1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Agenda; Additions/Deletions

3. Adoption of Previous Minutes

3.1 (PG 5) March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting Recommendation – Accept as presented / amended.

3.2 (PG 13) March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting from March 17, 2020 Recommendation – Accept as presented / amended.

4. Delegations - No delegations

5. Question Period

6. Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)

6.1 ______

7. Public Works

7.1 (PG 22) Public Works Foreman’s Report Recommendation – Accept report.

7.2 ______

Page 1 of 129 8. Natural Gas

8.1 ______

9. Administration

9.1 Chief Administrative Officer’s Report Recommendation – Accept report.

9.2 (PG 37) Counsel re: Replenish and Ongoing Retainer Agreement Recommendation – Council consideration.

9.3 (PG 45) Town of Smoky Lake Action List for December 3, 2019 – March 24, 2020 Recommendation – Approve Action List.

9.4 (PG 56) Algonquin Shooting Sports Association Purchase or Lease Request Recommendation – Council consideration.

9.5 (Handed out separately) Town of Smoky Lake Regional Geographic Information System (GIS) – Smoky Lake Water Infrastructure Plan Recommendation – Accept for information.

9.6 ______

10. Health and Protective Services, Dr. Recruitment, Fire Department, Emergency Services

10.1 Town of Smoky Lake Fire Chief Report Recommendation – Accept report.

10.2 (PG 94) Borderlands Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement Recommendation – Enter into Agreement.

10.3 ______

11. Recreation and Culture

11.1 ______

Page 2 of 129 12. Economic Development

12.1 ______

13. Lands, Planning and Development

13.1 Extend Planning Services Contract with Jordan Ruegg and Kyle Schole for Town Projects Recommendation – Extent Planning Services Contract with Jordan Ruegg and Kyle Schole, as deemed necessary by the Town Development Officers

13.2 (PG 114) Town of Smoky Lake Development Permit for Zane Huchulak & Glenda McGinnis Recommendation – Approve with conditional on Alberta Transportation approval.

13.3 ______

14. Councillor Reports / Updates

14.1 Mayor Holowaychuk

14.2 Deputy Mayor Whitelaw

14.3 Councillor Kotylak

14.4 Councillor Makowichuk

14.5 Councillor Morton


15.1 Correspondence to file for information:

a) (PG 119) Mar 3 – `s 2020 Healthier Communities Golf Tournament b) (PG 121) Mar 26 – STARS Foundation re: Future meeting with Council to discuss sponsorship c) (PG 122) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration –

Page 3 of 129 d) (PG 124) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration – e) (PG 126) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration – Town of Smoky Lake f) (PG 128) Waskatenau United Church 100th Anniversary

Recommendation – Acknowledge receipt / File for information.

15.2 ______

16. Executive Session (Closed Session)

16.1 (FOIP s.18) North Zone Update on COVID-19

16.2 (FOIP s.16 Request to Waive Penalties and Charges for 1705374 Alberta Ltd.

17. Business from Executive Session (Out of Closed Session)

18. Adjournment

Page 4 of 129 3.1 March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting


PRESENT: Hank Holowaychuk Mayor Ross Whitelaw Deputy Mayor Daniel Kotylak Councillor Melody Morton Councillor Terry Makowichuk Councillor (arrived at 6:16 p.m. via electronically on “go to meeting”).

STAFF IN Adam Kozakiewicz Chief Administrative Officer ATTENDANCE: Crystal Letwin Finance Assistant / Legislative Services Billy McMullen Public Works Foreman


Mayor Holowaychuk called the March 17, 2020 Regular Town Council Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.


MOTION: 115-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk to approve the March 17, 2020 Regular Town Council Meeting Agenda with the following additions: • 10.1 COVID-19 - Pandemic Preparedness • 10.2 COVID-19 - Approve Action Taken re: Town Office Closure to Public as Recommended by the Alberta Provincial Government



3.1 March 3, 2020 Regular Council Meeting

MOTION: 116-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton to adopt the Town of Smoky Lake’s Minutes of the March 3, 2020 Regular Council Meeting, as presented.


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3.1 March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting


4.1 (30 min.) Ian Fox – Field Officer, Alberta Emergency Management Agency

MOTION: 117-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that the oral report given by Ian Fox, Field Officer, Alberta Emergency Management Agency regarding an update on the COVID-19 Pandemic, be accepted for information.


MOTION: 118-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake continue communications with Trevor Tychkowsky, Smoky Lake Regional Director of Emergency Management (DEM) and the Emergency Management Advisory Committee regarding the risk assessment and business continuity in place for the Town of Smoky Lake in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Mayor Holowaychuk call a recess at 6:39 p.m. and reconvened at 6:54 p.m.

4.2 Neil O’Shea – Superintendent of Aspen View Public Schools

Neil O’Shea, Superintendent of Aspen View Public Schools did not attend the meeting.


4.3 Smoky Lake Fire Department Delegations re: Town of Smoky Lake Fire Chief Election Procedures and Policy

MOTION: 119-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw to go into Closed Session at 7:04 p.m. to discuss the following personnel issues (FOIP s.19): 1. Scott Franchuk – Smoky Lake County Fire Chief / Primary Care Paramedic 2. Juanita Cozicar – Town of Smoky Lake Fire Chief 3. Barry Goertz – Town of Smoky Lake Deputy Fire Chief 4. Bruce Power (Padre) – Smoky Lake Region Fire Department Chaplain


MOTION: 120-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw to come out of Closed Session at 8:55 p.m.


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MOTION: 121-2020 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that the Regular Council Meeting be extended until 9:30 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOTION: 122-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton to go back into Closed Session at 8:55 p.m.


MOTION: 123-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw to come out of Closed Session at 9:24 p.m. CARRIED


Municipal Community Generation Challenge Investment Agreement

MOTION: 124-2020 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake enter into the Investment Agreement with Alberta Urban Municipalities Association for the purpose of the “Municipal Community Generation Challenge” Grant - Agreement No. MCGC01, effective March 11, 2020, as discussed in Closed Session. CARRIED

MOTION: 125-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake Council provide guidance to the Smoky Lake Fire Department with the recommended following options: 1. The Smoky Lake Fire Department Members handle the issue. 2. Hire a third-party mediator. 3. Advertise the Town Fire Chief position as a paid on-call position. 4. Appoint two (2) Battalion Chiefs or District Chiefs to run the Fire Department for three (3) months; and Town Council re-evaluate the position at that time. Mayor Holowaychuk called for a recorded vote: Mayor Holowaychuk – In Favour Deputy Mayor Whitelaw – Opposed Councillor Kotylak – Opposed Councillor Makowichuk - Opposed Councillor Morton - Opposed


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MOTION: 126-2020 MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake appoint Juanita Cozicar as the Interim Town of Smoky Lake Fire Chief for a six (6) month term with a new list of duties required (as discussed in Closed Session); and be reviewed by Town Administration in three (3) months.

Mayor Holowaychuk called a recorded vote: Mayor Holowaychuk – Opposed Deputy Mayor Whitelaw – In Favour Councillor Kotylak – In Favour Councillor Makowichuk - In Favour Councillor Morton - In Favour


5. QUESTION PERIOD No questions were brought forward at the meeting.

6. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES (FCSS) No items were discussed under “Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)”.

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3.1 March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting


7.1 Public Works Foreman’s Report

MOTION: 127-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that the oral and written Public Works report presented by Billy McMullen, Town Public Works Foreman, be accepted for information.


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3.1 March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting

MOTION: 128-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake install two (2) to three (3) handicap stalls in front of the Smoky Lake Seniors Drop-in Centre located at 124 White Earth Street in Smoky Lake; as per email request from Alec Carnegie, President of the Seniors Drop-in Centre dated March 12, 2020.


7.2 2020 John Deere Conterra 60 MX Broom

MOTION: 129-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake purchase the 2020 Conterra 60” MX Rotary Angle Broom from Deerland in the amount of $7,771.00, as per quote ID #21376694; and include it in the Town of Smoky Lake’s 2020 Capital Budget.


7.3 Town of Smoky Lake Asphalt Repair Options

MOTION: 130-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake defer the correspondence presented in the agenda package entitled “Asphalt Repair options” to a future meeting of Council.


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3.1 March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting

7.4 Town of Smoky Lake 2020 Sidewalk Repair Options

MOTION: 131-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake acknowledge receipt of the email from Murray Macza, Business Development Manager from Sidewalks Canada Inc. regarding the information on repairing sidewalk tripping hazards; and Administration determine which contractor to hire for the Town sidewalk repairs, as per the 2020 Capital Budget.


Mayor Holowaychuk called a recess at 5:30 p.m. and reconvened at 5:33 p.m.

8. NATURAL GAS No items were discussed under “Natural Gas”.


Moved to the March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting.


Moved to the March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting.


No items were brought forward to the agenda.


Moved to the March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting.


Moved to the March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting.

14. COUNCILLOR REPORTS / UPDATES Moved to the March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting.

15. CORRESPONDENCE Moved to the March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting.

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3.1 March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting

16. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed Session)

Executive Session was held under item 4.3. Smoky Lake Fire Department Delegations re: Town of Smoky Lake Fire Chief Election Procedures and Policy.



MOTION: 132-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake schedule a meeting for Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers in Smoky Lake to reconvene the March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting to complete the approved agenda.


MOTION: 133-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw to recess the meeting at 9:30 p.m.


______Hank Holowaychuk Adam Kozakiewicz Mayor Chief Administrative Officer

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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting


PRESENT: Hank Holowaychuk Mayor Ross Whitelaw Deputy Mayor (participated via electronically on “go to meeting”). Daniel Kotylak Councillor Melody Morton Councillor Terry Makowichuk Councillor (participated via electronically on “go to meeting”).

STAFF IN Adam Kozakiewicz Chief Administrative Officer ATTENDANCE: Crystal Letwin Finance Assistant / Legislative Services


Mayor Holowaychuk called the March 24, 2020 Regular Town Council Reconvened Meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.


MOTION: 134-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that the following urgent item be added to the agenda: • 12.2 Letter of Support Request from Red Arrow Bus Service


5. QUESTION PERIOD No questions from the public were brought forward at the meeting.


9.1 Chief Administrative Officer’s Report • Reported on the closure of town playgrounds effective March 24, 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic • Spoke on the COVID-19 preparedness in the Town of Smoky Lake and the Smoky Lake Region • Spoke on virtual video conferencing via the Microsoft “Teams” program for staff • Spoke on the Hauling and Disposal of Solid Waste Contract

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• Spoke on the 90-Day Utility Payment Deferral program implemented by the Alberta Provincial Government

MOTION: 135-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that the Chief Administrative Officer’s oral report presented by Adam Kozakiewicz, Chief Administrative Officer, be accepted for information.


MOTION: 136-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake agree to waive the utility billing penalty of 3.5% for March 1 – 31, 2020; April 1 – 30, 2020 and May 1 – 31, 2020 to provide support to the town residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; and Administration prepare an amended Master Rates Bylaw 006-19 to reflect the cancellation of penalties for three months; and present at a Regular Council Meeting held in April 2020.


9.2 Alberta Municipal Services Corporation (AMSC) Energy Program 2020 Aggregation: Electricity

MOTION: 137-2020 MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake engage with Alberta Municipal Services Corporation (AMSC) to participate in the 2020 Energy Program “Aggregation for Electricity” to source low cost electricity for long-term contracts with new counterparties; for a term up to three (3) years, covering the period of January 2021 – December 2023.


9.3 Invitation to Town of Redwater’s 12th Annual Mayor’s Breakfast

MOTION: 138-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the 12th Annual Mayor’s Breakfast scheduled on Friday, April 17, 2020 in Redwater, be filed for information.


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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting

9.4 Alberta Municipal Chief Administrative Officer’s Handbook

MOTION: 139-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake acknowledge receipt of the Chief Administrative Officers Handbook from Alberta Municipal Affairs.



10.1 COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness

MOTION: 140-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake accept the oral report provided by CAO, Kozakiewicz regarding the COVID-19 pandemic preparedness in the Town of Smoky Lake, preparedness measures were taken by ordering and distributing hand sanitizer to the local pharmacies, opening the Smoky Lake Regional Emergency Operations Centre and keeping in close contact with the Provincial Operations Centre (POC) on a daily basis.


Mayor Holowaychuk called a recess at 5:59 p.m. and reconvened at 6:11 p.m.

10.2 Town of Smoky Lake Office Closure in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

MOTION: 141-2020 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake approve action taken by CAO, Kozakiewicz to close the Town Office, located at 56 Wheatland Ave in Smoky Lake, to the public effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020 until further notice, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.



No items were discussed under “Recreation and Culture”.

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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting

12. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 12.1 Regional Community Development Committee (RCDC) Mandate Letter for 2020

MOTION: 142-2020 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake adopt the Regional Community Development Committee 2020 Mandate Letter, as recommended by the Joint Municipalities Meeting held on January 27, 2020 and the Regional Community Development Committee Meeting held on January 28, 2020; as follows:

and be it noted that the Regional Community Development Committee at its meeting held on January 28, 2020 by Motion # 93-20 will not proceed with “Unstoppable Conversation”, as recommended by the Joint Municipalities and did removed this item from its 2020 Regional Strategic Priorities Chart. CARRIED 12.2 Letter of Support Request from Red Arrow Bus Service MOTION: 143-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake send a letter of support to Ric McIver, Alberta Minister of Transportation, in regard to the essential bus service that Red Arrow provides to the residents of Smoky Lake; and support the requirement of the Provincial Government’s assistance in ensuring provincial connectivity by providing an operational subsidy for Red Arrow; in reference to the email request from John Stepovy, Director of Motorcoach dated March 23, 2020.


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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting

13. LANDS, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Deputy Mayor Whitelaw left the meeting at 6:22 p.m. 13.1 First Baptist Church of Smoky Lake Development Permit Application - Incomplete MOTION: 144-2020 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake and the First Baptist Church negotiate the subdivision (legal description: Plan 8721656, Block 7, Lot 16) and develop a roadway between 49 Avenue and Harvest Gold Drive; and Town of Smoky Lake pay for the cost of surveying the said lands.

CARRIED Deputy Mayor Whitelaw returned to the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Councillor Kotylak left the Council Chambers at 6:33 p.m. and returned at 6:34 p.m.

13.2 Bylaw 002-2020 - Smoky Lake Region Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework

MOTION: 145-2020 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 002-2020, being a Smoky Lake Region Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework, be given first reading.


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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting

MOTION: 146-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 002-2020, being a Smoky Lake Region Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework, be given second reading.


MOTION: 147-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that permission be given for third and final reading of Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 002-2020, being a Smoky Lake Region Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework.


MOTION: 148-2020 MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 002- 2020, being a Smoky Lake Region Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework, be given third and final reading.


13.3 Bylaw 003-2020 – Protocol for Regional Cooperation

MOTION: 149-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 003-2020, being a Joint Agreement on Protocol for Regional Cooperation, be given first reading.


MOTION: 150-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 003-2020, being a Joint Agreement on Protocol for Regional Cooperation, be given second reading.


MOTION: 151-2020 MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that permission be given for third and final reading of Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 003-2020, being a Joint Agreement on Protocol for Regional Cooperation.


MOTION: 152-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 003-2020, being a Joint Agreement on Protocol for Regional Cooperation, be given third and final reading.


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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting

14. COUNCILLOR REPORTS / UPDATES 14.1 Mayor Holowaychuk:

• Attended the Alberta Emergency Management Summit at NAIT • Attended the Alberta CARES Recycling Conference in

14.2 Deputy Mayor Whitelaw: No report. 14.3 Councillor Kotylak: No report. 14.4 Councillor Makowichuk: No report. 14.5 Councillor Morton: Reported on the following temporary closures:

• Smoky Lake Pumpkin Patch Daycare (following the H.A Kostash School temporary closure) • Smoky Lake Agricultural Society • Smoky Lake Public Library

MOTION: 153-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that the Town of Smoky Lake Councillor Reports / Updates, be accepted for information.


15. CORRESPONDENCE 15.1 Correspondence to file for information:

MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that the following items be filed for MOTION: 154-2020 information:

a) March 5, 2020 Government Relations Institute - Lobby Government Effectively b) March 7, 2020 Alberta Government – Update on COVID-19 in Alberta c) March 4, 2020 Municipal Sustainability Initiative Allocations and Federal Gas Tax Fund Allocations d) March 4, Alberta HUB Article - Alberta to Close or Reduce Services in 20 Parks as a Result of Budget Cuts e) Smoky Lake Foundation – GIC Release f) Canadian Gas Association – Pandemic Best Practices COVID-19 g) Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops Ltd. – 2020 Spring Zone Meeting Dates h) March 12, 2020 Email from Samuel J. Alexander – Name for the Former Continuing Care Centre Building


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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting

15.2 Smoky Lake and District Chamber of Commerce – Request to Display Art at the Town Office

MOTION: 155-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake accept the recommendation from Smoky Lake District Chamber of Commerce to display Dawn-Marie Marchand’s art pieces for the “Art Installation Project” in the Town Office; and be installed by Ms. Marchand and her volunteers when the Town Office is open to the public again (in response to the COVID-19 pandemic) with the intention of rotating the art pieces every three months; as per the letter from Noel Simpson, President of the Smoky Lake District Chamber of Commerce dated March 9, 2020.


15.3 H.A Kostash School’s Grade 11 Wildlife Class – Donation towards the Namur Lake Fly in Fishing Trip

MOTION: 156-2020 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake recommend H.A Kostash School’s Grade 11 - Wildlife Class to inquire for sponsorship at a later time in regards to the fly-in fishing trip to Namur Lake that in all likelihood will be cancelled, as per the Alberta Government’s recent recommendations of social distancing, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


16. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed Session)

MOTION: 157-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton to go into Closed Session to discuss the following matter at 6:50 p.m.: (FOIP s.19) Chief Administrative Officer’s Performance Evaluation. (FOIP s.18) Provincial Operations Centre (POC) Updates on the COVID-19 Pandemic. (FOIP s.16) Smoky Lake Hauling and Disposal Waste - Request for Proposal and Contract.


MOTION: 158-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw to come out of Closed Session at 7:23 p.m.


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3.2 March 24, 2020 Reconvened Council Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2020 Meeting


MOTION: 159-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake proceed with the “Hauling and Disposal of the Solid Waste” Request for Proposal on Alberta Purchasing Connection, as amended and discussed in Closed Session.


MOTION: 160-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake schedule a Regular Council Meeting for the purpose of the Chief Administrative Officer’s Performance Evaluation for Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers in Smoky Lake.


MOTION: 161-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the oral report provided by CAO, Kozakiewicz regarding the Provincial Operations Centre (POC) daily news updates, be accepted for information.



MOTION: 162-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.


______Hank Holowaychuk Adam Kozakiewicz Mayor Chief Administrative Officer

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7.1 Public Works Report

Public Works Report Mar 17 - Apr 7, 2020

• Pumping water at various locations in town • Replaced old garbage cans with ones with locking lids [in cement cribbing] [some left to do, old cans frozen inside] • Put caution tape along with signs at playgrounds closing them to the public [Stark Park, Lions, Kinettes and Spray Park] • Changed water meter at 108 Wheatland Ave [our maintenance] • Read gas/water meters • Swept sidewalks • Started working on picnic tables [replacing boards, painting frames included] • Started working on benches [replacing boards, painting] • Started working on barricades [replacing boards, painting adding reflective tape] • Replaced hydraulic hose on loader [old cracked leaking] • Graded priority routes along with [Wildrose, McDougall, white Earth St south [of Wildrose] Willow Creek north,42nd Ave,54th St, Toporoutz road,51st/30th Ave,50th St, and road south of 44th Ave [mar 31st] • Graded main streets along with willow creek south, Museum road, road in front of carwash,48th Ave east [Apr 1st] • Changed oil on grasshopper lawnmowers [x2] • Graded snow at gas wells for phase II • Ordered two handicap signs with directional arrows [drop in center parking] • Snow blew walking trail [Mar 31st] [Apr 2nd] • Cleaned sidewalks [Mar 31st] • Added cold mix to water valve dip at 4 way stop [to lessen the bump. Still could use more, not sure since its being paved] • Trimmed tree branches on 46th Ave south of 4604-50 St [grader hitting them] • Fixed stop sign at 3 way stop [someone drove over cement island along with sign] [done on Feb 28th forgot to include on last two reports] • Bobcat down [new motor,3 pistons came apart] • Graded complex parking lot [pavement part] • Graded 52nd Ave • Graded alley behind Bar-V-Nook [x2, stayed late once to grade water was starting to flow into back driveways] • Graded old nursing home parking lot • Graded alley from harvest gold to 42nd Ave • Snow blowing alleys with snow blower [unit 22] • Replaced carburetor on unit 402[yellow fire truck, gasket, seals old dried and cracked leaking gas] • Gas service call at 57 white earth St [gas valve on riser leaking, added grease]

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• Working on covid 19[pandemic planning for water and wastewater][having coverage, supplies for at least two months, keep workers safe and facilities operating as normal]

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Page 36 of 129 9.2 Alberta Counsel re: Replenish and Ongoing Retainer Agreement

Mailing address: Alberta Counsel 800, 9707-110 Street NW , Alberta T5K 2L9 Lawyer: Jonathon Wescott Firm phone no.: (780) 652-1311 Author phone no.: (780) 652-1313 Office fax no.: (780) 652-1312 E-mail: [email protected]

March 24, 2020

Town of Smoky Lake 56 Wheatland Avenue Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0

Attention: Adam Kozakiewicz, CAO

Dear Sir:


Thank you for consulting Alberta Counsel.

We confirm that you wish to retain Alberta Counsel to work with the Town of Smoky Lake, for legal services as may be required from time to time. We confirm that you will provide specific instructions on any particular case that you desire Alberta Counsel to provide you with services and you hereby confirm that this General Retainer shall apply to all legal services provided to you of any type by Alberta Counsel.

We have enclosed a formal retainer acknowledgment document confirming our status as your legal representatives. Please sign this document, have it witnessed and return it to us at your earliest convenience. Our standard retainer requirements are that you provide this firm with this acknowledgement and any other items requested therein before we can commence taking any steps on your behalf. Our standard practice is to require retainer funds in advance of any work done, which are held by us in trust for you and are applied by us against your accounts, as and when they are rendered. For the purpose of this retainer agreement, however, you have requested and we have agreed to not follow this practice and instead we will issue invoices for services rendered pursuant to this retainer agreement from time to time, which you will pay pursuant to the terms of this retainer agreement.

Specifically, as we currently understand it, you have asked us to represent you regarding matters surrounding the following file summary:

To provide advice on matters pertaining to the Town of Smoky Lake, as they may arise, specifically including the delivery of legal opinions and advice regarding employment matters, as they may arise.

We will, at all times, act on your behalf to the best of our ability. If we predict any particular outcome for your legal matters, it is an expression of our best professional judgement, but it is not a guarantee. Our opinions are necessarily limited by our knowledge of the facts, external factors, and are based on our analysis of the state of the law at the time we give our opinions.

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It is also our policy that the solicitor – client relationship will extend only to those services that you have retained us to perform, and the relationship will be considered terminated upon our completion of those services. If you later retain us to preform further or additional services, our solicitor – client relationship will be revived subject to the terms of this Retainer Agreement unless express, alternate retainer arrangements are formally arranged with you for specific future legal services that you require. Although, should we perform services outside of this retainer on an unrelated matter, we also confirm that the terms of this Retainer Agreement will apply to solely to our benefit for any future legal services that you instruct Alberta Counsel to perform on your behalf.

Legal fees are the charges for legal services provided to you by the lawyers and staff at Alberta Counsel. Legal fees, disbursements, and other charges are subject to the G.S.T., all of which will be added to your account.

The starting point for determining the fees that you will be charged in this matter will be on the time spent on the matter. In determining the chargeable time for a matter, all time spent on your behalf, including telephone calls, electronic mail exchanges, meetings, preparation time, sending letters, receiving and reviewing letters, drafting documents, reviewing documents and files, research, Court appearances, travel time, and generally all time spent in providing legal services to you in the matter. Records of time and/or services rendered are kept, and, may, where appropriate, will be included in the accounts sent to you. It is our standard practice to charge a file opening fee, which may include a disbursement charge for the use of third-party software.

The current hourly time rate charge charged by the undersigned lawyer is normally $400.00. However, special rates may be charged for more specialized or expedited work. While the writer will be working on your file, they will may make use of the services of other members of my firm or external contractor services as may be required from time- to-time. In the event other members in our firm work on your case, you will be charged their current hourly time rate for lawyers, paralegals, assistants, or other contractors. Such delegation may be for the purpose of involving special expertise or providing services on the most cost-efficient and timely basis.

Our current hourly rate is up to and including $450.00. In the interest of creating a strong and long-term client relationship with the Town of Smoky Lake, Alberta Counsel has capped its hourly rate for this retainer agreement to $300.00/hr. for senior counsel. Junior Associates, students-at-law, and paralegal rates vary, but remain below the $300.00/hr. rate.

Our hourly time rate charge may change from time-to-time. You will be given at least a minimum of 10 days’ notice of any hourly rate changes that apply to you and if you do not choose to accept the new hourly time rate charges you may terminate your retainer. For municipal retainers we commit to maintain our capped rate for at least one year from the date that this retainer agreement is signed.

Time is calculated in 1/10th of an hour increments. This means that any time spent on your file that is 6 minutes or less it will be billed as “0.1” or 1/10th of an hour. If a telephone call takes 7 minutes, you will be billed “0.2" or 2/10th’s of an hour because the call lasted into the second tenth hour increment. If we spend three hours on a task, you are billed three hours.

We confirm that you have been advised that Alberta Counsel cannot guarantee to accomplish your goals for a fixed amount. The time spent on your file will be subject to a number of factors outside of our control, including such factors as the reasonableness of other parties, the course of action you wish to undertake, and the scheduling of the others involved in your matter. Legal matters can take a considerable amount of time to resolve. To ensure that you are aware of the cost of legal services as this matter progresses, and to allow Alberta Counsel to continue to carry on business while the matter proceeds, it is this office's practice to send regular accounts, approximately every two or three months, based on the amount of time spent on your case from the last billing period to the time the interim bill is sent. All of these accounts (or bills) are final bills for any work that was been done. Future bills are considered separate instances and distinct from any previously rendered account.

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Your final account may be adjusted up or down to a fair and reasonable amount, based on various factors, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) The nature, importance and urgency of the matters involved; (2) The results obtained; (3) What other lawyers of equal standing would charge; (4) Our inability to accept other employment because we have taken your case; (5) The circumstances and interest of the person by whom the costs are payable; (6) The fund out of which they are payable; (7) The general conduct and costs of the proceedings; (8) The skill, labour and responsibility involved; (9) All other circumstances, including, to the extent hereinafter authorized and the contingencies involved; and (10) The direct costs we incur in providing the services.


Disbursements are payments that Alberta Counsel makes to third parties on your behalf. For many types of files, you will incur a nominal software fee. Other examples of disbursements are long distance telephone calls, courier charges, travel expenses, Land Titles Office fees, Corporate Registry fees, transcripts, court filing fees, process service fees, surveys, search fees, certificate fees, and generally any other payments Alberta Counsel makes to third parties (including any taxes or fees associated with them). You will be responsible for paying the disbursements on your file.


You may be charged a reasonable amount in accordance with the regular policies of Alberta Counsel for items such as photocopying, faxes, Court runners, agents, file retrieval and storage fees, computer research charges, on-line fees, binding charges and such other usual and other charges as are regularly and routinely charged by Alberta Counsel. These charges will be itemized on your account as Other Charges.


You will be charged and agree to pay a reasonable amount for paralegal services, secretarial overtime, agent fees, and the expenses of other such non-legal service providers that are charged to you. These charges will be at such reasonable and customary rates as are charged for such services by Alberta Counsel from time to time.


As part of completing your case and completing your objectives, ancillary legal services such as a real estate transaction or estate planning may be required. Such services, if rendered to you, may require the opening of a new matter on your file, and will be rendered to you at such standard fees as apply from time to time – these may be standard set fees or hourly, depending on the matter type and complexity.

You agree to pay Alberta Counsel’s fees, disbursements, and other taxable charges for any such ancillary legal services at the customary rates charged from time to time by Alberta Counsel.


We do not require an initial financial retainer from you at this time. We will issue invoices to you from time to time for services rendered pursuant to this retainer agreement and you will pay them pursuant to the terms of this retainer agreement.

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All accounts or bills, are considered final accounts and are due when rendered. After 30-days, interest will be charged on the outstanding balance at a rate of 2% per month (24% per annum) until the account is paid in full. If fees remain unpaid for 30 days, if the retainer is not replenished, or if funds are not placed in trust as requested, we reserve the right to cease to act on your behalf. If you have asked to have your retainer payment processed by credit card, you may be charged a credit card processing fee of up to 3%. You always have the right to terminate your retainer, after being rendered an account or at any time.

Should you for any reason not be satisfied with any account rendered by Alberta Counsel, or should you have any questions about any of our accounts, please contact our office. If your concerns cannot be resolved, you have the right to have the account reviewed by an Assessment Officer at the Court of Queen's Bench. If we have not heard from you regarding your account within 2 weeks of billing you, we will assume that the account is satisfactory. You may lose your right to have your account reviewed by the Assessment Officer if you do not take appropriate action within a reasonable time after being provided with your account.


Alberta Counsel maintains a separate bank account for money we hold in trust for our clients. The account is designated as a trust account.

The Law Society has established very strict standards for lawyers’ trust accounts. Trust accounts are reviewed annually by a professional accountant and annual audit submissions are reported to the Law Society. The Law Society may also conduct spot audits.

In most cases, the interest on trust accounts goes to the Law Foundation of Alberta and is used for law reform and public legal education. However, if a large sum of money is to be held in trust for an extended period of time, a specific interest-bearing trust account can be opened for the money, with interest payable to you.


Alberta Counsel endeavours to handle your legal matter in a prompt, effective manner. We hope you will let us know if there is any way we can improve on the service we provide you. As the client, you will decide the general direction your matter will follow (e.g. do we negotiate, go to Court, or accept a settlement offer?). Before taking any major step in your matter, we will ask for your instructions on how you want to proceed. We will usually make a recommendation, but the final decision will always be yours. We will then provide the legal services necessary to carry out your instructions.

We can make no promises or guarantees as to the outcome of your matter. We will, however, give you our opinion as to the various options you have. It is important for you to understand that legal actions can be very costly and that you may need to make some arrangements to deal with the legal expenses as they are incurred, such as looking for sources of financing. It is not reasonable to expect that Alberta Counsel will finance your legal proceedings and you should expect the expenses that are incurred to advance and protect your legal interests.

Since your accounts will be based on this firm's hourly time charges, the more time it takes to resolve your case the more expensive it will be for Alberta Counsel to handle your case. To make efficient use of your lawyer's time, we suggest you follow these simple guidelines: (1) Reply promptly to our phone calls; (2) When we ask you for information, provide it to us as soon as possible; (3) Other than for simplistic answers or information, provide answers and information to us in an organized, written format; (4) Avoid multiple emails or calls with smaller bits of information; (5) Take seriously the time needed to prepare your materials, and meetings;

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(6) When meeting or calling us, avoid other distractions (putting us on hold); (7) Look to other resources where appropriate (such as a psychologist for personal issues); and (8) At all times, focus on the merits and facts of your case.


Two-way communication will be very important in our relationship. If you ever feel you do not fully understand what is going on, please call or make an appointment for a meeting. If you have any information that might be of assistance to us in handling your matter, call and let us know.

We will report to you from time-to-time by letter, telephone call, or in person. You will also receive copies of most correspondence, and documents prepared on your matter. If you do not understand a document or correspondence you receive from us, please call.

Certain communications between solicitor and client are absolutely confidential. This confidentiality is known as the solicitor/client privilege. Because of it, you can give us all the facts relevant to your matter without fear that prejudicial information will become public. We cannot be compelled by the Tax Department, the Police, the Government, or the Courts to divulge information that is subject to solicitor/client privilege.

The solicitor/client privilege is yours, not ours, so only you can waive it.

Not all solicitor/client communications are privileged. The privilege only arises when the client reveals information in confidence to obtain legal advice or services. Information you give us that is not privileged is treated as confidential. Our ethical rules define the limited circumstances in which confidential information can be disclosed.


If you have engaged Alberta Counsel to take Court action to recovery money damages, you should be aware that winning your case in Court does not necessarily mean that you will actually recover the money the Court awards. If the other party is insolvent or uninsured, further proceedings may be needed to recover the damages, and in some cases no recovery is possible, even after the case has been won in Court. In addition, if you are unsuccessful in Court or only partially successful you may be ordered by the Court to pay all or partial costs to your opponent. These costs are often very significant.


We are subject to the Code of Professional Conduct of the Law Society of Alberta. Several types of conduct or circumstances require or allow us to withdraw from representing a client, including for example: non-payment of fees or costs; your misrepresentation or failure to disclose material facts; you taking action, or providing us with instructions to act contrary to our advice; or a conflict of interest with another client.

We will try to identify in advance and discuss with you any situation which may lead to our withdrawal and if withdrawal ever becomes necessary we will immediately give you written notice of such withdrawal. If termination occurs, we will promptly provide to you your file documents and property for the matters for which we have represented you (subject to any solicitor’s liens we might exercise). However, we will retain any work product of the firm.

If you decide to terminate our services, we will render a final accounting covering unbilled time, other charges, and disbursements. Any remaining retainer that we hold will be applied against the account. If there is a balance, we will be placing a solicitor lien on your file. You will be required to pay any balance on this account (and all other outstanding accounts) before the file will be released to you or your new counsel. If you have any questions about terminating services, please call and ask.

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Alberta Counsel appreciates that you have chosen our firm to represent your interests. The lawyers and staff at Alberta Counsel work hard to help our clients receive the best service we can provide. Please contact the writer anytime you have questions.

Yours truly,


Per: Jonathon Wescott

Enclosure - Acknowledgment and Acceptance - Consent to Acknowledgement of Representation

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RETURN TO: ALBERTA COUNSEL Barristers & Solicitors 800, 9707-110 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2L9 [email protected]

FROM: Town of Smoky Lake 56 Wheatland Avenue Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


1. I have read and understand the terms of this Retainer Agreement with Alberta Counsel. I have been given the opportunity to clarify any questions regarding this retainer, and I agree to any terms outlined therein.

2. I confirm that Alberta Counsel does not make any guarantees as to the outcome of my case or make any representation as to the expected total cost of legal services provided to me.

3. I acknowledge that I am responsible for payment of all legal fees, disbursements and taxable charges, regardless of the outcome or how long it may take to reach a conclusion. I understand that if my case is unsuccessful that I may be required to pay Court costs to my successful opponent.

4. In the event that I decide to terminate Alberta Counsel’s legal services, or they decide to cease to act for me, I will still be required to pay all unbilled time spent on my case, including time spent preparing my file for closing, disbursements, and other taxable charges. I understand that my account will have to be paid in full before my file is released to me or any new lawyer that I may choose to continue advancing my legal interests.


______I have the Authority to bind Town of Smoky Lake

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Consent to Acknowledgement of Representation

RETURN TO: ALBERTA COUNSEL Barristers & Solicitors 800, 9707-110 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2L9 [email protected]

FROM: Town of Smoky Lake 56 Wheatland Avenue Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


1. I authorize Alberta Counsel to disclose to third parties that they represent the Town of Smoky Lake. Disclosure contemplated in this waiver includes: Alberta Counsel’s website, proposals, and brochures. Additional materials may be printed with the written consent of a representative from the Town of Smoky Lake.

2. I understand that I am not waiving other aspects of my solicitor client privilege, and therefore, Alberta Counsel will not disclose any legal advice given, services rendered, or interactions they have had with the Town of Smoky Lake, in the course of their acknowledgment of representation.

3. I understand that my consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time in writing and will be complied within 5 business days of being received by Alberta Counsel.

4. I understand that even if this authorization is withdrawn, and removed from all Alberta Counsel marketing material, it may remain available publicly by third party materials and webpages.

5. I understand that refusal to consent to this authorization will not affect my ability to retain Alberta Counsel, or their representation of the Town of Smoky Lake.


______I have the Authority to bind the Town of Smoky Lake

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Not Completed / Motion Date Motion # Motion Task Assigned to Why Not? Reason Completed 03-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the Town of Smoky Lake work with Smoky Lake County to 823-19 pursue future investments for the Smoky Lake Continuing Care Centre building (formerly known as work with SL County Lease agreement aproved the Smoky Lake Nursing Home), located at 4607-52 Avenue, Smoky Lake, based on the concept of to pursue future Adam On-going by Minister at the AHS the Town and County purchasing the building for $1.00 from (AHS), as per investments Lawyer the recommendation from Michelle Wright, Community Economic Development Officer, Smoky Lake Region. 03-Dec-19 MOTION: 831-19 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the Town of Smoky Lake support the Victims and their Families of the December 2, 2019 Smoky Lake School Bus Accident on Highway 28 and Range Road 180, by contributing $300.00 dollars towards the Facebook fundraiser “GOFUNDME” created AP Joan Completed by Shelby Henry; to be funded from 2019 Town Reserves; and Administration write a Thank you letter to Smoky Lake Centex for providing supper to the Emergency Responders. 03-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that the Town of Smoky Lake support the Smoky Lake Agricultural 834-19 Society by providing funding in the amount of $1,640.00 towards the Tourism Highway Signage program for the Smoky Lake Agricultural Society’s RV Park, located at 4612 – 54 Avenue, totaling 4 AP Joan Completed signs, as per the Government of Alberta’s invoice #104088 ; and be funded from the Town’s 2020 Operating Budget. 03-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake Councillor Melody Morton be appointed as Send CF letter and 836-19 an additional member to the Community Futures St. Paul – Smoky Lake Region Committee, Crystal Completed update committee list beginning January 2020. 03-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake Council requests the removal of the 838-19 Municipal Reserve Designation on that portion of Lot 21 MR, Block 7, Plan 0624974 that lies west of Jane advised to do a Remove MR Adam Completed the westward extension of 49 Avenue, shown as 4th Avenue on Plan 6319 KS, and outlined in red different approach on the attached sketch. 03-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that the Town of Smoky Lake approve action taken regarding the 840-19 meeting Mayor Holowaychuk attended with Eric Shirt, Chief, held on AP Joan Completed November 21, 2019 in Saddle Lake, AB. regarding Emergency Funding; and Mayor Holowaychuk be reimbursed for expenses incurred to attend the meeting (mileage/meals). 03-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the Town of Smoky Lake provide a letter of support to Saddle 841-19 Mayor Lake Cree Nation regarding the Emergency Funding Request in the amount of $4,460,000.00 for Write letter of support Holowaychuk/ Completed the seven interrelated crisis areas which require immediate emergency funding from the Crystal Government of Canada to help alleviate the communities health and safety concerns. 03-Dec-19 MOTION: contact AB Minister of 842-19 MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Administration contact the Honourable Prasad Panda, Alberta Infrastructure and Neil I was asked to formulate a Minister of Infrastructure, and Neil O’Shea, Aspen View Public Schools Superintendent regarding O'Shea, Aspen View Adam On Going list of addtions for the build the status of the Replacement Project for Smoky Lake H.A Kostash School; and present at a future Schools by ApenView Council meeting. Superintendent re: replacement project

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03-Dec-19 MOTION: Sent letter but MOVED by Councillor Morton that the Town of Smoky Lake approve a one-time tax refund 846-19 owner has not permitted by the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, paid curent taxes Section 347(1), to 4J Mechanical (Tax Roll number 9000001), originally requested by Josh Jarema Process tax refund as of yet via email dated October 11, 2019 due to the 2019 increase in assessment resulting from once current taxes Tamara therefore Town renovations to the building located at 4208 – 50 Street, Smoky Lake; and Town Council agrees to are paid has not refund the increase in the municipal portion only from Tax Year 2018 to Tax Year 2019 totaling processed $647.46; and Administration process the refund accordingly. refund. 2018 Property Tax Levy, Municipal Portion - $1,585.95 2019 Property Tax Levy, Municipal Portion - $2,233.41 Refund $ 647.46 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that the Family and Community Support Services Funding 850-19 Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta and Town of Smoky Lake be Execute three year Marianne/ Adam Completed executed for a three-year term commencing January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2022, with agreement the annual contributions as follows: Provincial Contribution: (i) $34,246 for the first year of the Term (January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020); (ii) An anticipated amount of $34,246 for the second year of the Term (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021); (iii) An anticipated amount of $34,246 for the third year of the Term (January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022); Town of Smoky Lake Contribution: (iv) $8,562.00 for the first year of the Term (January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020); (v) $8,562.00 for the second year of the Term (January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021); (vi) $8,562.00 for the third year of the Term (January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022); 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake approve Aston Construction Signs Inc., 852-19 quote estimate #13, dated December 16, 2019 in the total amount of $1,320.00 plus GST for the Order signs Billy Completed “Maintenance Shop” & “Fire Hall” aluminum lettering signs approx. 14” in height and 3/8” aluminum, to be installed at 246 West Railway Drive in Smoky Lake. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake provide a letter to the Honourable Justin Mayor 854-19 Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada to address the concerns the Town of Smoky Lake has Write a letter of Holowaychuk/ Completed regarding the Federal Carbon Tax on Alberta to be imposed on of January 1, 2020 through the concern Crystal Greenhouse Gas pollution Pricing Act Regulations. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake enter into an agreement with Roy Northern 855-19 Land Service Ltd on behalf of NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. to access the following crossing location: to complete remediation work at NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. – Pipeline Maintenance Program (PMP), 2020 ECEA Brushing Program, Temporary Access Crossing Request, File: TCE- Enter into an 20-001 / RNLS File: 191063. PW Completed agreement

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17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that the Town of Smoky Lake execute the Smoky Lake Mineral 856-19 Rights Development Company (SLMRDC) Limited’s 2019 Annual Return, Resolutions and Consent, Return executed 2019 Corporate Access No. 200504280 and return to William V. Kuzyk from Kuzyk & Mol Law Office Crystal Completed Annual Return Barristers & Solicitors, as per SLMRDC motion SLMRDC #010-19 made at the meeting held on August 20, 2019. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that the Smoky Lake Mineral Rights Development Company Limited’s Advertise and prepare 857-19 2020 Annual General Meeting be held on January 21, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Council Tamara/ Crystal Completed agenda Chambers in Smoky Lake. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake Main Office and Public Works Department 859-19 be closed at 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 for the Christmas holidays and will re- Advertise Tamara Completed open on Thursday, January 2, 2020; and Administration advertise accordingly. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake amend the 2020 Operating Budget to 861-19 decrease the “Doctor Services” expense in the amount of $39,000.00 totaling the expense to be Edit budget Crystal Completed $124,000.00; and approve Town of Smoky Lake’s 2020 Interim Operating Budget. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake’s Three-year Proposed Operating Budget Bring back budget for Adam/Crystal Completed Will bring back for final approva 862-19 Plan, be approved as amended. final approval 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake appoint Municipal Planning Services Ltd. 864-19 (MPS) from Edmonton, AB. as the Subdivision Authority for Year- 2020, as per Town of Smoky Completed Lake Bylaw 019-09 – Subdivision Authority.

17-Dec-19 MOTION: th 865-19 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP - 35 Annual Central booking / registration Joan Completed Municipal Law Seminar held on February 7, 2020 in Edmonton, AB., be a Council approved event. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the Brownlee LLP - Emerging Trends in Municipal Law booking / registration Joan Completed 866-19 Seminar held on February 13, 2020 in Edmonton, AB. be a Council approved event. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the Solar Panel Project Meeting with Metis Crossing and 867-19 Smoky Lake County tentatively scheduled for January 6, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. at the Smoky Lake Advertise Tamara Completed County Council Chambers in Smoky Lake, be a Council approved event. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the email from Chaitanya Bandaru, Executive Director, 868-19 Lakeland Primary Care Network, dated December 10, 2019 regarding the request to waive April 1 – Admin inform Mr. Adam Completed December 31, 2019 property tax on the new Patient Medical Home located at 151 White Earth Bandaru Street in Smoky Lake be denied; and Administration inform Mr. Bandaru of Council’s decision. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that the letter from Brian and Leesa Jones dated December 13, 2019 869-19 regarding the request to defer the January 1, 2020 tax penalty of 18% on the total outstanding Admin inform Mr. Adam Completed amount, for all properties, until January 31, 2020 in order to complete personal financing, be denied; Bandaru and Administration inform Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Council’s decision. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake’s Regular Council Meeting scheduled for Advertise Tamara Completed 870-19 January 9, 2020, be cancelled; and advise the public accordingly. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake defer to the Smoky Lake Fire 873-19 Department to resolve the email dated December 5, 2019 from Pat Palechuk, President of Ukrainian Educational Association of Taras Shevchenko (Ukrainian National Hall in Smoky Lake) Defer to the SLFD Crystal Completed regarding the request to forego the hall rental cost of $250.00 for the debriefing meeting held on December 2, 2019 following the Smoky Lake School Bus Accident and donate it to the fundraiser organized to help the children and families involved.

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17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake propose to enter into a joint venture with 874-19 Smoky Lake County to purchase the Continuing Care Centre Building (formerly known as the Smoky Lake Nursing Home) at 4607 – 52 Avenue in Smoky Lake from Alberta Health Services for Enter into joint Council made motion at the Adam Completed $1.00, subject to financial support received from Smoky Lake County; and Administration present venture Jan 15 2020 meeting the proposal at the Joint County / Town Meeting held on January 15, 2020 at the Smoky Lake County Council Chambers in Smoky Lake. 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Administration contact Lakeland Eye Care, located at 134 White Admin contact Adam Completed 879-19 Earth Street in Smoky Lake, as discussed in Closed Session. Lakeland Eyecare 17-Dec-19 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. 880-19 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake contact the Manager of the Smoky Lake 004-2020 Car Wash located at 4923 Harvest Gold Dr. in Smoky Lake to create an account for Town Public Create account Joan Completed Works staff to access the car wash to clean town equipment. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake prepare a Lease Agreement with Alberta 012-2020 Health Services for the Smoky Lake Continuing Care Centre (former Nursing Home) and Nurses Prepare Lease residence located at legal description: Lot 1, Plan 8621882; civic address: 4607/4709 – 52 Avenue Adam/Lawyer on going Waiting on AHS Lawyer Agreements in Smoky Lake; and present the agreement at a future meeting of Council for approval.

Further to that, the Town of Smoky Lake work with Alberta Health Services to prepare the purchase Prepare Purchase agreement; in reference to Motion #TSL137-20 made at the January 15, 2020 Town & County Adam/Lawyer on going Waiting on AHS Lawyer Agreement Council Meeting; and present at a future meeting of Council. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake prepare a sub-lease Agreement with Metis 013-2020 Nation of Alberta (MNA) for use of the Smoky Lake Continuing Care Centre (former Nursing Home) Prepare sub-lease and Nurses residence located at legal description: Lot 1, Plan 8621882; civic address: 4607/4709 – Adam/Lawyer on going Waiting on AHS Lawyer agreement 52 Avenue in Smoky Lake, and include conditions discussed in Closed Session; and present at a future meeting of Council. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake request Michelle Wright, Community 014-2020 Economic Development Officer for the Smoky Lake Region, to draft a letter to inform the interested party looking to acquire the Smoky Lake Continuing Care Centre and Nurses residence located at Request RCDC to legal description: Lot 1, Plan 8621882; civic address: 4607/4709 – 52 Avenue in Smoky Lake, that it Adam Completed is currently not available but will contact the said party if a building becomes available in the Smoky prepare letter Lake Region and surrounding area, as discussed in the Closed Session.

2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Mayor Holowaychuk and CAO Kozakiewicz attend the 015-2020 Alberta Urban Municipalities Association President’s Summit on Municipal Finances: Transparent & booking / registration Joan Completed Effective held on January 22 & 23, 2020 in Edmonton, AB. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Mayor Holowaychuk attend the Alberta CARE Coordinated 016-2020 Action for Recycling Enterprises 10th Annual Spring Seminar 2020 held on February 26 – 28, 2020 booking / registration Joan Completed in Westlock, AB. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake forward the Trans Canada Trail - Forward grant 017-2020 2020 Spring Cleanup Grant Program to the Smoky Lake Trail Twisters and North East Muni-Corr Crystal Completed program regarding the Iron Horse Trail.

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2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake in partnership with Smoky Lake County, 018-2020 Village of Waskatenau, and the Village of Vilna participate in the application of the 2019-2020 Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Grant for the Project Titled: Regional Geographic Information System (GIS) Project Phase III Infrastructure Data Integration under the “Intermunicipal Execute ACP #3 Adam Completed Collaboration Framework” Component Grant for the total project cost in the amount of $200,000.00; Application and approve Smoky Lake County to be the Managing Partner under the said application; and further agree to abide by the terms of the Conditional Grant Agreement governing the purpose and use of the grant funds. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake in partnership with Smoky Lake 019-2020 County participate in the application of the 2019-2020 Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Grant for the Project Titled: Regional Geographic Information System (GIS) Project Phase III Regional Water Services Facility - Detailed Design Analysis under the “Intermunicipal Collaboration Execute ACP #4 Adam Completed Framework” Component Grant for the total project cost in the amount of $200,000.00; and approve Application the Town of Smoky Lake to be the Managing Partner under the said application; and further agree to abide by the terms of the Conditional Grant Agreement governing the purpose and use of the grant funds. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that the “Local to Global” Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor Forum booking / registration Joan Completed 020-2020 held on March 4 – 6, 2020 in , AB., be a Council approved event. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake declare “Kin Canada Day” on Thursday, 023-2020 February 20, 2020 and declare “Kin Canada Week” the week of February 16 – 22, 2020; and the Advertise and send Town in conjunction with Smoky Lake County participate in the Kin Flag Raising Ceremony Tamara/Crystal Completed email notification scheduled for Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. at the County Office located at 4612 McDougall Drive, Smoky Lake. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake explore options and costs for security Addition for next 026-2020 (municipal patrol) within the boundaries of the Town; and present the information at the next Adam / Crystal Completed meeting Regular Council meeting. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake renew the Alberta Fire Chiefs Association 027-2020 Membership for Mayor Holowaychuk, Councillor Kotylak and Councillor Makowichuk in the amount AP Joan Completed of $150.00 each (plus GST) for a total of $450.00 plus GST. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that the Alberta Fire Chiefs Association 2020 Conference and 028-2020 Trade Show held on May 24 – 27, 2020 in Edmonton, AB. be attended by Mayor Holowaychuk, booking / registration Joan Postponed Councillor Kotylak and Councillor Makowichuk. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake approve the 2020 Doctor Retention Budget defer approval of 032-2020 for the Doctor Retention and Recruitment Committee, Smoky Lake Region, based on the following DR&R Budget to next Adam In-progress Meeting cancelled cost-sharing percentage Funding Formula: DR&R meeting ; and Town of Smoky Lake approve to allocate its 2020 Doctor Retention budget percentage portion based on 26% in the total amount of $6,240.00, as per recommendations received from the Doctor wait on invoicing Tamara Retention and Recruitment Committee meeting held on December 18, 2019. municipalities

Further to that, Town of Smoky Lake defer approval of the 2020 Doctor Recruitment Budget in the total amount of $100,000.00 until the following Doctor Retention and Recruitment Committee Meeting, as further information is required.

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2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake, as the Managing Partner of the write 033-2020 a letter of support to the Rural Health Professions Action Plan’s (RhPAP) Selection Committee for the 2020 Rhapsody Awards to nominate Raubenheimer Medical Clinic Physician’s - Dr. Anton Raubenheimer and Dr. Stephan Raubenheimer for the “2020 Rhapsody Physician Award” to write a letter of recognize the contributions of rural physicians, especially those unsung heroes, who provide support and prepare Crystal / Tamara Completed Alberta rural communities with outstanding patient care, and make notable contributions to medical application and submit practice and to their communities; and the Town submit the application and the support letters via online at before the submission deadline of February 28, 2020.; as per the Doctor Retention and Recruitment Committee Meeting held on December 18, 2019 – Motion 66- 19. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake, as a municipality in partnership of the Crystal 037-2020 Regional Community Development Committee (RCDC) with Smoky Lake County, Village of Add to the 2020 Completed Waskatenau and the Village of Vilna approve and adopt the 2020 Economic Development Budget in Operating Budget the total amount of $108,160.00, as outlined: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2020 BUDGET REVENUE Funding from municipalities $108,160 TOTAL REVENUE $108,160

EXPENSES Economic Development Community Economic Development Officer $63,560 Admin Support (contract secretarial) $24,000 IT Support $2,500 Mileage/Meals/Lodging $7,500 Training/Assn Fees $1,200 Cell Phone $1,200 Advertising/Promotional Items $7,200 Computer Program/Supplies $500 Office Supplies $500 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION $108,160 Projects Execute Projects within existing budget. TOTAL EXPENSES $108,160 ; and the Town of Smoky Lake approve to allocate its Regional Community Development Committee’s 2020 Economic Development budget percentage portion based on 25%, in the amount of $27,040.00. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake defer the Smoky Lake Chamber of Addition for next 039-2020 Commerce electronic sign issues discussed by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw to the next Regular Town Crystal Completed meeting Council Meeting.

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2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaw no. 041-2020 001-2020 for the purpose of closing public travel and disposing of portions of Public Highway (legal Hold public hearing description: Plan 0424476, Block 7) on February 18, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Council Crystal / Tamara Completed and advertise Chambers in Smoky Lake; and Administration advertise accordingly.

2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake correct Motion no. 838-19 made at the 042-2020 December 3, 2019 Regular Council Meeting to correct the plan number as follows: Plan 0624974. Correct motion 838- Original Motion - no. 838-19: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake Council Crystal Completed 19 requests the removal of the Municipal Reserve Designation on that portion of Lot 21 MR, Block 7, Plan 062497 2 that lies west of the westward extension of 49 Avenue, shown as 4 th Avenue on Plan 6319 KS, and outlined in red on the attached sketch. 2020-01-21 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake contribute $250.00 (Bronze 044-2020 Sponsorship Package) towards the Randy Russ Memorial Barrel Race held on August 2 – 3, 2020; AP Joan Completed to be allocated from the 2020 Operating Budget entitled “Grants to Individuals and Organizations”.

2020-02-04 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake donate $2,000.00 to the Smoky Lake 049-2020 Chamber of Commerce towards the repair of the existing digital sign and installation of ON-VISION web-based control system located at 4329 – 56 Street in Smoky Lake, as per the Libertevision West AP Joan Completed inc. proposal #3090154A, dated January 8, 2020; and be allocated from the 2020 Operating Budget entitled “Grants to Individuals / Organizations”. 2020-02-04 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake forward the Libertevision West Inc. 050-2020 proposal #3090154A, dated January 8, 2020 in the amount of $2,605.58 to the Regional Community Development Committee (RCDC), brought forward by the Smoky Lake Chamber of forward to RCDC Crystal Completed Commerce, and suggest RCDC donate the remaining $605.58 (Town donated $2,000.00 - Motion 049-2020) towards the repair of the digital sign and installation of ON-VISION web-based control system, located at 4329 – 56 Street in Smoky Lake. 2020-02-04 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake Public Works Foreman, Billy McMullen 054-2020 or designate attend the Alberta Gas Co-ops Managers’ Meeting held on February 18 – 20, 2020 in booking / registration Joan Completed Red Deer, AB. 2020-02-04 MOTION: MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association’s (AUMA) 059-2020 Spring 2020 Municipal Leaders’ Caucus scheduled for March 25 – 26, 2020 in Edmonton, AB. be booking / registration Joan Completed attended by three members of Council and CAO Kozakiewicz. 2020-02-04 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake approve the Village of Waskatenau, as the 060-2020 managing partner of the project: Smoky Lake Region / Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF), which is funded by the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) grant funds in the amount of $75,000.00, to change the scope of the said project with an amendment to the ACP grant forward motion to SL application of: including the Smoky Lake County ICF development with regional partners: Thorhild Crystal Completed County and to utilize the remaining funds from the Smoky Lake Region ICF project; County in response to the email request received from Bernice Macyk, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Waskatenau, dated January 21, 2020.

2020-02-04 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake Mayor Holowaychuk attend the Northern 062-2020 Alberta Mayors’ and Reeves’ Caucus held on Monday, March 16, 2020 in Edmonton, AB.; and AP Joan Completed approve the $300.00 membership fee for Mayor Holowaychuk.

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2020-02-04 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Highway 28/63 Regional Water Services Commission Members: 063-2020 Mayor Holowaychuk and Councillor Kotylak, bring forward the concern of the upcoming 2020 water rates in Bylaw 005-2019 to be passed in February 2020 BUT effective January 1, 2020 to the next Bring forward concern Hank / Dan Completed Highway 28/63 Regional Water Services Commission meeting.

2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake defer the letter from Dennis 071-2020 Holowaychuk, Secretary-Treasurer of the Algonquin Shooting Sports Association in Smoky Lake, dated January 31, 2020 regarding the Shooting Range Land Purchase or Lease located at the bring back to the April Crystal In-progress North half and a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section twenty – seven (27), Township fifty – 7, 2020 meeting. nine (59), Range seventeen (17), West of the fourth (4th) meridian, till the March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting. 2020-02-18 MOTION: Engage with Jordan 072-2020 MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake begin the process to rezone the Smoky and Kyle re: Planning Lake Continuing Care Centre building and the former Nurses residence building owned by Alberta & Development for Adam Completed Health Services located at 4607 / 4709 – 52 Ave in Smoky Lake, and engage with planning service the former Nursing consultants Jordan Ruegg and Kyle Schole. Home 2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake appoint Kyle Schole and alternate 073-2020 Jordan Ruegg as representatives for the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance Committee in Send NSWA letter re: accordance with the NSWA Society Bylaw (2009), to represent the Town of Smoky Lake, and to new Town reps & add Joan Completed vote on matters including at the Annual General Meeting; and include the committee members in to committee list the Town of Smoky Lake “Council Committees – Schedule A”. 2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake approve the Federation of Alberta add to Agreement 078-2020 Crystal Completed Gas Co-ops Ltd. and Town of Smoky Lake’s Gas Emergency Response Handbook, as presented. binder and folder 2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake Council attend the joint meeting with Metis 082-2020 Nation of Alberta and Smoky Lake County scheduled for March 6, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the Smoky send appt Crystal Completed Lake County Council Chambers in Smoky Lake. 2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake draft a Lease agreement between the draft lease agreement I had no contact with the 085-2020 Town of Smoky Lake and the Smoky Lake Riding Club; and present at the May 5, 2020 Regular and present at the Adam In-progress Club Lydia said she passed Council Meeting for review. May 5 mtg on the document 2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Mayor Holowaychuk attend the Alberta Fire Chiefs Association’s 086-2020 send appt Crystal Completed (AFCA) Zone Meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 28, 2020 in Two Hills, AB. 2020-02-18 MOTION: Completed and 088-2020 defered to the April 7 meeting MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake defer the Borderlands Emergency defer Borderlands Crystal due to time Management Mutual Aid Agreement to the March 17, 2020 Regular Council Meeting. Emerg. Agreement constraints of March 17 meeting 2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake defer the email from Bob Bezpalko, defer email to next 089-2020 Executive Director of the Northeast Alberta Information HUB regarding the Zero Plastic Waste Crystal Completed meeting Initiative funding to the next Regular Council Meeting.

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2020-02-18 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake defer the Wet’suwet’en Nation opposing 090-2020 the construction of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline and the injunction granted against all railway defer the CN Rail Crystal Completed blockades impacting CN Rail in Alberta to the next Regular Council Meeting unless the issue has blockade issue been resolved by that time. 2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake acknowledge receipt of the Federation of 099-2020 Alberta Gas Co-ops Ltd. 2020 Spring Zone 3 & 4 Meeting Agenda scheduled for March 31, 2020 at send appt Crystal Completed the Thorhild Community Hall in Thorhild, AB. 2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that the Chief Administrative Officer’s Performance Evaluation be Advertise and send 101-2020 scheduled for March 17, 2020 at the Regular Council Meeting under Executive Session (Closed Tamara/Crystal Completed email notification Session). 2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake approve the Request for Proposal (RFP) 102-2020 for the Hauling and Disposal of Solid Waste in the Town of Smoky Lake issued March 4, 2020, with the following amendments: 1. Part 1: Section 1.1 Invitation - delete “Rural Transfer Stations and Bin Sites as further described in Part 4: Deliverables”. amend RFP Adam/Crystal Completed 2. Part 4, Section 4.2 Service Requirements - delete “or sell” in the sentence “Provide required number of bins to rent or sell to the Town”. 3. Part 4, Section 4.6 Contract Term; delete “one (1) or Three (3) year” agreement. Leave in “Five (5) year” agreement. 2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake appoint the following 2020 Capital 103-2020 Region Assessment Services Commission’s (CRASC) Assessment Review Board (ARB) Officials send email to Archie Crystal Completed for the Town of Smoky Lake: ARB Chairman: Raymond Ralph. Certified Clerk: Richard Barham and Tamara Flondra. Certified Panelists: Judy Bennett, Darlene Chartrand, Tina Groszko, Stewart Hennig, Richard Knowles and Raymond Ralph. 2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake accept immediate ownership and gather necessary 104-2020 responsibility for the maintenance of the new playground built at KinPark located at 4703 – 54 documents from Avenue in Smoky Lake, fundraised by the Kinette Club of Smoky Lake, in response to the letter Kinettes re ownership Crystal Completed from Ashley Losier, President of the Kinette Club of Smoky Lake, dated January 28, 2020; and the and insure the Town of Smoky Lake insure the contents of the park indefinitely. contents/liability

2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Administration reach out to Alberta Health Services, Smoky contact emergency 106-2020 Lake Health Care Centre, EMS, H.A Kostash School and First Responders to initiate a conversation responders/health Adam Completed regarding the protective measures and preparedness for potential patients of the Coronavirus care workers re disease should it happen in Smoky Lake. prepardness in SL 2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake sponsor the Smoky Lake Riding Club’s 109-2020 informal event entitled “Childrens Event – Local Charity Give-Away”, held at the 2020 Smoky Lake AP Joan Completed Stampede in Smoky Lake, in the amount of $300.00; and be allocated from the 2020 Operating Budget entitled “Grants to Individuals and Organizations”. 2020-03-03 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake sponsor the Smoky Lake Holubka 110-2020 Dancers with the aid in purchasing costumes in the amount of $500.00; and be allocated from the AP Joan Completed 2020 Operating Budget entitled “Grants to Individuals and Organizations”. DRAFT MOTIONS

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2020-03-17 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake continue communications with Trevor continue 118-2020 Tychkowsky, Smoky Lake Regional Director of Emergency Management (DEM) and the Emergency communications with Adam Completed Management Advisory Committee regarding the risk assessment and business continuity in place Emerg. Management for the Town of Smoky Lake in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. leaders 2020-03-17 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake enter into the Investment Agreement with 124-2020 Alberta Urban Municipalities Association for the purpose of the “Municipal Community Generation Enter agreement Adam Completed Challenge” Grant - Agreement No. MCGC01, effective March 11, 2020, as discussed in Closed Session. 2020-03-17 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake appoint Juanita Cozicar as the Interim 126-2020 Provide Fire Chief Town of Smoky Lake Fire Chief for a six (6) month term with a new list of duties required (as Adam? with new duties? discussed in Closed Session); and be reviewed by Town Administration in three (3) months. 2020-03-17 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake install two (2) to three (3) handicap stalls PW install 2 - 3 128-2020 in front of the Smoky Lake Seniors Drop-in Centre located at 124 White Earth Street in Smoky handicap stalls at SL Billy In-progress Lake; as per email request from Alec Carnegie, President of the Seniors Drop-in Centre dated Seniors Drop-in March 12, 2020. Centre 2020-03-17 MOTION: Order broom, give 129-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake purchase the 2020 Conterra 60” MX documentation to Rotary Angle Broom from Fort Saskatchewan Deerland in the amount of $7,771.00, as per quote ID Billy/Crystal In-progress Ordered Crystal for insurance #21376694; and include it in the Town of Smoky Lake’s 2020 Capital Budget. purposes to insure 2020-03-17 MOTION: defer asphalt options MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake defer the correspondence presented in the Crystal / 130-2020 to a later meeting In-progress Council wants oil options only agenda package entitled “Asphalt Repair options” to a future meeting of Council. Adam/Bill date 2020-03-17 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake schedule a meeting for Tuesday, March Advertise and send 132-2020 24, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers in Smoky Lake to reconvene the March 17, Tamara/Crystal Completed email notification 2020 Regular Council Meeting to complete the approved agenda. DRAFT 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake agree to waive the utility billing penalty of Work on new or Recovn. Mar 136-2020 3.5% for March 1 – 31, 2020; April 1 – 30, 2020 and May 1 – 31, 2020 to provide support to the amended Master Adam/Crystal/Ta 17 town residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; and Administration prepare an amended Rates Bylaw for next In-progress mara Master Rates Bylaw 006-19 to reflect the cancellation of penalties for three months; and present at meeting and add to a Regular Council Meeting held in April 2020. agenda 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake engage with Alberta Municipal Recovn. Mar 137-2020 Engage with AMSC re Services Corporation (AMSC) to participate in the 2020 Energy Program “Aggregation for 17 the 2020 Energy Adam/Crystal Completed Electricity” to source low cost electricity for long-term contracts with new counterparties; for a term Program up to three (3) years, covering the period of January 2021 – December 2023. 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake approve action taken by CAO, Recovn. Mar 141-2020 Kozakiewicz to close the Town Office, located at 56 Wheatland Ave in Smoky Lake, to the public Close the office Admin Completed 17 effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020 until further notice, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake adopt the Regional Community Recovn. Mar 142-2020 Development Committee 2020 Mandate Letter, as recommended by the Joint Municipalities 17 Meeting held on January 27, 2020 and the Regional Community Development Committee Meeting Send the motion to held on January 28, 2020; as follows: CEDO re: Adoption of Crystal Completed and be it noted that the Regional Community Development Committee at its meeting held on RCDC 2020 Mandate January 28, 2020 by Motion # 93-20 will not proceed with “Unstoppable Conversation”, as Letter recommended by the Joint Municipalities and did removed this item from its 2020 Regional Strategic Priorities Chart. 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake send a letter of support to Ric McIver, Recovn. Mar 143-2020 Alberta Minister of Transportation, in regard to the essential bus service that Red Arrow provides to 17 Send a letter of the residents of Smoky Lake; and support the requirement of the Provincial Government’s Tamara Completed support assistance in ensuring provincial connectivity by providing an operational subsidy for Red Arrow; in reference to the email request from John Stepovy, Director of Motorcoach dated March 23, 2020. 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake and the First Baptist Church negotiate the Recovn. Mar 144-2020 subdivision (legal description: Plan 8721656, Block 7, Lot 16) and develop a roadway between 49 develop roadway and Adam In-progress we will need Jordans Help 17 Avenue and Harvest Gold Drive; and Town of Smoky Lake pay for the cost of surveying the said pay for the surveying lands. 2020-03-24 MOTION: Sent to County - Print Bylaw for Recovn. Mar 148-2020 MOVED by Councillor Makowichuk that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 002-2020, being a Smoky Lake waiting on Wask signage and send to Crystal 17 Region Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework, be given third and final reading. and Vilna Bylaw County no. 2020-03-24 MOTION: Sent to County - Print Bylaw for Recovn. Mar 152-2020 MOVED by Deputy Mayor Whitelaw that Town of Smoky Lake Bylaw 003-2020, being a Joint waiting on Wask signage and send to Crystal 17 Agreement on Protocol for Regional Cooperation, be given third and final reading. and Vilna Bylaw County no. 2020-03-24 MOTION: Recovn. Mar 155-2020 MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake accept the recommendation from Smoky Lake District Chamber of Commerce to display Dawn-Marie Marchand’s art pieces for the “Art 17 Inform SL Chamber Installation Project” in the Town Office; and be installed by Ms. Marchand and her volunteers when and Dawn Marie of Crystal Completed the Town Office is open to the public again (in response to the COVID-19 pandemic) with the Council motion intention of rotating the art pieces every three months; as per the letter from Noel Simpson, President of the Smoky Lake District Chamber of Commerce dated March 9, 2020. 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Kotylak that Town of Smoky Lake recommend H.A Kostash School’s Grade Recovn. Mar 156-2020 11 - Wildlife Class to inquire for sponsorship at a later time in regards to the fly-in fishing trip to Inform HAK of Council 17 Crystal Completed Namur Lake that in all likelihood will be cancelled, as per the Alberta Government’s recent motion recommendations of social distancing, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Councillor Morton that Town of Smoky Lake proceed with the “Hauling and Disposal of Recovn. Mar 159-2020 the Solid Waste” Request for Proposal on Alberta Purchasing Connection, as amended and Proceed with RFP Adam Completed 17 discussed in Closed Session. 2020-03-24 MOTION: MOVED by Mayor Holowaychuk that Town of Smoky Lake schedule a Regular Council Meeting for Advertise and send Recovn. Mar 160-2020 the purpose of the Chief Administrative Officer’s Performance Evaluation for Tuesday, April 14, Tamara/Crystal Completed email notification 17 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers in Smoky Lake.

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Jan 31, 2020

Algonquin Shooting Sports Association PO Box 331 Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0

Town of Smoky Lake PO Box 460 Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0 Attn: Chief Administrative Officer / Mayor & Council

Dear Sirs and Madam; Re: Shooting Range Land Purchase or Lease

Please accept this request to meet with Council and the Administrative Officer at your earliest convenience, in regards to the topic as noted above.

We would like to present Council with a proposal to purchase the Town-owned land on which the shooting range is currently situated. We see this as a win-win for both the Town as well as our organization and would like to discuss the benefits of such a purchase by our club. If Council approves our purchase it would be on the understanding, and clearly stipulated as such in the purchase agreement, in the event the club ceased operations the land would be transferred back to the Town prior to our final winding down.

In the event Council decides not to sell the said lands, we need to discuss renewing the existing lease, i.e. with clauses that provide adequate protection from lease termination without cause. Our club is doing well financially and we are prepared to make significant improvements to the facility, however we cannot afford to risk the loss of capital infrastructure that can’t be moved in the event of a closure due to termination of the lease without cause.

If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the undersigned.


Dennis Holowaychuk Sec.-Treasurer (780) 656-0101 cc / Graham Dalziel, Grant Gillund

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THE TOWN OF SMOKY LAKE (hereinafter referred to as the “Town”)

- and –

THE ALGONQUIN SHOOTING SPORTS ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as the “Lessee”)


WHEREAS the Town has agreed to lease to the Lessee and the Lessee has agreed to lease from the Town the “Lands”. In consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and by the parties to be respectively paid, observed and performed, the parties hereby agree as follows:




(a) “ADDITIONAL COVENANTS” means those covenants, if any, set forth in Schedule “D” hereof;

(b) “FISCAL YEAR” means a period of twelve (12) calendar months, which shall be a calendar year unless the Lessee shall have from time to time selected a Fiscal Year which is not a calendar year and shall have notified the Town accordingly;

(c) “LANDS” means the North half and a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section twenty – seven (27), Township fifty – nine (59), Range seventeen (17), West of the fourth (4th) meridian in the Province of Alberta, containing ninety (90) acres more or less, as outlined in separate sketches to this Lease contained in Schedule “A” reserving unto Her Majesty all mines and minerals;

(d) “TOWN” means the Town of Smoky Lake;

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(e) “LEASE” means this Lease as from time to time amended in writing and agreed to by the parties hereto;

(f) “LEASE YEAR” means a period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months. The first Lease Year shall commence on the date of signing this Lease, if that occurs on the first day of a calendar month, but if it does not so occur, the first Lease Year shall commence on the first day of the calendar month next following the date of the signing of this Lease. Each succeeding Lease Year shall commence of the anniversary date of the first day of the first Lease Year;

(g) “TERM” means the Term of this Lease as specified in this Lease subject to Schedule “C” hereof to commence on the date of signing of this Lease.



The Town hereby leases to the Lessee and the Lessee hereby leases from the Town the Lands for the Term and upon and subject to the covenants, conditions and agreements herein expressed.


3.1 TERM

The Lessee shall have and hold the Lands for a period of twenty-five (25) years, subject to any renewal options set forth in Schedule “C” hereof and subject to termination as set out herein.


4.1 RENT

The Lessee shall pay to the Town the sum of One ($1.00) dollar payable per annum with the annual payment due on each anniversary date during each Lease year of this Lease or as a lump sum for the entire term of this lease, paid to the Town by the Lessee at the term on the date of the signing of the lease.

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The Town covenants with the Lessee:

(a) for quiet enjoyment; and (b) to observe and perform all of the covenants and obligations of the Town herein.


The Lessee covenants with the Town:

(a) to pay rent; (b) to observe and perform all of the covenants and obligations of the Lessee herein; (c) to permit one (1) member of the Town Council of the Town to sit on the Board of Directors of the Lessee, and acknowledges that the individual from the Town Council of the Town may change from time to time; and (d) the Lessee shall provide a financial statement to the Town within thirty (30) days of the Lessee’s annual general meeting, which shall be held no later than 12 months from the commencement of this Lease and no later than 12 months from each and every annual general meeting occurring thereafter.



The Town shall be responsible for all property taxes which may be charged in respect of the Lands during the Term of the Lease and any renewal thereof pursuant to Schedule “C”.


The Lessee shall promptly pay when due all business, sales, machinery, equipment and all other taxes, assessments, charges and rates, other than property taxes, as well as any

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permit or license fees, attributable to any business, sales, or income of the Lessee in respect of the Lands.


The Lessee shall obtain the approval of the Town in writing prior to making any single expenditure over ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars in relation to the Lands.


All cleaning and caretaking of the Lands shall be carried out by the Lessee at the Lessee’s expense.


The Lessee shall pay the cost of all electricity and utilities separately metered and directly billed to the Lands directly to the supply of such electricity and utilities.



The Lands shall be used continuously during the Term for the purposes relating to the Lessee’s business, as directed in Schedule “C” hereof, and for no other use. The Lessee shall not carry on nor permit to be carried on the Lands any other trade or business without prior written consent of the Town, which consent may be reasonably withheld.


(a) The Lessee will promptly comply with and conform to the requirements of every applicable law, by-law, regulation ordinance and order at any time or from time to time in force during the Term affecting the Lands, the business carried on the Lands or the machinery, equipment and other facilities located in the Lands. The Lessee will not use the Lands in any way, whether within the use hereinbefore permitted or not, which would or may impose upon the Town any obligation to modify, extend, alter or replace any part of the Lands nor any of the machinery, equipment or other facilities located on the or in the Lands except where previously agreed to by the Town in writing.

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(b) The Town will promptly comply with and conform to all applicable statutes, laws, by-laws, regulations, ordinances and orders at any time or from time to time in force during the Term affecting the Lands.

7.3 Provided the Lessee has paid the Rent and performed and observed all the covenants and conditions herein contained, the Lessee shall at the expiration or other sooner termination of this Lease have the right to remove its trade fixtures, but shall make good the damage caused to the Lands which may result from such installation and removal including the restoration of the Lands to the same condition that they were in before any partition, leasehold improvement, alternation or fixture was made, erected or installed, such work to be done or at the direction of the Town.


(a) Should the Lessee not carry insurance through the Town insurance policy in amounts and for such risks as listed in (i) and (ii) below, the Lessee shall throughout the Term and during any other time the Lessee occupies the Lands or a part thereof, at its sole cost and expense, take out and keep in full force and effect, the following insurance:

(i) comprehensive general liability insurance with inclusive limits of not less than $2,000,000.00; and

(ii)any other form of insurance as the Lessee or Town may reasonably require from time to time in form, in amounts and for insurance risks against which a prudent Lessee under similar circumstances would insure;

(b) Each insurance policy referred in to Section 7.6 (a) shall name the Town and any person, firm or corporation designated by the Town as additional named insured as their interest may appear and such policies will contain where appropriate: (1) a waiver of any subordination rights which the Lessee’s insurers may have against the Town;

(2) a severability of interests clause or a cross liability clause; and

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(3) in the event that the Lessee obtains and maintains its own insurance pursuant to (a) above, a clause stating that the Lessee’s insurance policy will be considered as the primary insurance and shall not call into contribution any other insurance that may be available to the Town. (c) All policies shall be taken out with insurers and shall be in a form acceptable to the Town acting reasonably. The Lessee agrees that certificates of insurance acceptable to the Town or if required by the Town, certified copies of each such insurance policy, will be delivered to the Town as soon as practicable after the placing of the required insurance. All policies shall contain an undertaking by the insurers to notify the Town in writing, of any material change, cancellation or termination of any provision of any policy, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the material change, cancellation or termination thereof.


The Lessee covenants to comply with the rules and regulations annexed hereto and marked Schedule “B” as amended from time to time, and to cause such rules and regulations to be observed and performed by everyone for whom the Lessee is in law responsible.


Any signs placed by the Lessee in or around the Lands shall conform to all government statutes and regulations. The placement, maintenance and repair of any signs relating to the Lessee shall be the Lessee’s responsibility.


The Lessee hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the Town and its successors and assigns from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs (on a solicitor and his own client basis) and expense of any kind whatsoever including, without limitation: (a) the costs of defending, counter – claiming or claiming over against third parties in respect of any action or matter including legal fees, costs and disbursements

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on a solicitor and his own client basis and at all court levels; (b) the costs of repair, clean-up or restoration paid by the Town and any fines levied against the Lessee,

which at any time or from time to time may be paid, incurred or asserted against the Town, whatsoever arising from or out of, directly or indirectly, the Lessee’s use or occupancy of the Lands or occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of the Lessee, its officers, agents, contractors, employees, sub-lessess, licensees, concessionaires or anyone permitted by the Lessee to be in or on the Lands. This indemnification shall survive the expiration of the Term of the Lease and the termination of the Lease for whatever cause or any renewal of the Lease.



The Lessee covenants to maintain, repair and keep tidy the Lands as determined by the Town. The Lessee shall make all repairs and maintenance with all due diligence.


The Lessee covenants that the Town may enter the Lands upon twenty – four (24) hours written notice to the Lessee to determine the conditions of the Lands. The Lessee will forthwith repair any damage or undertake the maintenance required, as directed by the Town in writing. In the event that the Lessee fails to make such repair or maintenance, or repair or maintain to the satisfaction of the Town, the Town on not less than thirty (30) days notice to the Lessee or, in the event of an emergency forthwith without notice, may make the repairs or perform the maintenance. Upon completion thereof the Lessee will pay the Town’s cost of the repair and maintenance on demand as Rent. The Lessee agrees that the maintenance or repair by the Town pursuant to Section 8.2 is not a re-entry nor a breach of quiet enjoyment contained in this Lease. The failure by the Town to give direction to repair or to maintain shall not relieve the Lessee from its obligation to repair or to maintain.

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Upon the expiration of the Term or upon the earlier termination of the Lease, the Lessee covenants to surrender the Lands in substantially the same condition as the Lands were in upon delivery of possession thereof under this Lease except for reasonable wear and tear. Provided, however, that nothing in this Section 8.4 will restrict or cancel the insurance provisions of this Lease.


The Lessee shall give the Town prompt notice of any accident to or defect in the Lands or of any damage or injury to the Lands or to any person therein howsoever caused, provided that nothing herein shall be construed so as to require repairs to be made by the Town except as expressly provided in this Lease.

In the event that the Lands are found to be in a state requiring maintenance and repair in the opinion of the Town and Lessee fails to remedy the situation as required by the Town within sixty (60) days, or any other length of time as mutually agreed to by the Town and Lessee, the Town may consider this Lease to be terminated and the Town then may have the right to re-enter and take possession of the Lands.



The Lessee will not transfer, assign, license or sublet the Lands or any part of the Lands during the Term of this Lease or any renewal thereof without the consent in writing of the Town first had and obtained. Such consent will not be unreasonably withheld, but the consent will be conditional upon:

(a) the proposed assignee or subtenant agreeing with the Town to assume and perform each of the covenants, obligations and agreements of the Lessee in this Lease,

(b) the Rent payable by the assignee, subtenant or occupant thereafter not being less than the Rent

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payable by the Lessee immediately prior to the assignment, sublease or change of control, and

(c) the proposed assignment or sublease occurring within three (3) months after the receipt by the Town of the request by the Lessee for consent.


10.1 THEFT

The Town shall not be liable for the theft of any property at any time in or on the Lands.


The Town shall not be liable for any injuries or death, or any losses or damages caused to any individual while on the Lands as a result of any of the activities carried on as part of the Lessee’s business or organization as set out generally in Schedule “C”.



The Town agrees to allow the Lessee (including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each and every member of the Lessee) the right to use that portion of the Town’s land described in Schedule “D” for the purpose of allowing vehicular access to the Lands and is prepared to allow such use subject to the terms and conditions set out as follows:

(a) the use of that portion of the Lands described in Schedule “D” (hereinafter referred to as “the said portion”) is only for the purposes of vehicular access to and from the Lands over the said portion and not for any other purpose;

(b) the Town agrees to maintain the said portion to municipal and environmental standards at the expense of the Lessee;

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(c) the Lessee shall have the right to use the said portion throughout the duration of this Lease and the right of access to the Lessee shall be terminated with the expiration or termination of this Lease;

(d) the Lessee agrees not to caveat or otherwise encumber the said portion;

(e) the Lessee shall at all times during the Term hereof, indemnify and save harmless the Town of and from all losses and damages and all actions, claims, cost (on a solicitor and his own client basis), demands, expenses, fines, liabilities and suits of any nature whatsoever for which the Town shall or may become liable or by reason of any injury occasioned to or suffered by any person or damage to any property, by reason of the use of the said portion by the Lessee or any of its agents, employees, contractors, sublessee, licensees, concessioners or by anyone permitted by the Lessee to be in or on the Lands save and except such losses or damages arising directly from the negligence of the Town, its agents or employees;

(f) the Town shall maintain locked gates at the entrance and exit to the said portion and the Lessee shall not allow keys to be distributed or used by anyone other than members of the Lessee; and

(g) the parties agree that if at anytime the Province of Alberta requires the Town to cease the use of the said portion in the manner set out in Section XI of this Lease, that the use of the said portion shall be terminated effectively immediately upon notice by the Town to the Lessee. The parties hereby agree that the termination of the Lessee’s access to the said portion shall not have the effect of terminating this Lease.



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The Town shall be entitled to re-enter the Lands at any time after the failure by the Lessee to perform any term or condition of this Lease required to be performed by the Lessee, if the Lessee (or its agent) falsified any report or information required to be furnished to the Town pursuant to this Lease, or if the Alqonguin Shooting Sports Association becomes inactive or is struck from the register.


If the Term or any of the goods and chattels of the Lessee on the Lands are seized or taken in execution or attachment by a creditor of the Lessee; or in the event that the Lessee becomes insolvent or bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or is declared bankrupt, or takes the benefit of any legislation that may be in force for bankrupt or insolvent debtors, or should proceedings be taken against the Lessee under any legislation to wind up companies, or in the event of the non-payment of Rent or in the event of the Lessee selling all or substantially all of its assets; then withstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, the Town may, at its option, re-enter and take possession of the Lands as though the Lessee or the servants of the Lessee or any other occupants of the Lands was or were holding over that expiration of the Term and the Term shall be terminated as of the re-entry.


The waiver by the Town of a breach of a term, covenant or condition herein contained will not be deemed to be a waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or another term, covenant or condition herein contained. No covenant, term or condition of this Lease will be deemed to have been waived by the Town unless the waiver is in writing and signed by the Town.



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It is understood and agreed between the parties that the terms and conditions set forth herein, together with the terms and conditions set forth in the rules and regulations and any schedules and plans annexed hereto, embrace all of the terms and conditions of the Lease entered into by the Town and the Lessee and supersede and take the place of any and all previous agreements or representations of any kind, written, oral or implied heretofore made by anyone in reference to the Lands. If any provision of this Lease is illegal or unenforceable it shall be considered separate and severable from the remaining provisions of this Lease, and the remaining provisions shall remain in force and be binding as though the said illegal or unenforceable provisions had never been included.


The additional covenants, if any, shall from part of this Lease and to the extent that the additional covenants are in conflict with any other covenants of this Lease, the additional covenants shall govern.


This Lease shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, and the respective successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto.


A notice, demand, request, consent or other instrument required or permitted to be given under this Lease shall be in writing and shall be given and deemed to have been received as provided in this Section 13.4.

“Notices” shall be addressed:

(a) to the Town as follows:

Town of Smoky Lake Box 460 Smoky Lake, Alberta T0A 3C0 - and -

(b) to the Lessee as follows: as set forth in Schedule “C”

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Any Notice must be mailed in Canada by ordinary mail, electronic facsimile transmission or prepaid courier. A Notice shall be deemed to have been received by the party to whom the Notice is addressed on the day which is five (5) business days following the date that the Notice was mailed, provided that at the time of mailing there is not an actual or apprehended interruption in mail service by labour dispute or otherwise. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, in the event of an actual or apprehended interruption in mail service, or at any time if the party giving notice so elects, Notice shall be writing and delivered to and left at the address for Notice of the party to whom it is to be given during normal business hours on a business day and shall have been deemed to be received on the date of delivery.

A party may at any time given Notice to the other party of a change of its address for the purpose of giving Notice and from and after the giving of such Notice, the address therein shall be deemed to the address of that party.


The Town may not terminate without “just cause” eg. the lessee fails to conduct its operations within the regulatory framework as set out by the Province or Federal Government, and should the Town choose to terminate without just cause would be liable to compensate the club for all non-recoverable costs of improvements, based on fair market value at the time of the termination. Either party may terminate this Lease by giving sixty (60) days notice in writing to the other party if they plan to cease operations and not operate a shooting range at the said lands.


Time shall be of the essence for this Lease and for each and every part thereof.


If any term or condition of this Lease is invalid or unenforceable, that term shall be severed from this Lease

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and the remainder of the Lease shall be valid and enforceable.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Lease on the date specified on page 1 hereto.


PER: ______


PER: ______

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1. The Lessee shall not permit or allow any waste on the Lands.

2. No inflammable oils or other inflammable, dangerous or explosive materials shall be brought onto the Lands or kept or permitted to be kept on the Lands except the firearms and ammunition required by the Lessee or its members for lawful use.

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1. Description of the Lessee’s business:

Operation of a gun club and shooting range.

2. Renewal option:

The Lessee shall have the option, exercisable in writing by notice to the Town, on the 270th day preceding the expiration of the Term (or, if not a banking day, the first banking day thereafter) to renew this Lease for a further term of FIVE (5) years on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein save and except that there shall be no further option to renew.

3. Additional Covenants:

(a) The Lessee shall be responsible for the construction of all leasehold on improvements, subject to the terms and conditions contained within this Lease.

4. Lessee’s Address:

Box 703 Smoky Lake, Alberta T0A 3C0

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MADE THIS ______DAY OF ______20_____


WHEREAS a major Emergency could affect a First Nation, Metis Settlement or Municipality to such a degree that local resources would be inadequate to cope with the situation;

AND WHEREAS the Jurisdictions that are a Party to this Agreement (the “Parties”) each provide emergency response services within their respective boundaries;

AND WHEREAS the Parties wish to make prearrangements for prompt Emergency action in support of any one Jurisdiction in the group which may be affected or threatened by a major Emergency and requires assistance;

AND WHEREAS the Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to formalize the systems and procedures for which emergency services can be utilized in order for a Party to request mutual aid and assistance from the other Parties to this Agreement, and respond to such requests;

AND WHEREAS each jurisdiction that is a signatory to this Agreement agrees to be a Party in this Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement;

THEREFORE, the Parties, in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements set out herein, agree as follows:

1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Any one of the Parties to the Agreement, if and when it is in need of help to respond to an Emergency, may request Aid from one or more of the other parties, subject to the following conditions: a) This is not an agreement to provide First Response. It is to provide mutual aid when requested; b) Aid shall be restricted to equipment and employees owned and employed by the Assisting Party, or equipment and staff under contract to the Assisting Party; c) Any calls for Aid shall be made by the Emergency Management Co-ordinator, Director of Emergency Management or other duly authorized representative of the Requesting Party, and must be directed to the Emergency Management Coordinator, Director of Emergency Management or other duly authorized representative of the Assisting Party;

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i. Calls for Emergency Services equipment may be made by the Chief of that department, or their designate, or a duly authorized representative of the Requesting Party to the Chief of that department, or their designate, or a duly authorized representative of the Assisting Party; d) Any Party to this Agreement may at any time request the Aid in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. For greater clarity, the provision of Aid is intended by the Parties to apply when the Requesting Party is subject to emergent circumstances within the Requesting Party’s municipal boundaries, and Aid is not intended to be requested to compensate for service level or resource shortfalls in the Requesting Party’s normal course of business; e) A request for Aid by the Requesting Party may be made either orally or in writing, provided that any oral request for Aid is confirmed subsequently in writing to the Assisting Party as soon as practicably possible; i. Written requests and confirmation in writing of oral requests shall be completed on the Resource Request Form attached to this Agreement as Schedule “C”. f) Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed or construed as an obligation to provide Aid prior to an Assisting Party expressly agreeing to provide Aid. It is understood and agreed by the Parties that the decision to provide Aid is solely within the discretion of the Assisting Party, and the Assisting Party shall be permitted to exercise complete and unfettered discretion as to whether to provide all, a portion or none of the Aid requested. The Requesting Party shall have no claim for damages or compensation against the Assisting Party arising from the refusal to provide Aid. g) The Assisting Party may, even after commencement of providing Aid, withdraw Aid where it is necessary or desirable that the Assisting Party’s resources provide emergency services at another location, or it is deemed to be unsafe to continue providing Aid. The Requesting Party shall have no claim for damages or compensation against the Assisting Party arising from the withdrawal of Aid. h) The employees and contractors of the Assisting Party shall always be subject to the Assisting Party’s control and direction during the provision of Aid unless otherwise expressly agreed to in writing by the parties. i. Therefore, commands and requests to the Assisting Party shall be communicated by officers of the Requesting Party in accordance with the command structure of the Assisting Party. ii. The Assisting Party shall be responsible for the safety of its employees and contractors in the provision of the Aid hereunder. i) The Incident Command System in accordance with standards approved by the governments of Alberta and Saskatchewan will form the basis of all communications, command and documentation processes for any activations of this Agreement.

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2. DEFINITIONS In this Agreement: “Agreement” means this Agreement and any schedules attached hereto; “Aid” means the provision of assistance or support by an Assisting Party to a Requesting Party to this Agreement and includes emergency response services, to the standard of service normally provided throughout the Parties’ respective boundaries; “Assisting Party” means the Party to this Agreement providing Aid to another Party to this Agreement; “Dispatch Centre” shall mean the dispatch centre taking and transferring 911 emergency police, fire and ambulance calls related to emergencies within the geographic boundaries of the parties to this Agreement; “Emergency” means an event that requires prompt co-ordination of action or special regulation of persons or property to protect the safety, health or welfare of people or to limit damage to property or environment; “Emergency Services” means the public organizations that respond to and deal with emergencies when they occur, especially those that provide police, ambulance, and firefighting services; “First Response” means the Party identified by the Dispatch Centre as having the jurisdictional responsibility to provide emergency services in response to a 911 call; “Jurisdiction” means any First Nation, Metis Settlement, Urban Municipality or Rural Municipality; “Requesting Party” means the party to this Agreement receiving Aid from another party to this Agreement; “Director of Emergency Management (DEM)” and “Emergency Management Coordinator” means the person authorized to activate the Agreement on behalf of the Jurisdiction; The word “shall” is to be read and interpreted as mandatory; The word “may” is to be read and interpreted as permissive; and The words “Party” or “Parties” shall be read and interpreted as meaning those parties to this Agreement and such Party’s successors and permitted assigns.

3. TERM This Agreement comes into force upon signing and shall be reviewed annually by all parties to this Agreement thereafter. At the time of review, changes or additions may be introduced by way of a rider which shall become part of the Agreement upon ratification by all parties. Any one of the participating parties may withdraw from the Agreement by giving a ninety (90) day notice of termination to the other parties in writing. After the withdrawal of any party, the Agreement shall continue in force between the remaining parties.

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4. PAYMENT FOR AID It is the intent of the Parties that the Requesting Party reimburses the Assisting Party for those costs directly incurred by the Assisting Party in the provision of Aid to the Requesting Party in accordance with Schedule “B” attached to this Agreement. The Assisting Party shall provide a statement accounting for the costs directly incurred by the Assisting Party in the provision of Aid to the Requesting Party. Upon the provision of an invoice and statement of costs by the Assisting Party to a Requesting Party for the costs directly incurred by the Assisting Party for the provision of Aid, the Requesting Party shall pay such costs to the Assisting Party in accordance with the payment terms of such invoice. Invoices that include compensation for purchased goods and accommodation will be accompanied by supporting documentation and proof of payment. All sales tax, social service tax, value added tax, goods and services tax or any other similar tax, charge, duty or rate, irrespective of the governmental authority that imposes it, shall be assessed on a Requesting Party at the time and in the manner required by the applicable legislation. Rates for vehicle rental shall be based on the current year Alberta Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA) Equipment Rental Rates Guide for the purposes of billing or such other rates for vehicle rentals agreed upon by the Parties from time to time.

5. INDEMNIFICATION, INSURANCE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY It is understood and agreed that the Assisting Party shall not be liable for any penalties, damages or losses whatsoever for delay or for failure to respond to any call for Aid or for any breach of this Agreement committed by the Assisting Party. The Requesting Party shall indemnify and save harmless the Assisting Party and its elected officials, directors, employees, servants, agents, insurers, successors and assigns from and against all losses, costs, damages, injury or expense to person or property of every nature or kind whatsoever arising out of, or in any way attributable to the provision of Aid, except where the same are caused by the negligence of wilful misconduct of an employee, servant, agent or volunteer of the Assisting Party. The Requesting Party shall indemnify and save harmless the Assisting Party and its elected officials, directors, employees, servants, agents, insurers, successors and assigns for damage or loss of any apparatus or equipment which results due to the Assisting Party providing Aid. The Requesting Party shall indemnify and save harmless the Assisting Party and its elected officials, directors, employees, servants, agents, insurers, successors and assigns from and against all losses, costs, damages, injury, death or expense to any person employed by the Assisting Party resulting from or in any way attributable to the provision of Aid, except where the same are caused by the negligence of wilful misconduct of an employee, servant, agent or volunteer of the Assisting Party. The Requesting Party hereby remises, releases and discharges the Assisting Party and its elected officials, directors, employees, servants, agents, insurers, successors and assigns of all and from all manner of actions, causes of action or claims and demands of every nature or kind which the Requesting Party may have against the Assisting Party and its elected officials,

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directors, employees, servants, agents, insurers, successors and assigns by reason of any breach of this Agreement by the Assisting Party, except where the same are caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of an employee, servant, agent or volunteer of the Assisting Party. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, and in particular, sections 5.1 to 5.5 of this Agreement, no Party to this Agreement shall have any liability to the other whatsoever: 5.6.1. with respect to their respective obligations under this Agreement, or otherwise, for consequential, indirect, exemplary or punitive damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages; and 5.6.2. for any losses, claims, demands, actions, payments, judgements, costs or expenses whatsoever that a Party may incur due to the other Party’s refusal or inability to provide Aid upon request. During the Term, each party shall, at its respective cost and expense: 5.7.1. Maintain all requisite Federal, Provincial, and Municipal licenses, permits and approvals for all services contemplated pursuant to this Agreement; 5.7.2. Maintain all emergency Equipment in good working order; 5.7.3. Maintain coverage for its personnel pursuant to the applicable workers’ compensation legislation; and 5.7.4. Maintain in full force and effect General Liability insurance in an amount no less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) per occurrence for personal injury and/or property damage and any other insurance that is mutually agreed to by the parties hereto and reasonably obtainable by both. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that the aforementioned policy limits do not define or limit a Party’s liability to indemnify the other Party under this Agreement.

6. GENERAL A Party shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of all Parties. The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the respective successors and permitted assigns of the parties to this Agreement. The parties hereto further acknowledge and agree that they will comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and codes applicable to the provision of services and support being provided within the Province of Alberta and the Province of Saskatchewan, as applicable. Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, or in any acts of either Party pursuant to this Agreement, shall be construed, implied or deemed to create an agency, partnership, joint venture or employer and employee relationship between the parties hereto, and no Party has the authority to bind any other to any obligation of any kind. If any term, covenant or condition of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected, and each remaining term, covenant or

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condition of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. This Agreement and the schedules hereto attached constitute the entire agreement between the Parties, and supersede all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, of the Parties. In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, the Parties agree that, if such dispute cannot be resolved by mutual negotiations, they will submit the dispute to a third-party arbitrator for a determination pursuant to the Arbitration Act (Alberta). The costs of the arbitrator will be shared equally between the Parties. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the Parties may enter or have entered into other mutual aid agreements in relation to emergency services, and that this Agreement is independent of such other agreements and contains separate and distinct agreements which are intended to operate notwithstanding the provisions of any other agreements. The Parties agree that this Agreement shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with the laws in the Province of Alberta.

7. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY All documentation and all information and data received and compiled by the Assisting Party while providing Aid to the Requesting Party shall be treated as confidential for the benefit of the Requesting Party and constitutes a part of the Requesting Party’s property and shall not be disclosed or made known to any other person except as authorized by the Requesting Party. The Assisting Party acknowledges and agrees that the Requesting Party is the sole legal and beneficial owner of any and all of the Requesting Party’s property.

8. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY Notwithstanding the termination or expiry of the Agreement, the Parties acknowledge that information and records compiled or created under this Agreement in the custody of any Party may be subject to the Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Saskatchewan) or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta). If a request is received for such records by either Party, both Parties agree to cooperate with one another to exchange such information as is reasonably necessary for the Party that received the request to respond appropriately. This Section shall survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.

9. ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES Any notices under this Agreement given to the parties shall be conclusively deemed to be sufficiently given if personally delivered, sent by prepaid registered mail addressed or sent by electronic media as per Schedule “A” attached to this Agreement, or; To any other address as may be designated in writing by the parties:

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9.2.1. Notice given by registered mail, if posted in Alberta, shall conclusively be deemed to have been received on the fifth (5th) business day following the date on which such notice is mailed.

9.2.2. Notice given by registered mail, if posted in Saskatchewan, shall conclusively be deemed to have been received on the tenth (10th) business day following the date on which such notice is mailed.

In the event of a postal strike, notice may only be given by personal delivery.

Any notice sent electronically before 4:30 p.m. local time on a business day or received on a day other than a business day shall be deemed to have been received on the next business day.

10. SIGNING IN COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in several Counterparts each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterpart shall constitute the one and same instrument and notwithstanding their date of execution shall be deemed to bear date as of the date first above written.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the proper signing officers on behalf of the Parties give effect to this Agreement by their signature.

Signature Blocks

Page 100 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement


CITY OF 4420 -50th Avenue, Lloydminster, AB T9V 0W2 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-875-6184

REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WOOD BUFFALO 9909 Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 2K4 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-743-7000

RM OF MANITOU LAKE #442 Box 69 Marsden, Saskatchewan S0M 1P0 Email: [email protected] Work: (306) 826-5215

RM OF BRITTANIA #502 4824-47th Street, P.O. Box 661 Lloydminster, Saskatchewan S0M1R0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-825-8894

RM OF WILTON #472 P.O. Box 40 Marshall, Saskatchewan S9V 0Y7 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-825-8894

TOWN OF MARSHALL P.O. Box 40 Marshall, Saskatchewan S9V 0Y7 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-387-6340

Page 101 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

TOWN OF LASHBURN 78 Main Street Box 328, Lashburn, Saskatchewan Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-285-3533

RM OF SENLAC #411 Box 130 Senlac, Saskatchewan S0L 2Y0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-228-3339

RM OF CUTKNIFE #439 Box 70 Cutknife, SK S0M 0N0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-398-2353

TOWN OF CUTKNIFE Box 130 Cutknife, SK S0M 0N0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-398-2839

RM OF EYEHILL #382 Box 39 Macklin, SK S0L 2C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-753-2075

TOWN OF MACKLIN Box 69 Macklin, Saskatchewan S0L 2C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 306-753-2256

COUNTY OF VERMILION RIVER #24 P.O. Box 69 Kitscoty, Alberta T0B 2P0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-846-2244

Page 102 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

TOWN OF VERMILION 5029-49th Avenue, Vermilion, Alberta T9X 1X1 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-853-5358

VILLAGE OF DEWBERRY P.O. Box 30 Dewberry, Alberta T0B 1G0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-847-3053

VILLAGE OF KITSCOTY P.O. Box 128 Kitscoty, Alberta T0B 2P0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-846-2213

VILLAGE OF MARWAYNE P.O. Box 113 Marwayne, Alberta T0B 2X0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-847-3962

VILLAGE OF PARADISE VALLEY Box 24 Paradise Valley, Alberta T0B 3R0 Email: Phone: 780-745-2287

COUNTY OF MINBURN #27 4909-50th Street, Box 550 Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1R6 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-632-2082

TOWN OF VEGREVILLE 4829-50th Street, Box 640 Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1R7 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-632-2606

Page 103 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

VILLAGE OF MANNVILLE 5127-50th Street, P.O. Box 180 Mannville, Alberta T0B 2W0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-763-3500

CITY OF COLD LAKE 5513-48th Avenue Cold Lake, Alberta T9M 1A1 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-594-4494

BUFFALO LAKE METIS SETTLEMENT Box 16 Caslan, Alberta T0A 0R0 Email: Phone: 780-689-2170

ELIZABETH METIS SETTLEMENT Box 420 Cold Lake, Alberta T9M 1P1 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-594-5028

FISHING LAKE METIS SETTLEMENT 5007-50th Street Sputinow, Alberta T0A 3G0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-943-2202

KIKINO METIS SETTLEMENT General Delivery Kikino, Alberta T0A 2C0 Email: Phone: 780-623-7868

MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF #87 4905-50th Avenue, Bag 1010 Bonnyville, Alberta T9N 2J7 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-826-3171

Page 104 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

TOWN OF BONNYVILLE 4917-49th Avenue P.O. Box 1006 Bonnyville, Alberta T9N 2J7 Email: Phone: 780-826-3496

VILLAGE OF GLENDON Box 177 Glendon, Alberta T0A 1P0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-635-3807

LAC LA BICHE COUNTY County Centre Box 1679 Lac La Biche, Alberta T0A 2C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-623-1747

COUNTY OF ST PAUL 5015-49th Avenue St Paul, Alberta T0A 3A4 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-645-3301

TOWN OF ST PAUL 5101-50th Street St. Paul, Alberta T0A 3A0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-645-4481

TOWN OF ELK POINT 4914-50th Avenue Elk Point, Alberta T0A 1A0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-724-3810

COUNTY OF ATHABASCA 3602-48TH Avenue Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1M8 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-675-2273

Page 105 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

TOWN OF ATHABASCA 4705-49th Avenue Athabasca, Alberta T9S 1B7 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-675-2063

VILLAGE OF BOYLE Box 9 Boyle, Alberta T0A 0M0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-689-3643

SMOKY LAKE COUNTY 4612 McDougall Drive, P.O. Box 310 Smoky Lake, Alberta T0A 3C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-656-3730

TOWN OF SMOKY LAKE 56 Wheatland Avenue Smoky Lake, Alberta T0A 3C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-656-3674

VILLAGE OF VILNA Box 10 Vilna, Alberta T0A 3L0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-636-3620

VILLAGE OF WASKATENAU 5008-51ST Street P.O. Box 99 Waskatenau, Alberta T0A 3P0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-358-2208

TWO HILLS COUNTY 4818-50th Avenue, Box 490 Two Hills, Alberta T0B 4K0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-657-3358

Page 106 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

TOWN OF TWO HILLS 4712-50th Street P.O. Box 630 Two Hills, Alberta T0B 4K0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-657-3395

MD OF WAINWRIGHT No. 61 717-14th Avenue Wainwright, Alberta T9W 1B3 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-842-4454

TOWN OF WAINWRIGHT 1018-2nd Avenue Wainwright, Alberta T9W 1R1 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-842-3381

VILLAGE OF IRMA P.O. Box 419 Irma, Alberta T0B 2H0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-754-3668

MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF PROVOST 4504-53 Avenue P.O. Box 300 Provost, Alberta T0B 3S0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-753-6432

TOWN OF PROVOST Box 449 Provost, Alberta T0B 3S0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-753-2261

VILLAGE OF AMISK 5005-50th Street Amisk, Alberta T0B 0B0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-856-3980

Page 107 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

VILLAGE OF CZAR P.O. Box 30 Czar, Alberta T0B 0Z0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-857-2353

VILLAGE OF MYRNAM Box 278 Myrnam, Alberta T0B 3K0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-366-3910

VILLAGE OF HUGHENDEN 33 McKenzie Avenue, P.O. Box 26 Hughenden, Alberta T0B 0E0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-856-2034

FLAGSTAFF COUNTY 12435 Twp. Road 442 P.O. Box 358 Sedgewick, AB T0B 4C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-384-4100

TOWN OF Box 610 Daysland, Alberta T0B 1A0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-374-2455

TOWN OF KILLAM 4923-50TH Street P.O. Box 189 Killam, Alberta T0B 2L0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-385-3977

TOWN OF SEDGEWICK P.O. Box 129 Sedgewick, Alberta T0B 4C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-384-3504

Page 108 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

TOWN OF 4807-49TH Street Box 10 Hardisty, Alberta T0B 1V0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-888-3623

VILLAGE OF ALLIANCE P.O. Box 149 Alliance, Alberta T0B 0A0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-879-3911

VILLAGE OF FORESTBURG P.O. Box 210 Forestburg, Alberta Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-582-3668

VILLAGE OF HEISLER 128 Main Street P.O. Box 60 Heisler, Alberta T0B 2A0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-889-3774

VILLAGE OF LOUGHEED Box 5 Lougheed, Alberta T0B 2V0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-386-3970

BEAVER COUNTY 5120-50th Street P.O. Box 140 Ryley, Alberta T0B 4A0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-663-3730

WESTLOCK COUNTY 10336-106 Street Westlock, Alberta T7P 2G1 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-349-3346

Page 109 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

TOWN OF WESTLOCK 10003-106 Street Westlock, Alberta T7P 2K3 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-349-4445

VILLAGE OF CLYDE Box 190 4812-50th Street Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-348-5356

THORHILD COUNTY Box 10 Thorhild, Alberta T0A 3J0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-398-3741

LAMONT COUNTY 5303 – 50 Avenue Lamont, Alberta T0B-2R0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-895-2233

TOWN OF LAMONT 5307-50 Avenue Lamont, Alberta T0B-2R0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-895-2010

VILLAGE OF CHIPMAN Box 176 Chipman, Alberta T0B-0W0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-363-2386

TOWN OF Box 348 Mundare, Alberta T0B-3H0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-764-3929

Page 110 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

VILLAGE OF ANDREW Box 180 Andrew, Alberta T0B-0C0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780-365-3687

BRUDERHEIM Box 280 , AB T0B-0S0 Email: [email protected] Phone: 780 796-3731

Page 111 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement


1- Mileage – Vehicles under one-ton mileage rate shall be the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) reasonable per-kilometre allowance. This rate shall apply to any mileage incurred during the response and to/from the event.

2- Lodging – Cost Recovery.

3- Meals – Current per diem rates approved by the Assisting Party’s Council. In the event no rates have been approved- Breakfast $20.00 – Lunch $20.00 – Supper $ 30.00.

4- Consumables- Cost Recovery.

5- Personnel – Cost Recovery.

6- Personnel Volunteer - $25.00 / Hr. Overtime after 8 (eight) hours at 1.5 X Rate / Day.

7- Personnel Paid on Call – Cost Recovery.

8- Damaged Equipment – Cost Recovery of repair or replacement.

9- Fire Apparatus: Rates established by the Assisting Agency Council

10- If no prior approved Fire Apparatus rates established by the Assisting Agency Council then;

a. For Saskatchewan based resources, the SGI Municipal Fire Services Compensation for Motor Vehicle Collision Responses rates; b. For Alberta based resources, the Government of Alberta rates as provided by the Alberta Structure Protection Program Operational Guidelines.

11- Other Vehicles and Construction Equipment – Alberta Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA) Equipment Rental Rates Guide in effect at the time of activation.

12- Assisting Party will provide backup data for cost recovery items in accordance with accepted accounting practices.

Page 112 of 129 10.2 BORDERLANDS Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement

BORDERLANDS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT SCHEDULE “C” RESOURCE REQUEST FORM Resource Request Form Requesting Party: ______Assisting Party: ______The Requesting Party formally requests the following resources from the Assisting Party for an estimated duration of ______days. Ensure requests are very specific/detailed to ensure appropriate resources are dispatched.

1: ______

2: ______

3: ______

4: ______

5: ______

6: ______

7: ______

If further resources are required attach an additional sheet.

A. The Requesting Party agrees that if personnel are to be deployed for greater than 12 (twelve) hours at a distance of greater 150 Km from home base, lodging will be supplied for a minimum of 8 (eight) hour rest period.

B. The Requesting Party agrees to ensure adequate food and lodging are supplied to Assisting Party personnel if deployed greater than 24 (twenty-four) hours.

C. The Requesting Party agrees to pay the Assisting Party at the rates specified in Appendix B.

D. The Assisting Party’s Designated Officer will respond as soon as possible via written or verbal communication. If verbal then written confirmation must follow as expeditiously as possible.

Requesting Party Designated Officer: ______Contact Information:

Signature: ______Cellular Phone: ______

Date: ______E-Mail: ______

Page 113 of 129 13.2 Town of Smoky Lake Development Permit for Zane Huchulak & Glenda McGinnis

LAND USE BYLAW ��a@ fv{C�ne+N?fiber a/J,f{tJ--'0 / APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT • '-Q, l hereby make application under the provisions of the Land Use Bylaw fora Development Permit in accordance with the plans and supporting information submitted herewithand which formspart of this application. This permit is valid for 90 days from date of approval. , Applicant: � �clJa.t / � \€1\_Jt( µy;;�'Jl�hone: l8o -bS-0 ---650d "'f S\ l) � S Vv\l)� \,._a.,(£ A \ � Owno, of Land: C)._s ccu----t �-e �f I � Address of Property to be Developed '3"3t:,4 S O � S � � Interest of Applicant ifnot Owner of land: ______

Lot (parcel): ___\.,_ 4___ Block: ___\-'------Registered Plan No.: ------'-\_J{,,,___L__,,3=--4__,__D_F_ Existing use of land or buildings on the property: � :0\ y.e_C--T Coo.. ··\--yo } l2 Proposed Development:__ �-----'--''£:L...>o,L_ �____.D"""--S=---o�d�tjt)_ i...__u,_.=__,5.,e.,��c::\_�ili_�-r/_ .__0_0____4 _

Proposed Accessory Use: -�V\�-� ------

Land Use District:______Lot type: Interior__ _ _ Corner__ __

t width: )� · '::)-c, 1/V\ Lot length: Lot area:

.oposed Yards: Front: ______Rear: ------Side: ------Proposed Floor Area:______Estimated Value of Project/Construction$

Height of Main Building:______Height of Accessory Building(s):______

Off-Street Parking: Size of spaces: ______Number of Spaces:______

Off-Street Loading: Size of spaces: ______Number of Spaces: ______Estimated commencement date: ¥\ \ \ \ 21:>2o Estimated completion date: l\lo-J3 l I 20 2.D Other supporting material attached: �>,..>..g__ � \�'(\..\ \ S-t� � �0-V"\ ' LuJL-<)+c\. 12__0-s:f-v , ...eaj


The above application has been APPROVED---- REFUSED ------

...,onditions of Approval (if any) Reasons for Refusal . - /1{.,� q_,, k.�{,,.1 ,,� ±P/ fl�/ ./4(. ,,JU / 4-&Dk odl.v . .te of Decision: & b Ar, 2020 Date oflssue of this Notice and Permit: __:. , 2020

Signed: --cfl-r--'----£.AO

) Site Plan �------· -·---

N � 60 u J l: + � 8-

1J --1 i--' ---- � 0 � .::e

� f-r �t /Oof-f � Meu:>S j- v-itv


Note: Sketch a proposed site plan as of time� ofl sale that includes, a)the size and location of proposed building, b) distance to property lines in all directions, c) location, height, and distance to a[/ existing structures, d) /ocat1an of any proposed future buildings adjacent to the proposed building, and e) any notable topographicalfeatures such as tree lines, power lines, easements, etc. l u

Page 2 Page 115 of 129 13.2 Town of Smoky Lake Development Permit for Zane Huchulak & Glenda McGinnis

n I n I I r I / I ) .. I I ,., ,/J ; i 11!fill"n3r1 -- - 7 I .,,,.,,, - -- , ' 1, I � < f 1 ,., 1 ! I I i ,.,/ ' front I / / I I 20'-0" ,9 I / I /./ I � 14'-0" I JI�/ I 14'-0" _,,_ - - - � ,- - H ' ) - - - 11�!£-I!- - 1-1 - � � - - - - /l ...... I 1 1 -1-1 ·,. It,· I I i I ,, '· / ------1 - - 7 I '· ) ,/ ,.i;- )- - � . '- I / ...... I I ./ ' ·, I ' / ,/ / I .... i' MECHANICAL I ' I i ,.,/ I I / r PANTRY '· I i' ROOM I '· / I .,. // \ ·, I' / P'-8" / j, \ I ', l,,1/ H,,I I\ i' I ·, ! 7 .... \ I I 1SiJND 0 0 SHELVES / ·, 7 .... I 0 I I '- \ ,I \ Jo o 111 0 1 \ I I '- \ I 11 1; \ ' I Q ' \ I '· \ 1 · I :a (l \ !i l I \ '- ' � I ·, ,o, 8. El \ ''--W-7N --� . \ I I I \ ' -,□ !� r-=i== II ,� I ./n,.,e...... -➔ �- ' \ ,, I PI ace \ ,,,,,,.,------flJ� \ '- I \ I \ ', I \ ' I ., '- '-0; I 1 I \ I ·, '· I tv \ ' y-- i' \ \ -l(j,9 '- ·, 13'-8" i' i' \ II AA IU , J/J5,, '-, ' ·, 1600 sq.ft \ /ffkil \ i' \ �I - .... 1' i' \ �� 14'-0" i' i' \�11 �

I L_ -i-, , , , , , 11, , ,111 ; .. ,II , ,I ,l , , , , , , 0" L l J - 54'.f.- .. -,r --t� l� Page 116 of 129 13.2 Town of Smoky Lake Development Permit for Zane Huchulak & Glenda McGinnis ROADSIDE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT NEAR A PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY (print please) Alberta Transportation Permit # ______

Applicant’s Name

Mailing Address

City/Town/Village Province Postal Code

Phone # Fax # e-mail

Landowner’s Name (if different from above) Mailing Address

City/Town/Village Province Postal Code

Phone # Fax # e-mail

APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO: (Please provide a description of the proposed development including all proposed above and below ground installations. Attach a detailed report if necessary.)

Also attach a plan showing in detail the location of all existing and proposed development and access.

Property Information

(NE, NW, SE, SW) ¼ Section Township Range West of Meridian

Lot Block Plan Number Parcel size (acres or hectares)

Highway No. kilometres of

(north, south, etc.) (City, Town or Village)

Distance of the proposed development to the highway right-of-way boundary metres

Name of Municipality Existing / Proposed Land Use Estimated cost of proposed development

It is understood that all works will be constructed, altered, maintained or operated at the sole expense of the undersigned, and that any work must not begin before a permit has been issued by Alberta Transportation.

In consideration of any permit issued in respect to this application, the Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless Alberta Transportation, its employees and agents from any and all claims, demands, actions and costs whatsoever that may arise, directly or indirectly from anything done or omitted to be done in the construction, maintenance, alteration or operation of the works authorized. The Applicant also consents to a person designated by Alberta Transportation to enter upon land for the purpose of inspection during the processing of this application.

The issuance of a permit by Alberta Transportation does not relieve the holder of the responsibility of complying with relevant municipal bylaws and this permit once issued does not excuse violation of any regulation, bylaw or act which may affect this project.

I ______hereby certify that ____ I am the registered owner ______(print full name) Signature

I ______hereby certify that ____ I am authorized to act on ______(print full name) the owner’s behalf Signature and that the information given on this form is full and complete and is, to the best of my knowledge, a true statement of facts relating to this application for roadside development. (Date) ______Page 117 of 129 13.2 Town of Smoky Lake Development Permit for Zane Huchulak & Glenda McGinnis ROADSIDE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT NEAR A PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY

Alberta Transportation Permit # ______

Note: distances may be shown in metres or feet SITE PLAN

______Signature of Registered Owner or Authorized Agent

Page 118 of 129 15.1 a) Lac La Biche County`s 2020 Healthier Communities Golf Tournament

Lac La Biche County welcoming by nature. �(CJETIVJE� fficeof the Mayor

March 3, 2020 MAR 1 2 MO


Per ...... His Workship Hank Holowaychuk, Mayor, Town of Smoky Lake PO Box 460 Smoky Lake, AB TOA 3C0

Dear His Workship Hank Holowaychuk, Mayor, Town of Smoky Lake:

On behalf of Lac La Biche County, I wish to extend an invitation for your organization to join us at the 2020 Healthier Communities Golf Tournament.This event will be held on Monday, June 15, 2020 at the Lac La Biche Golf & Country Club, one of the most scenic golf courses in Alberta.

We are pleased to announce the proceeds from the 2020 Healthier Communities Golf Tournamentwill be divided between the Lac La Biche Regional Health Foundation and Portage College, for futuredevelopment of healthcare services and training opportunities in our region.

If you would like to register a team, or if you have any questions, please contact Mackenzie Girard at (780) 623-6809 or email [email protected].

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you.


Omer Moghrabi Mayor, Lac La Biche County cc: Lac La Biche County Council Dan Small, Interim Acting Chief Administrative Officer


Box 1679 • Lac La Biche, Alberta TOA 2CO • 780-623-1747 • 119 of 129 15.1 a) Lac La Biche County`s 2020 Healthier Communities Golf Tournament

TOURNAMENT DETAILS • REGISTRATION FEES • WHEN: Monda½JunelS,2020 Early Bird $1,200 $300 $250 $1,000 BeforeApril 13 Breakfast & Registration: 8:30- 70 am Registration $1,400 $350 $300 $1,200 Shotgun Start: 10:30 am AfterApril 13 Banquet Dinner: 5:30 pm

WHERE: RAISING FUNDS Lac La Biche Golf & Country Club FOR A HEALTHIER FUTURE e • 10 Provincial Park Rd. The proceeds from the 2020 Healthier Lac La Biche, Alberta Communities Golf Tournament will be split between the Health Foundation and Portage College for future development of healthcare services and training opportunities in our region. Page 120 of 129 15.1 b) STARS Foundation re: Future meeting with Council to discuss sponsorship

March 26, 2020

Dear Council Members,

I hope this finds you safe and well during the uncertainties that we are all experiencing with the COVID- 19 Pandemic at the forefront of our everyday lives.

It is times like these, when we must rely on the goodness of humanity and it brings to mind; people like yourselves, leaders of the community, who have made solid commitments to ensure the safety and well- being for all. We need you more than ever now and we thank you for your unwavering support that enables STARS to be available for the next patient who needs us.

It may appear that the world has come to a stand-still . . . but life still goes on. During such stressful times, critical illnesses like heart attack or stroke occur every day, motor vehicle collisions, and those who may have lost their way (search & rescue) are still happening. STARS remains mission-ready to answer these calls for help. Please remember, this is not the first time that we have faced this type of situation i.e. HIV, SARS, H1N1 and now COVID-19. Be assured, our air medical crews routinely care for patients who may be afflicted with a range of communicable diseases. STARS have protocols and training in place to ensure that we can safely manage these illnesses, including COVID-19.

We commend the dedicated men and women within emergency protective services who continue to put our lives, ahead of their own and STARS is honored to work alongside them every day. Even behind the scenes, medical supply companies contacted us in advance, to ensure that safety and medical supplies would be readily available. Just another way that emphasizes how it takes a community to save a life.

Most councils have closed offices and cancelled their meetings until further notice. We have done the same and apart from medical crews at the bases, all support staff are working from home. I look forward to future opportunities when we can re-connect, and I can visit your councils again. In the meantime, I will continue to keep you updated through e-mail. I am also available directly on cell at (780) 512-6205 if you have any questions.

Thank you for being there for STARS. Together, we will persevere and realize a better tomorrow.

Glenda Farnden Senior Municipal Relations Liaison STARS Foundation

Page 121 of 129 15.1 c) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration - Waskatenau

ALBERTA MUNICIPALAFFAIRS Officeof the Minister MLA, Edmonton-South West


March 31, 2020

His Worship Casey Caron Mayor Village of Waskatenau PO Box 99 Waskatenau AB TOA 3PO

Dear Mayor Caron,

Through the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) program, the Government of Alberta encourages strengthened relationships between municipalities and cooperative approaches to service delivery. By working in partnership with our neighbours, we create opportunities that support economic development and job creation. Together, we help build vibrant, resilient communities for thebenefit of all Albertans.

I am pleased to inform you that the Village of Waskatenau has been approved for a grant of $200,000 under the 2019/20 ACP lntermunicipal Collaboration component in support of your Infrastructure Assessment Study project. This approval does not signify broader support for any recommendation or outcome that might result from your project.

The conditional grant agreement will be sent shortly to your chief administrative officer to obtain the appropriate signatures.

The provincial government looks forward to celebrating your ACP-funded project with you and your municipal partnership. I encourage you to send invitations for these milestone events to my office. We ask you advise Municipal Affairs a minimum of 15 working days prior to the proposed event. If you would like to discuss possible activities or events to recognize your ACP achievements, please contact a grant advisor, toll-free at 310-0000, then 780-422-7125, or at [email protected].

132 Legislature Building, 10800 - 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Canada Telephone 780-427-3744 Fax 780-422-9550

0 Prinlcdon nxydafpa/l<"T Page 122 of 129 15.1 c) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration - Waskatenau


I congratulate the partnership on initiating this project, and I wish you every success in your efforts.


Hon. Kaycee Madu Minister of Municipal Affairs

cc: Laila Goodridge, MLA, Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche Glenn van Dijken, MLA, Athabasca-Barrhead-Westlock David B. Hanson, MLA, Bonnyville-Cold Lake-St. Paul Leo Paul Chapdelaine, Mayor, Village of Vilna Craig Lukinuk, Reeve, Smoky Lake County Bernice Macyk, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Waskatenau Debbie Hackman, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Vi Ina Cory Ollikka, Chief Administrative Officer, Smoky Lake County

132 Legislature Building, 10800 - 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Canada Telephone 780-427-3744 Fax 780-422-9550

l}Prinfc:d on recycledpapa Page 123 of 129 15.1 d) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration – Smoky Lake County

ALBERTA MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS Office of the Minister MLA, Edmonton-South West


March 31, 2020

Reeve Craig Lukinuk Smoky Lake County PO Box 310 Smoky Lake AB T0A 3C0

Dear Reeve Lukinuk,

Through the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) program, the Government of Alberta encourages strengthened relationships between municipalities and cooperative approaches to service delivery. By working in partnership with our neighbours, we create opportunities that support economic development and job creation. Together, we help build vibrant, resilient communities for the benefit of all Albertans.

I am pleased to inform you that Smoky Lake County has been approved for a grant of $200,000 under the 2019/20 ACP Intermunicipal Collaboration component in support of your Regional Geographic Information System Infrastructure Data Integration project. This approval does not signify broader support for any recommendation or outcome that might result from your project.

The conditional grant agreement will be sent shortly to your chief administrative officer to obtain the appropriate signatures.

The provincial government looks forward to celebrating your ACP-funded project with you and your municipal partnership. I encourage you to send invitations for these milestone events to my office. We ask you advise Municipal Affairs a minimum of 15 working days prior to the proposed event. If you would like to discuss possible activities or events to recognize your ACP achievements, please contact a grant advisor, toll-free at 310-0000, then 780-422-7125, or at [email protected].

132 Legislature Building, 10800 - 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Canada Telephone 780-427-3744 Fax 780-422-9550

Printed on recycled paper Page 124 of 129 15.1 d) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration – Smoky Lake County

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I congratulate the partnership on initiating this project, and I wish you every success in your efforts.


Hon. Kaycee Madu Minister of Municipal Affairs

cc: Laila Goodridge, MLA, Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche Glenn van Dijken, MLA, Athabasca-Barrhead-Westlock David B. Hanson, MLA, Bonnyville-Cold Lake-St. Paul Hank Holowaychuk, Mayor, Town of Smoky Lake Leo Paul Chapdelaine, Mayor, Village of Vilna Casey Caron, Mayor, Village of Waskatenau Cory Ollikka, Chief Administrative Officer, Smoky Lake County Adam Kozakiewicz, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Smoky Lake Debbie Hackman, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Vilna Bernice Macyk, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Waskatenau

132 Legislature Building, 10800 - 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Canada Telephone 780-427-3744 Fax 780-422-9550

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15.1 e) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration – Town of Smoky Lake

ALBERTA MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS Office of the Minister MLA, Edmonton-South West


March 31, 2020

His Worship Hank Holowaychuk Mayor Town of Smoky Lake PO Box 460 Smoky Lake AB T0A 3C0

Dear Mayor Holowaychuk,

Through the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) program, the Government of Alberta encourages strengthened relationships between municipalities and cooperative approaches to service delivery. By working in partnership with our neighbours, we create opportunities that support economic development and job creation. Together, we help build vibrant, resilient communities for the benefit of all Albertans.

I am pleased to inform you that the Town of Smoky Lake has been approved for a grant of $200,000 under the 2019/20 ACP Intermunicipal Collaboration component in support of your Regional Water Services Facility Design Study project. This approval does not signify broader support for any recommendation or outcome that might result from your project.

The conditional grant agreement will be sent shortly to your chief administrative officer to obtain the appropriate signatures.

The provincial government looks forward to celebrating your ACP-funded project with you and your municipal partnership. I encourage you to send invitations for these milestone events to my office. We ask you advise Municipal Affairs a minimum of 15 working days prior to the proposed event. If you would like to discuss possible activities or events to recognize your ACP achievements, please contact a grant advisor, toll-free at 310-0000, then 780-422-7125, or at [email protected].

132 Legislature Building, 10800 - 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Canada Telephone 780-427-3744 Fax 780-422-9550

Printed on recycled paper Page 126 of 129 15.1 e) 2019-20 Alberta Community Partnership Intermunicipal Collaboration – Town of Smoky Lake

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I congratulate the partnership on initiating this project, and I wish you every success in your efforts.


Hon. Kaycee Madu Minister of Municipal Affairs

cc: Laila Goodridge, MLA, Fort McMurray-Lac La Biche Glenn van Dijken, MLA, Athabasca-Barrhead-Westlock David B. Hanson, MLA, Bonnyville-Cold Lake-St. Paul Craig Lukinuk, Reeve, Smoky Lake County Adam Kozakiewicz, Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Smoky Lake Cory Ollikka, Chief Administrative Officer, Smoky Lake County

132 Legislature Building, 10800 - 97 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Canada Telephone 780-427-3744 Fax 780-422-9550

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15.1 f) Waskatenau United Church 100th Anniversary


SAVE THE DATE! SPREAD THE WORD! SUNDAY JULY 5, 2020 You are invited to the Waskatenau United Church 100th Anniversary

Worship at Waskatenau Community Centre 11:00 AM Lunch (free will offering) 1:00 PM Historic Driving Tour 3:00 PM

Your stories, photos or memorabilia would be welcome for our displays. Check us out on Facebook or at our new website

Please RSVP by June 1, 2020.

RSVP’s, inquiries, photos or stories to share can be sent to: email: [email protected] or call Charlotte Roch at 780-656-5514

Page 128 of 129 15.1 f) Waskatenau United Church 100th Anniversary


SAVE THE DATE! SPREAD THE WORD! SAVE THE DATE! SPREAD THE WORD! JULY 5, 2020 JULY 5, 2020 You are invited to the You are invited to the Waskatenau United Church 100th Anniversary Waskatenau United Church 100th Anniversary At Waskatenau Community Centre At Waskatenau Community Centre

Worship 11:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Lunch (free will offering) 1:00 PM Lunch (free will offering) 1:00 PM Historic Driving Tour 3:00 PM Historic Driving Tour 3:00 PM

Check us out on Facebook or on our new website Check us out on Facebook or on our new website

RSVP BY JUNE 1, 2020 RSVP BY JUNE 1, 2020

Your stories, photos or memorabilia relating to the church Your stories, photos or memorabilia relating to the church would be welcome! would be welcome! Contact us at [email protected] Contact us at [email protected] or phone Charlotte Roch at 780-656-5514 or phone Charlotte Roch at 780-656-5514

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