12 Pages Price 40,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13614 Wednesday FEBRUARY 26, 2020 Esfand 7, 1398 Rajab 2, 1441 Countries imposing Coronavirus Dragan Skocic meets book fair medical bans not qualified outbreak will be Croatian football chief postponed until to be HRC members 2 reined in soon 2 Davor Suker 11 end of Ramadan 12 1st section of Tehran-Shomal See page 9 freeway inaugurated TEHRAN – The first section of the Speaking in the inauguration cere- long-awaited Tehran-Shomal freeway, mony, Rouhani described the project which shortens the route between the as a manifestation of Iranian engineers’ Iranian capital and Mazandaran province capabilities, adding that “Sanctions didn’t in north, was officially inaugurated on influence our determination to construct Tuesday by President Hassan Rouhani. the freeway.” The inauguration ceremony was also The first section of the freeway spans for attended by senior officials including Trans- near 32 kilometers and connects Azadegan port and Urban Development Minister freeway in the capital to Shahrestanak Mohammad Eslami. county in Alborz province. 4 Rainfall increases Lake Urmia level TEHRAN – Recent rainfall has increased temperatures that speed up evaporation the level of Lake Urmia to 1,271 meters, a as well as increased water demands in the step closer to its ecological level of 1,274 agriculture sector shrank the lake drasti- meters. cally. In 1999 the volume of water which Shared between West Azarbaijan and was at 30 billion cubic meters drastically East Azarbaijan provinces in northwestern decreased to half a billion cubic meters in , Lake Urmia was once the largest 2013. Moreover, the lake’s surface area of salt-water lake in the Middle East. 5,000 square kilometers in 1997 shrunk to However, decades of long-standing one-tenth of that to 500 square kilometers drought spells and elevated hot summer in 2013. 9 Iraqi legislators schedule confidence vote for new government Iraqi lawmakers say they will hold a missed a February 1 deadline set by the

vote-of-confidence session for Prime Min- president to nominate someone for the post. ister-designate Mohammad Tawfiq Allawi Allawi, whose appointment came some later this week, following months of intense two months after former Prime Minister #WeDefeatCoronavirus protests accusing the former government Adel Abdul Mahdi resigned in the wake of of corruption and mismanagement. unprecedented anti-government protests,

Davoud Ghahrdar Allawi, a 65-year-old former communi- had earlier called for a Monday vote and Nation mobilized against COVID-19 cations minister, was appointed as the new his request was supported by his prede-

IRNA/ premier by President Barham Salih earlier cessor and Deputy Parliament Speaker this month, after the divided parliament Hassan Karim al-Kaabi. 10 ARTICLE Saudis see Trump as unpredictable and fear who might be the next American president: Askari ARTICLE Ebrahim Fallahi By Javad Heirannia mately the Americans who prevented became president and after his trip to Saudi Ali A. Jenabzadeh Tehran Times journalist TEHRAN — Professor Hossein Askari, an expert from fulfilling its demand. How effective do Arabia, the Al-Sauds became emboldened. Journalist on Saudi Arabia who also teaches international you think America is in affecting such deci- They felt they could do anything in the region business at the George Washington University, sions in Riyadh? because Trump had their back. But after the believes that “The Saudis see Trump as unpre- A: Historically, Saudi Arabia would never Aramco incident, when Trump did not retaliate Why Majlis rejected dictable and fear who might be the next American think about negotiating with Iran before two against Iran for its alleged role, the Al-Sauds The FATF blacklist the budget bill? President.” conditions were met. The King was convinced became weak in their needs. They had second “Open up a small channel with Iran in case that Iran was not bent on overthrowing the thoughts. They were willing to hedge their bets. and its reverse he Iranian Parliament (Majlis) on it is needed given the unpredictability of U.S. Al-Sauds, a paranoia that has poisoned rap- I don’t know, but I think the U.S. did not want impact on stock Monday rejected general outlines foreign policy,” Hossein Askari, who served as prochement between the two countries. And any dialogue that would weaken its hands in of the national budget bill for the special advisor to Saudi finance minister, tells second, America’s concurrence about a dialogue dealing with Iran in the future. T the Tehran Times. with Iran as the Kingdom is totally dependent In your opinion, what groups within Sau- market next Iranian calendar year 1399, which Following is the text of the interview: on the United States for its self-defense. After di Arabia are in favor of dialogue with Iran, starts on March 20, stating that the bill is t may seem a little too soon, but I be- the Iran Nuclear deal in 2015 (JCPOA), the and what groups oppose this? In general, the not compatible with the country’s current The Lebanese newspaper Al-Banna lieve the world is on the threshold of Al-Sauds had second thoughts about relying question is whether internal disputes within economic conditions. disclosed that Saudi Arabia had expressed facing a new kingdom, an economic willingness to negotiate with Iran after the on American support. Could they continue to Saudi Arabia itself determine whether or not I Back in December 2019, after President one. Here is the story of The Kingdom. depend on the United States? But when Trump to negotiate with Iran. Hassan Rouhani submitted the adminis- Aramco oil facility incident, but it was ulti- 7 Right in the middle of parliamentary tration’s draft of the national budget bill elections of Iran on February 21, 2020, to the Majlis, many economic analysts and people of Iran were shocked by a piece experts had expressed concerns over the Countdown for the establishment of new Iraqi cabinet of news that came just out of the blue: draft saying that the budget bill hasn’t By Ramin Hooseinabadian restore dialogue with the components of society pressures on Allawi to obstruct the establishment Iran’s name goes on the FATF blacklist. been prepared based on realistic revenue and not to rush until reaching an agreement that of new government. For most Iranians, it seemed bad and scary, estimations. TEHRAN — A countdown for the formation of a new Iraqi cabinet has begun. Iraqi parliamen- satisfies all parties. About two weeks ago, the U.S. has agreed to mostly because they don’t know what it Many predicted the bill to create serious However, the latest news and reports on extend a waiver for Iraq to import Iranian ener- means. The FATF (Financial Action Task problems for the country’s economy in tarians were due to hold a meeting to discuss the cabinet formation and vote of confidence the process of proposing cabinet to the par- gy supplies for 45 days, while Washington has Force) is an intergovernmental organi- the upcoming year. liament indicate that most cabinet members repeatedly extended the exemption for periods zation founded in 1989 on the initiative Now that the bill has also been rejected on Monday, but it did not happen. In this regard, Iraqi parliament sources said that entered the final phase and the prime minis- of 90 or 120 days. of “G7” to develop so-called “policies” by the members of parliament, it is time to ter-designate is ready to submit the lineup to By this action, the U.S. is in fact applying po- to combat money laundering and later, take a more detailed look into the budget an extraordinary session to examine the cabinet of Iraqi Prime Minister-designate Mohammed the parliamentarians. litical pressure on Allawi to disrupt the formation terrorism financing. bill to see what the reasons for such a Accordingly, it is expected that the pro- of new government and make him to distance BEING in the FATF’s blacklist is not unanimous rejection could be. Tawfiq Allawi is postponed to Wednesday. The first deputy speaker of the parliament, Hassan cess of presenting the new Iraqi cabinet to from the Islamic Republic of Iran. something new for Iran, but KNOWING Oil revenues Karim al-Kaabi, announced that the extraordinary parliament will be finished on Wednesday, Another factor that has obstructed the for- that we are in that list, is a brand new The first and most important objection session of the Iraqi parliament will be held on and political disputes over the nomination of mation of new cabinet is political disputes. In information for most Iranians. Iran was to the budget bill was regarding the un- Wednesday instead of Monday to discuss Allawi’s some as ministers will end. this connection, Iraqi activist Alaa al-Khatib, added to The List in 2009 alongside coun- realistic estimations of the country’s oil efforts to form a new government. Meanwhile, foreign political pressure on Bagh- a person close to the prime minister-desig- tries like South Korea and Cuba. So yes, revenues considered in preparing the draft. Head of the Parliamentary Bloc Hisham Al-Su- dad to prolong the presentation of new cabinet nate, said that The Kurdish Democratic Party we were there before, but in 2015 after Iran’s next budget bill has been set hail called on the Prime Minister-designate to cannot be ignored. The U.S. has exerted political (KDP), 7 the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action based on the prediction of selling one (JCPOA) was signed by parties, this in- million barrels of oil at $50 per barrel, clusion was suspended. however, many believe that due to the U.S. The FATF, as merely a supervisory sanctions on the country’s oil industry, structure and not an executive one, has the Iranian government will not be able posed different conditions on Iran to ex- to realize this prediction. Duathlon clude the country from The List. One of The submitted bill has envisaged a to- them is the so-called Action Plan which tal of 2.61 quadrillion rials (about $62.14 Asian Cup includes 42 clauses. This Plan was SECRET- billion) of incomes, while revenues from LY granted by Ali Tayebnia, the minister exporting oil, gas, and gas condensate are of economic affairs and finance in Hassan estimated at 454.9 trillion rials (about held in Karaj Rouhani’s first government. In fact, out $10.83 billion). of 42 clauses, 38 are already effective and The 2020 Karaj ASTC Duathlon Asian Cup These numbers have been opposed in process. The entire controversy is over was held in Karaj, Alborz Province. by many of the MPs for being unrealistic the remaining 4 and once the rest of these A total of 20 sportsmen and 14 sports- since the country is currently facing some clauses are taken in, members of the FATF women took part in the competition. problems for its oil exports and also the should decide whether or not Iran will In the men’s division, Mohammad Hos- demand for oil is significantly falling in be excluded from the list. Guess who is seini won the competition, followed by Mo- the global markets. seating there to decide? Israel, next to hammadhossein Tayebi and Ali Rezvani. “Unfortunately, the next year’s budget the U.S. and Saudi Arabia... Asma Beigzadeh finished in first place includes unrealistic numbers for oil sales, But here is the question: if being in a in the women’s division. Fatemeh Mirian but we have to be realistic and base the blacklist, in any blacklist, is bad, then why and Zahra Reisi came second and third, budget on realistic figures,” an MP said. Iranian Stock Exchange index skyrocketed respectively. Tax incomes Masoumeh Aliakbar just one day after the blacklist monster was Duathlon is an athletic event that consists The government has envisioned various unleashed? Howcome the reactions were not of a running leg, followed by a cycling leg strategies for compensating a probable so promising in other markets like gold or ISNA/ and then another running leg in a format deficit in the next year’s budget due to currency? The math is simple: The Blacklist similar to triathlons. the fall in oil revenues. 4 lets the genie out of the bottle! 7 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS FEBRUARY 26, 2020

Iranian Navy’s 66th fleet Urgent action needed to lift medical bans on berth at Jakarta port POLITICAL TEHRAN — The public relations of the Iranian coronavirus-hit Iran, physician tells WHO deskNavy announced in a statement on Tuesday that the 66th combat-training fleet has berthed at the Indonesian POLITICAL TEHRAN — A top Iranian physician port city of Jakarta. deskand media activist has urged the World The statement said that after 25 days of non-stop sailing and Health Organization to take urgent action to help lift medical hoisting Iran’s flag in international waters, the fleet berthed at sanctions against Iran as the country is struggling to contain Jakarta port. a rapid outbreak of the novel coronavirus. In the meantime, Captain Ehsan Nasiri, the fleet commander, “Humanity demands action today; otherwise, the vulner- said that the fleet will stay in Jakarta port city for three day. able will pay the price,” Dr. Abolfazl Fateh said in a letter to WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Following is the text of the letter: As you are aware COVID-19 has placed the world in a dangerous epidemic and all the forecasts indicate the very fast spread of the virus. As the World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency on 31st January, it seems that we are only just dealing with the tip of the iceberg. News from Iran indicates that so far, tens, probably even hundreds of people have been infected with COVID-19. Iran has an advanced healthcare capacity and sys- tem however, as you are aware, the country is under un- precedented and extreme sanctions put in place by the United States of America. Due to the harsh conditions and the spread of the population of 80 million in such a large territory, along with its borders; it is evident that He added, “Holding meetings with the senior Indonesian they are short of the required resources and equipment navy commanders and managing sports competitions with the for diagnosis, prevention and treatment, especially lab- hosting country’s navy staff are among programs of the fleet oratory kits, masks N-95, protective gowns for medical medical laboratory kits and preventive equipment to be Clearly, any delay in removing the sanctions on healthcare during its stay in Jakarta.” staff, ambulances, specialised medicines, antiseptics and lifted immediately. support will result in countless innocent and vulnerable The fleet, including Khark helicopter-carrier and Bayandor appropriate medical supplies; in addition there is also Iranians living outside the country are willing to send people losing their lives. destroyer, left the Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas in early a need for the latest information on successful trials in humanitarian support in such a difficult situation for the It is our humane duty to do the right thing immediately February. combating this virus. impacted population, however due to the sanctions, it is and not to carry over the tragic consequences. In recent years, Iran’s naval forces have increased their pres- Health, hygiene and access to medical care are the fun- not possible to do so. Humanity demands action today; otherwise, the vulner- ence in international waters to secure naval routes and protect damental rights of all the human beings regardless of race, It must be brought to the attention of other global or- able will pay the price. merchant vessels and oil tankers against pirates. religion, and nationality. ganisations not to overrule the healthcare rights through I sincerely hope that you take the action needed to combat In line with international efforts to combat piracy, the Iranian As an Iranian physician and senior media activist resid- political considerations. the sanctions on healthcare that Iran faces, and do not let Navy has also been conducting anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf ing outside of Iran, I sincerely seek your urgent attention I firmly believe this is the request of a vast majority of health care become politicized and the political pressure of Aden to safeguard the vessels involved in maritime trade, for the sanctions on providing healthcare support, drugs, Iranians living abroad. take innocent lives. especially ships and oil tankers owned or leased by Iran. Rouhani: Coronavirus Govt. must continue efforts to reduce consequences of FATF blacklisting: analyst outbreak will be reined in soon POLITICAL TEHRAN — Mehdi Motaharnia, He noted that Iran can never be labeled with money deska political analyst, has said that the laundering and financing of terrorism. POLITICAL TEHRAN – In a live televised program on government must continue efforts to reduce consequences The U.S., the Zionist regime and Saudi Arabia had deskTuesday afternoon, President Hassan Rouhani of being blacklisted by the Financial Action Task Force made great efforts to pressure the international body assured the Iranian citizens that the coronavirus outbreak will (FATF). to blacklist Iran. be controlled in the shortest period of time. “We have to study the current situation, restrictions However, Abdolnasser Hemmati, Iran’s central bank “The people should not be worried and should cooperate as and destructive consequences in order to be able to governor, has argued the move will not affect the Iranian they have cooperated until today,” he said during his first meeting reduce the consequences,” he told ISNA in an interview foreign trade and stability in foreign exchange market. of the national coronavirus headquarters. published on Tuesday. “The performance of the central bank over the last He said that the essential guidelines are being issued by the He noted that 80 percent of international trade are done year has given this assurance to the people that such Ministry of Health. under regulations of the FATF and being blacklisted will events will not create problems for Iran’s foreign trade “Our main source is the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcast- cause restrictions on economic and banking transactions. and stability in foreign exchange market,” Hemmati ing. It announces all the guidelines issued by the Ministry of President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that Iran wrote on his Instagram page immediately after Iran Health and the people must pay attention to them and follow has been a forerunner in fighting money laundering and was put on the blacklist. them,” he noted. did not deserve to be blacklisted by the FATF. Hemmati said such “political and unprofessional” Elsewhere, he said that all the people should continue their “The great Iranian people and the Islamic Republic behaviors toward Iran has been continuing against Iran job while observing hygienic standards. of Iran did not and do not deserve to be placed on an since the summer of 2016. It is the enemies’ plot to close the country through spreading international body’s countermeasures list while it [the be held accountable. He said the representatives of the U.S. and its allies fear, he added. country] is forerunner in fighting terrorism and money “Those who impeded procedure of joining the FATF at the FATF had been focused on undermining expert laundering,” he said during a cabinet meeting. must be accountable for pressure and the future situation reports about the great steps taken by Iran in line with Army at high-level of He added, “We made efforts to prevent being introduced and be responsible for being blacklisted,” he said. the FATF requirements. by the United States and the Zionist regime as violator Kourosh Ahmadi, an expert on international affairs, The FATF said in October 2019 that it has given readiness: commander of these measures while we are forerunner in fighting has said that the way to get removed from the FATF Iran a final deadline of February 2020 to tighten its terrorism and money laundering.” blacklist is open to Iran. laws against money laundering in compliance with the POLITICAL TEHRAN — The commander of the Army’s Being blacklisted by the FATF is against the Iranian “Removal from the FATF blacklist is open for Iran. It global watchdog’s financial standards. deskGround Force announced on Tuesday that his people’s interests, the president remarked. is not necessary to start everything from the beginning. “If before February 2020, Iran does not enact the forces, including combat and logistic units, are in a very good condition. “As it was expected, it made the United States happy We can just continue the job from where it was stopped. Palermo and Terrorist Financing Conventions in line Addressing the third version of “Upgrading Ground Force’s and will justify intensification of cruel and inhumane One case is joining the CFT and the Palermo bill,” he told with the FATF Standards, then the FATF will fully lift Dynamism Festival”, Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari said, sanctions. Now, those who gave pretext to the United IRNA in an interview published on Sunday. the suspension of counter-measures and call on its “Upgrading dynamism, efficiency and continuation of dynamism States must be accountable for their unprofessional He noted, “The FATF has mentioned six points to members and urge all jurisdictions to apply effective are of great importance for the military units.” position,” Rouhani asserted. remove Iran from blacklist and one of them is joining the counter-measures, in line with recommendation 19,” He further pointed to pro- The FATF on Friday placed Iran on its blacklist after CFT and the Palermo bill. Other points includes technical the FATF said in a statement. duction of spare parts in the Iran refused to comply with all requirements of the body. and legal issues with which Iran has no problem.” In November 2019, Gholamreza Mesbahi-Moghadam, Zarharan and Ya Ali (AS) in- According to Reuters, the FATF appeared to leave Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on a cleric member of the Expediency Council trained in dustries and said, “Today, we the door ajar for Iran saying “countries should also be Friday that the blacklisting of Iran is “politically motivated”. economy, said, “In a situation in which the country is have gained very good promotion able to apply countermeasures independently of any “Unfortunately, what happened is politically motivated under the most severe sanctions, joining such conventions in production of spare parts for call by the FATF to do so.” which exists in the international mechanisms by the is (synonymous with) self-inflicted sanctions. In the the Army’s Airborne Unit, heavy Diako Hosseini, director of the World Studies Program United States, Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime of situation in which the United States seeks to limit the and ultra-heavy equipment.” at the presidential Centre for Strategic Studies, told Israel. They have influence on these mechanisms and country’s financial relations, it is not beneficial to join “We have attained self-suffi- IRNA that opponents of joining the FATF must now make efforts to politicize them,” Mousavi said. institutions like the FATF.” ciency in the field of upgrading dynamism,” the commander said, explaining that dynamism means maintenance and even upgrading efficiency of the old but valuable Iran: Countries imposing medical bans not qualified to be HRC members equipment. (Press TV) — The head of the Iranian bowing under the pressure. Leader of the Islamic Revo- Judiciary’s High Council for Human Rights Switzerland late in January launched lution suggested on February 8 says countries imposing sanctions on sup- the so-called Swiss Humanitarian Trade that Iran must increase its military power, noting that being mil- ply of medicine to Iran are “murderers Arrangement (SHTA), claiming it was itarily vulnerable would prompt the enemy to take action against of human beings” and lack qualification aimed at facilitating the medicine trade, the country. to be members of the UN Human Rights reportedly using the Central Bank of Iran’s “In order to prevent war and in order to put an end to threats Council (HRC). credits. Swiss officials have, however, re- we must become powerful,” Ayatollah told a number Ali Baqeri-Kani made the remarks while fused to clarify how such transactions of Air Force officers. addressing the 43rd session of the Human would continue if the CBI ran out of credit The Leader went on to say, “We are not seeking to threaten Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, on with Swiss banks. any country or nation, rather we are after protecting the country’s Monday, where he described the unilateral Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman security and preventing threats.” sanctions imposed by the United States Abbas Mousavi on February 3 dismissed on Iran as the “most recent grave and as insufficient the Swiss-U.S. “humani- systematic violation of human rights.” tarian” channel, arguing that the United Hit-and-run shooting kills a Emphasizing that “the Iranian nation States is originally banned by the Inter- person, injures another one is the major victim of such a violation,” national Court of Justice from subjecting Baqeri-Kani said, “The United States has Iran’s much-needed medical supplies to in southwestern Iran created an international sanction regime sanctions. which amounts to a systematic violation “We do not recognize any such so-called POLITICAL TEHRAN — The governor of port city of of human rights at an international level.” humanitarian channel. We do not recognize deskMahshahr announced on Tuesday that a young “This new policy in practice has pre- sanctions [for that matter]. Medicine and person was killed and another one injured in a hit-and-run shooting. vented the access to medicine and basic blocked due to the sanctions imposed on of the Human Rights Council,” he added. foodstuffs were never subject to sanctions Mohsen Beiranvand said, “Following an announcement by the needs by those who are in need,” the Ira- international financial transactions and The U.S. returned its sanctions against in the first place so they can now create police emergency center (110) over a shooting near Nasr mall in an nian rights official said, adding, “Those banking.” Iran in 2018 after leaving a historic nuclear a channel [for their transfer] with much industrial area in Mahshahr, the policemen arrived at the scene.” who impose sanctions on medicine are Baqeri-Kani slammed U.S. allies and accord -- officially known as the Joint publicity,” he added. “One person was murdered at the scene and another one sus- not only violators of human rights but some other countries for following the US Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) An NGO reported in November 2019 tained serious injury who was immediately transferred to the also murderers of human beings. And sanctions policy against Iran and said, “To -- signed between Iran and major world that Iranian children suffering from a rare nearest medical center,” he added. those who impose sanctions on life-saving preserve their political and economic bene- powers. The measures defied the agree- skin condition known as EB are losing their Beiranvand went on to say that a team of policemen are in- medicine are not eligible to be a member fits, many states that may not approve such ment’s multilateral nature and the fact lives as US economic sanctions hamper vestigating the incident. of the Human Rights Council.” sanctions, not only have failed to oppose that it had been ratified by the United the flow of vital medical products. Eyewitnesses also reported that the assailants, in a Pride pas- Refuting U.S. claims that its anti-Iran such inhuman treatment, but also supported Nations Security Council. Hamid Reza Hashemi-Golayegani, the senger car, opened fire at two young people before noon, February sanctions do not cover supply of medicine, these policies by succumbing to them.” Washington then began forcing other head of the NGO that helps such patients, 25, leaving one of the young men killed and another injured. the official said, “Although the US claims “These acts are not only the collective parties to toe its sanctions line. The three said that at least 15 Iranian children with The shooting, reportedly, was due to personal conflicts. that basic needs such as pharmaceutical punishment of a nation, but also a mod- European signatories to the deal -- Britain, epidermolysis bullosa (EB) have died since Mahshahr is located 120 km to the east of Ahvaz in the south- and commodities are not sanctioned, ac- ern method of violation of human rights, France, and Germany -- have stopped their the US launched its new sanctions on Iran western province of Khuzestan. cess to the most basic human needs are which should be put high on the agenda transactions with the Islamic Republic, in August. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y FEBRUARY 26, 2020 IRAN IN FOCUS 3 Zarif: Coronavirus, like terrorism, JCPOA session has nothing to do with dispute knows no bounds mechanism: Tehran POLITICAL TEHRAN — Foreign dressing the 43rd session of the Human Rights deskMinister Mohammad Council in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday, POLITICAL TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Ministry spokes- desk Javad Zarif has said like other viruses, where he described the unilateral sanctions man Abbas Mousavi said on Monday that including terrorism, coronavirus knows imposed by the United States on Iran as the the session of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna on no borders, calling for more regional co- “most recent grave and systematic violation Wednesday will have nothing to do with the nuclear deal’s operation to combat it. of human rights.” dispute mechanism. “Like other viruses - incl terrorism - Emphasizing that “the Iranian nation is Speaking to reporters, Mousavi offered some details about #COVID19 knows no borders and doesn›t the major victim of such a violation,” Baqeri the meeting. distinguish between ethnicities or faiths,” said, “The United States has created an in- Zarif said on Tuesday in a tweet. ternational sanction regime which amounts “To combat it, neither should we,” he said, to a systematic violation of human rights at adding, “In line with #HOPE, Iran calls for an international level.” more regional cooperation incl long overdue “This new policy in practice has prevent- Joint Center for Disease Control & Prevention.” ed access to medicine and basic needs by Iran is one of the countries inflicted with those who are in need,” the rights official the novel coronavirus, scientifically known said, adding, “Those who impose sanctions as COVID-19. on medicine are not only violators of human Health Minister Saeed Namaki has said rights but also murderers of human beings. effective measures have been taken and And those who impose sanctions on life-saving comprehensive plans are underway to get medicine are not eligible to be a member of rid of the novel coronavirus in the country. the Human Rights Council.” Iran has put in place a set of contingency long,” the minister said on Sunday. Meanwhile, the head of the Iranian Ju- Refuting U.S. claims that its anti-Iran plans, including the temporary shutdown of “As a veteran soldier in the Iranian health diciary›s High Council for Human Rights sanctions do not cover supply of medicine, schools, universities and cultural centers, to front, I have taken the responsibility of re- has said countries imposing sanctions on the official said, “Although the U.S. claims curb the coronavirus outbreak that by Tuesday moving measles, tetanus, and polio which supply of medicine to Iran are “murderers that basic needs such as pharmaceutical and afternoon had claimed at least fifteen lives astonished the World Health Organization as of human beings” and lack qualification commodities are not sanctioned, access to “The meeting that is going to be held on Wednesday, Feb- in the country. the country is grappling with sanctions with to be members of the UN Human Rights the most basic human needs are blocked due ruary 26, will be a regular and periodic session of the JCPOA “With regard to the past experience, I say no international support. So, I [definitely] say Council (HRC). to the sanctions imposed on international Joint Commission that will be convened at the level of deputy that we will defeat the coronavirus before that we will defeat the coronavirus.” Ali Baqeri made the remarks while ad- financial transactions and banking.” (foreign) ministers and political directors,” he said, the Foreign Ministry website reported. The official website of the European Union first announced the meeting. Coronavirus outbreak will be controlled next weeks: civil defense chief “A meeting of the Joint Commission of the Joint Compre- hensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will take place in Vienna on 26 “Controlling the epidemic situation resulting from coro- accusations against the Health Ministry officials. February. The Joint Commission will be chaired on behalf of navirus should be paid attention from two different aspects Rabiei pointed out that outbreak of coronavirus is a health the EU High Representative Josep Borrell Fontelles by EEAS of field reality and public opinion,” Brigadier General Gho- issue and “we must trust the physicians”. Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid and will be attended lamreza Jalali said. He added, “I have called on the entire political parties, by representatives of China, France, Germany, Russia, United “Fortunately, a form of national will and coordi- groups and media outlets to refrain from politicizing coro- Kingdom and Iran,” it said on Monday. nation has been created at the highest level of the navirus outbreak.” The previous meeting of the commission was held in De- country’s management system which has resulted in He said people should help the health sector more than cember 2019. partial controlling of coronavirus outbreak nation- ever and observe Health Ministry’s instructions in their daily “All participants emphasized the key importance of full and wide,” Jalali explained. life and social activities. effective implementation by all sides as well as their determi- “The mentioned control is meant that we will witness Touching upon the government’s firm will to control and nation to pursue all efforts to preserve the agreement,” read the a decline in the number of the virus-affected people,” the root out coronavirus in the country, Rabiei said, “The session statement published on the European Union official website after general explained. of anti-coronavirus headquarters, presided by President the meeting of the commission. The general also said it is unfair to question the perfor- Hassan Rouhani, will be held on Tuesday.” U.S. President Donald Trump quit the JCPOA in May 2018 mance of the Health Ministry and call its officials “liar”. Coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, appeared and introduced the harshest ever sanctions on Iran. “Calling the country’s health sector as liar and inefficient first in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December and has EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on February 16 that and spreading panic among people are the techniques used since spread globally. The World Health Organization has he will remain committed to keep the JCPOA alive. POLITICAL TEHRAN — The chief of Iran›s Civil De- by the enemies’ media outlets,” he further said. declared it a global health emergency. “As coordinator I remain committed to listen to all sides and deskfense Organization said on Tuesday the On Monday, Ali Rabiei, the government spokesman, According to Kianoush Jahanpour, the head of the Health keep the #NuclearDeal alive,” he said in a tweet. Iranians’ national resolve is to overcome the coronavirus condemned any move to politicize the outbreak of corona- Ministry’s public relations, said as of Tuesday the number In May 2019 Iran started to reduce its commitments to the outbreak, noting the situation will be brought under control virus, scientifically called COVID-19, urging political groups, of people diagnosed with the coronavirus in Iran increased JCPOA at bi-monthly intervals in response to the abrogation of over the next weeks. parties and media outlets to refrain from making baseless to 95, of whom 15 have so far lost their lives. the pact by the U.S. coupled with the European Union’s inaction to shield Iran’s economy from sanctions. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on February 14 that Iran’s decisions to reduce JCPOA commit- Ways and means to improve situation around nuclear deal ments are reversible if Europe takes “meaningful” steps in preserving the JCPOA. Tehran’s moves to ramp-up its nuclear program in the past to be discussed: Russian diplomat few months are reversible “providing that Europe takes steps By staff and agency the deal to survive. that are meaningful,” Zarif told reporters on the sidelines of the Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s permanent repre- “If we want the Iran nuclear deal to sur- Munich Security Conference, according to AP. sentative to the Vienna-based international vive, we need to ensure that Iran benefits if organizations, has said that ways and means it returns to full compliance,” he wrote in an to improve situation around the 2015 nuclear article in the Project Syndicate published deal will be discussed at the Joint Commission on February 8. Pakistan envoy submits of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Borrell was notified in January by Paris, (JCPOA) on Wednesday. London, and Berlin that they had triggered credentials to Zarif “Participants of #IranDeal will meet the the resolution dispute mechanism. POLITICAL TEHRAN — Pakistan’s new ambassador to day after tomorrow at the level of political He has said that the EU will extend in- deskTehran, Rahim Hayat Qureshi, submitted a directors. Ways and means to improve the definitely the time limit to resolve disputes copy of his credentials to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad situation within and around #JCPOA will in the nuclear deal to avoid having to go Zarif on Tuesday. be discussed,” Ulyanov tweeted on Monday. to the UN Security Council or triggering Qureshi was appointed as the new Pakistani ambassador to The European Union said on Monday that new sanctions. Iran in December 2019. He served as an envoy to South Korea the JCPOA Joint Commission will meet in “There is an agreement that more time is before his mission to Iran. Vienna on Wednesday. needed due to the complexity of the issues The Pakistani diplomat also has the experience of working “A meeting of the Joint Commission of the involved. The timeline is therefore extended,” at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the UN. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Borrell said in a statement on January 24. will take place in Vienna on 26 February. Zarif also held talks with the Dutch and The Joint Commission will be chaired on Austrian foreign ministers who visited Teh- behalf of the EU High Representative Josep website after the meeting of the JCPOA pact by the U.S. coupled with the European ran on Saturday and Sunday, discussing the Borrell Fontelles by EEAS Secretary General joint commission. Union’s inaction to shield Iran’s economy most pressing issues, chief among them the Helga Maria Schmid and will be attended by U.S. President Donald Trump quit the from sanctions. nuclear deal. representatives of China, France, Germany, nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, in May Zarif said on February 14 that Iran’s de- The two top European diplomats also Russia, United Kingdom and Iran,” the of- 2018 and introduced the harshest ever sanc- cisions to reduce JCPOA commitments are held separate talks with President Hassan ficial website of the European Union said tions on Iran. reversible if Europe takes “meaningful” steps Rouhani. in a statement. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said in preserving the JCPOA. In his meeting with the Dutch Foreign The previous meeting of the commission on February 16 that he will remain committed Tehran’s moves to ramp-up its nuclear Minister Stef Blok on Saturday, Rouhani was held in December 2019. to keep the JCPOA alive. program in the past few months are revers- said Iran has not closed the path of dialogue “All participants emphasized the key “As coordinator I remain committed to ible “providing that Europe takes steps that with the EU. importance of full and effective imple- listen to all sides and keep the #NuclearDeal are meaningful,” Zarif told reporters on the In his meeting with Austrian Foreign mentation by all sides as well as their alive,” he said in a tweet. sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, Minister Alexander Schallenberg on Sunday, determination to pursue all efforts to pre- In May 2019 Iran started to reduce its according to AP. Rouhani also said, “The European Union serve the agreement,” read the statement commitments to the JCPOA at bi-monthly Borrell has said that Europe must ensure is expected to stand up to the U.S. illegal published on the European Union official intervals in response to the abrogation of the Iran’s benefits from the nuclear deal if it wants measures.”

Earlier this month, the Pakistani ambassador said Prime Minister Imran Khan has stressed the importance of fraternal Moscow sees JCPOA Joint Commission as opportunity for de-escalation ties with Iran. POLITICAL TEHRAN — Russian Foreign Minister resolution mechanism. “Pre-departure call on PM @ImranKhanPTI. He stressed the deskSergey Lavrov says Wednesday’s Joint The JCPOA was struck between Iran and the five perma- importance of brotherly and fraternal ties with Iran which are Commission meeting of the JCPOA would be an opportu- nent UN Security Council members — the United States, rooted in history, culture and society. As Ambassador to Iran it nity to stop the escalation of tensions surrounding the Iran Russia, China, France, and the UK — as well as Germany would be my earnest desire to take our bilateral ties to greater nuclear agreement. and the European Union. heights,” he said via Twitter. “Tomorrow, Vienna should host the meeting of the Joint The accord came under increasing strain ever since U.S. Prime Minister Khan visited Tehran on October 13. He met Commission of the JCPOA participants. This is a chance, President Donald Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei although not a 100 percent one, but still a chance to stop it in May 2018 and unleashed the “toughest ever” sanctions and President Hassan Rouhani. the process of escalation until it is too late,” Lavrov said against Iran despite worldwide objections. His trip was intended to mediate between Tehran and on Tuesday at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva, On May 8, exactly one year after the U.S. abandoned Washington. according to Sputnik. the deal, Tehran announced that its “strategic patience” is Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran has never initiated a war “but Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov will over and began to partially reduce its commitments to the if anyone starts a war against Iran will undoubtedly regret.” represent the country at the meeting. agreement at bi-monthly steps. Elsewhere, Ayatollah Khamenei described Iran-Pakistan Earlier on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman The move was intended to push European countries to relations as brotherly and attached importance to expansion of Abbas Mousavi said that the Wednesday meeting of the salvage the JCPOA from U.S. pressures. Iran argued that ties and promotion of security in borders. commission will be a ‘regular and periodic session’ led by the three European members of the deal, namely France, last and final step to suspend all of its commitments to the For his part, Khan called Iran and Pakistan brotherly countries deputy foreign ministers and political directors. Britain, and Germany, have done nothing of value to protect JCPOA. The decision was based on Europe’s failure to keep and said that Islamabad seeks to expand relations with Iran. The spokesperson also emphasized that the upcoming Iran’s benefits from the deal. up its part of the deal, but Tehran clarified that it will return Pakistan considers Iran an “important partner” especially in session will have no connection with the JCPOA’s dispute Finally, Iran announced in January that it is taking the to the deal as soon as Europe fulfills its obligations. economic area, the prime minister said. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY FEBRUARY 26, 2020 Industry minister holds STOCK MARKET TEDPIX 518513.9 talks with manufacturers IFX 6691.71 Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir of heath products amid CURRENCIES coronavirus outbreak USD 42,000 rials ECONOMY TEHRAN – Iranian including the government’s spokesman EUR 45,621 rials deskIndustry, Mining and Ali Rabiei. GBP 54,338 rials Trade Minister Reza Rahmani held a meeting Exploring the necessary measures which with the producers of health and hygiene should be taken by the government and any move to politicize outbreak of the trust to the physicians.” AED 11,437 rials products, on Tuesday, to discuss the supply of the industry ministry for countering the coronavirus, calling on political groups, Coronavirus, officially known as Source: cbi.ir such products amid the coronavirus outbreak. spread of coronavirus and supervising the parties and media outlets to refrain from COVID-19, appeared first in the Chinese As reported by IRIB, the meeting production and supply of health and hygiene accusing baselessly the country’s Health city of Wuhan in December and has was attended by the representatives products were the major issues discussed Ministry officials. since spread globally. The World Health of the country’s major health products in the meeting. Rabiei pointed out that outbreak of Organization has declared it a global health COMMODITIES manufacturers as well as senior officials Earlier on Monday, Rabiei condemned coronavirus is a health issue and “we must emergency. Brent $55.52b WTI $51.20/b Why Majlis rejected the budget bill? OPEC Basket $58.17/b 1 One of the major measures provisioned for such Economic analysts believe that excessive issuance of treas- Gold $1,644.90/oz compensation is said to be increasing the tax revenues. ury bonds means creating more liquidity which consequently Tax incomes are predicted to be 1.95 quadrillion rials (about results in more inflation. Silver $18.41/oz $46.42 billion) in the next year’s budget bill, rising 27 percent According to the next year’s budget bill, over 1.15 quadril- Platinium $969.20/oz from 1.72 quadrillion rials (about $40.95 billion) envisaged in lion rials (about $27.8 billion) is expected to be earned from the present year’s budget. selling bonds. Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com Considering the current economic situation, the question “This figure is more than double the previous year’s total is how much of this revenue can be realized; is the taxpaying development performance, we are putting the country’s future population going to expand or tax evasions are going to be elim- on sale,” an MP stressed. inated or is the Iranian National Tax Administration (INTA) People’s livelihood 1st section of Tehran-Shomal seeking to put more pressure on existing taxpayers? In the next year’s budget bill, the basic salary for workers has Some MPs believe that the envisioned tax income is not in been set to be 24 million rials (about $570), 15-percent more freeway inaugurated line with the provisions of the country’s Sixth Five-Year National than last year’s basic salary. Many MPs believe that the 15 percent rise which has been 1 Earlier in February, Iranian transport minister had Development Plan (2016-2021). envisioned for all workers equally is not fair for all classes of termed Tehran-Shomal freeway as a ‘megaproject’, noting that “Every year’s revenues must be set based upon an estimation another source for offsetting the next year’s budget deficit, the society. “although construction of this project took more than 24 years, of the one-sixth of the total revenue envisaged in the country’s however, parliament members are not convinced that such a Considering the inflation rate this amount of increase is not the project was mainly started in 2015 at the initiative taken national development plan, and this year’s budget bill is far program could be fully realized. going to be even nearly enough, an MP said. by Mostazafan Foundation and cooperation of the Ministry of from such an estimation,” an MP said. In the next year’s budget bill, it has been estimated that the The government is also going to combine the cash subsi- Transport and Urban Development.” Another issue that was raised by MPs about the tax section government would gain 490 trillion rials (about $11.6 billion) of the bill was regarding the current situation of the country’s from the sales of its assets. dies which was paid to people in the form of two packages, one factories and producers as major taxpayers. However, although last year the government had set a much 450,000 rials (nearly 11 dollars) and one 2,000,000 rials (nearly “Our producers are facing many problems for importing their lower target for the sales of its assets, unfortunately, it couldn’t 48 dollars) for each person, and provide each person with only required raw materials and machinery and their production be realized. one 700,000 rials (about 16 dollars) to reduce the government’s has reduced significantly, so how they are going to pay more In addition to the transferring assets, using forex reserves, expenditures. tax?” said another MP. selling Islamic bonds, and withdrawing 450 trillion rials (about “The combination of cash and livelihood subsidies would Selling government assets $10.714 billion) from National Development Fund, were also nearly halve the figure, which will make people unhappy next The government has suggested selling its excess assets as among the strategies suggested for compensating budget deficits. year,” said an MP.

TEDPIX, IFX on rising trend Housing price climbs 3.8% in Tehran City ECONOMY TEHRAN — TEDPIX, ECONOMY TEHRAN — Housing the country’s housing and real estate deskthe main index of Teh- deskprice rose 3.8 percent market by the end of the current Iranian ran Stock Exchange (TSE), rose 14,778 in Tehran City during the past Iranian calendar year (March 19, 2020). The mega project consists of four phases spanning 121 km points to 518,513 on Tuesday, after it notches calendar month of Bahman (ended on “In order to control and regulate in total. the ever-high record of one million points February 19), compared to its previous the real estate market, the Ministry of Section IV, which is 20 kilometers long and connects Marzana- on Monday, IRNA reported. month, ISNA reported on Tuesday. Transport and Urban Development is bad in Kelardasht District to Chalous (both in Mazandaran), was As reported, over 8.16 billion securi- The housing price has also climbed following four major programs which inaugurated in March 2014. ties worth 52.914 trillion rials (about $1.25 43 percent in the capital city in Bahman include taxing vacant houses, completing billion) were traded at TSE on Tuesday. of this year from the same month in the Mehr housing units, constructing and China signals more easing to The first market’s index climbed 9,754 previous year. supplying new housing units through points and the second market’s index went cember 2018-December 2019. As reported, the number of real es- the National Housing Plan and finally shore up economy up 34,466 points. According to the TSE’s office of public tate deals increased 25 percent in the setting up a professional real estate and Indices of Persian Gulf Petrochemical relations, TEDPIX registered a growth of past month from its preceding month housing system,” the official explained. China’s top leaders signaled they are planning to increase stimulus Industries, Mobarakeh Steel Company and 133 percent in the mentioned time span to and 42 percent from the same month According to Mahmoudzadeh, one of this year through fiscal and monetary policy, as the coronavirus Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company become the second-best performer after of the past year. the main goals of establishing this system outbreak hammers the world’s second-biggest economy. mostly contributed to the TEDPIX growth Jamaica Stock Exchange. Two month ago, Deputy Transport is to identify vacant and unused houses At a meeting chaired by Chinese President Xi Jinping last during the Tuesday trades. On Tuesday, IFX, the main index of and Urban Development Minister for in order to receive tax from the owners. Friday, officials pledged to be more “proactive” in using fiscal Tehran Stock Exchange has been ranked Iran’s over-the-counter (OTC) known as Housing and Construction Affairs “The system will be able to bring back policy and exercise “more flexibility” in monetary easing. as the second best performer among the Iran Fara Bourse (IFB), also rose 139 points Mahmoud Mahmoudzadeh had said 2.6 million vacant housing units into the The wording indicates a greater easing bias compared with members of the World Federation of Ex- to 6,691, as 2.62 billion securities valued at that the government was planning on real estate market, and consequently the stance that was endorsed at a top-level economic meeting changes (WFE) in terms of the main index 26.346 trillion rials (about $627.2 million) launching a national real estate and affect the rent prices significantly,” he last December, where the Communist Party leadership laid out growth during the 12-month period of De- were traded at this market. housing system, aimed at controlling said. stimulus plans for this year. In a separate statement from the central bank over the weekend, deputy governor Liu Guoqiang said the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) will free up part of the reserves of some commercial lend- Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Chamber of Commerce to select its new board members ers to unleash long-term funding to the economy, and consider ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran-Turk- place of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Indus- The 15th Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Development Minister Mohammad Eslami adjusting the benchmark deposit rate at an appropriate time. deskmenistan Joint Chamber tries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), the Economic Committee meeting was held in was the Iranian chairman of the meeting. The coronavirus outbreak has forced officials to keep millions of Commerce will hold an extraordinary as- chamber’s board of directors will present mid-October 2019 in Turkmenistan’s capital On the sidelines of the committee meeting, of people at home and away from work, impacting businesses - sembly on March 11 in order to select its new its report and the financial statements will Ashgabat. the two sides’ businessmen and entrepreneurs both big and small - which have suspended or limited operations. board members. be released to be approved, ICCIMA portal The event was attended by senior officials discussed and followed up on expansion of The epidemic is weighing on an economy that was already In the meeting, which will be held at the published. from both sides and Iran’s Transport and Urban economic relations. growing at its slowest in three decades, with ratings company S&P Global warning that a prolonged public health crisis could cause the bad loans ratio in China’s banking system to more than triple. The “rate cut, if rolled out, may not be a big one,” Mr. Ting Lu, chief China economist at Nomura International in Hong The ECB is in for a Covid-19 shocker Kong, wrote in a note. Last week, new data showed that the eurozone economy actually occur or how forceful it would be. Germany’s pol- The “current benchmark deposit rates are quite low anyway. had seen an encouraging rebound in February, as activity in iticians appear particularly reluctant to open their purse. Cutting the reserve requirement ratio, using lending facilities the services sector expanded strongly, while manufacturing The German economy is now one of the worst performers like pledged supplementary lending to fund loan extensions, slowed less than expected. However, the disruptions from in the currency area, and yet its leaders continue to rack tax cuts, rent cuts and interest payments should be much more the Covid-19 epidemic look set to hit the region’s businesses up fiscal surpluses. effective in the current situation.” hard, especially as the number of cases outside of China grows. The ECB has also been surprisingly upbeat recently. At A separate teleconference meeting took place on Sunday with The European Central Bank (ECB) and euro region finance the last press conference, its president Christine Lagarde government officials all the way down to the county level, according ministers have seemed oddly sanguine in recent weeks, but displayed excessive optimism that inflation was edging closer to state-run news agency Xinhua. that’s likely to change soon. to the central bank’s target of close to but below 2 percent. Xi told attendees that the outbreak is the “most rapid, wide- The rosy figures sparked optimism that the euro area On Friday, Philip Lane, the ECB’s chief economist, said he spread and difficult to contain” public health crisis China has may be emerging from a soft patch at the end of 2019. The still expected the impact from the virus to be “V-shaped”, faced since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. region’s economy expanded by a mere 0.1 percent in the meaning there would be an economic contraction followed A financial inclusion review last three months of last year, as France and Italy both by a rapid expansion. The implication is that the central The PBOC will soon conduct a financial inclusion review on contracted. The new Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI0 bank could just look through such weakness, since it would commercial banks and offer qualified lenders discounts on their readings for Germany’s manufacturing industry - which be largely temporary. reserve ratios, Mr. Liu said on the central bank’s WeChat account touched 47.8 in February from 45.3 last month - were par- So far, the fears for the global and European economies last Saturday. ticularly encouraging. This sector had shrunk substantially were largely the product of what was happening in China, a The authorities will keep liquidity sufficient and continue to at the end of last year, raising fears that Germany could 130. The country’s government had to take some dramatic large export market for European businesses and is deeply use targeted relending and rediscounting funding to help small soon head for a recession. measures, including the cancellation of Venice’s Carnival rooted in their supply chains. However, there will now be firms, he added. The trouble is that these indicators are unusually noisy. celebration and suspending schools and other public spaces serious consequences for domestic demand and supply too. Liu also repeated an earlier pledge that the central bank will PMI indices incorporate a number of gauges, which are in a number of northern regions. The outbreak in Italy has occurred between Lombardy, consider economic and inflation pressures when adjusting the both backward- and forward-looking. Unfortunately, some Propping up the global economy Emilia-Romagna and Veneto - the country’s industrial heart- benchmark deposit rate at an appropriate time. figures that predict future activity - such as new foreign Until now, policymakers had displayed little sense of land. As people choose to stay at home and travel less, this China slashed a range of policy rates this month. orders - were particularly weak. A possible interpretation hurry. At the weekend, finance chiefs and central bankers is bound to impact local services. Members of the party’s Politburo last Friday also pledged to is that the damage from the spread of the virus outbreak is from the world’s largest 20 economies failed to put in place a An important question for central bankers and governments accelerate construction projects and step up efforts to support not yet fully visible in the data. concerted set of measures to prop up the global economy, as is to what extent these disruptions will have inflationary industries that are involved in making vaccines, bio-medicine Moreover, the outbreak appears to be spreading fast. The they only agreed to a “menu of policy options” if conditions consequences. Over the past decade, policymakers have and medical equipment, as well as 5G and industrial networks. number of infected individuals in China has risen to above worsen amid the virus outbreak. Last Tuesday, eurozone grown accustomed to responding to slowdowns by simu- Officials also urged local governments to shift towards restoring 79,000, with more than 2,500 fatalities. Europe, which had finance ministers had approved a joint policy recommen- lating demand, especially through unorthodox monetary business operations and “actively” helping migrants return to work. been spared largely, has seen a steep increase in the number dation that alluded to some form of fiscal expansion if the policy moves, including quantitative easing. (Source: straitstimes.com) of cases: In Italy, it climbed in just a few days to more than slump deepens. However, it is unclear when the boost would (Source: businesstimes.com.sg) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y FEBRUARY 26, 2020 ENERGY 5

Iran’s gas output to hit record OPEC hasn’t run out of ideas, Saudi energy minister insists as oil prices slump high by mid-March: Zanganeh By Holly Ellyatt His comments came amid speculation that there is tension in the ENERGY TEHRAN – Iranian Oil for about eight percent of the world’s re- alliance, known as OPEC+, over whether to cut oil production deskMinister Bijan Namdar serves, and approximately 18 billion barrels further. Zanganeh said on Monday that the country’s of condensate. Prices continue to be weighed on by ample supply and falling daily gas production is going to reach one Iran to take part in OPEC meeting demand and, lately, fears surrounding the coronavirus and its billion cubic meters (mcm) by the end of Zanganeh further noted that Islamic Re- impact on the global economy. the current Iranian calendar year (March public of Iran will participate in upcoming OPEC and its allied oil-producing nations are still working 19) when all the South Pars phases go op- meeting of the Organization of Petroleum well together and still have options to try to rebalance global erational. Exporting Countries (OPEC) which will be crude markets, Saudi Energy “Today, Platform A of Phase 13 of South held in early March 2020. Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Pars Gas Field was installed which is the He also pointed to his recent phone con- Salman said Tuesday. latest phase in South Pars development versation with the Russian Minister of Energy “We do communicate with project and the last platform of this phase Alexander Novak and said, “Russia’s energy each other, we use every oppor- will be installed by the yearend,” he said minister believes that further reduction in tunity to talk with each other,” after a meeting with the chancellors of oil oil output is not necessary before OPEC’s he said, speaking to reporters industry universities. meeting in March.” at the ICCUS conference in the After the installation of the phase 13 plat- Elsewhere in his remarks, Zanganeh Saudi capital of Riyadh. forms, all the 27 platforms of the giant gas pointed to the outbreak of ‘coronavirus’ “We did not run out of ideas, field’s phases will be installed completely and added, “Spread of this deadly virus is we haven’t lost our phones and and the country gas output will reach a new the main reason for the fluctuations of oil there are always good ways of high, the minister said. prices in the global market.” communicating through con- South Pars gas field, which Iran shares kilometers of which, called South Pars, are are situated in Qatar’s territorial waters. Instruction with regards to combat ‘coro- ference calls and technology is with Qatar in the Persian Gulf, covers an area in Iran’s territorial waters. The remaining The field is estimated to contain a sig- navirus’ has been notified in the oil industry, very helpful.” of 9,700 square kilometers, 3,700 square 6,000 square kilometers, called North Dome, nificant amount of natural gas, accounting Oil Minister Zanganeh added. His comments came amid speculation that there is ten- sion in the alliance, known as OPEC+, over whether to cut oil production further. Oil prices rise on bargain-hunting; Indonesia’s oil and gas output set for Prices continue to be weighed on by ample supply and falling virus fears cap gains drop: analysts demand and, lately, fears surrounding the coronavirus and its impact on the global economy. Oil climbed on Tuesday as investors sought managed a solid bounce. Indonesia’s oil and gas output is expected to Prince Abdulaziz insisted that the producer countries in the bargains after crude benchmarks slumped In the United States, crude oil inventories contract for a fourth consecutive year in 2020, alliance communicate and he was “confident of our partnership,” almost 4% in the previous session, although were seen building for a fifth straight as aging fields and delays to new projects adding that every producer was a “responsible” one. concerns about the coronavirus spreading week, while refined products likely fell, a keep production levels below government Saudi Arabia’s new Energy Minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin out of China and curbing major economies preliminary Reuters poll on the expectations targets, analysts said. Salman takes a tour at the exhibition during the 24th World and fuel demand capped gains. for the week ended on Feb. 21 showed on The output decline comes as Jakarta Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Septem- Brent crude rose 49 cents, or 0.9% to Monday. proposes a new law and aims to set up a ber 9, 2019. $56.79 a barrel by 0751 GMT, after slipping Countries around the world are stepping special state vehicle aimed at reducing red Cutting collective oil output 3.8% on Monday. up efforts to prevent a pandemic of the flu- tape and attracting foreign investment into OPEC and its non-OPEC allies, led by Russia, will meet in U.S. crude futures gained 42 cents, or like SARS-CoV-2 virus originating from the industry. Vienna on March 5-6 but there is uncertainty over whether the 0.8%, to $51.85, recovering from a 3.7% China late last year that has now infected Details on the new initiatives remain production “will continue to decline until entire group will agree to cut their collective oil output further drop in the previous session. more than 80,000 people, 10 times more scant but analysts said it could take years Pertamina drills further on the block,” Rystad with rumors that Russia is still undecided. As it stands, the “Because we’ve seen a very significant than the SARS coronavirus of 2002/2003. to boost energy exploration and production Energy analyst Prateek Pandey said. alliance has reduced its total oil output by 1.7 million barrels a fall in case of West Texas, from above $60 to “Fears that the rapidly-spreading in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. “Given this lackluster outlook, it is imper- day in a bid to stabilize oil prices. touch below $50 (over the past six weeks), coronavirus outside of China could lead to Indonesia’s crude oil output has been ative for Indonesia’s oil and gas production The technical committee of OPEC+ met earlier in February I think oil has largely reflected a lot of risk, a bigger-than-anticipated impact on global declining for years, from a peak of more that Pertamina reduces sanctioning hurdles to debate a possible oil output cut but the meeting ended with unlike other markets,” Michael McCarthy, economy and oil demand will likely keep than 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd) in the that have long delayed many of its projects, no solid recommendation. chief market strategist at CMC weighing on market sentiment,” Satoru mid-1990s to below 800,000 bpd now as and implements advanced enhanced oil The Saudi minister referred to a statement made last week Markets, told Reuters over the phone. Yoshida, a commodity analyst with Rakuten key fields run dry. recovery technology on its mature fields,” by his Russian counterpart, Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Crude markets are also close to Securities said. Oil output in 2019 was 3.7% below tar- he said. in which Novak said Russia had not yet made a decision on any an important technical support level Saudi Aramco expects the coronavirus get while gas output dropped 15.2% below The only promising project commencing further cut and that it continued to discuss the matter with its between $49.50 and $50 a barrel for WTI impact on oil demand to be short-lived, target due to field curtailments, pipe leaks operations this year is Eni’s Merakes gas OPEC partners. and between $54.50 and $55 for Brent, however, and for consumption to rise in and dozens of unplanned field shutdowns, development, which analysts say may reach Prince Abdulaziz said the statement showed that Novak re- McCarthy said. the second half of the year, Chief Executive according to SKK Migas. 60,000 barrels of oil equivalent production mains “positively engaged.” “I’m confident of our partnership “For this week, key factors are Amin Nasser told Reuters on Monday. “We are forecasting a 6% decline in liq- per day once at full capacity - deemed at as OPEC+, I’m confident that everyone in the OPEC+ is a re- coronavirus, inventory data and the On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia’s Minister uids, and a 2% drop in gas output for 2020,” least a year away. sponsible and responsive producer.” technical picture,” he said. of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said Andrew Harwood, Wood Mackenzie’s Even if the new is passed, any revival in Oil prices steadied on Tuesday after crude benchmarks slumped Demand concerns savaged prices for said that OPEC+ should not be complacent research director for upstream oil and gas output may take years to materialize due to almost 4% in the previous session on concerns over the impact oil and a whole swathe of commodities on about the coronavirus. in Asia Pacific. lingering investor worries about Indonesian of the coronavirus on already dented global demand and a build Monday, while both U.S. and European Bank of America expects Brent to average “Any increase from new projects will be resource nationalism. in U.S. crude oil inventories. equities suffered their steepest losses since $62 per barrel in 2020, with medium-term offset by declines at Chevron’s Rokan PSC, “I don’t know what’s going to happen in Brent crude for April delivery was trading at $56.79 per barrel mid-2016. downside risks due to slowing global growth, Pertamina’s Mahakam block, and Pertamina’s five years from now, or three years from now Tuesday, while West Texas intermediate (WTI) was trading at Asian share markets were trying to trade war uncertainties and the coronavirus wider operations across Java and Sumatra.” when the campaign for the next presidential $51.87. stabilize on Tuesday after a wave of early outbreak. Pertamina will take over the Rokan block elections kicks off again,” Harwood said. (Source: cnbc.com) selling petered out and Wall Street futures (Source: reuters.com) from Chevron next year, but Indonesia’s oil (Source: oedigital.com) Repsol’s energy transition Oman LNG and Baker Hughes to undertake major debottlenecking project plan to major on renewables Baker Hughes Company and Oman LNG its efficiency. next two years, with the first train completion very important for our company. We have and green hydrogen participated in a signing ceremony at Baker “This project truly exemplifies the value of by the end of 2020, followed by the second partnered in this initiative with organizations By Anamaria Deduleasa Hughes’ 2020 Annual Meeting in Florence, legacy partnerships. The opportunity for this LNG train in 2021, and the third LNG train such as Baker Hughes as they have proper Italy, the Engineering, Procurement and Con- seminal debottlenecking project grew from by 2022. execution, integration and ensure flawless Repsol’s strategy of becoming a net zero emissions company by struction (EPC) for the turbomachinery scope our more than 16-year relationship serving The current energy landscape is ever-chal- project delivery while sharing similar safety 2050 will see it develop around 400 to 500MW of new renew- of the bebottlenecking project. Oman LNG’s turbomachinery fleet with our lenging, requiring energy companies to adopt values as ours,” said Harib Al Kitani, CEO of ables projects per year, the Spanish giant said. The project will increase Oman LNG pro- equipment and employing top-of-the-line LNG the most efficient practices to remain reliable Oman LNG. Under its plans to transition to a lower carbon business, the duction capacity by 10 percent to 11.4 MMTPA. technology and solutions,” said Mokthar Fawaz, and agile suppliers to customers. As the original equipment manufacturer of Madrid-headquartered company lowered the long-term value of Debottlenecking is defined as the process Vice President MENATI, Turbomachinery & Oman LNG provides cleaner and efficient the debottlenecking equipment in the three LNG its oil and gas projects and booked a nearly €4.85bn ($5.17bn) of highlighting specific areas in production Process Solutions, Baker Hughes. LNG to customers while yielding greater con- trains, Baker Hughes was selected by Oman impairment on production assets, which it said was “consistent trains, machinery equipment or the workflow Under the terms of the deal, Baker Hughes tributions to the Sultanate’s socio-economic LNG for the debottlenecking project to mini- with the Paris Agreement’s climate goals”. configuration that would limit or constrain will supply the new helper motors, variable-fre- fabric. mize execution risks and build upon the 16-year Repsol posted a loss of €3.82b for the full year compared to the flow of product inside the plant. quency drives and deliver the engineering, To “accommodate additional feed gas, relationship between the two companies. Baker a profit of €2.34b for 2018. By optimizing plant operations, overall procurement and construction (EPC) for the Oman LNG has implemented a number of Hughes has serviced the plant’s turbomachinery After putting a price tag on its environmental ambitions, Repsol capacity can be raised further. The debottle- said project scope. FEED was completed in key activities and projects to boost its plant fleet in the region under a global contractual said that in order to reach its goal, using 2016 as the baseline, it is necking project comes as part of Oman LNG’s 2019 and awarded to Baker Hughes in Q4 efficiency and increase the LNG output. services agreement since 2004. targeting a 10% reduction by 2025, 20% by 2030 and 40% by 2040. far-sighted strategic projects that will boost 2019. The project will be executed over the The ambitious debottlenecking project is (Source: hellenicshippingnews.com) “In the local carbon business, we expect to approve between 400MW to 500MW per year of additional renewable generation capacity … we will pursue international opportunities, leveraging our position in Iberia,” Repsol chief executive Josu Jon Imaz said. The year will see Repsol spend €700m on its low carbon Energy storage to accelerate global energy transition, research agency says business and decarbonization plans, part of a €1.9b capital ex- The global energy storage market is set to grow from approximately seeks to time-match consumption with availability and that penditure budget set for its downstream business. 4 GW of annual deployments in 2019 to more than 15 GW requires storage. If this catches on among other climate- Having a positive impact in 2024, according to a new analysis from research agency forward corporations, the upside could be huge. Daimler’s “When we talk about decarbonization, we are not taking only Wood Mackenzie. commitment to procure renewables in real-time shows that about renewables, but all areas of our business which can have Costs have fallen, direct incentives and clean energy targets are this trend may become global,” added Finn-Foley. a positive impact,” Imaz said. proliferating and competitive markets and vertically-integrated In 2019, the European Commission launched a EUR 10 “We are exploration new decarbonisation paths, including electricity providers are beginning to recognize the potential billion innovation fund targeting low-carbon technologies, waste-to-gas and waste to fuel, as well as integrating renewables of energy storage. including energy storage. On top of this, the U.S. Department into refining operations producing green hydrogen and using In the next decade, the already consolidating web of of Energy’s Energy Storage Grand Challenge represents the renewable power to fuel industrial processes,” he added. manufacturers, developers, investors and integrators will U.S. federal government’s largest-scale action to date. However, while Repsol’s strategy to fight against climate compete for their slice of this burgeoning industry, carving With millions behind this technology globally, innovation change is in line with the targets of the Paris Summit and the out mature supply chains and propelling cost reductions. As efforts have the potential to encourage alternatives to lithium- Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, it said its they do, continued policy and regulatory efforts will be key to ion and potentially shift the market, according to Wood investments in developing oil and gas assets will also continue. driving upside in the market, Mackenzie. While solar and wind can displace carbon-emitting “There has been an increase in demand from our sharehold- According to the analysis, the end of the decade will benefit Oil major Total and automaker Opel announced a collaboration forms of energy supply, storing energy will be critical when ers for a clear identification of the risks associated with climate from stabilizing supply chains and mature and experienced on electric vehicle (EV) cell manufacturing earlier this year, renewable generation is not prolific. change and its impact on the future demand on our productions. players, however, there will be even more potential for disruption potentially investing as much as $5.5 billion in up to 47 GWh of Energy storage can play a role in balancing supply with This has made us reviews our assumptions on the price of oil from new technologies and policies. manufacturing capacity. “Total, already investing in stationary demand on the electric grid and opportunities for BTM and gas,” Imaz said. Daniel Finn-Foley, Wood Mackenzie Head of Energy Storage, storage applications, and Opel clearly see batteries as a key residential and non-residential energy storage are growing. “Yet, carbon demand scenarios indicate that by 2040, almost sees six key themes that will be the biggest trends to watch in element of the future,” said Finn-Foley. As the decade progresses and further incentives accelerate half of global energy consumption will come from oil and gas, the global energy storage market in 2020. Companies like Microsoft, Google and Facebook have blazed the energy storage market, the dynamic of the industry pushing so we have to balance in our mix the role that oil will play, and Finn-Foley said, the “energy storage industry is in the a trail for scores of companies seeking to shrink or eliminate stakeholders to recognize the technology for its potential the role that natural gas will pay as a transition fuel. enviable position of juggling growth game changers from their carbon footprints. “When Google announced a partnership will quickly flip, the analysis revealed. “In the upstream business we will prioritize value creation multiple directions. Plunging costs drove speculation in the with NV Energy for significant solar-plus-storage investment “Stakeholders are already pulling, rather than being over production increase, but it will continue to be a sustainable first scaled markets but as price declines enter a steadier rate, to power data centers, they were not just breaking new ground pushed, and turning to storage rather than being forced cash contributor to the group that will finance growth in other further recognition of storage’s value – rather than cost – will in a key market but were pioneering a new way corporations to consider it. The timing and speed of this push/pull shift areas,” Imaz said. be the key factor in determining growth.” value renewable energy. and the speed with which the industry can react will define For the full year, Repsol’s upstream capex is expected to As with all renewable energy technologies, energy storage Procuring renewables in real-time shows its potential,” said Finn-Foley. be €1.8b. has an important role to play in the energy transition. “Rather than simply offset consumed electricity, Google (Source: saurenergy.com) (Source: rechargenews.com) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 ADVERTISEMENTS FEBRUARY 26, 2020 TEHRAN TIMES Iran’s Leading International Daily Modern Stadium of Advertising Dept Martyrs of Khuzestan Football Club (KSC)

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tehrantimes79 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y FEBRUARY 26,26, 20202020 ENERGYANALYSIS 7

Saudis see Trump as unpredictable and fear who The FATF blacklist and its reverse impact might be the next American President: Askari on stock market

1 A: I think the issue is within the Palestinian rights. Russia and China are 1 The FATF is consisted of some OUTSIDERS Al-Saud tribe. They don’t listen to other voices afforded a role to exploit opportunities for from whom, some would never hesitate even for a second in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi public wants peace, influence in the region. to take harshest actions against Iran in circumstances less military expenditures and less foreign Some media reported that the Americans which we now call Economic War. The Plan brings about adventures in places such as Yemen or Syria. had informed the Riyadh authorities that the Self-Boycott. According to the demanding and explicit The Al-Sauds have to be convinced that Iran Iranian system was in dire straits after the definition of The Action Plan, “any organization con- has no designs on their rule and will not work demonstrations in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran sidered terroristic or capable of conducting terrorism with anyone or any group in Saudi Arabia to began and there was no need to negotiate. If under a decision taken by the Security Council of United change the ruling structure in Saudi Arabia. this is true, why is Saudi Arabia fully defining Nations, must be considered terrorist by the government Until then, something that is impossible to its foreign policy towards Iran, despite the lack of Iran”. Why this is important? Because many domes- predict as relations and events can change, of American support for the Aramco attack? tic industries of Iran including the Defense Industry it will rely on the United States the best it A: U.S. hawks, such as Bolton and the and organizations related to the Iranian army in any can and even secretly secure Israeli support. Israeli lobby, are all the time touting the im- possible way are already included in The Councils’ list Saudi Arabia has aligned with Wash- minent collapse of the government in Iran of terroristic organizations due to tamper of the U.S. ington in pursuit of U.S. maximum pressure if just a little more pressure is brought to and granting The Plan means sanctioning these vital campaign toward Iran. But after the Aramco bear. Always, a little bit more. I don’t see industries, from inside! attack and the lack of serious U.S. support for any collapse of Iranian cooperation in Iraq Saudi Arabia, Riyadh found that its problems or Lebanon. The one thing that has gotten with Iran had to be resolved bilaterally. Do worse for Iran is its economy. And even this you agree with this assessment? seems to have stabilized. Still for the longer A: Yes, bilaterally but with full U.S. backing run, the migration of talent from Iran to to reach a global security arrangement for the Europe, North America and Australia spells entire Middle East region. further trouble ahead. But even if I am wrong In your opinion, which foreign coun- and the Iranian system is in dire straits, the tries oppose the normalization of Iran- Saudi Saudis see Trump as unpredictable and fear relations and benefit more from the current who might be the next American President. situation? everything else, goods and services, that the Persian Gulf. The second country that ben- A Bernie sanders would scare the Al-Sauds A: The countries that benefit are clear. country imports. U.S. financial institutions efits is Israel. I believe it has found a secret to no end. They want to slowly hedge their First, the United States. Because of the con- are major beneficiaries of managing Saudi channel to Saudi Arabia, affording Israel a bets. Open up a small channel with Iran in flict, it sells arms to Saudi Arabia and has assets. But also don’t forget the benefits to useful wedge to use against Iran and extract case it is needed given the unpredictability preferred access to Saudi Arabia for selling lobbyists and consultants of turmoil in the indirect Arab support in its suppression of of U.S. foreign policy.

Nine years after Bahrain’s uprising, its Human Rights crisis has only worsened Also, it is crucial to note that The Plan will open By Aya Majzoub of retribution, using lethal force to disperse Al-Singace had polio as a child and needs widespread abuses against detainees. The the gates towards some very important and very secret protests, arresting thousands, and firing crutches to walk. His daughter told us that few prosecutions have almost exclusively information. In recent years, due to heavy sanctions It’s been nine years since Bahrain’s February hundreds of public sector employees sus- he has severe chest pain, numbness in his involved low-ranking officers, and have — imposed on Iran by the U.S. government, the country 2011 uprising. Tens of thousands of demon- pected of supporting the protesters’ demo- fingers, and shaking in his left hand. Prison without exception — resulted in acquittals has found itself unable to keep the trade flow running strators marched in cities and towns across cratic demands. The Bahrain Independent authorities have refused to take al-Singace to or disproportionately light sentences. unless some special measures are taken to bypass the the country to protest the ruling Al Khalifa Commission of Inquiry, in its November his medical appointments because he refuses Bahrain’s allies, including the United sanctions. Forming a hidden network of currency exchang- family’s tight grip on power, discrimination 2011 report, confirmed the “existence of an to wear a prison uniform or shackles, which he States and United Kingdom, seem reluc- ers in neighboring countries is one of those measures. against the country’s majority Shia population, operational plan” to terrorize protesters and considers humiliating. International human tant to face the reality of what’s happening Granting those clauses means spoiling those networks. and arrests of political critics. concluded that a lack of accountability had rights experts have said that using restraints in the country. During 2019, the U.S. State The U.S. government, especially the Department The 2011 uprising itself came 10 years led to a “culture of impunity.” on elderly or infirm prisoners who do not Department approved three major weapons of Treasury which designs sanctions against Iran, has after the 2001 referendum in which citizens A case in point is that of Nabeel Rajab, one pose an escape risk can constitute inhuman sales to Bahrain worth 3.4 billion dollars, different sets of data to make its sanctions more accu- voted overwhelmingly for the National Action of Bahrain’s most prominent human rights or degrading treatment. despite the government’s dismal record on rate and more effective: currency information which is Charter. The charter promised key demo- defenders and a member of Human Rights We have also documented routine tor- human rights and relentless persecution of now acquired through the interbank transaction sys- cratic reforms, including a popularly elected Watch’s Middle East advisory committee, in ture in Bahrain’s prisons, especially during dissidents. The United States has also failed tems or mainly The Swift, information about our pri- national assembly. prison since July 2016 due to his peaceful interrogations. Detainees describe electric to publicly raise human rights concerns with vate and international companies which was provided Despite the “honeymoon” after the Na- criticism of Bahrain’s dismal human rights shocks, suspension in painful positions, Bahraini authorities. once audit companies were settled inside the country tional Action Charter’s adoption, Bahrain record. Although Rajab should not be in prison forced standing, extreme cold, and sexual Based on freedom of information requests, after the secret agreement of aforementioned minister gradually reverted to its repressive past, and at all, the courts have also repeatedly rejected abuse. the United Kingdom has provided 6.5 million of economic affairs, and the last but not the least, data by 2010 authorities were detaining prominent his appeals to serve a non-custodial sentence Bahraini prosecutors and judges use con- pounds of technical assistance to Bahrain since about Rial-based transactions of country which will be opposition activists and closing opposition instead of his five-year prison term. fessions obtained under torture to convict 2012, including support aimed at security provided thoroughly right after The Plan is approved organizations, and reports of torture of de- His case is not unique. He is one of dozens detainees, and even sentence some to death. and justice sector reform. Yet the oversight by the parliament. tainees surfaced frequently. of human rights defenders, political activists, In July, the authorities executed two men bodies the UK has supported have repeatedly So yes. Being in The Blacklist is good this time. The A similar pattern played out following opposition leaders, and journalists unjustly whose trial was marred by allegations of failed to hold prison guards and officers to genie is out, and domestic industries can make a wish: the last uprising. imprisoned since the government quelled torture and serious due process violations. account, amid evidence of inhumane and help our businesses survive the war! And unlike many In the years since, Bahrain’s human rights the 2011 protests. On January 8, the appeals court reinstated degrading conditions of Bahrain’s prisons. other wishes, this wish is fulfillable, only because we crisis has only worsened. The authorities have In October, we found that Bahraini au- the death penalty against two others, even Bahrain’s allies need to investigate — and ARE in The Blacklist... Considering the reform of the demonstrated a zero-tolerance policy for any thorities were denying high-profile political after a Bahraini oversight body presented publicly report — how effective their arms Parliament after Fridays’ elections, it is due to say that free and independent political thought, and prisoners urgently needed medical care, in evidence “raising suspicions” that the two sales and assistance to Bahrain have been. Iran is now stepping in the way of empowerment by they have imprisoned, exiled, or intimidated some cases putting their lives in danger. In men had been tortured. They should consider whether they should relying on domestic capacities much more than before. into silence anyone who criticizes the gov- one example, the health of Abduljalil al-Sin- While the authorities actively prosecute suspend their support for the security sector This means independence in most presumable ways and ernment. gace, a leading opposition figure serving a people solely for exercising their right to free until Bahrain releases Nabeel Rajab and others moving forward to shape a new economic kingdom in From the very beginning, Bahraini au- life sentence for his role in the 2011 protests, speech, there have been precious few prose- unjustly jailed for criticizing the authorities. West Asia in alliance with regional countries. A kingdom, thorities carried out a systematic campaign has deteriorated significantly. cutions of security personnel implicated in (Source: fpif) with Iran at the center. نوبت اول 1398.7361

N.I.O.C National Iranian Drilling Company

Countdown for the establishment of new Iraqi cabinet: Washington political pressures Second Announcement 1 led by Mullah Masrour Barzani, insisted on foreign interference in the affairs of the country. On Minister’s Office issued a statement, saying that Barzani Call for public tender (First/Second publish) all for public tender (First/Second publish) the necessity of picking its nominees for new cabinet’s this basis, it can be said that the most important mis- has emphasized the need for the presence of U.S. One-StagesC (semi compressed) tender ministers, which was rejected by Allawi. Undoubt- sion of Allawi and the new cabinet will be to provide a troops within the framework of an international an- N.I.O.C Subject of Tender: P/F: CPT-N4One-Stages CEMENTING (semi compressed) TRAIKERS tender HYDRAULIC SYSTEM National Iranian edly, if efforts for having a share in the government proper mechanism for implementing the Parliament’s ti-terrorism coalition. This is while the parliament has 1398.7361 Drilling Company Subject of Tender: P/F: CPT-N4 CEMENTING TRAIKERS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM continues, the process of forming a cabinet will be resolution on the expulsion of U.S. troops. earlier passed a resolution on expelling U.S. troops, further delayed, an issue that is desired by no Iraqi Allawi, of course, also faces challenges in this with many calling for their immediate withdrawal. Tender descriptions: group. Another point is that the parliamentarians regard, including support by the domestic groups It can be concluded that some domestic positions Tender No. Estimated value stated that they will grant the new cabinet a vote of in Iraq for the survival of American terrorists in the in supporting the survival of American terrorists in Registration No. through national The Tender holder electronic tendering system confidence provided it guarantees the withdrawal country. For example, on February 14, 2020, Ira- Iraq’s territory are the most significant challenges for /Indent No. (Rial/Euro) of foreign troops, especially Americans, from Iraq. qi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Allawi and its cabinet. However, given the decisive 3/229/837 Tender No.:FP/20-98/191 Iraqi parliamentarians emphasized that the U.S. Minister Masrour Barzani met with U.S. Secretary stance of the Iraqi religious authority, parliament National Iranian Drilling Company military presence is now Iraq’s biggest security chal- of State Mike Pompeo. and people, the withdrawal of U.S. troops has become Indent No.: 08-22-9845079 lenge, so their withdrawal will prevent any excuse for Following the meeting, the Iraqi Kurdistan Prime inevitable and no one can stop it from happening. Qualitative evaluation of tenderers TEHRAN TIMES Second Announcement 1398.7425 Method R Based on minimum scoring (50) made in award criterion reflected in the tenderers pre-qualification forms. 1398.7425 Iran’s Leading Purchasing & Submitting N.I.S.O.C N.I.S.O.C The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second Tender Document Distribution by Company NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFILDS COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN International Daily advertisement and ended on the following tenth day thereof. NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFILDSTENDER COMPANY NO. AHVAZ : 01-31-9780009-IRAN TENDER NO.: 01-31-9780009 Hall No.:113, 1st floor, Foreign Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Company, National Iranian South Oilfields Company (NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods Advertising Dept Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN 061-34148707 - Distribution Place Room No. 431, 4th floor ,Oil central building No.8,Yaghma alley, Jomhori Islami st., Tehran – Items Material Description Quantity Iran

Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of 190,000 Iranian Rials under 32 P/F "BROWN BOVERI- SULZER“ GAS TURBINEN TYPE NS70, 470NO account number 4001114004020491( Shaba No. IR 520100004001114004020491) in S/N 7001/7006 & 7007/8 REF. BROWN BOVERI. SULZER TIRBOMACHUNERY LTD Submitting Method name of “NIDC Incomes Centralized Fund” issued by I.R. of Iran Central Bank. Submitting format Request for the purpose of receiving Tender Documents. Vendors who intend to participate in aforesaid tender are requested to send their” Intention To Participate” letter via Closing date 14 Days after the last time of Purchasing. faxFOREIGN to the following PURCHASING number DEPARTMENTalong with their Bldg.resume No. according 104, Material to Qualitative Procurement Assessment Management Form Complex, No.1, available at: www. st Documents Receiving Method Hall No. 107, 1 floor, Tender Committee, Operation building, National Iranian Drilling Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (New Site), Ahvaz, Iran Tel. No.: 061 34 12 34 55 Fax No.: 061 34 45 74 37 Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. nisoc.ir, not later than 14 days after the second announcement, otherwise, their requests for participation in the tender Address Public Relations .will be disregarded Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir http://iets.mporg.ir The applicants should have relevant background in supplying the required goods and capability to provide and submit  تهران تایمز نوبت اول 4/12/98 نوبت دوم 7/12/98 روابط عمومی شرکت ملی مناطق نفتخیز جنوب .a bid bond of 5,186 EURO or 244,329,394 RIAL, in favor of NISOC  Tender Guarantee Tel: Value of guarantee Tender documents including the materials thorough technical specifications and Qualitative to Assessment Forms can 3,288,000,000 Rial / 24,243 Euro

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One billion-year-old green seaweed fossils unearthed in China Iran targets Russia, India as

Scientists have found evidence that green seaweeds were prolif- erating in Earth’s oceans several hundred million years before modern plants began colonizing dry land. The 1-billion-year-old micro-fossils, tiny imprints left behind future tourism markets by the algae species Proterocladus antiquus, comprise the oldest HERITAGE TEHRAN — Iranian evidence of green seaweeds yet discovered. deskTour Operators The algae imprints were discovered in rock slabs recovered Association Director Ebrahim Pourfaraj near the city of Dalian in the Liaoning Province of northern Chi- has said that the country is considering na. After dying in the shallow seas where they lived, the green Russia and India as its main tourism markets seaweed became baked into layers of ancient marine sediment for the future. -- the shapes of their multiple branches and upright growths “We have now become active in attracting preserved in rock for millions of years. Russian tourists and also considering India Researchers described the record discovery this week in the as [a main] tourism market for the country,” journal Nature Ecology and Evolution. ILNA quoted Pourfaraj as saying on Monday. The senior tour operator also referred to fears of coronavirus spread in the country, saying “Currently, some potential travelers to Iran are facing challenges [such as tour or flight cancelations].” Talking on China as one of the most desired travel markets for Iran, he explained,” “China was [selected to becoming] one of Iran’s largest tourism target markets, and in that regard, heavy investments have been carried out in the arenas of advertising and introducing travel attractions to the those who are active in the field of tourism.” We also held Even B2B meetings, however, coronavirus outbreak forced “These new fossils suggest that green seaweeds were important borders and air travels to come to a halt, players in the ocean long before their land-plant descendants he added. moved and took control of dry land,” Virginia Tech geoscientist “We are planning to hold B2B meetings Shuhai Xiao said in a news release. with Russian and Indian travel agencies in Life on Earth depends on plants and algae for food and oxygen, the near future.” but prior to 450 million years ago, plant life had not yet adapted Pourfaraj last year said a majority of to dry land. The latest findings suggest green algae anchored potential Russian travelers are unaware Earth’s food chains for the 550 million years leading up to the of vast tourist attractions that exist in A foreign traveler poses for a photo while standing at the terrace of the 17th-century Ali-Qapu Palace, a top masterpiece of Iranian arrival of the first land plants. every corner of Iran, “The fact is that Iran’s architecture, which punctuates the middle of two-story arcades encircling the enormous Imam Square; a UNESCO-registered site “Our study shows that green seaweeds evolved no later than political and economic relations with Russia in Isfahan, central Iran. 1 billion years ago, pushing back the record of green seaweeds are considered as good, but this has nothing Mounesan earlier this month announced In December, Mounesan announced that parts of] Russia from Iran or vice versa are by about 200 million years,” Xiao said. “What kind of seaweeds to do with attracting tourists because it is the country will follow up on the issue of Tehran was considering to allow Russian granted a visa-free stay of up to 15 days. supplied food to the marine ecosystem?” directly connected with the Russian people. visa-free travel for mutual tourist groups tourists to visa-free entry into the country Iran welcomed some 7.8 million foreign Most geobiologists estimate Proterocladus antiquus and its It is the Russian people who must choose with Russia at the upcoming [27th edition] to boost tourism after it granted the same nationals last year, achieving 52.5 percent relatives adapted to land over the course of a few hundred million Iran as their destination.” Moscow International Travel & Tourism privilege for some other nationals including increase year on year. years. Trees, grasses, food crops and bushes all evolved from these Last November, Maya Lomidze, president Exhibition (MITT), which will be held from Chinese and Omani passport holders. The country expects to reap a bonanza early green seaweed species, members of the Chlorophyta phylum. of the Association of Tour Operators of March 17 to 19. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and from its numerous tourist spots, including “Molecular clock and biomarker data indicate that chlorophytes Russia (ATOR), said “Iran, as an open-air “The Russian fair is very important [for his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin 22 ones that have been placed on the diverged in the Mesoproterozoic or early Neoproterozoic, followed museum of cultural heritage, is steadily us] so that we should have a strong and inked a preliminary visa-free agreement UNESCO World Heritage list. Under the by their subsequent phylogenetic diversification, multicellular attracting the attention of more Russians.” influential presence in this exhibition… in 2017 for certain tourist groups during 2025 Tourism Vision Plan, the country evolution and ecological expansion in the late Neoproterozoic “Russian tourists’ interest in traveling One of the major issues is to pursue and their meeting in Moscow. aims to increase the number of tourist and Palaeozoic,” researchers wrote in their paper. to Iran has increased,” Lomidze said. finalize visa cancellation for Iranian and Based on the agreement tour groups arrivals from 4.8 million in 2014 to 20 Not everyone is in agreement. Some researchers claim green Iranian tourism minister Ali-Asghar Russian group tours,” Mounesan said. of 5 to 50 people heading to [easternmost million in 2025. plants first evolved in rivers and lakes and only later made their way into the ocean. The thousands of seaweed species found on Earth are divided into three classes: brown, red and green. Scientists have found fossil evidence of red seaweed, Rhodophyta, dated as far back Azeri, UAE airlines continue flights to Iran despite coronavirus as 1.047 billion years old. Buta Airways will operate flights to Tehran despite the Now, scientists can confirm that green seaweed was living in coronavirus threat, Azer News quoted Press Service of Azerbaijan Earth’s oceans around 1 billion years ago, too. And they looked Airlines (AZAL) as saying on Tuesday. a lot like green seaweeds found in the ocean, today. “Low-cost airline Buta Airways is operating daily flights on “There are some modern green seaweeds that look very similar the Baku-Tehran-Baku route and plans to continue flights under to the fossils that we found,” Xiao said. “A group of modern green the current schedule,” AZAL President Jahangir Asgarov said. seaweeds, known as siphonocladaleans, are particularly similar Heydar Aliyev International Airport and other airports of in shape and size to the fossils we found.” Azerbaijan will not impose any restrictions on flights operated (Source: UPI) by Iran Air, he said. “Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Health has strengthened the sanitary-quarantine control on arrivals from Iran. Additional ROUND THE GLOBE measures will be taken in this direction”. TOURISM TEHRAN – Azerbaijan’s low-cost Meanwhile, a spokesperson for flydubai told Arabian the situation.” deskairline Buta Airways and its Dubai-based Business: “Flydubai flights to Iran are currently operating Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Armenia closed land Old Bridge Area of the counterpart Flydubai have announced they will continue according to schedule. We are following the directives issued borders with Iran on Sunday. Iraqi and Kuwaiti authorities Old City of Mostar flights to and from Iran despite the outbreak of the novel by the relevant authorities with regards to screening and have both banned travel to and from the country, amid growing coronavirus in the region. onward travel around the region. We continue to monitor regional concerns about the spread of the virus. A settlement established as an urban structure in the 15th century on the crossing of a river and a land road was originally located in a valley of the Neretva River, between Hum Hill and the foot of the Velez Mountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Shiraz, the city of poetry, passion and love TOURISM TEHRAN – Home to in constructing the bazaar include plaster, deskmany magnificent build- brick and lime and some of the arches are ings, historical sites and scenic landscapes, embellished with medallion designs. In Shiraz is known as the city of poetry, passion addition, several caravanserais such as and love; it’s like an old quilt composed of Roghani, Ahmadi and Gomork were built pieces with various patterns and designs. later and added to Vakil Bazaar complex. The southern Iranian city was literally Don’t miss Shiraz’s springtime after- the capital of Persia during the Zand dynasty noons; walking the streets and gardens of from 1751 to 1794. Shiraz at sunset and when the fragrance Shiraz’s is a journey to innumerable at- of bitter oranges fill the air will the best tractions visiting all of which takes days. moments of your trip to the city of poetry Persepolis, Naqsh-e Rustam, gardens such as and passion. Working hours of the bazaar Delgosha, Afifabad, Narenjestan-e Ghavam are between 9 am and 5 pm, but in spring and Eram, Hafez and Saadi’s tombs, Citadel it is usually open until midnight. of Karim Khan, Nasir-ul Molk Mosque and You may buy some of your souvenirs and Vakil Mosque and Bathhouse are only a mementos from this bazaar: masghati, var- few of the attractions of this beautiful city. ious distillates, lime juice and Yukhe sweets Vakil Bazaar, however, is the beating are some of Shiraz’s souvenirs. While in the This relatively small settlement had two towers around the heart of this city, its main economic center. It bazaar, don’t forget to eat Shiraz’s fallodeh bridge, which dated 1459, as noted by written historical sources. has been said that when Karim Khan Zand- with lime juice and sour cherry juice. There The current name, Mostar, was mentioned for the first time in the just king of the Zand Dynasty who was is also an old restaurant by the bazaar where 1474 and derived from “mostari” - the bridge keepers. Vakil-al Ra’aya (Deputy of the People) ob- you may try local Shirazi cuisine including The historic town of Mostar developed in the 15th and 16th serves the Gheysaryieh Bazaar of Lar City, A view of Bazaar-e Vakil (Vakil Bazaar) in Shiraz Kalam Polo (Rice and Cabbage) with Shi- centuries as an Ottoman frontier town and during the short he decides to build a similar bazaar in the razi Salad, Alloolapolo (Plum-in-rice) and Austro-Hungarian period in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mostar and the magical patterns of carpets and a domed arch and four bazaars perpendic- heart of Shiraz, capital of Iran at the time, Dopiazeh (Potatoes and onions). has been long known for its old Turkish houses and the Old rugs in the bazaar take you back to the past. ular to each other. The bazaars of drapers, hence the name of the beautiful Vakil Ba- Best time to visit Bridge – Stari most, an extraordinary technological achievement Walking around the corridors and galleries wholesalers, saddlers, and silk sellers make zaar. Situated at the center of the city, the The best time to travel to Shiraz is during of bridge construction. of the bazaar is a pleasing excursion. You up the main sections of Vakil Bazaar. bazaar still accommodates some part of the spring when bitter oranges blossom and give The historic part of Mostar is a result of interaction between can close your eyes and be enraptured with The corridors of this bazaar are made of city’s business activities and its corridors their fragrance to the wind and when color- the natural phenomena and human creativity throughout a the music and delightful ambiance of this three parts: a passageway for customers, and galleries are still bustling with buyers ful tulips paint the city’s garden. Although long historical period. old bazaar. the frontage of the shop which is generally and sellers. Shiraz has hot summers, it is a four-season The essence of centuries-long cultural continuity is rep- Vakil Bazaar is one of the most charming two steps above the ground and the shop The scent of spices, colors of textiles, city and you can visit it in any time. resented by the universal synthesis of life phenomena: the bazaars of Iran made of an intersection with itself as the selling space. The materials used bridge and its fortresses – with the rich archeological layers from the pre-Ottoman period, religious edifices, residential zones (mahalas), arable lands, houses, bazaar, its public life ‘Kids should sit with their parents’: Petition urges airlines to seat families together for free in the streets and water. Architecture here presented a symbol of tolerance: a shared Travelers buying airline tickets today are increasingly signment, and airlines routinely try to scare travelers adults traveling with children 13 and younger to sit life of Muslims, Christians and Jews. Mosques, churches, and faced with a costly decision: pay up for seat assignments into buying a pricier regular economy ticket (which together without paying a fee. The initial goal was synagogues existed side-by-side indicating that in this region, or risk not sitting together on the plane. may or my not come with a free seat assignment) or 25,000 signatures, which was quickly surpassed. On the Roman Catholic Croats with their Western European culture, Blame the proliferation of pricey airline seat se- into paying a fee for seat assignments. Monday, the number of signatures was approaching the Eastern Orthodox Serbs with their elements of Byzantine lection fees, which have spread from no-frills airlines Anna Laitin, director of financial policy for Consumer 45,000. culture, and the Sephardic Jews continued to live together with like Spirit and Frontier to major carriers including Reports’ advocacy arm, said it’s a calculation travelers The plea: “I expect you to put safety over profits, the Bosniaks-Muslims for more than four centuries. Delta, United and American, and the advent of basic with younger children should not have to make. and seat children with their families without charging (Source: UNESCO) economy tickets. The organization last week launched an online them extra for it.’’ The latter don’t come with a free advance seat as- petition urging American, Delta and United to allow (Source: MSN) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y FEBRUARY 26, 2020 SOCIETY 9

“We Defeat Coronavirus” Rainfall increases Lake Urmia level

1 The lake is expected to reach its ecological level within 10 years by completing the restoration plans which national campaign launched started four years ago. SOCIETY TEHRAN — A nation- The country has put in place a set of Farhad Sarkhosh, head of the Lake Urmia Restoration deskal campaign called “We contingency plans, including the tempo- Program’s office in West Azarbaijan province, said that Defeat Coronavirus” is going viral among rary shutdown of schools, universities the Lake’s level is now 58 cm higher than it was last year. Iranian social media users. and cultural centers, in an effort to curb Kianoush Jahanpour, head of the Min- a coronavirus outbreak that has already istry of Health’s public relations and in- claimed eight lives in the country. formation center, expressed hope to soon “With regard to the past experience, I say be able to announce the containment and that we will defeat the coronavirus before control of the virus and eventually elimi- long,” the minister stressed. nation of the disease. “As a veteran soldier in the Iranian The campaign defines students as health health front, I have taken the responsi- ambassadors who promote public motiva- bility of removing measles, tetanus, and tion to combat coronavirus, ISNA reported. polio which astonished the World Health So far, 95 people in the country have been Organization as the country is grappling with infected with the virus, of whom 15 died. sanctions with no international support. Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki So, I [definitely] say that we will defeat has said effective measures have been taken the coronavirus.” and comprehensive plans are underway to He went on to say that the nation has get rid of the novel coronavirus, known as been mobilized against the virus and “we COVID-19, in the country. will announce its defeat soon.”

According to the latest monitoring, the lake’s water Facts being ignored on coronavirus status in Iran’s neighbors volume is estimated at more than 3.6 billion cubic meters. He added that the lake surface area has reached 2,883 SOCIETY TEHRAN — After the detection of since the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China, Turkish Book Fair reportedly canceled their flight to Iran. desk square kilometers, adding that the figure is increased by 538 coronavirus in Iran, some neighboring airliners continued transporting passengers from the coun- The situation in other neighboring countries of Iran square kilometers compared to the same period last year. countries reacted as if their territories are free of covid-19, try and did not say a word about the necessity of closing Other neighboring countries of Iran have not been Although the ecological level of the lake is defined as however, available evidence suggests otherwise. borders to Chinese tourists nor the prevention of flights immune to coronavirus, as a number of infections have 1,274 meters, the lake will also have favorable conditions The news of some cases of coronavirus infection in Iran originating from China. been reported in UAE, Bahrain, Afghanistan, and Kuwait. at 1,272 meters and more than 90 percent of sand and dust was enough for a number of neighboring countries to con- At the same time, reports of providing Turkish hospitals For example, by February 9, at least 9 cases of infection storm hotspots will be eliminated. sider the necessity of closing their borders with Iran. These with advanced equipment that can detect covid-19 in 60 were reported in UAE, however, unofficial reports indicate Alireza Shari’at, head of monitoring and supervision countries always seek to benefit from critical situations, minutes were released in Turkish media. other facts. department of the Lake Urmia restoration program said and this time, they are striving to conceal the real truth Now we must ask Turkish authorities whether or not Sources in UAE have reported the deaths of 18 cases of in September 2018, that in order to maintain the Lake about their own territory. their country is thoroughly clean after the arrival of a huge the new coronavirus infection dubbed covid-19. So far, about Urmia ecological balance of 14 billion cubic meters over Meanwhile, the emergence of #close_Iran_borders has number of Chinese tourists? 50 cases have been diagnosed in UAE. Official sources in the next 10 years, an annual amount of 3.3 billion cubic also raised questions, but are the neighboring countries Those who have traveled to Turkey admit the substantial UAE have so far refused to publish these figures. meters of water is required. of Iran immune from covid-19? presence of Chinese tourists in the country and believe that The reaction of Pakistani officials to coronavirus is inter- The sharp rise in precipitations rates over the past crop Turkey Turkey is unlikely to prevent the arrival of Chinese nationals esting. While most countries have moved their own nationals year since now has raised hopes for total restoration of the If we consider the relations of various countries with due to maintaining tourism markets and its benefits, nor out of China, Pakistan asked them to stay in that country. once glorious Lake Urmia. China as the criterion for the transmission of the virus, then will they inform Turkish people properly regarding the The new phase of Iran phobia This is a while, deputy environment chief Masoud Ta- based on the reports of Daily Sabah, more than 403,000 possibility of coronavirus infection. It seems that the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran has jrishi told Khabaronline in July 2019 that rainfall is not Chinese tourists have traveled to Turkey in 2019 and ac- It should be noted that currently, Chinese nationals can created a new opportunity for the countries and media the only the reason behind Lake Urmia coming back to cording to statistics another 30,000 Chinese tourists had book tickets to Istanbul at https://www.trip.com/flights/ outlets opposing Iran to launch a massive offensive against life. Thus, restoration measures turned out to be effective, planned to visit Turkey, however, due to the outbreak of shanghai-to-istanbul/airfares-sha-ist/, while Iranian flights the Islamic Republic. These countries reported the news unlike the previous years of high rainfall poured over the coronavirus in China, only half of these trips were canceled. to Turkey Have been canceled. of covid-19 in a way as if Iran was the primary source of lake but did not raise the lake level. None of the Turkish media outlets have indicated Protecting people’s lives or political revenge? infection, not china. The effort put into properly dredging and clearing of whether or not the other half of the Chinese tourists who The closure of the Turkish border with Iran and the Exaggerating the problems of one country with the aim weed and vegetation in river beds as a way came efficient were supposed to travel to Turkey have actually arrived cancellation of flights from Iran to Turkey are carried of hiding the same issues elsewhere is a situation we observe in the lake conservation, he added. in the country, nevertheless, the beginning of coronavirus out amid new hostilities in the region. Turkey recently these days in some neighboring countries. Sooner or later outbreak in China was December 2019. has occupied some parts of Syria apparently for the fight the coronavirus outbreak will end in Iran, and then these Although the coronavirus outbreak in China began in against terrorism and this led to some sort of tension with countries must take responsibility for their behavior. It December 2019, a search in Turkish media indicates that Iran and Russia. must be seen if the rulers of neighboring countries will WORDS IN THE NEWS airline agencies such as Turkish Airline did not cancel their Turkish officials now appear to be exaggerating about the ignore Iranian tourists during the Nowruz holidays or flights to China till the end of January, which is more than spread of coronavirus in Iran, seeking revenge on Tehran simply forget the dangers of coronavirus. EU Iraq meeting a month after the outbreak. over Syria since they canceled the trip of a Turkish delegation One should bear in mind the huge propaganda against Meanwhile, the Yeni Safak Daily reported on January to Tehran seemingly due to covid-19 infection, as Tehran coronavirus and the situation it created between Iran (March 19, 2003) 2020 that Turkish Airlines were utilizing special gloves hosted top European authorities on Feb. 23. and neighboring countries. Moreover, it gives rise to the European Union foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels to and masks to prevent coronavirus infections. A Turkish cultural delegation which was supposed to sign theory of the US exaggerating the issue to undermine prepare for what looks likely to be a difficult summit meeting These findings show that despite more than a month a memorandum of understanding with regard to Tehran the Chinese economy. of EU leaders later this week. This report from our Europe correspondent, Chris Morris. There is a real sense of gloom and frustration in Brussels. The EU has been split asunder by the diplomatic divisions Accountants urged to help firms worldwide combat climate crisis on Iraq. There is, said the external relations commissioner, The world’s accountants must put the cli- panies to set more sustainable business Accountants should demonstrate the financial risks of the climate crisis and Chris Patten, a lot of broken crockery on the floor, and we’re mate crisis at the forefront of their work strategies. risks to business posed by the climate provide clear information to investors. going to have to work hard to put the pieces together again. to spur global companies to adopt green Michael Izza, the chief executive of the crisis, such as the impact of flooding or Bruce Cartwright, the chief executive The EU has done that before, many times, but as one senior policies and help prepare them for the ICAEW, said it is crucial that chartered the effect of drought on the price of crops of Icas, the global professional body, said official admitted, this is the most serious set of foreign policy risks, according to the Institute of Char- accountants use their “unique position” at needed in the supply chain, the industry there are “dramatic implications for failing differences we’ve ever had. tered Accountants in England and Wales the core of almost every business, govern- groups said. to tackle climate change – environmental, What’s worse is that it’s the biggest and most important (ICAEW) and other industry groups. ment and non-governmental organisation The call for climate action comes after social and economic”. EU countries which are at daggers drawn. If the EU is to They have called on a global alliance of to make the case for sustainability. the accounting watchdog, the Financial He said: “It is our future that is at risk form any kind of coherent common foreign policy, it needs accountants, representing more than 2.5 “Chartered accountants bring practical Reporting Council, launched a review into and the urgency at which we are required France and Britain singing from the same song sheet. million professionals worldwide, to put skills like measurement and management whether companies and their auditors are to act must remain front of mind. Icas is their skills to use by helping companies to the table, and can work with business adequately reflecting the financial risks of working with fellow accountancy bodies But their disagreements about Iraq are well-documented prepare for a climate emergency. to build green policies into their working the climate crisis in their annual financial to act now to limit the negative effects of and increasingly angry. The groups want all members of practices. We need to make this a decade of accounts. climate change. Our individual actions, The foreign ministers meeting here have found the Accounting for Sustainability Project transition for business; failure to make this Sir Jon Thompson, the FRC’s chief ex- collectively, have the ability to make a some common ground; they’ve agreed that the EU (A4S) network to integrate climate risk move will make the inevitable adjustments ecutive, said auditors have a responsibility difference.” will provide emergency humanitarian aid to Iraq if war into their company audits to drive com- required much more difficult,” he said. to challenge management to face up to the (Source: The Guardian) begins. But there’s far less consensus on how much the EU might be willing to pay towards reconstruction in a post-war phase, now that it’s clear that a conflict will ENGLISH IN USE not have United Nations approval. The political fallout of a war in Iraq will haunt Europe for LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION some time. Words split asunder: if something is split asunder, it is separated violently into two or more parts crockery: plates, cups, saucers (an image suggesting that آغاز طرح برقی کردن موتورسیکلتها E-motorbikes come to curb air people have argued violently, throwing plates on the floor pollution in metropolises and smashing them) at daggers drawn: being so hostile, like two enemies who با هدف کاهش آلودگی هوا The first phase of electric motorcycles development project will be are about to fight with knives coherent: if something is coherent, it is clear and easy to مرحلــه نخســت طــرح برقــی کــردن موتورســیکلتها بــا هــدف کاهــش implemented aiming at reducing air pollution in Tehran and other understand آلودگــی هــوای تهــران و دیگــر کالنشــهرها آغــاز مــی شــود. .metropolises, IRNA news agency reported Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian said on Tuesday that electric singing from the same song sheet: to be in complete agreement, as if singing the same song بــه گــزارش ایرنــا، رضــا اردکانیــان وزیــر نیــرو روز ســه شــنبه گفــت برقــی motorcycles will be promoted in big cities in collaboration with the are well-documented: have been published widely کــردن موتورســیکلت هــا بــا همــکاری وزارت صنعــت، معــدن و تجــارت common ground: areas of agreement انجــام خواهــد شــد. .Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade Through the first phase of the project, electric motorcycles will consensus: general agreement among a group of people in a post-war phase: in the period after a war وی افــزود: هــدف ایــن طــرح در گام نخســت، برقــی کــردن موتورســیکلت replace the regular ones used by the Ministry of Energy and fallout: here, disagreement; fallout is the radiation that هــای مــورد اســتفاده وزارت نیــرو و شــرکت هــای دولتــی اســت. .state-run companies, he explained affects an area after a nuclear explosion; if you fall out with اردکانیــان اضافــه کــرد بــر ایــن اســاس عــالوه بــر اینکــه از ایــن پــس Ardakanian went on to say that, in addition to electric motorcycles being manufactured and marketed from now on, existing motorcycles someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly (Source: BBC) موتورســیکلت برقــی تولیــد و وارد بــازار مــی شــود، موتورســیکلت هــای موجــود نیــز بــرای مالــکان آنهــا برقــی مــی شــوند. .will also change to use electricity sources

PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM Without water, “-agog, -agogue” put something back Dodge a bullet everything Meaning: leader Meaning: to put people or things in the place or Explanation: If you dodge a bullet, you narrowly For example: he was a pedagogue whose classroom situation they were in before avoid a very serious problem or a disaster withers lessons consisted entirely of reading directly from the For example: Our win today put us back into third For example: I dodged a bullet when I missed the textbook in a monotone. place in the league. plane. It crashed just after take-off. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 INTERNATIONAL FEBRUARY 26, 2020

Iraqi legislators schedule confidence vote for new government Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s long-time

1 Influential Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr, whose bloc is the largest in parliament, also supports Allawi. It had threatened to organize mass protests outside parliament unless the legislators dictator, dead at 91 backed the new premier’s cabinet in a confidence vote on Monday. INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — Hosni held accountable for the more than 800 people However, the Iraqi parliament, known as the Council of Rep- deskMubarak, the former killed during the days of protest. resentatives of Iraq, said in a statement on Monday that the autocratic president of Egypt, whose hold The public pressure worked; he was ar- confidence-vote session would be held on Thursday. on power was broken and place in history rested and remanded to a military hospital Months of political turmoil began in Iraq in early October last upended by a public uprising against the while he awaited trial. His sons, Alaa and year, when public grievances grew, pressing the government to poverty, corruption and repressive police Gamal, once treated as princes of the state, bring in reforms that would root out corruption and alleviate tactics that came to define his 30 years in were jailed in the notorious Tora prison. the economic woes. office, died on Tuesday. He was 91. In June 2012, Mubarak was wheeled back Demonstrations, however, soon turned violent, amid reports His death was confirmed by state TV. into court, his arms crossed defiantly across of foreign interference. Hundreds of people, including members Mubarak ruled Egypt for 30 years un- his chest as he was convicted and sentenced of security forces, were killed. til he was ousted following mass protests to life in prison. But an appeals court over- In November, Abdul Mahdi stepped down. The parliament against his rule in 2011. turned that verdict and ordered a retrial, approved his resignation in early December, but he had retained Mubarak spent most of his final years and he was ultimately exonerated. He also the position ever since as caretaker prime minister. at the Maadi Military Hospital in southern skirted several corruption accusations. Allawi, the son of a wealthy Iraqi industrialist who educated Cairo, under guard in a room overlooking The 2012 trial occurred against the tense at the American University of Beirut, is a cousin of pro-Western the Nile as he defiantly battled courtroom backdrop of a presidential election. The Shia politician Ayad Allawi, a figure who has been at the heart of charges of corruption and conspiracy to two candidates heading for a runoff were many political disputes in Iraq for the past years. murder. He was finally released on March polarizing figures, one a leader with the Mohammad Allawi has a reputation of repeatedly clashing with 24, 2017, having been convicted in a single, Muslim Brotherhood, a popular Islamist Nouri Maliki, a key political figure known for his anti-American relatively minor case, and spirited across the movement; the other, Mubarak’s last prime positions who led two governments in Iraq after the 2003 US city to his mansion in the affluent neighbor- minister. And the verdict drew thousands invasion of Iraq. hood of Heliopolis. of people into the streets to denounce it as (Source: Press TV) Last October, he made a rare appearance in modern Egyptian state, suppressed a wave He was forced to resign on Feb. 11, 2011, a sham, many believing that the judge laid a video published on YouTube where he of terrorism by Islamic fundamentalists and after 18 days of protests, when the Egyptian the groundwork for the former president shared his memories of Egypt’s 1973 war appeared even to defy the gravity of age. public poured into the streets by the millions, to go free on appeal. against Israel, when he commanded Egypt’s But his edifice of power turned out to be stripping authority from a man who had been Mubarak never did actually resign publicly; U.S. wants Afghan president air force. It was the first time he had spoken fragile and dated, built on strong-arm rule, likened to a modern-day pharaoh. apparently stumbling in a speech on Feb. 10, to postpone planned before a camera since his ouster during the cronyism and an alliance with the West. It At first, it appeared he would be able simply 2011, he failed to choke out the words. The Arab Spring in 2011. was ultimately brought down by the shock to withdraw from the scene and live quietly next day, against a tide of public anger, Omar inauguration Mubarak had once appeared invincible. wave of popular unrest in the Arab world — in his villa in Sharm el Sheikh, a Red Sea Suleiman, the longtime chief of intelligence He had survived multiple assassination at- calls for democracy, the rule of law and an resort. But the crowds would not allow it. and newly installed vice president, read a tempts, held power longer than anyone since end to corruption — that came to be called They demanded that he and his family be statement on television signaling the end The United States wants Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to defer Muhammad Ali Pasha, the founder of the the Arab Spring. investigated for corruption, and that he be of Mubarak’s reign. his second-term inauguration over concerns it could inflame an election feud with his political rival and jeopardize U.S.-led peacemaking efforts, two sources familiar with the matter said. Shaky ceasefire holds between Islamic Nine killed, many injured in India Ghani claimed victory last week in a disputed Sept. 28 election and plans to take the oath of office on Thursday, an Afghan offi- Jihad, Israel in Gaza capital as Trump visits cial said. His opponent, Abdullah Abdullah, Afghanistan’s chief executive, also proclaimed himself the winner and is planning a parallel inauguration, according to Afghan media reports. The competing claims, neither of which Washington has rec- ognized, threaten a U.S.-led peace process that got a boost on Saturday with the start of a week-long reduction in violence that is to culminate on Saturday with the signing of a U.S.-Taliban deal on a U.S. troop withdrawal. The U.S.-Taliban agreement is to be followed by inter-Afghan talks on a political settlement to end decades of war. But the Ghani-Abdullah feud threatens to further complicate the naming of a delegation to negotiate with the insurgents, a process already mired in delays and disputes. A source familiar with the matter said that because of those A ceasefire between the Palestinian In a graphic video that went viral, Clashes over a contentious citizenship liceman, a senior officer told AFP. concerns, U.S. Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad, who has Islamic Jihad group and Israel is hold- an Israeli bulldozer violently retrieved law roiled India’s capital for a second day More rioting was reported Tuesday, been in Kabul since last week, wants Ghani to delay his planned ing in the Gaza Strip after two days of al-Naim’s body and it remains in the Tuesday -- coinciding with a visit by US with a large plume of black smoke rising inauguration to a second five-year term. heavy fighting. custody of Israeli forces. President Donald Trump -- as the death in the sky. The U.S. State Department and White House did not imme- Following Egyptian and international Islamic Jihad responded by firing a toll in rose to at least nine. Broadcaster NDTV said three of its re- diately respond to requests for comment. The Afghan Embassy mediation, the truce came into effect barrage of rockets and mortar rounds at There have been widespread protests porters and a cameraman were attacked in Washington declined comment. at) on Monday, Ihsan Ataya, a senior Israel, which prompted the military to strike since the law that critics say is anti-Muslim by a mob on the northeastern fringe of the Islamic Jihad leader based in Lebanon, Islamic Jihad targets in Syria, where some of was passed in mid-December, with more megacity of 20 million people. said in a press statement. the Iran-backed group’s leaders are based. than 25 people killed. “There is hardly any police presence No projectiles were fired from the Gaza Two more Islamic Jihad members were “There have been nine confirmed in the area. Rioters are running around Strip overnight, a spokeswoman for the killed in an overnight air attack. deaths,” Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital of- threatening people, vandalizing shops,” a Israeli army confirmed. On Monday evening, Islamic Ji- ficial Rajesh Kalra told AFP. resident of the poor, migrant neighborhood During two days of fighting, Israeli had declared a unilateral ceasefire. He said 31 people, including 10 who of Maujpur told the Press Trust of India. aircraft pounded dozens of targets in the But Israel continued to attack targets were seriously hurt, were brought to the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Gaza Strip while Islamic Jihad bombarded in Gaza, resulting in the injury of at New Delhi hospital Tuesday. who visited a hospital where the injured southern Israel with heavy rocket fire. least eight Palestinians, Gaza’s health Senior policeman Alok Kumar told AFP were being treated, called for calm. The latest escalation began after Israeli ministry said. that officers were still receiving reports National Home Minister Amit Shah, soldiers on Sunday shot dead Mohammed Islamic Jihad accused Israel of contin- of violence. whose ministry controls law and order in al-Naim, a member of the Islamic Jihad’s ued “aggression” and resumed its rocket “The protesters are attacking police the capital region, met with senior Del- armed wing, who was allegedly planting fire, drawing further Israeli air raids and wherever they are present and clashing hi government officials and promised to President Donald Trump has made the withdrawal of the an explosive device at the heavily secured an Israeli closure of Gaza’s key border among each other where the police aren’t deploy more police if they were needed, roughly 13,000 U.S. service members from Afghanistan a major Israeli fence east of Khan Younis in the crossings and a fishing zone. there,” Kumar added. Kejriwal said. foreign policy objective. An agreement with the Taliban to end southern Gaza Strip. (Source: al Jazeera) One of those killed Monday was a po- (Source: AFP) America’s longest war could boost Trump’s re-election prospects. A former senior Afghan official said Khalilzad, an Af- ghan-born veteran U.S. diplomat, was pressing Ghani to Trump says Russian interference ‘highly exaggerated’ postpone the ceremony and trying to persuade Abdullah President Donald Trump has called reports that Russia is one of Washington’s loudest proponents of the “Russian to do the same to preserve the peace process. interfering with the 2020 election “highly exaggerated,” collusion” conspiracy theory. The sources requested anonymity because of the sensitivity and blamed the rumor on House Intelligence Committee “Schiff leaked it,” Trump said on Tuesday. “Bernie is of the matter. Chairman Adam Schiff. probably winning… and maybe they don’t want him. So (Source: Daily Star) The specter of ‘Russian interference’ raised its head again they put out a thing that Russia’s backing him. This is what last week, when the Washington Post ran an article claim- they do. I’ve gone through it for a long time. I get it. I get ing the Kremlin is interfering in the upcoming presidential the game better than anybody. election on behalf of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, with “They ought to stop the leaking,” Trump continued. “I can Trump secures $3 bln the ultimate goal of getting Trump re-elected. The story imagine that people are going to go after them and find out provided no specifics on what form the supposed interfer- what’s happening,” he added, without elaborating further. military sale with India ence took, but claimed that Sanders and Trump had both “I want no help from any country and I haven’t been been briefed on the threat. given help from any country,” Trump stated. U.S. President Donald Trump said Tuesday India will buy $3 “Intelligence never told me,” Trump told reporters on The president has previously described Adam Schiff as “the billion worth of military equipment, including attack helicopters, Tuesday at a press conference held during his state visit to a different approach. biggest leaker in Washington,” and Tuesday’s press conference as the two countries deepen defense and commercial ties in an India. “What I’m reading,” he continued, is that “they went Calling the story “highly exaggerated,” Trump accused was not the first time he has accused the California Democrat of attempt to balance the weight of China in the region. to see Bernie and they told Bernie.” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of being behind the Sanders/Russia story. On Sunday, he warned India and the United States were also making progress on While Sanders responded to the story by denying re- leaking it to the media, following a closed-doors briefing that Schiff should “stop leaking classified information or, even a big trade deal, Trump said. Negotiators from the two sides ceiving Russian assistance, and warning Russian President on Capitol Hill. Schiff, of course, was one of the principal worse, made up information, to the Fake News Media.” have wrangled for months to narrow differences on farm goods, Vladimir Putin to “stay out of U.S. elections,” Trump took architects of the impeachment effort against Trump, and (Source: RT) medical devices, digital trade and new tariffs. India’s tariffs were still too high, probably the world’s highest, Trump said in his only criticism of the world’s biggest democracy Qatar postal blockage ends as regional Germany tightens carnival security during a visit that he said was a spectacular success. “We are being charged large amounts of tariffs, can’t do that,” rivals restore service after car driven into crowd injures 60 he said at a news briefing, again pointing to Indian duties on A postal blockage against Qatar has tries met a Qatari delegation at the Universal Germany increased security at some said there was no sign the investigation Harley-Davidson motorcycles ended with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Postal Union’s (UPU) headquarters in the carnival processions on Tuesday after a would be handed to national prosecutors. Trump was accorded a massive reception in Indian Prime Egypt restoring services after mail links Swiss capital Bern on January 29 to discuss local man plowed his car into a parade in While some carnival processions in the Minister Narendra Modi’s home state of Gujarat on Monday, were severed in 2017 as part of a campaign the re-establishment of postal links. the western German town of Volkmarsen, state of Hesse, home to Volkmarsen, were with more than 100,000 people filing into a cricket stadium for to isolate Doha, the UN postal agency said. The UAE had already resumed services injuring around 60 people, including at canceled, others were due to take place in a “Namaste Trump” rally. The restoration of postal services is a to Qatar on February 9, according to the least 18 children. the region on Tuesday. A police spokesman On Tuesday, Trump sat down for one-on-one talks with Modi small step towards normalisation as talks UPU, the UN agency responsible for co- The incident on Monday shook Ger- said security would be intensified. followed by delegation-level meetings to try and move forward to resolve the wider rift have stalled, Qatar ordinating global postal services. mans still struggling to take in last week’s Rose Monday is the height of the carni- on issues that have divided the two countries, mainly a festering said earlier this month, after a flurry of “I warmly welcome the resumption of racist gun attack on two bars in the town val season in Catholic areas of Germany, trade dispute. diplomacy late last year raised hopes of international postal exchanges between of Hanau which left 11 people dead. especially in the Rhineland where tens of After those meetings, Trump said his visit had been productive, a breakthrough. these countries via transit through Oman,” The driver was detained on suspicion of thousands of people dress up, drink alcohol with the conclusion of deals to buy U.S. helicopters for the Indian The three nations, along with the Unit- UPU director general Bishar Hussein said attempted homicide and was being treat- and line the streets to watch decorated military. India will buy 24 SeaHawk helicopters from Lockheed ed Arab Emirates, severed all diplomatic, in a statement. ed for his own injuries. The prosecutors’ floats that often mock public figures. Martin equipped with Hellfire missiles worth $2.6 billion and trade and transport ties with Qatar in June “All of the countries, including Oman, spokesman said he had not been in a fit Prosecutors said there was no concrete plans an order for six Apache copters. 2017. The bloc accused Doha of support- deserve praise for their commitment and state to be questioned overnight, but was reason to think that the risks of attacks India is modernising its military to narrow a gap with China ing “terrorism” and seeking closer links dedication to ensuring that postal items not drunk at the time of the incident. Tests at parades had increased, but they urged and has increasingly turned towards the United States over its with Saudi regional rival Iran - allegations continue to be exchanged and delivered for drugs were due in the course of the day. organizers to review their security arrange- traditional supplier, Russia. Qatar denies. over the Union’s single postal territory.” Prosecutors did not appear to see a ments and adjust them if necessary. (Source: Reuters) Representatives of the four boycott coun- (Source: al Jazeera) political motive because a spokesman (Source: Reuters) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y FEBRUARY 26, 2020 SPORTS 11

Dragan Skocic meets Croatian Iran volleyball, handball leagues postponed

IRNA — Iran volleyball and handball leagues were post- football chief Davor Suker poned on Tuesday due to coronavirus. The other sport events have taken similar measures SPORTS TEHRAN — Iran desknational football team as confirmed cases of COVID-19 rose to 95 in Iran, with head coach Dragan Skocic met with 15 deaths. Croatian Football Federation president Football matches in Iran Professional League were Davor Suker on Tuesday. held behind closed the doors. In a meeting which was held in Croatian Authorities in Iran have previously called off all major Football Federation’s headquarters, the sports events except for football matches for a ten-day officials underlined their willingness to period, in response to the spread of the virus in the country. promote cooperation in football. The legendary Croatian footballer, who helped the Chequered Ones finish third in Mahmoud Fekri named the 1998 World Cup, had previously said he is interested in visiting Iran. Nassaji coach Skocic has recently met the Iranian footballers playing in Belgium league. Skocic, who was appointed as Team PLDC — Ex-Esteghlal midfielder Mahmoud Fakri has Melli coach in early February, has a difficult been named as new head coach of Nassaji Mazandaran task ahead since Iran will have four must- football team Monday night. win matches in late March and early June The 50-year-old coach has most recently coached Iran’s in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and First Division Khooshe Talaee. AFC Asian Cup China 2023. Fekri replaced Reza Mohajeri who left the team on Iran will entertain Hong Kong on March Sunday due to healthy issues. 26 in Tehran and meet Cambodia five Nassaji sit 11th in Iran Professional League (IPL) four days later in an away match. points above the relegation zone. The Persians will face Bahrain and Iraq on June 4 and 9, respectively in Tehran. Iran, who are going to continue their quest for a sixth World Cup appearance, Iran to host Hong Kong at sit five points behind leaders Iraq in Group neutral field? C but having played one game fewer.

TASNIM — Iran national football team will likely host Hong Kong at a neutral field over health concerns. Ivan Markovic joins Iran’s Zob Ahan AFC not to postpone all the matches of ACL The match has been scheduled for 26 March in Teh- ran’s Azadi Stadium but the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) will likely change the place of the match amid coronavirus fears. The virus has infected more than 80,000 people around the world, including more than 77,000 in China. More than 2,600 people have died in China’s central Hubei province alone. The outbreak has had a major impact on the glob- al sporting calendar, with a host of events canceled or postponed, and raised alarm bells for Tokyo Olympics organizers.

Iranian gymnast among top 4 in world

IRNA — International Gymnastics Federation published its new rankings on Tuesday in which Saeedreza Keikha SPORTS TEHRAN — Serbian not been disclosed. SPORTS TEHRAN — The Asian Champions League may be postponed or ranked fourth in pommel horse apparatus. desk desk midfielder Ivan Mark- Zob Ahan have already signed Serbi- Football Confederation suspended owing to the crisis. In the previous ranking of the world gymnasts, Keikha ovic has joined Zob Ahan on Tuesday, the an forward Darko Bjedov in the January (AFC) has faced tough challenges with Based on the media reports, Dato Wind- had been placed 5th, but his great performance in Mel- Iranian football club announced. transfer window. regard to the holding of the AFC Cham- sor John, the AFC Secretary General insisted bourne World Cup promoted him to 4th position with The 25-year-old player started his play- Zob Ahan are five points above the rele- pions League current season matches on the continuity of the ACL tournament, 63 points. ing career at the Serbian club Zemun in gation zone in Iran Professional League after due to the outbreak of coronavirus in while confirming the partial delay of some Mehdi Ahmad Kohani, another Iranian gymnast, stood 2010 and has also played in Bulgarian and a run of five wins in their last 20 matches. Asian countries. matches based on the decisions of the par- thirteenth with 25 points. He received a silver medal in the Greek clubs. The Iranian football team hired for- The outbreak of the coronavirus means ticipating countries. 2020 World Cup Gymnastics in Melbourne on Sunday. Markovic has most recently played at mer Lebanon coach Miodrag Radulovic the scheduling of the AFC Champions Previously, the Saudi newspaper Ar- The two athletes are now in Turkey to prepare for Baku Macedonian football club Rabotnichki. in January as a replacement for Alireza League (ACL) has been thrown into chaos. riyadiyah had reported that AFC may competitions to be held during April 24-26. He has joined the Isfahan based Mansourian. However, according to the Saudi Ara- decide to postpone the ACL matches for football club until the end of the sea- Zob Ahan will host Sepahan on Thursday bian website, Erem News, the AFC has an unknown period, or cancel the current son but the details of his contract have in Isfahan derby. denied that all of the matches 2020 AFC season of the tournament Esteghlal best Iranian club Michael Jordan: ‘When Kobe died, a piece of me died.’ at Club World Ranking Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player something, you would go to the extreme to try and of all-time, delivered one of the most raw and powerful understand or try to get it.” TASNIM — Esteghlal football team of Iran have moved speeches at Kobe Bryant’s public memorial on Monday. A few months prior to the Jan. 26 helicopter crash that two places up to 129th in the latest Club World Ranking. He also provided some much-needed humor. killed Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and seven others, Jordan Esteghlal, headed by , are the favorites to While remembering his “little brother” Bryant, Jordan, said he received a text from Kobe. win Iran Professional League (IPL) in the current season. who was fully crying before he even took the stage, couldn’t “(He said) ‘I’m trying to teach my daughter some moves… Another Iranian football giants Persepolis have moved help but reference a now-classic Internet meme. what were you thinking about when you were growing up up six places to 154th and sits in the second place. “I’ll have to look at another crying meme (of myself) for trying to work on your moves?’ I said, ‘What age?’ He said, Zob Ahan have moved 27 places down to 216th and is years,” Jordan quipped, wiping away tears. The 20,000 ’12.’ I said, ’12, I was trying to play baseball.’” The crowd of third in the ranking. mourners at Staples Center, all clearly familiar with the family members, NBA icons and diehard fans howled again. Sepahan also are fourth in Iran football. “Crying Jordan” meme, burst into laughter. “He texted me back, ‘Laughing my a– off.’” Liverpool are first, followed by Barcelona and River “I told my wife I wasn’t going to do this because I didn’t Toward the end of his speech, a clearly heartbroken Plate. want to see (a new meme) for the next three or four years,” Jordan said, “When Kobe Bryant died, a piece of me died. Club World Ranking is a ranking system of the best he continued. “That’s what Kobe Bryant does to me.” And as I look in this arena and across the globe, a piece soccer teams, top scorers and coaches in the world, based Bryant was often compared to Jordan throughout his up moves, footwork, and sometimes the triangle. At of you died…(But) I promise you from this day forward on match results over the past 52 weeks. NBA career and regularly sought advice from the Chicago first it was an aggravation, but then it turned into a I will live with the memories knowing that I had a little Bulls legend. certain passion. This kid had passion like you would brother that I tried to help in every way I could. Please, “He used to call me, text me 11:30, 2:30, 3:00 in never know. And it’s an amazing thing about passion. rest in peace, little brother.” the morning,” Jordan recalled. “Talking about post- If you love something, if you have a strong passion for (Source: Variety.com) Iran, Serbia to bolster sporting cooperation Qatar on track to welcome the world with just 1,000 days to go until the FIFA World Cup 2022 IRNA — The officials of Serbia and the Islamic Republic structure can be seen rapidly evolving in understanding.” provides us with an important insight into of Iran on Tuesday called for boosting mutual sporting and around Doha. H.E. Hassan Al Thawadi, Secretary Gener- planning for the World Cup. And as we move cooperation. Two stadiums are fully operational: Khalifa al of Qatar’s Supreme Committee for Delivery closer, planning becomes more operational. International and Al Janoub. Three more & Legacy (SC), added: “Ten years of our lives, “The joint venture team we have in Qatar is venues – Education City, Al Rayyan and Al day in, day out, have been dedicated to this increasing in size, several teams have already Bayt – will be inaugurated this year, with tournament. visited Qatar to inspect training facilities, and the remaining three set to be launched well “Personally, I can only look forward with we are bringing stakeholders closer – our in advance of the tournament. excitement, as well as some nerves, but more Commercial Affiliates were in Doha last year, Brand-new metro lines have also been importantly, conviction that this will be – and the main broadcasters earlier this year,” delivered and successfully transported over without a doubt – the best tournament. We said FIFA’s Chief Tournaments & Events 50,000 fans across three games during the are determined to ensure that the first World Officer and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 FIFA Club World Cup. Cup in the Middle East and Arab world will LLC (Q22) Managing Director, Colin Smith. New roads and training sites are being set a benchmark in the history of hosting “With all our infrastructure projects on completed, the airport expanded and per- major sporting events.” track, one of our key priorities now is to In exactly 1,000 days, the world will gather manent and temporary accommodation will When it comes to tournament prepara- shape the fan experience in 2022. We are again for the biggest football show on Earth – be delivered with the aim of coping with de- tions, Qatar and FIFA have been scrutinizing determined to host a tournament which is in the most unique setting yet. The compact mand while also considering post-event use. the lessons learned from the FIFA Club World welcoming to all and family-friendly, and nature of the first FIFA World Cup in West “With 1,000 days to go, Qatar stands where Cup, held in December last year, and which one that shows our country and region in Asia will ensure that fans of all 32 teams are no other host did before. Qatar wants to will return to the country later in 2020. the most positive light. amaze the world and is on track to achieve According to the local authorities, the “We learned a lot from the Club World always within reach of the eight stunning Iran’s Minister of Sport and Youth Masoud Soltanifar it,” said FIFA President Gianni Infantino. tournament brought over 50,000 inter- Cup across every functional area and will stadiums, the FIFA Fan Fest, some world- made the remarks in a meeting with Serbian Ambassador “The FIFA World Cup 2022 will be a national fans into the country. The event’s apply the lessons learned in the 2020 edi- class museums, Qatar’s desert dunes and, to Tehran Dragan Todorovic, adding that bilateral ties breakthrough from a social and cultural official fan zone welcomed 43,000 visitors tion and in our 2022 planning,” assured most importantly, each other. in the area of the sport have been developed. perspective. It will open the doors of this over the course of the tournament. the Chief Executive Officer of the Q22, While the eagerly awaited tournament Both sides are to sign a sporting memorandum of football-mad region, offering a new perspec- “Test events give us a great opportunity Nasser Al Khater. might still feel a long way off for fans, 136 understanding (MoU) during the upcoming visit of the tive to locals and foreigners, bringing people to assess new stadiums, work with authori- (Sources: FIFA.com, Qatar’s Supreme out of 900 qualifying matches have already Serbian president to Iran, he further noted. been played, and the tournament infra- together and serving as a tool for common ties, integrate and train the teams. That all Committee for Delivery & Legacy) Prayer Times Noon:12:17 Evening: 17:15 Dawn: 6:14 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:38 (tomorrow) FEBRUARY 26, 2020 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Mohammad Shojaeian Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 Art galleries in Tehran deserted [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 over coronavirus fears www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. ARTTEHRAN — Art galleries Tel: 88911433 desk Webmaster: [email protected] in Tehran have almost been Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 deserted in light of the latest spread of the novel coronavirus in the country. Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimesdaily The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance earlier cancelled all art, cultural and cinematic No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran events in an attempt to stem the coronavirus’ spread. P.o. Box: 14155-4843 The director of Tehran’s Mojdeh Gallery has Zip Code: 1599814713 lamented the dearth of its regular ardent visitors for a calligraphic painting exhibit currently underway at the gallery. “The exhibit named ‘Zemestaneh’ by curator Kiarash Yaqubi has provided a chance for the young artists to offer a variety of works of calligraphic paintings in different techniques and dimensions,” Mojdeh Tabatabai said in a press release published on Tuesday. She said that they expected a warm welcome GUIDE TO at the opening ceremony on Friday, however, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING the number of visitors was few due to the new coronavirus’ spread in the capital. Doubt is four in kind, fruitless talk, fear, vagrancy, “After the Ministry of Culture and Islamic and submission. Guidance announced the cancelation of all the Imam Ali (AS) art, cultural and cinematic events, the exhibit is half open and the visitors are asked to visit the exhibit with an appointment in response to the situation,” she remarked. “The works are also available on the gallery’s New films line up to augment Instagram page, however, I think people are not in the mood for purchasing any artworks,” she noted. Noruz holiday She said that they are forced to close the exhibit on Friday, adding, “Because it is not clear what ARTTEHRAN — Seven Iranian films are scheduled will happen next week and because people will get Calligraphy paintings by a number of Iranian artists are on view in an exhibition entitled “Zemestaneh” at deskto go on screen at Iranian theaters during Noruz, busier with the preparation for Noruz.” Mojdeh Gallery in Tehran on February 24, 2020. (Honaronline/Siamak Zorrodi-Motlaq) the Iranian New Year celebration, which will begin on March 20. Mohammad Kart’s directorial debut “Butterfly Swimming”, which received Crystal Simorghs in six categories, including the audience award, at the 38th Fajr Film Festival, is among the films. IRIB to air educational programs on basic Tehran book fair postponed until end protective measures against coronavirus of Ramadan

A scene from “Laminor” by Dariush Mehrjui. The film tells the story of Hashem, a gang member whose wife’s swimming video goes viral. Now Hashem and his brother-in-law Hojjat are looking for the person who uploaded the video on the net. Peyman Qasemkhani’s comedy movie “Good, Bad, Garish 2: The Secret Army” and Mohammad-Hadi Karimi’s “Filicide” are other movies for the Noruz holiday. Starring Sam Derakhshani, Pejman Jamshidi and Hamed Komeili “Good, Bad, Garish 2: The Secret Army” is a sequel People visit the 32nd Tehran International Book Fair at Imam Khomeini Mosalla to Qasemkhani’s 2017 film “Good, Bad, Garish” about a on April 25, 2019. (Tasnim/Hossein Movahedinejad) film director who has to use two superstars for his new film contrary to his desires. ARTTEHRAN — Islamic Mohamad-Mehdi Qasemi, said on Tuesday. ARTTEHRAN — The 33rd Ramadan will probably begin on April “Filicide” narrates the story of a family and their ups and deskRepublic of Iran “The animations show what the deskTehran International 24 and end on May 23. downs over a period of 30 years. Broadcasting (IRIB) plans to air a lineup symptoms of the disease are, how to protect Book Fair (TIBF) has been postponed to Turkey is the guest of honor of “Laleh” by Los Angeles-based Iranian filmmaker Asadollah of educational programs on basic protective against it, what people must know about a time after the holy month of Ramadan the Tehran International Book Fair Niknejad, about the first female Iranian race car driver, Laleh measures against the new coronavirus, IRIB the disease, and what to do if an individual due to the new coronavirus epidemic this year. The postponement was Seddiq, will also go on screen during Noruz. Health Policymaking Council has announced. is infected,” he said. in Tehran. announced a day after a Turkish The lineup also includes “Laminor” by veteran “Several world organizations have He also said that the IRIB Health The exact date of the fair will be cultural delegation canceled their filmmaker Dariush Mehrjui, children’s movie “Bazivoo” produced animations which teach how to Channel has also arranged several live specified later, the organizers announced visit to Tehran. by Amir-Hossein Qahrai and “Women Are Angels 2” by protect against the disease. The animations programs with doctors, psychologists on Tuesday. The delegation was scheduled to Mohammad-Hossein Farahbakhsh. are being dubbed into Persian to be aired on and officials to discuss the issue and help The book fair was scheduled to be discuss details about Turkey as the guest IRIB channels,” the director of the council, decrease stress and worries in society. held from April 14 to 24. of honor of the Tehran fair. German festival to screen Toronto theater to open onto Carriere’s Iranian shorts

ARTTEHRAN — The acclaimed Iranian movies “Terrace” this weekend desk“Child Eater” and “Driving Lessons” will go on ARTTEHRAN — The Zendegi Theater of the performance,” he added. screen at the 25th Regensburg deskCompany is scheduled to perform French Voria Havarinasab, Najla Azizi, Tannaz Qodrati, Sara International Short Film Week writer Jean-Claude Carrière’s play “The Terrace” at Fairview Fallahi, Farzad Nazari-Moqaddam and Sorush Mahmudi in the German city. Theatre in the Canadian city of Toronto. are members of the cast. Directed by Mohammad Jafar Mahyari is the director of the play that will be Mahyari said that the idea of performing the play began Kart, “Child Eater”, also known staged in three performances from February 27 to 29, to form last spring when he held some workshops at Theatre as “Pedovore”, is about a teenage the troupe announced on Tuesday. Encounter in the Canadian city of Calgary. boy laborer who falls in love with “The Terrace”, an absurd comedy highlighting the His troupe in collaboration with the Sun Ergos Company a teenage girl. inanity of life at the end of the modernist era, has been of Theatre and Dance in Canada also performed “The Chairs” Marzieh Riahi is the director translated by Asghar Nuri. at the theater afterwards. of “Driving Lessons”, which “The play portrays the anxiety and distress of man in “The Terrace” has been performed by several Iranian tells the story of Bahareh, a modern life,” said Mahyari who staged “Stools” at Camere troupes over the past decade. young woman who, according d’aria, a multipurpose space for art and culture in the Italian Masud Keramati directed the play the Nazerzadeh Kermani to Iranian law, must have a city of Bologna in October 2018. Hall of the Iranian Artists Forum last spring. man from among her relatives A poster for Zendegi Theater Company’s new production “We have tried to approach the realistic ambience of the It was staged earlier by Iranian director Mohammareza accompany her on driving “The Terrace”. play to a surreal atmosphere to better convey the message Khaki at Tehran’s City Theater Complex during fall 2011. A scene from “Driving lessons so she and her male Lessons” by Iranian filmmaker instructor won’t be alone. Marzieh Riahi. The Regensburg International Short Film Week will be held from March 11 to 18. Weinstein found guilty in victory for #MeToo movement NEW YORK (Reuters) — Former movie producer Harvey this happen in America?” Weinstein was convicted of sexual assault and rape in a New His sentencing hearing was set for March 11. The attorney York court on Monday and taken off to jail in handcuffs, a vowed to appeal. Weinstein never testified in his defense. “Sunrise Over Fallujah” victory for the #MeToo movement that inspired women to He told reporters during the trial that he had wanted to publicly accuse powerful men of misconduct. speak but his lawyers said it was unnecessary because the appears in Iranian bookstores Once one of Hollywood’s most influential producers, case against him was weak. Weinstein, 67, was found guilty of sexually assaulting former Actress Rose McGowan, who had accused Weinstein of ARTTEHRAN — American writer Walter deskDean Myers’ 2008 novel “Sunrise Over production assistant Mimi Haleyi in 2006 and raping Jessica rape, wrote on Twitter: “Today is a powerful day & a huge Fallujah” has recently been published in Persian by Sorush Mann, a onetime aspiring actress, in 2013. step forward in our collective healing.” Publications in Tehran. Officers helped Weinstein unsteadily to his feet before A statement for the #MeToo movement said: “The jury worked Translated by Abdolhamid Mirhosseini, the book tells the leading him away. His lawyer said Weinstein, who has used with an incredibly narrow and unjust set of laws governing story of a new army recruit from Harlem, Robin ‘Birdy’ Perry. a walker throughout the trial, was expected to be taken to a sexual assault, and though he was not convicted on all counts, Birdy is not quite sure why he joined the army, but he decides medical facility at New York City’s Rikers Island jail complex. Harvey Weinstein will have to answer for his crimes.” A spokesman for Weinstein said later that the onetime Film producer Harvey Weinstein is handcuffed after his Weinstein faces up to 25 years in prison on the sexual to accompany his unit to Iraq. guilty verdict in his sexual assault trial in the Manhattan Birdy and the others in his unit are supposed to help secure movie mogul was diverted instead to Bellevue Hospital in assault conviction. He was also convicted of third degree Manhattan, which has a unit that provides medical care borough of New York City, New York, U.S., February 24, rape which carries a prison sentence of up to four years. and stabilize the country and successfully interact with the Iraqi 2020 in this courtroom sketch. (Reuters/Jane Rosenberg) people. Officially, the code name for their maneuvers is Operation for jail inmates. The jury of seven men and five women acquitted Weinstein Iraqi Freedom. But the young men and women in the unit have The spokesman, Juda Engelmayer, told Reuters he did Four Seasons hotel where the producer of such acclaimed on the most serious charges, which carried a potential life a simpler name for it. They call it war. not know why Weinstein went to Bellevue or how long he films as “The English Patient” and “Shakespeare in Love” sentence. Myers is the writer of the bestsellers “Fallen Angels” and would be there. But a number of news outlets, including started his day. Asked by reporters outside court how the jury service “Monster”. “Monster” has been published in Persian. Variety, reported that he had complained of chest pains. After the verdict Arthur Aidala, Weinstein’s lawyer, quoted experience was for him personally, jury foreman Bernard Either destination would be a sharp contrast to the posh his client as saying, “I’m innocent. I’m innocent. How can Cody said, “Devastating,” but declined to elaborate.