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1 2 Prenatal diagnosis and management of vasa 3 4 previa in twin : A case series 5 6 and systematic review 7 8 9 10 Eric JAUNIAUX1,MD,PhD 11 2 12 Yaakov MELCER ,MD 13 Ron MAYMON2,MD 14 15 16 17 1 18 Academic Department of and Gynaecology, UCL Institute for 19 20 Women’s Health, University College London (UCL), London, UK; 21 2 22 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, 23 Zerifin, Israel, affiliated with the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, 24 25 Tel-Aviv, Israel 26 27 28 29 30 The authors report no conflict of interest 31 32 33 No funding was obtained for this study. 34 35 36 37 38 Corresponding author: Professor Eric Jauniaux, Academic Department of 39 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute for Women’s Health, University College 40 London, 86-96 Chenies Mews, London WC1E 6HX, UK. Telephone numbers: 41 +44/207/3908113 Fax: +44/207/3908115 42 E-mail: [email protected] 43 44 45 Word count: 3208 46 47 48 Condensation: Management strategies in twin pregnancies presenting with 49 50 vasa praevia should be tailored on the basis of chorionicity and changes in 51 cervical length. 52 53 Short title: Management of vasa previa in twins 54 55 56 Key Words: Velamentous; ; vasa previa; twins; . 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 1 64 65 2

1 2 Abstract 3 4 5 Background: Twin pregnancies are at higher risks of velamentous cord 6 7 8 insertion (VCI) and vasa previa (VP). In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is an additional 9 10 direct risk factor of abnormal cord insertion and thus the incidence of VP is likely 11 12 to increase over the next decades. 13 14 15 16 Objective: Our aim was to evaluate the specific challenges associated with 17 18 19 the prenatal diagnosis and management of VP in twins. 20 21 22 Study design: We searched our database for twin pregnancies diagnosed 23 24 25 with VP and managed antenatally using measurements of cervical length (CL) 26 27 and performed a systematic review of articles which correlated prenatal 28 29 30 diagnosis of VP in twins and outcome. Data sources: PubMed and 31 32 MEDLINE were searched for article published between the first prenatal 33 34 ultrasound description of VP in 1987 and 20 October 2016 using medical 35 36 37 subject heading (MeSH) terms, keywords and their combination including “vasa 38 39 previa”, “velamentous insertion of the cord”, “velamentous vessel”, 40 41 42 “membranous umbilical vessels”, “twin pregnancy”, “multiple pregnancy”, 43 44 “placenta previa” “In vitro fertilization pregnancy”, “succenturiate lobe”, “low- 45 46 47 lying placenta” and “bilobate placenta” as related to “sonography”, “ultrasound 48 49 diagnosis”, “prenatal diagnosis” and “colour Doppler”. Study eligibility criteria: 50 51 52 The primary eligibility criteria were articles which correlated prenatal ultrasound 53 54 imaging of VP and pregnancy outcome. The secondary outcome was the use of 55 56 CL in the management of twin pregnancies diagnosed antenatally with VP. 57 58 59 Study appraisal and synthesis methods: The final selection included 3 case 60 61 62 63 2 64 65 3

1 report series, 9 retrospective cohort studies and 1 retrospective case-control 2 3 study of VP diagnosed prenatally and confirmed at birth in twin pregnancies. 4 5 6 7 Results: The search of our databases identified six cases of dichorionic- 8 9 10 diamniotic (DCDA) twins and 1 case of monochorionic-diamniotic (MCDA) twins 11 12 diagnosed prenatally with VP between 22 and 29 weeks and managed using 13 14 15 CL. Two cases were delivered by emergency because of rapid changes in CL in 16 17 one and bleeding on in the other at 33 weeks and 30 weeks, 18 19 respectively. The systematic review identified data on 56 cases. The incidence 20 21 22 of twin pregnancies diagnosed antenatally with VP in the cohort and case- 23 24 control studies was 11.0%. Data on chorionicity was available in only 34 cases 25 26 27 and CL measurements were used by only the authors of two case reports and 28 29 four cohort studies. VCI was the most common additional ultrasound findings in 30 31 32 twins presenting with VP in both our series and the systematic review. 33 34 35 Conclusions: VP is associated with specific prenatal and obstetric 36 37 38 complications with different outcomes in singletons compared to twins. Data on 39 40 the diagnosis and management of VP in twin pregnancies are limited but there 41 42 43 is enough evidence to warrant guidelines for targeted screening. To enable the 44 45 development of efficient management protocols tailored to the need of individual 46 47 cases, future studies of the screening, diagnosis and management of VP should 48 49 50 be prospective and multicentric with detailed data on twins including chorionicity 51 52 and use of CL. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 3 64 65 4

1 Introduction 2 3 4 5 A vasa previa (VP) describes an aberrant chorionic vessel directly connected to 6 7 8 the umbilical cord circulation but running between the amniotic and the 9 10 chorionic layers of the placental free membranes below the fetal presenting 11 12 part.1 VP are classically separated into 2 different categories: type I which 13 14 15 describes vessels that connect a velamentous cord to the main placental mass 16 17 and type II which describes vessels running between one or more accessory 18 19 1 20 lobes of the placenta. The classic presentation of undiagnosed VP in labour is 21 22 the presence of painless vaginal bleeding. This occurs mainly when the cervix is 23 24 25 effaced and dilated and the membranes rupture spontaneously or are ruptured 26 27 artificially. It can lead to rapid fetal exsanguination and death1-5 and the 28 29 6 30 perinatal mortality of undiagnosed VP has been reported to be as high as 60%. 31 32 The incidence of VP has been reported to range between in 1 in 1200 to 33 34 1 in 5000 pregnancies but the condition may have been under-reported.1-5 A 35 36 37 recent systematic review of 10 cohort studies found that the incidence of VP is 38 39 0.6 per 1000 pregnancies.7 Approximately 90% of women presenting with a VP 40 41 42 also have a velamentous cord insertion (VCI) and 3-4% of women presenting 43 44 with a VCI have a VP.8 Unlike the single umbilical artery cord which is routinely 45 46 47 recorded by midwives at birth, these cord anomalies are only recorded when 48 49 associated with perinatal complications and the placental is examined by a 50 51 pathologist. 52 53 54 The pathophysiology of VP and VCI is uncertain but it has been linked to 55 56 an abnormal development of the definitive placenta. Both cord anomalies are 57 58 59 more common in bilobated placenta, succenturiate or accessory placenta and 60 61 62 63 4 64 65 5

1 low-lying placenta.1-8 VCI and VP type I are also more common in twin 2 3 pregnancies and monochorionicity doubles the risk for VCI compared to 4 5 11,12 6 dichorinicity. Maternal smoking has been recently reported as a risk factor 7 8 for VCI and thus potentially of VP.13 Assisted reproduction technology (ART) 9 10 11 and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in particular is associated with a higher incidence 12 13 of abnormally shaped placenta, placenta previa and cord insertion outside the 14 15 7,14 16 placental chorionic plate. It has been hypothesized these placental and cord 17 18 anomalies could be due to the inadequate orientation of the IVF blastocyst at 19 20 21 the time of implantation or to a higher incidence of vanishing twins in IVF than in 22 23 spontaneous twins.10,14-18 The incidence of VP has been reported to be as high 24 25 as one in 300 pregnancies conceived after ART.7,14 These data suggest that the 26 27 28 incidence of VP in both singleton and multiple pregnancy gestations is likely to 29 30 increase in the next decade with the increase use of ART worldwide. 31 32 33 Recent national guidelines, expert reviews and decision analysis study 34 35 on the management of VP have recommended delivery of all women presenting 36 37 38 with VP between 34-36 weeks of gestation but none provide with a specific 39 40 algorithm for twins.3-6,8,19 Twin pregnancies are associated with specific 41 42 obstetric complications and in particular with a higher incidence of premature 43 44 20 45 delivery. Like singletons, twins presenting with VP have very poor outcomes 46 47 when antenatal diagnosis is not made before the onset of labour.21 Previous 48 49 50 studies and reviews have not identified twin pregnancies diagnosed with VP 51 52 during pregnancy as requiring a different management strategy. We present a 53 54 55 case series and a systematic review of the literature of twin pregnancies 56 57 diagnosed prenatally with VP. Our aim is to evaluate the role of ultrasound 58 59 60 61 62 63 5 64 65 6

1 imaging in optimizing the management of individual cases of twins diagnosed 2 3 antenatally with VP and in supporting the development of the corresponding 4 5 6 clinical guidelines. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Material and Methods 14 15 16 17 Case series 18 19 The location of the placental insertion of the umbilical cord is included in our 20 21 routine mid-trimester transabdominal fetal detailed anatomy ultrasound protocol 22 23 24 in targeted cases i.e. in cases of low-lying placenta, bilobate placenta, 25 26 succenturiate lobed placenta, multiple pregnancies and IVF conceptions. When 27 28 29 a VCI is identified on transabominal ultrasound, a transvaginal scan (TVS) is 30 31 performed to exclude a VP. Our units have collaborated on the use of cervical 32 33 22,23 34 length (CL) in the management of twin pregnancies and are using similar 35 36 protocols based on national and international guidelines for the prenatal 37 38 39 diagnosis of VP. Asymptomatic women presenting with VP are followed-up 40 41 every 2 weeks, from 26-28 weeks until delivery, for fetal growth and wellbeing 42 43 and with TVS for CL and VP position. The timing of delivery is scheduled 44 45 46 according to changes in CL and/or clinical symptoms (mainly uterine 47 48 contractions and/or vaginal bleeding), following a course of corticosteroids. 49 50 51 When the CL remains stable with normal fetal development and there are no 52 53 clinical symptoms delivery is planned at around 36 weeks. 54 55 56 Systematic review information sources and search strategy 57 58 The search protocol was designed a priori and registered on PROSPERO 59 60 61 62 63 6 64 65 7

1 (#50164). We performed an electronic search of the literature in PubMed and 2 3 MEDLINE and selected relevant studies that have been published between the 4 5 24 6 first prenatal ultrasound description of VP by Gianopoulos et al. in 1987 and 7 8 20 October 2016. The search was achieved using medical subject heading 9 10 11 (MeSH) terms, keywords and their combination including “vasa previa”, 12 13 “velamentous insertion of the cord”, “velamentous vessel”, “membranous 14 15 16 umbilical vessels”, “twin pregnancy”, “multiple pregnancy”, “placenta previa” “In 17 18 vitro fertilization pregnancy”, “succenturiate lobe”, “low-lying placenta” and 19 20 21 “bilobate placenta” as related to “sonography”, “ultrasound diagnosis”, “prenatal 22 23 diagnosis” and “colour Doppler”. 24 25 We included all cohort studies and case reports that described the 26 27 28 prenatal diagnosis of VP in women presenting with a twin pregnancy (Figure 1). 29 30 Systematic review eligibility criteria 31 32 33 The primary eligibility criteria were articles which correlated prenatal ultrasound 34 35 imaging of VP and pregnancy outcome. The secondary outcome was the use of 36 37 38 CL in the management of twin pregnancies diagnosed antenatally with VP. Two 39 40 authors (EJ and RM) independently assessed inclusion criteria, data extraction 41 42 and analysis. 43 44 45 Systematic review study selection 46 47 The initial database search provided 44 reports and cross-referencing provided 48 49 50 an additional two reports, making a total of 43 records after removal of three 51 52 duplicates (Figure 1). Out of the 43 records screened, 13 did not included data 53 54 55 on prenatal ultrasound imaging of VP and were therefore excluded. After the 56 57 second selection, letters with no description of the case, commentaries and 58 59 60 61 62 63 7 64 65 8

1 reviews were excluded. A further six reports where antenatal ultrasound was 2 3 performed but cases of VP were only diagnosed at delivery were further 4 5 6 excluded leaving 13 reports for the final analysis. 7 8 Statistical analysis 9 10 11 Numerical data from the case series and systematic review were analysed 12 13 using the StatGraphic data analysis and statistical software package 14 15 16 (Manugistics, Rockville, MD). 17 18 19 20 21 Results 22 23 24 Case series 25 26 27 The search of our databases identified seven sets of twins diagnosed prenatally 28 29 30 with VP, followed-up using our standard protocol and confirmed at birth by 31 32 detailed pathologic examination. Table 1 presents the clinical data and outcome 33 34 of these cases. There were six cases of dichorionic-diamniotic (DCDA) twins 35 36 37 and 1 case of monochorionic-diamniotic (MCDA) twins (case 7). Five DCDA 38 39 cases were conceived following IVF. The mean (SD) gestational at time of 40 41 42 diagnosis was 26+5 (3+1) weeks. In five cases, a VCI was detected on 43 44 transabdominal ultrasound at the mid-trimester examination or during a fetal 45 46 47 growth scan follow-up. In the other two cases, the diagnosis of VP was made at 48 49 the time of the first CL measurement. In five cases, the CL remained >25 mm 50 51 and the patients were managed conservatively without hospitalization. In one 52 53 54 case, the CL was found to be 10 mm at 32+6 weeks (case 5) and an 55 56 emergency CS performed the next day because of vaginal bleeding. One case 57 58 59 was complicated by placenta previa accreta (case 6) for which an emergency 60 61 62 63 8 64 65 9

1 caesarean delivery was performed at 30+3 weeks because of major vaginal 2 3 bleeding. In the case of MCDA twins (case 7), the cord of the presenting twin 4 5 6 ( 1) was inserted half-way between the lower placental edge and the 7 8 cervix. On TVS, there was a large VP above the internal os with non-pulsatile 9 10 11 flow on Doppler imaging (Figures 2 A & B). This venous VP could be traced 12 13 back to the area of the VCI with colour mapping. No VP arteries were found. 14 15 16 The CL was stable on follow-up scans and there was no ultrasound evidence of 17 18 twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) but a 20% discrepancy in estimated 19 20 21 fetal weight was noted from 32+4 weeks and an elective caesarean delivery 22 23 was performed at 35+1 weeks. The mean (SD) gestational at the time of 24 25 delivery was 34.2 (2.1) weeks. 26 27 28 29 Systematic review report characteristics 30 31 We found data on 56 cases of VP diagnosed prenatally in twin pregnancies, 32 33 25-27 34 confirmed at birth and included in 3 case report series, 9 retrospective 35 36 cohort studies6,17,28-34 and 1 retrospective case-control study35 (Table 2). The 37 38 incidence of twin pregnancies diagnosed with VP on ultrasound during 39 40 41 pregnancy for which ultrasound data and post-natal confirmation was available 42 43 in the cohort and case-control studies was 11.0% (48 cases of twins for 438 44 45 46 pregnancies diagnosed with VP). 47 48 Systematic review synthesis of results 49 50 51 Out of the 34 cases for which data on chorionicity were available, there were 19 52 53 DCDA and 15 MCDA twin pregnancies. In one case report, the diagnosis of VP 54 55 56 was made at the time of laser photocoagulation of communicating anastomoses 57 58 in a MCDA twin pregnancy complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome 59 60 61 62 63 9 64 65 10

1 (TTTS).27 The authors of two case reports26,27 and of four cohorts31-34 described 2 3 the use of CL measurements in their management of twin pregnancies 4 5 6 presenting with VP on antenatal ultrasound. 7 8 Only two authors of cohort studies included perinatal data on individual 9 10 29,31 11 twin pregnancies that were diagnosed by ultrasound antenatally. Detailed 12 13 measurements of CL were only provided in two cases in a cohort series31 and in 14 15 27 16 one case report. Table 3 displays the baseline perinatal characteristics of 12 17 18 cases of VP diagnosed antenatally and verified by clinical documentation at 19 20 21 birth and/or a pathology report. In seven cases, there was information on 22 23 additional ultrasound findings including a low-lying placenta and VCI in three 24 25 cases25,26 and VCI alone in two cases.17,28 The mean (SD) gestational at the 26 27 28 time of diagnosis was 23+6 (7+1) weeks. Information on the mode of delivery 29 30 was available in eight cases including five elective and three emergency 31 32 27,28 33 caesarean sections, two for premature rupture of the membranes and one 34 35 for preeclampsia.17 The mean (SD) gestational at time of delivery was 32+6 36 37 38 (3+5) weeks. The neonatal outcome of the corresponding 24 including 39 40 two and two neonatal deaths.29,31 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Discussion 48 49 50 51 Main findings 52 53 54 Our review indicates a total incidence of 11.0% of twin pregnancies in cohort 55 56 studies on the prenatal diagnosis of VP. Our case series and systematic review 57 58 59 confirm that like for singletons, the outcome for twin fetuses and neonates is 60 61 62 63 10 64 65 11

1 excellent when the VP is diagnosed antenatally. Determination of chorionicity 2 3 and serial measurements of CL can provide individualised management 4 5 6 pathways for twin pregnancies with VP and in particular in the timing of delivery 7 8 or the need for emergent before a planned delivery around 9 10 11 36 weeks. 12 13 14 15 16 Comparison with existing literature 17 18 19 A 97% survival rate has been reported in cases of VP diagnosis prenatally 20 21 compared to only 44% when the diagnosis was made during delivery.6 A recent 22 23 24 systematic review of ultrasound in the diagnosis of VP including two prospective 25 26 and six retrospective cohort studies out of which six had a poor methodology 27 28 29 found prenatal detection rates ranging between 53% (10/19) to 100% for a total 30 31 of 442,633 women, including 138 cases of VP.36 Four out of the eight studies 32 33 34 used TVS for primary assessment, while the remaining four studies used 35 36 transabdominal ultrasound and only used TVS when a VP was suspected on 37 38 the transabdominal scan. The gestational age at the time of diagnosis was 39 40 41 reported in five studies and ranged from 18+0 to 26+6 weeks. The data of twin 42 43 pregnancies were not analyzed separately by the authors. The accuracy of 44 45 46 ultrasound at 9-13 weeks' gestation in screening for VP was evaluated 47 48 prospectively in case-control study.37 However, the definitive placenta is only 49 50 1 51 fully formed by 10-11 weeks of gestation making it difficult in many cases to 52 53 predict the final position of the umbilical cord and to identify placental 54 55 56 morphologic anomalies in particular in twins. The performance of ultrasound in 57 58 screening for and diagnosing VP considered more efficient at around mid- 59 60 61 62 63 11 64 65 12

1 gestation3-5,36 and the mean gestational age at diagnosis in twins, in our series 2 3 and in the literature, was 26+5 and 23+6 weeks, respectively. 4 5 6 Cases of VP in both singletons and twins described in the literature 7 8 present a pulsatile flow velocity waveforms indicative of an arterial previa 9 10 3-5,6,31 11 vessel. One of our case (case 7) presented with venous VP and the 12 13 arteries were not visible on TVS color mapping (Figure 2B). We found no similar 14 15 16 case described in the international literature. A venous VP could be easily 17 18 mistaken for “free loop” of cord3 and thus in particular in this case it may be 19 20 21 useful to trace the route of the vessel to the VIC and to demonstrate that it does 22 23 not “move” with changing maternal position and/or between ultrasound 24 25 examinations. 26 27 28 Several studies have suggested that the majority of cases of VP can be 29 30 suspected prenatally by routinely evaluating the placental cord insertion in 31 32 4,6-8, 29,38 33 pregnancies with low-lying placenta and the placental morphology. The 34 35 incidence of succenturiate lobes and other morphological placental anomalies is 36 37 1,11,39,40 38 higher in twin pregnancies. A VCI of one of the umbilical cords is eight 39 40 times more common in twins than in singletons. 39 The odd ratio for VP in 41 42 pregnancies presenting with a bilobated placenta or with succenturiate lobe has 43 44 39 45 been evaluated to be 22.11 in twin pregnancies. Five of the seven cases of 46 47 our series (Table 1) and five out of the eight cases described in details in the 48 49 50 literature (Table 3) presented with a VCI. One cases in our series and three in 51 52 the literature also presented a low-lying placenta or placenta previa. Thus, the 53 54 55 placental cord insertion should be documented at the second trimester scan in 56 57 all twin pregnancies. 58 59 60 61 62 63 12 64 65 13

1 The largest study to date on the perinatal outcome of VP is based on a 2 3 retrospective multicentric cohort of 155 women with VP diagnosed at the mid- 4 5 6 trimester scan and it included 50 (32.3%) cases associated with a bilobated or 7 8 succenturiate lobed and 95 (61%) with low-lying placenta.6 Only 9 10 11 seven cases (4.5%) were twin pregnancies and the authors provided with no 12 13 data on chorionicity and individual outcome. Overall only half of the cohort 14 15 16 studies that are included in the present review provide detailed data on 17 18 chorionicity (Table 2). Similarly, to singleton pregnancies, a ruptured VP in the 19 20 21 presenting twin of a DC pair will lead to acute hemorrhage in the corresponding 22 23 twin. By contrast, in MC twins, the acute hemorrhage in the presenting twin may 24 25 also lead to acute blood shift and rapid exsanguination in the co-twin due to the 26 27 28 presence of inter-twin placental vascular anastomoses. Van Steenis et al. 29 30 reported recently a case of double fatal outcome in MC twins and reviewed 31 32 33 similar cases published in the international literature since the first case reports 34 35 in 1939.41 Including their case, there were three other recent cases reported in 36 37 38 the last five years in the international literature but surprisingly none were 39 40 diagnosed prenatally42-44 and were, therefore, not included in the present 41 42 review. 43 44 45 46 47 48 Clinical implications 49 50 The ultimate management goal of confirmed VP prenatally is to deliver before 51 52 53 labor and in particular before the rupture of membranes while minimizing the 54 55 impact of iatrogenic prematurity. There is no consensus about the time of 56 57 delivery in cases of confirmed VP and the currently low prevalence of prenatal 58 59 60 61 62 63 13 64 65 14

1 diagnosis of this condition precludes any prospective trials to evaluate the ideal 2 3 timing. Data from a decision analysis study comparing 11 strategies for delivery 4 5 6 timing in a patient with VP found that delivery between 34 and 36 weeks 7 8 balances the risk of premature rupture of the membranes and subsequent fetal 9 10 19 11 hemorrhage and death versus the risks of prematurity. This study did not 12 13 differentiate between singleton and twin pregnancies. A cost-utility analysis 14 15 16 based on a decision-analytic model comparing relevant strategies and life-long 17 18 outcomes for mother and infant has shown that screening all twin pregnancies 19 20 21 for VP with transvaginal ultrasound is cost-effective and has incremental cost- 22 23 effectiveness ratio of $5488 per quality-adjusted life-years gained.45 We suggest 24 25 that in twins diagnosed with VP with uncomplicated antenatal course, to 26 27 28 minimize the impact of prematurity the optimal timing for scheduled caesarean 29 30 delivery is 36 weeks. 31 32 33 34 A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between 35 36 placental implantation abnormalities including placenta previa, placenta accreta, 37 38 39 VP, and VIC and preterm delivery in singleton gestations has found a perinatal 40 41 death rate risk ratio of 4.52 (95% CI, 2.77-7.39) for VP.2 The associated 42 43 44 complications of prematurity are, in many cases, the result of iatrogenic preterm 45 46 birth in an effort to prevent . Antenatal hospitalization to allow for closer 47 48 surveillance for signs of labor in a unit with appropriate neonatal facilities has 49 50 51 also been proposed for all pregnancies presenting with VP from 30-32 weeks of 52 53 gestation3-5,31 but the evidence is weak and based on low-quality evidence.4 No 54 55 56 specific data are available for twins pregnancies diagnosed with VP. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 14 64 65 15

1 Twin pregnancies are at higher risks of preterm delivery and a recent 2 3 retrospective cohort study of 441 women with twin pregnancies has found that 4 5 6 integration of serial measurements of CL using a stepwise algorithm in 7 8 asymptomatic women with twin gestations can improve the detection of women 9 10 46 11 at risk of . Women with VP in a MC twin pregnancy also require a 12 13 regular follow-up to assess the risks of TTTS and thus determining the twin 14 15 16 chorionicity is pivotal in the management of these high-risk pregnancies. 17 18 19 20 21 Strengths and weaknesses 22 23 This study provides data supporting the need to screen for VP in twin 24 25 26 pregnancies in particular those resulting from IVF. A recent systematic review 27 28 and meta-analysis has found no clear evidence of benefit from planned 29 30 31 caesarean section for term twin pregnancies with leading cephalic 32 33 presentation47 and thus for women opting for a vaginal birth it is essential to 34 35 36 have exclude a VP antenatally. Our data also support the determination of 37 38 chorionicity and use of transvaginal sonographic assessment of CL to evaluate 39 40 the individual risk of premature delivery in twins presenting with VP. Overall our 41 42 43 study is the first to highlights the need to incorporate these parameters in local 44 45 protocols and national guidelines in the perinatal management of twins. The 46 47 48 weakness of the study is its retrospective nature and the lack of specific details 49 50 on twins in most cohort series. In twins diagnosed with VP antenatally in the 51 52 53 literature, information on chorionicity was available in only 34 out of 56 (60.7%) 54 55 cases and CL measurements used by only six authors out of 13 thus limiting the 56 57 number of cases available for analysis. 58 59 60 61 62 63 15 64 65 16

1 Conclusions 2 3 4 VP is associated with specific prenatal and obstetric complications with different 5 6 outcomes in singletons compared to twins. It is important to make the diagnosis 7 8 9 in the second trimester to allow preventative measures to be taken and avoid 10 11 subsequent perinatal complications. There is enough evidence to warrant 12 13 14 guidelines for targeted screening with TVS and colour Doppler in twin 15 16 pregnancies to rule out VP, as the relative obstetric risk is significantly higher 17 18 19 than in singletons. In twin pregnancies, the ultrasound follow-up should also be 20 21 tailored according to chorionicity, changes in cervical length and clinical 22 23 symptoms. Outpatient management is possible if there is no evidence of 24 25 26 cervical shortening on TVS and there are no symptoms of bleeding or preterm 27 28 uterine activity. Multicentric prospective VP screening studies with detailed data 29 30 31 on twins including their chorionicity are required to develop more efficient 32 33 management protocols tailored to the need of individual cases. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 16 64 65 17

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1 2 3 4 5 Figure legends 6 7 8 Fig 1: Flow diagram showing the selection of reports included in the 9 review. 10 11 Fig 2: Transvaginal ultrasound scans: A) showing a large VP (arrow) 12 above the internal os of the cervix (Cx) on color mapping; B) with non- 13 14 pulsatile flow on Doppler imaging (arrow). Consent was obtained from 15 the patient for the use of these images. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 24 64 65 Table(s)

Table 1. Prenatal ultrasound data and outcome of 7 cases of twin pregnancies

diagnosed with VP

Case GA at Other Chorionicity- CL (mm) at GA at Outcome No. diagnosis US amnionicity last TVS delivery Mode of delivery (wks + findings (GA wks + (wks + Fetal sex & weight (g) days) days) days) 1 28+2 None DCDA 30 (32+3) 36+1 ElCS M2810/M2850

2 29+1 None DCDA 33 (32+5) 34+0 ElCS F2026/F2030

3 29+2 VCI & DCDA 38 (34+2) 35+0 ElCS M2040/M2240

SUA x2

4 22+0 VCI DCDA 34 (35+5) 36+2 ElCS F2270/M2370

5 29+2 VCI DCDA 10 (32+6) 33+0 EmCS M1720/F1730

6 25+4 VCI & DCDA 30 (28+2) 30+3 EmCS F1240/M1240


7 23+2 VCI MCDA 30 (34+0) 35+1 ElCS F2910/F2400

VCI = velamentous cord insertion; PP = placenta previa; SUA = single umbilical artery; DCDA = dichorionic-diamniotic; MCDA = monochorionic-diamniotic; ElCS = elective caesarean section; EmCS = emergency caesarean section; F = female; M = male.

Table 2. Characteristics of the 13 reports included in the review

Author Type of study No. of cases of No. of twin Chorionicity (year) VP diagnosed pregnancies antenatally and with VP confirmed at birth Raga et al.25 Case report 2 1 DCDA (1995) Nomiyama et Cohort study of 2 1 DCDA al.28 VCI (n=6) (1998) Lee et al.29 Cohort study of 18 2 N/A (2000) VP Francois et Case-control 13 1 N/A al.35 study of VP (2003) Oyelese et al.6 Multicenter 155 7 N/A (2004) cohort study of VP Baulies et al.17 Cohort study of 9 2 2 DCDA (2007) VP Ghandi et al.26 Case report 3 3 3 DCDA 2008 Chmait et al.27 Case report 2 1 MCDA (2010) Smorgick et Cohort study of 19 3 3 DCDA al.30 VP (2010) Bronsteen et Cohort study of 56 7 N/A al.31 VP (2013) Rebarber et Cohort study of 29 5 3 DCDA al.32 VP 2 MCDA (2014) Swank et al.33 Multicenter 47 5 N/A (2016) cohort study of VP Catanzarite et Cohort study of 92 18 6 DCDA al.34 VP 12 MCDA (2016)

VCI = velamentous cord insertion; VP= vasa previa; DCDA= dichorionic-diamniotic; MCDA = monochorionic-diamniotic; N/A= not available.

Table 3. Baseline perinatal characteristics of 12 VP cases included in the review

Author GA at Other US Chorionicity- CL GA at Outcome (year) diagnosis findings amnionicity (mm) delivery Mode of delivery (wks) at last (wks Fetal sex & TVS +days) weight (g) (wks) Raga et 34 VCI&LLP DCDA N/A 38 ElCS al.25 M2810/F? (1995)

Nomiyama 18 VCI DCDA N/A 31 EmCS et al.28 F2026/F2030 (1998)

Lee et N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 Stillbirth al.29 N/A N/A N/A N/A 27+1 1 post-natal death (2000)

Baulies et 35 None DCDA N/A 36 EmCS al.17 F3050/M2210 (2007) 21 VCI DCDA N/A 34 ElCS F1669/M1990

Ghandi et 29 None DCDA N/A 34 ElCS al.26 18 VCI&LLP DCDA N/A 34 ElCS (2008) 19 VCI&LLP DCDA N/A 35 ElCS

Chmait et 22 TTTS MCDA 11 34+3 EmCS al.27 (30+5) F2656/1240 (2010)

Bronsteen N/A N/A N/A 25 (24) 27 1 post-natal death et al.31 N/A N/A N/A 15 (28) 31 Stillbirth (2013)

GA = Gestational age; wks = weeks; VCI = velamentous cord insertion; LLP = low- lying placenta; SUA = single umbilical artery; DCDA = dichorionic-diamniotic; MCDA = monochorionic-diamniotic; TTTS = twin-twin transfusion syndrome; ElCS = elective caesarean section; EmCS = emergency caesarean section; F = female; M = male; N/A = not available

Figure 1 Flow Chart

Records identified through Additional records identified database searching through other sources

(n = 44) (n = 2) Identification

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 43)

Screening Records screened Records excluded (n = 43) (n = 13)

Full-text articles assessed Full-text articles excluded, for eligibility with reasons

(n = 30) (n = 11) Eligibility

Studies included in qualitative synthesis

(n = 19)

Studies included in

Included quantitative analysis (n = 12)

Figure 2A US Click here to download high resolution image Figure 2B US Click here to download high resolution image