Improve Latent Semantic Analysis based Model by Integrating Multiple Level Knowledge Rong Zhang and Alexander I. Rudnicky School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA {rongz, air}

ABSTRACT models lose a great deal of useful language information, such as long distance correlations, syntactic constraints and We describe an extension to the use of Latent Semantic semantic consistence. Analysis (LSA) for language modeling. This technique makes Many attempts have been made in the last two decades [1] to it easier to exploit long distance relationships in natural solve these problems. Some successful examples include the language for which the traditional n-gram is unsuited. class model, lattice model, caching model, decision tree However, with the growth of length, the semantic model, maximum entropy model, whole sentence model, representation of the history may be contaminated by structured model, and the model based on Latent Semantic irrelevant information, increasing the uncertainty in predicting Analysis (LSA). The LSA based language model the next word. To address this problem, we propose a multi- [2][3][4][5][6] aims to use the semantic relationship between level framework dividing the history into three levels to increase the accuracy of prediction. Different from corresponding to document, paragraph and sentence. To the trigger modeling which has the same motivation, the LSA combine the three levels of information with the n-gram, a approach maps the words and histories into a Softmax network is used. We further present a statistical using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique, and scheme that dynamically determines the unit scope in the measures their similarities with geometric distance metrics, generalization stage. The combination of all the techniques e.g. the inner product between vectors. leads to a 14% perplexity reduction on a subset of Wall Street This paper presents our work on this new language modeling Journal, compared with the model. technique, including a multi-level framework to represent the history information, a statistical scheme to determine the unit 1. INTRODUCTION scope, and a Softmax network to combine various parts. The combination of all the techniques leads to a 14% perplexity Statistical language modeling plays an important role in reduction on a subset of Wall Street Journal compared with a various areas of natural language processing including speech trigram model. recognition, and . These applications need to know the probability of word string 2. LANGUAGE MODELING BASED ON w = (w ,w ,...,w ) . Using the Bayes rule, the probability 1 2 T LATENT SEMANTIC ANALYSIS P(w) can be represented by the product of conditional 2.1 Latent Semantic Analysis probabilities of the next word given its history. T LSA is a widely used statistical technique in the information = P(w) ∏ P(wt | h t ) (1) retrieval community [7]. The primary assumption is that there t=1 exists some underlying or latent structure in the occurrence where h denotes the history of word w that pattern of words across documents, and LSA can be used to t t estimate this latent structure. This is accomplished by two = h t (w1 ,w2 ,...,wt−1 ) . The goal of language modeling is steps: construct a word-document co-occurrence matrix and reduce its dimensions using the SVD technique. to provide an accurate estimation for P(w | h ) . t t Let Γ , | Γ |= M , be the vocabulary of interest, and Ψ the The n-gram model is the most commonly used language model. In such models the history is truncated into the most training corpus comprising N documents. Define X as the co- recent n-1 words with the assumption that the language is occurrence matrix with M rows and N columns, in which each generated from a n-1 order Markov source. That is, element xi, j corresponds to the word-document pair ≈ P(wt | h t ) P(wt | wt−n+1 ,...,wt−1 ) (2) (wi ,d j ) . Usually xi, j is expressed by the form of tf-idf, that Such simplification benefits n-gram model by reducing the tf is the normalized term frequency that conveys the number of free parameters into an affordable range, and importance of a word to a document, and idf is called the making it possible, in combination with smoothing and back- inverse document frequency that shows the discriminating off techniques, to train on a limited size corpus. However, this ability of a word in the whole corpus. assumption has obvious weakness that it doesn’t take into Two weaknesses impair the application of such co-occurrence account the contexts wider than n-1 words. Therefore, n-gram matrices. First, the dimensions M and N can be very large, e.g. in our experiments M = 20000 and N = 75000. Second, the Because the value range of Sim(w ,h ) is within [-1,1], we word and document vectors are often sparse and contain noise t t due to corpus limitations. SVD, a technique closely related to need to transform it to a probability metrics. One the eigenvector decomposition and , is used to transformation is as follows. −1 address these problems. SVD decomposes the word-document π − cos (Sim(w ,h )) P (w |h ) = t t (6) matrix into) three components. LSA t t π − −1 ∑[ cos (Sim(wi ,h t ))] X ≈ X = USV T (3) wi where S is the R×R of singular values, U is LSA based language model is further combined with n-gram the M×R matrix of eigenvectors derived from the word-word model. (7) shows one form of the combinations. T × correlation matrix given by XX , and V is the N R matrix P(wt | h t ) of eigenvectors derived from the document-document P (w | h ) correlation matrix given by XT X . The value of R is typically P (w | w ,...,w ) LSA t t n−gram t t−n+1 t−1 (7) chosen from the range 100 to 300, which is a trade-off = P(wt ) between two considerations. That is, it should be large enough   PLSA (wi | h t ) to cover all the underlying structure in the data, and at the ∑ P − (w | w − + ,...,w − )  same time, it should be small enough to filter out irrelevant  n gram i t n 1 t 1 P(w )  wi i details. The result of LSA is the mapping from the discrete word and where P(wi ) is the standard unigram probability. document sets, Γ and Ψ , to the R dimension continuous The LSA based language model was first proposed by space that is associated with , e.g. the word w is Bellegarda [2][3][4]. Experiments on Wall Street Journal data i showed this model can achieve significant improvement on represented by the vector ui . The advantage of this mapping both perplexity and word error rate. is that the in the words or texts, previously compared by manual categorization based on explicit 3. MULTI-LEVEL REPRESENTATION FOR knowledge, is reflected by the locations of their vectors and HISTORY can be easily computed using linear algebra. Such advantage makes LSA a well-suited technique for many natural language The LSA representation for the history has several drawbacks. processing tasks. First, the is treated as “a bag of words” that the word order is ignored. Compared with n-gram, the ignorance of 2.2 LSA based Language Modeling word order results in the loss of information such as syntactic constraints. Fortunately, this point is partly addressed by the Long distance correlation between words is a common integration with traditional n-gram. phenomenon in natural language caused by either the Another drawback is, with the growth of text length, the closeness of meaning, e.g. the word “stock” and “bond” are representation of the history may be contaminated by both likely to occur in a financial news, or the syntactic irrelevant information, increasing the uncertainty to predict the collocation, e.g. “but also” is expected to occur somewhere next word. For example, the contamination can be caused by after the “not only”. Traditional n-gram model is unsuited for the function words, e.g. “the” and “of”. The function words representing such phenomenon since the distances involved don’t carry much semantic information and are assigned a are often beyond n-1 words. However, such phenomenon is small global weight. However they still play a dominant role easy to model using the LSA framework where the correlation in the history due to their large number of occurrences. of words can be measured in the semantic space. Sometimes the “noise” generated by function words may In this approach, the next word wt is represented by the surpass the voice of the content words. As a result, the vector u which is derived from LSA, and the history effectiveness of the LSA model is diluted. wt Another reason responsible for the contamination is often = h t (w1 ,w2 ,..., wt −1 ) is treated as a pseudo-document neglected. Computed on the level of document, LSA attempts which vector is as follows. to represent all the semantic information in the document by a − single low dimensional vector. Nevertheless, the variety of the v = y T US 1 (4) ht ht topic, the complexity of text structure, plus the flexibility of personal expression and the ambiguity of natural language, where y is the M dimension tf-idf vector for the pseudo- ht make it impossible to realize this goal. document. The closeness between w and its history h is To address these problems, we proposed a multi-level t t framework to represent the history. In this framework, the 1 2 history is divided into three levels: the document level, the measured by the cosine of the angle between u w S and t paragraph level and the sentence level. Each level has its own 1 2 vector in the semantic space. v h S . t = T −1 1 1 Document: vd y d US (8) = 2 2 Sim(w ,h ) cos(u S ,v S ) (5) − t t wt ht = T 1 Paragraph: v p y p US (9) = T −1 Sentence: vs y s US (10) 1 where y , y and y denote the tf-idf vectors for the d p s 0.9 histories starting from the current document, paragraph and 0.8 sentence. 0.7 The three-level framework can be understood as hierarchical representation associated with topic, sub-topic and local detail. 0.6 0.5 We hope the contamination from the function words is F(n) reduced in the paragraph and sentence level histories. 0.4 Meantime, the framework including three-level information is 0.3 expected to be superior than the representation based on only 0.2 one level. The next sections discuss two implementation 0.1 issues: how to determine the unit scope in the generalization 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 stage, and how to combine the framework with n-gram. n (document) Figure 1 F(n) and approximation for document 4. DYNAMIC SCOPE SELECTION 1

In our corpus, the boundaries for document, paragraph and 0.9 sentence have been marked, e.g. each sentence is separated by 0.8

” and “”. While we can use these marks to locate the 0.7 starting point of a unit in the training stage, it’s illegal to use 0.6 them in the generalization stage. Thus we need to figure out a 0.5 strategy to determine the unit scope for the generalization. A F(n) simple solution is to maintain a fixed size caching window. 0.4 For example, we may assume that only the last 10 words 0.3 belong to the current sentence while any context older than it 0.2 is irrelevant. Another choice was proposed by [4] that adopted 0.1 an exponential decay factor to discount history. 0 0 50 100 150 We address this issue based on the statistical result from the n (paragraph) corpus. Let x be the variable denoting the length of unit u, and Figure 2 F(n) and approximation for paragraph u can be the document, paragraph or sentence. First, the 1 probabilities are computed for each u from the training Pu (x) 0.9 corpus. And then we compute the distribution functions 0.8

0.7 Fu (n) from Pu (x) . ∞ 0.6


= ≥ = F(n) Fu (n) Pu (x n) ∑ Pu (x) (11) x=n 0.4

0.3 Fu (n) are represented by the solid curves in the Figure 1, 2 0.2 and 3. It’s easy to prove that are mono-decreasing Fu (n) 0.1

0 functions with F (0) = 1 and F (∞) = 0 . Therefore, we 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 u u n (sentence) Figure 3 F(n) and approximation for sentence can choose Fu (n) as the decay function for history. Namely the discount factor for the word wt−n is defined as 5. SOFTMAX COMBINATION = Decayu (wt−n ) Fu (n) (12) The Softmax network is a powerful tool to learn probabilistic In our experiments, we further employ easy-computed events, e.g. language modeling [6][8]. In a Softmax network, the activation function for the output node i is functions to approximate Fu (n) . exp gi ≈ α n = (16) F (n) (13) Oi document g j − α ∗ +β 2 ∑ exp ≈ ( 1 n 1 ) Fparagraph (n) exp (14) j −(α ∗n+β )2 where g is the net value for node i. Apparently, the value of ≈ 2 2 i Fsentence (n) exp (15) is within (0, 1), and the sum of is equal to 1. These The dashed lines in the Figure 1, 2 and 3 show the Oi Oi approximation results; history length, in words, is shown on properties make O a good mimic for probability. the abscissa. In our corpus, the maximum observed sizes are: i document, 6000 words; paragraph, 505 words; sentence, 225 We use Softmax network to combine LSA based model with words. Note that (13), the decay function for document level n-gram model. Our Softmax network has 20000 output nodes, each of which represents a word in the vocabulary. There are history is similar to that in [4]. four inputs for each word, corresponding to its n-gram probability and its closeness to the three level histories We also noticed that the models containing the paragraph level separately. history outperform those without it. This may suggest that sub- I 1 = log(P (w | w ,w )) (17) topic or “focus” information constitutes the most effective i trigram i t−2 t−1 scope for LSA-derived semantic information. − 2 = π − 1 (18) I i cos (Sim(wi ,h d )) Combinations Perplexity 3 = π − −1 I i cos (Sim(wi ,h p )) (19) Trigram 88.82 − Trigram + D. 80.24 4 = π − 1 (20) I i cos (Sim(wi ,h s )) Trigram + P. 77.36 Trigram + S. 79.48 where hd , hp and h s denote the histories starting from the Trigram + D. + P. 77.11 current document, paragraph and sentence. To speed up the Trigram + D. + S. 77.80 training process, we applied two simplifications to the network architecture: abandon the hidden layer and tie the input Trigram + P. + S. 77.69 weights. Consequently, the net value of node i has the form of Trigram + D. + P. + S. 76.09 g = λ I 1 + λ I 2 + λ I 3 + λ I 4 (21) Table 1 Performance of n-gram and LSA based models i 1 i 2 i 3 i 4 i D.: Document level model; P.: Paragraph level model; S.: Moreover, the output of node i, which is the estimation for Sentence level model. = P(wt i | h t ) , is 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT λ k ∑ k Ii k =1 This research was sponsored in part by the Space and Naval = = = exp (22) P(wt i | h t ) Oi 4 Warfare Systems Center, San Diego, under Grant No. λ k ∑ k I j N66001-99-1-8905. The content of the information in this = ∑ exp k 1 publication does not necessarily reflect the position or the j policy of the US Government, and no official endorsement Optimization of the weights is achieved by maximizing the should be inferred. perplexity of the corpus. = REFERENCES L ∑log(P(wt | h t )) (23) t [1] Ronald Rosenfeld, “Two decades of statistical language 6. 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