45880 Serjeant Robert Defty, M.M., 12th Bat- P./10826 Private (acting Lance-Corporal) talion, Durham Light (Seaham Charles Luke Hallett, Military Mounted Harbour). Police, attached 48th (South Midland) Divi- 19608 Private Brian Devnil, 10th Battalion, sion (Burtleigh Hill, 'Somerset). West Riding ^ ' E," Hudders- 58042 Private John Hanlon, 1st Battalion, field). (Kilmarnock). 240800 Private Albert Edwards, M.M., 9th 126896 Sapper George Harry Hare, 7th Divi- Battalion, York and Lancaster Regiment sional Signal Company, Royal Engineers (" E,'' Rotherham). (Dover). 18262 Serjeant John Edwards, 7th Battalion, 148830 Sapper Percy H. Hassell, 48th Divi- Machine Gun 'Corps (Tiverton). sional Signal Company, Royal Engineers 926 Gunner James (Smith Elliot, 12th Battery, (Tullamore, King's Co.). Machine .Gun Corps (Motors) (Edinburgh). 202236 Serjeant Albert James Hill, I/4th Bat- S./22245 Serjeant (temporary Staff Serjeant- talion, (Terri- Major) William Charles Elliott, Royal Army torial Force) (Clewer, Windsor). Service Corps (Southend-on-Sea). 77252 (Serjeant Robert Mackay Hendrie, S./21708 Corporal (acting Staff Quartermaster- Royal Engineers (Leitn). S'erjeant) Alfred Landen Evans, Royal Army 132892 Serjeant George Tom Hodgson, 197th Service -Corps, attached 14th Corps General Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery iS>taff (Operations) (Forest Gate). (Seacom'be). 9694 Serjeant Audley Evans, 1st Battalion, 28037 Company Serjeant-Major James Holt, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (iShifnal, Salop). 17th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers 201753 Private Gilbert Evans, I/4th Battalion, (Bury). Royal Berkshire Regiment (Territorial 13795 Lance-Corporal Joseph William Hood, Force) (Reading, Berks). 8th Battalion, Yorkshire Regiment (Easing- 10772 Company Quartermaster-Serjeant Henry ton, ). Fail, llfch Battalion, Northumberland 32553 Private Robert Home, 8th Battalion, Fusiliers (Whickham). York and Lancaster Regiment (Middles- 145154 Serjeant Nathan F'alkner, Northamp- •bro'). tonshire Yeomanry (Market Harboro'). 240251 Company Serjeant-Major Arthur 41908 Lance-Corporal William. David Farmer, Charles Howard, 5th Battalion, Royal 10th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers Regiment () (Hast- (Dnghlimgton). ings). 5587 Company Serjeant-Major Ernest Edward 313160 Corporal Charles Howell, 24th Signal Fear, 2nd (Windsor). Section, Royal Engineers (Cook's Bridge, 45033 Company (Serjeant-Major Ernest Fears, Sussex) 203380 Serjeant David Leslie Howells, I/4th" v 5th Ponton Park, Royal Engineers (Seaf ord, Sussex). Battalion, Oxford & Buckinghamshire Laght 18006 Private Henry Fielding, 10th Battalion, Infantry (Territorial Force) (Woodstock, West Riding Regiment (Bingley). Oxon). 202979 Lanoei-Corporal Frank Flynn, 10th 9973 Serjeant Arthur Thomas Humphries, 1st Battalion, West Riding Regiment (Hudders- Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Birming- field). ham). 12558 Serjeant William 'Charles Fuller, 23rd S /3597 Serjeant Mungo Charles Hutton, 2nd Battalion, Machine Gun Corps (Queens- Battalion, (Larbert). town) . T/ 25759 Driver William Hutton, 6th Army 145393 Staff Serjeant-Major Frederic 'Charles Auxiliary Horse Company, Royal Army Ser- Gent, Northamptonshire Yeomanry (Wel- vice Corps (St Luke's, London). lingboro'). D201I29 Regimental Serjeant-Major Thomas SIS./7695 Private (actingStaff Serjeant) Henry Hyett, 5th Dragoon Guards, attached North- Lennox Goddard, Royal Army Service amptonshire Yeomanry (Wolverhampton) Corps (London, N.W.). 58529 Serjeant (Artillery Clerk) John Oollin- 9628 Private (Lance-Corporal) Edmund Wil- son> Jepson, Royal 'Garrison Artillery liam Golding, 2nd Battalion, Honourable (Darwen). Artillery Company (Brockley). 7703 Serjeant Robert Johnson, 3rd Battalion, Soots Guards (Woolwich, S E.). S./31502 Corporal (temporary Staff Quarter- 142554 Corporal Robert Millar Johnston, Royal master-Serjeant) Ernest James Goreham, .Engineers (Dundee) Royal Army Service Corps (Great Yar- 296964 Lance-Bombardier John Jones, 155th mouth) Heavy Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery 20922 iS'erjeant Albert Gould, 22nd Battalion, (Pendleton) (Manchester). 39'548 Private James Kavanagh, M M., 8th Bat- 95639 Gunner Charles Frederick Horace Green, talion, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infan- 106th Battery, 22nd Brigade, Royal Field try (Cork) Artillery Netting Hill, W ). S/312587 Acting Serjeant John Kay©, late v Royal Army Service Corps (Huddersfield). 38498 Private James Grindle, 8th Battalion, 321045 Serjeant Tom Moulder Keatt, 390th King's Own Yorkshire , Siege Battery, Royal Garrison. Artillery attached 70th Infantry Brigade, Headquar- (Little Petherick). ters (Dumfries) 198765 Gunner Edward Joseph La Freina, 63082 Corporal Frederick James Grundy, 316th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artil- 317th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artil- lery (Derby) lery (Moston, Manchester). 66035 Battery Quartermaster-Serjeant Freder- 382 Company Serjeant-Major James Guy, ick Landlgraf, Royal Field Artillery (Trench M.C., No. 8 (Army Troops) Company, Royal ' 'Mortar School) {Brighton) Monmouthshire Royal Engineers (Special S/220700 Lance-corporal Guy Landon-W'hite, Reserve) ('' E," Swansea). Royal Army Service Corps (Kilmarnock).