National Budget Debate 2016

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National Budget Debate 2016 Wednesday - March 16 - 2016 Capital Weekly Page 1 No. 049 Wednesday - March 16 - 2016 Online Publication National Budget Debate 2016 Robust Exchange Expected Between Government & Opposition the first three-term adminis- Prime Minister) an economy tration in post-independence and public finances which Belize undertakes the oblig- stand on the rock-solid foun- atory task of defending its dation of a strong currency first budget in the new term. backed up by excess reserves, Appropriately titled, robust fiscal revenues and a “Stability in a Time of Change”, well-managed public debt. The the 2016-2017 National Budget challenge is not at all lessened is a realistic but ambitious by the fact of the administra- proposal in the face of unprec- tion’s own transformational Rt. Honourable Dean Barrow Honourable John Briceno edented regional and inter- success in the past term and the Prime Minister of Belize Leader of the Opposition national challenges, against a promise for this term that “the erhaps as widely and the Annual National Budget backdrop of shrinking dispos- best is yet to come”. The govern- anxiously anticipated Debate! Set for Tuesday and able financial resources, but ment’s mission in this budget as the Cross Country Wednesday, March 22 and 23, thankfully on the back of a is, therefore, to maintain the Cycling Classic or the the two-day event promises to macro-framework character- optimism even as it employs PRuta Maya River Challenge is be one of the most eventful as ized by (in the words of the Continued on Page 3 TROUBLE AT SARSTOON Belize-Guatemala Military Incident “TheNew Water BEST System for is Maskall HERE!” Village The Government of Belize rights in accordance with the 1859 confirms that a confrontation be- Treaty Demarcation of the river, tween Belize Security Forces and is at an all-time high. Talks are to Guatemalan Armed Forces oc- take place in Washington on Tues- curred late evening of Saturday, day, March 15th, between the two March 12th, at the Sarstoon in the sides under the auspices of the area of Belize's Forward Operat- OAS, and in the meantime Be- ing Base. The GAF approached lize has informed key members the FOB, though they never actu- of the international community, ally attempted to come on to our including the US and the UK, of land, and behaved in an extremely the extremely critical situation. Story on Page 14 Belize’s Forward Operating Base under construction at Sarstoon TRANSFORMATION hostile and threatening manner, A strongly worded protest Reopening of Isidoro Beaton Stadium insisting that our troops should note is being sent to Guatemala not be at the Sarstoon. The Belize by the Belize Ministry of Foreign Forces stood their ground and af- Affairs, and the Prime Minister ter some time the GAF withdrew. has convened a special meeting In the intervening period the BDF of the National Security Council Commander General Jones had for Monday, March 14th to further spoken to an opposite member deal with the matter. It is to be in Guatemala and Prime Minis- noted that the Belize delegation ter Dean Barrow had sent a mes- to the Washington talks includes sage to President Jimmy Morales. Assad Shoman as the representa- Despite the ultimately tive of the Opposition, and that peaceful end to the standoff it is the Prime Minister has personally clear that tension with Guate- briefed Opposition Leader John Story on Page 2 mala over the Sarstoon and Be- Briceno on the Sarstoon incident. lize's insistence on its sovereignty (PRESS RELEASE) Page 2 Capital Weekly Wednesday - March 16 - 2016 TRANSFORMATION EDITORIAL Reopening of Isidoro Beaton Stadium Dramatic Dynamic Democracy he dramatic changes in lead- ership of the two major po- litical parties might seem earthshaking, but they are Tpart of the normal course of political transition in a dynamic democracy. Isidoro Beaton Football Stadium in Belmopan Nearing Completion Written By Manolo Romero Belize Infrastructure Limited. It is expected that the new sta- Political leaders at all levels serve at he brainchild of area dium will be launched next representative and the behest and pleasure of the people they week in a spectacular match Minister of National up with a visiting football are presumed to represent. No human en- Security Hon. John team from Central America. TSaldivar, construction works at deavor is ever perfect, but in order for the the Isidro Beaton Football Stadi- (It’s now announced that core principles of Democracy to remain um will be completed this week. the grand re-opening of Isidoro Its design genius can Beaton Football Stadium takes relevant, the people must at reasonable no longer be concealed be- place Tuesday March 15, 2016, hind curtains of construc- with an international friendly intervals be afforded the opportunity to tion activity. The stadium has match between Belmopan Ban- been upgraded to world-class dits and Progreso of Honduras express their satisfaction or disapproval standards at an estimated featuring Belizean and former with the quality, effectiveness and con- cost of just over $3.5 million. Bandits Goal Keeper Woodrow The massive complex West. Game time is 7:30 P.M.) sequence of the representation their leaders are discharging on their behalf. When the current Opposition Party made the decision in the last term to pass resolutions constitutionally shielding its leaders from being challenged inter- nally, it was an undemocratic and ill- advised move; and this has been borne out by the unbroken chain of political Belmopan Area Representative Honourable John Saldivar inspecting the work on the almost completed Isidoro Beaton Football Stadium defeats leading to the eventual change, will be the pride of Belmopan - E if not that of the entire country. some weeks ago, of its leadership. Yes, this is part of The Best Is Yet There’s a serious lesson in this for the To Come pledge from our United CAPITAL Democratic Party government. ruling UDP Government and Party which “I have never seen such a green field,” said Hon. Mi- WEEKLY goes to a national convention in a few chael Finnegan an accom- plished football sports com- days. While there might be nothing fun- mentator and writer in his Published By: damentally wrong with the UDP leader- own right, on doing a recent walk through of the facility. Roots & Rhythm ship, the stepping aside of its first deputy The sports facil- Limited ity includes a three-storey could be a blessing in disguise, affording ferro-concrete structure hous- the general membership an opportunity ing home and guest locker Editor: rooms, V.I.P. and press boxes to review, reassess and renew its confi- as well as concession areas. Delroy Cuthkelvin The field is the first syn- dence in the party’s overall leadership. thetic turf football pitch con- As the old hymn goes, “God moves in a structed to FIFA standards in Email: Belize, and is equipped with e.capwklybmpbelize @ mysterious way his wonders to perform!” lighting for night games. The project was implemented by Wednesday - March 16 - 2016 Capital Weekly Page 3 National Budget Debate 2016 Robust Exchange Expected Between Government & Opposition Hon. Patrick Faber Hon. John Saldivar Hon. Cordel Hyde Hon. Kareem Musa Collet Representative Belmopan Representative Lake I Representative Caribbean Shores Representative Continued from Page 1 opment and social justice, respondent banks, led the finance are concerned. The Op- sound financial policy which but also of fiscal responsibil- monetary gurus in Washing- position’s starting lineup and compels it square its ambitions ity and sound stewardship. ton to assume that he was. bench are also strengthened with the means at its disposal. But politics being what it As a debater, the PM and deepened by the return This, clearly, is the mood that is, the Opposition will certainly is of course, second to none. of the outspoken south-side Prime Minister Dean Barrow seek to exploit the Govern- And he is supported by a good representative from Lake I and attempts to set as he remarks ment’s financial constraints, parliamentary lineup featuring, the second coming of Musa in his budget proposal, “The ex- its daunting challenges and its among others, two seasoned (perhaps the most adroit op- tent of this reduced but still ro- arduous mission as conceded, debaters motivated by leader- position debater of the last bust new normal will be deter- confronted and charted with- ship aspirations, Hon. John two terms) through his son, mined by a number of factors.” in the new Budget Proposal. Saldivar and Hon. Patrick Faber. the north-side representative This being the first and The Prime Minister is The Leader of the Op- of the business-loaded con- pace-setting budget in his last no banker or financial expert position might not be the great stituency of Caribbean Shores. term as Minister of Finance, but, as the Central Bank Gov- debater that the PM is, but as a The debate on the 2016 the Prime Minister certainly ernor jokingly reported, his businessman Briceno certainly National Budget will certainly wants to preserve his legacy grasp of the issues arising from has a leg on which to stand, be lively and entertaining; hope- of transformational devel- de-risking and loss of cor- particularly where matters of fully it will also be productive! New Vehicles for Health Ministry From IDB he Salud Mesoamerica and will be used to aid with out- 2015 Initiative which reach activities for preventive is an innovative pub- interventions at the commu- lic/private partner- nity level geared at improving Tship funded by the Bill and maternal health and reduc- Melinda Gates Foundation, ing child mortality. The ve- the Inter-American Develop- hicles will be distributed to the ment Bank (IDB), the Carlos Western and Northern Health Slim Institute for Health and Regions for immediate use.
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