LOG NUMBERS BGT. , -/ /i -CEO 2c2 /

MANAGEMENT ROUTING: TO: COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: EXECUTIVE EXEC. DIRECTOR Stephen Clifton a'' DIRECTOR/ELECTED Clay White EXECUTIVE RECOMMENDATION: DEPARTMENT Planning & Dev. Svcs. Approve No Recommendation DIV . MGR. Barb Mock Further Processing DIVISION Planning & Technology Requested By ORIGINATOR Frank Slusser

DATE 12/03/14 EXT. 2944 Ii / Executi:Ne Office Signature CEO Staff Review /) 42../9' /i Received at Council Office i I.. DOCUMENT TYPE: GRANT APPLICATION Emergency Appropriation ORDINANC E Supplemental Appropriation Amendment to Ord. # Budget Transfer III CONTRACT: New Amendment DOCUMENT / AGENDA TITLE: Approving and Authorizing the County Executive to sign an Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210.

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL X CITE BASIS SCC 3.04.210 HANDLI.NG: NORMAL X EXPEDITE URGENT DEADLINE DATE PURPOSE: To approve an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210. I i.xiotiisii i The Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Concerning Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 (ILA) provides for the annexation of three segments of unincorporated rights-of-way to the city of Granite Falls: a segment of State Route 92 being turned back to local jurisdiction, a remnant of Jordan Road, and an unincorporated island within the Portage Avenue right-of-way. Each of these proposed annexation areas is within the Granite Falls UGA and the city is the logical service provider. Under RCW 35A.21.210 a municipal boundary within or at one edge of a public road right-of-way can be revised to the edge of the right-of-way in order to completely include it or exclude it by agreement between the county and city. This method of annexation requires an ordinance by the city council and an ordinance or resolution by the county council. An annexation of right-of-way by this method is not subject to Boundary Review Board review. On November 19, 2014, the Granite Falls City Council voted to approve the ILA. If the County Council approves this ILA, and it is signed by the County Executive, the County Council will also be asked to approve an ordinance for each of the three rights-of-way annexations covered by the ILA. PDS recommends that the Council approve and authorize the County Executive to sign the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Ways Under RCW 35A.21.210. TOTAL 0

No fiscal impacts associated with the ILA. The annexations covered by the agreement are expected to have veminirnal fiscali 1, DGET REVIEW: Analys Administrator ______Recommend Approval _____





PROSECUTING ATTY - AS TO FORM Yes X No OTHER DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW / COMMENTS: This annexation ILA was developed primarily by PDS, Public VVorka, and the City of Granite Falls. It was also circulated to the following departments prior to action by the city: Parks, Sheriff's Ofhoe, Finance Department, Assessor's OMima, Auditor's Office, District Court, Law and Jusdma, Human Services, and Department of Emergency Management. They had no concerns. According to Public Works, Washington State Department of Transportation has no concerns about the annexations covered by this ILA.

ELECTRONIC ATTACHMEN (1 ict & include . e fot each e g G ECAF deptnarne docnarne Motion)

NON-ELECTRONIC ATTACHMENTS: 3 Signed Originals - Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public nigot-nf-wmyu Under *Cw/aaA.2/o10 Council Ordinance 15-


1 2 Approved: ____ 3 Effective: ____ 4 SNOHOMISH COUNTY COUNCIL 5 SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON 6 7 ORDINANCE NO. 14-115 8 9 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE 10 TO SIGN AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN 11 SNOHOMISH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF GRANITE FALLS 12 CONCERNING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED 13 PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY UNDER RCW 35A.21.210 14 15 WHEREAS, the City of Granite Falls (“City”) and Snohomish County (“County”) 16 have identified certain unincorporated public rights-of-way that should be annexed to 17 the City; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the City and the County have negotiated the terms of an interlocal 20 agreement entitled Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and 21 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights- 22 of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 (“Agreement”) to facilitate an orderly transition of 23 services in the event of the City’s annexation of certain unincorporated public rights-of- 24 way; and 25 26 WHEREAS, RCW 35A.21.210 provides that the governing bodies of a county 27 and any code city located therein may by agreement revise any part of the corporate 28 boundary of the city which coincides with the centerline, edge, or any portion of a public 29 street, road or highway right-of-way by substituting therefore a right-of-way line of the 30 same public street, road or highway so as fully to include that segment of the public 31 street, road or highway into the corporate limits of the city; and 32 33 WHEREAS, the Agreement applies only to the annexation of certain rights-of- 34 way described in the Agreement, and future annexations within the Granite Falls Urban 35 Growth Area will continue to be governed by the Interlocal Agreement Between the City 36 of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Concerning Annexation and Urban 37 Development Within the Granite Falls Urban Growth Area (“Master Annexation ILA”), 38 having an effective date of December 5, 2007, and recorded under Snohomish County 39 Auditor’s File No. 200801030530; and 40 41 WHEREAS, the Agreement recognizes the continued applicability, force and 42 effect of the Master Annexation ILA, except for those provisions specified in the 43 Agreement; and ORDINANCE NO. 14-115 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE TO SIGN AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SNOHOMISH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF GRANITE FALLS CONCERNING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY UNDER RCW 35A.21.210 Page 1

1 2 WHEREAS, the Agreement is authorized by and is consistent with the 3 requirements of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, chapter 39.34 RCW; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the Agreement is consistent with the Growth Management Act 6 comprehensive plans of both the City and the County; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Granite Falls City Council approved the Interlocal Agreement 9 Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of 10 Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 on November 19, 11 2014; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Snohomish County Council (“County Council”) held a public 14 hearing on ______, 2015, to consider approving the Agreement and authorizing 15 the Snohomish County Executive to sign the Agreement on behalf of Snohomish 16 County; 17 18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: 19 20 Section 1. The County Council hereby adopts the foregoing recitals as findings of fact 21 and conclusions as if set forth fully herein. 22 23 Section 2. The County Council approves and authorizes the County Executive to sign 24 the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County 25 Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights of Way Under RCW 26 35A.21.210, a copy of which is attached to this ordinance as Exhibit A. 27


11 18 19 ( ) VETOED 20 21 John Lovick 22 County Executive 23 ATTEST: 24 25 26 Approved as to form only: 27 28 29 30 31




This Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Way in Snohomish County under RCW 35A.21.210 (this "Agreement") is made by and between the City of Granite Falls, a Washington municipal corporation (the "City"), and Snohomish County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington (the "County"), pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and RCW 35A.21.210. Throughout this Agreement, the City and the County are each sometimes referred to individually as a "Party," and collectively as the "Parties."

The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth terms that will govern the orderly and logical transfer of governmental services from the County to the City with respect to the annexation by the City of certain portions of unincorporated public rights-of-way located within the Granite Falls Urban Growth Area (the "Annexation Areas") as described and depicted on Exhibits A-1 and A-2, Exhibits B-1 and B-2, and Exhibits C- 1 and C-2 to this Agreement. The City's annexation of the Annexation Areas will be accomplished under RCW 35A.21.21 0 and will be referred to in this Agreement as the "Annexation."

3.1 State Route 92/West Stanley Street Right-of-Way. The City boundary established through this Agreement between the State Route 92 Granite Falls Alternate Route roundabout to the west and the current City boundary to the east shall be relocated to the south side of State Route 92/West Stanley Street right-of-way along the line legally described in Exhibit A-1 and shown in Exhibit A-2.

3.2 Jordan Road Right-of-Way. That remnant portion of unincorporated Jordan Road right-of-way located south of the Granite Falls Alternate Route and legally described in Exhibit B-1 and shown in Exhibit B-2 shall by this Agreement be included within the corporate limits of the City.

Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Page 1 of 10 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Right-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210

3.3 That remnant portion of unincorporated Portage Avenue right-of-way that is surrounded by the City as legally described in Exhibit C-1 and shown in Exhibit C-2 shall by this Agreement be included within the corporate limits of the City so that there will be no remaining portion of unincorporated road right-of-way contiguous to this annexation area.

4.1 Continued applicability of Master Annexation ILA. The Parties recognize the existence of that certain Interlocal Agreement between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Concerning Annexation and Urban Development Within the Granite Falls Urban Growth Area, having an effective date of December 5, 2007, and recorded under Auditor's File # 200801030530 (the "Master Annexation ILA"). The Parties agree and intend that the terms and provisions contained in the Master Annexation ILA shall have full applicability, force and effect with respect to the Annexation contemplated by this Agreement, except as otherwise provided in Section 4.2 of this Agreement.

4.2 Inapplicability of certain provisions of prior agreements. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4.1 above, the Parties agree that the following sections of the Master Annexation ILA shall not apply to the Annexation contemplated by this Agreement: Section 9.3 (Drainage Needs Report Cost Recovery); Section 13 (Addenda and Amendments); Section 18 (Effective Date, Duration and Termination); and Section 26 (Administrators and Contacts for Agreement).

I(I]i'1 I J I [II *'a'A ii:i I 2*1 'A [uJI [i I i.1 Is] 1 A ITATEI I iii

The parties acknowledge that upon the effective date of any annexation of the Annexation Areas, the area so annexed will become subject to the requirements of the City's Phase II National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Municipal Stormwater Permit (City's Phase II NPDES Permit), and will no longer be subject to the requirements of the County's Phase I NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit. Notwithstanding the County's continued provision of stormwater management services in such annexed area pursuant to Section 9.2 of the Master Annexation ILA, the City expressly acknowledges, understands and agrees that from and after the effective date of such annexation (i) the City shall be solely responsible for ensuring the requirements of the City's Phase II NPDES Permit are met with respect to the Annexation Areas, and (ii) any stormwater management services the County continues to provide in the Annexation Areas pursuant to Section 9.2 of the Master Annexation ILA will not be designed or intended to ensure or guarantee compliance with the requirements of the City's Phase 11 NPDES Permit.

Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Page 2 of 10 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210

6.1 Amendments. The City and County recognize that amendments to this Agreement may be necessary. An amendment to this Agreement must be mutually agreed upon by the Parties and executed in writing.

6.2 Additional agreements. Nothing in this Agreement limits the Parties from entering into separate interlocal agreements regarding (i) the annexation by the City of territory other than the Annexation Areas, or (ii) the Annexation by the City of the Annexation Areas, but with respect to issues not covered by the terms of this Agreement.

There are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement, and this Agreement shall not be interpreted to create any third party beneficiary rights.

F;. : is]i.] 1 IIcI E1 I IEcY!c1i VII IYI l '11I I.IItlJi]I*1

In the event a conflict exists between this Agreement and any agreement between the City and the County in existence prior to the effective date of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern the conflict.

I kYA )1I I sill lI I [i] VI II I'4I II I [I]

9.1 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective following the approval of the Agreement by the official action of the governing bodies of each of the Parties, and the signing of the Agreement by the duly authorized representative of each of the Parties.

9.2 Duration. This Agreement shall terminate upon the earlier of: (1) the Parties taking legislative action to complete the last of the three annexations contemplated in this Agreement; or (2) January 1, 2020.

9.3 Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon ninety (90) days advance written notice to the other Party. Notwithstanding the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, the County and City shall remain responsible for fulfilling any outstanding obligations under this Agreement that were incurred prior to the date on which this Agreement expired or terminated.

This Agreement, including the portions of the Master Annexation ILA incorporated into this Agreement by Section 4 above, constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties concerning the Annexation.

Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Fails and Page 3 of 10 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 The Administrators and contact persons for this Agreement are:

Darla Reese, City Clerk Frank Slusser, Senior Planner City of Granite Falls Snohomish County Department of Planning and Development Services 206 S. Granite Ave./P.O. 3000 Rockefeller Ave Granite Falls, WA 98252 Everett, WA 98201 (360) 691-6441 (425) 388-3311

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement, effective on the later date indicated below.

Dated this NN

CITY OF Granite Falls •]EI]lEi1UIi BY:

(JIua Golston John Lovick Mayor County Executive Date: Jc1c)J,tL Date:

Darla Reese, CIVIC Clerk of the County Council City Clerk

Approve as tform: Approved as to form: Office 0/thy &jjy Attorney Snohomish County Prosecutor \ 1/ f

Thoms Graafstra epuy Prosecuting ttorhey for Attorrey for the City of Granite Falls nohoipish County

Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Page 4 of 10 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 City of Granite Falls

SR 92 R/W Annexation

That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 East, W.M., as shown on Exhibit 'A-2' incorporated herein by reference to and said portion further described as follows: THENCE Westerly following said North Right-of-Way margin along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 03'37'06" an arc distance of 131.36 feet to a line parallel with and 530 feet East of the West line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 13, said point also being on the existing city limits by Ordinance 754-07 effective February 20, 2008;

IFSTO]z ;qjz 1 1511 IRWIN 11111 1 iiiiiiiii'lilll!l :

Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Page 6 of 10 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 JORDAN ROAD ANNEXATION

That portion of the Right of Way of Jordan Road not previously annexed lying in the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 East, Willamette Meridian, Snohomish County, Washington, more particularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at the Intersection of the East line of said Northwest Quarter and the Westerly Extension of the Southerly Right of Way line of Granite Falls Alternate Route;

THENCE along said Westerly Extension of said Southerly Right of Way line, to the West Right of Way line of Jordan Road as it existed per Ordinance #517, effective date 2/12/1994;

THENCE Southerly along said West Right of Way line to the North line of the South 350 feet of said Northwest Quarter;

THENCE Easterly along said North line to the East line of said Northwest Quarter;

THENCE Northerly along said East line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. i

City of Granite Falls 'e` Smnom^^, eoee ^acy N Proposed J roc I An

Granite Falls Proposed Jordan Road Annexation

City of Granite Falls

Urban Growth Area Urban Growth Area

Assessor Parcels

nraW - _j .... ohs . .r t_I"s

Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Page 8 of 10 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 I()I 444k City of Granite Falb P Aicn 5n® C „ty N

Granite Falls Proposed Portage Avenue Annexation

City of Granite Falls

Urban Growth Area Urban Growth Area

Assessor Parcels

t, n..4'ce_.c Snohorh reneF . Ji.Jf cnaaEl c Is in/n U 1 0 iL

Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Page 10 of 10 Snohomish County Relating to the Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 Snohomish County PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 3000 Rockefeller Avenue, M/S #604 Everett, WA 98201 (425) 388-3311 FAX (425) 388-3670


To: Dave Somers, Council Chair Brian Sullivan, Vice-Chair Ken Klein, District 1 Stephanie Wright, District 3 Terry Ryan, District 4

From: Clay White C4N Director, Planning and Development Services

Date: December 3, 2014

Regarding: Proposed Rights-of-Way Annexations Interlocal Agreement - City of Granite Falls

The attached Interlocal Agreement Between the city of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Concerning Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35A.21.210 has been negotiated between the city of Granite Falls and Snohomish County and is consistent with the requirements of the Interlocal Cooperation Act (Chapter 39.34 RCW) and Service Agreements (Chapter 36.115 RCW).

]W=('III ill I

This Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Concerning Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Rights-of-Way Under RCW 35.21.790 (ILA) provides specifically for the annexation of three segments of right-of-way, a portion of State Route 92 (Exhibits A-1 and A-2), a portion of Jordan Road (Exhibits B-1 and B-2), and a portion of Portage Avenue (Exhibits C-1 and C-2). It sets forth the terms that will govern the annexation of these three areas from the county to the city. The agreement recognizes that the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Concerning Annexation and Urban Development Within the Granite Falls Urban Growth Area (MAILA), effective December 5, 2007, applies with regard to general statements of principle and policy for joint planning, land use, urban centers, or

Page 1 of 3 additional agreements on subjects relating to annexation and service transition including roads, surface water, parks, and land use. RCW 35A.21.210 provides a method of annexation to adjust a municipal boundary within or on one edge of a public road right-of-way to the edge of the right-of-way in order to completely include it or exclude it from city jurisdiction. This method of road right-of way annexation can be done through county and city agreement, and requires an ordinance by the city council and an ordinance or resolution by the county council. Annexation of right-of- way by this method is not subject to Boundary Review Board review. The city is the logical service provider for each of the rights-of-way to be annexed under the terms of this interlocal agreement, as described in the staff reports for the individual annexations and summarized below: State Route 92 - The city boundary between the State Route 92 Granite Falls Alternate Route roundabout to the west and the current city boundary to the east shall be relocated to the south side of State Route 92/West Stanley Street right-of- way. This segment of State Route 92 is proposed to be turned back by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to the local government with jurisdiction over the right-of-way. If this segment were turned back the county, it would be isolated from the county road network. The road right-of-way to the west would remain as part of State Route 92 under WSDOT's responsibility, and the portion to the east is within the city. Also, this segment of road is within the Granite Falls Urban Growth Area (UGA). Therefore city is the logical service provider for the proposed annexation area to provide consistency of governance and service. • Jordan Road - The remnant portion of unincorporated Jordan Road right-of-way located south of the Granite Falls Alternate Route shall be included within the corporate limits of the city. This remnant portion of unincorporated right-of-way is adjacent to the city on three sides, to the east, south, and west. The city boundary currently runs within the road right-of-way, and includes a portion of the road within the city along the entire length of the proposed annexation area. The remnant right- of-way is within the Granite Falls UGA. Therefore city is the logical service provider for the proposed annexation area to provide consistency of governance and service. • Portage Avenue The entire remnant portion of unincorporated Portage Avenue right-of-way that is surrounded by the city shall be included within the corporate limits of the city. The proposed annexation area is completely surrounded by the city, so the city is the logical service provider for the proposed annexation area to provide consistency of governance and service. On November 19, 2014, the Granite Falls City Council voted to approve this ILA. If the county council approves this ILA, the county council will be asked to approve one ordinance for each of the individual rights-of way annexations. The city would also still need to finalize the individual rights-of way annexations by ordinance.


This annexation ILA was developed primarily by Snohomish County Planning and Development Services (PDS), Snohomish County Public Works, and the city. It was also circulated to the following departments prior to action by the city: Parks, Sheriff's Office, Finance Department, Assessor's Office, Auditor's Office, District Court, Law and Justice,

Page 2 of 3 Human Services, and Department of Emergency Management. They had no concerns. According to Public Works, Washington State Department of Transportation has no concerns about the annexations covered by this ILA.

PDS recommends that the council approve and authorize the county executive to sign the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Granite Falls and Snohomish County Concerning Annexation of Certain Unincorporated Public Right-of-Ways Under RCW 35A.21.210.

cc: Stephen Clifton, AICP, Executive Director Steve Thomsen, Director, Public Works Barb Mock, Manager, PDS Stephen Dickson, Special Projects Manager, Public Works Brian Parry, Special Projects Coordinator, Public Works Frank Slusser, Senior Planner, PDS Will Hall, AICP, Legislative Analyst

Page 3 of 3 Snohomish County: Analysis of Building and Land Use Regulation Effects on Housing and Jobs


Date: December 3, 2014

Staff Contact: Frank Slusser, PDS, extension 2944

Increase Decrease Neutral Uncertain Comments

Capacity/Targets X Not impacted by proposal Cost of housing dvpt: X Not impacted by proposal • Infrastructure X Not impacted by proposal • Site X Not impacted by proposal • Building const. X Not impacted by proposal • Fees X ` Not impacted by proposal • Yield X Not impacted by proposal Timing X Not impacted by proposal

Capacity/Targetsp X Not impacted by ro osal Cost of corr'Uind dvpt: X Not impacted by proposal • Infrastructure X Not impacted by proposal • Site X Not impacted by proposal • Building const. X Not impacted by proposal • Fees X Not impacted by proposal • Yield X Not impacted by proposal Time to Create Jobs X Not impacted by proposal # Family Wage Jobs X Not impacted by proposal

Discussion: This is a non-project proposal to approve an interlocal agreement with the City of Granite Falls for annexation of three small segments of unincorporated road rights-of-way to the city.

The proposal does not relate to housing development or jobs and therefore has a neutral impact on housing and jobs supply and opportunities. Project/Document Title: ORDINANCE NO. 15- _ APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE TO SIGN AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SNOHOMISH COUNTY AND THE CITY OF GRANITE FALLS CONCERNING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY UNDER RCW 35A.21..210

Date: December 3, 2014 Primary Staff Contact: Frank Slusser, Ext. 2944 General Cost Analysis Summar This is a non-project proposal to approve an interlocal agreement with the City of Granite Falls for annexation of three small segments of unincorporated road rights-of-way to the city.

Necessary Quantification/Qualification of Anticipated Cost: Facili Parks County Funded Impacts — None anticipated.

Other Fund Sources Impacts — None. Roads & County Funded Impacts — None anticipated from approval of the interlocal agreement. Transit The proposed annexations would result in very minimal reductions for roads revenues and costs, with no impact for the roads levy.

Other Fund Sources Impacts — None. Surface County Funded Impacts- None anticipated from approval of the interlocal agreement. The Water proposed annexations would have very minimal impacts for SWM revenues and costs.

Other Fund Sources Impacts — None. Public County Funded Impacts — None anticipated. Schools

Other Fund Sources Impacts — None. Electric County Funded Impacts — None anticipated. Power

Other Fund Sources Impacts — None. Public County Funded Impacts — None anticipated. Water

Other Fund Sources Impacts — None. Wastewater County Funded Impacts — None anticipated.

Other Fund Sources Impacts — None.