Las Vegas Optic, 04-06-1911 the Optic Publishing Co

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Las Vegas Optic, 04-06-1911 the Optic Publishing Co University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-6-1911 Las Vegas Optic, 04-06-1911 The Optic Publishing Co. Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Optic Publishing Co.. "Las Vegas Optic, 04-06-1911." (1911). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. territorial Secretary's Otfli WEATHER FORECAST WE PRINT THE NEWS Rain and Colder in North' Portion If Yod Read It Tonight; Friday Fair and Colder In The Optlo, It'a 80 VOL. XXXII No. 128 NEW EAST LAS VEGAS, MEXICO, THURSDAY, APRIL ?, 191 1 CITY EDITION DOUBLE KILLING NEAR SOCORRO TELLS GRAND JURY OF VICE friends believe he might have been Socorro. N. 6. New York, 6 E. Cor. HAVE KIDNAPERS M., April Meagre MAGDALENA BAY April Joseph MILLIONAIRE DIES alarmed by a noise and accidentally MOVE details reached here last night of rlgan, the city magistrate, who began killed himself while in a state of ner OFFENSIVE double killing at San Pedro, across the present "crime wave" agitation vous excitement. the river from San Antonio, south of here by accusing Mayor William TO Oscar Stewart, the valet, found Mr, THREATENED here. Candido Romero, a un THE HIGHEST Gaynor of demoralizing the police FROM GUNSHOT IS young uKfwwik ueau wnen ne went to PLANNED BY married man of that shot and force, testified for an hour and a half place, shave him at 8 o'clock. He was Ivlne killed Deputy Sheriff Padilla late yesterday before the grand jury Santiago half dressed on the floor. There was JUDGE WALDO over family differences and then BIDDER which is trying to determine whether WOUND a bullet hole in his and MADERO turned the gun death the city is overrun with crooks and right temple against himself, near mm lay a revolver. resulting Padilla leaves a if so, who la to blame. Generally Deputy Cor Instantly. oner McKeever, when PERSISTENT RUMOR SAYS HE family. DEAL PENDING FOR TRANSFER, speaking, the magistrate repeated his CRAIGE LIPPINCOTT, PROMINENT leaving the house, stated It as his belief ORDERS HIS TROOPS NEAR CHI HAS RECEIVED NOTE VOW-IN- THREE SYNDICATES BEING charges giving the addresses of gam that it PHILADELPHIAN, MAY HAVE waa a case of suicide. HUAHUA HELD IN READINESS VENGEANCE bling houses and reBOrts together with SCHOOL LAND SALE AFTER IT SUICIDED This a list of well known criminals who afternoon a statement was is FOR ATTACK Guthrie, Okla., April 6. Announce- - sued an officer of he said have flocked to the city. It by the Lippincott RRANI1 IT FAI 5CF ment as school company, Mr. flFFIPFRS today by the ONE AMERICAN; TWO FOREIGN is understood he suggested several SON BELIEVES stating Lippincott shot IT ACCIDENT and killed himself THAT CITY LIKELY! HIS GOAL ireiwuwu mai j,oo3,soz acres new lines of inquiry. during a period of of school land would be sold In this temporary mental aberration. The SIMPLY ANOTHER OF MANY I IT state beginning June 23. Purchasers BELONGS TO FLORFS HALT MAKES SWORN STATEMENT TO business of the publishing house is THE PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT SENSATIONAL REPORTS may buy as sections as ESTATE AND PLUCKY WOMAN ARRESTS NEGRO not affected by his death. many they COMPRISES DEPUTY CORONER GIVING MOVES HIS HEADQUARTERS THEY CLAIM can pay for. Heretofore not more Kansas City, April 6. Mrs. George 18,700 ACRES THIS THEORY NEARER TO CAPITAL than a quarter section has been sold R. Loer, wife of a real estate dealer TRAIN HOLD-U- P IN INDIANA to one man. in this city, arrested Oscar a Muncie, Ind., April 6. A masked NO ARRESTS; NONE EXPECTED Bailey, $15,000,000 THEJRICE ASKED negro, whom she charged with try INVESTIGATION! NG MADE man armed with a revolver held up PEACE PLANUM THROUGH PRISONERS SHOT DOWN Ing to hypnotize her son, and robbed passengers in a vestlbuled HOWEVER, DETECTIVES AND Pueblo, Mex., 6. Five Marvel, and, keeping the negro cov- coach attached to westbound express April prison OF NEBRASKA AND DECEASED A LEADER IN FINAN ENVOYS PREPARE TO RETURN MOUNTED POLICE ARE ers and one are dead as ered with a revolver, made him walk train No. 9 on the Big Four railroad STILL guard a re LESLIE M. SHAW CIAL AND SOCIAL PARTIAL ahead of her till she came to po- CIRCLES east of TO SAN ANTONIO FROM IN CITY sult of a break for liberty by the oc a here last night. After taking OWNERS OF PROPERTY liceman. The OF QUAKER CITY cupants of the state prison here ear- arrest took place on about $300 In cash the robber dropped EL PASO o the in a off ly yesterday. Twenty-tw- convicts es street fashionable residence the rear platform as the train Has the search of the officers so ' where caped. Tacoma, Wash., April 6. The prac district, Mrs. Loer found the Philadelphia, April 6. Craige Lip-- slakened speed to enter the city. ' Madero's Camp, San Andres, near nearly unearthed the hiding place of negro with the boy. ' head tical completion of arrangements for pincott, of the J. B. Lippincott Chihuahua, April 6. Orders have been the kidnapers of the little Rogers boy company, and one of the most the sale of the Flores Hale estate, promi sent through the insurrecto ranks to that the criminals have threatened nent men in financial and social cir BIG LINER GOES comprising 12,700 acres and including MAIL CONTRACTS prepare for instant action. Francisco violence of the cles in this city, died mysteriously little fellow's relatives in Lower JAP AMBASSADOR Magdalena Bay California, arly at his 218 Ritten- - Madero has changed his headquar if the sleuths are' not called off the today home, for more than fifteen million dollars, house Square, an aristocratic residen- ters from the Bustillos hacienda to trail? Color was given to such a be ASHORE A CAUSE MERRY WAR IN FOG was announced tial section of e last night by Ezra P. DECLINES Philadelphia. Accord this point, which is within thirty-fiv- lief last night and today by the pre a TO TALK to Savage, former governor of Nebras ing the police, death was due to a miles of Chihuahua. The nature of the valence of a rumor to the effect that ka and one of the owners. wound. Whether he The land pistol received MISSOURI movement H. L. THE PRINCESS IRENE. MEETS is PACIFIC AND SANTA TOposed is not divulged. Judge Waldo, grandfather of owned by a syndicate headed by TO' the wound by accident or design is REFUSES DENY OLD STORY FE IN BATTLE ROYAL At Madera, a town of six hundred the kidnaped child, had received an WITH ACCIDENT COMING J. E. Blackman of New York and In- - not publicly known. The coroner is TO REGARDING UNFRIENDLY anonymous letter, filled with dire INTO NEW YORK HARBOR eludes in its directorate former sec making a thorough investigation. Mr. GET BUSINESS people, the insurrectos have organized threats and giving him a few hours retary of the treasury, Leslie M. MOVE BY MIKADO Lippineott's son, Jay B. Lippincott, police and municipal system under In Albino father-in-la- w of General which to order a cessation of the New York. April 6. The bin- North Shaw. The land is said to have hoen made a sworn statement to a deputy Kansas City, April 6 A fight be- Freis, investigation being carried on by the German Llovd liner Primes trn sought by Japan just prior to the Washington, April 6. Baron Uch- - coroner that it was his opinion his tween several big railroads for the Orozco, Two sawmills and two box lda tne factories are Ma mounted police and detectives. ran ashore in a thick frwr rlv tnrtr Mxlean revolution for a coaling sta-- Japanese ambassador, today father died as the result of an acci privilege of carrying transcontinental being operated at - dera owners Today the. rumor was strenuously 0n Sandv Reof ofr Txirm mil taH tion- Two iforeign and one American dec,lned to comment or even dignify dent. Mr. Lippincott, who was 65 mail centered here today. by their under permis- - a of All Ameri- aeniea. 11 was Dranaea Dy tne ora- ten miles east of Fire Island Th syndicate are now figuring on its by denial the declaration made years old, was of a highly nervous The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe sion the insurrectos. cers as un- - 1 in na a cans in the mines and lumber camps another of the many Bea, is calm, and the steamer may purchase. The' land rich In mineral yeBieraay meo, Tex., by temperament and always had a fear system, which is attempting to in- Mexican, said to be close to the Mex- crease of that are truthful reports that have been cir pulled off at high tide. On board as weu M agricultural resources of finding burglars in the house. His its transcontinental business neighborhood receiving ican foreign office, but whose name through insurrecto courtesy. culated since the boy's kidnaping oc are 235 cabin passengers and 1,485 in during the quaddrennlal season which supplies was (withheld, that United States is now The Mexican Northewestern curred. Such a letter, if received, the steerage from Pa- on, changed the starting railway Naples, Genoa, were sent to a ISO Madera however, would prove an admirable lermo and Gibraltar.
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