Spring time in is the most beautiful time of year!

This is the snowcapped Rila Mountain with a new plant that has come to the fields of Bulgaria, rapeseed.

Girl's home update Below is the new logo for the girl's home. We will also have a new website for the girl's home that will be launching in a few weeks. The front has been completely cleared and will house the large furnace that will burn wood pellets. It will also have a conservatory for year round dining. The walls inside are looking wonderful and the radiator heating pipes will go in soon as well as the septic tank. The base for the retaining wall was poured recently and the concrete bricks will soon go up. Due to great weather and Lyubcho's son (an expert in construction) moving to town, we have gotten a lot done over the last two months! The next two months we will have even greater changes happening....I can't wait to share with you all as they happen!

Church Plant The 19 pastors and their churches are all doing very well. We were able to visit almost all of them over the last 2 months. They are growing and making a great impact in their communities. I wish I had enough room to tell you all that God is doing! We have several prayer needs and praise reports to share that stand out. -Pastor Sasho (Novi ) The church now has a roof, windows, and a door. We were so excited to be with them and celebrate! It was packed! Praise the Lord! The day after we left we found out that a fire broke out in the community and two houses were burnt. We ask for your prayers for them. We have sent Pastor Sasho some funds to help buy children's clothes and blankets. -Pastor Zhivko () We are praying for the church and a new location. He has come against a lot of persecution in this town and he is loving the people through this difficult time. Please keep this pastor and church in your prayers. -Pastor Ivan (Bresnik) We are excited about the new sewing project that has begun in this village. They are making amazing items that are selling very well- tote bags, table runners, and a cute soup bowl cover to hold a hot bowl of soup. Thank you to all that pray and financially support the church plant project....We say all the time..."Church Planting is the first line of defense in any community with brokenness because it brings people together to engage and help one another." These communities are being changed with your help!

Be a PART!

We need partners that come alongside and engage in these communities with your love, prayers, and giving. We cannot do this alone! We are seeing great changes in communities through these church plant pastors and these new churches. 19 communities engaged in helping one another....it's AMAZING! To help support the church plant project please give online: https://give.fmcusa.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=1331

To help support the girl's home please give online: https://give.fmcusa.org/donation/df-epbgantitraf

To help support us personally meet our budget please give online here: https://give.fmcusa.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=486

Make sure you visit our website for more information at: http://www.gallowayministries.org/

Thank you for being a PART of the amazing work God is doing here in Bulgaria, Macedonia, and now Serbia!

We are excited about a new couple that has moved to to help with the work. Jill is taking over the accounting for the foundation and girl's home, they are starting English classes in a church plant in , and David is helping with children's work and this summer's family camp. Please pray for them as they jump into the work here!