Zelda II - The Adventure of Link Play Journal Entries

Stagger Lanayru79 02/17/2017 4:56 PM

The Legend of Zelda Timeline Playthrough

Chapter 9 - Courage in the Shadows

I have so little to say about the Adventure of Link. I always enjoy it when I start playing it, and always loathe actually doing so. It's just such a bizarre entry in the series. The story seems kind of important if the failure timeline ever resumes beyond it.

WARNING: Unmarked spoilers appear in the comments. I'm also

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Elzonire 02/17/2017 5:00 PM This is actually one of my favorite Zelda games. I really should play it again.

By the way, the trophy is the Goddess Statue in Japan. It actually looks like it too.

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Stagger 02/17/2017 5:03 PM intrigued by the existence of an extended Hyrule north of Death Mountain and this land across the sea, but if “Triforce No. 3” here is any indication, who knows how Nintendo will really ever clarify these things outside Historia.

After the last two preliminary screen shots, really don't expect much out of me for comments during a sloppy 100% run. Magic good, experience bad. Um, yeah. :p E Yeah! e 3 D

Nintendoer 02/17/2017 5:05 PM Aw, it's not that hard once you get used to it. Except fighting against Fokkas...those fowl demons never get any easier.


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Stagger 02/17/2017 5:10 PM As I've said elsewhere Nintendoer, difficulty has nothing to do w/ my distaste for the game. That's honestly its most redeeming quality for me. It's just generally not LoZ. It's some weird hybrid of 2 and FF's overworld. Thankfully Nintendo is not as weird as Elzonire and never speaks of making an LoZ platformer again.

Someday I'll try a little harder on that 1 Life run. For now E Yeah♥ e 6 D

Stagger 02/17/2017 5:15 PM let's just set about waking the old girl up so I can get past the dread and find the fun like always. I think it's a safe bet I'll land somewhere in between the zero game over from scratch run and the 95 game over level 1 Life, headlong charge, zero grinding effort during the Challenge Chalice. :p

Also, sword move repertoire good, cataclysmic reduction in exploration bad.

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Elzonire 02/17/2017 5:16 PM Ahem *GBA games* I'd definitely go for another sidescroller. Nothing could go lower than the awkward standard TFH set.

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Nintendoer 02/17/2017 5:21 PM I wasn't trying to imply it was, but more remarking on the statement you made at the end of the LoZ log. Viscious, yes, but not as much with practice.

...Can I second Elzo's notion? =P I think this kind of thing (not necessarily the RPGish overworld or exp system...even though I like it) would be great in the context of ALBW's merging. That Bow of Light at the end...gimme more! And add in...

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Nintendoer 02/17/2017 5:22 PM ...sword capabilities while merged, jumping, and maybe a couple more items to use, and I'd love it.

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Nintendoer 02/17/2017 5:27 PM "Viscious", phone? That's not even a word!

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Jayse 02/17/2017 5:35 PM Zelda 2 is probably my least favorite Zelda. Having said that, I still enjoyed it quite a bit. It did take me a while to get into though.

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Stagger 02/17/2017 5:56 PM Nintenbroer, of course I'd like more merged combat in LBW ... and a downward thrust.

Another side scrolling game? When it takes this long to see more of the two clearly more distinct and redeeming formats to the series? I've heard there was a Paper Zelda in the works Elzo. That will be our common ground. :) For now, TFH and FSA stay ahead of AoL for me.

NPC interaction/pre-dungeon needs, good. E Yeah! e 4 D

Elzonire 02/17/2017 6:00 PM Oh for sure FSA is a grand game. I loved playing it with my friends. But in my eyes, TFH was shoddy quality and the most unZeldalike game in the series. Sidescrolling is fun, and Zelda II still feels like Zelda. A Paper Zelda would be fun, but I wonder how it would work.

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Jayse 02/17/2017 6:12 PM I need to correct myself. FS is my least favorite Zelda. Zelda II is my second least favorite.

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Ed 02/17/2017 6:33 PM I third the notion (that's a term, right?) for a ZII gameplay successor. Give it a better quality overworld and some more traditional thought-provoking puzzles in the Metroidvania dungeons and I'm sold. It can be our next handheld entry while we wait for the next console title in 2022.

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Stagger 02/17/2017 6:45 PM While I respect the preferences of you two, I'll refer you to the correct opinion Jayse has. :p Nah, seriously, it's not an awful game, but the nature of the spells is only about half good too. By cataclysmic reduction in exploration, I really mean how brutally linear it is by comparison to its predecessor. Really, you guys want an experience system and stats to return to LoZ?

Zero grinding btw.

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Brandon 02/17/2017 7:00 PM I like Zelda II. More than Spirit Tracks and Four Swords. But that's about it. Only completed it once and I cheated at the end.

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Knight 02/17/2017 7:01 PM I found a notification under the table

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Stagger 02/17/2017 7:05 PM ... but my fair share of these. New timeline split! :p I've entered each of the first two palaces, got one in each, and haven't bothered to go back yet but will now that Death Mountain is out of the way. Also got three others, one failing to reach the Hammer, one having no prayer of returning w/ it, and another out f sheer laziness after getting the Magic Jar back there.

Towns named after sages E Yeah♥ e 3 D

Stagger 02/17/2017 9:50 PM are interesting, but when I consider they all exist in portions of Hyrule I've never seen before and haven't since ... so things were so bad civilization just moved to swampier places. That's the message I take from it.

I will settle in and grind myself to contentment here after basically willing myself to this point. Boring game for me unfortunately ... thank Nayru for Konchan. ;)

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Stagger 02/17/2017 10:56 PM Recurring floating equestrian knuckle is okay, and that brute w/ the ball and chain is legit. Even Carock is okay, closest thing to a puzzle component. But c'mon ... we all came to see two bosses. Volvagia's spawn Barba is the first. Funny how by grinding I actually didn't have a game over in a Palace for once. :p Honestly, I'm playing so nonchalantly that I get what I deserve.

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Stagger 02/17/2017 11:40 PM The other is Thunderbird! My friend and yours, great fight w/ that sweet Great Palace work by Konchan ... after this, the Triforce of Courage is introduced to the series, the reason this poor centuries old Zelda was put to sleep by her family and a shady sorcerer to begin with. Link faces his shadow, Dark Link, for the first time. Weave and I “cheat” at this point. ;)

Good timeline!

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Brandon 02/17/2017 11:58 PM I guess "exploit" would be a better word. Either way after Thunderbird who wants to actually fight Dark Link. I might try it with save states. When I did it on the Wii version that wasn't an option. Actually, my New Years Resolution 2012 was to finish Zelda II. I played it on and off from January to finally completing it in April.

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Straggler 02/18/2017 12:07 AM Nintendoer would, that's who! :p

I would have said more about AoL had I the comments, and I saved a few screens of the scenes beyond T-bird to do so tomorrow evening before I start MM. Opening the store tomorrow, ugh, got to get some shuteye ... wish I had the screen saved of my zero damage taken fight w/ Lebel 1 Life heh. Only scroll powers can find that now. G'night bros!

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Elzonire 02/18/2017 12:13 AM If I didn't know what I did about the Japanese version, I'd say that trick is a cheap cop-out. ...But, it's not a glitch at all. It's intentional. Apparently, in the Japanese version, the rest of the game is much easier, but Dark Link is even more brutal than in America, plus there's no corner trick. The American version is more difficult, but with Dark Link's AI lowered and the trick added.

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Elzonire 02/18/2017 12:15 AM To answer Brandon's question, me. I used the corner trick once for the novelty, and never again. The Great Palace's difficulty as well as the masochism inducing dual bosses make it my favorite dungeon in the whole series.

E Yeah! e 0 D Straggler 02/18/2017 12:16 AM Two things before Nod though ... Kondo wasn't the composer? Can't believe I'd never paid that any mind! Secondly, AoL is a fine game, very creative ... but from LttP and beyond, an element of puzzlimg joined simple maze construction. Hard to go back ... I'll defend my taste more tomorrow, but remember, it's the only canon game that's not a legend. :p

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Knight 02/18/2017 12:38 AM I never knew about that corner trick until I was an adult and saw the AVGN do it. I still never have done that to defeat Dark Link and prefer to face him head on.

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Christian 02/18/2017 3:20 AM Ah, I was about to comment on your Konchan remark, but there's no need now. Yes, the composer's first name is Akito if memory serves me correct, unfortunately it's been a while, so I'm uncertain to his full name. Succinct and to-the-point playthrough, Stag. Feeling the stress of finishing in time, yet?

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Joshua 02/18/2017 6:04 AM Finally, I don't completely miss a post after missing I think two or three.

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Nintendoer 02/18/2017 6:27 AM I used the corner trick a couple times, but in general, I prefer to fight him legitimately. And he got a lot easier after all that practice I put into NES Remix 2. =P

Don't get me wrong, I like the traditional LoZ formula more, but I find this to be a solid game in many ways. Try to find an NES game with better hitbox detection. I dare you.

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Joshua 02/18/2017 7:19 AM Perhaps it could be done, if the problem is with the way the hitboxes are drawn rather than the actual detection.

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AlienSquid 02/18/2017 4:00 PM This game always takes me a few days to beat.... how'd you do it so fast?

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AlienSquid 02/18/2017 4:03 PM Also now that I know about shodow of the colossus I want to play it and pretend it's Zelda 2s story

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Stagger 02/18/2017 5:18 PM I don't even think Dark Link is that hard to defeat fairly, after the amount of time you put into hitting Iron Knuckles, nor do I enjoy doing so all that much. Tastes are what they are folks. You can defend this game all you like. I'm never going to think it's very good compared to LoZ that has items to use instead of a little fairy to turn into.

@Christian: No, I'm actually rather unconcerned E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 02/18/2017 5:21 PM about finishing. Looking at my work schedule for the time between now and March 2, it's pretty unlikely I'll get to the DS games unless I entirely stop talking to you good people. This literally doubles the time it takes for me to play these games. The point of the exercise for me was not to have any downtime before the blasted game finally comes out, and enjoying the company of the gang. :)

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Stagger 02/18/2017 5:26 PM Had I started a week or so earlier, maybe I fail at quitting smoking, which was also a pretty big part of the plan heh ... I'd still like to finish but I'm not going to be upset if I don't.

@Chris: That's pretty funny! Better game though, heh ... I'm actually much more into ICO. *shrug*

So this little hermit in the Great Palace is in like an Indiana Jones/Holy Grail type of role here, charged by

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Stagger 02/18/2017 5:31 PM a long bygone monarch to watch over the Triforce of Courage until a worthy recipient claimed it. It's a pretty interesting resting place for this timeline, not to mention that LoZ's Link has aged audibly. Great sound effects ... a third adventure for old wooden sword here would be something!

In an hour or so I'll start MM. I am going to try to finish Christian, but at the cost of jibber jabber.

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Christian 02/19/2017 12:38 AM Oh, by any means! Jib jab away!

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Naminski 02/20/2017 7:57 AM Same here.

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