PBS Liberty! Episode 3 “The Times That Try Men’s Souls”

The and Washington Through the Eyes of Those Who Served with Him

In this lesson you will:

1. Understand the major political and strategic factors that led to the American victory in the Revolutionary War (for example, the importance of the Battle of Saratoga, the use of guerilla and conventional warfare and the importance of King's Mountain in defining the war)

2. Understand the social and economic impact of the Revolutionary War (for example, problems of financing the war, wartime inflation, hoarding and profiteering and the personal and social impact of economic hardships caused by the war)

3. Understand the strategic elements of the Revolutionary War (for example, how the Americans won the war against superior British resources, American and British military leaders and major military campaigns)

Instructions: Click on the link and read excerpts from the diary of Albigence Waldo, surgeon at Valley Forge. Then give thoughtful responses on your own paper to the questions that follow. http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1776-1785/albigence-waldo-from-the- diary-of-a-surgeon-at-valley-forge-1777.php

1. What sort of military action does the source describe that occurred on December 11? What does he note as the outcome of this action?

2. Next, look at the diary entry for December 13. In your view, is this entry critical or supportive of the commanding officers at Valley Forge? What evidence in the entry supports your conclusion?

3. Read the diary entry for December 14. In this entry, list at least four conditions described by Waldo that either he or other soldiers at Valley Forge are enduring.

4. After reading the excerpt for Waldo’s diary, describe how you see his morale. List at least three examples from the reading to back up your description.

5. In your view, based on your reading and viewing the episodes from Liberty!, would Waldo’s account be fairly consistent of the experience of the average soldier during the Revolutionary War? The officers? Write a paragraph explaining your view.

6. Assume that you were George Washington and received a copy of Waldo’s diary. What concern, if any, would you have about the conditions stated in it?

7. In Liberty! Episode #3, Pauline Maier notes, “…this means you have a different kind of an army. A more democratical army maybe, a more egalitarian army maybe. And in some ways it was a style of leadership that was going to be much more important for a republican government later on…” I n your view, would this method of leading an army be more or less effective than the opposing armies’ leadership styles described by the narrator of Liberty? Explain your view.

8. Why do you think George Washington had his officer read Thomas Paines’ American Crisis to troops on the eve of the ? (See 3rd link below)

9. John Shy, in the end of Episode #3, looks at Washington’s victories at Trenton and Princeton as watershed events, noting, “From that point, he seems to be able to do no wrong.” Washington, after these two little military victories, seems to exemplify the Revolution.” Presume you are a soldier in Washington’s army and are a veteran of the battles at Princeton and Trenton. Write a letter home to your parents describing how you see Washington’s leadership in these battles.

Be sure to check out these excellent sites for more stories and information!

Valley Forge and Monmouth: http://www.usahistory.info/Revolution/Valley-Forge.html

Letters from Valley Forge: http://www.americanrevolution.org/vlyfrgeltrs.php

Thomas Paine’s “The American Crisis” http://libertyonline.hypermall.com/Paine/Crisis/Crisis-TOC.html

Map of region http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/national_parks/valley_forge_battle97.pdf