, Ii; Like Taking Candy from a Baby r ail Iowan erving the ity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City

Established in 1868 10 cenla a copy Associated Prea Leased Wlre aDd Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Thursday, August 29, 1968 Humphrey Takes It A I Dovish Peace Plank Vice President Wins Killed By Delegates Top Spot on 1st Vote CHICAGO '''' - By the deci ive margin chant of "We wanl peace" and " lop the CHICAGO Lft - Hubert H. Humphrey jority level when the rhythmic roll call of of 1.567'~ votes to 1,04J 1., the Democratic War" that finally outmatched the band In Y'on th Democratic presidential nomina· !.he states reached Penns),lvania, volume. ational Coment!on rejected Wedne day tion Wednesday night at a national con· And lhe convention erupted inlo 5 i g n a unilateral de-e. alation in Vietnam and Soon te tandard from every p rt vention under armed euard. waving cheers, of !.he hall began arriving In New York' approved a 1968 plstform promi ing "an 'There wu turmril in downtown Chi­ The roll cell vote, with 1,312 naeded honorable and lasting" negotiated peace. area. A each wa carried up, a blllck cago liS !.he Democratic delegates, in u­ for nomlnltlon: ribbon wa draped over It. lated by fenees and cordons of pollee, Humphrey 1,7'1~, 'The delc!!ate ' verdict. greeted with a Waves of cheers and boos had shaken cast the ballots whicb awarded Humphrey McCarthy "I. roar of a~plau. e and howls of disapproval. Int rnational Amphitheatre a !.he insur· their greate prize. McGovtrn 1641h . wa~ a ,illnlficant victory for Viee Presi· gents tried to commit the party to their So great wa the delegate landslide for Th Rev. Channing E. Phillips, of dent Hubfort H. Hum. rey. He ha a ked policy of unilateral de-es<:alatlon, Humphrey !.hat his vote pa ed !.he mao \ ashington, D.C., wbo ran as a favonte that hi negotiat ing options be left open IOn of black delegate , in event he I elected Pre ident. 6.,..,. en. Edward M, Kennedy, who sald he But It was a crushing defeat for hll would not accept any Domination, receiv· eh.llengars for the Dlmocratic presl. Split dlntial nominatbn, Sens. Euglne J. Me. ed 12' votes nyhow. POLITICS OF JOY - Vice President Hubert Humphrey, who has been No. 2 for al. C.rthy and George S. McGovern. Both "The chair declares that Vlee Presl. most four years, now has his sights set on tt.e No . 1 lob. He was all smiles a few had endorsed the minority de ..scalation Chicago's Loop dent Hubert Humphrey Is the D mocratie years ago when h. accepted a flower from a 16-month-old admirer during a visit to plank, presid ntial nomin ," Rep. Carl Albert the World 's Fair in New York - and, although h. wasn't there, chance. Ue he w.. The delegate.' verdict come aft('r a of Oklahoma said when the counl w a I all smila. Wednesday night liS the Oemocratic party, meeting In convention In Chic. ·tormy two-hour debate. tallied. ago, hand~ over to him itt presidential nomination. - AP Wirephoto The platform on which the Democrats That ignited ano!.her round of cheers will stake their claim to another four by sign·waving Humphrey parli3llDS. The Runs With Blood band played "H ppy Days are Here up Deu years in Ine White House also pledges a vigorous assault on crime in the streets - CHICAGO Lft - Some 3,000 antiwar guard men, who trIed to isolate the throne Again." a lead· demonstrators fought a bloody, open bat. In Grant Park, 'The park stretch s for innln( , and the lum condition that breed It. But the political merriment seemed thln tie with an equal contingent of police and threC' blocks from aero. the Hilton, ea t and lorced. There were score of empty with But the convention's crucial divi ion Illinois ational Guard men Wednesday to th Lake Michigan front Ambassador ~ave ~eats In \.he gailerl s, which normally Pas. u.s. was oyer peace in Vietnam. and It night in an assault on th downtown head. National Guard men tossed tear 1111 S ar packed at a national convention, took thf solid backing to Platform Chairman Hale quarters of the Democratic National Con· Bo(!gs of Louisiana and the majority of cannisters In the crowl as it moved out This seemed evidence of the troubled vcntion, of lhe rear of the park toward the hotel, hi J 100member policy-making commit· There were mass arre Is and some 300 litre La and lhe Ught security, lee. Police u Ing clubs chased demonstrators To Injuries as police clubbed at the demon· through the botel lobby, The tear lias Illinois tate chairman Jam A. Ron· The dcfeated plank, written by a minor. strators, who have massed in Chicago by floaled across Michigan Avenue and into an moved to make Humphrey'. nomina· ity of ome 30 members, kept the com· !he thousands to prote against adminis. the Conrad lIllton, causing discomfort to tion unanimous. mittee in turmoil for 10 solid days or tration war polieie . occupants in the building. Fumes reach. 'That set off a tumult of checrs, but there wcre shouts of "No" as well. hC'arings, debate, closed-door draCtin!: ed the 25th floor uite of Vice President and back tage maneuvering. Rock and bottie were thrown, c. r Slain in Ambush windows broken, tra h can overturned Hubert H. Humphrey. Albert caUed for the ayes, got a roar The disMlnting report would have com· In reply, and never a ked for oppo Ilion GUATEMALA "" - U.S. Ambassador Terrorist k II lin g s in two years oC vl· and set aflr and h ads were beaten In mitted the Democrats In addition to an a five-block stretch along fashionable votes . John Gordon Mein was machine gunned olence are believed to have taken more unconditional halt in the bombing of * * * And thaI wa that. to death Wednesday in an ambush of his than] ,000 lives - perhaps as many as 4" South Micblgan Avenue, main street of North Vietnam, to mulual withdrawal of Chicago's showcase front yard. In Austin, President Johnson c.Ued limousine on a main thoroughfare of this 000 - wi!.h extremists of both right aDd al\ U.S, and Norlh Vielnamese Corces; Demonstration Humphray "an especially wtn qualified violence·ridden Central American capital. left reported Involved in the bloodshed, Vi et Presldant Hubert H, Humphre., "encouraecmenl" of !.he South Vietnam· w.. In his 25th floor suIte of Conr.d eandidatl" and urgtd .11 Oemocrm to the unknown assassins escaped. Gang ter elemenl8 were saki to have pr0- tt.e ese go"ernment to "negotiate a political Hilton, which fronts on Michigan Aven­ unite behind him and move forward to In a swift strike, apparently lnvolving fited from both sides. reconciliation with tbe National Liberation Casts Its Heat victory In November. both a car and a truck, the 54·year·old ue. A Humphrey .Ide said te.r g.. Last March 16 Guatemala's progressive Front;" aDd to reduce American search· could be smelled in his room as police On bis night of triumph, Humphrey him · career diplomat was cut down as he tried Roman Catholic primate, Archbishop and-destroy operations in South Vietnam. to escape aller the ambushers slopped his b.ttled demonstrators in t h a hotel self said he was dismayed at the violence , chauffeur·driven car. fiumphrey rejected tt.e co.lition 90V. ground floor lobby. On Convention Throngs oC VietnamI'. ' war prate ters Th, mid.fternoon ambush occurred a ernment plan and insisted that HanGI en. Eugene J . ~lcCarthy also was In fought a bloody battle with pol ice and must show some sign of good f.itt. be· CHICAGO (,fI - Demonstrations I hal National Guardsm n on lhe btreet 25 few blocks from where two American lhe holel. His wifc, ready 10 leave for swept Chicago streets Wednesday night fora bombing could be halted, the amphitheatre, was detained by the floors below his hotel window, military officers, Col. John Daniel Wab· cast their heat on !.he Democratic Nation· ber and Capt. Ernest A. Monria, wera The Vietnam plan finally approved de· Secret Service for security reasons. al Convention with angry delegates accus· The violence, and the angrr It stirred sl.in in a similar attack last Jan, 16 clares that Democrats "reject as unac· The you!.hs - some bearded and sandal. ing Mayor Richard J. Daley of Gestapo at the convention hall, put slill another durIng a wava of terrorism by both ceptable a unilateral wi!.hdrawal of our ed, Olh rs clean cut - have been in Chi. tactics. fracture in a DcmocraLic Party already in discord over policy on Vietnam. rightists and leftists, Th.t attack was forces," applauds the Pari peace talks, cago since la t we kend to demonstrate Sen. Abraham A. RiblcoU of Connectl· blamed on laftisls. and sels forth !.hese steps for peace: their di pleasure over Johnson admini­ Humphrey' forees wrote a eampai~n cut led !.he charge on the tight security platform in line wi!.h adminlstraUon polio Guatemala, largest in population of the • A halt to !.he northern bombing "when tration policies eoncernine !.he Vietnam· measures he pLaced the name of Sen. ese war. as cy on the war. Central American republics - about 4.7 this action would not endanger the lives George S. McGovern oC South Dakota Into Humphrey hac! spent hi day in Chicago million - was the first Western Hemis· of our troops in \.he field," and taking into They chOS(> Wednesday for their major nomination for pre ident. movemcnt, About 10,000 howed up. appealing to Democrats to unite, and )'Ire· phere beachhead of communism during account the response of Hanoi to the de· "Wi!.h Gco~ge McGovern as President The rush on the Hillon came alter p re together for the race again L Ric h· the regime of Jacobo Arbenz. He was escalation . of the United Stales we wouldn't have to ard r. Nixon, the Republican presiden· overthrown in a 1954 revolution applauded guardsmen, using tear gas, foiled an anti­ • An immediate cease·fire and with· war march on the Amphi!.heatre. bave Gestapo tactics in the streets of Cl-j· tial nominee. in the United States, but Communists drawal {rom South Vietnam or all foreign cago," said Ribicoff, bis voice rislng. Humphrey him elf aw the sIre t dis· have sought constantly to regain power. Thl demGnllrators brob throuth Corces. pctllee and military lines In Grent P.rk, A Colorado delegate, Robert 101' tag 01 orders, smelled the tear gas in his uile Colorado Springs, t orf round of Richard Knowles of Waterloo, Iowa, the e Encouragement for all parties to Icross from tha Hilton, and stormed "'e the at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. criticism by shouting into a microphone embassy's press attache, gave this a.c· agree that the postwar government in Sai· hott'!, whert 'they wert be.ten back Ind Grim·faced, Humphrey id It dimayro from the {loor; "Is there any rule under count or the assassination of Mein : gon "should be determined by fair and went rampaging through the streets, him to ~!.he trouble far below hj~ win· Mein and his Guatemalan chauffeur safeguarded elections," open to all major Pollce met any ru;h head-on, cLubbed which Mayor Daley can be compelled to dow. But he said the rioters did not ~pre· political factions that are prepared to the demonstrator and threw them vans end the pollee state of terror being per· nt the people of Chicago. were en route from the ambassador's ac· in petroted?" home to the embassy When a car pUlled cept peaceful political proceses. headed ror the central detention lockup. "They've been brought In from an , \ up in front of the limousine. At the same Central Police Headquarters &aid it Daley saL impassively in front of the over the country," he ,.id. "We knew JOHN GORDON MEIN • A buildup of Soutb Vietnamese rostrum wi!.h the minois delegation - tt.is was going to h.ppen, It w., all pro­ time a truck pulled up behind the limou· Machine Gunned strength and cutbacks 0 f American in­ could give no estimate of those arrested. ,. sine, blocking any way back. Two men Th staff was too bugy, a spokesman &aid. even when Ribicoff, looking directly at grammed." volvement. got out of either the car or truck. or both, Mario Casariego, was kidnaped, He Wal Several pectators were also een beat· the mayor, said: "How hard it is, how The vice pre ident said il '. I'd to de· and forced the chauffeur oul of the limou· held four day. before beJDi releued un­ Immediately afttr the vOM, memben en as police moved into a crowd and dis­ hard It is to accept the truth." termine whether the trouble wlll hurl the sine. Mein then tried to flee and was cut harmed. First. reports said he had been of tl!. N_ York delegation - which h4Id persed !.hem, The pectators joined !he Later, Daley told A sociated Pre s s Democrats politically. down by a burst of machIne·gun fire. The abducted by Communists but laler police been • I e a d e r in the Insurgent peace demonstrators in jeering police. newsman Richard Ciccone: "The sccurity But he said he doe n't lhink it will. attack occurred at 3:05 p,m. on Avenida said MANO, a clandestine rigflt.·wing drivf' - dGnn~ blac\( .rmbands in prG' Many of the injured ulCered hand, arm needed to prevent violence. The sam "U's a seP'lrate act to i~lf," he said. "A de Ia Reforma, one of the main streets group, had held the archibishop, threaten· tast. Folk singer Theodore Bikel led the and head fractures. forces creating disorder outside the con· kind of sideshow." New Y 0 r k delegation in singing "W. leading downtown from a fashionable ing to kill him unless Mendez resigned. About 1,200 guard men relnlorced p0- vention hall arc creating it inside." He saw, too, on telcvbion, the tumultu· suburb. Four days after tbe archbishop was reo Shall Overcome," proMst SClng elf tt.. lice, some of them driving in wire-covered "Wbo is creating the disorder, Mr. May. ous hour of Democratic deei ion which Mein, a veteran of 5erving in ElU'Ope, leased police killed Raul Lorenzado, head civil rig hIs movement, Th .. convention jeeps. Almost all had \.heir bayonets un­ or?" Ciccone a ked. put him in the final race for the White Asia 8'lld Latin America, is survived by a of MANO: band drowned them out, but when the heathed. "You are," Daley said, waving the Hou e, after four year a a patient dl­ wile and three children. He was named A measure of peace had settled over !be band stopped playing they w e r fI stili As the pollee wlelclecl clubs, dllrln. newsmen away. sciple of Lyndon B, Johnson. ambassador tv Guatemala by President troubled country after Mendez took full sinlling, the area in front of tt.e tillton, guuds· Johnson In ) 965 after serving as deputy control of the government in April follow· The band had struck up "Happy Days men movnf In fast and set up lIcirmlsh thiel of mi sion in Rio de Janeiro. ing the firing of !.hree top offkials, includ· are Here Again" - but fro m the New line" The demonslrators scatttred and His murder Wednesday broke a meas· ing his defense minister. York and o!.her delegations went up a ran witt. police chasing, ure of peace that had settled over this Holels flanking the Hillon closed their troubled country in ADril after President doors. All traffic along and near Michigan Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro took a Avenue in the baWe area was stopped. strong !lrl., on the government with tt.e At Michigan and Jackson streets, north flrin!! of three top oHlciels, including his Atlantic, Harlan, Carroll - of the Hilton, 150 poliee armed with shot· dtfense min ister, guns stopped all traffic and forcibly clear· Pd Ihe are a. Onc hundred of them, not wearing gas masks, were tricken by theLr 1Will Get New College own tear gas and went down to their knees, choking. News in Brief DES MOINES (.fI - The State Board of Howard Lovely of lhe Cresap firm said The tlroups filtered into the main down· ALSO IN THE NEWS LAST NIGHT: Regents Wednesday gave the go·ahead silc responded with specific site reeom­ town district. and headed for tbe Civic LAGOS _ Federal spokesman said the for intensive sludies of Atlantic, Harlan mendalions, two suggested ooe site be­ Center at RandolDh and Clark slreels. Nigerian army was advancing on all and Carroll to determine which would be tween them, two were interested but did SQuads of police, in groups of 100 and 200, fronts after the supreme commander, the best site for a four·year higher educa· not suggest sites, two declined, and three followed them, maklng mass arrests. Maj. Gen. Yakubu Gowon, ordered a linal lion institution in western Iowa. did not respond. Demonstrators swarmed on a police assault to crush secessionist Biarra. "The Leo Kornfeld of Cresap, McCormick and Lovely said !.he responding communities van, rocked it and broke a nead light They set on police defending themselvet final assault has begun," .said a Gowon P age - a Chicago con.sulUng firm - told were then studied in terms of tb~ abili· with clubs and scattered when a line of aide. He did not divulge details of the the regents any of !.he three communities ~ to accommodate the insilution. shotgun·armed police reinforcements fi~htiDg. The Biofrans claimed in a radio "can adequately accommodate and sup- Kornfeld said Iny of tl!. thrH s.lrcttd broadea t that they topped one federa l port the proposed institution." truck the group with rifle butts. could adequately support the institution, The demonstrators shouted, "Shoot, column nine miles south of Aba. their Allhough the regents discussed eliminal· but "If we trin! to maka I preferanct, main administrative and commu nications ing on e or the three before the flnal study, shoot, shootl" Othen Slid, "Go ahe.d, I would Hy Allintic first, Harlen second pig, shoot me." Several of the de_ center, and pushed another column back the board finally decided to authorize an end Carroll third." 10 the Imo River 15 miles south of the investigation of all three, to be completed ftraton were arrelled before fleeing, town . by November. At its June meeting, tJle Board of Re· Police forced the groups north , toward DES MOINES - The Iowa attorney Costs for site acquisitIon, eeplt.1 cen· gents rejected Council Bluffs as a possible Ihe Chicago River, where the Tribune general's office said it has warned oil structlon end Dperation elf the proposed site. Tower, the Wrigley Building and Equ\. comoanies that misleading advertising of university will be Included In the repOrt, The t967 Iowa Assembly appropriated to t2ble Building are Clustered on Michigan trading tamps is a violation of the slate's Kornfeld Hid, the regents $500,000 to carry out !be study, Avenue. Consumer Fraud Act. The office said it He said three other western Jowa towns planning and establishment 0{ a western 'The Medical Committee for Human had received complaints that some sta· - Audubon, Manning and Denison - Iowa institution. Rights, reported treating more than 300 persons for injuries suffered in police con­ lions advertise gasoline at low prices and were less able to support the proposed in· At its June meeting, the regents decided also olrer trading stamps, but charge a stitution wi!.hout substantial investment by it would be a four·year undergraduate, (rontations throughout the day . The rush came after demonstrators, Crnt or two a gallon more if the custom· the communities. liberal school wi!.h admi ion require. . rts Who had planned to parade to the Amphi. er takes the stamps. He sa i d Denison, current site of the ments similar to those existing al present thea Ire, broke through massed police and WASHINGTON - The 5 tat e Depart· Midwestern College, would be better suit· regents institutions. ment ind icated that a new secret meeting ed to an institution smaller than the one They are the University of Iowa in Iowa has been arranged between U.S. and North now under consideration. City. State University of Iowa at Ames, Korean representatives on release of the Kornfeld's firm and the Chicago archi· and University of Northern Iowa at Cedar Forecast caplured intelligence ship Pueblo and its tectual firm of Perkins and Will asked 15 Falls. Pertly cloudy to cleudy through PrI­ MY KIND OF TOWN? - While .rnonstrm .... re placed Into pollc. vans (c""'r), :':! suC\;ving officers and crew. The timing 10w/l communities in tile area bounded bv The Cresap Cirm, in June, recommend· day witt. chance of showen and ~. po!!ee form • NttIe line ...lftIt thouHnds of others during • mel .. Wedne ....., nltllt 0: the meeting was not disclosed. The last Denison, Harlan, Atiantlc and Carroll if ed an initial enrollment of between 1,000 storms tonlghl enll Frlde." Not much ht Chlcate, The police .. lined up lit foret~ end top center in this view looking talks were held July 9. they were interested in being

- '-" ..

Buchwald honors Chicago veterans A Last, Forlorn 'Hurrah Iy ART BUCHWAL.D AND COMMENT CHICAGO - A group of baUle-harden­ ed veterans who fought at the National I For the Democratic Party , Convention in Chicago have decided to I . PAGE 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1'" IOWA CITY, IOWA band together to form a nCIf organiUl­ EDITOR 'S NOT E: This Is the thlr&! In tion called the Veterans o[ D:mJocralic a leries of por!on.1 impression. on the Wars. I Democrttic Na tion al Convention by a The commander of former Daily Iowan newl editor. the VDW said, "We I Freedom of choice? want to perpetuate the By GORDON YOUNG spirit of the fighting As t11e vote went O\'er the number choice i. a , onderful thinn. CH[CAGO - To the surprise oC no one men and women who but the Pollyannas. the "magical mystery n cessary to ~top the minority pos­ Of course, other alternative are came to Chicago and tour" wound down Wednesday night amid will soon be rcturning ill n. dele latcs tood and cheered. blood, sweat, tears and toil. open to the voter in ovember, He to civilian lire. These The campaign of Sen. Eugene McCarthy ~lore delegations \ oted. aying. ~\\'e can either exercise his freedom not to men and women de­ melted like a New Hampshire snowball serve the i r nation's in Ihe hell of Vietr.am. are proud to (.'ast X \'oles '0." vote and take no re pon ibility in the gratitude and we are As this is wrillco, early Wednesday going to see that what .. People \\ere cheering, and people me~s of U16 l'Oming four years or he they did in Chicago BUCHWALD evening, there appeared no more chance that the Johnson-Humphrey·Daley drive can write in a candidate. Dick Gre­ will not be forgotten after all the wel­ \\' re proud. Proud of what. YOIl a ·k? could be stopped than that the peace dem­ come-home parades have been held, af­ onstrators could mqrch (rom Grant Park Proud of th ma~ ac'ft'· and atrocities gory is running as a write-in candid­ ter all the confetti has been thrown. downtown to the Amphitheatre in the ate. Gregory, who was a comedian, is " And will dedicate ou rs.lves to ;oing on in Viehlam? w. stockyards . •••i ng th.t this wi ll b. tho convention now a thou thtful state~man. not a There were hundreds or war prote ters to . nd oil conventions, and w. pray, A peace plank wcnl do\ n in d feat. politidan, demonstrating in (; : ~ Loop aero s from because of wh at we did here, our chil· the convention hotels Wednesday after­ \ \ ar plank won. and [ wonder dren will neY er have to go to another Dick Gregorv has written a book noon, but they were being "protected" by ."hether the delegates who voted for DemocrAtic po litical convention Ag.in." every bit as many troops and cops. :thout Ilis candidal'v Rnd his belief . 1 wiped away a tear. th war and for the cllrrent dmin­ In what has become a sad routine, the "We a Iso plan to honor the many heroes The hook di~cusses iogirnl solutions to hippies. Yippies and members of the Mo­ i!.tl'lltion rl' ally are represcnting the who acrificed so much that we might the prohlems of the black ~egment of bilization Committee To End the War ;n majority of tIl(' Democrats in this nominate a Democratic candidate for Vietnam taunted the, ops who obll~ed hy ~odet~ · lind Vietnam. Whether or not President of the Ur.ited States." country. Can delegates who ar£' clect­ roughing up a number of the demonstrRt­ "Who are they?" J asked. a voler re~rects his idea , he should ors. ed to repre~ent tlH'ir voters really b >­ "There is Sam Morgenthaler, a dele­ 1'('01<1 ahout Grcgory ' ~ beliefs. regory The protesters vowed to break into lieve that the llIajority of gate rrom California. who singlehandedly, per~ons fa­ small bands and head for Ihe Amphitheat­ at I£'a.\t oilers a choice in ovember. and without thinking of his own safety, vor U ,So involvelll nl in ietnam? re, hut it was unrealistic to suppose they Po sibl)" Gregory is not the an wer tried to park his car l.t the stockyards in a space reserved for !If ayor Richard J . would get anywhere near the manlll'e When thi editorial i ' read, Hub rt piles or barbed wire. to the problems we now face, But I Daley's water commissioner," FACING THE TROOPS - Demonstratorl cover up th,lr faces 1$ tear g. s II dispersed H umphrey wiIJ undoubtedly be the "That really must have taken guts," I The blood. sweat. tears and toil of the by National Guardsmen durinll Wednesday'. tumultuous demonstrat ion In Grant Par~ don't t11ink Humphrey or Nixon hold Democratic nominre. Richard ixon said, demonstrators downtown was matched by - AP Wlr.photo the an~wcr~ either, "His widow said Sam was that kind the pathelic but brave response inside the is the Hepublican's baby. College stu­ 01 convention, someone on the platform sig­ the Kafkaesque impressions of Ft. Daley f(uy. And we're also honoring Eldridge hall when it became apparent that the nalled the orchestra to slart playing. and the undemocratic convention. dents who hOI been waiting at lea t A yoter who really cares about Carbuncle, a delegate from Rhode Island. hawks had won the Vietnam platform bat­ Inslantly the delegales were drowned who, knowing that the odds were 100 to tle. There is no point anymore in trying to 21 years to cast a votc in tJlis demo­ Am rica and about Vietnam and can't out by a brassy, hateful rend ilion of "On, I, tried to get his wife Into the con­ It started, as I recall. in the New York be profound or perceptive, so here are cracy' presidential election must support either of the major candidates still Wisconsin." vention hall without a ticket" delegation, Amid the tumult of the after­ some of my jumble1 impressions, no n e choose, between Humphrey, j hon or should explore the possibilities of Dick "What did he do? " noon adjournment, a group of delegates Well, what the hell ? very serious: Gorge Wallace. The freedom of Gregory, - elleryl Arvidson " He threw his body across the barb. linked arms and began singing "We Shall You can get maudlin and lacrimose - The hall seems terribly small , Dot ed wire fence ond sh, wa lk. d ov pr him . Overcome," the anlhemn of the c i v i I "the last hurrah" goes OI't with a whimp­ much bigger than the University of Iowa UnfortunAtely CArbuncle WIS caught in rights movement. er - or you can get mean-spirited and Field House and dreadfully noisy, so that a beam of light from one of the tow,rl, People broke out " stop the war" signs defiant - shake your fingers in the "V" when Betty Fumess pl'omises that the War casualty and he never had a chance." which they had surreptitiously painted in- for victory sign - or you can get very Republicans will eat federally-inspected The commander of the VDW said. "Our ide neWSpapers, a bolt of black cloth was cynical and WOrldly-wise - ". told you crow in November. it sounds like she's highest award will go to Roger Klunstadt. draped over the late sign and the chorus the e toblishment was unresponsive" - talking about snow. arose - orr-key and strained - "Oh, deep or you can get drunk. a young page to the Alaskan delegation. The hot dogs here are cold and greasy in my heart, I do believe . , ." ActuallY, or, if you prefer, high is much \, ho volunteer d to get through the lines and charisma they have nol. Then with all the cynical. brash clout the more intelligent alternative. to bring back corfee (or the delegation. The cops said "Sir" to me when I ask. that hal marked thll whole wretched Dulling onc's sense of reality enhances H was caught and tortured by security cd where to park, Also, it was reported (orees. but he alill reCused to tell thelll that they didn 't club so many people how many coffees he had been ordered last night. Can it be that they are human? to bring back with sugar and how many J doubt it. with cream." Copyrl,hl Ie) 19", The Wllhln,I.n POll Ce. Huntley and Brinkley looked down Crom their nest at us with hi noculars like Nero at the Collosseum. Cronkite slumped in his chair like a contented lizard sunning Singer Baez tells himself. Julian Bond is very beautiful. Pierre Salinger's hair is vcry long . Paul New. man lakes a hands-on·the-hips "HOO" a touching story stance when talking to reporters, J a h n " Daybreak" by Joan Ba'l ( New York, Bailey looks like an assistant professor oC The Dia l Press, '968) $3.9S. Available biology lance had at Boston Universily at lowl Book & Supply Co, who gave me a "0": I hate him. Dan Inouye, whom I learned to like while in "My 1i£e is a crystal teardrop. There the Army in Hawaii, applauds by slapping arc nownakes faBing in the teardrop his left hand against his thigh. and lilLIe fi!!ures trlldginll in slow molion. Tltere was a really beautiful woman in If 1 were to look into the teardrop ror a white miniskirt. probably from Paris, the next million years, I might never fig­ her hair exquisitely coiffured. looking lire out who the people are and what Ihey down her patician nose at a copy or the are doing. New York Daily News while she stood in "A rriend of mine told me that it would line to get into the women's rOom , be risky to write about Jesus. I'll risk it. I wonder if Jesus knows what's happening BiJl Newbrough, last year's Dl editor, on carth these days, Don't bother coming is here stringing for a Waterloo r a d 10 around. Jesus. stalion. He gets his news by watching "YOll , Dear Reader - the TV in the McCarthy pressroorA. You are Amazing Grace. Hugh Hefner got clubbed the other night YOli are a precious Jewel. while watching the demonstration at Lin· .. Would it embarras~ YOll very much coIn Park. Someone suggested that if he ir I were to tell YOli . , . that I love you?" were weal'ing his customary ;lajamas he Thus . folk.singer and a non­ might have been mistaken for a Viet violent protester, begins her first book . Cong, "Daybreak" is a fine study of a girli h "And nobody seems to like him, lhey woman. with a jumble of emotions, re­ can tell what he wants to do. And he nev· nections and ideas. er shows his feelings but the Fool on the That tomboy ha cI1anged. H ill sees the sun going dow n and the Now she devotes most of her tim., OVERCOME - Demonstraton band tOfiether after they were expoled to tu r lI a. eyes in his head see the world spinn ing botwHn recording , e .. lons, to prot.. t . during the trouble on the Itreets of Ch icago Wednesday. - AP Wirephoto 'round," Ev.n her Moth,r has ,on' to 1.11 with her. She run. (with a friend ) a .chool of nonviolence. And the book is dedicot­ ed to thOIO men who " find themselves facing impr isonment for resisting the draft." There are fine vignettes here: Joan's brother·in-law Richard Farina, author of "Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me." killed at 29 in a motorcycle ac­ 1h~1)aily Iowan eldent. Here too is Mimi Farina, Joan's mUe sister. happUy making dinner, jok­ The Daily Iowan is written and edited by students and is governed by a board of five ing with Joanie and Richard, a lew stUdent trustees elected by the student body and four.trustees appointed by the president m onths before his death. of the University, The opinions expressed in the editorial columns of the paper should be Here is Bob Dylan, disguised as "The considered those of the wri ters of tlte articles concerned and not the expression o( policy Dada King": oC the University, any group associaled with the University or the staff of the newspaper, "There was the stol'm of seeing him Published by St'ldent Publlcotlon •. Inc., Com· TrUII,el, 100rll 0' St ull.nt PubllClllons, Inc.: munlulion. Center, Iowa City. JOWl, daur. Bob Reynoldson. A2; Bill Dougherty, A3; Je.· or watching him act distant and fake except Sunday Ind Monday, Ind legl1 bal· ry Pltten A2; MIke ~'lnn, A3; Dawn Wit· a regular heartbeat days. Enlered .. ""cond ell" miller at the 5OD. A3; Line Davis, Departmenl of PoUtical pon office II 10"" elly under lh. Ad of Sclenco' John B. Bremner School of Journal- Of laughing as the young dada king Con,resl 01 Mlrch 2, 1879. 15m; Wllllim C. MurrlY, b eparlmenl of Eng­ pulled hi crazy ael on the stage Ush; and WtJI llm P . Albrecht, Deplrtment Of seeing three thousand people for­ • Tile Au.el."11 Pr... Is entitled exdullvely lO or Eco nomic •. the use Cor republication oC III locil news "ubllillor ... , ..... '...... Wllilim I lml give the unforgiveable because his magic print ed Ln thl. new paper .. well II all AP charm came out of a well of small gems news and dlspalches. IlIlIor ...... Chlryl Arvillson N,wl I.llor ...... LOWIIi 'orte and an Inexcusable charm - lub"rlpllon IIltel: By clTrlcr In Iowa Clly, Copy IlIlIor ... ,' . , ... , .,. Da .. M"lOshel Listen God , look closely after him. ' 10 per year In advance; .Lx month a '5,lIO ' th,.,e monlhs $3. All mall subllCrl ptlons U~ Un l.lrslly Idllor .. ' ...... Miry Cllrk H 's more fragile than most people and, per yeu ; .Ix monlhs. , 15; three month. , 10, Clly IlIltor , ...... LInda Artllp besides, I love him. I "also keep the cards Sportl IlIlIor ... , ...... Mike Ibbln, that read 'Have mercy on his soul.' " Dial 337-1'" (rom noon La midnight to report Idllorlll ,",1 Idllor .. , . . ,...... lIoy ".Hy news Items and .nnouncemenls Lo The Dilly Chief PhOlolrlph.r ...... Da.e Luck Il is a shame thaL Miss Baez does not lowI n. Edllorlsl oHlees are In the Communi· Allillanl Newl Idltor ,., . Debby Donoyan devote more than just a few sentences to CllIons Cenler. Aullllnl Unlverslly Idllor ...... lUI '"nclt.. Allllllnl Clly Idllor ...... C"eryl Turk h r singing. She scarcely mentions it at Dial )37-1'" II YOU do not receive your DJ A"IIIlnt lportl Idlter ... .. Chuck 1I001Mr, all. by 7:30 I.m. Every eUort wtll be made lo "hololraphlr ... , .... , ' " 'Uck Greenlwllt corred the error wllh the next Issue. OJ clr­ .1I110rlll Ad.l ..r ...... L" WlnfrlY But perhaps he's saving that ror a sec­ PROTESTERS, POLICE BATTL.E - Club·swinging pol ice rush broke out when lome 3,000 demonstralors fried to break through cUlaUon office hours ore 8 I .m. lo II l.m. Adverliling Dlreelor ...... aoy Dunsmore ond book. Let us hope so. domonstrators Into a patrol w.gon on Michillan Avenue outside police lines Ind rush the hotel, headquarters of the Democratic Mo nday throul h FrtdIJ and ' :31 to 1:31 a.1L C11" lfloll Ad Mln"lr ...... 1111 Deckle •• r lalurd.,. Cireulilion Mlnl,er ...... J.mes Conlin - Tom Fensch the Conrad HiHon Hotel in ChlcallO Wednesday night. The clash National Convention. - AP Wir.photo

•. c_ by Johnny Hart BEETLE BAILEY by Mort Walker

P-!--K-NOW---W-H-A-r-~-H-O-SE--F-0N--N~~--~~iH~en~ ~~~ERL-~::~~~~:H~E~y~k:~~A~I R~AO~R~C:5~)1 N e ITH E~ WII.L "'H I ~E>S I" THE: SKV' ARe. 8AL\..OONS BEING NIo/.: .... r.G """"o s ' THE GfN·eAAI.. ... I't ,I I-IFTt;D ~ S"';AJI\P I ... ",, 1 A,<...I"- • c::.As. o OFF r LIMITS! j

.. • •

• THI DAILY IOWAN-I ... City, la.-Ttlurt., Auti . 29, 1*-P.,. J Stores, Offices Agreement to End To Close Monday Doctors Take Paris Talks Mosl local bu.lne.... .nd ,onrnm.n",1 office. will be Eisenhower cloyd M.,nd.y In oII ..rv.n~ Phone Strike Near If L.Mr D.y. 1 Still Locked The lew. City Pm 0ffI~ CHICAGO III - An agreement to end the lIl1-day telephone strike will m.lnl.ln • nerm.1 ...". tbat deprived the Democratic National Convention of full commu· Off ICritical d• ., .cI,edule: l1li win 4 I w nications service was reached Wednesday, a union sourCe said. IVA ffiNGTON III _ Doctors Over Bombing .-Nice .nd city .nJ ru,.1 The announcement w.s made by a union teward in Springfield , (or fOl1Jlt!r President DWight ""II delivl,le. will net M III., \\ho sa id members of the . D. Ei5ellbower saki Wednesday PARI - The Gnited Slates ",ede. International Brotherhood of b . told • orth Vietnam at the peace FB I P 00 All IIClI banks, .... Clllft" Electrical Workers would be night they longer consider hlS lalks WednC5day to "stop ~ I to ro e immediate coodition u cri tical. ceurlMutt • n d tile Civic asiled to ~ote Aug. 31 on accept· calcUlating or trying to interfere Cen .., will be closed. ance of t~rms. But his overall ituation fol· in internal American affairs aJId MlsI "oc.ry ,Iores will Rudolph Korach, chief union Mi h dl' lowing his seventh beart att.aelt down to the serious business f • I low • Sund • ., busiM" stewlrd in Sprin~field. tol~ ~f S an Ing Aug. t6 i Sl'riou. they . aid. making peace." scMdu". the agreement With the IllinOIS I In response to questions from Ambassador W. Averell Harri· Bdl Telephone Co. f reporlers, the doctor, said It i! man, on instructions from Wash· not yet possible to aay ,.-hether ington, COI1\'eyed t b e govern· The offer that will be laId be- Eisenhower \1;11 be able to lead I , , State Police fore the statewide membeJl6hip O Newsmen ment's irritation 0 v erNorth of the union Saturday con I ts or I relathely normal life in the the 3·year contract propo~ed by WASH) ' GTON I/r' - The FBI e\ent he recover . Put on Alert the company calling for an in· \I ill investigate the bealing or The doctors at the Army' erease of $27.50 a week - in new m!'n by the Chicallo police Wailer Reed General HOSpital three tages - [or top eralt!!- during civil di5turbances in that said : For Holiday men. The current lop scale is convention cit)" it was announc· " BecIIU~e of the extent of $1110.50 a week. ed Wednesday. Gen. Eisenhower's underlying DES MOINES '"" - The Slale I Highway Patrol will be using th.e The statewide strike, invol ving Ally. Gen. Ram ey Cl ark or· COI'onary artery disea~ , b I s latest in speed detection equip. 11 ,800 union nlembers, which be· dere calling for an indelinite QC(:U· purle! - were still operating in actions against the previously In Des Moines, Ray Walton of dtoder.nh. • Iammlnt In dun", a ~ u I c II was among five persons who , palion by Warsaw Pact lra>ps IClec hoslovaJcia despite the occu· uncensored Czechoslovak news officers sald, were fOUl'ld plcldn, Davenport said nine former as- 2230 S. RI.,.raid. Drlv • un if the sltuaUon "normalizes." pallon by Soviet bloc troops. . media and unnamed Individuals marijuana southwest of the city. sistant atlomeys general had an. I ...... Singled out as targets were I he labeled "enemies of the PROFS GO TO YUGOSLAVIA- ===::.p=h::o=n~'=l::17='=''''=====~~~~~ ~~~~~ Obs ervers felt suc.h acUon Czechoslovakia's free radio sta. Czech and Slovak people." Professors Malcolm S. Mac· Held Wednesday for prelimin­ m~gh( force Commun ist pa~ty tions lind a leAding Czechoslovak Zhukov complained that "nu. I Lean Jr., and James W. Mark· ary hearing Sept. 12 were Mary MOVING UP? chief Alexander Dubcek to m· f I"be aI' . I . I ham or the School of Journalism Elizabeth Cain of Davenport; form the Russians that he III lID- forct . ~or urther I r Izatlon, merous . cl~nde tIRe tr8n~~ tiers will participate In 8 meeting oC Robert Maher. 22, James Akins, able to get the necfdary ap· a political group known as Club I are contmwnl' to operate. the behavorlal sclence celion oC 20, and William Carmoday. 21' j proval of any agreement unless 231 . , Echoi~ Pravda's "cnemies of the International Association for all or Denver, Colo.; and Mark @ Ihe Soviet bloc troops pull out. In the firs t major Soviet com· the P2ople" charge" another So- Mass CommunIcation Re earch Fraser, 23, of Monterey, Cali!. Speculation mounted thai the ment on {he four-day talks be· viet comm~n t.ator condemned Sept. 2 to 6 at Ljubljana. Yugo. Go North Am.rican flu ' sians rather than wilh.draw I tween Soviet and Czechoslovak Club 231. ThiS IS a group of pre· slavia. Markham has also been IOWA CITY would set up a mili'ary govern: /Ieaders in Moscow, Pravda com· viously purged persons who were invited to participate in a three TYPEWRITER CO. Thompson menl to insure obedi~nce. mentator Yuri Zhukov wrote that rehabllit~ted ~uri.ng th~ Czech~ day meeting at Salzburg. A~. J:7·5676 . . "measures were worked out that slovak liberalization drive earll· tria. sponsored by Consultative 203V2 E. W.shln,1en Transfer & Storage . RadiO P~ague described ~e will favor the elimination o[ th.e Ier this year and had been urging A sembly or the Councilor Eur· Typewriter 509 S. Gil ...,. , I 8 mosp~~r.e. m the country thiS menace to socialism." the government to expand their ope on " Human Rights and th e 331-5414. Evenln •• 331-4112 I way:. Citizen or Czeohoslova· He did not spell out those mea' j reforms. Mas Media" Sept. 9 to 12. Repairs and Sales kia, d1 sappomled at tiM! outcome sures. but implied in an article Writing in Lileraturnaya Gaz. G( the Moscow Lal~s, today ask in the Communist party news· eta _ Li terary Gazette _ A. who has scored a VIctory: paper thllt they involved strong Chul ukov labeled the group "a • '"They say all of us have been I nest of spies and terrorists." He defeated - Czechoslovakia, the I td A k said many members were intel· SoViet Union, even the soldier.. KI naper s S Iigence asents for the United "W. Insi'l on .... Im"'"I.1e I $250 000 R states and other Western cOun. wlthdraw.1 .. fo,..I,n ,r"". , ' ansom , tries. He gave a list of "enemies trem CI.cho.loy.k lerrlt.r.,. F B k 'S of the Czechoslovak people," pos. W. continue 1o frusl our I.ader. or an er s on ,sibly laying the groundwork [or It . Spaci.u. r...... nd suit•• who, ey," under the .x.... ""'r . the start of a purge. ~ direcll., 11\ Acapulco lay • h.rd condition. In Moscow, BEVERLy HIlLS, Callr. L4'! . ------f'Oi-----Priyate sand Nech and fr•• h .ct. ad In lin, with th.l, ClII' A man posing a s ~ n electrician I .;;/\-,...... ~.tII: waler pool" Tr.picol Gorden scltnctl." kidnaped a banker s. younll son Ii ~If ~;il IIltinO " .~ ir.. Irctffic . . WedllMlay after tymg up lJle n .~.".,. , noises " No .lept tt clilllb • . The Nallonal Assembly resolu· mother, and said he would call M I ~~: ...... , Sel.ct but inferrnal. hen stated : .bout • $250,000 ransom, police ex co .... ,.:.. III.~ .. • Continued occupation 0 I reported. !City :.,.:•• "' ....J Czechoslovakia Is "illegal and Police Chier Clinton Anderson I "". . ~ ...... , When JOG ItIck CIDt U.s. Savings Bond on top of another, violates the Un I ted Nltlolls ,Aid hours later he knew Of no ;-r •••.••••1 It beoomea • hIbIt dJat'.1oa8h 10 brealc and hard to beat. Charter and the Warsaw boeaty." ranso~ call. ' •• .,.liiiii._ • The National Assembly is Poh~e and the FBI began ~~~ 'that'. bea._ It'. 10 pair". Just tell your employer to convinced t hat Czechoslovakia searclllng for Stanley Stalford must remai n in the Socialist Jr., 4, a tyke with curly red let aside • teguIat III10UQt £rom your paycheck befon community. haI.r a~ w~ring a blue and Ja. line • c:bance to IpeI It. Or join the Bond· ...Maatb • The Nlitional Assembly is white awUQ SUIt, convinced tha t the Czechoslovak He wa. roreed Into the .fam · P\an at J01U bank. Si&D lIP aadIf. ,'I Irmy is able to defend the coun· lIy', 8Xpetllive Clr, which later 120 ..0 .... wI.1I ...... try's western borders wilhout WI. found Ibandoned. But po. talaph'". ell. , ..... fGreign assistance and calis on lire declined 10 u.y whe~ it was ...taur.~I, Coff••• "Ift. the government to insist on a found or give other details. C r.c ~t.1I Lounge Us.~Bonds, firm date for the withdrawal or The boy'. flther is board chair· with mu.;a ."tI I"'."a;',,,,... , new Frce:bn Shares the foreilln armies as loon as man of Fidelity Bank of Beverly "Ir C.".II~" pouible. Hills, I pllllb IUburb ol Los An. • The National Assembly de- ,eles. Stalford oaee waa married - from $5 .Ingl~ mands that all government or· to IdreU Lorraine Allen, rorm· $8 double to $13 for twin gans and mass media be allowed er wife or bandleader Xavier bedded suites (U .S. dlls) to resume normal free aCtivitles. !CUgat. She divorced Slalford in 1 LUIS MOYA 12 It demands the release of III J960, wiMina a bal1·million-dol. Ph 21 , ...... ptl10llI ilIeaalJ¥ _1UTtIted w bl IIr ..wem.L. one: .- _ _ .. _ _ _ ---...#.... ~ .J ~

• ~e 4-THI! DAILY IOWAN- lewe (tty, I • .-Thu"., Alii. 29, " .. Official Publication Gibson Collects 11th Shutout' ASSESSMENT NOTICI Oilers Aga~in Rely on Defense PITTSBURGH fA' - Bob Gib· Cardinal club record he shared TO WHO 1 IT lAY CONCER SO;) won his 19th game on a [our· \ wilh Mort Cooper. Cooper had Nollee I h~reb} given th., • pial By MURRAY CHASS yards with an impres Ire 46 aV' 1 pick uP." tbe coach commented. hiller sll'iking out 14. and drove 10 shulouts in 1942. ~~~ceSC:h:,dul~e"r~I~~"C~~kfll~f Inl~~' : Associated Press Sports Writer erage. " He has the potential to be in two runs with ;I key single as * * * City. low.. howln. a "". mrnt> HO STO' _ No one in foot. The problem, holol-ever. lies great." the SI. Loub Cardinals dereat· ~~~,~;,~d oflOth~ r ~:r::,cn~,r" ~';,~I ~~ baU bas come up with a state- with the p~ ing game. Pet e To be great. Beathard will ed the Pittsburgh Pirates 8-0 I '.nllary sewer line· In said Clly of ment comparable to baseball's Bealhard came to Houston from need a lot more help fro m hls McLain Wins 6-1 Iowa Cllv. low •. beln« 1~.I.d .nd Wednesday nigh .. described .s 10110" '. In-wll: "Pitching is 75 per cent of the Kan as City at mid-season and receivers. He has Charley Fra· 10" SAmTARY SEWER LI ES game." provided just enough offensive lier at split end. Ode Burrell at Gibson's single CliPped a five· I DETROIT 1.1'1 - Right·bander Be~lnnl ....1 .n exl.lIn( ",anhOle / With the 1967 Hou ton Oilers punch necessary lor the title. flanker and Alvin Reed at tight run fourth inning rally after Or· Denny McLain pitched the slump. which I. 1000aled In • prlv'le drive . . ' / . . • e et lando Cepdea's three-run homer Iing Detroit Tigers to a 6-1 vic· In ,\lberh. kYO Subdivision In the though. defense was qUite pos· But he lagged badly In comparl' end. He won I on the other rIgers A C·, Serles · wa, rucla had started the Cardinals arC. tory over the California Angels NEI 4 or NWI /4 of Secllon 3 Town. sibly 75 per cent of the game And ' son with other quarterbacks hand have to worry about his hlp 79 Norlh. R.nge 6 We I. Jobn· . ' . . . ' '. ""n ('ounl~ . Iowa. Ih"nce orth· as glittering as It was. W a 1 I y finIshing la t after completing blocking. CepeOInt 0/ 1nter. part of the off·season with an enal drove in two runs. includ. and it's coming down to the ~ctlon with the North line or Lot attack of hepatitis and has yet Palmer. one of the greatest ing the tie.breaker in the sixth cnd," exulted rookie Merv Ret. 4, Grolmu.· Subdlvillon; to play in any of the exhibition the game and the de· thence ZI.lerly Iionl! the North inn in::. leading the Cleveland lenmund whose pinch homer line of said Lot 4 to the Northeast games. In fact he's worked very Indians to a 3.2 victory over the started Baltimore on a 5-3. 7-% I comer or ..id Lot 4; little in pracUce. -' thence SoutherlY alon_ lbe Earlerly . i h' I h b Minnesota T '.I' Ins Wednesday sweep oC a doubleheader over r Ilno or ..Id Grolmu.' Subdlvl Ion to Playmg n IS p ace as een night. Oakland. I the Southeast corner or Lol I •••Id Larry Carwell. a second·year I Grolmu&' Subdivision; pro who has impressed Lemm. thence Weol.rly .Ion. the South ..... who said. " He's had ome real , Iy lin. or •• Id Lot 1 10 lh. Soulh. west Corner 01 said Lot I; tou~h . ~'eceivers La cover in the Meyer Sets Mark thence Weslerly alonl: the Southerly exhlbllton games. and he's done I \lne or said Lo! I produced Wester· I DAILY Iv to a point or Inler.ecllon with the real well." Weslerly rlRht-of·WlY line ot laid In Freesty e Race Prairie du Chien ROld; The other members of the sec- I hence Northerl~ alon l{ the Wesier· ondary are Jim Norton. KeD. LOS ANGELES L4'i - School· Iv rl(ht·of.wIY dne ot said Pralrl. Houston and W. K. Hicks while girl Debbie Meyer combined du Chien Road to the Southent cor· ner 01 Lot 1. Co nw.y', Subdivision; Carland Boyelle a.nd Olen Under· stamina with her speed Wednes· NAT IONAL LEAGUE IOWAN !~e.n"o"l ~f.atrr~I/~gn:'IJhton~~i.~ ~~ join Webster in backing the ~:%Of~\S~~!hdalyl~\yth~~im~gd r SI. Loul. : L Pci7 G.B. Subdivision to I point 1000led 80.0 • !IO .8 f~~~Olor~ ~aAh\r~~~~~r.~:\. cO:~3r. p!h~!r~~ f~~ c~~~~:~: ~e r~ngg:d m:l~el~~.4 f~:~~J~ x~t7::l~~~ISCO HFs :F.! !t HOUSE FOR SALE -I APPROVED ROOMS I MOilLE HOMES Ihenee South 60.0 feet 10 the North· and tackles Willie Parker and at the Unitcd State women's ~llt~sb:r'h ~::m l~" nJR SALE OR RENT: WuhlnJ(lon. ONE HALF DOUBLE - female . Re· 19111 PARKWOOO - 12'x52' Early west COrner or 1.ld Lot 110 : George Rice. Olympic swimming trials. Houslon 8% 7% .463 22 Jow.: 30 mile. lOulh; older three rrlgeralor. lI,hl cooking. Close In. American. Phone 351-4370 or 351· Advertising Rates Ihence South.rl~ olonlC the West The o[fense Is. where the Oilers The tremen. dous per.formance NPheIWladY.oIPrhkl. 8601 77~ .' 44~95 23 bedroom home, lpaclou ••nd well 1333-4647 . 9·28 9535. 9.5 Th ee " 18c W t line or P.rt v .nd Pari m said sl i [ • h h t • ~ 24 cared lor; solla o.k woodwork; reo APPROVED ROOM wllh kitchen tor 1965 _ ~5xlO 2 BEDROOM l'h bath 1 . r aYI ...... a or Wbltlng's Addilion 10 lhe Soulb. mu mprove I • e y ope a In the metric half·mile came xLos Angele, $8 T. .'24" modeled kitchen: Rusco windows men, Phone 337.5652. 9.28A .R. Central air. Colonial In'terlor. C5 ( SIX Days ...... 22c I W0If4 weot corner of Lol 37, Pari m, ..Id repeat as Eastern champions during preliminaries I1t the Los x - L.te ,arne not Included throughoul. ~ar.ge . Plea.ant neigh· Meadow Brook Ct. 338-4004. 9.28 : Ten Days . . ' " . .. 26c I WOIfd '·-Itln .. •• Addilion d lerb k . the ' .. Wldntld.y·. RUlllt. .,. •• . an quar ae IS spot Angeles SWim StadIUm. 5t Loul. 8 Plttobur,h 0 ~:~~t AVI lable Sepl. I. Call :~lj -- FOR RENT _ FUrnished 2 bedroom On, Month 50c a WOIfd ~I~en;~lal~~rl~tl~~'l~: S£~~t\,!~nst where they arc looking for the Debbie 16 shattered her of. San Francisco 41 Houston 3 ROOMS FOR RENT Mobile Home. % miles Irom town. Minimum Ad 10 Word, l S <1. hom. ct.monstr.tlon. (ceI· •sai ndd coSectionnt.lnlng 3 to119 point.1 acres o! beginnIng.. more or Monday-Thursday. 8 8.m.-)1 p.m .• Mozart to Ginastera. this morn· ~'AST r.ASH _ ~ . will • boTVats • c.n lea. ODD JOBS for women are Friday-Saturdav. 8 a. m.-Mid. jng in 8 coocert (rom the Pan t)';>ewrller. .utOll, Hond... . .s. Now Available In 1966 THUNDERIIRD leet) C.pltal Sewinll CI'IIIh . I I Aid ' rad! A, Mrb Ue h OlD e~_ or anythlnl Mgr. until 9 p.m. (D.v" said plat and ochedule showln, the available at the FmaDc a s night. Sunday. 2 p.rn.·ll p.m.: Americ.an Union at )0. of value. 'fownereat MobU. Homes. Thll Area ~~~~~d Ir;sban:~:,~ I ~o~f J~~:.~ Office. Housekeeping jobs are Activiti.. Center, Monday.Friday, e The growing sense 0( mill- tID "428 cu. inch" 322-5921' of said I m pro.ement~ the nl mes 01 available at U.25 an hour. and 8 a.m.·l0 p.m .• Saturday, 9 a .m.' tancy and discontent among pub- 19c H.mbv.... r & SandwIch 2-Ooor Hardtop ~~~w:.w~~:i" t ~:e~~o'untSOl o f ~ :: babysitting jobs, 50 cents an 4: 30 p.m .• Sunday. Noon· 10 p.m .: lie school teachers wiD be ana· CA~~~t~~~~RS Driv.lnn H.. flCtwy air-conditioning; 1968 ZIg Zag Portable ...... d against each lot or p.rcel hour. (".tlvt Cr.ft Clntl'!', Monday Iyzed on "Seeds Of Disconten t" GENERATORS STARTERS Loc.tlons Ave!l.bl. .11 power, windows, stttrl.... of ground and against rallw.~ or and Wed- - " nd t 11 ..... $ewIng m.chln. - ,lightly IIlr.et railway comp.nles a easaille ,=>Y ay. 3·5 a 7·10 a . Brlggl & Strlltton Mators I. Sulln, c.p.clty for 75 per· .nd brlik", rllllie plus ••...-.0 thereror. Wllhln twenty days aftcr FAMILY NIGHT at the F ield p.m.; Tucooay. Thursday and e "Urbanization And Rural sons I.,. pI.yer. 81.,. wIth bl.ck wed, 5 y ••r ,arts .u.ren... . f~c~I~~;lf~ ~{d ~hl~.~~~~or·l~ :l.b~ House wiD be held from 7: l ~9 F riday. 7·]0 p.m.; Saturday and Reconstruction." a lect.ure by PYRAMIi> SERVICES 2. OInlng Room atm osphere "Inyl roof. Need. SO"" motor Bu"t In control.... "ere. t, prior proceedlags on .ccount of p. m. every Wednesday night. Sunday, 1·5 p.m.; WhHI Room, Paul Goodman stressing the need '21 S, Dubuque 01.1 337.5723 3. ~~~~s:~C~~d~:e~.I ~or~!~ ~~~t work (v.I".. ) IfNI there Is h.1I m.k. button hoi .., 5tW Ituf. ~~~[Sbelr~:~~a~~I".!rlyfn:n::l~·WI~~ Open to students. staff and facul· Monday·Thursday. 7 a.m.·l0:30 for decenlralization in solving ";Z:==iiiiii======~ Ham & Reuben. damag.. Will Mil fer $2,501 ton" f.ncy Itltche., bIJnd """ with Ihe Clly Clerk . Ind .ny obJec· ty and their families. Please p.m .• Friday. 7 a .m .. 11 :30 p.m., our current problems, wiD be ~ I. Self·servlce without half d.m••• ,..,.In 'I' dre.... , etc. ~~r:e;,o l so mlde h.1I be deemed present ID cards. stan or spouse Saturday. 3.1 1:30 p. m., Sunday. broadcast this morning at 11 :30. M 0 N E Y LOA NED 3. Caplla1 required $15,000 $3,'" If I ,..,llr c.,.. Complete Price $39.50 y O. te or 11r.1 publlc.Uon AUillst cards. 3-l0:30 p.m. ,' RIver Room, dally, e Franc- - G-'UI'an!'S ''The B• •Y2Qe.· rl . net Income. minimum For Inform-o.lon c.11 -6...... 291 h 1\188 ~...... , . 'u DI.monell, C.mor.. , Gunl, • ooo .., or .slume ,.yment... ~ •. Glen V. Eckard -- 7 a.m.-7 p. m .• Breakfast, 7-10:30 Enchanted Forest," a mid 18th I TypewrIte", W.tches, ROY DUNSMORE per month. No abll,,",,,,.,.. City Clerk of FIELD HOUSE POOL 'HOURS a.m .. Lunch. 11 :30 a.m .• l p.m . century symp/lonic composition Lun ..., Music.llnltrumtnts Write VIfI.gtr Rt5tlUrlnts, home d.monstrati~n . C.1I (ClIo Published In The D~~;aIO?!!~·. r::: for men: Monday· Friday, Noon· Dinner. 5. .1 p. m.; St.te Roo .... : performed by the Angelicum Or. HOCK.EYE LOAN 4827 Dodge Street 337-4191 or 353.5292 ltd) Capitol Sew ing Credll ~ . 191\8 1 p.m .• 5:30·7 :30 p.m. Student or Monday·F rJday, 11 :30 a.m.-l :30 che lra oC Milan, will open this I Omaha, Nebr. Da"" ONLY Mgr. ""til 9 " . m. (Dlvenpert 1,lll~\Cd In The Dally Iowan, Sept. r s tafC card required. p.m. afleroooo's 1 o'clock coocert. .._~_D.I ••• I .33.7 .... 53.5 ___ -' ... __~ __2_81 _.2I_2_.211-__21+_ 2~_He--' ,_____ '_. ____ ~..:. .__ 322_.5_92_1_' ______