lead Did he huff and puff or sneeze and cough? While some might think the Big Topic Bad is innocent, I disagree. I think the is guilty because he is a sentence and carnivore, he has pieces of pigs in many pictures, and finally a sneeze would not have reasons enough force to blow over a house. Transition To begin with, are carnivores. By nature, they eat meat. If a person word & reason watches a carnivore in the wild, that animal will be hunting prey. When the wolf claims he is baking a cake, you can actually see a pig’s tail hanging out of it in the picture. I think he is just hiding his prey. The next reason the wolf is guilty is because there is evidence of pigs in many Transition word & of the pictures. For instance, according to the text, the reader can see a pig’s tail in the reason cake mix. In another picture he has pictures of pigs on his handkerchief and a fork and knife just happen to be created from sticks. That smells like trouble! This shows he is obsessed with pigs. Finally, a sneeze may be loud, but it is not powerful. When people sneeze Transition they might be able to blow a piece of paper around; however, they will be unable to word & blow down a house. Even a leaf blower couldn’t blow down a house and a leaf reason blower is much more powerful than a sneeze. Oftentimes, hurricane force winds are not even strong enough to knock over some structures! While some people might think the Big Bad Wolf is innocent because of a Transition Counter- word & argument cold, no one else in history has ever knocked over homes with a sneeze . In restate conclusion the Big Bad Wolf is guilty because he is a carnivore, he has pieces of pigs topic sentence in every picture, and a sneeze is not powerful enough to blow down a house. Watch out for those Big Bad Wolves! Call to action