
North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920

Volume LXlV. Number 64 . Friday, February 25, 1% Raleigh. North Carolina Phone 737-2411/2412

Election registration opens by Shelley Heldrlekses standing. which means that they must the fourth floor of the Student Center. not be on academic warning or proba- If a candidate cannot attend the News Assignments Editor tion. No previous experience is meeting. then an alternate must be Student Government is currently necessary. according to Jim Yocum. present or the candidate will be drop accepting applications for govern- student body president. ped from the ballot. according to ment positions. Candidates running for Student Yocum. Anyone interested in running for Senate president must have served Election dates are March 21 and 22. the office of student body president, one year as a senator. according to In case of a tie. run-off elections will student body treasurer. Student Baker. be March 28 and 29. Senate president. student center . “It is vital for the Student Senate There will also be two amendments president. sdnator. member of the president to have a year of experience to the Student Body Constitution that Judicial Board. member of the in the Senate because the personmust will be on the ballots for the student Publications Authority. or a position. know the procedure for running the body to vote on. for the board ofdirectors on the Union meeting which only comes from this The first amendment will be to split Activities Board. must sign up in the experience.‘'Baker said. the position of the treasurer into two Student Government office which is In order to be a senator a student offices. a treasurer and a comptroller on the fourth floor of the Student must sign up according to his school (an accounting position). The comp Center. according to Jeff Baker. Stu- and class. according to the class he troller will be appointed by student dent Sentate president. will be'In for the fall of '.83 according body president and will be approved to Yocum. by the Student Senate. The comp “Anyone who would like to have in Students wanting to run for the troller will have to have had accoun- put into the University should become Judical Board must sign up by class ting 200 or 286 or will have to pass a involved now. Student viewpoints are and must be in good academic stan- competency test. according to Yocum. vital to the administration to see each ding. according to Yocum. The second amendment will be to side of a question." Baker said. Students who want to join the add to the constitution a sheet of cor- Sign up books were opened Thurs Publications Authority need only sign rections. which will make certain day and will remain open until March up. Pub Board elections are indepen- duties of the president official. They 3. Sign up time is 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.. dent of class and school. according to will be duties such as sitting on Pub according to Baker. Yocum. Board meetings and sitting on the ad- Candidates running for student There will be a mandatory meeting visory board to UNC system Presi- body president and student body for all candidates on March 3 at 10 dent William Friday. according to treasurer must be in good academic p.m. in the Walnut Room located on Yocum.

Staff photo by Greg Hstem New program helps job hunters Lt. Colonel Nlck Rowe. the only man to have escaped from a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp, spoke to State by Pete Elmore “We still have not talked to area for information on the service or go by students Monday nlght. He talked about his experiences ln Vletnsrn, lncludlng how he escaped. Staff Writer businesses yet. but we will very short- the Student Government offices on ly. after we have some names to give the fourth floor of the Student Students in need of parttime or them. " Holloway said. Center." full—time work can be aided in their “We would like to encourage any Rowe calls survival name of game search by a student government . The service is free to students. and student looking for a job to either call program called the Student Employ- _ all students have to do to have their or come up to the Student Govern- by Art Baker reason they kept me alive was ed out. they thought I was the enemy. ment Service. according to Rich name placed on the job list is call the ment office as soon as possible and because they thought I might be and they were shooting at me. The Holloway. a member of the student Student Government offices and ask join the program. " Holloway said. Staff Writer useful as propaganda. I knew informa- next pass recognized me as American body president's task force to combat Lt. Colonel Nick Rowe. the only tion that would be perishable in six and sent in a Huey (a helicopter) to student apathy. 01(00- American to successfully escape from months. and I hoped my cover story pick me up." "In this program we are using a a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war' would last at least that long. The Rowe is currently in charge of the computer to match students in search camp. spoke to State students Mon- story covered me for five and a half SERE program at Fort Bragg. SERE of part-time and full-time work with 033." years.I told than” was an engineer. I stands for survival. evasion. area employers who need their ser- 2“i“t. lone!Rowe spoke of his "ex- sveaan‘ived some” engineering pro resistance. escape. “ In is vices." Holloway said. periencesin the POW camp and of the blems for them to prove I was not ly- designed to help soldiers prepare for “We need the student's name. changes in the armed services since ing. My cover was 'blown by an possible internment in POW available times for work and skills. the Vietnam war. American group called the National camps.The program is under the JFK such as carpentry and being a waiter. "Leaders in POW camps were not Liberation Front. They told the North institute for military assistance. to give to prospective employers.” necessarily the highest ranking of- Vietnamese who I was and that I was “The best defense is the ‘I don't Holloway said. ficers. but the ones who could take lying. Someday I will get a chance to know' story. Today we teach people to Several divisions on campus have care of themselves and take care of thank those individuals. in the right bend. but not break. When an in- been contacted by the service. accorv those around them. Leaders were the time and setting. Anyway. the next dividual reaches the point of breaking. ding to Student Body President Jim ones who helped everybody survive. three days after my cover was blown I he should release any perishable infor- Yocum. He expects the majority of That was the name of the game- sur- was in a panic. I was praying to God to mation. Then take a break and jobs to come from off campus. vival." Rowe said. “Rank in a crisis show me a way to escape." recharge his batteries. However. the "We have been working on this pro will break down. The troops will look “My interrogator committed ‘I don't know' story is still the best. I ject for about a year. and I am glad to to the natural leaders to take charge." suicide because he had lost face in not have yet to see John Wayne in a see it is finally becoming a reality.” “The golden rule was ‘I will do breaking me." prisoner of war camp. If an inter- Yocum said. ”I anticipate matching nothing or say nothing that will hurt Then a sudden rush of mud and rogator has heard ‘I don't know' all thefirst names with jobs in about four another American’. " Rowe'said. trees started blowing up everywhere. morning. and suddenly in comes this days." Talking about his time in the POW It was a 3-52 strike. I got one of my guy with a sneer on his face saying ‘I The Student Employment Service camp Rowe stated. “I was using a guards to separate as we were all run cannot answer that question.’ the in- is set to go into operation Feb. 28. so cover story toward my interrogator. I ning for our lives. I took him out and terrogator will paint a bullseye on this cording to both Yocum and Holloway. had to walk a fine line between being started to run. A group of attack jets guy's chest and try to break him with The computer is set up to receive data dumb enough to keep my interrogator went over and fired over my head. I everything the interrogator can do." on the students and the process of off my back and being smart enough thought they were trying to get rid of "The name of the game is survival." matching names with jobs will begin to let me continue to live. The only any Vietnamese behind me. As it turn- said Rowe. immediately. Mm

inside Green denies allegations, enters race for governor CHARLOTTE. N.C. (UPI) - Lt. Gov. Green surfaced last week when he some of the others. I'm not sure that's against anybody's in North James C. Green predicts he will sur- called Attorney General Rufus Ed- the kind of freedom I thought I was Carolina... I‘ll take you into five vive the latest controversy surroun- misten into his office and demanded to fighting for." states.” he said. "You find anybody ding him and be elected governor next know why the 831 was investigating Green refused to say whether he who tells you I was a crook. it's pro year. The Charlotte Observer his office telephone records. Andrew believes the current SBI investigation bably somebody who owes me some reported Thursday. Vanore. deputy state attorney is politically motivated. money and won't pay me. And I've got general. said Green is under in- a few or those. But they were hungry ”I‘m going to hold my chin up and vestigation in connection with corrup Attorney General Rufus Edmisten. or had a sick kid when they came to hold my head back and do the job that tion in southeastern North Carolina. who supervises the $81 and plans to get the money." the majority of the people in this state run for governor himself. has said the Green said he plans to continue his elected me to do. and I’m going to do "Not a single allegation. . . has been investigation is not an attempt to efforts to make government more effi~ the next one which I think they're go proven." Green said. discredit Green. cient despite the allegations against ing to elect me to. too. . . ." Green said. Green. the only member of his "It's just too bad somebody in state him. “At the right time. I'll make a formal 12-man Marine Corps squad to come government is trying to impugn the “I'm told many times every day announcement. But I don't think it's out of Iwo Jima unwounded during integrity of state government." Green that I'm doing a good job in this office. any secret that I'll be a candidate for World War II. said he has been said. "To sit here and say all this is and I am." he said. “As to what effect governor." treated unfairly by the press. politically motivated — I'm not going it will have on my chances to become Green was interviewed by “Thirty-eight years ago today. I to do that; I'm too smart for that." governor. I don't know. I guess you Observer reporters Wednesday in was on my belly with a .30caliber Green said he has done nothing can continue to print unfavorable and Raleigh. He blamed his problems on machine gun on Iwo Jima." Green wrong and that allegations against erroneous information until you run . jealous politicians and a press that has said. “I was real sure I knew why I him have only strengthened his anybody into the ground. always been after him. was there. But when I see some of the resolve to run for governor. "I'm not one of these white knights. The latest controversy involving things tried on me by the press and “I‘ll put my character and integrity but I know right from wrong."

State staffers among people taken hostage in Peru LIMA. PERU (UPI) - Four North and Investigation. a ministry annex in Agriculture Vice Minister Alfredo Members of the team were iden- Carolina State University staff downtown Lima. The demonstrators Rabines talked to the workers. the tified as Pedro Sanchez. Dale Bandy. members and another American were locked doors and barricaded exits. siege ended. and all participants left among 50 people held hostage by a The protesters refused to let bet the building peacefully. Arthur Coutou and Richard King. The hundred striking agriculture ministry ween 30 and 50 people trapped inside fifth man was identified as David workers for six hours Wednesday. the building leave until Agriculture “There at no time was violence or A US. Embassy spokesman said Ministry officials agreed to meet with any danger." said James Burns. Flood. project manager for the Agen~ the five people are on contract to the them. American Embassy press attache. cy for International Development. US. Agency for International Development. The ministry workers took over a State receives money from price-fixing settlement building and demanded the govern- RALEIGH. N.C. (UPI) - North allegedly fixed wholesale prices million. with $4.4 million divided ment hold wage negotiations with Carolina State University has receiv- before 1973. among states according to population. their unions. ed 398.000 as the state's share of a na~ States were required to submit Of North Carolina's share. 348.000 Officials said it was only by chance tionwide price-fixing settlement distribution plans to federal judges. will be used for research into efficient the Americans were caught in the against broiler chicken producers. At the request of Attorney General analysis of sweet potato and carrot building at the time of the seizure and The money will be used for nutri- Rufus Edmisten. North Carolina sugars for the presence of beta that the protest had no anti-American tion research. including a day-care State's Food Science Department carotene. recently identified as hav- overtones. nutrition program. developed the two projects approved ing cancer-fighting characteristics. Shortly after midday Wednesday. The money is part of a 831 million by the courts. The remaining $50,000 will be vvvvvvvvvvv the workers seized the National In- antitrust settlement of claims against Food distributors affected by the available to day-care centers for. nutri- stitute for Agricultural Promotion more than 30 chicken producers who price fixing were awarded $26.6 tional workshops. a; A paper that is entirely the product of the student body becomes at once the official organ through which the thoughts. the activity and in fact the very life of the campus are registered. it is the mouthpiece through which the students themselves talk. College life without its journal is blank. - Technician. vol. 1. no. 1.Feb. 1.1920

Voice your opinion — run Thursday marked the opening of the president presides over the Senate and, books for those who are interested in run- in many respects, controls what actions ning for a seat in Student Government. the Senate takes. The student body presi- All of the seats in the Student Senate ‘— dent sits on several different boards, in excluding those available for next fall’s addition to appointing approximately 200 freshmen, of course are open for pro- people to various positions in the Student spective candidates. In addition, the posi- Government. The student body treasurer tion of Student Senate president, student administers the bookkeeping and the body president and student body Finance Committee. treasurer are open. Each of these positions is important to Any prospective candidate must be in students since administrators frequently academic good standing..With the excep- look to student leaders in order to get an tion of the position of Student Senate understanding of how students feel about president, no previous experience is re- various issues. Students who complain quired for students. Candidates for Stu- ‘ that the administration is not responsive dent Senate president must have at least to their needs should get active in Student one year’s experierlcd ‘n the? Student Government to voice their opinions. Senate. -. ii‘ ‘ a State students have often been describ- Student Governgneht n 1en- ed as apathetic. This is unfortunate. thusiastic, active peofle to ”ed that Students should be more concerned State students receive solid leadership. about what happens at State and how Glenn’s campaign could take off Student Government has worked hard changes at State will affect them. One of this year to solve problems constantly the best ways students can get involved is plaguing State students. active in Student Govem- Unfortunately more problems con- to become Mondale leads candidates tinually arise which affect students. These ment. The books will remain open until March due to Sen. Edward Kennedy’s, D-Mass., lf Glenn does eventually come up with a problems need the attention of concerned . Former Vice President Walter Mondale far been good staff and gains the support of some big students who are willing to work to im- 3. Any student interested in helping to says he is ready to be president, and it seems withdrawal. Being in the lead has so sign up to run for 'a the Democratic a mixed blessing for Mondale. The front run- contributors then he could turn the race into a prove State. The Student Senate is only improve State should many other candidates for ner status gives Mondale the advantage ofad- dead heat between him and Mondale. Glenn as effective as its members. Without seat in the Student Senate or one of the nomination are also ready to be president. has already spent considerable time traveling leadership positions within Student The Democratic race will be most interesting. ding on to his already well-organized staff; the eager, energetic candidates seeking a seat only be running leader also attracts the big contributors. acrossthe country and has picked up some in the Student Senate, students will not Government. The University will only im- Each candidate will not The disadvantage of being the front runner support. Glenn may be second right now, but students start playing a more against each other, but also against President receive the leadership which they prove when Ronald Reagan. is that Mondale is currently the man to beat. that could easily change in the months ahead. deserve. active role in making chances happen. The front runner at this point is Walter Almost every other candidate is going to plot When one continues down the list of The positions of student body presi- Student Government needs the support Mondale, who served 12 years in the U.S. some strategy to upset Mondale. The front Democratic presidential hopefuls and reaches dent, Student Senate president and stu- of all students. Senate before becoming vice president. Mon- runner also comes under closer scrutiny by third place, then one is likely to see Sen. Gary dent body treasurer are even more impor- Sign up before March 3, and get in- dale has recently emerged as the front runner the public and the media. One little slip‘by Hart’s name. Hart is one of the founders of tant for students. The Student Senate volved. him could mean the end of his campaign. neoliberalism or of the “Atari Democrats". However, at this point it seems that Mon- Hart is staking out his candidacy as the one dale is unstoppable. He has the best organiza- with new ideas and the one that presents a forum tion and the most money. He has the support viable alternative to Reaganomics and most of many Democratic Party professionals and importantly ones that will Americans to the Democratic office holders. Plus, he has im- Democratic fold. have been i n Dr. [Strange/ave proved his oratorial skills to the point that he Stallings should currently rivals Kennedy and could even-take - Hart has an advantage in appearing as the Mm {W .1991»- r1: on the "Great Communicator," Reagan. In one with new ideas in that many people are ; Kenneth Stalling's‘m" ‘ ‘ m, , “‘ '..-"‘ aauneto be unaware of the dilemma ’ in fact, only 500 million people would be, killed.’,'. 'addition,’ even though Mondale is a tradi- “searching for alternatives. Hart’s emphasison necessity of the arms race lugs much tot mi T As‘r‘nisales have become increasingly Stallings aims in the right direction When he economic issues and defense issues will help desired. He asserts that “The Soviets have aban- accurate, silo baud lCBMs (all 2,452 of them) maintains that other “aspects of the strategic Here andAbroed in that he can avoid sticky social issues and doned the concept of a manned strategic bomber have become increasingly vulnerable. The real balance need to be taken into account? yet he does therefore avoid controversy. However, in- question is not whether to build the Peacekeeper, not mention the nuclear capabilities of other na- have force," yet the Soviets have claimed that a new but how to securely base it. tions, anti-satellite devices and futuristic space besides the advantage of appearing to tercontinental bomber. the Tupolev 160, is on the systems — particle beam weapons and lasers — as new ideas Hart has already assembled a cam- drawingboard. in addition, the 300 Soviet Backfire Stallings’s ludicrous belief that, after a successful paign organization that is second only to bombers could be used on the U.S. Soviet first strike. ". . .the bulkof the U.S. popula- being aspects worthy of consideration. The factors Stallings is also wrong aboutthe need forthe B-l ‘ tion and industrial centers would be left com- involved in the “question of parity versus superiori— Mondale’s organization. bomber. Since first deployed. eight versions of the paratively intact" reminds me of Roger Molander’s ty” are numerous and complex enough to make us Hart's main disadvantage is that he 8-52 have been built. The latest models. 160 (former White House nuclear strategist for the Na- all into comparatively intact, pseudo-military comes off as being too cerebral and being B-SZGs and 100 B-52s, will remain effective tional Security Council) conversation with a Navy analysts. ‘ rather cool and aloof. Voters in general like a the captain in the Pentagon. The captain. perplexed delivery systems into the 19903, at which time with the excitement generated by the possibility of candidate who is warm and down to earth Advanced Technology Bomber will be operational. nuclear war. argued that people were “talking as if Beau McCaffray and is of somewhat average intelligence. agar?241‘”:’"an. nuclear war would be the end of the world when, GR BRA tional liberal, he is coalition builder and Another disadvantage is that Hart's emphasis therefore could reach out to a wider public. on high technology could cost him the sup- The danger is that he may become too ac- ‘ port of traditional Democratic constituencies response commodating, and then no one could tell such as labor unions which are concentrated Forum letter evokes where he stands on the issues. in smokestack industries and minorities that The person who is. currently second to are Concerned with job training and a more in response to Brian Henling’s letter “Abortion Statistically, children of immature parents and equitable distribution of the wealth. basically medical issue," i can tell one thing -— you unwanted pregnancies are neglected and abused. Mondale in the race is Sen. John Glenn of are not female. Not all females believe in abortion, Often, the children turn to crime. Most of them Ohio. Glenn is said to have a poor organiza- The last major Democratic presidential but most believe in the right to choose what hap- grow up with abuse and ultimately neglect their tion, but he does have plenty of recognition hopeful on the list is Sen. Alan Cranston of pens to their bodies. It is hard for me to believe that own children. due to his former career as an astronaut. Califomla. Cranston is emphasizing the anyone has the right to tell me l must carry, keep, Have you ever considered the risk involved in Glenn is an attractive candidate due to the nuclear freeze issue so far in his campaign. He rear and/or care for a child l don’t want. carryingand bearing a child? What ifthe pregnancy glamour involved in being a former astronaut. believes that the savings from not building Have you ever considered what you would do if is a risk to the mother's life? - What makes Glenn an even more attractive nuclear weapons will help bring about an you were a 20-year-old female who suddenly The real question about abortion does not con- candidate is the fact that he is a moderate and economic recovery. found herself pregnant? What if you had been cern when life begins, but one‘s right to decide range of people, in- careful and used a contraceptive. but you still got what happens to her body. No one tells you that could attract a wide Cranston is a veteran politician and pregnant? It can happen and often does. it's not a you must smoke or drink. Why should someone cluding liberals and conservatives. Glenn’s therefore is unlikely to run a one-issue cam- pleasant thought. tell you to be a mother. military background will be especially attrac- paign. it is quite unlikely he will win the Does anyone have the right to tell me I cannot A pregnancy is not a wart that will last a week or tive in the South.which has always favored nomination, but with a large block of have an abortion? Why is someone else allowed to so and add a “little" discomfort. Carrying a child candidates with a military background or delegates from California he could play the decide for me that l must drop out of school?This is takes nine months of your life. Then. if you keep hoker’s role at the convention. what usually happens. A large portion of all the child, you are talking another 18 plus years. Glenn does however have a few “van- teenage mothers never received their high school How may 20-year-old females are ready for thd tapes.0neisthatheisnotagoodoadu There are other candidates such as Sen. diplomas. How are they going to support type of responsibility? And I do not want anyone to whlchcouldbe afactorinacontestbetween Ernest Hollingspf South Carolina, Sen. Dale themselves and their child? be allowed to decide for me. himand Reagan. Another one is that asheba Bumpers and former Florida Gov. Reubin Do they have to marry the father? What if they moderate, he may appear as having no clea Askew. However, they are likely to end up as do not love him or do not know who he is? By the Kim L. Bryant vision and therefore appear wishy-washy. running mates for one of the other four can- way, what if the woman was raped? Who would SR CH PhisflfGlennstickstoomuchwithdefense didates, and the most likely candidate that she turn to for support her parents? issueswhichheihas an expertise_in. he may either one of them is likely to run with is andlosesupport. Walter Mondale. appear to be azhawk \ Columnist needs to get facts Kenneth Stallings' article on Feb. 23, "Abortion increases by one billion about every lO-years. if refutes Constitution," is a weak attempt at defen- human life is to be “the most valuable entity on ding the “pro-life" position. The Constitution does earth." should we not decrease the rate of growth not guarantee “life, liberty and the pursuit of hap- so that future generations can survive and prosper? piness." The Declaration of independence ad- If you believe, Stallings, that legislation will sweep vocates these principles the Constitution seeks away the practice of abortion forever, then you are to “promote the general welfare" of the country. quite naive. Abortion has been around for cen- You should read these documents some time, turies. Putting doctors in jail will not solve any pro- Stallings. You might be surprised at their liberalism. blems. Stallings questions whether “human life has a If you insist on being a narrow ideologue, do value that can be adequately related in human your homework, get some facts and try again. terms." By saying that abortion “can be performed for a right reason," he places a value on human Robert Gregory life. Who, then, decides what a “right" reason is? SR LAP What is a “right" reason? Stallings, enlighten us all! Stallings contends that “much of the evil in the modern world" comes from an inadequate value No coverage sad on human life. Geez, and l‘thought it was Adam and Eve! Seriously, each year thousands of Americans are killed by automobiles and alcohol, That the Technician failed to cover the relatively it separately and in combination. Mind you, these are well-attended (38 students) presentation by the thinking, feeling, breathing and somewhat produc- Afghan Freedom Fighters is a sad commentary on ill 31 tive humans. Do you, Stallings, advocate a ban on. this University. personal automobiles and alcoholic beverages? I Will not even press the issue that world popula- ,l tion growth is threatening the earth‘s non- renewable resources. Stallings offers no challenge Robert A. Tyaacenlro , .dag».a- Mitt-Miss.:7 —— he may not realize it.$he population ofthe earth MR CSE' / D



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9:30 I

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MW W \MNHR 2 - ‘ Features February 25, 133 Technician

Expert lectures on biomechanics and sports medicine l‘. by To. DeSch'lver ners. have opened up an en When a runner goes to “I worry about the in- mileage. they begin to have balance." Spencer said. Feature Writer tirely new field of medicine Spencer with an injury. he discriminate use of or- injury problems." Spencer would like to see called Sports Medicine. evaluates the foot to see if thotics.” Spencer said. “I Spencer would like to see Americans engage in a When Frank Shorter won Injuries caused by runn- it is contributing to the in- spend as much time analyz- the injuries that occur now more rounded health pro the marathon in the 1972 ing and other overuse ac- jury. ing as I do prescribing the prevented before they oc- gram. Olympics at Munich. West tivities are the concern of “Eighty percent of the orthotics.” cur. “The ideal program is to Germany. few realised the Dr. Allan M. Spencer. the cases we have are from pro Injuries caused by “Our closest allies are the run one day and bicycle the consequences of the chairman of the Depart- nation." Spencer said. overuse can only be physical therapists." next. Running and bicycling greatest moment in ment of Biomechanics and Pronation is when a run- prevented by the athlete. Spencer said. “A good stret— use different muscle groups American distance running Sports Medicine at the Ohio ner lands on the outside of and Spencer appears to be ching and exercising pro so that would be the perfect history. College of Pediatric his foot and rotates inward. fighting an uphill battle. gram can eliminate a lot of fitness program." he said. After Shorter’s victory. Medicine. While half of the knee in- “People believe if they the problems." Spencer said that he has millions of Americans took Spencer was onState's juries are related to the can do a certain amount Spencer says that run come across some runners' to the roads in search of campus Tuesday night and foot. Spencer says that he then they can do more." ners should stretch before who are actually addicted fitness and good health. spoke to a group on Sports must differentiate which Spencer said. "They'll start and after they run. with the to the sport. and he feels Runners spent millions of Medicine and sports in- injuries he can treat out running a mile. then emphasis on after because that Americans have lost dollars on the newest war- juries. through foot care and which two. then» four and their. “that's when the body is sight of the initial goal of mup suits and latest style of “The largest percentage ones must be referred to a warmed up and responds running. running shoes. and running of injuries are runners." practitioner. eight. Their structures just the best to stretching." “I think we lost sight of took the place of the three are not made to handle “You should stretch goal. It should be a Spencer said. “I'd say 75 When a foot problem has jumps like that." posterior group of muscles healthful program; most martini lunch in some percent are runners. some been diagnosed. Spencer Spencer says that too far circles. are skiers; mostly from usually prescribes an or- and strengthen the front runners are going Staff Patrick Chapman Running was for overuse. too much of a good thotic for the athlete. everyone has different muscles of the leg." too fast. They should not in- all ailments. anyone of any thing." body structures for running Spencer said. crease their mileage more Dr. Allen M. Spencer speaks on sports medicine. age could do it. and it could An orthotic is a plastic and that not everyone is ,The muscles most com- than 10 to 20 percent a be done anywhere. While Spencer’s special- molding of the foot which is made to run the high monly associated with the week. with the lower limit Terms like "runners by is feet. a majority of his placed in the shoe and pro volume of miles that world posterior group are the preferred." high" and “LSD" (long slow patients come to him with vides stability and support class runners run. hamstrings. while the Spencer believes that TRl-CON features games distance) came into the knee problems. for the foot. “Some people just can't quadraceps represent the running should be a language. along with less ~ '“TheJargest percentage Spencer says he has had handle all those 'miles."' front. muscles. ’ healthy activity and not used terms like “runner’s of the cases are knee pro an 80 to 90 percent success Spencer said. “I've noticed “The difficulty results in one that causes the runner On March 18. 19 and 20. State's Gaming'So-ciety knee" and “pronation". blems.” Spencer said. “The rate with orthotica when us- that 40-50 miles a week that running strengthens problems. will be hosting TRI-CON '83 in Poe Hall on State's The latter two terms‘. l kneeland the foot are inter— ed to treat pronation cases. seems to be the threshold the hamstrings. so that a "Run for fun. and when it campus. TRI-CON '83 is a science fiction/fantasy con- “runner's knee" and “prona- related in 40 percent of but he still worries about for a lot of runners. When stretching program is need- ceases to be fun. stop." vention with tournament role-playing and war games tion". while hated by run- these cases." the overuse of orthotics. they exceed that amount of ed to correct that im- Spencer added. offered. In addition. other attractions will include speakers. demonstrations. workshops. exhibits, free films and displays. Phi Beta Sigma fraternity recognizes Black History Month All profits from the convention will be donated to the local United Cerebral Palsy Center in Raleigh. Phi Beta Sigma is proud to have these men as Admission to the three-day event is $4 to the ’ by James annage to raise the educational standards of each communi- For Feature Writer ty. This goal is accomplished by sponsoring scholar- members of its organization and salutes not only general public and $3 to NCSGS club members. ' ships. encouraging and assisting students and offer- them. but also all people who helped black society more information concerning tickets or to pro Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has a distinguished ing tutoring services. The fraternity's business pro and black history. They gave young blacks a goal to register for the tournament games. please contact: history. The fraternity adequately demonstrates the gram speaks out for blacks and disadvantaged strive for and a history to cherish. Jini Moylan. 832-1330. organization's desire to advance the cause of black business people in helping them to get their goals Americans. So. in honor of Black History Month. Phi established. Beta Sigma Fraternity examines its role in society Sigma’s social action program is geared to support and black history. and work with all civil rights organizations to get orient! Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was founded in 1914 at and hold on to laws that make blacks free. equal and session wrll Howard University. It is an international organiza- first class citizens. , Crier. items must be fewer than 30 INTERESTED IN PEER EDUCATION in the OMEGA PSI PHI presents a GOUE ex. LOOK! Hopeline training 100.000 members and over 400 words in length and must be typed or area of Sex info, Nutrition, Weight Con lravagonla, featuring the Xenon Band, begin Mar. 3. Volunteers wrll ITIDIIIIOT and tion with over The Xi Zeta chapter of Phi Beta Sigma shares legihly primed on 8% X If paper. Items rrol, Alcohol Awareness or Stress Feb 26, 10pm until, Marriott Hotel. Pro answer telephone and exercrse crisrs in chapters throughout the continental United States, these goals. We are currently involved in the Mentor submitted that do not conform to the Management? Sophomore status up, will coeds go to UNICEF. rervcnuon and Suicide prevention skills. Europe. Africa. the Virgin Islands and the Carib- Program to help black freshmen adjust to college above specification will not be run. Only ' train, rail Dr Turnhull 737.2563. For more info call Volunteer Servrces mbean. life. We also aid students by offering tutorial ser- one item from a single organization will FOUND - Ladies Seiko quartz 8AHA’I FAITH informal discussions, 737.3193, As both a service and social organization. Phi Beta vices. To become more involved with campus deci- T'echnlclln wristwatch near Ouad. Call Stove, public welcome. Feb 27, 7:309m, Brown programs in the areas of education. social be run in an issue. The ECONOMICS SOCIETY invites everone to Sigma has sions. we currently have a member of the Student will attempt to run all items or least once 737-6553. Rm of Student Center. attend a lecture by Dr Allan Meltzirr Feb action and business. The education program strives Government in our chapter. ‘ before their meeting date, but no item WEST CAMPUS JAM cleanup crew 28, 7:30pm, Rm 2211 Broughton Hall. Several members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity will appear more than three times. The needed. Minimum of 15 people needed. MEDICAL COLLEGE ADMISSION TEST ' ABORTIme TO 12TH have made contributions to black culture in the areas deadline for all (Mars is 5 pm. the Contact Bath, 737-8672 for info. physics review SBSSIOR. Feb 26, 88m, 204 business. politics and science. Some of dare of publication for the previous issue. BLDODMDBILE— at North Hall sludy WEEK OF PREGNANCY of sports. Items may be submitted in Student ULTIMATE FRISBEE—como experience a Cox. Dr Lucovsky will instruct. All per lounge Feb 28, I09m3:30arn Hesse take ... ,.. , .r‘~ -31 ": these prominent brothers are: Cantor Suite3120. 0110!! are run on a new challenge Tuesdays on the upper in sons interested are welcome. a few minutes of youruumtogdonale. V-Ili‘l I: [iii-lirj lags: - 4' ,. r' v 1 ’ ‘ —— George Washington'CarVer: educator. scientist spsoemlsblo basis and the Techni- tramural field, 4pm. Anyone with an in Abortions from 13 to 16 weeks and inventor. [crest In disc spans is welcome. PHOTOGRAPHIC EXPOSITION SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS IS at additional charge. pregnancy test. birth control A. Phillip Randolph: former International vice olanisinnowsyobligatsdtorunany by Sony sponsoring a speaker from TVA on Mar andpmblem prenancy counseling. For further infer 01hr item OMICRDN DELTA EPSILON applications Norasingh, News and Observer motion call Wren-free number ”221-25687 bet~ president of the AFL—CIO and active in the civil photographer, former NCSU International I, 6pm, in the Student Center Packhouse. RM. weekdays. “Gyn.Clinic" rights movement. for membersz are being accepted. Con studsm, Student Comer Galleries, Feb All engineering students welcome ween 9AM - representative from South WIN l of 2 TI 994A personal computers racr Dr Turner, 220A Patterson before - Julian Bond: U.S. Purchase a 1883 Agromeck and you may Mar. 4, 737-2H,2809. 25Mar I4. Call 737-3503 for info. MED—TECH CLUB meets Feb 28, RALEIGH WOMEN'S HEALTH Carolina and a leading black spokesman. win. Yearbooks on sale now in Student 7:30pm, GA 3533. Program: Non ORGANIZATION — George Garvin: basketball star. Center lobby, IOamme. ENGINEERS EPOSITION Feb 21-28, Crab NCSU PRE—MEOIPRE—DENT club meers syphillmc venereal disease Vrsnors 917 West Morgan St. -— Renaldo “Sheets" Nehemiah: former track star tree VsIey Mall. Mar. 1, 7pm, 3533 Gardner. New welcome. Raleigh. NC 21093 and current football star. CONSUMERS UNITE! Let the Association members are welcome. of Student Consumers help you with USTEN! That is all you have to do. OUTING CLUB meeting Wednesday at your consumer problem. Problems with Hopelino' Volunteer Training 3m will 7:30, blue room of Student Center Slide KIRTLAND BAGS 0 BELL HELMETS 0 FENDERS business? Let us help. begin Mar 3. If irnorosrod col Volunteer SAIUNG CLUB mam Feb 28, 7pm, Car show on backpacking in Costa Rica. landlords or local Ssnson' 737-3193. nihiliym, Rm II. We providalusons Everyone invrred! 0We give six months service and free use of tools Csl me anytime for w salons and racing for ex- F' including instructions, with every bicycle sold. i $5.00 er'l'Dnca candied, you can sail every FOUND: pocket calculator in Harris Lot 0We Specialize in touring and transportation 71* (by. Planning spring semester, everyone Tuesday afternoon. Contacr Ruben, bicycles. Expert Repairs, Tool rentals, - - 10 Now OPEN welcome. ' 851-6650 or at 149 Weaver Lab Speeds. Mon. ‘- ‘Frr 10-7 / Sat. ro-s 'l OFF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIEW 1211 Hillsborough Streetl The NCSU, UNC and Duke Hillels Raleigh PIZZA QNE I _ are M throwrng a on" Tune Up PURIM B-A-S-Hl 'nyifl REAR RACKS Now Hiring Drivers .‘l Omuist be 18 yrs. old Omust know campus area Megillah reading 7:15 pm Saturday Feb. 26 Omust have own car 083.35 per hour Festival Meal 8:00 pm stiyshie: PARTY 9:00 pm All the beer 8r munchies you want! Omust be available evenings Ocommission paid nightly: 640% 0: Costumes welcome! I 32.50 meal or p 84.00 both I _ 5190a”: Winks c9resenlalions‘ .Apply in person: Pizza One! 3027 Hillsborough St. WEI:

UPS Part-time Employment Available Very physical work entails lifting packages weighing up to 50 lbs. Wgrk Egg: 12 noon - 4:00 pm 10:30 pm - 3:00 am $8.00/HOUR Applications will be taken on Mondays from 2 pm - 5 pm The newest Innovation in writing :5 the Pilot Precise rolling ball pen. It writes extra thin and extra smooth because of its micro ball UPS and needle—like stainless steel collar. A 2101 Singleton Industrial Drive unique pen at a uniquely . Raleigh N.C.‘27619 ,/’ affordable price. ‘rsg5 . in Memorial Auditorium / Only $1.19.M ”I”0,»gar Sunday 8. Monday February 97 & S28, 1983 8 PM From Old Wake Forest Road. turn onto New Hope Church Ticket Prices Road. cross Railroad tracks. turn left onto Winton Road. , Public other NCSU Student go one block. UPS on left. First Performance: Main '51be $17.00 $13.00 —secise Mezzanine $14.00 $14.00 511100 Balcony $11.00 $11.00 $8.00 mmwmmm' 0mm Second Performance $13.00 $11.00 $9.00 Equal opportunity employer 1 male - female Additional information: 737-3104 Februsrv 25, ions / Technician / Famine/5

Clown couple travels with Greatest Show on Earth by Melanie Vick Being accepted into Clown College is no easy task. Feature Writer according to Tammy. "We were very fortunate to both be accepted." she said. “Auditions are held in When childhood sweethearts Tom and Tammy every city. and out of3.000-5,000 applications. only 60 planned to get married. what they didn‘t plan on was are accepted." she added. settling down. buying a house in the suburbs or Tom and Tammy married after she graduated working 0 to 5 jobs. from Clown College. Life on the road has no ill effects Deviating far from traditional married life. this on their marriage. since. according to Tammy. “We couple makes their home in a train car. travels all married and not be on over the country and works very unusual hours. don‘t know what it's like to be Tom and Tammy Parrish are clowns for Ringling the road." Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. and their job is Tom and Tammy may not have their own house. to make people laugh. but they do have their own train car and a little dog “I always enjoyed entertaining and clowning that Tom said "keeps them pretty busy." around." Tom said. but it was not until the age of 29‘ Although circus families are popular among circus that he decided to go to Clown College in Florida to employees. Tom and Tammy don’t see any children make it his profession. in the near future. Tammy said that even if they did Tom and Tammy grew up together in Nedesha. a have children. they would not give up the circus. small town in Kansas where they were the local “The circus is a great way for kids to see the clowns. United States." Tammy said. ”If it wasn't for the cir- “We entertained at Rotary Clubs and ladies' clubs. cus. I‘d probably still be in my hometown." It was just for fun then." Tom said. Tom said that due to the extensive travel involved It wasn't until Tom became a clown that Tammy in circus work. “clowning is not for everybody." This began to think of clowning too. “I visited Tom at the unusual lifestyle. however. seems to be what makes circus." Tammy said. After seeing how life as a clown this couple happy. really was. she too applied to Clown College and was “We can't think of doing anything else." Tammy accepted. and Tom said. “Anything else would be like work."

Mummenschanz mime troupe. brings

Swiss tradition to Stewart Theatre 313: by D. L. Flanagan tasy that still reaches the menschanz wanted to doing it. it's something that Staff photo by Greg Hatem Feature Writer heart. create another show. All reaches all audiences.” The most distinguishingfeature about clowns is their make-up. Circus clowns spend many hours putting on and removing The word Mum- three of them had years of “It's a challenge with dif- make-up. Here's a riddle: A large menschanz is German — experience in theater ferent audiences because hug bounds across the floor. "Mummen” meaning game before joining the troupe. some may laugh at one A sculpture gets up and or play and “Shana" mean and then they received thing and then not. laugh at does an odd dance. Two ing, chance. In the Middle another 12 weeks of inten- another thing. We have to clay-faced people rearrange Ages. masks were often sive training to do the adapt to each different su- Dorms compete to collect food and reshape their faces into worn during games of show. dicncc while we are doing bizarre forms. What is it? chance. Mummenschanz. Mummenschsnz is cur- the show." Gerber said. by Mark Hackler Items of particular demand include vegetables. Mummenschanz. the play of chance - the rently touring the United Mummenschsns creates a soups (particularly chunky varieties). meats The members of Mum- chance We yourself and States. They have a gruel- backdrop ofaction. and “the Contributing Writer fruits, menschanz are mimes or the world around you ing schedule. doing two or audience fills in things that (stew, etc.). peanut butter. juices and the like. rather. masked mimes. not beyond the masks we all three shows in each city happen. It's like looking Help other people eat is the name of this year's Though any items will be gladly accepted. focusing unlike the ancient Swiss wear. and leaving immediately through the eyes of a child.” canned food drive being directed by the Cooperative on the above items would be greatly appreciated theater tradition of "The That is what Mum- after the shows for the next adds Gerber. Mum- Campus Ministry Student Advisory Board with sup since they will be the most beneficial to those Masks.” Like all mimes. menschanz does through engagement. Despite this. menschans is truly a fan- port from the IRC. the Lutheran Student Movement distributing the food. they never speak; they con- their actions and masks. Gerber seemed remarkably tastic fantasy of magical and the Cooperative Campus Ministry. The drive The food collected will go to the Urban Ministry vey their meaning in action The three current cast cheerful. “I like touring. I movement that captures will run from Feb. 21 to March 2. Center in Raleigh. The center is inter- and movement. The members of Mum- like meeting different peo your heart. As Larry Through the IRC. 8400 has been allocated for prize denominationally supported and provides food, fuel. similarity ends there as the menschanz are Lydia Bion- pic. I like seeing different Kapust. Mummenschans money for residence halls to be divided as follows: clothing. emergency shelter. etc. to those in need. audience never views the di. Alejandro Moran and places." he said. Joining the manager. said.“Thcy enter- $160 for the greatest number of cans per resident. An information table will be set up on the first mimes' faces. Instead. Peter Gerber. They were cast only a year ago. Gerber tain all children whether $100 for second and $50 for third. Also. $100 will be floor of the Student Center Feb. 21 through March 1. Mummenschanz treats the brought in when the definitely enjoys his work. theyarcthreeorfiOOiyears awarded to the residence hall collecting the greatest Information on the food drive as well as on the Urban audience to a whimsical fan- originators of Mum- “I love it. I have a lot of fun oldl." total amount of food. . Ministry Center will be available. Also. any in- --..--.-- ~_'.-‘~_-A~_---_-_------—--.----v-—--v------v--_-‘----..-_-n------.------...... All items received in residence halls by Feb. 25 dividuals wishing to contribute food may do so there. will be counted and picked up that afternoon by Though eligibility for prises is limited to residence The UAB Lectures Comm. representatives of the Cooperative member groups. halls. any organization is more than-welcome to par- and the NCSU Gay Community ; The contest will officially end on March 2, at which ticipate. For further inform'ation. contact Mark time all remaining items will be brought to a central Hackler at 834-8148. Karl Jensen at 781—4276. or r Present: collection site for final ,counting and delivery. chaplain Nelson at 8281433. The Reverend Elder --s; ‘ Tro

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Grapplers vie for 3rd league title

by Todd McGee Guzzo thinks four teams Todd Sherr. and a trio of nOW." Guzzosaid. “We hope Sports Writer; have a realistic chance at State wrestlers return to he will be. but we're just winning the tournament. defend their titles. Chris not sure." State‘s wrestling team Besides the Pack. he listed Mondragon. Craig Cox and Other wrestlers com- will be looking for its third Clemson. Maryland and Tab Timcker will looking to peting for State in the consecutive conference North Carolina as teams capture back-to-back tourney are freshman Billy championship this weekend capable of taking home the crowns in the 158-pound. Starke at 118 pounds. Ricky when it travels to Maryland trophy. 167-pound. and Negrete at 126 pounds. to participate in the annual “I think if you had to heavyweight classes. freshman Scott Skidmore conference tournament. make a favorite. it would be respectively. at 150 pounds and Greg Though State's defeat in us. because we have won Both Cox and Mondragon Fatool at 177. Clemson last weekend forc- the last two." he said. “But finished the regular season Guzzo would like to see ed it to share the regular North Carolina. Maryland undefeated in the con- each of these wrestlers season crown with the and Clemson all have a ference. while Thacker's on- place in the top four in their Tigers. a victory in the shot." ly loss came in his last respective weight classes. tournament would make Of the 10 individual match against Clemson. Starke and Skidmore both the Pack outright cham- champions from last year. Guzzo expects them all to will suffer from a lack of ex- pions. six have graduated. Only be seeded No. 1 in their perience as each missed at Wrestling Coach Bob Clemson's 118-pounder. divisions. least half of the season. A trio of other wrestlers Starke injured his knee for the Pack will have a bet- in early December and Pack women shoot ter than average chance of missed almost two months winning cunference titles. of the season. He did not StatfphotobyorewArmstrong Junior Vince Bynum at 134 return to the lineup until Vince Bynum's quickness and endurance have enabled him to earn a starting position on pounds. senior Steve Koob the Duke match on Feb. 1 State's wrestling team. for higher goals at 142 pounds. and junior and has had little match ex- John Connelly at 190 perience. pounds. all have to be con- Skidmore took Koob's Spirited by Tom DeSchrlver Against Duke. Adams sidé’red among the favorites place when Koob moved “Bynum inspires matmen at 134 Sports Writer and Falkena combined for in their respective weight down to 142 pounds for the by Marian Marshall improved 30 points. while Kreicker classes. tremendously “He is an extremely hard cameraman he wanted him Every basketbaii team’s played her usual hard-nosed team's last four matches Sports Writer- since last year. worker, and that hard work to get some shots of Bynum goal is to capture the con- Bynum suffered one loss and also has little match ex- Bynum loves the sport has brought him to the wrestling him. play at both ends of the and one tie in the regular perience. . “You have to stick with it and admits that it takes point where he is." says “He told me to let him ference crown and win 20 floor. conference season. while After the conference and learn to love it." says dedication and determina- games. The Wolfpack In recent games. Mayo Koob wrestled for most of tournament. there is only Guzzo. “He has great poten» take me down. and I let women wrapped up the and Armstrong have been Vince Bynum. tion to be successful. tin]. and he realizes that. him." said Thacker. first goal with a 102-81 win the year at 150 and did not one tournament left. and Bynum. a junior He also attributes his which makes him very ”Then he (Bynum) the catalyst as the Pack has build a record in the that is the NCAA. which success to team spirit. coachable." jumped up and said. ‘I over Duke Tuesday night. demoralized teams in the 142-pound class. Connelly take place March 10. 11 and humanities and social “Everybody pulls for got assuring them the top seed second half with a trapping injured his knee in the Ten- 12 in Tulsa. sciences major. is the Tab Thacker. him."’ in the upcoming ACC tour- half-court zone press. Okla. Only 19 134-pound starter on everybody." he says. “They heavyweight wrestler and According to Thacker. nament. nessee bout two weeks ago wrestlers from the ACC State's wrestling team. tell you go out there and do Bynum's roommate. says Bynum is a great wrestler. Virginia is 1510 overall and did not wrestle in the will be guaranteed slots in your best." Bynum gets along with Both Guzzo and Oishi agree. Goal No. 2. 20 wins. can and 4-7 in the conference. team's last two matches. the tournament. The ten in- According to head coach Bynum wrestled at Bed- be achieved Saturday with which ties them with Clem- Guzzo said Connelly will dividual champions will Bob Guzzo. Bynum is an ex- everybody. “He's the most talented a win over Virginia at son for fifth place. tremely hard worker. dingfield High School in “He‘s easygoing and a wrestler ever at State." Charlottesville. wrestle in the conference automatically qualify. while Wilson under Coach Melvin great person to be around." says Guzzo. The Cavs are led by 5'10" tourney. but it is not known the other nine berths will Assistant coach Hachiro Brasswell. says Thacker. Bynum has one loss in the The Wolfpack enters the forward Cathy Grimes. if he will be 100 percent. be decided by a vote of the Oishi says Bynum is a very During his senior year. contest 19-6 overall and Grimes is averaging 16.6 “It's hard to say right coaches. Thacker admits there's conference. which puts him 11-1 in the league. points per game and 8.7 re successful wrestler and has he was ranked third in the never a dull moment with in good standing for a con In the first meeting bet- bounds a contest. state. him and that he's a real ference title. ween the two clubs. the Yow is weary of Grimes His record this year is tough guy. The ACC Tournament Wolfpack held off a stub- and knows she could cause State 9 to open with Pesavento, 14-53. He defeated the In practice. Thacker says will be held in College Park. born Wahoo team to win problems for the Pack. runner-up in the conference that Bynum works hard and Md.. this weekend. Feb. 67-55. Jan. 12. at Reynolds “They have some last year. 6-1. never misses a day. which is 2627. Coliseum. outstanding players." Yow Bynum lost a close match inspiring to Thacker. According to Guzzo. the “Virginia gave us a tough Brinson on mound in doubleheader. to nationally No. 2 ranked Bynum challenges two top wrestlers in each said. “Cathy Grimes is one Schuyler of Lehigh Univer- Thacker in practice weight class will qualify for game when we played them of the top scorers in the by Bruce Winkworth bably start either Barry like most of the schools in sity. 64. at home." State coach Kay ACC and a very productive Culberson or John Driscoli sometimes. the tournament. and he Yow said. "I expect another forward." Assistant Sports Editor this state." said Esposito. Guzzo says Bynum has a “He challenges me says that Bynum has an ex- tough game in the second game. “I'm sure they have an ex- natural ability for the sport. because he knows I won't cellent opportunity to this time." Joining Grimes in the Junior southpaw Mike Elon was 21-17 in 1982. cellent program. Last year adding that he possesses all do anything to hurt him." qualify. .Yow said the Cavaliers front court is 6'2" Pesavento and sophomore Six starters return for the was a rebuilding year for 7 the attributes that a Thacker says. have plenty of incentive to sophomore Debbie Young. right-hander Hugh Brinson Christians. including first them. but they To Bynum. school knock off the Wolfpack. Young averages 10.2 points should be a wrestler needs. Thacker told of one day wouldn't be the same “It'll be a feather in have been slated by head baseman Maurice Morton very good ballclub this “He's quick. has good en- when a TV cameraman without wrestling. and 7.6 rebounds. baseball coach Sam (.400 in 82). Osteen. who year. durance and has developed came to take some shots of “It's like part of Virginia's cap if they can In recent games. the Esposito to pitch State's also plays shortstop (.311). good technique." says Guz- school." beat the No. 1 seed in the Pack has been averaging opening-day doubleheader and slugger Joel Weiss (6 “We respect all the non- him. Thacker told the he says. smiling. tournament." Yow said. “It over 20 points per game conference clubs on our 20. against Elon Sunday. Hits). schedule. All these schools He lacked mat ex- would give them a lot of from the center position Pesavento was 2-3 last In five seasons at Elon. perience when he came to WOMEN'S HEALTH confidence going into the and will try to exploit the spring but went 81 in the McBee has compiled a .have very good programs." State because of lack of tournament.” Cavs there. North State League last 150-” record. His club split The game will be the competition in high school. WWW Mammcision The game will be televis Lyn Anastasio and Kim summer. Brinson also pitch- two games with the season-opener for both according to Guzzo. DEFEND ON. theft and. easier by the ed regionally in the Charlot- Sylloway round out the ed well during the summer Wolfpack in 1981. The two teams. Collegiate double- Gum is very pleased wbrnenothfierrinoWfiormcelorsoreavoll— tesville area. and Yew starting five in the league. posting a 5-2 mark clubs were scheduled to headers are seven innings with Bynum's success and abledavoridnlgmtoaippcrtandunderstondm realises what can happen backcourt for Virginia. as a starter after being us- play last year but were each. and Sunday's first said that for a North Caroli- Yousaletycorfloriondprwocyaeassuedbyihe when a team plays on Saturday marks the final ed mainly in relief in the rained out. game is scheduled to begin nian. he's an outstanding coring stall oi the Fleming Center. sauces: l ’tclevision. regular season game for spring. . “I‘m sure Elon will be at 1 pm. wrestler. “I expect that the seniors Sherry Lawson. Elon coach Bob McBee is. Tuesday-SahsdavaomonAppointmenrsl 1st& Virginia team will be fired Karen Brabson and Arm- expected to tab David 0s- 2ndirimesterAbonlonsuptoisWeekleree up and well prepared." Yow strong. teen to start game one. Os PregnancylestsIVeryEatythicyTesisl All said. “The game will be The three have been teen. who went +1 for the InclusiveFeesIrrmsonceAeceptedlcmns- televised. and that shows mainstays in the Wolfpack Fighting Christians a year Pre-Spring CLEARANCE seco'DAVOINlOltlli-ieolthcao.oomceilnqand that they are doing things attack for four years. and a ago. is the son offormer ma. ediiooflonfcrwo- to get ready for this game. 20 win season would be a jv-r league pitcher Claude “It's gonna be tough play- fond farewell present. Osteen. "‘°"°'°"°°°‘ nit muse CENTER ing at .Charlottesville McBee will pro against a team that has never beaten us." The Wolfpack is current- ly riding a five-game winn» ing streak that has been marked by balanced scoring WLLAGB and tough defense. , as As usual. Linda Page has ”II. DAILO' 'led the team at the offen- . on Selected Athletic Shoes. sive end. averaging 21.7 And Warm-Up Suits points per game. The 851-6994 bullseye shooting sophomore is coming off a career high 32 points against Duke. 50“ off The winning streak hasn't been all Page. though. Inside players Buffet 2520 Hillsborough St. Priscilla Adams. Claudia (across from D.H. Hill Library) Kreicker and Ronda 821-5085 Falkena have contributed to the cause. while lightn- Pizza, Salad Bar, Spaghetti, ing quick guards Angie Armstrong and Robyn Lasagna, Garlic Bread ' Mayo have led a trapping defense that has forced 8 ICE CREAM numerous turnovers by op- The Wise Choice! ponents. Expires 2-28-83 Pizza One! THICK CRUST PIZZA!

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Men cagers edge closer to berth with win at Duke by IraegWinkwerth half minutes of the second with just four points. It was the game. including nine of from the floor for 13 points. see how the Wolfpack can Assistant Sports Editor half. the first time this season 16 from the three-point He also pulled down five re- be kept out of the NCAA. At this point. Thuri that Dawkins had been held area. Again. Gannon came bounds and blocked a shot. State’s 96-79 win over Bailey scored three con- below double figures in off the bench. scored in dou- “I think we have a great Duke Wednesday night was secutive baskets to put the scoring. and coming into the ble figures and took all four The Wolfpsck has now chance." Lowe said of a senior night in Durham for Wolfpack up by five. The game. the Duke freshman of his field goals from three- won eight of its last 10 possible NCAA bid. “I the Wolfpack's Sidney Blue Devils were not finish- was the only player in the point range. He hit three of games. upping its overall think this win (Duke) Lowe and Thurl Bailey. ed and took the lead two ACC to have hit double them. record to 16-8. 7-4 in the antees us at least an The Wolf ck’s inside- more times. figures in every game this “I can't say enough about ACC. With Maryland's loss NIT bid. I think if we win ination com- The last Duke lead was season. Gannon." said Valvano. to Georgia Tech. the Pack two out of these last three outside com “He's our resident over- now holds sole possession of games plus the- first round bined for 49 points against 64—63 with 10:38 left in the “We were trying to force place in the con- of the ACC Tournament. the Blue Devils. but their game. and at this point. the Dawkins one way or achiever. He just amazes fourth that should get us an real contribution in this Pack went on a 152 run to another and then get help." me each time out. He's such ference. and the players NCAA bid. game was leadership. put the game out of reach. Valvano said. ”What a confident player." believe they have a Bailey scored 26 points. Bailey scored five points in Dawkins does so well is he inside. the Pack’s other legitimate shot to move up. “I don't know how they including two of two three- this run. including a three- races the ball up the court 6-11 tower. Cosell Mc- “Looking at the other (NCAA selection commit- T pointers. and pulled down pointer and a 15~footer from and catches you on his heels Queen. helped the Wolfpack teams in the conference. tee members) pick them. so nine rebounds. Lowe mat- the baseline. Lowe and Can- a little bit. Before you know control the offensive North Carolina's gonna we're gonna try and win all (i ched his career high of 23 non also hit three-pointers it. bang. he's up for a jump boards. McQueen finished play Wake. and one ofthem three of them. If we can win points,but also handed off in the burst. but it was shot. with only six points. but is going to lose." said all three of these. I don't 12 assists. giving him 192 Bailey's overall play during “We realized we’d be pulled off 10 rebounds and Bailey. “That's gonna pull see how they can keep us for the season. a new school this stretch helped subdue leaving him open to pass off helped the Wolfpsck get us t t much closer. We out of it.” record that surpasses by the Blue Devils. to the other guys. but we numerous second shots. tomove up eight his old mark of 184. “When the going get felt we had to control him. “Cozell McQueen has have echance By Valvano's standards. “I feel that Sidney Lowe tough. when Duke took the If he got rolling. they'd be played so much better each to third place." this Wolfpack team is ac has deserved special note lead. Thurl knocked in some that much tougher to best." game." Valvano said. “It's Bailey also said the complishing all that can be ever since Dereck (Whitten- crucial jump shots." For Lowe's part in stopp- nice to see him in there bat- Wolfpack can still earn an hoped of it at this point. burg) has been hurt." said Valvano said. “We wanted ing Dawkins. the key was tling and rebounding." NCAA bid. depending on State coach Jim Valvano. to get the ball to Thurl. He keeping him away from the Valvano also had praise how they play in the three “I think we're really play- “He's been playing as well has such a height advan ball for his other sophomore games remaining on the ing about as well as this as I’ve ever seen a point tage." "I wanted to keep the frontcourter. Lorenzo schedule. team can play." Valvano a . guard play. Not only is he Lowe's contributions ball out of his hands as Charles. who was greeted said. “After losing a player Photo by Simon Griffiths distributing the ball awful- weren’t limited to the often much as possible." Lowe by a shower of pizza boxes “We're at the NIT point the caliber of Whit. I'm ly well. but now he's scoring sive end of the floor. either. said. “When he had it. I upon his introduction right now." Bailey said. "I very proud of what they've Thurl Bailey naked Duke with a team-high 26 points In the points." Lowe had the difficult task wanted him to pass it off before the game. This was a know that all the guys see mplished." Park's 94-19 win Wednesday night. In the first half. the of guarding Duke’s high- and before . e'd get it back. reminder from the Duke the opportunity that we Wolfpack jumped ahead by scoring guard Johnny be up on him. I wanted to students of Charles’ arrest have. The (North) Carolina as many as 13 points behind Dawkins when the keep him from getting on a last-summer for his part of game gave us a big lift. Reed announces grid signees the scoring and passing of Wolfpack was in its man-to tear. If you can stop him. an assault on a pizza We‘re really looking for- Lowe. but the Blue Devils msndefense. you've stopped a lot of their delivery man. ward to going to Virginia." Scott Keepfer at Raleigh's Millbrook High coach — likens Smith to a ' rallied to within seven at‘ Dawkins connected on offense." Charles responded with by pro only one of nine attempts The Wolfpack shot 66.7 his best game of the year. If the Pack can keep play- Sports Writer School. couple of his earlier halftime and took a 51-50 hitting six of eight shots ing as it has. Lowe doesn't "Larry was a very impor- ducts: former State lead in the first twoand-a- from the floor. finishing percent from the floor for It typically goes without tant local player." Purcell quarterback Johnny Evans, O ? saying that when a college said. "and we really wanted and North Carolina's Ethan football program undergoes him." Horton. Guidice. a 6-1. a major coachingchange, its Another area player 200-pounder. played» at recruiting for the following Purcell really wanted was Phoenix. Arizona Communi- season is severely 6-3. 250-pound Sandy Kea. ty College last year. hindered. But such has not Ken is one of two big The Wolfpack will also be been the case here at State. tackles signed by the welcoming a stable full of New head coach Tom Wolfpack. The other is powerful running backs. Reed announced a list of 23 Allen Hartley. an all—Ohio One of the best is Bobby signees last week. and it lineman who measures up Crumpler. a 6-0, 190pound seems that be. along with at 6-4. 265 pounds. fullback from Hobbton. newly appointed recruiting Coincidentally. Hartley Overall. the recruiting coordinator Bobby Purcell. hails from coach Reed’s season turned out to be somehow beat the odds and hometown of Delaware. very productive. Although managed to ink a number of Ohio. while Ken is from not too many have great impressive athletes. Clinton. N.C. Purcell's size. Purcell rates this class “I am very pleased with hometown — which goes to as extremely quick. our recruiting class." show that a little hometown “We didn't get as many Purcell said. "I feel that hospitality doesn't hurt big people as we wanted." every one of them will real- recruiting. Purcell said. “but I am very ly contribute to our football In addition. State signed happy with the people we program." a number of quaterbacks. signed. We got a lot of good Of the 28. 13 played high including Mark Smith. a athletes with a lot of school hall in North standout from 4-A speed." Carolina. Four of those par- powerhouse Kannapolis. 1983 Wolfpack Signees last year's an- and Bob Guidice. a junior- Scott Baldwin (FR. 610. ”5. Phoenix. ticipated ,in Am. cc». Ralph arm (”$12.60. 210. .rafil Shrine Bowl game in college transfer who threw Mt. Olive. North Duplinh Brian Bullock Charlotte. . for over 2.300 yards and 19 (DL. as. 220. Fayetteviile. an. Smith): An outstanding local touchdowns last season. Bobby Crumpler (FB.6-0. 195. Hobbton); signee is $2. 205pound Smith's high school Ken Dickens( Va. Wilcox).LarryDodd( Larry Dodd. Dodd starred coach. Bob Boswell Raleigh. Hillbrook). Martin Fitzgerald asafullbaekandiinebacker himself an ex-Wolfpack (LB.M.2m. Sellersville.Pa..Penuldgnh BobGuidice(on.on. son. Phoenix. Aria. ccr. A“... Hartley( Delaware. Ohio. Hayes): Doug Hinsea (LB. 0-4. as. 0- Campus Contact: Galivant's Ferry. S.C.. Aynorh Haywood Jeffries(DB. 68. 175. Greensboro. Page): KevinJohnson(DB.62. 115. Norfolk. Vs.. Bill Anderson LakeTaylorr. HackJones(WR. 611. 110. Greensboro. Pageh Sandy Ken (1'. 68. 3 Patterson Hall no. cum». an. Kling (on. as. 215. Office Hours: Havelock); Joey Page(C.M.”1.Wilson. «$300 M, W,H, F. 11am-2pm Pike): Bruce Porter(QB.61. 185. Findlay. 737-3818 I"Ollloi: Lenny Schultz (DL. 62, :20. Visa» as. Vs.. Hadiaonr. Mark Smith (QB. 68. 190. Kannapolls. Brows):JeffStrum (0L. H. 215. Charlotte. lndepsndsnceh Ellis MAKING A WORLD OF Williams (LBBB. 61. m. Clarktoni. THE llTE BEER DIFFERENCE Greg Williams(RB.0-0.100,Fayettevllle. we. Seventy-First):ScottWilson(QB.68.242. ‘ ‘ ‘ Issa.Northfieldlt.Hsrn-ni.


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Parity in today’s collegiate h oopball game sends home upsets way of buffalo if Mr. Webster were a freshman wants to play you've got the time. we‘ve have spawned larger leagues. the heavyweight Parity has already sent half-court hoops fan. he right away. or he'll go College Basketball Review got the camp. recruiting budgets and big- division, the eighth race. the word “upset" the way of wouldn't just define parity somewhere else where he In addition. basketball ger facilities — some of the super bowl of college the buffalo. Today you can as“equality in power. if d will. because most keepers coaches have finally left the them mammoth in size. sports. But forget about never count a game an also say it has very have their eyes on the pros shadows of the goalpoeta. it Syracuse is touching close any consistency in in- “upset" unless it's on the accurately w t's happen- down the road. And. unlike used to be. at many schools. to 30.000 at tip-offtime. and dividual schools any more. road. Even Chaminade ing in the game of college in football. turning a .pro MCGUIRE they were also assistant the University of Ten- the fabric has been ir- beating Virginia is not that basketball today. gram around and taking a coaches in football. but now nessee is building a new retrievably chan . And much ofan upset. because it Look at the polls. The trip Uptown costs only a CWELCOMEj basketball coaches are ex- arenatoseat 25.000. parity will be the word for was at Chaminade. There is norm today seems to be a couple of blue-shippers and tremely well paid. have So. college basketball. whatever college basket no upset on the road. Only if new No. 1 team every the right complementary competent staffs and the welcome to the major ball Is for the next century. you beat 'em on their‘' turf. week. Being No. i in the players. Sports Columnist schools have provided them polls- is like a hot potato. What all this has done is Branch McCracken and pened because the game the money to promote. Nobody seems to want it. spread the high school blue- Bobby Knight country -— was made for TV and the recruit and scout. Plesac chosen pre—season all-America Knocking at the door have chippers throughout 50 to and Kentucky. where the tremendous exposure ofthe Most coaches. too. try to by Bruce Wflwertb ago and was selected in the for the scouts. I hope Dan been Indiana. Kentucky. St. 60 schools in Division ‘1 late Adolph Rupp and now boob tube. Major sponsors help themselves by trying Assistant Sports Editor second round of the June can live up to their estima- John's. Mississippi. UCLA. which is a first big step Joe Hall are making it prefer college basketball to keep their schedule free-agent draft. tion of him. This doesn't Virginia. plus a flotilla of toward equality. routine to go Uptown and because t‘w.‘ ratings are relatively soft. That's State left-handed pitcher The younger Plesac, a guarantee him a great . others. Another thing. the almost common to make the strong because most teams go to Dan Plesac has been Second-round St. Louis Car- year." The reasons for this are NCAA has lowered the Final Four. basketball for Also. with a few excep- the NCAA on their record. selected pre—season all- dinals draft choice out of Esposito said the extra many. amount of scholarships you years has been a city game. tions over the last 20 years. Some bids are based on can America by Baseball high school. was the only attention from scouts 'can The most obvious one is cangive. At notime can you An overwhelming majority basketball camps -- ferences. but the rest on America. a Durham-based f‘trstteam selection from have either a positive or the freshman rule. which have more than 15 basket- .of thoroughbreds came out specialized basketball record. So today. outside of publication that specialises the ACC. Shortstop Bill negative effect on college does not allow the dynasty ball players on scholarship. of Chi. the Big Apple. L.A. camps — have sprung up by a regional hook-up. non- in coverage of minor league Merrifield and outfielder players. colleges to stockpile the They can bring in 15 in one and D.C. But today. there's the thousands throughout conferencc bookin are and college baseball. Tommy Gregg.m both of “These kids aren't blind." blue-chippers like they did year or spread it over four great ballplayers in states the land. There used to be usually weak siste That’s Baseball America bases Wake Forest. were named Esposito said. “They can years ago. What you used years. but at no time can like Montana. Louisiana just a handful of guys who why so many schools today its all-America team on a as honorable mentions. see the scouts in the stands todowaabringinagreat. there be more than 15 on and Maine. had them, but not anymore. start their conferences with poll of major league “This is a great honor for at the games. The scouts freshman team. break 'em scholarship. This has come about Now the coach at East Cup 10-0 records. scouting directors. Plesac's .Dsn. coming from the obviously see in Dan what in as sophomores and play ‘That's step No. 2. because basketball has cake has one. the Little Finally. televised older brother Joe was a scouts." said State baseball we do. He's a big. strong kid 'em as juniors and seem Third. with the exception come center ring. made tly Sisters of the Poor have regional or national games first-team pro-season selec coach Sam Esposito. “I with a great arm. I hope he Today. a blue-chip of states like Indiana - spotlight. gone SRO. It hap-r one. everyone has one. if provide a big payoff and tion for the Wolfpack a year have a great deal of respect has an all-America year." Jit. clan-1 — 9ft fled-— .

OasrimisSpmonthedateolprbim tionforths praviousisaue Liebityill mistakesinadlirfltsdtoralundorrepr‘» tingandnnetbsrsportedtoourollicss withintwodeyseltarfirstpublicationd ad. LOST: his coat with rust and stripes Around Riddck lot. reward of- fared Call 851-1345. FEMALE. ROOMMATE WANTED: irn madiarely. Two bedroom horse, two blocks from campus $930) plus 1I4 utilities Cat serum or Mary at 737-3925. EXCITING SUMMER JOBS for colsp surdenrs or facility as cornealorlinstme tors in termis, water ski. crafts, kayak. canoe. some, rillery,roclr climb. etc In dudes good salary. food, lodging and a fun and rewarding experience. Reply im» medietsly to The Summit Camps. But too, Cedar Pines, NC 28718. ROOMMATE WANTED: Isrnale to share Brookhillw apartment $78month pin Menuhin _ NEED MONEY? We need pert-time W to assist indirectfora NationalVolunuy Health Agency. Interesting and rewardm work from Fulfillment Phone W1 for more information and eppointmarl. 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THCHOICE 832-3030 anytime LOST: Beck. red, and white ski iedrst near library on 2-21-83. Bring to circub tion desk or call 8349158. Reward! Schedule of rate LESSONS ROOMMATE WANTEII hols. hum located near Bel Tower. Available irn mediately. $150 plus 1I3 utilities lid TODAY FEB. 25 1:00 330 600 pm (Rm 6102) William at 8281570. SHORT OF CASH? earn spare time cash. sndsavetttontextbooksthroughSnr Saturday Feb. 26 10:00 am 1230 pm (Rm 200) dentBook Exchange. Foriniosandtl. payable to Student Book Exchange. PO Box60124, Raleigh, NC 27850. LOCATION: THE WINSTON WANT PROFESSIONAL OUAUTY IN FINAL 2 DAYS YOUR SCHOOL REPORTS and resumes? ' BUILDING ON THE Call Gail at 8282745 for your Iypim needs. NCSU CAMPUS. SEE SEATING IS LIMITED, SO FOR RENT—APARTMENTS, HOUSES. ROOMS. 172 block cernpus Now sigrring SCHEDULE AT RIGHT FOR PLEASE PLAN ON MStopbylfiHomeSt Nextto NCSU Post Office or cal 8345180. ROOMS AND TIMES. ATTENDING THE EARLIEST KINGSROWIKENSINGTON RESIDENTS leaving this spring we would like to POSSIBLE LESSON! assume your lease. Cortlact Reneay u 737-5666. m@1976 EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS/A URS COMPANY -‘------Alan at Th4 10/ February 25, was / Technician / Sports -r a“... Lo answers Duke antics With career best a.” by Bray Toot All this came about it affected him. He had one point total could have been the second half. He picked Sports Writer because of a mistake that of the best games of his 14 or 15. but for teammate up his fourth foul about four Charles made this summer. career. COzell McQueen's lane minutes into the second «on-awA.99-. The lights were out. and He was arrested and con- violation on the front end of half. but he returned for the the spotlight was focused victed of stealing a pizza “I tried not to let it a Charles’ one-and-one op play that finally broke on center court as the from a delivery man. That bother me." said Charles. portunity. Duke's back. names of the players were moment in Charles‘ life “It didn’t bother me that ,At the beginning of the announced. As Lorenzo helped turn around the way much. I just came up here 0n the season. Charles. second half. Duke came out Charles' name was called. he thinks about life in to play a game." has made 40 of 60 free on the floor ready to play. . pizza boxes and lids flew on- general and basketball in And play a game he did. throws. A majority of those Duke took the lead at 17:30. to the court. particular. . scoring 13 points — a 40 have come near the end and the game see-sawed Duke students are known career high — pulling down of the season. Charles has back and forth until the 9:86 for coming up with ideas to When it occurred. Coach five rebounds and blocking lately become the player mark when Sidney Lowe get on player‘s and coach's Jim Valvano told Charles two shots. Charles hit six of everyone thought he could made a perfect pass in a dif- nerves. Before the game. it he could work to overcome eight shots from the field be. ficult situation. was rumored there were this and become a better and was one for one from Even though Charles had Both the ball and Lowe pizsa deliveries for the person and player. The the charity stripe. a good game. he was saddl- were headed out of bounds State players. ‘ Duke crowd saw how much The Brooklyn native's ed with foul trouble early in when he passed the ball to Charles for a wide open slam dunk. Charles made Pack meets Ralph, ’Hoos one last time the shot. was fouled and Now that Jim Valvano has finally defeated his No. l at of Bounds made the following nemesis. North Carolina. there still remains one more ACC freethrow. rival the State coach has failed to defeat -— yes. Virginia. "I knew he was going to i Valvano and his Wolfpack. 0-5 against the Cavaliers. will give it to me." Charles said. get the chance to change that trend Sunday in Charlot- “When I saw him going out tesville. Va. The State-UVai game. set for 2 p.m.. will be DEVIN of bounds. I saw him look- broadcast by Baycom TV. ing at me while he was in The game also affords State the chance to avenge some the air. I tried to get as oh-aoclose losses since Valvano took the reigns. The latest STEELE close to the basket as I and most upsetting was the 88-80 setback to the Cave in an could. He was giving me the earlier meeting. Assistant Sports Editor eye. In the last regularly-scheduled game between the two basket with two seconds left lifted the 'Hoos to a 8583 win “All the Duke players teams this season. State would like to stop the Wahoos and in overtime. Virginia. which got a 29polnt. l3-rebound ef- were looking at Sid because Ralph Sampson before he venture: the NBA way. fort by Sampson. trailed by as much as nine points in the se- they didn't think he was go Defeating another top-five team within nine days is a cond half. The Tigers' forte was their three-point proficien- ing to save it. That left me challenge in itself. but defeatibg the Cavaliers in Ralph's cy as they connected 12 of 18. wide open." House is a near improbability. They just don't lose there In the earlier loss to the Cavaliers. State managed a “That play was the tun- often. The Tar Heels are the only team to have beaten the l6point lead in the first half as Dereck Whittenburg cann« ing point in the game." said Cave there this season. snapping a Mgame home winning ed 27 points during that frame. The second half. as you Duke coach Mike stre_gk_fg Virginia. ' . know. Whit came down on Othell Wilson's foot and broke Krzyzewski. “Up to that But the Pack. hopefully. won't be thinking about what it his own. point. we were in the game. can't do. The North Carolina victory has seemingly instilled The Pack was totally dominated inside as Sampson gave but that three-point play in State the confidence it will need the rest of the season. a 33point. 21-rebound show. and forwards Wilson and Rick put them up by two and got “Virginia will not have a late-season letdown now with Carlisle combined for 24 points. Guards Craig Robinson and them rolling." the regular-season conference championship still to be Tim Mullen were held to a 10-point total. however. Charles came 'to State decided." said Valvano. State may hold its own in the lanes a little better this out of high school averaging PhotobySimonGriffiths A win would nearly assure the Wolfpack. with two big time. Lorenzo Charles and Cozell McQueen have put on 20 points and 14 rebounds Lorenzo Charles outboxed Duke fans with a career-high 13 polnts. upsets under its belt. a postvseason bid. After winning strong performances of late and are beginning to show per game. He hasn't quite seven of its last eight games. including a key 9679 victory signs of maturation. Against Duke. Charles scored a career- matched those stats in col at Duke. State stands at 16-8 overall and 7-4 in the ACC for high 13 points and claimed five rebounds. while McQueen lege. but he is working on Indoor tracksters to compete fourth place in the league. accounted for six points and 10 boards. it. This season he is averag- The Pack’s starting seniors. Sidney Lowe and Thurl Sampson leads Virginia with an 18.7 scorin average and ing 6.1 points and 4.5 re by Scott Keepfer multitude of recent in- jump." Jones said. "And Bailey. are playing the best basketball of their illustrious a 12.1 rebound mark per game. Wilson (14.4? and Carlisle bounds per game. juries. but Jones is hoping Harvey McSwain has a careers. Against the Blue Devils. Bailey dumped in 26 (10.0) are the only other doublefigures scorers. Jim Miller Also out of high school. Sports Writer that the ones who do make good shot in the 60-yard points and Lowe scored a career-high 23. while parcelling hits at a 9.5 clip. Robinson 7.9. Mullen 7.7 and top reserve 6.26 (.03 out 12 assists. Ricky Stokes 6.6. he was considered the the trip will perform well. dash. He has run a The Cavaliers. 9-2 in league play and 22-3 overall. are The Pack has the tools for an upset. as it has already “sleeper of the year in State's indoor track team "We‘re banged up. no seconds off NCAA timel." coming off a near-upset at the hands of cellar-dwelling shown; let's hope it can utilise them to give Jimmy V. East." In his first year at will be taking its act — or doubt about that." Jones Dee Dee Haggard. who Clemson at Death Valley Wednesday night. Othell Wilson's another first. State. he saw limited play as much of it as possible said. “But we'll still be tak- qualified with a hand-timed pop-e-top pop-a top pop-stop pop-e-top~pop-a-rop DOD-5409 in 24 games. This year he to Fairfax. Va.. Sunday. for ing about 20 people. and I'd 6.0. 60-yard dash earlier in has started every game. a 2 pm. tri—meet with like to get some qualified the season. will be striving The sleeper looks as if he George Mason and East for the NCAAs." for a qualifying electronic is beginning: to awaken. Carolina. The host Patriots. Three of. State's time. Pop-aeTop Charles has all the tools to members of the East Coast tracksters have already State will also be relying make him an excellent Athletic Conference. qualified. but Jones hopes a on Wilbert Carter and Than . power forward. All he has feature a very talented few more will be going to Emery in the shot put. to do is learn to use them team and should offer the Detroit. Mich.. for the Carter. whose .. personal in Migzg‘i‘iGl/alley better. If he does. look out Wolfpack quite a challenge. 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