service not only with his playing {nodesty but common sense. I ai. JamM Ns. 3 41> •M Treat him to sheer foot com­ ability but with . a simple state­ wouldn’t have been able to do what formal accessories. rA^Acelo ...... 117 li* ( North Carolina State In Raleigh. T b * high scorer in the contest waa Benlln ...... iri un fort in soft, fleece lined slip­ Dec. 22. That ahould take care of ment that the sport "isn't thFmost I did this year without those team­ 93 3I| ObremskI pers. They will be hU off duty Carl Hesa of the Engineers with 18 Bollnsky ...... lOS 119 too 3M ' Anderson i ‘ ‘ 1.95 Socks big-Ume ideas. points. important thing in life." mates and the coachea who made J. Acetn ...... le 103 109 .103 Sommers / A fu ll 30 DAY WARRANTY IN WRITING. favorites. E. Paganl ...... 117 IM 107 3*3 WIIM* ... up Wools, liales, rayons ■ and ‘Ihe two-time All-Americx dem­ it poaaible.’’ — ----- Hlllnskl .. nylons. Nothing like them for onstrated again that a football Lattner, who never knew any­ REGAL ToUls ...... IIS 1*47 $6-95 wear. player can also be an intelligent thing butv two-way play even In M I N f S H O P S No. N«llMdl*l s . r(3) ToUls ...... 4*7 444 4 « 1373 , aioon ...... -11* 104 — 333 Eaalos <*) . I citisen aa he accepted the Heiar the days of two piatoona, paid spe­ A. Holmes,...... lit IM 114 Dummy-, ,.,..77.,....« IB -H IIB man Trophy as the outstanding cial tribute to the inspirational 907 MAIN STRERT H. Holme*...... Iffl 117 103 Dnramy . 70 70 70 310 college player of the year in New guidance of hia. mother as praise l^ h o n a MI-0-1352 CluppeU...... 33 ~ i l l Alien .,,, ...... 7* 7* IS 331 " u p ...... •• Mt IM I HAmlllon ...... 71 7S M 337 See VhesG Fin# VoluAs at Carter ChGvroltf York last night. was heaped upon him as the best IKfTllwni -*»#•• a aeeae ae 0 *3 91 Pbel(m ...... 7* no i* 77*' SIMTEX Sure, the good looking, 21-year- performer in the year that football CENTER old CAticagoan likes to run, block returned to limited substitutions. ToUU...... iia 647 B77l*33lToUU...... 3*7 33* 330 113* 1950 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 2-DR. 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DR. ^ Light green. Radio and Northwood WflFWflFWaVllflWIMVtBMFWfleiMMflOTrRMWWflW'iBaWRi p> Radio and heatin'. Racon- M IP MOTOR SALES ^ IP l heater. Set to go. ^ ditkHicd throughouL [ 4*1 MAIN ST.— N txr TO POST OW CE COMPLETE SHIRTS - The Ideal Christmas Gift ^ M fie Eandka Northwood cotton flannel 1947 CHEVROLET STATION 1950 CHEVROLET ^DR. shirts are a famous woven BOB OUVER’S PERSONALLY SELECTED RADIATOR ^ fo r Your Boy fabric. The nap stays soft NO DOWN PAYMENT WAOON—-New top, mo- ^^LARf A lata RMicj Bt R low ^A M K and downy after countless tor juat overhauled. price. washings. SERVICE UPOK nilED-WATERPROOF PIIST PAYMENT NEXT APRIL lfB 4 USED CARS • YEARS TO PAY :.95 Our display room will |>o open It-YEAR GUANANTEE 1951 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 2-DR.i 1951 WILLYS STATION WAGON. 1950 CHEVROLET MOOR $1MS • c u a n i n o Radio and heater. A FREE INSURANCE PU N Rkdio, heater, ovardriTO * A A E Excepttounlly clean. Low mllcugo. for new and used cor soles every by EVINRUDE • RfPAmiNG spotlcaa car. ^ 1 I Sleeping Bags RMILT TG MEET ALL RUILRINR CORES • cgliiider. ^ j r w d SWEATERS CHAMP '• RECOlING 1951 FORD CRE81UNER $1M5 evening until. 9 and Saturdays un­ IIGULARLY $19.H Jantsen and. Brcntwoods Sport Shirts Very, very oleua. One owasr. mm m m f for yaw ta sweaters In pullovers, coats HATS Every man wants to get sev- Ptaaipl aarvlaa far all awha far yaa, Com * ia for o and sleeveless styles. All Yn.i Ui shlru. Bold plaids, til 5. la m m ipaoially ataflM tatfa SL W m bsM wool and wasiMble, « Hfleatt hi™ * **^^‘"*''* “ Hd colors, checks and mlx- I94S CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE SMS Fully equipped. Local o w m t . tor Pbaaa Httd. 6-4866 up 1.95 up .Laetrouo'origiuul hluek. ClelHi eur. BROWN. 1M7 rowriAt Btirt OOUFE $05 he. ATL6NTIC C06ST CARTER CHEVROLET C O , hie. 0 eyBMelr. JkMSMivOBhRl ^ „ tuaaiB coap. AmjHi DoSOTO PLYMOUTN^ ium N A V Y 6641 aisRSu. ata,. asBaii. aaaa. _ 311 MAIN MANCHESTER c !l IN lAsr cm riR ST. 17 MAIN b h u h t ^ Ma n c h e s t e r i i 7«9 MAIN 1M7 FORB B ^ R jRit of tllg p, O. Wow s s a o i W tm pail - v.ViJ '« , ^. 241NpiTNIfiM Nfr* P M w M I -M U 4 * ms-sm iMMJRI mmmmm^rnmd I


li 7 -V ■ lUMCHJfiSTBS fVWqNC BBSALD. M ftK o b o m . OMOf. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEB 9. MBS ' " ■■ I ■■■I... i n i'll ■ mu I Ml,- ,1 , .,1, I- ______

V —• *‘iv. Period to Drub I ^ ^ XT' Figuret In Red> Sox«Sen«l|mi Dml Heavyweights So Bad Marciano Nassiff’s and Newsman Home Five Post 59-43 Frick Says Pension Plan Has to Go on Biim-of-Month Diet Each Get 82 Points Win; Johnson Features Will Remain in BasehaIR New York (N K A )—-The wind is Gene Johnson Hoops 14 Starsa. Yet ^ fd ico and Bucceroni Fortner Rallies^ Beat bcRlnnlnjr to blow a bit more brisk- ! *„d the hterJli^L® ^^llJ'n^ciub must figure an prominent contend­ 82 Point Totals Not Enough Punch* M-yssr-dld flychassr ly ^ong Jacobs Beach, but It Isn't: make matches, he is perfect. Ho Mayflowers, 8i2 to 73; Points, But Fails to Sion Plan will be abandoned ordyl wjio bnttsd ,288 in his rookie sea- ers, or what passes for such these over my dead body.” Ison. Rocky, Tu^ef "holtlnK” the important members ; ttot figure to draw much days. Ma»ttf Arnk Itt) Cotirant on Spree Get Help from Mates; X. ■arWorO Mlfh (Iti of the boxing mob. ; «ven at the peak of tho B R Bateball (kmmissioner F o r d Jensen, whose long ball right- THE ANSWER to the situation j I* Miller, f ,...... n fetter Leads W in «ei» • At. WRItX has flown his slight- i i**^*!?^ ^^oDda. He dors is obvious. It's got to be another Heck, 1 ...... t IMI 3 To Trounce €iiineras Friek, despite the stunning action i >uuM)sd hlUing strength should fit Fight Ton%ht ly wondcrfulous built to Japan in ■ f>BU>* to last more than two or Tore*, i ...... t ft-13 3» by the big league players In A u' friendly Isft field wsU In Fcn- Bum-of-the-Month Club. Mike Ja-ts_ Surowlpc, c 3-4 11 By- ...... HAL-TURBUNOTON------f 5*BSirI. v ...... ? « a bold bid to become the new 3-3 1 RTANDINOS \ 0 Ksrrand(L (HI lonts leat—Wedneadsv meite this Park, batted only .266 last mikado, or something. James D. i, * titlehowr hw to be kept mov- cobs conducted one for Joe Louis, !o Hartford High exploded In ths J s t M in T ...... 4 M .. Clsvslsnd, Dec, 9. — Raefep Trdfnrd. g 1-1 7 W L Pet. <>«>»• 1« M runs and and here and there along the trail \V Manon. §.:» ...... 3 33 3 flnsl period snd rsn sway from i ietter, g e 4-7 ow today as the major league: hit 10 in spsetous Griffith Norrls is shuttling between Ne\v ' . it Fiankie’a Drive-In 1.000 CdsteUsni and GU Turner MU step there cropped up gn exciting en-'. 2 0 Manchester High at the Hopkins m tIT« S ‘Mseuesi Stadium. The former CsUfomia York and Fllroda, probably seeing 133 133« U Nasslff Arms ...... 3 0 J.OOO 33 13-33 into ths ring at even odtU tonight a lot of people you're not supposed i Roland LaStarza, gagement, such as the Brown ‘ MSVflDMFf <7S) Strset gym In Hartford last night * MasekcHcf Idth P... (431 *• ‘i** o f elUier termlnst-1 footbaU etar U 26. f f Hartford Courant .. 1 1 .500 tnr for their middinwsight boot—ds> B r ru. Ing the Pension Plan or turning It ‘ iv a jm i_ . 1. . — . .. to mention, tliat is if you're a nice Marciano deposited on the Bomber's meeting with Buddy p Harm’s Cameras . ard opsned Ita season wtth a SMS f B r Pt*. 4 McHIllfol, r ...... 7 oo 14 1 1 .500 win ovar thslntHiuw. I Morhirdt, ( . 3 34 over to the plsvere. ^ rroyiwte for more player trades qiito published ring .mtings. guy. It’s Tokyo and Miami Beach ' *■*"* September. Man- Baer in Washington. 3 Fiih*»r, ( ...... 3 R Miller’s Restaursnt .., „ Col*, t . 3 l-i p ycr^ j were^ too bright today sinoe Mrs- whcre the ring news is being made ! ^eAngelo is ready to accept 0 3 .000 Tbs locap^yvsw aquarsd mat- i Johnifon. r f . Nardico in Miami would provide 1 N. ZAb^ r ...... ft 0-0 13 Mayflower Reataurant 0 ..7 (l-l i stal of the managers hadSi»aB left Wror CastoUsnL ths 27-ysnr s8d stab* and— j it all... involves, naturally, — ' an offer to fight Don COckell in an excellent start for the Marciano 2 B. ZAbrl, r ...... ,.,r.ft S"« ift _____ 2 .000 ts4w for (ho evening by staging a 1 ’ arrliwn. c . 0 (Ml THR EXBCUnVBS will vote on' ^ - ^ % i 2! 2 Off^onlNium, g ...... ^..s 3 4-4 I olrik, e ..0 34 * number of player demands. By' were- * on the vergegs oof f leaving town. and-croas p u n c ^ who onsr ttvas Weill’s former ditch digger, Rocco London at the end of March. edition o^'the club. ’I hen. Bucceroni second half offense that produced, 3 LsiitrnMch, c ...... a Crlffith. g ...... K 1ft Two conteeU were played in the . 3 1-4 far the most important IsgisisUon Debate------on tbsPension Pension Plan,Plan, h< how- St nearby CIsvaland Haights, Is Marchegiano. While Rocky Mar­ •We figure to beat Cockell,’’ he In Philadelphia, Charles in New w MAtrrA. g r.s...... 0 0-0 0 a 43-29 victory over the Hartford's silver, s ...... 3 9-4 ever, continued hot snd heavy. ciano cashes in on the heavy­ saya "Then we can get one good York and Valdes any place would Rcc Senior League last night. In yearlinga. (Irlswold. t ...... II (Ml on the agenda, however, is thii ranked officiaUy as the No, 3 con* 11 Totalu'...... M —il s 73 the flrst game the Hariford Cour- BoSII, B . 0 34 The startling news unearthed by weight championship on a tour of Win over a Charles or a Valdes keep the string going along neatly. • • « controversial resohiUon psosad St tender for tbs .UUe OsBfomln's ■KAMV' Mg iwtu tini'*. Oa’At mnyi ant downed Herm's Cameras. 82 the Sept. 29 meeting of the Iktecu- The. Associated Press yesterday the far east. Jim Norris is trying and we'll be right back looking Marciano would be curbing that Rrfere«, Bmule^BocflnL COACH ELOIN SATURSKV has 13 Tout* ...... 13 11-37 Bobo Olson recently lifted from to 62. and in the second scrap 8c'ir* at hair lim*. 31-33 Hertford. Uve Council recommending that a that the 18 player representatives to put together a February match fp.* Marciano.’’ appetite. Weill would iJe making th "Help Wanted” eign out. and Rngtand’a Randy IVrpin.' Offlrlala. H*lly*r and O'Brien. committee be set up to study and had sought and acted on the advice in Miami which would see the “That’s the key to the thing. money and Norris would have p Mnrlford Covrjial (32) Arms detested the May- he means big help. Only thing the Time Four 3 min. period*. Before deciding tb s otMs irers B P Pta. flower Restaurant, 82 to 73. " Maache.ter Sayv... (4» report on the procedure for term- of former Commissioner A. B. even yesterday, bettors had mads Brockton Block Buster go against There Just aren’t any heavy­ fights . And, when'the run wasiu Burke, f .... 7 (H) 14 Injunc lack la a good Mg man to (Happy) Chandler before their K ldd ..r...... 2>« B F Pl». ineting the Pension Plan. a slight favorite of Turner who is The famed “Four Horeemen” of Notre Dame surround All-America Johnny Lattner, standout a formidable opponent su3 1 ers will move to dissolve the multi- ball folks hers by storm. That washed-up Ezzard Charles} Dan trounced by Bucceroni. The string- DtBcnnld'Hn, Jumi^ out in front in the second beaten again last night, their scc- '2 2 ^ '''( " " ...... <1 0-2 either PhUad^MIsn, Jos Glar- year's outstandinir collexe football player, at the club in New York. Left to right, they are: Don what woiild be called another big j} ...... 2 ^4 ...... 0 (M) million dollsr plan. Dcqptte their was a chief topic of discussion In Bucceroni or Nino Valdes. bean Philadelphian with the China one./tnsa I 1 Conran, g «...... 4 tUk quarter and was never threatened ond loee In two schoolboy sngsge-' Buckler, t V.V. Miller, Elmer Layden, Lattner. Jim Crowley and Harry Stuhldreher. Hlltfry, f ...... 3 14 ...... 1 on bitterness toward the pUyers at ths hotel lobby and in the meet­ Nardico is bring mentioned most chin spent the better part of an Does ,anybody want to be a f^ m then on. The one man who Red »*"**,?’ *1?*^ *’*• Waahlngton Senators, was traded Dec. 8 to the Boston nicnts, bocauas Hartford had a Mg * •• ...... 1 04 ing of at least one league. I t e 16-rennd Boat fealnrsn MM kept Herm s in the game was John ..... 1 14 What they term ’’defsmaUon of 28th Aaaunl Tsy fRnid Rhaw prominently. Under the normal evening on the floor against La- matchmaker? 10 Totals .33 «-l« 33 7 " " ! pitcher Mfiurte McDermott, center. It wes the flrst big SdgsinhSighL " ...... Frick refused to discuss this N«riBi*« CRin^rRt Walter O'MaUey of the Brooklyn ing his hassle with league Player Fuller Paces Server, f ...... 0 IVO wenly divided with four men^hit­ from sidecourt that put tha prea- Olevelaad area may ^ New Yorkers Dissatisfied UordAn. r ...... 3 3-4 ting double flguree. Red Hannon Toteia 17 Dodgers and Tom Tawkey o f the RepresentaUves R sl^ Kiner snd £. Wlirsclkt. g ...... 3 aure on the Owls. Hot as a fire­ t‘M 43 Allie Reynolds. He ineisted Kiner 1-1 w iu high for the Newsboys.with KarU.nl JayvMt Boston Red Sox want no part of CHRISTMAS l^ngruMVfr, g ...... 1 3-« cracker, JpbnioB ripped five suc­ F PU snd Reynolds had given tMlg CesteUanl, who ones livdd at Dobruuky, g .. 17* while Burke. Gil Kidd, and Bob Two G>nte8ts it and ‘have expressed willingness Rec Bowlers 1-1 cessive ehots through ths hoop In IS^'}'*-,^ 1...... J 34 4 ssaent to the resolution which Is Luzerne, Pa, has won 46 pro With First Look at Bevo b ...... :::.1 (HI Grabek picked up 14, M.^ and 14 9-4 to let the players nm It them- the second canto aa the Injuns |SJJiSMia.’ f •elvea aimed at terminating the Pension bouts, lost five snd had two draws. 11 po nta respectively. W ally''parclsk (Ml So far this year, be has won asvsn ...... 37 t-13 <3 managed to stay within flva points I r ...... n 3-3 The owners. In separate league Plan and that the players’ attor- New York (flE A )—It has been Bears at half llmr. 44-31 Cniiranl. with 10 poinU and Flash Gordon In Y League 1-3 snd lost one—a 12-round oontast Chet Nowicki Riinnerup r^BOWLING of their favored rivals. Ones Coach ' ...... S meetings yesterday. discuStsd the hey. J. Norman Lev^, was in the He Wants the Most with nine were the only ones who 14 a year since disbelieving basket- ivith Pierre Lnnglots Fab. 6 in Joe Kubschks atartsd to double- Mari^JSlBe EF . 91r .s.'.■.',■.■.■.■.'.“ e e s # .,.•*•*■.•.•43 ” " .‘.'..0 (M) Pension Plan, as wen as the player room nrhen it happeneiL Tdmasiewicz^ Death could help Dobrutsky with anv Green Manor will be after their * • ■ New York. He beat tnngloU I bail people began to read about After First Round; team Johnson, ths locals gradually Rinaldi, c ...... 0 1-1 demands, but refused to announce regularity. ■ first win in the Y Senior League _ WOMKN’9 LBAdl'R T.sisl. anh MmUsi (0> FsrlPlr t ^ Lebereek, e ...... 0 (Ml here June 17. the scoring exploits of Bevo Fran-' Not Caused by Race PrlscM. fisstserast I4> ...... 47 103 fT ^ »i slipped further behlmL 'Them was their decisions. REYNOLDS JOINED Kiner yes­ Vic Abraitis Third Rec Basketball The nightcap found Nasslff Arms tonight when they take on Si’.k Pxisnoa 107 30 137 Hril.r ...... 7i 101 HiOM, a ...... 3 (Ml Turner, 23, has won 41 and lost els. ! i*bniipB — 17# no one to take up the elack. John- tallb. a ...... 1 14 But there were plenty of other terday in danylng lie aver heard extended right down to the wire City In the first game at 7:15. ' lOS N 33 333 W.Iss ...... 73 100 74 213 ...... 0 (Ml three. So far this year be has I Bevo is the “six-nine’’ star of It has been clearly establish­ League Rosters pprfiio . 33 $ S 33 eon topped the local scoring with Qrddea. a . developments. After several days any such resolution, 1st alone vote ARROW SHIRTS Two members of the second jiefore pulling out their. second The Manorn;en are young, end Bfrtxp ... 110 101 MacNamira, a ...... 3 3-4 wen eight times and lost ones— 101 313 ToUls ...... *340 "3l0 " n i ~72l 14 points. on i t Rio Grande College. At this time ed that the death o f , Chester league victory of the young season. MeIntMh of swapping nothing but hot sir, By far the beet looking, best fitting collar place Dari-Maids in the West Side fast, ind sho'jid give plentv of . 3S — 33 170 •I. 1 (41 T ^ l » ...... « 1*3 on polnta to Giardsllo on April 7. last yesr, pqpple were speaking of Tomaslewlcz, SO, of ^ithing- The Mayflower Restafirant, offbr- trouble to the Ares. Mirky Flnde:* Klotpr , — 33 37 170 Ostnon €4 Manchester missed several the clubs finally completed a man- ”1 want to go on record that I styles In the world. Make this a gift for Rec. Bowling League are setting aeors at hsU time, 19-11. Hartford. rized player trade. Ths Waahlng- While atiU B wsHar, bs was his 116-point total against one- ton, was not caused In any way Nasslff Arms Ing the opposition in this contest, Billy Holmes and Bob Upton make .. 110 DO 1(6 golden opportunities to score be­ Official*, Guy and PandUia. have not voted to terminate the stopped in July, 1652, by duua- every man on your list. Touts ... ■ m M37 HlWriireiiit' 1} .. 103 93 ft9 Senators dealt slugging out­ school and a SO-polnt average due to his participation in the the individual pace after the first were not counted out untU the final up ths front co*:rt, while Dick Farr R. p. SMflsz (31 HUhIIs ...... cause the ball handler missed the Jitan, (U has been implied.” he sal(L plmmla------. . 19.1 —93 —130 —943 out-fought, lliey showed a lot of dians cut the lead to two polnta review the Pension Plan to sea if tors has provlddd «at Innkv days later at Hartford Hospital. 116.11 and .Mike Sedor 1154 are la Magrlaner, Neil Mutachler, Dave 58 to 53 margin. 94 33 103 » 3 Mullln...... m 131 139 Ml scrap under the hoops and gave up $15,000. It could be improved. As far as I of Madison Square Garden’s Ned Floyd, Bob Shea, Pan Pinto, Bob some fsst action for the young McOarOiy . 111) before falling behind by eight It' • • • southpaw pitcher with a new gag TIES Dr. Rembrandt H. Dunsmore, the top ten. Abraitis Is third, Cor- • • 0 103 113 339 Jnhnaon .. 134 1011 133 334 the ball unwillingly after a gdod know, nothing has bean dons.” Arrow, Beau Brummell and Irish and the little southern Ohio Johnson, John ' Anderson, Phil season. The North End Package Chapman ., 33 103 309 McCnnkey 78 73 was a low scoring session, both for his night club crooning act. the neiiro-ourgeon who operat­ renU fifth and 8edor seventh. Walt CUanins ... 100 31 battle. Bill O’Leary, Setter and MANAGER BUCMY HARRIS of Cape Cod wool ties. Perfect school was given a date In the Tinsley, George Demko, Leo Dsy. THR WINNERS outscored their still smsrting at its loss to Pioheer IS 373. clubs off in their shooting. Hart­ Now ths MC at a downtown chib ed on Tomasiewlez,. said that .Suchy of the Dari-.Maidn is la a PIrkey ..... 113 104 33 313 . Tolala ...... 379 474 383 1813 Tom Karronda wert Just too Mg Washington appeared well aatls- The 850J)()0 H is k ^ T U rf Handi­ 4iska McDermott, "How wUl you gifts for any man. A com­ New York basketball mecca. Frankie’s Drive-In opponenU 26 to 20 in the final will be out (in force trying to get MetbwdiH ka. ford hit for only three hoope while participatlan In races helped three-way tie with a 1I5A average. Tolala ...... fled with the deal that gave Mm cap, formerly khown as tbs Miami pitch to Tad wmtamsf* ‘The bast plete selection of bows, too. The booking—against Adelphi, quarter to put them on even terms a win over Hlllnski’s Sunoco Ber- ...... 433 « a ' 307 1407 Parkins...... 37 *94**103 3381 locale to win the rebounds. the locals were even worse, getting a 25-vear-old pitcher who won prolong the life of the young Other members o f the top ten Lou DescI, Frank Bores, Joe Ble August. Eddie Vllge and Norm Soda SImp 431 Brown ..., ...... 138 103 37 3131 Hartford ohot into a quick lead only a pair. B ^h. has bean acbedulsd for way is low snd behind him," Mc­ small local college—turned out with the previously league-leading Goodin ...... 3 3 « 31 380 Mercer ...... <19 18 and lost 10 last sssson snd a runner. Dr. Dunsmore said are: Stan Pplinsky, Armory Tav­ Bores, Jerry D’Apice, Bemie Mc- Frankie’s Drive-In. VIttnei, will be in the starting lin<^ 113 109 ^ ; and aUyed there all tha way. Set- 0 0 0 Hialeah's closing dsy. March 8. Dermott repUet. to be one of the two mistakes Queeny, Tom Moore, Ken Plnney. Conatanllne ...... 77 94 33 258 lUehmond IIS 33 IIS 323 Oliver has made, basketball people that because of a hardening of ern, sixth with 115.14: Ray Win­ Dooley Miller walked off with up for the Package mrn “while Pound .,...... 73 93 33 343 Banks .... 129 103 iM w I nd Tommy Davis Matteioo ...... 89 107 *?****. breaks but Hartford forged Tomaslewlcz was a runner that ready for the tap. Haward'a Laad.rairiaz <41 _ N Vlttner...... 93 109 39 3S| tap-off. H ^ e Lautenbach out- pnek to break it open with abdut FREE as something less than a good 413 Gitals by Surby and Fuller. Bob Grabek, Bill Hannon, Norm 11. besides taking down more Cowl*...... 97 KTt 104 333 Quilitrli ...... lit 1(19 Junior college team by beating the prolonged his life span. Abraitis’ 163 single Is tops. Andy Burke, Gil Kidd, Tom Conran. Paiii than his share of rebounds. For Tedtord ...... 31 34 N 393 neholtaer e fll. visitors. 83-76. The condition of the artery DiBella of Garden Grove rolled a Hillery, John DiBenedetto, Mario the losers Slim McBIIIgotL Norm Richmond. Va.. Dec. 9 0P>—Old | Loomia ...... un n 37 M7 MeCurry ion ***** * * Hartford used nothing more CURRIER failed to show up In any exam­ Johnny (Double No H'ti Vender 33 101 court-length pose to Johnson on a than the ancient tigum • • • 94 without a mark to lead la this Caaterino, Jack Perry, Joe Young, and Bill Zabel, and Bill Griffith lU 37 S6>> Tolala ...... 473 333 436 1433 eight ination at either Southington department. Phil Jones, Burt Dawson. were best with 14, 12, 15 and 16 Meer is eominii back to the Clais rswassily BspunBsj (3) weave to shake men looae for one- The other mistake came la the High School or the University B Piedmont l/eague he left 17 ToUla ...... 490 460 4S4 1434 Ballard . 113 a> UM 913 ■ RC LBAOra handers from inslds the foul llns. and IVES Dari-Maids hold high team sin­ Heim’s Cameras points respectively. Twii'a Mslar* w srnre ...... 99 39 99 934 McCarthy ...... 77 — 106 lU Fairfield ...... - ...... 113 131 333 AT Swank. Many beautiful single eyed as a writer gave him advice. WESTERN DIVISION San Antonio, Tex — Pete Gil, H. Hampton...... 110 108 U 307 O’NeU .... 303 Wilhelm With a litUs halp for Johnson, ths ball champion, can get solace by For Psinters, ...... 166 39 103 ...... tS 09 I 374 locals might hsvs won. pieces and seta. It wasn’t supposed to be this way, Kiiicks, Warriors' 160. Austin, Tex., outpointed Ben­ e— ----- Prior ...... Sarpola ...... 107 111) 133 333 BUXTON looking ahead to next year. Totals 4 » 1313 . Pollnsky for Newt Oliver, you see. He has W L Pet. ny Evans, 139, Oklahoma City, 10...... Ill M M 813 Nsxt outing finds Msnchsster made no^ secret about the fine The 1954 team should carry on Carpenttn, Plnnibcni , Totalt .... 4S7 433 333 1307 visiting East Hartford Friday. where this season’s outfit—tabbed Play in New Haven Mlnneapollz aaaaaaaa 34 4 .778 Miami Beach, Fla. — ^hby 84. dsha’s (31 .Totals ... M» *660 1331 CARTER coach he Is suposed to be. I Hartford Baad (U $1:50 by Co.tch Frank Leahy as ”mv Fort Wayne ...... 12 8 .400 Dykes, 159. Miami, stopped Tino Plecbarcxyk 9A 331: rol'N T B V CLI'R WOMKN Billfolds B\it he listened—and he was Rochester .. S. Grsyb ...... 139 90 334 Bsssy’s (41 'BIssonstte ...... 13S 103 111 131 BOUND BALL NOW greatest’ —left off...... 11 8 .579 Longoria. 160, Houston, 7. F. rtubacha ...... ti Buxton aUtchleaa billfold will learning—as he was toid that New Haven, Dec. 9 (M—’The New Milwaukee lOU 97 .113 N. Johnson 269 •• — * » last the life of the leather. Many experts predict the 1954 ...... 4 IS .235 Kalamazoo. Mich.—Eddy Simms, . H. Grayb .. 10ft 104 313 A. Johnson Francis had to develop at least York Knicks and the Philadelphia EASTERN DIVISION 'A. Itubacha ...... ift ^ :wimer‘’!f?..‘ ; ; ! ” } ; :; ; 'i 5 m ilo m Clcnuon, 8. C. (N B A )— Bonks CHEVROLET Initialed in gold free. Irish will be even more terrific and 169, Chicago, outpointed Chuck luninjvfY u sot liorentzen . one other type of shot to im ple­ Warriors will meet at the New Coleman 150, DetroiL 8. : Zawistowskl *S130 Spade ....; McFadden. former demion and * ». Pendleton ment his good Jump shot. He also well equipped to extend the un­ Haven Arena on Jan, 22 In a regu­ — —— ' Nelson .... i S»ns'« v.v.v.v.v..*i!i *S i9 ’i pro football Dodger atar, now beaten streak that now stretches New York .. • ••sees* 33 5 .722 London—Tolande Pompee, Trin­ Tolsis ...... 343 339 643 1663 heard that Bevo had to learn how larly-scheduled National Basket­ Syracuae ... • • s s a s• sXO 11 .470 idad, knocked out Jimmy King,. Ba Best Latbsran (II ToUIa ...... ToUU ...... 363 iOS xI40 1637 coaches tbs Clemsim bssketbsU iMKi ft adv iHUM . to come out and meet the ball through 12 games, including the ball. Aasdeiation game. Noren ...... 133 33 109 336 ‘ X Won roll off team. final two of 1952. Ekwton ...... 0 s • • f's as A 10 .M4 Buffalo, N. Y., 2 (Middlewelghtsi. when it was thrown to him. Nathan Podoloff, general mana­ Anderson ...... 103 96 113 313 nourke WOOL Philadelphia ■ eseeess 0 10 .444 Benson ...... 91 103 103 304 Dummy ... . When that was doae. Newt had ger of the Arena, said the game is Baltimcre .. essssesa 3 14 .176 L^IXBOE BASKETBALL Johnson ...... 109 109 li t 333 Miller ...... to show Bevo a tew Incldeatalo. SCHOLASTIC BASKE’TBAM:, being ,moved here from Madison ffUuit Carlson ...... KV 135 111 344 McMullen . / t h o r o u o h Ly in s p e c t e d such aa how to guard a maa, haw Hartford 59, Manchester 43 ------flehmidt SHIRTS. Square Garden due to other com­ Tuesday's Result Holy Cross 89, MsMachuserta 42. Tolais ...... ~H6 l i i 330 1439 This is one wool ahlrt that to rebound aad how to move. In­ Bulkeley (Hartford) 62, East mitments for the Garden that Rochester 97, Boston 79. Louis'ine 87, Manhattan 76. ToUU . can’t be beat. All wool ahirU t stead of staad still, arouad the Hartford 44. night It will be listed as a Knicks Temnle 73. Seton Hall 50. Csalsf Csm*s Ne- t <41 keyhole. Weaver (Hartford) 74. Bristol 58 home game, ha iiaid. Malek ...... 37 107 93 333 / RICONDmONID FOR SAFETY in plain colors shadow plaids and tackle. But he doesn't think NYU 82, Xiquitable lir e 65. Bales ..... and authentic clana. Francis stilt has to learn bow to Gilbert (Wlnsted) 66, Rockville ...... 13 34 36 319 (3ulsh .... football is all Ufa has to offer. And Connecticut 79. Oolby 6h. Peters ....1...... 117 133 104 3 « (Itlbertsnn play basketball. ’The Job could be B8 Quonzet Flyrrs 74. Psirfleld 55. Smith ...... 31 133 til 33S . Chemuk . done. Bevo has as fine a scoring Stafford 65, Griswold (Jewett he is sincere in attributing hla fiasleUi ...... 1...... 118- 113 134 330 Bony success In the game to his coaches Dickinson (Pa.) 68. Bucknell 43...... «|— ' ■ y ii — t^miummy GARAGES ^ RECONDITIONED FOR PIRPORMANCI u p touch with his one Jump shot as City) 31 Lattner Honored? $11'95 and to his tetunmates. Boaton Collegs 95, MeiVlmack Totals .... 606 6tt MS 1364 can be found. He’ll always score 54. .*• - fit. Itary's' (6) To(aU .... some with it-—but against class TRIN BEATS MIT Praises Coaches “Without a good team behind Trinity 63, MIT 50. Nelson .... 36 93 310 opposition he won’t score enough. him there is no such thing os a Bloodsncid ...... -..101 100 107 309 , Lundberg , Cambridge, Dec. 9 (iP>—Trinity’s California (Pa.) 78. Clarion 58. Nothing to send away for Thomas ...... It 100 100 333 I Rorvsih ,, / RECONDITIONED FOR VALUE ^ROBES Actually, Francis plsyed a fine neatly balanced besketball ^uad so-called star,” Lattner said in ac­ —we aupply you right out Hyde ...... 19 33 33 363 ' Gthlln •.... Pendleton and Dunmsr robes CHICO game—for the equipment he has. New York, .Dec. 9 (^ —John cepting the award at the 19th WUUisr ...... )....llt 101 lot » I^kwood . romped' to a 63-50 victory over Lattner, a pretty fair halfback for of our own stock. - — — Beauchene in wools and rayons. Plain Oliver, 29, should keep his nice Maasachusetts Institute of Tech­ annual banquet at the Downtown Touts .... Notre Dame, has done footbgll a 301 I486) colors and beautiful authentic MOCS kids in their class, the cage ex­ nology here last night Trinity’s Athletio C3ub. “It’s not false Yuxedoe. Cutaways and all ToUls . . . . / HONESTLY DESCRIM» Scotch clans. Interwoven perts agreed. Newt haa a date with service not only with his playing {nodesty but common sense. I Treat him "to sheer foot com­ scoring strength was well spread. formal -accesaerica. Jamas Ns. 3 (31 North Carolina State in Raleigh. The high acorer in the contest was ability but with a simple state­ wouldn’t have been able to do what A. Arelo , ...... 117 139 106 361 fort in soft, fleece lined slip­ ment that the sport “isn’t UiFmost Benllo ...... 117 ion M 313 ObremskI Dec. 22. That should take car* of Carl Hesa of the Engineers with 18 I did this year without thoae team- Kolinsky ...... 106 119 100 331 Anderson pers. They wdll be his off duty big-time ideas. important thing in life.” favorites. Socks - points. matea.~and the coaches who made J. Arelo . 33 101 109 .KB Sommers Wools, Hales, rayons and 'The two-time All-America dem­ it poestble.’’ E. Pasanl ...... m ios 107 363 Wltkte ... ■ .itv'i -f; / A N IU 30 DAY WARRANTY IN WRITINO. nylons. Nothing like them for onstrated' again that a football Lattner, who never knew an; REGAL ------HlllnakI .. Totals 3111647 . 'kS. . . $6'95 wear. pla.ver can also be an intelligent thing butv two-way play even ... lUIFft SHOES ^ Ns. MellMdlsI Vs. }*I3I 'Totals .. citizen 4* be accepted the Heil­ aipan ...... <..,,..^...113 104 — 333 I • the days of two platoons, paid ape?^ ff* . Holmes...... 113 103 lit .141 {Dummy man Trophy as the outatandlng cial tribute to the Inspirational • 47 MAIN STREBt ‘~“ H. Holm-a ...... 101 117 101 310 I Dunmy college player of the year In New guidance of his mother as praise Tci^hone Mle»-1352 Chappell ...... 31 ~ 111 133 Allen ... York lait night. Hanna 36 183 103 3431 Hamilton Soo Y^fto Fino Voluos was heaped, upon him as tha best Bonhani ...... — 33 31 134 Phelon .. O f Corfor Chovrolof SIMTEX Sure, the good looking, 21-year- performer in the year that football CENTER old CSiicagoan likes to run, block returned to Hmited lUbsUtuUons. Tout...... tSS 337 337 1333 IToUU ...... 337 333 830 list 1950 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 2-DR. 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DR- Northwood Light grteen. Radio and B Radio aad hcatog, Raeou- |P MOTOR SALES heater. Set to go. ^ 1 dithmed throufhbuL , ' M l SHIRTS 441 MAIN ST— NIXT TO POST O m C E COMPLETE The Ideal Christmas Gift Northwood cotton flannel m Urn HnsdM Bhirts are a famous woven 1947 CHEVROLET STATION 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DR. fabric. ’The nap atays soft BOB OUVER’S PERSONBUY SaEGTEO RADIATOR , For Your Boy and downy after Countlesa NO DOWN PAYMENT *0- W K A lata BM»do| at a low ^ A A E washings. Announcement SERVICE MFOK n iLE O ^ WATERPROOF PIttT PAYMENT NEXT APRIL if 94 tor just overhauled. ^ 0 4 9 price. USED CARS • YEARS to PAY Our display room will Im open 1951 CHEVROLET DE LUXE 2-DR. • C ft E A N lN O iO-YEAR OUARANTEE 1951 W1LLY8 STATION WAGON. 1I58 CHEVROLET UOOR $1MS Radio and heater. A Radio, heater, ovardrivt EzeepttsaaWy eleaa. Law aRle4ige. for new ond used cor soles every -b y EVINRUPE • RIPAniNO FREE INSNRARCE PUR apotkfls car. ^ 1 Sleeping Bags RMILT TO MEET ALL iUILOINO COOES < cyHadcr, SWEATERS CHAMP • RRCORING 1S50 FORD GRESTUNER $1MS RiOtfLARLY $1f.9i JantMn . and- Brentwoods Sport Shirts Very, very aleoa. One swaer. evening until. 9 and Soturdoys un­ «ta aatp far pan ta ______Every man wants to get aev- •waaters In pullovers, coata HATS P rsBipl asrvlas far sB sMkkas MB aM qsact far psai, and sieeveliias ■ s t y ^ . All Vou nm„ sport shirts, fliold plaids, Td(« AftvoEtag* *4 Cwtw’t ¥ m n n U t ftpprgliMi m til 5. la ear gpsslilty staffed la •aUl iuRprufil a r il W wool and washaWs. . a*Sd r*”** '*'*'‘** 1M* GHEVROLEt OONVERTIRLE INS iin c^ and h# can choose tures in all the wanted fab- Folly equipped. Local aorusir. , tar qspailr , bis owrn anytime he wishes, rics. ,95 Ik aM M « f C mbl. N. Y« N. A KM PMI Um fU OMAC PtM im PiM. DON MYAN. 81 t ______IN I GHEVROLET fBOOR SEDU $RS WstkerAMa-rPksaa HIM. .Lnatrerw'artglfinl black. CSin car. BROWN- 1M7 rqiflMO BLUR BOUPE R9S BEAUPRE ATLANTIC COAST CARTER CHEVROLET GO 50070 OTfl PLYMOUfft = tgssrpsA l sP ' LUMDIR CORP. . 'T ■ 2SB BAH CENTIR ST. NAVYI 886t •IfE liL ata.^ 8fiRB8U. • • ■ H . 311 MAIN nweMANCHlSTIR t $ 9 M A I N IMj^FORB i i ^ ^ R K •f Ui« P. 0. HANCRESTER morn *'M ly9.S234 1 V-''

m ■■ ...... MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER. OCNNv r» DECEMBER 9.1968 i v i K i y G h e r a l d . m a w c h i»; c l om tm w ^ n e s d a y . De c e m b e r 9. 1958 Aitwiii*0ee far Sals 4 f o r S o lo 4 Scm cfs Offored IS -BwOiliif Mstertoli 47 H Heig WmUJ-wJtoK’ 86 Aflkiis t 46 NitIWBC B s o t I f a r M e C M f s r M l i DsCX^MIER MOTORS NO MONHY DOWN CABINBT MASHNO. Qood work- FIRST CLASS MOLD MAKERS BAn«mi ArtUBsCtop, an Mata —7 WAWTA ItBM gBLE L e U M e i w manaWp. RagawaMa rataa Halt- O R B itr.lA SlI^ ( ■ ^ g tiA ii . . . -par M tUS-M ROCMS, UialMetkd ' SPBCHALS AND strsst. MReboU 840M: Modsrately FM6 MANCHESTER TWO LOTS. SAYS: ‘Too Judge the sp- mataa gladly given. Meaiaoa*a psiead Itamg in china, glass, thi- H " 4 X g Piyaeord . .par M im .T S m in er o r . mwOT ■ f Woodworking Shop. PUgrlar ROOFING AND TOOL MAKERS V A L U ^ ir v ta i Eisenhower. peersoce of these fine ears, 1M7 DOD0B 8-DR. ware, pswtsr and turmtura. Wsstem Framtag TXX> MousnciEnNa wM finr OTh war tt Mb it: I80.M Per Month CONSTRUCTION OO. with Job shop experience. Moderd . TO TAKE OVER KWBNISHED r o o m naay Caqtor. quire at 2 n ^ it. mber, U63. w e guantntee the condition." HAS SHE GOT a Pop-Up-Toasttr par M 1105.80 BI4.600. Six room ranch, attech- ;r;»enl, JOUNJ, WAUJDTT ____ CLASSinBD ADVT. lo a FORD 2-DR. HAROLD * SONS. RubMab 24 Onk S tr^ ■hop, top wagee, fuU employe UNFAID BALANCE OsMlamsx pvafsrrad. o m n iaSe*. beneSts. thM works? Maks her happy this Canadian Framing Manthi^jlhymsetir 25’ r*"8 ®WL TBN AGREE Box Mountain vida- World Hope on DEPT. HOURS 830.60 Per Mcoth moval, atao ceVare cleaneu. Oali Christinas with a new Sunbeam O ntoatfon doors, windows, 60’ This W eek's Fine Values : Sbsathing T.l £ par M 186-M 8:18 A. M .to4»8t P. M. >1M0 DeSOTO CLUB COUPlB Mitchell 9-4084. RE^SIDING S P e X S A L I^ Apply . radiant control toaster at 826.80, ■a;kdtcapod tot. 4% mortgago may x s s t i S i ; iytjbe flm oadcr lhi~" edmlatalraieriiteMraM e.Le. beriag ca- $6.72 Par Month or the fine. Toeatmaster at $1$. FUBNITURB cnafiieted U h l W t e d W ^ ^ ^ 19 5 3 FORD V IC T O R IA POWER BURNERS asd Range AppUcatocs of a■beatoa, ptaatlo AMCC TOOL and DIE, Inc. X g Wsstsra Shsathlag tej^oswmad. Only 12.200 cash rs- (c 1040 CHEVROLET 2-DR. Ksmp’s, Inc. ■ f tCOPT CLOSING TIME HARDTOP Bunera expertly daaaad and lasulatad Mdkag aniwobdsIngiM , 95 Krobklyn S t. Rockvllte T.L.L...... p tolf m .M h m H . . O , Sus ***^ Plans'to W ed f8.07 Per Month snActallMag toLifb 6-8170, ^ gkiMl.Stitol. t m r O D SALE at HawUMnwfN, ef De- POB CLASSinBD ADVT. aervioed. Let ue aervloa and i Ttaw ahnnlnuai Applications Accepted Dally BIO MARK-DOWN on 1 sold this to a young oouate 8 tl^OOE Sovaa room brick in d 5$’ front X l i r . Tel. ML 1-7467. waapeuB to ptnrar plaato wMIb a t 1846 BUICK 4-DR. Clear 6ak flooring f n K tE tt-M ''4- MON. THRU n u . A loadad ear and a raeant trade pair your waahlng machine or re­ UntU 5:30, Saturday to 8 P. M. ExoaUent for Xmas HTS. hot Uuy are ne?|^- iborls Cana Cod with baas el the Prol if& i^ iT a s a Soribt thiten was busily on a WlUya. A tu-tona doU. Down $30.69 Per Month frigerator. Metro Serviee. Mitch- chaster Oouatiy Club; Flush Claar 8.O. Oak aad tlnf marriad. " Oidy tw o yoara d d . FuU to atockyiltog wuapoiw.’’ ’ ' " j 10:8« A. M. payment only $605. eU 9-0883. MlteheU 8-8271 BUILDINO Custodiaa naeded at BiDROOK su m i ; LOW DOWN PAYMENT once, 11-7 night ahlft. e r " hour Mahogany Doom ..avg. $646 SSR am, lavatory up, Tounga- Silmrtu In 8dt n m’-jSSJTS S f S S ^ U g S Aa for Bteenhower’a m tpn m tm > SATURDAY 9 ^ M. A. V. LINDSAY ^Owner A L U M IN U M L i y w o b o o m s u m rttown « abinot kitoMn, fitapteoa, WINDOW 8HAIHCS made to order week, good salary, plus many IS" No. 1 Proosas Shakas 6-PC. DINETTB SET CKKTfULLY Lamtsd. hi rOLTON OrooBi Cape . Cod. fifo - of conSdenee that Cfongraea w m M t SPECIALS, C,^H or TRADE other benefits. Good physical eon- COMBINATION bsdt fie >rs, open aUtrway, Ctoeo .Park Ave- and installed. Venetian bUnda A ll c o lo r s ...... per sq. flf.M •BteaUnghouss’’ Btee. Rtf. aparimsal of-fiva-nm as. Adults ptecs, ofl hot water« r beat,______ftiU approve the proposal. Rep. DnflOT 1 MANCHESTER Roofing and Siding diUon, Age 46-86. Some mainte­ ------Uoa wtndewk tei^ lot. fiwmor, open stairway, eombfoa- Irora oooPBBAHoN wax i960 LINCOLN 4-DR. SEDAN 1948 BUICK SUPER OONV. and curtain roda 24 hour aarvica. WINDOWS and DOORS "Briwcl’’ CMblaaUon Rxnga ^sn aC P. O. Bex 167,1 QCey be used ■■ fiv e bedroom a . ’ssY.'sa ssT'sr*'" (D -N C)' aald b s thinks it taOl t a I U AmUBOIATBD Estimatea gladly given. Fagan Company offara winter prices — nance experience. For Interviews Windows, emnpteta ..avg. >fl4.M •'Wsatingtaqiun’ * LawxlraTOt ckastor. tlon storm windows. Insulated, toktns e cMy oTthta onler In i COSMOPOLITAN $300 Down 13% discount on nU roMiM ‘nnd write Bose 8, Herald, stating moat TRIPLE TRACK and 8's; 18’s*d Common Call new. ^wtiNip«r MTiag A cbcwBiles ta .■JORf time bafora Cwigrara «OT f Window Shade Oo., Route 44 at "Bmsrson’’ Ttteviston Sat ptestorod walls, fuU osUmr, trass, Btotrlct. at ti« taka tha raapenaltoUty" of aaHtef* J 1M9 DODGE 3-DR. Bolton Notch. latdieU 9-44TS. siding. Frea estimates. CaU ML Convenient time, phone number or ^ $M600, C k i ^ W. Diol MI-3-5121 A brilliant Juat lika naw car, 94988. address. ^ DOUBLE TRACK Nalls ...... keg |8.M .. . ‘,'WssUiyMjusa * Vacuum ___ TCeSttKaiB" 6,500. Have you etan the new Oteo; James J. jmUsnTJr^ Mriamora totoff U- S. participation to aa ls> i $160 Down Ateo tacludod Ssaly lnnorq>rlng t>t4vfis in Sunny Ifisw Dr, Kutchins. 90. 64182. 64164. J oftob T. Welker. Loadad. Sava a fortuna on tbla 118.95 and up f o r R 6B t M tornatfonal atomic ———- ? 1952 8TUDBBAKER y-8 MANCHESTER T. V. Sorvtco, CUSTODIAN AT Bolton schoed. NA*nONAL BUItOBRfi ' Mattrose aad Box Bpringi, i*Mo- ■raonr Six roexM, gsragD, oxeol- gorgaoua car. Color aatln black. A radio and T.V. apodaUata atnee BOLTOli—Brand new ultra mod- Heerar Lmid m $436 Down' Roofing State qualiflcatioiis, aga, present SU PPU E 8 haark” Rugs, lumps, Tsblsa. AlR-OQNDlTUHfBD < ffioas nndsr ~ canstruetlon, tergs lets, view. Former Preatdant ______recent trade on the fabuloua WUlya 183}. Hoosk aetvlce call $4.50. 18-A . 430 DavsnpOrt Avanua -orq 4-raom raneh with ovsrsisod Lon and Poond car. Down payment only $395. 1853 DODGE CORONET 4-DR. employment, preaant salary, ! PARAMOUNT . Kitehsn sabkiet, inteM and a few oonstruotten. Wm d« fate ta su it ^ i for inspection arnry day l to ateraga. Marble and brick fira- ctorad: "Pnridaxt Etoanbowar Like new—$475 Down Mil Shell 94990 day or ntght ROOFINO—SpaetaUMiig in repair- New Haven, Connaetlmit sthsr artictea Located on Main 6t., B p-m-, % mite east o f Verson Can­ K u^ib. itolae jOHW J. WAtLETT. Judge wages sxpectsd. Apply in writing, ENGINEERING (X). teraar Wads- pteoa, oak floors, ptoa panaB made a proposal of gnat aobOtr- 1948 CHEVROLET 2-DR. iag roofs of aU Unda. Also asw Bolton Board ot Education, Nor- Tslsphono STats 7-SS9T PlMMs Mo Immediately wosth. Pbons ML 64779, 1 tor, R ovU 80. Drive out today. o r rnoMATB heia FURNITURE Reflniahlng. antique roofs Gutter work. Chimneys 41 Oak Streat HARTFORD 6-0353 04616. ample closets, largs lot (hdy e l MeiM a m h e jw ^ ^ J h end fir 1» LOST—Pair o f i Iu I m . Finder call R end H.— $195 Down furniture a specialty, chain canad mdn Preuss, secretary, R.F.D, No. 11,500. Phone Barbara Waom ..Shaker Heldu;. o S ? of _ the 4th day X I. MMS avanluKa. clsanad, rspntrsd, 28 yanra* ex- 2, Manchester. AFTER 7 P. M. 46-4690 SO Portor S t Moot attractivo 0- Oecember, 1980 CHEVROLET 4-DR. 1953 DeSOTO CUSTOM 4-DR. and rushed. Anaon F. TlMcp. TetM I-S-8177 Oiaaiewis—WatdM*-*» TWO'JUITES of officas lx a 100%t n Oairtosa Colonhfi with at- Agency. MltcheU 6-7703. ItM. Poatmaatar General SirnimaaOTi . $520 Down Phone MltcheU 94716. pertenea. Fraa aatlmatea. CaU Sao It Day Or Night ^eienl, jdm Tj. WA ■aM to a atatemant tba FrafldtoB utS yoT ir —Pairl child'a -laaaaa batwaan SEDAN. DE LUXE Howlay. Mancheatar MItchaU Jewefay 48 If you have no moans of transpor- locaUoD in Manchester, each wUh lod garaga, dwigaia knd built Estate efcf JanesJai H. 'i t s 86 Months To Pay ROCKVILUB teU of Manehastar, Is ^ *Tald down a io rm u la wMelL I f l^lstar SclKMd, North End U* Many more to chooae from. Small FURNACES Vacuum cleaned, oil 8-S86L EXPERIENCED TRUCK drivers. tafion. in aond my auto for you. 4 rooms aad toUst faciimaa. ~ . anarcMtootforMnseifoaoyear said Olstrlct, deceassd. brary, Lockwood Bt. Bad laathar Ctdor aaa green. P ^ y equipped LEONARD W. TOST, Awolfir. rs- oomplste infor.. atten « hgo. Many fine foatuiaa found only followed by the world, could aalate- - down payment Long terma. Beat burnen aervlced. For export and Csrlson A Co., 44 Stock Place. OLD-FASHIONBD Sleigh, pain No obUgatlonl ^ Mova In bafora Christmas. Two The adnlntatratrls having exhlbltsd hah tha peace which hM aludad «fi C»aa. MI. »797a. and axcallanL See thia aura plaaaer Of terma. prompt service caU Bob Oart- for Oiristm as display, 188. : paira, adjusts watchas axpartly. A—L—B—B—R—T—*—S MUltr at Tbs SavliMs fn iMttor homo. Bsfog sold bfiow year old i thrae badroom ranch, Church XcMul. Wlnnetka her admlntatrsUon account with m . today. BOY—16 years, old, work 4 to 10 Reasons bis prices. Opsn daily. Of M aa^aatsr. ~iteosment«coat for bmdneos roa- eliowiSS. ttta for the past 3,000 yaan." wrigbt MRcIieU 94446. fleatiiig—PhniMag 17 9-42S1. 48-45 AU.YN ST.. HARTPXHtO Larga atoctric kitchen. 38’ Uving ORDERED; That the Ulh day - af ■an. Hiekanlooper (R-Iowa), Br lOST—Parakaat, ailvar and Uua. For A Good Deal On A New mornings. Apply Fins Pastry Tburaday evenings. 129 Spruce Only $6,000 cash raquirad to OTcntook Nllla, Peiuuyliraoia: Decenber, 1W3. at lea o'clock,'far? Ahawara to Billy. Vicinity HoU A PLUMBlNO Shop Si your door. Shop.' stiaet Kitchen 64887 CENTRALLY Loottod oq main) room, hot w ater oU h e a t aU city J. Weteon, 3i0t Devideon Av^ member of the Ateoie BaMgir Or Ueed Car See GUARANTEED 'Dm quality tsla- ATTENTION Ledtoat SMp-eovers 10 pcsoent mortgage. Vacant conveniences. Asaume 1%% y _ . ®f km iu. Mew York, New IfiS I**™**** Oftoe In the Munl- idid Paarl Btraata. Pindar call MI. No time tost. New arork, altera­ CAST ALUMINUM Sevan inch aad drofos eostom ma#*. Ra-up- highway—body shop aad flUla^ !aU now for an appolntmtnt to cIhU Building la said Maacheater, bs Committee, said at Watoelaeb ‘ vision aervlce. Calia received be- WANTED for construction office, gage. Only $1,500 cash noadad. forrin, < Afoee foecc, ^ Um -tame la aaUgaad for a bearing ^TBM. Reward. SOLIMENE, Inc. fore 9 p.m. wiU be serviced same tions, copper plpiiig, fixtures, hot ^ b le saw. CaU MI. S4S61. hMMsiltm. BMatffai fabrfoa ^ o n . 8paca avaUaMo for 8tora,l Inspect this 0ns home. __ Late A. Swnltew Iowa, that tba speech "may tadMa I960 WILLYS SPORT water automatie heaters. Youngs­ young man good at flguras. Bhccel- OaU 6torrs, Oonm 6-2004. f on Itot Alkrwuic* of aftkt admlntatrftUoa of the greateet cantribaUcM to tfew Your Dodge-PIjrmouth Dealer night. M I. 9-1847. Foel 6nd Peed 42-A ALBERT J. GATTO COMPANY account with M eatata. LOST—Male fiw and white tiger \ PHAETON town sinks sold. Estimates g l^ y lent opportunity for advancement. BEAUTIFUL Selection of Wool rem­ d dtatribuuon. and 2flr. and Mra. Bari F. SwaUow, future of a free and peadtoUl cat. FoUowad cMc i dran to Waahlng 834 Center Street givtn. C. O. Lwentssn. JiO. The Jarvia Construction DRY HARDWOOD, Furnace, fire­ OiriCBO FOR Rant, 1 . 2 Realtora ag^'.Jiy« ! 5g -h S « 8S Tal. Mitchell 3-5101 ANTIQUES Reflnlahed. Rraalrlog Co., 6 nants St low pripea. Also rug wool tediueaenoto pay. odD w a r r e n E. HOWLAND iKf-.that notice of iba 20 Oak Grova S t . announce the an- world.” aad he added: *Tli6 ton School onela.wi Veek ■ ago. am- ~ “ Color midnight cloud. They coma 6-7686. Dovsr Rd., Manchester. and instructims in braiding tugs. place and stove, $1S per cord, $18. rooms. Omtrally tocsted oil Mblnl Hartford 5-9108, 5-1018 time aM iU ca aaalgaed tor said bear- vtete now have the opportunttF to dran’a pat. ML 0.3OS3. done on any furniture, nema^ per load. MI. 9-0131. Mrs. Ptado. tOtebon 94S83. 6t, mar Past Otfica. Plenty of R oeltor Evenings 8-3000 Uta be given to nil persons knonrn lo bd fagamant of thalr dmigbtor, Miaa no nicer anywhere. Equipped in­ 1949 CHCnOlOLET Fleetline deluxe 189 South Main street Phoas CaU RockriUe 8-8706. * m erited lharetn to appaar and bs Loia Anne SwaUow, to Oariaa W, prove whether tliey waat bobbbi cluding overdrive and all hew white QUARANYEED Ptumbing and parking spacs. Center OprtMX Phone MAnchester MI-3-8d00 Manchester Mitchell 3-0040 to! pubUablng a copy af fordor. Radio, heater. In very nlqe MltcheU 8-5648. Help Wanted SEASONED Hardwood for stove, BENDIX QAS cloUias drykr, excsl- Ntosal, Jr., aoB of Mr. and Mra. and human prograaa . . . o r dafor. walla. condition. Original green finiah, hasting. Alteratiqns SM new EUBCTRIC TRAINS, Large layout, leat condltten. Two years eld. CaU Realty Co., 470 kCaln 6 t CaU ML tela or0*r in some neerapaper bavug a fusion, foar and conquaat" — Annoanegmems work. Forma glasa alactrie and Bfalc or Penale 87 fireplace or furnaces, CaU Lson- BOX MOUNTAIN, Vernon, high lo- : lew Vefk,y ^ yofo;lriiii ctrculatlon In saM District, at Uaat gm itea Natari, SOO Bomvau Ava., $795. Douglaa Motors, 333 Mein. ARE YOU Ready for 8T Call Art VHU leU all or part. CaU Les M l. 9-91M. A. R. WILKIE. Jr. caUon, down to earth ^ c a ! Da- nve days befora tbs d ayto aald b S ? IfOPWldle Sen. Dworsbak (It-Idabo) aBtiT gas aratsr haaters sold and in- ftogers. MI. 9-0203. ard OigUo. MI. 3-7083. ‘ 1 Ior.,Jr...li3’ Wlnnetka,■ eeii U- FOR HOOVER vacuum cleaner Plnney, TV Antenna BpeciaUat, GEINERAL OFFICE worker, exper­ MZ-64Sao Ughtful>«M fourAV9M yean vui noinwhome 6% ■ Devle■Tie Ave- „ Lae SwaUow, a graduate cf Kteenbower'a propoaal will hara to NO MONET DOWN Sales and Service. Very fair staUed. Tims paymonte atvanged. INTERNATIONAL Harvester ra- 6BOOND FLOOR, 3400 aq. fU JOHW J. WAUETT. Judgt. Alaa and aarvice call LaFlamma SkeUey Bro^Mrs, MItehsU 9-g714, ienced typist, five days, 40 hours. sbe RADUTOR8, latest type— ■ 8EA80NED FIRE Wood cut to any plenty light, hto lavatorias, thraa rooms,IS, breewway,breawway, garage en 1% *ACT-';..*»»g5S ^ Vwk;i nT h----- o i^ JCaaebaater n g b Icbool, it at prea­ stand or faU on “poatttva anttfli JEEP SPECIAL $30.69 Monthly prices. Tel. MI. 9-4773. . .CaU. MI. 9-7063. derired length, $17 cord. *ViU de­ frigsrator, in axesUent condition, 4-ROOM Ckpe (ted, ptestered waUs, acres.I. Only* ' $14,$M.----- M addeck- ly ™ . r - ..AT A ra m o r PROBATE held ant a student at tba Naw Britain not merely an todicaUtxi—«■ the AnpUance Co., Watkina Building, good buy if you can use them. $110. M I. 94174. front rooms, suitable light manu­ at Hanebastar, with' aad for tha M Oak BL MI. ».n6g. Good Tranaportatlon HEATTNO From A to 3& Convor- Uver. Tel. Bob Kurto.'MI. $4107. M bntnsr, fuU csuiur, s ta r bus, deVos,s. Realtors, Hartford 24KM6, (Zanaral HoOTtal School ef Nuratog. part ot Soviet Ruaato to iiTiMlili' 1948 WILLYS 4-WHEEL 1946 Chevrolet Tudor DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, Good looking and working refrig­ facturing. large office haUs. ApolV' of Maqehaatar. on ths 7th day Sion burners, Ixriler-biimer units, erator, Como and take it away for Backer, 66 Oak. ' sad ahMptag canter. Only avenlngs $41I6,' $34122, 62-1481. TW-VriWy Reed. Gltnooe. Il- of December. 136$. ^ 2fr. Natsal ta a graduate cf Nor- good fa ith aad guarantee fUB dOr TBBiABURED GIFTS for rug hook. DRIVE JEEP 1947 Chevrolet Tudor copied, vacuum claantra, irons, SituatloBS Wanted— FIREWOOD, AU bnrdwood, sawed, REAL BUYS in electric clothes complets beating systama. AU 88. Also gas range with gas heat­ driers. Hotpoint and Bteckstont, ------(terlton W. Hutchins. Ml. Newington $-6648. £ r f» ^ j6 H W I iW A lU n r . Jadga. witto Frae Academy. He has served operation and compUaaoe.’’ . aral Bliaa rug framea, $9; Fraaar Completely overhauled. guns, etc., repaired. Shears, Feaaale 8 8 ready to use. Haul it yourself, 64182, Eauta of J a ^ foytoTUM of Mm - with tbe Air Force and ia presently Full top. Heater, body extenalon. knives, mowers etc., put Into con­ work guaranteed. Time payments ing unit fo r 810. RockriUs 6-U19 reduced $50. ABC AppUance Co., ete|^r. m said Otairtet deceased. Thera was no Immadtota odfiaM , a^p cuttara, $14; rug lampa, $$; 1947 Naah Sedan airangad. Morlarty BroUMra Tel. save money. Keith Reynolds, Cov­ ^barbdo for Roat 1 i The administratrix hertag eemiut^a employed by the Robertson Puar You'll think it’a brand new. Only dition for coming needs. Bmith qr 5-6393. entry. PI. . 21 Maple. ' comment either from tbe ItiirilfiiB Bant ahaara, $1.»8; white wool, McCLURE AUTO COMPANY. Inc MltcheU 8-5185. —^ WILL CARS for children in my 34734 FOR SALE—davan room sliigte, tn- Wsfitsd—Rtsl Eststd i B t , & . " K her. admtatatratioa oceem t with Box Oo., 2ContvUle. chanceUerlea although tha Ftoal $2.W yard. Pattema SOc . $4. Shop, $196 down. "Hudson Salea and Service" waite, 83 Pearl street ■ulatsd, Urnksn oU burnsr, newly tbla Co m tor allow home. CaU MI. 3-6840. ELECTRIC FURNACE MAN> coal ORDERED; That the Idth No definite date baa been set tor dent’s plan waa wdcomad lx imt* agva at Colonial Remnant Shoppe, 373 Main Street ijUSNOX Furnaces and .ararm air COVENTRY - Thraa fiinilfiMfi|| radacoratod. Big taremar garaga. nCKTH COVENTRY, Route 44-A- N. take Shore Drlre, Oie wadding. CHIMNEYS Cleaned and repalrad stoker. ExceUent condlUon, $75. Garden—Ftrai'—Dairy COLEMAN OIL burner and nnk 275 Ona yaar old, fiva room center December. IXU. at tea o i l GlftCtal quiffG f*. Canter St. 1941 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN Tel. MI-9-9442 hasting. Earl Van Campl. MltcheU MI. 84816. gaUon tank. Reasonable. PI. S40is rooms, (tell Hartford 404067. tot nlcHy landscapad. Convenient Sf®.' S* Probata Omea bi Open Evenings by an expert 28 yeara axperlanca. 9-6844. HOUSEWORK By the day. CaU MI. Prodaets 50 central location^ CaU MI. 8-8833. ^ w a y ranch, may be expanded It •htaeer, clM Building In aald^Maaeb______kloat odltortal reaction wax «■■> Fully equipped. Very aolid CaU Howley, Mancheatar, MRchtU 3-7477 after 5 p. m. BOLTON, 3H room apartmeiX.i No agents. to eeven roome. C^n etalrwey, ^ Um i ^ e ta aMgaed for a baariag eentrated in Brttato—where BBMn 8-6881.' both foeciei OU tha allowancs of said admtadatratlon helled Ike's apeecb—and to nBB6i- ______PCTOUiUllO______throughout 1946 CHEVROLSTT Fleetm aster. 2 LARGE SIZE scooter, wicker W El^ ROTTED cow manure rec­ APARTMENT Blse'gas stova, good Hast, .fas, .bet water la- fireplace, metal combinetlan win­ actant with aald estate, aaccrtalameat door, radio, heater, blue finiah. In Moviag—Trocldiif— ommended for dried out teams. eluded. . 6-SS41. MANCHESTER—Exceptional Cape dows, 190 X 2W lot 4% mortgage of hetra and order of dtatribatioa, aad Hospital Notes Frencb antt-Communlat papers COMPLETE Hand and power laam Dogs—Birds—Peta 41 ■IroUer, reasonable. MI. 9-0638. condition, claan, J m . MI. t-1646. S S K * * betwete tbemselTee and oUier THE PROSPECT Hill School for good condition throughout. Easy Also highland top aoU. Ordam tak­ Cod, fUU shed dormer, exceUent m ay be aasumed. Only 82,800 rw m era thia Court directs that a o tle e if thd ware mainly faimrahte. M U e - young children. Tranaportatlon terma. Douglaa Motora, 333 Main. mower salea and service. Motors Storage 20 time and place aaeigned for raid baar- THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet UQUIDUUER — NationaUy adver- en for deUvery at your conven­ tecatlon. FuU price $12,600. Bolton, down. Warren B. Howland, Real- .Psrtotrs above Bsmed are ail ng be given to all pereons known to be Rriaxte Taday. .158 Booncr Paris Preaaa thought the. ftimiahed. Mra. Lela Tybur, dlrac. tuned and overhauled. Pickup and tls4d handy appUance at $39.96 in­ ience. Can Leonard OigUo. MItch­ CHRISTMAS SHOP Wantsd ts Rent three room home phis sunporch. A Fhene MltcheU 2-8600 any q>eecb naeded more clartfiMritCB. 1946 PACKARD 4-DR. 1941 PACKARD 4 sedan. RebuUt MANCHBUfTER— Package DeUv­ Center, 995 Main St. Mongrel pup- Partnerehlp otereeted therein to appear and ba ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mra. tor. Phone Mitchell 9-5767. deUvery service. Oibeon's Oarage. ery. tiocal light trucking and cluding handy magnaUsed wall aU 3-7083. buy at $5600. Four ro . home Is® — •MPi thG firm BEm«. ward thereon by pubUehing n copy of "A more preclee ptoa w bb motor. Phil CO radio and heater. MI. 8-6013. pUes. TurUes, monkeys, hamsters, IN LEI8URB AT WANTiCD—Room in private hntiw| ______place ot reeldcoce of tJ^ order ta wmo Bewspoper a Anne Ifont, 39 Roosevelt St.; 2fra. SEDAN (Clipper Model) package deUvery. Refrigerators, tropical fish, tanks, accessories, c4n opener. Kemp's, Inc garaga, $7600. Many more Freda Neteon, 71 D rim oot S t.; aw aited," aeld FAris-pnaae, *1wdi -Ride from vicinity of Excellent running condition. Cidl CHAMBER'S! FURNITURE suburban or country. Oarage m A & BOLTON-Two badraom ranch, «• »o« atao ^culatiou In said DIatrict. at laasnive MI. 9-3391 after 4 p. m. WEBB’S T.V., 17 Maple St $8 per washers and stove moving a guaranteed singing canaries. Con­ -rlvate bath prefarrad. W. “ |a ef aU kinds.-CaU *111# EUs- days before the day of said hearing. Flotton F ay. 180 B irch S t ; Leon- etorlty was not tbe itnintoaiit emlock St. to Travelera Lnaur- Color black. Car is in superb con­ specialty. M I. 9-0762. HA!n d m a d e fancy aprons TIME TO SPREAD cblckan manurs worth Mitten Agency, Realtor. Ml. vaeplM. vieara, ancloeed braeie hurl Towers, Oreen- JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. quaUty of Eteenhower'e ipeech.Hb iroe, Hartford. MI. 3-8381. dition. See this doU today. house caU. AU work fully guaran­ necticut bred pai^eete. Cali MI. At Thii Green s resfiy, Manchester Tool And ] Md Badstutoier.. Broad Brook: 9-4373. Open aU day Wednesday. gifts. Rsasonable. CsU MI. on lawns and gardens. MI. 3-0971. 2-4080, o r M r. WhHclier. ML way and garaga. tUe bath, alumi­ Chariae Praee, 47 Dougbarty St.; poeed a certain number a t gaBiTBl teed. CaU MI. 9-8638 for quick hon­ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS O0-, sign. num storm windows, aw nij^, two tm kT K o r ERNEST MODGDf, late WANTBlIl—RIDE to vicinity In- est service. It pleases us t' pleass you. - M ttls of Coventry, la tho Probate District of M rs. Cacot SuUlvan, 310 E . Middle prtociplce which raquire aMM* Aoto Accessories—lln s 6 local and long dlataaea moving, Tractors, Trainer Bikes, DoD terrxcaa, flower beds, large gar­ OoventJ^. deceased. tamal Revenue office, Hartford, NOTE: We have on SPECIAL ONE DOZEN buUders 'iron wall Homehoid Goods f 1 Cerrisgss. Hobby Horaas, t i n tor THREE ROOM aphrimsM, ftinteN- Tjtoe.; Oscar Johnaoa, $0 Summit ample explanation.’* , .. SALE thIa week FOUR and FOUR COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. — ’ ‘ storage. CSU MltcheU BLACK POODLE to trade, wUl 6^6ND 4 D^FUBX, completely den. 8U600. Carlton W. Hutchlna, Tbe ExTcatrix barios exhibited her houra 8 to 5. MI. 3-5397. LU'ETIME Batteries, self-charg­ r<«3 6-1438. brackets, $30. Two doaen roofing aU a m . Uss our tey*sway plan. sd or unfurnished. Young decorated inside, two new oU hot ML 64122, 8-4004. adminlatratkm account wUh aald Estate S t; David StarraU. 36 FArndala The two right wing newspapera ONLY BRAND NEW CARS at ing, 8 year guarantee. $39.96 any Wolcott on wriniger and automatic consider radio, washing machine bimekste, $38. One Stanley safety USED PURNTTURB boughl expecting chUd la *>l. Akor ?tre*i- Chicaeo 10., f f to Ute Court of Probata ter said DIatrict Dr.; YflUtom PranUce, 341 Wood­ T-J' ' ' — T - waahlng machines, vacuum clean­ or what have you. ML 84706. Gins of baauty to r tha satire water furnaces, storm windows ^ t a ; Herbm ..1. Markham, M il 8. for allowanse. It ta L« Figaro and L’Aurora eald th* VERY SPECIAL PRICES. Don't car. Lrt ua demonstrate. Budget salid I’Ve extra bladea and carry­ sold. The Woodshed, 11 Main 84014. ^ —. _ ------,! JorehMter Aveiwr, land S t; Mra. Loniae WaUaca, 13 ncoct mova ia up to tha RuaalMMh Aatoaiobilcg for Sale 4 ers, motors, smaU appliances. ■traet. TeL URcbaU 64U4. home. Fumltxre, Lamps, AppU S2^ E4W6SS. H i ft. _OBDERED; That the lIUi day of mlaa your chance to make a fine the cost. Cole Motors, - MltcheU Pninttng— Papering 21 CANARY BIRDS for sale. Guaran­ ing case, $48. M l. 34763. lot. Only 813600. Cariton W. WaaUB-Rosi Estotp 77® ^ 5 .5 ?^ Deceraber, 1353. at 11:00 o'clock in tha Lyneaa S t ; Frank W aters, 66 "The plan to preaented to eenr 94980. Welding, 180 Main St., Phone MI. aneas and TV. YOUNG Working couple . forenoon, at the Probata Otllca in Cov- Starkweather S t; Peter Jason, 100 18)9 STUDEIBAKEIR Commander deal on a brand new car at teed singers. 126 BisscU St. Tel. Hutcfaiiie. M I. 64122. 6-4694. J l. JMIoota; ArthuPo. generoua torma. and lu efftoacy 9-8678. PAlHTiHO, Exterior and interior, XrrifJTT TRAILER, complete. BENDIX 13%" T.V. Ideal for fim three or four room -unfutnlslmd, l u t i n g s W ANTED — r t i ^ be. and tbe same Is aaaigned tor Rfindaor St coupe. New paint, good bo^ and MOTOR SALE, new motor guaran­ MI. 9-8989., or recreation room. ExceUent con­ Open Dally 10 to 5 heated apartmant. (teU 6-tT32Aii- Woodhiqe aVcooc, Pert! hearing on the allowance ef said ad- dependa on the good faith and rifo- piVsthanglng. CeUli«s refinteh- Tracks exceUenUy. Air-condiUon- MANQIE8TER—West 8ids, five at­ twb-fomUy, thrae-tamfiy. ilBlstraUon account wHh said Eatala ADMITTED TODAY: Mra. chrom e. MI. 3-6513. tee, 10% dowir. Chevrolet, Ford, ' JOHN J. HADDEN ed. WaU paper boedu on requeat. dition throughout. $49. Ml 64960. 7:30 to 2:20 P. M. tweaa 6 aad 6 p.m. CrowfarOtyittG, Xb^ otio: VraakUo B. eerlty of the nations p u t t » PARAKEET L,.Five weeks old. er, % ten. almoat new. Reason- tractive rooms, ovsrsiM garage, Bsaapropartfr. HAve many caab ^Biu, 7069 B, BowSSbdrw DiiYe Cht and this Court directs the Exm trtx/W ' Nortne FhiUipa, 393 Meti, fit.; to It." eeld Le Figaro. . DeCOI^dlER MOTOR Mercury. Dodge. Plymouth, EsUmatea ^ven. FuUy insured. abl«, MI. 9-1600. ' Manchester T.V. Berries'. huyara. Mortgagea arraagad. cite all persona interested therein to Ap­ 1948 FORD Buper daluxa tudor. 8134.96. Pontiac, Buick, Olda- Male and smale canaries. CaU fuU ceUar, oU heat, atonns, d o ^ e MjjWoo O. BradleyTro pear at said time and piaca,'by puta Frederick Kriatoff, Glastonbury; *It win be toteresttog to b m Radio, neater. In good condition - SIGNS OF ALL Call Edward R. Price. MItchaU MI. 9-3949. siM tot aritb plenty of traas. Only Please caU George L. Orbxtedlo. • W^ton Ptoc*. Chtogn le. XUIb m . tahtng thia order one time In aome Melvin FAtgteeon. 248 (Uiartcr Oak SALES, Inc. mobUe, $n4.96. Cede 'fo to re , g a s USED EASY Spinner wsahem. Re­ BosintiB Prapsrty the reacUon ef tha Sorieto." throughout. Color, jet black. Only 9-1008, ■ RHEEM water heater, also oU TWO FOUR Burner gas stoves. 812660. Terma errangad. Gatto Realtor. hDtdidl 6487K IW l l 7h* !^*rtaermip boeiiiem ta a ae 5*rtog a clrculatloa In aald St; David McKinney, 132 Peart MltcheU 94960. DESCRIPTIONS vmter hsater, in good condition, conditioned. Low price. Ateo used f w S s I t DUMct. aad by poaUng a copy en tba L’Aum e commentod: "Tha J495. Douglaa Motora, 333 Main. 24 Maple Street Tel. MI-3-8854 CANARIES, GUARANTEED sing- electric range. ABC AppUance. 31 Phene MI. 2-700$. C o.. Hartford 8-9198, 8-1016. E vs- Henry atraat St; Lawrence Roger, 19 (fiyde em, aU colom, also femalas. Reslasonable,. MI. 94677. n la n public sign post nearest to the placa move now, naturally, te up to tha Manchester TRUCK LETTERING Courses and Classen 27 Maple St. SBRVICX STATION, garage, 64166., Msnctaaater, MI. ^ e r e the deceased last dwelt, at least Rd.; Omer BeauUeu. 129 W. qenter Ruraiana. The evolution a t fai> GOOD CREDIT and Wm hold untU Christmas. M l. USED WASHINO machines, refrig­ 24646. CteSH WATTDtO fo r any ty w real Bommodfo**. sate time asitgaed. S t; Mra. Janet Montgomery, 207 1948 CHEVROLET FleetmaAer BELOW WHOLESALE 94431. PLAEjbr JR., tractor with snow- 4-room apertmant within a tetfle estate you bava to aoU. F ia t aad The aaoeaU at eepHal. fundahed And due return make. U rnatlonal retetlons dependa eor'^ IN TWO Bveninga per week we plow, land plow, disc harrow, cul- erators, moton, vacuum cleansn. ectuellv------oeotrlbut'im ihrhr thv Speelel McKee St; SybeUa Larkin, 12 $1.00 DEPOSIT tudor, radio, heater. Motor com­ MltcheU 9^1860 o f the .nearly acquired HamUnin IC^CHESTER - Three bedrootA Itertnere who ere not Certified from Recotd. their reply and on tbe good dr Winter Tires Half Price can teach you Radlo-Electrantca Uvstor. Phone MI. 3-710$. New and uas0 aapUance parte end Standard on a mala thoraugbLan *!^®*5.5?'**^* “ kmsy sraUable. ___ , etao Geaeral ^IZABETH LACEK, ClClfe. CNtoland S t ; 2Iartha Steevee, 34 Will tieliver One Of Theaa pletely overhauled recently. New 'TOOPICAL FISH. New shipment many other anlcles. Stuart I t totontel. buUt 1661. 24' Uvlag room , Ateo UsUags wanted. CteU The Fertaera ere. rmpecUvaly, rcea ea folknra Probate Court. had will they ahow." TV repairing by our "Learn by ’ Just arrived. K elly's Aquarium, to It. Wonderful locafian lor thainy ...... E lro S t * Guaranteed UaM Cara brakes. Original jet black, $875. Buy one regular price, get NEW FLOORS sanded, old floors TWO PAIR girls’ figure ice skates. WMcett. A -t Repair aad Salea, 1$6 firaptoce, open stairway, d h ^ Johnson Building Company. tOI ----- 1300.000 District ot Coventry,' The teftwtog, non^lommBBtet Douglas Motora, 838 Main. Doing'’ rnetbod. EnroU now at 39 Sunset St. Open 'tU 9. pomibUitiaa. Immediate eecunua- h ^ S t 20. 6 ^ . EvrabS^ Z b i r t h YESTERDAY: A daugh­ Franc Hreur calted tha epaach a 1950 Buiek Sedan refinlshsd. Tel. Ml. 9-4391. Oonnectiput's Oldest Elactronlcs Slie 6 and I. like naw. Tel. MI. Main 8 t Phone MI. 64878. room wiUt chair raU, fanfily aira ter to Mr. and 2tra. WiUatd Grant. one half price. Four treads to cy. 811,000. Aaaoclate Raattp Cu,, Arthur W .W eketajr...... 000 “eolemn. dramatic call to raeocn," School for class starting soon. CaU 6-1309., cablnst fcUcbsn and o s r a a lc tUs R ocJcvUIg. 1803 .Hu(taon Tudor—Vary clean. 1841 CHEVROLET sedan, 1941 choose from, plus famous Pooitry and Soppllcs 13 Broad Brook. Tel. Windser Lmcke bath. Plastered walls, oak floor­ 000 President Reports 1961 l^daon Hornet Sedan—Ra- Chevrolet tudor. Written guaran­ Hartford 6-1630, or write for fuU 13% CU r t , Frigidaire fteenr. National 84726. " YOU READY to sen>11 your lOOiOOO DISCHARGED YESTHRDAT} Pennsylvania , Lifetime road Household Scnrlees information. New EMland Techni­ tJONBL No. 2M Wayside station. ing. *bot water oU beat. Oopper im ooo "Then la no donbt the atoad e f ; dio, heater, hydramatlc. tees. Tour choice, $150. No down BROAD«REA6TED Br«»ie Tur­ Usad four IMdlhs. Tel. M l. 94413. bamaT. . , Wa ------havebuyers ' ' waitliig 48.000 (Uifford Jarvto 18 Cbtmfo St • Jri*teeqen to gn at part raepsw hazard gnariintee. Take six Offered IS-A cal Institute, 193 AumbuU S t . Ulumlnated. Ateo Uonel 037 n- SAVEJIME STORES AND Offices wlU bm tniflt phimbtog. Interior in top conOTiw, mtor 4. g, 6, 6.8. 7-raon7-raom singlas and 34 H eir/£. Greene...... Mra. Annie McNally, fiU Hnitetd 19$g Naah Sedan—Very clean. payment, $9.94 monthly. Cole keys, fresh frosen and fresh kUled, mote teontrol switch tracks. Ex­ iUu n op . Lot 70 X 120. Buyer may 96.000 A-Arsenat Growth ribte for the daittay of chdlta35e% Motora, 488 Center St months to pay^ Hartford, Com. 10 to 33 pounds. Sehaub’s Turkey ROCK MAPLE kitchen eat. toble, to suit tenants in a fast gmmring tomllMs. Gatto C o., B M iford ^AulhrS. Evens ...... St; Cbartee Vtooak. 14g InrdaO 1M9 Oldamobila — Radio, heater. WEAVINO of btims, moth holes ceUent cemdiUon. Reasonable. ■scUon ef town. Meal spot: for aanuns mortgags with l% % in- IteWou O. braAler to the logical eoneequoaoe of the Farm , 188 HUIstoam Road. four chairs. Pries $40. ML 9-2376, 84101 eventoga 84 -- The amountsoont of S t; 2(ark Wlnsler, g3 Chnrdi St- , Only 28,000 milea. BEFORE YOU Buy a used' car and torn clothing, hoisery runs, Phone 50.9-4345. V is it t b s drug store. CeU AC8 R ae^C e..' torsat rata If desired. P rice $14,300: ter in tch eu i4 6 4 1 srila l furnished (Caattansd from Pagw One) race to tbe death betwaen tha two COLE MOTORS handbags repaired. Upper re­ or 25 Hals Road. January 1st occupancy. The and acluaUy cqotributtto by aach Spa- Richard Shainin, 85 Lakewood tr o u t powera ainca Roaeto baMB 1951 Studabaker Landcruiaar — Sea Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Bonds-’-Stoeks— CROTCH Mahogany highboy, Bea- for ral phrticulars. MI. 6-226B Partnar w be. ta atao a Ceneial Circle S.; Vernon Herter, Hebron; • Very clean. Salas and Service. 285 Mata 436 Center Street placement, umbrellas repaired, Artietes for Halo 45 Employmsnt Escott Agency, licensed Broker, OONSlDiatlNO SELLOfO 2 ir?a ^ “ .'ta: ®«"‘'^toiOon as a s f? Of tha long string of atomic ax making atom aad h y d re se a Mortgages 81 ,dix autematlc vmfinr. baby scale, 366 High Street West. Phone kfan- ^ ^ U a Galtegfaer. 9 isdridga bomboT* street MltcheU 9-4S7L Open eve- MltcheU 9-0d80 men’a shirt collars reversed and O f fic e M a ch in e ry 52 HARTPXIRO Rastaurant and grlU, „ TOUR PROPBRTTT Ralph Hemblower , plosions produced by Uui United St; Thomas Scott 16 Stock PL » ______replaced. Mariow’s Uttle Mend­ DELTA-UE WALT power tools nnd trioyclei Tel. H^3-§267. factory district. Dsnelng 9'trttoy chestor MI. 6-76U. Without obUgatton to you, wo ISOO.OOO States which once worried over L’bumaalte, a Oommrniiet vupor, MtCLURE AUTO COMPANY. Inc. ninga. ITRST AJNTO Second mortaxgaa accessories. Sales, asrrics, demon­ Paol B' folaner ...... 75.000 ing Shop. bou|^t for our own account. FWt, PRATT A WHITNEY WE BUYt' wtimmmeea Octo- aiont have occurred since the hla- Tel. MI-9-0443 SELECTED USED CARS AUTO ORIVINQ Initractiaa. AU ■hades, made tb measure. AU atrast. Fkaaa MltelteU 3-5418. tools. Terms arraagad. (tepttol b r a b -b u b n r e a l t y I 'fS!* ^ooumiea to and Inchid- Open Fottim "Ruaeia has often mads ««wfrate ‘ Open Ehraninga , • lessons on taaurad dual-control FLAGSTONE. Stone for walls, bus IkML $2,806 n q u ired to as­ torlc Alamogordo shot on July 16, * CENTER MOTOR SALES metsU Venetian blinds at a new house fronts, flr^aces, etc. Bol­ Equipmaat Oo., 26 Maia S tra ^ _ forSdld Fboub M ltdM I SOTTS. 1945. That mean a grand total of proposals for banning atoaHe car. Capable eamerleneed Inatrue- low pries. Keys mads white you r 6fid Acesswriis 43 sume pritoent racctgaga. Exchnlva undar- weHKma. and Eiaanbower’a apasrTi 1949 MERCURY convertible. Good REAR OF POST OFFICE tor. Cbrdner Auto BehooL Mitch- ton Notch Quarry.. IH. 94817. Bight asw la an MANCHESTER with A C B ReaUy. (teU ML 6-2163 __ 1 AH of 45 ex^lcatona have been set off by Mlaa JOaee ta RM^Ital wait. Marlow’s Bnsinen Opportonities 32 exeeUent Mau HAVB T W ccuaidend sriliag your _ of October. 1963. this country. Of tbe total, there to no way conatltutea aa airsiii , top, radio, heater, electric win- SAMPLE BUYS eU 94010. , , to Mosktl hwinments 58 for appotetmant. fe°T«Hng. Ralph HomUotr- dowa. Needa a UtUe work, $500. • FOR HIS XMAS gat aaa af tkeea toMtjr have been theaer ‘The origtoal test To the Editor— tanee of thaae," said tba rinnifoB'"' 1952 Chevrolet Sedan Da Luxe— FOR YOUR Rug and DESIRABLE business lot. 300 x 300 For the BEST buy in Large rooming house thal ifiiowk of hetnag. Mortngea at- nlst organ. Cau MI. 3-em . FOR SAFE and Coortaoua Auto shampooing caU Mancheatar Rug on Route 6 Bolton, 3 mUes from goaS Job# at *tba MUSIC Instrumental rental, MOVE IN P«m Chrtatmaa. „ in New Mexico; thro dropped on For a number of yeara, a good FuUy equipped. Excallant VENETIAN BLINDS Reward! him with an Outboard Aircraft.* Wa an exeaUent return. Good| meal nagad. Immadteto etouxi. Oalt Japan; two ftred^dn “OperaUon The mpt. raltoUa aarvica. Clurlyte number of teat explosicna at the this aray, she has been abto tb 1948 Chevrolet Aero—'Tutone gray- .lots. Screened sand, stone, fiU and vaxeeastat ep- X $86'. Ownar Isaving town. Blva 2 0 . 6-7157. S il k Louie EniWetok Proving Ground, opened too late. Humanity awaits tte ream black. An immaculate car, BALLARD'S DRIVINO SCHOOL— SPINET PIANO, almoat naw. Go- Phone MItehall 3-MM CUflm P, Walker. J r . John J. lighten the hours of both old and Uon with great tension.” >. 19|9 MERCURY Mdan, radio, heat­ 1013 MAIN ST. gravel deUvered. Orter now. Nuas- portaaltles whteh MI-6-791, . Tyler, Realtor. MI. 6-4416^ in 1948. It seemed aignlficant that also Includea new Urea. See “Manchester’s oldest" Owners Ing South. Sacrlfloo,^ $270 < Markham Alfred R M e y e r, r. Dewm young by supplying tham with London's independent Times raid er, exc^Uent motor, $85, 1839 BuUdlng—CoBtractfaig 14 dorf Construction Co. Phone Elsenhower, to reading hig pre­ hobby and busy-work materiala.' thia one today. Certified by AAA and Board of Can Ba Seen Anytime Write Box Q, Herald. -U- VERNON—Three bedfoom ran ^ gterett. Henry B Daarhom. Arthur W. pared text, omitted the printed tlte qieerii. “auggeated the foal' Buick epecial sedan, good motor, SPBCIAIJZTNQ in custom buUt gl^ MltcheU 9-7408. NOTICE Pf'anklya Aa a result of a recent shock, clean, $86, Douglaa Motors. 333 1948 Chevrolet—Tutone blue. Com­ Skhicatton. We offer training, « MANCHESTER — 0 ro basement garage, fireplace, iric- B. Evans. lion O. Bradley. word "atomic’* in reportiw 43 pimctlca] step which could be takea Main. pletely overiiauled. Fun guar­ ^^Itoee, latest methods. MltcheU rages, Stanley ovarbead dooca, NATIONAL "’ASH register. Rlngt POSmON VACANCY^ MINUTURB s p i n e t piano 1 14 plete. Has all Jmener.' ocraene, turs window, baaeboard ratoatten. tosta. Miaa Jones is now in the Wind­ without a fun-ecale disarmamefir antee. A-1 condition. caoinete, hlou tfie ceUlnga, a)- Wasted—fe su le 35 up to $999.99. Seven separate aub octaves, good oguditten. $246, suit atom windows, abewar. btochway; huge lot, on by* Use. Priced to ham Community Hospital to WO- plan.” terathma, addlUoBs. OsU Frank CUMK-TYPIST able for youiw chUd nrfor to start win carry into tham "a new con­ One of the' Bnlwetok ahota to tha limaatlc, and I feel sure PONTIAC convertible coupe. WOMAN WANTED at New Model toUla end grand totate. Good gas bat wAtor heater* ;garago, seU quickly. Gatto Cb., Hartfoto ception." teat aeries teat faU waa a hydrogen Tha Ubaral News Chronicle aald" PRE-WARS ? —YES MORTLOeX’S Ortvihg School. Loat Contois, ML 84t22. BuBcRag hispM tiM ing formal laaaons. FUU credit al^ 8-9168, 6-1015, ovenlngs 641“ those who have beneSted from her VO, heater, hydramatlc. .New '41, *40 Chevroleta, '41 Chrysler, Laundry. Apply in person, 73 Sum­ working order. Ap|Uy Herald Of- FOR emeelte driveway. BiteduMg con- The Preeldent pointed out that, explosion. While a hydrogen explo­ Eteenhower'e plan would "re|daea„ . allpcovers. Excellent motor. confidence quickly restored by k ce, 1$ BiaseU St. <• lowed If traded toward now fuU diUen. Price 6U606. T»«$ Escott Maachssler, ML 2494A efforts 08 well as thooe who con­ oomptete deatfiock with a foiin <2: '41 Plymouth Convertible ■kiUed, courteous tn strueton En- WE DO AXXi types carpentry work, mit St. ^ DsnartniMf. WUl Study by tAckUne the problem to thia sion ia to reality an atomic ex^o- GOOD JOBS keyboard piano within one year, Agency, 206 High Stre«$K West. ■ion (the fusion instead ot fiaaion of tributed to her project wiU now action." and toe Laborite DeOy I^aln**^' ^*‘’“**** Motors, Completely overhauled. doraed teaching methods insures such ns remodsUng, flwtaiiiiy off ^HATER'S FINEST: 20% off on Atee three used epinate, full key PORTER STREET. Five rooms way, the atomic powers could want to join in wishing her a extra rooms, etc. Reasonabls BENCH WORKERS wanted. Steady SfortiHf Sohiry $2278.00 GOOD PAY Manchuriar. MI. 6-7688. avoid the ‘Trrilatione and muttuU atoms) the popular use of the word Herald aald toa gastnre “m ayK ______No Down Payment ^ driving. RemUte guaranteed. work, pledaant surroundings. Ap- all doU carriages and strollers. board, sxceUsnt condition $866, down, one up. Hot water heat, speedy and complete racevary. tori see a lifting of toa burden of MltcheU 9-7388. rates. Ctell Manchester ML 3-6769 aueplclona" which have ariaer wl'Ji has been appUed only to fioeioa NO MONEY DOWN BssebeU M ig. Co., lU - Make your selection early arbUe For: Job Description, $416. $866. Gomi Piano (te., $17 PERKINS ST. —M odern^ room tom plumbtng. garhga. Ideal lo­ New P la n bombs. ‘ Sincerely, fear toto weighs ao heavily os Only $27.92 Per Month 1949 STUDEBAKER pickup. Good or PI. 34696. the supply is ample. Priced from Amlum St., Hartford 6416$. Open colonial, attadied garagh. ameaite cation. B y appointment' only. OaU M afCoTts to w ork out an Inapec- condition throughout. Written Mininiinn Qdnliflestions ch e ck Uon ssratem fo r plants vrithto In­ It appeared noteworthy that whUe Mrs. ROTk J. Slate, BiGn*f bGGrtSe** Garages—Service— $7JM) and up, Kemp's, Inc. Monday and Tburaday nights 'tU drive. btauUfuUy laadsetofod owner.'. M l .94365.------R. F. D. No. 1, Good Tranaportatlon ausiwntee, $495. No down pay­ (Oau« r s cA o m ) dividual coimtriss. Eisenhower spoke several times the Unoffletony tookeemen In both - HOUSBI7IVES—Anxious to earn |l AppUcation Fornu Christmas. Fraa periUng next Dealrabte toeafion. Itoihicsd in Beam and (teiro ballad tob apeaeh. ment, $29.90 monthly. Cole Mo­ S to r a g e 1 0 AU. KINDS of carpentry work. r o y a l a n d Smith-Corona poK- 14 SO im i HAWTHORNE ST.—Six He did not eay the U. 8. gov­ quanUtative edge held by the ______Willimaatic. I 1948 Dodge Sedan "Green’* tors, 436 Center St. ML 9-0080. Reaaonahie m tes. latfiteU 9-4291. to $8 per hour without canvassiiig. door (west). __ price. Suburban Realty Cto., JteaK United States over Rueala he made Write P . O. Box 491, Hartford 1. abte and otamMrd'-typewrftera. Apply To PRATT A WHITNEY tors, 841 Mala St. rUmio MI room Capo Cfod, • Unistaed. Shade ^ on thia laaua in the Utotad ernment would drop tU goal of an 1948 Hfidaon 2-Door Sedan TWO GARAGES for rent, at 575 Nattoua have .produced no raauKa. no mention ot a qualitative margin. READY FOB (XBfEBACX ^iPwraldAYliSHaN BEST OFFER takes 1940 Buick Center St. May be uaed for ator- SPECTAUZINO IN new homes. Conn. . . AU makes of adding machines OFFICE OF BUILDING A IR C R A F T . 14216. J treso, garihm space. nlcoHawn and affective aystem ef international 1 ^ Naah Sedan aold or rented. Repairs on aU ■hniba, bard driveway, no gafoge. Btotxbower matte his propoaal toapacUon of atomic energy 'fa- Thia omlaaion could mean eithai Miami (#v-Htoteah cteekers an Waebtogle% Dae. 9 (EV. super sedan, radio’ heater. Can be aga. ML 3-8894. $1200 nnd up to finish 2 rooms up- IH8P-ECT0R Olrietoa of Daitad Alreriill MILTON UPRIGHT piano, $1$. Tsl. Impreaeed with the early training SEWING Machine opeiratbrs want- makes. Marlow'a , M l »-t|62. MANCHESTER-Nearly foW brick (teU Owner, M I. 8-8861: No agents. Attar a somber warning that tha cUitlea. It waa learnad the that (A)' no qiialitativa e d ^ is held, Uaiereecrotary ef State WaMur M cCLURE AUTO COMPANY, Inc. w n at 164 School St. any time. stoira. .Ateo, roofing, sldiiw nnd I .u.:-Rooni |2, Mnnicipsl Oarpofattea or (B) that intelligence isn’t good of Bine 2fan who ter •' BedcU Soltb le nperted plM> Phone MI. 9-3189. carpsmry. Alterationa and addU *ad. Apvdy X akler CitoUi.Toy Co., and frame (tope Ced, nig: roome, altemaUva to effaeUva toteraa- Americana plan to daal with this com back "Hudson Salea and Service M otorcycleik-^Bicydes 1 1 99 Hm il^ St. AMERICAN Flyer, sekte mod^ BuiMinjf 'B . Hartford E Oona. two unfinished, tam«arA ssngt, THRHUB-FAMILY home^ 8 years ttonal action on tha atom wiU ba only In connaction with the much enough to aay. « wtoterTOe ■tog to taelga bte poet ta abSBl . 373 Mkln Street fions. Reasonable prices. Free electric freight and passenger condl- old, oU hot araUr beat, eliunlmun But the President did point to the $100.0(M Widener te hia target Tha six nxMitha. Tbe *T rra r aid IMl CHEVROLET deluxe fordoi. eetimatee. Rockville 54111. *B (3(B R p i a n o , in good full abed dormer, bet Wider oU tha probable dastructiMi of clvUi- broader undertaking of comptete TeL Ml-8-9443 RECBpnONIBT for profeefional train and UUe. Six feet of track, Applicatiotis Accepted Until .. . V ^ . tk». Inquire 87 Feeter St. heht, fireplace, cnUAUnatlon storms, one Unsmem empty. fact that among a aeries of atomic horse hasn’t raced since July, 1658, ■aMter-dtotoaaat, effleiate aald unmaculate condition, radio, taeat- GIRL'S BICYCLE, Like new. MI. aaUon to an atomic war. Ha said international supervision of all but bte lege show no elgns of the ______Open Shrenlnga **'• ®**t model, beri price in 9-0668. office, some knowledge of typing remote control switches. CaU MI. 5:00 P. M. Tnes^y, atorma. Many other axtifoa with RenU, $70. •$$, $8$. $18500. Cterl devices exploded by the Soviet today, to rnaa(dsrtag eeveral |sb 3-6917. it was not anougb for nations to atomic oparatlons in the world. "bowed teiuUm" which forced him town. Douglaa Motors, 333 Metn and shorthand. State eatery ex- December 15,1953 this weU cMudructod hmfiw. Gatto ton W. Hutdiina, ML 6-8182, The idea ef inspection ia to pre­ Union (since the faU of 19tt) k _ o ffe n trot* prIvaOa la d a a lij aad 1960 CHEIVROLET Fleetline deluxe Rooflat^-SidlBg I t pectod. Write Box U, Herald. * | ^ T Z k BAUER upright pUiw. aract ttofanaaa which can never been "at least ona involving tbar- to the eideUnea at his paak ae a tudor. radio, heater, Uke new. Oo.. Haitfoid 641N, l-ifiia. eve ba adequate, against atomic attack vent the aneak manufacture of jWrihto^rjriU aoeap6 aaa abeaS.. . Bnsmcaa Sorncoa Offered IS f o r ouARAWTEien wnrurff GIFT SWEATERS in Orion, Nylon, Jttoeombte. Tel. ML 64947. nli^ I MM, MaaOhosifor, ML monuclear reactlona." "That sophom ore. $896. 1960 Chevrolet fordor, radio, CUBRX-TYPIST. State ags, or fins Zephyr wools at low mlU BENTON STREET HOME Qis- and to amass tarribla power of Atomic weapons once auch weap- maana a hydrogen explositm or a bsater.bfsti Douglaa Motora, 388 Main. END OF YEAR SALE WIRINO INSTALLATION of aU ■tr y on in aim kind of steem, nnd k-, raUltotlOH against tha attackar. ona have been aboliahed. guttara condbetora aad roof ra- tones and salary desired. prices. RetaU salesroom. Msnehas- tom built homo of 7 generous mixed fission and hydrogen explo- I»wn Down Payment types. No jo b too smaU. Pater Box V, Herald. Ro5bm wHhtNrt Boiird 59 fooma and boated sunporch. First Hia speech had been months in Elatnhowrer said he would sub­ $ 9 # (CHEVROLET station wagon. pairs Call CottghUn, MItchaU ter Knitting MUte at Mancheatar MANCHBSTERr-Larga^five-roem aloo.) Pantaluk, 40 Foatsr street.. Pbooc 8 -n 0 7 . Green. IXCIPnbNAL OPPORTUNITY FOR Oops Cod, twin atee "llsdroosss, floor: Fbysr. Uving room with praparntion. The President had mit to Congress, "with every JveeUent condition. First reaseta' Name Your Own Terms ' MltcheU 9-7808. L ^ E b e d r o o m , etogte or dou- firsplset, diiiing room, kitchen pactatlon of approval." any inter­ a y s offer. CaU M ltcheU 9-4818.. fireplace with tfealaltojor, large long wanted tq rmwrt to tha ROUFINQ, Siding and oarpentiy. Hdp Wanted—Male 38 i d e a l CHRISTMAS gift for any M*. haat» hot water, near bath. arith breakfast nook, ateo 3 bi imarican people on ttw dangers of national atom ic energy ifirni 1961 Studebaker Commander 6- OONDER’S T.V. Service, available nun—Schick "30", Sunbeam or Qiarter Oak 6L kg. 6-7H7. , kitchen, gas range inebbded. Bg- nliK U P TRUCK, 19M Plymouth. Alterationa and cefi. VAlilABLB ^lUer Brush territory critent^tocation. BedUffuL yard rooms aad bath. Second floor; 2 tha atomic w a and supply aoma worked out by the major powkra Locked-in Pupils Pass. Starlight Coupe—R and any time. Antenna canveratons. Remington electric rasor. Rus- bedrooms, lavatory and huge stor­ which arould: ^ for novice gsf>d condiUoB. First reasonable OD. mgs. Workmanahip gaaraatsad. open in Mancfaester-Rolton area. bOtOLB Or d o u lfa ,' ninnlng tmt for tfiUdren with IotaJ o t treea II6W Infomuitloii on tAG powtr of PhUco factory supervised service. 'A. A. Dion, Inc., 2M Autumn ■eU’s Barber 8baco. Steam oU heat. Baaa- 1. Encourage global exploration «Csr takes it MI. 9-6884. I960 Studei^er Champion 6-Paaa. Tel. MI. 9-1486. $100 per week guarenteed from Spruce. *4ter, steam beat, near bus line. See and compars. lUJIM. Bar­ atomic and hyfbugaa bomba. Go Out Windows Starlight Coupe—R and H, street. $ntcfaeU 8-4860. itery start, it you can qualify. Par hUPtlra State TaUor Shop. Phone bara Woods Agency, liMKchoU ment garaga. For Chrlatmas aate of peaceful uaea of flasionabte and CHEVROLET 2-door. 1941 ihaiwnt Must be ------' the prick has been reduced to .w'^.^?**«*-*'*'**^ ***• eotttpartion materials. • pek sedan, radio, heater. Both OD. MANCHUSTER Welding Serrica. RAT’S ROOFINO Cb. .BnUt-up married and SOMETHINO NEW, dif­ ML $-7863 er 64fo7. 94702. j the U .S . stockj^a of atomic Portable equipment. General have car. Phone MI. 34893. $14500. CAU MAdoUne Smith, R eel- 2. Being to Cut down the destruc­ A group of pupils from Bowen and run good, $196. Douglas 1950 Ford V-8 4-Door Sedan—R roofs, gutter work, roof, chimnsy ferent. Sea Ute new trlpla-aUds Pwr Mot Wiw WotH tor, MI. 6-1042 or MI. $-4076, or waaptma, which is tocraaatog daily, and H. welding, boUer and furnace wald- aluminum ccmhliutiap wlndowa-' *mtNl8HBD R txm for rant, heat-' MANCHESriH-ColonlaLiSilonlaLtox large alraady "axeaads by many ttm lj tive potential power of atomic School had to stay after achool for pmfessiomd " s , 333 Miun. repairs. Frae estimates, RayRkg- DRIVERS,'FOR Evenings, nkrt , to, hot water, parktng, convenient McKinney Rroa., ■ Realtora, ML atockpUas — obviously tboaa to awhile yeaterttey. but not because 1949 Mercury 4-Door Sedan—R l^76L^“ ****“ 6-1668 or MltcheU enow. ML 9-1214, R ay Jacksim, ■teo-doora at grant savtaga. CaU /IfMMMiy Hifli lae«M roonu, hot water oU held, firS' tha axploaiva aqulvalant" e f all Apply City Cab, 68. P u S u for frer demonstration. BUI Tun- > bm. ML 64061. ______place, combtnatlon stbnkn, large t-f060 or 646U. Russia and tba United States. they had been cutting up. . and H. ML S4SI8. P lata. bomba and sbalte . dropped or fired 1949 Buick Super Conv. Coupe__ sky. MltchsU 94096. I corner lot, $14,M 2. Allow people everywhere to Tbe thing that kept them in one ^WWISHED DJOOU -vlUi or wiOi- WORDS CANNOT do JosUoa to Utte all over tba world to World War H. eee that the great powers are in- 5 . ?*“ • **• *Syn*?tow. A 67 yesr old compsny.InrBest sel^ orgnnizaUon In the nancing. Gatto modern 6% room ranch arith liv­ of the rooms in Um newly-cco- tot kitchen prlvitefae. OenUeman 64196, 6-lOU, Eisanhowar than ratotad the teraatod to hunaan bettermfdit ■truetod addlUon to the achocl waa 1648 Buick Super 4-Door Sedan. world, win employ Immediately, a Uph caliber salwainn Ijtosrred, or couple. Near ing room and combined kltchan- atomic probtoM to other dttfer- 1948 Studebaker Champion 4-Door Manchester $-0946. rather than 'Tn btoldlng up the the fact that the latching mechan- SErne t o k s to retV M t it In deveiopinir a new field la Mancheetcr .^toey'e. Call Ml; 64136. dtniag area, ritnatod in the front wcM wllh ^ Sovteto.-Ue tecxned armmmente o f w ar," C O M K Ili Sedan—R and H. OD. ■ of the bouse. Thrao epaclous bed­ tem on the door lock misfired and AND WILL PAY CASH and sjU tSB^ng territory. Fpr the man, who qaaUfJes. OFF CHNTBR ST. S' .bfiautifuUy long aartes of oonfarances aad 4. Open up a .new channel for trapped them. 1947 Studebaker Champion 4-Door h ^^MASANT Housekeeping room decoratedoecvrvuea roome. riHMua. Entraine hall. room s, tUe bath, fuU oaUar, baea- nttMipto at Bcguttdtton to aatUa Sedan R and H, OD. Secretary W ant^ |Us Ikm offora a penaaaent poaltion. High weekly ia- peaceful diacuarion nnd initiate a 'Jamee L. Parry, eterk-af-tho- M.GRUMBACHER nUM EI SEWERS bus, stores and Cheney’s. OU ..large' living roomiNrith' with direpteee, mem garage, near ached and bus auch concrete probtema aa German OADrSBOROUGH (ML OOLORE f«clwnl 300 SfifiM FOR S ir I B en^ 'waaher. 81 Garden line. CAU A C B Realtyr for Ap- "naw approach” to worid prob­ works, and Npraaentativca'.d# the Also two 1953 executive owned ■Y LOCAL MANUPACTURING CONCIRN I M ^ p fild raeatioi^ boHday pay, hospltaliution, gypup Aiti~iig rocm and: httc*'kltriheil so am unlflrattoii. Auatriaa tadapaadaBoa tema which must be aolved "If tbe hardware firm which made tbe ACABKM Y W ATER CMXMBS floor. Hirae bodroomenoma anfl bath------on pointment, ML 9-2161 ■oo ft o aad Kortaa peace. ' Studebaker 4-Door Sedans at a H m U m C iR M M d ■ye-A yyaace, aalimHed carnlnga with fotore aMared youioelf. 'OrorM to to ahake off tbe inertia lock were summoned. e B E U I e M substantial baring. 'esm id floor. Rusco ooinbiaaticn He said the U. 8. govenuaent is Impoaad by fear aad make poclUve Some of the ymmgfitora Itod -to lOOMDBPlEX * I ^ windows, oU boat, attached *pOMS FOR Rant. Oenttemen ^ MOVE RIGHT in ttate ouatom btott .B^VW^^ag toward ‘paaoW make buaeea, hoiraver, and couldnH Studebaker Salas and Ssrrica» ? 2 2 * WaBs, Sawar ^^ ^ t i^ .o o r Bostim Rfpraacatetive ; toralga I m l^ c r a ’ ceutoriBiee at I, — ...... - ______i - i II . V CIlrisfBIBS Eys iM * Ortter Wataiw jW fod. Inquire at 41 Blgejow i t Ca w Cbd I in ^denttel area. Hd wait while the oxcatto ntehed to 0 0 , Wstdr «TAn cfoilMIlON iw . a& .’^ n .xrs: Eerlln -ir ttr l^ d fa ls to S r tte l’* 1 BERLB TAKES BRIDE rra a fta f D m *. . M r, H. F. RoUaaiB v a le r beat, firaptoce, Ute the scene. So, aided by the faculty 79eto913Jt '■jM CHORCHES MOTOR SALES AND r t t c i ^UfTED-one fentlbiiraaiiforiMra 6-16l6.IO.5OT9. 4 open etalrcaea, dormers, la tbe sama vaka o f fieanly ato- Naw Ysfk, Itec. 6 III they Juat atoppad out tba artodawa Dscembfir 11 fioio 9 A. IL to 5:30 P. BL • / rid apartment. -ML dtea MStau Earie 4 B i a fla t bv«> 60 Oakland ktraet McKINNiY n o s . Win* WEST SIDB-M w ater and. sewer, $18,600. ■ad want about thalr huatoamc ■alia Rafo Oaaggev* wcAa amr» Perry, who today described flie at Eeora, UiiBbo rik nod Co. Glhsotd pordi. j only teat Nov. l l for sa m t talks Busco oembbiaC dKKliJ} kslM >L Beefion, ak toomrl ttod teday,,Tlw prtvato cereaMuy hardware used as "the bast you m n i E l t i i i BED and twin bedroom, on coalrol of atomic waa oraduelad to the ehaaabera LainwpMNT -^‘AlllU lirBTIlEET:. Ffriiw t* bofne. Young man pra- boat. Immediate oce ------ranch. Attached garaga. Vacant, t tonal waapona Ha get for tha Job,” atod the fM l- Una Smith, Realtor. K 16U ,or 814500. CteU Ournor H aitfced af Hale Sufranae Oeuat ' Juritea OT (M tbe mMhaatem was Juit S S to . Ckminri M L 64919 or Ute Vultod fitatt Naw Egefc ef theae tk ^ thas ' '.W! ML 64619. PtOfitnd" to Jata J 'Sadgeto w % 1 /■ * I . ■ . • ■; -.tr. -i- V i . > t “ ' .■■"• -iW -*'" ‘ '■ %.~r- -.-■I.-. ■.-, . f 'V;;,-" . ■■ ■, V'";i ■:. ■■ WEDNESDAY, raUi ! M . .i, '■ ' ■■■‘' ' -'f ■■' ’ I ■ ■ iiu -:., >■!! ■ H I ‘T S T T - '

iibsi Double »AY. DECBHBER Ifi, ifU (TWENTY PAGES)

* Ve -* Hip G>me From? Ike A-Pled h i;,

/■■(IK' Green Unheeded . .. .. Stamps InKremlin Doe. Ip (ff)-So- Given w ith 1 ?! oTOkeomon gava strong indicafioiig but vOht that tho Krenrito ivill nothc^ Cash Sales dent BiaeBhower*a __ _ ed with Own Scar for on atomic tnergy pool 4or a ll day peooiful US0 8 . ^ No Official Tbort was no-"oSleki" rsply Accueed Slayer Sobs in Qiapel t ftw the Soviet government, bat Red Hecklers Mar Thursday '" “ ow radf**^ coounentator o* Body Seen ■»ris Leontya.'de- nertbeo the American pnpeltat ns “ nheash of the JBarueh atomle Nobel Ceremonies control plan the Russians have al* ByOff-r M ded a.w ooll ffho h i I th a t the V. s. PanNdeat bad ------.------a( Earl In * ^i^ 10 ^--'Communist hecklers sheiit- "UireaUnad atomle war." L"TS "“ “ .W *bo aaawer. Cale, ing this is no peace candidate” today interrupted the formal Policemil] star light, In the Vnltad Nations' Aacam- 188 task it io a Paraana. wremonles awarding the 1963 Nobel Peace Prize to Gen! '‘k A v* Dolsgau Andioi Y. .-■AMffblhaik. . Iheyn hava ta taka tka eaao Vlthinckr daclarod: ’*Yo|t t-to MMVo the One theory abeot the ‘fcepper Is that -^.^tumied audience at the 0.io University Hartford, Dec. 10 , , It HM h M the iMH M y of a slim, blsct-haiifi a o r g y m — ..*--7- r'T * :**.—** *<*• ihe assembly line atratora showCrad anU-Marahall f stair b ri^ t... purpossi withoirrim- ? ******* thu bettem wfeere It esoM art fee nettcaO. l^yeor-old g^l — ------JaiylOff af th a ------ooueea. leaflets upon them, conditkoal proMbiUon and atrlot I **“ at tha batt The audlem audience had come to wit- with her own oesrf ~ wsi international tonM (of I hy Oak. Wlmt*e yaor tbearyf, NBA Pfeata. W M pena)." nesB tbe presentation to Marshall Ex-Russian found sprawled in the n s f be a star in recognition of the 17 MUion dol­ yard of a poUcenisn’s home SB # V, N. deHbaratians 00 atom ic lar postwar Ihiropean aid' plan energy control have been dead­ which bore his name. Coolidga St., en'ly this Bionl- locked for Mveral yoara by Rue- A group of about 30 young Cbm- Spy Agrees every night! Na'a InaiMence on an immodtata Gerrymandering Hit munlsts, who sneaked into the gal­ Officer Michael Proggogiao wlia ban and the Weafa oountar-de- lery despite a check at the en­ canm hooM from work at 9 :1 9 t h k .-•V” mand for a workabla control and trance, shouted in unison: "This la dkeovarai the fcrt|y of Inapaction ayatam flrat not peace candidate. Marshall go To Meeting m WM FiBRiMIMNriCS WIMK ’Im 'WMIt our home." Hie leaflets were headed out hack to see w hatto wlto tad ^ Soviet reactioo canu In Redistricting Bill coital “a green and red thing" ,wlth the words "we proUst!" Oa the Western world generally OtUwa, Dec. 10 (ff)--Isor doiro by Uw toot okta. applauded the plan, ouAaed W Polics rushed to the galleries and quickly overpowered the demon­ Gouzenko has agr«^ to a metbed in i 72 X 90. Eisenhower Tuesday In a aneatt •—•wmwrowopH a i^ o r d , Doc. 10 (^)-i-'rhe'* *JLf|C' ^•wwtvusa^,dietrlctlng,'’ UUSbCdone foelor pQUUCpoUUcal ad stra to rs. I secret meeting with repre- rod fur ctdknd jnekat three-piec? 100% Wool before the U. N. Aasambly. News­ fmwtaalalEeamwa Tk ^ ^ ^ ^ A f - ' papers in Indian also walcomsd it Republican - Democratic The Interruption came as Qunnar Mntatives of the United _ atr^fd gyaaa and benma John, president of the Norwegian •hirt was lylajg on her hack, arak am a "raat, bowsvar small, in Um ornment about the re- - 2 ? * 8*r^»on^~re-,■aUning the etate’s 88 Senatorial medal and t»,S 40 In prize money presi reported today body was in a small m n a BLANKETS >UU Mcpransad a faint haps that preme Court today with each strTcu was passed. They said Uie were also awarded to MarshaU. Gousenko is the former code betaefn affkar Proggratoo’s vrUte the oflfetal ffovist answsr might ■He accusing the other of ~re-aligomem waa so rigged Umt SekweMaer Aksent clerk in the Riisslsn embassy here plA et fence andihk tool shad. by bo more favorable, the flrst Rus- their party never would be aU^ to French Ambassador Louis Da who turned himself over to Ca­ She had been reportod $ 1 4 . 9 5 oiaa comment ohvleualy had been gfirynunddring. win' control of the Legirtature'a Atonicault waa present to accept the nadian authorities la 1*45 w ith a ^ her mother. Mrs. M _„ olaared with Kremlin propaganda .Tbe redletrloting bin peMod by Upper House. ,1062 peace prize on behalf of Dr. mass of evtdeaoe which broke open F t^row lcz. at 11:35 p jn , four the------Republican-contr ;r a lE l IBSS A wonderful gift! Beautiful and foreign affairs authoilties be- Republicans replied Uiat their Albert SchweiUer, famed African a •Py/ing with ramlflcatioas in and a half hours after she was floN It was mads pubUc, Legislature v ^ *'so tainted with sole aim in redistricting the Senate jungle doctor, humanitarian. phU- Canada, the United States and Our Socially Prominent 100 % wool Chatham blan> political msoipuIslIoB** thftt U sent from her home at D-10 Char­ kets with a flve-year guar­ ■ailing on tbis part of tha was to carry o .t a coneUtutlonal o e^ ar and muolcal authority. Britnin. Since then h* has bsen ter Oak Ter. to the store for sobm abould be thrown out m Ihr.t maadaU Uiat aU dlstriets should be living under the. protection of the antee agaiiMt moth damage. npeech. Leontytr said; ’Tbero la a pound aloM, if for no other rea- When things quieted doom. John Ptrtatoea and "a tow other things.** !, hunter of nhraaaa on an nllegod do- nsariy equal in population as calmly coatinued hie speech and Royal Chnadlaw Mountod PoUot. T e llo w , blue, .MhO, sea. dev lared a battery of Oeisv,- peaslbie. with due regard to certain ^ y was found about fiva DRESSES .ireen, red and white. aira for on tho part’of tho cratlc tawyess. handed the Nobel' acroli and gold *^koada approved Gousenko's "*®cka from her own home. T te U nited But If you an- geognphical Um itatlm impoaed medal, both encased In gol^ neetlagwith &e U. 8 . Senau aub- popw store hag she had brouifat Other Chatham blan* alyae hie ______la arguing that the Senatorial by the Constitutlan. s^ ped green leatber. to Mar- AmwmI af eiaytng hki wife and Ihiee ehUdieiL Vtaoeot - «vW«iV^ A brand new, grand new group of Eisenhow er DUtrIcto should be left as thev cM ^ttoe headed by Sen. Jenner rtth her was empty, crushed un­ k e U S 12.M to I 17AS. threatened atomic war and made They said their latent waa to tiy s h a ll. « (R-Iod) with the provlsioa that fa^r, ^ u t altar raS ef chapel la caaat/ias der her body. dresses to sparkle your winter are, retorted Attorney General to come as close as they could to a a aulosy of thia policy of foree." As Marahall accepted the prise, the eenaian be held uader Canadian fawerm ^ f c f i W ^ t o r the fanrily td ^ b e M . T ^ cra w as a p a ir erf sU k wo- wardrobe. Beautifully successful William R Baers and & deputy. populaUon figure of M.OOO for each tbe audience rooe and applauded dresses . . . sparkling in tkelr 't t lb clear that tha Vmtad auepicee and that this country ^yo^trikmij^^^Oneri dutehe* a erndflx. dsajtlag ” * y * ®* t 6 a ground near loudly for aevcral minutes. Face have the power of veto over what h » to^ Whooe they were, polka lovely waya Taffetas, failles and ■tates doaa not want to bring ^ ■ ' 1 )t dietrlota vary in popu- tenee. and giving his words extra crepM . •about on international detanta (ra- Dsmocrata ayr trying tospai^tu. information would be made publie ffld not tanwdktoly determine, but lafiw i Bwm MAoe in the aiet to m ,- emphasis, Marshall briofly voloed as a Moult of the quesUonlng. kxiag of atratnod rclatlana),’* ha ate a attnaUon “wKIcn has now be- 008 in tha 8U1 New Haven, the his graUtuda for the honor abowa PdUca Chief Petor A. Aadtraoa flonlinoad. "Tha warasongot Mme very real gerrymantertog Gousenko has boon quoted In ta did not think they b*. .98 gpaaeh pf TrsEilint Einiiiin due to ahUto ta tImpopimKte " - to tbe ehild. "lliey might tba attitude adopted In tha Qonyipatidarlar-it (fanned ak <“ ^tound g ra tltn d e ..n o t so m uch ffiP ^ V. —,— — fo r OSes tbe^ crim ed Thfaa^toes po}amo lat riwt makM iiighHime a Hme for glomourl Evelyn Norton *13 "an imaatural nod nrMtrary ae- , and alter an Pago IPweiw l myssif as partichliriy on btfuUt natHy tSiuBa nn new inferaui- of the American people, who made tiolk to affer. ---- the rtlld’s clothes ware nat dooi If oil in rich, tunvriom "Nvorlo" crop# by luriingfon AAllli that it yindb Nothing Ceacrato it possible to realise the European torn, tha halt buckla on har The la a latqr Rooavery Program.’* naae Is Uaasrtain U. S. Agencies Cut aka fSatanad and a good luck complotofy'wotlrablo. Tho jockof it rfouWo^uHtwl for hoovonly hiohliohit, broatkaat haanwd to North Amor- The OommunUt leafleta de­ R was not known today when 2lSf“ oat la a horaa- The Blouse Ica. anothor Moscow Radio com- scribed Maiahall as "the man who thp questioning win take pUce. It «®a — woq ztlll hanging from bar ( may be held in Ottawa, but thk k WAUlte onhoncod'round node ond on pockota wHh dainty ombroklorod ribbon. meatator, KOnstaatlne Orlov, said Witness Is Ejected declsivaly contributed to the not deflalta, 1. u u . « of the times— Ideal the striking thing about Etsenbow- atomic death of 100,000 people in Aronad bar nsek. knotted throe It eon do double duty with dinner tiockt, loo. leouty Rote, Aqua and Navy. ar*s spooch was "the utter lack Hiroshima and Nagasakl.’^aad who The queation of Gousenko’s ap- Umaa and biting deeply into her of concrete propoaals on bow to paaranco befora tbs U. 8 . in v e sti­ fleah waa har hue. red and yeUoiir Controtting color llnet the iocket. Siset 10 to 2a / „ m "contributed to tbe division of tbe The From Spy Hearing world in two hoetljf blocks by gators was for a time last month Biedleal examiner Dr. Rear Vhristmas (Canthned ca I ■) an Issue between the U. 8 . and Mport of government reorganiza-.,.*---- Allan aaid H waa obvious tta ts ta I on PugaSto) Canadian governments. Canada's ^ was supplied to Eiaenhower, _ badbaaa strangled with H. JERSEY Foreign Secretary, Leater B . Pear­ PwggagiBo aaid hk wife Gift Washin^on, Dw. 10 (ffW rm aa of Spettawoed. N. j., rafuaad _ ^ _ son, at first turned down a re­ flrat Botlcad the body whaa aha gat Korean Parley Tht Capitfd Pcdlce Uxky 11® fl««Uons a# to whether IV I 4’A iTatuuea.**^ quest from Washington for Goo- mendatioua wero embodied in the ' _ _ in Street ^ up thk awralag tat waited for -BLOUSE tjectod a witness from Sen-' ^ to eapionage wnue i v U trA 8 u S U l l l H t C ^ o 's appearance. Pearaon cen- mm to come home befora h e l p tended at tIuU time that Gousenko h anything. Ha aaid aha had rtS RRO Progress Bogs ate hesringr 00 alleged spy- had no new information to offer. jMaaoh^wjgropbeed and'congr^ ^ R S. Own Idea remarked that their dog (-eg o f c o u r s e Points Up Need A statement from Stuart Qw- barked’furiously for a faw him, to say whether he^idM ao- aon, Canadian M inister of Justice, about 1 thk morning, aa k w denloU of was expected laUa. '5’SS On G der Taste „»nrs to come . In Red Tirade espumoge about which he hod <*•*•<> w ith the atom apkM, Ju liu s kber department. after be kft for work. and Morton Sobell. The report ako repeats with And arUk at work offiew ) not been aueottoned. | f*om abng For Teach era (Oeattnued oa Page Six) The witneas. Heaty Nathan!*f**£ school emphask some of tbe *liot potato” Hsrtfwd, Dec. 1 0 (ff»-The man gagiao bad bean tha one to Panmunjom, Dec. 10 (ffV—A llie d in the street has Us own idea of and Communist diplomats mads ShoUst of Brookl^, N. r \, waa reoommendaUana of the first aad send odt tha taktypa ma Here are seven sturdy helpers,. Washington. Dec. 10 ( r t —Ih e ~ food glass of cider, regarifleaa tta v th e child was wu«rii»|, t n p p O h Santa! no prograst today toward sottini; led from the, room with his lawy­ is.X’ccSr,;*' raooTsrHoover (ximimasionCommission — rocommen- ‘i Zt woer, reganneaa er oa orders ef Sea. MeChrUy (R- NaUonal Education Aoan., (N BA ), dations wUch Oongreaa has voted •*P*rt*- The prize-winning fit tor • feast end for mnoy ireara more of everyday good ^ a Kormn Peace Co^srance ami He also had refused to ssy - — — ——WW vsasva VVnLWI, . . 8. E n vo y A rth u r H . D ean asked W la), presiding at the hearihga whether he aras a Communiet. but said today the aatlon’e public Clue to South down-or has not yet acted on. i?® ***^ • otate cider contest ChpuiB jooaph iC cooking. Come in and aeleet the M KRO aluminum These include merger, in the In­ becM s to unpopular when offend N cP yald arho took ckarga- c ^ t)^ the Rede If they were ready ta before bis Sdoato IhvaaUgatlons waa not asked whether be had him- achook. their flrst gradea jammed to the general puhUc at Hartford Dress me wort that gou’ff need,mplenty of time for tbe.Big Dayl break off tho ptaUmlaary talka subcommittee. self Mgaged In esphuuige. with the “war baMea” of 1947, terior Departaunt of the Reck- Invastlgatioa aaid that dl s maUoa Service and the civil func- yoeterday that it was fliially ban­ waa found ia tJrt child'a giaen Tbe Reds retorted with a long "You did aot ask me whether Mdfarthy told a puMic bearing m ust have 150,000 more teachers D^iible Slaying ished under the ub k. and live billion dollan worth of tlona o f the A rm y CSorpe o f Bn- puna. She had been aent to till tirade, then acknowledged tbat-UM was oagagad ta osptonage—the befora his Senate Investigations The ofllckl contoto among, the negotiations are at a etandstill answer is 'Vo!*’ Shoikot sfamtod. new buildlnga gtnocra; the transfer of land man­ stora with a dollar. up for - that Taylor's government person­ In Foot Tracks agement from the Interior De­ oxperts began Tueedsy at the The Btora rta bad bean seat ta and anid they would answer Dean but McCarthy diouU of ‘Tako him nel flie *%aa been flagged on loyal­ The estimatea were given in the opening of the two-day annnsl tom orrow) out” diwwaod out moot of what asaociation'i annual look at aehool partment. and a wholesale ehake- m the Umted Food Star* Saa ty grounds by the unusual activl- partment, aa a whokaale shake- mroting of the Connecticut Swaet A few miles from the acene of tho wltaoao waa attampUng to say. ties in which he has engaged." He enrollmenta and teacher supply. ^ P l t c o , 8 . C.. Dec. 10 (8 V - blocks frofa her home. . up ef the Veterans. Administra­ a ^ r S<^ety when eight swaet P atoeUvea Sent ta Area tho deadlocleod tatka. Allied ex- The uproar oame at a aoaotoa m aqld tkat whUa this flag or warn­ Public aehool enrollment In the Police believe today that foot- cwlers were entered. Commorclsl Christmas plalnsni "failed for tha eighth w h ich : 1953-54 school year k close to 39 prinu leading ncroM a live-acre tio n . Okpt. McDoaald sent detoettvad ing note Mmalns on the flie Thylor 1110 survey was made public by apple growers tasted the samples straight ■day to win back a slagle 1. McCarthy anaouncod ho wUl fa ifloHglble for any government million, an increaae of ncariy 114 coraflcld are a major clue in tbe and cast a total-of He votea for up aad down both akka of aaarta ■ouOi Korean war prisoaera who summon Tolford Thylor. fermor Job- million over last year, aaid the na­ ^ d e beheeding of a high school their choice. > « - straats ia the rear of tha ehoso to stay with the Oommu; war crimos prooaeutor in Gormaay tional professional orgaaisatioif of girl and the pistol skying of her (Conllm ni en Page Sto) where the body was fonad. "We find," McCarthy aaid. "he ed acato ra S-year-old escort. Sampiro Rashed for Test * ★ * |M9ta . ^ lately a erttU: of tho Senator, has Interaatod himself very great­ 5 wen to chock on anybody w ig I BE "SNUB M AIU6 IN A AUft” BENEATH YOUR ■ Indian paratrooper guards broke R addrt in a news release based An abandoned well in tbe flrid , Samplea of the Ughest Scoring might have heard tor quosUonlag la tha Ft. Mon­ ly in the InvestlgaUon" of ^eged If she’s sweet on blouses, she'll love our ’ up sit-down atrikea staged by mouth invastlgaUon. on Ha suMey: , surrounded by towering pines,'hist ciders were then rushed that Ught Tha detocUva chief said cluea fine selection. Some, fancy, some plain, most of the 30 ROK capUv«e la an 3 , Annther wttnees, Marcal UU- "The standing room sltuaUon. ^ght yielded the heed of to the New Haven Laboratory of were elim, the grass araa oa in all the popular shades. Sizes 32 to 3S. apparent effort to tie up the in­ (Oenttneei an Page Twahta) which began plaguing the natim ’a BeUy Clair Cain, 16. of'Pampllcd the Connecticut Agricultural Ex­ on the kwaa whero ircaa waa Cuiimfjonloumfj te rvie w s. schools. . in 1947, w lU iibecom he w orse and the body of Harvey R Allen News Tidbits periment Station for a final test. There, a pMel of judges soketad Tha Heart qC,the meal, be It meat or bird, win roast to a dali- 880 Ara-tntenrlnwtd with the new jrear. . . . of Latta..Both had been rtot, ap­ Culled frort AP Wires (O e a tta M i oa Poga Nlaffaaa) cious, crackling brown in this Mirra Oval Roaster. i r ’x l 0 " x 8 " /iinroM ATiG b l a n k e r : Explainers have talked with 860 __ CksarMino Crowded parently at close range. from tho Eiqieriment Station staff South Koreans to date end hare Ssmtiililnisf Hsm "The incfcase has come 1 B M edro et ' A le rt posaed judgment, under supervl- alon of Dr. PhUlp German. ' J 78 more to see. from young pupils who are eater- Sheriff John Hanna and State West Oermsn Parliament _r- A crispy cruet for pumpkin or mince. f ts* tha saow swhi-let the wiad bowl Then tbe U Jf. Command, k ««. ^ already crowded claaerooras Law Enforeemerit Division •P* Apple juices wero subjected to (N ot Bakes better and more evenly in Mirro pie for the first time." peels to Big Four powers to "eea- a i^ractomater test to check the >yoo1lkBownotb!a| bqtbllMfaleaai* psetod to can for 33 Am eHcans (SLED ) offleen picked up aeveral tritato to aenee of the wertd" by e xa ctly pans. 10" d ia m e te r...... gse and 1 Briton who atsyad with tbe Bay Slate Leads Way That would be'tha S-year-oIda men, both white and Negro, dur­ solids they contained. Tha panel of agreeing .at BerUn Foreign Min- Bulletiiis fort «dMn a General Electric Sleep* Reda. bom in 1947, the remrd year for ing the night for quesUonlng. Flor­ experts tasted and sniffed to check illustrated) For flaky blacuita, feathery cake or open ktera Conference to unite divided odor, color and physical proper­ tnm tha AP Wiroa Guard Blanket t'preadt it* suaihine Dean told COmmuniat dtplomaU Mrths reflecting the return home ence police today broadcast an Oermnny . . . Acting Red Premier roasting—the M(fro pan of 101 uaoa. of mllUpna of eenrlcemen after the ties, end flavor. Results wero 1 5 " x l0 "x 2 " ...... gi.gg ever your bad. I'bey’re custon«oa* he would ^ evarytblng j^^ bl# to alert for a 6 fo o t 1 inch Negro. Welter Ulbricht of IDnst Germany toared. too, yopr blanket lUy* put, carry out the Bermuda Ooioafereace In Cutting Bottlenecks end of World W ar H. added up on a carefuUy prepwed B A B Y S H O P anya. Us government "welcomee" point ecore chart. It looks like cake but it tastes like Heaven! doea'i slip eg er ride up. Bedmaking can for a Korean psaoa parlw . But A l^ ig h iacreased public aehool M. N. Oatee, SLED IdenUflca- West Big Throe I r r V in to ac­ Iltat'a Angel Food baked in a Mirro tubed he said there would be nu u re______tre at w r^ k^ t waa expected in 1953- Uon apecialist, rushed hero from cept Soviet bid for 4 -power con­ On Wednesday the result was is a w ^k lot easier. from his instatenee Uut Ruesla (E E tee*a NMai Tha nmnbar at. wUl maks poodbla oafs, continuous 5|4 , NBA Research Director Frank Oolumbk and spent the night mak- rekyed hack to the Hartford fruit Children's cake pan. 18 egg s iz e ...... f lA S on tha highways gats ference in BerUn. iP ih e r twfaierdeaH i b id ilBsi nttoad tho contsreaoa as a full flM «fa Of 50 mike M l^ r tbe W. Hubbard cited three Nasons iag pkater casta of two aete of convention at Hotri Bond. The ------OSffardB. «y yaar. Boasper ta why be said school crowding wouM 9 Freart troasporC pknefi fly lee- Make smooth, rioh cream sauces to a araavailsW ehi*izwara*,U^ participant lengOi and breadth of ^ Bngw footprinU In the field. eed lae serltoa os they pour strady w'inner: Robert Young, Jr.. CUn- Uagfard •tawaffa queen's taaU in the Mirro Double Boiler. Communist domands that the loiftsl m not be eureo this year: The two sets gave rieS to a po­ tonvlUe apple grower, whoae'blua .ROBES fast teoqmra than a f tiM stream of troops end war material •1 %. quart size ...... ggyg i : Fartkaat advanced among the 1 . CoUeges are not training lice theory that more than one into Thai country of northwest ribbon entry eras a clear flltersd C a n rt today fai tha (Oeottnoeff ea Page ■) ■oS Sax ta wla • L W hat norUia^ aUtes ter a ouperhlgh man was-involv^ in the elairiaga. cid er. ■lawartu anaasy a* Sihart, colorful styles in cotton quUte, Serve feaUve salads with the colors and I ore the New Bmdae Indochina to reinforce their posi­ w v grtdarork la Maaaachusatto (CaottaMd an Pngp Two) .Hiith...... feeling was evident ; from_____ tion . . . CSinlrman of Harvard SOata Legiskture. rayon quilts, beacon robes and Ikrry flavors of bright ripe fruit from this Mlno to stu y "’■■■IT r i i Htra art aoiiM of raooons the talk of toynspeoide who yes­ (Oenttaned an Page Twalva) Every mother's mink loves to look robes. Sizes 3 to 0. Ring Mold. Serves 8 . % kjodng fa Mto fim t al twa atariea Law School Forum says he has Vishinsky Reaches tha ^ Stato stands out front: terday had closed their stores and invited Harry 8 . Truman and Sen. sFiPHOTrr flOBgjMKMqi ^ • engellc . . . in our' gay piuly TWU 5I SIZE ' a. « # A a a aiA ^ .ov turned out an masse at the funeral IS. dt'esses when the Christmas season Top it all off with a rtally good cup of cof- - f ; **®^ Eng land Tobacco Company Joseph McCarthy to debate ea foa made with this Mirro Percolator. ^ te with a "maatar p ta jT o o i arranged for Misa Cain, a popu­ OeauMinkm in thk couaU^. roipss around. . . . And we have *2 49 1.98 H i s 7 0 | h B ir t h d a y Booton, 19 (ffv-Bpaar- pkUly laid out that provides a lar high school aophomore. Thera M ostest Hf>gte88 Set t a t n r t i t s jijr 1 the dresses that do them proud in to 6 cup slse .... S M t baaSsd tor Mawchuaetto, New U. S. Navy Secratnry Robert 8 cup sise^.. .. 88A 8 network of axpraasways covertag Stocks in Tumble was ako evidence that aome resi­ B. A»(krson says if Navy must eia«o 7 to 14. Mgload SUtes am smarting old tha eatlro stato. ^ dents feared the killer was still at B . ( c S ^ l FULLif|D8IZE * United NaUons, N, T „ Dec. 10 bottlenecks of ckggad autosMbUe reduce its maapower every effort For Title Defense ITegrammed and partly oHn- large In this region. Several w ill be made to 'abeerh cutback SINeiSTcONTROL ...... (^ —- Ruosla's oeid-tanguad m u s with a buuqn daUars worth piatod are aeven radial highways New York, Dec. 10 (ffj—Tobacoo kept their ItghUUxhU on all dim Vishinsky______, raachsd 70 today of new suparhlghwaya. ccrapany stocks took a tum bk yep- aaheee to maintain fleet strength with Boston aa their hub and U jrtLjparanta refuMd to k t Uielr . . . British tugboat operators end G ift Books for Chiidrdh wttbout ohow_.ahowiag —,u y aigne ...m T p r J^uat CM af tha kay links of fanning out to the aUto’at bor- •PP^ U y raactlag to ------go out alone and front ^ k Masto, onetlaM mfntstar to ^3 *^® to ^8 - slowing down. Re said ha pbuiaed odentlflc reports doors w tro strike and i^ve a tow to . j'AND OLDER BOYS A N tlG tg L g .kaa . than four mBae' lirng an a taq r- to w o rk aa slevatod hi|d>WBy through tha wnkh hlatod at eenneetlen^be- Hanna said a waUet and watch New York bound 0 u««n BUxabetb kt to the Soviet UktaC ki'b^ff FULL 1 6 0 SIZE The key that ualouks this an flrst job Of day. . 9Sc Tha Soviet . h a a rt e f B obI m i» -1 0 9 a*UUae isnM c LL Oov. w s- Opirad ita g ^ B N CHmSTMAH BOOK ...... %%M rtwy per foot aad ^ Amei takgakabk.’* ' M e M s j ana of ' the All Day Thursday M oram oo<^'Bd6irT.“7..’“ !!!!! 81.00 A d-mah conoar’a jury was "ssmsi^nssits; It groataot ♦ toff toots. im e k ia t en^ ekd and vkwed the body oauam luag caoM and bead kat algbt No dhto was waaUm p t CR who MaouAr •Boatoa k Utorally w— it- At New » v n , 1 ^ lio doosB't wMk «i jq«kni to set for the iaquast pw eency left ooaMry Mat r B M M i * | u r k M a> « I oa feffe'fWe)- ^ ■ Neyor&tar t'-.