Parish Council NOTICE OF MEETING The Monthly meeting of Ickford Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10th September 2019 7.30pm, To be held at Ickford Pavilion Please inform the Clerk if you are unable to attend. The meeting is open to all members of the public and the press. Residents are welcome to attend and can address the meeting during Public Open Forum


Agenda Previous Subject Item No. Item No. 661 644 Present: PP

662 645 Apologies and approval of absences: Mr P Jordain, Mrs J Quickendon PP

663 646 To resolve that the minutes from the last Parish Council meeting, held on ALL Wednesday 19th June 2019 are agreed and signed. 664 647 To receive declarations of interests Any councillor with an interest in any village association must declare at this point of ALL the meeting - this includes any shareholding of any kind.

665 648 To consider requests for dispensations: ALL 666 New Parish Councillor Having received a request from Mr A Hudson to become a Parish Councillor, Councillors to formally vote for acceptance.

667 Standing Orders/Protocol on Members/Code of Conduct New documents produced to be agreed/approved and signed 668 649 Finance:

a) To draw cheques for August 2019 Invoices PP

b) To agree accounts and bank reconciliation (sent to all Councillors by email PP

before the meeting) PP

c) Cheque signing/new online bank account PP

669 650 To report on meetings attended on behalf of the Parish Council:

Future meetings/training to be attended on behalf of Parish Council: Oakley Express Way meeting to be held in Oakley Village Hall on Tuesday 24th September at 7.30pm. Speakers invited will provide a balanced view for residents of Oakley, Worminghall, Ickford to enable residents to make up their own minds.

PREPARED BY: CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Pat Pointer,14 Ashfield Rise, Oakley Bucks HP18 9QA Phone: 01844 237067 Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 3 Ickford Parish Council

670 651 Planning To discuss planning applications and make recommendations and to include to those planning applications received after this agenda is published if urgent a) Planning 17/03322/AOP To discuss the outcome of the Appeal. 17/03322/AOP Land at and to rear of 42 Worminghall Road

b) New Planning 19/02977/COUAR-ICKFORD Little Ickford Farm, Bulls Lane, Ickford HP18 9HR Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport and high way impact, noise contamination risk, flooding and locational considerations for the conversion of an agricultural building into one dwelling (Class Q (a) Comments to be returned by 10th September 2019.

Outstanding Planning: c) 19/01408/ALB Orchard Cottage, 7 Little Ickford, HP18 9HS Conversion of existing garage/workshop to granny annexe. Out for Circulation 19/01407/APP Orchard Cottage, 7 Little Ickford, HP18 9HS Conversion of existing garage/workshop to granny annexe. Out for Circulation 19/01543/COUAR Oaktree Farm, Road, Ickford HP18 9JG Determination as to whether prior approval is required in respect of transport & highway impact, noise, contamination rise, flooding and locational considerations for the conversion of agricultural barn into dwelling house (Class Q (a) 18/03669/APP – The Grange Barns Church Road, Ickford HP18 9HZ Variation of condition 2 in accordance with planning permission 02/03413/APP This application seeks to amend the current planning permission (02/03413/APP) to provide specialised living accommodation for a disabled family member and improve views of the surrounding countryside. (waiting decision AVDC 17/02516/AOP Land off Turnfields Ickford – waiting Decision AVDC

Approved: d) 19/01385/APP 58 Worminghall Road, Ickford HP18 9JD Single storey rear extension and insert door and window to side of garage Approved: 01/08/2019 19/00114/APP- ICKFORD Land adjacent to 18-24 Sheldon Road, Ickford Creation of 3 no. parking bays including 1 no. disabled bay- circulated to Counsellors – Approved: 29.08.2019 671 652 Open Forum for Parishioners: (under adjournment) 15 minutes are available if requested for parishioners to address the Council on any local issues 672 653 /Cambridge Expressway Clerk to inform of meeting at Oakley Village Hall 673 654 Village Maintenance and Landscaping ROSPA: a) Playground area Waiting for quotation on the surface around the Rockers PP b) Playing Field Area: To look at various options for a new shed.

PREPARED BY: CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Pat Pointer,14 Ashfield Rise, Oakley Aylesbury Bucks HP18 9QA Phone: 01844 237067 Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 3 Ickford Parish Council

c) Discussion on New School Playground build ALL

d) Anything new to report? ALL

Annual Maintenance Schedule To be looked at and updated ALL 674 Village Matters a) Bus Shelter Discussion on the way forward, BK to discuss questionnaire. BK b) Hedges: Any new to report?

675 655 Highways and Byways a) Footpaths: • Discussion update on footpath clearance and which order to carry them out. PJ b) • Stiles & Kissing Gates • Update on the repair needed on the footpath at Rocker Lane and PJ

c) MVAS • Posts and reports PP

d) Potholes: Turnfields Pot holes have now been repaired Photographs that have been sent to the Clerk have been reported. Any new potholes/pavements to report?

676 Street Light: a) Any new repairs to report?

677 657 Communication and Publicity

a) Neighbourhood Plan: MA to up date 678 658 Village Organisations and "Institutions"

a) Sports Pavilion & Car Parking: • Update on quotations for work on floor at Pavilion.? • New Parish Councillor member for the Pavilion Committee 679 Defibrillator Machine a) Update on Pads To agree the date of the next Ickford Parish Council Meeting 680 659 As: Tuesday 8th October 2019 at 07.30pm To be held in Ickford Pavilion

Time meeting ended:

PREPARED BY: CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Pat Pointer,14 Ashfield Rise, Oakley Aylesbury Bucks HP18 9QA Phone: 01844 237067 Email: [email protected] Page 3 of 3