SYSTEMATICS Description of a Species of Bemisia (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)

T. S. BELLOWS, JR.,i THOMAS M. PERRING,* R. J. GILL,* AND D. H. HEADRICK* Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 87(2): 195-206 (1994) ABSTRACT Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, n. sp., is described from material collected in California and Florida. This species has been referred to elsewhere as B. tabaci strain B or B. tabaci poinsettia strain. The species has been demonstrated to be distinct from B. tabaci (Gennadius) by crossing experiments, studies on intraspecific and interspecific mating behavior, analysis of allozymic frequencies, PCR analysis of genomic DNA, and morphological evaluation. The description of the new species is based on morphological and allozymic characters. The species is distinguished from B. tabaci in the fourth nymphal instar by the absence of a dorsal seta, the width of the thoracic tracheal folds, the width of the wax extrusions from the tracheal folds, and, in the adult, by migration distances of allozymes for three enzyme systems.

KEY WORDS Bemisia argentifolii, Bemisia tabaci,

THE GENUS Bemisia contains 37 recognized spe- whitefly was found in several cropping systems cies (Mound & Halsey 1978). Bemisia tabaci and on native plants in several states. (Gennadius), the type species of the genus, has Central to research on this whitefly is the iden- been interpreted as a widely distributed, mor- tity of the organism. Several workers have iden- phologically variable species (e.g., Corbett 1935, tified differences between the , includ- Russell 1957, Danzig 1966); Mound & Halsey ing size (B. tabaci is larger [Bethke et al. 1991]), (1978) listed 22 synonyms for the species. De- fertility (B. tabaci is less fecund [Bethke et al. scriptions or type specimens of additional spe- 1991]), host plant range (Byrne & Miller 1990), cies of Bemisia are similar morphologically to B. feeding rate (B. tabaci produces honeydew at a tabaci, so it is conceivable that additional hith- lower rate [Byrne & Miller 1990]), and the ability erto unrecognized synonyms exist. There is also to cause a plant disorder referred to as squash evidence that the species referred to as B. tabaci silverleaf (B. tabaci does not cause this disorder comprises a species complex. Reports of popula- [Bharathan et al. 1990, Costa & Brown 1991, Per- tions of B. tabaci that reproduce successfully on ring et al. 1991, Cohen et al. 1992]). Gill (1992) some hosts (e.g., cassava) whereas other popula- suggested that the two whiteflies may represent tions do not (Byrne et al. 1990, Burban et al. distinct species, and Perring et al. (1993) con- 1992) suggest the possibility of separate species. curred, proposing the common name silverleaf For several years two whitefly populations in whitefly. The conclusions of Perring et al. (1993) the United States have been referred to B. tabaci were based on the absence of interspecific cop- and distinguished as "strains" of this species ulation and on genotypic and phenotypic differ- (Bharathan et al. 1990, Byrne & Miller 1990, ences. No female offspring resulted from eggs Bethke et al. 1991). The two populations have laid by females in interspecific crossing studies, been variously referred to as B. tabaci strain A or indicating that there was no fertilization of eggs. cotton strain (which we refer to here as B. tabaci) Studies on copulation behavior demonstrated and B. tabaci strain B or poinsettia strain. Bemi- that copulation did not occur between the spe- sia tabaci has been in the United States since cies. Phenotypic analyses using isoelectric focus- 1897 (Russell 1957, Mound & Halsey 1978), but ing demonstrated fixed differences in allelic "strain B" was recognized first in the United frequencies between the taxa (Perring et al. States in 1986 (Price et al. 1987). The widespread 1992, 1993). Further studies quantified substan- impact of the latter whitefly on North American tial differences in single-primer PCR-amplified agriculture in 1991 resulted in damages totaling DNA sequences (Perring et al. 1993), with as a half billion dollars (Perring et al. 1993). The little as 10% similarity between the two taxa, whereas similarity among different populations within each of the two taxa was 90%. Gawel & 1 Department of Entomology, University of California, Riv- Bartlett (1993) also reported differences in PCR- erside, CA 92521. 2 amplified DNA products; in their studies they Analysis and Identification Division, California Depart- found that the two Bemisia species were as dif- ment of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, CA 94271. 196 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 87, no. 2 ferent from each other as they were from two in a graded series of acidulated ethanol, finishing other whiteflies, Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana) with 100% ethanol, as described by Headrick & and Trialeurodes abutilonea (Haldeman). Goeden (1991). Specimens were then critical- We report results from the examination of point dried using CO2 as a transfer fluid, mounted series of nymphal and adult whiteflies mounted on stubs, sputter-coated with a gold- from reared populations of Bemisia tabaci, palladium alloy, and examined with a scanning mounted series of the new species, and the syn- electron microscope (JEOL JSM C-35) in the De- types and previously identified material of B. partment of Nematology, University of Califor- tabaci. We provide a description of the new spe- nia, Riverside. All micrographs were prepared cies, including a discussion of the morphological with Polaroid P/N film, at 15kV. similarities to and differences from B. tabaci. We describe both morphological and allozymic diag- noses that can be applied to individual white- Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, n. sp. flies, permitting the distinction of the new spe- (Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6) cies from B. tabaci. We discuss the implications Fourth Nymphal Instar (Pupal Case). Color- of these findings on the need for revision of the less, with no evident adorning wax; dorsum with genus Bemisia. thin, inconspicuous, transparent wax layer; ven- ter on ring of wax. Shape suboval, lateral margin Materials and Methods smooth, not deflexed (Fig. 1); size dimorphic, 710-790 /urn long by 480-570 /im wide, and Fourth-instar nymphs were prepared for exam- 580-640 /Am long by 380-430 /u,m wide. Tra- ination by light microscopy by initially soaking cheal pore area indented slightly from margin, them in 10% sodium hydroxide for 24-48 hours, without tracheal combs; derm of thoracic tra- followed by rinsing in alcohol. Specimens were cheal folds usually with numerous, minute then transferred to Essig's aphid solution (20 spinules or hemispherical-appearing protuber- parts lactic acid, 2 parts saturated aqueous solu- ances; spinules sometimes lacking on specimens tion of phenol, 4 parts glacial acetic acid, 1 part with enlarged dorsal setae. Thoracic tracheal water). A few drops of 5% aqueous solution of folds with average width 22.5 /im (range, 14.5- lignin pink were added, and specimens were 29.0, n = 9); smaller individuals with narrower heated in this fluid at 40°C for 1-2 h until the folds. Dorsum of nymph generally smooth, with- body contents had been macerated and the spec- out papillae or projections other than setae. An- imens were mostly transparent. Specimens were terior marginal setae (AMS), posterior marginal rinsed in Essig's aphid solution, and then dehy- setae (PMS), caudal setae (CS) present. Submar- drated either by placing them directly into cel- ginal setae in anterior group (ASMS) and poste- losolve, or by passing them through a series of rior group (PSMS) on dorsum, not present on alcohols starting with 50%, proceeding through intervening body segments; anterior submar- 100% and finishing in cedar oil. Dehydrated ginal setae (ASMS) 1-3 located anterior to first specimens were mounted dorsum up in Cana- dorsal seta (Fig. 1); anterior submarginal seta 4 dian balsam on glass slides. Adult specimens usually lacking; posterior submarginal setae 1—5 were treated similarly. Some adult specimens posterior to fourth abdominal segment. Usually were mounted, for temporary study, in Hoyer's five to six pairs of dorsal setae (DS), variable in mountant. Figs. 1-3 show the morphology of the size; setae not enlarged —12 /am long, enlarged fourth nymphal instar (pupal case) of B. argenti- setae 80-142 /xm long (Fig. 2), arising from en- folii and of B. tabaci. Each of these illustrations larged bases. was produced using a camera lucida at 400 x Small discoidal pores, with associated smaller magnification for tracing the outlines and place- porette, aligned in four, bilaterally symmetrical, ment of the structures. Completed illustrations serially arranged groups, with one pore-porette were produced with computer software, with pair on each side on each body segment, with subsequent image reduction to page size; there- occasional duplication on some segments, par- fore the illustrations are not necessarily pre- ticularly the thorax. Submarginal pore-porette sented in the same scale. Each of these illustra- series (SMaP) encircling pupal case; submedial tions indicates the left dorsal side only. Certain series (SMeP) parallel and lateral of longitudinal ventral structures such as the legs, antennae, and midline from vasiform orifice to the head; sub- thoracic tracheal folds are indicated as dashed dorsal series (SDP) in arc from laterad of va- lines. All the dorsal setae on the syntypes of B. siform orifice to head; thoracic series (SThP) on tabaci are either broken near the base or missing thoracic segments between submedial and sub- entirely; the missing setae are drawn as approx- dorsal series. Transverse molting sutures each imations based on other material. with obtuse angle halfway to lateral margin. Specimens for scanning electron microscopy Transverse molting sutures not reaching lateral (n = 8) were removed from host plants and fixed margin. Vasiform orifice triangular, not com- in aqueous osmium tetroxide for 24 h, washed in pletely covered by operculum (Fig. 5a). Lingula distilled water twice for 5 min, then dehydrated spatulate, with two terminal setae; distal portion March 1994 BELLOWS ET AL.: NEW SPECIES OF Bemisia 197




ASMS4 (absent)

Pores/porettes submarginal group (SMaP)

Pores/porettes in thoracic group (SThP)

Pores/porettes in submedial group (SMeP) Pores/porettes in PSMS5 subdorsal group (SDP)



Fig. 1. Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, n. sp. Holotype. Dorsum of fourth nymphal instar (pupal case) of specimen without enlarged dorsal setae. AMS, anterior marginal setae; ASMS, anterior submarginal setae; CS, caudal setae; DS, dorsal setae; PMS, posterior marginal setae; PSMS, posterior submarginal setae; SDP, pores/ porettes in subdorsal group; SMaP, pores/porettes in submarginal group; SMeP, pores/porettes in submedial group; SThP, pores/porettes in thoracic group. 198 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 87, no. 2

ASMS4 (absent)

Pores/porettes in submarginal group (SMaP)

Pores/porettes in thoracic group (SThP)

Pores/porettes in submedial group PSMS5 (SMeP) Pores/porettes in subdorsal group (SDP)




Fig. 2. Bemisia argentifolii. Data same as holotype. Dorsum of fourth nymphal instar (pupa) of specimen with enlarged dorsal setae. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. March 1994 BELLOWS ET AL.: NEW SPECIES OF Bemisia 199


Pores/porettes in submarginal group (SMaP)

Pores/porettes in thoracic group (SThP)

Pores/porettes in submedial group (SMeP) PSMS5 Pores/porettes in subdorsal group (SDP)

Fig. 3. Bemisia tabaci, syntype. Specimen from tobacco (Nicotiana sp.), Athens, Greece, 10 June 1899, P. Gennadius. Abbreviations as in Fig. 1. 200 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 87, no. 2 of lingula covered with minute acanthae appear- and weak. In B. tabaci they are wider and more ing as rugosities in mounted specimens. robust (Fig. 4). This character is consistent Variation. The outline of the pupal case occa- among specimens from a variety of host plant sionally is indented, the result of development species examined to date and readily distin- adjacent to stout leaf hairs. Size dimorphism is guishes the two species. likely a result of sexual dimorphism, with the Adult. Body yellow, wings hyaline; both cov- male nymph smaller than the female. The prin- ered with sparse, powdery wax; antennal seg- cipal source of differences observed among indi- ment II about one-half as long as antennal seg- viduals, even those from a single colony, is vari- ment III; antennal segment II with narrow, ability in numbers and location of enlarged conical sensorium (Figs. 5b, c, 6a); length of an- dorsal setae. Enlarged dorsal setae can alter the tennal segment III about as long as antennal curvature of the dorsum during slide-mounting, segments IV-VII combined (Fig. 5b, c); segment contributing to difficulty in locating and identi- IV subequal to segments V, VI, or VII; one sen- fying minute characters, particularly the submar- sorium located on proximal portion of segment ginal setae. The five to six dorsal setae are num- III; distal portion of segment III bearing three bered from the anterior pair: DS1, associated sensoria: a sensorial cone and two rhinarial-type with the head; DS2 with the prothorax; DS3 with sensoria in nonadjacent, more distal locations the mesothorax; DS4 with the metathorax; DS5 (Figs. 5b, c, 6b); segment V with an apical with the first abdominal segment; and DS6 with rhinarial-type sensoria, segment VI with a sub- the eighth abdominal segment (the vasiform ori- apical sensorial cone, and segment VII with both fice seta). The locations of DS1, DS2, DS3, and a sensorial cone and an adjacent rhinarial senso- DS5 appear to be relatively constant. The posi- rium, arising near middle of segment and termi- tions of DS4 and DS6 can vary. If not enlarged, nating in narrow, conical sensorium (Figs. 5b, c, DS6 always occurs on the lateral margin of the 6c); conical sensoria on segments III—VII fluted vasiform orifice, pointing posteromedially to- (Fig. 6d), rhinarial-type sensoria surrounded by ward the orifice; but if enlarged, this seta is minute, bifurcate acanthae (Fig. 6e); outline of found away from the orifice in an anterolaterad antennal segments III—VII in slide-mounted direction. Enlarged DS4 usually occur on the specimens appearing rugose or scalloped, in subdorsal area of the metathorax. If DS4 is not SEM specimens antennal surface composed of enlarged, it cannot be discerned; DS4 setae that irregular pleats or folds (Fig. 6c, e); antennae are not enlarged have not been found in any B. bearing minute acanthae, generally arising from argentifolii (or B. tabaci) material examined, but ridges of folds in segments III—VII (Fig. 6c, d, e); are known in other Bemisia species. Posterior in slide-mounted specimens acanthae apparently submarginal setae PSMS5, if not enlarged, can circumscribing antennae (Fig. 5b, c); upper eye occur in various places within the lateral area of composed of =45 ommatidia, each approxi- abdominal segment 3 between the SMaP and mately 8.1 /am in diameter; lower compound eye SDP pore series and, in some specimens, are composed of 31 ommatidia, each approximately aligned with the setae in the posterior submar- 10.3 /am in diameter, arranged in interconnected ginal series. When enlarged, PSMS5 always is groups of 6 pigmented ommatidia surrounding found in a more medial position directly associ- single relatively nonpigmented, slightly smaller ated with the subdorsal pore (SDP) series. Setal ommatidium (Figs. 5g, 6f); upper and lower com- enlargement is variable in the species (as in pound eye connected by a single ommatidium; other Bemisia spp. and other genera), and none, metatibial combs consisting of 16—19 setae; all some, or all of the dorsal setal pairs may enlarge tibial brushes containing two adjacent setae; (see comments under Remarks). claspers paired, symmetrical, with —12 setae, Thoracic tracheal folds in this species are ap- medial hemispherical enlargement arising in proximately half as wide as those of B. tabaci, distal third of each clasper (Fig. 5d), three long ranging from 14 to 29 /am (mean, 22.5 ± 1.0 setae arising from hemispherical enlargement; [SEM] /am) in nine specimens measuring 601- aedeagus slightly curved (Fig. 5f). 795 /urn in length. In B. tabaci, tracheal fold Allozymic Distinction Between B. argentifolii width ranged from 38.7 to 67.8 /am (mean, 50.3 ± and B. tabaci. Migration distances of several en- 2.2 [SEM] /xm) in eight specimens measuring zymes (Perring et al. 1993) were defined with the 727-920 /am in length. isoelectric focusing technique described by Per- Scanning electron microscopy revealed sev- ring et al. (1992), which can be conducted on eral morphological differences between popula- individual white flies. Bemisia argentifolii is dis- tions of B. tabaci and B. argentifolii, particularly tinguished from B. tabaci by the migration dis- in the fourth nymphal instar. One character, tances of the two enzymes phosphoglucose which is visible with light microscopy in living isomerase and phosphoglucomutase (Table 1). specimens, involves the marginal wax projec- These migration distances represent fixed allelic tions from the thoracic and posterior tracheal differences for the two species. Analyses of indi- folds (Fig. 4). In B. argentifolii these wax projec- viduals from populations within each species tions are narrow, with the wax filaments short were not polymorphic in B. argentifolii and only March 1994 BELLOWS ET AL.: NEW SPECIES OF Bemisia 201

15KU X139 0915 100.0U

Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs of Bemisia argentifolii and B. tabaci. (Top) Bemisia argentifolii fourth nymphal instar (pupal case), dorsal view, anterior to right. (Bottom) Bemisia tabaci, fourth nymphal instar (pupal case), anterior to right. Arrows denote anterior and posterior wax at marginal opening of tracheal folds. In B. argentifolii, anterior wax fringes are narrower and less robust, and posterior wax fringe is as wide as separation of caudal setae. In B. tabaci, the posterior wax fringe extends laterad of caudal setae.

rarely polymorphic in B. tabaci; no fixed differ- ported among populations of B. tabaci in re- ences among populations within species were sponse to various host plants (Burban et al. 1992) observed. In addition to these two enzymes, we or pesticide exposure (Wool & Greenberg 1990). noted differences in esterases, as have other au- Type Material. HOLOTYPE pupal case on thors (Costa & Brown 1991, Cohen et al. 1992, slide labeled USA, California, Riverside, De- Liu et al. 1992, Perring et al. 1993). However, cember 1992, stock culture, reared ex Phaseolus this enzyme is highly polymorphic in this spe- limensis Macfady deposited in USNM. PARA- cies, and because differences in migrational dis- TYPES (additional pupal cases): 64 specimens tances for this enzyme are subtle (Table 1), we from P. limensis on 19 slides, same location, col- do not rely solely on esterase banding patterns to lected XII-92; 24 specimens from cotton (Gos- distinguish between B. tabaci and B. argentifo- sypium hirsutum L.) on 12 slides, same location, lii. Also, differences in esterases have been re- collected VII-93; 60 specimens from melon (CM- 202 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 87, no. 2


Fig. 5. Bemisia argentifolii. (a) Vasiform orifice of fourth nymphal instar. (b) Male adult antenna, (c) Female adult antenna, (d) Male claspers, dorsal aspect, (e) Male clasper, lateral aspect, (f) Aedeagus, lateral aspect, (g) Diagrammatic representation of left compound eye of adult female, a, d, e, and f drawn to same scale, with scale bar for a of 50 /nm; scale bar for b and c of 100 /i,m. March 1994 BELLOWS ET AL.: NEW SPECIES OF Bemisia 203

Fig. 6. Scanning electron micrographs of Bemisia argentifolii adults. (A) Conical sensorium on female antennal segment II. (B) Rhinarial and conical sensoria on female antennal segment III. (C) Female antennal segment VII. (D) Conical sensorium on female antennal segment III, showing fluting. (E) Rhinarial-type senso- rium surrounded by bifurcate acanthae on female antenna. (F) Side view of female head, showing compound eye; arrow indicates crenulations on antennal segment III.

cumis melo L.) on 30 slides, same location, col- lected VII-93. Paratype material deposited in the lected VII-93; 50 specimens from grape (Vitis Department of Entomology, University of Cali- sp.) on 25 slides, same location, collected VII-93; fornia, Riverside, and California Department of 16 specimens from sweet potato (Ipomea batatas Food and Agriculture, Sacramento. Holotype (L.) Lam) on eight slides, same location, col- without enlarged dorsal setae; paratypes with 204 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 87, no. 2

Table 1. Allelic frequencies from three loci in Bemisia ically in the development and placement of wax- argentifolii and Bemisia tabaci extruding papillae in the genus Trialeurodes. Mound (1963) studied in depth the connection a Bemisia Bemisia Enzyme system Allele argentifolii tabaci between setal enlargement in the pupae of Be- misia tabaci in relation to the hairiness of the Phosphoglucomutase 0.17 1.00 — 0.30 — 0.97 leaf surfaces of the host. Nymphs reared on rel- 0.42 0.03 atively glabrous leaf surfaces showed little or no Phosphoglucose isomerase 0.16 — 0.97 setal enlargement, whereas those reared on hir- 0.20 1.00 — sute leaf surfaces showed setal enlargement. 0.29 — 0.03 Setal enlargement in relation to plant host is not Esterase IV 0.42 0.04 confined to B. tabaci and B. argentifolii, but is 0.43 0.005 — 0.44 0.88 known in other Bemisia species and in other 0.48 0.995 — aleyrodid genera. In B. tabaci and B. argentifo- Null — 0.08 lii, the actual number of setae that enlarge on a specimen on any given leaf can vary. The pattern " Numbers for each allele = distance between center of pro- tein band and cathode/inter-electrode distance. of enlargement usually begins with enlargement of DS1 only; other setae may enlarge in other specimens in pairs usually from front to back. varying degrees of setal enlargement. Adult para- Occasionally the setal enlargement may be types (5 specimens ex P. limensis) on slides, de- asymmetrical. For instance, we have observed a posited in the Department of Entomology, Uni- specimen with DS6 on one side not enlarged and versity of California, Riverside, and an additional on the rim pointing into the vasiform orifice, but adult series of 100 adults is in cryogenic storage, enlarged and removed from the margin of the University of California, Riverside. vasiform orifice on the other side. Additional Material Examined. Adults. USA: These enlargements of various setae on the Coachella, California, 9-IX-91, ex Citrus para- pupae occur in both B. argentifolii and B. tabaci. disi (grapefruit), Vitis sp.; Imperial County, Cal- One of the morphological differences noted be- ifornia, 23-IX-91, ex Medicago sativa L. (alfalfa), tween these two species is the presence or ab- Cucumis melo (cantaloupe), Brassica oleracea L. sence of the anterior submarginal seta ASMS4. It (broccoli), Ficus sp., Lantana sp., Lactuca sativa is present in the syntypes of B. tabaci (Fig. 3), in L. (lettuce), Citrus sp. (tangelo); Bakersfield, B. tabaci material collected in the United States California, 23-IX-91, ex Poinsettia sp; Braden- before 1981, and in B. tabaci specimens col- ton, Florida, 23-IX-91, ex Lycopersicum esculen- lected from poinsettia before 1986. It is nearly tum Mill (tomato); Riverside, California, 30-X- always absent in B. argentifolii. Of the speci- 92, ex Gossypium hirsutum (cotton). mens slide-mounted as the type series of B. ar- Distribution. USA: California, Florida. Proba- gentifolii, only two specimens appear to have a bly widely distributed. seta in this position, and then on one side only. Biology. Species is multivoltine and polypha- The seta is missing from nearly all material col- gous (see Type Material and Additional Material lected from poinsettia since 1987, as well as from Examined). The species causes a phenomenon numerous specimens, from several different known as squash silverleaf, a plant disorder that hosts, that either are believed or have been dem- leads to silvering of the foliage of certain suscep- onstrated by allozyme analyses to be B. argenti- tible squash (Cucurbitaceae) species. This folii. Reasons why this seta is rarely present in B. whitefly is the only species known at this time to argentifolii are not clearly understood, but do cause this disorder, and every population known not seem to be related to factors that cause the of this species that has been tested causes the enlargement or disappearance of the other body disorder (Bharathan et al. 1990, Yokomi et al. setae on the dorsum. In specimens with enlarged 1990, Costa & Brown 1991, Perring et al. 1991, setae, the pupae tend to be more convex than Cohen et al. 1992). otherwise, and in the slide-mounting procedure Etymology. The species is named for the oc- the area where the seta ASMS4 occurs often is currence of the whitefly-induced phenomenon rolled into a vertical position. In such specimens, known as squash silverleaf. We have suggested the presence or absence and location of this seta as the common name for the on species that have it (such as B. tabaci) can be species (Perring et al. 1993). nearly impossible to ascertain. Remarks. Two morphological differences are noted between B. argentifolii and B. tabaci. One of these is the difference in thoracic tracheal fold Discussion widths, which appears constant and distinct be- Bemisia argentifolii is the name now applied tween the species. The second difference is the to material previously referred to B. tabaci occurrence of submarginal seta ASMS4. Russell "strain B" in the United States. Although there (1948) recognized the effects of hosts on the mor- are similarities in gross morphology between phology of the pupal stages of whiteflies, specif- B. argentifolii and B. tabaci, B. argentifolii is March 1994 BELLOWS ET AL.: NEW SPECIES OF Bemisia 205 genetically distinct (as demonstrated by both Byrne, D. N., T. S. Bellows, Jr., & M. P. Parrella. genotypic and phenotypic [allozymic] analyses), 1990. Whiteflies in agricultural systems, pp. 227- reproductively isolated, differs in several biolog- 261. In D. Gerling [ed.] Whiteflies: their bionomics, ical characteristics, and differs morphologically. pest status and management. Intercept, Andover, Cryptic species and species complexes in the U.K. Insecta are not uncommon (e.g., Diehl & Bush Campbell, B. C. 1993. Congruent evolution be- tween whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and 1984, Henry et al. 1993). The present analysis their bacterial endosymbionts based on respective indicates the possibility of a complex of species 18S and 16S rDNAs. Curr. Microbiol. 26: 129-132. related to tabaci in Bemisia, and literature Clark, M. A., L. Bauman, M. A. Munson, P. Bauman, records of host plant relationships among popu- B. C. Campbell, J. E. Duffus, L. S. Osborne & N. A. lations of B. tabaci (Burban et al. 1992) may refer Moran. 1992. The eubacterial endosymbionts of to separate species in this group. whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) constitute a Clearly a revision of the genus Bemisia will lineage distinct from the endosymbionts of aphids prove fruitful in identifying and clarifying these and mealybugs. Curr. Microbiol. 25: 1583-1587. issues. Such a revision probably will involve ge- Cohen, S., J. D. Duffus & H. Y. Liu. 1992. A new netic as well as morphological analyses of differ- Bemisia tabaci biotype in the southwestern United ent populations, because morphological similar- States and its role in silverleaf of squash and trans- ity among some species is substantial, and mission of lettuce infectious yellows virus. Phy- tophathology 82: 86-90. morphological variability occurs within species. Corbett, G. H. 1935. Malayan Aleyrodidae. J. Fed. Analyses of genes for ribosomal RNA from B. Malay States Mus. 17: 722-852. tabaci and B. argentifolii (Campbell 1993) and Costa, H. S. & J. K. Brown. 1991. Variation in bio- from their symbiotic microorganisms (Clark et al. logical characteristics and esterase patterns among 1992) indicated a high degree of similarity in populations of Bemisia tabaci, and the association sequences between these species. Therefore, of one population with silverleaf symptom induc- future genomic studies may include analyses of tion. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 61: 211-219. additional nuclear DNA; such analyses have Danzig, E. M. 1966. The whiteflies (Homoptera, previously demonstrated differences between Aleyrodoidea) of the Southern Primor'ye (Soviet these species (Gawel & Bartlett 1993, Perring et Far East). Entomol. Obozr. 45: 364-386 [in Rus- al. 1993). Electrophoretic characterization of en- sian]. [English translation in Entomol. Rev. 48(4): zymes also may contribute to future revisions. 552-559.] Diehl, S. R. & G. L. Bush. 1984. An evolutionary However, there may be variation in the relia- and applied perspective of biotypes. Annu. bility of some enzymes, such as esterases, and Rev. Entomol. 29: 471-504. in general proteins (Richardson et al. 1986); Gawel, N. J. & A. C. Bartlett. 1994. Characterization thus, allozyme markers should be selected care- of differences between whiteflies using rapid-PCR. fully. Insect Mol. Biol. (in press). Gill, R. J. 1992. A review of the sweetpotato white- fly in southern California. Pan-Pac. Entomol. 68: Acknowledgments 144-152. Thanks to L. Mound and J. Martin (Natural History Headrick, D. H. & R. D. Goeden. 1991. Life history Museum, London), B. Campbell (USDA-ARS, Albany, of Trupanea californica Malloch (Diptera: Tephriti- CA), and N. Gawel (USDA-ARS, Phoenix) for reviews dae) on Gnaphalium spp. in southern California. of the manuscript. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 93: 559-570. Henry, C. S., M. Martinez Wells & R. J. Pupedis. 1993. 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