Sieges of Bibliography

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Nardone, J., La prise de Rhodes par Soliman le Magnifique (Cahors, 2010)

Sarnowsky, J., ‘The Oligarchy at Work: The Chapters General of the Hospitallers in the 15th Century (1421-1522)’,Autour de la première croisade, ed. M. Balard (Sorbonne, 1996), 267-76

Swanson, R. N., ‘Caxton’s Indulgence for Rhodes, 1480-81’, The Library , 5 (2004), 195-201

Tyerman, C., England and the 1095-1588 (Chicago, London, 1988)

Vatin, N., ‘The Hospitallers at Rhodes and the Ottoman Turks, 1480–1522’, Crusading in the Fifteenth Century, Message and Impact , ed. N. Housley (Basingstoke, 2004), 148–62

Vatin, N., Sultan Diem: Un prince ottoman dans l’Europe du XVe siècle d’après deux sources contemporaines: Vâ ı’ât-ı Sul an Cem, Œuvres de Guillaume Caoursin (Ankara, 1997)

Vann, T. M., ‘Battlefield Tourism: A Description of the 1480 of Rhodes’, The Military Orders , 5: Politics and Power , ed. P. Edbury (Aldershot, 2012), 141-46

Vann, T. M. ,’The Fifteenth Century Maritime Operations of the Knights of Rhodes’, The Military Orders , 4: By Land and By Sea , ed. J. Upton-Ward (Aldershot, 2008), 215-20

Vann, T. M., ‘John Kaye, the ‘Dread Turk’, and the ’, The Military Orders, 3: History and Heritage , ed. V. Mallia-Milanes (Aldershot, 2008), 245-52

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