All Art is Contemporary

1 All Art is Contemporary forms part of the Renovati on Project at Index the Museo de Navarra. Room Page The Project is a response to the idea that 1.7 3 works of art have always dealt with the 2.7 4 same eternal problems and concerns, 2.11 5 whatever the historical period or place: 3.2 6 Identi ty , Social life, Territory or Spiritu ality 3.3 7 are all eternal themes and found in many of these works of art on exhibiti on. 3.5 8 3.6 9 Within this Project, the program 3.7 10 «Convivencias» (Cohabitati ons) is an 4.1 11 invitati on to refl ect on these close-knit themes, sett ing up a dialogue between 4.3 21 contemporary works and historical 4.4 22 works. Moreover, «Complicidades» 4.5 23 (Compliciti es) off ers some independent perspecti ves where people from diff erent cultu ral backgrounds present their own outlook of a selecti on of works of art. Additi onally, there exists the possibility of viewing the six most important pieces from the or of making a complete chronological tour of some works of art, dati ng all the way from Pre- historical ti mes up to the XXI centu ry. In short, we wish to off er the opportu nity to all of experiencing the museum in the NA 813-2019 DL/LG way that best suits them. Their thoughts, their experiences and their point of view are all welcomed here.

2 1.7 Complex Story, Minimum Space

In order to represent complex ideas, it is not enough to just reproduce what the eye can see. Art consti tu tes a parti cular force, capable of raising us beyond our sensiti vity and connecti ng us to a spiritu al experience. To that end, Romanesque art rejects a literal presentati on of the world as we see it. Well-known biblical scenes are jumbled up with universal symbols from both the heavenly and the earthly world. Cubism makes a similar rejecti on in order to represent a complex story in a minimum space. How else, if not, could such detailed scenes from the sacred writi ngs be presented on just one single capital? How could Bartolozzi and Lozano represent the spirit that impregnates all the arts on one canvas?

The Arts

Ears of wheat symbolizing creati ve ferti lity , the poeti c lyre, illustrated books and coded texts. Pigeons hovering over like muses; the scene that blends the toil of day and the inspirati on of night. Cubist language, something rare in then, which mixes points of view in order to recreate an allegory of the arts.

3 2.4 The Spiritu al in Art

This ti tle from Kandinsky’s book suggests that in all forms of art there is something of the spiritu al which responds to that sense of transcendence that makes us all human. The religious experience, present in all cultu res, fi nds in art a medium to be presented in. Christi anity has traditi onally embodied it in the form of stories, such as in the Gothic painti ngs found in this room. But other ti mes, as in the work of Álvarez de , Abstracti on has been the medium to refl ect the inti mate experience of the absolute or the faith in the intangible. And today? Through what kind of images and in what kind of way does this sense of transcendence manifest itself?

Unti tled (from the series Space for an appariti on)

The Franciscan, Álvarez de Eulate, author of the stain-glass work on the Basilica of Arantzazu, here also tackles the questi on of light as an expression of the divine, metaphor of the sublime. This glowing light can evoke an idea of spiritu ality which can transcend any kind of religious senti ment.

4 2.11 The Mystery Lies in Understanding

In this room we fi nd four tripty chs. Three of them, the renaissance ones, might seem easy to interpret, because at fi rst sight, we can recognize the elements represented. However, without understanding the religious keys and symbols that they hold, it is not possible to comprehend their intenti on of off ering models of behavior to us. The one from Irujo is also a tripty ch. But here, we are facing the bewilderment that we someti mes feel when confronti ng this art that makes a claim on our imaginati ve parti cipati on in order to fi nd some signifi cance. That is why the author invites us to allow our view «to zoom in and to zoom out, to fl ow and to halt, to explore and to play». Therein lies his message. In olden ti mes, just as nowadays, works of art did not reveal their meaning by simply giving them a quick perusal. They need our implicati on in order for them to make complete sense to us.

Tripty ch

What seems to be a homogenous mass is revealed, on drawing close to it, to be a complex world of diverse lines and blots. While traditi onally the tripty chs show sacred events, here, is displayed simply pure material, which might evoke the original substance, the origin of life, from which all things are made.

5 3.2 Duti es and Desires

Since the origins of ti me, the fi ght between good and evil has provided art with many themes. We see this in the world of classical Greece, in medieval art, in literatu re, in cinema, even in cartoons and children’s fairy tales. All serve as proof that we are in a conti nual struggle between our duti es and our desires, between what we want and what we can’t have. And always there in the background, our awareness of death, shaping our outlook on how to face life. This scenario generates the big emoti ons and feelings that have always moved and touched mankind: the dark side of blame, of shame and of envy, or the desire for the forbidden. But also those things that illuminate us and which redeem us: forgiveness, clemency, compassion and empathy.

Post Nubila Phoebus (Aft er the clouds, the sunshine)

Classical forms, in the era of the avant-garde, in order to represent the expulsion from paradise. Shame and pain, especially in Eva, for the sin committ ed. The ti tle off ers a counterpoint: hope, redempti on, pardon, the light aft er the darkness. This work won fi rst prize in the Nati onal Exhibiti on of Art in 1922.

6 3.3 Images to Become One

Images have always served to refl ect and construct models on how to be and how to act. In the past, as we can see in this room, through the att itu des and expressions of religious people, mythological beings or historical personaliti es. Nowadays, through the models that are off ered to us by the cinema, adverti zing or by the social networks. Dress, adornments and backgrounds are the materials that dramati ze ways of being and which bind characters to human groups. All images direct our look towards that which they want to state, but this does not rule out making a criti cal reading.


This portrait has not been commissioned. It represents a local bull-fi ghti ng fan, a well- known drinker, who has been transformed into the fi gure of a bullfi ghter. The bullfi ghti ng suit imposes a character which the protagonist assumes as his own and presents him with an air that dignifi es him in front of his fellow men. On the back side, the sketch of a possible futu re portrait of Julián Marín, a bullfi ghter from Tudela.

7 3.5 Portrait of the Marquis of

That of José María Magallón y Armendáriz, 5th Marquis of San Adrián. It is considered to be one of the best portraits painted by Francisco de Goya. It shows all the skill of the arti st in revealing the personality of the model through his look and his pose. In this case, the relaxed pose and the serene direct look of the subject reveal an aff able and natu ral character. The arti st and his subject were, in fact, friends. Perhaps, for that reason, in this portrait it is the man, more than the Marquis, who comes across to us. As if, on taking off his hat, he had also removed the rigidity and distance that his noble ti tle bestowed on him. His dress and riding crop point to an elegant, sophisti cated personage, of high social class. The book indicates that the person is drawn to the enlightened outlook of the Illustrati on. This progressive way of thinking led to his exile and to his leadership of some of his fellow countrymen in Bordeaux, where there is writt en evidence that he once again met up there with Goya, during the painter’s years of exile, in 1824.

8 3.6 Ways of Life

There was a period when the Arts highlighted the lifesty le of the aristocracy. Later, they put the spotlight on the daily lives of the middle-class, on their leisure acti viti es or on the comfortable space of their homes. As a counterpoint, then came the ethical need to examine the world of the working class and the more disadvantaged social sectors of society . In this way, Art also began to refl ect the diverse roles played by women in society as it moved beyond the standardized images of women as representati ons of beauty and moral icons. This is an important step forward, but it is sti ll a perti nent questi on to ask what outlooks and representati ons are sti ll absent in Art and the present-day media outlets.


The representati on of working women, outside of the home, has been treated quite rarely in Art. Here, the light and the fi gures invite us to take pleasure in the beauty of the scene. Equally, it does not impede us from being aware of the hardship of the tasks and of the diffi culti es involved in conciliati ng, in those days too, the obligati ons of maternity and of work.

9 3.7 Natu re Existed and Art Created Landscape

There is no natu ral landscape. All landscape is natu re which has passed through the fi lter of human observati on. Art has shown us how to enjoy and appreciate the diverse landscapes of Navarre. On some occasions, it directs our view towards its lights and colors or towards its lines and shapes. Other ti mes, through easily recognized contours or through sensati ons: its lushness, moistness, earthiness… Paradoxically, while art refl ects this aspect of natu re, its inhabitants have oft en had to uproot themselves, creati ng new landscapes; urban, industrial ones whose aestheti c values can also be enjoyed thanks to Art. Would this explain our fascinati on with the mountain, the att racti veness of the city skylines or for certain places and corners within the citi es?

Autu mn

The lushness and the luxuriance of colors found in the autu mn woods excited Basiano. Taking a close-up view, the trees do not hide the wood. They do not distort the impression that the perishable vegetati on leaves in our reti na. Material, strokes and lines are intertwined. The abstract world that underlies all landscape is clearly caught here.

10 4.1 Thinking throughout the Thread of Time / Take Your Time

Politi cal, sociological, economical, feminist milestones Worldwide art milestones Art in Navarre

The Principal Theater 1752 1808-1814 opens in the Plaza del The San Fernando The Spanish War of Casti llo. Royal Academy of Independence against Fine Arts is founded the French Empire. 1841 (). 1812 The Paccionada Act 1783 is declared which The Consti tu ti on of changes Navarre from The constructi on of Cádiz abolishes the being a kingdom to a new facade for traditi onal Fueros being a province with the Cathedral of (special rights) for the some special rights , with a fi rst ti me. (‘Fueros’). design by Ventu ra Rodríguez and the 1844 actu al constructi on 1826 work is commissioned Nicéphore Niépce The Provincial to Santos de takes the fi rst photo Commission for Ochandátegui. which has come down Historic and Arti sti c to us. Monuments in Navarre 1789 is set up. 1828 Francisco de Goya y 1858 Lucientes is declared Francisco de Goya y Royal Painter to the Lucientes dies. The Municipal School court of Carlos IV. of Music is set up, 1833-1840 which makes for 1791 the second music The centralized school center in Rights of Women and politi cal stance of the all , aft er the Citi zens is passed. Bourbons causes the Real Conservatorio First Carlist War to Superior de Música in break out. Madrid. In 1956 it will 1795 be re-named as the The School of Drawing Conservatorio Navarro is founded, the fi rst 1839 de Música Pablo Sarasate. regulated insti tu ti on Louis Daguerre for the stu dy of Fine reveals his method for Arts in Pamplona. captu ring images with a camera obscura.

11 1860-70 1877-79 1900-1910 The fi rst Francisco Navarro Gertrude Stein photographers arrive Villoslada publishes organizes The in Pamplona. his novel Amaya (o los Sabati na Salon vascos en el siglo VIII) meeti ngs in to in serial form in the which arti sts such 1863 magazine La Ciencia as Picasso, Mati sse, The fi rst editi on Cristi ana. Duchamp, Man of the Rejected Ray, Robert y Sonia Painti ngs (Paris) is 1880-1883 Delaunay, Alice B. celebrated, at which Toklas are invited. the impressionists will The Government of exhibit their work from Navarre awards its 1903 1874 onwards. fi rst scholarships for arti sti c training. Diario de Navarra 1867 daily newspaper is 1882-86 founded. Marie Curie is born, The Monument to the the fi rst person to Pamplona City Hall Fueros, designed by receive two Nobel organizes Literary, Manuel Martínez de Awards in disti nct Science and Art Ubago and built from fi elds — Physics and Competi ti ons. donati ons made by Chemistry — and the the general public, fi rst woman to hold a is completed in seat as professor of 1896 Pamplona. the University of Paris. The fi rst cinema images arrive in 1874 Pamplona and some 1904 projecti ons are shown Henry Ford invents Aft er several years of during the month an assembly-line stu dy in Europe, the of October at the system of factory North-American Mary Principal Theatre in the producti on which will Cassatt sett les in Paris Plaza del Casti llo. revoluti onize industry. and joins a group of Impressionist painters from 1877 onwards. 1897 1904-07 The conservati ve Braque and Picasso 1869 newspaper El start experimental Pensamiento Navarro work which will The Nati onal with a Carlist outlook become known as the Associati on for is established. Cubist sty le and which Woman’s Suff rage is will have a lasti ng, founded in New York. The School of Fine profound infl uence Arts in Paris opens its on Art. door for the fi rst ti me 1873 to women and allows The School of Arts and them to att end art 1907 Craft s is opened in classes. Hilma Af Klint Pamplona. creates what may be considered the fi rst abstract work of art.

Politi cal, sociological, economical, feminist milestones Worldwide art milestones Art in Navarre

12 The fi rst competi ti on The Government of for the creati on of Navarre re-introduces 1925 a San Fermín fi esta grants for aspiring Jesús Basiano sett les program is held. arti sts. in Pamplona aft er his stu dies in Rome and 1910 1920 living in the Basque Country. The Royal Decree for The exhibiti on the admitt ance of premises Lipúzcoa and women to Spanish Esty licum become the 1926 universiti es is passed. fi rst two art galleries Karle Garmendia to be opened in gets second prize at 1911 Pamplona. the annual Science, Literatu re and Art Wassily Kandinsky 1922 competi ti on and creates Compositi on several secondary IV, a totally abstract The work Post Nubila prizes fall to other painti ng. Phoebus, by Fructu oso women such as Rosa Orduna, is awarded Iribarren, Rufi na the First Class Medal Insausti and María 1914 at the Nati onal Art Teresa Gaztelu. Javier Ciga retu rns Exhibiti on. to Pamplona aft er The work Luz Divina, 1927 his training in Paris, by Lorenzo Aguirre, to manage an art BBC carries out the wins Second-Class academy. fi rst public television Medal at the Nati onal broadcasts in the Art Exhibiti on. 1914 -1918 world. The First World War 1923 1929 takes place. The Walt Disney Virginia Wolf Company is set up. publishes A Room of 1916 my own, an essay on Albert Einstein 1924 the diffi culti es that publishes his theory of face female arti sts, André Breton launches relati vity . which becomes a key the Surrealist reference in refl ecti ng Manifi esto. 1917 the feminist positi on. MOMA opens in New The Russian 1924-1926 York, the fi rst museum Revoluti on breaks out. Rosa Iribarren of contemporary art. Marcel Duchamp, becomes the fi rst with his work Fountain woman to receive 1931 (an ordinary urinal), fi nancial help for her makes the claim that training in art from The Second Republic any object may be the Government of is declared and a new considered as art. Navarre during three consti tu ti on is created. consecuti ve years. Female suff rage is 1919 passed by the Spanish Parliament. Walter Gropius founds the Bauhaus in Weimar (Germany).

13 Francisca Bartolozzi 1932 presents his etchings 1943 The fi rst tests in the Spanish Pavilion Herbert Read of television at the Paris Universal publishes Educati on broadcasti ng are Exhibiti on in 1937. through Art, which has carried out in Paris. been highly infl uenti al 1939-1945 ever since in art educati on. 1933 The Second World Prussian authoriti es War means the 1947 under the hand of the center of the art Nazi Party close the world now becomes India becomes Bauhaus of Weimar concentrated in the independent from the and Mies van der Rohe USA instead of in Briti sh Empire. moves it to Berlin. Europe. The married pair of arti sts, Karle 1934 1940 Garmendia and Higinio Blat, go into John Dewey publishes The married couple, exile in México. his infl uenti al essay Francisca Bartolozzi on aestheti cs, Art as and Pedro Lozano Gustavo de Maeztu experience. de Sotés, sett le in dies and bequeaths his Pamplona. collecti on to Estella- 1936 An exhibiti on of Lizarra Town Hall. arti sts from Navarre is A coup d’état by opened, organized by 1948 General Francisco the Jefatu ra Nacional Franco ignites Civil de Propaganda and The Marshall Plan War in Spain. the Administrati on begins to operate in order to reconstruct Alfred Barr directs the Body of Navarre. Europe aft er the exhibiti on Cubism and devastati on caused Abstract Art which will 1941 by World War II. It is decide how to defi ne acti ve over the next and organize the art Miguel Pérez Torres four years. of the 20th centu ry. takes up a post as a teacher in the Gustavo de Maeztu Pamplona School of 1949 sett les in Estella- Arts and Craft s. Lizarra, unti l his death Simone de Beauvoir in 1947. publishes The second 1942 Sex, one of the 1937 In New York the Art fundamental works of of This Centu ry, a feminism, in which it Picasso represents gallery sponsored by is proposed that what Spain in the the collector, Peggy we understand by Internati onal Guggenheim, is the term woman is a Exhibiti on of Paris opened and becomes cultu ral product which with his work the meeti ng point has been socially Guernica which was and center for avant- constructed. conceived as a result garde art. of the bombing of this Basque town.

Politi cal, sociological, economical, feminist milestones Worldwide art milestones Art in Navarre

14 1950 1954 1957 The School of Arts and Bill Haley and his Russia puts the fi rst Craft s of Corella is music group record arti fi cial satellite, founded Crazy Man Crazy Sputnik I, into orbit, which is considered sett ing off the space Father Xabier to be the beginning of race. Álvarez de Eulate is Rock & Roll music. commissioned to do At the Treaty of Rome the glazing for the the decision is taken Basilica of Arantzazu 1955 to create a European () where he Economic Community , Rosa Parks challenges works alongside the the fi rst steps towards racism in The USA architects, Laorga and what is currently The aft er refusing to give Sáenz de Oiza and EU (European Union). up her public bus seat arti sts such as to a white person. and Chillida. Guy Debord, philosopher and A vaccinati on French movie- campaign against 1951 maker, publishes polio, invented three the Manifi esto Gerardo Sacristán years earlier, begins. Situ acionista, which becomes a teacher in fuses art and politi cs the Pamplona School Clement Greenberg in order to fi ght of Arts and Craft s. writes the essay American-Type against The Society Painti ng, the of the Capitalist 1952 origin of abstract Spectacle. expressionism. José María Ascunce Jorge Oteiza obtains takes up a post in The García Castañón the Internati onal Corella, where he exhibiti on hall is Sculptu re Prize of the gives classes in the opened by the IV Biennial of São School of Arts and bank, La Caja de Paulo (Brazil). Craft s. Ahorros Municipal de Isabel Baquedano Pamplona, to become The General Stu dy of gains the post of the fi rst exhibiti on hall Navarre Center is set Teacher of Drawing at in Pamplona. up which will grow The Pamplona School into the present-day Eugenio Menaya of Arts and Craft s. University of Navarra. sett les in Paris and gets in contact with 1958 1953 Duff y, Mati sse, Rouault and Chagall. The Nati onal First color television Administrati on for broadcast tests are Aeronauti cs and made in The USA. 1956 Space (NASA) is set The Museo de Navarra up. The fi rst editi on of opens its doors to Play Boy magazine is the public under the published . 1959 management of Ma James Watson and Ángeles Mezquíriz. The Cuban Socialist Francis Crick discover Revoluti on led by Fidel the ADN structu re. Castro triumphs in Cuba.

15 Jorge Oteiza publishes 1961 the fi rst editi on of 1967 The Berlin Wall is his infl uenti al book The Beatles built and becomes a Quosque Tandem…! an parti cipate in a symbol of The Cold essay on an aestheti c world-wide satellite War. interpretati on of the television broadcast, Basque soul. to an audience of Jesús Lasterra obtains some 400 million First Prize for Etching people. from the Fine Arts 1963-68 Board. Andy Warhol develops The Conde de his work on Pop art in Rodezno gallery of art 1962 The Factory. is opened. The Second Vati can 1968 Council is celebrated 1964 Yoko Ono presents The Paris street The Beatles obtain protests of stu dents their fi rst big hit with her performance Cut Piece. and workers break the single Love Me Do. out in what becomes The Franciscan, P. known as the May ’68 Xabier Álvarez de 1965 protests. Eulate, enters the José María Ascunce José Antonio monastery of the order obtains a teaching obtains First Prize for in , where he will post in the Pamplona Etching at the Nati onal complete a lot of his School of Arts and Exhibiti on of Fine Art. work. Craft s. José Antonio Eslava. José Antonio Eslava 1969 Nati onal Prize for obtains a pension post Etching. at the Spanish Academy A connecti on is of Fine Art in Rome. made between the Fructu oso Orduna. computers of four Appointed as an diff erent Universiti es academic at Royal 1966 in the USA by way of Academy of Fine Arts the DARPANET military The Exhibiti on Other of San Fernando. network, the origins basic structu res at of the present-day the New York Jewish Internet. 1963 Museum spreads the concept of Minimal art. Bett y Friedman Woodstock Rock Festi val att racts large publishes The An att empt is made Hippy Movement. mysti cism of the to create the Danok feminine. Group in Navarre, The exhibiti on When within the Basque Marti n Luther King Att itu des Become School, but it does makes his speech Form presents the not take form. I have a dream, work of arti sts like symbol of the Joseph Beuys, Eva American Afro- Hesse or Richard American movement Serra who work on the for civil rights. occupati on of space with their installati ons.

Politi cal, sociological, economical, feminist milestones Worldwide art milestones Art in Navarre

16 The Cultu re Hall of The Pamplona the Caja de Ahorros Sessions are held 1980 de Navarra opens which become Pac-Man, the fi rst in Pamplona which, recognized as the video-game, is later on, under the largest and most created. management of Javier important festi vals of Morrás, will bring the internati onal avant- Rafael Bartolozzi current vanguard art garde art held in represents Spain in the of the day to Navarre. Spain. Venice Biennial. Art galleries are The group of 1970 opened in the Citadel contemporary of Pamplona. dance Yauzkari, from The fi rst feminist arti sti c Navarre, directed educati on program is The City of Pamplona by José Lainez and launched - Feminist Painti ng Competi ti on Concha Martínez, is Art Program led by is held and whose fi rst set up. Judy Chicago at the winner is José María California Insti tu te for Ascunce. The School of Dance the Arts. of Navarre is created. The Pamplona School First exhibiti on of of Applied Arts and Conceptu al art at the Craft s is located in 1981 MOMA, NY. new premises. IBM launches the fi rst The art criti c, Moreno personal computer Galván, defi nes The 1974 Griselda Pollock School of Pamplona. The art gallery, Art5, and Rozsika The Superior School which sti mulates Parker write Old of Fine Arts in young arti sts of the Mistresses: Women, is set up. day, opens. Art and Ideology a fundamental work in the feminist 1971 1975 movement. Linda Nochlin writes The fi rst video the essay Why have reproducti on tapes are 1982 there never been great created. female arti sts? In The bill, The Organic ARTnews and opens The end of the law of Reintegrati on the history of feminist Vietnam War. and Enhancement of Navarre Sovereign art. Jorge Oteiza sett les in Rights is passed into Alzuza. 1972 law. 1977 The Palacio de The installati on and Castel Ruiz Cultu re feminist performance The fi rst general Hall (Tudela) is Womanhouse by Judy electi ons are held in opened under the Chicago and Miriam Spain aft er the end of management of Ismael Schapiro is premiered the dictatorship. Vallespín. at the California Insti tu te for the Arts. Fermín Echauri opens the Parke 15 art gallery 1983 which exhibits the The Festi vales best work being done de Navarra First in plasti c arts at that Internati onal Prize in ti me. Painti ng is celebrated

17 Juan José Aquerreta The Reino de The exhibiti on, becomes a teacher at Pamplona Magiciens de la the Pamplona Arts and ethnological museum terre, in the George Craft s School. is moved to Arteta, re- Pompidou, includes an inauguratered by José equal amount of work Miguel de Barandiaran of art from Africa, 1984 and sponsored by Asia, Lati n America The exhibiti on Women the County Council and Australia, Europe in Spanish Art (1900- of the Valle de Ollo. and the USA in order 1984) opens at the This privately-initi ated to counterbalance Conde Duque Cultu re museum becomes the the colonial Center (Madrid). oldest ethnological ethnic centrism of museum in Navarre. contemporary art. The Program Young Arti sts from Navarre is set up, organized 1987 1990 by the Government of Estrella de Diego The Museo de Navarre. Otero publishes her Navarra reopens aft er The 1st Editi on of the doctoral thesis Women rehabilitati on. and Painti ng in La XIX Pamplona Young Dora Salazar wins First Arti sts Competi ti on Spain: Four hundred forgott en and even Prize in Sculptu re Gure is held by Pamplona Artea. City Hall. more. Esther Ferrer writes 1991 1985 The Other Half of Art in the magazine Lápiz, The birth of the World A group called one of the fi rst ti mes Wide Web is made Guerrilla Girls is that the specialized known to the general created in New York press concedes space public. to denounce the lack to feminine criti cism. of equality between The Soviet Union the sexes in the world Arteleku is created. (URSS) collapses and of art. the Cold War comes The Parliament of to an end. Navarre passes a bill 1986 to create the Public The Gustavo de University of Navarra. Maeztu Museum opens The 1st Biennial Editi on in Estella-Lizarra. of Pamplona City Plasti c Arts, under 1988 Alfredo Sada receives the sponsorship of Griselda Pollock writes the 1st prize in Pamplona City Hall, is Vision and Diff erence: sculptu re at the Caja celebrated. Femininity , Feminism España Sculptu re and the Histories of Competi ti on. Art. 1992 1989 The Centro de The World Wide Web Arte Reina Sofía is born. Nati onal Museum is inaugurated in Madrid. The Berlin Wall falls.

Politi cal, sociological, economical, feminist milestones Worldwide art milestones Art in Navarre

18 Jorge Oteiza donates his arti sti c legacy to 1997 2002 Navarre. The exhibiti on The Jorge Oteiza Sensati on: Young Chair is created 1993 Briti sh Arti sts From the and its program of Saatchi Collecti on is acti viti es is named as At the Andalucía held and it will have a Art and Cultu re in the Center of big impact on the art societi es of the XXI Contemporary Art market, exalti ng arti sts centu ry. under the ti tle 100%, such as Chris Ofi li, the fi rst exhibiti on on Tracey Emin, Damien The director of the art and feminism is Hirst or Rachel Museo de Navarra, celebrated in Spain. Whiteread. Javier Zubiaur, reti res The catalog from this in disagreement with exhibiti on will become The Museo the decision to ignore a fundamental Guggenheim-Bilbao is the Roman remains theoreti cal tool of opened. unearthed in the feminism. Plaza del Casti llo in 1998 Pamplona. 1994 Nicolas Borriaud 2003 The fi rst electi ons with writes Estéti ca universal suff rage relacional a The Second Gulf War, are held in South fundamental text for aka The Iraq War, Africa. Victoria for the wide variety of breaks out. the Mandela-led CNA art produced in the decade of the ‘90s. The book Histories of puts an end to three women. Histories of centu ries of racial Art by Patricia Mayayo segregati on and white 1999 is published. dominati on of the country. María Angeles The Jorge Oteiza Mezquíriz is named Fundazio Museoa On the 8th of April honorary director of (Alzuza) Museum the fi rst editi on of the Museo de Navarra, Foundati on opens. the daily newspaper, when she reti res aft er Diario de Noti cias, is 40 years as director of The arti st, Jorge published. the insti tu ti on. Oteiza, dies and a Foundati on is created 1996-2012 2001 in his name. The Muñoz Sola The Moisés Pérez de Juan José Aquerreta Museum of Albéniz art gallery obtains the Nati onal (Tudela) is opened. opens in Pamplona. Prize of Plasti c Arts conceded by the Ministry of Cultu re. 2003, 2004, wins 2005 the Mies van der Rohe The web sites or Award. social networks Myspace, Facebook and YouTube are consecuti vely created.

19 Rafael Moneo is The exhibiti on 2005 awarded the Premio Refl exión / Infl exión, The Buldain Príncipe de Astu rias de The presence of Foundati on is created las Artes. women in the Museo aft er agreement de Navarra is Mercedes Jover is between the arti st celebrated. made new director of and the Town Hall of the Museo de Navarra. Huarte. 2017 2012 Yo, la peor de todas 2007 is celebrated. This The Huarte Buldain The WACK! Art arti sti c project is Foundati on closes due Exhibiti on takes place sponsored by Museo to lack of funding for and the Feminist de Navarra, The its upkeep. Revoluti on on feminist Huarte Center of art at the l Museum of Contemporary Art Contemporary Art, Los 2012-2013 and the Jorge Oteiza Angeles. Museum-Foundati on. Patricia Mayayo and The Center of Juan Vicente Aliaga Contemporary Art is are in charge of the 2018 opened in Huarte. exhibiti on Feminist Genealogy in Spanish Ángel Bados obtains Art: 1960-2010 in the the Nati onal Prize of 2008 MUSAC in León. Plasti c Arts conceded by the Ministry of The worldwide Cultu re. fi nancial and 2015 economic recession begins. The University of 2019 Navarra Museum opens, in a building Todo el arte es 2009 designed by Rafael contemporáneo (All Art is Contemporary) is A bill is passed and Moneo and based opened, the fi rst phase brought into law on on the María Josefa in the renovati on of the the Museum and Huarte collecti on Museo de Navarra. Permanent Music donati on as well Collecti ons in Navarre. as that of the photography work of 2011 José Orti z Echagüe. Elena Asins receives 2016 the Nati onal Prize in conceded by The The Carlos III cinemas Ministry of Cultu re. are closed down, being the last ones in existence in the city center.

Politi cal, sociological, economical, feminist milestones Worldwide art milestones Art in Navarre

20 4.3 Staying Put or Moving On?

To be an inhabitant of a parti cular place is to share a wide range of situ ati ons and of territory: the fi esta, work, the home, all link us with diff erent and diverse collecti ves. At the same ti me, the sites of exclusion, «the wrong side of the tracks» of our citi es, say a lot about those who live in our citi es, just as much as our clothes do, or even our cultu ral habits. A close observati on of the works of art in this room allows us to detect traces that refl ect multi ple identi ti es. So, are we inhabitants or are we merely passing through, when we fi nd ourselves dispossessed of everything that connects us to a parti cular place, when our place is simply a rite of passage.


Anonymous faces, ti red gestu res, delineated forms which speak more of a vital situ ati on than of a concrete human group. The pain of exclusion, the dejecti on in loss, uncertainty , the meagerness of the belongings to start a new life; all these things are travelling companions for those who are forced to emigrate at any ti me or place. A close observati on of the works of art in this room allows us to detect traces that refl ect multi ple identi ti es. So, are we inhabitants or are we merely passing through, when we fi nd ourselves dispossessed of everything that connects us to a parti cular place, when our place is simply a rite of passage?

21 4.4 Sense and Sensibility It has been a long ti me now since art succeeded in representi ng, with the greatest possible fi delity , what our eyes can see. Since then, its eff orts have been centered on revealing other dimensions of our sensiti ve reality : the skeleton which lies under the skin, the essence of emoti ons stripped of all arti fi ce, the strength of naked color that strikes our reti na; pain rather the person in pain, or the strange truth that lies in the world of sleep and dreams… In this room we fi nd arti sts who have stopped looking at the world in a natu ralisti c way and who call our att enti on to the dreamlike or to that part of reality in which there are only two forms – textu res and shades of color.

A Voti ve Off ering

Voti ve off erings are off erings that are made to some divinity or other to purge guilt or request favors. This one from Sada rediscovers the refi ned sculptu re of the fi rst half of the XX and with archaic forms, just like the ancient Greek korai. Lead, a dense adaptable and enduring material, reinforces its almost sacred character.

22 4.5 Laboratory Art

Art, math, physics, anthropology, all these are diff erent forms of seeing reality . All of them try to explain or give form to abstract concepts which lie beyond our immediate percepti on. Someti mes these need to resort to experimentati on. Although we have never actu ally seen a nano-parti cle and we hardly begin to understand an algorithm, we do know that they are out there, impregnati ng our daily lives. Equally, the works of art in this room might seem to be incomprehensible. But they are dealing with our common most innermost thoughts and feelings. What the sense of empti ness induces in us and the security that the fi rmness of material insti lls or indeed, a sense of harmony as opposed to chaos. If we are aware of the questi ons that they invoke in us, and if we link them up to our own experiences, then we may begin to comprehend…

Canons 22

An interest in proporti ons and in geometry has historically been shared by both the arts and mathemati cs. In line with this traditi on, Asins, winner of the Nati onal Plasti c Arts Award in 2011, deals with computerized formulae and algorithms in order to extract patt erns that regulate harmonic relati onships between the whole and the parts. In black and white, the forms are stripped down or are fed by material, generati ng rhythms that evoke musical patt erns.