Minutes of the Meeting of Churchill and Blakedown Parish Council held on Wednesday, 20th February 2013, in the Pavilion, Blakedown Sports Centre, Road, Blakedown

PRESENT Cllr P A Dearden (Chairman) Cllr Mrs S Cartwright Cllr Ms S E Fowler Cllr Mrs P V Hayward Cllr B Humble (from Item 5, minute 30/13) Cllr M R Keys Cllr J W Long Cllr B A Pitt Cllr R J Shade

In attendance: County Cllr Stephen Clee Geoff Elwell, Millennium Green Trustee Roger Gurney, Clerk to the Parish Council

26/13 CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS Cllr Dearden welcomed Councillors and members of the public to meeting.


28/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Dearden declared Another Interest in planning application WF/13/0041 in Item 15, minute no. 40/13(1).

29/13 PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY The Clerk formally reported that two applications to fill the vacancy had been received, from Mr Brett Humble and Mr Andrew Yardley, and these were circulated with the agenda. It was agreed that there should be a secret ballot, with the candidate receiving the highest number of votes being elected, with the Chairman having a casting vote in the event of a tie. After the ballot the Chairman had to use his casting vote and announced that Brett Humble be co-opted to the Parish Council. Mr Humble signed the Acceptance of Office and took his place with the Council. The Chairman thanked Mr Yardley for submitting his application and thanked him for the work that he already contributes to the community.

30/13 COMMUNITY POLICING Cllr Ms Fowler reported that she had attended a meeting with the Police at Police Station, at which the Police and Crime Commissioner, Bill Longmore, and his Deputy were in attendance. This was an interesting meeting, at which the emphasis is being put on community policing. Representatives of other parish councils were also in attendance. The Clerk reported that PC Andy Wallace and CSO Kate Easthope had a meeting with the Parish Rooms Committee regarding the provision of a barrier across the car park 247 CHURCHILL AND BLAKEDOWN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes 20.02.13

entrance. It seems that this likely to be installed later in the year. This should prevent the use of the car park by youths in cars, some of whom are dealing in drugs

31/13 MILLENNIUM GREEN Geoff Elwell was invited to speak. The latest accounts to the end of March 2013 were circulated with the agenda. This year has seen the Trust make a loss of some £99, but a donation will be received from Barratts for work across the Green in connection with their development. He requested that the Parish Council for a grant of £266.52 to cover the insurance for the Millennium Green for 2013, and it was agreed that this be considered later in the meeting, at Item 16, minute 41/13(2))..

ADJOURNMENT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT (Three members of the public were present. John Lorton commented that bollards in Birmingham Road have been knocked down; there are still 2 school signs on A.456 from Birmingham direction; and that the fishing hut at Ladies Pool has been burnt down).

32/13 REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS County Cllr Clee said that the County Council would now like to offload the verge cutting provision and, if the Parish Council wished to take up this duty, it can arrange for its own contractor and receive a grant for this. He also reported that the Millennium bench is due to be delivered by mid March.

33/13 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 16th JANUARY 2013 It was proposed by Cllr Ms Fowler, seconded by Cllr Long, and RESOLVED that the Minutes, being a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the meeting, be signed by the Chairman.

34/13 PURCHASE OF THE VILLAGE GREEN The Clerk presented the Land Registry and Pre-emption Agreement which had been prepared by CC, acting as solicitors for the Parish Council. A report summarizing the work and implications was circulated with the agenda. That the Parish Council proceeds with the purchase of the Village Green on the terms stated in the documents was proposed by Cllr Shade, seconded by Cllr Long, and agreed by 8 votes to one. The Chairman and the Clerk duly signed the documents.

35/13 BLAKEDOWN SIGNAL BOX Cllr Ms Fowler reported that, following discussions she had had with Network Rail they would now absorb the cost of supervision during the dismantling of the signal box. This means that Part 1 of the project is now secure. Cllr Long commented that Mark Garnier MP was also aware of this. This means that work can proceed with an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant towards the reconstruction of the signal box. The possibility of setting up a separate Trust for this will have to be considered in due course. Cllr Long reported that a meeting was held on 24th January at Wyre Forest House with WFDC planning officers, WF Community Housing, and others to discuss the submission of the necessary planning application. This is progressing. It was accepted that much progress has been made in the past month, but it was accepted that discussions need to continue. CHURCHILL AND BLAKEDOWN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes 20.02.13 248

36/13 BLAKEDOWN LEVEL CROSSING No reply has been received regarding a representative of Network Rail to attend a meeting of the Parish Council, as was suggested by Mark Garnier at the meeting on 4th January..

37/13 PUBLIC EXAMINATION AND WFDC SITE ALLOCATIONS PLAN This Examination in Public was held in the last week in January and Cllrs Long and Shade attended. Cllr Long explained that the definition of “local housing”, put forward by WFDC officers after discussion with the Parish Council, was further amended by the Inspector. This is now better defined and should be of benefit to the rural areas of Wyre Forest DC. The Clerk reported that the public consultation period for the proposed modifications has started and runs until 28th March 2013.

38/13 BARRATTS’ DEVELOPMENT (GLADSTONE PLACE) (1) Proposed footway lighting. A plan of the suggested position of the footway lighting was circulated at the meeting. This was the first draft by the consultants and showed the position of 7 columns. Members agreed that there should only be four and the positions were agreed. The consultants will be informed of this decision. (2) Concerns regarding the development. Several residents of Belbroughton Road have expressed their concerns with some aspects of the current development, including mud on the highway, mud washed into drains, deliveries early in the morning. Lines of communication seem to be established and the Site Manager has been contacted and is addressing the various concerns.

39/13 PROGRESS REPORTS FOR INFORMATION (1) Parish Web site. Gordon Stevens was not in attendance and there was no report. (2) Lengthsman/Handyman. Mark Jones sent his apologies. (3) New road sign and post, Churchill crossroads. There was no information as to whether this has been erected. (4) Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Clerk reported that he has been told by WFDC Planners that no representations have been received during the 6 week consultation period. The designation will be reported to the WFDC Planning Committee on 12th March 2013 and, subject to Member approval the formal decision should be issued in late March. (5) Blakedown Room at Wyre Forest House. Discussions are progressing to obtain a suitable photograph for the Blakedown Room.

40/13 PLANNING APPLICATIONS (1) Applications received WF/13/9001/NMA Alteration to garage on plots 2, 12, 17, 21, 23, 25, Former Nurseries site, Belbroughton Road, Blakedown

The Parish Council is concerned that only the site plan was sent in connection with this amendment, which, on the face of it, shows little of any concern.

However, on subsequently viewing the website, it would appear that these “amendments” are rather more extensive than appears from the layout plan submitted, as there is a plan which shows material alterations to these 6 garages. Why were these other plans and 249 CHURCHILL AND BLAKEDOWN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes 20.02.13

the application form not sent with the layout plan? It would appear that additional living accommodation is being created; this can have an implication on problems with overdevelopment, overlooking and inadequate parking provision and possibly, a change of use if they are promoted for office accommodation. .

The Parish Council considers that these amendments would create material changes to the approved application and, therefore, these changes should be considered as a full application.

WF/13/0025 Single storey extension to link garage to house and alteration to garage to create ancillary accommodation, 79 Belbroughton Road, Blakedown No objection

WF/13/0041 Erection of 2 detached houses, 22 Belbroughton Road, Blakedown

Objection to the proposal and recommend Refusal. Whilst there has been permission for a single replacement dwelling on this site, it is considered that the width of the site is inadequate to accommodate the two dwellings now proposed. The dwellings are too large for the site, the design is not in keeping with nearby dwellings and the parking provision is inadequate.

The Parish Council will wish to speak at the Planning Committee in connection with the application

WF/13/0044 Extension to kitchen, alterations and extensions at first floor to add bathroom and bedroom, loft conversion with dormer, 37 Belbroughton Road, Blakedown No objection

(2) Planning decisions WF/12/0710 Conversion and extension to provide manager’s accommodation at first floor level, Rippledown Barn, Sugar Loaf Lane, Iverley - GRANTED WF/12/0786 Access, Farm House, Common Farm, Crown Lane, Iverley – GRANTED WF/12/0788 Pitch roof over garage and porch, 77 Belbroughton Road, Blakedown – GRANTED WF/09/0838 Compliance with planning conditions for new dwelling, 1 Mill Lane, Blakedown – GRANTED on 14.01.13

41/13 FINANCE (1) The Clerk reported that the current account today stands at £8,269.33p and the Instant Access account stands at £31,141.53p, giving a total credit balance of £39,410.86p. (2) It was agreed that consideration of a grant towards the insurance cost for the Millennium Green Trustees, raised by Geoff Elwell earlier in the meeting, be considered at a meeting in the next financial year. CHURCHILL AND BLAKEDOWN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes 20.02.13 250

(3) It was proposed by Cllr Shade, seconded by Cllr Ms Fowler, and resolved that the following accounts be approved for payment:

Staples (UK) Ltd £25.67 + £5.13 VAT £ 30.80 Worcestershire County Council £440.00 Mark Jones Handyman £320.00 Lengthsman £200.00 £990.80

42/13 HIGHWAY MATTERS Cllr Ms Fowler reported that she has received complaints from residents in Wannerton Road regarding an apparent use of a property for commercial business, including parking of vehicles on the footway. It seems that the Police are not involved. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the enforcement officers at WFDC, to investigate any breaches of planning regulations. It was noted that a telegraph pole has recently been erected on the footway in Belbroughton Road, seemingly causing an obstruction. The Clerk will refer this to the Highway authority.

43/13 UPDATE ON THE AVENUE There was no further information.

44/13 HANDYMAN’S/LENGTHSMAN’S WORK SCHEDULE The Clerk prepared a list of the duties set out for the Handyman and Lengthsman, which was circulated with the agenda. It was suggested that more details need to be available regarding the time needed for these tasks to be carried out, accepting that some will be seasonal. It was accepted that verge cutting will require additional time and it may be appropriate to appoint a separate contractor, as suggested by County Cllr Clee earlier in the meeting. The Clerk was asked to arrange for Mark Jones to attend the next meeting, so that the matter can be discussed in more detail.

45/13 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING There was nothing to add to the decision made at the previous meeting.

46/13 ITEMS FROM CALC There was no information.

47/13 CORRESPONDENCE (for noting) (1) Diocese of Worcester – Proposed restructuring of Nursery Provision at Belbroughton CE (VC) Primary School (enclosed) (2) WFDC – notice of review of local election fees (3) WFDC - Available assets (4) Agendas - , , Kinver (5) Sports and Recreation Centre – request for Parish Council meeting dates for 2013. Agreed for meetings to be held on third Wednesdays of each month, except for the second Wednesday in December 251 CHURCHILL AND BLAKEDOWN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes 20.02.13


49/13 DATE OF NEXT MEETING This will be held on Wednesday, 20th March 2013, at 7.30 pm in Blakedown Sports Pavilion.

The meeting closed at 10.52 pm.

Dated his 20th March 2013 ……………………………………Chairman