E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2011 No. 162 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 27, 2011, at 11 a.m. House of Representatives WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2011

The House met at 10 a.m. and was Mr. BLUMENAUER. This is a special who receive virtually no assistance called to order by the Speaker pro tem- moment for American agriculture as from direct commodity payments, an pore (Mr. CRAVAACK). well as an opportunity to address the expensive web of programs to shield f major challenges America faces: our farmers from market forces and, of long-term government spending, our course, the unusual program of crop in- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO budget deficit, environmental protec- surance, which pays more to insurance TEMPORE tion, and the health problems of our agents than to farmers. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- families. It is also key to improving It would, instead, concentrate assist- fore the House the following commu- the economy, which should be our ance for people who need help the nication from the Speaker: number one priority. Helping more peo- most, make healthy food more afford- WASHINGTON, DC, ple at less cost by reducing subsidies to able and give assistance to new farm- October 26, 2011. large agribusiness also speaks directly ers, which is so necessary to deal with I hereby appoint the Honorable CHIP to the frustrations of protesters from the turnover in American agriculture, CRAVAACK to act as Speaker pro tempore on coast to coast, whether they are occu- where the average farmer today is 55 this day. pying Wall Street or they are Tea years of age. JOHN A. BOEHNER, Party protesters. It would stop the inappropriate and Speaker of the House of Representatives. Now, there is no doubt that Amer- expensive subsidization, which com- f ica’s massive investment in farm sup- promises our international trade re- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE port—hundreds of billions of dollars of sponsibilities, which not only gives taxpayer money—the special rules and these large agribusinesses a leg up but The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- regulations, and tariff protections have helps them get bigger at the expense of ant to the order of the House of Janu- all contributed to the success of Amer- small- and medium-sized farmers and ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- ican agriculture. It has boosted produc- ranchers. nize Members from lists submitted by tivity and made a difference in pro- It would stop the insanity of giving a the majority and minority leaders for viding plentiful low-cost food. Left billion and a half dollars to Brazilian morning-hour debate. unaddressed is whether this expensive cotton farmers over the next 10 years The Chair will alternate recognition patchwork of complicated and exces- because we don’t have the courage and between the parties, with each party sive programs is the best we can do. the political will to stop giving support limited to 1 hour and each Member The answer from independent ana- to American cotton farmers, which has other than the majority and minority lysts is overwhelming. We can do far been deemed illegal. leaders and the minority whip limited better for less money and help more We must make the production of to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall farmers and ranchers and especially food, not commodities, more affordable debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. those Americans in need of food. and more nutritious for all Americans f Today, I am releasing a report entitled but particularly for our students, our ‘‘Growing Opportunities: Family Farm young families, and the elderly. ‘‘GROWING OPPORTUNITIES: FAM- Values for Reforming the Farm Bill,’’ Redirecting money away from incen- ILY FARM VALUES FOR RE- which brings together that big picture tives to pollute and paying more to FORMING THE FARM BILL’’ and illustrates a better way. farmers and ranchers to protect water The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The core principles are to reduce the quality and wildlife habitat will give Chair recognizes the gentleman from flow of money to the largest agri- real benefit to American communities, Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- business interests, which shortchanges which are the neighbors of our farmers. utes. the majority of farmers and ranchers It fits our economic and recreational

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.000 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 opportunities and reduces the cost of programs and local farm economies by co- administrative requirements. It in- the cleanup of our waterways from ani- ordinating the two. It also advocates for in- creases the costs for recordkeeping. mal waste, pesticides, and fertilizers. creased local flexibility so that communities This is another instance of unintended Help with research, marketing, and en- can take steps on their own to increase ac- consequences of legislation and ones cess to fresh, local food. vironmental protection will allow our that, I think, we cannot afford. farmers to be more productive and bet- f We must focus on how we can help ter stewards of the land while putting H.R. 674, REPEALING THE 3 PER- small businesses across this land. We in money in their pockets—in turn, in- CENT WITHHOLDING ON PAY- this body need to create an environ- creasing benefits and reducing costs for MENTS MADE TO VENDORS BY ment where small businesses can have everybody else. GOVERNMENT ENTITIES more certainty because, when I talk to Now, I don’t pretend this report con- businesses all across the 10th District tains any silver bullet. It’s a collection The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of Illinois, the one thing I hear over of what I’ve learned in dealing with Chair recognizes the gentleman from and over and over again is that the un- these issues in my 15 years in Congress Illinois (Mr. DOLD) for 5 minutes. certainty out there is preventing peo- but, more importantly, by spending a Mr. DOLD. I came to this body as a ple from investing in their businesses, lot of time with Oregon farmers and small business owner, as someone who from moving forward. This would be ranchers, people in the nursery indus- employs just under 100 people. For me, yet one more burden. We don’t need to try, the vintners, who are all short- that’s 100 families. I decided to run for do that. Congress because it felt to me as if the changed by the current system and de- b 1010 serve better. Federal Government was making it Joining me in the release of this re- harder and harder for me to put the So I’m pleased to see that Members port are Representatives who advocate key in the door and to open up my on both sides of the aisle are coming on behalf of the taxpayers, who deal business each and every day. Frankly, together to try to solve some of these with deficit spending, who are environ- they should be doing quite the oppo- issues. It’s certainly what the Amer- mental advocates, and people who care site. We here in this body should be ican public is looking for us to do, to deeply about America’s farmers and making it easier for American busi- be able to find some common ground, ranchers. There is across this country nesses to grow their businesses—to be to move forward, so that we can elimi- a grand coalition that is forming and able to hire more people, to invest back nate some of these barriers. The num- coalescing behind a unified vision for in their businesses and to grow. ber one issue we face, without excep- American agriculture at exactly the I am pleased to say that we have an tion, is jobs and the economy, so it time when the taxpayers need it, when opportunity this week to vote on a bi- seemed like common sense to me that most farmers and ranchers deserve it partisan piece of legislation to end we try to enable small business to be and when advocates on behalf of better some of the barriers that are pre- able to have the tools necessary to health and nutrition for all Americans venting businesses from investing back forecast, invest in their businesses and demand it. in their businesses. We’re going to have to grow. With 29 million small businesses in EXECUTIVE SUMMARY an opportunity to vote on H.R. 674, our Nation, if we can create an envi- Americans deserve a better Farm Bill. Cur- which would repeal a provision that rent agricultural policy spends too much would force government entities to ronment where half of those businesses money supporting large corporations, withhold 3 percent from the vendors can create a single job, think about doesn’t adequately help the majority of that they do business with. where we’d be then. We’ve got 9.1 per- small and midsize farmers, and subsidizes Earlier this year, we took care of cent unemployment in our country. In manufactured food at the expense of fruits Illinois it’s at 10, and certain areas and vegetables. This report outlines a series some legislation that was some over- burdensome regulation on 1099s for even in the 10th District we’ve got un- of reforms to make the Farm Bill more ac- employment of 20 to 22 percent. countable, more affordable, and fairer to tax- small businesses. This was going to be We’ve just been recognized as the payers, farmers, ranchers and consumers paperwork that was going to, in es- number one manufacturing district in alike. sence, cost small businesses hundreds the country. We’ve lost 750,000 manu- Commodity Programs: The report advo- of thousands of dollars and, in some cates for eliminating direct payments and facturing jobs in Illinois. We have to cases, millions of dollars just to com- storage payments, and placing limits on step up and allow small business to be ply, just to cross the T’s and dot the counter cyclical, market assistance and able to invest back in their businesses I’s. Not a single bit would be added to ACRE payments to save taxpayer dollars and and to grow. create a more level playing field for Amer- their bottom line or would be helping ica’s farmers. I’m delighted to see that we were provide services to consumers. able to come together 2 weeks ago on Conservation Programs: While recognizing There is no question that this bill the important role that conservation plays trade legislation to be able to help for farmers, ranchers and the public, the re- would help small businesses. It would those manufacturers, to help farmers, port supports a shift to performance-oriented also help governments and municipali- to be able to increase exports and grow conservation programs, giving farmers and ties that would be forced to withhold. jobs right here in America. Those are ranchers flexibility while ensuring that tax- This withholding requirement is par- exactly the efforts that we need to do. payers get cleaner air and water, and ticularly harmful to small businesses, So I want to encourage my col- healthier soil. to contractors; and it would undermine leagues on both sides of the aisle to Research and Development: The report ac- our efforts to spur job creation. This knowledges the important role that research come together on H.R. 674 to help small and development dollars have played in requirement needlessly ties up the cash businesses move forward and get Amer- boosting America’s farm and ranch produc- flow of small businesses, and that’s ex- ica back to work. actly what we don’t need to do at this tivity, and supports increasing or at a min- f imum keeping level research funding. particular time. Beginning Farmer and Rancher Programs: This is a commonsense piece of legis- HONORING MAYOR STEPHEN L. Recognizing the importance of engaging lation, and I am confident that we will LUEKE younger Americans in farming and ranching, be able to pass it. We’ve got over 269 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the report advocates for small changes to current programs to support beginning farm- cosponsors today. Mr. Speaker, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from ers and ranchers. gentleman who was just up here is, in Indiana (Mr. DONNELLY) for 5 minutes. Crop Insurance: While the last negotiation fact, the lead cosponsor, Mr. BLU- Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana. Mr. of the Standard Reinsurance Agreement MENAUER, along with my colleague Speaker, today I pay tribute to an out- made some improvements to the crop insur- WALLY HERGER from California. It en- standing citizen of South Bend, Indi- ance program, most economists agree that it joys broad bipartisan support. It’s com- ana, Mayor Steve Lueke, who devoted is still in need of reform. This report advo- monsense legislation. his life to the service of our commu- cates for several principles that should be We do not need to be taking dollars nity. Raised in Freeport, Illinois, used to guide the creation of any new crop insurance agreement. out of the economy at this point in Mayor Lueke made South Bend his Nutrition: The report recognizes the oppor- time. It increases costs for goods and home over 30 years ago after grad- tunity to improve the outcomes of nutrition services. It increases the burdens on uating from Fordham University. He

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.018 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7073 and his beloved wife, Peg, the mar- sion, collaborative leadership, and pas- Again, compare that to Yucca Moun- keting director for the South Bend Mu- sionate advocacy for good government tain—no nuclear waste. Waste would be seum of Art, have four children they earned him the 2011 Association of Cit- stored 1,000 feet underground, 1,000 feet are so proud of. ies and Towns Russell G. Lloyd Distin- above the water table, and 100 miles Steve has been South Bend’s 31st and guished Service Award. He is also the from the Colorado River. longest-serving mayor in the city’s his- 2011–2012 IACT president. So where are these senators from tory. He took office in 1977, succeeding So today, on behalf of all the citizens Georgia and South Carolina? Well, Sen- Joe Kernan, who became the lieutenant of South Bend, Indiana, I want to ator ISAKSON says ‘‘We need to retain governor. Now in his fourth term, thank Mayor Steve for his unselfish Yucca Mountain as our Nation’s high- Mayor Lueke has championed the de- years of dedication to the city and to level waste repository.’’ So he sup- velopment of a city in which all resi- its people. You will never be forgotten. ports. dents can be proud to live and work. Thank you for everything. Thank Senator CHAMBLISS says, ‘‘We have Previously Steve served 9 years as a you, Mayor, and God bless you, Peg and long advocated that the Department of member of the South Bend Common your family. Energy immediately halt all actions to Council, including two terms as presi- f dismantle operations at Yucca Moun- dent, representing the First District on tain.’’ He supports. YUCCA MOUNTAIN South Bend’s northwest side. Senator GRAHAM: ‘‘No one should be South Bend under his leadership has The SPEAKER pro tempore. The required to pay for an empty hole in become a hub of technological diver- Chair recognizes the gentleman from the Nevada desert.’’ sity. Mayor Lueke spearheaded the Illinois (Mr. SHIMKUS) for 5 minutes. ‘‘The decision by the Obama adminis- demolition of nearly 4 million square Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, this is tration to close Yucca Mountain was feet of obsolete buildings in the former my third time on the floor to talk ill-advised and leaves our Nation with- Studebaker Corridor and strengthened about high-level nuclear waste in out a disposal plan for spent nuclear partnerships with leading community Yucca Mountain. I started talking fuel or Cold War waste.’’ That’s what institutions, including the University about Hanford, which is in Washington Hanford is, Cold War nuclear waste of Notre Dame. State, comparing it to the Yucca facil- from our weapons sector. These efforts have come together as ity. In Hanford, 53 million gallons of What does Senator DEMINT say? South Bend created Indiana’s first nuclear waste; zero at Yucca. Nuclear ‘‘Without Yucca Mountain, America dual-site, State-certified technology waste is stored 10 feet underground in will not have a safe and secure place to park, consisting of Innovation Park at Hanford; waste will be stored 1,000 feet permanently store nuclear waste and Notre Dame and Ignition Park on the underground in Yucca. Waste 1,000 feet instead waste will pile up at existing grounds of the former Studebaker Cor- from the water table at Yucca; 250 feet reactors.’’ poration. In addition, South Bend be- from the water table in Hanford. We will continue, and I will continue came the first U.S. city to create a At Yucca the nuclear waste will be to come down on the floor and go broadband network, the Metronet, 100 miles from the nearest river. At through the Nation highlighting high- using its own traffic conduit. Hanford, it’s 1 mile from the nearest level nuclear waste all over this coun- As the owner of a small construction river. So what are the Senators’ posi- try when the Federal law under the Nu- company, Steve took interest in neigh- tions on Yucca Mountain in Wash- clear Waste Policy Act of 1982 says we borhood restoration, infrastructure im- ington State and Oregon, knowing that should have one site, and the law says provements, and the revitalization of we have 53 million gallons of high-level that site is Yucca Mountain. our city. Among other projects, he fos- nuclear waste 1 mile from the Colum- And so as we continue to go through tered the public-private restoration of bia River? the States, hopefully some Senators the Morris Performing Arts Center, the Senator CANTWELL is not supportive will get off the dime and state their po- Palais Royale ballroom, the Northeast of Yucca Mountain. Senator MURRAY is sitions, culminating with 60 Senators Neighborhood revitalization, and the supportive, at least in her public state- in support as we move this forward, renovation of the former Engman Na- ments. Senator WYDEN is not sup- this Nation forward, to a more secure tatorium into the Indiana University portive. And Senator MERKLEY is si- location for high-level nuclear waste South Bend Civil Rights Heritage Cen- lent. They should not be silent. away from lakes, away from rivers, ter. Under his leadership, South Bend A couple of weeks ago I then moved away from the groundwater tables. received a White House designation in to my home State of Illinois and the There’s no safer place on the planet 2008 as a Preserve America Commu- decommissioned Zion nuclear power than underneath the mountain in a nity. He also directed the completion plant that still has high-level nuclear desert, and that place is Yucca Moun- of the riverwalk along the St. Joseph waste on site. Again, the same statis- tain. River and added 50 miles of bicycle tics for Yucca are there in a desert f lanes and routes throughout our city. away from a river. b 1020 He has served on the advisory board Zion is on Lake Michigan. Zion has for Indiana University South Bend dur- 65 casks containing 1,135 metric tons of INCOME DISPARITY IN AMERICA ing a period of expansion and growth nuclear waste, waste stored above The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that positioned it as an active partici- ground 5 feet above the water table, Chair recognizes the gentleman from pant in the economic development of 1,300 feet from Lake Michigan. And New York (Mr. RANGEL) for 5 minutes. our region. Enrollment growth at Ivy Wisconsin has two nuclear power Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, it ap- Tech Community College has exploded plants also on Lake Michigan. So what peared sometime yesterday that the and has led to a partnership between do the senators from the two States Congressional Budget Office looked at the city’s Redevelopment Commission say? statistically where the wealth of this and the college as the commission ac- Well, Senator DURBIN is supportive of country is being held and came to the quires and relocates businesses to help Yucca Mountain. Senator KIRK is sup- conclusion that 1 percent of America’s expand the campus of Ivy Tech even portive of Yucca Mountain. Senator high earners have 42 percent of the Na- more. KOHL is supportive of Yucca Mountain. tion’s wealth. It also pointed out that With concern for the future, Mayor Senator JOHNSON is still silent on one out of every five kids, American Lueke’s vision has helped provide the Yucca Mountain. I imagine we’ll know kids, is born into poverty. spark for several environmental efforts soon. Well, certainly one might look at the that led to South Bend’s designation as Now we move to Georgia and South income tax system to see whether or Indiana’s Green Community of the Carolina. Look at the difference here. not this disparity is being dealt with. Year in 2009. Savannah River has 6,300 canisters of But if you do, you will find out that we Our city has developed into an inno- nuclear waste on-site. The waste is have aggressively protected income for vative, dynamic and progressive place, stored right below the ground. It is 0 to people who are wealthy enough to in- and in 2011 it was named an All-Amer- 160 feet above the water table, and it’s vest it at lower rates than lower in- ica City. Mayor Steve’s progressive vi- right next to the Savannah River. come people who work hard every day

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.004 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 and yet have a higher rate of their in- But when you are now going through Nation. Mr. Speaker, as you know, come that they have paid taxes on. decades of poverty, kids not able to go with every nation that America has a What does this unfairness mean? to college, those that graduate not able free trade agreement, we have a manu- Well, one thing I can tell you is that to find jobs, our young people and older facturing surplus. Hear that, Mr. you’re not going to have too much alike running to the streets and pro- Speaker. With every nation with which noise from the spiritual community be- testing, explosion of this type occur- we have a free trade agreement, we cause somehow they’re silent as we ring all over the great United States, have a manufacturing trade surplus. deal with the question of budget defi- then the hopes and dreams that are the We ship more American-made goods to cits and budget cuts. They haven’t re- engine that makes our country so those countries than we import. We sponded to the fact that many of these great are limited in their ability to have a trade deficit as a Nation, but a cuts have to deal with income after re- bring the scientists and the doctors manufactured goods surplus with the tirement, with Social Security. Others and the people we need for this coun- nations with which we signed free deal with the ability to pay for health try. trade agreements. Free trade agree- care. Others just deal with the plight of One percent of our wage earners, 42 ments, good for America, good for jobs, not being able to put food on the table, percent of the Nation’s wealth, there is good for trade, and we were able to to get health care. In other words, it’s something wrong with that formula. move those across the President’s desk all biblical as to what is wrong about f with his signature last week—2 weeks the disparities in income. But there are ago now. MOVING THE AMERICAN DREAM other things that we don’t talk about. And this week, we’re going to bring FORWARD You can rest assured that this includes two more bills to the floor, things that some of the benefits that the 1 percent The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bring us together. You heard my col- have. Chair recognizes the gentleman from league from Illinois talk about, earlier Why is it that we know or that we Georgia (Mr. WOODALL) for 5 minutes. can suspect that in this war where we this morning, the 3 percent with- Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, you holding, a bill that we passed to say we lost so many lives, where so many peo- probably get the same questions I get ple have been wounded, that our brave think there are lots of tax cheats going when I go back home. Those questions on out there among folks who contract men and women coming home will sub- are from folks who came, they sat here ject themselves to a lack of funds to with the government, so we’re going to in the gallery and they looked down on just withhold those taxes up front and deal with their physical and mental the House floor, and they thought: problems, and yet we somehow know make you get them back later on. Well, Golly, where is everybody? Where’s ev- it turns out 3 percent withholding, our that that 1 percent was not involved in erybody? I thought it was going to be defending our great Nation? Oh, we small businesses owners didn’t even full of 435 Members of Congress. But, of have a 3 percent margin. take it for granted that those people course, as you know, Mr. Speaker, in who can’t get jobs would volunteer, but today’s modern technology world, b 1030 we can almost know without any inves- everybody’s back in their office watch- If we had held all that money, they tigation that the wealthiest of Ameri- ing things on television. But I confess couldn’t even pay the bills. They’d ac- cans never found themselves protecting that sometimes during this morning- tually have to operate at a loss for the our flag. year and ask the government in April What else can we tell? Well, we can hour, I turn the volume down a little for their refund. tell there’s a limited amount of money bit. I turn it down a little bit because The President’s onboard with that re- that billionaires can spend. And we sometimes we get into those divisive peal. I believe the House is going to be don’t expect them to be at the local su- issues down here on the House floor. It onboard with that repeal. The Senate permarket or buying a pair of socks or gets my blood pressure up so much I is going to be onboard with that repeal. going to the drugstore looking for pre- think my head is going to explode first We’re going to move that across the scriptions. No, they hold on to their thing in the morning. I sometimes turn floor this week as well. money. They invest their money. They the volume down. Things that are bringing us together, don’t even lend their money. But today I wanted to come down But having said that, one thing is here and find those things that bring us Mr. Speaker, are common ground that clear, that if we have the other 99 per- together as opposed to divide us, be- we can cover to make it easier to cre- cent of the people that are not cause I really do believe that as we face ate jobs in this country. Because I wealthy, and if it was possible for them the kind of economic challenges that agree with my colleague, Mr. RANGEL, to get a fairer shake and have more ex- we’re facing in America today, there is the American Dream is that you can pendable income, you wouldn’t have to more that unites this body than divides come here and do better tomorrow put out ads for them to buy, that they it. There’s more that we can do to- than you did today, that you can pro- have the needs and they would be pur- gether than we must fight about in vide your kids with more opportunity chasing. And small businesses depend order to move the American Dream for- than what you had. That is the Amer- on these people—not the barons, not ward. ican Dream. the tycoons, but they depend on the I have in my pocket a card. It’s ti- I don’t worry that folks want to come people in the neighborhood. That’s why tled, ‘‘The House Republican Jobs to America. I worry about the one day the stores are located there. So it’s not Plan,’’ but I’d tell you it’s an American that that dream has disappeared and a question of having consumer con- jobs plan. I look down the items that folks don’t want to come to America fidence. It’s a question of consumers we have brought forward in this Repub- anymore. They’d rather take their big not having the money to buy what they lican House, America’s House, the brain and their hard work ethic to need. things that they’ve been able to pass in China or to or Brazil or Argen- But I really think the worst thing of the United States Senate, those things tina. We must preserve America as the all when we just overlook and don’t that have gone to the President’s desk, magnet of success, the magnet that at- pay attention to that is the American and we are making progress, Mr. tracts those that want to improve their Dream that is being shattered, because Speaker, on those things that unite us. lives and believe those opportunities we do know that poverty means you’re Of course, we started the year off re- exist here. not going to have good health; you’re pealing the 1099 provision from the Mr. Speaker, there’s a commonality not going to get the kind of education President’s health care bill, that oner- in all of those bills that we’ve passed to get out of poverty. Poverty means ous provision that required new paper- and sent to the President’s desk this that you lose the hope and the dreams work mandates on all of our small year, and it’s that these were things of this great Nation. And more than businesses, completely unworkable. We the government did to try to encourage poverty and wealth, what really is the came together, the House and Senate, compliance, to try to regulate, to try engine that makes our Nation so great and the President repealed that. to require that small businesses oper- is people from all over the world be- Last week, we came and we passed ate differently, and what we found out lieve you can make it in the United three new free trade agreements—three is they didn’t work. The 1099 provision, States of America. new free trade agreements—for this free trade, those tariffs and duties that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.006 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7075 prevented that free trade, this 3 per- tisan efforts have delayed its imple- HONORING THE 20TH ANNIVER- cent holding provision, what is the mentation, but temporary measures, at SARY OF THE MOTHER BACH- common ground, Mr. Speaker? Con- best, leave businesses uncertain and MANN MATERNITY CENTER gress is doing too much in regulating. wary about future investment. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The America is doing too much in regu- My district here in the National Cap- Chair recognizes the gentleman from lating this country. ital region is probably home to more Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 I ran on that premise, Mr. Speaker. Federal contractors than any other in minutes. The challenge is we are not doing too Congress, and I routinely hear from Mr. FITZPATRICK. There’s much de- little. The problem is that we are doing them about this issue everywhere I go. bate on the floor of this House about too much and burdening those small They report that the 3 percent with- the plight of the uninsured. We need businesses. more discussion about health care solu- holding will unduly restrict their cash The former soviet bloc countries, Mr. tions, and we need more praise for flows, increase project bond costs, and Speaker, have learned from that exam- those health care professionals in our imperil their ability to expand and cre- ple. They have flat tax rates, no ex- communities who do the hard work of ate jobs. emptions, no exceptions, and their tax providing health care for the poor and collections went up. In addition, this burdensome regula- the uninsured without government Mr. Speaker, folks can’t pay taxes if tion won’t just harm the private sec- mandate and without government in- they don’t have a job. You can’t pay in- tor. It actually hurts State and local volvement. come taxes if you don’t have a job. And governments that contract with pri- I rise today to honor the 20th anni- you can’t have a job if you don’t have vate companies subject to the with- versary of the Mother Bachmann Ma- opportunity in your society. holding requirement. I know from my ternity Center, part of St. Mary Med- The Fair Tax, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 25, experience as chairman of the Fairfax ical Center in Langhorne, Bucks Coun- goes right to the heart of these jobs County Board of Supervisors that this ty. issues. Repealing those burdensome regulation would create an accounting For over two decades, the Mother taxes, repealing those regulations, and nightmare for our local and State part- Bachmann Center has been providing making sure everybody gets a fair ners. An estimated 20 percent of coun- women of Bucks County with the shake, because that is what America is ties throughout the country have more health care they need, regardless of all about. than $100 million in annual expendi- their ability to pay. Certified nurse f tures that would be subject to this midwives provide obstetrical care to women who are uninsured and are REPEALING THE 3 PERCENT withholding. As county chairman of underinsured. Women who would other- WITHHOLDING TAX such a jurisdiction, I worked diligently wise go without quality medical care The SPEAKER pro tempore. The with an open RFP process to ensure the lowest cost and value for our tax- during their pregnancy have access to Chair recognizes the gentleman from a wide range of services, including nu- payers. Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) for 5 minutes. trition education, financial counseling, Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. This will be an administrative night- and prenatal and delivery care. Speaker, there are 14 million Ameri- mare for State and local governments, The Mother Bachmann Center is also cans out of work. They need jobs. This which would be forced to undergo the able to partner with Catholic Social economy needs jobs. Unfortunately, collection and forwarding of the unnec- Services in order to identify patients jobs have not been a focus for the essary withholding to the IRS. The at risk for postpartum depression and House Republican leadership thus far. cost to the Department of Defense to to offer them social support and impor- While private sector job growth has be compliant with this regulation is tant counseling services. dwindled, House Republicans have re- they would have to withhold more than This Center aims to provide a con- peatedly placed partisanship above pol- $17 billion from private companies tinuum of care to new mothers and icy. It’s long past time we vote on a every year. their families who are in need. St. jobs bill. Mary and its partners offer emergency Furthermore, many businesses sub- The President’s American Jobs Act housing in 10 local apartments, where contains a number of important jobs ject to the requirement would either families receive financial counseling, initiatives which have traditionally en- have to increase their business or stop parenting skills instruction, and com- joyed bipartisan support: tax cuts for bidding on projects with local govern- puter education to help them in their businesses, tax cuts for workers, tax ments. Either way, whether competi- search for employment. The Mother cuts to employ veterans, and invest- tion is limited or prices are increased, Bachmann Center also offers confiden- ments in critically needed infrastruc- counties would be forced to pay higher tial domestic violence evaluations and ture in this country. Unfortunately, costs to vendors, further burdening resource referrals in partnership with a the Senate Republicans voted to kill local taxpayers at a time they can’t af- local nonprofit agency that helps this job creator and the House Repub- ford it. We need to partner with the women and helps families in crisis. lican leadership hasn’t even brought it private sector to spur economic growth This Center is just one part of a larg- up for debate. and recovery from this recession. This er group of community programs, in- Today, however, we have a small op- regulation would serve only as a road- cluding the Children’s Health Center portunity to help small businesses and block to that effort. and the Family Resource Center, that provide them with greater predict- The Government Withholding Relief serve expecting and new mothers of ability by repealing the burdensome 3 Coalition represents more than 140 Bucks County through St. Mary Med- percent withholding requirement on trade associations, State and local gov- ical Center. government contractors, vendors, ernments, and stated that the total The Mother Bachmann Center is a prime example of charitable organiza- farmers, and Medicare providers. The cost of the 3 percent regulation would President has called for its repeal, and tions and community groups coming be $75 billion over the next 5 years. Re- this is a bipartisan bill supported by together to address an important issue pealing it today will provide businesses many of us on both sides of the aisle. with effective local solutions. St. Mary with greater predictability and remove The 3 percent withholding regulation Medical Center, with this center, has undue government intrusion into their became law under President Bush in provided the community of Bucks 2005 in a Republican Congress. The operations. With greater predict- County with an alternative to hand- original intent may have been to en- ability, America’s businesses will be outs from the State, local, or Federal sure tax compliance among a very better able to invest in job creation. Government. These types of programs small number of bad actors, yet the We can provide that predictability not only provide quality health care sledgehammer approach that was today. services, but they also empower women adopted is creating far more challenges I urge my colleagues to vote to sup- to take charge of their pregnancies and than the problems we’re trying to port small businesses and vote for H.R. navigate their first trials as a new solve. Since then, a number of bipar- 674. mother.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.008 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 As this Congress continues to debate power moved to a handful of powerful Mr. Speaker, I have a bill, H.R. 1489, issues of health care and the proper institutions that are making enormous the Return to Prudent Banking Act. I role of the government in the industry, profits, indeed, the highest profits in ask my colleagues to cosponsor this bi- I urge my colleagues to look at this our Nation in addition to the oil com- partisan legislation. America surely center as a model for efficient commu- panies. Fifteen years ago, the assets of needs to restore a secure, dependable, nity-based solutions. the six largest banks were approxi- and prudent banking system so we can Thomas Jefferson once said that mately 17 percent of gross domestic get on with the job of job creation. ‘‘Health is worth more than learning.’’ product. Today, after the recent finan- f It is true. But we can all learn from cial panic, estimates for assets of those projects like the Mother Bachmann same banks are over half of our gross INJUSTICE AT THE LAKE Maternity Center about what it takes domestic product. So six financial in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and how to provide health and health stitutions control an enormous per- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from care for our most at-risk constituents. centage, not just of our banking sys- Missouri (Mrs. HARTZLER) for 5 min- Mr. Speaker, I’m proud to rise today tem but, indeed, our economy and, in utes. to honor the Mother Bachmann Mater- turn, our Nation’s future. This is too Mrs. HARTZLER. Every day we hear nity Center as it celebrates 20 years of much power in too few hands. The of some new government overreach providing families in need with impor- American people are feeling it in the coming from Washington. Well, today I tant health and human services. restriction of credit, the lack of jobs want to tell you about perhaps the big- f with sluggish growth, and the lack of gest overreach of all—centered around competitive capital opportunities. a pristine, beautiful place in my dis- b 1040 Over a decade ago, Congress’ ulti- trict, the Lake of the Ozarks. GLASS-STEAGALL AND THE ANNI- mate response to the stock market The Lake of the Ozarks was built in VERSARY OF THE STOCK MAR- crash of 1929 was abolished. Yes, the the 1930s and includes over 1,100 miles KET CRASH OF 1929 law that had separated risky Wall of shoreline and is home to thousands Street speculations from prudent com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of homes and residents and tens of munity banking—the Glass-Steagall Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from thousands of Americans who enjoy the Act—was obliterated by the conference Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) for 5 minutes. beauty and the lifestyle of living on committee on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, this week the lake. Every day you’ll find families Act. That legislation became law and marks the 82nd anniversary of Black and people of all ages enjoying the created an economic time bomb that Thursday, the start of the great stock waters and being with each other sur- started ticking and contributed in a market crash of 1929. On that day, rounded by God’s beauty of the Ozark major way to the economic explosion rampant Wall Street speculation that hills. in September 2008. In the spring, we enjoy the Dogwood had characterized the Roaring Financial abandon replaced pru- Twenties came to an abrupt end. Our Festival there, when the hillsides are dence. Wall Street and its supporters in dotted with the whites and pinks of the country learned many valuable lessons Congress became obsessed with strip- about the banking system and took ac- dogwood amidst the lime green back- ping away all the prudent banking ground of budding trees. In the fall, the tion to contain the severe risks of an rules that were once the cornerstone of hills are ablaze with the colors of au- unregulated banking system. This body what had been a stable financial sys- tumn. There’s something special about passed the Banking Act of 1933, com- tem. That system formed capital, pro- seeing it all from a boat on the lake, monly called Glass-Steagall, named tected consumer accounts, paid them a pulling up to one of the many marinas after the lead sponsors of the bill. Well, decent return on their money, and cre- and restaurants to grab a bite to eat on from the shape of our economy today, ated the greatest period of growth in the water, and then head back home as it appears the U.S. forgot important American history. That system built the sun sets over the water and the sky lessons of economic behavior. confidence, dependability, and wealth changes from orange to blue to star The banking system we have today across our economy. again is too risky, too concentrated, Wall Street lobbyists were eager to studded. The lake is a special place, and with too much absentee ownership. walk back the hands of time, falsely and it is under attack. It is under at- As a result, our system of credit is claiming the Banking Act of 1933—that tack from the Federal Government. seized up and also less competitive. had formed the basis of stable credit This summer, the Federal Energy This results in lower capital formation for half a century—was quaint and out- Regulatory Commission issued an in our local communities, which trans- dated. But when Graham-Leach-Bliley order requiring the removal of over lates into fewer jobs. was signed into law, the protections 4,000 what they call ‘‘encroachments’’ Our system also has become one that that had separated prudent banking from around the shoreline of the lake, does not financially empower or reward from risks were swept into the dust bin including over 1,200 homes. Think the average depositor. Consumers know and financial calamity followed. about that. The Federal Government that their interests on certificates of The Glass-Steagall protections are has ordered the removal and destruc- deposit have fallen to all-time lows; not outdated. Wall Street opposed tion of over 1,200 homes—all that have yet we see banking fees increasing on them in the 1930s just as much as they free and clear title to their property all kinds of transactions. Yes, it al- do today. In the 1930s, it was the and have been paying property taxes on most seems like you have to pay the Pecora Commission—and we need an- them for decades. It’s shocking. It’s banks to take your money. Money cen- other one—that was an instrument of outrageous. It’s infuriating. And it’s ter banks, meanwhile, are earning huge this Congress that was charged with in- got to be stopped. profits while tightly restricting loans vestigating Wall Street abuses in the You ask, how did this happen? The and hindering our economic recovery. banking system following the Great Lake of the Ozarks is a privately The U.S. has far fewer banks and sav- Depression. Their work is often cred- owned lake owned by Ameren UE. ings and loan institutions today than ited with creating the momentum for Power is generated from a hydro- we did a decade and a half ago. In fact, passage of the Glass-Steagall Banking electric plant at the lake’s dam. FERC the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- Act of 1933. And Pecora himself wrote regulates the power plant and required tion’s figures show our vast Nation has that ‘‘bitterly hostile was Wall Street Ameren to submit a shoreline manage- only 6,414 commercial banks today, to the enactment of the regulatory leg- ment plan as part of a 40-year lease ap- half the number that existed in 1990. In islation.’’ plication for the continued operation of addition, 856 banks are on the FDIC’s What is different today is how tame- Bagnell Dam and the Osage Renewable watch list, a very high figure. More- ly Congress and the executive branch Energy Center. over, 60 percent of the savings institu- reacted to Wall Street abuse. Fol- Ameren submitted the paperwork tions have disappeared over the same lowing the 2008 economic collapse, over 2 years ago; and after sitting on period of time. there was not an immediate recogni- the application for over 2 years, this We see enormous accumulation of tion that what was needed was restora- July FERC rejected their plan and sub- banking assets and vast financial tion of that sound financial framework. stituted their own plan, which includes

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.009 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7077 an order requiring Ameren to remove ton’s overreach must be stopped. It’s who is close to my heart. Earlier this as many as 4,000 out-of-compliance time to put the genie back in the bot- summer, Monica, my longtime district structures near the shoreline and with- tle and ensure it doesn’t wreak havoc office manager, was diagnosed with in the boundary of the Bagnell Dam on our lives, our lake, and our rights. invasive breast cancer. She faced this project. f unbelievable challenge with char- Here’s an example of some of the acteristic grace and strength. BREAST CANCER AWARENESS structures they say need to go. FERC With family, friends, and colleagues, MONTH stated the structures ‘‘should be re- she has been upfront and upbeat about moved in a timely manner and the site The SPEAKER pro tempore. The her illness. And always a stylish dress- restored to preexisting conditions.’’ Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from er, she has donned a number of very This ludicrous order could result in the California (Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD) for 5 fashionable head scarves. unnecessary removal of thousands of minutes. After first undergoing several homes and other structures along over Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, months of chemotherapy, last Friday 1,100 miles of shoreline. as National Breast Cancer Awareness Monica had successful surgery and is What makes this action so onerous is Month comes to a close, I rise to honor home recovering. I want her to know that the property owners have clear our breast cancer warriors who are we are praying for her continued title to this land with an easement giv- bravely battling this deadly disease. strength and speedy recovery. ing them a right to do with their prop- According to the American Cancer Like so many other breast cancer erty as they wish. The deeds issued in Society, approximately 2.6 million warriors, Monica’s extraordinary cour- the 1930s when the lake was built also women and men are living with breast age as she fights against her disease is reserved a right for the landowners to cancer in this country. It is estimated an example of the power of the human utilize the lakeshore and adjoining un- that this year alone there will be spirit to survive, and it gives renewed derwater land for ‘‘any and all pur- 290,000 new cases of breast cancer, and fervor to my personal commitment to poses,’’ including ‘‘the erection and almost 40,000 patients will lose their fight this disease. maintenance of improvements there- battle with this disease. As long as women in our country face on.’’ Until 5 years ago I would hear these a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast FERC’s order is nothing more than a statistics, sympathize with personal cancer, we must continue to invest in public taking and it needs to be stories of suffering from this tragic dis- improved and earlier detection of the stopped. If it’s not, it will be dev- ease, and reaffirm my commitment to disease, better treatments, and edu- astating to our area’s economy, home support finding a cure. But I never cational outreach. values, businesses and, most impor- fully understood what it meant to have For Lillian, for Monica, and for my tantly, devastating to the wonderful, a family diagnosed with breast cancer colleague who is here, DEBBIE hardworking people who have invested until the day my sister, Lillian, called WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, and for all our their life savings to live, raise a fam- to tell me she had breast cancer. At mothers, sisters, daughters, and ily, and retire at Missouri’s beautiful that moment, I fully understood the friends, let us never abandon our fight Lake of the Ozarks. personal sense of helplessness, anguish, to find a cure and finally eradicate and disbelief that had been described to breast cancer in our country and ulti- b 1050 me so many times before. Now I, too, mately in the world. The Lake of the Ozarks is one of the found myself hoping and praying that I f most popular tourist destinations, not would wake up from the nightmare only in Missouri, but across the Na- that was my sister’s reality. PUTTING FREEDOM BACK TO tion. It has homeowners from all 50 Like so many other breast cancer WORK States of the union. warriors, Lillian bravely confronted The SPEAKER pro tempore. The FERC’s action could cause irrep- her cancer, determined to overcome Chair recognizes the gentleman from arable harm to the homeowners, boat- her devastating illness and the in- California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) for 5 min- ing, to fishing, water sports, and other tensely physical and deeply emotional utes. business interests. It will cause uncer- challenge it presented. As my sister Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, the tainty and fear that property values moves towards her fifth year free of government’s continuing failure to ad- will plummet, and has already locked cancer, there is much to be hopeful for. dress our Nation’s gut-wrenching un- up the real estate market at the lake. From 1998 to 2007, breast cancer inci- employment stems from a fundamental FERC’s actions are causing the whole dence rates in the U.S. decreased by disagreement over how jobs are created lake community to suffer economi- about 2 percent a year, due in part, it in the first place. cally. Economic downturn will lead to is thought, to the reduced use of hor- We’re now in the third year of poli- delays in much-needed infrastructure mone replacement therapy. Since cies predicated on the assumption that repairs and will hurt schools, which de- about 1990, death rates from best can- government spending creates jobs. pend on property taxes to provide our cer have also been declining, with larg- We’ve squandered 3 years and trillions children with the quality education er decreases in women younger than 50. of dollars of the Nation’s wealth on they deserve. While breast cancer is still the sec- such policies, and they have not The Federal Energy Regulatory Com- ond leading cause of death in women, worked because they cannot work. mission is a prime example of an out- exceeded only by lung cancer, the Government cannot inject a single dol- of-control government agency. It must chance that breast cancer will be re- lar into the economy until it’s first be stopped. That’s why on Monday, I sponsible for a woman’s death has been taken that same dollar out of the econ- introduced H.R. 3244. This bill will re- reduced to 1 in 36. These dramatic im- omy. move FERC’s power to tell landowners provements in life expectancy are be- True, we see the job that’s saved or that they must remove structures from lieved to be the result of earlier detec- created when the government puts that around the lake. tion through screening and increased dollar back into the economy. What we I was joined by all of the other Mis- awareness, as well as improved treat- can’t see as clearly is the jobs that are souri Members of the House of Rep- ment. destroyed or prevented from forming resentatives, five other Republicans, These improvements also stand as a because government has first taken and three Democrats. Our two U.S. testament to the investments Congress that dollar out of the economy. We see Senators, one Republican and one Dem- has made in prevention, screening, and those millions of lost jobs in a chronic ocrat, introduced an identical bill in researching new treatments for the dis- unemployment rate and a stagnating the other Chamber. This is a rare show ease. But they must not be the final economy. of bipartisanship these days, which just frontier in our efforts to make breast Government can transfer jobs from shows how indefensible FERC’s actions cancer a disease of the past. the productive sector to the govern- are. I was recently and personally re- ment sector by taking money from one We may disagree on other issues, but minded of this fact because once again, and giving it to the other. That’s at the on this one we are united. Washing- breast cancer has attacked someone heart of the President’s plan to spend

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.010 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 billions of dollars to hire more teach- fact that the President doesn’t even job training session because their part- ers and firefighters and police officers. recognize this as a jobs plan leaves me ners didn’t have the flexibility in their But these temporary government jobs to conclude that he simply doesn’t un- work arrangements to make it work. come at a steep price. Every dollar derstand how jobs are created in the Studies show that employees and spent sustaining one of these jobs is a first place. their families are not the only ones to dollar taken from the same capital When Ronald Reagan inherited an benefit from greater workplace flexi- pool that would otherwise have been even worse economy from Jimmy Car- bility. From improved productivity and available to productive businesses to ter, he reduced the tax and regulatory efficiency to higher employee morale, invest in creating permanent jobs. burdens that were crushing the econ- flexible work arrangements can help Government can also transfer jobs omy , just as Republicans proposed to employees and help businesses reach from one business to another by taking do today. According to a recent article their fullest potential. capital from one and giving it to the in The Wall Street Journal, if the econ- In the last decade, we have seen sig- other. That’s how we got Solyndra. We omy today under Obama had tracked nificant strides made toward improving put a half-billion dollars at risk to cre- the same as it did under Reagan, 15.7 the great juggling act that is work-life ate 1,100 jobs. That’s $450,000 per job. million more Americans would be balance. We cannot let this progress Now that half-billion dollars is gone working today and per capita income slip away during these challenging eco- and so are the jobs. And who pays for would be $4,000 higher than it is today, nomic times. In the spirit of National these losses? Other businesses and $16,000 higher for a family of four. Work and Family Month, I urge my fel- their employees, meaning fewer jobs Mr. Speaker, freedom works. It is low policymakers, employers, and em- created. time we put it back to work. ployees to pause this month to think about how we can better work together What government can do very effec- f tively is to create the conditions in to make it just a little bit easier for to- RECOGNIZING NATIONAL WORK which jobs either flourish and expand day’s families. AND FAMILY MONTH Attending the school play, tending to or wither and disappear. When we place a sick child, or just being able to meet additional taxes on productivity, jobs The SPEAKER pro tempore. The your family’s needs makes a huge dif- disappear. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ference in the morale and work ethic of The President says he only wants to Florida (Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ) for 5 an employee. Achieving work-life bal- tax millionaires and billionaires, but minutes. ance makes a more productive em- the tax increases in his so-called jobs Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. ployee and a more loyal one. I encour- plan actually hammer more than 75 Speaker, I rise today in recognition of age all employers to assist their em- percent of net small business income, National Work and Family Month. As a ployees in achieving this balance. It at a time when we’re counting on those mother of young kids in a household will reap immeasurable benefits for small businesses to produce two-thirds with two working parents, I know all both the workplace and for our fami- of the new jobs that our people des- too well the daily struggle facing to- lies. perately need. That is insane. day’s American families. How can we When we place additional regulations be great parents and also be great at f on productivity, jobs disappear. That’s our jobs? RECOGNIZING CHIP SMITH AND what we’re watching in real time— This summer, when I was home in my BLUE RIDGE LOG CABINS congressional district, a constituent thousands of pages of new regulations The SPEAKER pro tempore. The raised a question that particularly from Obamacare, from Dodd-Frank, Chair recognizes the gentleman from struck me: Can you imagine what a from the EPA stifling American job South Carolina (Mr. GOWDY) for 5 min- typical workweek would look like if creation. utes. It’s no secret why business isn’t ex- suddenly, without warning, every sin- Mr. GOWDY. Mr. Speaker, Milt and panding. Just ask a businessman. gle child care provider failed to show Suzy Smith from Spartanburg, South They’re scared to death of the addi- up to work and left parents with no al- Carolina, are parents to three wonder- tional taxes and regulations they may ternative child care options? From ful sons. Doug Smith is a former speak- be facing in the next few years, and Wall Street to Main Street, America’s er pro tem of the South Carolina House they’re pulling back to see what hap- businesses would come to a grinding of Representatives. Stuart Smith has a pens. Ask bankers why they’re not halt; and the carefully spun web of end- brilliant real estate mind and is a lending; you’ll hear the same answer. less schedules, systems, and to-do lists world-class Sunday school teacher. that we’ve created to make it all work b 1100 But, Mr. Speaker, I rise today in praise would unravel. of their third son, Chip. House Republicans have laid out a With the number of parents working Chip Smith is from Spartanburg, comprehensive plan to revive the econ- full-time on the rise, more and more South Carolina, and his company, Blue omy through the same policies that families are fully engaged in the daily Ridge Log Cabins, employs nearly 100 worked under Ronald Reagan in the juggling act that comes with trying to people in the Fourth Congressional early 1980s, under John F. Kennedy in do it all. Particularly in today’s econ- District. Blue Ridge Log Cabins is an the early sixties, under Harry Truman omy when secure employment has be- innovator and a national leader in the in the mid-forties and under Warren come more tenuous, parents have be- modular log cabin industry and one of Harding in the early twenties. For ex- come increasingly hesitant to ask their the fastest growing, privately held ample, the Congressional Budget Office employers for greater flexibility in companies in the Nation. estimates that ObamaCare by itself their work schedule, to encourage their But, Mr. Speaker, I am not here to will cost our economy a net loss of company to open a day care center, or talk about that today. I’m here to talk 800,000 jobs. A few weeks ago, the Nat- to ask for the option to work remotely. about something even more significant ural Resources Committee received If anything, the current economic and special than that. testimony that, just by getting govern- climate has led to an even greater need On Sunday, September 25 of this ment out of the way and opening up for increased flexibility. Thousands of year, ‘‘Extreme Makeover Home Edi- American energy resources to develop- parents are at home not by choice but tion’’ spotlighted the efforts of Blue ment, the economy could create 700,000 because they lost their jobs and have Ridge Log Cabins in their season open- jobs and $660 billion of direct revenues not yet had the opportunity to reenter ing episode on ABC. Over 10 million to the national and State treasuries. the workplace. These parents may be viewers witnessed the donation made So repeal ObamaCare and open up at home, but looking for employment by Blue Ridge Log Cabins to Barbara American energy resources; there’s 11⁄2 is a full-time job. Marshall of Fayetteville, North Caro- million jobs right there at no cost to With thousands of American families lina. Chip Smith decided to build Steps taxpayers. experiencing the situation as we speak, N Stages Jubilee House to serve as a Now, imagine doing that across all we are hearing too many stories about shelter for homeless female military sectors of the economy. That’s what parents who couldn’t get to an inter- veterans. Chip’s generosity and Bar- Republicans are proposing to do. The view, a networking opportunity, or a bara Marshall’s vision are providing an

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:41 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.012 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7079 invaluable service to those who have just a suggestion that there’s another tom 99 percent, benefits from the dis- sacrificed their safety for ours. culprit at work, and that other culprit cussion. This 8,000-square-foot facility will is revenue. Despite what you hear on My friends, the government is tempo- provide the most basic necessity to TV, despite what you hear on Fox News rarily broke. Millions of American those who cannot provide it for them- today, taxes as a percentage of GDP families are broke, but our Nation is selves, which is shelter. And when it today are at a 60-year low. Right now, not broke. We’re just pretending that comes to our veterans, Mr. Speaker, it we are collecting about 15 percent of we are. is imperative that we encourage efforts our GDP in taxes. The problem isn’t Here’s the thing: If we don’t wake up like this and help those in need. just that the government is broke; it’s from this dream soon, what is fiction So, Chip, thank you and your com- that we’ve made a decision, effectively, today will be fact before we know it. pany for putting your time and treas- to keep it broke. f ure to use to help others. Now, if the government isn’t broke IN HONOR OF AMERICA’S BRAVEST Mr. Speaker, times are tough and and this country is still the richest in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The people are hurting. The greatness of the world, why is it that so many fami- Chair recognizes the gentleman from the American spirit is that, even in lies feel broke? Why is it so many fami- those times, we still reach out to oth- Texas (Mr. BRADY) for 5 minutes. lies are broke? Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in ers who are in need. b 1110 having survived Hurricanes Rita and So I am proud to call Chip Smith a Ike, my district and the people of constituent. I’m even prouder to call Let’s explore that for a second. Here southeast Texas know and understand him my friend. is the problem right here: hurricanes and the devastation they f Over the last 60 years, incomes for the bottom 99 percent of Americans can bring to our communities. AMERICA IS NOT BROKE have basically remained flat. What This past September, we dealt with a very different type of disaster in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that has meant is that all of the addi- form of major wildfires in the Counties Chair recognizes the gentleman from tional wealth that we’ve accumulated of Jasper, Tyler, Trinity, Walker, and Connecticut (Mr. MURPHY) for 5 min- in this Nation has gone to the richest 1 in my home county of Montgomery. utes. percent as their incomes during that Luckily for us, we were also granted Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut. Mr. same time have increased by almost 300 our September miracle on Labor Day Speaker and colleagues, America is not percent. weekend as fire crews from across broke; so Republicans should stop say- Do you want to see it in even starker Texas—and, in fact, from the entire ing it. Conservative pundits should terms? Take a look at this chart. country—came to Magnolia to battle a stop spreading it, because this country The 400 wealthiest Americans have a three-county blaze that threatened to isn’t broke. net worth that is greater than the net consume well over 10,000 homes and Now, our government temporarily is worth of the 100 million poorest Ameri- businesses in Magnolia, as well as and millions of American families are, cans. Let me say that again: the 400 thousands more in neighboring Grimes richest of us have more money than but our Nation is not. And my hypoth- and Waller Counties. esis is this: If we don’t wake up to this the 100 million poorest of us. In fact, if you look at this map, you fact soon, if we don’t start investing Now, having said all of this, getting can see the structures lost in Mont- our Nation’s riches in spreading wealth rich is good. It’s great. The richest 400 gomery County were a fraction of the out across this economy, then our people didn’t steal this money. They percentage of those saved by the brave whole economy is sunk whether you made it legally. We just have to start fire crews. The fire was in this area are rich or you are poor. having policies in this country that outlined here, but you can see from the So, let’s try to debunk this myth make more people rich, that make red, the yellow, the green, and the blue once and for all that America is broke, more people feel rich. So we need to be going out all the thousands of homes that we can’t afford these investments. having a debate in this country right and small businesses which were saved And let’s start here. It’s pretty sim- now about how we do that, about how because of the actions of our local fire- ple. The United States is still a global we put policies in place to lift more fighters. leader. We are still the richest country people into the ranks of those who I had the privilege to go up twice to in the world on a per capita basis. For have enough to succeed because an those fire areas to see for myself how all the talk about the rise of India, economy with this kind of wealth dis- the fire lines came right up to these China, and Brazil, if you take their parity, combined with an unwillingness homes—within 5 feet of their front population’s adjusted wealth and com- to make the investments to shrink it, doors. Somehow our firefighters saved bine it together, they are still 50 per- is destined to collapse. This isn’t about them, and then they did it to the cent of U.S. wealth. pitting one group against another. This homes next to them and to the homes So if our country is still wealthy, we is just about economics. next to those. It is impossible for me need to understand that we’ve made a It’s not class warfare to suggest that, and for anyone who could see that not choice to keep our government poor. as an economy, we’d be stronger if in- to be in awe of these heroes. Their skill Now, why is that? Contrary to popular comes were rising for a few more peo- and dedication saved the town of Mag- belief, it’s not because discretionary ple than the top 1 percent—the people nolia, and I can’t wait to join them spending has run amok. Take a look at who tend to spend domestically, the this Saturday in Unity Park to honor this chart. Discretionary spending has middle class, rather than invest inter- their success and their hard work. essentially remained stable over time. nationally. Chief Gary Vincent led the Magnolia We’ve had a brief uptick with a couple It’s not class warfare to suggest that Volunteer Firefighters and exemplified of extraordinary pieces of legislation, our economy would be stronger if more their motto: a community of unity. but discretionary spending has re- of our Nation’s wealth went to local Gary united over 100 different fire- mained stable. innovators and small businesses rather fighting agencies by his side. The chief Don’t believe this chart? Take a look than to big multinational companies also had help from our dedicated sher- at this. If government is growing at ex- that tend to take income from the iff, Tommy Gage, and his deputies; our traordinary rates, you would expect for United States and use it to create em- constables; our police departments; our government employees to be growing ployment overseas. terrific fire marshal, Jimmy Williams, at extraordinary rates as well. That’s It’s not class warfare to suggest that who you need to meet; our school dis- not true either. In fact, we have 16,000 our economy would be stronger if more tricts; and the Texas Forest Service— less Federal employees than we did in kids had access to the ultimate wealth just to name a few of the people and 1970. And as you can see, the trendline creator—higher education—if we were agencies that stepped up like you can’t just from 1990 continues to go down as investing our Nation’s riches in mak- believe. well. ing college cheaper. California sent from the Federal Gov- Now, this isn’t all to say that govern- Do you know what? If we have this ernment the Interagency Incident Man- ment can’t get leaner and meaner. It’s discussion, everybody, not just the bot- agement Team, and I think they had

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.014 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 their eyes open. They got to see what Last month, we commemorated the Bryan Nichols was 31 and a pilot happens when a community rallies to- 10th anniversary of the attacks of Sep- from Kansas City, Missouri, who, when gether as volunteers. It was a sight to tember 11, 2001, in remembrance of the hearing of the need to train people for behold. Everyday Texans and everyday victims and their families, while at the mobilization, followed and sacrificed citizens in the Montgomery/Magnolia same time recognizing the need for for our country, leaving behind a wife County area joined with our charity continued vigilance as the United and son. agencies from the United Way, to the States seeks to rid the world of ter- Alexander Bennett was 23 and was Red Cross, to our local food banks, to rorism. trained as a Chinook helicopter flight our churches, to our YMCAs, to cham- This month, we commemorate the mechanic. Originally from Tacoma, bers of commerce in order to provide a 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan Washington, he had already served one response to the firefighters across this war. Ten years later, our Nation is tour of duty in Iraq in 2009 before being Nation, a response that we will be talk- safer as a direct result of the voluntary deployed again, this time to Afghani- ing about for years to come. service of men and women who are stan. We saw the best of our communities willing to place themselves in harm’s Mr. Speaker, our hearts go out to the and the massive volunteer effort to way, often under circumstances many families and friends of these three pa- feed, clothe, and take care of our brav- Americans cannot fathom. triotic servicemen who gave the ulti- est. At the Magnolia West High School This willingness to serve and dedica- mate sacrifice that we all in this coun- staging area, I got a tour. If a fire- tion to duty remains consistent with try might continue to live in a Nation fighter were thirsty, three volunteers previous generations of veterans who of freedom and liberty. For their serv- would rush over with a bottle of water, chose to serve their country during our ice and sacrifice to our Nation, a griev- and there were likely two more behind greatest time of need. Unfortunately, ing country says thank you. them, carrying a hot meal, just in case we have lost some of our greatest Mr. Speaker, next month we will cel- that firefighter might be hungry. treasure in our fight against terrorism. ebrate Veterans Day and once again re- In speaking about the firefighters Since October 2001, 4,914 servicemem- member the service and sacrifice of all who came from across the country, all bers have been killed and another 46,376 those who have faithfully and dutifully they could talk about was how well injured as a result of military action in served, in peacetime and in war, they were treated by the community of Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, we throughout. Magnolia. They came in looking for again faced a tragic loss of life. f water and a FEMA bar, and what they On August 6, a CH–46 Chinook twin- got was home-cooked meals, fresh engine helicopter, carrying U.S. Army RECESS clothes and necessities. If they asked soldiers, U.S. Navy SEALS, and Afghan The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- for it, a volunteer found it and brought soldiers, was shot down in the Wardak ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair it right over. When these volunteers province of Afghanistan, resulting in declares the House in recess until noon ran low, they simply sent out a mes- the greatest loss of life in any combat sage on Facebook to the community; today. incident of the entire conflict thus far. and within 3 hours, that staging area in Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 22 The unit involved, B Company 7th/ the ag barn was filled to the brim minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- 158th Aviation, is headquartered in again. It was amazing. cess until noon. New Century, Kansas, in the southern- The outpouring of love and support f most part of my district. was truly a sight to behold. It’s no b 1200 wonder, back home we consider this b 1120 God’s country. Last March I had the privilege to at- AFTER RECESS Today, it’s an honor for me to be tend the deployment ceremony for the The recess having expired, the House here on the House floor to honor our unit as they departed for training at was called to order by the Speaker at heroes. Without all of you, thousands Fort Bliss, ultimately deploying to Af- noon. of families wouldn’t have homes to go ghanistan as part of Operation Endur- f to tonight or businesses in which to ing Freedom. As my colleagues are work. The proof is right here on this well aware, deployment ceremonies are PRAYER map. often somber affairs with family mem- Reverend Scott Eynon, Community This Saturday afternoon, Unity Park bers wanting to spend every last second Christian Church, Tamarac, Florida, in Magnolia, our community, will come offered the following prayer: together to honor the men and women with their loved ones before they de- Heavenly Father, it is our prayer who beat back the fire, held the line part for duty and soldiers assuring that You will grant us wisdom today and saved our community. We’ll also family members that they will be okay and that You will bless the Members of honor them by heeding their warnings and not to worry. Congress as they lead our Nation dur- if the fire danger remains extraor- This past August, I was saddened to dinarily high. We must remain vigilant learn about the tragic events of August ing these challenging times. in our prevention efforts. That’s an- 6, 2011, hearing the news that three Father, we are amazed by Your other way we can honor our bravest, members of the unit had been killed grace, awed by Your resplendent cre- who spent the month of September during the combat operation. These ation, captivated by Your love, and de- away from their families, saving homes soldiers, Army Specialist Spencer Dun- pendent upon Your guidance for every and businesses in our community. can, Chief Warrant Officer Bryan Nich- day. We do not take these blessings for God bless our firefighters. God bless ols and Army Specialist Alexander granted. We thank You for them. our volunteers and all who supported Bennett, are remembered as out- We also thank You for the problems them, and God bless our community. standing soldiers, dedicated to duty, that come our way, for they make us their unit, and to each other. even more dependent upon You for f Spencer Duncan was just 21, a 2008 Your guidance and for Your strength. RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE AND graduate of Olathe South High School. Father, Your Word tells us that SACRIFICE OF AMERICA’S VET- He enlisted in the Army Reserve short- righteousness exalts a nation. So help ERANS AND MILITARY SERVICE- ly after graduation; and before deploy- us to be great by striving to be good. MEMBERS ment to Afghanistan, he served at New May our Representatives exemplify The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Century AirCenter Aviation Support principle-centered leadership. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Facility in Olathe, Kansas. First he Father, we ask that You would bless Kansas (Mr. YODER) for 5 minutes. was an aircraft mechanic, and later he the men and women who serve in our Mr. YODER. Today, I rise to recog- trained to become a Chinook door gun- military. We ask that You would bless nize the service and sacrifice of our Na- ner. I had the honor of attending a me- those who serve here in Congress. We tion’s veterans and military service- morial service for Specialist Duncan ask that You bless this great land that members who have answered our coun- and witnessed the outpouring of friends we call home. In Jesus’ name I pray. try’s call to serve. and loving family. Amen.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.015 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7081 THE JOURNAL In a Gallup poll this week, small people who risk everything to start The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- business owners said that complying their own businesses and pursue their ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- with government regulations was the dreams that drive our economy. ceedings and announces to the House biggest economic problem they face. I was glad to give Oak Ridge Office his approval thereof. Some businesses pack up their bags Supply my very first Economic Excel- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- and even move to places like China. lence Award last week, and I will con- nal stands approved. Meanwhile, the U.S. reckless regu- tinue to hand out these awards as I rec- lators are putting businesses out of ognize businesses in east Tennessee f business. that embody the idea of hard work and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The REINS Act will finally bring success. The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- some accountability to the regulatory f bureaucrats by requiring a vote on any woman from New York (Ms. HOCHUL) regulation costing $100 million or FILIPINO AMERICAN HISTORY come forward and lead the House in the MONTH Pledge of Allegiance. more. Congress must pass this bill now. Ms. HOCHUL led the Pledge of Alle- Cut redtape, clamp down on the rene- (Ms. CHU asked and was given per- giance as follows: gade regulators, and create jobs. Amer- mission to address the House for 1 ica can’t wait. minute.) I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the And that’s just the way it is. United States of America, and to the Repub- Ms. CHU. This month is Filipino lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f American History Month. It is time for indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. LEON MATHIEU SENIOR CENTER us to take pride in our country’s diver- f sity and to celebrate the ways in which (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given Filipino Americans have contributed to WELCOMING REVEREND SCOTT permission to address the House for 1 the vibrancy of our Nation. EYNON minute.) Filipino Americans are civic leaders, Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise The SPEAKER. Without objection, health care providers, educators, and today to recognize the Leon Mathieu hardworking Americans. They’ve won the gentleman from Florida (Mr. WEST) Senior Center. This nationally accred- is recognized for 1 minute. Pulitzer prizes, been elected to Con- ited and certified senior center re- gress, served as ambassadors, and There was no objection. cently celebrated 30 years of service to (Mr. WEST asked and was given per- pitched in the World Series. Filipinos seniors in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. volunteered by the thousands to help mission to revise and extend his re- The Leon Mathieu Senior Center is a marks.) us win World War II and have served great success, due in part to the work our Nation’s military in every war Mr. WEST. Mr. Speaker, former Sec- of its wonderful staff, including the di- retary of State William Henry Seward since. rector of the Pawtucket Senior Serv- Filipinos first came to the U.S. in said this: ‘‘I do not believe human soci- ices Division, Mary Lou Moran, and in- ety, including not merely a few persons California over 400 years ago. Today, formation specialist and caseworker Filipino Americans have grown to be in any State, but whole masses of men, Joan Newton. Joan and Mary Lou, like ever have attained or ever can attain a the third-largest Asian American group the rest of the staff of the center, have in the Nation, and they reside in every high state of intelligence, virtue, secu- committed themselves to improving rity, liberty, or happiness without the corner of the United States. the lives of seniors in Pawtucket by So as we celebrate Filipino American Holy Scriptures; even the whole hope providing them with a safe, supportive, of human progress is suspended on the History Month, I hope you will join me and nurturing environment where sen- and remember the many contributions ever-growing influence of the Bible.’’ iors can access information about re- Today I’d like to recognize my pas- that Filipino Americans have made to sources, programs, and services avail- our great country. tor, Pastor Scott Eynon, and Commu- able on the local, State, and Federal nity Christian Church for the service levels. f that they give to the community of The center acts as an advocate for b 1210 south Florida and for their missionary the rights and well-being of older COLORADO MISSION OF MERCY work in Haiti as well as in Africa. Americans on a wide variety of issues. f The center has worked through 1,200 in- (Mr. GARDNER asked and was given dividual cases and annually serves 3,000 permission to address the House for 1 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER minute.) PRO TEMPORE individuals. The Leon Mathieu Senior Center does Mr. GARDNER. This past weekend, I The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. not work to be recognized, but today volunteered at the fifth annual Colo- MURPHY of Pennsylvania). The Chair I’m proud to salute their great work rado Mission of Mercy, a 2-day free will entertain up to 15 further requests and congratulate them on 30 years of dental clinic held in a different Colo- for 1-minute speeches on each side of service. rado community each year. This year the aisle. f it was in Brush, Colorado, an appro- f priate name for a dental clinic. OAK RIDGE OFFICE SUPPLY The Colorado Mission of Mercy RECKLESS REGULATIONS (Mr. FLEISCHMANN asked and was brings more than 100 portable dental (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was given permission to address the House chairs into a Colorado community and given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) provides dental services to children, for 1 minute.) Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Mr. Speaker, adults, and elderly who cannot afford Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, right today I rise to talk about a successful them on their own. The group has near- now, there’s probably a group of folks business in Tennessee’s Third District, ly 200 volunteer dentists from across at a large oak table in a marble palace Oak Ridge Office Supply. For almost 15 the State and hundreds of dental hy- down the street nibbling on their $16 years, they have grown their business, gienists, assistants, and lab techni- muffins, drinking their lattes, and weathered through tough times, and cians. dreaming up new expensive, ineffective brought jobs to Anderson County. With This year there were approximately regulations to impose on the rest of us. 17 employees now, they are a great ex- 175 dentists, 947 volunteers, and nearly They are the regulators. The very term ample of what hard work and the 1,500 patients who were served over the brings fear and trepidation to the American free enterprise system can 2-day period. Helping people avoid den- hearts and souls of people who work for do. I ran a business with my wife for 24 tal discomfort that can interfere with a living. Meanwhile, 14 million Ameri- years, and I know how tough it is. school and work was a life-changing ex- cans are sitting at their old kitchen The free enterprise system has helped perience for many at the clinic. One table drinking coffee from their Mr. make this country the greatest Nation person commented that now he doesn’t Coffee pot with no job on the horizon. the world has ever known. It is those have to be embarrassed because he

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Oct 26, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.019 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 doesn’t have any lower teeth. This per- to the year before and the year before, with. I have a couple of ideas what son now felt confident to go out and those regulations have been growing at they can do with that money. Invest in look for a job. exponential paces. Main Street. Invest in businesses like Rural communities, in particular, If we’re going to put Americans back Blue Star Power Systems who create face tougher challenges when it comes to work, Mr. Speaker, we need to make first class products right here in the to getting proper dental care because sure that these rules that are taller United States. there are so few dentists, and people than I am, thousands of pages, tens of Blue Star also told me there are often have to drive long distances to thousands of pages, are repealed. things that we can do in Congress that see them. f will streamline the Small Business Ad- Proper care is vital to our overall ministration and make it more effi- MAKE IT IN AMERICA health, and I commend the Colorado cient and effective. I look forward to Mission of Mercy for sponsoring this (Ms. TSONGAS asked and was given working with them on that. event. permission to address the House for 1 There are actions that we can take right now so that Blue Star Power and f minute.) Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, last other businesses just like them can JOBS FOR VETERANS week I hosted a town hall meeting in continue to innovate and create jobs in (Ms. HOCHUL asked and was given Lawrence, Massachusetts, to discuss America. permission to address the House for 1 ways to grow our domestic manufac- f minute.) turing base and promote policies that NAVAL RESERVIST LEE REINHART Ms. HOCHUL. Mr. Speaker, I wel- keep jobs in the United States, not come President Obama’s announce- overseas. Participating in this town (Mr. QUIGLEY asked and was given ment that our brave men and women in hall were several major employers who permission to address the House for 1 our Armed Forces serving in Iraq will have made the often challenging deci- minute.) Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, 2 years soon be coming home in time for the sion to keep their labor force here in ago, I stood on this floor and spoke out holidays. This holiday season, we can the United States. against the injustice of our Nation’s expect to see 40,000 people returning to Among these employers was New Bal- Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. I told the this country, particularly some who ance, the last athletic shoemaker to story of Lee Reinhart, a patriotic con- are coming back to my Niagara Falls make sneakers from first stitch to stituent of mine who wanted to serve Air Force base, where I look forward to final product in the United States, and his country in time of war. welcoming them warmly. an employer of more than 800 Massa- Lee had already retired from a 4-year But as we approach Veterans Day and chusetts workers. The success of these Navy career when our Nation was at- embrace this group of America’s new- types of companies demonstrates that tacked on September 11. Like many est veterans, I’m troubled that, in a manufacturing jobs can still thrive in Americans after September 11, Lee time of 9.1 percent unemployment and the United States, but we need to pur- wanted to serve his country and again an even higher rate of unemployment sue policies at the Federal level that enlisted in the Coast Guard. But 4 for our returning veterans, which ap- support their efforts. months later, he was discharged under proaches 12 percent, we have to ensure House Democrats’ Make It In Amer- Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. that these individuals will have jobs; ica agenda provides the tax incentives, Last December my colleagues and I otherwise, it is a national disgrace. workforce training, and investment in repealed that policy; and Monday, I That is why it’s critical that we pass 21st century education that will help had the honor of administering the the American Jobs Act. This would cre- keep the production of goods and serv- oath to Lee Reinhart as he reenlisted ate a $5,600 ‘‘Returning Heroes’’ tax ices here in the United States. in the Navy. credit for employers who hire veterans, We can’t sit back and allow our man- Dr. Martin Luther King once said, and a $9,600 tax credit for ‘‘Wounded ufacturing base to be continually erod- ‘‘The arc of the moral universe is long, Warriors,’’ again, for employers who ed. We must pass the Make It In Amer- but it bends towards justice.’’ Mr. hire our veterans with service-con- ica agenda. Speaker, I was proud of my country nected disabilities. In a country as f and proud of Lee Reinhart when justice grateful as ours for their service, we INVESTING IN SMALL BUSINESS finally arrived for both. owe them no less. We owe them better. f That is why I urge my colleagues to (Mr. WALZ of Minnesota asked and join me in supporting the American was given permission to address the JOB CREATION Jobs Act. House for 1 minute and to revise and (Mrs. CAPPS asked and was given f extend his remarks.) permission to address the House for 1 Mr. WALZ of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- minute and to revise and extend her re- BURDENSOME REGULATIONS er, like the last speaker, I had the op- marks.) (Mrs. LUMMIS asked and was given portunity last week to visit an Amer- Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, our top permission to address the House for 1 ican manufacturer, Blue Star Power priority must be creating jobs. minute and to revise and extend her re- Systems, a small business in southern Yesterday I hosted a job creation marks.) Minnesota employing 35 people that conference for my constituents right Mrs. LUMMIS. Mr. Speaker, as I manufactures backup generators for here in Washington, D.C. Central Coast traveled my district of Wyoming and schools, hospitals, and businesses. business owners, development experts, visited another district, Nevada, over Doug Fahrforth, the CFO of Blue job trainers, and educators shared their the last work period, I heard repeat- Star, told me something that made me experiences about job creation and dis- edly from small business people about pause. He said that nowadays his bank cussed actions the Federal Government the burdensome regulations that have will tell him this: We believe in you; can take to support them. I’m grateful been placed on their businesses and we believe in your product; but unless to these dedicated job creators for tak- ability to hire people and put people there is no risk, we don’t want any- ing the time and effort to come all the back to work by the current adminis- thing to do with you. way from California for this important tration here in Washington. Our economic system relies upon event. So when I returned to Washington, I risks that small businesses take, like We had a packed day, hearing from asked for a copy of all of the Federal Blue Star Power, to create innovative policy experts and top White House Registers. Those are all the new regula- products and services which boost our economic officials about the steps we tions that have been printed just in economy and grow our middle class. need to take now to create jobs today this year alone and implemented by Yesterday there was a New York and strengthen our economy for tomor- this administration. I now have in my Times story that said banks said they row. Opinions were diverse and spir- office boxes of regulations that are were turning depositors away at the ited, but there was clear consensus on: taller than I am, and we’re not even door because the banks have more making it easier for businesses to suc- finished with this year. And going back money than they know what to do ceed by lowering taxes and increasing

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.021 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7083 access to credit; and making smart in- COLA increase would effectively dis- Justice Statistics, there are as many vestments in education, in innovation, appear if this Congress decides to adopt as 3 million cases of domestic violence and in infrastructure. These are bipar- a chained CPI formula for Social Secu- across the United States every year. tisan, commonsense solutions. rity. The chained Consumer Price Due to the nature of the crime, the Mr. Speaker, we simply can’t wait Index would lower benefits by $112 bil- mental and physical cost of domestic any longer. The message from my con- lion for current and future bene- violence are difficult to quantify, but stituents is clear: Put aside our par- ficiaries over the next 10 years. they are far too obvious to ignore. tisan differences. Take action now for I support efforts to reduce our Fed- Women suffering from domestic abuse the American people. eral deficit, but we should not balance average more emergency room visits, a f the Nation’s budget on the backs of significantly higher rate of unemploy- seniors, the disabled, and children. I ment, are more likely to lose the jobs STENNIS SPACE CENTER call on our colleagues to stand with they have, and are also more likely to (Mr. PALAZZO asked and was given America’s seniors and support Social rely on welfare. permission to address the House for 1 Security. It’s not a Ponzi scheme, as Various studies find the monetary minute.) some candidates for President allege; costs to the Federal Government of Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, there is and let’s celebrate the 3.6 percent for only the reported cases of domestic vi- a saying that the path to space goes our seniors. olence to be estimated in billions of through Hancock County, Mississippi. f dollars. That statement has been true for five Regrettably, hard economic times STUDENT LOAN DEBT decades due to the unequaled excel- make even more crimes of this sort lence and dedication of the men and (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- likely to occur, which is why the Con- women of the John C. Stennis Space mission to address the House for 1 gress must ensure not only to address Center, which commemorates the 50th minute.) this growing epidemic but to protect anniversary of its founding this week. Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I want to the necessary funds to protect the The work done at Stennis is varied, commend President Obama for an- women of this country from domestic but it is known worldwide as the home nouncing a plan this morning to lower abuse. of rocket engine testing. Before we student loan payments. The New York f have sent men and women into space, Times recently reported that student loan debt outpaced credit card debt for LOUISVILLE’S FAIRNESS the engines they ascended on were test- CAMPAIGN ed on the ground at Stennis. Every the first time last year and that the mission to the Moon and every flight of growth in student loan debt threatens (Mr. YARMUTH asked and was given the space shuttle roared with Stennis- to undermine the future life prospects permission to address the House for 1 tested engines. The Space Center is the of the current generation of students. minute.) beacon of innovation for private indus- It was this realization that led me, as Mr. YARMUTH. Mr. Speaker, I rise try, educational institutions, and stu- a State senator, to pass the Tennessee today to honor Louisville’s Fairness dents of all ages. Education Lottery program that gives Campaign—Kentucky’s oldest lesbian, I am honored to serve as chairman of scholarships to our Tennessee students. gay, bisexual, and transgender civil the Space and Aeronautics Sub- Too many young people have an un- rights organization. This month the committee. In my role, I hope to see all believable amount of debt that burdens Fairness Campaign is celebrating 20 my colleagues visit the Stennis Space them for the rest of their lives. The years of fighting against discrimina- Center, especially to see an engine test. students that participate in Occupy tion, inspiring hope, and protecting our You will be awed by the technological Wall Street are very aware of this citizens. ingenuity and complexity of the oper- threat. Thanks to Fairness, in 1999 Louisville ation and of the passion and skill of Earlier this year, I reintroduced H.R. became one of the first cities to pro- the workforce. 2028, the Private Student Loan Bank- hibit housing and employment dis- It is so easy to herald the past ruptcy Fairness Act, which will restore crimination on the basis of sexual ori- achievements of NASA and the Stennis fair treatment to Americans in severe entation and gender identity. Now Space Center, but it is the future that financial distress whose debts include Fairness is working tirelessly to secure should drive us toward even greater private student loans. these protections for all Kentuckians. ones, for the path back to the Moon, to Before 2005 private student loans Because of Fairness, more Kentuckians Mars and beyond goes through Han- issued by for-profit lenders were appro- are seeing that the lines once drawn cock County, Mississippi. priately treated in bankruptcy like between us because of sexual orienta- credit card debt and other similar tion and gender identity are only imag- f types of unsecured consumer liabil- inary, and they’re realizing that hate b 1220 ities. The bill I’ve introduced with Sen- has no place in our Commonwealth. ator DURBIN in the Senate would en- That’s a message that needs to be SOCIAL SECURITY sure that privately issued students heard not just from Pikeville to Padu- (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked loans will once again be treated like cah, but from coast to coast. I urge my and was given permission to address other debt and be dischargeable in colleagues to join me in congratulating the House for 1 minute and to revise bankruptcy. the Fairness Campaign on two decades and extend his remarks.) We need to give our students a fair of service. It’s truly thrilling how Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. chance. much progress they have made. Speaker, I rise today to support one of f I would also like to individually our Nation’s crowning achievements, honor the 10 brave Louisvillians who DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS the Social Security program, and the co-founded the Fairness Campaign in MONTH 55 million Americans who benefit from 1991 to seek equal protections for all this critical program. Since 1935, So- (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- citizens under the law: Jim Adams, cial Security has kept its promise to fornia asked and was given permission Eric Graninger, Lisa Gunterman, Ken America’s seniors that after a lifetime to address the House for 1 minute and Herndon, Jane Hope, Pam McMichael, of working and playing by the rules, to revise and extend her remarks.) Susan Remmers, Jeff Rodgers, Thom you should not have to live in poverty Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- Snyder, and Carla Wallace. when you retire. fornia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- f I was happy to see last week that ognize October as Domestic Violence after 2 years, our Nation’s seniors will Awareness Month. As you know, vio- THE SUPERCOMMITTEE receive a well-deserved cost-of-living- lence against women in the United (Mr. MORAN asked and was given adjustment increase of 3.6 percent. The States is as insidious as it is destruc- permission to address the House for 1 American people should be concerned, tive. And according to a study by the minute and to revise and extend his re- however, that the recently announced U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of marks.)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.022 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, the super- signed an online petition to support b 1230 committee is at a standstill. The this resolution. I’m happy to say that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Democrats won’t consider cuts to enti- our voices are now being heard. The tleman from South Carolina is recog- tlement programs if the money is pri- White House is moving in the right di- nized for 1 hour. marily to pay for cutting taxes on the rection on helping to cut student loan Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. For wealthy. Republicans won’t consider debt. But I’m urging the American pub- the purpose of debate only, I yield the raising taxes on the wealthy from their lic to keep speaking out, sign on to customary 30 minutes to the gen- currently historically low levels be- this petition to support House Resolu- tleman from Florida (Mr. HASTINGS), cause these are the job creators. But tion 365, and help free the American pending which I yield myself such time where are the jobs? people from excessive home mortgage as I may consume. During consider- The fact is that corporate profits are and student loan debt. ation of this resolution, all time yield- at historic highs, as are CEO and inves- ed is for the purpose of debate only. tor compensation. But the reason for f GENERAL LEAVE that corporate profit being historically PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION high is that over the last several years, OF H.R. 2576, MODIFYING INCOME Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. 75 percent of corporate profit has come CALCULATION FOR HEALTH Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that from reduction in personnel costs. CARE PROGRAMS, AND PRO- all Members have 5 legislative days to Then the top 1 percent reward them- VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF revise and extend their remarks. selves for cutting those costs and rais- H.R. 674, 3% WITHHOLDING RE- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ing profits by increasing their own in- PEAL AND JOB CREATION ACT objection to the request of the gen- come and bonuses to record high levels. tleman from South Carolina? In fact, the CBO report that came out Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. There was no objection. today confirms this. The wealthiest 1 Speaker, by direction of the Com- Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. House percent, whose income the Republican mittee on Rules, I call up House Reso- Resolution 448 provides for a closed majority wants so much to protect, lution 448 and ask for its immediate rule for the consideration of H.R. 674, a went up by 275 percent since 1980. You consideration. bill to amend the Internal Revenue don’t get upward mobility, you don’t The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of realize our full potential as a Nation lows: 3 percent withholding on certain pay- when we have such a concentration of H. RES. 448 ments made to vendors by government wealth at the top. Resolved, That upon the adoption of this entities, and H.R. 2576, to amend the f resolution it shall be in order to consider in Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to mod- the House the bill (H.R. 2576) to amend the ify the calculation of modified adjusted FAIRNESS AND TRANSPARENCY IN Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the gross income for purposes of deter- CONTRACTING ACT calculation of modified adjusted gross in- mining the eligibility for certain come for purposes of determining eligibility (Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia asked and health care-related programs. was given permission to address the for certain healthcare-related programs. All points of order against consideration of the Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support House for 1 minute and to revise and bill are waived. The bill shall be considered of this rule and the underlying bills. extend his remarks.) as read. All points of order against provi- What we have here is something very Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- sions of the bill are waived. The previous simple: a bill to save jobs in America er, I recently introduced the Fairness question shall be considered as ordered on and a way to pay for it through a sim- and Transparency in Contracting Act, the bill to final passage without intervening ple technical fix in the Patient Protec- which will help level the playing field motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally tion and Affordable Care Act, which is for small businesses and ensure that divided and controlled by the chair and rank- ing minority member of the Committee on supported by the President and many publicly traded companies no longer Democrats in this Chamber. masquerade and then receive contracts Ways and Means; and (2) one motion to re- commit. H.R. 674, or what I call the Saving meant for small businesses. Small busi- SEC. 2. Upon the adoption of this resolution American Jobs Act, would repeal the 3 ness contracts should go to small busi- it shall be in order to consider in the House percent withholding requirement on nesses. the bill (H.R. 674) to amend the Internal Rev- government payments to businesses, Unfortunately, loopholes in the sys- enue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of both large and small. This is truly a bi- tem have resulted in subsidiaries of 3 percent withholding on certain payments partisan bill with more than 60 Demo- made to vendors by government entities. All large corporations receiving Federal crats among the 269 cosponsors. Even small business contracts. The GAO has points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. The amendment printed in the President supports changing the found that small businesses across the withholding tax. The tax is a job killer, Nation are the real losers when the the report of the Committee on Rules accom- panying this resolution shall be considered plain and simple. Federal contracts are awarded to large as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be Beginning January 1, 2013, govern- firms that should not be eligible. considered as read. All points of order ment agencies at all levels—Federal, Mr. Speaker, Congress should no against provisions of the bill, as amended, State and local—will have to withhold longer turn a blind eye when large pub- are waived. The previous question shall be 3 percent of their payments to busi- licly traded and foreign-owned compa- considered as ordered on the bill, as amend- nesses for goods and services. For nies obtain Federal small business con- ed, to final passage without intervening mo- many small businesses, this has the po- tracts. The Fairness and Transparency tion except: (1) one hour of debate equally di- tential to completely wipe out their in Contracting Act will ensure that vided and controlled by the chair and rank- ing minority member of the Committee on profit margins. At a time when we have America’s small businesses can com- Ways and Means; and (2) one motion to re- a desperate need to create jobs and to pete. commit with or without instructions. create the environment for job cre- I urge my colleagues to support this SEC. 3. (a) In the engrossment of H.R. 674, legislation. ation, the withholding tax does the the Clerk shall— exact opposite. For many State and f (1) add the text of H.R. 2576, as passed by the House, as new matter at the end of H.R. local governments, the implementation REDUCING PERSONAL DEBT 674; costs will be huge at a time when their (Mr. CLARKE of Michigan asked and (2) conform the title of H.R. 674 to reflect budgets are already stretched thin. was given permission to address the the addition of the text of H.R. 2576, as For example, in my home State of House for 1 minute.) passed by the House, to the engrossment; South Carolina, the State Comptroller Mr. CLARKE of Michigan. Mr. (3) assign appropriate designations to pro- estimates the implementation costs as- Speaker, several months ago, I intro- visions within the engrossment; and sociated with this tax will take up 11.5 (4) conform provisions for short titles with- percent of its budget. This tax punishes duced House Resolution 365, which asks in the engrossment. this Congress to cut student loan debt (b) Upon the addition of the text of H.R. all businesses for the sins of a few, and home mortgage debt. 2576, as passed by the House, to the engross- automatically and wrongly assuming As a result, several hundreds of thou- ment of H.R. 674, H.R. 2576 shall be laid on all job creators who do business with sands of people all around this country the table. the Federal Government are somehow

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.049 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7085 evading full taxation. The last I ate, but it was never implemented, and Americans suddenly losing their health checked, we should be encouraging peo- it has been put off a number of times. insurance coverage? The Tax Code ple to follow the law, not penalizing Today, there is broad support for re- should not be used to effectively reduce them for doing so. pealing this Republican-created provi- health care coverage and increase costs The tax also treats all businesses the sion. H.R. 674 has, as my friend said, 269 for those least able to afford it. same regardless of their taxable in- bipartisan cosponsors. Since Repub- Make no mistake, H.R. 2576 is yet an- comes. In the construction industry, licans have now brought a bill to the other attempt by Republicans to un- for example, where unemployment is floor that would repeal this require- dermine comprehensive health care re- currently at 13.5 percent, companies ment, it is clear that this measure form. Last week, the Senate Repub- rarely have a pretax profit margin of should not be combined, as in this rule, licans forced a vote on the 3 percent more than 3 percent. Therefore, a 3 per- with H.R. 2576. withholding repeal bill, but it too cent withholding tax would completely Getting rid of this provision will failed over unreasonable Republican wipe out their profit margins. As a keep administrative costs down and as- demands. former small business owner myself, I sist American businesses during these Where are the jobs? Instead of pass- can assure you this is not the kind of challenging economic times. However, ing a jobs bill, Republicans are rede- math that leads to job creation. Republicans want to pay for the 3 per- fining the rules to make health care This tax will also harm local govern- cent bill by making it harder for retir- less accessible for a considerable num- ments that are already hurting for dol- ees, the disabled, and poor to get access ber of Americans. These bills together lars by placing on them an unfunded to health insurance. This is, yet again, are a new approach to cutting the def- mandate to collect a Federal tax. an inappropriate use of our Tax Code. icit for Republicans. Until recently, Again, as former chairman of the This bill is known as the MAGI bill, they said that the only way to fix the Charleston County Council, this is ‘‘modified adjusted gross income.’’ It deficit was to starve the beast, that is, more math that just doesn’t add up. repeals the provision in the Affordable spending cuts only. But with a bill like With unemployment still at 9 per- Care Act that allows individuals and H.R. 2576 that takes away health care cent, our job creators need capital to families to exclude nontaxable Social from hundreds of thousands of Ameri- invest and long-term certainty in the Security benefits from their incomes cans, Republicans have decided that Tax Code. Taking hard-earned dollars when determining their eligibility for rather than starving the beast, it’s bet- away from our job creators will only health care benefits. This definition ter to feed the beast to our society’s lead to higher prices, lower wages, and would also apply when qualifying for most vulnerable members. lost jobs. Medicaid and Federal subsidies to buy I reserve the balance of my time. Once again, Mr. Speaker, I rise in private insurance in the State-run ex- Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. support of this rule and the underlying changes. According to the Joint Com- Speaker, it’s odd that as the American legislation. I encourage my colleagues mittee on Taxation, the exclusion of people continue to watch Congress ask- to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the rule and ‘‘yes’’ on nontaxable Social Security benefits is ing for a bipartisan approach to what the underlying bills, and I reserve the typical when applying income limita- we do here, it’s very odd for us to find balance of my time. tions to tax benefits. ourselves in that position today saying Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. I yield Regardless of the facts, my friends in to the American people, we are finally myself such time as I may consume. the majority have decided to throw re- on the right page of a bipartisan ap- Mr. Speaker, I thank my friend for tirees and disabled individuals under proach. And as it relates to the whole yielding the time, and I rise today in the bus in order to offset a completely undermining of the health care act, the opposition to the combined rule for unrelated bill. President himself has released a state- H.R. 674 and H.R. 2576. ment, an administration policy state- b 1240 The underlying bill, H.R. 674, repeals ment, that simply says that he sup- the 3 percent withholding for taxes on My friends on the other side of the ports H.R. 2576. payments to government contractors, aisle claim that this is about equity The fact of the matter is if we are and H.R. 2576 will make health care and fairness, but is it equitable for as going to find ways to save Medicaid unaffordable for 500,000 Americans— many as 500,000 Americans to lose all and keep it available for the next gen- that’s not according to me but accord- their health care coverage as a result eration, we must do things in a bipar- ing to CBO—leaving them with no of this measure? What are we saying to tisan approach that actually solve the choice but to drop their coverage. This these individuals; sorry, 500,000 of you problems without increasing the sys- bill will also increase the costs or re- are out of luck? Is it fair to make tem necessarily. duce the coverage for many more health care less accessible to low- and Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the Americans, including individuals with middle-income individuals rather than gentlelady from Tennessee, Mrs. DIANE severe disabilities. close loopholes and cancel special tax BLACK. The pairing of these two bills is not, deals for wealthy, wealthy oil compa- Mrs. BLACK. I thank my colleague in my considered opinion, an appro- nies? from South Carolina for yielding. priate use of our Nation’s Tax Code, In contrast, the Democrats’ sub- I’d like to begin by stating that this and in my opinion, does nothing to cre- stitute offered by Mr. LEVIN, the rank- legislation, H.R. 2576, is about fairness. ate jobs. It is part of the same old ‘‘all ing member of the Ways and Means When the news broke this summer or nothing’’ majority strategy that led Committee, will make oil companies that the Affordable Care Act contained to the debt ceiling standoff earlier this pay their fair share of taxes, thereby a loophole that would allow middle- year. reducing the deficit by $5.3 billion over class Americans to receive Medicaid The Republicans have taken a bipar- 5 years and $12.8 billion over 10 years. benefits, I, like many of my colleagues, tisan idea—and it is bipartisan, as my It is clear that H.R. 2576 is not about was very concerned. The new income good friend from South Carolina said— equity at all. It’s about forcing indi- formula that determines eligibility for that would actually put money directly vidual taxpayers to shoulder the bur- government subsidies health insurance, in the pockets of hardworking Ameri- den of business tax provisions. H.R. the modified adjusted gross income, or cans and make its passage contingent 2576 will impose higher costs on retir- also known MAGI, deviated from all of on a bill that rehashes the health care ees and persons with severe disabil- the other Federal assistance programs, reform debate from the last Congress. ities, shifting them out of Medicaid failing to include Social Security bene- Once again, my colleagues have chosen coverage or requiring that they con- fits as income. to play politics with the lives of middle tribute significantly more of their in- Under the health care law, a married class and working poor Americans. come for health insurance coverage couple with an annual income of over The withholding requirement, itself, through reduced tax credits. $60,000 could qualify to receive Med- was passed in 2005 when President How do Republicans intend to offset icaid benefits. Let me put it in more George W. Bush was in the White the cost, such as increased trips to the stark terms. Changing the income for- House and when Republicans had ma- emergency room? How do you offset mula could result in individuals, whose jorities in both the House and the Sen- that association with half a million incomes are up to 400 percent of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.026 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 poverty level, receiving Medicaid. This cial Security benefits be included in port of the rule today and in support of is unacceptable. I very strongly believe the definition of income. And, as has the underlying legislation. that it is our duty to ensure that the already been stated, there was a state- Throughout the past year, I have very scarce Medicaid dollars and re- ment of administration policy put out heard over and over again from small sources are there for those who are in yesterday, and I want to read that to businesses, from women-owned busi- the most need. you: nesses, from contracting businesses, Again, let me State that the Afford- The administration supports H.R. hospitals and the like that this rule, able Care Act’s income formula for 2576, which could change the calcula- which essentially amounts to a tax, Medicaid, CHIP, and exchange sub- tion of modified adjusted gross income, will hinder business’ ability to com- sidies deviated from the eligibility re- as defined in section 1401 of the Afford- pete, grow, and thereby create jobs. quirements for all other Federal assist- able Care Act, to include both taxable This bill that’s before the House today ance programs. Supplemental Security and nontaxable Social Security bene- would right a wrong that unnecessarily Income, Supplemental Nutrition As- fits. punishes good actors, small businesses, sistance Program, also known as food The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and local governments who do business stamps, Temporary Assistance for time of the gentlewoman has expired. with the Federal Government in good Needy Families, and public housing Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. I yield faith. Small businesses, who often op- all—all—include the entire Social Se- the gentlelady an additional 30 sec- erate with the thinnest of margins, will curity benefit as income. My bill, H.R. onds. be unnecessarily targeted in the Fed- 2576, would add Social Security bene- b 1250 eral Government’s zeal to capture more fits back into the equation, realigning money. Small and medium-sized busi- Medicaid with all the other programs Mrs. BLACK. This commonsense bi- nesses are being looked to for our eco- and stopping these improper payments partisan solution would bring Medicaid nomic recovery. We cannot simulta- before they occur. into line with all of the other Federal neously ask American companies to It is incorrect to assert that this leg- assistance programs and ensure that begin hiring again while we withhold islation unfairly targets widows, sur- the program is there for those who are the capital that they require to grow. vivors, and the disabled. This is equiva- in the most need. That is very impor- Additionally, while the 3 percent lent to asserting that the public hous- tant. Furthermore, and I believe this withholding bill was originally well-in- ing or the SNAP are unfairly targeted cannot be emphasized enough, accord- tentioned, implementation of this rule to widows, survivors, disabled simply ing to CBO and the Joint Tax Com- has been continuously delayed, most because, when accounting for the re- mittee estimates, this bill could save recently in the 2009 stimulus bill and source programs, they consider the taxpayers approximately $13 billion again by the IRS in May of 2011. This is source of income. over 10 years. Considering our $14 tril- a clear indication of the widespread The health care law’s deviation from lion in national debt, closing this loop- recognition that this provision is cost- the typical method of counting income hole as soon as possible is good policy ly and harmful to our economy. results in taxpayer dollars being di- on a number of levels. So, Mr. Speaker, I cosponsored this rected to individuals who do not meet Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. underlying bill because it is bipartisan the standard definition of low income. Speaker, I am very pleased to yield 11⁄2 legislation that will be good for the According to the current law, a couple minutes to the distinguished gen- economy and will help create certainty who both earned Social Security bene- tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. ALT- for job creators. The President has ex- fits and have a total income of $22,065 MIRE). pressed support for this repeal. I urge would have a higher income than a Mr. ALTMIRE. I rise in support of swift action on the legislation in the couple earning $58,840 for the purpose this legislation, which is bipartisan Senate. I ask my colleagues to support of determining eligibility for the Fed- and cosponsored by almost two-thirds the rule and the underlying bill. eral subsidies in the exchange. This is of our colleagues in this Chamber. Ear- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. totally unfair. lier this year, Congress passed another Speaker, I am very pleased to yield 3 When asked about the MAGI glitch, bill with almost equal support when we minutes to my good friend, the distin- CMS actuary Richard Foster said, ‘‘I repealed the burdensome 1099 require- guished gentleman from New Jersey don’t generally comment on the pros ment. Today, we are again working in (Mr. ANDREWS). and cons of policy, but that just a bipartisan way to make this com- (Mr. ANDREWS asked and was given doesn’t make sense.’’ Foster said the monsense change to the Tax Code that permission to revise and extend his re- situation keeps him up at night and will provide much needed certainty to marks.) has previously compared the MAGI for- businesses around the country. Mr. ANDREWS. I thank my friend mula to allowing middle-class Ameri- I’ve heard from numerous small busi- from Florida for yielding. cans to receive food stamps. nesses in my district that if the 3 per- As we meet this afternoon, 15 million Additionally, Richard Sorian, the cent withholding provision goes into Americans are unemployed. The Presi- HHS assistant secretary for Public Af- effect as scheduled, firms that do busi- dent has a proposal to put people to fairs, conceded that ‘‘as a matter of ness with the Federal, State, and local work modernizing 35,000 schools in law, some middle-income Americans governments will face what amounts to America, but we’re not voting on that may be receiving coverage through a tax increase at this time when they bill. Medicaid, which is meant to serve only can least afford it. Congress has pre- The President has a proposal that the neediest Americans.’’ viously voted to delay implementation would avoid a $1,500 a year tax increase Now, it is important to note that my of this provision, but we can do more on middle class Americans January 1 if legislation does not take away a ben- to show businesses in western Pennsyl- we don’t act, but we’re not voting on efit from anyone on the Medicaid rolls vania and across the country that we that bill. today. MAGI would not be in effect are serious about helping them suc- The President has ideas to help the until 2014, so it’s important that we ceed. real job creators, the small businesses bring Medicaid back into line with all I urge my colleagues to join me in of this country, get bank loans from of the other Federal assistance pro- permanently repealing the 3 percent the people they bailed out with their grams as soon as possible. withholding tax provision. tax dollars in the TARP bill a couple of Additionally, my legislation enjoys Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. years ago, but we’re not voting on that bipartisan support. In the Senate, Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- bill. HELP Committee Ranking Member tleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. MIKE Now, we are voting on a bill that we MIKE ENZI has a companion bill, and FITZPATRICK. should support that says that busi- President Obama himself, as has al- Mr. FITZPATRICK. I thank the gen- nesses should not have to make an in- ready been noted, recognizes the prob- tleman for the time and also for his terest-free loan to the government lem. In his recent debt reduction plan, leadership in bringing both parties to- when they do business with the govern- the President explicitly—explicitly— gether around this idea that will create ment. I’m for that. But you do need to proposes that the entire amount of So- jobs in the United States. I rise in sup- understand the way this bill is paid for.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.028 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7087 This bill does have an offset, meaning sion, and debarment. But, we should important goal. We have somewhere in it will not add to the deficit. I think not have a national policy that as- the neighborhood of $200 billion to $300 we’re all for that. But it’s important to sumes every contractor in America is a billion a year that is owed to the Fed- understand the way we make that deci- tax cheat. It’s a dreadful policy, and eral Government to meet our obliga- sion. There were two options as to how it’s horrible economics. tions and reduce burdens on others we might take care of that offset. We Let me break this down to what it that is not paid. But this bill is decid- said let’s go to the industry that’s had will mean for communities in my State edly not the approach to take. the most successful year in its history, of Oklahoma. In Oklahoma City, it will My good friend, Congressman HANNA, the oil industry, and stop giving our cost between $75,000 and $250,000 to im- a freshman Republican from upstate tax dollars to the oil industry when plement the initial financial system New York, has an excellent op-ed in to- they’re making record profits. That and all of the modifications to comply day’s Roll Call that outlines how oner- idea is not up for a vote. with these rules. After that, it’s ex- ous it is from his perspective of having What is up for a vote is a provision pected to cost at least $15,000 a year to been a small contractor. that may make some sense. It may maintain those modifications in the fi- There are three points that I think make some sense. It essentially deals nancial system. ought to be made as we go forward. with the adjustment formula for bene- To ensure that Oklahoma City fully First of all, we got this bill because we fits under the new health care law. But complies with these mandates to main- didn’t follow regular order in 2005. I we’re not really sure exactly how the tain the financial system, Oklahoma don’t think there was ever a hearing proposal will operate. There is a risk City estimates that they’re going to before our Ways and Means Committee that some deserving middle class peo- have to hire two additional full-time that talked about this bill that allowed ple will pay higher health insurance employees. Now I understand that contractors and small businesses to be premiums if this is not done in the we’re all about job creation here, but able to explain the impact. I am very right way. our job creation should focus on goods pleased that I think Chairman CAMP is So understand this: The first way we and services and taking care of people, committed to trying to follow regular could have paid for this bill would be to not filling out even more Federal order in this Congress, unlike what go to the oil industry and say you’ve forms. happened in 2005. had enough time at the public trough, In Edmond, Oklahoma, they’re con- The second point is that this reveals you’re making record profits, no. Or we cerned as to how the 3 percent with- a flaw in the CBO calculation. I’m not could say let’s roll the dice and let’s holding requirement would eventually faulting CBO. They’re following their try this experiment with the health be passed along to the buyer, increas- rules. But they assume that the Fed- premiums of middle class people. Guess ing the overall cost. Edmond’s annual eral Government has the capacity to who won? contractual services expenditures line implement it. And they only count the Now we thought it would be a good is over $130 million this year. If the revenues. Well, you don’t have to go idea to at least put the two ideas up for cost of these products and services are very far to understand that this a vote, but this rule doesn’t do that. So increased by 3 percent to cover the wouldn’t just be a burden on small the House will have to work its will withholding costs, Edmond’s expendi- business and it wouldn’t just be a bur- today on the underlying bill. I’m going tures could be raised by $4 million. den on State and local government. to vote for the underlying bill, but I’d Worse yet, that could mean contrac- The cost of compliance for the Federal really look forward to voting next tors choosing not to bid on city and Government itself will, I guarantee week—and let me say one other thing. local projects, ultimately decreasing you, be more than the amount of The plan for the House the rest of the competition and increasing the cost. money that would be collected. year is to be here another 14 days be- A contractor in the small town of Te- Finally, I felt that we could do better tween now and New Year’s Day, and cumseh, Oklahoma, told me that with in paying for it; but, frankly, I think take the rest of the year off. A lot of a down economy, he only had a 2 per- the situation that we are in in the Americans are going to have the rest of cent profit margin last year. The 3 per- months ahead is that we’re going to the year off, too—involuntarily, be- cent requirement would stifle his cash need to do both. We will be making the cause they’re out of work. Let’s get to flow and would force him to increase adjustment that is advanced by my the business of creating an environ- his bids, which of course would be friends from the Ways and Means Com- ment where small businesses create passed along to the taxpayer. mittee, and we will be approving the jobs for the people of this country. Mr. Speaker, as we continue to find elements that are in the motion that Let’s put Americans back to work after ways to kick-start our economy and the Democrats would do in terms of we do this good business of today. encourage job growth in the private fixing an egregious tax loophole for oil Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. sector, I’m hopeful we can come to a companies that only serves to improve Speaker, one of the things that is so bipartisan agreement to reduce the their bottom line and does nothing to important for us to recognize is the im- regulatory burden on State and local increase oil supply, does nothing to portance of living within our means governments and encourage private lower prices. But I will try and move and allowing our ability to control our sector growth. I’m sure it was well in- both of those forward. spending to dictate what we are able to tentioned at the start, but it is time to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The use, as opposed to having more tax in- eliminate this burdensome regulation. time of the gentleman has expired. creases as a way to fund the resource Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. I yield the 1300 priorities of this Nation. b gentleman 1 additional minute. I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Mr. BLUMENAUER. I very much ap- from Oklahoma, Mr. JAMES LANKFORD. Speaker, I am very pleased to yield 3 preciate it. I get a little wound up on Mr. LANKFORD. Mr. Speaker, I rise minutes to my friend and classmate this. But we’ve been working on it for in support of the rule and the under- from Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER). a long time. lying bill, H.R. 674, which repeals the 3 Mr. BLUMENAUER. I appreciate the I want to conclude by saying that I percent withholding requirements on gentleman’s courtesy. hope we don’t allow some strategic dif- State and local governments for goods I am pleased that the House will deal ferences on the floor of the House be- and services. The 3 percent withholding with the repeal this week. I was hon- tween the two parties in terms of prior- requirement is just another layer of ored to be the principal cosponsor with ities. As I say, we will end up approv- burden and unfunded mandates on our my good friend, WALLY HERGER, of the ing both these approaches because the States, cities, counties, and private en- Ways and Means Committee and to scale of our deficit is such that we need tities. have a bipartisan effort to move this to do it. The administration will sup- Withholding 3 percent of a contract legislation forward. port it, and both parties will ulti- at the start just in case sets a horrible I didn’t vote for this bill in 2005, in mately get there. And I think the precedent. When we find a bad actor in the first place. And I have been work- American public will support it. the contracting community, we should ing to fix it ever since the impact was But we need to come together to have aggressive prosecution, suspen- revealed to us. Tax compliance is an make sure that this legislation that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.030 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 we’re working on this week does not to correct it in a way that makes per- b 1310 fall victim to crossed signals on the fect sense and is exhibit A about what Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. other side of the Capitol. We need to can be right about this Congress. We’re Speaker, I would advise my good friend work with the other body. We need to going to take away that oil subsidy from South Carolina that I am the last send a strong signal here to make sure that in the next several years is going speaker. If he has other speakers, then that this mistake from 2005 is cor- to amount to $43.6 billion in a windfall I will reserve my time. rected now and spares unnecessary to our richest, most profitable compa- Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. We hardship for our business community nies that don’t need it. Incidentally, 93 have one more speaker. and also for State and local govern- percent of that windfall goes to pre- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. I reserve ment and, indeed, for the Federal Gov- ferred stock buy-backs and CEO remu- the balance of my time. ernment itself. neration that is not necessary. Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. So we have something we agree on. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gen- Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gen- We have something that’s going to be a tleman from Florida, Mr. DENNIS ROSS. tleman from Illinois, Mr. RANDY benefit and that’s going to create jobs Mr. ROSS of Florida. I thank the HULTGREN. and help small businesses. Now, we can gentleman for yielding. Mr. HULTGREN. I want to thank my go one of two ways in terms of paying Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the colleague from South Carolina. for that. rule and the underlying bill. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of both the bills under this rule and, in time of the gentleman has expired. Now more than ever, regulatory and particular, H.R. 674, repealing the 3 Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. I yield the tax reform are needed. The 3 percent percent withholding tax on government gentleman an additional 30 seconds. contractor withholding requirement is contracts. Mr. KEATING. We can have an addi- yet another onerous regulatory tax It may have seemed like a good idea tional tax on the Medicaid and Social policy that will hinder small business’ at the time, but now we clearly see Security recipients, or we can continue ability to survive and hire new employ- that it is a mandate that drains pre- to reward the CEOs and Big Oil. That’s ees. The 10.6 percent unemployment in cious resources from America’s job cre- not a tough choice. my home State of Florida cannot han- ators—small businesses. The profit So I hope that the previous question dle another government job-killing margin for many businesses affected by is defeated so we can offer something regulation. the proposal is often less than the 3 that makes sense. It’s time for this Repealing this legislation will ensure percent mandate. The withholding tax Congress to get it right. We have a America’s small businesses are not as- will create substantial cash flow prob- chance to do it, and I hope we will. sessed another regulatory cost that lems and drain capital from many busi- Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. I will either be passed on to consumers nesses that could otherwise be used to would just encourage my friends on the in cost or will force another small busi- invest and grow or hire more workers. left who want to raise taxes, raise ness to shut its doors. Mr. Speaker, I join with many busi- taxes if you can, but the bottom line is The 3 percent withholding require- ness owners, State and local govern- that raising revenues does not make ment was originally intended to make ments, and educational institutions in you more responsible, does not make sure contractors paid taxes. In reality, supporting H.R. 674, to repeal this tax, you use the revenues that you cur- it is simply a one-size-fits-all govern- and provide a meaningful step towards rently have more responsibly. So the ment approach to a problem filled with instilling certainty in job creators in unintended consequences. getting this economy moving on the notion of raising taxes to use that as a fix to this situation is inconsistent One of the most tragic consequences right track. could be the cost to our seniors. Nine- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. with the reality and is part of the al- ty-five percent of Medicare physicians Speaker, I am very pleased to yield 2 ternate universe that we ought not be will be affected by this withholding minutes to the distinguished gen- a part of. tax. Our seniors should not suffer be- tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the cause our Tax Code is too confusing, KEATING). gentleman from Illinois, Mr. DONALD Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I hope MANZULLO. too burdensome, and too big. the previous question is defeated so I Mr. MANZULLO. I rise in support of Mr. Speaker, this regulation shows can offer an amendment, along with the rule and the underlying bill. why we need a Tax Code that is flatter and smaller and why we need Medicare my colleagues Mr. LEVIN and Mr. Instead of going after tax BISHOP, to really correct something delinquents, the law punishes everyone reform with fewer scare tactics and that, frankly, is outrageous. It’s not for the failings of a few. When I chaired more choices. only outrageous, but it is exhibit A of the Small Business Committee several Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. I yield what’s wrong with this Congress. years ago, I saw a lot of harm and inju- myself the balance of my time. The underlying bill to do away with ries taking place to small business peo- Mr. Speaker, President Obama, as the 3 percent withholding, I’ve met ple. This is a tough one. H.R. 674 would has been cited, along with many of our with my local business people, had dis- repeal that. colleagues, supports changing the defi- cussions, and this is a great oppor- The 3 percent withholding rule dis- nition of ‘‘modified adjusted gross in- tunity for bipartisan efforts to help proportionately hurts small businesses. come.’’ But like on other occasions, I create some jobs and help small busi- I met with several electrical contrac- have disagreed with this President on nesses go forward. We’re actually in tors in my office recently, and the first matters, and in this instance I do. agreement with something that’s going thing on their minds and their hearts There are many in the institution who to do all those things; and I’m proud to was the fact that this should be re- have a different view. But there is no support that, and I’m proud to reach pealed because it simply does not make reason why a bill reducing access to across the aisle and support that. sense. health care for millions of Americans But I have got to tell you, you just The bill would repeal the onerous law has to be tied to a bill that will put can’t mess things up more than you’re to the benefit of farmers and others money back into the pockets of middle messing things up here, because the who sell goods and services to the gov- class and working poor Americans. offset that was taken by the majority ernment at all levels, but also it re- My colleagues on the other side of party is a tax on people that have So- peals an unfunded mandate imposed the aisle made a conscious decision to cial Security and Medicaid. Why are upon State and local governments that make it harder for Americans to pay you doing that when you’re trying to requires them to be the tax collectors their medical bills. Now, they could get people some economic benefits for the IRS. This bill would free up pre- have just as easily tied this bill to one through businesses, and really an effort cious financial resources so businesses that reduces oil and gas subsidies. But that we both should be applauded for have the flexibility to hire more work- listen, I just spoke to a group of stu- working together on. ers to complete the task at hand. I dents, about 15 or 20 of them from The amendment that I’m going to urge my colleagues to support this bi- American University, and I put the offer is going to correct that. It’s going partisan bill. question to them regarding this rule,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.060 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7089 explaining to them some of the dynam- I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the rule, and I nating subsidies to big oil and gas companies. ics of the institution. I put the ques- yield back the balance of my time. BP, for example, reported profits of $4.9 billion tion to them: What would seem more Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. in the third quarter of this year even though sensible to you. Would it be that 500,000 Speaker, we find ourselves at a place their production decreased by 12 percent over people should and may lose their cov- where we should have been at for that period. They made more money with less erage under a measure, or that the oil many, many months, and that is work- oil and we—the American people—still provide companies and gas companies—and I ing in a bipartisan way to save Amer- lucrative subsidies to them. added GE—that those kinds of compa- ican jobs. Time after time, the Rules Committee has nies that cause these kinds of matters Mr. Speaker, it is amazing that we have this opportunity to have the blocked my amendment ending the subsidy— not to have to come into play at this siding with big oil and defending their sub- time in our institution? President’s support with those of us on the right, to have the Democrat leader- sidy—using procedural excuses. Now Democrats—SANDER LEVIN, my It’s funny how the Republicans waive the good friend from Michigan, the ranking ship joining us, 269 cosponsors on this legislation that simply says to the job rules when it’s convenient for their agenda but member—introduced a substitute that they refuse to apply that same standard to all would eliminate oil and gas subsidies creators: We believe in you. Mr. Speaker, today we have a very bills. In this case, Republicans waive all points in order to repeal the withholding re- simple vote. We can remove an impedi- of order against the underlying bills but cite quirement while still allowing Ameri- ment to job creation from the backs of germaneness and cut-go as reasons why cans to keep their health care cov- small businesses with no overall in- they’re not making the Democratic substitute erage. Yet they wouldn’t waive the crease in government spending. That in order. rules for that, as they’ve done a num- should be our vote today. The truth is Republicans are hiding behind ber of times, my Republican friends, I encourage all of my colleagues to this flimsy excuse to protect big oil. for their own amendments, proving support the rule and the underlying once again that the rules are only sa- To my Republican friends, let me set the bill. record straight. You’re making in order a non- cred when oil and gas and big business Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, here we go germane bill to pay for the repeal of the 3 per- profits are at stake. again. Another day in the House of Represent- cent withholding bill—a bill that violates the Mr. Speaker, if we defeat the pre- atives, another day without a jobs bill. As a Budget Act—but you’re saying an amendment vious question, an amendment will be Red Sox fan, I’m not prone to quoting Yogi ending subsidies for oil companies making bil- offered to the rule to let Mr. LEVIN of Berra—but this is de´ja` vu all over again. Michigan or Mr. BISHOP of New York or This Tea Party-run Republican House is not lions of dollars each month can’t be made in Mr. KEATING of Massachusetts offer the only breaking House rules to move a bipar- order because it’s not germane? amendment we tried to have made in tisan bill—something they said they would You’re making in order a bill that violates order in the Rules Committee yester- never do—but they are breaking these rules to the rules of the House—and you’re protecting day. As we’ve said, the amendment will protect big oil while taking healthcare away this bill from these points of order—but you roll back special tax loopholes for im- from low-income Americans. won’t do the same for our proposal? mensely profitable big oil companies. Talk about hitting the trifecta. It’s truly outrageous that you’re making two Is there anybody that doubts that? Let’s start with the rule. We have one rule bills in order and using the rule to combine And I’d like to hear from these oil for two bills, one bill repealing the 3% with- these two bills into one; that you’re going out company representatives. They’re enti- holding requirement and another bill offsetting of your way to make in order your non-ger- tled. They’re not a person, as some the costs of the first bill. Why have two bills mane bill and you’re not doing the same for have said; they’re a corporation. And come up under one rule? The only reason is our bill. they don’t have, I guess, a conscience because the Republicans want to shut down It’s truly outrageous that you’re more inter- because their bottom line is to make a debate and limit the motion to recommit. ested in rationing healthcare for those who profit. Well, they’ve made a lot of it, That’s why the rule combines these two bills need it instead of ending subsidies for oil com- and all we’re asking them to do in this into one bill after they are approved on their panies who continue to rake in billions of dol- case and others—and I’ll be back down own. This is just one more example of this Re- lars of profits each quarter; and that you’re here another time asking them—to hiding behind procedural excuses in order to share some of it with the American publican leadership’s continual streak of bro- ken promises. get your way. people and not cause the pressing down If this weren’t bad enough, this rule waives Mr. Speaker, this is a process even Tom to our States, the pressing down to our all points of order—including the Budget Act. DeLay would marvel at. counties and municipalities, and caus- Why is this necessary? Well, that’s because The following is a list of the instances when ing people who are disabled—and, in- the 3% withholding bill violates the Budget Act the Republicans have waived germaneness deed, some will lose their insurance be- twice. (Clause 7 of Rule XVI) and both cut-go and cause of this. The sad truth is that the Chairman of the germaneness (Clause 10 of Rule XXI). And maybe some of these persons Subcommittee on Health, the gentleman from have never had a disabled person. But I REPUBLICANS’ WAIVERS OF CUTGO AND California Mr. HERGER, didn’t even know that GERMANENESS THIS YEAR SO FAR: had a mother that was disabled for the his bill violated the Budget Act when he testi- last 2 years of her life, 30 years pre- CUTGO WAIVERS—CLAUSE 10 OF RULE XXI (3 fied before the Rules Committee yesterday. TIMES): vious to that being almost bedridden, Chairman DREIER, of course, tried to explain and I know what disability is, as I’m these violations but he was misinformed when H.R. 3079 (H. Res. 425)—Panama trade bill sure some of my friends do here. Had I he said the only reason for these violations S. 627 (H. Res. 375)—Budget Control Act of not been alive, she would have died was because the Senate did not pass a budg- 2011 many years earlier because she had no et resolution. To correct the record, that’s only S. 365 (H. Res. 384)—Budget Control Act of ability to provide for herself, yet Shell one of the violations. The other violation is be- 2011 Oil and Exxon and GE and all these cause this bill violates the House-passed GERMANENESS WAIVERS—CLAUSE 7 OF RULE XVI people do. And they’re right about budget resolution. I’m not one to defend the (9 TIMES): their profitmaking, but they’re wrong Ryan budget, but I’d like to think that the Re- H.R. 839 (H. Res. 170)—HAMP Termination about not being able to share it with publicans wouldn’t use one bill to contradict Act of 2011 (canceled a program to help the people. legislation they passed earlier this year. homeowners modify their loans) Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- And the Republican offset for the 3% with- H.R. 861 (H. Res. 170)—NSP Termination sent to insert the text of the amend- holding bill is a bad one—it tightens Medicaid Act (canceled a program to redevelop aban- ment in the RECORD along with extra- and health insurance exchange subsidy eligi- doned and foreclosed homes and residential neous material immediately prior to bility requirements. In other words, it prevents properties) the vote on the previous question. low-income individuals and families from being The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there eligible for Medicaid, an egregious act during H.R. 910 (H. Res. 203)—Energy Tax Pre- objection to the request of the gen- normal times but especially heartless in this vention Act of 2011 (taking away EPA’s au- tleman from Florida? difficult economy. thority to regulate greenhouse gases) There was no objection. Talk about turning a deaf ear to people who H.R. 1315 (H. Res. 358)—Consumer Finan- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. are struggling to make ends meet. cial Protection Safety and Soundness Im- Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote Now, Democrats offered an amendment to provement Act of 2011 (weakened the Con- ‘‘no’’ and defeat the previous question, replace the bad Republican offset by elimi- sumer Financial Protection Bureau)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.033 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 Senate amendment to H.R. 2608 (H. Res. scribes the vote on the previous question on ceedings on this question will be post- 405)—CR I11Senate amendment to H.R. 2608 the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the poned. (H. Res. 412)—CR consideration of the subject before the House being made by the Member in charge.’’ To f H.R. 658 (H. Res. 189)—FAA reauthoriza- defeat the previous question is to give the SOUTHEAST ARIZONA LAND EX- tion opposition a chance to decide the subject be- CHANGE AND CONSERVATION H.R. 754 (H. Res. 264)—Intel Authorization fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s ACT OF 2011 H.R. 1892 (H. Res. 392)—Intel Authorization ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that Vote no on the previous question, reject this ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. rule, and reject the pay-for that violates the mand for the previous question passes the Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Budget Act and cuts healthcare for low-income all Members may have 5 legislative in order to offer an amendment. On March days in which to revise and extend families. 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- The material previously referred to fered a rule resolution. The House defeated their remarks and include extraneous by Mr. HASTINGS of Florida is as fol- the previous question and a member of the material on H.R. 1904. lows: opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina). Is there ob- AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 448 OFFERED BY asking who was entitled to recognition. MR. HASTINGS OF FLORIDA Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: jection to the request of the gentleman ‘‘The previous question having been refused, (1) In the first section of the resolution, from Washington? the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- There was no objection. strike ‘‘the previous question’’ and all that gerald, who had asked the gentleman to follows and insert the following: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to ant to House Resolution 444 and rule The previous question shall be considered the first recognition.’’ as ordered on the bill and on any amendment Because the vote today may look bad for XVIII, the Chair declares the House in thereto to final passage without intervening the Republican majority they will say ‘‘the the Committee of the Whole House on motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally vote on the previous question is simply a the state of the Union for the consider- divided and controlled by the chair and rank- vote on whether to proceed to an immediate ation of the bill, H.R. 1904. ing minority member of the Committee on vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] Ways and Means; (2) the amendment printed has no substantive legislative or policy im- b 1321 in section 4, if offered by Representative plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Levin of Michigan, or Representative Bishop they have always said. Listen to the Repub- Accordingly, the House resolved of New York, or Representative Keating of lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative itself into the Committee of the Whole Massachusetts, which shall be in order with- Process in the United States House of Rep- House on the state of the Union for the out intervention of any point of order, shall resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s be considered as read, and shall be separately how the Republicans describe the previous consideration of the bill (H.R. 1904) to debatable for 30 minutes equally divided and question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- facilitate the efficient extraction of controlled by the proponent and an oppo- though it is generally not possible to amend mineral resources in southeast Arizona nent; and (3) one motion to recommit with or the rule because the majority Member con- by authorizing and directing an ex- without instructions. trolling the time will not yield for the pur- change of Federal and non-Federal (2) At the end of the resolution, add the pose of offering an amendment, the same re- land, and for other purposes, with Mr. following: sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- MURPHY of Pennsylvania in the chair. SEC. 4. The amendment referred to in the vious question on the rule. . . . When the The Clerk read the title of the bill. first section of this resolution is as follows: motion for the previous question is defeated, Strike all after the enacting clause and in- control of the time passes to the Member The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the sert the following: who led the opposition to ordering the pre- bill is considered read the first time. The gentleman from Washington (Mr. SECTION 1. REPEAL OF IMPOSITION OF 3 PER- vious question. That Member, because he CENT WITHHOLDING ON CERTAIN then controls the time, may offer an amend- HASTINGS) and the gentleman from Ari- PAYMENTS MADE TO VENDORS BY ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of zona (Mr. GRIJALVA) each will control GOVERNMENT ENTITIES. amendment.’’ 30 minutes. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 3402 of the Inter- In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House The Chair recognizes the gentleman nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by of Representatives, the subchapter titled from Washington. striking subsection (t). ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment to order the previous question on such a rule made by this section shall apply to payments [a special rule reported from the Committee yield myself such time as I may con- made after December 31, 2011. on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- sume. Mr. Chairman, our Nation has suf- SEC. 2. DEDUCTION FOR INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- TO DOMESTIC PRODUCTION ACTIVI- tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- fered through 32 consecutive months of TIES NOT ALLOWED WITH RESPECT jection of the motion for the previous ques- over 8 percent unemployment, and peo- TO OIL AND GAS ACTIVITIES OF tion on a resolution reported from the Com- ple everywhere across our great Nation MAJOR INTEGRATED OIL COMPA- mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- continue to ask, where are the jobs? NIES. ber leading the opposition to the previous (a) IN GENERAL.—Subparagraph (A) of sec- question, who may offer a proper amendment Congress’ top priority right now is job tion 199(d)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code of or motion and who controls the time for de- creation, and today we have an oppor- 1986 is amended by inserting ‘‘(9 percent in bate thereon.’’ tunity to act on that commitment by the case of any major integrated oil com- Clearly, the vote on the previous question passing a bill that would put thousands pany (as defined in section 167(h)(5)))’’ after on a rule does have substantive policy impli- of Americans to work. ‘‘3 percent’’. cations. It is one of the only available tools The Southeast Arizona Land Ex- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment for those who oppose the Republican major- change and Conservation Act, spon- made by subsection (a) shall apply to taxable ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- sored by our colleague from Arizona years beginning after the date of the enact- native views the opportunity to offer an al- ment of this Act. ternative plan. (Mr. GOSAR), is a commonsense meas- (The information contained herein was Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina. Mr. ure that will create new American jobs provided by the Republican Minority on mul- Speaker, I yield back the balance of and strengthen our economy through tiple occasions throughout the 110th and my time, and I move the previous ques- increased U.S. mineral production. 111th Congresses.) The bill authorizes an equal-value tion on the resolution. THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT The SPEAKER pro tempore. The land exchange between Resolution Cop- IT REALLY MEANS question is on ordering the previous per, the Federal Government, the State This vote, the vote on whether to order the question. of Arizona and the town of Superior, previous question on a special rule, is not The question was taken; and the Arizona, that will open up the third- merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- Speaker pro tempore announced that largest undeveloped copper resource in dering the previous question is a vote the ayes appeared to have it. the world. The bill requires the cost of against the Republican majority agenda and the land exchange to be fully paid for a vote to allow the opposition, at least for Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. the moment, to offer an alternative plan. It Speaker, on that I demand the yeas by the mine developer, ensuring fair is a vote about what the House should be de- and nays. treatment for taxpayers and for the bating. The yeas and nays were ordered. government. Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- This project will provide substantial House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- benefits to the United States in the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.027 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7091 form of job creation, economic growth, al consultation prior to constructing Mountain Apache, Yavapai-Apache, and increased national security. This the mine. This bill provides more con- Tonto Apache, Fort McDowell Yavapai, mining project will support nearly 3,700 servation and protection of culturally Hualapai, Jicarilla Apache, Mescalero jobs. These are good paying, American sensitive riparian and critical habitat Apache, and the Zuni Pueblo and oth- wage jobs that will equate to more than otherwise would occur, especially ers, pleading to respect the religious than $220 million in annual wages. areas to be conveyed currently under and cultural traditions. At a time when our economy con- private ownership. b 1330 tinues to struggle, this mining project Fourth, the developer has already se- will provide a much-needed boost cured over half the water needed for Instead, the bill waives compliance through private investment. This min- this project, and has committed to hav- with NEPA, the Native American ing activity will have over $60 billion ing 100 percent of the water it needs in Graves Protection Act, the Historic in economic impact, and will generate hand before construction begins. Preservation Act, and all other stat- $20 billion in total Federal, State, Claims that the project will require the utes that might give the tribes a voice county, and local tax revenue. same amount of water used by the City and respect at the table before this de- So this bill, Mr. Chairman, is a per- of Tempe is, Mr. Chairman, a gross ex- cision is finalized. The final insult fect example of how safely and respon- aggeration. comes when the bill requires consulta- sibly harnessing our resources will gen- Finally, this bill does not trade away tion with Native people—after the land erate revenue and get our economy sacred sites. As previously stated, the exchange, after that exchange has al- back on track. The importance of U.S. bill requires tribal consultation. And ready occurred. This will not be gov- copper production cannot be over- there is a map that will be shown later ernment-to-government consultations stated. Our Nation has become increas- on today that talks about the copper as required by the treaty trust rela- ingly reliant on foreign countries for triangle in this part of Arizona, and tionship. Rather it continues a pattern our mineral resources, placing our eco- you will see that on this map which of neglect and belittles Native people nomic competitiveness and national se- will be shown later, this mine is right once again. curity at risk. in the middle of that copper triangle. The legislation also threatens to The U.S. currently imports 30 per- H.R. 1904 is about creating new Amer- dewater a large and already drought- cent of the copper we need, and we will ican jobs, strengthening our economy, prone area, turning it from an arid but continue to be dependent on foreign and decreasing our dependence on for- functioning landscape into a desert. countries if we fail to develop our own eign minerals. The bill has broad sup- According to testimony received by the resources and the vast resources, in- port, both locally and nationally, in- committee, a mining operation like the deed, we have in this country. The cop- cluding from Arizona Governor Jan one planned by Resolution Copper re- per produced from this single project Brewer, the Arizona Chamber of Com- quires an estimated 40,000 acre-feet of will meet 25 percent of the United merce, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, water per year. This is roughly the States’ entire copper demand. The cop- the National Association of Manufac- amount of water used by the entire per could be used for a variety of turing, and the National Mining Asso- city of Tempe in Arizona. projects, ranging from hybrid cars like ciation. The company does not own any water the Prius to medical devices, plumbing, They all, Mr. Chairman, recognize rights and has failed to indicate where and computers. Without it, the micro- the job-creating benefits of this bill. So the water from the mining operation phones and lights that we’re using here I urge my colleagues to strongly sup- will come from. Historically, mining right now would not be functioning. port H.R. 1904 to put Americans back companies have simply sunk their It’s also essential for national defense to work on American jobs and utilize wells deeper than their neighbors and equipment and technology. It is used in the vast resources in this country that taken the water that they need. A Fed- satellite, space and aviation, weapons we should be using for economic and eral mining permit process, along with guidance, and communications. compliance with NEPA and other laws, The benefits and the reasons to pass for national security reasons. With that, Mr. Chairman, I reserve might mitigate or at least explore this bill, Mr. Chairman, are plentiful. these concerns; but the legislation al- However, we are likely to hear several the balance of my time. Mr. GRIJALVA. I yield myself such lows Resolution Copper to skip these inaccurate claims from those across steps, leaving the people of south- the aisle who are opposed to mining in time as I may consume. H.R. 1904 is a triple threat. It will rob eastern Arizona in grave danger of se- America. I would like to take a mo- Native people of their heritage. It will vere water shortages. NEPA happens ment to set the record straight right after that land trade is finalized, when from the beginning. rob local people of their water. And it First, the bill follows the standard will rob the American people of their Rio Tinto—the parent company of Res- Federal land appraisal process, proce- money. olution Copper—holds all the cards. dures issued by the Department of Jus- This legislation is simply an abdica- Compliance with NEPA becomes un- tice which have been used in this coun- tion of our responsibilities as stewards clear and poses legal issues regarding try for decades. The appraisal requires of public lands and the public trust, private property. full market value to be paid for both and it must be rejected. The Congress Finally, the legislation will allow the land and minerals within. routinely considers land exchanges. It Rio Tinto—the parent company of Res- If, by chance, there is copper produc- is our responsibility to weigh the mer- olution Copper—to realize billions in tion beyond the appraised value, Mr. its of each proposal to determine profits without guaranteeing a fair re- Chairman, the mine developer will be whether it is in the best interest of the turn to the current owners of the land, required to pay the United States the American people. Some proposals fa- the American people. The bill contains difference, which would be assessed on cilitate public recreation, some help appraisal and payment provisions; but an annual basis. This is an added guar- local communities build courthouses the language is nonstandard, and in antee to ensure that taxpayers get a and schools, and some serve important some cases totally unique. Why are fair return on their copper resources. environmental goals. such provisions necessary when a sim- Second, this bill is about creating The land exchange required by H.R. ple, straightforward royalty would pro- nearly 3,700 American jobs. It’s not 1904 serves none of those purposes. vide a fair and predictable return for about helping foreign mining interests, Rather, this legislation will take thou- the taxpayers? as some have charged. Opposing this sands of acres of healthy, protected, sa- At a time when we are told that ev- mine and not producing copper in the cred public land and convert it into bil- erybody from college students to the U.S. is what truly benefits foreign na- lions of dollars in corporate profits for elderly must accept drastic cuts to tions by sending American jobs over- two foreign mining companies. basic Federal programs, it is uncon- seas and making it increasingly reliant H.R. 1904 trades away several sites scionable that we would approve a mas- on foreign resources of critical min- that are sacred to Native people. The sive transfer of wealth from the Amer- erals. hearing record before the Natural Re- ican people to a foreign-owned mining Third, the bill requires full compli- sources Committee includes desperate company without insisting on a fair re- ance with environmental laws and trib- pleas from San Carlos Apache, White turn.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.036 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 Supporters of this legislation claim participants—a paid 3-week program 3,700 more success stories like Chris’s it would create jobs. Job creation has Resolution launched in the summer of will come to fruition. been the excuse used here on the House 2010 to introduce potential employees I urge my colleagues to continue this floor to push legislation dismantling to the world of mining. Each partici- debate with serious discussions about the last century of environmental pro- pant receives a Mining Safety and the facts about this bill, not scare tac- tection, and H.R. 1904 continues that Health Administration-certified train- tics. pattern. The job-creation claims are all ing and then is exposed to the various Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, I based on predictions provided by the work disciplines within Resolution yield such time as he may consume to industry and the companies which Copper. Following this 3-week pro- the gentleman from Arizona, my col- stand to profit from this deal without a gram, many of the program partici- league, Mr. PASTOR. mining plan to verify or corroborate pants are hired by the company or its (Mr. PASTOR of Arizona asked and any of the information. Thus, they are contractors. Among the hired employ- was given permission to revise and ex- all highly suspect. ees was Chris Astor. tend his remarks.) When this proposal was first devel- Chris is one of seven San Carlos Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. First of all, oped in 2005, the Arizona and Apaches who have been hired by Reso- I want to thank the gentleman from Tucson Citizen reported the mine lution Copper or its contractor since Arizona for the courtesy. would create 450 jobs. Without expla- the program began in the summer of Mr. Chairman, this is an issue that I nation, these predictions have sky- 2010. Chris now works as a core han- have been working on for probably the rocketed over the years to 1,200 jobs to dler—one of a seven-member crew that last 10 years. And one of the interests 3,700 today; and 6,000 jobs, as well, have retrieves drill core samples from the that I have on this issue is because I been brought up as numbers of jobs rigs that do the project. I’ve had the was born in and grew up in this copper that would be created. None of these blessing of doing this in my own life for triangle that we’re talking about numbers are supported by facts. my dad. Under the guidance of geolo- today. The trend in mining over the last gists, the core handlers log, process, b 1340 several decades is clear: mining compa- and archive core samples with geolo- nies are producing more and more and gists and mine engineers helping them It’s a beautiful area, and at one time, using fewer and fewer workers. Rio to rely on and understand the nature of copper was the industry for this Copper Tinto and BHP-Billiton are pioneers in the ore body. ‘‘I would like to eventu- Triangle. Yet, over the past 20–25 the use of automation, and the Resolu- ally try different jobs, get a broader years, many of the mines have shut tion Copper project is an opportunity view, learn and grow into a supervisory down, and copper production has to perfect these technologies even fur- role,’’ Chris says. ‘‘I also want to be stopped in Arizona. So I have to tell ther. The number of jobs actually cre- trained to work underground.’’ you that my interest in this land ex- ated by H.R. 1904 will pale in compari- Prior to the Resolution Experience, change would be the possible economic son to the economic and environmental Chris worked at the Pinto Valley cop- development of this area. devastation that it could cause. per mine, an open-pit mine a few miles I travel through this area because my Mr. Chairman, this is a special inter- northeast of Resolution Projects, mom still lives up in Miami, Arizona, est legislation that is not in the inter- which is owned by BHP-Billiton. How- where I was born and raised. I travel ests of the American people. This legis- ever, this mine is currently closed. Be- regularly, at least once a month, lation asks Congress to be business fore joining Resolution Experience, through these canyons. I can tell you agents for foreign-owned corporations Chris had been out of work for more that it’s the most beautiful sight, and not stewards of the public land or than a year. about 85 miles east of Phoenix, where represent the American taxpayer. Chris is now a 31-year-old father of you can still see a fine, pristine envi- With that, I reserve the balance of three children, ages 13, 9, and 5. With ronment with some of the most spec- my time. his stable, good-paying job, including tacular rock formations you’ll ever see Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. great medical and benefits, Chris is in this country. It’s very beautiful, but Chairman, I am very pleased to yield 5 able to confidently support his family. it’s also an area that has been hit by minutes to the gentleman from Ari- ‘‘I can take care of my kids better and some hard times. zona (Mr. GOSAR), the sponsor of this provide what they need—and some- I grew up in a mining town, so I know bill, somebody who has been absolutely times even what they want,’’ he says. what a mining town is. During the tenacious in seeing that this legisla- Life was not always good for Chris. summers, while I was attending Ari- tion advances to where it is today. He grew up as an only child raised by zona State University, I’d go to work Mr. GOSAR. I rise today in support of his mother and grandparents. He spent in the mines. I worked in the leaching my legislation, H.R. 1904, the South- most of his childhood on the reserva- plant, the electrolytic plant, the leach- east Arizona Land Exchange and Con- tion. ‘‘We went where my mom could ing tanks, the ball mills, and the moly servation Act, legislation that will cre- find work,’’ he says. ‘‘I never knew my plant, so I have the experience of ate new American jobs, reduce our de- dad.’’ Chris feels fortunate to have a knowing this type of life. I know the pendence on foreign sources of energy job and to live on the reservation, economic boom that copper mining can and minerals, protect high-profile con- where more than 80 percent of the resi- bring to a community, but I also have servation lands, and generate revenue dents live in poverty and seven out of experience with the adverse impact for Federal and State treasuries. 10 eligible workers are unemployed. that copper mining can have, not only In this time of serious economic It is true that modern mining tech- on the people who work there, but also hardship, Congress must engage in seri- nology uses high-tech equipment to ac- on the environment. I have seen both ous debate over serious issues. What complish certain tasks. This is done for sides. should not guide Congress is an endless efficiency’s sake and for the sake of It’s with that interest that I have game of unfounded attacks that lead to worker safety. Mining is a potentially seen the evolution of this debate. At trumped-up fear-mongering to gain po- hazardous task and certainly a difficult one time, even I sponsored a bill that litical advantage, particularly, in this one that must be done with precision. would deal with the economic develop- case, the fear of robots. Chris is not a robot. You can still see ment of these mining towns—Superior, This legislation is a real job creator. there is a need for people to run the Globe-Miami, et cetera. The area that I would like to tell a story about Chris mine, to drive the trucks, to feed the we’re talking about being exchanged, is Astor, a current employee at the mine workers, to drill the holes, to engineer an area I know well. As a kid growing site and a member of the San Carlos the dig, to build the structures, to up, we used this area for a picnic site, Apache Tribe. Chris grew up attending process the minerals, and, yes, build, and in some cases, when we didn’t go to public schools on the San Carlos maintain and control technology. Chris school, that’s where we would have our Apache Reservation and graduated is a real human being operating this impromptu picnics. So I know this from high school in nearby Globe. In technology already at the site whose area. 2010, Chris was among those in the first life has benefited greatly from this I have to tell you, with regard to the group of the Resolution Experience project. If we pass this legislation, over issue of jobs, as will be discussed, I

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.038 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7093 guess ‘‘a number of jobs’’ is in the eye good, high-paying jobs right here in to $7 billion or $8 billion. So let’s just of the beholder. Mining has changed, America. It will also generate nearly split the difference down the middle and I know that it’s a different type of $20 billion in Federal, State, county, and say that the copper might be worth mining now from the one I experienced. and local tax revenue. $5 billion. The jobs claims for this bill We can debate the number of jobs, but This is a win-win. Not only is this vary wildly as well from 500 to 5,000 I will tell you that this will bring some legislation completely paid for, but it jobs. economic development to these areas also ensures that mining is done in a Now, there is a good reason to believe of the Copper Triangle. That I cannot responsible manner because H.R. 1904 the jobs numbers will be on the very deny. Yet the issue for me is at what requires full compliance with NEPA low end, but let’s be optimistic and price. and because it requires tribal consulta- take the highest jobs claim possible. At what price do we bring this eco- tion prior to mine construction. So supporters of this bill are going to nomic development without some pro- Now, Mr. Chairman, copper is a vital give away $5 billion in hopes of cre- tection to the environment and with- mineral that we have in the United ating 5,000 jobs. Well, that’s $1 million out some protection to an employee’s States and across the world. It’s going per job, Mr. Chairman, $1 million not rights? to continue to be vital because it’s a paid necessarily to the workers them- There is no debate that this ore de- critical mineral that is widely used in selves but to foreign mining giants. posit has some of the richest ore bod- construction, telecommunications, Now, is that the kind of wise invest- ies. Copper, gold, silver, molybdenum, electricity, and transportation. Copper ment that we need? I do not think so. and other rare metals will be mined is also extremely conductive, which I think that we need some new jobs, here. It’s one of the richest deposits of makes it very important in power gen- but they should be real jobs. They ore not only in North America but eration and utility transmission. should be here. probably in this world. That’s why Res- Our actual desire and demand for Much of the work that’s going to be olution Copper has maintained 8 years, copper is just going to continue to go done in this mining is going to be done 9 years, 10 years of trying to get this up. That’s why we’ve actually started by robots. So there will be full employ- bill done, because they know how rich to import close to 30 percent of our ment for R2–D2 and for the trans- this deposit is. copper from foreign countries. Now, if formers; but the total number of jobs So at what price do we pay for this we actually open up this mine and here, very speculative and very expen- economic boom? allow this land swap to happen, this sive per job created. That’s the real Mr. Chairman, I will tell you of the project alone could provide us with question here because I think many differences I have with the sponsor of enough copper to meet 25 percent of human beings are just going to remain this bill. But, first, I have to thank current U.S. demand. By taking advan- unemployed under this plan. him because Representative GOSAR tage of American sources of copper, we And since it’s a multinational that reached out very early, and we talked can prevent supply disruptions and de- gets the benefits, there will be plenty about this particular bill. He has im- crease our dependence on foreign im- of accountants and lawyers in London proved the bill I sponsored, but I feel ports. Most importantly, Mr. Chair- and Melbourne, all around the world, that he has not gone far enough. man, this bill will create thousands of that will be employed, but in America, This bill would be highly improved if American jobs in a responsible manner not so many. And those that are there, the amendment offered today that at no cost to the taxpayer. very expensive, especially since the per gives an 8 percent royalty fee on the I urge my colleagues to support this capita cost is very, very high. extraction of the ore would be adopted, bill. Now, why do we know that? Well, we making the bill more fair to the Amer- Mr. GRIJALVA. There is a cost to know it because Rio Tinto and BHP- ican public. If that amendment is the taxpayer, Mr. Chairman. I would Billiton stand to pocket an enormous adopted, obviously, it will be very dif- consider the fact that this very valu- amount of money, billions of dollars, ficult to oppose this bill; but if the able mineral is being extracted without off of this deal. amendment is not adopted, then, Mr. any royalties and without any pay- So if you count the chauffeurs, if you Chairman, the American public will be ment a cost to the American taxpayer. count the food service workers in the The issue about NEPA is not seman- paying too high a price for the eco- executive dining rooms of these compa- tics. NEPA and other environmental nomic development of the Copper Tri- nies, well, you can see where there will processes should occur before the land angle. The only enrichment will be for be some jobs that are created if you’re trade, not after. After the land trade, it those copper companies that are for- adding it up that way. will be very difficult for compliance to eign based. But the truth is, this is a windfall, a happen. As a consequence, this land Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. windfall, which is why I am going to will be in the hands of a foreign-owned Chairman, I am pleased to yield 21⁄2 make an amendment to charge a rea- company, and it will be private prop- minutes to the gentleman from Ari- sonable royalty for the privilege of erty. zona (Mr. QUAYLE), who also has been mining this copper on public lands in With that, I yield such time as he very tenacious on this issue. the United States. And when the ma- may consume to the ranking member Mr. QUAYLE. I thank the gentleman jority votes ‘‘no’’ on that, when the Re- of the Natural Resources Committee, for yielding. publicans say, no, we don’t want a roy- the gentleman from Massachusetts Mr. Chairman, I rise today in strong alty payment that can actually be col- (Mr. MARKEY). support of H.R. 1904, a bill authored by lected by the American people, we’ll Mr. MARKEY. I thank the gentleman my good friend and fellow Arizonan, see what the real aim of this is, which from Arizona for yielding. Congressman GOSAR, that will create Mr. Chairman, the New Deal was a is to privatize this resource for multi- thousands of jobs in Arizona. jobs plan. President Obama has put for- national corporations without giving I want to commend Chairman HAS- ward a jobs plan. the full benefit to the American tax- TINGS for his work on this and for H.R. 1904 is not a jobs plan. H.R. 1904 payer for the copper which is mined. bringing it to the floor today. is a massive payout to multinational Mr. GRIJALVA and Mr. GARAMENDI What we see right now is a jobs crisis mining giants that are wearing a jobs will offer an amendment to require that we have in America. We need to be plan as a disguise. That disguise is slip- local hiring and local ore processing able to unleash the ingenuity of our job ping. Real jobs are about making wise and Make It in America, make it here creators. We also have to make sure investments in businesses and tech- and have Americans working here that we’re not putting up barriers for nologies that put Americans to work. doing this work, people from Arizona people to actually start companies, ex- This bill just gives billions of dollars in itself. That’s the real debate that we’re pand companies and hire new workers. copper to foreign mining companies for going to have. ´ H.R. 1904 will have broad economic free. In conclusion, Mr. LUJAN as well will impacts, not only for Arizona but for offer an amendment to protect Native the country as a whole, because it will b 1350 American sacred sites from being de- create 3,700 jobs equaling nearly $220.5 Let’s do the math. Estimates vary on stroyed by this bill. And when that is million in annual wages. These are the value of the copper from $2 billion defeated as well by the majority, it will

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.051 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 be painfully clear just how far they are Whereas, the block cave mining method to Whereas, H.R. 1904 would require Congress willing to go to enrich these foreign be employed at Oak Flat will also cause the to lift the decades old ban against mining corporations. collapse of the surface of the earth and en- within the 760 acres of the Oak Flat With- This should not be a Filene’s Base- danger the historic terrain at Apache Leap, drawal which was expressly set aside from ment sale. This should not be a fire Oak Flat, and Gaan Canyon, as well as in the mining by President Eisenhower in 1955 due surrounding countryside; and to the lands value for recreation and other sale giving away American valuable Whereas, the mining activity would de- important purposes; and copper resources to multinationals. We plete and contaminate water resources from Whereas, the mining proposed for Oak Flat should be able to put a price tag on nearby watersheds and aquifers leaving in its will destroy the religious, cultural and tradi- what the American people are getting wake long term and in some cases, perma- tional integrity of Oak Flat for American In- from this bargain basement sale, this nent religious, cultural and environmental dian tribes affiliated with the area, and it giveaway, without proper compensa- damage; and will cause serious and highly damaging envi- tion given to the American taxpayer. Whereas, although we are not opposed to ronmental consequences to the water, wild- mining in general, this form of mining and life, plants, and other natural ecosystems of That’s what this bill and the debate the area; and is going to be all about. It’s whether or mining in this location does not make sense, is offensive to us, and would pose a danger to Whereas, the block cave mining method to not, in fact, there is corporate profit- many important values of this region; and be employed at Oak Flat will also cause the eering at taxpayer expense, plain and Whereas, the National Congress of Amer- collapse of the surface of the earth and en- simple, which is at the heart of this ican Indians has adopted resolutions in the danger the historic terrain at Apache Leap, bill. History will record that when the past opposing this mining project at Oak Oak Flat, and Gaan Canyon, as well as in the public cried out for a jobs plan to put Flat and the land exchange to be facilitated surrounding country side; and by H.R. 1904; and Whereas, the mining activity would de- Americans back to work, what was put plete and contaminate water resources from together was a retirement plan for ex- Whereas, the Inter Tribal Council of Ari- zona, Inc. has adopted resolutions in the past nearby watersheds and aquifers leaving in its ecutives at Rio Tinto and BHP-Billiton wake long term and in some cases, perma- that did not, in fact, get a return on in- opposing this mining project at Oak Flat and land exchange, and most recently adopted nent religious, cultural and environmental vestment for the American taxpayers. Resolution 0311 on May 20, 2011, opposing H.R damage; and Whereas, although we are not opposed to THE NATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICAN 1904; and mining in general, this form of mining and INDIANS RESOLUTION #MKE–11–0XX Whereas, the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the mining in this location does not make sense, TITLE: OPPOSITION TO H.R. 1904, PROPOSING A Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, the White is offensive to us, and would pose a danger to LAND EXCHANGE IN SOUTHEASTERN ARIZONA Mountain Apache Tribe, and other Tribes many important values of this region; and FOR THE PURPOSE OF MINING OPERATIONS have opposed this land exchange due to the Whereas, the Inter Tribal Council of Ari- Whereas, we, the members of the National environmental consequences to the land in zona has adopted resolutions in the past op- Congress of American Indians of the United the proposed mining area, as well as the posing this mining project at Oak Flat and States, invoking the divine blessing of the harm to religious, cultural, archeological, the land exchange to be facilitated by H.R. Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in and historic resources from the proposed 1904; and order to preserve for ourselves and our de- mining by the huge foreign mining compa- Whereas, the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the scendants the inherent sovereign rights of nies; and now therefore, be it Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, the White our Indian nations, rights secured under In- Resolved, that the National Congress of Mountain Apache Tribe, and other Tribes dian treaties and agreements with the American Indians oppose H.R. 1904, providing have opposed this land exchange due to the United States, and all other rights and bene- for a land exchange in southeastern Arizona environmental consequences to the land in fits to which we are entitled under the laws for the purpose of mining by Resolution Cop- the proposed mining area, as well as the and Constitution of the United States, to en- per; and be it further harm to religious, cultural, archeological, lighten the public toward a better under- Resolved, that this resolution shall be the and historic resources from the proposed standing of the Indian people, to preserve In- policy of NCAI until it is withdrawn or modi- mining by the huge foreign mining compa- dian cultural values, and otherwise promote fied by subsequent resolution. nies; and now therefore be it the health, safety and welfare of the Indian Resolved, that the member Tribes of ITCA people, do hereby establish and submit the INTER TRIBAL COUNCIL OF ARIZONA oppose H.R. 1904, providing for a land ex- following resolution, and RESOLUTION 0311 change in southeastern Arizona for the pur- Whereas, the National Congress of Amer- IN OPPOSITION TO H.R. 1904, PROPOSING A LAND pose of mining by Resolution Copper; and be ican Indians (NCAI) was established in 1944 EXCHANGE IN SOUTHEASTERN ARIZONA FOR it finally and is the oldest and largest national organi- THE PURPOSE OF MINING OPERATIONS Resolved, that the ITCA inform all appro- zation of American Indian and Alaska Native Whereas, the Inter Tribal Council of Ari- priate Congressional Committees, the Ari- tribal governments; and zona Delegation, and all appropriate state Whereas, H.R. 1904, entitled ‘‘Southeast Ar- zona (ITCA), an organization of twenty trib- and federal agencies of and the reasons for izona Land Exchange and Conservation Act al governments in Arizona, provides a forum this position. of 2011,’’ was introduced by Arizona District for tribal governments to advocate for na- 1 Congressman, Paul Gosar, on May 13, 2011, tional, regional and specific tribal concerns CERTIFICATION to approve a federal land exchange to trans- and to join in united action to address those The foregoing resolution was presented and fer to the ownership of Resolution Copper, a concerns; and duly adopted at a meeting of the Inter Tribal joint venture of two foreign mining compa- Whereas, the member Tribes of the Inter Council of Arizona on May 20, 2011, where a nies, Rio Tinto, PLC and BHP Billiton, Ltd., Tribal Council of Arizona have the authority quorum was present. over 2,400 acres of federal lands located with- to act to further their collective interests as SHAN LEWIS, in the Tonto National Forest for purposes of sovereign tribal governments; and Vice-Chairman, Fort Mojave Tribe an unprecedented block cave copper mine; Whereas, the member Tribes of the ITCA President, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona. and have the charge to support the sovereign Whereas, the federal lands which are pro- right of Indian nations, tribes, and commu- EIGHT NORTHERN INDIAN PUEBLOS COUNCIL posed to be exchanged, which are generally nities on matters directly affecting them INC. RESOLUTION NO. 11–10–15 known as Oak Flat, are within the ancestral upon their request; and IN OPPOSITION TO H.R. 1904, PROPOSING A LAND lands of certain Arizona Indian tribes, and Whereas, H.R. 1904, entitled ‘‘Southeast Ar- EXCHANGE IN SOUTHEASTERN ARIZONA FOR these land’s are of unique religious, cultural, izona Land Exchange and Conservation Act THE PURPOSE OF MINING OPERATIONS traditional, and archeological significance to of 2011’’, was introduced by District 1 Con- Whereas, the Eight Northern Indian Pueb- American Indian tribes in this region; and gressman, PAUL GOSAR, on May 13, 2011, to los Council Inc. (ENIPC, Inc.), believes in Whereas, H R. 1904 would require Congress approve a federal land exchange to transfer supporting the sovereign rights of Indian na- to lift the decades old ban against mining to the ownership of Resolution Copper, a tions, tribes, and communities on matters within the 760 acres of the Oak Flat With- joint venture of two foreign mining compa- affecting them upon request; and drawal which was expressly set aside from nies, Rio Tinto, PLC and BHP Billiton, Ltd., Whereas, traditional tribal life is rooted in mining by President Eisenhower in 1955 due over 2,400 acres of federal lands located with- a deep and personal understanding of the to the land’s value for recreation and other in the Tonto National Forest for purposes of natural world and the forces that govern it; important purposes; and an unprecedented block cave copper mine; the source of tribal health, happiness, Whereas, the mining proposed for Oak Flat and strength, and balance is the natural world, will destroy the religious, cultural and tradi- Whereas, the federal lands which are pro- making our relationship with the natural tional integrity of Oak Flat for American In- posed to be exchanged, which are generally world sacred; and dian tribes affiliated with the area, and it known as Oak Flat, are within the ancestral Whereas, H.R. 1904, entitled ‘‘Southeast Ar- will cause serious and highly damaging envi- lands of certain Arizona Indian tribes, and izona Land Exchange and Conservation Act ronmental consequences to the water, wild- these lands are of unique religious, cultural, of 2011,’’ would approve a federal land ex- life, plants, and other natural ecosystems of traditional, and archeological significance to change to transfer to the ownership of Reso- the area; and American Indian tribes in this region; and lution Copper over 2,400 acres of federal lands

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.041 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7095 located within the Tonto National Forest for Pueblo of Pojoaque. oppose H.R. 1904: Southeast Arizona Land purposes of an unprecedented block cave cop- GOVERNOR ERNEST Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011; and per mine; and MIRABAL, be it further Whereas, the federal lands which are pro- Pueblo of Nambe. Resolved, that the AIPC will inform all ap- posed to be exchanged, which arc generally GOVERNOR WALTER propriate Congressional Committees, the known as Oak Flat, are within the ancestral DASHENO, New Mexico Delegation, and all appropriate lands of certain Indian tribes, and these Pueblo of Santa Clara. federal agencies of and the reasons for this lands are of unique religious, cultural, tradi- Attest: position; be it finally tional, and archeological significance to ROB CORABI, Resolved, that the officers of AIPC are ex- American Indian tribes in this region; and Interim Executive Di- pressly authorized to take any and all steps Whereas, H.R. 1904 would require Congress rector, Eight North- necessary to effectuate the intent of this to lift the decades old ban against mining ern Indian Pueblos Resolution immediately. within the 760 acres of the Oak Flat With- Council, Inc. CERTIFICATION drawal which was expressly set aside from I, Chairman Sanchez of the All Indian mining by President Eisenhower in 1955 due ALL INDIAN PUEBLO COUNCIL RESOLUTION Pueblo Council, hereby certify that the fore- to the land’s value for recreation and other 2011–08 going resolution 2011–08 was considered and important purposes; and IN OPPOSITION TO H.R. 1904, PROPOSING A LAND adopted at a duly called council meeting Whereas, the mining proposed for Oak Flat EXCHANGE IN SOUTHEASTERN ARIZONA FOR held on the 17th day of August 2011, and at will destroy the religious, cultural and tradi- THE PURPOSE OF MINING OPERATIONS which time a quorum as present and the tional integrity of Oak Flat for American In- Whereas, the All Indian Pueblo Council same as approved by a vote of 16 in favor, 0 dian tribes affiliated with the area, and it (‘‘AIPC’’) is comprised of the Pueblos of opposed, 0 abstained and 4 absent. will cause serious and highly damaging envi- Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Laguna, Jemez, CHANDLER SANCHEZ, ronmental consequences to the water, wild- Santa Ana, Sandia, San Felipe, Santo Do- Chairman. life, plants, and other natural ecosystems of mingo, Zia, Zuni, Nambe, Picuris, Pojoaque, Attest: the area; and Santa Clara, San Ildefonso, Ohkay Owingeh, LEROY ARQUERO, Whereas, the block cave mining method to Tesuque, Taos and 1 Sovereign Pueblo, Secretary/Treasurer. be employed at Oat Flat will also cause the Ysleta Del Sur, located in the State of Texas Pueblo of Acoma, Gov. Vicente; Pueblo collapse of the surface of the earth and en- and each possessing inherent government au- of Isleta, Gov. Lujan; Pueblo of La- danger the religious and historic terrain at thority and sovereignty over their lands; and guna, Gov. Luarkie; Ohkay Owingeh, Apache Leap, Oak Flat, and Gaan Canyon, as Whereas, the member Tribes of AIPC have Gov. Lovato; Pueblo of Pojoaque, Gov. well as in the surrounding countryside; and the charge to support the sovereign right of Rivera; Pueblo of San Ildefonso, Gov. Whereas, the mining activity would de- Indian nations, tribes, and communities on Martinez; Pueblo of Santa Ana, Gov. plete and contaminate water resources from matters affecting them upon request; and Montoya; Pueblo of Santo Domingo; nearby watersheds and aquifers leaving in its Whereas, H.R. 1904, entitled ‘‘Southeast Ar- Pueblo of Tesuque; Pueblo of Zia; wake long term and in some cases, perma- izona Land Exchange and Conservation Act Pueblo of Cochiti, Gov. Pecon; Pueblo nent religious, cultural and environment of 2011’’, would approve a federal land ex- of Jemez, Gov. Toledo Jr.; Pueblo of damage; and change to transfer to the ownership of Reso- Nambe, Gov. Mirabal; Pueblo of Whereas, the National Congress of Amer- lution Copper over 2,400 acres of federal lands Picuris, Gov. Nailor; Pueblo of San ican Indians, the Inter Tribal Council of Ari- located within the Tonto National Forest for Felipe, Gov. Sandoval; Pueblo of zona, the United South and Eastern Tribes, purposes of an unprecedented block cave cop- Sandia, Gov. Montoya; Pueblo of Santa the San Carlos Apache Tribe, and other Ari- per mine; and Clara; Pueblo of Taos; Pueblo of Ysleta zona and New Mexico Tribes have opposed Whereas, the federal lands which are pro- del Sur; Pueblo of Zuni. this land exchange due to the harm to reli- posed to be exchanged, which are generally gious, cultural, archeological, and historic Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. known as Oak Flat, are within the ancestral resources, as well as the environmental con- Chairman, I am pleased to yield 2 min- lands of certain Arizona Indian tribes, and sequences to the land from the proposed min- utes to another gentleman from Ari- these lands are of unique religious, cultural, ing activities; and now, therefore, be it traditional, and archeological significance to zona, somebody else who has been in- Resolved, that the Eight Northern Indian American Indian tribes in this region; and volved in this issue for some time, Mr. Pueblo Council, Inc.’s Board of Governors Whereas, H.R. 1904 would require Congress FRANKS. firmly commit their support to oppose H.R. to lift the decades old ban against mining Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. I certainly 1904: Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and within the 760 acres of the Oak Flat With- Conservation Act of 2011; be it further thank the distinguished chairman for drawal which was expressly set aside from Resolved, that the ENIPC Board of Gov- yielding. mining by President Eisenhower in 1955 due ernors will inform all appropriate Congres- Mr. Chairman, first let me just con- to the lands value for recreation and other sional Committees, the New Mexico Delega- gratulate Mr. GOSAR on the introduc- important purposes; and tion, and all appropriate federal agencies of Whereas, the mining proposed for Oak Flat tion and passage of this legislation. He and the reasons for this position; be it fi- will destroy the religious, cultural and tradi- has done an amazing job in helping this nally tional integrity of Oak Flat for American In- legislation get to where it is now, and Resolved, that the Tribal Council is ex- dian tribes affiliated with the area, and it I have every confidence that he will see pressly authorized to take any and all ac- will cause serious and highly damaging envi- tions necessary to accomplish the intent of it through to the end. ronmental consequences to the water, wild- this Resolution. Mr. Chairman, according to a United life, plants, and other natural ecosystems of States Geological Survey report, the CERTIFICATION the area; and United States currently imports over We hereby certify that Resolution No. 11– Whereas, the block cave mining method to 10–15 was considered and adopted at an Eight be employed at Oak Flat will also cause the 30 percent of the country’s copper de- Northern Indian Pueblos Council, Inc., Board collapse of the surface of the earth and en- mand. And in 2010 alone, domestic cop- of Governors meeting held on October 18, danger the religious and historic terrain at per production decreased by another 5 2011, and that a quorum was present and that Apache Leap, Oak Flat, and Gaan Canyon, as percent; it decreased by another 5 per- the vote was 6 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 ab- well as in the surrounding country side; and cent. stained and 2 absent. Whereas, the mining activity would de- And just as relying on foreign oil im- Signed this 18th day of October 2011 plete and contaminate water resources from ports threatens national security, rely- GOVERNOR PERRY nearby watersheds and aquifers leaving in its ing on foreign copper suppliers also MARTINEZ, wake long term and in some cases, perma- threatens U.S. industry. We must use Chairman, Pueblo de nent religious, cultural and environmental San Ildefonso. damage; and domestic resources to meet that grow- GOVERNOR MARK Whereas, the National Congress of Amer- ing demand; and this legislation is a MITCHELL, ican Indians, the Inter Tribal Council of Ari- major step in the right direction, pro- Pueblo of Tesuque. zona, the United South and Eastern Tribes, ducing enough copper to meet as much GOVERNOR GERALD NAILOR, the San Carlos Apache Tribe, and other Ari- as 25 percent of America’s current de- Pueblo of Picuris. zona and New Mexico Tribes have opposed mand. GOVERNOR NELSON J. this land exchange due to the harm to reli- The Southeast Arizona Land Ex- CORDOVA, gious, cultural, archeological, and historic change and Conservation Act would Pueblo of Taos. resources, as well as the environmental con- GOVERNOR RON LOVATO, sequences to the land from the proposed min- open up the third largest undeveloped Vice Chairman, Ohkay ing activities; and now therefore be it copper resource in the world, creating Owingeh. Resolved, the All Indian Pueblo Council new American jobs, reducing our de- GOVERNOR GEORGE RIVERA, Governors firmly commit their support to pendence on foreign sources of energy

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.011 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 and minerals, and generating tens of b 1400 ing jobs and developing our Nation’s billions of dollars in revenue. In the language of the bill, there are resources, as this bill does in a way Now, in the midst of a prolonged re- certain provisions that make it impos- that is both environmentally respon- cession, Mr. Chairman, that has hit Ar- sible for the United States Government sible and culturally respectful. izona very hard, we really cannot af- to go back and do a reappraisal, so I urge passage of this bill. Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, may I ford not to pass this legislation be- we’re left with a bad financial deal. inquire how much time remains? cause it so uniformly benefits our labor I’m all for the copper mining. It has The Acting CHAIR (Mr. LATOU- force, our State and local governments to be done properly, and environmental and conservationists who would benefit RETTE). The gentleman from Arizona views and all that. That’s not the issue has 8 minutes and the gentleman from from much of the high-value land ex- for me. The issue for me is let’s make Washington has 131⁄2 minutes. change in opening this land to mining. sure the American public gets the right I would just encourage my colleagues Mr. GRIJALVA. Let me, if I may, value out of this, and there’s only one to vote in favor of this bill. It’s time yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from way to do it. That is as the ore is ex- that America begins to produce our Minnesota (Mr. ELLISON). tracted. It then has a known quantity own energy and our own minerals and Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Chairman, I’m and a known value, and a royalty on to get back on track to being the afraid that this bill is another example greatest Nation in the history of the the ore extracted, that is the mate- of the majority having no real jobs world. rial—copper, gold, and other mate- agenda. The Republicans are claiming Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, the rials—is then known. And if you simply that this bill will create jobs in Ari- claim is that this legislation is going put a royalty on it, then the American zona. And, of course, our whole country to boost the U.S. economy tremen- people will get its fair share of its prop- wants more jobs anywhere we can get dously, but the copper will likely ben- erty. them. But the truth is no one really efit China more than the United This property doesn’t belong to Rio knows the exact economic impact of States. Tinto or BHP Billiton; this property this mine. Nine percent of Rio Tinto is owned belongs to us, Americans. The only jobs number that we have by the state-controlled Aluminum Cor- The CHAIR. The time of the gen- to go on are those provided by Rio poration of China. Rio Tinto has a tleman has expired. Tinto, the foreign parent company of long-established relationship and at Mr. GRIJALVA. I yield the gen- Resolution Copper. When this proposal our hearings refused to disclaim what tleman an additional minute. was first developed in 2005, it was re- level of exportation they were going to Mr. GARAMENDI. It belongs to us, ported that the mine would create make to China of this copper ore. Americans, and we ought to be getting about 450 jobs. Without any expla- At a time when we should focus on our full value. nation, no data, no analysis, the esti- U.S. industry supporting that industry, This is not an obscure or new provi- mates have skyrocketed to over 1,200 creating jobs here in America, we sion. This is the standard procedure. jobs or even 6,000 jobs. That sounds en- should not be trading away billions in We actually use it for oil extraction, ticing, particularly to a country where copper to supply China’s needs. This except in deep water. It is something we have 10 percent, 9 percent unem- bill doesn’t even require that the ore that really will give us the value. ployment. But without any data to extracted from this mine be processed Secondly, and I’ll make this very, support it, it just seems like specula- here, much less that it will be mar- very short, the equipment used ought tion. You could just say it’s going to keted or sold here. to be American made. There’s going to create a gazillion jobs. Why not? Any- With that, let me yield 3 minutes to be a lot of equipment, a lot of different thing to get the deal. the gentleman from California, a mem- equipment and material used; let’s There’s no way to know because the ber of the Resources Committee, Mr. make that American-made. That’s an numbers are not supported by a mining GARAMENDI. amendment that will come later. But plan of operations or impartial eco- Mr. GARAMENDI. Thank you, Mr. right now, deal with the royalty issues nomic documentation of any kind. This GRIJALVA, and thank you very much so that us Americans, all of us, 300 mil- bill is an affront to the National Envi- for our friends from Arizona. lion, will get our share of the extraor- ronmental Policy Act. Under this legis- Let me just tell you, my family has dinary value that this mine will lation, by the time any environmental been in mining since the 1860s, gold produce. review or accurate job figures are mining, which isn’t working too well in Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. available, the land will already be in California right now. And I am not at Chairman, I am pleased to yield 2 min- private hands. In fact, there is no job all opposed to mining copper in Ari- utes to the gentleman from Michigan requirement in the bill. There is no job zona, although there are issues, local, (Mr. BENISHEK), a member of the Nat- requirement in the bill despite the to be dealt with; and I will let that go ural Resources Committee whose dis- vaunted promises of 6,000 jobs. This bill to another individual. I was deputy trict has a long mining history. doesn’t include any local jobs require- Secretary of the Department of the In- Mr. BENISHEK. I thank the gen- ment from the mining company. terior and had the opportunity to deal tleman for yielding. At a time when the whole country is with appraisals and land transfers. Mr. Chairman, I came to the floor to looking to Congress to create much- This bill, as structured, is a bad deal speak in favor of this bill because needed jobs, and we really are vulner- for American taxpayers and for Ameri- frankly, I find it hard to believe what able to any promises of jobs, our col- cans. It basically is an enormous give- I’m hearing from those arguing against leagues across the aisle should be fo- away of extraordinary value to these it. cusing on creating jobs in America, not two companies. As has been mentioned Does anyone honestly believe that just large, vaunted promises that real- by our colleagues from Arizona who are passing this bill will create jobs only ly have no background or substan- in support of the bill, this is one of the for an army of robots? Are you kidding tiation. Our colleagues across the aisle biggest deposits of copper and other me? Robots? According to one study, are spending time in this House to cre- minerals in the United States and this bill may create as many as 3,000 ate a special interest carve-out for a quite possibly among the biggest in the real jobs for humans. giant, multinational corporation. It’s, world. Mr. Chairman, my district in north- by the way, owned by people outside What is its value? The mechanism ern Michigan is a long way from Ari- the United States. that’s used to determine the value of zona, but we, too, have a rich history of Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. the trade is called a capitalization ap- copper mining. Today, people need cop- Chairman, I am pleased to yield 2 min- praisal, which has to assume the cost, per in their daily lives, and the grow- utes to another gentleman from Ari- has to make assumptions on the ex- ing demand means we need more zona who has been a longtime sup- traction, the cost of extraction, and mines, creating more jobs in Arizona porter of this project, Mr. FLAKE. the amount of ore to be obtained. and Michigan. My own father was a Mr. FLAKE. I thank the gentleman There is no way in the appraisal miner. for yielding. process that that can be done with any Congress needs to demonstrate to the You know, listening to the debate, accuracy at all. American people that it supports min- you wonder what bill we’re debating

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.052 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7097 here. The opposition seems to be talk- aspects of this and the other costs as- Every day in my district in New Mex- ing about something completely dif- sociated, have concluded that the cost ico, people ask: What’s gone wrong ferent. We heard under the rule debate to the taxpayer is effectively zero. Now with the American economy? yesterday and some of the debate today that’s the official agency that we go What’s gone wrong with the Amer- that this won’t create any jobs in Ari- by, so when we hear that there’s a ican economy is that the Federal Gov- zona, that somehow these jobs will go whole bunch of costs associated with ernment spends $3.6 trillion a year and to robots. I mean, come on, this isn’t that to the taxpayer, it’s simply not so. it brings in $2.1 trillion a year. the Jetsons doing this. I have no idea What is even more ironic, Mr. Chair- So they ask then: Why are the reve- what’s being talked about here. man, when they make that argument, nues to the government down? I said: Let me give you a couple of examples they ignore the fact that jobs that will Well, because jobs are down. of those who are employed currently. be created here get paid wages. Those They want to know why jobs are There are 500 people currently em- wages then will be subjected to tax down. And I can point to the resistance ployed by Resolution on the mine, 500, policies of the Federal Government to to this bill and explain why jobs are and 90 percent of them are Arizonans. where the Federal Government actu- down. So 90 percent of the 500 right now. ally gets more revenue. But that is ig- This is a very commonsense bill. It There are an estimated 1,400 jobs di- nored, it seems like all the time, when says we’re going to take almost twice rectly related to the mine or directly we hear the other side argue on this as much land and exchange it to a pri- in the mine, and some 3,700 beyond issue. vate company, from a private com- pany, would give them half as much that, ancillary jobs, would come as a b 1410 result of the mine. land and let them have a copper mine Albo Guzman, he’s a local Superior Let me talk about the issue of NEPA there. The Americans are currently im- Trading contractor. He has several because that has been bandied around a porting about 32 percent of all the cop- local employees working for him on few times. The NEPA laws of our coun- per that we use. This one mine, if the this project. He is a person, not a try are not changed at all by the pas- resistance were dropped and were put robot. sage of this bill, but what we do is we into operation, would provide 25 per- Jeff Domlin, a Globe-based con- put logic to the process. cent of the domestic copper demand for tractor whose company is doing much Mr. Chairman, as you know very the next 50 years. of the reclamation work on the project. well, our great government was de- Why would we be contesting this? Elizabeth Magallanez, she’s a long- signed to have a dispersion of power. I’ve heard my friend on the other side time resident. We sit in the legislative branch and we of the aisle say it’s because there are Melissa Rabago, she was actually make the policy of this country, and robots working in the mine. The mines born in the hospital that was run by the executive branch carries out that I go in—and I will guarantee you this the company on the previous mine that policy. It’s been that way since our Re- mine is going to be conducted with en- her father worked on, the Magma public was founded. All we are saying gineers, with mechanics. It’s going to project. That company hospital now is that when Congress directs an ac- be conducted with blue-collar labor serves as project headquarters. Two of tion—in this case, an action of a land down the hole working in the mine. her sons work for a Resolution con- exchange—it shall not be subject to They’ve got better machinery than tractor. NEPA because we are exercising our they did a hundred years ago. They’re Mike Alvarez, third generation from authority under the Constitution to di- not there working with pick and shov- Superior, works as a map technician. rect policy. Why should a NEPA policy el. But these are real jobs—1,200 to These are all real people, not robots. be used to slow down a direction that 15,000 jobs long term, and 2,000 to 3,000 You didn’t here me say C3PO or any- Congress has given? So that’s the only construction jobs. It’s a $4 billion in- thing like that. So the arguments that part of the NEPA policy that we are af- crease in our economy and we can’t get we hear coming out of the opposition fecting in this bill. agreement. on this are just complete nonsense Now, I want to say this very explic- This town talks so much about jobs about this not creating jobs. itly. Under this bill, all NEPA laws as on both sides of the aisle, and we hear And this talk about royalties; if we to the construction and the carrying the President moving around the coun- want to go in and change the Mining on of this mine will be subject to NEPA try. I haven’t heard the President once Act of 1872, let’s do it. I’ll be there. A laws. And nothing is changed. Nothing come out and say: At least free up lot of us have argued for that. But this is changed. So when people throw these 1,200 jobs. I will sign this jobs is not the place to address the Mining around NEPA as one reason why we package. Instead, he wants to raise Act of 1872. Let’s address that when it shouldn’t adopt this, that is simply a taxes to increase jobs. That’s his idea. should be addressed, and let’s address bogus argument. This is a private investment in a pri- the facts at hands. The facts are these: Finally, I just want to make one vate land where they create a lot of Jobs will be created. This is a great more point here about this being a long-term jobs. More than that, they bill. Let’s pass it. giveaway. In fact, there are some of my make it self-sufficient. Mr. GRIJALVA. I thank my friend persuasion that may have a bit of Now, the price of copper is almost Mr. FLAKE. heartburn with this because, as a mat- four times what it was 10 years ago. And you’re right; this isn’t the ter of fact, we are giving the Federal The most recent report is that people Jetsons doing this. I probably would Government more land than we are ex- are stealing copper bells off of churches feel a lot more comfortable if that were changing for private development of and cutting them up and selling them. the case. this copper land. Copper is in that great a demand and Given the time we have left, I will re- Mr. Chairman, I know you’ve heard we still find resistance from our friends serve the balance of my time. the arguments over this in the time on the other side of the aisle for cre- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. you and I have been here, and yet this ating these jobs, and no one in the Chairman, I have another speaker com- is something that I think is worthy of American public seems to understand ing to the floor; so I will yield myself support because we do want to make why. such time as I may consume. sure that those lands are protected in a What is this about? It’s about agenda We have heard some curious argu- way. So to suggest that there’s a give- politics. It’s about saying that we’re ments on the other side, as my col- away here is simply not the case be- not going to let any development of re- leagues on this side have pointed out a cause the exchange is of equal value. sources go in the West. The West has few times, but let me just talk about a With that, Mr. Chairman, I am very had its timber jobs choked off. It’s had couple of them where there’s a charge pleased to yield 3 minutes to a former its mining jobs choked off. It has re- that this will cost the taxpayers. member of the Natural Resources Com- sistance to the oil and gas jobs, and We measure what the costs are to the mittee, the gentleman from New Mex- there are people who are trying to shut taxpayers of this country by the Con- ico (Mr. PEARCE). that industry down. They’re trying to gressional Budget Office, the CBO. And Mr. PEARCE. I thank the gentleman shut the coal mining jobs down. The CBO, in looking at the land exchange from Washington for yielding. West is starving for jobs. In fact, we in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.044 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 the Western Caucus have recently put Mr. SCHWEIKERT. The last thing I friend, Mr. GOSAR, from Arizona. They out a report highlighting all of the want to say is my good friend Con- are not the same, none of those. The many ways we can create jobs now, gressman GOSAR from northern Ari- one major difference is that, with the called the ‘‘Jobs Frontier.’’ I would zona, and actually from all over Ari- exception of the legislation before us, recommend people go to it. This is one zona, is deserving of a gigantic thank the NEPA process, the ESI, the con- of the bills in the ‘‘Jobs Frontier.’’ you here. To be a freshman Congress- sultation all occurred before the land I heartily recommend that we pass man and to step into this body to deal exchange, not after. Once we do that H.R. 1904. with what ultimately is sometimes a process, if something comes up that Mr. GRIJALVA. I yield myself such cantankerous issue but incredibly im- needs compliance and mitigation, it be- time as I may consume. portant to the Nation and the South- comes subject to the private property As I indicated, much of the opposi- west and to those of us that live in and owner—a foreign company that will tion to this legislation is coming from love Arizona, this is important. This is now have this public land—to deal with Indian country. All the pueblos in New a lot of jobs, a lot of economic growth. that question, serious compliance Mexico have opposed this legislation. Congressman GOSAR gets a lot of credit issues, and legal issues. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona is for getting it this far. The other point is the water. Twelve opposed to this legislation. Twenty-six years have already been banked of the tribes from across the country, includ- b 1420 20 that the mine would need in order to ing Texas, have opposed this legisla- Mr. GRIJALVA. May I inquire, Mr. operate. The point being, and pro- tion. They see an impact on sacred Chairman, how much time each side tecting oak flats and other important sites, history, and culture that has not has? been factored into this discussion, nor areas of the water supply for the re- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman gion, that seems like a significant have native peoples, particularly those from Arizona has 3 minutes, and the affected nearby in San Carlos. Apaches number. But to bank water for this gentleman from Washington has 5 min- project on the outskirts of Phoenix have been allowed to run what is im- utes. portant, which is the government-to- does nothing to mitigate the potential Mr. GRIJALVA. I continue to reserve usage of water, the potential drain of government consultation. the balance of my time. Just a point. The chairman, my water in those three aquifers in that Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. friend from the Natural Resources region, and the effect that it would Chairman, I am pleased to yield 1 Committee, mentioned the CBO score have. NEPA would tell us what that ef- minute to the sponsor of this legisla- for this bill. There are also two points fect would be. A full study would tell to make. The CBO says this bill could tion, again, somebody who has been ab- us what effect it is. But we’re not hav- cost the taxpayers up to $5 billion over solutely tenacious on this issue, the ing that done. So the consequence is 10 years. This cost is not offset. CBO gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GOSAR). that we’re working on supposition, and says the payments to government Mr. GOSAR. I thank the chairman I think supposition on this major land could be significant, but the bill’s pro- for yielding. exchange is a huge mistake. We cannot visions don’t allow CBO to score them My legislation shows you can protect afford unintended consequences with accurately. the land and the water and have a this land deal. A straight royalty, for sure, would strong economy with good jobs. And a full and open process. If we have certainty and would return what The land exchange will bring into would have done that at the initiation was needed. Federal stewardship 5,500 acres of high- with the Renzi bill almost 8 years ago, I reserve the balance of my time. priority conservation lands in ex- we would be through that process Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I change for the third largest undevel- many, many years ago; and we would would just respond that CBO also said oped copper deposit in the world. I’d be perhaps talking about a differently in their scoring that it’s so insignifi- like to speak about one in particular. crafted piece of legislation. We aren’t cant, it’s hard to measure. The 7B Ranch, located in Pinal Coun- doing that. With that, Mr. Chairman, I am ty, Arizona, is 3,073 acres designated by And the last thing is, there is some- pleased to yield 1 minute to the gen- the Nature Conservancy as one of the thing sacred and spiritual about this as tleman from Arizona (Mr. last great places on Earth. And the well. Native people are not just com- SCHWEIKERT). Forest Service testified that this prop- plaining because they want to com- Mr. SCHWEIKERT. Mr. Chairman, erty was ‘‘priceless’’—and you will get plain. They are legitimately saying this is one of those moments where I a chance to see some of them. that we need to have consultations, ran out of the Financial Services Com- This area is home to a free-flowing there should be full studies, and mittee where we were voting because I artesian spring-fed wetland populated thought it was important, being an Ar- factored into the decisionmaking must by lowland leopard frogs, nesting birds, be the historical and cultural and reli- izonan, but also spending lots of time and native fish. In addition, this parcel in this part of the State, which is a gious sacred areas that we need pro- is recognized by BirdLife International tected and ensured that they will be beautiful part of the State. And many as an ‘‘important bird area.’’ These are of these little communities there have protected. Those discussions have not amazing sites. These have ‘‘priceless’’ devastating unemployment, and occurred. as their connotation. they’re literally furious with Wash- H.R. 1904 is a land giveaway. And the Mr. GRIJALVA. I yield myself such ington, D.C., for destroying their tim- gentleman from New Mexico said why time as I may consume. ber jobs and squeezing their mining our economy is in a bad place. Well, Let me just talk about the opposi- jobs. And then we stand here with this kind of legislation tells you why. something that, for a little State like tion. It is not only with affection for It is a sweetheart deal for a multi- Arizona, could be billions and billions the State that I grew up in and that I national corporation foreknown. It of dollars of economic growth. was born in, but it’s also for the future gives them breaks. When you think about this one ore of that State, and it’s also for the fu- Mr. PEARCE. Will the gentleman deposit could represent 20 percent of ture of important rules and laws that yield? the Nation’s copper, how can we even have protected our environment for Mr. GRIJALVA. I have 3 minutes, be debating this when you also realize many years, and to ensure that the and I will be glad to as soon as I have an average single-family home uses jobs that we’re talking about are not finished my summation, if I have time, about 440 pounds of copper? Do you just a panacea and a selling point as sir. want housing? How about a car? A car opposed to a reality. But let me go over the points. This is uses 55 pounds of copper. This is where The opposition to this Rio Tinto-Res- a job for robots. I know it’s a touchy it will come from. olution Copper land exchange is based term for my colleagues on the other The Acting CHAIR. The time of the on many factors, but let me just point side of the aisle, but the reality is Rio gentleman has expired. out two. This is the fourth version of Tinto is a pioneer in automation. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I the land exchange. It began with They’ve done it in Australia; they’ve yield the gentleman an additional 30 former colleague Renzi, then Mr. PAS- done it in other parts of the world. seconds. TOR, Ms. Kirkpatrick, and now my There is no reason to believe that that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.045 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7099 same pattern is not going to be applied would authorize a land exchange in the state specific mining activities, including alternatives to the mine that they own in Resolu- of Arizona. that would preserve cultural sites, and requires tion. The lands impacted by this legislation con- the Secretary to issue permits for mineral ex- The sucking sound that we will be tain many sites that are sacred to our Nation’s ploration within 30 days of enactment of the hearing will be the loss of water levels first peoples. act. The Act requires Rio Tinto to submit a in that area and the effect it will have. We in Congress have a responsibility to pro- plan of operations, but does not allow the Sec- And it’s a copper caper, using unusual tect the rights of our tribes to conduct religious retary to reject the plan, even if it is insufficient appraisal procedures which does not ceremonies, and use their sacred sites. Unfor- to conduct even a limited review. guarantee that the company is going to tunately, H.R. 1904 disregards this obligation. Lastly, there are no provisions to protect the pay any fair price for the billions of Previously, Congress passed the Native water supplies in the region from large-scale dollars of copper they stand to receive American Graves Protection and Repatriation depletions from mining operations or contami- from the American people. Act, NAGPRA, to protect the sacred sites of nation. There are no protections for ground- Like I said earlier, something has to tribes. H.R. 1904 is a direct violation of the water resources under the San Carlos Apache be sacred. H.R. 1904 trades away many rights afforded to tribes by NAGPRA. Reservation, which is protected by the Apache sites that are sacred to Native people. Both Presidents Eisenhower and Nixon Treaty of 1872 and the San Carlos Apache We’ve received pleas from Indian Coun- worked to ensure the lands in question were Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act of 1992. try over and over again; and we should protected and available for tribes to worship. The Act bypasses all normal administrative deal with those issues before the land H.R. 1904 would reverse these past efforts. processes that other mining companies are re- exchange, not as this legislation has it, To make matters worse, the legislation does quired to follow. This bill amounts to a land after. not give the land in question to an American- giveaway to a company without a promise of Add insult to injury, we keep talking based company that would reinvest its profits American jobs anytime soon. about jobs. There is an agenda before here in the United States. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Chair, I rise today to ex- this Congress to begin to immediately Instead H.R. 1904 gives control of the land press my outrage and disappointment about create jobs for the American people. to foreign owned mining corporations. the bill before us, H.R. 1904. That is stalled—and from what I hear I urge my colleagues to ensure the religious In my 36 years in Congress I have seen from leadership, permanently derailed. rights of our Nation’s first peoples are re- many terrible bills, but this legislation stands So as the American people look for real spected in the Southwest, and vote no on out as among the worst. In one fell swoop, employment and real opportunity, we H.R. 1904. this legislation tramples on the rights of Indian present a false hope in this legislation, Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Chair, today I voted tribes, damages our environment and cheats something that hasn’t been vetted. against H.R. 1904, legislation to give public American taxpayers. I urge opposition to the legislation, lands away to a mining company without an Mr. Chair, this legislation is, quite simply, a and I yield back the balance of my environmental review, without an independent travesty. It authorizes a land exchange giving time. appraisal of the value of the land and the cop- Resolution Copper, the subsidiary of two for- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I per beneath it, and which waived all the safe- eign companies, the right to mine potentially yield myself the balance of my time. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is guards applied to other mining projects. billions of dollars worth of copper from Amer- recognized for 2 minutes. To the San Carlos Apache Tribe and other ican land. In return, the American people re- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. Tribes that live nearby, these lands are sa- ceive nothing, except the loss of our resources Chairman, I just want to make two cred. In addition to the environmental devasta- and damage to our land. points in concluding debate before we tion, mining will devastate their relationship to My friends on the other side of the aisle like go into the amendment process. this land. The Apache Treaty of 1852 requires to talk local and state rights, yet this legislation A reference was made to NEPA, and the U.S. to act to secure the permanent pros- completely ignores the rights and sovereignty I responded to that just a bit earlier perity and happiness of the Apache people. of local Indian tribes. Mr. Chair, a large portion where I simply said that there is a divi- Instead, this bill facilitates the destruction of of the proposed mine is considered sacred to sion of powers. And we are making an their sacred land. This bill requires consulta- local Indians. Tribes, nations, pueblos and action. With passage of this legislation tion with tribes only after the exchange, which communities in Arizona, New Mexico, and signed into law by the President, we makes that consultation a mere formality. across the country adamantly oppose this have said that there will be a land ex- This bill will not create American jobs to transfer; however, H.R. 1904 ignores these change. That’s the policy of the coun- help us out of this recession. Any jobs will not concerns, going so far as to waive federal try. Now, anything that happens on begin for years—and most of the mining will statutes that require timely consultation with that land after the exchange has hap- be done by machines deep underground. Rio affected tribes. Resolution Copper claims that pened is subject to NEPA review. I Tinto has stated the mine will be operated they can mine the land without disturbing have absolutely no problem with that through its ‘‘Mine of the Future’’ program, these sites, a ridiculous assertion that is at and nothing in this bill changes that which is heavily automated, saving the com- best naive and at worst, an outright lie. process. pany money by avoiding job creation. Mr. Chair, many of us have fought long and The second point I would want to This legislation undermines basic protec- hard to protect Indian land and constitutionally make is on the issue of creation of jobs. tions of our public lands, and arguments to the retained rights. Over the years we have Honestly, when you hear the debate contrary are incorrect and misleading. strived to improve the government to govern- here on the floor on this issue, that’s For instance, the legislation does not require ment relationship between the U.S. and Tribal probably emblematic of the debate any independent evaluation of the value of the Nations and I am proud of the progress we that has been going on in this Congress exchange at any time, taking the Rio Tinto’s have made. For this legislation to turn over since day one. Apparently, the other word for the value of the land, the copper be- rights to sacred Indian lands to a foreign min- side thinks that the only way you can neath it, and the impacts mining will cause to ing company, over the clear protests of Indian create jobs is raising taxes and expand- the land, water resources, ecosystems, and people is outrageous and would be a shame- ing the public sector. We believe that stability of the landscape. The Act exempts ful step in the wrong direction for U.S.-Tribal the best ways to create jobs and grow Rio Tinto from requirements for bonding and relations. our economy are based on the prin- clean-up of the mining project, leaving tax- We have no idea how the local environment ciples that have gotten the United payers with the bill for the inevitable clean-up. and water resources would be affected, be- States from where we were when the Even more misleading, the legislation does cause no impact analysis would be done until Republic was created until now, by re- require the appearance of compliance with after the transfer. Resolution Copper is esti- lying on the private sector. This is a NEPA, but only after the exchange has taken mating they will need as much water as the private sector investment on lands place, which is too late to be any more than entire city of Tempe on a yearly basis. It does that create a tremendous amount of a formality. The Secretary will have to prepare not take significant analysis to know that this wealth. This is a job creator, and I a single Environmental Impact Statement, could have potentially devastating impacts on think that this bill deserves passage. which will be the basis for all future decisions local water resources. With that, Mr. Chairman, I yield under applicable Federal laws and regulations, And what does our country get in return for back the balance of my time. but only after the exchange, with no discretion all of this damage? Nothing. Resolution Cop- Mr. BACA. Mr. Chair, I rise today to voice after completion of the EIS. The Act prohibits per has estimated the mine to be worth sev- my strong opposition to H.R. 1904, a bill that the Secretary from considering alternatives to eral billions of dollars, yet H.R. 1904 does not

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.053 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 require any royalties to be paid to the Amer- oversight. The Majority continues to fight change of land between Resolution Copper and ican taxpayer. Once they have taken our cop- against preserving our nation’s natural re- the United States. per, it can be shipped overseas to be proc- sources with legislation that destroys the envi- SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. essed and utilized. First it was our jobs, now ronment in favor of big corporations. I urge a In this Act: it’s our natural resources. And there are no no vote. (1) APACHE LEAP.—The term ‘‘Apache Leap’’ The Acting CHAIR. All time for gen- means the approximately 807 acres of land de- guarantees that there will be any significant picted on the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona local job impacts. eral debate has expired. Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011– There are so many things wrong with this Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be Apache Leap’’ and dated March 2011. legislation that it is hard to even mention them considered for amendment under the 5- (2) FEDERAL LAND.—The term ‘‘Federal land’’ all. It is a disgrace that we are debating this minute rule. means the approximately 2,422 acres of land lo- ill-conceived and destructive bill and I urge all It shall be in order to consider as an cated in Pinal County, Arizona, depicted on the my colleagues to vehemently oppose it. original bill for the purpose of amend- map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, the land swap ment under the 5-minute rule the change and Conservation Act of 2011–Federal in today’s legislation would grant two of the amendment in the nature of a sub- Parcel–Oak Flat’’ and dated March 2011. (3) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘‘Indian tribe’’ world’s largest, foreign-owned mining compa- stitute printed in the bill, modified by has the meaning given the term in section 4 of nies—Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton—mining the amendment printed in part A of the Indian Self-Determination and Education rights to 760 acres of the Tonto National For- House Report 112–258. That amendment Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b). est in Southeastern Arizona in exchange for in the nature of a substitute shall be (4) NON-FEDERAL LAND.—The term ‘‘non-Fed- other land the companies currently own. This considered as read. eral land’’ means the parcels of land owned by exchange is necessary for Rio Tinto and BHP The text of the amendment in the na- Resolution Copper that are described in section Billiton to gain access to significant copper de- ture of a substitute is as follows: 5(a) and, if necessary to equalize the land ex- change under section 4, section 4(e)(2)(A)(i). posits they believe lie underneath the land in H.R. 1904 (5) OAK FLAT CAMPGROUND.—The term ‘‘Oak the Tonto National Forest. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Flat Campground’’ means the approximately 50 Mr. Chair, I am not opposed to responsible resentatives of the United States of America in acres of land comprising approximately 16 devel- domestic energy and mineral production—but Congress assembled, oped campsites depicted on the map entitled I am strongly opposed to this majority’s com- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Con- plete disregard for our environmental laws and (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as servation Act of 2011–Oak Flat Campground’’ this legislation’s failure to ensure American the ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and and dated March 2011. taxpayers get full value for the resources at Conservation Act of 2011’’. (6) OAK FLAT WITHDRAWAL AREA.—The term issue in this proposed transaction. (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘Oak Flat Withdrawal Area’’ means the ap- Specifically, H.R. 1904 would exempt this tents for this Act is as follows: proximately 760 acres of land depicted on the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- land swap from the requirements of the Na- Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Findings and purpose. change and Conservation Act of 2011–Oak Flat tional Environmental Protection Act—a law Sec. 3. Definitions. Withdrawal Area’’ and dated March 2011. specifically designed to evaluate the impacts Sec. 4. Land exchange. (7) RESOLUTION COPPER.—The term ‘‘Resolu- of proposed actions on our natural resources Sec. 5. Conveyance and management of non- tion Copper’’ means Resolution Copper Mining, before public resources are sold to private in- Federal land. LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, in- terests. The value of a thorough NEPA anal- Sec. 6. Value adjustment payment to United cluding any successor, assign, affiliate, member, ysis is especially significant in this case, States. or joint venturer of Resolution Copper Mining, where unanswered questions about the water Sec. 7. Withdrawal. LLC. Sec. 8. Apache leap. (8) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means demands of the proposed mining operation Sec. 9. Conveyances to town of Superior, Ari- the Secretary of Agriculture. are especially consequential to the sur- zona. (9) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means the State rounding community. Furthermore, as we work Sec. 10. Miscellaneous provisions. of Arizona. to reduce our national debt, I believe tax- SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. (10) TOWN.—The term ‘‘Town’’ means the in- payers have a right to fair compensation for (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that— corporated town of Superior, Arizona. resources taken from public lands, something (1) the land exchange furthers public objec- SEC. 4. LAND EXCHANGE. the convoluted appraisal process called for in tives referenced in section 206 of the Federal (a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the provisions of H.R. 1904 will almost certainly fail to do. Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 this Act, if Resolution Copper offers to convey to Mr. Chair, if this land swap is truly in the in- U.S.C. 1716) including— the United States all right, title, and interest of Resolution Copper in and to the non-Federal terests of the American people, it has nothing (A) promoting significant job and other eco- nomic opportunities in a part of the State of Ar- land, the Secretary is authorized and directed to to fear from an appropriate environmental re- izona that has a long history of mining, but is convey to Resolution Copper, all right, title, and view and should be expected to fairly com- currently experiencing high unemployment rates interest of the United States in and to the Fed- pensate the American taxpayer for the value and economic difficulties; eral land. of the resources taken from their land. (B) facilitating the development of a world- (b) CONDITIONS ON ACCEPTANCE.—Title to any I urge a no vote. class domestic copper deposit capable of meeting non-Federal land conveyed by Resolution Cop- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Chair, I rise today to a significant portion of the annual United per to the United States under this Act shall be express my opposition to H.R. 1904, a bill that States demand for this strategic and important in a form that— would transfer 2,400 acres of federal lands in mineral, in an area which has already been sub- (1) is acceptable to the Secretary, for land to ject to mining operations; be administered by the Forest Service and the Southeast Arizona to a private copper mining (C) significantly enhancing Federal, State, Secretary of the Interior, for land to be adminis- company. There has not been a thorough geo- and local revenue collections in a time of severe tered by the Bureau of Land Management; and logical review to assess the impact of mining governmental budget shortfalls; (2) conforms to the title approval standards of on water resources or the surrounding com- (D) securing Federal ownership and protec- the Attorney General of the United States appli- munities and ecosystems. Furthermore, the bill tion of land with significant fish and wildlife, cable to land acquisitions by the Federal Gov- includes no protections or consideration for recreational, scenic, water, riparian, cultural, ernment. native American tribes. and other public values; (c) CONSULTATION WITH INDIAN TRIBES.—If Since coming to Congress I have fought to (E) assisting more efficient Federal land man- not undertaken prior to enactment of this Act, agement via Federal acquisition of land for ad- within 30 days of the date of enactment of this ensure that American taxpayers are properly dition to the Las Cienegas and San Pedro Na- Act, the Secretary shall engage in government- reimbursed for resources like oil and gas ex- tional Conservation Areas, and to the Tonto to-government consultation with affected In- tracted from federal lands. This bill does noth- and Coconino National Forests; dian tribes concerning issues related to the land ing to appropriately compensate American citi- (F) providing opportunity for community ex- exchange, in accordance with applicable laws zens and would instead give a single multi- pansion and economic diversification adjacent (including regulations). national corporation the benefit from one of to the towns of Superior, Miami, and Globe, Ari- (d) APPRAISALS.— the largest copper deposits in the world. Even zona; and (1) IN GENERAL.—As soon as practicable after more astonishing, the corporation benefitting (G) protecting the cultural resources and the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary other values of the Apache Leap escarpment lo- and Resolution Copper shall select an appraiser from copper resources cannot guarantee that cated near Superior, Arizona; and to conduct appraisals of the Federal land and the copper will stay in America or that the (2) the land exchange is, therefore, in the pub- non-Federal land in compliance with the re- mine will remain American owned. lic interest. quirements of section 254.9 of title 36, Code of This bill sets a dangerous precedent with re- (b) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this Act to Federal Regulations. gard to environmental review and resource authorize, direct, facilitate, and expedite the ex- (2) REQUIREMENTS.—

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:01 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.008 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7101

(A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in sub- drawal of the Oak Flat Withdrawal Area from eral Parcel–Turkey Creek’’ and dated March paragraph (B), an appraisal prepared under the mining, mineral leasing, or public land laws, 2011; this subsection shall be conducted in accordance the Secretary, upon enactment of this Act, shall (B) the approximately 148 acres of land lo- with nationally recognized appraisal standards, issue to Resolution Copper— cated in Yavapai County, Arizona, depicted on including— (A) if so requested by Resolution Copper, the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- (i) the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Fed- within 30 days of such request, a special use change and Conservation Act of 2011–Non-Fed- eral Land Acquisitions; and permit to carry out mineral exploration activi- eral Parcel–Tangle Creek’’ and dated March (ii) the Uniform Standards of Professional Ap- ties under the Oak Flat Withdrawal Area from 2011; praisal Practice. existing drill pads located outside the Area, if (C) the approximately 149 acres of land lo- (B) FINAL APPRAISED VALUE.—After the final the activities would not disturb the surface of cated in Maricopa County, Arizona, depicted on appraised values of the Federal land and non- the Area; and the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- Federal land are determined and approved by (B) if so requested by Resolution Copper, change and Conservation Act of 2011–Non-Fed- the Secretary, the Secretary shall not be re- within 90 days of such request, a special use eral Parcel–Cave Creek’’ and dated March 2011; quired to reappraise or update the final ap- permit to carry out mineral exploration activi- (D) the approximately 640 acres of land lo- praised value— ties within the Oak Flat Withdrawal Area (but cated in Coconino County, Arizona, depicted on (i) for a period of 3 years beginning on the not within the Oak Flat Campground), if the the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- date of the approval by the Secretary of the activities are conducted from a single explor- change and Conservation Act of 2011–Non-Fed- final appraised value; or atory drill pad which is located to reasonably eral Parcel–East Clear Creek’’ and dated March (ii) at all, in accordance with section 254.14 of minimize visual and noise impacts on the Camp- 2011; and title 36, Code of Federal Regulations (or a suc- ground. (E) the approximately 110 acres of land lo- cessor regulation), after an exchange agreement (2) CONDITIONS.—Any activities undertaken in cated in Pinal County, Arizona, depicted on the is entered into by Resolution Copper and the accordance with this subsection shall be subject map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- Secretary. to such reasonable terms and conditions as the change and Conservation Act of 2011–Non-Fed- (C) IMPROVEMENTS.—Any improvements made Secretary may require. eral Parcel–Apache Leap South End’’ and dated by Resolution Copper prior to entering into an (3) TERMINATION.—The authorization for Res- March 2011; and exchange agreement shall not be included in the olution Copper to undertake mineral exploration (2) to the Secretary of the Interior, all right, appraised value of the Federal land. activities under this subsection shall remain in title, and interest that the Secretary of the Inte- (D) PUBLIC REVIEW.—Before consummating effect until the Oak Flat Withdrawal Area land rior determines to be acceptable in and to— the land exchange under this Act, the Secretary is conveyed to Resolution Copper in accordance (A) the approximately 3,050 acres of land lo- shall make the appraisals of the land to be ex- with this Act. cated in Pinal County, Arizona, identified as changed (or a summary thereof) available for (g) COSTS.—As a condition of the land ex- ‘‘Lands to DOI’’ as generally depicted on the public review. change under this Act, Resolution Copper shall map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- (3) APPRAISAL INFORMATION.—The appraisal agree to pay, without compensation, all costs change and Conservation Act of 2011–Non-Fed- prepared under this subsection shall include a that are— eral Parcel–Lower San Pedro River’’ and dated detailed income capitalization approach anal- (1) associated with the land exchange and July 6, 2011; ysis of the market value of the Federal land any environmental review document under sub- (B) the approximately 160 acres of land lo- which may be utilized, as appropriate, to deter- section (j); and cated in Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona, iden- mine the value of the Federal land, and shall be (2) agreed to by the Secretary. tified as ‘‘Lands to DOI’’ as generally depicted the basis for calculation of any payment under (h) USE OF FEDERAL LAND.—The Federal land on the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land section 6. to be conveyed to Resolution Copper under this Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011–Non- (e) EQUAL VALUE LAND EXCHANGE.— Act shall be available to Resolution Copper for Federal Parcel–Dripping Springs’’ and dated (1) IN GENERAL.—The value of the Federal mining and related activities subject to and in July 6, 2011; and land and non-Federal land to be exchanged accordance with applicable Federal, State, and (C) the approximately 940 acres of land lo- under this Act shall be equal or shall be equal- local laws pertaining to mining and related ac- cated in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, identified ized in accordance with this subsection. tivities on land in private ownership. as ‘‘Lands to DOI’’ as generally depicted on the (2) SURPLUS OF FEDERAL LAND VALUE.— (i) INTENT OF CONGRESS.—It is the intent of map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- (A) IN GENERAL.—If the final appraised value Congress that the land exchange directed by change and Conservation Act of 2011–Non-Fed- of the Federal land exceeds the value of the this Act shall be consummated not later than eral Parcel–Appleton Ranch’’ and dated July 6, non-Federal land, Resolution Copper shall— one year after the date of enactment of this Act. 2011. (i) convey additional non-Federal land in the (j) ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE.—Compliance (b) MANAGEMENT OF ACQUIRED LAND.— State to the Secretary or the Secretary of the In- with the requirements of the National Environ- (1) LAND ACQUIRED BY THE SECRETARY.— terior, consistent with the requirements of this mental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) (A) IN GENERAL.—Land acquired by the Sec- Act and subject to the approval of the applica- under this Act shall be as follows: retary under this Act shall— ble Secretary; (1) Prior to commencing production in com- (i) become part of the national forest in which (ii) make a cash payment to the United States; mercial quantities of any valuable mineral from the land is located; and or the Federal land conveyed to Resolution Copper (ii) be administered in accordance with the (iii) use a combination of the methods de- under this Act (except for any production from laws applicable to the National Forest System. scribed in clauses (i) and (ii), as agreed to by exploration and mine development shafts, adits, (B) BOUNDARY REVISION.—On the acquisition Resolution Copper, the Secretary, and the Sec- and tunnels needed to determine feasibility and of land by the Secretary under this Act, the retary of the Interior. pilot plant testing of commercial production or boundaries of the national forest shall be modi- (B) AMOUNT OF PAYMENT.—The Secretary may to access the ore body and tailing deposition fied to reflect the inclusion of the acquired land. accept a payment in excess of 25 percent of the areas), Resolution Copper shall submit to the (C) LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND.— total value of the land or interests conveyed, Secretary a proposed mine plan of operations. For purposes of section 7 of the Land and Water notwithstanding section 206(b) of the Federal (2) The Secretary shall, within 3 years of such Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (16 U.S.C. 4601– Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 submission, complete preparation of an environ- 9), the boundaries of a national forest in which U.S.C. 1716(b)). mental review document in accordance with sec- land acquired by the Secretary is located shall (C) DISPOSITION AND USE OF PROCEEDS.—Any tion 102(2) of the National Environmental Policy be deemed to be the boundaries of that forest as amounts received by the United States under Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4322(2)) which shall be in existence on January 1, 1965. this subparagraph shall be deposited in the fund used as the basis for all decisions under applica- (2) LAND ACQUIRED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE established under Public Law 90–171 (commonly ble Federal laws, rules and regulations regard- INTERIOR.— known as the ‘‘Sisk Act’’; 16 U.S.C. 484a) and ing any Federal actions or authorizations re- (A) SAN PEDRO NATIONAL CONSERVATION shall be made available, in such amounts as are lated to the proposed mine and mine plan of op- AREA.— provided in advance in appropriation Acts, to erations of Resolution Copper, including the (i) IN GENERAL.—The land acquired by the the Secretary for the acquisition of land for ad- construction of associated power, water, trans- Secretary of the Interior under subsection dition to the National Forest System. portation, processing, tailings, waste dump, and (a)(2)(A) shall be added to, and administered as (3) SURPLUS OF NON-FEDERAL LAND.—If the other ancillary facilities. part of, the San Pedro National Conservation final appraised value of the non-Federal land SEC. 5. CONVEYANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF NON- Area in accordance with the laws (including exceeds the value of the Federal land— FEDERAL LAND. regulations) applicable to the Conservation (A) the United States shall not make a pay- (a) CONVEYANCE.—On receipt of title to the Area. ment to Resolution Copper to equalize the value; Federal land, Resolution Copper shall simulta- (ii) MANAGEMENT PLAN.—Not later than 2 and neously convey— years after the date on which the land is ac- (B) except as provided in section 9(b)(2)(B), (1) to the Secretary, all right, title, and inter- quired, the Secretary of the Interior shall up- the surplus value of the non-Federal land shall est that the Secretary determines to be accept- date the management plan for the San Pedro be considered to be a donation by Resolution able in and to— National Conservation Area to reflect the man- Copper to the United States. (A) the approximately 147 acres of land lo- agement requirements of the acquired land. (f) OAK FLAT WITHDRAWAL AREA.— cated in Gila County, Arizona, depicted on the (B) DRIPPING SPRINGS.—Land acquired by the (1) PERMITS.—Subject to the provisions of this map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- Secretary of the Interior under subsection subsection and notwithstanding any with- change and Conservation Act of 2011–Non-Fed- (a)(2)(B) shall be managed in accordance with

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the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (3) disposition under the mineral leasing, min- (d) TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—The conveyances of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) and applicable eral materials, and geothermal leasing laws. under this section shall be subject to such terms land use plans. SEC. 8. APACHE LEAP. and conditions as the Secretary may require. (C) LAS CIENEGAS NATIONAL CONSERVATION (a) MANAGEMENT.— SEC. 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. AREA.—Land acquired by the Secretary of the (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall manage (a) REVOCATION OF ORDERS; WITHDRAWAL.— Interior under subsection (a)(2)(C) shall be Apache Leap to preserve the natural character (1) REVOCATION OF ORDERS.—Any public land added to, and administered as part of, the Las of Apache Leap and to protect archeological order that withdraws the Federal land from ap- Cienegas National Conservation Area in accord- and cultural resources located on Apache Leap. propriation or disposal under a public land law ance with the laws (including regulations) ap- (2) SPECIAL USE PERMITS.—The Secretary may shall be revoked to the extent necessary to per- plicable to the Conservation Area. issue to Resolution Copper special use permits mit disposal of the land. (c) SURRENDER OF RIGHTS.—In addition to the allowing Resolution Copper to carry out under- (2) WITHDRAWAL.—On the date of enactment conveyance of the non-Federal land to the ground activities (other than the commercial ex- of this Act, if the Federal land or any Federal United States under this Act, and as a condition traction of minerals) under the surface of interest in the non-Federal land to be ex- of the land exchange, Resolution Copper shall Apache Leap that the Secretary determines changed under section 4 is not withdrawn or surrender to the United States, without com- would not disturb the surface of the land, sub- segregated from entry and appropriation under pensation, the rights held by Resolution Copper ject to any terms and conditions that the Sec- a public land law (including mining and min- under the mining laws and other laws of the retary may require. eral leasing laws and the Geothermal Steam Act United States to commercially extract minerals (3) FENCES; SIGNAGE.—The Secretary may of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.)), the land or in- under Apache Leap. allow use of the surface of Apache Leap for in- terest shall be withdrawn, without further ac- SEC. 6. VALUE ADJUSTMENT PAYMENT TO stallation of fences, signs, monitoring devices, or tion required by the Secretary concerned, from UNITED STATES. other measures necessary to protect the health entry and appropriation. The withdrawal shall (a) ANNUAL PRODUCTION REPORTING.— and safety of the public, protect resources lo- be terminated— (1) REPORT REQUIRED.—As a condition of the cated on Apache Leap, or to ensure that activi- (A) on the date of consummation of the land land exchange under this Act, Resolution Cop- ties conducted under paragraph (2) do not affect exchange; or per shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior the surface of Apache Leap. (B) if Resolution Copper notifies the Secretary an annual report indicating the quantity of (b) PLAN.— in writing that it has elected to withdraw from locatable minerals produced during the pre- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 3 years after the land exchange pursuant to section 206(d) of ceding calendar year in commercial quantities the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act from the Federal land conveyed to Resolution in consultation with affected Indian tribes, the of 1976, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1716(d)). Copper under section 4. The first report is re- Town, Resolution Copper, and other interested (3) RIGHTS OF RESOLUTION COPPER.—Nothing quired to be submitted not later than February members of the public, shall prepare a manage- in this Act shall interfere with, limit, or other- 15 of the first calendar year beginning after the ment plan for Apache Leap. wise impair, the unpatented mining claims or date of commencement of production of valuable (2) CONSIDERATIONS.—In preparing the plan rights currently held by Resolution Copper on locatable minerals in commercial quantities from under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall con- the Federal land, nor in any way change, di- such Federal land. The reports shall be sub- sider whether additional measures are necessary minish, qualify, or otherwise impact Resolution mitted February 15 of each calendar year there- to— Copper’s rights and ability to conduct activities after. (A) protect the cultural, archaeological, or on the Federal land under such unpatented (2) SHARING REPORTS WITH STATE.—The Sec- historical resources of Apache Leap, including mining claims and the general mining laws of retary shall make each report received under permanent or seasonal closures of all or a por- the United States, including the permitting or paragraph (1) available to the State. tion of Apache Leap; and authorization of such activities. (B) provide access for recreation. (3) REPORT CONTENTS.—The reports under (b) MAPS, ESTIMATES, AND DESCRIPTIONS.— (c) MINING ACTIVITIES.—The provisions of this paragraph (1) shall comply with any record- (1) MINOR ERRORS.—The Secretary concerned section shall not impose additional restrictions keeping and reporting requirements prescribed and Resolution Copper may correct, by mutual on mining activities carried out by Resolution by the Secretary or required by applicable Fed- agreement, any minor errors in any map, acre- Copper adjacent to, or outside of, the Apache eral laws in effect at the time of production. age estimate, or description of any land con- Leap area beyond those otherwise applicable to (b) PAYMENT ON PRODUCTION.—If the cumu- veyed or exchanged under this Act. mining activities on privately owned land under lative production of valuable locatable minerals (2) CONFLICT.—If there is a conflict between a Federal, State, and local laws, rules and regula- produced in commercial quantities from the Fed- map, an acreage estimate, or a description of tions. eral land conveyed to Resolution Copper under land in this Act, the map shall control unless section 4 exceeds the quantity of production of SEC. 9. CONVEYANCES TO TOWN OF SUPERIOR, the Secretary concerned and Resolution Copper ARIZONA. locatable minerals from the Federal land used in mutually agree otherwise. (a) CONVEYANCES.—On request from the Town the income capitalization approach analysis (3) AVAILABILITY.—On the date of enactment and subject to the provisions of this section, the prepared under section 4(d)(3), Resolution Cop- of this Act, the Secretary shall file and make Secretary shall convey to the Town the fol- per shall pay to the United States, by not later available for public inspection in the Office of lowing: than March 15 of each applicable calendar year, the Supervisor, Tonto National Forest, each (1) Approximately 30 acres of land as depicted a value adjustment payment for the quantity of map referred to in this Act. on the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land excess production at the same rate assumed for Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011–Federal The Acting CHAIR. No amendment the income capitalization approach analysis Parcel–Fairview Cemetery’’ and dated March to the amendment in the nature of a prepared under section 4(d)(3). 2011. substitute is in order except those (c) STATE LAW UNAFFECTED.—Nothing in this (2) The reversionary interest and any reserved printed in part B of the report. Each section modifies, expands, diminishes, amends, mineral interest of the United States in the ap- such amendment may be offered only or otherwise affects any State law relating to proximately 265 acres of land located in Pinal the imposition, application, timing, or collection in the order printed in the report, by a County, Arizona, as depicted on the map enti- Member designated in the report, shall of a State excise or severance tax. tled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and (d) USE OF FUNDS.— Conservation Act of 2011–Federal Reversionary be considered read, shall be debatable (1) SEPARATE FUND.—All funds paid to the Interest–Superior Airport’’ and dated March for the time specified in the report United States under this section shall be depos- 2011. equally divided and controlled by the ited in a special fund established in the Treas- (3) The approximately 250 acres of land lo- proponent and an opponent, shall not ury and shall be available, in such amounts as cated in Pinal County, Arizona, as depicted on be subject to amendment, and shall not are provided in advance in appropriation Acts, the map entitled ‘‘Southeast Arizona Land Ex- to the Secretary and the Secretary of the Inte- be subject to a demand for division of change and Conservation Act of 2011–Federal the question. rior only for the purposes authorized by para- Parcel–Superior Airport Contiguous Parcels’’ ´ graph (2). and dated March 2011. AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. LUJAN (2) AUTHORIZED USE.—Amounts in the special (b) PAYMENT.—The Town shall pay to the The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order fund established pursuant to paragraph (1) Secretary the market value for each parcel of to consider amendment No. 1 printed in shall be used for maintenance, repair, and reha- land or interest in land acquired under this sec- part B of House Report 112–258. bilitation projects for Forest Service and Bureau tion, as determined by appraisals conducted in Mr. LUJA´ N. Mr. Chairman, I have an of Land Management assets. accordance with section 4(d). amendment at the desk. SEC. 7. WITHDRAWAL. (c) SISK ACT.—Any payment received by the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will Subject to valid existing rights, Apache Leap Secretary from the Town under this section and any land acquired by the United States shall be deposited in the fund established under designate the amendment. under this Act are withdrawn from all forms Public Law 90–171 (commonly known as the The text of the amendment is as fol- of— ‘‘Sisk Act’’) (16 U.S.C. 484a) and shall be made lows: (1) entry, appropriation, or disposal under the available, in such amounts as are provided in Page 14, after line 12, insert the following public land laws; advance in appropriation Acts, to the Secretary new subsection: (2) location, entry, and patent under the min- for the acquisition of land for addition to the (k) EXCLUSION OF NATIVE AMERICAN SACRED ing laws; and National Forest System. AND CULTURAL SITES.—The Federal land to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.023 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7103 be conveyed under this section may not in- posed area to be exchanged, but I don’t The real effect of this amendment clude any Native American sacred or cul- believe that to be true. If it were true, would be to allow the Department Sec- tural site, whether surface or subsurface, and then why is every major tribal organi- retary to veto and block the project on the Secretary shall modify the map referred zation in the country opposing this the subjective grounds that a pre- to in section 3(2) to exclude all such sacred and cultural sites, as identified by the Sec- bill? viously identified cultural site exists retary in consultation with Resolution Cop- It’s because they do not believe these on these lands. As stated previously, per and affected Indian tribes. so-called protections to be real. Oppos- this is a geographic triangle that’s his- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to ing organizations include, but are not torically home to numerous mines. House Resolution 444, the gentleman limited to, the National Congress of I might add too, Mr. Chairman, the from New Mexico (Mr. LUJA´ N) and a American Indians, the United South Forest Service completed an environ- Member opposed each will control 5 and Eastern Tribes, the All Indian mental assessment in 2008, 3 years ago, minutes. Pueblo Council of New Mexico, the San in which, and I quote, ‘‘several at- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Carlos Apache Tribe, the Jicarilla and tempts were made to identify sacred from New Mexico. Mescalero Apache Tribes of New Mex- sites and effects on ceremonial use of Mr. LUJA´ N. I yield myself such time ico, and many other tribes across the sacred sites.’’ The official conclusion as I may consume. country. was a Finding of No Significant Im- Mr. Chairman, my amendment is sig- Mr. Chairman, all of these organiza- pact, and that finding was sustained on nificant, but simple. My amendment tions and tribal leaders know that the appeal. does not kill this project. As offered, it degradation of these cultural sites Furthermore, the terms ‘‘Native simply asks the Congress to respect the means a loss of identity and culture, American,’’ ‘‘sacred,’’ and ‘‘cultural’’ religious and sacred sites of our tribal not to mention utter disrespect for the in the amendment offered by my friend brothers and sisters. religion and history of the tribes con- from New Mexico are undefined, and This bill does little, if anything, to nected to this area. thus it cannot be predicted what effect offer protection to the sacred sites in Just to be clear: Supporting my this amendment would have. It opens the area and does not offer true tribal amendment will not kill the project. It the door to time-consuming litigation consultation to the tribes. We all know would simply mean respecting and pre- and subjective or political decisions. that consultation occurs before, not serving the religious, cultural, and ar- In the land exchange within the bill, after, decisions have already been cheological and historic significance of environmentally sensitive and cul- made. the lands that mean so much to the turally important lands are given pro- The tribes in this area believe Reso- tribes in the region. tection. Thousands of more acres, as I lution Copper’s block cave mining I urge my colleagues to support my alluded to earlier on, are added for the method will have negative impacts on amendment, and I reserve the balance protection than are made available for their sacred, cultural, and traditional of my time. the development of this mine; the ratio sites in the area. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I is roughly 2–1. The bill specifically and claim time in opposition. permanently, for example, protects 1430 b The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is Apache Leap. Again, this amendment will not kill recognized for 5 minutes. Because this bill ensures and requires this project. It would show respect and Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. tribal consultation before development offer protections to both surface and Chairman, when I became chairman of of the mine and because the real effect subsurface sites in the proposed land the Committee on Natural Resources of the amendment would be for polit- conveyance. this last January, I established a new ical mischief, I urge my colleagues to More specifically, my amendment subcommittee on Indian and Alaska vote ‘‘no’’ on the Luja´ n amendment. states that ‘‘The Federal land to be Native Affairs. The purpose was to en- HARRISON TALGO, Sr., conveyed may not include any Native sure a special forum for the issues and Bylas, AZ, October 21, 2011. American sacred or cultural site, concerns important to Indian tribes Hon. ERIC CANTOR, whether surface or subsurface.’’ This and native people. I respect the views House of Representatives, amendment would merely offer a basic and special concerns of Indian tribes, Washington, DC. level of respect for many religious and and it’s important that they have a DEAR MAJORITY LEADER CANTOR: I am the cultural sites to the many tribes in the role and are consulted in decisions that former Chairman of the San Carlos Apache Nation and served in the Tribal Council for region. affect the people on their reservation 16 years. Many times I have come before As our good friend, Congressman KIL- lands. Congress as an official representative of my DEE, reminds us daily, we have a trust This bill before the House today ex- government to present issues affecting and responsibility to our tribal brothers plicitly includes a section requiring in the best interest of the San Carlos Apache and sisters, and those who oppose this government-to-government consulta- Tribal Government. But today I write to you responsibility will dismantle it piece tion. Section 4c, Mr. Chairman, of the as a concerned private citizen of Bylas, Ari- by piece with a scalpel and not all at bill is titled, and I quote, ‘‘Consulta- zona which is located within the San Carlos once with an axe. This is what we’re tion with Indian tribes.’’ Consultation Apache Tribal Reservation and want to ex- seeing today, Mr. Chairman. must occur before the mine operations press my support of H.R. 1904, The Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation In its current form, H.R. 1904 would ever begin. Act of 2011. approve a Federal land exchange to To repeat, the mine cannot happen The current Tribal leadership does not transfer ownership of 2,400 acres of land without consultation with interested share my position. I have tried very hard to in the Tonto National Forest to Reso- tribes. To be clear, the mine is a site understand why they oppose this project lution Copper for the purposes of block that is not located on reservation land. when we are in such desperate need of jobs cave copper mine. The closest Native American reserva- and industry. I believe that traditional The Federal lands which are proposed tion is the San Carlos Apache, located Apache values are not mutually exclusive to be exchanged, generally known as more than 20 miles east of the mine with economic development. We are one of the poorest Indian tribes in Oak Flat, are part of the ancestral site. the nation. Seven in 10 eligible workers in lands of the San Carlos Apache tribe And it should be noted too that the Tribe are unemployed. Almost 80 percent and other tribes in the region. These where this mine is proposed to be de- of our people live in poverty. Alcoholism and lands have unique religious, tradi- veloped is right in the heart of what we drug use are rampant and suicide rates are tional, and archaeological significance call Arizona’s historic copper triangle high. The average Apache male has a life ex- to many tribes in southern Arizona. right here. These orange dots here are pectancy of 54 years, about 20 years shorter Behind me is a photo of one of those where copper is mined or quarried right than the average American male. areas that’s most sacred, Apache Leap. now. This is the proposed site of the The proposed Resolution Copper Mine would bring hundreds of new, high-paying You’ve heard from my colleagues on mine. And the San Carlos Apache res- jobs to our region. It represents progress and the other side of the aisle that their ervation is up here. As you can see, hope and prosperity. bill offers protection for sacred, tradi- there’s activity between here and the I have previously testified before Congress tional, and cultural sites in the pro- San Carlos reservation. in support of economic development

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.013 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 projects. I have done so in the face of opposi- Mr. PEARCE. Thank you, Mr. Chair- tribes in the region, who have inhabited this tion from other leaders who have opposed man. land for thousands of years. This bill waives these same opportunities on and near the If the gentleman from New Mexico compliance with federal statutes that require reservation. Some of those projects experi- would answer a question, it’s my un- enced costly delays as a result of the Coun- timely consultation with affected tribes, who cil’s opposition, but they all were built even- derstanding that we have rock climbers now face the prospect of witnessing their an- tually. And to our benefit, they have all who are always out there, hikers up in cestral lands of unique archaeological and reli- hired Apaches. I am confident the Resolution there. That would be the equivalent of gious significance fall victim to destructive project will be no different. In fact, some allowing people to rappel down the side mining practices. members of the San Carlos Apache Nation of the Washington Monument, but I’ve These techniques involve utilizing controlled are already employed by the company and never heard an objection from anyone cave-in deep underground, which can cause its contractors. I respect the Council’s desire to protect to exclude those kinds of activities. massive depressions at the surface and for- sites that have cultural or historical signifi- And so it comes across just a little bit ever scar the landscape. Archaeological sites cance. I want that, too. But Oak Flat is a strange that we would talk about lim- and religious lands would be forever ruined long way from us, and I believe strongly that iting one activity, while people are and unrecognizable. it is possible for our traditional values to co- crawling and rappelling down these Other surveys have identified Civilian Con- exist with economic progress. In fact, I don’t sites already. servation Corps sites and structures eligible believe one can survive without the other. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. for inclusion in the National Register for His- Economic progress and prosperity leads to a Chairman, I understand the other side better standard of living, better health, bet- toric Places which could also be destroyed by ter services and better education. It in- has yielded back their time. the proposed mining project. creases our capacity to learn and expands How much time do I have left? Mr. Chair, H.R. 1904 has been called a our cultural horizons. It gives us additional The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman ‘‘special-interest’’ bill whereby a private com- resources to explore and study our past, to has 1 minute remaining. pany, Resolution Copper, which is actually a Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I am protect what we hold sacred, to showcase joint subsidiary of two foreign-owned mining more than happy to yield that 1 minute and display those things that are culturally companies. Resolution Copper would receive important, and to help the outside world bet- to the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. federal land worth billions of dollars without ter understand and appreciate the stories GOSAR). having to pay royalties on any mineral wealth and traditions of our fathers. Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Chairman, I find it For all these reasons, I respectfully urge it extracts. very interesting that my opponent, or your support and passage of the H.R. 1904. Furthermore, there are no guarantees that our opponent on the other side, actu- Sincerely, the company would even hire locally, process ally focuses a picture of Apache Leap, HARRISON TALGO, Sr., the ore in the United States, or purchase which is specifically excluded from this Former Chairman, San Carlos Apache Nation. equipment made in America. legislation. Therefore, when we talk I reserve the balance of my time. H.R. 1904 excludes the one special interest ´ about, in regards to protecting the Mr. LUJAN. I yield myself such time with an undeniable right in this debate—the sites, we have done so. As far as the as I may consume. Native American tribes—from a decision that Mr. Chairman, look, just to be clear consultation is concerned, we have affects their community at the absolute deep- with this amendment, it does not kill done consultations. est level. the project. The amendment simply Mr. LUJA´ N. Will the gentleman I strongly support the Luja´n Amendment and states that the Secretary will exclude yield? oppose the underlying bill. I urge my col- sacred and cultural sites as identified Mr. GOSAR. No, I will not yield. ´ leagues to do the same. by the Secretary. If we’re serious about Mr. LUJAN. Mr. Chairman, we know protecting sacred sites and respecting that that’s not in here. b 1440 Mr. GOSAR. That is Apache Leap. tribes across the country, I don’t know The Acting CHAIR. The question is why this is so complicated. The Acting CHAIR. The time is con- trolled by the gentleman from Arizona, on the amendment offered by the gen- And the only area in the legislation, tleman from New Mexico (Mr. LUJA´ N). as we look at section 8 of the bill, talks and the Chair would ask all Members to respect that. The question was taken; and the Act- about preserving and consulting with ing Chair announced that the noes ap- tribes about Apache Leap. But again, Mr. GOSAR. The point of reference is that we cite all the Native tribes. They peared to have it. it’s too little, too late. It’s consulting Mr. LUJA´ N. Mr. Chairman, I demand after the fact, not before the legisla- are far from being in unison. In fact, during our conversation within the Re- a recorded vote. tion is taken into effect. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to And so, Mr. Chairman, it’s as if we sources Committee, former tribal clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- were going to go into a site, say, the chairman and 16-year tribal Council- ceedings on the amendment offered by cathedral in Santa Fe or the Vatican in man Harrison Talgo testified that the the gentleman from New Mexico will Rome, and they were going to go and traditional Apache values are not mu- be postponed. do something to that land, and they tually exclusive with economic devel- said, well, don’t worry, we have some opment. AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. MARKEY other land that we’re going to give Given that the San Carlos Apache is The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order you. one of the most impoverished tribes in to consider amendment No. 2 printed in It’s about the religious and sacred the Nation, with unemployment rates part B of House Report 112–258. nature of these sites that we’re talking around 70 percent and poverty affecting Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Chairman, I have about. At the very least, and of its very every facet of tribal members’ life, I an amendment at the desk made in essence, let’s look to see what we can couldn’t agree more with Mr. Talgo. order under the rule. do to preserve the government-to-gov- Mr. Talgo also points out that Oak The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will ernment trust responsibilities that we Flat, the campground in question, is a designate the amendment. have with our tribes and respect those long way from the reservation. He also The text of the amendment is as fol- religious sites, respect those sacred pointed out the majority of tribal lows: sites, and see what we can do to work members he speaks about in this Page 19, beginning line 8, strike section 6 collectively. project support this project. (value adjustment payment to United Again, this isn’t going to kill the Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Chair, as a member States) and insert the following new section: project. Let’s work together to make of the Native American Caucus, I rise today in SEC. 6. ROYALTY PAYMENT TO UNITED STATES sure that we respect the tribes that strong support of the amendment to H.R. FOR MINERALS PRODUCED FROM we’re so honored to represent here in 1904, the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange CONVEYED FEDERAL LAND. the Congress. and Conservation Act of 2011, offered by Con- (a) ROYALTY PAYMENT REQUIRED.—As a With that, Mr. Chairman, I yield ´ condition of the land exchange under this gressman LUJAN of Arizona. Act, Resolution Copper shall pay to the back the balance of my time. The Luja´n Amendment exempts Native United States, by not later than March 15 of Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. American sacred and cultural sites from inclu- each calendar year, a royalty payment in an Chairman, I am pleased to yield 45 sec- sion in the land transfer proposed by this bill. amount equal to 8 percent of the value of the onds to the gentleman from New Mex- As it stands, H.R. 1904 is fundamentally un- quantity of locatable minerals produced dur- ico (Mr. PEARCE). fair to the San Carlos Apache Tribe and other ing the preceding calendar year from the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.014 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7105 Federal land conveyed to Resolution Copper amendment, this bill is simple. It pockets of Rio Tinto, into the pockets under section 4, as reported under subsection would require no guesswork on the part of a foreign corporation. That’s not (b). of the taxpayers. It would allow for no right. (b) ANNUAL PRODUCTION REPORTING TO DE- manipulation that could shortchange Vote for the Markey amendment. TERMINE ROYALTY PAYMENT.— Capture this money for the American (1) REPORT REQUIRED.—Resolution Copper the American taxpayer. shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior My amendment strikes the con- taxpayer. an annual report indicating the quantity of voluted payment scheme in this bill I yield back the balance of my time. locatable minerals produced in commercial and replaces it with a simple 8 percent Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. quantities from the Federal land conveyed to royalty on the copper produced each Chairman, I rise in opposition to the Resolution Copper under section 4. year from this mine. This is the Amer- amendment. (2) SUBMISSION DEADLINE.—The first report ican people’s copper. It’s not their cop- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is under paragraph (1) shall be submitted not per. It’s the American people’s. What recognized for 5 minutes. later than February 15 of the first calendar are they going to get out of this? How Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I year beginning after the date of commence- yield myself such time as I may con- ment of production of valuable locatable about 8 percent? Can we give the tax- minerals in commercial quantities from the payer 8 percent? sume. Federal land conveyed to Resolution Copper Now, we don’t know how much cop- Mr. Chairman, in deference to my under section 4 and cover the preceding cal- per exactly is down there. The benefit good friend from Massachusetts, there endar year. Subsequent reports shall be sub- of my amendment is we don’t need to is only one bill before us, and that’s a mitted each February 15 thereafter and cover know ahead of time. If Rio Tinto bill without the Markey amendment, the preceding calendar year. makes $1, then they owe the taxpayer a and I hope it stays that way. (3) SHARING REPORTS WITH STATE.—The Sec- nickel and three pennies, and if they This amendment requires a company retary shall make each report received under to pay for the minerals twice. The paragraph (1) available to the State. make $8 billion, the Treasury gets $640 value of the copper is already included (4) REPORT CONTENTS.—The reports under million. paragraph (1) shall comply with any record- Now, the company will argue a roy- in the appraised value of the land keeping and reporting requirements pre- alty is unfair. Well, guess who is al- under current law of the United States. scribed by the Secretary or required by ap- ready paying royalties, Mr. Chairman. That’s the law. Section 4(e) of the bill plicable Federal laws in effect at the time of Oil and gas companies pay 12.5 percent requires the developer to pay full mar- production. when they drill on the taxpayers’ land. ket value for the Federal land and min- (c) DEPOSIT OF FUNDS.—All funds paid to 12.5 percent, that’s what ExxonMobil erals within. Under the requirements of the United States under this section shall be this bill, the United States is fully deposited in the general fund of the Treas- pays. That’s what Shell pays. But do ury. you know who else pays the royalty? compensated for the copper up front. (d) STATE LAW UNAFFECTED.—Nothing in Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton when they But, if, in fact, this vein is larger than this section modifies, expands, diminishes, mine on State land. So, if you’re in what is anticipated, there is a further amends, or otherwise affects any State law Colorado, you’re in Wyoming and provision that says that should it ex- relating to the imposition, application, tim- you’re on State land, you’re paying a ceed that appraised value, the devel- ing, or collection of a State excise or sever- royalty. But, no, let’s go to the Amer- oper, i.e., the copper mining company, ance tax. ican taxpayers’ land. Those same com- is required to compensate the United The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to panies that pay to the States don’t pay States through annual assessments. As House Resolution 444, the gentleman to Uncle Sam. the market moves forward, the Markey from Massachusetts (Mr. MARKEY) and And the revenue from a royalty is amendment adds an 8 percent royalty a Member opposed each will control 5 money we can use. What can we use the to the full, to the top payment. This minutes. money for? Make sure we don’t have to would mean that the company would The Chair recognizes the gentleman cut Medicare payments for Grandma. be paying a huge premium in addition from Massachusetts. Make sure we have student loans for to what current law is of the value Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Chairman, there kids to be able to go to college. That’s they have already paid. are two versions of this land bill: one what the money should be used for. I have to tell you, Mr. Chairman, this with the Markey amendment and one Should it just be pocketed by Rio is unprecedented in any law or any ac- without the Markey amendment. The Tinto, by these companies? tivity regarding mining. difference is the version with the Mar- So I ask my colleagues, which deal do This amendment isn’t about ensuring key amendment is a deal the American you want to go home with and tell your the full payment to the United States, taxpayers should take. Without my constituents you were for? The deal because that is required in the bill amendment, this is a deal that takes where they got some nice lands in Ari- under current law. What this amend- the taxpayers. zona while a foreign mining company ment really does is send a signal to Without the Markey amendment, got billions in copper, or the deal companies that want to invest in Fed- this land deal is a shell game, all about where they got the land plus hundreds eral lands, to utilize the resources we misdirection and surprise outcomes. of millions of dollars in royalty pay- have, that they are not welcome in the We are urged to keep our eye on the ments for the U.S. taxpayer? United States. They are not welcome, beautiful surface acres the Federal With the Markey amendment, we in and they should go overseas where they Government would get in this deal and Congress are responsible stewards are welcome, taking American jobs the unique payment scheme included in doing our due diligence to protect the with them and making us less economi- the bill. This is like the guy on the Federal Treasury to get the taxpayer cally viable as a country and also cost- street who tells you to watch his right what they’re owed. Without the Mar- ing us jobs. hand while his left hand is picking key amendment, this House looks like With that, I would yield 1 minute to your pocket. the old Keystone Kops, bumbling the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. This is not about the surface. This is around in circles while billions walk FLAKE). about the copper and whether Rio right out the door that should be in the Mr. FLAKE. I thank the gentleman Tinto will have to pay its fair value. pockets of every taxpayer in this coun- for yielding. And the fact is the payment scheme in try. I would just point out, if we want to this bill is completely—let me say it We have a supercommittee debating address the royalty issue on this and again—the payment scheme in this bill how much they’re going to cut poor other mining ventures, let’s address is completely speculative. It will be people, students, national defense, the Mining Act of 1872. There were at- based on information only the com- what we’re going to spend on the pro- tempts to do this in the nineties, at- pany has access to and is subject to se- tection of our country, and how many tempts to increase royalties or impose rious manipulation. policemen we can afford to have. Mean- a 5 percent royalty, and many on the In the end, Rio Tinto could end up while, out here on the House floor, other side of the aisle opposed that paying absolutely nothing for the mas- we’re going to turn a blind eye to bil- measure. And so there have been a few sive windfall they stand to receive lions of dollars just going right out the attempts. I would encourage, let’s go from this legislation. With the Markey floor of the House here today into the back to it. But this is not the place to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.015 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 do it. We can’t do it here on this one The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to mines, Rio Tinto in particular, use a bill. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- range of automation technology, and And make no mistake about it; this ceedings on the amendment offered by most of the human labor is done off- is an attempt to kill this legislation, the gentleman from Massachusetts will site at the Remote Operations Center. nothing else. It’s not an attempt to be postponed. Rio Tinto is presently operating its garner the taxpayer more revenue. AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. GRIJALVA Pilbara, Australia, mine from 800 miles This is an attempt to kill the bill. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order away in Perth, which is a metro area. I would encourage rejection of the to consider amendment No. 3 printed in Our amendment will ensure that this amendment and adoption of the bill. part B of House Report 112–258. Remote Operations Center is in and op- Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. How Mr. GRIJALVA. I have an amend- erates from Superior, Arizona. much time do I have remaining, Mr. ment at the desk made in order under If this legislation is truly about jobs Chairman? the rule. and lifting up the local economy, it is The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will important to guarantee that local resi- has 2 minutes. designate the amendment. dents will have access to the jobs that Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I am The text of the amendment is as fol- are created by this mine. Section 2 of pleased to yield 1 minute to the gen- lows: our amendment makes sure that Arizo- nans are considered first for employ- tleman from New Mexico (Mr. PEARCE). Page 21, after line 8, insert the following: Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, it is in- (e) ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS RELATED TO ment. teresting to listen to the arguments. MINING OPERATIONS ON CONVEYED FEDERAL Without active recruitment and a To listen to the arguments that were LAND.—As additional conditions of the land hiring preference for area residents, given just now on why we should sup- exchange under this Act, Resolution Copper how do we know that the residents of port the Markey amendment, you shall agree to the following: the region and Arizona will benefit would believe that Republicans have (1) To locate and maintain the remote op- from the project? Our amendment eration center for mining operations on the makes sure that that happens. If this set up this massive scheme for avoiding conveyed Federal land in the town of Supe- payment for royalties. bill is really about jobs and our na- rior, Arizona, for the duration of such oper- tional interests, then we should guar- Now, this law has been in place on ations. the books for a very long time. But ad- (2) To actively recruit and provide an em- antee that the ore produced from this ditionally, I remember that the Demo- ployment preference for qualified applicants mine has a direct impact on the U.S. crats were in control, for 2 years, of the who reside in the State as of date of the con- economy. Section 3 of the amendment will House, the Senate, and the White summation of the land exchange for employ- make sure that all raw material ex- House, and they elected not to pass ment positions related to mining operations on the conveyed Federal land. tracted from the mine is processed in this royalty bill because they knew it (3) To ensure that all locatable minerals the United States, not in China or in would damage the economy. produced in commercial quantities from the any other foreign country. Like the gentleman from Arizona conveyed Federal land remain in the United Finally, section 4 of this amendment, just said, this is a single attempt to States for processing and use. by ensuring that all equipment used in kill this one bill. Twenty-five percent (4) To ensure that all equipment used to mine or support mining activities on the the mine is made in the USA, puts of the Nation’s copper needs could be American manufacturers before foreign met for the next 50 years, and they’re conveyed Federal Land is made in the United States. competitors. If the promise of job cre- trying to kill the bill. That’s what de- ation is to have even a shred of credi- fies explanation. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to House Resolution 444, the gentleman bility, the Grijalva-Garamendi amend- 1450 ment must be adopted to ensure that b from Arizona (Mr. GRIJALVA) and a the promises we have heard and the Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. Member opposed each will control 5 guarantees that have been talked Chairman, I yield myself the balance of minutes. about this afternoon are, in fact, re- my time. The Chair recognizes the gentleman ality. This amendment would make it a I just want to point out the unprece- from Arizona. requirement. dented nature of this amendment. Let’s Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, just With that, I reserve the balance of think about it. for clarification of the record, the re- my time. The gentleman from Arizona (Mr. form of the Mining Act of 1872 was Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. FLAKE) properly pointed out that we passed by this House when the Demo- Chairman, I claim time in opposition. operate under the 1872 act, and there is crats were in the majority, including The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is some discussion about that; but to sin- the 8 percent royalty requirement, and recognized for 5 minutes. gle out one company in one area in one it met almost unanimous opposition Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. State for this tax sends a terrible, ter- from my Republican colleagues on the Thank you, Mr. Chairman. rible signal to our economic system. If other side of the aisle. The fundamental purpose of H.R. 1904 this were to be passed, then what is sa- We have been told that the creation is to make copper in the United States cred about this industry compared to of jobs is the principal motivation and and to create thousands of American any other industry that somebody justification for H.R. 1904, but when we jobs. doesn’t like? We will sponsor an examine these jobs claims, they start This amendment is purposefully writ- amendment to tax one individual com- to fall apart. We’ve heard varying fig- ten to make this mine impossible by pany. Boy, that is going to instill con- ures from 450 initially to 3,700 and mandating conditions that can’t be fidence, I can really see, in our eco- sometimes even 6,000. The numbers achieved. As a result of that, if this nomic system if an amendment like aren’t supported by the facts. were to pass, the 500 people currently this is adopted. It is a bad amendment, The amendment before the House employed on the project would lose and it will have a detrimental effect on right now that is offered by myself and their jobs, and the 3,700 total jobs that this project. the gentleman from California (Mr. would be created would never mate- I urge the defeat of the Markey GARAMENDI) is the only way to ensure rialize. amendment, and I yield back the bal- that at least some jobs will be created The lead sponsor of this amendment ance of my time. in Arizona as a result of this bill. Our has fought this proposed mine for The Acting CHAIR. The question is amendment adds conditions to the land years. Listen, I respect his position, on the amendment offered by the gen- exchange to guarantee job creation in but this amendment isn’t written to tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- the community of Superior, Arizona, improve the bill; it’s intended to kill KEY). and the surrounding area and to the mine. It is simply an amendment in The question was taken; and the Act- strengthen the overall benefits to the wolf’s clothing. This amendment dic- ing Chair announced that the noes ap- U.S. economy. tates specific mandates on business op- peared to have it. Section 1 of this amendment guaran- erations, Mr. Chairman, that are unre- Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Chairman, I de- tees that the Remote Operations Cen- alistic, unprecedented, and unwork- mand a recorded vote. ter is located in Superior. Modern able. Let me give you an example.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.063 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7107 It mandates the precise town in With that, I reserve the balance of I would just remind him he offered a which the mine operations center must my time. similar amendment in committee; we be located. The Federal Government b 1500 brought up precisely the same argu- should not be dictating where and only ments, precisely the same arguments. where a company is allowed to conduct Mr. GRIJALVA. I yield the balance And here we are, we trot out an amend- its private business. If you take this to of my time to the cosponsor of the ment on the floor of the House, and it’s the logical extreme, what’s next? Will amendment, the gentleman from Cali- precisely the same amendment. I have House Democrats push a new law to re- fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI). a hard time thinking that somebody quire Apple to move from Cupertino The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman wants to work with us when they trot to—where?—Detroit? How ironic that from California is recognized for 2 min- out the same amendment with the when a company that is investing hun- utes. same arguments that got defeated dreds of millions of its private dollars Mr. GARAMENDI. Our worthy chair- twice. in Arizona to create thousands of man has put up a dozen canards, none I just want to mention this, Mr. American jobs that Democrats in the of which really address the underlying Chairman. It’s a worthy goal to buy District of Columbia want to dictate issue here. This amendment is a very American and promote buy American, where to operate its business. simple one that would locate in Ari- but not when that sentiment is used to On the other hand, there may be zona the headquarters for this mine. Is block a project to create American jobs some consistency, because when Presi- there something wrong with that? We and that results in America being less dent Obama and House Democrats are not moving this off to Finland. dependent on foreign minerals that handed out over half a billion stimulus Come on. gets our economy going. dollars to the Fisker car company, This amendment would also provide With that, Mr. Chairman, I urge de- they allowed that to be built in Fin- that the copper—and it’s been stated feat of this amendment, and I yield land, which, Mr. Chairman, I might by the proponents of the bill that 25 back the balance of my time. add, is not even a State. percent of the copper needs in the The Acting CHAIR. The question is The amendment also requires that all United States would come from this on the amendment offered by the gen- copper produced from this mine be used mine, so why not use this copper in the tleman from Arizona (Mr. GRIJALVA). in the United States. Copper is a basic United States? It seems to me to be The question was taken; and the Act- component used to construct and build perfectly reasonable, despite all the ca- ing Chair announced that the noes ap- items. It’s ridiculous to mandate that nards that we just tossed around here a peared to have it. if 1 ounce of copper goes into an item few moments ago. Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Chairman, I de- it violates this law, this amendment, The other part of this has to do with mand a recorded vote. to be used outside the United States. the equipment. Is the worthy gen- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to I am sensitive to this because I’m tleman from Washington opposed to clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- from Washington. If a Boeing plane is using American-made equipment in ceedings on the amendment offered by using copper made from this mine, that American mines? Is that what this is the gentleman from Arizona will be Boeing plane can therefore never fly all about? postponed. out of the United States. If copper pipe Yes, there may be some definitional Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. is used in the plumbing of a boat that’s problems. I’d be delighted to work with Chairman, I move that the Committee built in America, it can never ship you on the definitional problems, but do now rise. American goods in this global econ- the underlying point is why would we The motion was agreed to. omy. What about copper jewelry, Mr. set up all of this so that we could im- Accordingly, the Committee rose; Chairman, or an American-built car port the equipment from China or and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Japan or some other place. Why not that includes copper components, or GOSAR) having assumed the chair, Mr. simply require that this mine, which the multitude of everyday items that LATOURETTE, Acting Chair of the Com- we build in America and sell abroad under the bill itself is an enormous mittee of the Whole House on the state that contain copper? giveaway of American property, of of the Union, reported that that Com- The fact is that this amendment property owned by the American peo- mittee, having had under consideration would make it impossible to use the ple and the enormous unparalleled the bill (H.R. 1904) to facilitate the effi- copper from this mine; but on the other giveaway of our value, why not simply cient extraction of mineral resources hand, that’s probably what the intent require that at least if they’re going to in southeast Arizona by authorizing is. be given all of this, they be required to and directing an exchange of Federal Finally, the amendment mandates buy American-made equipment for the and non-Federal land, and for other that all equipment used to mine or sup- mine operation? purposes, had come to no resolution port mining activities be made in the What’s wrong with that? Why not thereon. United States. The purpose of the bill make it in America? If this mine is in America, why not use American-made is to allow the third largest undevel- f oped copper resource in the world to be equipment and hire Americans and, in developed in America to create Amer- this case, Arizonans? You got a prob- ican jobs and provide up to 25 percent lem with hiring Arizonans? You got a RECESS of America’s copper consumption. It problem with locating in Arizona the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- defies reason and logic to say that this headquarters of this mine, or would ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair economic boost to America can’t hap- you prefer London or maybe some- declares the House in recess subject to pen if one piece of equipment used for where in Australia? the call of the Chair, not earlier than the mine isn’t made in the United Come on. These are very simple 3:30 p.m. States. amendments so that Americans can go Accordingly (at 3 o’clock and 5 min- Let me go a little bit further, Mr. to work. These are very simple amend- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess Chairman. The word ‘‘equipment’’ is ments so that this company will buy subject to the call of the Chair. never defined. Does it include everyday American-made equipment to mine our office items that will support mine ac- copper which, under your proposal, is f tivities, such as paper or pencils? What given away. about cell phones for workers? iPhones Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I b 1545 and Blackberries, I might add, are not yield myself the balance of my time. manufactured in America. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is So I urge my colleagues, therefore, to recognized for 1 minute. AFTER RECESS vote against this amendment, which Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I just The recess having expired, the House stands in the way of American copper want to respond to my good friend was called to order by the Speaker pro production and American copper cre- from California about working with us tempore (Mr. WESTMORELAND) at 3 ation. if there is a flaw in this amendment. o’clock and 45 minutes p.m.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.066 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 SOUTHEAST ARIZONA LAND EX- Cole Jackson Lee Peterson Lungren, Daniel Poe (TX) Shimkus CHANGE AND CONSERVATION Connolly (VA) (TX) Pingree (ME) E. Pompeo Shuster Cooper Johnson (GA) Price (NC) Mack Posey Simpson ACT OF 2011 Costa Johnson (IL) Quigley Manzullo Price (GA) Smith (NE) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Costello Johnson, E. B. Rahall Marchant Quayle Smith (NJ) Courtney Jones Rangel Marino Reed Smith (TX) ant to House Resolution 444 and rule Critz Kaptur Reichert McCarthy (CA) Rehberg Southerland XVIII, the Chair declares the House in Crowley Keating Reyes McCaul Renacci Stearns the Committee of the Whole House on Cuellar Kildee Richardson McClintock Ribble Stivers McCotter Rigell the state of the Union for the further Cummings Kind Richmond Stutzman Davis (CA) Kissell Ross (AR) McHenry Rivera Sullivan consideration of the bill, H.R. 1904. Davis (IL) Kucinich Rothman (NJ) McKeon Roby Terry DeFazio Langevin Roybal-Allard McKinley Roe (TN) Thompson (PA) McMorris Rogers (AL) DeGette Larsen (WA) Rush Thornberry b 1546 Rodgers Rogers (KY) DeLauro Larson (CT) Ryan (OH) Tiberi Deutch Lee (CA) Sa´ nchez, Linda Meehan Rogers (MI) IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Tipton Dicks Levin T. Mica Rohrabacher Turner (NY) Accordingly, the House resolved Dingell Lewis (GA) Sanchez, Loretta Miller (FL) Rokita Turner (OH) Doggett Lipinski Sarbanes Miller (MI) Rooney itself into the Committee of the Whole Upton Donnelly (IN) Lofgren, Zoe Schakowsky Mulvaney Ros-Lehtinen House on the state of the Union for the Walberg Doyle Lowey Schiff Murphy (PA) Roskam further consideration of the bill (H.R. Edwards Luja´ n Schrader Myrick Ross (FL) Walden 1904) to facilitate the efficient extrac- Ellison Lynch Schwartz Neugebauer Royce Walsh (IL) Webster tion of mineral resources in southeast Engel Maloney Scott (VA) Noem Runyan Eshoo Markey Scott, David Nugent Ruppersberger West Arizona by authorizing and directing Farr Matheson Serrano Nunes Ryan (WI) Westmoreland an exchange of Federal and non-Fed- Fattah Matsui Sewell Nunnelee Scalise Whitfield eral land, and for other purposes, with Filner McCarthy (NY) Sherman Olson Schilling Wilson (SC) Frank (MA) McCollum Shuler Palazzo Schmidt Wittman Mr. LATOURETTE (Acting Chair) in the Fudge McDermott Sires Paulsen Schock Wolf chair. Garamendi McGovern Slaughter Pearce Schweikert Womack The Clerk read the title of the bill. Gonzalez McIntyre Smith (WA) Pence Scott (SC) Woodall The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- Green, Al McNerney Speier Petri Scott, Austin Yoder Green, Gene Meeks Stark Pitts Sensenbrenner Young (AK) mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, Grijalva Michaud Sutton Platts Sessions Young (FL) a request for a recorded vote on amend- Gutierrez Miller (NC) Thompson (CA) ment No. 3 printed in part B of House Hahn Miller, George Thompson (MS) NOT VOTING—11 Report 112–258 by the gentleman from Hanabusa Moore Tierney Ackerman Giffords Polis Hastings (FL) Moran Tonko Alexander Grimm Wilson (FL) Arizona (Mr. GRIJALVA) had been post- Heinrich Murphy (CT) Towns Burgess Loebsack Young (IN) poned. Higgins Nadler Tsongas Conyers Miller, Gary Pursuant to clause 6 of rule XVIII, Himes Napolitano Van Hollen Hinchey Neal Vela´ zquez 1613 proceedings will now resume on those Hinojosa Olver Visclosky b amendments printed in part B of House Hirono Owens Walz (MN) Ms. HAYWORTH and Messrs. Report 112–258 on which further pro- Hochul Pallone Wasserman RENACCI, ALTMIRE, WHITFIELD, ceedings were postponed, in the fol- Holden Pascrell Schultz Holt Pastor (AZ) Waters and BARTLETT changed their vote lowing order: Honda Paul Watt from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Amendment No. 1 by Mr. LUJA´ N of Hoyer Payne Waxman Messrs. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, New Mexico. Inslee Pelosi Welch Israel Perlmutter Woolsey WAXMAN, and PETERSON changed Amendment No. 2 by Mr. MARKEY of Jackson (IL) Peters Yarmuth their vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Massachusetts. So the amendment was rejected. Amendment No. 3 by Mr. GRIJALVA of NOES—233 The result of the vote was announced Arizona. Adams Cravaack Guinta as above recorded. Aderholt Crawford Guthrie The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. MARKEY the time for any electronic vote after Akin Crenshaw Hall Altmire Culberson The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished the first vote in this series. Hanna Amash Davis (KY) Harper business is the demand for a recorded AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. LUJA´ N Amodei Denham Harris vote on the amendment offered by the The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Austria Dent Hartzler Bachmann DesJarlais Hastings (WA) gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. business is the demand for a recorded Bachus Diaz-Balart Hayworth MARKEY) on which further proceedings vote on the amendment offered by the Barletta Dold Heck were postponed and on which the noes gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. Bartlett Dreier Hensarling Barton (TX) Duffy prevailed by voice vote. LUJA´ N) on which further proceedings Herger Bass (NH) Duncan (SC) Herrera Beutler The Clerk will redesignate the were postponed and on which the noes Benishek Duncan (TN) Huelskamp amendment. prevailed by voice vote. Berg Ellmers Huizenga (MI) Biggert Emerson The Clerk redesignated the amend- Hultgren The Clerk will redesignate the Bilbray Farenthold ment. Hunter amendment. Bilirakis Fincher Hurt RECORDED VOTE Bishop (UT) Fitzpatrick The Clerk redesignated the amend- Issa Black Flake The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote ment. Jenkins Blackburn Fleischmann has been demanded. RECORDED VOTE Bonner Fleming Johnson (OH) Johnson, Sam A recorded vote was ordered. The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bono Mack Flores Boustany Forbes Jordan The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- has been demanded. Brady (TX) Fortenberry Kelly minute vote. A recorded vote was ordered. Brooks Foxx King (IA) The vote was taken by electronic de- The vote was taken by electronic de- Broun (GA) Franks (AZ) King (NY) Kingston vice, and there were—ayes 173, noes 238, vice, and there were—ayes 189, noes 233, Buchanan Frelinghuysen Bucshon Gallegly Kinzinger (IL) not voting 22, as follows: not voting 11, as follows: Buerkle Gardner Kline [Roll No. 806] [Roll No. 805] Burton (IN) Garrett Labrador Calvert Gerlach Lamborn AYES—173 AYES—189 Camp Gibbs Lance Andrews Brown (FL) Clarke (MI) Andrews Boren Carson (IN) Campbell Gibson Landry Baca Butterfield Clay Baca Boswell Castor (FL) Canseco Gingrey (GA) Lankford Baldwin Capps Cleaver Baldwin Brady (PA) Chandler Cantor Gohmert Latham Bass (CA) Capuano Clyburn Barrow Braley (IA) Chu Capito Goodlatte LaTourette Becerra Cardoza Cohen Bass (CA) Brown (FL) Cicilline Carter Gosar Latta Berman Carnahan Connolly (VA) Becerra Butterfield Clarke (MI) Cassidy Gowdy Lewis (CA) Bishop (GA) Carney Cooper Berkley Capps Clarke (NY) Chabot Granger LoBiondo Bishop (NY) Carson (IN) Costa Berman Capuano Clay Chaffetz Graves (GA) Long Blumenauer Castor (FL) Costello Bishop (GA) Cardoza Cleaver Coble Graves (MO) Lucas Boswell Chandler Courtney Bishop (NY) Carnahan Clyburn Coffman (CO) Griffin (AR) Luetkemeyer Brady (PA) Chu Critz Blumenauer Carney Cohen Conaway Griffith (VA) Lummis Braley (IA) Cicilline Crowley

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.069 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7109 Cuellar Johnson (GA) Rahall Miller (MI) Rigell Smith (NJ) Donnelly (IN) Larsen (WA) Richmond Cummings Johnson, E. B. Rangel Mulvaney Rivera Smith (TX) Doyle Larson (CT) Rothman (NJ) Davis (CA) Jones Reyes Murphy (PA) Roby Southerland Edwards Lee (CA) Roybal-Allard Davis (IL) Kaptur Richardson Myrick Roe (TN) Stearns Ellison Levin Ruppersberger DeFazio Keating Richmond Neugebauer Rogers (AL) Stivers Engel Lewis (GA) Rush DeGette Kildee Rothman (NJ) Noem Rogers (KY) Sullivan Eshoo Lipinski Ryan (OH) DeLauro Kind Roybal-Allard Nugent Rogers (MI) Terry Farr Lofgren, Zoe Sa´ nchez, Linda Deutch Kissell Ruppersberger Nunes Rohrabacher Thompson (PA) Fattah Lowey T. Nunnelee Rokita Thornberry ´ Dicks Kucinich Rush Filner Lujan Sanchez, Loretta Dingell Langevin Olson Rooney Tiberi Frank (MA) Lynch Ryan (OH) Sarbanes Doggett Larsen (WA) Owens Ros-Lehtinen Tipton Fudge Maloney Sanchez, Loretta Schakowsky Donnelly (IN) Larson (CT) Palazzo Roskam Turner (NY) Garamendi Markey Sarbanes Schiff Doyle Lee (CA) Paul Ross (AR) Turner (OH) Gonzalez Matsui Schrader Edwards Levin Schakowsky Paulsen Ross (FL) Upton Green, Al McCarthy (NY) Schiff Schwartz Ellison Lewis (GA) Pearce Royce Walberg Green, Gene McCollum Scott (VA) Schwartz Engel Lipinski Pence Runyan Walden Grijalva McDermott Scott, David Scott (VA) Eshoo LoBiondo Peterson Ryan (WI) Walsh (IL) Gutierrez McGovern Serrano Scott, David Petri Scalise Webster Farr Lofgren, Zoe Hahn McIntyre Sewell Fattah Serrano Pitts Schilling West Lowey Hanabusa McNerney Sherman Filner Luja´ n Sewell Platts Schmidt Westmoreland Hastings (FL) Meeks Shuler Frank (MA) Lynch Sherman Poe (TX) Schock Whitfield Heinrich Michaud Sires Fudge Maloney Shuler Pompeo Schweikert Wilson (SC) Higgins Miller (NC) Slaughter Gibson Markey Sires Posey Scott (SC) Wittman Hinchey Miller, George Smith (WA) Gonzalez Matsui Slaughter Price (GA) Scott, Austin Wolf Hinojosa Moore Speier Green, Al McCarthy (NY) Smith (WA) Quayle Sensenbrenner Womack Hirono Moran Stark Green, Gene McCollum Speier Reed Sessions Woodall Hochul Murphy (CT) Sutton Grijalva McDermott Stark Rehberg Shimkus Yoder Holden Nadler Gutierrez McGovern Reichert Shuster Young (AK) Holt Napolitano Thompson (CA) Sutton Thompson (MS) Hahn McNerney Thompson (CA) Renacci Simpson Young (FL) Honda Neal Hanabusa Meeks Ribble Smith (NE) Young (IN) Hoyer Olver Tierney Thompson (MS) Tonko Hastings (FL) Michaud Tierney Inslee Pallone Heinrich Miller (NC) NOT VOTING—22 Israel Pascrell Towns Tonko Higgins Miller, George Jackson (IL) Pastor (AZ) Tsongas Towns Ackerman Gowdy Pascrell Himes Moore Alexander Grimm Jackson Lee Payne Van Hollen Tsongas Polis Hinchey Moran Clarke (NY) Kelly ´ (TX) Pelosi Vela´ zquez Van Hollen Sanchez, Linda Hinojosa Murphy (CT) Conyers King (IA) Johnson (GA) Perlmutter Visclosky Vela´ zquez T. Hirono Neal Garamendi Loebsack Schrader Johnson, E. B. Peters Walz (MN) Visclosky Wasserman Hochul Olver Giffords Miller, Gary Stutzman Jones Peterson Walz (MN) Schultz Holden Pallone Gingrey (GA) Nadler Wilson (FL) Kaptur Pingree (ME) Holt Pastor (AZ) Wasserman Gohmert Napolitano Keating Price (NC) Waters Honda Payne Schultz Kildee Quigley Watt Hoyer Pelosi Waters b 1617 Kind Rahall Waxman Inslee Perlmutter Watt Kissell Rangel Welch Israel Peters Waxman So the amendment was rejected. Kucinich Reyes Woolsey Jackson (IL) Pingree (ME) Welch The result of the vote was announced Langevin Richardson Yarmuth Jackson Lee Price (NC) Woolsey (TX) Quigley Yarmuth as above recorded. NOES—240 Stated against: NOES—238 Adams Denham Huelskamp Mr. KELLY. Mr. Chairman, on rollcall No. Aderholt Dent Huizenga (MI) Adams Crawford Herger 806, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been Akin DesJarlais Hultgren Aderholt Crenshaw Herrera Beutler present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Amash Diaz-Balart Hunter Akin Culberson Huelskamp Amodei Dold Hurt Altmire Davis (KY) Huizenga (MI) AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. GRIJALVA Austria Dreier Issa Amash Denham Hultgren The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Bachmann Duffy Jenkins Amodei Dent Hunter business is the demand for a recorded Bachus Duncan (SC) Johnson (IL) Austria DesJarlais Hurt Barletta Duncan (TN) Johnson (OH) Bachmann Diaz-Balart Issa vote on the amendment offered by the Bartlett Ellmers Johnson, Sam Bachus Dold Jenkins gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GRI- Barton (TX) Emerson Jordan Barletta Dreier Johnson (IL) JALVA) on which further proceedings Bass (NH) Farenthold Kelly Barrow Duffy Johnson (OH) were postponed and on which the noes Benishek Fincher King (IA) Bartlett Duncan (SC) Johnson, Sam Berg Fitzpatrick King (NY) Barton (TX) Duncan (TN) Jordan prevailed by voice vote. Biggert Flake Kingston Bass (NH) Ellmers King (NY) The Clerk will redesignate the Bilbray Fleischmann Kinzinger (IL) Benishek Emerson Kingston amendment. Bilirakis Fleming Kline Berg Farenthold Kinzinger (IL) Bishop (UT) Flores Labrador Berkley Fincher Kline The Clerk redesignated the amend- Black Fortenberry Lamborn Biggert Fitzpatrick Labrador ment. Blackburn Foxx Lance Bilbray Flake Lamborn RECORDED VOTE Bonner Franks (AZ) Landry Bilirakis Fleischmann Lance Bono Mack Frelinghuysen Lankford Bishop (UT) Fleming Landry The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Boren Gallegly Latham Black Flores Lankford has been demanded. Boustany Gardner LaTourette Blackburn Forbes Latham A recorded vote was ordered. Brady (TX) Garrett Latta Bonner Fortenberry LaTourette Brooks Gerlach Lewis (CA) Bono Mack Foxx Latta The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Broun (GA) Gibbs LoBiondo Boren Franks (AZ) Lewis (CA) minute vote. Buchanan Gibson Long Boustany Frelinghuysen Long The vote was taken by electronic de- Bucshon Gingrey (GA) Lucas Brady (TX) Gallegly Lucas vice, and there were—ayes 182, noes 240, Buerkle Gohmert Luetkemeyer Brooks Gardner Luetkemeyer Burgess Goodlatte Lummis Broun (GA) Garrett Lummis not voting 11, as follows: Burton (IN) Gosar Lungren, Daniel Buchanan Gerlach Lungren, Daniel [Roll No. 807] Calvert Gowdy E. Bucshon Gibbs E. Camp Granger Mack Buerkle Goodlatte Mack AYES—182 Campbell Graves (GA) Manzullo Burgess Gosar Manzullo Altmire Capps Conyers Canseco Graves (MO) Marchant Burton (IN) Granger Marchant Andrews Capuano Cooper Cantor Griffin (AR) Marino Calvert Graves (GA) Marino Baca Cardoza Costa Capito Griffith (VA) Matheson Camp Graves (MO) Matheson Baldwin Carnahan Costello Carter Guinta McCarthy (CA) Campbell Griffin (AR) McCarthy (CA) Barrow Carney Courtney Cassidy Guthrie McCaul Canseco Griffith (VA) McCaul Bass (CA) Carson (IN) Critz Chabot Hall McClintock Cantor Guinta McClintock Becerra Castor (FL) Crowley Chaffetz Hanna McCotter Capito Guthrie McCotter Berkley Chandler Cummings Coble Harper McHenry Carter Hall McHenry Berman Chu Davis (CA) Coffman (CO) Harris McKeon Cassidy Hanna McIntyre Bishop (GA) Cicilline Davis (IL) Cole Hartzler McKinley Chabot Harper McKeon Bishop (NY) Clarke (MI) DeFazio Conaway Hastings (WA) McMorris Chaffetz Harris McKinley Blumenauer Clarke (NY) DeGette Cravaack Hayworth Rodgers Coble Hartzler McMorris Boswell Clay DeLauro Crawford Heck Meehan Coffman (CO) Hastings (WA) Rodgers Brady (PA) Cleaver Deutch Crenshaw Hensarling Mica Cole Hayworth Meehan Braley (IA) Clyburn Dicks Cuellar Herger Miller (FL) Conaway Heck Mica Brown (FL) Cohen Dingell Culberson Herrera Beutler Miller (MI) Cravaack Hensarling Miller (FL) Butterfield Connolly (VA) Doggett Davis (KY) Himes Mulvaney

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.018 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 Murphy (PA) Roby Smith (TX) MOTION TO RECOMMIT new ways to evade sanctions. And now Myrick Roe (TN) Southerland Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I have a we are going to help them do it? Neugebauer Rogers (AL) Stearns Noem Rogers (KY) Stivers motion to recommit at the desk. My amendment does one thing: It Nugent Rogers (MI) Stutzman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the blocks any land exchange with a com- Nunes Rohrabacher Terry gentleman opposed to the bill? pany or affiliate connected to the Iran Nunnelee Rokita Thompson (PA) Mr. DEUTCH. I am opposed in its Foreign Investment Company. Olson Rooney Thornberry Owens Ros-Lehtinen current form. Let me be clear. This amendment Tiberi The SPEAKER pro tempore. The will not prevent the passage of the leg- Palazzo Roskam Tipton Paul Ross (AR) Turner (NY) Clerk will report the motion to recom- islation. If adopted, it will be incor- Paulsen Ross (FL) Turner (OH) mit. porated and we will vote on the final Pearce Royce Upton The Clerk read as follows: Pence Runyan bill. We have come together against a Walden Petri Ryan (WI) Mr. Deutch moves to recommit the bill nuclear-armed Iran before, and we can Pitts Scalise Walsh (IL) H.R. 1904 to the Committee on Natural Re- Webster do it again today. Let’s put bipartisan- Platts Schilling sources with instructions to report the same ship aside. Join me on this motion to Poe (TX) Schmidt West back to the House forthwith with the fol- Westmoreland recommit and let’s unite against the Pompeo Schock lowing amendment: Posey Schweikert Whitfield very real threat of a nuclear-armed Ira- Wilson (SC) Page 6, line 19, relating to the definition of Price (GA) Scott (SC) Resolution Copper Mining, LLC, insert be- nian regime. Quayle Scott, Austin Wittman I am pleased to yield to the ranking Reed Sensenbrenner Wolf fore the period the following: ‘‘, except that Rehberg Sessions Womack such term shall not include any company, member, the gentleman from Massa- Reichert Shimkus Woodall successor, assign, affiliate, member, or joint chusetts. Renacci Shuster Yoder venturer with an ownership interest in any 1630 Ribble Simpson Young (AK) property or project any portion of which is b Rigell Smith (NE) Young (FL) owned by the Iran Foreign Investment Com- Mr. MARKEY. I thank the gen- Rivera Smith (NJ) Young (IN) pany’’. tleman. NOT VOTING—11 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- The bill before us today proposes to Ackerman Grimm Sullivan tleman from Florida is recognized for 5 give away National Forest land to the Alexander Loebsack Walberg minutes. Resolution Copper Corporation so they Forbes Miller, Gary Wilson (FL) can build a giant copper mine. There Giffords Polis Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, bipar- tisan unity may be rare these days, but could be somewhere between $2 billion b 1622 if there is one issue we have consist- and $7 billion worth of copper on this So the amendment was rejected. ently come together on, it is the threat land. The result of the vote was announced posed by a nuclear-armed Iran. So who exactly is this company that as above recorded. That’s why last year’s body voted to is going to be the beneficiary of the Re- The Acting CHAIR. The question is enact tough new sanctions aimed at publican majority largesse? A control- on the amendment in the nature of a preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear ling 55 percent of Resolution Copper’s substitute. weapons. That’s why 332 Members of shares are owned by the giant mining The amendment was agreed to. this House are today cosponsors of new conglomerate Rio Tinto. The Acting CHAIR. Under the rule, legislation to strengthen Iran sanc- What else does Rio Tinto own? It the Committee rises. tions law. And it is also why this body turns out Rio Tinto owns 65 percent of Accordingly, the Committee rose; should join me on this final amend- the world’s largest open pit uranium and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. HUN- mine, the Rossing Mine, in Namibia. ment to the bill so we do not reward TER) having assumed the chair, Mr. Their second-largest partner in the companies that provide financial and LATOURETTE, Acting Chair of the Com- Rossing Uranium Mine, with a 15 per- material support to the Iranian re- mittee of the Whole House on the state cent stake and two people on the board gime—because this bill, in its current of the Union, reported that that Com- of directors, is none other than the form, will bolster Iran’s illicit quest for mittee, having had under consideration government of Iran. the bill (H.R. 1904) to facilitate the effi- nuclear weapons. The U.N. Security Council has six This legislation awards U.S. land to cient extraction of mineral resources times approved resolutions con- Resolution Copper, a company owned in southeast Arizona by authorizing demning Iran for its violations of the by Rio Tinto. Rio Tinto also owns a and directing an exchange of Federal Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and majority stake in the Rossing uranium and non-Federal land, and for other this House has twice enacted strong purposes, and, pursuant to House Reso- mine in Namibia, where it partners Iran nuclear sanctions. Yet Rio Tinto lution 444, reported the bill back to the with the Iran Foreign Investment Com- is in partnership with the Iranian gov- House with an amendment adopted in pany. The Iran Foreign Investment ernment to mine uranium. For what the Committee of the Whole. Company is wholly owned by the Ira- purpose? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under nian regime, and last summer the And with this bill today we are re- the rule, the previous question is or- Treasury Department added it to the warding Rio Tinto. We are telling Rio dered. list of Iranian entities in violation of Tinto, Never mind the U.N. sanctions. The question is on the amendment in sanctions law. Never mind the sanctions of U.S. law. the nature of a substitute. Quite simply, we are about to reward What the Deutch amendment does is The amendment was agreed to. a company that partners with the Ira- say if you want to do business with The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nian regime to mine, of all things, the America, you need to stop doing busi- question is on the engrossment and uranium it needs to become a nuclear- ness with Iran and Mahmoud third reading of the bill. armed power. This Congress cannot be Ahmadinejad. Under this amendment, The bill was ordered to be engrossed in the business of assisting a regime as soon as Rio Tinto severs its partner- and read a third time, and was read the that plots an attack on U.S. soil, that ship with Iran and Ahmadinejad, Rio third time. kills brave American soldiers in Iraq Tinto’s Resolution Copper affiliate can MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEMBRANCE OF MEM- and Afghanistan, and threatens to wipe proceed to take title to these very val- BERS OF ARMED FORCES AND THEIR FAMILIES our ally Israel off the map. uable Federal lands in Arizona in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Iran has made its intentions clear. United States of America. Chair would ask all present to rise for The Iranian nuclear program is not in- I don’t think that’s too much for this the purpose of a moment of silence. tended for peaceful purposes. Just last Congress to ask. Vote for a strong nu- The Chair asks that the House now month, an IAEA agency report indi- clear nonproliferation policy. Send a observe a moment of silence in remem- cated ‘‘increasing concerns’’ about pos- message to Ahmadinejad. Vote for the brance of our brave men and women in sible ‘‘military dimensions’’ to the Ira- Deutch amendment. uniform who have given their lives in nian program. The threat is real, and Mr. DEUTCH. I yield back the bal- the service of our Nation in Iraq and in this Congress has always taken it seri- ance of my time. Afghanistan and their families, and of ously. Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. I rise all who serve in our Armed Forces and We have watched Iran attempt to in opposition to the motion to recom- their families. make a mockery of U.S. law by finding mit.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.020 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7111 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Green, Al Maloney Rush Pence Roskam Terry Green, Gene Markey Ryan (OH) Petri Ross (FL) Thompson (PA) CHAFFETZ). The gentleman is recog- Grijalva Matheson Sa´ nchez, Linda Pitts Royce Thornberry nized for 5 minutes. Gutierrez Matsui T. Platts Runyan Tiberi Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Mr. Hahn McCarthy (NY) Sanchez, Loretta Poe (TX) Ryan (WI) Tipton Speaker, let me be perfectly clear, and Hanabusa McCollum Sarbanes Pompeo Scalise Turner (NY) Hastings (FL) McDermott Posey Schilling I will say this as slowly as I can so it Schakowsky Turner (OH) Heinrich McGovern Schiff Price (GA) Schmidt Upton can be understood. This bill does not Higgins McIntyre Schrader Quayle Schock Walberg Reed Schweikert waive any economic sanction laws. All Himes McNerney Schwartz Walden Hinchey Meeks Rehberg Scott (SC) Scott (VA) Walsh (IL) of those laws still stand. Hinojosa Michaud Reichert Scott, Austin Scott, David Webster Now, let me say this. This bill is Hirono Miller (NC) Renacci Sensenbrenner West Hochul Miller, George Serrano Ribble Sessions about creating jobs in Arizona. By cre- Westmoreland Holden Moore Sewell Rigell Shimkus ating jobs in Arizona, we are creating Whitfield Holt Moran Sherman Rivera Shuster American jobs in Arizona. Honda Murphy (CT) Shuler Roby Simpson Wilson (SC) It is interesting to me how I hear the Hoyer Nadler Sires Roe (TN) Smith (NE) Wittman Wolf other side come up with all of these dif- Inslee Napolitano Slaughter Rogers (AL) Smith (NJ) Israel Neal Smith (WA) Rogers (KY) Smith (TX) Womack ferent ideas. The debate has been going Jackson (IL) Olver Speier Rogers (MI) Southerland Woodall on for some time—probably about 3 Jackson Lee Owens Stark Rohrabacher Stearns Yoder years, come to think of it. Here is what (TX) Pallone Sutton Rokita Stivers Young (AK) the debate is: It’s about creating jobs Johnson (GA) Pascrell Thompson (CA) Rooney Stutzman Young (FL) Johnson, E. B. Pastor (AZ) Thompson (MS) Ros-Lehtinen Sullivan Young (IN) in this country. Our approach on this Kaptur Payne Tierney NOT VOTING—9 side is very simple. It’s simple because Keating Pelosi Tonko it’s based on the premise of our coun- Kildee Perlmutter Towns Ackerman Grimm Miller, Gary Kind Peters Tsongas Alexander King (NY) Polis try. We rely on the private sector. We Kissell Peterson Van Hollen Giffords Loebsack Wilson (FL) rely on people to make an investment Kucinich Pingree (ME) Vela´ zquez to create American jobs. Their side Langevin Price (NC) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Larsen (WA) Quigley Visclosky wants to—and we heard this in de- Walz (MN) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Larson (CT) Rahall the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- bate—raise taxes and create public Lee (CA) Rangel Wasserman jobs. This creates private jobs. Levin Reyes Schultz ing. Lewis (GA) Richardson Waters I say vote ‘‘no’’ on the motion to re- Watt Lipinski Richmond 1653 commit and pass the bill. Lofgren, Zoe Ross (AR) Waxman b I yield back the balance of my time. Lowey Rothman (NJ) Welch So the motion to recommit was re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Luja´ n Roybal-Allard Woolsey jected. Lynch Ruppersberger Yarmuth objection, the previous question is or- The result of the vote was announced dered on the motion to recommit. NOES—237 as above recorded. There was no objection. Adams Dreier Johnson (OH) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Aderholt Duffy Johnson, Sam question is on the passage of the bill. question is on the motion to recommit. Akin Duncan (SC) Jones The question was taken; and the Amash Duncan (TN) Jordan The question was taken; and the Amodei Ellmers Kelly Speaker pro tempore announced that Speaker pro tempore announced that Austria Emerson King (IA) the ayes appeared to have it. the noes appeared to have it. Bachmann Farenthold Kingston RECORDED VOTE Bachus Fincher Kinzinger (IL) RECORDED VOTE Barletta Fitzpatrick Kline Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I demand Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I demand Bartlett Flake Labrador a recorded vote. a recorded vote. Barton (TX) Fleischmann Lamborn A recorded vote was ordered. Bass (NH) Fleming Lance A recorded vote was ordered. Benishek Flores Landry The SPEAKER pro tempore. This The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Berg Forbes Lankford will be a 5-minute vote. ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX, Biggert Fortenberry Latham The vote was taken by electronic de- Bilbray Foxx LaTourette vice, and there were—ayes 235, noes 186, this 15-minute vote on the motion to Bilirakis Franks (AZ) Latta recommit H.R. 1904 will be followed by Bishop (UT) Frelinghuysen Lewis (CA) not voting 12, as follows: 5-minute votes on passage of H.R. 1904, Black Gallegly LoBiondo [Roll No. 809] Blackburn Gardner Long if ordered; ordering the previous ques- Bonner Garrett Lucas AYES—235 tion on House Resolution 448; adopting Bono Mack Gerlach Luetkemeyer Adams Canseco Fleming House Resolution 448, if ordered; and Boustany Gibbs Lummis Aderholt Cantor Flores suspending the rules and passing H.R. Brady (TX) Gibson Lungren, Daniel Akin Capito Forbes Brooks Gingrey (GA) E. Amodei Carson (IN) Fortenberry 2527. Broun (GA) Gohmert Mack Austria Carter Foxx The vote was taken by electronic de- Buchanan Goodlatte Manzullo Bachmann Cassidy Franks (AZ) vice, and there were—ayes 187, noes 237, Bucshon Gosar Marchant Bachus Chabot Frelinghuysen Buerkle Gowdy Marino Barletta Chaffetz Gallegly not voting 9, as follows: Burgess Granger McCarthy (CA) Barrow Coble Gardner [Roll No. 808] Burton (IN) Graves (GA) McCaul Bartlett Coffman (CO) Garrett Calvert Graves (MO) McClintock Barton (TX) Cole Gerlach AYES—187 Camp Griffin (AR) McCotter Bass (NH) Conaway Gibbs Altmire Carney Davis (CA) Campbell Griffith (VA) McHenry Benishek Cravaack Gibson Andrews Carson (IN) Davis (IL) Canseco Guinta McKeon Berg Crawford Gingrey (GA) Baca Castor (FL) DeFazio Cantor Guthrie McKinley Biggert Crenshaw Gohmert Baldwin Chandler DeGette Capito Hall McMorris Bilbray Culberson Goodlatte Barrow Chu DeLauro Carter Hanna Rodgers Bilirakis Davis (KY) Gosar Bass (CA) Cicilline Deutch Cassidy Harper Meehan Bishop (UT) Denham Gowdy Becerra Clarke (MI) Dicks Chabot Harris Mica Black Dent Granger Berkley Clarke (NY) Dingell Chaffetz Hartzler Miller (FL) Blackburn DesJarlais Graves (GA) Berman Clay Doggett Coble Hastings (WA) Miller (MI) Bonner Diaz-Balart Graves (MO) Bishop (GA) Cleaver Donnelly (IN) Coffman (CO) Hayworth Mulvaney Bono Mack Dold Griffin (AR) Bishop (NY) Clyburn Doyle Cole Heck Murphy (PA) Boustany Donnelly (IN) Griffith (VA) Blumenauer Cohen Edwards Conaway Hensarling Myrick Brady (TX) Dreier Guinta Boren Connolly (VA) Ellison Cravaack Herger Neugebauer Brooks Duffy Guthrie Boswell Conyers Engel Crawford Herrera Beutler Noem Broun (GA) Duncan (SC) Hall Brady (PA) Cooper Eshoo Crenshaw Huelskamp Nugent Buchanan Duncan (TN) Hanna Braley (IA) Costa Farr Culberson Huizenga (MI) Nunes Bucshon Ellmers Harper Brown (FL) Costello Fattah Davis (KY) Hultgren Nunnelee Buerkle Emerson Harris Butterfield Courtney Filner Denham Hunter Olson Burgess Farenthold Hartzler Capps Critz Frank (MA) Dent Hurt Palazzo Burton (IN) Fincher Hastings (WA) Capuano Crowley Fudge DesJarlais Issa Paul Calvert Fitzpatrick Hayworth Cardoza Cuellar Garamendi Diaz-Balart Jenkins Paulsen Camp Flake Heck Carnahan Cummings Gonzalez Dold Johnson (IL) Pearce Campbell Fleischmann Hensarling

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.078 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 Herger McKinley Royce Scott (VA) Stark Walz (MN) Chaffetz Hurt Quayle Herrera Beutler McMorris Runyan Scott, David Sutton Wasserman Coble Issa Reed Huelskamp Rodgers Ryan (WI) Serrano Thompson (CA) Schultz Coffman (CO) Jenkins Rehberg Huizenga (MI) Meehan Scalise Sewell Thompson (MS) Waters Cole Johnson (IL) Reichert Hultgren Mica Schilling Sherman Tierney Watt Conaway Johnson (OH) Renacci Hunter Miller (FL) Schmidt Shuler Tonko Waxman Costa Johnson, Sam Ribble Hurt Miller (MI) Schock Sires Towns Welch Cravaack Jones Rigell Issa Murphy (PA) Schweikert Slaughter Tsongas Wolf Crawford Jordan Rivera Smith (NJ) Van Hollen Jenkins Myrick Scott (SC) Woolsey Crenshaw Kelly Roby Johnson (OH) Neugebauer Scott, Austin Smith (WA) Vela´ zquez Cuellar King (IA) Yarmuth Roe (TN) Johnson, Sam Noem Sensenbrenner Speier Visclosky Culberson Kingston Rogers (AL) Jordan Nugent Sessions Davis (KY) Kinzinger (IL) NOT VOTING—12 Rogers (KY) Kelly Nunes Shimkus Denham Kline Rogers (MI) King (IA) Nunnelee Shuster Ackerman King (NY) Sa´ nchez, Linda Dent Labrador Rohrabacher Kingston Olson Simpson Alexander Loebsack T. DesJarlais Lamborn Rokita Kinzinger (IL) Palazzo Smith (NE) Carney Miller, Gary Wilson (FL) Diaz-Balart Lance Rooney Kissell Paulsen Smith (TX) Giffords Polis Dold Landry Ros-Lehtinen Kline Pearce Southerland Grimm Rigell Dreier Lankford Roskam Labrador Pence Stearns Duffy Latham Ross (FL) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Lamborn Petri Stivers Duncan (SC) LaTourette Royce Lance Pitts Stutzman The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Duncan (TN) Latta Runyan Landry Platts Sullivan the vote). There is 1 minute remaining. Ellmers Lewis (CA) Ryan (WI) Lankford Poe (TX) Terry Emerson LoBiondo Scalise Latham Pompeo Thompson (PA) Farenthold Long b 1659 Schilling LaTourette Posey Thornberry Fincher Lucas Schmidt Latta Price (GA) Tiberi So the bill was passed. Fitzpatrick Luetkemeyer Schock Lewis (CA) Quayle Tipton Flake Lummis Schweikert Long Reed Turner (NY) The result of the vote was announced Fleischmann Lungren, Daniel Scott (SC) Lucas Rehberg Turner (OH) Fleming E. as above recorded. Scott, Austin Luetkemeyer Reichert Upton Flores Mack A motion to reconsider was laid on Sensenbrenner Lummis Renacci Walberg Forbes Manzullo Sessions Lungren, Daniel Ribble Walden the table. Fortenberry Marchant Shimkus E. Rivera Walsh (IL) Stated for: Foxx Marino Shuler Mack Roby Webster Franks (AZ) Matheson Mr. RIGELL. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Shuster Manzullo Roe (TN) West Frelinghuysen McCarthy (CA) 809, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been Simpson Marchant Rogers (AL) Westmoreland Gallegly McCaul Smith (NE) Marino Rogers (KY) Whitfield present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Gardner McClintock Matheson Rogers (MI) Wilson (SC) Garrett McCotter Smith (NJ) McCarthy (CA) Rohrabacher Wittman f Gerlach McHenry Smith (TX) McCaul Rokita Womack Gibbs McKeon Southerland McClintock Rooney Woodall PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Gibson McKinley Stearns McCotter Ros-Lehtinen Yoder OF H.R. 2576, MODIFYING INCOME Gingrey (GA) McMorris Stivers Stutzman McHenry Roskam Young (AK) CALCULATION FOR HEALTH Gohmert Rodgers McIntyre Ross (AR) Young (FL) Goodlatte Meehan Sullivan McKeon Ross (FL) Young (IN) CARE PROGRAMS, AND PRO- Gosar Mica Terry VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF Gowdy Miller (FL) Thompson (PA) NOES—186 H.R. 674, 3% WITHHOLDING RE- Granger Miller (MI) Thornberry Tiberi PEAL AND JOB CREATION ACT Graves (GA) Mulvaney Altmire Edwards Lowey Graves (MO) Murphy (PA) Tipton ´ Amash Ellison Lujan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Griffin (AR) Myrick Turner (NY) Andrews Engel Lynch Turner (OH) finished business is the vote on order- Griffith (VA) Neugebauer Baca Eshoo Maloney Guinta Noem Upton Baldwin Farr Markey ing the previous question on the reso- Guthrie Nugent Walberg Bass (CA) Fattah Matsui lution (H. Res. 448) providing for con- Hall Nunes Walden Becerra Filner McCarthy (NY) sideration of the bill (H.R. 2576) to Hanna Nunnelee Walsh (IL) Berkley Frank (MA) McCollum Harper Olson Webster Berman Fudge McDermott amend the Internal Revenue Code of Harris Palazzo West Bishop (GA) Garamendi McGovern 1986 to modify the calculation of modi- Hartzler Paul Westmoreland Bishop (NY) Gonzalez McNerney Hastings (WA) Paulsen Whitfield Blumenauer Green, Al Meeks fied adjusted gross income for purposes of determining eligibility for certain Hayworth Pearce Wilson (SC) Boren Green, Gene Michaud Heck Pence Wittman Boswell Grijalva Miller (NC) healthcare-related programs, and pro- Hensarling Petri Wolf Brady (PA) Gutierrez Miller, George viding for consideration of the bill Herger Pitts Womack Braley (IA) Hahn Moore (H.R. 674) to amend the Internal Rev- Herrera Beutler Platts Woodall Brown (FL) Hanabusa Moran Huelskamp Poe (TX) Yoder Butterfield Hastings (FL) Mulvaney enue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposi- Huizenga (MI) Pompeo Young (AK) Capps Heinrich Murphy (CT) tion of 3 percent withholding on cer- Hultgren Posey Young (FL) Capuano Higgins Nadler Hunter Price (GA) Young (IN) Cardoza Himes Napolitano tain payments made to vendors by gov- ernment entities, on which the yeas Carnahan Hinchey Neal NAYS—178 Castor (FL) Hinojosa Olver and nays were ordered. Chandler Hirono Owens The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Andrews Clyburn Fudge Chu Hochul Pallone Baca Cohen Garamendi Cicilline Holden Pascrell tion. Baldwin Connolly (VA) Gonzalez Clarke (MI) Holt Pastor (AZ) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Barrow Conyers Green, Al Clarke (NY) Honda Paul question is on ordering the previous Bass (CA) Cooper Green, Gene Clay Hoyer Payne Becerra Costello Grijalva Cleaver Inslee Pelosi question. Berkley Courtney Gutierrez Clyburn Israel Perlmutter This is a 5-minute vote. Berman Critz Hahn Cohen Jackson (IL) Peters The vote was taken by electronic de- Bishop (GA) Crowley Hanabusa Connolly (VA) Jackson Lee Peterson vice, and there were—yeas 243, nays Bishop (NY) Cummings Hastings (FL) Conyers (TX) Pingree (ME) Blumenauer Davis (CA) Heinrich Cooper Johnson (GA) Price (NC) 178, not voting 12, as follows: Boswell Davis (IL) Higgins Costa Johnson (IL) Quigley [Roll No. 810] Brady (PA) DeFazio Himes Costello Johnson, E. B. Rahall Braley (IA) DeGette Hinchey Courtney Jones Rangel YEAS—243 Brown (FL) DeLauro Hinojosa Critz Kaptur Reyes Adams Berg Buchanan Butterfield Deutch Hirono Crowley Keating Richardson Aderholt Biggert Bucshon Capps Dicks Hochul Cuellar Kildee Richmond Akin Bilbray Buerkle Capuano Dingell Holden Cummings Kind Rothman (NJ) Altmire Bilirakis Burgess Cardoza Doggett Holt Davis (CA) Kucinich Roybal-Allard Amash Bishop (UT) Burton (IN) Carnahan Donnelly (IN) Honda Davis (IL) Langevin Ruppersberger Amodei Black Calvert Carney Doyle Hoyer DeFazio Larsen (WA) Rush Austria Blackburn Camp Castor (FL) Edwards Inslee DeGette Larson (CT) Ryan (OH) Bachmann Bonner Campbell Chandler Ellison Israel DeLauro Lee (CA) Sanchez, Loretta Bachus Bono Mack Canseco Chu Engel Jackson (IL) Deutch Levin Sarbanes Barletta Boren Cantor Cicilline Eshoo Jackson Lee Dicks Lewis (GA) Schakowsky Bartlett Boustany Capito Clarke (MI) Farr (TX) Dingell Lipinski Schiff Barton (TX) Brady (TX) Carter Clarke (NY) Fattah Johnson (GA) Doggett LoBiondo Schrader Bass (NH) Brooks Cassidy Clay Filner Johnson, E. B. Doyle Lofgren, Zoe Schwartz Benishek Broun (GA) Chabot Cleaver Frank (MA) Kaptur

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:03 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.025 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7113 Keating Nadler Schrader Calvert Herger Poe (TX) Holt Meeks Sarbanes Kildee Napolitano Schwartz Camp Herrera Beutler Pompeo Honda Miller (NC) Schakowsky Kind Neal Scott (VA) Campbell Huelskamp Posey Hoyer Miller, George Schiff Kissell Olver Scott, David Canseco Huizenga (MI) Price (GA) Inslee Moore Schwartz Kucinich Owens Serrano Cantor Hultgren Quayle Israel Moran Scott (VA) Langevin Pallone Sewell Capito Hunter Reed Jackson (IL) Murphy (CT) Scott, David Larsen (WA) Pascrell Sherman Carson (IN) Hurt Rehberg Jackson Lee Nadler Serrano Larson (CT) Pastor (AZ) Sires Carter Issa Reichert (TX) Napolitano Sewell Lee (CA) Payne Johnson (GA) Neal Slaughter Cassidy Jenkins Renacci Sherman Levin Pelosi Chabot Johnson (IL) Ribble Johnson, E. B. Olver Smith (WA) Sires Lewis (GA) Perlmutter Chaffetz Johnson (OH) Richardson Kaptur Owens Speier Slaughter Lipinski Peters Coble Johnson, Sam Rigell Keating Pallone Stark Smith (WA) Lofgren, Zoe Pingree (ME) Coffman (CO) Jones Rivera Kildee Pascrell Lowey Price (NC) Sutton Cole Jordan Roby Kind Pastor (AZ) Speier Luja´ n Quigley Thompson (CA) Conaway Kelly Roe (TN) Kucinich Payne Stark Lynch Rahall Thompson (MS) Cooper King (IA) Rogers (AL) Langevin Pelosi Sutton Maloney Rangel Tierney Cravaack Kingston Rogers (KY) Larsen (WA) Perlmutter Thompson (CA) Markey Reyes Tonko Crawford Kinzinger (IL) Rogers (MI) Larson (CT) Peters Thompson (MS) Matsui Richardson Towns Crenshaw Kissell Rohrabacher Lee (CA) Peterson Tierney McCarthy (NY) Richmond Tsongas Culberson Kline Rokita Levin Pingree (ME) Tonko McCollum Ross (AR) Van Hollen Davis (KY) Labrador Rooney Lewis (GA) Price (NC) Towns McDermott Rothman (NJ) Vela´ zquez DeFazio Lamborn Ros-Lehtinen Loebsack Quigley Tsongas McGovern Roybal-Allard Visclosky Denham Lance Roskam Lofgren, Zoe Rahall Van Hollen McIntyre Ruppersberger Wasserman Dent Landry Ross (FL) Lowey Rangel Vela´ zquez McNerney Rush Schultz DesJarlais Lankford Royce Luja´ n Reyes Visclosky Meeks Ryan (OH) Waters Diaz-Balart Latham Runyan Lynch Richmond Walz (MN) Michaud Sa´ nchez, Linda Maloney Watt Dold LaTourette Ryan (WI) Ross (AR) Wasserman Miller (NC) T. Donnelly (IN) Markey Rothman (NJ) Waxman Latta Scalise Schultz Miller, George Sanchez, Loretta Dreier Lewis (CA) Schilling Matsui Roybal-Allard Welch Waters Moore Sarbanes Duffy Lipinski Schmidt McCarthy (NY) Ruppersberger Woolsey Watt Moran Schakowsky Duncan (SC) LoBiondo Schock McCollum Rush Murphy (CT) Schiff Yarmuth Duncan (TN) Long Schrader McDermott Ryan (OH) Waxman Ellmers Lucas Schweikert McGovern Sa´ nchez, Linda Welch NOT VOTING—12 Emerson Luetkemeyer Scott (SC) McIntyre T. Woolsey Ackerman Grimm Peterson Farenthold Lummis Scott, Austin McNerney Sanchez, Loretta Yarmuth Alexander King (NY) Polis Fincher Lungren, Daniel Sensenbrenner Carson (IN) Loebsack Walz (MN) Fitzpatrick E. Sessions NOT VOTING—8 Giffords Miller, Gary Wilson (FL) Flake Mack Shimkus Ackerman Grimm Polis Fleischmann Manzullo Shuler Alexander King (NY) Wilson (FL) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Fleming Marchant Shuster Giffords Miller, Gary The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Flores Marino Simpson ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE the vote). There is 1 minute remaining. Forbes Matheson Smith (NE) Fortenberry McCarthy (CA) Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Foxx McCaul Smith (TX) the vote). There is 1 minute remaining. b 1706 Franks (AZ) McClintock Southerland So the previous question was ordered. Frelinghuysen McCotter Stearns b 1713 The result of the vote was announced Gallegly McHenry Stivers Gardner McKeon Stutzman So the resolution was agreed to. as above recorded. Garrett McKinley Sullivan The result of the vote was announced Gerlach McMorris Terry f Gibbs Rodgers Thompson (PA) as above recorded. Gibson Meehan Thornberry A motion to reconsider was laid on PERSONAL EXPLANATION Gingrey (GA) Mica Tiberi the table. Mr. LOEBSACK. Mr. Speaker, today I was Gohmert Michaud Tipton Goodlatte Miller (FL) Turner (NY) f not present for six recorded votes because I Gosar Miller (MI) Turner (OH) was meeting with a group of constituents and Gowdy Mulvaney Upton NATIONAL BASEBALL HALL OF the Federal Emergency Management Agency Granger Murphy (PA) Walberg FAME COMMEMORATIVE COIN ACT Graves (GA) Myrick Walden Administrator to discuss Iowa flood recovery. Graves (MO) Neugebauer Walsh (IL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- If had been present, I would have voted Griffin (AR) Noem Webster finished business is the vote on the mo- ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 805; ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 806; Griffith (VA) Nugent West Guinta Nunes Westmoreland tion to suspend the rules and pass the ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 807; ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 808; Guthrie Nunnelee Whitfield bill (H.R. 2527) to require the Secretary ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall 809; and ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall Hall Olson Wilson (SC) of the Treasury to mint coins in rec- 810. Hanna Palazzo Wittman ognition and celebration of the Na- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Harper Paul Wolf Harris Paulsen Womack tional Baseball Hall of Fame, as question is on the resolution. Hartzler Pearce Woodall amended, on which the yeas and nays The question was taken; and the Hastings (WA) Pence Yoder were ordered. Speaker pro tempore announced that Hayworth Petri Young (AK) The Clerk read the title of the bill. the ayes appeared to have it. Heck Pitts Young (FL) Hensarling Platts Young (IN) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The RECORDED VOTE question is on the motion offered by Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. NOES—172 the gentleman from New Mexico (Mr. Speaker, I demand a recorded vote. Andrews Clay Engel PEARCE) that the House suspend the A recorded vote was ordered. Baca Cleaver Eshoo rules and pass the bill, as amended. Baldwin Clyburn Farr The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Barrow Cohen Fattah This will be a 5-minute vote. will be a 5-minute vote. Bass (CA) Connolly (VA) Filner The vote was taken by electronic de- The vote was taken by electronic de- Becerra Conyers Frank (MA) vice, and there were—yeas 416, nays 3, vice, and there were—ayes 253, noes 172, Berman Costa Fudge Bishop (GA) Costello Garamendi not voting 14, as follows: not voting 8, as follows: Bishop (NY) Courtney Gonzalez [Roll No. 812] [Roll No. 811] Boswell Critz Green, Al YEAS—416 Brady (PA) Crowley Green, Gene AYES—253 Brown (FL) Cuellar Grijalva Adams Barton (TX) Black Adams Bass (NH) Bono Mack Butterfield Cummings Gutierrez Aderholt Bass (CA) Blackburn Aderholt Benishek Boren Capps Davis (CA) Hahn Akin Bass (NH) Blumenauer Akin Berg Boustany Capuano Davis (IL) Hanabusa Altmire Benishek Bonner Altmire Berkley Brady (TX) Cardoza DeGette Hastings (FL) Amodei Berg Bono Mack Amash Biggert Braley (IA) Carnahan DeLauro Heinrich Andrews Berkley Boren Amodei Bilbray Brooks Carney Deutch Higgins Austria Berman Boswell Austria Bilirakis Broun (GA) Castor (FL) Dicks Himes Baca Biggert Boustany Bachmann Bishop (UT) Buchanan Chandler Dingell Hinchey Bachus Bilbray Brady (PA) Bachus Black Bucshon Chu Doggett Hinojosa Baldwin Bilirakis Brady (TX) Barletta Blackburn Buerkle Cicilline Doyle Hirono Barletta Bishop (GA) Braley (IA) Bartlett Blumenauer Burgess Clarke (MI) Edwards Hochul Barrow Bishop (NY) Brooks Barton (TX) Bonner Burton (IN) Clarke (NY) Ellison Holden Bartlett Bishop (UT) Brown (FL)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.031 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7114 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 Buchanan Gibbs Mack Ruppersberger Simpson Van Hollen sands of foster care adoptions. Too Bucshon Gibson Maloney Rush Sires Vela´ zquez many foster children across the Na- Buerkle Gingrey (GA) Manzullo Ryan (OH) Slaughter Visclosky Burgess Gohmert Marchant Ryan (WI) Smith (NE) Walden tion, including almost 10,000 children Burton (IN) Gonzalez Marino Sa´ nchez, Linda Smith (NJ) Walsh (IL) in Pennsylvania, are waiting to be Butterfield Goodlatte Markey T. Smith (TX) Walz (MN) adopted. Calvert Gosar Matheson Sanchez, Loretta Smith (WA) Wasserman For this reason, I’ve joined numerous Camp Gowdy Matsui Sarbanes Southerland Schultz Scalise Speier fellow House colleagues in sponsoring Campbell Granger McCarthy (CA) Waters Schakowsky Stark Canseco Graves (GA) McCarthy (NY) Watt H. Res. 433, a bipartisan resolution sup- Cantor Graves (MO) McCaul Schiff Stearns Waxman porting the goals and ideals of National Capito Green, Al McClintock Schilling Stivers Webster Adoption Month and National Adop- Capps Green, Gene McCollum Schmidt Stutzman Welch Capuano Griffin (AR) McCotter Schock Sullivan tion Day in November. This resolution West Cardoza Griffith (VA) McDermott Schrader Sutton will bring needed awareness to adop- Carnahan Guinta McGovern Schwartz Terry Westmoreland tion and encourage our fellow Ameri- Schweikert Thompson (CA) Whitfield Carney Guthrie McHenry cans to ensure every child has a perma- Carson (IN) Gutierrez McIntyre Scott (SC) Thompson (MS) Wilson (SC) Carter Hahn McKeon Scott (VA) Thompson (PA) Wittman nent home with a loving family. Cassidy Hall McKinley Scott, Austin Thornberry Wolf f Castor (FL) Hanabusa McMorris Scott, David Tiberi Womack Chabot Hanna Rodgers Sensenbrenner Tierney Woodall INFRASTRUCTURE Serrano Tipton Chaffetz Harper McNerney Woolsey (Mr. HIGGINS asked and was given Chandler Harris Meehan Sessions Tonko Yarmuth Chu Hastings (FL) Meeks Sewell Towns Yoder permission to address the House for 1 Cicilline Hayworth Mica Sherman Tsongas Young (AK) minute.) Shimkus Clarke (MI) Heck Michaud Turner (NY) Young (FL) Shuler Turner (OH) Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I call on Clarke (NY) Heinrich Miller (FL) Young (IN) my colleagues and call their attention Clay Hensarling Miller (MI) Shuster Upton to a report issued last week by Trans- Cleaver Herger Miller (NC) NAYS—3 Clyburn Herrera Beutler Miller, George portation for America. The report iden- Coble Higgins Moore Amash Broun (GA) Paul tified 99 bridges in western New York, Coffman (CO) Himes Moran NOT VOTING—14 2,000 bridges in New York State and Cohen Hinchey Mulvaney Cole Hinojosa Murphy (CT) Ackerman Grijalva Miller, Gary 63,000 bridges nationwide as struc- Conaway Hirono Murphy (PA) Alexander Grimm Polis turally deficient. Connolly (VA) Hochul Myrick Bachmann Hartzler Walberg This should not surprise us. The Conyers Holden Nadler Becerra Hastings (WA) Wilson (FL) American Society of Civil Engineers Cooper Holt Napolitano Giffords King (NY) Costa Honda Neal gives our infrastructure a D grade and Costello Hoyer Neugebauer b 1720 the World Economic Forum ranks the Courtney Huelskamp Noem So (two-thirds being in the affirma- United States 23rd in infrastructure Cravaack Huizenga (MI) Nugent quality. Our infrastructure is suffering Crawford Hultgren Nunes tive) the rules were suspended and the Crenshaw Hunter Nunnelee bill, as amended, was passed. from a crippling lack of investment Critz Hurt Olson The result of the vote was announced and our country is falling behind be- Crowley Inslee Olver as above recorded. cause of it. Cuellar Israel Owens Mr. Speaker, the United States has Culberson Issa Palazzo A motion to reconsider was laid on Cummings Jackson (IL) Pallone the table. spent over $62 billion nation-building Davis (CA) Jackson Lee Pascrell in Iraq. It is time to do some nation- f Davis (IL) (TX) Pastor (AZ) building right here at home. There is Davis (KY) Jenkins Paulsen HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW work that needs to be done, and a lot of DeFazio Johnson (GA) Payne DeGette Johnson (IL) Pearce Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Americans need the work. DeLauro Johnson (OH) Pelosi unanimous consent that when the So I implore this House, pass a jobs Denham Johnson, E. B. Pence House adjourns today, it adjourn to bill that includes $60 billion for infra- Dent Johnson, Sam Perlmutter structure, pass a 6-year transportation DesJarlais Jones Peters meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. bill, use innovative ideas like the infra- Deutch Jordan Peterson The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GIB- Diaz-Balart Kaptur Petri structure bank to create public-private Dicks Keating Pingree (ME) SON). Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Virginia? partnerships and do it now. Given the Dingell Kelly Pitts state of our infrastructure and our Doggett Kildee Platts There was no objection. Dold Kind Poe (TX) economy, we can’t afford to wait. f Donnelly (IN) King (IA) Pompeo f Doyle Kingston Posey Dreier Kinzinger (IL) Price (GA) NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH AND BORDER PATROL AGENT Duffy Kissell Price (NC) NATIONAL ADOPTION DAY SENTENCED TO PRISON Duncan (SC) Kline Quayle Duncan (TN) Kucinich Quigley (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania (Mr. BURTON of Indiana asked and Edwards Labrador Rahall asked and was given permission to ad- was given permission to address the Ellison Lamborn Rangel dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Ellmers Lance Reed House for 1 minute and to revise and Emerson Landry Rehberg vise and extend his remarks.) extend his remarks.) Engel Langevin Reichert Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speak- Eshoo Lankford Renacci Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of er, some of the most important people Farenthold Larsen (WA) Reyes the goals and the ideals of National Farr Larson (CT) Ribble in America are the people that protect Fattah Latham Richardson Adoption Month and National Adop- our southern border between the Filner LaTourette Richmond tion Day, both of which will be held United States and Mexico. They lay Fincher Latta Rigell next month in November 2011. their lives on the line to stop drug Fitzpatrick Lee (CA) Rivera Flake Levin Roby National Adoption Month, which was pushers and potential terrorists. They Fleischmann Lewis (CA) Roe (TN) first designated in 1995, promotes na- do this on a daily basis. Fleming Lewis (GA) Rogers (AL) tional awareness of adoption, encour- Well, one of those agents, Jesus Diaz, Flores Lipinski Rogers (KY) ages the well-being of every child, and Forbes LoBiondo Rogers (MI) Jr., in November of 2009, stopped a fel- Fortenberry Loebsack Rohrabacher recognizes the thoughtful efforts of in- low coming across the border with 150 Foxx Lofgren, Zoe Rokita dividuals and organizations working pounds of marijuana in his backpack. Frank (MA) Long Rooney with orphans and foster children. He arrested him. He put handcuffs on Franks (AZ) Lowey Ros-Lehtinen Frelinghuysen Lucas Roskam In November 2000, National Adoption him, and he supposedly lifted his arms Fudge Luetkemeyer Ross (AR) Day was launched through the Na- a little too high, and he did not sub- Gallegly Luja´ n Ross (FL) tional Adoption Day Coalition. Na- scribe to taking care of this man’s con- Garamendi Lummis Rothman (NJ) tional Adoption Day marks the day Gardner Lungren, Daniel Roybal-Allard stitutional rights. Garrett E. Royce that agencies, organizations and fami- As a result, Agent Jesus Diaz, Jr., Gerlach Lynch Runyan lies come together to complete thou- who has been cleared—he’s been

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.030 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7115 cleared by Homeland Security’s Office during the incident and failed to notify an economic situation we’re in and drive of the Inspector General and the Immi- on-duty supervisor until hours later. ourselves to more economic growth. ‘‘Instead, they went off-duty to a local gration and Customs Enforcement’s Of- f fice of Professional Responsibility. He ‘Whataburger’ restaurant, got their stories straight and reported it hours later to an off- was cleared by both of those of any duty supervisor at his home,’’ the council SMALL BUSINESS CERTAINTY wrongdoing; yet he got a 2-year jail said. ‘‘Then the ‘witnesses’ went back to the (Mr. OLSON asked and was given per- sentence just in the last couple of days station and reported their allegations.’’ mission to address the House for 1 because he supposedly mistreated a The council also noted that the teenager minute and to revise and extend his re- drug dealer coming across the border claimed no injuries in court other than sore marks.) carrying 150 pounds of drugs. shoulders, which the council attributed to ‘‘the weight of the drug load, approximately Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to This is just not right. This is just tell the story of an American small wrong. 75 pounds, he carried across the border.’’ The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western business owner, Joe Schneider, strug- [From the Washington Times, Oct. 25, 2011] District of Texas, which brought the charges, gling to keep his head above water. A (By Jerry Seper) is the same office that in February 2006— few weeks ago, I had lunch with Joe at A U.S. Border Patrol agent has been sen- under U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton—pros- the Barbed Rose Steakhouse, which he tenced to two years in prison for improperly ecuted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos owns in Alvin, Texas. lifting the arms of a 15-year-old drug smug- and Jose Compean after they shot a drug- When we finished our lunch, Joe took smuggling suspect, Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, gling suspect while handcuffed—in what the me on a walking tour to show me his Justice Department called a deprivation of in the buttocks as he tried to flee back into Mexico after abandoning a van filled with 800 plans to open five more restaurants in the teenager’s constitutional right to be free the area. He wants to revitalize his from the use of unreasonable force. pounds of marijuana. Aldrete-Davila also Agent Jesus E. Diaz Jr. was named in a No- was given immunity in the case and testified hometown by bringing commerce, jobs vember 2009 federal grand jury indictment against the agents. and good food to historic downtown with deprivation of rights under color of law Agents Ramos and Compean were con- Alvin. But the likelihood of a large tax during an October 2008 arrest near the Rio victed and sentenced to 11 and 12 years in increase, whether it be from tax cuts Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas, in response to prison, respectively. President George W. expiring or the White House’s proposed Bush commuted the sentences in 2009 after a report that illegal immigrants had crossed tax hikes, has put his expansion plans the river with bundles of drugs. they had served two years. The same prosecutors also charged on indefinite hold. In a prosecution sought by the Mexican Small businesses deserve certainty government and obtained after the suspected Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Her- smuggler was given immunity to testify nandez in 2005 with violating the civil rights from Washington and a tax policy that against the agent, Diaz was sentenced last of a Mexican criminal alien after he shot out allows them to keep more of their week by U.S. District Judge Alia Moses the tires of a van filled with illegals as it money to expand, to reinvest in their Ludlum in San Antonio. The Mexican con- tried to run him over. One of the illegal im- communities, and to grow jobs. sulate in Eagle Pass had filed a formal writ- migrants in the van was hit with bullet frag- Mr. Speaker, people like Joe Schnei- ments. ten complaint just hours after the arrest, al- der need commonsense tax reform that leging that the teenager had been beaten. f will encourage American job creation, Defense attorneys argued that there were PROMOTING WOMEN not hinder it. no injuries or bruises on the suspected smug- ENTREPRENEURS gler’s lower arms where the handcuffs had f been placed nor any bruising resulting from (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given an alleged knee on his back. Photos showed permission to address the House for 1 AMERICAN JOBS the only marks on his body came from the minute and to revise and extend his re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under straps of the pack he carried containing the marks.) the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- suspected drugs, they said. Border Patrol agents found more than 150 pounds of mari- Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, last uary 5, 2011, the gentleman from Cali- juana at the arrest site. week I spent a day traveling my dis- fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI) is recognized The defense claimed that the smuggling trict and meeting with half a dozen for 60 minutes as the designee of the suspect was handcuffed because he was unco- women entrepreneurs. minority leader. operative and resisted arrest, and that the I started the morning spending time Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, agent had lifted his arms to force him to the with children in Maple Grove, Min- thank you for the opportunity to ground—a near-universal police technique— nesota, at the LilyPad Daycare that is present here on the floor the solution while the other agents looked for the drugs. owned by a dynamic mom and daughter to the question that was just raised by The allegations against Diaz, 31, a seven- year veteran of the Border Patrol, initially team. my colleague from the Republican side were investigated by Homeland Security’s Next I went to Plymouth, and I vis- of the aisle. Office of Inspector General and Immigration ited and toured the medical manufac- A month ago, the President laid out and Customs Enforcement’s Office of Profes- turer ATEK Medical, which is owned a plan that would create millions of sional Responsibility, which cleared the by Christy Bieber Orris and Kay Phil- jobs here in the United States. It was agent of any wrongdoing. lips. Now, they’ve got challenges on the American Jobs Act. We are going But the Internal Affairs Division at U.S. the horizon with the FDA and a new to talk about this tonight. Before I get Customs and Border Protection ruled dif- medical device tax, but they are deter- into the details of it, last week, in fact ferently nearly a year later and, ultimately, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western mined to move forward. 1 week ago, I held a town hall meeting District of Texas brought charges. I also visited a public relations firm in Fairfield, California. The Law Enforcement Officers Advocates that was started from scratch by Cindy At that town hall meeting the ques- Council said the government’s case was Leines in her basement 23 years ago. tion of jobs was on everybody’s mind. ‘‘based on false testimony that is contra- Then I connected with Makya, who is What are you doing about jobs? What is dicted by the facts.’’ living the dream of owning and oper- Congress doing about jobs? It just In a statement, the council said that be- ating her own educational toy store. seems as though nothing is happening, cause the arrest took place at about 2 a.m., And finally I sat down with Peg at and all we’re seeing from Congress is darkness would have made it impossible for the government’s witnesses to have seen Peg’s Countryside Cafe. talk of the deficit and cuts. whether any mistreatment took place. It Mr. Speaker, Minnesota is a great Every time there’s a cut, we have an- said Marcos Ramos, the Border Patrol agent State teeming with endless possibili- other job loss here in our area. Maybe who stood next to Diaz, testified that he did ties because of women like these who it’s a school teacher that’s laid off or not see any mistreatment of the smuggling are entrepreneurs taking risks, and we some highway project that’s not going suspect. need to do more to encourage women forward. So what’s happening with the The council said other witnesses made con- to take the leap into entrepreneurship. jobs? tradictory claims and some later admitted to My hope is that last week’s tour will And I then began to explain the having perjured themselves. Such admis- sions, the council said, were ignored by the help inspire more women to realize American Jobs Act, and we’re going to court and the government. It also said that their dream of running their own busi- spend some time this evening talking probationary agents who claimed to have ness. After all, it’s small businesses just about that issue, the American witnessed the assault raised no objections that will lead our way out of this tough Jobs Act.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.090 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7116 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 b 1730 cuts taxes to spur small business hiring will be able to receive a very, very sig- As proposed by the President, it does and consumer spending; it prevents nificant benefit as a result of this address a variety of ways in which layoffs of our vital services, our teach- American Jobs Act. American jobs will be created, and not ers, our firefighters, and our law en- If the gentlelady would like to con- increasing the deficit at all, but rather forcement officers; and it puts people tinue on with some of the reasons why fully paid for. to work building roads, bridges, and this is important to New York, please, I would like to start off this evening schools. That’s so important. Mrs. MALONEY, if you would take care by asking my colleague from the great The infrastructure jobs not only cre- and have at it. State of New York (Mrs. MALONEY) if ate good paying jobs now, they’re an Mrs. MALONEY. I would like to re- she would like to express the view from investment in the future to help Amer- spond to the point that the gentleman the East Coast, and then I’ll move to ica compete in the world economy. I made. Economists tell us that one of the West Coast. know from my own State many of our the ways that we climb out of reces- Mrs. MALONEY. I would like to bridges and tunnels and roads and mass sions—and we’re in the worst recession thank my colleague from the great transit are crumbling, and we could use that I’ve experienced in my lifetime, State of California for bringing the this influx of infrastructure money to the worst since the Great Depression— American Jobs Act to the floor, every rebuild and put people back to work. the way we climb out is often small single week, speaking out in favor of Very importantly, the President’s plan businesses. Small businesses hire and American workers, small businesses, maintains a safety net for Americans grow. Two out of three people hired in and a sane, balanced approach that not most hurt by the economic downturn. America are hired by small businesses. only has a cutback in order to cut back It’s a good plan. But at this time their hiring has not our deficit and our debt, but also a rev- Mr. GARAMENDI. I thank you very moved forward. That’s why this sub- enue leg and a jobs leg. And the Presi- much for bringing us the overall view sidy and support for small businesses is dent has come forward with a balanced of this. You are quite correct about the so important, and I applaud the Presi- approach that has won support not small businesses. Let me just put this dent for including it in the American only from New York and California but pie chart up here. Jobs Act. clear across this country. Economists Small business is where 64 percent of But because of the economic down- are speaking out in support of the all new jobs have been created over the turn, localities across our country are American Jobs Act. There have been last 15 years. Big businesses actually having to lay off workers, essential two Nobel Laureates that have come lost many, many jobs as they have workers who are investors in the future out in support of it. Mark Zandi, who offshored jobs. In fact, it was just last of our young people: Teachers and the was the economist in Senator MCCAIN’s December that the Democratic-con- protectors of our communities, fire- race for the Presidency, he has come trolled House passed a tax bill that ter- fighters and our law enforcement, are out and he has said that next year it minated tax breaks for big businesses being laid off. would increase the GDP by 2 percent. sending jobs offshore. That was about I want to talk a little bit about New It would lower the unemployment rate $12 billion of tax breaks that were ter- York, the great State that I have the by 1 percent, and would create 1.9 mil- minated so that American businesses honor of representing, and I have some lion jobs. would not get a tax break to send jobs numbers that I would like to share Now, after hearing your Special Or- offshore. I would just like to point out with you, but they are the same in ders on this, I think it would create that not one Republican voted to end many localities across the country. In even more jobs. But this is just a sense that tax break that sent those jobs off- my own State of New York, according of economists from all sides of the shore. to the Congressional Research Service, country coming out in support of it. But the point here is that small busi- the estimated grant for the teachers I think it is unfortunate that the nesses really do create 64 percent of the and the first responders would be $1.7 Senate did not pass it because we need jobs. Now, in the American Jobs Act, billion, which would save an estimated this act, and we need it now. Ameri- as my colleague from New York said, 18,000 educators and first responder cans have shown that they are worried there are some very, very important jobs. That’s important not only to about their future and they want this provisions that deal directly with these families but to the localities. Jobs Act. Analysts have speculated small businesses, encouraging them to These teachers are needed. These fire that our country faces the same kind hire. For example, we’ve got some 6 and police are needed. And very impor- of lost decade that Japan has struggled million people that are unemployed tantly, one of the things that I think is with. more than 6 months, so those are the so important is the focus that the In a New York Times article by Dan- long-term unemployed. If a small busi- President has put on modernizing our iel Alpert, a managing partner at a pri- ness were to hire one of the long-term schools. vate capital firm, he was quoted as say- unemployed, they would receive an im- When I was in school, all you needed ing, and I’d like to bring it to your at- mediate $4,000 tax credit. That is off was a piece of paper and a teacher and tention and the American people’s at- the bottom line of their taxes, pro- a pencil. Now our young people need tention: ‘‘Unless we take dramatic viding a very powerful incentive to hire computers, and we need to start teach- steps, it will be Japan all over again— the long-term unemployed. ing them computer sciences and math Now, I think the entire Nation is sick continuous deflation, no economic and technology very, very early. This and tired of our wars, but the wars are growth, in and out of recessions, and would have grants to modernize real. Those wars have created a situa- high unemployment.’’ schools so they are really ready for the tion where a very, very high percent- Robert Hockett, a professor of finan- 21st century, wired appropriately for age of the veterans that come back are cial law at Cornell in New York and a high-tech computers. This would have unable to get a job. These may be those consultant to the New York Federal a grant for New York City alone of $1.6 veterans that have been off in Afghani- Reserve, added: ‘‘It will be like the eco- billion to modernize the community stan or Iraq. There’s a tax credit again nomic version of chronic fatigue syn- colleges and the public schools so they for a veteran returning from the wars, drome—a low-grade fever all the time.’’ are ready for the next century. So we need to prevent that fatigue a $5,600 tax credit for hiring an unem- and cure the low-grade fever. That’s ployed veteran. Now if that veteran why we need to pass this bill. It would happens to have a service-connected b 1740 be the kind of short-term immediate disability, and we’ve seen the terrible But it’s our infrastructure that is so impact that our economy needs. With tragedies of those disabilities, arms, important. We are falling behind in job creation stalled and median income legs, and other problems that have be- terms of high-speed rail. Much of our dropping, Americans just aren’t buy- fallen the veterans as they serve our infrastructure is crumbling. And the ing. That’s why economists and fore- country, there’s a $9,600 tax credit in infrastructure investment would total casters are so strongly in support of it. the American Jobs Act for those small over $105 billion, including $50 billion And the American Jobs Act goes after businesses that hire the veterans. So on transportation infrastructure. This unemployment in three big ways: it by hiring new people, small businesses not only moves people and makes a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.092 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7117 more livable environment, it’s an in- the threat of a filibuster, and 280,000 for your taking this time out on the vestment also for not being dependent teachers are not going to be hired un- floor this evening and sharing this on oil that we have to import. less we’re able to break through. The time with your colleagues to talk Very importantly, there is $10 billion only way to break through is for the about the American Jobs Act. on a new national infrastructure bank American public to rise up, the 99ers What I’m going to say will take a lit- that would help finance private ven- out there, and say: Enough. Give us our tle bit of a different tack. As you tures of public roads and highways and jobs. Give us the opportunity to go know, we just had a contest about the bridges and railroads. And so that’s a back to work. use of social media in our caucus, and very, very important part of it. I yield to my colleague. I devised a program where I promoted a Very importantly, it also talks about Mrs. MALONEY. It could not be stat- campaign on #ourspeech, which asked rehabilitating the foreclosed or vacant ed more appropriately. The 99ers and our followers, if they had the oppor- properties. This is a problem. Some of all Americans should speak out and de- tunity to speak to Congress, what my colleagues in Ohio tell me they’re mand a vote on this. would they say, using the 140 or so literally bulldozing down vacant fore- Now, the President has pointed out characters on Twitter. We got a lot of closed properties. And this would allow that it should be a three-legged stool. comments in. We combined them, and to help these blighted neighborhoods It should be revenues, we need to cut now I’m going to share them. A lot of and help rebuild. back on other expenditures, and we it is about jobs, but they speak about it All in all, it is a great plan. We need need to invest in jobs. Right now, we in a little bit different way. If you to get behind it. We need to put Ameri- have roughly 15 percent of our GDP is would indulge me, I would like to take cans back to work. And we should have revenues, but our expenditures are a few minutes. passed it yesterday. But I’m here to- roughly 35 percent. Mr. GARAMENDI. I’d be fascinated night supporting the President’s plan The gentleman points out the tax on to hear. I know that your constituents to put Americans back to work and to millionaires and other areas that they have been very, very active, and I know invest in our future, invest in Amer- were looking at. You have to bring that over the years you have been ica’s competitiveness, and our leader- that in balance. You cannot continue superactive. Please share those tweets ship in so many areas depends on get- with 35 percent of the GDP being ex- with us. ting our economy moving again. penditures and only 15 percent being Ms. WATERS. Thank you very much. I appreciate being here with my good revenues. Granted, we do have to cut Today, I’m delivering what is known friend and colleague, and thank you so back, and that’s what the supercom- as #ourspeech—a speech composed of much for raising these issues. You’re mittee is working on, but it needs to be words solely from my followers and doing an excellent job. a balanced approach. Actually, that’s friends on Facebook who posted their Mr. GARAMENDI. I can go through what’s always worked in the past. It’s thoughts about the economy and jobs each one of those numbers that my col- always been a balanced approach. online. This is a part of my effort to league from the wonderful State of That’s the only way we can get this bring Americans closer to Congress. New York talked about. California, country on firm ground to reduce our To the people that sit on Capitol Hill: similarly, would receive very, very sig- debt, reduce our deficit, invest in op- As Members of Congress in the great- nificant benefits. portunities, innovation, and jobs for est country in the world, you are very However, we need to look at the re- the future. well aware of the concerns expressed by ality of what is happening here in this You expressed it very well, and I sup- the American constituency—jobs, sta- Chamber where the Speaker of the port your efforts here tonight. ble economic environment, education, House refuses to even allow a vote on Mr. GARAMENDI. Thank you very crime, war, et cetera. You are not Re- the President’s proposal. All of the much for joining us this evening. publicans. You are not Democrats. You things you talked about that would Before I turn to my colleague from are not an independent. You do not be- benefit New York will come to nothing California, I want to just emphasize long to any faction. Stop worrying unless the Speaker of the House will the point that the President’s Amer- about party and do something for the allow these proposals to come to a ican Jobs program is balanced, fully people. Pass the jobs bill. Pass the vote. paid for. It’s paid for with a fair tax. American Jobs Act. We all need to Mrs. MALONEY. Will the gentleman We know that over the last 12 years work. yield? now the upper income, that top 1 or 2 A child with no food doesn’t care Mr. GARAMENDI. Certainly. percent, has enjoyed an enormous tax about your power struggle with those Mrs. MALONEY. This is a democ- break that was put in place during the who are across the aisle. You must rep- racy, and I believe that there is no idea George W. Bush first and third year. resent the most downtrodden people in in the world that is so dangerous or They’ve had it good. They’ve really your district, not the most successful challenging that you can’t debate it in seen their share of income in America business nor any special interest. Big the United States Congress. It should grow extraordinarily fast while the money donations from corporations be put up for a debate and have it fully great middle class of America has had and the financial industry have pur- debated and have a vote. That’s the basically a flat situation. They’ve seen chased our democracy. America elected least that the Speaker should provide no improvement in their income. And the House, not corporations. It is time for the American people. then in the last couple of years, they represent us. You have an obliga- Mr. GARAMENDI. Over on the Sen- they’ve seen a very precipitous decline. tion as a public servant to ensure that ate side, the leader of the Senate, Mr. The President has also proposed—and the underprivileged of our society will REID, brought the issue to the Senate I know I agree very strongly with be protected. Don’t forget the poor, a floor and was unable to even get a vote this—end the tax breaks for the oil group that continues to grow while the on the Senate floor because of the Re- companies. Why does the oil industry rich get richer. We have to trust you to publican threat of a filibuster and the need another $5 billion or $6 billion a make the right decisions for us. Sup- 60-vote requirement to end that fili- year of tax breaks when in fact over port and pass the American Jobs Act. buster. And so even though on the Sen- the last decade they’ve earned more My Facebook followers continue by ate side they almost came to a vote, than a trillion dollars in profit? saying: they were stopped short by a filibuster. Our colleague from California is We labor to right our small, over- And the reason, apparently, was that ready to go. This is MAXINE WATERS, turned coffers to replace what was lost. the Republicans did not want to raise a representing Los Angeles, a colleague We labor and pay three and four times one-half of 1 percent tax on those very of mine dating back to our years in the over for substandard services. small number—the top 1 percent of California Legislature, which was just Americans that are earning more than a few years back. b 1750 a million dollars of adjusted gross in- If you would care to share with us We have become the disenfranchised come a year. And so with that small your thoughts on how we’re going to while billionaire executives live and tax increase, they refused to go along. get Americans back to work. work in very comfortable environ- So here we are in this House without Ms. WATERS. Thank you very much. ments. We are bludgeoned with par- a vote and on the other side because of I’m very appreciative, Congressman, tisan rhetoric that detracts from the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.094 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 real American issues and Representa- has received from her constituents. I fully the Speaker will allow us to bring tives who feel they may act without know that for me, and I suspect for it to the floor. And I can’t wait to hear giving heed to the desires of their con- many of our colleagues, there are simi- from Mr. COURTNEY of Connecticut. stituents. lar words, similar comments to us. It’s Mr. COURTNEY, please join us. Put partisan politics aside, they say. time for us to get with it. Let’s pass a Mr. COURTNEY. I thank the gen- Start serving your citizens with meas- jobs bill. Let’s really work for the peo- tleman from California. Connecticut, ured focus on supporting the people. ple out there, not only the unem- Rhode Island—you know, when you’re Congress must support jobs. Congress ployed, but for the great middle class from California, I’m sure we all look must support the American Jobs Act. that has been pushed down over the like one of your counties there. But it’s We need jobs so that we can pay our last decade. It’s time for them to have eastern Connecticut. At least I abut reasonable share for life activities and their say. Thank you so very, very Rhode Island. But thank you for the in- services. We want the right to realize much for being with us this afternoon. vitation to speak this evening. the promises of our founding docu- Ms. WATERS. Thank you so very I wanted to start, first of all, by just ments. much. sharing with you that I am in the final The middle class have been the legs Mr. GARAMENDI. You said some- day of a 1-week challenge that myself this country has stood on. The lack of thing that came to my mind—I’m and four other Members of Congress meaningful action in D.C. has crippled going to do this quickly before I turn have engaged in to live on a food stamp us. We have not been able to save for to my colleague from—Rhode Island? budget for a week. That’s $4 a day, our children’s college education as we You mentioned student loans. Now, the which is what the budget is for mil- live paycheck to paycheck. We worry President has been out in California, in lions of Americans today. And my wife about the more immediate dilemma— Los Angeles and in San Francisco, near and I and my daughter got through it will we be able to keep our home? We my district, and he’s been saying some- in one piece—although I had to kind of are 2 months behind in our mortgage. thing that really caught my attention, take my little care package down to Bank of America, our lender, was and that is: we can’t wait. Speaking for D.C. with me. And frankly, it has been bailed out with our tax money. Now the American people, we can’t wait for harder than I thought and a real eye who is going to bail us, who played by Congress to act. We can’t wait. opener. I mean, a cup and a half of cof- the rules and worked hard, out? Please And he did something that is really, fee—— don’t give another dime of our money really close to home. My daughter and Mr. GARAMENDI. Excuse me. May I son-in-law just finished medical school. to save the banks, they do not care interrupt? You and three of your col- They have huge loans that they took about us. leagues or four of your colleagues have Americans are sick of hearing Con- out to go through medical school. But undertaken a program to try to live on gress bicker about who is to blame for across this Nation, about $1 trillion of the unemployment insurance? our issues. While Congress pontificates loans have been taken out by young Mr. COURTNEY. No. This is a food and filibusters, Americans are starv- men and women—and older—who have stamp budget, the SNAP program. gone back to school to improve them- ing, losing their homes, working mul- Again, the SNAP budget for millions of selves, to get an education, to learn a tiple jobs if they can find them, and Americans is $4 a day. And so obvi- skill, $1 trillion out there. And many of puzzling over ways to balance our in- ously you’ve got to shop as aggres- those loans are at a very high interest credibly shrinking budgets against the sively as you possibly can, and frankly rate, and they may be from different rising costs of tolls, gas, food and cor- you’re buying somewhat lower-cost sectors. items. As I said, we’re about to get porate thievery in the guise of bank And the President says, we can’t wait across the finish line at midnight to- fees and loan rates. Good, hardworking to help these people. These young men night. Again, a cup and a half of coffee Americans shouldn’t be rubbing nickels and women and others who have these a day, half a peanut butter sandwich together and shouldn’t have to pick loans, they need help today. And so he for lunch, generic cereal, little ba- food over medicine. put together a new program based upon nanas, some meals at night. You don’t My Facebook followers wrap up by a law that we passed last year—the have to worry about cleaning dishes further saying: We wonder how we will Democrats passed last year—that said when you’re on this kind of budget be- pay our taxes and student loans, avoid we’re going to do some consolidation. cause you eat every bit of it. And as I answering our phones, leave our mail So he’s taken that step. He’s going to unopened as we struggle. The system, allow for the consolidation of these said, it has been a real eye opener in if it ever was for us, has failed at this loans into one loan package and allow terms of the fact that this is really an critical juncture in history to safe- the interest rate to be reduced, on the experience that isn’t just limited to 1 guard us. The global Occupy Wall average, at least a half percent interest week for millions of Americans. It’s Street movement illustrates beau- rate and stretched out—and a small something that, again, is just part of a tifully the consciousness of the people percentage of the income. And many of growing reality. which has been missing from the polit- these young men and women—I’m just I raise it in the context of the Jobs ical landscape. Congress must support going to say men and women, they’re Act because today there are, again, jobs, education and health care. People not all young—aren’t able to get a job millions of Americans who are 99ers; are hurting out here. Our silence has fi- other than just a minimum wage, and they are people who have gone through nally and irrevocably been broken. so they can’t pay. So he’s giving them their unemployment compensation pe- Those of us who have been awakened a break. riod, which, as we all know, has a cap are now willing soldiers in the fight. And that’s what we want our Presi- of 99 weeks. For a lot of them, there The voice of the people occupying dent to do. We want our President to really is nothing else waiting at the around the Nation will not go unrecog- go out there and say we can’t wait for end of that time other than food nized. Our strength, our passion and Congress—even though I’m ready to go stamps—or the SNAP program as it’s our vision can, and should be, har- and I know my colleagues are—and giv- now called. To basically live on $32, nessed to power change. ing them a break. This is really impor- which is really what the amount is for Thank you so very much for allowing tant that he has done this. a single adult, is really impossible. my Facebook followers to have a word Ms. WATERS. I thank you. That is As a result, we’re seeing, again, on the floor tonight. They are watch- well said. You are absolutely correct. record numbers of people showing up at ing us. They will be responding. But I And the young people are waiting on us food banks, record numbers of people think they are very appreciative that to act. They are burdened with debt. showing up at soup kitchens. There is you have allowed me this time to con- They can’t get careers started. They now a suburbanization of poverty dense those comments and the words can’t get families started. This will be that’s going on in this country. Again, that they gave to me to bring to the very helpful to them. The consolida- I represent Connecticut, which has the floor. tion and the reduction of the interest highest per capita income in America— Mr. GARAMENDI. I thank the gen- rate is extremely important. obviously lots of suburbs. There are tlelady from California so very much Mr. GARAMENDI. We can’t wait to now, again, food banks that are oper- for sharing with us the words that she get a bill out of this House, and hope- ating in a lot of these communities.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.096 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7119 Clearly, this is an issue in terms of the What I want to say to anyone who’s which would put people back to work, supercommittee and the sequestration, watching here today, who’s on food infrastructure, roads, bridges, get that whether or not a program like SNAP is stamps, having experienced briefly the 20 percent unemployment within the going to be at risk. For people to go challenge that you face over a 1-week construction trades, or 18 or 19 percent, backwards from $4 a day is something period of time, we can do better, as a or whatever it may be, and drive it that I personally can’t imagine. Nation, than that, and we must adopt down. But at the end of the day, the real so- the Jobs Act to make sure that we The China currency bill, passed by lution is to get this economy growing solve the problems of Americans who the Senate with well over 60 votes, again, and the best social program is a today are trapped in an economy that passed the House of Representatives job. I mean, that is the bottom line in allows no way out except subsistence last year, had 99 Republicans, 350 total terms of what is a real fix to this prob- programs that are inadequate to lead a votes, and we can’t get a vote in the lem. healthy productive life. House of Representatives to take on One of the things that I just wanted I thank the gentleman for yielding. the Chinese. us to, again, spend a minute on, and Mr. GARAMENDI. I thank the gen- Mr. GARAMENDI. Explain to us then I’ll hand it over to my friend from tleman from Connecticut. My apolo- what the Chinese currency bill is all Ohio who’s here, is that the pay-for gies, Rhode Island being not too far about. that’s been proposed and supported in away. Thank you very much. And Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Well, they’re ma- the Senate and the White House is a 5 thank you for pointing out that it’s nipulating their currency. They’re de- percent surcharge on income above $1 very, very difficult in America if valuing it so that the exports coming million. Recently we had, again, in my you’re poor. One out of six Americans into the United States are artificially opinion, a patriotic, courageous Amer- now live in poverty and are dependent cheaper than they would normally be, ican who stepped forward to really put upon food stamps and other kinds of already with benefits of no EPA, no the spotlight on what that means. War- subsistence in order simply to stay OSHA, no regulations. But in addition ren Buffett, who, again, is a legendary alive. to that, they manipulate their cur- investor, financier, commentator on all And we cannot forget that, although rency, devalue it to make those exports the news programs and the business we ought to remember that here on landing on the shores of the United channels, shared his tax return for last this floor very recently there was an States even cheaper. year. effort to reduce the food stamps. So I Now, all of these unfair trade prac- tices have cost the United States 2.8 b 1800 don’t quite understand why anybody million jobs in the last 10 years; 1.9 would want to do that, given the pov- His gross income, his top line was $63 million of those are manufacturing, million, his adjusted gross income was erty rate. You also spoke to the issue of fair- and 100,000 in Ohio. When manufac- $32 million, and his payment was turing jobs pay more, there’s more in- ness in taxes. Eighty-four percent of all roughly about $6 million. As he ex- tellectual property spinoff, better ben- of the wealth in this Nation is now con- plained in a number of op-eds, that efits, better pension. roughly translates into a tax rate of 17 trolled by the top 20 percent, and the All of this comes together with an percent, which, again, you’re here, bottom have become more and more issue that we’re facing back in Ohio, Johnny-on-the-spot with the charts, poor. and a philosophy in the country that is Now, one of the States that is strug- which is terrific. basically saying, if the middle class If his tax return was subjected to the gling to get back into the American just made a little bit less, the country surcharge which has been proposed and Dream is the State of Ohio, and there’s would be better off; we’d finally fix supported in the Senate, basically, it a lot of conflict going on there about these problems. That’s what’s hap- would add about another $2 million to labor and politics and the like. pening with S.B 5 and S.U. 2 in Ohio, $3 million of tax liability in terms of But I know, Mr. RYAN, that you’re fo- where we have a Republican adminis- what his return would be, and his over- cused solely on trying to get people tration taking on the teachers, the po- all effective rate would be roughly back to work in your community. If lice and the fire, and saying they make about 25 percent. you would please join us. If I recall cor- too much money, and it’s because of He clearly makes the argument rectly, you’re from the eastern part of them that we have these huge budget about the Buffett rule that he should Ohio. issues, when really, they’re the last pay a higher rate than his secretary Mr. RYAN of Ohio. That is correct, bastion of the middle class, and they and his staff—today he pays a lower the northeastern part, and I’m happy run into burning buildings, and they go rate than all of them. But the real, I to be joined by my colleague from the out and they take care of us when think, power of his argument which he northwestern part, Ms. KAPTUR, to talk we’re in a dangerous situation, or they made in The New York Times op-ed about these issues. teach our kids, or they clean the public piece, ‘‘Stop Coddling the Rich,’’ was I think, as I sat here and I listened, restrooms, or they clean the restrooms that the tax rates that he paid gladly whether it was California or whether it in the schools. back in the eighties and nineties, was Connecticut or whether it’s Ohio, I These are people who serve us, all of which again, is even higher than it think the number one issue facing the us as a country. For us to continue to would be if we passed the surcharge, country right now is the income in- go down the path of, we’ve got to dis- did nothing to inhibit his willingness equality. It is now just starting to per- mantle the middle class, we’ve got to or desire to go out and compete and in- colate up as the number one issue, the dismantle the unions, we’ve got to cut vest and participate in the drive for the greatest inequality in this country programs like Pell Grants or food American Dream. since the Great Depression. stamps or things that help us invest, or And if you look at the growth rates I know many of us have been talking keep interest rates high on student that we experienced in the 1990s when, about this for a long, long time—we’ve loans, or cut funding for the National again, the tax rates on both capital had 30 years of stagnant wages in the Institutes of Health, National Science gains and regular income were much United States. There is no way that Foundation, this is not a recipe for suc- higher than today, and would still be we’re going to be able to continue to be cess. This is a recipe for the destruc- higher than if we adopted the Jobs Act the leader of the free world, or really tion of the middle class. pay-for, as he powerfully makes the even have the kind of country that we These are investments we’ve always point, it would do nothing to inhibit want, if we have this kind of level of made as a country that have benefited growth, and it would do nothing to in- inequality. us. And to say to these police and fire hibit or punish success. There are issues that come before the and teachers and public employees, It, in fact, would just do a lot to try House of Representatives. There are you’re making too much money, you’re and create some balance in our public issues that the President is continuing part of the problem, when they’re mak- finances so that we can afford to do the to push that will help rectify this prob- ing $30,000, $35,000 a year, is ridiculous. great things that a great Nation must lem that is not getting any attention The policies coming out of Wash- do to get us out of the predicament at all in the House of Representatives, ington and the House of Representa- that we’re in today. whether it’s the American Jobs Act, tives, we don’t even have the courage

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.097 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 to take on China to say maybe we’ll America to be paid for by these men, those people that are working in drive some manufacturing jobs back women, and families that have had this Walmart around the country, their into the United States, create some extraordinary growth in their income, standard of living will drop. wealth back in the United States so just a small percentage of a surcharge, I agree with what Congressman RYAN these local communities have money 5 percent surcharge on that additional says about the middle class. We believe to fund their police and fire. This is income, the Republicans in the Senate in people earning a living and, as a re- what we’ve always done. refused to pass that bill. So 280,000 sult, being secure in the middle class— One final point. You’re starting to teachers are not going to get a job, earning a decent wage, getting a decent see it percolate. You saw it in Wis- 100,000 police and firemen will not be health benefit, and having a retirement consin. The coalition in Ohio, now, back on our streets protecting us, and program you can depend upon. against this issue too, is incredible. Po- $50 billion of construction programs I’m really happy that the cost-of-liv- lice, fire, teachers, public employees, will not be built, 35,000 schools will not ing increase will give, on average, to building trades, auto workers, machin- be renovated, and all across this Na- seniors across this country 360 extra ists, average people, all coming to- tion the pain of the middle class will dollars—360 extra dollars a year on av- gether to say, this is the middle class, continue. erage—because they’re going to be able and we’ve had it up to here. With Oc- It’s time for us to have a better deal to buy some food, better food for them- cupy Wall Street, it’s the same thing. for America. The American Jobs Act selves. They’re going to be able to pay Income inequality. High levels, it’s can do that. And I think it can help their utility bills. Do you know the been going on for a long time. People Ohio in the central part. first thing they will do? I’ll tell you are up to here. Ms. KAPTUR, if you would care to join the first thing they’ll do. They’re going And for a while, my friend, they have us, thank you so very much. I yield to to buy their grandchildren presents. said, go get Washington, D.C. Look at a terrific Representative who I know They’re going to go spend that money. them. Look, it’s the Democrats, get has fought fiercely for years and years They’re going to spend it in the econ- them. It’s their fault. But the reality is here to bring back to middle America omy. it’s where the money is, and that con- the manufacturing base and the mid- Every single business in this country, what do they say? We need customers. centration of wealth you were talking dle-income jobs that are so important. about, that’s driving the policies here. Ms. KAPTUR. Congressman We need customers. We don’t have Somebody explain to me how we can GARAMENDI, I want to thank you for enough people working—carrying 14 to pass a China currency bill last year, your leadership coming from Cali- 24 million people unemployed or under- with 350 votes, 99 Republicans, and we fornia. And my dear, dear colleague employed—to really get this economy can’t get a vote in the House of Rep- TIM RYAN from the eastern quarter of to hum. They’re waiting for customers. resentatives on it now. The Senate just Ohio, what a privilege it is to be here Every Member of Congress, if they’re passed it. Because there are some very with you as well and to be a voice for awake, knows that. And so when we see a call for a better powerful interests that don’t want it we the people—we the people, not just deal for America—for all the people, on the floor. They don’t want to vote the superrich people, not just the peo- for we the people, not just for the Wall on this. They like the system just the ple running the six biggest banks in Street bankers who brought us to this way it is. They can locate over in the country that just took the rest of juncture who, by the way, are doing China and ship their product back and America to the cleaners, but Ameri- very well and controlling two-thirds of the Americans will buy it. cans who speak for the vast majority But what’s coming home to roost the financial system of this country, who, like that chart states, want a bet- now is that the Americans aren’t mak- which is part of the problem we are fac- ter deal for America. We want invest- ing the wages they were in the last 20 ing—too much power in too few hands. ment in America. We want to make or 30 years. But as we look across our country to goods in America because we know, say what can we do, as Members, in b 1810 when we create here and we make here, order to create more of an investment In the last 20 or 30 years, consumer we create jobs here and we create real climate here, you create investment spending is down, consumer confidence wealth here for everyone, not just the when you create customers. And, hon- is down, wages are stagnant, and there privileged few. estly, you don’t create customers and It’s really an amazing fact to think are high levels of poverty even in the create wealth at the same time when about that General Motors, when I was suburbs. And so it’s all coming home to you just take all the stuff that’s made growing up, was the biggest employer roost. in China, bring it here and sell it. That I think it’s time for our country and in the country, and northern Ohio just money goes—most of it goes back to all of these disparate groups to now hummed. Plants had 14,000 workers, where those goods were made. come together—police, fire, teachers, 10,000 workers. Now you’re lucky if a We have a real challenge in our coun- building trades, and working class peo- plant has 1,200 workers, and you see try to reward Make It In America, to ple. I’m telling you, in Ohio they’re shuttered plants around our country. make goods here and to sell goods here. coming together and they’re saying: Thank God for the recovery package And as Congressman RYAN says, for We are the middle class, we are work- and what was done to resuscitate and those countries that don’t play by the ing America, and we are going to set refinance the U.S. automotive industry rules—and China doesn’t—whether it’s the agenda. so that other countries can’t eat our on currency, whether it’s on the envi- Mr. GARAMENDI. And we can’t wait. lunch, that they can’t eat our invest- ronment, or whether it’s on the fair We cannot wait. ment capital and all of the investment treatment of workers, they’re not even I’m just going to toss out two more that still exists around this country, living in the same universe as we live statistics here. The top 1 percent of the millions of families and retirees in. Who would want to live in Beijing? Americans in 1974 had about 9 percent that depend on a healthy automotive You’d need a gas mask to survive. Is of income of all sorts—capital gains, sector. that really what we want to do is interest, dividends, as well as earned When you think about it, today, downgrade our standard of living for income, about 9 percent. In 2007—that Walmart is the largest employer. We the American people to that level? And was 4 years ago—they had 231⁄2 percent. have gone from General Motors being that is the course we are on. That is So you’ve seen the income of the very the largest employer to Walmart being the course we are on, Congressman few at the top grow extraordinarily the largest employer. And this week, GARAMENDI. from 9 to 23. It’s probably up to 25 or 27 Walmart announced that even though When you talk about how many peo- percent this year. The top one-tenth of it’s the largest employer, even though ple in America are poor today, do you 1 percent—this is 15,000 families in it’s making so much money for its think they like being poor? God loves America—have raked in more than $1 shareholders and top executives, if you them just as He loves everybody in the trillion of income in 2009; just 15,000 work for Walmart and you put in under upper class and the middle class. They families, $1 trillion of income. 24 hours a week work, you’re not eligi- don’t want to be poor. They want a job. Yet, when the Senate took up the bill ble for their health insurance. Yup, I Here’s the figure. Let me put this one to provide about 2 million jobs for can just think of all those women, all on the table. I was talking to one of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.099 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7121 the major rail executives today, and I They’re going to have more tracks in When I was born, there were 146 mil- was inviting him to come out to our re- China than in the rest of the world lion people in this country. We’re now gion because we have a lot of railroads, combined in the next 5 or 10 years; and near 320 million people. By 2050, we will and they’re hiring. He said, Congress- we’re sitting here saying we’re not have 500 million people in this country. woman, I want you to know something. going to do anything because we’re not We cannot continue to live like it’s We posted 4,000 jobs in rail across this for high-speed rail. Ohio gave back $400 1950. We have to sort of catch up, which country. And he said, Guess how many million, and Florida gave back a few is where these public investments come applications we got? Five hundred hundred million dollars. We know from in. They create jobs. They create real thousand. Five hundred thousand ap- conversations we’ve had with wealth that you can’t take away or plications for 4,000 jobs. businesspeople that that would have outsource. It belongs to the American Think about what the American peo- lured companies into the State of Ohio people. It belongs here. ple are saying to us. Austerity will not because they want to build railcars, I wanted to say a word about Ohio. bring prosperity. What will bring pros- but they’re not going to build them if We’re facing this vote on Issue 2 in perity is investment in America, mak- we don’t have a high-speed rail pro- Ohio, which is an effort, as Congress- ing goods in America, creating goods in gram. These are investments that we man RYAN says, to dismantle what’s America, growing products in America, have made. left of the middle class in our State: processing products in America, and We’ve gotten into the mind-set that our teachers, our firefighters, our po- holding our trade partners accountable the government can’t do everything, lice. We have a Governor who called an for their actions, whether it’s currency but it has to do something. What it has Ohio highway patrolman an ‘‘idiot,’’ manipulation or renegotiating trade to do is make sure our roads and our which I consider a complete degrada- agreements that are not operating in bridges and our infrastructure are up tion of the Office of Governor and an the interests of the United States and to speed. insult to those who put their lives on that are far out of balance. I was just talking with Congressman the line for us every day. Let me tell you, the most out-of-bal- DOYLE from Pittsburgh. He said $3 bil- We stand against Issue 2. We’re going ance trade agreement is with China. lion in sewer projects need to get to defeat Issue 2 in Ohio because we be- And if you go back to NAFTA when it done—EPA-mandated in Pittsburgh. I lieve in building the middle class; and passed here in 1993, they said, Oh, my think Cleveland is $2 billion to $3 bil- we are proud of our police, of our high- goodness, there are going to be mil- lion and that Akron is about $1 billion. way patrolmen, of our firefighters, of lions of jobs. Well, they’re not in the It’s hundreds of millions in places like our teachers. They hold us together as United States. They’re not here. In Youngstown and in smaller cities. I’m a community, and it is our job to push fact, we’ve amassed a $1 trillion trade sure Toledo is up there in the hundreds investment into airports, highways, deficit with Mexico since NAFTA of millions in these older cities. high-speed rail, trains, transit, ports, passed. So all those people must live Ms. KAPTUR. And Sandusky. water and sewer—all of the pieces of somewhere in outer space to think that Mr. RYAN of Ohio. I saw Rahm ‘‘community’’ that hold us together that has actually created wealth in Emanuel, the Chicago mayor. He was and make our economies hum. Either America. It has been a sucking sound, saying these are 100-year-old systems you’re looking through the rearview a sucking sound to other countries— in Chicago. Do we really think that mirror or the windshield going forward. not here. Pittsburgh and Cleveland and Akron This is an ‘‘I can’’ Nation. The last four All you’ve got to do is know the and Youngstown and Toledo have $1 words of ‘‘American’’ are ‘‘I can,’’ and math. Know the math. Just look at the billion to go make these investments? we are an ‘‘I can’’ country. numbers. You don’t have to believe me. But if we say collectively as a country Mr. GARAMENDI. Indeed, we can. Look at the trade accounts. It’s writ- we’re going to rebuild the country and This piece of legislation, H.R. 613, is ten in black and white every month. that right now we’re going to use the one that I’ve introduced. It simply says We aren’t winning. We are losing the power that we have to go out and get that this money that we want to invest trade wars all over this world, and it is the money and make these investments in our sanitation systems—high-speed costing us investment here. It’s costing and put all these people back to work, rail and energy systems, whether those us jobs here. It’s costing us wealth they’ll be working for a decade. are the wind turbines or similar sys- here. And that is where those poverty Mr. GARAMENDI. Let me tell you tems—is American taxpayer money. figures are rising, because we aren’t how that could be done. It’s in the This bill says, if you’re going to use reading the math and we aren’t making President’s American Jobs Act. American taxpayer money, then you’re goods in America and balancing our ac- He has suggested that we establish an going to spend that money on Amer- counts here at home by putting people infrastructure bank. Every one of the ican-made equipment. Make it in back to work. projects that you just described is a America. It’s our money. Use it here in Mr. GARAMENDI. We certainly can cash flow project. There is a fee for America. rebuild the American manufacturing sewage and there is a fee for water. The Chinese currency bill ought to be industry, and there are ways of doing There are fees that come traditionally passed. I know that our Republican col- it. That was done in part when the with each of these services. If we had leagues are going to be following me President stepped up using the stim- an infrastructure bank—and the Presi- here in a few minutes, and they’re ulus money to rebuild General Motors dent has suggested we put $10 billion probably going to say the solution is to and Chrysler. They’re now back, and into it—we know that we could get the end regulation. They had a bill on the millions of jobs have been saved and, various public pension funds around to floor that would end the regulation simultaneously, the entire small busi- invest in it and that we could probably that would prevent the despoiling of ness supply chain is in order. have $100 billion within several months our air with such things as mercury b 1820 that could be invested in each one of and arsenic and dioxins and other Mr. RYAN, I know that you have the projects that you talked about, and kinds of poisons. We can’t build Amer- other thoughts that you’d like to add, those projects over time are able to ica by ending the regulations that pro- so please share with us. repay. Do keep in mind that the Fed- tect America: the food safety regula- Mr. RYAN of Ohio. I just think we’re eral Government is now able to borrow tions, the environmental safety regula- competing directly now with China in that money at about 2 percent for 10 tions, the clean water regulations. such a significant and direct way. So years. So this is an investment oppor- That’s not how we’re going to build we put, say, $8 billion in the stimulus tunity to build for the future. America. That’s how we’ll destroy this package for high-speed rail. I think We’ve got about 5 minutes. So, Ms. country. China is spending tens of billions of KAPTUR, if you’d like to take it, then We will build America through the dollars—— we’re going to wrap this thing up. kinds of programs that the President Mr. GARAMENDI. Well over $100 bil- Ms. KAPTUR. I would just like to has proposed with the American Jobs lion. say, for investment in our ports, in our Act, which is fully paid for with a fair Mr. RYAN of Ohio. I think it’s $120 airports, in our rail, what could be tax system, one in which those at the billion, maybe, on high-speed rail. more important to our country? top end of this economy, who have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.101 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 prospered so well over the last 15 years, Now I’m honored to represent and to isn’t far behind. Our plan saves these will now pay just a little bit more so serve the great people of Missouri’s programs for the next generation while that Americans can go back to work Fourth Congressional District, which is preserving 100 percent of the benefits and so that those unnecessary tax home to over 120,000 seniors. You can for those Americans currently in or breaks that have been given to the oil trust that I will ensure that this cher- near retirement. industry for a century—that 5, 6, $7 bil- ished generation is never overlooked. I’ll continue to fight to ensure sen- lion a year that they’ve received on top There are many challenges facing our iors don’t see any cuts in their bene- of their trillion dollars of profit over Nation’s senior citizens: financial fits, like the cuts that were provided the last decades—will go back into stress, health challenges, housing for under the President’s health care America’s Treasury so that we can issues, and family difficulties. My Re- law, which cuts Medicare by $500 bil- build America once again. We will publican women colleagues and I want lion and allows a board of bureaucrats make it in America. you to know that we care, that we hear to begin rationing care. We will, in- The President is quite right: we can’t your concerns, and that we are here to stead, continue to work to protect and wait. Americans can’t wait. It’s time stand by you and to fight for you and strengthen these important programs. for Americans to go back to work. The for workable solutions. The economic turmoil over the last American Jobs Act will put Americans b 1830 several years has impacted all of us, in- back to work without increasing the cluding our seniors. Our Nation’s sen- deficit and, in fact, by creating tax rev- I’m honored to have the privilege to- ior citizens, the Greatest Generation, enues for the American Treasury. night of leading this discussion and in- worked their entire lives to make this With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back troducing you to some of the most country what it is today. Keeping the the balance of my time. dedicated women in Congress who, like promises made to them over the years f me, care about seniors and are fighting must be a priority of this Congress and for you. AMERICA’S GREATEST GENERA- of this Nation. I would now like to yield as much TION—OUR SENIOR CITIZENS Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, lady. I time as she may consume to my good appreciate your great remarks. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under friend from just across the State line, a the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- fellow farm girl and my travel buddy Now I would like to yield as much uary 5, 2011, the gentlewoman from back and forth to the Kansas City air- time as she may consume to another farm gal, a fellow friend here, from Missouri (Mrs. HARTZLER) is recognized port, Representative LYNN JENKINS. for 60 minutes as the designee of the Ms. JENKINS. I thank the gentlelady South Dakota, KRISTI NOEM. majority leader. from Missouri for yielding, and I appre- Mrs. NOEM. I thank the gentlelady GENERAL LEAVE ciate my fellow Republican women from Missouri for recognizing me and Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask stepping up this evening to have an for facilitating this wonderful discus- unanimous consent that all Members honest fact-based discussion about one sion that we have tonight in front of us may have 5 legislative days in which to of our Nation’s most valued resources— to really talk about our seniors and to revise and extend their remarks and in- our senior citizens. talk about the challenges that they clude extraneous material on the topic As I travel through Kansas each face and the promises that we’ve made of this Special Order. week, I always hear from folks who to them that we intend to uphold and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there have had to tighten their belts over the to keep for the years to come. objection to the request of the gentle- last few years, and the overwhelming I rise to speak on this Special Order woman from Missouri? message I hear is that Kansans want with our other Republican female col- There was no objection. leagues to discuss a lot of important Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, Mr. their government to do the same, and seniors are no different. issues, and I want everybody to know Speaker. across this country, in South Dakota Today, I am here to lead a very im- While special interest groups, many we have more than the average share of portant discussion regarding America’s in the media, and several of our col- seniors in South Dakota. We have a Greatest Generation—our senior citi- leagues across the aisle like to paint very high number, and all of us have zens. our Nation’s seniors as weak, terrified I have the greatest respect and heart- of budget cuts, and beholden to the seniors in our families—grandparents, felt affection for this special group of Federal Government for financial secu- neighbors, friends who are seniors and people. This respect and affection rity, seniors in Kansas know better. live under the programs and policies of originated with the special relation- These are strong men and women who this country. ship I had with my grandparents. I val- have seen our Nation through a world Our seniors have worked hard. ued spending time with them and loved war, cultural upheaval, and cyclical fi- They’ve raised their families. They’ve learning from them. I learned how to nancial turmoil. They have always raised grandchildren with strong val- catch a fish and golf from Granddad stayed true to the ideals and principles ues, with good work ethics that are ex- Zellmer, how to clean and cook a fish that make this country great. They tremely important to them to deal from Grandma Zellmer, how to ride a have always been willing to make the with a lot of the things that this life horse and milk a cow from Granddad necessary sacrifices to better their may throw at them. They paid into So- Purdy, and how to crochet and make lives and those of their children and cial Security. They fought our enemies homemade butter from Grandma grandchildren, and they continue to on foreign soil to defend our country Purdy. display that same commitment during and our freedoms. They have built Out of the love of my grandparents our current struggles. businesses, and they literally have cre- grew a love and respect for all senior But you know what? Just because ated the fabric of our society in Amer- citizens. I believe their wisdom should our seniors are willing to sacrifice does ica today. be sought and valued in our society and not mean we should continue to de- Our Republican agenda reflects the that generations should be linked to mand it. It’s time we, the beneficiaries deep gratitude that we have towards benefit from each other. As a teacher, of their hard work and sacrifice, our seniors in this country. We’re I initiated programs to bring young stopped asking for more and allowed thankful for the country that they people together with senior citizens, our seniors to have the security and have given us. We’re thankful for the and wrote my master’s thesis on it. I certainty that they have earned values that they have taught us, and can tell you that it’s a winning com- through decade upon decade of hard we intend to follow through on the bination. Throughout my life, I have work. promises that we’ve made to them. been dedicated to advocate for senior That’s why I’m pleased to have sup- So you’re asking me today what are citizens. For over 10 years, I served on ported the Republican House budget the promises that we’ve made to our the Cass County Council on Aging. I earlier this year that will save a Medi- seniors? The first promise we have helped raise money for our Meals on care system that could be bankrupt in made is to care for them. That’s why Wheels program and for other impor- 8 years if we do nothing, and it makes we chose to step up and to save the tant programs to help senior citizens. a plan to save Social Security, which Medicare program. That’s why we

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.103 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7123 didn’t choose to not address the prob- Ms. GRANGER. Thank you very the heart-wrenching reality of Alz- lem that we have and the fact that it is much for yielding to me and thank you heimer’s disease and our need to focus going to go broke in less than a decade. for the time where we get to talk about on it here. We also did this at a time when we women and our seniors. Our next speaker is from the great can truly fix the program without im- Women have made great strides in State of Washington, Representative pacting seniors who currently rely on the workforce and in politics—actu- JAIME HERRERA BEUTLER. the program. Future generations will ally, in all areas of life. But while Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. I thank need that program, and we did offer so- we’ve had our careers, we’re still the my colleague, and the Republican lutions for that. But our current bene- primary caregivers for our children, women who have joined us here tonight ficiaries, all of those who are 55 and and we’re the ones often responsible for to talk about such an important issue older, will not be impacted if we do managing our household budget. and to share what we have been doing what the Republicans did this year and Additionally, many of us have added on behalf of our Nation’s seniors, be- fix the program so that it’s still the responsibility of caring for our cause I believe we need to protect the around. Nothing will change for seniors aging and sick parents that we owe so rights of our Nation’s seniors, the right under the plan the Republicans have much to, as you’ve talked about. We to make choices about their health put forward. know the importance of being there for care, the right to access what they spend their entire working lives paying We have also made important prom- our parents, the way they were there into, the right to know that the pro- ises to our seniors who are military for us throughout our lives, and that’s grams that exist today will be there veterans. South Dakota has a strong why tonight the House Republican history of military service. Thousands when they need them. women are focusing on the issues that Now I would like to talk specifically of South Dakotans have stepped up and matter to America’s seniors. put their lives on the line to defend about the right to make choices. Now While Medicare and Social Security in my corner of the country in south- this country. Many of them have made often make the headlines, Alzheimer’s the ultimate sacrifice, and for that west Washington State, more than a disease is a challenge that’s touched third of our seniors have chosen Medi- we’ll always be grateful. nearly all of us in some way, someone Many of them came home wounded or care Advantage. That’s 37 percent who we know, if not our own family. Be- forever changed by the experience. Vet- have made this choice. In my most pop- yond the emotional toll, Alzheimer’s is erans earned and deserve all of the ben- ulated county, Clark County, half of a disease that will weigh down our efits that they were promised going the seniors have chosen to use Medi- economy over the next century if it’s back to the founding of this great care Advantage. Part of the reason for not addressed head on. country. this—and many times you see this hap- We’ve worked to protect those pro- Nearly 6 million Americans are cur- pen—is because fewer and fewer doctors grams and protect those veterans and rently living with this disease, and are taking traditional Medicare. It just the programs that they rely on. Some every single day more than 10,000 baby doesn’t pay enough to cover the bills. in Washington, in the media, try to boomers are turning 65. As these baby With Medicare Advantage, and you’re a scare our seniors. They try to scare boomers age, one in eight will develop new Medicare beneficiary, you might them by telling them that we’re going Alzheimer’s. At a time when our gov- have a shot at getting a doctor. This is to get military veterans’ pensions and ernment is looking for ways to save very important when we have 10,000 payments and programs, and that we’re money, thinking about the economic baby boomers retiring every single day. going to cut the military veterans’ cost of diseases like Alzheimer’s is an We stand with our Nation’s seniors benefits. important priority to consider. when it comes to—and I say ‘‘we,’’ my Nothing could be further from the b 1840 Republican colleagues and myself— truth. Despite vicious rumors and when it comes to accessing programs Today, Alzheimer’s is the sixth lead- whatever the media and Democrats try they’ve spent their whole lives paying ing cause of death in the United States, to say, we are not going to let our vet- for. and we are seriously lacking in ways to erans down and not follow through on The Medicare Board of Trustees and prevent, cure, or even slow its progress. the promises that we have made to the Congressional Budget Office, CBO, This year alone, the economic impact them. We will continue to fight for two nonpartisan groups who are tasked of caring for Alzheimer’s patients will those veterans’ benefits. with figuring out what the cost of bills Finally, we also promised our seniors cost our economy a total of $183 bil- are, and that’s CBO and Medicare, the that we would leave to our kids and our lion. Unless something is done soon, trustees are tasked with the financial grandkids a nation that is as excep- the costs of Alzheimer’s in the United responsibility of keeping Medicare on tional as they left us. That means that States will total $20 trillion by the the straight and narrow. Both have we’re focusing on growing our econ- year 2050; $15 trillion of that cost will said within the next decade Medicare omy, that we’re reducing burdensome come from Medicare and Medicaid. goes completely bankrupt. So if you regulations that are driving people out This is a disease that is not only are at home and you’re watching this, of business and overseas. We’re empow- heartbreaking, but it is also a disease the one thing you need to know is ering small business at the same time, that we can’t afford if we don’t take doing nothing is not an option. Ten letting them make decisions that the action now. That means making Alz- years, 10 years, and Medicare goes in- government has no right making, and heimer’s a national priority. Leader- solvent. You know what that means? It we’re cutting wasteful spending that ship from the Federal Government has means that those seniors who have does nothing but bloat government and helped reduce the number of deaths paid their whole life into this program crowd out the private sector. from other diseases, such as HIV–AIDS, are suddenly going to be faced with In closing, let me just say that I am influenza, pneumonia, and stroke. We choices. Are they going to face cuts in proud to stand here with Republican need to do the same thing for Alz- benefits or more limited services? In- women because we take our promises heimer’s. solvent, completely insolvent. We have to our seniors very sincerely and seri- We have the potential to create the to do something, which is why earlier ously, and I know that we will do our same success that has been dem- this year my Republican colleagues part to uphold all of those promises onstrated in fights against other major and myself joined together to put forth that we have made. diseases. By making Alzheimer’s a pri- solutions for Medicare, to save it and Thank you for the time. ority, we can cut down on both the fi- to protect it. Those folks who have Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, lady, nancial and the human cost of this dis- paid into this program their whole life and absolutely we are going to fulfill ease. So I’m proud to stand with my deserve to pull that money out when it those promises. Republican colleagues and talk about is time to access it, which means we Now I would like to yield as much the issues that seniors and their fami- need to take action now. time as she may consume to the gen- lies are dealing with every day. And we I urge my colleagues in the Senate to tlelady from Texas, Representative can find solutions. consider the House-passed budget be- KAY GRANGER, who wants to share a Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, lady. I cause what it does is protect retire- little bit her thoughts on seniors. certainly share your commitment and ment benefits for everyone who is 55

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.105 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 and older, completely keeps it as it is. businesses are flourishing in this coun- around that kitchen table that may be And then for those in my generation try and are not saddled with unneces- what we call land poor—have a lot of who are younger, who are coming up sary regulations that constrict them money in the land, but not a lot of the pike, it changes it necessarily so from going forward, to move within the money in the bank—they won’t be that we can also access those benefits economy. In other words, we have to forced to make the same decisions so we will pay into. get our economy moving. It is so im- many of my friends had to make when So I’m excited today to join with my portant for our Nation, especially for I went to their family funerals. And colleagues to make sure that we pro- our seniors. they said, By gosh, we’re going to keep tect these important programs. Seniors But I think that there are some other Dad and Mom’s farm. We’re not going have a right to these programs, which things that we have to talk about with to get rid of it. They weren’t as fortu- is why we are stepping forward. We are our seniors as well. You know, as we sit nate as my sister, my brothers, and I going to stand with them to make sure around the kitchen table and we worry were that we had some personal assets that what they’ve paid into, they’ll be about our bills, they also worry about, that we could use to keep our farm. able to access when it comes time. not just how they’re going to pay their They had to sell theirs. And what’s The seniors in southwest Washington income tax, but the mammoth issue of left, brick and mortar? have spent years planning for their re- paying the income tax. And for seniors, It’s a serious issue. We need to repeal tirement. My colleagues and I will con- instead of having to go to an account- it. I urge my colleagues on both sides tinue to take the lead when it comes to ant and use their precious dollars to of the aisle to do this. It will not only protecting programs like Medicare and figure the whole system out, maybe we move our economy forward, but for our hardworking American seniors it will their choices within Medicare. We have should pass H.R. 1058, the Senior Tax alleviate that anxiety at the kitchen fought and will continue to fight Simplification Act of 2011. You know, table. against the credit card spending and this is a bipartisan bill. If passed, it Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my good friend against that mentality that jeopardizes would direct the Secretary of the and colleague from Missouri, Mrs. HARTZLER this program because our seniors de- Treasury to make available a new Fed- for hosting this Special Order on seniors, a serve that which they have paid into. eral income tax form similar to the group to whom we owe so much. Now the Republican women that 1040–EZ form for people who have According to the 2010 U.S. Census, over 40 have joined me tonight on the floor to turned over 65. It would make the com- million Americans today are 65 years of age talk about these important issues, we pletion of the Federal income tax re- or older. That’s almost 20% of our American understand that our Nation’s seniors turn simpler, faster, easier, and less family. have rights, and they are looking to us costly for most of our American hard- These are the folks upon whose shoulders to protect those rights, to protect working seniors. we stad today. They are the ones who have Medicare for them and for future gen- I think another bill that we have to carried us through the good times and the erations. really look at, and this is the one that bad. Mrs. HARTZLER. I thank you, I really want to focus the rest of my Today’s seniors are an incredible group of JAIME. talk on, is the repeal of the death tax. people. They have witnessed a lot of history, I am now happy to yield to my good This is an issue that I’ve had to person- and, in fact, they have made a lot of history. friend and fellow runner from the great ally face in my life. I grew up on a fam- They served in World War II, the Korean State of Ohio, Congresswoman JEAN ily farm, and there’s nothing better Conflict, and the Vietnam War. They fought SCHMIDT. than being raised on a farm. It’s the and bled on the battlefields of those wars, Mrs. SCHMIDT. I thank my good best way you can raise a family, and places such as North Africa, Normandy, Iwo friend from Missouri. you do a lot of talking at that kitchen Jima, Pork Chop Hill, Outpost Harry, and You know, I often talk about kitchen table. Hamburger Hill. table politics in this well because as When my dad was seeing his declin- During those wars they built our ships, our Ronald Reagan said in his farewell ing days, he realized if he didn’t do tanks, and our planes; they plowed the fields speech, all good ideas begin at the din- something, hire a fancy attorney at a and raised our crops; they manufactured the ner table. And they do. lot of money an hour, he wouldn’t be millions of items necessary to keep a nation at Look at this poster. This is a poster able to pass that farm along to his war amply supplied. Between wars, they built our skyscrapers that I think really illustrates what’s kids. So he did some estate planning, and our interstate highway system; they devel- going on in families all across Amer- but it wasn’t enough. And at the end of oped our space program and landed men on ica, including our seniors, and that is, the day when my father passed away, the moon; and, they even invented the first how are we going to pay our bills, and my brother, sister, and I had to make a how are we going to move to the fu- computers. collective decision to sell personal as- And, most importantly, while they were ac- ture? It’s a huge issue, and it’s one that sets to just be able to keep that farm this Congress needs to address in many complishing all these great feats, they also because we want our children and our found time to fall in love, to get married, and ways. grandchildren to have the same experi- The U.S. Census says that over 40 to have families. ence that we had. I think it goes without saying that we owe million Americans today are 65 years And I think, how often is this occur- our seniors a huge debt of gratitude. Still, I or older, almost 20 percent of our ring unnecessarily? And it’s not just want to take this opportunity to say to our sen- American families. Almost 20 percent the family farm, it’s the family busi- iors in this great country, thank you. Thank of those sitting around that kitchen ness, whether it is a manufacturing you for all that you have given and for all that table. These are an incredible group of business, whether it’s a winery, what- you have sacrificed and for all that you have people. These are the people who ever the business is. If it’s a family done for your country and your fellow Ameri- fought in World War II, that created business, why do we have to worry as cans. the Greatest Generation. They fought we see our declining years how we’re Mr. Speaker, it was with our seniors in in Korea, sustaining the Greatest Gen- going to do some tax structures and mind, and as an expression of gratitude to eration. And today, they are now faced pay an insurance plan and whatever them, that I proudly co-sponsored three bills of with so much anxiety and uncertainty else is out there to try to keep a part special interest. in our Nation. of it for our children. The first bill, H.R. 436, is known as the Pro- One of the things that I think we tect Medical Innovation Act of 2011. This bill, b 1850 have to do in Congress is to erase that which has support from both sides of the aisle, anxiety, whether it’s through the fi- It’s counterproductive, because in would, if passed and signed into law, amend nancial markets, to ensure that we are the end the Federal Government may the Internal Revenue Code to repeal the ex- putting forth programs that allow our get a piece of money at your death. But cise tax on medical devices. banking systems to work effectively so that’s the end of the money they’ll Eliminating this excise tax would allow med- that they don’t have to be concerned ever get from you or your family. ical device manufacturers to better spend that with what the cost of banking is going Ending the death tax won’t hurt our money researching new products. The devel- to be or what their financial assets are economy. It will only improve our opment of these potential, new medical de- going to be, to make sure that our economy. And for our seniors that sit vices would, ultimately, provide higher health

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.107 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7125 care standards and lower the costs of health Yet, today, try to find a doctor who health care bill that was passed by the care. will take a new Medicare patient in Democrats last year, the Patient Af- The second bill, H.R. 1058, is known as the America. It is impossible or difficult. fordability Act, does. It removes the Seniors’ Tax Simplification Act of 2011. This The average couple over the course of ability for them to make choices. bill, which also has support from both sides of their lifetime, when they turn 65, will In particular, the Independent Pay- the aisle, would, if passed and signed into law, have paid just over $100,000 into Medi- ment Advisory Board, also known as direct the Secretary of the Treasury to make care, and they will pull out of that pro- IPAB, is a group of 15 unelected, unac- available a new federal income tax form simi- gram over $300,000. It’s not too difficult countable bureaucrats that are as- lar to Form 1040EZ for individuals who have to do the math. It is unsustainable. signed by the President; and their job turned 65 as of the close of the taxable year. The system is going bankrupt, and now will be to cut the costs and limit access It would make the completion of federal in- is the time to improve it. for our seniors to care. They will have come tax returns simpler, faster and easier for Last year, we saw a health care bill the ability to deny care and not give most seniors. pass that is actually going to make it choice to our seniors. This is wrong. Finally, the third bill, H.R. 1259, is known as worse. The President’s health care bill Our plan, the Path to Prosperity, the Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act of will actually give 15 unelected bureau- would give our seniors choice. It would 2011. This bill, like the previous two bills, also crats in D.C. the power to cut Medicare not affect those 55 or older, but it has support from both sides of the aisle. and drive providers out of service. The would give those 54 and younger an op- It would, if passed and signed into law, Republicans want to give patients the portunity to be able to have choice in amend the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) re- power to put market pressure on pro- their program. We address the peal the estate and generation-skipping trans- viders and make them compete. unsustainable growth of Medicare so fer taxes, and (2) make permanent the max- We are here tonight as daughters the program does not bankrupt us in 10 imum 35% gift tax rate and a $5 million life- committed to helping our parents and years so that we can have money in the time gift tax exemption. their entire generation of hardworking bank for our seniors as they age. Having spent decades working hard to de- Americans ensure that this program It is only fair and right that our sen- velop and accrue assets, a person should be does not go bankrupt over the next 10 iors should have choice and that they able to convey those assets, upon his or her years. We refuse to let that happen. should have the care that they put into death, to whomever he or she chooses, with- We’re committed to finding the right the bank and they so deserve. Let’s out the heavy hand of the government reach- answers to improving, reforming, and give seniors their choice. ing in to steal a portion. protecting a program that our parents I thank my friend for yielding. Estate taxes are especially harmful to farm- have contributed to for decades. Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, DIANE. ers, ranchers, and small business owners. And so this is our moment. It’s our Now I am happy to introduce my They need to be eliminated. moment to make real changes for good friend from the great State of In conclusion, I want to say again to our America. It’s our moment to listen to Alabama, Congresswoman MARTHA seniors, thank you. each other’s stories, and it’s our mo- ROBY. I also, once more, want to thank my good ment to protect our seniors, their bene- Mrs. ROBY. Thank you so much for friend and colleague, Mrs. HARTZLER, for facili- fits, and their access to quality care. having this Special Order tonight. It’s tating this evening’s discussion and focusing We’re going to continue to do this for so important for us to have the oppor- on a segment of our society that is so deserv- many years to come to share the great tunity to speak to America, but par- ing of our time and attention and to whom we story of the American Dream and our ticularly to home in on our seniors owe so much. senior citizens who embody it. back home. Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, JEAN. Thank you very much for the oppor- Of course, throughout my travels Well spoken. tunity to participate tonight. back through Alabama during our dis- Now I get to introduce the vice chair- Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, CATHY. trict work periods, I repeatedly hear man of our conference and our good Now I would like to yield as much two things from seniors in Alabama: friend from Washington, Representa- time as she would like to my good When is Congress going to pass a budg- tive CATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS. friend, a neighbor on the east side of et, and How is Congress, with all of our Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Thank Missouri—Tennessee here—Representa- budget woes, going to preserve Social you very much, VICKY, and I am proud tive DIANE BLACK. Security and Medicare? And the failure to join a dynamic group of Republican Mrs. BLACK. Thank you for yielding of Congress to address these concerns women tonight committed to pre- your time, my dear friend from Mis- in an honest way threatens the eco- serving the American Dream, pro- souri. It’s very good to be here today as nomic security of America’s seniors. moting economic growth, and pro- Republican women and lifting up sen- Seniors deserve better than empty tecting America’s seniors. iors. promises from a government that is We have a story to tell. And it’s a When I think about the seniors in my broke. They deserve straightforward, story not just of our children and our life, my grandmother and my grand- honest answers and real solutions. grandchildren, but also of our parents father, I really hope that my children I, too, like many of the women that and our grandparents, of the men and and grandchildren will think the same have spoken tonight, have a grand- women who raised us, who contributed way about me. Because when we ask mother. I call my grandmother and fought for this great country, and people who are their heroes, so many ‘‘Gaga.’’ I have to look ‘‘Gaga’’ in the of the generation that has actually times what we hear is about their eye as a Member of Congress and ex- been hit the hardest by the economic grandmothers and their grandfathers. press to her my sincerity in making downturns. One of these seniors is my And that is because they have so much sure that we are taking care of our sen- own dad. to offer, especially the Greatest Gen- iors. This summer, when President Obama eration—the generation that right now We all agree that we’re facing a seri- actually threatened to withhold Social we are trying to protect every benefit ous budget crisis in Washington. It’s Security checks and not to reimburse that we can for them because they been more than 900 days since the Sen- Medicare providers, my dad called me have worked hard and they have put ate has passed a budget. I would like to and said, Well, CATHY, I might be mov- money into the system and they de- say this is ridiculous. A budget is a ing in with you; and, no, I won’t be serve to be cared for. basic financial plan for our country. It babysitting. Now, one thing I do know about sen- is a vision for America’s future. Ap- President Obama was wrong, and yet iors, having worked with seniors in proving a budget is a fundamental task seniors all across this country were home health care as a nurse, is they for Congress. What business would op- threatened and scared by that state- really feel like many times they don’t erate without a basic budget for 3 ment. They continued to be frightened have choices. Our seniors, just because years? by the administration’s policies. they turned 65, should not be having Republicans in the House have passed Let’s just take a look at Medicare. their choices taken away. We shouldn’t a bold budget plan that clearly address- It’s a program that both Republicans think that they can’t make good es some of the biggest financial issues and Democrats agree is unsustainable. choices. And that’s exactly what the that we face. The House Republican

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.045 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 budget addresses Washington’s reckless Mrs. ELLMERS. Thank you so much, Independent Payment Advisory Board. spending. It is an honest, detailed, con- and thank you for leading this Special Fifteen individuals, 15 bureaucrats will crete plan to put our budget on a path Order tonight. It’s so important. be able to decide what Medicare will to balance and our economy on a path You’ve heard from my fellow women pay for and what they will not, essen- to prosperity through job creation. colleagues the discussion we’re having tially taking away the patient-doctor Under the Republican House budget, about our families, our seniors, Medi- relationship. seniors 55 and older will not be affected care, Social Security, and the impor- My husband is a surgeon. I don’t in any way. As I think about my grand- tance of operating under a budget. We want my husband to have to sit down mother that I have already talked continue to grapple with these issues with his patients and discuss what they about, I have to reiterate this point. It because here in the House of Rep- cannot do because Medicare will not is so important: seniors and those that resentatives we’ve passed numerous pay for it. But that, unfortunately, is are 55 and older will not be affected by bills, we’ve passed the repeal of the the future if we are not able to remove our Republican plan. They will not be President’s health care bill, and yet this, if we are not able to repeal, as we affected. Their benefits will not only to go on to the Senate and not be have already passed here in the House. change. After paying into the system taken up for a vote. My fellow colleagues are working for years, we made a commitment to You heard my fellow women col- very hard—very hard—to rescue Medi- those seniors, and we must follow leagues discuss how we’ve passed 15 care from the position that it’s in right through. bills on to the Senate, including the re- now because it is doomed to failure. b 1900 peal, with no action whatsoever. The But, unfortunately, this issue has been American people are calling for jobs, kicked down the road through previous For those of us who are 55 and under, the American people are calling for a administrations, through previous Con- we must take steps to ensure that change in our economy, and those bills Medicare will still be available when gresses. But we can no longer allow will take care of that issue. Those bills we retire and available for our children this to go on. We have to address the and our grandchildren. This is common will set us on a path towards recovery, issue now. And I believe that our sen- sense. We know that without reform and yet we continuously play politics iors understand this. And I believe that and repairs, these entitlement pro- on the Senate side. We don’t bring if we can continue to give them this grams simply will not be in existence these things for a vote. message that we are in no way wanting We’re here tonight talking about all for us when we retire. Without reform, to harm the benefits that they’re re- these issues that affect our families, they will collapse. And the nonpartisan ceiving now or the benefits that they Congressional Budget Office antici- again, our seniors. Our seniors are so will be receiving if you’re 55 and older, pates that Medicare will go bankrupt concerned about what’s going to hap- we will be able to accomplish that. by 2020. It is clear that these programs pen in the future. Our seniors have paid But again, the calls that are coming are not sustainable in their current into a system their entire life, into So- into my office—that I am more than form, and actions must be taken before cial Security and Medicare. They de- willing and my staff is more than will- it is too late. serve those benefits back. ing to answer these issues—need to be What proposals has this administra- As a nurse, taking care of seniors was going on to the Senate. They need to tion put forward to address these con- part of my core health care life, taking be going to the Senate and asking why cerns? None of us in this room have yet care of seniors and ensuring that these issues are not being brought up. to see a solid plan for action. By failing they’re going to receive good care Why are we not voting on these bills? to address the problem, this adminis- throughout the remainder of their life. Why are we not passing a budget? tration is failing our seniors. Rather And they’ve paid into that benefit will- You’ve heard my colleagues say it’s than offering solutions, the adminis- ingly. They paid into that benefit and been over 900 days since the Senate has tration is continually providing our deserve to get it back. They don’t look passed a budget. There is no household seniors with misleading information at Medicare and Social Security as that can function without a budget, regarding the Republican proposal. Let budgetary issues. They look at these as and there is absolutely no business me say it one more time. Those 55 and benefits that they deserve, and it is in- that can function without a budget. older, under our plan, will not be af- cumbent upon us to make sure that Our seniors understand that, too, be- fected as it relates to their benefits. they receive them. cause they have lived very responsible Washington’s failure to enact poli- You’ve heard my fellow women col- lives and deserve all of the benefits cies that promote long-term economic leagues reiterate over and over again that we should be providing for them. growth and balance the budget is cre- that if you are 55 and older, through So thank you again for holding this ating uncertainty for employers and our House-passed budget they will not very important Special Order. And to consumers alike. It is time that Wash- be affected. Anyone 55 and older, no those seniors out there, we are working ington get serious and put our fiscal benefit is changed whatsoever, and yet very hard for you, and we will continue house in order. in the Senate that budget is not taken to do so. There are 15 bills—now 16, after up for a vote. Mrs. HARTZLER. Absolutely. And I today—waiting in the Senate for action The American people are looking for know that you would agree that it’s a that will put Americans back to work answers. The American people know privilege to talk about our seniors to- if the Senate will only take that ac- the issue. They understand, because we night, and your background in health tion. Congress must act now. It is what have made the point over and over and care certainly lends a lot of expertise we were sent to Washington to do, and over again, that Medicare, down the to this issue. protecting our seniors is a huge part of road, just a few years down the road, I have another friend and colleague that. will be bankrupt because of the situa- who is from the same great State of Thank you so much again for hosting tion that we’re in today. North Carolina. And I think it’s inter- this hour tonight and letting me, on Seniors are calling my office every esting. I learned something here, VIR- behalf of Alabama’s Second District, be day concerned that as Republicans we GINIA, that you’re from Grandfather a part of it. are going to ruin Medicare for them Community, and we’re talking about Mrs. HARTZLER. Absolutely, lady. and that somehow they’re going to lose seniors, so it’s appropriate. My good Thank you. that benefit. I can tell them honestly friend, Representative VIRGINIA FOXX. It is important that we get the truth that is the last thing that any of us as Ms. FOXX. Thank you very much. I out and that seniors have an oppor- Republicans want to do. In fact, the want to thank our colleague from Mis- tunity to hear the truth about our bills problem lies with the President’s souri, Congresswoman HARTZLER, for and the steps that we are taking to try health care bill that was passed in the leading this important effort tonight to protect and defend them. 111th Congress because, in that bill, a to highlight the concern that Repub- Now I get to introduce to you my fel- half trillion dollars was taken out of lican women have for the millions of low colleague from the great State of Medicare, and put into place was a 15- seniors that we represent in Congress. North Carolina, Representative RENEE person panel, which you’ve also heard And, yes, I do come from a little ELLMERS. my fellow colleagues discuss, IPAB, community in western North Carolina

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.110 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7127 that’s called Grandfather Community, save Medicare, to save Social Security. I thank the gentlewoman from Mis- because there is a mountain there And we have the plan to do it, the Path souri. called Grandfather Mountain that’s to Prosperity budget and its plan to Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, ANN one of the highest mountains east of save Medicare. It’s the only plan that MARIE. the Rockies. It’s the second highest preserves Medicare for today’s seniors I now yield to the woman from Wyo- mountain east of the Rockies. And I and for future generations. ming, Representative CYNTHIA LUMMIS. have to tell you, when people come and I think this Special Order will help Mrs. LUMMIS. I thank the gentle- see the beautiful view I have and say, us get the message out to our constitu- lady from Missouri. ‘‘How can you leave this to go to Wash- ents and those who are constituents of Among the topics we’ve been dis- ington?’’ I tell them it isn’t easy. But other Members of Congress; and I want cussing tonight is the effects of ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act, I think that we’re doing important to thank you, Congresswoman on Medicare. One of the things that I work here, and it’s important that we HARTZLER, for putting on this Special believe is the most egregious is that continue to do this work and represent, Order tonight. when the $500 billion was taken out of I think, the majority of the people in Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you so Medicare to fund ObamaCare, it puts this country. I think highlighting this much, VIRGINIA. Medicare in a position where access to is very important. Now I would like to yield time to an- Medicare becomes a problem; and it be- And it’s interesting. My colleague other good friend from New York, ANN comes a big problem in States like from North Carolina who just spoke, MARIE BUERKLE. mine, the State of Wyoming, a very Congresswoman ELLMERS, and I did not Ms. BUERKLE. Thank you very rural place. We’ve got a dearth of phy- exchange notes, but we both were on much. the same wavelength in terms of what sicians. Mr. Speaker, I am so proud to stand Every time a Medicare patient walks we wanted to talk about. I read my here this evening with my fellow Re- into their offices, that physician is los- own mail, I answer all my own letters, publican female Members of Congress, ing money because the doctors are re- and I’m astounded at the number of and we stand here tonight united on imbursed at amounts less than the cost letters I get from seniors who tell me behalf of our seniors. to provide the service. That’s hap- they’re very concerned about the I come before the House tonight, Mr. pening elsewhere in the country as health of the Medicare and Social Se- Speaker, not only as a nurse and some- well, Mr. Speaker. curity programs. one who’s been involved in health care We know from what the former CBO b 1910 most of my professional life; but I Director, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, said at come here as the daughter of a 90-year- They are concerned, and they’ve been a hearing in July of this year, and I old senior citizen. misled into thinking that Republicans quote, Today, Medicare coverage no I rise here tonight to express my ap- want to do something negative to those longer guarantees access to care. Sen- preciation to my mother and to all the programs. It is amazing the misin- iors enrolled in the Medicare program other seniors who’ve made such valu- formation that’s out there about Re- face barriers to accessing primary care able contributions, both in my district publicans and our attitude toward physicians, as well as medical and sur- and throughout the United States of Medicare and Social Security. In fact, gical specialists. He cited an example of the clinics it’s Republicans who have a plan to America. The seniors of today have that Mayo has in Arizona that are no save Medicare and Social Security, and fought wars, they’ve educated us, longer accepting Medicare patients that’s what I tell seniors. they’ve helped to build infrastructure But they’ve heard that the Congres- and technology that has led the way to into their primary care facility. This is sional Budget Office has projected that our modern life. happening all over my State. I think it Medicare part A would be bankrupt in Today’s seniors are still busy enrich- happens a lot in rural areas. So the concern that we have of tak- 10 years; and they know they’ve paid ing our society. Some of our seniors ing money out of Medicare and not into these programs, and they’re rely- are busy in the community with care using it to fix physician and hospital ing on them to provide critical medical giving, with volunteering, with sharing important life lessons with their chil- compensation, and, instead, taking it care for them when they need it. to create a whole new program for non- In the past, Congresses have taken a dren, with their grandchildren and seniors was a big mistake, a huge, huge pass on reforming these programs to with their neighbors. barrier to making sure that seniors and keep them solvent for both today’s sen- Yet some seniors, Mr. Speaker, in to- seniors-to-be, such as people in my age iors, as well as for future generations, day’s economy find themselves work- group, those of us 55 and older, will who are currently paying into them, ing later in life; and when they finally know that we have access to Medicare, like we are. But the House Republican have the ability to retire, they will be dependent on Social Security and the Medicare that we’ve paid into. Path to Prosperity budget plan pro- I commend my colleagues for having Medicare, programs that they have vides a way forward. It ensures that this Special Order tonight and raising paid into their entire lives. Medicare lives long past 2020, when it’s these issues. I want to commend you Mr. Speaker, America must honor its now projected to be bankrupt. and thank you for the opportunity to obligations to our seniors. We must The Republican plan, as my colleague participate as well. achieve bipartisan solutions that don’t from North Carolina said, does nothing Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, CYN- cut our seniors’ benefits but, rather, to impact Medicare benefits for anyone THIA. I appreciate it. 55 or older, but it will improve the pro- ensure continued existence of these And now my friend from West Vir- gram so that those 54 and younger will programs. ginia, Representative SHELLEY MOORE have access to the same kind of health I’m so saddened by the calls I get CAPITO. care program enjoyed by Federal em- from seniors day in and day out, Mr. Mrs. CAPITO. Thank you. I want to ployees and Members of Congress. Speaker. They call my office, they thank my colleague for sponsoring this We’re often criticized for having a sep- write letters, and they’re so fearful be- Special Order. I know we’re running arate program, but this will allow the cause of the misinformation that they close to being out of time, but this is seniors to participate in the same kind have been given. such an incredibly important topic for of program that we participate in. I want to stand here tonight with my us as daughters, as granddaughters, as It’s far better than letting the pro- Republican colleagues and ensure our nieces and sisters. We spend a lot of gram wither on the vine, which is what senior citizens we are protecting your time going to senior centers. I do in my those who refuse to take action would back. We are protecting Medicare and district. I believe, as my colleagues allow to happen. And again, as my col- Social Security, the programs that you have mentioned tonight, one of the re- league pointed out, it’s our friends on rely on. We want to assure them they sounding themes of our seniors right the other side of the aisle who voted to don’t have to worry, that we will take now is they’re afraid, they’re con- cut a half trillion dollars from Medi- care of them. We will honor our com- cerned, they’re worried. They don’t care. mitment to them, just as they honored know what the future’s going to be be- Not a single Republican voted to do their commitment to the United States cause of all the rhetoric surrounding that. Our effort has always been to of America. Washington.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:05 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.112 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7128 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 The statistics that we’ve heard, a lot We need to realize that we have the Oakland, California, Police Depart- of them tonight, some of the ones that plans. We have plans for our seniors. ment, which reacted with brutality to I’ve heard is that on top of more sen- We know how important Social Secu- those peacefully protesting. Mr. Speak- iors living longer, we’re going to have, rity and Medicare are to our seniors. er, I want to remind our Nation’s law the number of disabled elderly persons Maintaining it and making sure it’s enforcement authorities all across the is projected to rise by one-third by there for future generations is abso- land that civil disobedience is as Amer- 2030. As of January 1, 2011, each day lutely critical. I want to thank my col- ican as American pie. It is the act 10,000, baby boomers turn 65. The num- league for inviting me here this through which our great Nation was bers just aren’t going to fit. evening and getting a chance to talk conceived. It required great courage to We’ve talked about the Republican about something that I care deeply do what they did at the Boston Tea plan to reform Medicare, to not touch about, and that is our Nation’s Great- Party. It required great courage for the those benefits of our present seniors, est Generation. great American, Henry David Thoreau, but to reform it for future seniors, for Mrs. HARTZLER. Thank you, SHEL- to refuse to go to war against Mexico the baby boomers to come that are LEY. in 1849, an act that gave birth to the going to be turning 65 and going to Tonight you have heard from a lot of anti-war movement that continues have to rely on and need to rely on us, Republican women here in Con- today. Medicare. gress. You’ve heard our stories and our The equalities that we as Americans love and our respect for senior citizens, b 1920 enjoy today are the result of those and our heartfelt desire and commit- great, courageous Americans that I’d like to talk about something in a ment to serve and to represent them fought for our liberties, Mr. Speaker. personal way. We have a personal and to make sure that their rights are The women’s suffrage movement went story, a lot of us. I’m in the sandwich protected and that their voice is heard from 1848 to 1920. Generations of coura- generation. My parents are both in here. You’ve heard how we have had geous women marched, they fasted, and their eighties, and they’re really hav- proactive plans put forth here in the they were arrested. Finally, in 1920, the ing a pretty rough spell of bad health. House from our group to address Medi- 19th Amendment gave women the right And what it’s done for my brother and care and to preserve and protect it for to vote. It took more than seven dec- sister and me, is we’ve had to spend— the future. You’ve heard how we care ades of civil disobedience to achieve and we lovingly do this—but spend about Social Security, and we’re not the change that they sought. many, many hours trying to figure out going to take it away. We want to Let’s not forget, Mr. Speaker, that how to meet their health care needs, make sure it is there for future genera- the abolition of slavery, the labor try to figure out how to pay for all of tions. movement and the eradication of child their obligations and the worry of talk- You’ve heard of our concerns for Alz- labor, the civil rights movement, and ing with doctors, trying to make sure heimer’s and the other diseases that the environmental movement all used they’re comfortable. are ravaging our aging population, and civil disobedience as a powerful and This is a real worry for all families our desire and our commitment to peaceful weapon to change laws and to across the Nation. In our country, 66 move forward and make sure that protect all of our liberties. percent of these caregivers are women, those are addressed and that we make Members of the Occupy Movement and I think that’s why we, as women of sure and find a cure there. now emerge as yet another generation the House, particularly Republican You’ve heard of how we are listening of courageous Americans voicing a gen- women of the House, wanted to discuss to the financial challenges that we are eral frustration that many citizens seniors and care. So, with this sand- hearing from the seniors in our dis- feel: It was a money-driven elite that wich generation, with the rising inci- tricts and the plans that we put forth mismanaged the American economy. dence of Alzheimer’s, which touches to eliminate the estate tax so one gen- They are challenging us, this Congress, every family—and my family is no ex- eration can pass on their farm or their our government, to reform not only ception—it brings a different type of small business to another generation Wall Street but reform a culture of need to this country on how we’re without the Federal Government tak- selfishness and greed that has distorted going to address these very difficult ing the property or taking the farm. who we are and made the American medical issues. You’ve heard our commitment to vet- Dream appear unattainable. We are los- But if we don’t address them—and erans and to those who have sacrificed ing ground as a result of these individ- we’ve heard this tonight—if we don’t so much so that we can stay free. We’re uals, this grotesque, American, greedy address them, if we just let them lie, going to honor those commitments and and avaricious elite. let them stay the way they are, the those sacrifices. The Occupy Movement, Mr. Speaker, way they are right now today, they Lastly, you’ve heard about our re- embodies a sense of growing disillu- will not be there. They cannot exist. spect for this generation, and we know sionment with the direction of our One of the ways I think that we can of their desire to pass on an America to country. I, for one, understand that really help our seniors is to have an their grandchildren that is just as feeling. With deadlock a daily occur- economic program in place to grow our great and just as promising as the one rence in this very House, it is hard for economy so that their 401(k)s that they they grew up in. We are committed to the American people not to feel a sense look at monthly, that they rely on for making sure that we rein in our run- of utter frustration. They see their income, are growing rather than just away federal spending here, we keep elected representatives unable to gov- dissipating and shrinking, which is an- our fiscal house in order as a country, ern at this crucial time. other huge problem for our seniors. and that that promise is alive and well Mr. Speaker, a betrayal of American Many of our seniors planned very, very for their grandchildren. We are com- values occurred last night in Oakland, well for their retirement. They’ve kind mitted to moving forward as a group. California, when police fired tear gas of thought of them as their golden We thank you for listening, and we on those peaceful demonstrators. It oc- years, the times when they’re going to thank you, Mr. Speaker, for this time. curred in New York City when police be able to travel or visit more with f maced and beat protesters. Govern- their grandchildren and have the ease ment violence against our own people? THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT: WE’D of life of the day-to-day obligations Is this not the very thing that we con- BETTER PAY ATTENTION being met. And with the downturn in demn in other places all around the the economy, with the lack of growth The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. world? How dare we denounce an action in our economy, our seniors aren’t able BROOKS). Under the Speaker’s an- when committed abroad but yet remain to do that. They put their heads on the nounced policy of January 5, 2011, the silent when it happens in our own, very pillow at night, and they’re concerned gentleman from Illinois (Mr. RUSH) is own—our own backyards. about whether they’re not only going recognized for 30 minutes. to meet their obligations for their Mr. RUSH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. b 1930 health care, but the gas, the food, and Mr. Speaker, I would like to express I, for one, cannot remain silent. His- the payment for all of their needs. my outrage and my disappointment at tory teaches us that a violent response

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:52 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.114 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7129 to civil disobedience never, ever works. dacity. They follow in the footsteps of Mr. Speaker, I say that those who are It makes people angrier and turns pub- those American patriots who dared to involved in the occupy movement, you lic opinion against law enforcement, disobey the law of the land as a matter are just lighting the first spark in a against the police. It is counter- of conscience and priority, as a matter prairie fire of peaceful demonstrations productive, and it never achieves the of conscience that created this great across this land. Don’t give up, don’t goals of those who are trying to impose civil society called the United States give out, and please don’t give in. order. of America. They made our Nation bet- Godspeed to you. We need you. Getting arrested is a fundamental ter back then, and I believe the Occupy You’re doing the right thing at the part of civil disobedience. The Occupy Movement challenges us to make right time for the right reasons. Keep Movement demonstrators expected to America better now. doing what you’re doing. Stand up for be arrested. Civil disobedience partici- Yes, it can be done. America can be what you believe in. Stand up for what pants all expect to be arrested, but better. America must address the you believe in. they should also expect that the police issues that those who are now dem- It’s high time now that the American will conduct themselves with profes- onstrating peacefully across the land people stand up for what they believe sional understanding and a sensitivity are raising. They are only trying to in and take to the streets to dem- of the power that they possess and of peacefully redress their grievances. It onstrate to all that we’re sick and the government they represent. They is their constitutional right. How dare tired of being sick and tired. We’re sick carry weapons. They have the power to dogs, how dare tear gas, how dare po- and tired of home foreclosures. We’re maim, to kill, to wound, and to arrest. lice attack them in the wee hours of sick and tired of unemployment. We’re With that great power comes an even the morning. sick and tired of being sick and tired, greater responsibility. That greater re- Mr. Speaker, the mayor of Oakland, as Fannie Lou Hamer once said. sponsibility includes the freedoms that California, Mayor Jean Quan, owes the We’re just sick and tired. We’re sick, were promised to all American citizens Occupy Movement a sincere, heartfelt yes, of the rising cost of health care. in that great document, the preamble apology. Mayor Quan owes the Amer- We need to demonstrate and protest to the Constitution and the Bill of ican people a sincere, heartfelt apol- the rising cost of health care. Rights, which is the freedom from ‘‘un- ogy. At 3 a.m. yesterday, the Oakland We’re sick and tired of the rising gap reasonable searches and seizures’’ as Police invaded the park where the pro- between those who are sitting high on promised in the Fourth Amendment of testers were assembled. the hog, the wealthy, the elite, and the Constitution; the freedom from Forty-five years ago in the same those who are at the bottom; the rising ‘‘cruel and unusual punishments’’ as city, 45 years ago this very week, an gap between those who are unemployed promised in the Eighth Amendment; fi- organization that I became a member and underemployed, who are chron- nally, Mr. Speaker, and perhaps most of, the Black Panther Party, was ically unemployed and the 1 percent importantly, the freedom enshrined in founded in Oakland, California, as a re- who are reaping all the wealth of this the First Amendment, which guaran- sult of the police brutality of the Oak- Nation and telling the rest of us that tees ‘‘the right of the people peaceably land Police Department. Forty-five they have a right to the wealth of the to assemble and to petition the govern- years later, I as a Member of this es- Nation, but yet we as American citi- ment for a redress of grievances.’’ teemed body, the House of Representa- zens don’t have a right to a decent job. It is the job of law enforcement to tives, am ashamed to bear witness once We as American citizens don’t have a uphold these freedoms, to uphold our again to the same Oakland Police De- right to decent housing, that we as Constitution, to uphold justice even in partment violating and attacking and American citizens don’t have a right to the most difficult of situations. Beat- brutalizing innocent citizens who are a decent education, that we as Amer- ings and mace and tear gas against our protesting, bringing their deep-felt ican citizens don’t have a right to de- own people exercising their constitu- grievances to the forefront and engag- cent health care. tional rights? That is unacceptable. ing in acts of civil disobedience. How can they look down on us and More importantly, it is un-American. tell us that we don’t have a right to the b 1940 I do sympathize with the tough job same opportunities and to the same our Nation’s police officers face now Police batons, tear gas, mace, no life-style and to the same benefits? and have faced, and I can understand matter what the weapon is, no matter How can they tell the dwindling, dis- why they may feel intimidated by the what the strategy is, they cannot kill appearing American middle class that sheer numbers or may mistake the this movement. They cannot stop this they don’t have a right to dem- demonstrators’ passion for aggression. movement. This occupy movement is onstrate? However, in a humble way, I ask the going to move forward. It’s going to These are our children, and they police officers who are monitoring move forward with an accelerated pace want a better future. These are our these protests to act with a rational because of the actions of the police de- children, and they are willing to fight head, with soberness, with restraint. partment in Oakland and in other cit- for a better future. Violence only breeds violence. Such ies across this Nation. These are our children, and they have unwarranted crowd control methods They have a right to protest. They the courage to stand up against the will only serve to create mutual con- have a right to make their voices government, to stand up against the tempt between protesters and the po- heard. They have a right, as called for elite, to stand for their rights. And I lice alike, dividing Americans against in the gospel of Jesus Christ in the am proud that our children are stand- Americans and citizens against the po- Bible, to make their bodies a living ing up and standing for something to lice. We don’t want that. This is not a sacrifice. These individuals, they are try to get some meaning into their nation that supports and encourages epitomizing the greatness in this hour. lives and try to make this Nation a that type of activity. It’s a thing that we celebrate all across better Nation. It was only last week, Mr. Speaker, the land. I’m proud of them and, again, I say that we—this Nation, the citizens of We celebrated it in Tunisia, we cele- to them, don’t give up, don’t give out, the greatest country in the history of brated it in Egypt, we celebrated it in and please don’t give in. Godspeed to the world—dedicated a memorial to a Libya, we celebrated it in Yemen, we you. man who was the embodiment, the liv- celebrated it in China, we celebrated it Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ing proof, of the power of civil disobe- in other places all across the world. of my time dience and nonviolence. It is those who How can we be so hypocritical? How f marched peacefully in the face of fire can we be so insensitive? How can we hoses, in the face of dogs attacking be so arrogant to celebrate civil disobe- AMERICA’S RELIGIOUS HERITAGE them, of police batons striking them dience in other places across the world The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under all over their bodies, including their and attack the same, the very same ac- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- heads, who changed America. tions and attitude here in our Nation uary 5, 2011, the gentleman from Texas Now a new generation follows boldly when our citizens engage in civil dis- (Mr. GOHMERT) is recognized for 30 min- and audaciously with an American au- obedience? utes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:52 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.117 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7130 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I appre- ing what he was originally called to Christians who didn’t. He freed them ciate my friend, the gentleman from Il- do—end slavery. up. Now you can treat your brothers linois. He knows something about But a man who believed in God, who and sisters as true brothers and sisters struggling for civil rights, and he’s read the Bible constantly, whose Sec- where the color of skin doesn’t matter. done a great deal for civil rights, and I ond Inaugural Address is etched in Powerful. respect that very much. marble on the north inside wall of the But the country we have come to As a Christian, it’s okay to talk Lincoln Memorial, one of the greatest know and love is under attack. We, about our religious beliefs as long as theological dissertations on how, if many of us, I was in the Army at Fort we don’t ram it down somebody else’s there’s a just God, there could be some- Benning in 1979. We look back and we throat trying to force them to believe thing as horrible as a Civil War, broth- think the war started, radical Islam as we do, but the First Amendment al- ers killing brothers. As he said, they started at war against us in 1979. More lows our right to discuss that. all read from the same Bible, pray to recently, some who know more about I’m very grateful for Abraham Lin- the same God. The prayers of both can the history of radical Islam say it actu- coln, and as I was just talking with now be answered; the prayers of nei- ally started quite a bit before that. But some constituents down in Statuary ther were fully answered. in 1979, it became clear, President Car- Hall about John Quincy Adams believ- But as Lincoln came to realize, if it ter, well intending, meaning well, ing he was called to try to end slavery is that God chooses to have every drop hailed the Ayatollah Khomeini as a in the United States after he was de- of blood that was drawn by the mas- man of peace, just like this country did feated in 1828 for a second term, so he ter’s lash be equal with blood from the with President Mubarak. We would not assist and, in fact, encouraged rebels did the unthinkable after being Presi- sword, then as he said, we still must and the leader of a country with whom dent: he ran for the House of Rep- conclude what was concluded 3,000 we had agreements. We reneged on our resentatives. years ago from the Old Testament: end, not that the Shah was a fine, And some thought it was extremely ‘‘The judgments of the Lord are just great, upstanding man. From reports— strange, and as I told my constituents, and righteous altogether.’’ Powerful theology of a very difficult I never met him—apparently he wasn’t. my friends, it was reputed that when Not that Mubarak was a fine, loving, subject, but those beliefs drove him to someone asked him about that, he said cuddly fellow—apparently, from re- give his life for others. he was prouder of being elected to the ports, he wasn’t. And there wasn’t Downstairs, I just saw the statue of House of Representatives after being equality as there should have been, but Father Damien, a Catholic priest in the President than he was after being he kept radicals at bay from destroying Hawaiian Islands who knew that going elected President, which seems strange the peace agreement between Israel to the island where the lepers were, to some of us until you realize that it and Egypt. We had agreements with means after he was President his where they had no basic life, that even- him, and apparently this administra- neighbors still liked him. That’s a big tually he would get leprosy and he tion looked the other way and wouldn’t deal because most Presidents don’t end would die from it, but he knew that he honor those agreements. up going back to their earliest home- had a calling, that God called him to I sure never thought much of Qa- town; they go somewhere else. John minister to those lepers so they could dhafi, but I could not celebrate a man Quincy Adams got elected nine times, have a life, they could have a society, being captured, tortured, and then preached sermons over and over down a place to worship, a priest to come to shot; and then all the adoration and ex- the hall about the evils of slavery. for ministering and consolation and di- citement by the same people who get We really couldn’t expect God to rection. so upset if a terrorist who is trying to keep blessing America while we were So it is entirely appropriate that de- kill Americans has water poured on his treating our brothers and sisters by spite the existence of the ACLU want- face, knowing that the water won’t putting them in chains and bondage. ing to tear down so much of what the hurt him, that there’s a doctor right Seventeen years he fought that fight, Founders did and the great things that there, and that when he reveals infor- believing he was called to bring an end are emblazoned in the soul of this mation, as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to slavery. country, the statue, the plaque starts did, it will save lives and lead to the His last year there, there was a with John 15:13: ‘‘Greater love hath no saving of many more lives. But he young, tall man from Illinois who had one than this, that a man lay down his won’t be harmed because the doctor been elected to Congress one time, life for his friends.’’ would be there if there was any prob- most people don’t know that he was Basically, Abraham Lincoln did that. lem. Yet those same people that went ever elected anything but President, But there was not full equality in this ballistic over pouring water on a guy’s but Abraham Lincoln was elected. country. That was clear. face, not pleasant, how excited they BOBBY RUSH can talk about that au- b 1950 could be about a man being captured, thoritatively; I really can’t. He can tortured, and shot in the head rou- John Quincy Adams liked him and talk about it authoritatively. tinely. How excited people could be took him under his wing. It was re- And along came an ordained Chris- about having a drone take out an ported that after Lincoln was defeated tian minister named Martin Luther American citizen. Well, he had declared after just 2 short years, went back to King, Jr. He believed it was his calling, war on the United States. You declare practicing law, made some money God’s calling on his life to bring about war on the United States, the United working doing some legal work for the real equality in America. As he said, he States has every right to declare war railroads and other things, after the had a dream that one day people would on you back. You are an enemy com- compromise of 1850, he knew he be judged by the content of their char- batant and the rules of war apply, such couldn’t allow slavery, as even more acter, not the color of their skin. He as they are. States were coming in with slavery, had a dream. But we have come so far in the last 10 and he got back involved and fought I’m so grateful for that heritage that years from being careful and concerned the battle. He didn’t get elected to the God moved in the hearts and minds of that it seems that we’ve gotten care- Senate. In 1860, he got elected Presi- great men like that. Some would say less, gotten ridiculous. Our obligation, dent. Martin Luther King, Dr. Martin Luther even those of us who are Christians, is It was reported that someone asked King, Jr., gave his life to help African not to turn the other cheek as part of him if there was anything memorable Americans, black men and women in the government, not to reward evil that happened in his 2 brief years in America to have equality, but it goes with good as individual Christians are the House of Representatives, and he much deeper than that. For those of us supposed to. Our obligation is to pro- replied not other than those powerful who are Christians, he created an envi- vide for the common defense. The same sermons John Quincy Adams used to ronment where white Christians could thing is set out in Romans 13: ‘‘You do preach on the evils of slavery. He knew finally really be Christian and treat evil, be afraid, because the government it was wrong, but it just etched it on brothers and sisters as brothers and is not given the sword in vain.’’ You his soul. He had to do something. John sisters. That’s a big deal, because be- are supposed to encourage good con- Quincy Adams died in 1848 not achiev- fore that there were too many white duct and punish evil, provide for the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:52 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.119 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7131 defense so that individuals, whether when you don’t worry about what the tended to do everything they could to they’re Muslims, Christians, Hindu, OIC or Muslim Brotherhood may try to get convictions because they saw—they Scientologists, whatever, they can wor- paint you as, or the mainstream media, had the documentation—that these ship as they wish. But when we fail to for whatever reason—though many in groups were doing some charity work, protect this Nation and provide for the the mainstream media would be one of and actually doing some, but then common defense, we’re not doing our the first ones killed if radical Islam sending money—really, the basis of job. takes over this country. They nonethe- their group—sending money to Hamas b 2000 less do some of their bidding for them to fund terrorism. And that’s what without realizing just how ignorant they were convicted of. It was 105 We’ve had a very interesting time they’re being. But if they were to take counts, as I recall. today with Secretary of Homeland Se- over, any area where they take over, as There was a move by CAIR, ISNA, curity Janet Napolitano. There’s some they did in Afghanistan, the moderate, some named coconspirators, to have things that have come out that have peace-loving Muslims are often the their names struck from the pleadings been very deeply troubling to me, and first ones brutalized and killed because so the people would not see that they I would hope that they would be very they don’t see them as true Muslims were named coconspirators. But both troubling to many. because they’re not radical like that I have got numerous articles, things the judge at the trial court and the small percentage. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals found that I have taken out to talk about But documents have been discovered here today. One is a news segment here there was sufficient evidence to show going back to the 1993 meeting in about Secretary Napolitano appointing that they were coconspirators in fund- Philadelphia of those who would be a deradicalization expert, Mohamed ing terrorism and therefore they did part of the Muslim Brotherhood and Elibiary, to the Homeland Security Ad- not, as the Fifth Circuit ruled, they other groups trying to plot a strategy visory Council. Originally, he was weren’t going to have their names re- for the years ahead, they believed a made by Homeland Security a member moved. number of things that we’re now seeing of the Countering Violent Extremism. The evidence was there. In fact, I carried out. You intimidate people, you It’s a little strange, violent extremism. have got some of it here. There were make them think they’re much more Then you realize that’s because this boxes and boxes and boxes of docu- intellectually elite. They say, Well, administration does not want to use ments that have these kind of checks the terms ‘‘radical Islam’’ about the gee, we’re not going to even say the and ledgers and deposit slips and things people who are radical Islamists. name of radical Islam. In fact, as like that that make a clear case that And when you get to digging a little Speaker PELOSI led in the last Con- these groups ended up providing fund- deeper, you find out that the OIC Is- gress, the 2006 military tribunal bill ing that funded terrorism. But this De- lamic group years ago figured out, We was changed, the law was changed so partment of Justice, headed by Attor- need to go on the attack and start call- we didn’t call them ‘‘enemy combat- ney General Holder, decided not to pur- ing anybody who mentions radical ants’’ anymore. We changed the sue all of these other named co- Islam an Islamophobe. Even if it’s a lie, name—big deal—changed the name conspirators. They let the cases drop. from ‘‘enemy combatants’’ to it doesn’t matter. Call them b 2010 Islamophobes. They found if you give ‘‘unprivileged alien enemy belliger- And not only did they not pursue universities—even great universities; ents.’’ I guess we just hope that the them, they ended up—actually, we proud heritage in this country—mas- word ‘‘enemy’’ wouldn’t offend them, sive amounts of money, you can also even though they have shown, as they have the president of ISNA, who we get them to teach seminars on did with Pearl, they will take a jagged find in the comments that have been Islamophobia. You can get them to knife and cut your head off. on the White House Web site, actually teach courses on Islamophobia. And They don’t do it in the name of led the Iftar prayers a year ago at the you can paint the picture that any- Scientology. They don’t do it in the White House and actually has a very body, no matter how open-minded, no name of the Southern Baptist Conven- nice relationship, from what the Dep- matter how well read, how well studied tion. And if they did, I would be calling uty National Security Adviser said, they are, you call them Islamophobes them out for doing so. They do it in the with the National Security Adminis- enough, then maybe it will catch on, name of a perverted form that they be- tration, the National Security Advisor, and people will be afraid to call radical lieve is Islam. But it’s radicalized and the President. Islamists what they are. jihadist Islam. We found out from one article that, Now, I don’t know of anybody who So here’s an article, October 21, 2010. with two individuals who were going to was in Judiciary today that believes Secretary Napolitano appoints Islamist participate in training law enforce- that Muslims are terrorists. They’re to Homeland Security panel. It turns ment at one of our intelligence serv- not. The only disagreement among out Mohamed Elibiary had been ap- ices, all it took was CAIR calling the those I know concerned about radical pointed to her Countering Violent Ex- White House, reporting to the White Islam is whether the radical Islamists tremism Working Group and appar- House that people were going to say are 1 percent, 5 percent, maybe a little ently impressed somebody to the point bad things about radical Islam, and more. Some might say as much as 10 that a year ago, October 21, 2010, Sec- that people that wanted to kill us were percent. But at least 90 percent, maybe retary Napolitano swore him in as radical Islamists, and explain how you 99 percent of Muslims are peace-loving being part of the Homeland Security could look for people who were people. If you have got a Muslim Advisory Council. As we found out radicalized, look for telltale signs. friend, they are your true friend. And today from Secretary Napolitano, he The White House, according to one people have experienced that. They was also given a secret security clear- article, intervened, and we know for have seen that. But those who study ance. sure the conference was canceled im- radical Islam also come to know that We’ve also seen from other articles mediately before the conference was to it’s very difficult for a moderate, we’ve talked about here before that the start. peace-loving Muslim to speak up White House—and as we found out And we have an article indicating against radicals because under some of today, Homeland Security—has im- that actually now they are rewriting the contorted thinking by people like plicit trust in the president of the Is- the rules so that if you are a govern- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who helped lamic Society of North America, ISNA, ment employee, you will not be able to plan 9/11, that basically makes him an even though ISNA was found to be a do briefings on the threat of radical apostate. They’re not really Muslim. named coconspirator in funding ter- Islam. And, also, they will not pay for They’re Muslim in name only. They rorism in the Holy Land Foundation outside contractors who’ve spent their think that means they’re okay to be trial. CAIR, same way, named cocon- adult life studying the issue, so that it killed because they don’t really believe spirator in the Holy Land Foundation will be left to volunteers, like those in true Islam. trial. The original prosecutor’s from the Muslim Brotherhood, who will So when you get down to it, it ap- thoughts were that the Bush adminis- come brief our intelligence, our State pears from a studied look at the issue, tration, those I have talked to, in- Department, our Justice Department

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:52 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.120 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011 and the White House on issues to do were blocked. And according to people EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, with violent extremism. close to the conference I mentioned ETC. And then we find out more about this awhile ago, the event was ordered post- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive person. I’m told he’s a very nice gen- poned after Muslim advocacy groups communications were taken from the tleman, Mohamed Elibiary, that he’s contacted the Department of Homeland Speaker’s table and referred as follows: done a lot of nice things. But you don’t Security and the White House, includ- have to look very far and you find out 3596. A letter from the Program Manager, ing scheduled speakers Stephen Department of Health and Human Services, he was one of the featured speakers for Caughlin and Steve Emerson, both spe- transmitting the Department’s final rule — the tribute—in fact, there’s a flier—a cialists on the Islamic terror threat. Regulation for the Enforcement of Federal tribute to the great Islamic visionary, Mr. Caughlin, a former Pentagon joint Health Care Provider Conscience Protection the Ayatollah Khomeini, who has done staff analyst, is one of the most knowl- Laws (RIN: 0991-AB76) received September 26, more to bring hate and war and death edgeable counterterrorism experts spe- 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the and torture into the modern age than cializing in the relationship between Committee on Energy and Commerce. most anybody in the last 40 years. And Islamic law and terrorism. Mr. Emer- 3597. A letter from the Director, Office of he is a named presenter in the tribute Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regulatory son, head of the Investigative Project Commission, transmitting the Commission’s to the great Islamic visionary. on Terrorism, is a leading expert on Is- final rule — Management Directive 11.6, Fi- Then we find out not only did he lamic violent extremism, financing and nancial Assistance Program received Octo- speak at that, but also he’s written ar- operations. ber 4, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); ticles. He got after the administration But, anyway, it looks like they’re re- to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. for the prosecution of the Holy Land writing those rules so people like 3598. A letter from the Assistant Secretary Foundation, thought the trial was un- that—since they’re not Muslim Broth- For Export Administration, Department of Commerce, transmitting the Department’s fair and unjust and uncalled for. He erhood—will not be able to instruct law also speaks glowingly of Qutb, who is final rule — Addition of Certain Persons on enforcement on the threat that radical the Entity List; Implementation of Entity the Muslim who was executed in Egypt Islam creates for the country. List Annual Review Change; and Removal of in the 1960s after being convicted or And then we find an article here, Persons from the Entity List Based on Re- found to have conspired to kill the ‘‘Holder Firmly Committed to Elimi- moval Requests [Docket No.: 110620344-1586- leader of Egypt. But he has many nating Any Muslim Training.’’ But just 01] (RIN: 0694-AF28) received October 5, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- writings. And, well, he’s held in high so people understand—and I’ll close esteem not only as a basis for Osama mittee on Foreign Affairs. with this—I understand that the vast 3599. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, bin Laden, feeling that he should be a majority of Muslims are dear, wonder- barbaric killer and destroyer, but also Legislative Affairs, Department of State, ful people, peace-loving people. But the transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 11-090, for Mr. Elibiary. And so we have an ar- radical Islamists like Khalid Sheikh pursuant to the reporting requirements of ticle he wrote about the verdict mis- Mohammed and the other four at Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control representing the situation with the Guantanamo Bay who said they wanted Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Holy Land Foundation. to plead guilty in December of 2008— 3600. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Then we have an article from the Legislative Affairs, Department of State, the judge was going to accept it until Dallas Morning News where they go transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 11-111, this Justice Department rushed in and through and cite so many of these pursuant to the reporting requirements of said no, no, no, we’ll give you a show things that seem to indicate we should Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control trial in New York City, and threw a be very careful about giving Elibiary Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. bunch of gum in the works. 3601. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, access to secrets; but he has been Legislative Affairs, Department of State, given, by this Homeland Security So now there has still been no trial; there has still been no justice. And in transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 11-086, group, secret clearance. pursuant to the reporting requirements of Then there’s an interesting article his own writing he says, in quotes from Section 36(c) and 36(d) of the Arms Export from May of 2007. The OIC, the Organi- the Koran, ‘‘We fight you with al- Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign zation of the Islamic Conference, re- mighty God. So if our act of jihad and Affairs. ported in 2007—their words—that our fighting with you cause fear and 3602. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Islamaphobia is the worst form of ter- terror, then many thanks to God be- Legislative Affairs, Department of State, rorism. In fact, that means it’s worse cause it is him that has thrown fear transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 11-118, pursuant to the reporting requirements of than flying commercial airliners into into your hearts which resulted in your infidelity, paganism, and your state- Section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control high-rise office buildings, worse than Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. beheading three teen Christian girls on ment that God had a son and your trin- 3603. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, their way to school, worse than launch- ity beliefs.’’ Then he quotes from the Legislative Affairs, Department of State, ing attacks from civilian areas in order Koran: ‘‘Soon shall we cast terror into transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 11-115, to use retaliatory actions to score the hearts of the unbelievers, for that pursuant to the reporting requirements of propaganda points. Yeah, worse than they joined companies with Allah, for Section 36(c) and 36(d) of the Arms Export that is to be an Islamaphobe. which he has sent no authority; their Control Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Then we find out that the ACLU and place will be the fire; and evil is the home of the wrongdoers.’’ 3604. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, the Islamists are joining hands. I found Legislative Affairs, Department of State, out yesterday that actually Mr. People like Khalid Sheikh Moham- transmitting Transmittal No. DDTC 11-066, Elibiary is working with the ACLU, med are radical Islamists, and we need pursuant to the reporting requirements of but he’s got a secret security clearance to recognize it so that we can perpet- Section 36(d) of the Arms Export Control so he can work from the inside and uate the freedom that we’ve had for 200 Act; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. from the outside working with the more years. 3605. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- ACLU to try to get documentation that With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back ment of the Treasury, transmitting as re- quired by section 401(c) of the National will ultimately, if he gets it—and this the balance of my time. Emergency Act, 50 U.S.C. 1641(c), and section administration may just do this—it 204(c) of the International Emergency Eco- will reveal sources and methods of how f nomic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(c), and pur- we are dealing with radical Islam or suant to Executive Order 13313 of July 31, violent extremism, and he’s working ADJOURNMENT 2003, a six-month periodic report on the na- with these guys. But the ACLU and tional emergency with respect to Sudan that Islamists are going after the FBI and Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I move was declared in Executive Order 13067 of No- trying to destroy their ability to actu- that the House do now adjourn. vember 3, 1997; to the Committee on Foreign The motion was agreed to; accord- Affairs. ally fight those who want to destroy 3606. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Na- our country. ingly (at 8 o’clock and 19 minutes tional Forest System, Department of Agri- There’s an interesting article by Bill p.m.), under its previous order, the culture, transmitting the Department’s re- Gertz October 5 of this year, and he House adjourned until tomorrow, port on the exterior boundary of North Fork points out that the anti-terror trainers Thursday, October 27, 2011, at 9 a.m. Crooked Wild and Scenic River, pursuant to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:52 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC7.122 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7133 16 U.S.C. 1274; to the Committee on Natural titles were introduced and severally re- BORDALLO, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, Mr. Resources. ferred, as follows: GUTIERREZ, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, 3607. A letter from the Service Officer, Ms. NORTON, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. By Mr. SMITH of Texas (for himself, American Gold Star Mothers, Incorporated, CLAY, Ms. MOORE, Mr. TOWNS, and Mr. CONYERS, Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. transmitting the organization’s report and Mr. BUTTERFIELD): BERMAN, Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas, financial audit for the year ending June 30, H.R. 3268. A bill to clarify the application Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. 2011, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. 1101(63) and 1103; of certain Federal laws relating to elections CHABOT, Mr. ROSS of Florida, Mrs. to the Committee on the Judiciary. to American Samoa, the Commonwealth of BLACKBURN, Mrs. BONO MACK, Mr. 3608. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and TERRY, and Mr. SCHIFF): ment of Transportation, transmitting a re- the United States Virgin Islands; to the H.R. 3261. A bill to promote prosperity, cre- port on the Cross-Border Trucking Pilot Pro- Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition ativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by gram; to the Committee on Transportation to the Committee on House Administration, and Infrastructure. combating the theft of U.S. property, and for for a period to be subsequently determined 3609. A letter from the Program Analyst, other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Department of Transportation, transmitting diciary. ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- the Department’s final rule — Standard In- By Mr. GUINTA (for himself and Mr. risdiction of the committee concerned. strument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff WALSH of Illinois): Minimums and Obstacle Departure Proce- H.R. 3262. A bill to amend title 31, United f dures; Miscellaneous Amendments [Docket States Code, to increase Government trans- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY No.: 30799; Amdt. No. 3440] received Sep- parency; to the Committee on Oversight and STATEMENT tember 23, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Government Reform. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- By Mr. COLE (for himself and Mr. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of tation and Infrastructure. LANKFORD): the Rules of the House of Representa- 3610. A letter from the Senior Program An- H.R. 3263. A bill to authorize the Secretary alyst, Department of Transportation, trans- tives, the following statements are sub- of the Interior to allow the storage and con- mitted regarding the specific powers mitting the Department’s final rule — veyance of nonproject water at the Norman Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, project in Oklahoma, and for other purposes; granted to Congress in the Constitu- and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Depar- to the Committee on Natural Resources. tion to enact the accompanying bill or ture Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments By Mr. GRAVES of Georgia (for him- joint resolution. [Docket No.: 30800; Amdt. No. 3441] received self, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. DUNCAN By Mr. SMITH of Texas: September 23, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. of South Carolina, Mr. GOWDY, Mr. H.R. 3261. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- MULVANEY, Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Congress has the power to enact this legis- tation and Infrastructure. Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: 3611. A letter from the Senior Program An- WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. Clause 8 of section 8 of Article I of the Con- alyst, Department of Transportation, trans- WOODALL, Mr. SCOTT of South Caro- stitution. mitting the Department’s final rule — lina, and Mr. GOHMERT): By Mr. GUINTA: Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, H.R. 3264. A bill to empower States with H.R. 3262. and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Depar- authority for most taxing and spending for Congress has the power to enact this legis- ture Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments highway programs and mass transit pro- lation pursuant to the following: [Docket No.: 30801; Amdt. No. 3442] received grams, and for other purposes; to the Com- Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7: No Money September 23, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- ture, and in addition to the Committees on Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; tation and Infrastructure. 3612. A letter from the Senior Program An- Ways and Means, and the Budget, for a pe- and a regular Statement and Account of the alyst, Department of Transportation, trans- riod to be subsequently determined by the Receipts and Expenditures of all public mitting the Department’s final rule — Speaker, in each case for consideration of Money shall be published from time to time. Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- By Mr. COLE: and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Depar- tion of the committee concerned. H.R. 3263. ture Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments By Mr. GRAVES of Missouri (for him- Congress has the power to enact this legis- [Docket No.: 30802; Amdt. No. 3443] received self, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. MAN- lation pursuant to the following: September 23, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ZULLO, Mr. AKIN, Mr. HANNA, Mr. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- JONES, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. BUCSHON, granted to Congress under Article I, Section tation and Infrastructure. Mr. LONG, Ms. JENKINS, Mrs. EMER- 8, Clause 3 which grants Congress the power 3613. A letter from the Chief, Publications SON, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. FORTEN- to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue BERRY, Mr. TERRY, Mr. PETRI, Mr. and among the several States, and with In- Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule SCHILLING, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. JOHNSON dian Tribes. — Deduction for Qualified Film and Tele- of Illinois, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. GIBBS, This bill is enacted pursuant to the power vision Production Costs [TD 9551] (RIN: 1545- Mr. PAUL, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. KING granted to Congress under Article IV, Sec- BF94) received October 4, 2011, pursuant to 5 of Iowa, Mr. SMITH of Nebraska, Mr. tion 3, Clause 2 which grants Congress the U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on KINZINGER of Illinois, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. power to make all needful Rules and Regula- Ways and Means. BOSWELL, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. SCHOCK, tions respecting . . . Property belonging to 3614. A letter from the Chief, Publications Mr. LATHAM, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. the United States. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue KINGSTON, Mr. COSTELLO, Mr. By Mr. GRAVES of Georgia: Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. WALSH of H.R. 3264. — Nonaccrual-Experience Method of Ac- Illinois, Mr. LATTA, Mr. SCHRADER, Congress has the power to enact this legis- counting Book Safe Harbor (Rev. Proc. 2011- Mrs. LUMMIS, Mrs. SCHMIDT, and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: 46) received October 4, 2011, pursuant to 5 CANSECO): Tenth Amendment— U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on H.R. 3265. A bill to amend the Motor Car- The powers not delegated to the United Ways and Means. rier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 to pro- States by the Constitution, nor prohibited 3615. A letter from the Chief, Publications vide clarification regarding the applicability by it to the States, are reserved to the and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue of exemptions relating to the transportation States respectively, or to the people. Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule of agricultural commodities and farm sup- Article I, Section 8— — 2011-2012 Special Per Diem Rates [Notice plies, and for other purposes; to the Com- The Congress shall have Power . . . To es- 2011-81] received October 4, 2011, pursuant to mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- tablish Post Offices and Post Roads 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ture. By Mr. GRAVES of Missouri: Ways and Means. By Mr. LANGEVIN (for himself and H.R. 3265. 3616. A letter from the Inspector General, Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS): Congress has the power to enact this legis- Department of Health and Human Services, H.R. 3266. A bill to amend title XXIX of the lation pursuant to the following: transmitting a report entitled ‘‘Review of Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the Pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 Medicare Contractor Information Security program under such title relating to lifespan of the United States Constitution, Congress Program Evaluations for Fiscal Year 2009’’; respite care; to the Committee on Energy shall have the power to Regulate Commerce jointly to the Committees on Oversight and and Commerce. with foreign Nations, and among several Government Reform, Energy and Commerce, By Mr. PAUL: States, and with the Indian Tribes. and Ways and Means. H.R. 3267. A bill to provide small busi- By Mr. LANGEVIN: f nesses with a grace period for any regulatory H.R. 3266. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS violation, and for other purposes; to the Congress has the power to enact this legis- Committee on the Judiciary. lation pursuant to the following: Under clause 2 of rule XII, public By Mr. SABLAN (for himself, Mrs. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, ‘‘to regulate bills and resolutions of the following CHRISTENSEN, Mr. PIERLUISI, Ms. Commerce with foreign Nations, and among

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:52 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L26OC7.000 H26OCPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2011

the several States, and with the Indian H.R. 886: Mr. WALZ of Minnesota, Mr. BOU- H.R. 2569: Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. WILSON of Tribes.’’ STANY, and Ms. HAHN. South Carolina, Mr. BOREN, Mr. JOHNSON of Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, ‘‘to provide H.R. 890: Mr. CLARKE of Michigan and Mr. Georgia, and Mr. ROSS of Arkansas. for the common Defense and general Welfare HOLT. H.R. 2586: Mr. GRIMM, Mr. NEUGEBAUER, of the United States.’’ H.R. 892: Mr. RYAN of Ohio and Mr. PETER- and Mr. FITZPATRICK. By Mr. PAUL: SON. H.R. 2645: Mr. HINCHEY. H.R. 3267. H.R. 931: Mr. BOUSTANY. H.R. 2657: Mr. PASCRELL and Ms. CHU. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 942: Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut. H.R. 2718: Mr. CARNAHAN. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1048: Mr. ANDREWS. H.R. 2722: Mr. BROOKS. This legislation is authorized by Article I, H.R. 1092: Ms. SLAUGHTER. H.R. 2829: Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Section 8 of The Constitution: H.R. 1167: Mr. MANZULLO and Mr. ROONEY. H.R. 2848: Mr. YODER and Mr. NUNNELEE. ‘‘To make all Laws which shall be nec- H.R. 1173: Mr. BROOKS, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mrs. H.R. 2853: Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. essary and proper for carrying into Execu- ROBY, Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. FLORES, Mr. H.R. 2866: Mr. LYNCH. tion the foregoing Powers, and all other RIBBLE, Mr. PAULSEN, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of H.R. 2874: Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mrs. HARTZLER, Powers vested by this Constitution in the Georgia, Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois, and Mr. Mr. FLEISCHMANN, and Mr. HARRIS. Government of the United States.’’ MATHESON. H.R. 2885: Mr. HUNTER and Mr. GRIFFIN of This includes the power to require federal H.R. 1288: Mr. FITZPATRICK. Arkansas. agencies give small business a grace period H.R. 1340: Mr. SCHILLING and Mr. SCHOCK. H.R. 2897: Mr. REHBERG. to correct any violations of federal regula- H.R. 1370: Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia. H.R. 2898: Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina, Mr. tions before imposing job-destroying fines H.R. 1385: Mr. KELLY. JOHNSON of Ohio, and Mrs. MCMORRIS ROD- and other sanctions on the business. H.R. 1418: Mr. LEVIN and Mr. PAYNE. GERS. By Mr. SABLAN: H.R. 1479: Mrs. MYRICK. H.R. 2900: Mr. ADERHOLT. H.R. 3268. H.R. 1499: Mr. CLAY and Mr. JONES. H.R. 2941: Mr. LANKFORD. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1543: Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. H.R. 2945: Mr. STUTZMAN, Mrs. LUMMIS, and lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1639: Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. BARTON of Texas. H.R. 1653: Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. MCKEON, Under Article I, section 8, clause 3 and Ar- H.R. 2948: Mr. RUSH, Mr. BERMAN, Ms. SE- and Mr. HALL. ticle IV, section 3, clause 2 of the Constitu- WELL, Mrs. LOWEY, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, H.R. 1681: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. tion. Ms. SPEIER, Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. H.R. 1687: Mr. BURTON of Indiana. SCHIFF, Mr. YARMUTH, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- f H.R. 1689: Mr. GARAMENDI. fornia, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. RICHMOND, H.R. 1697: Mr. STUTZMAN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jer- and Mr. BACHUS. sey, Mr. STARK, and Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 1781: Mrs. DAVIS of California. California. were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 1798: Mr. GRIMM, Mr. HANNA, and Ms. H.R. 2955: Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut and BUERKLE. tions as follows: Mr. GARAMENDI. H.R. 1815: Mr. LUCAS, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. H.R. 12: Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. H.R. 2966: Mr. HOLT and Mr. TIERNEY. BROOKS, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. BACA, Ms. BASS of California, Mr. BISHOP of H.R. 2972: Mr. WELCH. JOHNSON of Illinois, and Mr. DANIEL E. LUN- New York, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. BORDALLO, H.R. 3001: Mr. NADLER, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. GREN of California. Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, GENE GREEN of Texas, and Ms. ROS- H.R. 1834: Mr. STIVERS. Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, LEHTINEN. H.R. 1860: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mrs. CAPPS, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. CHU, Mr. H.R. 3010: Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. GOWDY, Mr. H.R. 1897: Mr. MICHAUD and Mr. LARSON of CLARKE of Michigan, Ms. CLARKE of New Connecticut. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. ROSS York, Mr. COHEN, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. COURT- of Florida, Mr. QUAYLE, Mr. PENCE, Mr. H.R. 1905: Mr. JORDAN, Mr. LATTA, Mr. NEY, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, MICA, Mr. KLINE, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut, Mr. BARTON of Mrs. DAVIS of California, Ms. DEGETTE, Ms. CHAFFETZ, and Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. Texas, Ms. GRANGER, and Mrs. CAPPS. DELAURO, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. DICKS, Mr. DIN- H.R. 3020: Mr. SCHOCK. H.R. 1946: Mr. MCINTYRE. GELL, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. FARR, Mr. FATTAH, Mr. OGERS H.R. 2016: Ms. WATERS and Ms. CASTOR of H.R. 3035: Mr. R of Michigan. FILNER, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Ms. Florida. H.R. 3036: Mr. HEINRICH. FUDGE, Mr. GARAMENDI, Mr. GONZALEZ, Mr. OORE OHNSON H.R. 2040: Mr. BARTON of Texas, Mr. H.R. 3051: Ms. M , Mr. J of Geor- AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Ms. EWIS IERLUISI QUAYLE, and Mr. TIPTON. gia, Mr. L of Georgia, and Mr. P . HAHN, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. HINCHEY, H.R. 2059: Mr. HARRIS. H.R. 3059: Mr. TIERNEY. Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. HONDA, Mr. JACKSON of Il- H.R. 2069: Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 3074: Mr. BONNER. linois, Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas, Mr. JOHN- H.R. 2086: Mr. PAUL. H.R. 3083: Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. GUTIERREZ, SON of Georgia, Ms. KAPTUR, Ms. LEE of Cali- H.R. 2098: Mr. POLIS and Mr. MEEKS. and Mr. KIND. fornia, Mr. MARKEY, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. H.R. 2103: Mr. PASCRELL. H.R. 3090: Mr. LAMBORN. MCDERMOTT, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. H.R. 2131: Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. THOMPSON of H.R. 3091: Mr. MCINTYRE. MORAN, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. Pennsylvania, and Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. H.R. 3099: Mrs. HARTZLER. PETERS, Mr. PIERLUISI, Ms. PINGREE of H.R. 2140: Mr. CLAY, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Ms. H.R. 3101: Mr. GOODLATTE and Mr. SHIMKUS. Maine, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. NORTON. H.R. 3102: Ms. SLAUGHTER. RANGEL, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. ROTHMAN of H.R. 2167: Mr. KLINE. H.R. 3118: Mr. MARCHANT. New Jersey, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. RUSH, H.R. 2168: Mr. BLUMENAUER. H.R. 3138: Mr. GEORGE MILLER of Cali- Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of H.R. 2195: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. fornia, Mr. MICHAUD, and Mr. HONDA. California, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. H.R. 2207: Ms. MOORE and Ms. NORTON. H.R. 3145: Mr. FILNER and Mr. LEVIN. SCOTT of Virginia, Ms. SEWELL, Mr. SHER- H.R. 2233: Mr. MCINTYRE. H.R. 3148: Mr. POSEY. MAN, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi, Mr. H.R. 2337: Mr. TONKO, Mr. HIGGINS, and Mr. H.R. 3155: Mr. SCHOCK and Mr. WILSON of TONKO, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. WALZ of Min- BISHOP of New York. South Carolina. nesota, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. H.R. 2369: Ms. PELOSI, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. H.R. 3156: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. WATERS, Mr. WELCH, Ms. WILSON of Florida, BARTON of Texas, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. FLO- H.R. 3158: Mr. LONG, Mr. LANKFORD, and Mr. DOYLE, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of RES, Mr. MCCARTHY of California, Mr. Mr. CANSECO. Texas, Mr. KEATING, Ms. MOORE, Mr. NADLER, MCCLINTOCK, Mr. RENACCI, Mr. ROGERS of H.R. 3159: Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. RUPPERS- Michigan, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. STEARNS, and Mr. MARINO, Ms. BERKLEY, and Mr. DIAZ-BALART. BERGER, Mr. CARNAHAN, and Mr. MILLER of STUTZMAN. H.R. 3162: Mr. STUTZMAN, Mrs. MYRICK, and North Carolina. H.R. 2387: Mr. ROYCE and Mr. RIVERA. Mr. RIGELL. H.R. 57: Mr. HANNA. H.R. 2412: Mr. FILNER and Ms. SPEIER. H.R. 3167: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas. H.R. 58: Mr. MCKEON. H.R. 2432: Mr. DOLD. H.R. 3168: Mr. BROOKS and Mr. WALSH of Il- H.R. 100: Mr. CRAVAACK, Mr. DESJARLAIS, H.R. 2437: Mr. PETRI. linois. and Mr. COBLE. H.R. 2459: Mr. BOSWELL. H.R. 3187: Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. H.R. 110: Mr. ISRAEL. H.R. 2461: Mr. BUCHANAN and Mr. GRIFFIN CICILLINE, Mr. QUAYLE, Mr. GOWDY, and Mr. H.R. 114: Mrs. LUMMIS. of Arkansas. YODER. H.R. 181: Mr. BOSWELL. H.R. 2471: Mr. PITTS. H.R. 3192: Mr. STARK and Mr. DUFFY. H.R. 306: Mr. MORAN. H.R. 2492: Ms. TSONGAS. H.R. 3194: Mr. WALSH of Illinois, Mr. DUN- H.R. 420: Mr. BERG and Mr. MULVANEY. H.R. 2499: Mr. MCINTYRE. CAN of South Carolina, Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. H.R. 451: Mr. MCHENRY. H.R. 2518: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. HARRIS, Mr. PEARCE, and Mr. BARTLETT. H.R. 623: Mr. MICHAUD. H.R. 2528: Mr. RENACCI and Mrs. BLACK- H.R. 3225: Mr. CARSON of Indiana and Ms. H.R. 668: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina and BURN. PINGREE of Maine. Mr. CALVERT. H.R. 2536: Mr. MICHAUD and Ms. MOORE. H.R. 3236: Mr. BOSWELL, Ms. PINGREE of H.R. 735: Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. TERRY, and Mr. H.R. 2563: Mr. KLINE, Mr. TIPTON, and Mr. Maine, and Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. WEBSTER. NUGENT. H.J. Res. 20: Mr. MCKINLEY.

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H.J. Res. 78: Mr. KEATING. CLARKE of Michigan, Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Indiana, Mr. CAMP, Mr. CARTER, Mr. H.J. Res. 81: Mr. TIPTON, Mr. PENCE, Mr. of California, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. FATTAH, COBLE, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. FRANKS Mr. FILNER, Mr. STARK, Mr. GRIMM, Mr. WIL- DIAZ-BALART, Mrs. EMERSON, Mr. FILNER, of Arizona, MR. BARTLETT, Mr. PITTS, Mr. SON of South Carolina, Mr. CROWLEY, Ms. Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. SESSIONS, and Mr. ALTMIRE. LEE of California, Mr. COBLE, and Mr. CON- GALLEGLY, Mr. GINGREY of Georgia, Mr. H. Con. Res. 21: Mr. WALSH of Illinois. YERS. H. Con. Res. 72: Ms. HIRONO, Mr. LOEBSACK, H. Res. 397: Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. CAPUANO, HANNA, Mrs. HARTZLER, Mr. HUELSKAMP, Mr. and Mr. CRITZ. and Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. HUIZENGA of Michigan, Ms. JENKINS, Mr. H. Res. 137: Mr. CUELLAR and Mr. BISHOP of H. Res. 407: Mr. LATHAM. JONES, Mr. KING of New York, Mr. LAMBORN, Georgia. H. Res. 433: Mr. CRITZ, Mr. PETRI, Mr. CAR- Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. DOZA ARNAHAN LARKE H. Res. 180: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. , Mr. C , Ms. C of New MARINO, Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS, Mr. H. Res. 364: Mrs. ROBY, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. York, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. COOPER, Mr. DAVIS NUNNELEE, Mr. REICHERT, Mr. RIVERA, Mr. MCKEON, Mr. INSLEE, Mr. KILDEE, and Mr. of Illinois, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HOLT, Mr. ROSS of Florida, Mrs. SCHMIDT, Mr. SHIMKUS, HOYER. MARKEY, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Ms. MOORE, Mr. H. Res. 365: Ms. LEE of California. MORAN, Ms. RICHARDSON, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, Mr. TIBERI, H. Res. 376: Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE Mr. SMITH of Washington, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. YOUNG of Indiana, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of STARK, Mr. AKIN, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. BISHOP UPTON, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. LATHAM, and Mr. California, Mr. REYES, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. of Utah, Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. BURTON WALDEN.

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DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS After gaining the courage to leave him, Greg- These young people suffer both physically ory continued to stalk and threaten her. Then and emotionally. A study by Ackerman and HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE one afternoon, Gregory kidnapped this mother Pikering found that families under stress OF TEXAS and for 17 hours she would endure torture. produce children under stress. If a spouse is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She fought as Gregory strapped her to a bed being abused and there are children present, with extension cords. That night, she survived the children are undeniably influenced by the Wednesday, October 26, 2011 multiple beatings. This was not the end of her abuse. These children are affected in ways Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ordeal. Gregory used a lighter and a can of similar to children who have experienced I will begin by thanking Congressman AL hairspray as an accelerant to burn her breasts physical abuse. They are often unable to es- GREEN and Congressman TED POE for orga- and her genitals. All while their one year old tablish nurturing bonds with either parent. nizing this evening’s Special Order in honor of sat in the next room. This monster stuffed her We must do more to protect victims of vio- Domestic Violence Awareness Month. mouth with a rag to muffle her screams. Fortu- lence. As you know a child who experiences As a Senior Member of the Judiciary Com- nately, she was able to escape. Incidents like abuse or neglect is more likely to have devel- mittee, I believe we need stronger laws to pro- this must be prevented. What made an al- opmental delays and impaired language or tect survivors of abuse and their families. In ready tragic situation even more so, was once cognitive skills; to be identified as a ‘‘problem’’ 1994, I was an original co-sponsor of the Vio- apprehended Gregory was charged with a child (with attention difficulties or challenging lence Against Women’s Act (VAWA) which lesser crime of abuse of a relative. I call for behaviors); to be arrested for delinquency, was a landmark piece of legislation that stronger laws to address the pervasive issue adult criminality, and violent criminal behavior; sought to improve the criminal justice system of domestic violence. to experience depression, anxiety, or other and community-based response to domestic According to the Houston Area Woman’s mental health problems as adults; engage in violence, dating violence, sexual assault and Center in 2010, 142 women were murdered in more health-risk behaviors as adults; and stalking in the United States. In addition, we Texas by an abusive partner. The youngest of have poorer health outcomes as adults. must do more to address the causes of do- these victims was only 17 years old and the These children through no fault of their own mestic abuse and to aid the victims of this vio- oldest victim was 78. In 2007, the Center are undergoing a trauma. As a result they are lence. served over 2,800 survivors of domestic vio- more likely to develop social, emotional, psy- Domestic Violence Awareness Month serves lence and answered almost 39,000 calls re- chological and or behavioral problems than as an important reminder about this important garding domestic violence. those who are not. Recent research indicates issue. It is a travesty that domestic violence is In the State of Texas, at least 74 percent of that children who witness domestic violence one of the most underreported crimes in our Texans know someone who has experience show more anxiety, low self esteem, depres- country. 1 out of every 4 women will experi- some form of physical, sexual, or verbal sion, anger and temperament problems than ence domestic violence in her lifetime. This is abuse. Yet, these incidents remain under- children who do not witness violence in the an epidemic that does not discriminate based reported. It is my hope that Domestic Violence home. on age, race, religion or gender. Awareness month will give voice to the victims The trauma experienced by children can Across the country there are non profits, of violence. show up in emotional, behavioral, social and I hope this month more victims will come community based organizations, and religious physical disturbances that effect their develop- forward to face their attackers in a court of groups that are diligently working to address ment and can continue well into their adult- law. And I hope these brave men and women all the issues that rise from domestic violence. hood. It is well documented that children who will find the support they need. Because the One such organization is the National Coali- witness violence in the home grow up to re- effects of domestic abuse exist long after the tion Against Domestic Violence and another is peat the same patterns as adults and men physical scars have healed. The psychological in my hometown of Houston, TX, the Houston who have witnessed their parents’ domestic vi- effects of domestic violence are deep seated. Area Women’s Center. olence are three times as likely to abuse their I sat on the board of the Houston Area 60 percent of battered women report problems own wives. The National Institute for Justice Women’s Center and I witnessed firsthand the with depression. Additionally, suicide rates reports that being abused as a child increases challenges they faced when addressing the amongst victims are sky rocketing and a grow- the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile by 53 per- needs of men, women, and children who are ing number of victims display symptoms of cent and as an adult by 38 percent. the victims of violence. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This According to the National Coalition Against is the sort of disorder we normally associate IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY Domestic Violence (NCADV) 85 percent of all with troops who return home after surviving Domestic violence has a negative impact on domestic violence victims are women. It is dis- the horrors of war. both families and the economy. The victims of turbing that every 9 seconds a woman in the THE IMPACT ON CHILDREN domestic violence lose about 8 million paid United States is assaulted or beaten; more Domestic violence affects every member of work days per year in the United States alone. often than not she knows her abuser. the family, including the children. These home This is the equivalent of 32,000 full-time jobs. The numbers are alarming, between 2001 environments leave children living in constant These instances of violence cannot continue. and 2005, about 63 percent of nonfatal inti- fear. It is not a surprise that these children, The first step towards remedying the issue is mate partner victimization against women oc- who bear witness to violence at home, are to raise awareness. I stand here today in sup- curred at home, 9.4 percent of these attacks themselves at greater risk for abuse and ne- port of the victims of domestic violence. were near home and 11.1 percent of the glect. Studies show that child abuse occurs in However, we must remember that govern- abuse occurred at a friend or neighbor’s 30 to 60 percent of family violence cases that ment alone is not the only answer to improv- home. involve families with children. (J.L. Edleson, ing the lives of survivors and victims of do- The aggressors were often intimate part- ‘‘The overlap between child maltreatment and mestic violence in our nation. Partnerships be- ners, relatives, friends, acquaintances and woman battering.’’ Violence Against Women, tween schools, businesses, parents, and other even strangers. Every year nearly 5.3 million February, 1999.) community entities are useful tools to address women over the age of 18 will be the victims The numbers of children who live in violent the issues that arise from domestic violence. of domestic violence. According to a report by homes is alarming. Each year an estimated We must support actions that enrich our com- the Center for Disease Control and Preven- 3.3 million children are exposed to violence munities and to ensure that the victims and tion, this violence will result in nearly 2 million against their mothers or female caretakers by survivors have the support they need. injuries and 1,300 deaths. family members. (American Psychological As- Again, I am honored to be a part of this ef- HOUSTON TX—A STORY OF ABUSE AND TORTURE sociation, Violence and the Family: Report of fort, and applaud all my colleagues who are For many years a Houston woman endured the APA Presidential Task Force on Violence involved in supporting Domestic Violence abuse at the hands of her husband Gregory. and the Family, 1996) Awareness Month.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.001 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2011 HONORING THE BRAVE FIRE- RECOGNIZING AVON ELEMENTARY taught at Carman for 27 years making a last- FIGHTERS WHO SAVED MAG- SCHOOL OF AVON, SOUTH DA- ing impression on hundreds of young stu- NOLIA AND ALL THOSE WHO KOTA FOR BEING NAMED A dents, especially Keith Kirby. During his ca- SUPPORTED THEM BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL reer, Robert Matsko was twice awarded ‘‘Who’s Who of Teachers in America.’’ HON. KRISTI L. NOEM At the age of 11, Keith Kirby decided to HON. KEVIN BRADY OF SOUTH DAKOTA start his own business. Keith began mowing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lawns and that business became what is OF TEXAS known today as Curbco. Curbco is a multi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, October 26, 2011 million dollar business that has grown from Mrs. NOEM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lawn care to a full service maintenance com- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 recognize Avon Elementary School of Avon, pany. They specialize in landscape, snow re- Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise South Dakota for being named a Blue Ribbon moval, street sweeping as well as paving and School by the United States Department of asphalt maintenance. Keith embodies the today to honor the brave men and women Education. American Dream and the entrepreneurial spirit who answered the call when wildfires roared. This year the Department of Education that makes this country great. His vision and Having survived Hurricanes Rita and Ike, my named 305 schools Blue Ribbon Schools, investment have created jobs for many and district and the people of Southeast Texas Avon Elementary School was one of them. I helps provide for our community. know and understand the devastation Hurri- would like to congratulate Avon Elementary In his humble ways Keith credits much of canes bring. This September we dealt with a School for its incredible academic achieve- his success to his 4th and 5th grade teacher, very different kind of disaster in the form of ments. This school reflects the attributes all Mr. Robert Matsko. We all have a teacher that massive wildfires. American education institutions strive for: aca- has changed us for the better and Keith demic improvement and tangible results. thought it was important to highlight his teach- Luckily for us, our September miracle was These early successes will give students the er at Curbco’s 25 year anniversary party. granted Labor Day weekend as fire crews ability to further their education and open Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- from across Texas and in fact the entire coun- doors to future opportunities. The commitment lating Keith Kirby and Curbco on reaching the try came to Magnolia to battle a three county of students and staff to quality education and milestone of 25 years in business. Also, join blaze that threatened to consume well over a high level of performance is commendable. me in thanking Mr. Robert Matsko for his ten-thousand homes and businesses in Mag- Again, congratulations to Avon Elementary years of dedication to the profession of teach- nolia as well as thousands more in neigh- School for being named a Blue Ribbon ing. boring Grimes and Waller Counties. School. f Having been out on the line with them to f RECOGNIZING HAMLIN JUNIOR see for myself how the fire lines came right up PERSONAL EXPLANATION HIGH SCHOOL OF HAYTI, SOUTH to families’ back porches—yet they saved DAKOTA FOR BEING NAMED A home after home—it is impossible for me not HON. DANNY K. DAVIS BLUE RIBBON SCHOOL to be in awe of these heroes. Their skill and OF ILLINOIS dedication saved the town of Magnolia and I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KRISTI L. NOEM can’t wait to join them this Saturday in Unity Wednesday, October 26, 2011 OF SOUTH DAKOTA Park to honor their success and hard work. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Magnolia Volunteer Fire Chief Gary Vincent able to cast votes on the following legislative Wednesday, October 26, 2011 united over a hundred different fire fighting measures. If I were present for rollcall votes, Mrs. NOEM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to agencies by his side and with the help of our I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ for the following recognize Hamlin Junior High School of Hayti, dedicated Sheriff Tommy Gage, his deputies, votes: South Dakota for being named a Blue Ribbon our constables, our police departments, our Roll 801, October 24, 2011: On Motion to School by the United States Department of Fire Marshall Jimmy Williams, school districts, Suspend the Rules and Pass H.R. 320: To Education. the Texas Forest Service and many others designate a Distinguished Flying Cross Na- This year the Department of Education stepped up. California’s Interagency Incident tional Memorial at the March Field Air Mu- named 305 schools Blue Ribbon Schools, Management Team not only took our thanks seum in Riverside, California. Hamlin Jr. High School was one of them. I Roll 802, October 24, 2011: On Motion to would like to congratulate Hamlin Jr. High back to the Golden State, they take back the Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended School for its incredible academic achieve- model for how communities and first respond- H.R. 1160: To require the Secretary of the In- ments. This school reflects the attributes all ers unite with charities from the United Way, terior to convey the McKinney Lake National American education institutions strive for: aca- Red Cross, local food banks, churches, Fish Hatchery to the State of North Carolina, demic improvement and tangible results. YMCAs and Chambers of Commerce to pro- and for other purposes. These early successes will give students the vide a response that firefighters across this f ability to further their education and open nation will be talking about for years to come. doors to future opportunities. The commitment HONORING KEITH KIRBY AND If a firefighter was thirsty, three volunteers of students and staff to quality education and CURBCO FOR 25 YEARS OF SUC- a high level of performance is commendable. would rush over with water and there were CESS Again, congratulations to Hamlin Jr. High likely two more behind carrying hot meals just School for being named a Blue Ribbon in case that firefighter might be hungry as HON. DALE E. KILDEE School. well. All the firefighters who came in from OF MICHIGAN f across the country could talk about was how IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES well they were treated in Texas, God’s coun- HONORING THE TWENTIETH Wednesday, October 26, 2011 try. CENTURY CLUB OF BUFFALO Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Today, it’s an honor for me to be here on honor two great men and one great company. the House floor to honor my heroes who made HON. KATHLEEN C. HOCHUL As a young man Robert Matsko served in OF NEW YORK it possible for thousands of families to have the United States Air Force. After leaving the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES homes to go home to. This Saturday, our military he earned a bachelor’s degree in lib- community will honor those who held the line eral arts from Michigan State University. Upon Wednesday, October 26, 2011 by celebrating their service and by heeding completion of his degree, Robert worked at Ms. HOCHUL. Mr. Speaker, I submit the fol- their warnings that the fire danger remains ex- A.C. Spark Plug for 7 years. In 1967 he began lowing Proclamation. traordinarily high as the drought drags on. teaching at Randels Elementary in the Car- Whereas: The Twentieth Century Club of man School District. Mr. Matsko found his call- Buffalo is located in the City of Buffalo in Erie ing as an elementary school teacher. He County; and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.003 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1935 Whereas: The Twentieth Century Club of RECOGNIZING NATIONAL BREAST A TRIBUTE TO PASTOR LESTER Buffalo was founded in 1894 by Miss Charlotte CANCER AWARENESS MONTH CHARLES SMITH Mulligan and other graduates of the Buffalo Seminary to promote cultural pursuits; and HON. ADAM SMITH HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS OF NEW YORK Whereas: The Twentieth Century Club of OF WASHINGTON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Buffalo is considered to be among the oldest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES clubs for women in the United States; and Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Whereas: The Twentieth Century Club of Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Buffalo played an important role during the Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, as pay tribute and to honor Pastor Lester Charles we honor National Breast Cancer Awareness Pan American Exposition and serves as an Smith for his leadership in guiding the New Month, I rise to call upon my colleagues to join important reminder of the City of Buffalo’s out- Jerusalem Holy Church towards participating me in stressing the importance of getting reg- standing architectural history; and in a community of building God’s Kingdom on ular mammograms. Regular mammograms are Earth as it is in Heaven. Whereas: The Twentieth Century Club of crucial for early detection of this terrible dis- Pastor Smith has a proven track record of Buffalo remains a vital and forward thinking ease. The earlier breast cancer is detected, accomplishments and over the years has led club which is consistent with the sophisticated the better chance there is of winning the fight his congregation through the integrity of his elegance that has defined the club for over a against breast cancer. heart. While his ministry has often been test- century; and Every two minutes, a woman is diagnosed ed, Pastor Smith has stayed his God given Whereas: The Twentieth Century Club of with breast cancer, making this the most fre- course and kept the mandate of his divine as- Buffalo has been designated a National His- quently diagnosed cancer among women in signment. With such leadership, the New Jeru- toric Landmark as a result of the support, en- the United States. While traditionally thought salem Holy Church has its principles firmly ergy and steadfast commitment of its mem- of as an older woman’s disease, breast cancer rooted in the belief that we must appropriate bers; be it further is found in women of all ages. The likelihood the great salvation of God through commit- of diagnosis increases with age, but breast ment and excellence. Resolved; That we pause in our delibera- cancer is today being found more and more Pastor Smith understands that our personal tions to honor the Twentieth Century Club of frequently among women in their 20s and 30s. lives, family lives, and church lives should al- Buffalo on their designation as a National His- Today, the two and a half million breast ways be a reflection of the stability we have toric Landmark and their service to the West- cancer survivors living in the United States are with God. He has built an organization that ern New York Community. a testament to the courage and perseverance strives everyday to spread the word of God of the Americans who have faced this condi- while demonstrating excellence in all that they f tion. These survivors are also living reminders do. As is preached by Pastor Smith the con- about the importance of breast cancer aware- gregation is called to demonstrate, to a world CONGRATULATING TOM TEMPLE ness, following recommended screening in search of truth, the wisdom rooted objective guidelines, ensuring that those affected re- in submission to their Heavenly Father. ceive treatment, and continuing to fund Pastor Smith has transformed the mission of HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY groundbreaking and innovative research. the church and has pushed for many pro- OF IOWA Breast cancer does not discriminate; this grams to be implemented under his leader- deadly disease affects everyone regardless of ship. Pastor Smith has partnered with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES age, wealth, or status. I stand in support of all Brooklyn AIDS Task Force and Feed the Chil- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 of those who have been affected by breast dren at New Jerusalem to provide food for the cancer and encourage all available steps be community throughout the holidays. Along with Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, today I’d taken to detect early and defeat this disease. the Brooklyn AIDS Task Force, Pastor Smith like to congratulate my good friend Tom Tem- has offered advice and techniques for ple on his upcoming retirement from the Iowa f childcare, development and health news for Pharmacy Association. Tom has served in his parents. RECOGNIZING SHARON F. DELZER current role at the Iowa Pharmacy Association Pastor Smith is expanding his vision to in- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OF since 1980, and has become a friend and ad- clude the establishment of a Community De- ESTELLINE, SOUTH DAKOTA FOR viser to me. velopment Corporation which will provide an BEING NAMED A BLUE RIBBON ongoing GED program, an after school pro- Tom has dedicated his life to medicine, and SCHOOL gram for youth, and a job training program. has been a leader on pharmaceutical issues Currently Pastor Smith is training to become a across the state of Iowa. He has served as HON. KRISTI L. NOEM certified chaplain with the New York State CEO of the Iowa Pharmacy Foundation and OF SOUTH DAKOTA Chaplain Task Force. the Collaborative Education Institute. He has Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Pas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES assisted numerous professional organizations tor Lester Charles Smith for his leadership at including the American Pharmacists Associa- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 the New Jerusalem Holy Church and the unre- tion, the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Mrs. NOEM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lenting hope he has for his congregation, com- Associations, and the American Society of As- recognize Sharon F. Delzer Elementary munity and fellow man. sociation Executives. School of Estelline, South Dakota for being f Tom has also been active in the higher edu- named a Blue Ribbon School by the United HONORING MARY FRANCES BLEY cation community, advising universities on cur- States Department of Education. ON HER RETIREMENT FROM CRS rent issues affecting the pharmaceutical indus- This year the Department of Education try. He served on the Advisory Committees for named 305 schools Blue Ribbon Schools, Sharon F. Delzer Elementary School was one HON. JAMES P. MORAN Drake University, the University of Iowa, and OF VIRGINIA of them. I would like to congratulate Sharon F. the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Delzer Elementary School for its academic Tom has been a tremendous advocate for achievements. This school reflects the at- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Iowa pharmacists. When I was traveling in Af- tributes all American education institutions Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ghanistan earlier this year, and came across a strive for: academic improvement and tangible honor a longtime Arlington, Virginia resident, tiny pharmacy in a village there, my first results. These successes will give students Mary Frances Bley, who will retire from the thought was, ‘‘wouldn’t Tom Temple get a kick the ability to further their education and open Congressional Research Service (CRS) on out of this?’’ doors to future opportunities. The commitment October 31st. During her 28 years of service Tom will be missed very much by his col- of students and staff to quality education and with CRS, Ms. Bley distinguished herself by leagues and peers in the coming years, but a high level of performance is commendable. passionately and diligently working to ensure his influence and leadership will never be for- Again, congratulations to Sharon F. Delzer that congressional needs for research were re- gotten. I congratulate him on all of his success Elementary School for being named a Blue sponded to promptly and with the best infor- and wish him a rewarding and relaxing future. Ribbon School. mation and analysis available.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.006 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2011 A native of Washington state, Ms. Bley mizes the dedication and excellence that ognize today the protectors of freedom, the joined CRS in 1984 as a temporary employee make CRS the envy of legislatures around the sentinels of our shores and the falcons of our in the Inquiry Section where she directed con- world. skies, the brave soldiers of the United States gressional requesters to the CRS employees f Navy. best suited to respond to their particular f needs. She quickly moved from a temporary HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- to a permanent position, and soon afterward SARY OF NAVAL AIR STATION ON RECOGNIZING PRAVINA to a leadership position within the section. LEMOORE RAMANATHAN FOR HER WORK During her time in the Inquiry Section, Ms. TO PROTECT THE CIVIL RIGHTS Bley returned to graduate school part-time and HON. JIM COSTA OF MICHIGAN RESIDENTS AND ADVOCATE ON BEHALF OF in 1987, she earned a Master’s Degree in Li- OF CALIFORNIA MICHIGAN’S ASIAN AMERICAN brary Science (MLS) from The Catholic Uni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versity of America. After obtaining her MLS, COMMUNITIES she moved to a librarian position in the Con- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 gressional Reference Division within CRS, Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. GARY C. PETERS where she responded directly to congressional honor the 50th anniversary of Naval Air Sta- OF MICHIGAN requests. tion Lemoore (NASL) and the Century Anni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Bley’s special aptitude for serving Con- versary of United States Naval Aviation. The gress was evident in her work as a librarian. NASL has been home to many historical mile- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 In 1993, she was invited by CRS leadership to stones and an asset in providing safety and Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to participate in a detail to the new Congres- security for the people of the San Joaquin Val- honor my friend, Pravina Ramanathan, for her sional Services Team in the Office of the Li- ley, California, the Western Front and our work with the State of Michigan over the last brarian of Congress. In this position, she great nation. fifteen years to protect the civil rights of its di- worked to further the mission of the team to On July 8, 1961, NASL was commissioned verse residents. study and enhance the Library’s under- and began its operation under the command As a Civil Rights Enforcer and the Asian standing of and responsiveness to congres- of Captain Howard M. Avery. At the time, the American Liaison to the Michigan Department sional needs, and congressional under- commissioning ceremony included over of Civil Rights (MDCR), Pravina makes it her standing of the Library’s mission and potential. 110,000 people and the military asset was daily mission to protect the safety and well- In the mid-1990s, Ms. Bley was frequently worth $100 million. Over its 50 year history, being of Michigan residents and serves as an at the forefront of the transition at CRS from the base has seen its fair share of challenges advocate for the needs of my state’s Asian a world dominated by print research materials to maintain the support of the Western Front. American communities. In her role as a Civil to a digital research world. Her early efforts Initially a small 1,460-acre Army Airfield, the Rights Enforcer, Pravina devotes her energy were mostly visible only to her CRS col- base has grown to a 31,000-acre state of the to assessing many of the civil rights com- leagues as she worked on efforts to digitize art facility that provides housing to its resi- plaints which come before her office and reference materials and facilitate access to on- dents. works with victims, witnesses and other pro- line federal data sources. NAS Lemoore has been a pioneer in firsts. fessionals to ensure that victims of discrimina- Ms. Bley specialized in appropriations and The first flag ceremony was held in front of the tion are protected. Expounding further upon budget issues, and made significant enhance- administration building in September 1960; the that work, Pravina uses her role as the Asian ments to the appropriations and budget infor- first 800 Capeheart units were built in 1961; American Liaison to the MDCR to design and mation available through the CRS website. and the first night landing with Commander implement programs that build connections The culminating accomplishment of Ms. Bley’s Vernon Binion and Lieutenant Commander and understanding between Michigan’s di- work was the extremely popular Appropria- Thomas Dreis in October 1960 on the 13,500 verse ethnic communities. Specifically, Pravina tions Status Table. This tool, updated daily, al- foot runway. Perhaps a less mentioned piece has instructed Michigan state employees on lows CRS colleagues and Congress to access of history in the Navy is the Women Accepted how to exercise cultural competency, orga- extensive and timely information on current for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVE). nized panels to help Asian ethnic communities and historical appropriations activities through The first WAVE officer was a woman from better understand their rights and directly as- one convenient resource. Honolulu in February 1961, Lieutenant Junior sisted victims of hate crimes and discrimina- Throughout her career, CRS leadership rec- Grade Sue Ann Rice; long way from home tion. ognized Ms. Bley’s work for Congress with nu- taking a chance to serve her country and In recognition of her outstanding work as a merous awards, including individual and group found her way to our community of Lemoore. civil rights advocate and protector, Pravina Special Achievement Awards and a Meri- Naval air stations are an integral part of the has been honored with numerous awards by torious Service Award. Ms. Bley’s efforts as a United States Military. As of 2010, our nation local ethnic communities. In 1988 she was first team member were lauded in one award as boasted 19 naval air stations with a concentra- honored as a Gold Medalist in Hindu law by the ‘‘glue’’ that held the CRS Appropriations tion in California and Florida. In a world of Bangalore University as she graduated with a Team together. In another, Ms. Bley’s work post September 11 vigilance, these stations Bachelor of Law in Advocacy. In 2002, the As- was praised as being ‘‘distinguished by cre- provide the Navy with a stationary base of op- sociation of Kannada Kootas of America hon- ativity, independent initiative, thoroughness, erations for aircraft-related testing and training. ored Pravina for her work to protect the civil timeliness, and a service orientation that re- Since 1998, the principal mission of NASL is rights of Asian Americans. She received a sulted in detailed responses and products of to support Strike-Fighter Wing, U.S. Pacific similar recognition from the Michigan Konkani the highest quality.’’ Fleet and its mission to train, man, and equip Association in 2003 for her with the State’s In- During her tenure, Ms. Bley won the respect West Coast Strike-Fighter squadrons. dian American communities. And just earlier and admiration of her colleagues and those Throughout its history, the United States has this month, Pravina was recognized by her she served in Congress. She will be remem- seen many wars, presidents and difficult own Sikh community in Michigan for her advo- bered for her poise; her sense of perspective; times. Nonetheless, its armed men and cacy work on its behalf. her thoughtful analysis; her ability to identify women have consistently been there to protect Mr. Speaker, everyday civil rights advo- and implement practical solutions to complex us. cates, like Pravina Ramanathan, are making it problems; her wit, humor, and energy; and her Today we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of their mission to ensure that our country con- excitement in learning from and collaborating the Naval Air Station Lemoore and the 100th tinues to be a land of tolerance where we with colleagues. Her vision and leadership will Anniversary of Naval Aviation. This anniver- draw strength from our diversity. Pravina’s civil continue to benefit CRS and Congress long sary is not only a great tribute to this important rights work has earned her the praise of many after her retirement on October 31, 2011. military base, but also an excellent time to organizations in Michigan and I know she will Mr. Speaker, I am honored to ask my col- thank our men and women in uniform who continue to be successful as she works to leagues to join me in congratulating Ms. Bley continue to protect the people of our great strengthen cross-cultural dialogues and en- upon her retirement from CRS. She epito- country every day. I ask my colleagues to rec- hance protections for victims of discrimination.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC8.005 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1937 RECOGNIZING THE FINALISTS OF crosse coach at the Preuss School at UCSD. Under the direction of Dr. Bodis-Wollner and THE UP2US COACH OF THE YEAR The Preuss School is a nationally recognized Dr. San Luciano, SUNY Medical Center has AWARD school that serves a diverse, low-income pop- been able to focus on the education and treat- ulation. Lisa received her Master’s degree ment options for this disease. Tests include HON. BRIAN P. BILBRAY from the University of Maryland, where she CT scan, MRI, PET scan, EMG/Nerve conduc- OF CALIFORNIA also served as a coach and administrator. Lisa tion studies, EEG, laboratory tests, cardio- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is a proud advocate for sports as a tool for vascular, pulmonary and gastrointestinal func- tion tests, speech and swallow evaluation, and Wednesday, October 26, 2011 positive youth development and is changing lives through her work. Her athletes recognize genetics testing. Mr. BILBRAY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to how special Lisa is. ‘‘She sees the potential in Kings County Medical Center is undergoing recognize Up2Us—a leader in sports-based each of her players and does not quit until that similar work at its Parkinson’s Disease Center youth development—on the occasion of its an- spark she sees within us is released for the of Excellence. Kings County Hospital Center nual awards ceremony for its Coach of the public eye to see,’’ one of the athletes said. was the first ever public hospital in the world Year contest to be held here in Washington, ‘‘She has helped me through the turbulence of to be designated as a Center of Excellence by D.C. As America’s youth continue to be hit a teenage life to the hectic lifestyle at home the National Parkinson Foundation and se- hard by the bad economic climate, it is en- and has given me a comfortable place to go lected by the National Institutes of Health for couraging to see an organization like Up2Us as well as someone to turn to.’’ exploring neuroprotection, a form of therapy rise to the challenge. Renato Paiva is the Executive Director of which aims to slow the progression of the dis- Up2Us is leading a national movement to Access Youth Academy, a program designed ease. The main goal in mind is to provide ter- advance sports as a tool for addressing the around three pillars: academics, the sport of tiary care for all patients and help to adjust critical issues facing youth in this nation, in- squash and community service. He joined Ac- their lives so that living with the long-term ef- cluding childhood obesity, academic failure cess Youth Academy in May of 2007 from fects of Parkinson’s disease is easier. and anti-social behavior. Up2Us supports a Harvard University where he was the Assistant The Kings County Medical Center support national network of nearly 500 member organi- Coach of the squash team. Originally from staff work tirelessly to offer quality specialty zations in all 50 states, serving 25 million Brazil, Renato was a Brazilian Junior Cham- services for the health needs of Central Brook- youths through a plethora of sports. pion and a top junior in South America. lyn’s diverse communities and neighborhoods. In order to help serve this vast network, Renato graduated from Ruy Barbosa Univer- The Center of Excellence is another example Up2Us launched its ‘‘Coach Across America’’ sity with a business degree. Many of Renato’s of this service that goes above and beyond initiative (CAA) which is an AmeriCorps pro- students submitted nominations with personal the patient care that is needed. Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize the gram that is the first nationwide effort to mobi- stories of how their lives have been changed. Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders lize a workforce to promote positive youth de- ‘‘Renato has completely transformed the lives Center of Kings County and SUNY Downstate velopment through sports. In partnership with of underprivileged inner city children in the Medical Centers for their continued work in the Corporation for National and Community San Diego area by teaching them the game of this field. Service and Nike, CAA coaches use sports as squash and getting them to excel in the sport, a means to promote health and nutrition, edu- and in life,’’ a grateful mentee said. f cation success, civic engagement and per- In light of all the struggles today’s youth PLEDGE A DRUG-FREE LIFE DUR- sonal and social development among youth in face, it is time we recognize quiet heroes like ING NATIONAL RED RIBBON some of the nation’s poorest neighborhoods. Lisa and Renato as they help better the lives WEEK Last year, CAA directed 250 AmeriCorps of thousands of individuals across the country. members to serve as coaches in 105 youth By encouraging programs like Up2Us and HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL programs across 20 states to work with more their Coach Across America initiative, we can than 35,000 kids. In exchange for college tui- OF NEW YORK help make the lives of many young Americans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion awards and a living stipend, coaches healthier and brighter. completed a total of 170,000 service hours, Wednesday, October 26, 2011 f which is equivalent to $3.5 million in national Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I hope schools, service. AmeriCorps recruited more than 1,000 A TRIBUTE TO THE PARKINSON’S businesses, the faith community, families, and program volunteers, connected roughly 500 DISEASE AND RELATED DIS- community organizations in our Manhattan new parents to their respective programs and ORDERS CENTER Congressional District will join together this conducted more than 250 service-learning week in celebration of Red Ribbon Week, tak- projects totaling 35,000 hours of youth volun- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS ing place October 22–30, 2011. By wearing teer service effort. OF NEW YORK red ribbons and participating in community The 35,000 kids served by CAA coaches IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES anti-drug events, young people have the op- have access to the programs they need for Wednesday, October 26, 2011 portunity to make a pledge to a drug-free life. their full development. They are provided a Red Ribbon Week also honors DEA Special safe place to acquire new knowledge and Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Agent Enrique´ ‘‘Kiki’’ Camarena who died on skills and gain a heightened sense of com- pay tribute and to honor the Parkinson’s Dis- February 7, 1985, while fighting against drug petency and self-respect through working to ease and Related Disorders Center estab- trafficking and abuse, as well as all men and make a difference in their communities. They lished at Kings County Medical Center and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice build relationships with caring adult role mod- SUNY Downstate Medical Center. This center in the pursuit. els, develop leadership skills on and off the has been critical as a research, outreach and Established in 1988, Red Ribbon Week is field; and have a better understanding of comprehensive care center for many constitu- the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention healthy eating and the importance of physical ents in Brooklyn and the New York region. program in the nation reaching millions of activity and exercise. In recognition of the The Parkinson’s Disease and Related Dis- Americans. The National Family Partnership powerful role that coaches have on the lives of orders Center was created with the intention estimates that more than 80 million people youth, Up2Us runs an annual ‘‘Coach of the of providing patients and medical personnel participate in Red Ribbon events each year. Year’’ contest to honor the unsung heroes with the proper understanding of this disease The campaign is a unified way for commu- who devote their lives to the positive develop- with a focus on treatment. This center has two nities to take a stand against drugs and show ment of youth through sports. locations that are being recognized: Kings intolerance for illicit drug use and the con- Mr. Speaker, as Up2Us and its participating County Medical Center and SUNY Downstate sequences to all Americans. members honor the winners of this year’s Medical Center. At SUNY Medical the capabili- Nearly one million New Yorkers reported Coach of the Year contest here in Wash- ties of this center include two attending physi- using illicit drugs in the past year (16%). The ington, I ask my colleagues to join me in con- cians, a clinical trials coordinator, research fel- only way to change this trend is by educating gratulating this year’s finalists. They are lows and assistants led by Dr. Ivan Bodis- our youth on the dangers and effects of illegal among a distinguished group of individuals Wollner, Dr. Marta San Luciano and the center drugs with initiatives like Red Ribbon Week. I dedicated to improving the lives of our youth coordinator Dr. S. Glazman. Patient Advocate, have seen firsthand how drug use can ruin a through sport. Two of the winners hail from Mrs. Aida Torres, and Head Nurse, Mrs. Patri- life, and the crippling effects it can have on San Diego, America’s Finest City. cia Craig RN, provide invaluable support to families and neighborhoods. I ask our commu- Lisa Hawk is the Exercise & Health Science the clinic as it provides tertiary care for Parkin- nity to reach out to our children by helping Department Chair, Athletic Director and la- son’s Disease and Related Disorders. them make a pledge to a drug-free life.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.011 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2011 CELEBRATION OF THE FESTIVAL Filipinos first arrived on America’s shores in taught him the discipline needed to continue OF DIWALI the 16th century and they are now the third his outreach in this field. In this capacity Dr. largest Asian American community in the Bodis-Wollner, popularized the concept of the HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA United States with nearly 4 million Americans ‘‘Pre-Cardinal stage’’ of Parkinson’s disease OF CALIFORNIA of Filipino descent. both in the field of neurology and in the lay IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Filipino Americans have contributed to the press. This concept helps to recruit patients in Wednesday, October 26, 2011 United States in every field of endeavor, like early phases for participating in NIH spon- science, medicine, education, business, poli- sored neuroprotective trials clinical research. Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tics, agriculture, and they have served with Dr. Bodis-Wollner has done extensive work commemorate the joyous Festival of Diwali. distinction in our armed forces. in the Brooklyn area producing ongoing, re- Diwali directly translates from Hindi, into ‘‘Row They continue to enrich American life newable multicenter research for the potential of Lights.’’ From this translation, Diwali has through their contributions to our arts and cul- neuroprotective effect of Creatine and of Co- come to be known as ‘‘The Festival of Lights.’’ ture. Q10. Several of his works focus on the afflu- Celebrations of Diwali involve the lighting of In my home district, the California 9th, there ence of Parkinson’s disease in inner city com- lamps to symbolize hope and joy. Other com- are over 68,000 Filipino Americans and I know munities and among African Americans and mon practices include lighting fireworks and that my district is stronger and more success- other racial and ethnic groups. The significant distributing sweets and gifts. The lighting of ful because of their presence. strides Dr. Bodis-Wollner has made in his re- lamps is meant to symbolize the victory of I believe that it is important to acknowledge search will undoubtedly benefit countless num- good and the removal of darkness, or evil. the important role that immigrants play in the bers of constituents in my district and the New The spiritual darkness is said to be ‘‘van- fabric of American life and I would encourage York region. quished’’ by the many lights, bringing happi- the leadership to act quickly on S. Res. 287, Dr. Bodis-Wollner was Chief Editor of Clin- ness and bliss to the people of this Earth. to officially designate October 2011 as ‘‘Fili- ical Vision Sciences and after its merger, Sec- This cultural and religious festival is cele- pino American Awareness Month.’’ tion Editor of Vision Research in all for 14 brated by nearly 1 billion Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, years. He has lectured around the world, f and Buddhists in more than 20 countries. In taught medical students, and trained scores of the United States, some 2 million people ob- IN MEMORY OF THE LIFE OF younger scientists who have worked with him serve Diwali, including many in the multi-cul- MILDRED HEMMONS-CARTER and learned from him in his laboratory. Among tural congressional district that I am proud to his students are professors of neurology and represent. HON. MIKE ROGERS clinical neurophysiology and faculty members Diwali is one of the most important holidays in neurology. Dr. Bodis-Wollner is also the OF ALABAMA within Hinduism. In the Hindu faith, Diwali is Chairman of the ‘‘Non-Motor’’ working group of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES linked to Rama’s triumphant return following the Parkinson Study Group, a nationwide his victory over Ravana as told in the epic Wednesday, October 26, 2011 think-tank for clinical Parkinson Disease Re- ‘‘The Ramayana.’’ Following Rama’s victory, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I search. Further, he has published well over his people lit clay lamps along the capital city would like to pay tribute to the life of Mrs. Mil- 100 research studies in peer reviewed journals as to celebrate the returning of their King. dred Hemmons-Carter who passed away on including Nature, Science, Journal of Physi- These clay lamps were called Deepavalis, Friday, October 21, 2011. ology, Brain, and Annals of Neurology. which Diwali is a shortened version of. In Mrs. Hemmons-Carter was born in Benson, Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize Dr. many Hindu calendars, Diwali corresponds Alabama, on September 12, 1921 and grad- Bodis-Wollner for his accomplishments in the with the start of a new year, correlating with uated from school in 1941 with a degree in area of health care and his service to Brooklyn the ideas of rebirth and renewal. Business from the Tuskegee Institute. and New York. In , Diwali marks the date upon On February 1st of 1941, Mrs. Hemmons- f which Lord achieved the state of ab- Carter received her pilot’s license making his- RECOGNIZING FIRE CHIEF JIM solute bliss or Nirvana. It is said that King tory as the first African-American woman to do Chetaka, upon Lord Mahavira achieving Nir- MILLER, A FORMER LOCKPORT so. TOWNSHIP FIRE CHIEF WHO vana, lit a multitude of lamps in order to create On February 1st of this year, a celebration a material light to replace the light of intel- PASSED AWAY AT THE AGE OF was held to honor the 70th anniversary of her 74 ligence that had been lost. licensing. In the Sikh tradition, the foundation of the Mrs. Hemmons-Carter is survived by her HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI Golden Temple is said to have been laid on husband of 70 years, Ret. Col. Herbert E. Car- OF ILLINOIS Diwali. In this tradition, the 6th Sikh guru ter, an original Tuskegee Airman. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hargobind was released from prison on the It is a sad day in Alabama as we lose one festival of Diwali. Hundreds of lamps were lit of our great women who proved the sky is the Wednesday, October 26, 2011 in honor of Hargobind’s return. limit. We honor the memory of Mildred Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. Speaker, there is great diversity among Hemmons-Carter today. honor the life of a selfless public servant, the faiths that celebrate this joyful holiday. f former Lockport Township Fire Chief Jim Mil- Across all of these traditions, Diwali holds sig- ler. On September 13, Chief Miller passed nificance in the South-Asian community as a A TRIBUTE TO DR. IVAN BODIS- away at the age of 74. As a firefighter, he time of hope, happiness and the renewal of WOLLNER dedicated his life to protecting his neighbors. life. For this reason, I am proud to be a co- As Fire Chief, he helped steer the Lockport sponsor of House Resolution 439, recognizing HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Township Fire Department through turbulent the historical and religious importance of OF NEW YORK economic times. Diwali. I would like to join with all those cele- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Miller began his remarkable career as a brating this joyous time and wish Shubh Diwali firefighter in 1959. He became Fire Chief in to all. Wednesday, October 26, 2011 1979 and served in that capacity until 1987. f Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to As Fire Chief, he kept his station afloat de- IN HONOR OF FILIPINO AMERICAN pay tribute to and honor Dr. Ivan Bodis- spite scarceness of equipment and firefighters. HISTORY MONTH Wollner for his work on advancing the knowl- When he became Fire Chief, instead of pur- edge of Parkinson’s Disease, towards finding chasing the traditional new white helmet, Mr. HON. BARBARA LEE a cure and establishing a PD Clinic that offers Miller simply spray painted his old helmet specialized, comprehensive care for all pa- white because of the Department’s tight budg- OF CALIFORNIA tients. et. After the economy rebounded, he kept his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Bodis-Wollner has established and old white helmet and elected to purchase bet- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 maintained a Parkinson Disease and Related ter equipment for his firefighters instead. This Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Disorders Clinic, designated as a Center of small example of his willingness to do the best honor the millions of Filipino Americans across Excellence (COE) by the National Parkinson for his firefighters and share the hardship of a America and to recognize October as Filipino Foundation since 1995. His work as a Pro- tight budget made him a model for what a Fire American History Month. fessor of Neurology and Ophthalmology has Chief and a great leader should be.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.013 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1939 Firefighting was in Jim Miller’s blood. Both HONORING THE WORK OF ALEX at Cedar Center in South Euclid. When Sands his uncle and father were firefighters and he KANKULA decided to sell his deli, Corky Kurland became passed on much of his wisdom to his son-in- a partner with Dave Katz, who already owned law. He also considered all those at his station HON. STEVE ISRAEL a deli on Lakeshore Boulevard. After a year, to be part of his extended family and treated OF NEW YORK Katz wanted to stay on Lakeshore and sold them as such. He made it a point to visit his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his share of the business to Corky and Lenny station when returning to Lockport Township Kaden, a mutual friend who was then in the from his retirement home in Florida to see his Wednesday, October 26, 2011 menswear business. Corky and Lenny be- old colleagues. During these trips he would Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to came partners and renamed the business marvel at the new technology and increased pay special tribute to Alex Kankula’s dedica- ‘‘Corky & Lenny’s’’ in 1956. In 1973, Corky number of firefighters. Firefighters then and tion and commitment to helping our nation’s and Lenny opened a second deli on Chagrin now know that without his courage to keep the veterans. Mr. Kankula is a distinguished vet- Boulevard in Woodmere. In 1991, Corky’s son station afloat in the 1980s, these improve- eran of both World War II and the Korean War Kenny and his nephew Earl Stein bought out ments might not have been possible. serving in both the United States Navy and Lenny Kaden’s share of the business and the Mr. Miller was preceded in death by daugh- Coast Guard. three have been partners ever since. The part- ter Jodi Miller and survived by his loving and After his discharge from active duty, Mr. ners closed the Cedar Center location in 1994 devoted wife of 54 years, Jyme, and his chil- Kankula selflessly dedicated the next thirty but celebrated 55 years in business recently at dren Jami, Kelly, and Jim. years of his life to improving the lives of our the Chagrin Boulevard store. Please join me in honoring the life of Jim nation’s veterans. Mr. Kankula has been a vol- Corky & Lenny’s is a true meeting place. Miller. He was a brave and selfless public unteer at the Northport VA Medical Center in Many business deals have occurred there, as servant. His contributions to Lockport Town- New York for three decades. Over the years have many blind dates, some that became ship and his life of service will not be forgot- he’s been an advocate for homeless veterans marriages. Corky & Lenny’s is a magnet for ten. by working in halfway houses in four different celebrities when they come to town. Actors f Long Island towns. Seeing the tremendous and comedians such as Totie Fields, Liberace, need our homeless veterans face every day, HONORING MARILYN A. BOK Joel Gray, Shecky Greene, Sammy Davis Jr., he’s worked in the community to collect cloth- Jackie Mason, Frankie Valli; athletes including ing, food, house wares, and furniture for these Jim Thome, Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Mike Brown, HON. TOM MARINO veterans. Moe Vaughn, Wally Szcwebiak, and Mike OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. Kankula’s leadership also paved the Holmgren; and elected officials, including IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES way for the creation of two new programs at Howard Metzenbaum and John Glenn have Wednesday, October 26, 2011 the Northport VA Medical Center. He recog- been spotted there. I have been a patron of Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in nized the need for nursing home patients to Corky & Lenny’s since my days as a caddy at honor of my constituent, Marilyn A. Bok, on have a recreational outlet and established a east-side golf courses while still a teenager. I the occasion of her retirement. wheelchair dock-fishing program. The nursing had breakfast there just last week. And as After completing high school, Marilyn at- home patients look forward to this excursion usual, I saw people there whom I have known tended the College of St. Rose, where she and visit local waterways for a fun day of fish- for many years. earned her Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry. ing several times a year. Mr. Kankula then Corky Kurland was active in his community She then went on to earn her Master’s Degree went on to create an ‘‘Adopt a Vet’’ program and liked to spend time with his family. He in Public Administration from the John F. Ken- to ensure nursing home patients were always was a frequent traveler who made friends nedy School of Government at Harvard Uni- remembered on their birthdays and holidays. wherever he went. He was a member of Beth versity. He connects the veteran patients with commu- Am and B’nai Jeshurun synagogues, the Before starting the Community Foundation nity members who send birthday cards, holi- Knights of Pythias, the Masons, the Kiwanis, for the Twin Tiers, Marilyn taught, owned a day greetings, and letters. The creation of the Beachwood Chamber of Commerce, the consulting and research firm, served as Chair these two programs has raised the morale of Jewish Community Center, the Jewish War of the Board of Commissioners of Bradford countless veterans. Veterans, the Lake Forest Country Club and County, and served as Director of Rural Serv- I offer my recognition of Alex Kankula’s un- the Hawthorne Country Club. ices Institute at Mansfield University. Addition- wavering dedication to our nation’s veterans. Mr. Speaker and respected colleagues, ally, Marilyn wrote several grants for startup His patriotic spirit and selfless devotion has please join me in mourning the loss of Sanford funding for the Bradford County Dental Clinic, improved the lives of veterans and serves as ‘‘Corky’’ Kurland. I send my sincere condo- the Family Literacy Program, and the Bradford an example for all Americans. lences to his wife of 57 years, Gloria; his son County Tobacco Cessation Program. f Kenny; his daughter Dr. Susan Kurland Marilyn Bok began her tenure with the Com- Rapkin; his sister Helen Manheim; his 6 IN REMEMBRANCE OF SANFORD munity Foundation for Twin Tiers in 2001, hav- grandchildren; his extended family; his many ‘‘CORKY’’ KURLAND ing served as both volunteer Board Chair and friends, and the loyal patrons of Corky & CEO after founding the organization. Lenny’s. Marilyn has always had a strong commit- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH ment to volunteering in her community. She OF OHIO f has served as President for numerous organi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zations, including; Penn York Opportunities for EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR FDA’S Wednesday, October 26, 2011 the Handicapped, Inc.; Valley Jaycees; and APPROVAL OF ARTIFICIAL PAN- Greater Valley Youth Activities Council. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to re- CREAS TECHNOLOGIES Marilyn has also chaired over numerous com- member Sanford ‘‘Corky’’ Kurland, co-founder mittees, including; Regional Workforce 90s and owner of Corky & Lenny’s, the popular HON. JOHN KLINE Task Force; Executive Committee Northern Cleveland-area restaurant and deli. Corky OF MINNESOTA Tier Regional Planning Commission; and End- passed away last Saturday after a long illness. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES less Mountains Heritage Park Management Corky Kurland was a native Clevelander Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Committee. In 2009, Marilyn was recognized and a 1948 graduate of Glenville High School. by WATS/WAVR as Individual of the Year for He worked with his father Carl Kurland on a Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I offer the following her many contributions to her community. food truck and helped at a small grocery store statement urging the U.S. Food and Drug Ad- Marilyn and her husband, Edward, are the that his parents bought on Union Avenue. ministration to move forward in the approval proud parents of four and grandparents of After graduating from meat cutting school in process of artificial pancreas technologies and eight. They have resided in the Wyoming Val- Toledo, he went to work at the Miami Res- issue draft guidance no later than December ley for over 45 years. taurant at East 105th and Euclid in the then- 1, 2011. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor my con- bustling Uptown section of Cleveland. He en- Diabetes is a common, serious, and costly stituent, Marilyn Bok, on the occasion of her listed in the U.S. Army and became a chef at disease that poses a major public health prob- retirement and ask my colleagues to join in Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1952. When he re- lem. Diabetes affects more than 25 million praising her commitment to community and turned to Cleveland, he took a job as a adults and children in the United States or 8.3 country. counterman and manager at Eddie Sands Deli percent of the population. One out of every

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26OC8.008 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2011 three Americans born in the year 2000 is pre- did not even know existed. The legal fees im- SECTION 37 OF THE AMERICA dicted to develop some form of diabetes dur- posed on small businesses for inadvertent vio- INVENTS ACT ing his or her lifetime. One third of every Medi- lation of federal regulations divert funds away care dollar is spent on individuals with diabe- from growing businesses and creating new HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. tes, and estimates show diabetes costs the jobs. OF MICHIGAN U.S. economy $174 billion annually. In my Mr. Speaker, at a time of continuing high IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES home state alone, approximately 243,000 Min- unemployment and stagnant growth, doesn’t it Wednesday, October 26, 2011 nesotans have been diagnosed with diabetes. make sense to give small businesses a rea- The statistics about diabetes and its con- sonable time to comply with federal regula- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, last month, sequences for Americans are staggering. But tions rather than just hitting them with job-de- the President signed into law the Leahy-Smith they are not nearly as compelling as hearing stroying fines and legal bills? I hope all my America Invents Act. I was a co-sponsor of a firsthand from a child with type I diabetes what colleagues will stand up for small businesses bipartisan amendment that added Section 37 he or she goes through to keep their glucose and their current and potential employees by to the House bill, which then passed the Sen- levels stable. Recently, I met with the Theis, cosponsoring the Protect Small Business Jobs ate and was enacted into law. Section 37 is an important provision that Strader, Melhus, and Nash families, who came Act. to my office as part of an effort organized by clarified the procedure for filing patent term the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. f extension applications under the Hatch-Wax- They shared with me what it’s like to live with man Act. It codified a sensible decision by a RECOGNIZING MARINE CORPS CAP- federal district judge and was meant to end the disease and what medical tools are avail- TAIN JASON ‘‘DUKE’’ DEQUENNE able to better manage it. years of confusion about this issue that had One such medical advancement is the artifi- threatened to stifle innovation. Before the Senate voted on the House pat- cial pancreas. This technology has the poten- HON. STEVE STIVERS ent bill, an amendment was offered to strike tial to dramatically improve the health and OF OHIO Section 37. That amendment was fully de- quality of life of those who have diabetes. As IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bated and was defeated on a bipartisan basis. shown in a landmark study in February 2010, Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Last week, however, there was discussion of a first generation artificial pancreas system Section 37 on the floor of the Senate and it can improve diabetes control and even lower Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in was suggested that Section 37 does not take the risk of blood glucose emergencies. Specifi- recognition of Marine Corps Capt. Jason effect for a year. But that is incorrect. cally, it will combine two external devices—an ‘‘Duke’’ Dequenne, who on October 15, 2011, Section 37 explicitly says that it ‘‘shall insulin pump and a continuous glucose mon- began a run like no other: 236.2 miles to cele- apply’’ to applications and court cases that are itor (CGM)—which will stabilize glucose levels brate the 236th birthday of the Marine Corps pending on the date of enactment of the bill. by automatically providing the correct amount and, more importantly, to honor those Marines To apply to pending applications and cases, of insulin at the appropriate time. who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving Section 37 obviously had to be effective im- Before this technology can be made avail- in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation En- mediately. Section 37 says very clearly exactly able to people with diabetes, the U.S. Food during Freedom. what it applies to so the default effective date and Drug Administration must approve next On November 10, 1775, in Philadelphia, PA, provision for the Act does not apply here. steps in the regulatory process. Earlier this the Marine Corps was founded under the com- mission of Samuel Nicholas, who promptly During the entire debate over Section 37, year, I sent a letter to FDA’s Commissioner not a single person suggested that Section 37 Margaret Hamburg, urging her to quickly pro- began recruiting from a local pub, Tun Tavern. Though it no longer exists today, Dequenne would not be effective immediately. In fact, ev- vide clear and reasonable guidance so out- eryone understood it would take effect right patient artificial pancreas studies can proceed laced up his shoes and hit the pavement out- side that very pub known now as the birth- away and would govern currently pending ap- as soon as possible. I urge the FDA to issue plications and cases. The United States Pat- this draft guidance no later than December 1, place of the Marines for the first day of his his- tory-making feat on October 15, 2011. In order ent and Trademark Office agreed with this in- if not sooner, to enable artificial pancreas terpretation. In fact, just last week, the Depart- technologies to be tested in an outpatient set- to accomplish his 236.2 mile route, Dequenne will run a punishing 15 miles each day until ment of Justice explained in a court filing that ting and be made available to those who need this is the only possible interpretation of the it. finishing with the 36th Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC on October 30, 2011. law. f However, the birthday of the Marine Corps In the end, the amendment to strike Section INTRODUCING THE PROTECT is not the sole motivation behind his 37 was defeated during Senate debate. It is SMALL BUSINESS JOBS ACT unfathomable trek; each mile will be dedicated too late now to re-write history. And it is clear to telling the story of a fallen soldier. that Section 37 explicitly says that it is to be HON. RON PAUL Dequenne felt the individual stories and sac- effective immediately. f OF TEXAS rifices were not being relayed effectively to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public, who often only see lists of names and HONORING DR. KATHERINE GOBLE ranks of fallen heroes. In attempts to change Wednesday, October 26, 2011 JOHNSON FOR CONTRIBUTIONS this, Capt. Dequenne will participate in speak- DURING HER 33-YEAR CAREER Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to intro- ing engagements along this Philadelphia to AS AN AEROSPACE TECH- duce the Protect Small Business Jobs Act. DC route after each run to tell the stories of NOLOGIST AT THE NASA LANG- This bill gives small businesses six months to Marines who gave the ultimate sacrifice. LEY RESEARCH CENTER IN correct any noncompliance with federal regula- Each step of the 236.2 journey will not only HAMPTON, VA AND HER EF- tions. If a business is in compliance at the end embody the memory of a fallen Marine, but FORTS TO HELP AFRICAN-AMER- of the six months, then the federal government will raise money through the Marine Corps ICAN YOUTH ENTER SCIENTIFIC cannot fine, or pursue any other legal action Law Enforcement Foundation. All proceeds AND TECHNICAL CAREERS against the business. Small businesses that will be donated to military and law enforce- demonstrate good faith efforts to come into ment families who have lost loved ones in the HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT compliance can receive an additional three- line of duty. OF VIRGINIA months grace period. Any small business may Capt. Dequenne enlisted as a Marine in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES challenge a finding that it is in noncompliance 1996, before completing Office Candidate with regulations without forgoing the six-month School in 2005. He currently serves at The Wednesday, October 26, 2011 grace period. Basic School in Quantico, VA, as the assistant Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise As I am sure my colleagues are aware, logistics officer. today to honor Dr. Katherine Goble Johnson. American businesses face a tangled web of As a serving member of the Ohio Army Na- Dr. Johnson, a retired 33-year employee of ever-changing rules and regulations. These tional Guard and veteran of Operation Iraqi the NASA Langley Research Center is to be businesses, which cannot afford a team of Freedom, I thank Capt. Jason Dequenne for honored at a banquet on Saturday, October lawyers to monitor the Federal Register, can honoring our fallen heroes and raising support 29, 2011, and I would like to take a moment be forced to spend thousands of dollars in and awareness for their families. One foot in to recognize some of her numerous accom- legal fees and fines related to regulations they front of the other, Oo-rah! plishments.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:36 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.016 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1941 Born in White Sulpher Springs, West Vir- States, to her community, and to the Com- 25 great-great-grandchildren and 1 great- ginia, it was apparent from very early on that monwealth of Virginia. great-great-grandchild. Dr. Johnson was driven to succeed. The local f Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me schools only offered classes to African Ameri- IN HONOR OF MARY TENCH in honor and celebration of Mary Tench whose cans through the eighth grade, so Dr. John- life is framed by the love of her family, her son’s father enrolled her and her siblings in a faith and the appreciation she has for the life school 125 miles from their home. Taking full HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH she has lived. I wish Mrs. Tench a joyous advantage of this educational opportunity, Dr. OF OHIO 100th year and blessings of peace, health and Johnson graduated high school at the age of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES happiness. 14. Dr. Johnson then went on to study at West Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Virginia State College, now West Virginia Uni- f versity. In 1937 at the age of 18, she grad- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in uated Summa Cum Laude with majors in honor of Mary Tench as her family and friends CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNI- Mathematics and French. She continued her gather in celebration of her 100th birthday. VERSARY OF TEMPLE BETH-EL education at West Virginia University with fur- Mary was born on December 7, 1911 in ther studies in Mathematics and Physics. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Charles and Dr. Johnson began her career in education Anna Zacharzuk. Charles and Anna had six HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY as a teacher, a job that she held for seven children: Mary, Pauline, Alex, John, Pete and OF INDIANA years. She eventually relocated to Newport Joe. Mary’s youngest brother, Joe, lives in News where, in 1953, Dr. Johnson began her Tennessee and is her only living sibling. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES When Mary was thirteen years old, her par- work at the NASA Langley Research Center, Wednesday, October 26, 2011 where she would go on to have a great impact ents moved the family to Bedford, Ohio. As on studies relating to various projects over the young girl, Mary met her neighbor and future Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with course of her career. husband, James A. Tench. During their court- great pleasure that I congratulate Temple When hired in 1953, like almost all women ship, James took Mary to dances and picnics Beth-El in Munster, Indiana, as its congrega- at NASA, Dr. Johnson was hired to perform with his Hungarian dance group. They were tion joins together in celebration of its 100th technical calculations. Women of African married in February 1928 and went on to raise Anniversary. To celebrate this Centennial, American heritage were typically assigned to eight children: MaryAnn, Emory, Edward, members will hold a celebratory reception at all black ‘‘computer pools.’’ Within weeks of Theodore, Rozella, Alex, Gerald and their Temple Beth-El on October 29, 2011. stepson, John. In 1948, James and Mary pur- her entry in the NASA ranks, Dr. Johnson was Truly, Temple Beth-El has had a long and asked to temporarily assist in the Spacecraft chased their first house located at 7634 Finney Avenue in Cleveland for $8,200. Mary dynamic history in the Calumet Region’s Jew- Dynamics Branch in the Flight Dynamics and ish Community. When it was first established Control Division. She never returned to her lived in this home until 1990 when she moved to Simi Valley, California. In 1998, Mary re- in 1911, Temple Beth-El served as a modest ‘‘computer pool.’’ Reform Congregation, holding its services in a Dr. Johnson went on to help calculate the turned to Cleveland and lived independently rented building in Hammond, Indiana. In fact, trajectories flown by the 1969 Apollo space- until 2009 when she moved in with her daugh- for a short time after World War One, Temple craft that landed on the moon and to coauthor ter, Rozella. Beth-El briefly came to share its rental prop- 21 NASA reports and professional conference During World War II, Mrs. Tench worked for erty with fellow Temple, Knesseth Israel. How- papers at a time when those who performed Parker Hannifin. In the early 1950s she joined ever, in 1925, the Temple was finally able to calculations were typically not named as par- the staff of Cleveland Republic Steel Corpora- purchase its own location, the W. B. Conkey ticipants. According to Dr. Johnson, even after tion in the executive cafeteria. This job in- Mansion in Hammond, Indiana, where they re- computers began to be used to calculate the spired Mary to start her own catering busi- mained until 1955. The congregation later orbits of Mercury capsules, John Glenn called ness, Fancy Catering. For 25 years, Mary ca- moved to 6947 Hohmann Avenue, also lo- on her to verify the computers’ calculations. tered weddings and special events for the US cated in Hammond, where it remained for 41 Throughout the course of her career, Dr. Coast Guard. When James retired from the years. Due to the changing needs of its con- Johnson has been the recipient of numerous Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Company in 1975, gregation, the Temple eventually sold its Ham- awards, including the NASA Lunar Orbiter Mary left the catering business so they could mond property to move to Munster, Indiana on Achievement Award, the NASA Apollo Team enjoy retirement together. James and Mary August 15, 1999. Conducting a ‘‘Torah Walk,’’ Group Achievement Award, three NASA Spe- celebrated 59 years of marriage before they marched their Torahs from their old prop- cial Achievement Awards, an honorary Doc- James’s death in 1987. erty in Hammond to their new building at torate of Laws from the State University of Mrs. Tench is a lifetime member of the 10001 Columbia Avenue, in Munster, where New York, honorary Doctor of Science de- VFW. She served as President of Post 3456 they are soon to celebrate their rich, hundred- grees from Capitol College and Old Dominion and is a current member of Lake Erie Post year history. Currently, the members of Tem- University, and she was honored by the Na- #1974 in Parma. She also served as President ple Beth-El can be proud of a Reform con- tional Technical Association as ‘‘Mathemati- of the Knights of Columbus, Isabella Guild. gregation of over 200 households, an ample cian of the Year’’ in 1997. Mary still belongs to the Women’s Catholic Dr. Johnson has also been featured in var- Council of Cleveland, the Ladies Auxiliary facility featuring a sanctuary, classrooms, a ious ‘‘Who’s Who’’ lists throughout her career. Knights of Columbus and the Parma Demo- kitchen, and library, as well as an admirable She has been honored in the Philadelphia cratic Club where she served as Secretary/ dedication to community service programs, in Electric Company’s Exhibit honoring 24 black Treasurer. She was an elected Precinct Com- which members passionately serve those in inventors and scientists at the Afro-American mittee Woman, a Presiding Judge for the need throughout the community. Additionally, Historical and Cultural Museum, the Depart- Board of Elections and worked at the voting Temple Beth-El recently helped to sponsor the ment of Energy’s ‘‘Black Contributor’s to polls for over 30 years. Mary volunteered on inspirational exhibit, ‘‘A Fine Romance: Jewish Science and Energy Technology’’ list, and political campaigns including my 1977 mayoral Songwriters, American Songs, 1910–1965,’’ Time Life’s Series entitled African-Americans: campaign. which was on display at the Munster Center Voices in Triumph Leadership Volume. During an interview with her great-grand- for Visual and Performing Arts until October A member and leader of many organiza- daughter, Mary told stories of surviving The 20, 2011, and will be visiting 55 sites through- tions, Dr. Johnson has served as Treasurer of Great Depression, experiencing many wars out the United States in 2011 and 2012. the National Technical Association both on the and voting for the first time, at the age of 21, Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other local and national level, as President of the of for President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. distinguished colleagues join me in honoring the Lambda Omega Chapter of the Alpha Her hobbies include traveling, crocheting, and congratulating Temple Beth-El of Munster, Kappa Alpha sorority, and as a Trustee and cooking, playing cards, bingo, reading and Indiana, on its 100th Anniversary. Through the Elder at Carver Memorial Presbyterian Church going to the Donna Smallwood Activity Center. years, the members of Temple Beth-El have in Newport News, Virginia, where she con- Mary’s commitment to faith is reflected dedicated themselves to preserving the tradi- tinues to be a dedicated member. through her involvement with the Holy Name tions and spiritual beliefs of Reform Judaism. Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to Parish, her family and her community. GiGi, For their dedicated service, and for touching recognize and commend Dr. Katherine Goble as she is affectionately called by her family, the lives of countless individuals, they are wor- Johnson today for her service to the United has 32 grandchildren, 59 great-grandchildren, thy of our highest praise.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.020 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2011 IN HONOR OF FILIPINO AMERICAN which are changing to better address the domestic violence in their homes and 2,000 HISTORY MONTH needs of students in the 21st Century. School children will die because of it. One in four libraries are an important part of our edu- women and one in nine men will be victimized HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA cational system and help prepare students for by domestic violence in their lifetime. In my OF AMERICAN SAMOA college and a good career. home state, 755 lives were lost to domestic vi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Teacher librarians teach students how to olence between 1997 and 2010. The majority conduct good research, how to be critical of homeless women and children in the United Wednesday, October 26, 2011 users of the information they find, and how to States are in that position because of domes- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, to- avoid plagiarism. They also play an important tic violence. If, somehow, those statistics don’t gether with the Congressional Asian Pacific role teaching online research skills and raising frighten and sadden you, think about it in an- American Caucus, I rise today in honor of Fili- awareness of cyber safety issues. other way: Every year, the United States pino American History Month. For these reasons, I rise to recognize the in- spends $5.8 billion dollars in health care, lost Based on the 2010 Census there are ap- valuable contributions that teacher librarians productivity, and lifetime earnings because of proximately 3.417 million Filipino Americans in and school libraries make to our education domestic violence. the United States, making them the third larg- system. I urge my colleagues to support organiza- est Asian American group. Filipino Americans f tions committed to stamping out domestic vio- reside in nearly every Congressional district in lence in their hometowns and across their the United States, contributing to the diversity OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL state and nation. Organizations like the and vitality of their communities. The largest DEBT Eastside Domestic Violence Program, EDVP, population of Filipino Americans resides in in the 8th District of Washington. In 2010, California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, New HON. MIKE COFFMAN EDVP answered 10,069 crisis calls from vic- York, Texas and Washington State. In my dis- OF COLORADO tims of domestic violence and provided serv- trict of American Samoa, the Filipino popu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ices to 4,700 victims. EDVP not only provides lation has greatly contributed to the diversity of a 24-hour help line for victims, but they also Wednesday, October 26, 2011 culture, the business community, as well as provide shelter and safe places for victims to health, education, and social service sectors. Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, stay after they’ve made the difficult choice to The earliest documented proof of Filipinos in today our national debt is leave their home behind. Unfortunately, for the Continental United States was on October $14,943,613,298,774.71. every person receiving shelter at EDVP, they 18, 1587, when the ship Nuestra Sen˜ora de On January 6, 2009, the start of the 111th are forced to turn away 18. They simply lack Esperanza under the command of Pedro de Congress, the national debt was the resources needed to meet the full need of Unamuno set ashore in Central California dur- $10,638,425,746,293.80. the community. ing the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade era. In This means the national debt has increased Mr. Speaker, together, as a community and 1988, on the 225th Anniversary of this historic by $4,305,187,552,480.91 since then. This as a nation, we can help prevent domestic vio- date, the Filipino American National Historical debt and its interest payments we are passing lence and better serve those who’ve been vic- Society established a year-long, national ob- to our children and all future Americans. timized. As we observe Domestic Violence servance in order to honor the countless ways f Awareness Month throughout October, I urge that Filipino Americans have contributed to the every American to take the time to tell their PERSONAL EXPLANATION development of our nation over the centuries. spouse, mother, father, child, brother, sister, That year, the Society also declared October or friend how important they are to their life. as Filipino American History Month. HON. KATHY CASTOR Hug every single one. Find out how best to Immigration from the Philippine islands in OF FLORIDA extend a helping hand to victims and find the the early 1900s represented the first large IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘EDVP’’ in your area. wave of Filipinos coming to America as they Wednesday, October 26, 2011 f worked in the agricultural industry. During World War II, over 250,000 Filipinos served Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on HONORING MAYOR RUDOLPH CLAY alongside American soldiers in the United May 25, 2011 I was unable to record my vote States military. The Immigration Act of 1965 on the Foxx Amendment to H.R. 1216. If I had HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY opened the door for the next wave of Filipinos been able to vote, I would have voted ‘‘no’’. OF INDIANA coming to the U.S. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today, Filipino Americans are part of every DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS Wednesday, October 26, 2011 sector of American life, working in health, en- MONTH tertainment, engineering, education, military Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with and the public sector. In the realm of govern- fond admiration and profound respect that I ment, for example, my dear friend and col- HON. DAVID G. REICHERT take this time to recognize a dear friend and league and fellow member of CAPAC, Con- OF WASHINGTON one of Indiana’s most distinguished citizens, gressman BOBBY SCOTT of Virginia, earned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Honorable Mayor Rudolph Clay, of Gary, Indiana. For his many years of public service the distinction in 1993 of being the first Amer- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 ican with Filipino ancestry to serve as a voting and his countless efforts toward improving the member of Congress. Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, the late Norm lives of Northwest Indiana residents, Rudy will Mr. Speaker, economically, culturally, and Maleng, a courageous man and King County’s be honored at a celebratory reception at the socially, Filipino Americans have contributed in former prosecuting attorney, once described Genesis Convention Center, in Gary, Indiana, countless ways toward the development of our domestic violence as ‘‘. . . [A] crime against on Friday, October 28, 2011. nation. Today we honor the Filipino American the human spirit.’’ Mr. Speaker, Norm was Rudolph Clay was born in Courtland, Ala- community, those who have served and those right. Domestic violence is a terrible scourge bama. Following the passing of his mother, who continue to add to the vibrancy and that irreparably damages individual lives, fami- Rudy and his brother, David, were raised by strength of our great nation. lies, and communities. Its effects are perma- their aunts, Daisy Washington and Mary Lucy nent. It can’t be taken back or apologized Hunter, in Gary, Indiana. After graduating from f away. Roosevelt High School, Rudy continued his RECOGNIZING SCHOOL LIBRARIES We like to set up lines of demarcation, Mr. education, earning a track scholarship to Indi- AND TEACHER LIBRARIANS Speaker, and separate each other into distinct ana University in Bloomington. He would later groups: women and men, black and white, return to Gary, and it was during this time that HON. JERRY McNERNEY young and old, rich and poor, urban and rural, he met and fell in love with his wonderful wife, OF CALIFORNIA and so on. Domestic violence ignores these Christine Swan. They were married on No- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES distinctions in its assault on the human spirit. vember 30, 1957. Mayor Clay then served in The startling statistics send a clear mes- the United States Army from 1958 to 1960. Wednesday, October 26, 2011 sage: domestic violence is a powerful force Through the Vietnam era and the Civil Rights Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- that recognizes no boundary. Every year, fif- Movement, Rudy’s unwavering passion to ognize the importance of school libraries, teen-and-a-half million children are exposed to serve people, particularly those most in need,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.021 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1943 and his strong desire to be a catalyst for posi- arts in psychology from Antioch College, and atives as medical advances continue to extend tive change propelled him on his remarkable went on to earn a master of arts and doctorate life expectancy. It’s important that as my col- journey. in research psychology at Ohio State Univer- leagues and I work to create and grow jobs, In 1972, Rudy was elected to the Indiana sity. For thirty-two years Dr. Rawson served we also ensure that these jobs afford all State Senate in the third district. While in this as a professor of psychology at Hanover Col- Americans the chance to take care of their position, the focus of his work included work- lege, and later served as dean of faculty at families and maintain a paycheck. ing for better treatment and training programs Franklin College. He was the first two-time In an effort to acknowledge the realities of for prison inmates, creating a victim’s com- winner of the Baynham Teaching Award, and our modern workforce I have reintroduced the pensation fund, and establishing a Martin Lu- he was named the Mary E. Hamilton Distin- Family and Medical Leave Enhancement Act ther King, Jr. holiday. Subsequently, Rudy was guished Professor of Psychology at Hanover (H.R. 1440) to expand the number of work- elected to the Lake County Council in 1978 College. places required to comply with the original and then re-elected in 1982. During this time Dr. Rawson was a two-time Fulbright Schol- 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act, FMLA, he fought against the unfairness in hiring prac- ar in psychology and also spent a year teach- and the Family and Medical Leave Inclusion tices at the Lake County Government Center ing at the College of Health Sciences in Bah- Act to add same-sex spouses, grandparents, and the raising of utility rates. In 1984, Rudy rain. His great passion for traveling also took and grandchildren (H.R. 2364) as leave bene- Clay was elected as Lake County Recorder. him to more than 100 countries and all seven ficiaries under FMLA. In addition, I will soon Three years later, he was elected Lake Coun- continents. Throughout his long and storied reintroduce the Working Families Flexibility ty Commissioner and served four elected career, he authored dozens of research arti- Act, legislation that gives employees the right terms in this capacity. cles, gave more than 500 professional presen- to request flexible work arrangements. In 2005, Rudy became the first African tations, and wrote nine books about his per- Strong work and family policies help attract, American elected to serve as the Lake County sonal experience and interests. motivate, and retain a talented workforce and Democratic Chairman, a position he held until His list of accolades and recognitions in- businesses should be encouraged to think 2009. clude being named a Malone Scholar, a Saga- strategically about the flexibility and family- The Gary Precinct Organization appointed more of the Wabash by the State of Indiana, friendly benefits they offer to their workers. Rudy mayor of Gary in 2006, and he was a Kentucky Colonel, a Citizen of the Year by f elected mayor the following year. Mayor Clay’s the National Association of Social Workers, extraordinary energy, his profound empathy and a Distinguished Academic Psychologist by HONORING PHIL BLAZER for people and his lifelong commitment to the Indiana Psychological Association. Dr. leave a better world for following generations Rawson was also awarded the Golden Quill HON. JOHN GARAMENDI have led to preeminent achievements. They Award for Outstanding Research and the Out- OF CALIFORNIA have positively impacted the lives of countless standing Community Service Award for Psy- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES individuals as well as the progress and future chologists. Wednesday, October 26, 2011 of Indiana. But beyond his many academic achieve- Throughout his illustrious career, Mayor ments, Harve Rawson was known as a gen- Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I offer my Clay has been recognized with many distin- erous leader who truly possessed a servant’s highest congratulations today to Mr. Phil Blaz- guished awards. Rudy was honored by Gov- heart. He founded Englishton Park Children’s er of California on the 5th anniversary of his ernor Evan Bayh with the Outstanding Hoosier Program, a short-term residential program for founding of Jewish Life Television (JLTV). Award in 1994, and in 2005, Governor Joseph at-risk children, where he served as director In 2006, Mr. Blazer initiated America’s first Kernan honored the Mayor with the pres- for 25 years. He was also a founding and full-time Jewish television network, which is tigious Sagamore of the Wabash Award, to long-time board member of the Jefferson now seen in all 50 states through DIRECTV, name a few. County Youth Shelter in Madison, Indiana. Mr. along with cable distribution on Comcast, Time Although Rudy has received many es- Rawson was a four-time president of the Lide Warner and other systems. teemed honors for his commitment to the resi- White Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors, Jewish Life Television (JLTV) originates dents of Indiana, his greatest source of pride a long-time member of the Board of Directors from its headquarters in Encino, California and is his family. Rudy and his amazing wife, of Englishton Park Presbyterian Ministries, reaches over 36 million households in America Christine, have been married for 54 years this Inc., and a member of the Big Brothers Big and over 80 million households across Eu- November. They have one beloved son, Rudy Sisters board. His impact on the community rope, North Africa, and the Middle East. The Clay, Jr. will forever be remembered by the many lives network’s ratings show an audience of 3–4 On a more personal note, I also want to he touched during his lifetime of service. million different households during any given thank Rudy for his graciousness and warm We offer our deepest condolences to his month. Over 160,000 homes watched the Kol friendship over the years. I also would be re- sons Paul and Reed, his brother John, his sis- Nidre-Yom Kippur Service on JLTV. miss if I did not thank him for the deep respect ter Margaret, and his four grandchildren. Dur- Jewish Life Television programming features he has always shown to my father, John Vis- ing this difficult time, we pray you find solace news, talk shows, cooking, comedy, and en- closky. in faith and family. tertainment. JLTV also broadcasts live events Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask that you and f including the American Israel Public Affairs my other distinguished colleagues join me in Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference, the honoring Mayor Rudy Clay for his staunch de- NATIONAL WORK AND FAMILY Jewish Federation’s General Assembly, the votion to the people of Gary as well as all of MONTH March of the Living, and the Maccabiah Northwest Indiana. Rudy’s unselfish and life- Games in Israel. long dedication to serving the people of North- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Mr. Blazer’s award-winning weekly television west Indiana is worthy of the highest com- OF NEW YORK program, Jewish Life, was established in mendation, and he serves as an inspiration to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1977, and has featured interviews with promi- us all. I am proud to call him my friend. nent figures from all walks of life including f Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Weisel, Yitzak REMEMBERING DR. HARVE Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Rabin, Elizabeth Taylor, and Sandy Koufax. RAWSON recognition of October as National Work and Blazer is the editor and publisher of the Na- Family Month. Each and every day American tional Jewish News, which he founded in families make choices about how to best care 1973. His radio program, Jewish Soul, began HON. TODD C. YOUNG for their family and to fulfill work obligations. broadcasting in 1965 and continues to be OF INDIANA Over the last 50 years, the demographics of heard weekly around the world and on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the U.S. workforce have changed significantly internet. Wednesday, October 26, 2011 and with that, so have our needs. With more During his 46 years of working in Jewish Mr. YOUNG of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise women in the workforce, fewer households media, Mr. Blazer has played a valuable role along with Congressman MIKE PENCE to honor have at least one parent at home. According in numerous projects for the Jewish commu- the life and legacy of Professor Harve to Census data, 70 percent of children are nity and for America. He was a key catalyst in Rawson. raised in families headed by either a working the rescue of nearly 1,000 Ethiopian Jews Harve Rawson was greatly talented and single parent or two working parents. In addi- through U.S. Government Operation Joshua. abundantly generous. He earned a bachelor of tion, more households are caring for older rel- Mr. Blazer championed California’s Holocaust

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26OC8.014 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2011 Education bill, led a counter-rally against Neo- with a knowledge base to prepare for the fu- istration Firm of the Year Award. The 8(a) De- Nazis in Skokie, Illinois, and started dialogue ture. velopment Program is a successful program between Jews and Gentiles in post-war Berlin. f that is an essential instrument for helping so- Mr. Blazer helps Israelis, the Jewish Dias- cially and economically disadvantaged entre- pora, and America maintain strong ties. In ad- H.R. 2273, COAL RESIDUALS REUSE preneurs gain access to the economic main- dition to the aforementioned activities, he has AND MANAGEMENT ACT stream of American society. It offers business led Hollywood celebrities and other leaders on training, counseling, marketing assistance and trips to Israel. He attended the 1979 White HON. BETTY McCOLLUM high-level executive development. House Peace Signing Ceremony between OF MINNESOTA Karen Say founded Saybr Contractors, Inc., Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Egyp- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 1997 by filling a narrow niche for upgrading tian President Anwar al-Sadat, and U.S. Presi- underground storage tanks. Shortly after, Wednesday, October 26, 2011 dent Jimmy Carter. Prime Minister Begin stat- Karen expanded her company to include con- ed Blazer knows ‘‘Israel better than any Amer- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- struction, fuel systems, alternative fuels, ican’’ the Israeli Prime Minister had ever met position to H.R. 2273, the Coal Residuals sitework, and environmental services. Today, and was ‘‘rare’’ as a ‘‘true leader’’ of the Jew- Reuse and Management Act. This bill rep- Saybr Contractors is a sizable woman-owned ish people. resents yet another attempt by Republicans to general contracting business. f put the interests of polluters ahead of public Prior to graduating from the 8(a) Program, health and the well-being of our communities. Karen and Saybr secured more than $50 mil- IN RECOGNITION OF CLYDE Despite the catastrophe of the Tennessee lion in 8(a) federal contracts. The 8(a) certifi- MANN’S EFFORTS TO CREATE A Valley coal ash spill in 2008, Republicans cation will continue to help Saybr Contractors, NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY refuse to allow any meaningful oversight of Inc., grow its commercial and government coal companies. The Tennessee Valley dis- business and thrive in a competitive business HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK aster released more than one billion gallons of environment. OF CALIFORNIA toxic sludge, flooding hundreds of acres of Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES land and destroying numerous homes and House of Representatives please join me in farms. EPA needs the authority to require coal Wednesday, October 26, 2011 honoring Karen Say, winner of the Small Busi- companies to have preventative measures that ness Administration 8(a) Graduate Firm of the Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with ensure we do not bury entire communities Year Award. my esteemed colleague, Congressman MIKE under toxic sludge. H.R. 2273 would prevent f HONDA, to recognize Clyde Mann and cele- EPA from coming up with even minimal na- brate his efforts to establish a National tionwide standards for toxic coal ash. RECOGNIZING DANIEL G. MOFFAT Science Day in the United States. Mr. Mann is Minnesota has historically been highly de- FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE PEO- a science instructor at Warm Springs Elemen- pendent on coal. Thanks to one of the most PLE OF GUAM tary School in Fremont, California. Recently he stringent renewable energy standards in the organized, almost single-handedly, a Science country that requires 25% of our energy HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Alliance Day at the school. comes from renewable resources by 2025, we OF GUAM During the Science Alliance Day a team of are beginning to transition to a clean energy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 40 Silicon Valley executives visited and made economy. But we are still dealing with the leg- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 presentations to the 846 students at Warm acy of coal ash. Springs Elementary School. During this day- Statewide, Minnesota has 15 coal ash Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today long, school-wide extravaganza students were ponds over 30 years old. One plant in St. to recognize Mr. Daniel G. Moffat, former able to get excited about science and learn Paul, the High Bridge Generating Plant, President and Chief Executive Officer of GTA about the ways that science shapes our fu- burned coal since 1923 before converting to TeleGuam, and commend him on his contribu- ture. natural gas in 2007. The ponds can contain tions to transforming the Guam Telephone Au- Mr. Mann recognizes the growing need for high concentrations of arsenic, mercury, lead thority from a government operation to an ef- a trained workforce that is knowledgeable and other toxic chemicals. It is unimaginable fective, successful and thriving telecommuni- about science and technology and his goal is that Republicans now want coal ash to have cations enterprise on Guam. to establish a National Science Day through- less stringent regulations than those required Dan Moffat became the President and Chief out the country. If this goal is accomplished for our household disposable trash. Executive Officer of GTA TeleGuam in Janu- Mr. Mann is sure that our country’s students EPA has spent three years looking at how ary 2007. He arrived on Guam when GTA will develop a passion for science by partici- best to regulate coal ash working with citizens, TeleGuam was in the process of transforming pating in science activities during National local community officials and industry. EPA from a government owned and operated tele- Science Day celebrations at their schools. Re- needs to now be allowed to do its job in deter- phone system to a privately owned commu- cently he said, ‘‘you’re going to have a whole mining how best to protect the public health. nications service in a rapidly developing and generation of kids across the country that are This bill is an unnecessary and harmful intru- competitive market. going to be very interested and engaged in sion into that process. I urge my colleagues to Utilizing twenty five years of experience in science and to want to pursue science in the learn from the Tennessee Valley tragedy and the telecommunications industry, Dan guided future. This is the Apollo moment acted upon.’’ oppose this bill. GTA TeleGuam in recruiting, training and de- The start of Warm Spring’s science day was f veloping a highly motivated team using local spectacular. There were demonstrations fea- talent. He improved Guam’s telephone serv- turing robots, dry ice, DNA models, Maglev HONORING KAREN SAY, WINNER ices, and developed high speed broadband demonstrations, Mars rover facsimiles, and ex- OF THE SMALL BUSINESS AD- Internet access and wireless systems. He ploding balloons, and geysers of Coke pow- MINISTRATION 8(A) GRADUATE brought emerging technologies to our island ered by Mentos, not to mention the scientists FIRM OF THE YEAR AWARD and built a world class communications infra- and technology executives attending the structure serving our region. Dan’s leadership event. To make sure that the students were HON. ADAM SMITH and spirit of entrepreneurship brought the lat- not distracted by hunger there were even OF WASHINGTON est innovative products and services to his science themed snacks. According to an ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES customers. His efforts and contributions in cited fourth-grader, ‘‘we made edible DNA with telecommunications transformed services on toothpaste and marshmallows and twisters’’. Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Guam with digital technology. Under his lead- This sort of excitement is exactly what Clyde Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I ership, many opportunities were realized for Mann envisions in his efforts to create a Na- rise to honor Karen Say, president of Saybr the people of Guam in international commu- tional Science Day. Contractors, Inc. of Tacoma, Washington, for nications and networking. Congressman HONDA and I applaud Clyde receiving the 8(a) Graduate Firm of the Year Dan Moffat promoted Chamorro values as Mann for his accomplishments, commitment, Award. part of GTA TeleGuam’s corporate culture. He and vision for a National Science Day. If es- Each year, the Small Business Administra- challenged his management team to incor- tablished, National Science Day will excite stu- tion awards an 8(a) Business Development porate the principles of local values and tradi- dents about science as well as provide them Program graduate the Small Business Admin- tions in GTA’s business practices. He became

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.027 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1945 a part of our island family and he ensured that students entering advanced manufacturing, tween the United States and the Philippines GTA TeleGuam employees gave back to our automotive, and construction fields receive as well as a strong commitment to strength- community through public service. GTA training in renewable and sustainable prac- ening these bonds. In addition, H. Res. 275 TeleGuam participated in many community tices. Earlier this year, it was an honor to par- seeks to increase public awareness of the vi- causes such as the Relay for Life, Strides for ticipate in the ribbon cutting of the official brant and beautiful culture of the Philippines a Cure, the American Cancer Society, the opening of the new Technology Trades Build- and support the continuing development of the Make-a-Wish Foundation, the United Service ing and the Single Mothers’ Dorm. Filipino American community as an integral Organization (USO), the American Red Cross, Not only does Humphrey Job Corps give part of America’s cultural fabric. the UOG Endowment Foundation, the Salva- students the practical skills they need to suc- Mr. Speaker, it is my honor and privilege to tion Army, Habitat for Humanity, the Guam ceed professionally, it has helped build and represent the people of the 37th Congres- Special Olympics, the Guam Humanities connect communities. Humphrey Job Corps sional District of California, which is one of the Council, and many other events supporting students regularly volunteer their time and en- most ethnically, culturally, and racially diverse non-profits on Guam. ergy to serve their neighbors in crisis nurs- congressional districts in the country. This is The people of Guam will miss a community eries; and organizations such as Toys for especially true of Carson, one of the major cit- leader, businessman, and friend. The con- Tots; the Special Olympics; and the Veterans ies in the 37th congressional district. Southern tinuing success of GTA TeleGuam will always Rest Camp in Hugo, Minnesota. California, which includes Carson, is home to be a reminder of Dan’s leadership and vision. Students’ services are not limited to their one of the largest Filipino American popu- I wish Dan, his wife Jane, and his family the neighborhood, or even their state. Humphrey lations in the country and is considered a pre- very best on their departure from Guam, and Job Corps students have partnered with com- ferred destination for Filipinos looking to start I join the people of Guam in commending him munities across the upper Midwest to assist in a new life in our country. for his service to our community. times of need. They have traveled to Grand As we celebrate Filipino American History f Forks, North Dakota; Rushford, Minnesota; Month, I am proud to announce that the City Saint Peter; Minnesota; and Fargo, North Da- of Carson will be receiving a special monu- PERSONAL EXPLANATION kota to help communities heal after recent nat- ment of Dr. Jose P. Rizal, a decorated Filipino ural disasters. Today, Humphrey Job Corps national hero. The Dr. Jose Rizal Monument HON. LOIS CAPPS students give more than 5,000 volunteer hours Movement (JPRMM) Inc., has offered to do- nate the monument to Carson for placement in OF CALIFORNIA each year. the City’s International Sculpture Garden. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to submit this statement for the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD in Mr. Speaker, Dr. Jose Rizal was a pro- Wednesday, October 26, 2011 honor of the 30th anniversary of the Hubert ponent of democracy and peaceful reforms Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I was not able to Horatio Humphrey Job Corps Center and all during the Spanish colonization of the Phil- be present for the following rollcall votes on the students, staff and volunteers. ippines in the 1800s. He advocated for liberty through peaceful means rather than by violent October 25, 2011 and would like the record to f reflect that I would have voted as follows: revolution and was considered by Mohandas Rollcall No. 803: ‘‘no.’’ RECOGNIZING OCTOBER AS FILI- Gandhi as a forerunner in the cause for free- dom. Rollcall No. 804: ‘‘yes.’’ PINO AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH Dr. Rizal was executed by the Spanish on f December 30, 1896, a date which is marked HONORING 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF HON. LAURA RICHARDSON annually as ‘‘Rizal Day,’’ a Filipino national HUMPHREY JOB CORPS CENTER holiday. After his execution, Dr. Rizal became OF CALIFORNIA a martyr in the fight for Filipino independence HON. BETTY McCOLLUM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and his commitment to nonviolent reform Wednesday, October 26, 2011 served as inspiration for the Filipino people OF MINNESOTA and many others around the world. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, October is Mr. Speaker, the benefits that the Dr. Jose Filipino American History month, a month Wednesday, October 26, 2011 P. Rizal monument will bring to my district and dedicated to honoring the achievements of a the city of Carson especially are substantial. Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, today I rise people that have contributed significantly to The monument will chronicle the rich history to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the American history and culture. Filipino Ameri- and significant contributions made by Filipino Hubert H. Humphrey Jobs Corps Center in cans have had a long and important presence Americans to the City of Carson, the state of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and to honor the stu- in the United States and have played a sub- California, and the United States as well as dents, staff and volunteers who make the stantial role in shaping the current American promote the diversity and interests of Carson Center a success. landscape. residents comprising of various nationalities, Job Corps provides hope and the oppor- During Filipino American History month, we races and ethnicities. tunity to create a better life for thousands of pay tribute to Filipino culture and customs and In addition, the Rizal monument will remind young Americans every year, through career as we honor Filipino traditions and heritage. Filipino Americans of the democratic technical and academic training. Vice Presi- Filipino Americans continue to contribute to underpinnings of the Filipino heritage and en- dent Hubert H. Humphrey was one of the American society and are leaders in all as- courage Filipinos from all over California, as early architects of Job Corps, and it is a fitting pects of American life, serving as lawyers, well as the United States to visit Carson to tribute to his leadership that Minnesota’s Job doctors, artists, writers, elected officials, teach- pay homage to the national hero. Corps Center continues to proudly bear his ers, and members of the armed forces. Fili- I applaud the efforts of Carson for according name 30 years after the first students walked pino Americans reside in nearly every Con- a place of honor to Dr. Jose Rizal. He con- through the doors on July 15th, 1981. gressional district in the United States, con- tinues to be recognized globally for his efforts The Humphrey Job Corps Center gets re- tinuing to enrich our culture bringing new to bring freedom, liberation and justice through sults. By 1985, the Center’s job-placement ideas and innovation to our nation. peaceful means to all peoples. His leadership, rate reached 90%, and in 1986 the Center be- As a member of the Congressional Asian patriotism, and dedication to his country came one of the first Job Corps Centers in the Pacific American Caucus, I am proud to rep- should serve as inspiration to us all. nation to be accredited by the North Central resent one of the largest Filipino communities Mr. Speaker, during Filipino American His- Association of Colleges and Schools. in the United States. Relations between the tory Month I encourage all Americans to take Humphrey Job Corps continues to grow and United States and the countries of the Pacific time to recognize the contributions of Dr. Jose innovate. Today it serves between three-hun- Rim are extremely important and this is why Rizal as well as the achievements of Filipino dred to four-hundred students each year, of- only a few short months ago, I introduced H. Americans that have helped to make our fering training in subjects ranging from busi- Res. 275, my annual resolution honoring the country better. The best way to honor Filipino ness technology to medical office support, to anniversary of the independence of the Phil- American History Month is to continue to cher- drivers education. Recently, the Center has ippines. This resolution reaffirms the bonds of ish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diver- embraced innovations in the Green Sector. All friendship and cooperation which exist be- sity that strengthens this nation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26OC8.016 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 26, 2011 REGARDING THE NEED FOR sonal stories about what life is like for suf- Before this technology can be made avail- ARTIFICIAL PANCREAS ferers of type 1 diabetes, and how continued able, the FDA must approve next steps in the research and breakthroughs in technology can regulatory process to continue the develop- HON. NICK J. RAHALL II help improve management of this disease. ment of artificial pancreas systems. Earlier this OF WEST VIRGINIA The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation year, my colleagues and I wrote to the FDA, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and other clinical experts from organizations requesting a clear and reasonable regulatory Wednesday, October 26, 2011 like the American Diabetes Association have pathway so that outpatient studies can pro- ceed as soon as possible. Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to indicated that an artificial pancreas has the call on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration potential to transform the lives of those with Recently the FDA committed to publishing to expedite its consideration of the artificial type 1 diabetes by automatically controlling draft guidance for public comment by Decem- pancreas, a technology that will benefit those blood glucose levels around the clock, ena- ber 1. On behalf of the millions of Americans with type 1 diabetes. bling them to remain healthy until a cure is with diabetes, I urge the FDA to issue this Recently, I was visited by Lori and Jay found. My constituents argue that this tech- draft guidance in a timely manner, so that arti- Happala; Gina Frye; and Margaret Hoover at nology has the potential to help those with dia- ficial pancreas technologies can be tested in my office in Beckley, West Virginia, as part of betes better manage their type 1 diabetes in an outpatient setting and be made available to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s a more cost efficient manner, as well as help those who need as expeditiously as possible. Promise to Remember Me campaign. them to lead more fulfilling, active lives and re- Continued delays may slow innovation that These families and one of their children who duce the risk of further health complications has the potential to dramatically improve the is diagnosed with type 1 shared with me per- like kidney failure and heart disease. lives of those with diabetes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:09 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26OC8.034 E26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Committee Meetings The Senate stands in recess until 11 a.m., on Thursday, October 27, 2011. (Committees not listed did not meet) No committee meetings were held. h House of Representatives in southeast Arizona by authorizing and directing an Chamber Action exchange of Federal and non-Federal land, by a re- Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 8 public corded vote of 235 ayes to 186 noes, Roll No. 809. bills, H.R. 3261–3268 were introduced. Page H7133 Pages H7090–H7112 Additional Cosponsors: Pages H7134–35 Rejected the Deutch motion to recommit the bill to the Committee on Natural Resources with in- Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. structions to report the same back to the House Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he forthwith with an amendment, by a recorded vote of appointed Representative Cravaack to act as Speaker 187 ayes to 237 noes, Roll No. 808. Pages H7110–11 pro tempore for today. Page H7071 Pursuant to the rule, the amendment in the na- Recess: The House recessed at 11:22 a.m. and re- ture of a substitute recommended by the Committee convened at 12 noon. Page H7080 on Natural Resources now printed in the bill, modi- fied by the amendment printed in part A of H. Amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to Rept. 112–258, shall be considered as an original modify the calculation of modified adjusted bill for the purpose of amendment under the five- gross income and amending the Internal Rev- minute rule. Pages H7100–02 enue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 Rejected: percent withholding on certain payments—Rule Luja´n amendment (No. 1 printed in part B of H. for Consideration: The House agreed to H. Res. Rept. 112–258) that sought to exempt all Native 448, the rule that is providing for consideration of American sacred and cultural sites from the land H.R. 2576, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of conveyance (by a recorded vote of 189 ayes to 233 1986 to modify the calculation of modified adjusted noes, Roll No. 805); Pages H7102–04, H7108 gross income for purposes of determining eligibility Markey amendment (No. 2 printed in part B of for certain healthcare-related programs and H.R. H. Rept. 112–258) that sought to require, as a con- 674, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 dition of the land exchange authorized by the bill, to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on that Resolution Copper pay an 8 percent royalty to certain payments made to vendors by government the United States on all locatable minerals produced entities, by a recorded vote of 253 ayes to 172 noes, in commercial quantities from the Federal land the Roll No. 811, after the previous question was or- company receives in the exchange (by a recorded dered by a yea-and-nay vote of 243 ayes to 178 noes, vote of 173 ayes to 238 noes, Roll No. 806); and Pages H7084–90, H7112–13 Roll No. 810. Pages H7104–06, H7108-09 Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conserva- Grijalva amendment (No. 3 printed in part B of tion Act of 2011: The House passed H.R. 1904, to H. Rept. 112–258) that sought to require that the facilitate the efficient extraction of mineral resources remote operations center for the proposed mine be D1145

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:46 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D26OC1.REC D26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D1146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 26, 2011 located in the local community, that the company rector, Acquisition and Sourcing Management Gov- actively recruit and hire local employees, that all ore ernment Accountability Office. produced from the mine be processed in the United States and that all equipment used at the mine be MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES made in the United States (by a recorded vote of Committee on Education and the Workforce: Full Com- 182 ayes to 240 noes, Roll No. 807). mittee held a markup of H.R. 3094, the ‘‘Workforce Pages H7106–07, H7109–10 Democracy and Fairness Act.’’ The bill was ordered H. Res. 444, the rule providing for consideration reported, as amended. of the bill, was agreed to yesterday, October 25th. CLASS CANCELLED Recess: The House recessed at 3:05 p.m. and recon- vened at 3:45 p.m. Page H7107 Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations; and the Subcommittee Moment of Silence: The House observed a moment on Health held a joint hearing entitled ‘‘CLASS Can- of silence in honor of the men and women in uni- celled: An Unsustainable Program and Its Con- form who have given their lives in the service of our sequences for the Nation’s Deficit.’’ Testimony was Nation in Iraq and Afghanistan, their families, and heard from Rep. Rehberg; Rep. Boustany; Rep. all who serve in the armed forces and their families. Deutch; Patrick J. Kennedy, former Member of Con- Page H7110 gress; Kathy Greenlee, Assistant Secretary for Aging, Suspension—Proceedings Resumed: The House Administration on Aging (AOA), Department of agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following Health and Human Services; and Sherry Glied, As- measure which was debated yesterday, October 25th: sistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation National Baseball Hall of Fame Commemora- (ASPE), Department of Health and Human Services. tive Coin Act: H.R. 2527, amended, to require the MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in recogni- tion and celebration of the National Baseball Hall of Committee on Financial Services: Full Committee held Fame, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay vote of 416 yeas to 3 a markup of the following: H.R. 2940, the ‘‘Access nays, Roll No. 812. Pages H7113–14 to Capital for Job Creators Act’’; H.R. 2167, the ‘‘Private Company Flexibility and Growth Act’’; Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House ad- H.R. 1965, to amend the securities laws to establish journs today, it adjourn to meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. certain thresholds for shareholder registration, and Page H7114 for other purposes; and H.R. 2930, the ‘‘Entre- Quorum Calls—Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes and preneur Access to Capital Act.’’ H.R. 2930 was or- six recorded votes developed during the proceedings dered reported, as amended. The following were or- of today and appear on pages H7108, H7108–09. dered reported without amendment: H.R. 1965; H7109–10, H7111, H7111–12, H7112–13, H7113, H.R. 2167; and H.R. 2940. H7113–14. There were no quorum calls. U.S.-KOREA ALLIANCE Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- journed at 8:19 p.m. Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific held a hearing on ‘‘The Expanding U.S.-Korea Alliance.’’ Testimony was heard from Committee Meetings public witnesses. DEFENSE SEQUESTRATION IRANIAN TERROR OPERATIONS Committee on Armed Services: Full Committee held a hearing on economic consequences of defense seques- Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on tration. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Counterterrorism and Intelligence; and Sub- committee on Oversight Investigations and Manage- ARMY ACQUISITION AND ment held a joint hearing entitled ‘‘Iranian Terror MODERNIZATION Operations on American Soil.’’ Testimony was heard Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Tac- from public witnesses. tical Air and Land Forces held a hearing on Army acquisition and modernization. Testimony was heard DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY from Lieutenant General Robert P. Lennox, USA, Committee on the Judiciary: Full Committee held a Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, G–8; Lieutenant hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight Hearing on the Depart- General William N. Phillips, USA, Military Deputy ment of Homeland Security.’’ Testimony was heard to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, from Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Logistics and Technology); and Belva M. Martin, Di- Homeland Security.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:46 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D26OC1.REC D26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST October 26, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1147 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY House Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Con- Committee on Armed Services, Panel on Defense Financial stitution held a hearing entitled ‘‘The State of Reli- Management and Auditability Reform, hearing on DOD’s gious Liberty in the United States.’’ Testimony was Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system implementa- heard from public witnesses. tion efforts, 8 a.m., 2212 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Readiness, hearing on readiness in NATIONAL OCEAN POLICY the age of austerity, 10 a.m., 2212 Rayburn. Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Finan- Committee on Natural Resources: Full Committee held cial Institutions and Consumer Credit, hearing entitled a hearing entitled ‘‘The President’s New National ‘‘Proposed Regulations to Require Reporting of Non- Ocean Policy—A Plan for Further Restrictions on resident Alien Deposit Interest Income.’’ 9:30 a.m., 2128 Ocean, Coastal and Inland Activities.’’ Testimony Rayburn. was heard from Nancy Sutley, Chair, Council on En- Committee on Foreign Affairs, Full Committee, hearing vironmental Quality, Co-Chair, National Ocean entitled ‘‘Afghanistan and Pakistan: Transition and the Council; Jane Lubcheno, Under Secretary for Oceans Way Forward.’’ 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn. and Atmosphere and Administrator, National Oce- Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia, hearing entitled anic and Atmospheric Administration; and public ‘‘The Eurozone Crisis: Destabilizing the Global Econ- witnesses. omy.’’ 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human NASA’S COMMERCIAL CREW Rights, hearing entitled ‘‘The Trafficking in Persons Re- DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM port 2011: Truth, Trends, and Tier Rankings.’’ 2 p.m., 2200 Rayburn. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- Committee on the Judiciary, Full Committee, continued mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘NASA’s Commercial markup of the following: H.R. 420, the ‘‘Veterans’ Herit- Crew Development Program: Accomplishments and age Firearms Act of 2011’’; H.R. 2870, the ‘‘Adam Challenges.’’ Testimony was heard from Paul K. Walsh Reauthorization Act of 2011’’; H.R. 1254, the Martin, Inspector General, NASA; Bill ‘‘Synthetic Drug Control Act of 2011’’; and H.R. 3012, Gerstenmaier, Associate Administrator, Human Ex- the ‘‘Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act.’’ 9 a.m., ploration and Operations Mission Directorate, 2141 Rayburn. NASA; and public witnesses. Committee on Natural Resources, Full Committee, hearing entitled ‘‘Gulf Coast Recovery: President Obama’s BP SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION’S Compensation Fund, How Is It Working?’’ 9:30 a.m., FINANCING PROGRAMS 1324 Longworth. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Sub- Committee on Small Business: Full Committee held a committee on Health Care, District of Columbia, Census hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight of the Small Business and the National Archives, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Administration’s Financing Programs.’’ Testimony Obamacare’s Hidden Marriage Penalty and Its Impact on was heard from Karen Mills, Administrator, Small the Deficit.’’ 9:30 a.m., 2154 Rayburn. Business Administration; and public witnesses. Subcommittee on Government Organization, Efficiency and Financial Management, hearing entitled ‘‘Internal ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF SEAPORTS Control Weaknesses at the Department of Homeland Se- Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Sub- curity.’’ 10 a.m., 2247 Rayburn. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee committee on Water Resources and Environment on Investigations and Oversight; and the Subcommittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘The Economic Importance on Energy and Environment, joint hearing entitled ‘‘Re- of Seaports: Is the United States Prepared for 21st view of the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nu- Century Trade Realities?’’ Testimony was heard from clear Future Draft Recommendations.’’ 10 a.m., 2318 Jo Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army-Civil Rayburn. Works, United States Department of the Army; and Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Investiga- public witnesses. tions, Oversight and Regulations, hearing entitled ‘‘Mis- f representation and Fraud: Bad Actors in the Small Busi- ness Procurement Programs.’’ 10 a.m., 2360 Rayburn. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on OCTOBER 27, 2011 Human Resources, hearing on Supplemental Security In- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) come (SSI) benefits for children, 9 a.m., B–318 Rayburn. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Full Senate Committee, hearing on ongoing intelligence activities, 10 No meetings/hearings scheduled. a.m., HVC–304.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:46 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D26OC1.REC D26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D1148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST October 26, 2011

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11 a.m., Thursday, October 27 9 a.m., Thursday, October 27

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Thursday: Consideration of H.R. 2576— session. To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the calculation of modified adjusted gross income for pur- poses of determining eligibility for certain healthcare-re- lated programs (Subject to a Rule) and H.R. 674—To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the imposition of 3 percent withholding on certain payments made to vendors by government entities (Subject to a Rule).

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Honda, Michael M., Calif., E1938 Peters, Gary C., Mich., E1936 Israel, Steve, N.Y., E1939 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E1946 Hochul, Kathleen C., N.Y., E1934 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1933 Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E1937 Bilbray, Brian P., Calif., E1937 Kildee, Dale E., Mich., E1934 Reichert, David G., Wash., E1942 Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E1944 Kline, John, Minn., E1939 Richardson, Laura, Calif., E1945 Brady, Kevin, Tex., E1934 Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E1939, E1941 Braley, Bruce L., Iowa, E1935 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1938 Rogers, Mike, Ala., E1938 Capps, Lois, Calif., E1945 Lipinski, Daniel, Ill., E1938 Scott, Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’, Va., E1940 Castor, Kathy, Fla., E1942 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E1944, E1945 Smith, Adam, Wash., E1935, E1944 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1942 McNerney, Jerry, Calif., E1942 Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E1944 Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E1940 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E1943 Stivers, Steve, Ohio, E1940 Costa, Jim, Calif., E1936 Marino, Tom, Pa., E1939 Towns, Edolphus, N.Y., E1935, E1937, E1938 Davis, Danny K., Ill., E1934 Moran, James P., Va., E1935 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1941, E1942 Faleomavaega, Eni F.H., American Samoa, E1942 Noem, Kristi L., S.D., E1934, E1934, E1935 Young, Todd C., Ind., E1943 Garamendi, John, Calif., E1943 Paul, Ron, Tex., E1940

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VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:46 Oct 27, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D26OC1.REC D26OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with DIGEST