July 24 2015 / 8 Av 5775 Volume 19 – Number 27

Vintage... south african variety... and value at this year’s NAADA. Pages 8 and 9. Jewish Report www.sajr.co.za Sandwiches for Africa on Mandela Day Photos: Shereen Miller. Photos:

The Jewish community has taken the annual “67 Minutes for Mandela” to heart with innovation and passion, always exploring new ways to commemorate Nelson Mandela’s indelible legacy and his birthday - July 18. All efforts had one thing in common: reaching out to the less fortunate. This year’s activities ranged from sprucing up facilities for underprivileged kids, aiding moms and new-born babies - with goodie bags, to rebuilding shelters in Diepsloot township. A Mandela Day project that took Johannesburg by storm was the clarion call to the community to gather at Norwood Park to make sandwiches for orphanages, soup kitchens and homeless shelters. The initiative was the brainchild of Community Active Protection (CAP), which aimed to engage business as a force for positive change - and many major businesses answered the call with enthusiasm. The sandwiches were not only individually wrapped for delivery, but each sandwich bag was marked with a personal message from the maker. More than 40 000 sandwiches were counted, but long after counting had ceased, sandwiches still streamed in. Pictured are enthusiastic sandwich-makers Amanda Spitz with her children, Yona and Levi. See page 13.

Tisha B’Av – a day of Mid-East trip: Battle rages Great Park Synagogue – Campaign for (and against) SA contingent of six NGF mourning steeped in tradition Iran deal gets personal made its presence felt The battle continues against Tisha B’Av is considered the 16 ANC-affiliated students and This is the first in a series on US Vice-President Joe Biden had Among the great leaders of the saddest day on the Jewish business leaders who have been South African shuls. Almost an intimate phone call this week 20th century, the name Dr Nahum calendar and is marked by a ostracised and punished by BDS uniquely for a major Diaspora with about a thousand Jewish Goldmann should loom large. 25-hour fast. This, unlike Yom and ANC-aligned structures city, Johannesburg has had a leaders, beseeching, teaching and Goldmann was a major figure in Kippur, is not a Yomtov, when we for going on a fact-finding trip Jewish presence from its earliest preaching the Iran nuclear deal. the Zionist and Jewish world in the fast to cleanse ourselves of our to and Palestine earlier beginnings. The city was founded His imploring hour-long call on latter half of the 20th century. His sins and are permitted to study this month. What has emerged in 1886. The Great Synagogue can Monday typified how personal the legacy lives on in the International Torah, which is not allowed on are questions around SA policy trace its back to when the campaign for and against the Iran Fellowship. Tisha B’Av. 2 towards the Middle East. 3 city was less than a year old. 4 nuclear deal is becoming. 6 11

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ISAAC REZNIK marked by fasting

This year, Tisha B’Av marks the SUZANNE BELLING 31st anniversary since the pass- ing of Chief Rabbi Prof Louis Tisha B’Av is considered the saddest day on the Jewish Rabinowitz, zt’l (pictured). calendar and is marked by a 25-hour fast. This, unlike In 1945 this dynamic Yom Kippur, is not a Yomtov, when we fast to cleanse personality descended on the ourselves of our sins and are permitted to study Torah, South African community after which is not allowed on Tisha B’Av. a splendid career in one of This is a day of mourning, marked by fasting. Al- London’s large synagogues and though Jews drive and use electricity, it is advised not a memorable chaplaincy in the vociferous in his condemnation to work, but if this cannot be avoided, work should not British Army during the Second of their efforts. commence before noon. World War. Another aspect of his fearless- Tisha B’Av, first and foremost, commemorates the The community turned out ness was his very open and bla- destruction of the first and second Temples, both of en masse to witness his induc- tant condemnation of what he which were destroyed on the ninth of Av - the first in tion into office in the Great saw as the evils of the apartheid 586 BCE and the second in 70 CE. Synagogue amid all the pomp system and his sharp criticism It is also advised to remember other tragedies which gins this Saturday in Johannesburg at 17:35 means that and ceremony that the majestic of the government’s policy in have befallen the Jewish people on the 9th of Av, in- the pre-fast meal has to be consumed before this time. edifice could muster. this regard. cluding the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and from The fast ends at 18:02 on the Sunday. (See Shabbat Rabbi Rabinowitz was an Apartheid, he preached, was England. times below for times in other centres.) impressive figure. When he an abomination and could not The Mishna tells us that five specific events occurred Tisha B’Av is preceded in Ashkenazi tradition by three first arrived he used to dress be tolerated, especially by Jews on this date: weeks of mourning when no parties or simchas should on Shabbat and Yomtov in the who had known such discrimi- • The spies sent by Moses to report on the Land of take place and when meat is not eaten for nine days typical London fashion of black nation and oppression. Israel returned with negative reports, save for Joshua before Tisha B’Av except on Shabbos. The Sephardim morning coat, striped trou- After 17 years of loyal and and Caleb, which made the Children of Israel despair refrain from eating meat only in the week preceding the sers and top hat. All eyes were devoted and passionate service, of entering the Promised Land 9th of Av. turned on him when he walked Rabbi Rabinowitz, to the con- • The destruction of the first Temple by the Babylonians Rabbi Ari Shishler, spiritual leader of Chabad of through the streets of Hillbrow sternation of the community • The destruction of the second Temple by the Romans Strathavon, says that each year Jews should try and to his home in Parktown. and its leaders, elected to resign • The defeat of the Bar Kochba revolt by the Romans inject something new into the observance of Tisha B’Av. Rabbi Rabinowitz started and went to live in his beloved which destroyed over 500 000 Jews “This year we should endeavour to better our connection to make waves, in fact storms, Israel. Nothing could deter him • The ploughing of the site of the Temple and the sur- with Hashem in the absence of the Beit Hamikdash.” in the community from the from this sacred goal. rounding area As we are unable to fast for Tisha B’Av on Shabbos, moment of his arrival and The late Rabbi Gerald Maz- This year Tisha B’Av falls on Shabbos, when no which only happens every few years, one need not wait continued to do so until the day abow, zt’l a disciple of Rabbi mourning is permitted and usual eating and drinking until noon on Monday to eat meat, as is the usual prac- he left. Rabinowitz, published all his take place during the Sabbath day. The fast, which be- tice, but may partake of it after the fast ends. He was a most ardent Zionist speeches and sayings, in a book and when Britain was putting called “To Reach for the Moon”. KASHRUT ALERT all possible obstacles in the way Rabbi Rabinowitz passed on New kosher restaurant opens its doors of the Yishuv and was trying on Tisha B’Av 1984 after an to thwart the emergence of a illustrious career in Israel, as The kashrut division of the Union of Orthodox Synagogues has announced that Jordy’s Pacific Bistro (11 Swemmer Road, Silvamonte) is a newly-certified Beth Din Mehadrin meat restaurant and take-away. The contact number for more information is 072-338-8731. Jewish state, he was sharp and deputy mayor of .

Divine or human? Shabbat Times not just repeating Hashem’s word. Torah into our lives, in a manner that pro- Parshat Devarim This phenomenon was not unique to duces passion and excitement as any other Parshat Devarim Moshe. physical pursuit would. It does not have to Jul 24 / 8 Av We are taught that every original To- be a yoke forced upon us, but a part of who Jul 25 / 9 Av Rabbi Eli Spinner rah innovation, made by any scholar was we are. Chabad of Glenhazel contained in the Torah given at Sinai. This The book of Devarim is a prototype of this Begins Ends This week’s parsha is Devarim. It begins the amazing ability to connect with Hashem’s union. The line between the Divine and the 17:19 18:10 Johannesburg 17:43 18:37 Cape Town fifth book of the Torah bearing the same wisdom using our own human mind, is a gift human is blurred. 17:01 17:53 Durban name. In it, Moshe Rabeinu takes the op- from Hashem. Was it said by G-d or by man? Was it half 17:21 18:14 Bloemfontein portunity before his passing to rebuke the But why did Hashem arrange it this way? and half? It was said 100 per cent by both. 17:14 18:08 Port Elizabeth Jews and to explain various details of the Would it not suffice for His wisdom to re- Hashem’s will melded with Moshe’s. The 17:07 18:01 East London mitzvot. main G-dly, detached from the physical, and unity is complete. The book of Devarim differs from the first merely allow us to receive it from a distance? As we approach the ninth of Av, the day Tisha B’ Av four, as it was said by Moshe on his own, Hashem desires a complete relationship the destruction of both our Temples took Saturday July 25 Sunday July 26 whereas the first four were dictated to him with us. He uses his wisdom, namely the To- place, we mourn the loss of the physical Fast begins Fast ends by Hashem. rah, as a vehicle to transport Himself to our structures. This does not mean Moshe came up with domain, in a manner that we can relate to. Yet we are confident that with our own in- 17:35 18:02 Johannesburg it on his own, as it was certainly Divinely The connection is so complete, that we ner sanctuary where we unite with Hashem, 17:59 18:29 Cape Town 17:16 17:44 Durban inspired. Rather the Divine inspiration can unite with His wisdom and call it our it will ultimately manifest physically with 17:37 18:04 Bloemfontein manifested itself in Moshe’s mind to the own. the building of the third Beis Hamikdash 17:30 17:58 Port Elizabeth extent that it could be called his own, and This gives us the ability to integrate the speedily in our days. 17:23 17:50 East London

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Editor Vanessa Valkin - [email protected] • Sub-editor Paul Maree • Ed Co-ordinator Sharon Greenblatt - [email protected] • Advertising: Britt Landsman: 082-292-9520 South African - [email protected] • Classified sales: Shereen Miller: [email protected] • Distribution manager Britt Landsman • Design and layout: Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – bryan@ Jewish Report designbandits.co.za • Website: Anthony Katz • Subscription enquiries: Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860-13-2652. Board of Directors: Howard Sackstein (Chairman), Howard Feldman, Bertie Lubner, Benjy Porter, Herby Rosenberg, Herschel Jawitz, Dina Diamond. Advertisements and editorial copy from outside sources do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editors and staff. Tel: (011) 430-1980. 24 – 31 July 2015 News SA JEWISH REPORT 3 Community Voices Mid-East trip: Battle still rages Anti-Semitism in SA? Not really an issue ANT KATZ BDS policies supported the call for the suspen- sion of the 16, who continue to stand their Anti-Semitism is sometimes covert, sometimes overt. Apart from the anti-Israel sentiments The battle rages on against 16 young ANC- ground. vociferously expressed by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) NGO, the affiliated students and business leaders who Tensions between the ANC and BDS on misconceptions or prejudices by government and the ANC are a source of concern for South have been ostracised, intimidated and punished the one hand, and with government on the African Jews. The SA Jewish Report canvassed several members of the Jewish community on by BDS and ANC-aligned structures for going on other hand, are obviously heightening and, in whether or not they have experienced anti-Semitism personally. Has it changed over the years? a fact-finding trip to Israel and Palestine earlier some cases, BDS supporters are blaming that Those living in traditional “Jewish areas” are seemingly able to lead full Jewish lives, without this month. organisation for hiding the truth from them in any problems. It appears to be somewhat different when they live out of town or venture out of What emerged is a flurry of questions about the past. the Jewish suburbs. And, generally, in South Africa, anti-Semitism occurs less than in . what South Africa’s policy is towards the Middle Swartz says that government has never East and who, in fact, makes the policy. There adopted BDS policy as their own, as Deputy Former Johannesburger with people wearing kippot. appears to be a clear difference between the Minister in the Presidency Obed Bapela and Elaine Goldberg has lived I feel safe in the area, in the ANC as a party, and the government. SA Zionist others had claimed. Neither did they impose a in Knysna for 15 years since shops, the restaurants and Federation Chairman Ben Swartz calls this dis- travel ban - evidenced by President Jacob Zuma her marriage to Ken Gold- walking around.” tinction a display of “good governance” and told having twice in recent times dispatched his berg, who was treasurer of The only time Lorge had Jewish Report that the government had never personal high-level two-man delegation to Israel the Plettenberg Bay Hebrew a problem was when she imposed a travel ban or supported Boycott, to meet top foreign affairs officials and min- Congregation. They were the ventured out of her comfort Divestment and Sanctions (Israel) policies. isters there. On Sunday the media was awash first couple to be married zone and attended a party Last Thursday Cosas, the ANC-affiliated with stories on the issue, including four separate in the new Plett Shul and they were part of the with Jewish and non-Jewish guests. student organisation, suspended their members pieces in Durban’s Sunday Tribune, which also close-knit community in the resort town. “The boys we were with were wearing yarmul- who had gone on the trip. The 16 who went referenced Jewish Report’s coverage. “Unfortunately Ken passed away in 2003 kes openly and, as we walked past, there were to the Middle East, then issued a statement Monday saw more ANC/16/BDS-bashing in leaving me alone in Knysna. After a year on my derogatory remarks about ‘you Jews’.” blaming BDS which was, they said, hiding things the media with everyone jockeying for position. own, I bought a business, a little wool shop, and Lorge had never come across this type of from young people. On Tuesday, a senior Sasco official was grilled have been in Knysna all this time behaviour before. She has resolved to keep to Last Friday the ANC Youth League in the by a TV presenter during a lengthy interview in “All my few friends are non-Jewish, as are her area. Western Cape issued a statement saying that which he, too, spoke of following BDS policy to most of my clientele, with the occasional Jew- travel to Israel was against ANC policy and that prohibit their members from travelling to Israel. ish visitors. I run a successful little business. Estate agent Renée Varejes Sometimes remarks are passed that I am not lives on a farm on the sure if they are caused by jealousy, envy or a outskirts of Fourways. bit of anti-Semitism, and that includes a staff Although, having had a Jew- member of mine. ish background, the blonde, “Occasionally when I swing a nice sale, a blue-eyed woman does not remark will be passed like, ‘typical of a Jew!’ look Jewish. Or if I price something that is a bit more than “And I don’t have a Jewish the usual mark-up, I am told I have a typically name. People think it is Greek or Portuguese.” Jewish mind. Is that anti-Semitism? I don’t She has come across all kinds of anti-Semitic know. It hurts me when things like that are said, remarks such as “Jews are tight-fisted, Israel but, being in the minority as a Jew, I ignore and is an apartheid state, and (from someone who overlook it, although sometimes it really gets knew she was Jewish), could you teach me the to me.” ropes in property because you Jews know how to earn money.” Adrian (Barney) Horwitz, What is her reaction? “It depends on the situ- who is a prominent attorney ation – sometimes it is better to say nothing; in Kimberley, is chairman other times when it is pertinent I disclose that I of the Griqualand West am Jewish. Hebrew Congregation, with “But it doesn’t really make a difference and an architecturally magnifi- I don’t like confrontation. They do back down cent shul building, which he when I confront them; they get embarrassed, looks after, as well as conducting most of the but it doesn’t change the situation.” services in the absence of a rabbi. “My experience of anti-Semitism today is Maon Jacobson is an actu- much less than when I was at school under ary and an observant Jew. minority rule.” He lives in Houghton and Now, Horwitz says, most of the anti- walks to the West Street Semitism occurs when there is an upsurge Shul, where he is a member. in tension in the Middle East. “Anti-Israel The little shul is next remarks in my book are anti-Semitic remarks. door to one of the biggest I mix with a lot of different people and lead mosques in Johannes- an integrated life. I am chairman of the shul burg and Jacobson says he has only met with and also chair the board of governors of a friendliness and cordiality from the Muslims Catholic school. entering or leaving the mosque when the times “I have a broad client base, with an enor- coincide. mous amount of Islamic clients and nobody “I wear my yarmulke and have no problems dislikes me because I am Jewish.” He has very in the area. However, when I am out of the few Jewish clients as there are only 24 Jews Jewish area, I wear a cap.” living in Kimberley. On one such occasion, a few years ago, Jacob- Anti-Semitism in his city is “More the son was wearing a cap and went into the shop at exception than the rule.” the Oaklands Garage. “There were two Muslim guys watching two Jewish guys wearing kippot. Unisa student Jordan Lorge comes from an When the Jewish guys were out of sight at the observant Jewish home and lives in the “shtetl” back of the shop, the Muslim guys simulated of Johannesburg. She went to a Jewish school holding machine guns, as if to shoot them.” and, for the most part, mixes with Jews. That was the only anti-Semitic incident “I never have a problem walking to shul or Jacobson has experienced. 4 SA JEWISH REPORT Shuls 24 – 31 July 2015 Great Park Synagogue - steeped in Johannesburg tradition

Interior of Great Park Shul in Johannesburg. DAVID SAKS The United Hebrew Congregation, as it was called throughout the Wolmarans Street years, Almost uniquely for a major Diaspora city, took the lead in establishing the Johannes- Johannesburg has had a Jewish presence from burg Beth Din and Federation of Synagogues its earliest beginnings. Two present-day Jewish (precursor to today’s UOS). It took the lead in organisations can trace their origins back to the providing Jewish religious education and later late 1880s, when the town was less than a year ran a Ministers’ Training College to provide the old. One is the Chevrah Kadisha and the other country’s first locally-trained Jewish religious the Great Park Synagogue. officiants. The Great Park’s status as the “Grand Old With the decline of the Johannesburg CBD, Lady” of Johannesburg shuls is belied by the the Great Synagogue’s attendances dropped off recent origin of its current premises. It was sharply from the mid-1980s and in November only in the second half of 2000, in fact, that the 1994, its doors were finally closed. Such was the congregation permanently relocated there. attachment congregants felt to the old building, Trace the congregation’s history back to the however, that the new premises in Glenhove very beginning, however, and you will eventu- Road, Lower Houghton, on a smaller scale, ally find yourself back in July 1887, when 88 reproduced it as exactly as possible in terms eminent Jewish residents met in the store of B of its proportions and such key features as its Wainstein to found the Witwatersrand Gold- dome, column and arches. It also includes the fields Jewish Association. original fittings of the Great Synagogue, such as Since then, always allowing for the various the bimah and rabbi’s pulpit. WE BUILT THIS name changes, schisms, amalgamations and There was considerable opposition from cer- changes of location that have taken place, the tain quarters to the building of a costly new shul congregation has been in continuous existence. at a time of demographic and financial uncer- COUNTRY WITH In addition to being Johannesburg’s oldest tainty in the Jewish community, but the project congregation, the Great Park was for most of went ahead notwithstanding. its history its most prestigious. It was at the On Rosh Hashanah, 2000, the congregation HEART & SOUL Great Synagogue on Wolmarans Streets that came together to worship for the first time in all major community prayer gatherings took their magnificent new premises. Today, the DON’T MISS THE place, among them the public mourning for the Great Park Synagogue is a thriving centre of OPPORTUNITY victims of and the celebration of Jewish religious and (thanks to its adjoin- the founding of the State of Israel. ing Rabbi Cyril Harris Community Centre) TO ADVERTISE IN From 1915 until the late 1980s, it was the cultural life. Under its long-serving Rabbi Dovid OUR ABSA official seat of the Chief Rabbi, a position that at Hazdan, it combines a youthful dynamism with first referred only to the head of the congrega- a reverence for tradition - epitomised, perhaps, JEWISH ACHIEVERS tion and its affiliate bodies, but eventually was by the top hats proudly worn by its honorary MAGAZINE expanded to encompass the entire country. officers on all important occasions.

It is part of the Jewish social event of the year - when our Jewish achievers in various fields are announced in August. It is glossy and upmarket with topical articles, profiles and a gathering of Jewish Who’s Who and an extremely long shelf life. Over the years it has become a treasure in the business community. Our Achievers Magazine circulation is over 13 000 with a readership of well over 50 000. This gives advertisers the amazing opportunity to reach their target market with no fail - which includes most decision-makers. This glossy upmarket magazine provides Honorary officers Paul Werner; Clive Blechman; and Les Matuson. advertisers a unique platform for high-level networking and a good return on investment. The high-profile companies who have graced World News in Brief our pages over the years, bear testimony to the “good company” they keep in the Achievers Magazine. Report: Jonathan Pollard may be freed in November

NEW YORK - Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard might be released from prison on November 21, which will mark FOR MORE INFORMATION: exactly 30 years since he was arrested for giving Israel classified information on the US, The Algemeiner TEL. (011) 430 1980 | www.sajr.co.za reported last week Friday. An unnamed source involved in the case said the US was “seriously considering” [email protected] releasing Pollard, 60, from a North Carolina federal prison in consideration of his failing health. Pollard’s freedom would not come for the purpose of calming US-Israel tension over the Iran nuclear deal, said the source. Pollard is the only person in US history to receive a life sentence for spying for an American ally. Numerous former American security and intelligence officials with first-hand knowledge of Pollard’s case have called for his release. (JNS.org) 24 – 31 July 2015 Opinion and Analysis SA JEWISH REPORT 5 Cultural vandalism is a scourge of our age

TAKING ISSUE and Germans. right under our noses in the old CBD. Johannes- ate the ship-like features which characterise the He said clearly in “Mein Kampf” what he burg is home to the third largest collection of art deco style - a metaphor for the immigrant thought of modern art such as Dada, cubism art deco buildings in the world - after New York mindset of the people who came over the and impressionism: “This art is the sick produc- and Miami. oceans to America and South Africa. It would Geoff Sifrin tion of crazy people. Pity the people who are no Sadly, Johannesburg has allowed this mag- be fitting if this magnificent district was also longer able to control this sickness.” nificent district to deteriorate, and some of the declared a World Heritage Site. Amid the cultural vandalism that confronts the Weimar Germany was famous for the avant- buildings have been hijacked and taken over by In a world gone mad, where barbarism is world today, when precious artefacts and build- garde artists who worked there. But for Hitler, squatters, with electricity, water and sewerage paraded as faith, it is essential to celebrate the ings have been gleefully destroyed by the likes of they were nothing more than “a Jewish-Bolshe- systems cut off. people who are cherishing beautiful things the radical Jihadists of Islamic State, the Taliban vik cultural hoax”. Many artworks were actually They have become places of squalor, their lob- rather than destroying them. Sadly, however, all and their ilk, because they contradict the spirit destroyed by the Nazis. For him, true “German bies used as toilets and their elegant balconies societies still contain their bigots and cultural of their fundamentalist beliefs, it is encourag- art” was the exaltation of a superior race, mili- piled high with garbage. But brave entrepre- thugs - including Germany, where anti-Semi- ing to note the instances where the opposite is tary might and physical health. neurs - several of them Jewish - are going in and tism is rising ominously, as it is other parts of happening. Right here in Johannesburg, another collec- refurbishing them, one by one. Europe. But today’s German government is to One inspiring current example is the decision tion of endangered cultural treasures is sitting The iconic Anstey’s Building and others radi- be congratulated for being on the right side. of the German government to invest $3,2 mil- lion in the next nine years to help save Bauhaus- style buildings in Tel Aviv. Anyone familiar with Tel Aviv will know the beautiful “White City” district, concentrated around Rothschild Boulevard. It is the world’s largest concentration of Bauhaus buildings - Inspiration there are more than 4 000 of them - and was declared a Unesco World Heritage site in 2003. Its architects were mainly Jewish design pio- neers who were students of the German archi- tect Walter Gropius. They fled the Nazi regime in the 1930s to what was then Palestine, not just because they were Jewish, but also because their artistic leanings were deemed “degenerate” by Hitler. Tel Aviv is indelibly marked by their architectural and artistic influence. Over the decades, the buildings have been adversely affected by the salty sea air of Tel MINDFULNESS: MAKING Aviv, particularly their original elements such as wooden and metal windows and doors, which cannot be easily replaced. Some buildings have EVERY MOMENT MATTER been refurbished by private individuals. The investment in the White City will help Israel preserve this architectural treasure and, ironically, also help preserve a fascinating part RABBI LAIBL WOLF of German culture. A Bauhaus Centre in the Max-Liebling House will open in 2017. 10 AUGUST Of course, nobody can forget that Germany 7:15PM is itself historically guilty of cultural vandalism. Under Hitler in the 1930s, various art forms CHABAD BENMORE/ RIVERCLUB were outlawed and targeted as inappropriate for German “Aryan” culture. Jazz music, for example, with its many black performers and musicians. Jewish composers such as Felix Men- delssohn and Gustav Mahler, were disparaged and condemned. In Leipzig, a bronze statue of Mendelssohn was removed. Nazi ideology heavily influenced “accept- able” art, architecture, music and films. Hitler effectively decided there were two forms of art - un-German degenerate art of the likes of Pablo Picasso; and classical realistic art that repre- sented all that was good about Nazi Germany TOWARDS A MEANINGFUL LIFE World News in Brief Obama offers to increase RABBI ARI KIEVMAN military aid to Israel WEDNESDAYS 5 AUG - 9 SEP WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama 7:15PM reportedly offered to increase US military aid to Israel amid the Jewish state’s opposition to the CHABAD BENMORE/ RIVERCLUB recently reached Iran nuclear deal. R50 ENTRANCE FEE Obama told Israeli Prime Minister last week that he was prepared to hold “intensive discussions” on bolstering Israeli defence, reported. But Netanyahu did not want to discuss that issue until seeing whether or not the US Congress rejects the Iran deal, which the prime minister called a “bad mistake of historic proportions”. Currently, Israel and the US have a memorandum of understanding until 2018, For more information visit through which the US is providing Israel with $3 billion in annual military aid. Israel has asked for WWW.CHABADSOUTHAFRICA.ORG an increase to as much as $5 billion per year over 10 years, according to an official familiar with the negotiations. (JNS.org) 6 SA JEWISH REPORT Opinion and Analysis 24 – 31 July 2015 Jewishsouth african Report

Jewish mothers and the work dilemma via Getty Iamges IIPA Photo:

In the United States, an analysis of government data by the Pew Research Centre, has shown that today, about 70 per cent of wom- en who have children under the age of 18, work outside the home. In South Africa, the poverty and unemployment make compari- sons very difficult. However, given the high proportion of single disadvantaged women, a majority, if they do find employment, are more than prepared to work far from home and leave childrearing to other family members back in the townships or in rural areas. In the three years since I have been back in South Africa, I have witnessed a range of attitudes to working mothers. But it is inter- esting to consider our own community and whether South African Jewish mothers work and why they do. Let me qualify that I am talking about a small, relatively privileged subset. This demographic, it seems, generally do not work long hours unless they feel they have to contribute to household income. When women don’t have to help pay the bills, they generally opt not to. And why not? There is literature that supports the idea that children benefit from having a mother at home as opposed to being outsourced to caregivers. In the early, very demanding years of a child’s life, given that our Jewish day schools usually end around midday until grade one A view of the reactor at the Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant in southern Iran as the first fuel is loaded, on starts, with fewer aftercare options when compared to day care at August 21, 2010. Jewish schools in North America, young Jewish moms here tend to look for opportunities that would give them flexibility to be at home or not to work at all. In fact when women do have big jobs, Campaign for (and against) Iran it is assumed that they cannot afford not to or they are single par- ents. deal gets personal I lived for a number of years in , a little island filled with some of the most ambitious women in the world, who, RON KAMPEAS in lengthy interviews he gave the news media, but not after three months of maternity leave, don their suits and head WASHINGTON so convivial. In an interview broadcast on Tuesday on back to the office, leaving their children in the hands of highly- NPR, he grew livid when asked about criticism that he paid Filipino or Jamaican nannies. Some really need to support a US Vice-President Joe Biden had an intimate phone and Obama were overly eager for a deal. dual income household and some just could not imagine not hav- call this week with about a thousand Jewish leaders, “I mean, really, it’s one of the dumbest criticisms I’ve ing the stimulation or the independence that one’s own earnings beseeching, teaching and preaching the Iran nuclear ever heard in my life because it has no relationship to allow. deal. reality of what we were engaged in,” he said. “President In her 2013 book, “Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead”, Biden’s imploring hour-long call on Monday typified Obama, in almost every conversation, would say, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg bemoans the how personal the campaign for and against the Iran ‘Remember John, you can walk away’.” fact that many women avoid stepping into demanding leadership nuclear deal is becoming. One of the main purveyors of the “too eager” trope is roles because of an internal, unconscious plan for the future of President Barack Obama, speaking to veterans on Netanyahu. getting married and having children. She also outlines various Tuesday, cast the deal as one that would save American “We were right when we said the desire to sign an strategies to help women improve their chances of climbing the troops from dying in a fruitless war. The pro-Israel agreement is apparently stronger than anything else,” corporate ladder. lobby AIPAC, a deal opponent, is bringing in its he said at a news conference on July 14, the day the While a Harvard-educated executive who has over half a billion members for face-to-face meetings with lawmakers. final agreement was announced. dollars worth of Facebook stock is not a woman that every young Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu worked the Obama in his speech in Pittsburgh to the national Johannesburg Jewish mother can relate to, Sandberg certainly is weekend American talk shows. So did John Kerry, the convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars cast an inspiration. Yet her choices are not their general preference. US secretary of state who brokered the deal and called opponents of the deal as similar to backers of the Iraq Why is that? Is it that our mothers offered very different role one of Netanyahu’s signature criticisms “dumb”. war. models? Were we told that in order to be good mothers, we needed Much of the focus is on Congress, which has two “In the debate over this deal, we’re hearing the echoes to be home with our children all the time? Are they perhaps 100 months to review the agreement between Iran and six of some of the same policies and mindset that failed us per cent correct? Did our own mothers undervalue the rewards world powers led by the United States. It could vote in the past,” Obama said. “Some of the same politicians of work or imply that the only real meaning in life was attained to disapprove, which would kill the deal, but such a and pundits that are so quick to reject the possibility of through motherhood? vote must garner two-thirds of Congress to overcome a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear programme are I really do not have the answers especially for women who do Obama’s pledged veto. the same folks who were so quick to go to war in Iraq have the choice. Studies about the benefits for offspring who had Biden, on the call, began by alluding to his longstanding and said it would take a few months. And we know the stay-at-home moms are not definitive. However, I do know that relationship with the Jewish community. consequences of that choice and what it cost us in blood adult women need connection, acknowledgement and opportuni- “Quite frankly,” he said, “I wouldn’t be in this job or and treasure.” ties to use their brains outside of just family-focused activities. any job that I had in elected politics were it not for this The intensity reflects the stakes as Congress begins These are not needs one fulfils by mornings spent at coffee community, among others.” its review of the deal. shops and gym classes until the afternoon taxi driving begins. Instead of taking questions, Biden unfolded a Q and AIPAC is bringing in members from across the Nor are they fulfilled by chatting to the checkout woman at Wool- A with an imaginary Jewish interlocutor who addressed country early next week for face-to-face meetings with worths or by our husbands who return home tired after a long day him as an old friend would: “What’s the deal here, lawmakers, covering almost every office on Capitol Hill, at the office. Joe?” The questions the vice-president put to himself an AIPAC source said. The lobby also unveiled last week Some women do seem to strike the balance. I have a friend who reflect concerns raised by a number of pro-Israel a political nonprofit, the Citizens for a Nuclear Free manages to remain a partner in a highly reputable law firm but has organisations, among them the American Israel Public Iran, it is backing in the “multimillions”, according to always worked mornings only and returns to her contracts at night Affairs Committee. spokesmen. when her children are asleep. Another is a psychologist who only “So Joe, doesn’t this mean that even if this stops them Notably, the new group is being advised by five consults during her children’s school hours. Yet another is very from getting a nuclear weapon, they’ve got $100 billion former Democratic lawmakers. Republicans already involved in her children’s school PTA and projects in the broader and they’re going to go out there and destabilise?” Biden overwhelmingly oppose the deal, so the focus of groups community. asked himself, reflecting concerns about how sanctions like AIPAC opposing the deal is on Democrats. The One thing I am certain of is that when a woman gets the combi- relief will fuel Iranian mischief. His answer: The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that AIPAC has nation of work, personal values and parenting right, her children Iranians would do much greater damage with a nuclear spent a record $1,7 million in the first half of the year have a mother who is more fulfilled and often more engaged when bomb than they would without one. in its bid to rally opposition. she is with them, her man has an energised, happier partner and “Imagine stopping them now in the Gulf of Aden” - Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran will target lawmakers for the woman herself, the delicate mix, though at times stressful referring to Iran’s backing for the Houthi insurgency with TV ads in their home states during the August and demanding, is - oh so exquisite. in Yemen - “and stopping them if they had a nuclear recess. weapon”, Biden said. “As bad, as much of a threat as the Much of the focus of the opponents’ campaign is on – Vanessa Valkin, Editor Iranians are now to destabilising the conventional force Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat New York, the most capability in the region, imagine what a threat would be senior Jewish member of the Senate. The Emergency if we had walked away from this tight deal.” Committee for Israel has made Schumer the target of a More news on our website www.sajr.co.za Kerry also was unusually conversational, and personal, campaign. (JTA) FINE ART & COLLECTABLES AUCTION

Lot 1001 Lot 815 (part lot) JOHANNESBURG A Gentleman’s 18ct Gold wristwatch, Patek Philippe A Pair of French Ceramic and Gilt-Bronze-Mounted Grand Complications Perpetual Calendar Vases and Covers, Edme Samson, 19th Century Est R 760 000 - R 950 000 Est R 50 000 - R 70 0000 4 & 5 August 2015 Johannesburg, 4 & 5 August 2015 Johannesburg, 4 & 5 August 20150 Viewing 29 July - 3 August

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Entries for the CAPE TOWN October Auction close 31 July 2015

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Books | Maps | Paintings | Sculptures | Collectable Cars | Carpets | Clocks | Furniture | Ceramics | Glass Jewellery | Silver | Watches | Vintage Fashion Tribal Art | Photography

A Chinese Lacquered Bronze and Mother-of-Pearl A Pair of George II Silver Candlesticks, www.stephanwelzandco.co.za Figure of a Seated Guardian Figure Indecipherable Maker’s Mark, London, 1746 SOLD R 174 000 | Cape Town, 26 & 27 May 2015 SOLD R 48 224 | Cape Town, 26 & 27 May 2015 8 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 July 2015 National Antiques & Decorative Arts Faire National Antiques & Decorative Arts Faire July 24 – 26 July 24 – 26 Vintage... variety... and value at this year’s NAADA

Collecting is a unique human phenomenon often referred to Irma Stern – Lady as an “investment addiction” and which is a global phenom- carrying basket on head. enon. Once bitten by the collecting bug, a person becomes a life-long collector, captivated by their particular field of col- lecting, continually researching, adding to and building their collection. The beauty of collecting lies in the fact that one can start on a moderate scale, buying what one can afford, but inevitably moving on to investing in rarer and more valuable pieces. The proliferation of reality programmes, such as the British An- tiques Road Show and Cash in the Attic, focus on traditional antiques. The American shows, such as American Pickers and Pawn Stars, with its focus on more recent collectables from the ‘50s through to the ‘70s, has opened up collecting to younger generations. Celebrating its 15th successful year as the biggest and most dynamic collecting exhibition, the National Antiques & Deco- rative Arts Faire takes place in Exhibition 1 of the Sandton Convention Centre from July 24 – 26, from 10:00 to 18:00 daily. Visitors will be seduced by the variety of antiques, collecta- bles, art, classic cars and decorative arts on show. It’s the place to find that statement piece that will be the talking point of your home, that rare piece to add to your collection or just Rare pair of Dutch cupboards something special that catches your eye. c1650. The profile of visitor includes people who are avid antique and art collectors or those who wish to start collect- n Juxtaposed to the opulence of 100-year-old and older antiques ing as an investment. With the broadening of the that grace many a wealthy home, are the young, up-and- range of collectables to include more modern items, coming collectors who look to find tomorrow’s antiques, today. the Faire also attracts visitors who are interested in It might be an Eames chair, a Warhol cupboard or a Norman buying specific pieces for decorating purposes, as Catherine sculpture. Others prefer the quirky ‘70s look, the well as attracting the younger collector. French Provencal look or go gaga over retro-fashion, old adver- Stephen Falcke, decorator to the stars and to tising boards or a ‘50s classic car. royalty, whose talent in mixing classic styles with contemporary touches, takes pride of place with his n The NAADA Faire has collaborated with and welcomes the SA décor exhibit that enthrals and inspires visitors. Mint whose Johannesburg Coin Fair takes centre stage at the One of the must-attended functions on the Faire and puts the focus on collecting rare numismatics, bank Johannesburg social and investment calendar is notes and Kruger Rands through their select and experienced NAADA’s Gala Cocktail Opening Night which took dealers. As all antiques are exempt from capital gains tax, place on Thursday July 23 from 19:00. It always investors are turning to collecting - whether coins, silver, fur- attracts over 500 of the who’s who of the col- niture or art - as an important alternative investment that has lecting world, top business people, the elite and proved to yield excellent returns while giving endless pleasure. celebrities who gather to mingle and be the first to reserve the best pieces in antiques, artworks and n For art aficionados who want to experience art both in a gal- collectables. lery setting and as part of exquisite décor settings, the NAADA This year, the NAADA Faire is linking in with Faire doesn’t disappoint. With so many antique dealers picking 67 Blankets for Mandela and will be showcasing up significant South African masters art pieces in their day- their top “designer” blankets which will form part to-day dealings with collectors, the art section of the Faire will of a “Dutch auction” to raise funds to buy supplies have on sale top SA masters including works by J H Pierneef, to knit even more blankets for this worthy cause. Irma Stern, Robert Hodgins, Edoardo Villa, Gregoire Boon- NAADA offers the best of yesterday and today - all zaier, Adriaan Boshoff, Sydney Goldblatt and Cecil Skotnes, under one roof - beautifully styled and exquisitely as well as contemporary master art. The Charles Greig Gallery presented items, including: will be showcasing its range of bronzes as well as exclusive Ardmore ceramics. n A visual banquet of décor settings - from dining areas featuring 24-seater antique tables laden with n Honouring the brave soldiers who have fought in past wars, has collectable porcelain dinner sets and valuable silver become a tradition at the NAADA Faire. Whether celebrating the dining accessories, to seating areas complete with centenary of the Second World War or the end of the First World armoires, master art and bookshelves filled with War in Europe, remembering South Africa’s Boer or Border wars collectable books and ornaments that will intrigue or saluting the struggle war, avid collectors of militaria can lose and delight collectors. themselves in the pomp and ceremony of the military pavilion. 24 – 31 July 2015 SA JEWISH REPORT 9 National Antiques & Decorative Arts Faire July 24 – 26

Vintage... variety... and value at this year’s NAADA n International exhibitors add a new dimension to the Homegrown artworks set to soar National Antiques Faire. American ceramics dealer Ed Pascoe of Pascoe Ceramics puts the focus on the 200th anniversary of the prestigious English house at Johannesburg auction of Royal Doulton with some rare and valuable pieces on show. Dutch antiques dealer Ricus Dullaert of Pierneef – Acacia Trees Kunsthandel H W C Dullaert showcases never-been- in the Bushveld. seen before European and Chinese antiques and also specialises in finding antique pieces - whether in bibles, clocks or furniture - that have strong ties to the Dutch/South African heritage. An18th century painting showing a Dutch VOC ship entering Cape Town harbour, is a rare historical find. From the UK, Books Illustrated, specialists in fine limited edition books and original art from the Golden Age of Illus- tration, will be launching their limited edition Jungle Book to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Rudyard Kipling, with beautiful illustrations by South African Ephraim Ngatane – Our Gang. artist Lute Vink. With South African artwork attracting bidders worldwide, n Vintage and classic cars have always been a feature stand-out political works by contemporary artist Wayne at NAASA and this year two collectable 1950s Barker of Walter Sisulu and Steve Biko, a colourful township favourites will be on show. scene by Ephraim Ngatane, and paintings by Pierneef, Stern life-long battle with tuberculosis. “It is a significant example and more, are sure to make for an exciting auction at the of Ngatane’s technical proficiency and important because it A valuations service featuring some of South Africa’s upcoming Stephan Welz & Co Fine Art and Collectables was painted in the last year of his life,” said Lamprecht. top appraisers in various fields will be a key feature Auction in Johannesburg, o n Tuesday August 4 and In 2008, Ngatane’s Township Children Dancing in the of the NAADA Faire. For those who may have some Wednesday 5. Snow, Soweto sold at a Stephan Welz & Co auction for antiques tucked away in back cupboards or have inher- “Each year we are seeing more and more international R560 000, at well over its estimate. ited some of great-grandma’s antiques, this is the ideal interest in South African art,” says Imre Lamprecht, head of opportunity to find out their worth. ORT the art department at Stephan Welz & Co. “We are thrilled Pierneef and Stern: South African legends is a beneficiary of proceed s from to be the conduit through which so many collectors are Hot on the heels of the recent opening of the first major the Faire. Burslem art pottery of swans. discovering the diversity and merits of our great artists, Pierneef exhibition in many years, A Space for Landscape: Tickets to the National from best-known masters like Pierneef to the artists of the The work of J H Pierneef at Standard Bank Johannesburg, Antiques & Decorative Arts turbulent 1960s and 1970s who are now Stephan Welz & Co will be auctioning a rare Faire are R100 per per- becoming hot commodities, to 21st century “We are thrilled to be the Pierneef bushveld painting, Acacia Trees in son - book on-line at talent, such as Wayne Barker.” conduit through which the Bushveld, with an estimated value of www.naada.co.za or Barker’s works largely deal with the between R180 000 - R240 000, was painted so many collectors are pay at the door. Tick- subject of South Africa’s colonial and with the age-old but much forgotten medium ets to the prestigious apartheid past and the two works for sale discovering the diversity of casein paint. opening night event are part of the artist’s Legends series. of our great artists, from Other traditional auction highlights are R250 per person CBS News - 1990: Walter Sisulu, 2010 and best-known masters like include Irma Stern’s Coast Scene, and include wine and Fighting Field: Steve Biko, 2010 are both Pierneef to the artists of Probably Zanzibar, which has an estimated snacks - book online mixed media and neon tubing on canvas, the turbulent 1960s and value of between R600 000 - R900 000 and at www.naada. and are accompanied by small sculptures Maggie Laubser’s Trees at Lake with Boat, 1970s.” co.za. commissioned from his friend Richard which has been valued at between R300 000 For further in- Chauke. Each is valued at between R120 000 - R400 000. formation contact - R160 000. Clyde Terry on “Known for his depictions of South African townships, The Stephan Welz & Co Fine Arts and Collectables auction (011) 48- 3266 or which are also doing well on the international auction scene, will take place on August 4 and 5 at Stephan Welz & Co, on clyde4th@mweb. Ephraim Ngatane is one of those painters from the late 20th the 4th floor, South Tower, Nelson Mandela Square, Sandton. co.za century whose works are finally receiving their due,” said Media liaison: Giuli Lamprecht. • For more information visit www.stephanwelzandco.co.za or Osso – tel (011) 802- Valued at between R150 000 - R200 000, Ngatane’s Our contact Imre Lamprecht on (011) 880-3125 or e-mail Imre. 1602, cell 083-377-6721 Gang was painted just a year before his death in 1972, after a [email protected]. or [email protected] R2,5 BILLION SOLD

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Peter Clarke (South African 1929 - 2014) Books | Maps | Paintings | Sculptures | Watches AFRICAN PASTORAL Collectable Cars | Carpets | Clocks | Furniture gouache on card Ceramics | Glass | Jewellery | Silver | Photography SOLD R 728 000 Vintage Fashion | Tribal Art Cape Town, 17 & 18 February 2015 10 SA JEWISH REPORT Opinion and Analysis 24 – 31 July 2015 Hollywood: Where have all the Jews gone?

how very small a proportion South African the big screen. non-Jewish peers. Jewry makes up of the Jewish world outside of It seldom happened that such Jews who did It is also striking to see how many of those BARBARIC YAWP Israel. One needn’t even mention New York - make it to stardom, had much to recommend who appear on Jewish actor/actress lists in fact our (at a stretch) countrywide total of around them in a specifically Jewish sense. Most of have only one Jewish parent, and sometimes David Saks 75 000 members would fit eight times over into them largely severed their connections with just one grandparent. Unlike previous gen- the Jewish community of Miami alone. Judaism and the Jewish community once their erations, where usually being Jewish was not Attendances at this year’s Sinai Indaba, if any- Thus, while it is heartening to see South Afri- careers were underway. something people cared to make a thing about, thing, exceeded the already impressive show- can Jewry buck international trends by becom- Still, nearly all of them came from strong today’s Jewish film stars are generally quite ings of previous years, while the forthcoming ing more rather than less Jewishly connected, Jewish roots - generally, they were scions of proud to refer to their Jewish origins, whether instalment of Limmud likewise looks like it is we are at the end of the day just a small corner first-generation immigrants from Eastern and full or partial. drawing capacity crowds. of the greater Jewish world. Elsewhere, with few Central Europe - and by and large - their essen- However, it is rare indeed that any of them The two festivals - one Orthodox-religious exceptions, the story is now one of precipitous tial Jewishness was unmistakably stamped on are connected, even marginally, with any form focused and the other more secular-cultural (but decline, with only a resurgent Orthodoxy appar- the screen personas that they forged. of Jewish activity, and almost without excep- including Judaism-related presentations) - are ently offering any long-term hope for a (much Some of the characteristics that one consist- tion, they are married to or involved with illustrative of the high and growing levels of diminished) Diaspora Jewish presence in the ently finds in characters played by pre-1970 non-Jewish partners. Given these realities, what interest in and connection to Jewish learning in future. One can easily see what is happening Jewish actors and actresses are a strong sense does it really mean to discover that such mod- the local Jewish community. through referring to the most recent Jewish of individualism, a sharp intelligence, self- ern-day film stars as Daniel Day Lewis, Scarlett Being part of such a strongly identifying and identity surveys, which consistently reveal awareness, a certain brash intensity and a self- Johansson and Daniel Radcliffe are halachically active Jewish community is certainly a compel- rampant assimilation rates in the US (home deprecating sense of humour, sometimes taking Jewish, since they have Jewish mothers, or that ling argument in favour of continuing to live to 40 per cent of world Jewry) and Europe in aggressive, in-your-face forms. Kirk Douglas, Natalie Portman (now married to a non-Jewish in South Africa. Only once they have made particular. Dustin Hoffman, Alan Arkin, Richard Dreyfuss, ballet instructor) was born Neta-Lee Hershlag the move to places like Australia, Canada, the For me, though, a more immediate - and Barbra Streisand and even Tony Curtis - who in Jerusalem? UK and especially the US, do émigrés come to poignant - way of understanding what is be- despite his famous good looks never fitted What is happening in Hollywood (and the realise that the strong sense of unified identity, ing lost, is to look at what is happening in the comfortably into the image of the typical Hol- phenomenon is just as pronounced in the Brit- the multiple and easily accessible services and American film industry. Like many other Jews, lywood leading man - come to mind, as do the ish and European film industries) is indicative impressive communal infrastructure that they I have over the years engaged in the enjoyable many Jewish comic icons - including the Marx of an ever-widening gulf between those for took for granted in South Africa is lacking in pastime of Jew-hunting when reading up on the Brothers, Woody Allen and Mel Brooks - of the whom being Jewish is a living reality and those their new homeland. great film stars of the past. Golden Age. for whom it is little more than an accident of Such is the relative strength of Jewish iden- That Jews made up an unusually high propor- Pecking out names on my Blackberry in bed birth. It all is an inevitable result of living in a tity in their country that South African Jews tion of producers, directors, screenwriters and each night, I still play “hunt the Jew”, but with melting pot culture without being adequately have to a large extent been shielded from the far film composers, is well known, but somehow much diminished enjoyment. How bland and rooted in a religious tradition that might more sobering realities of Diaspora Jewish life. these have been secondary in terms of emo- non-descript today’s “Jewish” Hollywood stars prevent one from yielding completely to its For one thing, it is not always remembered tional appeal to those who made their mark on are, and how little they differ, if at all, from their smothering embrace.

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When young minds made an amazing discovery: the earth is round! Islc ami texts and actions in its name, show how militant they are During the Dark Ages the quest for knowledge was viewed as and future leaders. And the lengths that BDS went to discour- heresy; to read and write was taboo and only for the clergy. age such open-mindedness! But alas not even a R40 000 stipend I take an opposing view to Geoff Sifrin in his column, “We need to hear Voyages of discovery were discouraged and those early explorers could win the day and off those careless students went. Muslims say ‘not in my name’.” were frightened by the “knowledge” that the earth was flat and A group of young Sasco and ANC members indeed fell off Whether it is BDS or IS, the end result Islam wishes to achieve, is the if they ventured too far, they would fall off the edge. the edge of what their leaders told them was a cesspool of evil, same. It’s misleading to say, like many Western politicians, that Islam is a Along came Columbus who survived the “fall” and discovered apartheid and degradation, only to learn that the earth is indeed religion of peace when they claim that the Islamic State is not Islamic. the New World or the “Great Satan” as many Muslims call the round and that that cesspool over the edge was indeed a source British PM David Cameron has said (erroneously) that “Islam is a reli- United States. of enlightenment. gion of peace. They (IS) are not Muslims, they are monsters.” Now any self-respecting cadre of Sasco, the ANC and BDS “The truth is that no matter how unpalatable it might be to say so, would know how dangerous these voyages of discovery could be Allan Wolman the Islamic State has an awful lot to do with Islam - yes, the clue is in the and how it could contaminate the minds of young students Rosebank, Johannesburg name.” (Spectator Magazine July 4). Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, IS leader, has been on record saying: “O Muslims, ‘Two-state solution’ diametric opposite to Torah directive Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war. Muhammad was ordered to wage war until Allah is worshipped alone.” Much has been written about the Iranian nuclear deal and the It is they who have prevented the nation of Israel from living in In 2007, Islam and Judaism’s holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days. danger to Israel of a nuclear Iran. After reading this week’s par- peace. “If you do not expel the gentile inhabitants, even though Islamist radicals were responsible for 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks sha, Massei, one wonders why so much attention is being paid you have conquered the Land, you will not merit to inherit the across 10 countries, while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize. to Iran’s part in the present situation regarding the security of Land for your children.” (Sforno and Ohr HaChaim). More civilians were killed by radical Islamists in two hours on Septem- the citizens of Israel. Israel has twice in the past destroyed nuclear facilities: in Iraq ber 11, 2001, than in 36 years of sectarian conflict in Ireland. Since the miraculous victory by Israel in the 1967 Six Day in 1981 and in in 2007. Even if we were to destroy or stop Islamic radicals murder more people every day, than the Ku Klux Klan War in which our armed forces restored sovereignty to almost the Iranian facility, the killing and maiming of Israelis will not has in 70 years. all of Israel after nearly 2 000 years of foreign rule, there were cease. It is not Iranians or Iraqis or Syrians who brutally attack Lest anyone think that cutting off someone’s head while screaming expectations that at last Israel would be at peace. our citizens. It is the Arabs we did not expel, as directed by our “Allahu Akbar”, is a modern creation, here’s an account of that very prac- Unfortunately the leaders at the time overlooked the Torah Torah, who will continue to physically harm our people and be tice under Muhammad, who seemed to approve. (Ibn Ishq/ Hishal 992): directive in the parsha, the same directive given to Joshua at the the only obstacle to an eternal peace in Eretz Yisrael. “Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah.” time of the first conquest of Eretz Yisrael. To those who advocate a two-state solution which is the Many Muslims are peaceful and do not believe what the Qur’an says. “You shall drive out all the hostile inhabitants before you… “official” policy of the SAZF and SAJBD, this is the diametric They reach for a textual context to mitigate these harsh passages. Some you shall settle in it, for I have given you the Land... to occupy it. opposite of what the Torah states. Not only does it allow mil- theologians like al-Qaradawi justify attacks on Western targets, saying If you do not drive out the inhabitants of the Land before you, lions of Arabs to live in our Land, but also allows the expulsion there is no such thing as a civilian population in a time of war. those that remain will be barbs in your eyes and thorns in your of hundreds of thousands of Israelis from their homes, schools, Is it any wonder that Iran, Hamas and other Muslim nations will not sides, and harass you in the Land.” (Num. 33; 53-55). businesses, shuls, and surrendering our Land to the Arabs. recognise Israel and in fact, talk of wiping Israel off the face of the earth? Settling the Land of Israel is the “nice” part of the mitzvah The verse in the parsha ends with the following words: “If you The Qur’an contains more than 109 verses calling Muslims to war with of “Yishuv Ha’Aretz”. The other half of the mitzvah, that of do not expel them then I will do to you what I meant to do to non-believers. expelling the gentile was never fulfilled. Today those who were them.” (Num.33;56). Remember Gush Katif! “The hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews and the allowed to remain after the Six Day War have been killing and stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say, ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew maiming thousands of Israeli men, women and children, and Choni Davidowitz hiding behind me, so kill him’.” even infants. Sandringham, Johannesburg (From the Hadith Bukhari 52: 177) The opposition to IS by Muslims is a sectarian one. The Sunnis oppose The case of the missing tefillin and taleisim the Shiites but in essence, it is more politics than anything else. them here and asked me to get them...” Rabbi Kievman said it might It is unrealistic to expect Muslims anywhere (even in this country), to Rabbi Ari Kievman of Chabad of Sandton is asking for help to have been an innocent mistake of someone collecting the wrong say “not in my name”. trace missing tefillin and a few taleisim belonging to mem- tefillin for someone they knew “or in a worst case scenario, theft”. bers of the shul. Apparently a woman came by a few weeks If anyone has any information on this, please contact him at rak@ Nathan Cheiman ago and collected tefillin and taleisim, saying that “the rabbi left chabad.org.za Northcliff, Johannesburg

24 – 31 July 2015 Community SA JEWISH REPORT 11 SA contingent of six at NGF made its presence felt there’s much of that. respectful connection. Despite the formal programme of the NGF, it No topic is taboo, and you would have seen a is during the informal gatherings that the magic fervent Zionist engaging for hours with a com- of the NGF begins to weave its spell. mitted non-Zionist, Orthodox Jew with staunch Year after year, as if orchestrated by some secularist and a Reform Jew, and as the con- masterful Divine puppet master, the “produc- nection grows, so a miraculous transformation tive discomfort” that accompanies the Fellows occurs and the common thread of Klal Yisrael the first few days, seems to morph into a deep, begins to bind everyone.

The South African contingent at the 27th International Nahum Goldmann Fellowship: Dovi Brom; Gilad Friedman; Ramon Widmonte; David Jacobson; Heidi-Jane Esakov-Jacobson; and Kim Nates.

DAVID JACOBSON liberal amounts of serious Jewish scholarship and learning, sprinkle it with peer-led group History is neither always just nor kind. Among discussions and allow to simmer until minds are the great Jewish leaders of the 20th century, blown and prejudices popped. the name of Dr Nahum Goldmann should loom The level of Jewish scholarship represented large alongside other Jewish greats. was a Jewish academic brocha buffet that would Goldmann was a major figure in the Zionist be the envy of any international programme. Combatting and Jewish world in the latter half of the 20th This year, the faculty included: century. He was the chief architect of the pact • Dr Moti Zeira, one of Israel’s leading experts Global pledging West Germany to pay reparations to on Jewish and Israeli identity and emerging Israel and to individual Jews for acts committed Jewish communities in Israel. during the Nazi years; he was the founder of the • Rabbi Professor Ismar Schorsch, president of Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Or- the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, ganisations; and president of the World Jewish who is chancellor emeritus of The Jewish Congress, which he helped to found in 1936. Theological Seminary and a professor of Jew- He was a remarkable visionary and an ish history. extraordinary leader, and it is fitting that the • Rabbi Dr Jacob J Schacter, professor of Jewish one Jewish space that carries his name is the history and Jewish thought and senior scholar International Nahum Goldmann Fellowship at the Centre for the Jewish Future at Yeshiva (NGF) - the flagship programme of the Memo- University, New York. rial Foundation for Jewish Culture. • Rabbi Dr Saul Berman, associate professor of It is arguably the only global Jewish project Jewish studies at Stern College, and adjunct aimed solely at promoting “Jewish peoplehood”. professor at Columbia University School of Forty-five fellows, 18 countries, six days, one Law. SAVE THE DATE people, no agenda. Its aim is not Zionist, reli- • Prof Daniel Fainstein, dean and professor of gious or political. It has no overt agenda other Jewish studies and education at the Hebrew than encouraging individuals to find their own University in Mexico. Jewish path through life. • Dr Steven Bayme, director of the Contempo- President of the World Jewish To achieve this the NGF brings together a rary Jewish Life department of the American diverse group of young Jewish leaders from Jewish Committee (AJC) and of the Koppel- Congress around the world, which include Haredi, Ortho- man Institute on American Jewish-Israeli dox, Reform, Conservative, secular, left-wing, Relations. Bernard-Henri Lévy right-wing, Zionist and non-Zionist alike. Each of these faculty members delivered Between June 15 and 22, six South Africans courses and lectures topics such as “Klal Yisrael: French intellectual, media attended the Fellowship. They represented the Restoring an endangered Jewish value” and personality, author and activist. broad spectrum of diversity that was present. “Shaping sustainable diasporas”. As an adviser to the International NGF, I have The ability to pull together the often disparate SAJBD National Conference attended seven successive Fellowships. Together forces in the Jewish world under one umbrella, with me in Israel were Dovi Brom, Gilad Fried- makes the NGF, in my opinion, possibly the 22 November 2015 man, Heidi-Jane Esakov-Jacobson, Kim Nates most important Jewish programme in the and Rabbi Ramon Widmonte. world. It achieves its goal by encouraging what The NGF has a very simple recipe: Mix new Executive Vice-President Rabbi Jeni Fried- together a diverse group of young Jews, add man terms “productive discomfort”. And indeed 12 SA JEWISH REPORT Community 24 – 31 July 2015 Moms and newborns get a wonderful UJW Mandela Day treat Photo: Cindy Kree Photo: CINDY KREE around with them. But these are were no ordinary bags - theywere instead special bags made up by the UJW’s Sewing This year, to commemorate Mandela Day, the UJW Johannes- School, its very successful empowerment project which oper- burg played fairy godmother to 250 impoverished moms and ates in the Johannesburg inner city. their newborn babies at a number of clinics around Johan- The delighted moms were also spoiled by the UJW, each nesburg: Baragwaneth Hospital, Edenvale Hospital, Charlotte one receiving an additional gift pack of their own. Maxeke Hospital, Hillbrow Clinic, Rahima Moosa Hospital, In addition, every child who was present that day at the Alexandra Clinic and Natalspruit Hospital. Hillbrow Family Clinic, received a toy. About 100 children a Every woman in each of those hospitals who had given day visit the clinic - and their delight was palpable! birth that day, or the night before, was presented by teams of The UJW has been participating in Mandela Day since its UJW volunteers with a baby starter pack containing a variety inception and while every project has been wonderful, mem- of baby items. bers were particularly excited about this year’s project. Arther Vandershelden; Sister Legora; Aaron Kahanovitz; Helena Kah- The goodies were placed inside sturdy bags which the The community’s response to the appeal for the items was, anovitz; Hayley Lasarow; Shani Lasarow; Ellen Mabuya; Kayli Altmuner; moms would be able to use to carry their babies’ necessities as always, most heartwarming and UJW are so appreciative. and Sister Teresa. Tourvest, Afrika Tikkun rebuild Diepsloot shelters

Tourvest has rebuilt 10 shelters for disadvantaged Diepsloot residents as part of its tradition of improving the living standards of township inhabitants through the provision of decent shelters ahead of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on July 18. Now in its fifth year, this humanitarian initiative saw the completion of 45 low-cost homes for residents in Diepsloot and Alexandra township at an investment of hundreds of thousands of rands. The rebuilt homes had been identified by outreach organisation Afrika Tikkun in consultation with community leaders and social workers, as those belonging to people most in need of better living conditions. The exercise took place on Thursday, July 16 and involved 10 teams of eight employees with each team assisted by a professional local builder. A similar number of additional Tourvest volunteers assisted with a greening initiative. It also refurbished the school library at Afrika Tikkun’s Wings of Life Com- munity Centre. Afrika Tikkun, which had Nelson Mandela as its patron-in-chief, provides education, health and social services to children and their families through centres of excellence in South African townships. Mandela Day KCC Golf Challenge BOOK YOUR TABLE NOW! DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS EPIC EVENT

23ABSA JEWISHAUG ACHIEVER2015 AWARDS 2015 Back row: Paul Harris (former South African cricketer and SuperSport presenter); Andrew VODAWORLD MIDRAND McLardy (former legend golfer); Warrick Druian (Killarney Country Club’s pro-golfer); Mark Williams (former South African international soccer player); Melissa Eaton (professional golfer); Kevin Rakow (KCC golf director); Morgana Robbertze (pro-golfer); Tandi von Ruben (pro-golfer); Sasha Martinengo (radio and sport presenter); Gavin Hunt (former South African football player); and Darren Scott (radio presenter, HOT 91.9fm). Front row: Dr Terry Paine, MBE (SuperSport presenter); Children from Fight For Life; and Lefika La Phodiso. OWN CORRESPONDENT organisations, mostly NGOs, providing services to children with special needs. The Mandela Day Golf Challenge was launched The organisation services the Lefika La last year at the Killarney Country Club, with Phodiso, a non-government organisation which Golf Director Kevin Rakow and pro-golfer War- trains community members to offer art psycho- rick Druian challenging each other to 67 holes therapy/community art counselling in under-re- to raise funds for the club’s charity initiative, sourced areas as well as the New Nation School, the KCC School Sports Club programme (KSSC). which caters for children who live on the streets, KCC said in a media release that the first year in shelters or in child-headed households. TO BOOK YOUR TABLE EMAIL: [email protected] For more information www.sajr.co.za had been a great success with R50 000 raised by The KCC School Sports Club programme members through pledging their support. The will see learners from Johannesburg inner city money has been kept in a trust as it was not yet schools and organisations transported to and enough to kick-start the KSSC programme. from the school, to attend sports, educational The aim this year was at least R150 000, but and recreational activities at KCC, provided to WE BUILT THIS COUNTRY with money and pledges still coming in, a final them by skilled coaches. Activities will include amount will be announced soon. This year’s Golf golf, tennis, squash, bowls and swimming. WITH HEART & SOUL Day took place on July 18. Kevin and Warrick reignited their 2014 chal- Killarney Country Club has partnered with lenge this year and enlisted a host of local sports The Children’s Memorial Institute to be the ben- stars and celebrities to join the challenge. The

* Awarded to either a Jewish or non-Jewish person who has contributed substantially to the betterment of the lives of the people of South Africa. eficiary of the KSSC programme. The Children’s two again went head-to-head over 67 holes and Members of the Board and Staff of the SA Jewish Report are not eligible for nomination. Memorial Institute comprises about 30 separate in an epic battle, Warrick came out on top.

table 200 x 131.indd 1 2015/06/29 11:05 AM 24 – 31 July 2015 Mandela Day SA JEWISH REPORT 13

Pam Green. Our community participated in numerous initiatives for Mandela Day. Pictured here are volunteers at CAP’s Norwood Park making thousands of sandwiches for the underprivileged as well as others who joined the Nelson Mandela Day Million Meal Challenge at the Sandton Convention Centre packing 1.2 million meals for early childhood development facilities in under-resourced areas. Photos: Howard Sackstein and Shereen Miller.

Rabbi Ramon Widmonte; Batya Widmonte; and Julie Widmonte.

Nicky Barnes; Rachel Barnes; Sara Barnes; Eva Trope; Gabi Ferreira; Melyssa Setzen; Liane Veloza; Tanita Bosman; (back row) Andy Da Costa; David Da Costa; Raphy Da and Alexa Setzen. Costa; and Gertie Dude.

Nicole Chavkin. Akiva Cohen; Netanel Cohen; and Justin Joffe.

Shaul Friedman.

Cassandra Kirsten surrounded by Daniel Jankelow; Kai Cranko; Alon Melamed; Yehuda Lazarus; Cherise Stein; and David Lichtenstein.

Left (from back to front) Libbi Gatter; Lesley-Anne Gatter; and Serra Gatter. Howard Sackstein; Adam Rauff; Rebecca Tuesday; and Brenan Pack. Right (from back to front) Karen Joss; Dani Joss; Leah Joss; and Janet Zev.

Ian Sherman.

Jonathan Berger. 14 SA JEWISH REPORT News 24 – 31 July 2015 Retirement means getting ready for an exciting new life MICHAEL BELLING educator Cliff Barnes (pictured) on “The Next change in society, from medi- quires a foundation of finances Chapter – Embracing Post Midlife Changes and cal technology to information to support other aspects of “If you don’t plan for retirement and have no Planning for Retirement”, presented by the technology. life - leisure, community, health reason to get up in the morning, you will die,” Chevrah Kadisha Social Services and CAJE. “Many areas of technology and housing. “Finances are the life and retirement coach Lynda Smith told the Smith said the baby boomer generation, peo- are changing ageing as well,” she empowerment factor.” Johannesburg College of Adult Jewish Educa- ple between the ages of 50 and 70, were born said. Boredom is a major problem tion at the Sydenham Community Centre, in into an era of positivity in South Africa. It is a Among the trends to watch after retirement. An American Johannesburg last week. can-do generation. are lifelong learning, the work study showed that two thirds She was speaking with financial planner and Technology is one of the biggest drivers of and play cycle - “do you work for of retired executives die within money or meaning” - volun- three years of retirement. The teering and the need to stretch only difference between them finances to last throughout the and those who lived longer was retirement years. that the other third looked for- Are growth The boomer generation did not grow up with ward to their retirement and planned for it. computers and some people do not know how Most people retire with insufficient finances, to use them, although today this is a vital skill. but even those who do have a lot of money, have prospects looking Boomers will not retire like their parents, to plan for a lengthy retirement. This means Smith said. The world has changed, they are that they should not opt for “safe” investments brighter? living longer, they often have not saved enough in the bank, because inflation can erode the and they want to add value and make a differ- value of their money. ence, even in retirement. Investing in shares or in property are far Retirement brings about many challenges, better long-term investments, Smith said. including life outside the corporate office, living Shares in particular provide returns that exceed at home with one’s partner, lifestyle diseases, inflation, which is a requirement for successful lack of finance, not being able to market our longer-term investing. skills and not being sufficiently techno-savvy, Decisions at retirement relates to the amount which often requires upskilling. of cash needed and available and depends also It is also necessary to build new goals and on the goals set at that time. plans. If we fail to plan and set goals, “we are Retirement goals are not just financial, but often involved in our brains slowing down as we cover all areas of life. get older, not just our bodies”, she said. There are many financial choices available at We have to examine our life options. retirement and sound advice is required. Barnes said retirement is a time “to plan your Rabbi Yossy Goldman, spiritual leader of the next life”, probably over many years of retire- Sydenham-Highlands North Hebrew Congrega- ment. tion, said it was vital for people to have some- “Retirement should be fun,” he said, but it re- thing to wake up for in retirement.

Community Columns To fi nd out about growth prospects for South African businesses, read the Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) which provides insight into A column of the Chevrah Kadisha the views and expectations of more than a thousand South African businesses each year. We are Grant Thornton and we help our clients understand the issues that impact Off to Mauritius! on their business decisions. Contact us to help unlock your potential for growth. That’s called positive thinking, but I am going what you’re thinking to enter the competition and stand a chance of about marriage. To access the latest Grant Thornton IBR go to winning the trip. And so should you. All we have Don’t worry, though, www.gt.co.za to do is complete a five minute online survey all responses are strictly on marriage, as the poster says. Go to: http:// confidential and will be feedbackrocket.chev-marriage-survey.sgizmo. analysed by a profes- com/s3/ sional, independent sur- This year the Chev is running its second an- vey company who will nual Marriage Week from July 31 to August 7. give us general feedback Following the success of last year’s launch, our only. Because so many Social Services department has pursued many good things come in www.gt.co.za channels to promote marriage enrichment. twos, please remember 2015 Grant Thornton South Africa. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton South Africa is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the Research is a major component in the devel- that both you and your Partners in member firms. GTIl and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Please see www.gt.co.za for further details. opment of these strategies and this survey will spouse need to complete Chesed offer an insight into how you are feeling and the survey to be eligible Michael Sieff to win the draw. Jewish Report_Brighter.indd 1 2015/05/29 2:49 PM Group CEO Let’s face it, marriage - like all relationships we treasure - requires investment, awareness and energy. But there’s no doubt it’s worth the effort, for our children and for ourselves. So, in addition to completing the survey I will also be taking my wife out to dinner, making sure I mention, regularly, how much I appreci- ate all she does for our family and consciously looking for opportunities to share meaningful dialogue. I’m sure Mauritius will provide lots of quiet time for that! Watch the media for more infor- mation on what the week has to offer. Healthy marriages make happier families that result in stronger communities! May our partnership continue to thrive. [email protected]

011 646 4657 • www.killarneymall.co.za 60 Riviera road, Killarney, Johannesburg This column is paid for by the Chevrah Kadisha 24 – 31 July 2015 Classifieds What’s On SA JEWISH REPORT 15 To book your classified notice or advert contact: Today, Friday (July 24) followed by an explanatory Kinus programme; 8378; e-mail: [email protected] or rene.s@ Tel (011) 430-1980, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected] Mincha (with tallit and tefillin): 16:45 Maariv: telkomsa.net or www.greatpark.co.za • UZLC hosts Charisse Zeifert of the SAJBD on 17:45 followed by breakfast. Information: NOTICES LIFTS OFFERED ACCOMMODATION VEHICLES “Being Jewish in South Africa Today”. Venue: 079-434-1293 or [email protected] • WIZO Forum hosts Michael Freeman, deputy Our Parents Home. Lunch from 12:15 and ambassador at the Israel Embassy, on Bikkur Cholim AGM AVAILABLE WANTED Experienced, reliable driver able the talk at 13:00. Information: Gloria, (011) Monday (July 27) “Unlocking the Boycott - Is Israel on the Road Sunday August 23 Norwood / Orchards to lift you anywhere/ anytime 24 485-4851. to Isolation”. Venue: Beyachad. Time 09:30. 09:30 Athol House Beautifully renovated, hours. Courier work undertaken. furnished cottages. IF YOU WANT TO • Chabad Seniors Club for men and women, Cost: R40 (incl tea). Contact: Nadine (011) 128 Athol St, Please call Paul Minsker New appliances. • Sydenham Shul hosts international author and meets at Chabad House in Savoy. Time 09:00 645-2515 or [email protected] Highlands North 083-542-6480 Serviced, parking, WIfi, gas. BUY OR SELL lecturer Rabbi Dr Laibl Wolf of Melbourne, for a - 13:00. Free transport, memory enhancement RSVP Joy (011) 882-2181 5 shuls close by. weekend of lectures July 23 - 25. Today, July with occupational therapist Cynthia Liptz, Wednesday, (July 29) (011) 440-3606(am) A VEHICLE 24 at 07:45,he speaks on “Kicking Bad Habits lectures and discussions, refreshments, lunch, AIRPORT SHUTTLE From R6 000 pm incl. – ‘the Neuro-Plastic Brain’; Why You Do What iPad lessons, and more. Information: Rabbi Ari •  Chabad in Savoy hosts:”Exploring the Parsha” SAM You Do - and Do it Differently”. In the evening Kievman (011) 440-6600. for men and women. Time: 09:45. Information: BEAUTY & HEALTH (011) 728-5219 50sqm of workspace Contact: he talks at a Young Adults Dinner on “Love, Rabbi Ari Kievman (011) 440-6600. 083-627-8516 Professional suited for various fields. Solly Kramer Exploitation & Commitment - Is it About Me, or • UJW Adult Education Division hosts Vincent wedding make-up To OR Tambo Monthly/daily rates. is it About You?” Shul service at 18:00, dinner Carruthers, chairman, Magaliesberg Biosphere • WIZO Tzabar is hosting award-winning director from R180. 082-922-3597 at 19:00. Cost: R190 per person, students: Management Board and vice-chairman of the and editor, Wayne Kopping, at the screening of To Lanseria 083-326-3647 R150 (limited to first 30). Bookings: www. Delta Environment Centre, on “Discovering the his film “Beneath the Helmet”. Venue: EOH, from R220. [email protected] sydshul.co.za or (011) 640-5021 or sydshul@ Magaliesberg (slide presentation). Venue: 1 1 Osborne Lane, Bedfordview. Limited space Reasonable rates to sydshul.co.za Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: available. Reservations: Naomi 082-496-1111 or all other areas. OFFICE SPACE R35. Contact: UJW Office (011) 648-1053. Graciela 082-925-0924 or Ayala 082-412-2269. AVAILABLE Lifts • Chabad in the Shul in Sandton Central, offers Time: 20:00. Cost: R80 (incl refreshments). Pine Place, Lyndhurst Need to go “Friday Night Lve in Sandton CBD”. with Rabbi Tuesday (July 28) 116 Johannesburg Road. to shops, appointments, Ari Kievman followed by kiddush and brocha. • UJW Adult Education Division hosts Dr Lorraine Call: 082 666 52 52 Time: 18:00. Information: 079-434-1293 or • Chabad House hosts a mulitplex of shiurim. Chaskalson, former lecturer in the dept of English visit friends, even [email protected] [email protected] Venue: Chabad House. Time: 09:45 lecture at Wits, on “The Prodigal Summer” - a novel school lifts? for men and women, “Fascinating Facts” with by Barbara Kingsolver. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Call Mark on Jacqui 083-447-6347 EMPLOYMENT Saturday, (July 25) Rabbbi Ari Kievman; 11:15 exclusive ladies Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: [email protected] 076-755-4649 WANTED shiur with Aviva Goldman. Free transport, UJW Office (011) 648-1053. LIFTS OFFERED SERVICES Reception / admin • Chabad offers a a Tisha B’Av programme at the refreshments, lunch, no cost. Information: Rabbi HOME SERVICES lady available Shul in Sandton Central. Time 18:25. Ma’ariv Ari Kievman (011) 440-6600. Thursday (July 30) A TAXI SERVICE Reliable and honest and Eicha followed by a documentary “With My Let Warren Pogorelsky chauffeur Deceased lady seeking Whole Broken Heart” and interactive discussion. • RCHCC in partnership with JH&GC hosts • Chabad House offers “Minyan in the CBD” you to your destination in Johan- estate house office position. Information: 079-434-1293 or rak@chabad. Professor Samuel Kassow, the Charles H in Sandton Central. Daily Mincha/Ma’ariv with nesburg and back. OR Tambo from clearances Lots of experience. org.za Northam Professor of History at Trinity College in refreshments. Optional learning opportunities. R200. Mercedes Benz Entire households Paula Hartford, Connecticut, on “Building a Museum: Time: 17:30. Information: Rabbi Ari Kievman Tel: 082-399-6187 082-707-8615 cleared, professionally Sunday, (July 26) The Saga of Polish Jewry”. Venue: Clive M 079-434-1293 or [email protected] Sun City & Game Reserve Beck Auditorium. Time: 19:30 Donation: R80 and confidentially. I’ll SERVICES • Chabad at the Shul in Sandton Central has (incl refreshments). Booking: Hazel or René • Sydenham Shul AGM takes place at 19:45 in Alex’s Lift Service take the burden off your NOTICES Shachrit (no tallit and tefillin), at 08:15 (011) 728-8088/8378, a/h (011) 728 the Community Centre in Rouxville. Experienced, reliable driver shoulders and pay you Hawley Marble and Granite Works specialising in lifts to shops and for it. Please contact Est. 1948. Monumental masons. appointments you need to go to. Community Columns Ladislav Miklas We are proud to have served the Contact Alex: 083-409-4378 079-810-8837 Johannesburg Jewish community A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies SMILE-LEE’S LIFTS [email protected] for many decades. Your support is A reliable lift service. for a trusted and much appreciated. Collen Hawley Fact-finding tour: young people won’t be browbeaten Specialising in lifts to and from professional service. Tel: (011) 828- 9010 Chaim Also clear garages, Silver (011) 485-3005 Picking up from where I left off including attempts to exclude airports, shops, appointments, last week, I was most encouraged us from participating in public casinos and courier. cellars, storage rooms FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP and storage facilities. to read the statement put out by events. Now we have provided Charna 083-391-6612 Lithuanian / Polish / the students who participated in with first-hand insights into the Appliance repairs on-site German citizenship DIAL A LIFT Fridges, stoves, washing Many South African Jews are What’s on the recent SA-Israel Forum fact- kind of pressures South Africans machines, tumble dryers and eligible for EU citizenship. If you finding trip to Israel. in general are being placed under 083-267-3281 are interested, please contact dishwashers. Free quotations. me. I specialise in obtaining the web Cogent, forthright and merely for showing a willingness Pip Friedman Call Jason 082-401-8239 / Lithuanian, Polish and German unapologetic, this statement to be exposed to alternative Comfortable 076-210-6532 citizenship. I am able to obtain the this week strenuously defended the basic viewpoints. required documents from archives & Spacious in Europe. right of South African citizens Despite this, not one of the 7 seater. Rael Cynkin CA (SA) to access information, consider 16-member student group [email protected] differing viewpoints and come allowed him or herself to be [email protected] 083-346-4627 www.dialalift.co.za to their own conclusions. The brow-beaten into toeing the BDS To place your classified statement, without going into Above Board line. For this, they have been AIRPORT SERVICE adverts, call Shereen on detail, also included observations Mary Kluk vilified in certain quarters, but all JHB (011) 430-1980 on the on-the-ground realities National Chairman who believe in the fundamental of the Israel-Palestine situation right of South Africans to that significantly challenge the simplistic, freedom of thought, opinion and enquiry, Follow our in-depth black-and-white narrative so assiduously will applaud them for the bold stand they

coverage of the 16 propagated by the anti-Israel boycott lobby. have taken. 8-seater. senior ANC-aligned It is, of course, precisely this kind of Tours/Day Drives student and young busi- exposure to views and information that Last week, the Board also issued a response Contact Arnold, ness leaders who went contradicts, or at least seriously qualifies, to the ruling of the Wits University legal 082-447-0185 to Israel and Palestine. their propagandist perspective that BDS-SA office concerning its review of the disciplinary 011-454-1193 The story has been and its allies are so anxious to prevent. procedures against Mcebo Dlamini. The evolving daily in the Given the kind of pressures they were ruling, while confirming Dlamini’s removal mainstream media over under, including threats of expulsion from as SRC president, concluded that his the past week. And it is their organisations, vitriolic verbal attacks “Hitler” comments, while “abhorrent”, all on our website. Read and even attempts at bribery, the students nevertheless did not fall into the category of how the 16 have been should be admired both for standing firm constitutionally prohibited hate speech. ostracised, intimi- regarding going on the trip itself and for In a media statement, we clarified that dated and punished by their refusal to be intimidated on their this decision was relevant only in respect BDS and ANC-aligned return. of Wits’ own internal rules and procedures, structures. Even the One of the participants, Klaas Masilo, and had no judicial relevance outside those previously most radical has since written about his experiences. His confines. The SAJBD remained convinced BDS supporters blame article, along with a related opinion piece that Dlamini’s comments do not enjoy that organisation for by SAJBD Associate Director David Saks, Constitutional protection and would be hiding the truth from appeared in the latest issue of the Sunday pursuing the cases of hate speech it had laid them in the past. The Tribune and can be accessed on the Board’s both with the South African police and with battle rages on. Facebook and website (www.jewishsa.co.za). the SA Human Rights Commission. Unfortunately, the students’ testimony We are indeed confident of obtaining in RE MINDer has also confirmed our worst suspicions due course a ruling confirming the appalling regarding the BDS movement and the hate speech he has been guilty of against our Book your tickets pernicious influence it is exercising in stifling community. to the Absa Jewish free debate and enquiry on the Israeli- Achiever Awards Palestinian issue. • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board 2015 As a Jewish community, we have been Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM every Friday 12:00 - subjected to a range of threats and insults, 13:00. rsvp@ This column paid for by the SA Jewish Board of Deputies sajewishreport. co.za More news on our website www.sajr.co.za 16 SA JEWISH REPORT News Sport 24 – 31 July 2015 Jewish leader slams criticism of queen over Nazi salute (JTA) – The president of the Board of Deputies of Nazi Germany was known at that point.” SA Maccabi delegation off to of British Jews condemned widespread criticism Buckingham Palace reportedly has ordered an of Queen Elizabeth II in the wake of the release investigation into the publication of the images, Berlin Games of a video showing her giving a Nazi salute at including how The Sun obtained the footage. the age of 7. Jonathan Arkush, its president, In the video, the young princess and her sister praised the royal family for its close relationship Margaret, 3, are shown dancing and smiling as with the Jewish community. the future British king, Edward VIII, instructs “I don’t think any criticism of a 7-year-old his nieces how to perform the Nazi Heil Hitler child would be remotely appropriate and I don’t salute. Some historians have accused Edward of intend to make any,” Arkush said, the Jewish being sympathetic to Hitler’s regime; Edward Chronicle reported over the weekend, following abdicated the throne in 1936 to marry divorcee the publication of the video on the website of Wallis Simpson. The Sun and on the tabloid’s front page. Queen Elizabeth, 89, is widely popular in “It’s really important for us not to judge this Britain and it is not believed that the images will event with hindsight. Obviously the Nazi salute damage her reputation, according to reports. now carries horrible memories and bitterness Last month, the queen met with survivors for us, but I do not think that it would be ap- and liberators in a visit to Bergen-Belsen, her propriate for me to suggest that the full horror first to a Nazi concentration camp.

The South African Senior Futsal team who will be taking part in next week’s European Maccabi Games in Berlin.

JACK MILNER “There were a lot of people who said that they would never in their lives step again on Maccabi South Africa will be sending a small German soil and we have to respect that,” delegation to the European Maccabi Games Meyer told a group of foreign reporters on which will be staged in Berlin for the first time. Monday. The opening ceremony will take place on But, he added: “We are a new generation... Monday at a site constructed by the Nazis for and the question of guilt is long resolved.” the 1936 Olympics. The European Maccabi The German government is openly support- Games end on August 5. ing the event and German Interior Minister Maccabi SA has regularly taken part in the Thomas de Maiziere said it sent a strong mes- C Pan American Games, but attending the 14th sage to hold the event on the site of the 1936 M European Maccabi Games will be a first. “It’s Olympic Games held under the Nazi regime.

Y momentous stuff,” said Cliff Garrun, Maccabi “This is the stadium where the Olympic Games were exploited by Hitler,” he said on CM SA chairman on Monday night. “It’s highly symbolic and I’m quite caught up in the whole RBB radio. “To hold on that spot a Jewish MY thing.” sporting event like the Maccabi Games, is an CY Garrun explained that outside of Europe, important and nice message.” CMY countries specifically have to be invited. “Ronen The European Maccabi Games take place

K Cohen, who is our futsal convener, has been every four years and were last held in Vi- organising this for about 18 months. As a result enna. This year some 2 300 athletes from 38 we have a junior, senior and masters futsal team countries are expected. Though only Jewish at the Games, as well as two swimmers. athletes can compete in events, “let’s play “We also know the Americans and Austral- together” matches are also being staged with ians will be there.” non-Jewish professional and celebrity teams. Futsal is a modified form of soccer with five Daniel Botmann, managing director of players per side, on a smaller, typically indoor Germany’s Central Council of Jews, said the pitch, usually 25m x 16m. Its name comes hope was that a peaceful and successful sport- from the Portuguese Futebol de salão, which ing event would show to a wider public that can be translated as “room football”. It was Jewish life in Germany and Europe was about developed in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s more than the debate over anti-Semitism or and is still very popular there. protection of synagogues. According to organiser Alon Meyer, presi- “The European Maccabi Games show that dent of Maccabi Germany, the decision to Jews are a part of society - an important host the European Maccabi Games in Berlin part,” he said. was a difficult one but he wanted it to be seen As part of the whole exercise, junior ath- as a “signal of reconciliation” 70 years after letes are to be educated on the Holocaust and the end of the Second World War. Jewish history in Germany.

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