. . . .

there is a door which i know that belids a world within

a world of metamorphosis and endless


but more than that . .

of people . .

there is a door which i know that Is more than a door

it is a major part of . . LEWIS and CLARK HIGH SCHOOL

Spokane, Washington

Twenty-second Annual Edition


presents Tanya Wells, Managing Editor

Donald G. Black, Editorial and Business Manager

Walter C. Zollars, Jr., Art Adviser

Clarence E. Miller, Photography Adviser


. . . and occassional interruptions . . .

sponge . . .

Abraham Lincoln Parker


Courtesy of Harriot Nelson Cowling

Kaleidoscope "a variegated changing pattern, scene, or the like." You who have

been around these halls for four years can readily understand, I am sure, the theme for

this year's Tiger. Of course, there must be changes in customs, in leadership, in faculty,

in students, in sports, in hair styles, in friendships, in weather, in class officers, in school

clubs, in interests, in cafeteria menus, in meetings, in college advisers, in work permits, in

vacations in fact, in every aspect of a student's life.

Although there are many changes of color in a kaleidoscope, one knows there are

always certain basic colors. In the same way, in the kaleidoscopic changes in our school

life, there must always be certain fundamental values to which one must adhere. One

recognizes them and adheres to them education, honesty, courtesy, truth, patriotism, self-esteem, and faith in God.

Mr. A. L. Parker, Principal ADMINISTRATION

William E. L. Donner

Vice Principal

Pearl Barton Secretary m George W. Palmer Dean of Boys

Dorothy Guild Myrtle McElroy 1 Nurse Attendance Clerk

1 Bernadine McClincy Dean of Girls Elin Helten Dorothy Solin Bookkeeper Bookroom Clerk


1 Ray A. Cronrath Helen Huneke Bernice Supervisor of Senior Secretary Wanamaker Student Teachers Secretarial- stenographer SCIENCE

Warren A. Hall Clarence E. Miller w.s.u. Head U. of W.

1^ Vernon Medley Steve M. Hogue Gene Arger

Gonzaga U. E.M.C.E. w.s.u.

Peter B. Weitz Donald A. Kamp Alvln D. Byrne W.S.U. U. of Idaho Tri-Sci W.S.U. ENGLISH

Clara Adams Donald G. Black

Linfield College Quill and Scroll Tiger Staff Journal Staff U. of W.

Daralyn Atwood Martha 0. Graham Alda Howard U. of Arizona Tarkio College Papyrus Wellesley College

Helen Beigum JuneGruber Spokane Hutchison St. Olaf E.W.S.C. Orpheus U. of Idaho ENGLISH

E. E. McElvain U.of W. ^ tta^

Joyce C. Wickline Doris J. Sherburne Susan Oscarson W.S.U. U.ofW. Lewis and Clark College

William Zimmer Frances Vecchio Robert E. Senior Class Adviser Pages Book Club Salsbury, Jr. Gonzaga U. Colorado State Debate College of Educ. E.W.S.C. SOCIAL STUDIES

Katherine Hunt Head Forum W.S.U.

C. William Arthur Frey Anderson W.S.U. Annex Office W.S.U.

Robert L. Bartlett W. B. Graham Arthur 0. Colorado State U. of Kentucky Hightower Montana State

Orlando Fletcher James H. Hamilton Louis Hurst

Archery Senate E.W.S.C. Whitworth State College of Iowa

16 id

E. W. Toevs Louis S. Livingston

A.S.B. Adviser Key Club U. of Idaho U. ofW.

Gerda M. Wright Virgil F. Wickline Muriel Rossing

U. of W. w.s.u. F.T.A. Wtiitworth

John L. Wuhrman David J. Williams Max F. Schoening E.W.S.C. Red Cross w.s.u. Jr. Toastmasters Eastern Montana MATHEMATICS

\ * Fred Kramlich Head W.S.U.

Charles Ainley Glenn D. Daugherty Whitworth Locker Master E.W.S.C.

Raleigh A. Baldwin Robert Hamilton Eugene G.

State U. of Montana W.S.U. Sivertson Math Club W.S.U.

Florence Chisholm David Powell Wilbur Worthey W.S.U. Fire Squad Chess Club Office Counselor Gonzaga U. Colorado State College


Marguerite Cross Mead U. of W.

Carlos Flores Grace Bartlett Bengal Pep Club W.S.U. E.W.S.C.

Marian J. Schubert Betty Lou Hopkins Phyllis Bongers

U. of Idaho Das Rheingold Jr. Class Adviser Western Illinois U. E.W.S.C.

Harold E. Sl


II I rti II




Bernie C. Bunn Head W.S.U.


Hov,,,, , niiers Ruby Philips Boys' Bowling Head Southeast Missouri F.N.A. Willamette U.

Don G. Ellis Ann Cunningham Bernice Bruton Architectural Club Future Homemakers Head Oregon State U. Oregon State U. Mills College

Elmer R. Rich Genevieve Fisher Rachel Renn E.W.s.C. W.S.U. W.S.U.


E. L. Hunter STUDY HALL Head-Boys' Lettermen's Club U. of Idaho

Ruth Anderson Virginia Danke w.s.u. Head-Girls' Ti-Girls Girls' Intramurais W.S.U.

Mary Gerpheide Robert Scott John V. KaWe U.of Whitworth E.W.S.C. Southern

Sonja Roach Dan L. Olson Wilheimine Timm

E.W.S.C. U. of Minnesota W.S.U. '


ii Delbert Marshall Hazel Miller

Head Office Counselor Usherettes W.S.U. Whitworth


MUSIC Walter Brophy Ronald Schoesler E.W.S.C. Distributive Education Whitworth



Flora E. Gibbs M. Jay Stopher C. Oliver Fuller Jr. Executives Nebraska State Head U. of Idaho Teacher's College Instrumental Northwestern U.

Richard E. Lois Woodell Gerald Hartley Hembree E.W.S.C. Vocal W.S.U. U. of W. CUSTODIANS


Row 1: Jack Casey, John Miller, Walt Hanley

Row 2: Myrtle Pointer, Larry Devolve

Lydia S. Goos Row 3: Victor Smith, Al Currie, LaMar Jensen Head Missing: Elmer Cruse, Harold Smith U. of W.


Stanley E. Faubion Fine Arts Club E.W.S.C.

Row 1: Eva Schultz, Rose Carlson, Haru Mukai Walter C. 2: Evelyn Goodwin, Alice Willman, Martha Zollars, Jr. Row Neugebauer

Tiger Art Adviser Row 3: Martha Calvert, Charlotte Swan, Helen Romig, Ruth Brown E.W.S.C.



Mike Black

Mary Eriandson Robert Hunter

Candy Tiffany

*Students with 4.0 for seven semesters

Students with 3.7 or above for seven semesters in order of class rank

Michael Wilder Andrea Doyle Gwendolyn Funk Stephanie Hurst Janet Mitchell Richard Joss Helen Lawrence Michael Dirks Steve Vennema Pamela Pearson Vernon Jones Bruce Erickson Janice Campbell Janet Borr Gary Rader James Leigh Jan Comeaux John Womach Eric Davis Richard Lambert Margaret Appleton Royal McClure Sara LIndgren Robert Blair Nancy Ager Cheryl Green Eugenia Ellis Kathleen Elkins Nancy Raynor Michelle Franklin Carol Sanford Vicki Lander Daniel Goiser Nan Comeaux Lorry Kail Roy Bennion Janet Satre Patricia Dalquist


Carol Sanford


Molly McLellan Sheryl Ransom Kathy Elkins Judy Zacher D.A.R. Good Citizen Award Homemoker of the Yeor Business Education Award Stenographic Aword TIGER

Tanya Wells

Managing Editor

^ Bill Fernau KathySpeyer Sports Co-Editor Sports Co-Editor

Kitty Jellesed Leslie Smith ^^Jitn Hagel Cindy Woods

Index Editor Assistant Index Editor Advertising Editor Assistant Advertising Editor STAFF

K^argaret Howell Barry Andrews

Associate Editor Associate Editor Photography Coordinator

Barbara Lomax Linda Steenbergen Andrea Doyle Rita Simmons

Classes Editor Assistant Classes Editor Faculty Co-Editor Faculty Co-Editor

^ Bob Dashiell Gary Clark Business Manager Assistant Business Manager

'^enee Garceau Kathie Baughn Bob Gelb ^Shelene Gay Art Editor Staff Artist Assistant Photographer Photographic Editor EXCHANGE

Hans Gonzenbach Exchange Student from Switzerland

When I first heard of the American Field

Service about three years ago, I was at once

enthusiastic. In the fall of 1962 I applied for

a scholarship and finally in June 1963 I re-

ceived a thick envelope from AFS which told

me that I could spend a year in America.

America was always a magic word for me,

something very far from Switzerland. And

now, in just a few weeks, I should depart for America.

I was very lucky to get a family in Spokane,

a very nice town, but I was even luckier that

I could spend my school year at Lewis and

Clark. 1 enjoyed my stay from the first day

to the last one and I learned to understand

the way of living in America, the American school system, and so on. 1 changed my mind about the quite a bit, but entirely for the benefit of America.

I truly hope that many more foreign students will have the opportunity to spend a year atL. C.

Hans Gonzenbach STUDENTS

Jan Barr

Exchange Student to Denmark

The strangeness of a foreign country took

some adjustment. Needless to say, my first extended trip away from home found me

somewhat bewildered. I couldn't believe my

good fortune. The warm-hearted Danes made

me feel at home right away. These friendly

people welcomed me, taught me their lang- uage and made me one of them.

I'm sorry to miss the activities of my Amer-

ican senior class, and would love to be with

you for graduation; however, my graduation

pa Dansk will offer still another new and ex-

citing experience. I'm proud to be an Ameri-

can, but a port of my heart will remain in Denmark.

This past year has been hard work, but an undertaking I could wish for each end every

one of you. My best wishes to the students and faculty of Lewis and Clark, and my thanks

for letting me represent you and my country as your American Field Service student abroad.

Mange hilsener, Jan Barr

Jan itar ngh; and her ph^SiCS class. Michael Donald Nancy io Ronald Lee John Bernard Robert Martin ADAMS AGER AHL ALBI ALLISON

Sacajowea Oak Harbor High School, West Valley High School, Gonzoga Prep. Moses Lake Jr. Harbor, Art, Science Oak Wash. Art, Industrial Arts Mathematics, Science High School, Mathematics, Science Moses Lake, Wash. Frosh Track B-Squod Trock; Letter- At Gonzoga: Tennis; At Oak Harbor: A.S.B. men's Club; Varsity Baseball; Football Social Studios Council; Girls' Athletic Wrestling; Scholostic At L.C.: Baseball; Top A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Club Sec; Science Club Art Awords Junior in Math Contest B-Squad Football; At L.C.: F.T.A. Trees.; Spokane Community Gonzoga U. Wrestling; Jr. Con; H.R. Adelonte; Jr. Class, Red College Offices; Ski Club; Noll Cross Councils; Proctor Thespians W.S.U. U. of W.


Carlo Laurene Theodore Roosevelt Susan Dee Christine herald Lee ALMOUIST ALSUP ALSWORTH AMSBERRY ANDERSON Libby Libby Libby Franklin Irving Commercial Social Studies Science, Social Studies Art, Social Studies Commercial, At Libby: G.A.A.; News- Football; Trock; Jr., Sr Thespian Hist.; A.S.B., Senior Scout Board Pres.; Social Studies poper Stoff; 9A Con Track; Jr. Con G.F. Councils; A.S.B., Ti-Girls; Vorsity Tennis; Jr. Achievement; At L.C.: Jr. Executives; G.F. Comm.; Big Sister; Fine Arts; Cotton Day Hall Proctor Bowling Girls' Team Ski Club; Jr. Con Con Decorotions Chair- Wenotchee Valley K.B.U. W.S.U. man; G. F. Council; College Courtesy Girl; Dad- Daughter Dessert Hostess; Ski Club Montana State U.

Jan Clifford Jon Peter Karen De« Kevin Edward i^ristin Lee ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON Socaiawea Sacojaweo South Salem High School, Franklin South Salem High School, Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Salem, Ore. Mathematics, Salem, Ore. Social Studies At Sacajowea: Baseball; Foreign Languages, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Science Science Spokane Community Basketball A.S.B. Council; Jr. Con College At L.C.: Tri-Sci Hist.; Jr. Ti-Girls; F.N. A.; Ski Club; Script Comm.; Ski Club F.N. A., Ski Club; Ti-Girls; Horizon V. Pres., Toastmosters; B. F. U. of W. Horizon Sec; G.F. Council; Golf; B-Squad Sgt. ot Arms; G.F. Council; Big Sister; Soph. Football, Basketball; Council; Jr. Con Dance Picnic Food Comm.; H.R. Offices; Jr. Con Line; A.S.B., G.F. Journal Rep.; Jr. Con Big Sister; U. of Idoho Comm.; Dance Line; G.F., A.S.B. Soph. Picnic Food Comm. Comm. W.S.U. W.S.U.

32 Robert Edward Ronald Arthur Thomas Ernest Barry Maxwell Margaret Ellen ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDREWS APPLETON Wichito High School, Jefferson Irving Gront Marycliff Wichita, Kan. Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Social Studies Mathematics Art, Social Studies Ski Club; Jr. Con; B.F. Tiger Assoc. Editor; At Wichita: Frosh Council; H.R. Offices; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Pillar Editor; Journal G.F. Hist.; Friendliest Girl; FootbatI; Chess Club; Frosh Football; Jr. Dance Frosh Football; H.R. Photographer; AAA Nat't Merit Finolist; Jr. Flying Club; Ground Ticket Comm. Offices; Club '64 Reser- Safe Driving Rep.; Class Sec; Red Cross vations; Pep Club; Jr. Papyrus Sgt. at Arms; Sec; Tennis Teom; Thes- School of Flying U. of Colorado Con Dance Line; Head Quill and Scroll; Jr. Press pian Trees.; Jr. Dance Hall Proctor Club; Jr. Con Script Princess; Homemaker of A.S.B. Tomorrow Princeton Co-Chairman; Voting Revision Comm. U. of W. Chairman Gonzaga U. ciD2§a[i::scaD)J20Krs:iD[:2(<3D

Richard Dennis Willard Lee Judith Darlene Daniel Steven Robert James ARMITAGE ASHLEY AUKLAND BAGGARLEY BALDWIN Beaumont High School, Lincoln Sacajoweo Libby Lincoln Heights Beaumont, Colif. Social Studies Commercial, Social Studies Mothematics, Social Studies Science, Social Studies Track; Basketboll; Social Studies At Libby: B.F. Sec, Treas.; At Beaumont: Track 2, 3, Frosh Footboll Ti-Girls; Jr. Executives; Football; Basketboll; Frosh, B-Squad Football, 4; Jr. Class Treas.; Surprise Con Baseball; A.S.B. Council- Track; Frosh Basketball; Pep Club Specialty Act; Jr. Con; Science Club Sec B-Squad Wrestling; Lettermen's A.S.B., B.F. Councils; U. of Calif Mother-Daughter Tea; At L.C.: Club; Soph. Picnic; Dod- Pep Club; B.F. Council- H.R. Offices; Study Doughter Dessert Name Varsity, B-Squod Hall Proctor Tags Comm.; Big Sister Football, Baseball Kelsey-Batrd U. of Idaho

Vincent Nick Lee Alexander Robin Roe Diane Louise Janet Irene BALDWIN BALZER BARCUS BARD BARR Grant Burton Elementary, Roosevelt Lokeland High School Lincoln Heights Voshon, Wash. Foreign Languoges, Industrial Arts Social Studies Commerciol Mathematics, Science Executives; Mathematics A.S.B., B.F. Councils; J. Con; Dad-Daughter Jr. Cotton Con; DECA A.F.S. Exchonge Student; Jr. Con Dance Line; Math Club; Tri-Sci; Band Dessert Entertainment; Day G.F. Council; Usherettes; Frosh, B-Squad, Varsity Chess Club; B.F. Council, Mother-Daughter Teo; Spokane Community Courtesy Girl Foolboll; Frosh, B-Squad Wrestling; Ski Club; Red Cross Council; College Track Pep Club; Club '64 Hello Week Decorations; U. of W. Jr. Con G.F. Council; G.F., E.W.S.C. Comm.; Specking Port A.S.B. Comm. U. of W. U. of Idaho

33 i

Sally Ann William Roberts Shirley Ann i/Donno Marie Kathie Maureon BARRAN BARTELL BARTHOLOMEW BAT IE BAUGHN Sacojawea Wilson Sacojawea Sacojawea Lincoln Heights Mathematics, Science Social Studies Commercial, Mathematics, Art, Social Studies Hello Week Friendliest Varsity Debate; Debate Mathematics Social Studies Tiger Stoff Artist; Boy ond Girl Chairman; Club Sec; Journal Mother-Daughter Tea, All-State Orchestra '62, Orpheus Pres.; Fine Jr. Con Speaking Port, Ad Staff; B.F., A.S.B. '62; Jr. Con; Dad- '64; All-Northwest Arts Pres., Sec; Food Choirman; A.S.B., Councils; Time Magazine Daughter Dessert; Orchestra '63; Jr. Con; Usherettes; Papyrus; G.F. Councils; Big Sister; Award Big Sister G.F. Council; Hello Christmos Mixer Journol Rep. W.S.U. Northwest Nozorena Week; Red Cross Council; Decorotions Chairman; w.s.u. College Club '64; Inaugural Ball; Hello Week Tickets Big Sister California College of U. of Idaho Arts and Crans

Donny Roy Georg Nickolaus Bert Duone ^^hristie Levetta Sharon Anne BAUWENS BEAMER BEATTY BECHTEL BELLINGER Lincoln Fronklin North Central Franklin Franklin Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Social Studies Commercial, Social Studies Clossicol Club Treas.; W.S.U. Home Economics A.S.B. Alternate; Laboratory Ass't. Jr, Con Make-up, G.F. Committees; W.S.U. Programs Comm; Big Sister; Jr. Con Dad-Doughter Dessert W.S.U. Decorotions Committee; Girls' Glee Club Kelsey-Baird

Dennis Doe Roy Irving Gregory David Robert Ott Robbin Brian BENNETT BENNION BERGQUIST BERRY BEST Libby Adams Franklin South Salem High School Sacojawea Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Mathematics, Science Salem, Oregon Science, Sociol Studies Mathematics Social Studies Stylus Editor '63; Club Mathematics, Science At Sacajowea: W.S.U. Hello Week Gen. Choir- '64 Gen. Chairman; At South Salem: Letter- Marching Bond mon; Jr. Con Script Papyrus Sec; Jr. Con man's Club; National At L.C.: Orchestra; Chairmen; Moth Club; Publicity Chairman; Athletic Scholorship Senior Band; Senate Club V. Pres.; Hello Week Hall Society; French Club; Christmas Mixer '62 Key Club Pres., District Decorations; Fine Arts F.T.A.; Varsity Football, W.S.U. Lt. Gov.; Entre Nous Sec; Tri-Sci; Tennis President Journol Staff At L.C.: Varsity Footboll U. of W. Whitmon

34 C3f ^

Michael Scott Steven Rutseli Robert Newton Kathleen ^ Kathleen Heather BLACK BLACK BLAIR BLANKENSHIP BLUME Libbv Jefferson Franklin St. George's Sacojowea Mothemotics, Science Mathematics, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Social Social Studies Social Science At Libby: A.S.B. Pres.; Studies Studies 9A Class Pres. W.S.U. B.F. Pres., Fifth Exec; Ti-Girls; Pages; Ti-Girl Horizon Pres.; Usherettes; At I.e.; Jr. Closs Pres.; Jr. Closs, Fifth Exec; Con '62, '63; Starlrghrers; Entre Nous; Choir Pres.; Classical Senote Club, Sec.; Jr. Con; G.F. Comm. Jr. Con; Mother- Club Pres.; All-Northwest Key Club, Treos.; W.S.U. Daughter Tea; G.F. Coun- Choir; L.C. Boys' Pep Club; Lettermen's cil; Bosketboll Bounce; Quartet; Stote CYF Pres. Club; Golf; Twinlow Choir; Club '64 Whitworth Leadership Conference Ticket Chairman U. of Idaho W.S.U.

Eugene Henry, Jr. Herry Bartlett Janice Marie *^aul Kenneth Donna Rose BOLSTAD BONE BORSTE BOWEN BOWERS Wilbur High School, Sacojowea Socajaweo Gonzogo Prep Grant Wilbur, Wosh. Social Studies Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Commercial, Economics Mathematics, Science At Sacaraweo: Frosh Adelonte; Ski Club; W.S.U. Home At Wilbur: Frosh Class Football; Basketball Jr. Con; Cotton Day Intramurals Sec.; Baseboll; At L.C: Hello Week Con; Mother-Daughter Basketball Dance Chairman; Jr. Tea; Dod-Doughter At I.e.: Classical Club Dance King and Queen Dessert; Various Program Chairman; Club Comm.; Jr. Con Dance Line Comm. '64 Ticket, Reservations, U. of Miami U. of Idaho Picture Comm. W.S.U.

*^ary Mark Ann Lizbeth Meredith Reo Douglas Lorne Elizabeth Ann Tamm O'Shonter BOYD BOYLE BRADWIN BRAKE L BOWLEY Roosevelt Socajovkfeo Roosevelt Fronklin North Central Foreign Languages, Commercial, Industrial Arts, Social Studios Foreign Languages, Music Foreign Languages Mathematics Ski Club; Big Sister; Mathematics Thespians Vice Pres.; Red Ti-Giris Sgt. at Arms; Bond; Orchestra; Chess Girls' Varsity Golf; '64 At N.C.: Frosh. Soph. Cross Historian; Serenad- Footnotes; Adelante; Club; A.S.B., B.F. H.R. Offices; Club Color Girls; Big and ers; Storlighters Sec- Big Sister; Ti-Girl Con; Councils; H.R. Offices Publicity; Christmas Con; G.F., A.S.B. Comm. Little Sister Refreshment Treos.; Choir; Dad- Horizon Pres.; Jr. Con U. of W Comm.; Big Sister Daughter Dessert Ticket Script Comm.; Montana State U. At L.C: Thespians Sec.; Chairman; Boys' Christmas Con '63 All-School Play Set Quartet Plus One; U of W. Design Chairman '64 All-Stote Choir; W.S.U. All-School Play U. of W. Sandra Koe Lance Natale Devon Robert Bonnie Sue Randal Eugene BRANSON BRIGHAM BRINTON BRISCOE BROOKS Lowell High School, Longfellow Sacaiowea Hutton Libby Whiltler, Colif. Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Home Economics, Boys' State; B.F. V. Social Studies Mathematics At Libby: Bosketball; Social Studies Pres.; Jr. Class V. At Sacojawea: Frosh Choir; Siorlighiers Pres., Track; H.R. Offices H.R. Sec.-Treos.; Pres.; Senate, Key, Math, Football; Track Sec.-Treas.; Clossicol At L.C.: Vorsily, B-Squod A.S.B. Alternate; G.F. ond Lettermen's Clubs; At L.C.: Jr. Class Council; Club Sec; Tri-Sci; Trock Comm.; Hall Pep Club V. Pres.; Soph. Picnic Usherettes Treas.; Son Jose State Proctor; Horizon Toostmosters; Varsity, U. of Oregon G.F. Council; Journal Fullerton Jr. College All-City, All-State Rep.; Big Sister; Basketball Jr. Con Stanford Linfield College


Byron Elliott Patricia Kay Robert McMillin, Jr. omas Edwin Ann Elizabeth BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BUETTNER

Seahurst Jr. High School, Sacoioweo Whittier Roosevelt I rving Seattle, Wash. Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Mathematics, Mathematics, Science A.S.B. Council; Mother- Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Tri-Sci; Jr. Toostmosters; Doughter Tea; Dad- Jr. Toastmasters; Jr. Senate Club; B.F. Council- F.N. A. Pres., V. Pres.; German Club; A.S.B., Daughter Dessert; Jr. Class Trees.; A.S.B., Soph. Class Sgt. at Arms; Jr. Con Progroms, Jr. Class Councils; Con; Red Cross Council; B.F. Councils; Jr. Con; H.R. Offices; Frosh, Costume Comm.; May B-Squod Footboll; A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Soph., Jr., Class B-Squod Football; Week Decorations Comm. H.R. Offices Big Sister Councils; Frosh Football, Wrestling; Soph. Class '63; Big Sister Gonzaga University U. of Idaho Track; H.R. Offices Picnic; B.F. Talent Con; U. of W. U. of Idaho Jr. Con Dance Line; Hall Proctor W.S.U.

Ronald Charles Charles Jan McCiure Theodore David 111 Barbara JoAnne Nancy Ann BUN DAY BURGE BURGER BURKWIST BURLEY Adams Socajawea Roosevelt Morycliff Brloxi High School, Industrial Arts, Industrial Arts, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Biioxi, Miss. Sociol Studies Social Studies Mathematics Social Studies Commercial Choir; A.S.B. Council- Choir Pres., Sgt. ot Arms; At Marycliff: Pep Club; At Biloxi: F.H.A. Frosh Basketball Ski Club; Boys' Quartet; B.F. Frosh Dinner; Asst. Project Chairman; E.W.S.C. Locker Comm. Council; Frosh Football; Soph. Picnic; Library Club Lewis and Clark Jr. Con; Tolent Cons; All Sports Teams Sopkane Community College Boys' Glee Gonzaga University College W.S.U. !^'-'"^ " '7 At

36 Joonne Renee David Clyde Karen Irene ^^ally Joanne Janice Lynn BURSCH CAIN CAIN CALKINS CAMPBELL Sacojowea Lincoln Heights Adams Sacojowea Libby Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Commercial, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Debate Team; Horizon Social Studies Social Studies At Sacojoweo: M.C. for Orpheus Hist.; Stor- Pres.; Jr. Con Costumes Bond; Orchestra; A.S.B. Jr. Executives; Home- Mother-Doughter Teo lighters; Choir Sec.; Co-Chairmon; Red Cross Council; B.F. Council; making Club; Jr. Con At L.C.: Adelante; Tri-Sci; Accompanist of Girls' Council; F.N. A.; Ski Club; B-Squod Tennis Progroms, Costumes Ti-Girls; G.F. Council; Glee, Boys' Selected Big Sister '63; Jr. Dance w.s.u. Comm.; Pages; Christmas Mixer Groups; Jr. Con; Comm.; Christmas G.F., A.S.B. Comm.; Decorotions Chairman; Mother-Daughter Tea '62 Mixer '62; Club '64 Big Sister Jr. Con Donee Line; Whitworth Lewis and Clark College E.W.S.C. Donee in Tt-Girl Con W.S.U.

Vtarry Michael ^ary Ann Edword Emrick, Jr. Judith Ann Patricio Denise CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CARLSON CARLSON CARSTENS Sacojowea WhitTier Shadle Pork Gront Central Volley Industrial Arts, Social Studies Mathematics, Social Studies Commerciol, Social Studies Serenoders; Storlighters; Social Studies Ti-Girls; Storlighters; Social Studies Journal Rep. Usherettes; Big Sister At Shadle: Choir; Serenoders; Children's Theater; W.S u. Con; jr. Con; German Club Treas. Mother-Daughter Tea Minstrel Show Moke-up Dod-Doughter Dessert; Spokane Community Comm.; Big ond Mother-Daughter Tec College Little Sister Party; Sr. W.S.U. Class Council; G.F. Nominating Comm.; Jr. Con; Club '64 Food, Serving Choirmon U. of Idaho

Christine Maria Lisdette Daniel Edward Jennifer Anne Richard Alan CARY CASTILLO CENIS CHAMBERLAIN CHAPIN Sacaiawea Centennial High School, Hutton Cloyton Volley Socoiaweo High School, Foreign Languages, , Calif. Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Scienc* Concord, Colif. Mathematics Foreigi' Languages Papyrus; Book Club Leftermen's Club; Ski Mathematics, Science Usherettes Hist.; Jr. At Centennial: Swim- Officer; Journol Staff; Club; Pep Club; A.S.B. Dance Co-Chairmon; ming; Horseback Riding; Trt-Sci; Jr. Con; At Cloyton Valley: Council; Footboll; Jr. Con Programs Co- Tennis; Student from AM-School Ploy Thespion Society Sec.; Wrestling; B-Sqyod Chairmon; Tiger Staff; GuoTemolo, C.A. W.S.U. G.A.A.; Jr. Prom Baseball; Choir; Jr. Entre Nous; G.F. Guatemala College Comm. Co-Choirmon Con Donee line Nominating Comm.; Whitworth W.S.U. Varsity Tennis; Quill & Scroll; Tiger Salesman U. of W. John Laurence *^u$an Jean Ronald Paul Edward Lee Gary Michael CHEW CHRISTENSEN CHRISTENSON CLARK CLARK Wilson Socatawea Sacajoweo Socajaweo Sacoiawea Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Architectural Club V. Choir; Red Cross Council Tri-Sci; 3rd Place Frosh- B.F. Pres.; Jr. Dance Tiger Assoc. Business Pres.; B.F. Council; Storlighters; Poges; Soph. Spelling Bee; Jr.- Publicity Chairman; Jr. Manager; Pep Club; H.R. Offices; Pep Club; Usherettes; Jr. Dance Sr. Spelling Bee; Con Speaking Part, Set Bowling Club; Jr. Con Ski Club; Jr. Dance Ticket Comm.; Wrestling; Pep Club; Building and Design; W.S.U. Publicity; Moy Week Jr. Con Music Comm. Club '64 Cleanup Toostmasters; Pep Club; Jr. Class Decorations; Inaugural W.S.U. Comm.; Hall Proctor H.R. Pres.; Ball, Christmas Mixer Brighom Young Council; Hall Proctor Comm.; Boys' Glee University W.S.U. w.s.u. obszroi^iaDn<(3»nDDiso)v^o

Patricia Marie Eileen Elizabeth rbara Ruth John Wilson, Jr. Cheryl Lee CLARK ClAY COFFEY COLBY COLE Franklin Libby Roosevelt Hutton Sacciaweo Aft, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics Dasrdrion; Orpheus Sgt. Lettermen's, Pep Clubs; at Arms; H.R. Pres.; Enfre Nous; Thespians; Ti-Girls; Entre Nous; A.S.B. Council; Jr. Con Usherettes V. Pres.; Mother-Daughter Tea Ti-Girls; H.R. Offices; A.S.B., G.F., Jr. Class Speaking Port; Frosh, Mother-Daughter Tea Entertainment Choirman; G.F. Council; Hello Week Councils; H.R. Pres.; B-Squod Footboll, Track; Invitations Chairman; May Week Cons; Hall Decorations; Jr. Con Dance Line; Sr. Varsity Wrestling; H.R. Jr. Con Donee Line; G.F. Usherettes Sec; Star- Mother-Daughter Tea Class Nominating Comm.; Offices; Set Chairman, Council; Red Cross lighters; Jr. Con; Decorations; Dad- A.S.B., G.F. Comm. B.F. Con Council; Adelante; Big Sister Red Cross Council Daughter Dessert U of Idaho Lewis and Clark College U. of W. Brigham Young W.S.U. University

Regina Diane Jan Aileen ^Hon Phyllis Michael Robert i' Craig Cahill COLEMAN COMEAUX COMEAUX COMIN CONDRON Ferndale High School, Sacoiowea Sacajawea Irving Sacajawea Ferndale, Mich. Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Social Studies Social Studies Band; Honor Band '62; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Mathematics G.F. Pres.; Entre Nous G.F. V. Pres.; Entre Orchestra; Pep Club; Frosh Basketball, Adelante; Ski Club; Sgt. ot Arms; Jr. Con; Nous V. Pres.; B-Squad Tennis; Frosh Football; Hall Proctor; '64 Usherettes; G.F. Council; G.F. Surprise Con Dosidrian; G.F. Council; Cross Country; Jr. Con Jr. Dance; Club Foreign Exchange Publicity Choirman; Honor Bond; Horizon; Set Design; Spokane Picture Comm. Student Finalist; Jr. Con; Sr. Class Council; Bond; G.F., A.S.B. Comm. Symphony Orchestra; U. of Minnesota Offices Jr. Dance; G.F., A.S.B. Varsity Tennis; Dosidrian Whitman H.R. Comm. Montano State U. U. of W. U. of W. Steven Boyd Michael Dennis Cathy Lina ' Joann Loo Gordon Michael CONGER CONNERLEY CONRAD COOLEY CORKRUM Sacotawea Franklin Fronklin Grant Lincoln Heights Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Art, Home Economics Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies A.S.B., B.F. Councils; F.N. A.; G.A.A.; Big Pep Club; Jr. Con; B.F. H.R. Pres.; A.S.B., B.F. Ski Club; Pep Club; Orpheus Sec, V. Pres.; Sister; G.F., A.S.B. Talent Con; Helfo Week Councils; Jr. Con; Jr. H.R. Offices; Jr. Con A.S.B., G.F. Councils; Comm.; Roll Checker; Publicity Comm.; Dance; Fresh Dance Line; Holl Proctor; May Day Con, '61; Cheerettes H.R. Offices; Club '64 Basketball, Football Club '64 Reservation Usherettes; Dasidrion Brigham Young W.S.U. U. of W. Comm. U. of W. University W.S.U.

Dudley Roy'^ Patrick John Lucindo Thomas Eugene ^Jack Lawrence CORNWELL COSTEILO COULTER CROFFUT CROMER Adams Libby Franklin Hutton Roosevelt Commercial, Social Studies Mathematics, Mathematics, Science Art, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies At Libby: A.S.B. Pres.; Trr-Sci; A.S.B. Council; Fine Arts V. Pres.; Red Cross, B.F. Councils; Basketball; Football; Hello Week Decorations Chess Club; Frosh, Treos.; B.F., Red Cross Archery Club; Tennis; B.F. Sec; Lettermen's Chairmon; Jr. Con B-Squad Baseball, Councils; Jr. Con Frosh Football Club Publicity Co-Choirman; Football; Frosh Golf Dance Line; Jr. Dance W.S.U. A.S.B., G.F. Councils; W.S.U. Comm.; Hall Proctor Tri-Sci; Fine Arts Club; W.S.U. Jr. Class Council- Ski Club U. of Alaska


Robert Earl Richard William Patricia Ann Jeffrey Louis William Ernest CUNNINGHAM CURTISS DALQUIST DALSKY DANKE Socajawea Fronklin Socajawea St. Ann Grant Mothematics, Science Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Industrial Arts, Music, Social Studies Social Studies Jr. Toastmasters; Pep Social Studies Tri-Sci Sec, Hist.; First Orpheus V. Pres.; Club; Jr. Con Speaking Lettermen's Club; B.F. Prize, Inlond Empire Bond; Orchestro; Pit Part; A.S.B., B.F. Council; Jr. Con Donee Science Foir; Second Bond, Vorious Cons; Councils; B-Squad Line; B-Squad Basketball; Place, Art Festivol; Jr. Eastern Washington Basketball; Jr. Dance Vorsity Football; Track Con; Usherettes; Ftrst Honor Orchestra ond All Northwest Publicity; Christmas W.S.U. Prize, I.e. Science Fair; Bond; Mixer Tickets; Hall Jr. Engineer's Scientist's Locol Honor Orchestra; Proctor; Red Cross; Summer Institute; Cardinal Dance Bond Club '64 Big Sister U. of W. W.S.U. W.S.U. P

Ronnie Aile«n Robert George William Daniel Eric Berg Mary Ann DASHIELL DASHIELL DAVENPORT DAVIS DAVIS

L incoln Heights Lincoln Heights Socojowea Grant Art, Commsrcial Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Commercial Sociol Studies Mathemotics Dad-Daughter Dessert; Math Club; Jr. Toast- G.F. Council; Jr. Con Big Sister Tiger Staff Business Sr. Class Pres.; L.C. mosters V. Pres.; Comm.; May Week Decorations; Cotton Doy Spokane Community Monoger; Jr. Donee Friendliest Boy; Key Tri-Sci Sec; Key Club; Varsity Golf; Lettermen's Publicity; Big Sister; College Entertainment; Band; Club Pres.; Toastmasters; H.R. Friendliest Boy; Jr. Class Sgt. at Arms; Club; Architectural Club Dad-Daughter H.R. Pres.; B.F. Council; B.F., A.S.B. Councils; Jr. Treos.; B.F., Jr. Class Dessert Hostess Jr. Con; Journol Rep.; Con; Hello Week Con; Councils Gonxago U. Quill and Scroll Baseball; A.F.S. Stanford Big Brother U. of W. w.s.u.

l/kichard Allen Richard Everett Steven Lawrence Richard Lewis Thomas Paul DAVIS DEAN DEAN DeGROOT DEVINE Lincoln Heights Sacred Heart Gonzogo Prep Sondpoint High School, Socajaweo Sandpoint, Idaho Art, Commercial Industrial Arts, Social Studies Commercial, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Industrial Arts B.F. Council; H.R. At Gonzogo; B-Squad Offices; Baseball; Ski B.F., A.S.B. Councils Football Chess Club; B.F. Council; At Socajowea: A.S.B. Club; Red Cross Council; Montana School of Mines W.S.U. Wrestling; Tennis Treos. Journal Rep.; Various U. of W. At L.C: Architectural Dance Comm. Club Pres.; Journal Rep.; Jr. Con U. of W. Donee Line; Jr. Class Nominating Comm. U. of Idaho

Judy Ann Jack Louis Dorsey 'Paul James Michael Karel Richard Paul DEVLIN DeWITT DICKERSON DIRKS DITTRICH Holy Nomes Academy Socoiowea Irving Libby Grant Commercial, Commerciol Art, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies Sociol Studies Social Studies Music for Jr. Con, Hello At Libby: Summer Journal Head Photo- gropher; Pillar Publisher; Jr. Donee Tickets; Jr. B-Squod Football; Jr. Week Con, L.C. Mixers; Science Training Program; Con; Christmas Mixer Con; Journal Rep.; Journal Rep.; A.S B. Math Club Hist.; Sports- Jr. Press Club Awards '62; Red Cross Council H.R. Offices Council; S.H.. Hall men's Camp, Orcos Pacific Lutheran U. Proctor; H.R. Offices Island; B.F. Councils- Wenotchee Jr. College U. of W. Bowling Club U. of W. Judith Anne Steven James Anthony Joseph Jean Roe L-Andrea Julie DIXON DOMPIER DONAHOE DOWNEY DOYLE Libby Socojawea Gonzago Prep Franklin Roosevelt Commercial, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Commercial Mathematics, Science Social Studies Jr. Con Publicity; At Gonzogo; B-Squad Distributive Education; Tiger Staff Faculty At Libby: Traffic Squad; Christmos, Hello Week Football, Baseball Homemoking Club; Editor; Clossical Club Pep Club; Libby Ledger Con; Jr. Achievement; At L.C.: B-Squad, Jr. Executives; Red Cross Pres.; Gen. Choirmon Staff Red Cross Council- Vorsity Wrestling Council; Jr. Con Make-up; Soph. Picnic; Jr. Con At L.C.: Jr. Ski Club W S u G.F. Comm. Wclk-on; Jr., Soph. Executives Trees.; Jr. U.of W. E.W.S.C. Class Councils; General Con Comm.; Big Sister Chairman Red Cross '64 E W.S.C. Cupcake Sole U. of Idaho

Jenness Layne ^Barbora Joyce Robert Bruce Mary Frances Kathleen Ann DOYLE EAGLE EDDY EDGAR ELKINS Driscoll Jr. High School, Hutton Socajowea Sacojowea Sacojowea Corpus Christi, Texas Foreign Languages, Art, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Commercial, Mathematics Varsity Football Manager; Science Science Social Studies Ti-Girls, Drillmaster; Archery Club; Jr. Con, Thespians Pres., V. Book Club Pres.; Orpheus Mother-Daughter Tea A.S.B., G.F. Councils; Hello Week, May Week Pres.; Stage Decoration Sec, Treos.; Jr. Con K.B.U. Entre Nous; F.T.A.; Publicity Comm. Chairman, Mother- Music Chairman; Varsity Golf Squad; W.S.U. Daughter Tea '62; Basketball Bounce Enter- Big Sister; School Play; Orpheus; Adelante; Red tainment Chairman; Suprise Con '60 Cross, G.F. Councils; Journal Business Man- w.s.u. Big Sister; Jr. Con; ager; Typing Contest All-School Play Director Winner '62, '63; Star- U. of Oregon lighters; Choir; Usherettes; F.T.A. W.S.U.

Noel Eugene Eugenia Lynn Sheri Jill Cheryl Lynn Joseph Ray ELLIOTT ELLIS ELLIS ELLISON ELLMAN Adams St. George's Socojawea Socojawea Adams Industrial Arts, Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Art, Social Studies Industriol Arts, Social Studies Social Studies Science Social Studies Ski Club; Horizon Club; Pep Club At St. George's: Closs Senior Class Fifth Exec; A.S.B., G.F. Councils; Columbio Basin College Jr. Con; Dod-Daughter W.S.U. Pres.; Studenl Band Usherettes Pres.; Sere- Director; Co-Editor noders; Storliqhters; Dessert; Mother- School Paper; Highest Choir; Varsity Golf; Jr. Daughter Teo; Cotton Girl Scholarship; Cnorus; Dance Princess; Jr. Class, Day Con; G.F. Comm.; Prom Choirmon; G,F. Councils; A S.B. Hist. Club '64 Picture Choirmon Student Council U of W W.S.U. At L.C.: Entre Nous; Ski Club W.S.U. James Pendergrass Kathleen Ruth '^u»an L«« Lowis Shirley Ann EMACIO EMMANS EMPEY ENO ENGEBRETSON Washington Socojoweo Libby Grant Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Home Economics, Social Mathematics Usherettes; Tri-Sci; Social Studies Tri-Sci; Tennis; B.F. Studies A.S.B. Treos.; Jr. Con Adelonte; Poges; Jr. Ti-Grrls; Footnotes; Talent Con; Jr. Con Youth For Christ; Jr. Co-Choirman; Moth Club Con; G.F. Con, Book Club Pres., V. Pres.; Achievement; Dad- Treos.; Entre Nous Comm. Entre Nous; Vorsity Golf; Doughter Dessert Deco- Pres., Treos.; Tri-Scr Whitworth Jr., Ti-Girl Cons; Bird- rations; Jr. Con Programs; Treos.; Pep Club; Soph. lond Bong Clean-up Mother-Daughter Tea Picnic Choirmon; B.F. Choirmon '63; Little Sister Decorations; Big Sister Con Choirmon; Tiger Runner-up Aword '61 Gracelond College, Solesmon Whitman Lamoni, Iowa U. of W.


Connie Raft Bradley Paul Bruce Harvey Dorothy Jean Steven Mayo ENSLEY ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON Socojawea Socajoweo Socaiaweo Adorns Franklin Commercial, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Social Studies Mathematics, Social Studies Vorsity Golf; Lettermen's Social Studies Ti-Girls; Homemoking Social Studies G.F. Sgt. at Arms; Club; B.F. Council; Tri-Sci V. Pres.; Jr. Club Pari., Sec, V. Lettermen's Club; Pep Storiighters; Choir; B-Squod, Frosh Basketball Toostmosters Treos.; Pres.; Jr. Executives Club; Vorsity Golf; Choirmon, Council; Tennis; Pres., V. Pres.; Bowling Soph. Picnic; B.F., A.S.B. Programs U. of W. A.S.B. Mother-Daughter Tea '62; Lettermen's Club; Club; Red Cross, G.F. Councils; Ski Club; Cotton Day Cons Moth Club; Pep Club Councils; Friendliest Con Proctor '63; Specialty Acts '62, U. of W. H.R. Girl; Jr. Con U. of W. Jr. Con; G.F. Comm; Costumes; Big Sister All-Stote Choir Concordia Whitworth

SuMn Ann Mary Ann ^Richard Harry John Charles Sally Helyn ERICKSON ERLANDSON ERSTAD ESPE ETTER Sacaiowea Libby Sacaiowea Socajoweo Sacoioweo Commercial, Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Mathematics Social Studies At Libby: G.F. Pres. Vorsity Golf; B.F. Social Studies At Socojovk/ea: Heolth At L.C.: Orpheus Treos.; Journol Ass't. Sports Council; B-Squod Adelonte; Horizon Pres.; Room Attendant Dasidrion; Ti-Girls; Editor; Quill and Scroll; Basketball Red Cross Council; Toostmosters; Jr. At I.e.: A.S.B., Horizon Jr. Con Music Choirmon; Jr. U. of W. Varsity Golf; Jr. Con Councils; Courtesy Girt; Dod-Doughter Dessert Press Club; Jr. Donee; Costume Comm.; Soph. Jr. Con Program Entertainment Choirmon; Jr. Con; Journol Rep.; Picnic Food Comm.; Comm.; Big Sister; Mother-Daughter Teo Christmos Mixer Clean- Big Sister; Entre Nous w.s.u. up Choirmon G.F., A.S.B. Comm. Whitworth Pacific Lutheran U. U. of Arizona

42 Catherine Marie Dale Ambrose Mary Francine ^William Alvin t^Scott Dickinson FAGAN FERGER FERGUSON FERNAU FINK Gronf Libby Grant Roosevelt Sacoiawea Commercial, Industrial Arts, Commercial, Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Economics Home Entre Nous V. Pres.; B.F., A.S.B. Councils; A.S.B., Red Cross Spokane Community Big Sister; Roll Checker; Photogropher; Tiger Staff; Jr. Con; H.R. Offices; Cour^ciis; Cheeretfes; College Office Girl; Hearing Ski Club; Jr. Con Lead; Hall Proctor; Red Cross Ti-Girls; Jr. Achievement; Test Monitor Christmas Mixer Choir- Council Mother-Doughter Tea; Seattle U. mon; Jr. Dance Co-Cholr- w.s.u. Jr. Con Moke-up Comm.; mon; Sr. Class Council; Jr. Executives; Big Sister Soph. Picnic; Con Proctor; E.W.S.C. Red Cross, B.F. Councils U. of W.

James Cecil Dale Edward ^es^Leslie Lee '^'^aureen Jo Susan Rene* FIORITO FISH FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FLATHERS Sheridon Socoiaweo Socaicw/eo Socaiowea Grant Music, Social Studies Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Science, Social Studies Commercial, Languages, E.W.S.C. Social Studies F.T.A. Sec; Book Club; At Socaiowea: Foreign Tennis; Jr. Con Jr. Con; A.S.B. Council; Triple Trio; Choir Jr. Executives; Cheerettes; Donee Line Dod-Doughter Dessert; At L.C.: A.S.B. Council; Jr. Achievement, Sec; '61; Mother- E.W.S.C. Big Sister; Christmas Con Hello Week Comm. Journal Rep.; '62, W.S.U. Jr. Con Comm.; Dad- Daughter Tea Comm. Daughter Dessert; May '63; Jr. Con Make-up Week Con; Neptune's Seattle U. Doughters Pres., V. Pres; Horizon; Rainbow E.W.S.C.

Edwin Gerard Pamela Mo* Ronald Murl Joanne Marie LPattfla Kay FOISY FOLLETT FOOTE FOREMAN FOSS Deer Pork High School Socajawea Adonis Sunnyvale High School, Shodle Pork Sunnyvale, Calif. Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Big Sister; Homemoking Club; Cheerettes Social Studies Science Adelante; Frosh, B-Squod Home Economics, Social Studies DeMoiay Sr. Class Sec; Inaugural Track; B.F. Council; E W S C. Sunnyvale: Spokane Community Boll Co-Gen. Chairman Jr. Con At '64; Treos.; Bond 1, 2, 3; Cheerleader College Usherettes W.S.U. Jr. Class Council; Jr. K.B.U. Con Dance Line; Vorsity Tennis; Ski Club; Student Leadership Conference '64 Montana State U.

43 ^^^^ ^^Bp^^^^

Donald Eugene Maureen Louise Richard James l^heryl Lee Margaret Marie FOSTER FOWLE FOWLER FRANKE FRANKEL Libby Franklin Franklin Whinier Socaicjwca Social Studies Mothematics, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Foreign Languages, Social Studies Social Studies B-Squod Baseboli Tri-Sci; Ski Club; Jr. Con; Jr. Executives; Jr. Con; Rep.; A.S.B. Red Cross Council Pres., Son Jose Stote Choir; T!-Girls; Pages; Inaugural Boll Comm.; Journal Ski Club; Red Cross, Club '64; Red Cross, Alternate; Dad-Daughter Hist.; Book Club Treas.; G.F., Jr. Class Councils; A.S.B. Councils Dessert; Mother- Horizon; Jr. Con; Jr. Con Donee Line; w.s.u. Daughter Tea; Big Sister Mother-Daughter Tea Nominating Comm.; E.W.S.C. Cafeterio Decorotions Forum Club; Book Club Chairman '62; Soph. Whitman Picnic; G.F., A.S.B. Comm; Big Sister obv4oi^iaDn<(D»nDDisroK4o

Michelle Suzanne Kenneth Newton Gwendolyn Lea Elizabeth Ann Richard Louis FRANKLIN FRAN5EN FUNK GABEL GAETANO Wilson Hutton Sacojaweo Roosevelt Washington Foreign Languages, Industrial Arts, Science Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Industrial Arts, Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics Frosh, Varsity Football; Tri-Sci Treas.; Classical Ti-Girls; Adelonte; Soph. Picnic; Pep Club; Club Pres.; Ti-Girls; Journal Staff; Usherettes; Frosh, B-Squad Football; Tri-Sci; Book Club; Ski Hall Proctor; H.R. Mother-Daughter Tea Adelonte Vice Pres.; Soph. Picnic Comm.; Club; Entre Nous Hist., Offices; Red Cross Entertainment; Jr. Con; A.F.S. Finolist; Bond; Jr. Con; Moll Proctor; Fifth Exec; Horizon; Council G,F. Council; Big Sister; A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Jr. Dance Comm.; A.S.B., B.F. H.R. Office A.S.B., Jr. Closs Councils; Varsity Golf Jr. Con Costumes Chair- Council; Club '64 Decoration Hello Week Hall U. of W. man; W.S.U. Decorations Chairman '63 Chairman; Quill & Scroll Occidental U. of Oregon

Susan Eleanore Daniel Walter Renee' Anna • Joanne Marie Rebecca Marge GAGE GAISER GARCEAU GARDNER GARLICH Libby Hutton Sacojowea Adams Grant Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Art, Social Studies Art, Social Studies Art, Social Studies At Libby: G.F. Sec; Pep Math Club Pres.; Toast- Tiger Staff Art Editor; G.F. Council; G.F. Tags Homemaking Club; A.S.B. Club Sec; Traffic Squad; masters Pres.; H.R. Pres. Dod-Daughter Dessert Comm.; Jr. Con Make-up Council; Jr. Con; Red Cross Council German Club Vice Pres., Gen. Chairman '64; Comm.; Journal Rep.; Simplicity Style Show; At L.C.: Sr. Band; Jr. Con; H.R. Friendliest Boy; Usherettes Hist.; Sr. Rep, Dad-Daughter Dessert Hello Week Publicity; A.S.B. Council; Dad- Teachers' Doy Chairmen Hi-Five; G.F. Council; Cafeteria Decorations; Dod-Daughter Dessert, Daughter Dessert '64 Jr. Class, B.F. Councils; Sr. Class Council; Tiger Club '64 Mother-Daughter Tea Salesman; Big Sister Decorations W.S.U. Track; Tennis; B.F. Con K.B.U. Whitman W.S.U. E.W.S.C. Eileen Dolores Charles Lee, Jr. Shelene Rae Suzanne Rae Rodney Lee GARRETT GATES CAY GAYLORD GEBO

Hutton Sacojoweo Libby Roosevelt High School I rving Commercial Mathematics, Science Art, Science Des Moines, lov^a Mathematics, Social Jr. Executives Pres.; Toostmasters Pres.; Mother-Daughter Tea Foreign Languages, Studies A.S.B., G.F. Councils Senate Club; Lettermen's Decorations Comm.; Social Studies Lettermen's Club; Pep Jr. Con Dance Line; Club; Varsity Boseball; Dad-Daughter Dessert Usherettes; Book Club Club; Varsity, B-Squad Silver Spurs Jr. Con; May Week, Clean-up Comm.; Treas.; Adelante; Jr. Con; Wrestling; Frosh Football; w.s.u. Hello Week Cons; Hall, Bosketball Bounce Dad-Doughter Dessert; Hall Proctor; H.R. Offices Con Proctor; B-Squad Decorations; Tiger Staff Mother-Doughter Tea; Harvard Basketball, Football; Photographer; Home- Basketball Bounce; B.F. Con; B.F., A.S.B. making Club Big Sister; Club '64 Councils Mr. Lee's Tickets U. of Oregon School of Beauty W.S.U.

Clinton Carl Robert Walter Lawrence William Henry '^illiom Leiand GEISS GELB GENOR GEORGE GIANNOU Roosevelt Socajaweo Socaiawea Roosevelt Adams Mathematics, Mathematics, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Social Studies Science Social Studies A.S.B. Pres.; Boys' Stote; Social Studies Social Studies Frosh, B-Sqood, Varsity Ski Club; Journal Staff; B.F., Soph. Class 5th Lettermen's Club; Basketball; A.S.B., B.F. Tiger Photogropher; A.S.B., B.F. Council; Exec; Senote Club V. Varsity Track; Councils; H.R. Offices; B-Squad Tennis; H.R. B.F. Tolent Con; Jr. Con; Pres.; Key Club V. Pres.; Cross Country Soph. Picnic Offices; B.F. Council Club '64, Jr. Dance Lettermen's Club; Ski E.W.S.C. Concordia W.S.U. Tickets; Quill and Scroll Club; Pep Club; Varsity Lutheran College U of W. Football; Wrestling Cornell


Steven Taylor Marilyn Ann William Nils Malcolm Potridi Jerry GILL GILLMORE GILSON GLENOINNING GiENN Wilson Sacoicweo Lincoln Heights Socoicwea Mathematics, Science Foreign Longuoges, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, AAotfieiiBottcs, Sci Mathemotics Social Studies Mathematics Senote Club Pres.; Key Ski Club; Pec Club Club Sec; Adelonte Cheerle.'. ^ces.; Bond; A.S.B. Co-jncii; B.F. Council Treos.; Senior Class Entre ^ 'es; A.F.S. Rep.; Wrestling; Cla- W.S.U. Trees.; Friendliest Soph. G.F. se A.S.B. Comm.; Club '64 A.S.5

' .-^n Boy; Soph, Jr. Class Con De^-- - > ^'lair- Publicity Off Pres.; Frosh Boseball, man '63; AAottw- ProcTof Basketball, Football; Daughter Teo Decorations U. of W. B-Squad Boseball; Chairman '63; Jr. Con; A.S.B. Council Cheerleaders Conference W.S.U. Seante PcKifk Cell*9* Mary Ann James Patrick Hans Rudolf Steven Patrick ^Michael Lorry GOKEE GONYOU GONZENBACH GOODNER GORMLEY Hutton Socred Heart Literor Gymnasium, Hutton Shodle Pork Switzerlond Mathematics Industrial Arts, Zurich, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Science Mathematics, Science Cheerleader; Ti-GIrls; Tri-Sci V. Pres.; Sr. Class At Shodle: Christmas Classical Club Treas.; Frosh Football; A.F.S. Foreign Exchange Council; A.S.B,, Red Con; Stardust; Thespians; Poges Treas.; Simplicity Study Hall Proctor; Student; Key Club; Cross Councils; Jr. Con; H.R. Pres.; Intramural Style Show Model; M.C. B.F. Council Orchestra; Sr. Class Track; B-Squad Tennis; Basketball, Volleyball; Council; Sr. Class Treos.; Choir V. Pres., Sgt. at At L.C.: A.S.B., B.F. for Ti-Girl Con; 1st Prize U. of Idaho Winner in Fiesta Fete; Track Arms; All-Northwest Councils Night Choir G.F. Council; Ski Club U. of Zurich Host E.W.S.C. U. of W. Montana State U.

Christine Laurel Gordon Robert Cheryl Kay Kathryn Diana Sandra Lee GOULD GRAY GREEN GREENING GREGORY Grant Sacojoweo Irving Shodle Park Lincoln Heights Art Mathematics, Science Commercial, Science, Social Studies Science, Social Studies Mathematics F.N. A.; G.F. Council; Jr. Math Club Treas.; Band; G.F. Council; Horizon Adelante; Poges; Ski Con Dance Line; Dad- Orchestra; People-to- G.F. Courtesy Girl; Sec; Jr. Con; Home- Club V. Pres.; Jr. Con Daughter Dessert People Tour; Boys' Mother-Daughter Tea; making Club; Big Sister; Dance Line; Mother- Entertainment '61, '62; Bowling Dad-Daughter Dessert; Cotton Day Con; Daughter Tea Choirmon; Mother-Daughter Tea; Jr. Con; A.S.B. Comm.; A.S.B. Comm. Big Sister; Cotton Day W.S.U. '64 Big Sister; Club '64 Hello Week; Club Montana State U. Con; G.F., A.S.B. Comm. Decorations; G.F., A.S.B. Publicity; Inaugural W.S.U. Comm. Ball Decorations Deaconess U. of W. School of Nursing

^-^ormen Joan Thomas Einar Victor Moshe Charles Donald, Jr. John Lee GRIFFITHS GRINSTAD GROSS GROSSMAN GUMENBERG Whittier Grant Socajaweo Franklin Adams Mathematics, Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Art, Mathematics Industrial Arts, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies U. of W. Lettermen's Club; Horizon V. Pres.; G.F. Vorsity Debote; Most B-Squad Football; A.S.B. Council; Council; Civil Air Patrol Valuable Debater; Varsity Wrestling; Study Hall Proctor; Executive Officer; Jr. Debate Club Pres.; Wrestling Inspirotionol Jr. Con Con; Cotton Day Con Poges; Jr. Con Co- Award U. of Montana Speaking Port; Cotton Business Manager; Jr. W.S.U. Day Con Togs Comm.; Toostmoster Contest G.F. Comm.; Choir; Winner; Knights of Sr. Class Council Pythias Contest; Forum Club; Toostmosters E.W.S.C. NYU.

16 Frederick Delano Albert Carl Francine Mari* Kathl*»n Ann James Daniel GURNEY GUSTAFSON GUYER GWYER HAOEL Woshlngton Gront Holy Names Academy Libby Roosevelt Industrial Arts, Industrial Arts, Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies Mathematics Social Studies Clossicol Club Sgt. at Entre Nous; Ski Club; A.S.B. Council; A.S.B. Council At Holy Names: Gon- Arms; F.N. A.; Jr. Con; Frosh Cross Country, Study Hall Proctor w.s.u. zoga Pep Club; Student Christmos Mixer Deco- Trock; Tiger Ad Manager; U. of Idaho Council; Mock Congress, rations; Dad-Daughter Soph., Jr. Class Councils; U.N. Dessert Nometogs; B.F. Council; Jr. Con At L.C.: Jr. Con; Red Horizon Dance Line; Jr. Con Cross Council; Club '64; U. of W. Poster Comm. Dod-Doughter Dessert U. of W. W.S.U.

^'^arvin Jay Roderick Blair Michael Truman Robert Henry '^cky Kathleen HALPERN HALVORSON HAMM HAROLD HARPER Hutton Wilson Grant Nelson Grade School, Greenocres Grade School Foreign Languages, Social Studies Art, Social Studies New Orleans, La. Commercial, Mathematics Jr. Tocstmosters; Soph. Frosh Football Social Studies Social Studies Fiesta-Fete, First Ploce, Closs Picnic; B.F., A.S.B. W.S.U. Pep Club; Lettermen's Jr. Achievement Latin-Second Yeor, Council; H.R. Pres.; Jr., Club; Freshman Football; W.S.U. Vocabulary Division; B.F., Hello Week Cons; Vorsity Cross Country; Jr. Con; Journal Staff Hall Proctor; Choir Frosh, B-Sauad Track; B.F. U. of W. Wenatchee Jr. College Talent Con Dillard University

Peter Delbert Barry Loren Neva Jeanelle Solly Jean Susan Lorraine HARRAS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS Socajowea Libby Libby Rogers Socoioweo Mathematics, Science Commercial, Science Commercial, Commercial, Mathematics, Science At Socajawea: Baseball; At Libby: H.R. Offices Mathematics Social Studies Ti-Girl Treos.; Book Club Bosketboll; Jr. High At L.C.: Jr. Con; Book Club Hist.; At Rogers: F.B.L.A.; Sec; Forum Club; Sr. Honor Bond; A Bond Thespians Treos.; Adelante; Poges; Jr. Con; A.S.B. Council; Big Sister; Class Council; Red Cross, At LC: Senior Bond Minstre! Show Make-up, Jr. Dance; A.S.B., G.F. Charity Drive; P.T.A. G.F. Nominating Comm.; E.W.S.C. Children's Theater; Comm.; Minstrel Show; Rep.; Girls' League Ti-Girl Con Script; Club '64 Clean-up Journal Rep.; Club '64 At L.C.: DECA; G.F., A.S.B. Councils C.W.S.C. Clean-up Chairman G.F. Council U. of Idaho W.S.U. U.of W.

47 Joy Lynn Joseph Wilfred Joe Karl Richard Harold Roger Paul HART HARVEY HATCH HAUGEN HAUGEN Franklin Adams Hutton Libby Roosevelt Social Studies Art, Commercial industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Social Studies G.F. Council; Dod- Columbia Basin A.S.B., B.F. Councils; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Doughter Dessert Jr. College Fresh, B-Squad, H.R. Offices; H.R. Offices; Decorotions; H.R. Voristy Football B-Squad Baseball Hall Proctor Offices; Jr. Con Dance Spokane Community w.s.u. Line; Mother-Daughter College Tea Decorations


Judy Ann William Robert David Edwin Donold Edward Gary Victor HAVENS HAWLEY HAYEN HAYEN HEATH Washington St. George's Sacajaweo Sacajowea Libby Commercial, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Industrial Arts, Social Studies Socio! Studies At St. George's: Ski Club; Jr. Con Script Comm.; Varsity Golf; Pep Club; At Libby:B.F. Council; Jr. Achievement; Golf Teom; Bus Proctor; Golf; Pep Club; Ski Club; Jr. Con Script Rep.; Adelonte; Civil Air Halt Proctor; French Ski Club; A.S.B., Comm.; A.S.B., B.F. Red Cross Patrol; Children's Choir; Sr. Dance B.F, Councils Councils; Journol Rep.; Track Fiesta-Fete, 1st Place, Theater; Cheerettes Executive Comm.; Solici- U. of W. Oregon State Latin Comprehension Lewis and Clark College ting Comm. Chairman; A p#T^4t* Rummage Sale U. of W. At I.e.: Holl Proctor Whitman


^^^^^1^ 1 Sandra Elizabeth Leoh Jane 1^ Joe Alon Ezma Susan Carolyn May HEATH HEFT HEIDENREICH HENRY HEPBURN Whitrier Libby Libby Roosevelt Ellensburg High School, Ellensburg, Wash. Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Social Studies Music, Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics A.S.B. Council; Jr. Book Club Sec; Star- Jr. Con Costumes; Dod- Dance Decorations Ti-Girl Sgt. at Arms; At Ellensburg: Pep Club; lighters Sec; F.T.A.; Daughter Dessert Hostess; Comm.; Chess Club; Dosidrian Corr. Sec.; H.R. Offices; Band; Serenoders; Dad- Inaugural Ball Club '64 All-Northwest Orchestra; A.S.B. Council; Home- Daughter Dessert Tickets Decorations W:5;U. Adelonte; Jr. Con coming Plonning Comm. Red Cross, At L.C.: Accompanist, Chairman '61; Entre U. of Idaho Publicity; Nous; Choir; H.R. G.F., Jr. Class Councils; Girls' Glee; G.F. Council Offices; Horizon Club Horizon; H.R. Offices E.W.S.C. Pres. W.S.U. W.S.U.

18 Franc*i Kath«rin« illiam Gary Sharon Anne Carolyn Jean Gary Lee HERN HERR HERSMAN HICKEY HICKS Sacajawea Adams Socoiowea Libby Libby Foreign Languages, Art, Commercial Commercial, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies Social Studies F.T.A. Comm.; At Libby: Intramurols; Jr., Sr. Closs Councils; Adelante; Usherettes; A.S.B. Council- Soph., Jr. Class Councils; Basket Monitor; 9A Con; Sr. Closs Nominating Thespions; Jr. Con Library Worker Red Cross Council '63, Girls' Glee; Prom Comm. Comm.; Wrestling; Jr. '64 Decorations, Make-up E.W.S.C. '64; Jr. Con Make-up At L.C.: Intramurols; Achievement; Club Comm.; Soph. Picnic Comm.; Big Sister; Dod- Girls' Glee; Letter Reservotions Clean-up Comm.; Co- Doughter Dessert Ticket Award; A.S.B. Council E.W.S.C. Chairman Decorolions Comm. '63 Comm., Mother-Doughter W.S.U. Tea; Thespian Play; A.S.B., G.F. Comm. w.s.u. mum

Robert Sterling Richard Lois ichard Ainslie Bernard Timothy Lynda Rae HIGGINS HILL HOESLY HOFFMAN HOLCOMB St. Augustine Grant Hutton Gonzogo Prep Libby Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Social Studies Commercial, Science Social Studies Science A.S.B., B.F. Councils; W.S.U. Jr. Con Donee Line, Boys' Glee; H.R. Offices; Frosh Football; Pep Club; Adelonte; Publicity, Programs; Soph. Class Council; Frosh Boskelboll; Tri-Sci; A.S.B., B.F. G.F. Council; Soph. Picnic; Ski Club; Study Hall Proctor Councils; Jr. Con Comm.; Big Sister Frosh Golf; Hall Proctor E.W.S.C. Jr. Dance Comm.; U. of Seattle U. of W. Frosh, B-Squod Basket- ball; H.R. Officer; Con Proctor U. of W.

Kenneth Paul Gary Wayne Gordon Henry Robin Anthony William Peter HOLMES HONE HOOD HOOK HORN Hutton Libby Gront Socred Heart Irving Mathematics, Industrial Arts, Science Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Music, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Marine Air Corps Social Studies Bond; H.R. Treos.; Chess Club Pres., Sgt. Archery Club; E.W.S.C. Pep Club; Archery Club at Arms; Papyrus Treas.; S.H. Proctor E.W.S.C. Cross Country; Track; E.W.S.C. Soph., Jr. Class Councils; Greater Spokane, E.W.S.C. Honors Bands; E.W. Solo, Ensemble Contest; Brass Sextet W.S.U.

49 Barbara Ann Robert Leo Ronald Alan Daniel Arthur Margaret Lynn HORNADAY HORNBUCKLE HOTRUM HOVANES HOWELL libby Adorns. Irving Socajawea Sacojaweo Social Studies Industrial Arts, Foreign Languages, Social Studies, Science Foreign Languages, Mathematics Mathematics At Libby: 9A Con; Social Studies At Socajawea: Football; Girls' Glee; Drill Team H.R. Offices Youth For Christ Club A.S.B. Council Tiger Assoc. Editor; At L.C.: B.F., Jr. Class Tiger Solesman; Not'l. At L.C.: Civil Air Potrol; Idaho State College Pres.; Debate Club; Camera Club; G.F. A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Councils; Boys' Golf; Merit Runner-up; Council; Dod-Daughter H.R. Pres.; B-Squod S.H. Proctor People-to-People Tour; Dessert Wrestling; Choir w.s.u. Journal Staff; Quill and Scroll; Usherettes; Entre Blackburn University Cascade College Nous; F.N. A. Treos.; Pages Hist. Colorado Women's College oi:^oi^iaDn<(o»nnDisroiv^o

Suzette Marie Susan Faye Sharon Kay Robin Gwin Robert Duncan HOXSEY HUBLER HUEY HULEN HUNTER Irving Libby Gront Sacajowea Roosevelt Social Studies Mathematics, Art, Home Economics Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Mathemotics G.F. Council; H.R. Hist. Homemaking Club Sec; Nat'l. Merit Finalist; Jr. Executives; A.S.B., Usherettes; Jr. Con At Socaiaweo: Forum Club Pres.; St. Luke's Councils; Dad- Dance Line, Make-up Cheerleader Germon Club Pres.; Moth School of Nursing G.F. Daughter Dessert Comm.; Comm.; H.R. Offices; At L.C.: Forum Club Sec; Club; Varsity Debote; G.F., A.S.B. Comm. G.F. Comm.; Club '64 G.F., A.S.B. Councils; Debate Club; Jr. Con Jr. Script Comm.; B.F. Spokane Community Publicity; Big Sister Aqua-Maniacs; Con Dance Line; Council; Frosh, B-Squod College Comm., Senior Girl Scouts Pres. Football U. of Pacific Stanford

Sharon Yvonne Stephanie Elixaboth 'iames Richard, Jr. Joel Peter Patrick Michael HURST HURST HUTCHISON INGHAM IRELAND Libby Roosevelt Roosevelt Libby Hamblen Commercial, Mathematics, Industrial Arts, Industrial Arts, Science, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Pep Club; A.S.B., B.F. At Libby: Ledger Staff, Journal Managing Editor; Senate Club; Lettermen's At Libby: Red Cross Councils; Jr. Con Dance Feature Editor, Circulation Not'l. Merit Runner-up; Club; Ski Club; Pep Club; Council Line; H.R. Offices; Frosh Manager; 9A Con; Tiger Staff; Papyrus; Varsity Football, At L.C.: A.S.B. Council Football, Baseball; B- G.F. Comm. Homemaking Club Pres.; Wrestling; Jr. Con; Hello Squod Baseball; Soph. Picnic; Hall Proctor; At L.C.: Jr. Executives; Math Club See; Quill Week Con; A.S.B., Red Choir; Mixer Journal Rep.; Jr. Con and Scroll Pres.; Jr. Cross Councils Christmas Music Chairmen Refreshments; Cheerettes; Con Moke-up Co- U. of IdoKo ^ G.F. Council Choirmon; Ti-Girls W.S.U. E.W.S.C. U. of W. ft ^

Kenneth Jorgen Albert George Bonnie Ellen Nancy Lee Lorry Gene IVERSON IVES JACKMAN JACOBSON JAMESON Socajawea North Central Franklin Franklin Sacaiawea Mathematics, Science Commercial, Home Economics, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science At Sacaiawea: A.S.B. Industrial Arts Social Studies Mathematics Spokane Community Pres. A.S.B. Council; Dad-Daughter Dessert A.S.B. Sec; Tennis; Jr. College At L.C.: B.F. Fifth Exec; Jr. Achievement '62; Mother-Daughter Dance Queen; Soph. Frosh, B-Squad, Varsity Tea '61, '62, '63; Friendliest Girt; Ti-Girls; Basketboll; Frosh, Jr. Con Jr., Ti-Giri Con Speaking Vorsity Baseboll; Senote, w.s.u. Parts; Jr. Dance Chop- Key, Lettermen's Clubs; erones Choirman; Foot- Jr. Con Gift Comm. ball Queen; Ti-Girl Con U. of W. Drama Chairman U. of W.

Barbara Louise Jerry Lowell Kathleen Kay )avid Thure William Albert JAMIESON JANTZ JELLESED JOHANSSON JOHNS Roosevelt Libby Grant Sacaiawea Sacaiowea Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies At Libby: B.F. Pres.; Tiger Stoff; Homemaking B.F. Council; German At Sacaiawea: Frosh Journal Staff; F.N. A. A.S.B. V. Pres. Club Pres., V. Pres.; Club; Jr. Con Donee Line; Football Sec; F.M.T.; A.S.B. At L.C.: B.F. Council; Bowling Club; A.S.B., Head Hall Proctor; H.R. At I.e.: Jr. Class Council; Council; H.R. Offices; H.R. Offices; B-Squad, G.F. Councils; Tiger Offices; Friendliest H.R. Sr. Class Nominating A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Big Varsity Football, frock; Solesmon; Journal Rep.; Boy, 3 years; Yell King; Comm. Sister; Jr. Con Make-up; B.F. Sec.; Lettermen's H.R. Offices Wrestling U. of W. G.F. Nominating Comm.; Club Sec E.W.S.C. Montana State U. Music Festival; Music Accreditotion W.S.U. >*



Donald Arthur Ellen Leo James Howell III James Russell Steven Rois JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON Sacaiawea Franklin Lincoln Heights SocoiOAeo Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Social Studies Mothemotics, Scienco Sr. Class V. Pres.; Social Studies A.S.B. Council; Jr. Con; Jr. Con Comm.; A, S B Varsity Basketball; Golf; F.N. A.; Adeionte; C!ub'64 Decorations, Council: Frosh Gotf Senate Club; Key Club; Ti-Girl$; Footnotes; Cleon-up, Pictures &righom Young U. German Club; Lettermen's A.S.B., G.F,. Red Cross U. of Penn, Club; Jr. Con; Jr. Dance; Councils; Jr. Con; Ood- B.F. Council Daughter Dessert Chair- U. of W. manship; G.F. Comm. Deaconess School of Nursing L

David Leeroy David Winston Howard David Kimball Edwin ]./^aurei Ann JOHNSTON JONES JONES JONES JONES Kankakee Jr. High School Socojowea Bloomington High School Franklin Sacojawea Bloomington, Minn. Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Science, Sociol Studies Commercial, Science Social Studies Social Studies Wrestling; Adelcnte; Mathemotics, Sr. Bend; Orchestra; B.F. Council Class Council; H.R. Lettermen's Club; Vorsity H.R. Offices Children's Theater '63; Council; H.R. Offices; Football; B-Squad Track; All School Play '62; U. of Illinois w.s.u. Jr. Toastmosters Basketball; Pep Club Surprise Con '62; Jr. Con; Hello Week Publicity '62; U. of W. Harvard A.S.B. Council; H.R. Offices U. of Idaho


Raymond Michael Vernon Frank Richard Roy Kristin Louise Edward Michoel JONES JONES JOSS JURGENSEN KACALEK Socoiaweo Bloomington High School Wilson Ecole du Roidillon, Irving Pecq, France Commercial, Bloomington, Minn. Mathematics, Science le Art, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Tri-Sci Pres.; Adelonte Varsity, All-State Cross Social Studies Ski Club Treos.; Varsity Footboll, Pres.; Frosh-Soph. Math Country; Varsity Track; Wrestling; A.S.B. Basketball, Track; Contest Winner '6t, '62; Three first places in Lettermen's Club; A.S.B., Christmas Mixer; Jr. Lettermen's Club; Pep Club; Chess Club; Longuoges in Fiesta Fete; B.F. Councils; Soph. Con; Track; Frosh Sr. Class Pres. Moth Club; A.S.B. Entre Nous; Adelonte; Class Council; H.R. Offices; Big Sister; Offices; Pep Club Footboll; Club '64 Carlton Council; H.R. Offices; H.R. Jr. Con; Tennis Dod-Doughter Dessert; Everett Jr. College E.W.S.C. Cornell Cheerettes Willamette


Judith Clair Ronald Dovid Anton Karin Charlotte 1Kenneth Kenji KAISER KANEGAE KAPUS KAUPER KAYANO Shadle Park Lincoln Franklin Central Valley Lincoln Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies Foreign Languages, Social Studies Social Studies H.R. Officer; B.F. Journal Rep.; F.T.A.; Red Cross At Shadle: Hi-Lassies; Council; Frosh Chess Club Council; G.F. Comm. H.R. Offices; Dileos Choilin; Latin Basketboll; Wrestling U. of W. E.W.S.C. Frosh Football; Wrestling Club; H.R. Offices U. of Idaho At L.C.: A.S.B., G.F., E.W.S.C. Red Cross Councils; Journal Rep.; Publicity Comm. Mother-Daughter Teo; Big Sister E.W.S.C. Stephen Walter Craig David t Arthur Frederick Larry Edward 'Gordon John KEANE KEEVY KEEZER KEIL KELLY Roosevelt Grant Frankl in Hutlon Libby Science, Social Studies Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Social Studies H.R. Offices; A.S.B., Mathematics Latin Club Treas.; Journal Spring Managing B- Squad Wrestling B.F. Councils; Fresh H.R. Business Manager Trl-Sci Sgt. at Arms; Editor; Varsity Tennis; Spokane Community Baseball, Track Spokane Community B.F. Council Quill ond Scroll; Jr. Con College Lettermen's U. of Idaho College W.S.U. Script Comm.; Club; Pep Club; Jr., Sr. Class Councils; H.R. Offices U. of W

Stephen Roscoe Carol Ann James Edward Leslie Jo Susanne Pearl KELLY KELSCH KENT KEYSER KINCAIO Sacojowea Central High School, Socajawea Cleorfield High School, Fronklin Mathematics, Science Aberdeen, S.D. Science, Social Studies Clearfield, Utoh Music, Social Studies Studies Science, Social Studies Tri-Sci; Pep Club; Jr. Social B-Squod Football; Neptune's Daughters; Dance; B.F. Totent Con At Centrol: Jr., Sr. Prom Frosh Footboll At Clearfield: F.H.A., F.N. A.; Band; May '64 Publicity; Band; Journol Refreshment Comm.; Big Bend G.F. Rep.; Ski Club; Week Tog Comm.; Club Stoff; A.S.B., Red Cross Teacher's Teo Community College Yearbook Staff; Comm.; Big Sister Councils; Club 64 Spanish Club Deaconess Reservotlons At L.C.: Inaugural Ball School of Nursing '64 U. of W. Decorations E.W.S.C.

Karen Ann Susan Jo Nadine Eva Helena Cheslavo Scott Earl KITZKE KLEIVEN KLOBUSICKY KLOC KOllER

I Sacojawea L incoln Frank 1 1 n GranT \\ sen Mathematics, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Art. Social Studios Art. Social Studios Studies Social Studies G.F. Council '62, '63; Sociol G.F. Council: Red Cross F.N. A. V. Pres.; H.R. Offices; Big Sister; A.S.B. Hist.; Jr. Class Council; Jr. Coo Publicity; Usherettes; Jr. Con; G.F Cotton Doy Publictty Sec.; Cheerleoder; Tennis; Mother-Doughter Teo Council; Minstrel Show Comm. '62; Minstrel Adelante Sgt. ot Arms; Servira r.^ Cotton Costumes; Cotton Day Show Serving Comm. '63 BosketboM Bounce Ass't. Day C . Tog

Con '63; Red Cross Mother Doughter Teo Gen. Choirmon; Jr. Con . I Council; Horizon Club; Food Serving Conine, Speaking Port; Big Sister A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Dftoconess U of W E.\M.S.C. Club '64 Tickets; School of Nursing Big Sister w.s.u. Anne Marie Karlen Dian« Pout Willard Elizabeth Fredericko Emma oilie Victoria KOONTZ KOSS KRAUSE KROMER KRUMSICK Libby Sacajawea Libby Wilson Commercial, Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Art, Social Studies Social Studies Science Mathematics At Libby: 2nd place, Thespians Sec; Star- H.R. Offices; Hello lighters; G.F., Red Cross EnTre Nous; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; D.A.R. Contest Ti-Girls; Decorations; Councils; Choir; Mother-Daughter Teo Frosh Football, Basketball At I.e.; Red Cross, G.F. Week Mixer Councils; Jr. Con Children's Theoter; Food, Serving Choirmon; Track; Varsity Football, Councils; Thespians; A.S.B. Theater; Set Design Big Sister Jr. Con; Horizon Club Track; Lettermen's Club Children's Moke-up; Sec; journal Staff W.S.U. Ministrel Show Wenatchee Jr. College W.S.U. Big Sister; 2nd ploce w.s.u. Northeost Speech Contest Whitworth


Lenore Lynda Joanne Richard Gary Ronald James Sandra Louise Wfck/icki LAMB LAMBERT LAMBERT LANCASTER LANDER Hutton Libby Adams Socoiawea Socoiawea Social Studies Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Social Studies Sr. Class Social Studies At Libby: Chess Club; Third Place, Jr. Toast- A.S.B. Sec; Hist.; Jr. Con; Sgt. ot Arms; Usherettes Adelante; Book Club; H.R. Offices master's Speech Contest F.N. A. Comm.; Big Sister; Sec; Jr. Dance Gen. Poges; Journal Rep.; At L.C.; Classical Club; '63; Debate Club; Choir; G.F. '62 Choirmon; Hello Week Council; H.R. B.F. Council; H.R. Boys' Glee Club Hello Week Red Cross Con Gen. Chairman; Pres.; G.F. Comm.; Offices; Locker Comm. W.S.U. St. Luke's Jr. Con; Journol Staff; G.F. Council School of Nursing W.S.U. Tiger Salesman; Orpheus Whitworth U. of W.

Richard Susan Marie David Eugene Leslie Melissa Roberta Mae Iro LANMAN LARSEN LARSEN LARSON LASSMAN FrankI In Wilson Socoiawea Copple Jr, High School, Grant Omok, Wash. Commercial, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Industriol Arts Social Studies F.N. A. Treos., Sgt. at Pages; Jr. Con; B.F., '64 Social Studies Frosh Basketball H.R. Offices; Jr. Con Arms; Choir; Jr. Con; A.S.B. Councils; Club Journal Staff Assoc Frosh Football Make-up, Script; Jr. G.F. Council; Fire Squod U. of W. Decorations; Soph. Sec; Dad-Daughter Editor; Usherettes; Tennis, E.W.S.C. Donee Quill ond Scroll; G.F., Picnic Clean-up; Varsity Dessert; Mother-Daughter Thespians Ploy; Jr. Class Councils; Gen. Tennis; G.F. Council Tea; '64 Chairman Christmas U. of W. Club Mixer '63; Jr. Press St. Luke's Club Sec School of Nursing Montono State U.

54 Harry Arthur Joy Eorlen* Helen Elizabeth Robert Allan James Thomas LAUER LAUGHLIN LAWRENCE LEACH LEIGH Our Lady of Lourdes Socajowea Hutton Libby Libby Industrial Arts, Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Social Studies Mathematics G.F. Treas.; Ti-Girls At LIbby: Science Foir '61 At Libby: H.R. Offices; Harvard Treas.; F.N. A. Pres., Ti-Girl Pres., Sec, Head At L.C.: Tri-Sci; Science Science Club; Chess Club V. Pres.; Jr. Con Choreo- Drillmaster; A.F.S. Fair '63; Journol Rep.; At L.C.: Varsity, B-Squod grapher; Surprise Con; Finalist; Girls'Stole A.S.B. Alternate; Summer Baseball; A.S.B., Jr. Class Mother-Daughter Tea Finolist; Vorsity Tennis; Science Training Progrom Councils; Greoter Entertainment Cholrman Jr. Con; Sr. Class Council; Finolist; Club '64 Spokane Honors Bond; '62; Jr. Donee Deco- Adelante; Classical Club Cleon-up Comm. Bowling Club rotions; A.S.B. Council- Lewis and Clark College U. of W. Friendliest H.R. Girl U. of W.

Betty Jean Roberta Lee k1

'^Robert Stewart ^'liarbara Joyce Joan Meredith Linda Arao AWx iOR»*S LOBDELL LOMAX LONG LORD LOWE Roosevelt Adams WhiTf:er Scca c:^^ec SoCO|OWCO Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Commercial, Foreign Longuag**, Social Studies Mathematics Foreign Languages Social Studios Jr. Con Ovon^jp Comm. ,- A.S.B. V. Pres.; Boys' Tiger Stoff Classes A.S.B., G.F. Councils; Cheorleoder; Addonte Skia

Walter Aden John Arthur Carol Janine Robert Douglas, Jr. Martha louis* LOWERY LUNDIN LUNDQUIST LUNSFORD LYNCH Washington Roosevelt Roosevelt Adams Shadle Park Mathematics, Industrial Arts, Art, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Home Economics, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Big Sister Letter Award; Archery Club; Frosh, B-Squod, Varsity Frosh Track; B.F., A.S.B. Bosketball Bounce Bookroom Ass't. At Shadle: Swim Club; G.F., A.S.B. Councils; Boskerbolt; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Choir; Boys' Decorations; Christmas U. of W. Councils; Jr. Con Glee Club; H.R. Offices Mixer Tickets; Cotton Day Mother-Daughter Tea; '61; Jr. Con Make-up Big Sister Speaking Part; Senate Wenatchee Jr. College Con Club; Pep Club; Con Chairman; Dad-Daughter At L.C.: Dad Doughter Proctor; Sr. Class Dessert Hostess; Jr. Dessert; A.S.B. Alt. Council Executives U. of Hawaii W.5.U. U. of Hawaii


Marilyn Louise Anna Ferol Ufallie Rosetta t^cvid George Douglas Jay MABRY MADDEN MAGERS MAGERS MAGNEY Sacajowea Grant Grant Whittier Roosevelt Home Economics, Science, Social Studies Home Economics Commercial, Commercial, Industrial Arts Social Studies Social Studies Tennis; Ti-Girls; Ski Club; Mother-Doughter Tea Jr. Con; H.R. Soph. Greeting Girl; Tri-Sci; Jr. Con Donee; Serving Comm. '62, '63; Ski Club; Soph. Class DECA; B.F. Council; Jr. F.N. A. Sec.; Fire Squad Christmas Con; Ti-Girl Jr. Con Make-up Comm.; Picnic; Jr. Con; Hello Offices; Executives Sec; Jr. Con Make-up; Con; Jr. Dance Deco- Homemaking Club Hist., Week; Journol Rep.; '64 Dad-Daughter Dessert; rations; Red Cross Parliamentarian; May Radio Club; Club W.S.U. Mother-Daughter Tea; Council; Horizon; Big Week Tags Comm. '63; W.s.u. G.F. Christmas Caroling; Sister; Girls' Glee G.F. Council Hello Week Decorations E.W.S.C. w.s.u. Whitworth

Douglas Arthur Winifred Mae i/Michael George Teresa Kay Henry Eugene MANCHESTER MANION MANSFIELD MARKER MARSH Wilson Marycliff Central Volley Lincoln Heights Libby High School Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies Foreign Languages, Social Industrial Arts, Mathematics At Libby: Varsity Track; B.F. Council; 2nd place. At Marycliff: Ass't. Sports Social Studies H.R. Offices; Cross Lettermen's Club Math Contest '62; Jr. Manager; Sports Letter; Red Donee Comm.; Moth Club; M.E.G. Member; Paladin At North Pines: Frosh Council; Jr. Con; Big At I.e.: H.R. Offices Sister '61, '62; Tri-Sci; Bowling Club Aword; Mary's Club; Class Pres. Dad- Spokane Community Doughter Tea '62; Poges; Sec; Jr. Executives; Orchestra I.I.C. member Annapolis College Ski Club Adelonte Hist.; Pep Club; w.w.s.c. H.R. Offices U. of W. U. of W.

5fi 1

James Alexander les Dean Garry Wallace Joanne Elaine Bea Naomi MARSH MARSHALL MARTIN MARTIN MARUHASHI Sacaiowea Roosevelt Libby Morycliff Lincoln Mathematics, Science Music, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Commercial, Art, Mathematics Home Economics Tri-Sci; Ski Club; Pep At Libby: A.S.B. Sec; Jr. Con Set Design Club; Bowling Club; H.R. Track; Football- Esther's Beauty School Chairman; Hello Week Offices; Jr. Con; Basketball; H.R. Officer; Togs Chairman; G.F. Christmas Mixer, Inaug- Lettermen's Club; Council; Journal Rep.; ural Ball Comm.; Frosh B.F. Council G.F., A.S.B. Comm.; Golf; Red Cross Council; At L.C.: Varsity Track; Big Sister; Jr. Dance Band; Proctor B-Squod Football; Decorations Noll Proctor U. of Idaho U. of W. Son Jose State

lliam Ernest Donna Marie t^ruce Mark Richard James Betty Kay MATHEWS MAURUS MAXWELL MAYTHER McCLANAHAN Whittier Adams Sacaiowea Stevens Libby Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Industrial Arts Commercial, Social Studies Mathematics Mathematics B-Squad, Varsity Foot- B.F. Council; B.F. Council; DECA Pres.- A.S.B., G.F., Red Cross ball; Baseball; Hall Footboll Adelonte; Jr. Executives Gov.; H.R. Offices; Councils; Journal Rep.; Proctor; Christmas W.S.U. Sgt. at Arms; A.S.B. Rep.; Jr. Con Cotton Day Con Model; Mixer; Friendliest Boy Council; Journal '62, '63; Wrestling Basketball Bounce w.s.u. Wool Day Con; H.R. Offices; Inaugural Ball Whitworth Publicity; Dad-Daughter Publicity Comm.; Jr. Dessert Hostess; Mother- Dance Decorations Daughter Tea Invitations Hello Week Hall U. of W. Decorations E.W.S.C.

Margaret Elizabeth Royal Alfred, Jr. Susan Slagle Karen Lee Eva Katherine McCLURE McCONNELL McCRACKEN McCUE McDonald Roosevelt Republic, Wnsh. Roosevelt Texas Franklin Commercial, Mathematics, Science Commercial, Commercial, Commerciol, Social Studies Mathematics Home Economics Varsity Football; Key Social Studies Red Cross Council; Fine Club V. Pres.; Senate At Republic: Annual Dasidrian Hist.; Ski H.R. Offices; Christmas Arts Club; Big Sister; Club Parliamentarian; Staff; Tiger-ettes; A.S.B. Club; Orpheus; Star- Con '62; Dad-Daughter Picnic; Dad-Daughter Dessert; Lettermen's Club V. Pres.; Council; Girls' Basket- lighters; Choir; Jr. Con Dessert; Soph. Jr. Con Costume Comm.; Pep Club; B.F. ball; Science Club Dance; Horizon; H.R. Big Sister; Jr. Con; Jr. A.S.B., Mother-Daughter Tea Councils At L.C.: Jr. Executives Offices; A.S.B., G.F. Dance; Surprise Con; Sgt. at Arms; Red Cross; Councils; Big Sister; Mother-Daughter Tea; U. of Idoho Stanford '64 A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Dad-Daughter Dessert; Jr. Executives; Club Jr. Con Club '64 Decorations E.W.S.C. Kelsey-Baird E.W.S.C. t

Mary Elizabvth Carol Jean < Doris Eileen Thomas Daniel Gregory Joel McDUFFIE McFALLS McGEE McKINLEY McLAIN West Volley Spangle High School, Centrol Volley Adorns Hutton Music, Social Studies Spangle, Wash. Commercial, Industrial Arts, B.F. Council, 2 years; Social Studies Mathematics Boys' Glee Sr. Courtesy Girl; F.N.A.; Commercial, Studies Choir; Star! ighters; Social G.F. Council; Jr. B.F. Council; Jr. Con Spokane Community A.S.B., G.F. Councils; Executives; Cheerettes; Achievement Business Publicity Comm. College Jr. Con; Red Cross 3C's Club; DECA Club; G.F. Comm.; Council; Big Sister; Dod- E.W.S.C. Jr. Executives Doughfer Dessert Hostess; W.W.S.C. Jr. Achievement Whitworth

Shelby Ann Molly Susan Clayton Eugene Robert Lowell Steven Glee McLaughlin McLELLAN MEAD MEENACH MELCHER Socajoweo Sacojawea Whittier Sacajaweo Freeman High School, Freeman, Wash. Art, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Mathematics Mathematics, Science Adelonte; Jr. Con Cos- G.F. Pres.; Girls' Stote, Ski Club; Pep Club; May tumes; Dod-Doughter Nation; D.A.R. Good Vorsity Golf; Pep Club; Week Con '63; Jr. Donee At Freeman: B-Squod Dessert '62, '63; Mother- Citizen; Cresent Fashion Hail Proctor; A.S.B., Publicity; B-Squod Track; Football Daughter Tea '63; May Board; Jr. Con Director; B.F. Councils; Red Cross Cross Country; A.S.B., B.F. At L.C.: B-Squad Tennis; Week '63; Jr. Dance Moth Club Sec; Usher- Council; B.F. Talent Con Councils; Frosh Football, Varsity Wrestling; Jr. Comm. ettes Pres.; Mother- Comm.; H.R. Offices Track; S.H. Proctor Con; May Week Deco- rations; Lettermen's Club; E.W.S.C. Daughter Tea Co-Gen. U. of Idaho U. of W. Choirmon; Dasidrian; Pep Club; Hall Proctor; Lilac Queen Ski Club; Club '64 U. of W. Fresno State U.

Marilee Ann Ronald Lynn Robert John Bruce Wayne Cheryl Louise MERCER MERRIMAN MEYERS MICKELSON MIDLA Sacoiowea Sacojawea Franklin Grant Washington Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Mothematict, Commercial, Foreign Languages, Social Studies Industrial Arts Social Studies Spokane Figure Skating Inland Space Science Club; Dod-Doughter Society Pres.; Frosh Footboll; Boseboll; Pep Wrestling; A.S.B. Adelonte; G.F. Council; '62 Dessert; Jr. Con Dance Track, Wrestling; Red Club; Con Proctor; Council Mother-Daughter Tea Line; Big Sister; Surprise Cross Council; Tri-Sci; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Spokane Community E.W.S.C. Con; Journal Rep.; Hall Proctor Lettermen's Club; Key College Girls' Glee Gonzaga U. Club Treos.; Senate Club; Jr. Con Mr. Lee's School of Beauty w.s.u.

58 'Hcalhleen Margaret •Myles Keith i


"^Paul Wesley Richard Loren Susan Jane LoVerne Kay Janet Louise MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLS MITCHELL Libbv Gonzaga Prep Sacojaweo Roosevelt Socoiaweo Commercial, Science Foreign Languages, Home Economics Commercial, Foreign Languages, Industrial Arts Socio! Studies Social Studies At Libby: Bronze Aword Cheerleader; Friendliest A.S.B. Sec. At L.C.: Bookroom Clerk; A.S.B., B.F. Councils Junior Girl; Jr. Dance Jr. Executives; Camera At Socoiaweo: F. Club; Civil Air Patrol; At L.C.: Forum Club Sec; Boys' Adviser Ass't.; E.W.S.C. Princess; G. Sgt. ot Librarian Ass't. Arms; Senate Club Donee Journol Staff; Heolth Entre Nous; Book Club Room Attendant; Mother- Trees.; Ti-Girls; H.R. Spokane Community Line Choreographer; Red Council; Jr. Con Daughter Tea; Dod- Pres.; A.S.B. Council; College Cross Donee Line Doughter Dessert '62 Jr. Con; Surprise Con W.S.U. Brooks Institute Whitman of Photography

Wendell Margo Jean Patricia Ann Gary Edward Nancy Elaine -Wade MITCHELL MIX MOLINE MOORE MORAN Libby Roosevelt Hutton Adams Wilson Science Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Mathematics, Social Studies Social Studies W.S.U. Social Studies Children's Theotre '62; Dosidrian V. Pres.; Mother-Daughter Tea B-Squad Track Adelonte Sgt. ot Arms; F.T.A.; Entre Nous; Decorations Comm. '61; Horizon Club Sec; Ski Usherettes; Music Festival Hello Week Holl Deco- Club; Ti-Girls; Big Sister; Finalist; Jr. Con; Soph., rations '60; Big Sister '61, Jr. Con Donee Line; Jr. Class Councils; Soph. '62; Entre Nous; Thespions May Week Decorations; Class Nominating Comm.; All-School Ploy, Club '64 Decorations; Hist.; Head Courtesy Girl Speaking Part '64 Journal Rep. W.S.U. Brigham Young U. U. of Idaho

59 Janic* Lerraina G«rald Wesley Marilyn Kay '^i!nda Kay l^ichael Gifford MORGAN MORLOCK MOSSUTO MOYLAN MUNSON

Pomeroy High School, Lincoln Heights Libby Tronk I in South Jr. High, Pomeroy, Wash. Mathematics, Commercial, Commercial, Everett, Wash. Mathematics, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Industriol Arts, Social Social Studies Studies W.S.U. At Libby: 9A Con Jr. Exec. Sec; Jr. Con H.R. V. Pres. At L.C.: Dod-Doughter Publicity; A.S.B., G.F. E.W.S.C. E.W.S.C. Dessert Decorations '62; Councils; Big Sister; Big Sister Club '64 Decorations E.W.S.C. W.S.U.


Joseph Martin Michael Allan Gloria Jean James Richard Larry Ward MURPHY NAGY NAUDITT NEILL NEILL Lincoln Heights Libby Sacajowea FrankI in Franklin Mathematics, Science Commercial, Science, Social Studies Commercial, Industrial Arts, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Entre Nous V. Pres.; Ti-Girls; Entre Nous Sec.; Chess Club; Nal'l. Merit Book Club; Boseboll, 2 Ski Club; Dad-Daughter A.S.B., B.F. Councils; B.F. Council; Book Room Runner-up; Bond; Debate; yrs.; Jr. Con Dessert Comm,; Mother- Sr. Class Council; Pep Ass't.; Librory Ass't.; H.R. Sgt. at Arms; W.S.U. Daughter Tec Comm.; Club; Speaking Port, Jr. Journal Rep. Red Cross Council Jr. Con Dance Line; Con; Frosh Basketboll Spokane Community Horizon Club Treas.; U. of W. C.W.S.C. College Big Sister; Soph. Picnic Comm. W.S.U.

Robert McColl Diana Lucille Flora Anne Arlene Louise Reginald Albert NEILSON NELSON NELSON NEVEUX NEWTON Hutton Lincoln Holy Names Academy Sacajowea Libby Social Studies Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Science, Social Studies Mathematics Social Studies Tri-Sci Trees.; Toost- Head Courtesy Girl; Cross Country; Wrestling; mosters; Varsity Baseball, Adelonte; Llsherettes;lst Dasidrion; Entre Nous; Usherettes; G.F. Sec.; Red Cross Council; Football; B-Squad Piece, Spanish Compre- Music Scholorship Final- Horizon; Big-Little Sister B.F. Council Wrestling; Football hension, Fiesta-Fete; Sr. ist; Entertainment, Big- Con Speoking Port; Columbia Basin Donee Line, Jr. Con; Band; Honor Band; G.F., Little Sister Party '62; Mother-Daughter Teo; Jr. College A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Red Cross Councils; Jr. Con; Red Cross Jr. Dance Decorations; H.R. Sec. A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Council; Club '64 Jr. Con '64 Decorations W.S.U. Jr. Con; Club U. of Idaho Mexico City College Stephens

60 4i J dm I -9. Gayle Ann Ronald Harris Shirley Jo Sylvia Mae nnio Jean NICE NILSON NIX NOLL NORDHAGEN Nothan Eckstein High Sacaioweo Roosevelt Libby Libby School, Seattle, Wash. Foreign Languages, Mothematics, Science, Social Studies Commercial, Science, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies At Libby: G.F. Sec, Social Studies At Eckstein: Sr. Band; Jr. Toostmosters; B-Squod, Big Sister '63; A.S.B. Treos.; Pep Club Y.F.C. Club; N.O.M.A. Newspoper Staff Varsity Track; Soph., Jr. Alternate; Journal Rep. At L.C.: A.S.B., G.F. Math Award; G.F. Dod-Doughter At I.e.: Usherettes; Class Councils; Jr. Con c.w.s.c. Councils; Jr. Con Moke-up Council; Executives F.N. A.; Book Club; G.F., Dance Line; Frosh K.B.U. Dessert; Jr. A.S.B. Comm.; Jr. Con; Bosketboll, Baseball; H.R. K.B.U. Red Cross Council; Friendliest Boy; M.C. Big Sister B.F. Con U. of Oregon Whitworth

Robert Kerry Nancy Ann Thomas Cecil '%rna Vesia Manley Edward, Jr. NOVELL NOWLAND NUXOLL NYGAARD OCKER School Whittier Socaja woo Sacojowea I rving Broadwater High Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Industrial Arts Commercial, Art, Social Studies Studies Social Studies Varsity Golf; Boys' Glee; Social Varsity Golf Fine Arts Club Trees.; Council; Varsity Wrestling; H.R. Offices; B.F. Entre Nous; Ski Club; W.S.U. DECA; G.F. Council; Christmos Con; Horizon Club; Ti-Girls; G.F. Comm.; Big Sister B-Squod Football; Frosh Track; Jr. Class Council; Jr. Con; Journol Rep. Ti-Girl Con; Footnotes; Spokane Community H.R. Treos. Jr. Con; Big Sister; Hello College Week Tickets; G.F. W.S.U. Comm. w.s.u.

Constonce Jo Eileen Mary Michael Emerson David Arnold Sharon O'DONNELL O'FLYNN OILAND O'KELLY OLIVER Franklin Holy Names Academy Libby Libby Socojawea Mathematics, Social Studies Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies A.S.B. Council; Entre At Holy Nomes: Jr. Con; At Libby: Class V. Pres.; Honor Thespion Pres.. Mock Congress; Gonzogo Red Cross Council; B.F. Treos.; D.A.R. Nous; Jr, Con Decoration Mother-Daughter Hist-; Red Cross CourKil; Pep Club; Athletics H.R. Sgt. at Arms Essay Finalist Comm.; Donee Line; Christmas Con, 3 yeort; At L.C.: Doughter At L.C.: B.F., A.S.B. Teo; Jr. Con Dad E.W.S.C. Children's Theoter Dessert Comm.; Council; Vorsity, B-Squod Big Sister; Horizon; Ski Director; Various Cons; G.F. Baseball; Varsity, Club Sec.; Soph. Picnic Council All-School B Squad Wrestling W.S.U. Big Sister; U. of Hawaii Ploy; Jr. Con U of W. U. of W.

<5\ Arthur Brent Karen Leona John Arthur Leslie Bruce OLSON OLSON ORTMEYER OSTER Libby Socajaweo Sacoiowea Mead rving Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Mathemotics, Science Industrial Arts, Science, Social Studies Das Rheingold; Mathematics Choir Pres. V. Pres; Boys' Social Studies E.W.SC. B.F. Council Ti-Girls; G.F. Surprise Glee; Jr. Con; All-Stote Con '62; Jr. Con Programs Choir; Sr. Class Council Comm.; Dad-Doughter U- of Puget Sound Dessert Nome Togs Comm. W.S.U.


Darrel Lee Robert Dale Edythe Volene Anita Louise Ann Marie PADAYAO PATRICK PATTILLO PAUL PAULSON Grant Franklin Libby Libby Sacoiowea Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Commercial, Commercial, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies TI-Girls Sgf. ot Arms; Friendliest H.R. Boy '61, Archery Club Pres.; Usherettes; F.H.A.; Red Footnotes;. Star lighters; '62; Frosh Football, Adelonte; B-Squod Foot- Cross Council; Mother- Choir; Dad-Daughter Boseball; Vorsity ball; Hall Proctor; Daughter Tea; Jr. Con; Dessert; Jr. Con; Horizon; Wrestling; Nominee for S.H. Proctor H.R. Offices; Dad- G.F. Council; A.S.B. V. Pres.; A.S.B., W.S.U. Daughter Dessert; Journal Rep. B.F. Councils Big Sister Pacific Lutheran U. W.S.U. Northwest Nazarene College

Ann Beth Marie ' Linda Ruth Pamela Sue Cloire Ann PAXTON PEACHEY PEACHEY PEARSON PEMBERTON Roosevelt Whittier Whittier John Muir Jr. High School, Commercial, Commercial, Commercial, Foreign Languages, San Jose, Calif. Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics Foreign Languages, Social DEC A Sec; Adelonte; F.N. A.; Choir Sgt. at Horizon Trees.; Jr. Con; Thespions Pres., Treos.; Studies Pages; Ski Club; Arms; Red Cross Council; Red Cross, G.F. Councils; Forum Club; Ti-Girls; Adelonte Sgt. at Arms; Inougurol Boll '63; Dod- Jr. Con; Christmos Con; Big Sister; Mother- Tennis; Soph. Class, Ski Club; Red Cross Doughter Dessert '62; Mother-Daughter Tea Daughter Teo Comm.; G.F. Councils; Dod- Council; Jr. Con Wolk-on; Jr. Con; B.F. Talent Con Comm. '61; G.F. Comm.; G.F., A.S.B. Comm.; Doughter Dessert '63; Mother-Daughter Tea '63; G.F. Council; Red Jr. Con Comm. Choir Sec; Jr. Executives Locker Comm.; Thespian Ticket Comm. '63 Horizon Treas. Cross Council Sec. Ploy; Entre Nous; W S U. W.S.U. W.S.U. All-School Play Whitman

62 Douglas Alan Rae Ann David, Jr. Valerie Cotherin* Howard Nels PENFIELD PERIUS PERRY PERRY PETERSON Libby Libby Jordan Jr. High, Sacoiawea Grant Science, Social Studies Art, Home Economics Polo Alto, Calif. Foreign Languages, Mathematics, B.F. Council At Libby: Girls' Athletic Science, Social Studies Science Social Studies Association; 9A Con Intramural Basketball Usherettes; Adelante; E W.S.C. At L.C.: Hello Week Hall w.s.u. Starlighters; Choir; G.F. Decorations; Dod- Council; Soph. Picnic; Doughter Dessert; AAother- Jr. Con; Jr. Dance; G.F. Doughter Tea; Jr. Cotton Day Con '63; Dod- Con Publicity Doughter Dessert; Mother- Spokane Beauty College Daughter Tea San Francisco State College

Mark Edward Pamela Roe Mari-Ann Horry Allen Joan Marilyn PETERSON PETRAGALLO PFEIFFER PHILLIPS PHILLIPS Lincoln Heights Holy Names Academy Adams Whittier Sacoiawea Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Music, Social Studies Industrial Arts, Foreign Languages, Architectural Club Social Studies Choir; Tiger Tones; Social Studies Mathematics W.S.U. At Holy Nomes: Red Serenaders; Boys' Quartet DECA Treas.; Pep Club; Entre Nous Sec; Ski Ctub Cross; Model Congress, Accompanist; Starlighters Frosh Baseball, Football; Fifth Exec; Horizon Senator; Jr. Con Dance Pres., V. Pres.; B-Squad Baseboll, Treos.; Jr. Con Dance Line; At L.C.: Jr. Dance Jr. Con; Various Cons Football A.S.B., G.F., Soph. Class Decorations Comm.; Gonzaga U. Pacific Lutheran U. Councils; A.S.B., G.F. Red Cross Council- Comm. Ski Club W.S.U. W.S.U.

Loyd Douglas ilar\ Eugene Jerald Raymond Steven Clark Steven Craig PHILLIPS, POLHEMUS PORTREY POWELL PRATT Grant H.H. Hohn Campus Adams Libby Mathematics. Foreign Languages, School, Wayne, Neb. Art Science, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics, Science Stoge Crew E.W.S.C. A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Baseball Papyrus; Journal Staff W.S.U. Burnley School of Arts E.W.S.C. E.W.S.C. 4 James Douglas, Jr. Steven Lee Patricia Ann VMory Cynthia Douglas Roscoe PREVOST PRIOR PROHASKA PUGH PULLEN Detroit, Mich. Libby Sacojoweo Wilson Sacaiowea Art Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Social Studies Social Studies Eastern Michigan U. Mathematics Social Studies Soph. Class, B.F. Red Cross Council; Ti-Girl V. Pres., Sgi. at Varsity Tennis; Lettermen's Councils; H.R. Pres.; Mother-Daughter Tea Arms, Adeiante Sgt. at Club; Papyrus V. Pres.; Con, Hall Proctor Comm.; Dod-Daughter Arms; Jr. Con Make-up German Club V. Pres.; Jr. Staff; Quill and E.W.S.C. Dessert Comm. Choirmon; Dance Journal Northwest Nazorene Ticket Chairman; Gool Scroll; Jr. Con Set College Post Gallop Choirmon Building Chairman; WW. SC. B.F. Council; Pep Club Willamette U.

Gary Michael Sheryl Leigh Linda Marie ^l^cy Wellington Dennis Sedgwick RADER RANSOM RASMUSSEN RAYNOR READ Wilson Lincoln Heights Libby Roosevelt Libby Mathematics, Science Home Economics, Commercial, Foreign Languages, Commercial, Social Studies Home Economics Social Studies Industrial Arts Clossicol Club Pres.; Chess Club Pres.; Homemaking Club; Big Sister Dosidrion Pres.; Adeiante H.R. Offices; '62 Lettermen's Club; Bowl- May Week '63; Jr. Con Spokane Community Pres., Sec; Pages Treos.; Minstrel Show ing Club; Boys' Quartet; w.s.u. College Dad-Daughter Dessert; E.W.S.C. Varsity Tennis; Jr. Con; Hello Week Decorations; Frosh All-City Tennis; Golf; G.F., Sr. Class All-School Ploy; Councils; Club '64 Stiver Spurs Pres. Serving Chairman Harvard U. of W.

Julia Ann Williom James ^ Darlinda Kay David William Donna Roberta REED REESE- REVIOUS RHOADES RHODA Reordan High School Irving Laton Union High School, Irving Roosevelt Loton, Colif. Commercial, Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies Home Economics Social Studies Commercial, Social Studies Usherettes; Starlighters; Social Studies At Reordan: R-ettes; Wenatchee Jr. College Red Cross Council; Choir; Girl Scouts; G.F. Council; G.F. Dance W.S.U. H.R. Pres.; Tennis; A.S.B., G.F., Red Cross At L.C.: Cheerettes; B.F. Council Councils; Jr. Con Jr. Executives E.W.S.C. Make-up; Journal Staff E.W.S.C.

64 Sheron Louise H«len Raelee Norene Carol Sharol Ann Jacqueline RICE RIDGE RITTER ROBB ROBERSON Lrbby Libby Lincoln Heights Sacaiawea Grant Commercial, Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Music, Social Studies Social Studies At Libby: A.S.B., G.F. Ti-Grrls; Pages Pres.; Inland Empire Science Hello Week Mixer DECA Hist.; H.R. Offices; Councils; Ledger Staff Entre Nous; Dod- Foir, Honorable Mention; Chairman; G.F. Council; G.F., Sr. Class Councils; Editor; Traffic Squad; Doughter Dessert Cafe- Dos Rheingold Fifth B.F. Con; Dad-Doughter Jr. Con Publicity, Make- Pep Club teria Decorations Chair- Exec; F.H.A.; G.F. Dessert; Inaugurol Boll up; Choir; G.F. Comm. At L.C.: Jr. Con; Dod- man; Jr. Con Speaking Council; Jr. Con; Orches- Comm.; G.F. Con; Jr. w.s.u. Daughter Dessert '64; Part; Cotton Doy Con '62; tra; Jr. Symphony; Dod- Con; Dasidrian; Orches- G.F. Council Office Courtesy Girl Doughter Dessert; L.C. tro; Hello Week Con; W.s.u. W.S.U. Science Fair, Second, Choir Biology, '63 W.S.U. Whilworth aD:^DDQ<£Qj>H0DiroH(]Diirir:^aD

Jean Winn Edward Wheelock Judy Irene William Michael George Robert ROBERTS ROGERS ROGERS ROGOWAY ROHRBACK Sacaiawea Hutton Libby Sacaiawea Grant Music, Science Mathematics, Science Commercial, Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Ski Club; Slarlighters; Ski Club; B.F. Council; Social Studies At Socajawea: Frosh Social Studies Choir; Pages; Red Cross; Jr. Class Council; Red At Libby: G.F., Football; Band Archery Club Horizon Club; H.R. Cross Council; Jr. Con Red Cross Councils At L.C: B.F. Council; U. of W. Offices; Mother-Daughter Set Comm. K.B.U. H.R. Offices; B-Squod Tea; Jr. Con Script, U. of W. Football Scenes, Walk-on; U.C.L.A. Other Comm. N«w York U.

Donnell Robert Wayne Sandra Lynn Lynn Ellen Thomas Samuol ROLLERSON ROONEY ROSENBALM ROSENQUIST ROUSSEAU Lincoln Gonzaga Mann Jr. High School, Socajawea Libby Art, Social Studies Commercial Tocomo, Wash. Commercial, Mothematics, Science Science, Social Studies Social Studies A.S.B., B.F. Councils; At Gonzaga: B.F. Council Radio Club Pres. H.R. V. Pres.; B-Squod At I.e.: H. R. Offices; F.N. A.; A.S.B. Council; Library Ass't.; Jr. Con W.S.U. Wrestling; Frosh Trock, DECA Jr. Con Make-up; Dad- Set Design Comm. Football; Boys' Glee; Daughter Dessert; Whitwortk Hall Proctor Jr. Achievement Armed Forces Deaconess School of Nursing

65 Robert Paul Sarah Frances Barbara lllene Richard Leigh Douglas James ROWE RUTHERFORD RYKUS SACKVILLE-WEST ST. DENNIS Sacajawea Socojawea Sacojawea Irving Sanford Jr. High School, Minneapolis, Minn. Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Industrial Arts, Social Studies Pages Thespians; Social Studies Toastmasters Sec; Var- Sec; Mathematics sity Cross Country Copt.; G.F. Sec; Football Ski Club; Journol Staff Sr. Band; Orchestra; Pep Varsity, B-Squad Track; Princess; Jr. Closs Treas.; Circulation Manager; Jr. Club; H.R. Pres.; A.S.B. Architectural Club; A.S.B., B.F., Jr. Closs Woskowitz; 3rd Place Con Speaking Port; Council; Forum Club A.S.B. Council; Councils; Jr. Con; Big Sister Award; Ti- A.S.B., G.F. Councils; Pres., Treas.; Bond Jr. Achievement Pres. Christmas Mixer; Inaug- Girls; Tennis Team; Entre H.R. Sec, Pres.; Big V. Pres. U. of Minnesota ural Ball Tickets; A.S.B. Nous; F.N.A.; Basketball Sister; Thespion Nominating Comm. Bounce Publicity One-Act Ploy Chairman Chairman Colorado Woman's w.s.u. U. of W. College ts3©noD:^ZDna[ioiisBoi]DD[izsc]Dii®i:zi

Audrey Kay Susan Anthony Andrew Earl Patricia Ann firuce Carey SALDIN SALLADAY SALMON SALSBURY SAMUELS Roosevelt Socajaweo Wilson Socojawea Libby Social Studies Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Mathematics, Science A.S.B., G.F., Class Social Studies Mathematics Social Studies Moth Club Comm.; Big Sister Journol Ass't. Feoture Jr. Closs Fifth Exec; Jr. Con Publicity Comm.; Gonzaga U. Editor; Usherettes; Quill Adelonte Sgt. ot Arms; Dod-Doughter Dessert and Scroll; Thespians; A.S.B., B.F., Jr. Closs Hostess Comm. '63 Entre Nous; Jr. Con Co- Councils; Jr. Con Business E.W.S.C. Director; Children's Manager; Pep Club; Theoter; W.S.U. H.S. Classical Club; Jr. Summer Camp Donee Clean-up; Jr. Scholarship; Big Sister Leadership Conference Whitman W.S.U.

Corol Fay Von Richard Carol Lee larry William Nancy Ann 5ANDBERG SANDERSON SANFORD SANTSCHI SANTSCHI Frankl in Libby Sacoioweo Grant Gront Mathematics, Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Commercial, Mathematics Social Studies Social Studies At Libby: B.F. Pres.; Nat'l. Merit Finalist; Ski Club; Sr. Band; Jr. Science Club V. Pres. Forum Club Sec; B.F., A.S.B. Treas.; Boys' Ti-Girls; Footnotes; Jr. Frosh, Con Dance Line; Con; Big Sister; Dad- Gonzaga U. Thespion V. Pres; State Rep.; Daughter Dessert '62; Usherettes; All-School B-Squad, Varsity Foot- Christmas Con; Sr. Class, Mother-Daughter Tea; Play; Jr. Con Speaking ball; Wrestling; Letter- G.F., Red Cross Councils; A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Part; Children's Theater; men's, Pep, Key, Senate G.F. Sgt. at Arms; Big Journal Rep.; Christmas Dad-Doughter Dessert; Clubs; Red Cross Council; Sister; Horizon Sec; Con; Club '64 Publicity Horizon; G.F., A.S.B. Jr. Con, May Week Con Football Princess; Clob '64 Co-Chairman W.S.U. Comm. Dance Lines Whitman U. of Idaho Janet Elizobeth Ann Louise Roberta Anne Phillip Fred Donita Dawn SATRE SCAMMELL SCHELL SCHLAGER SCHNEIDER Saraioweo Sacajaweo Marycliff Irving Irving Mathematics, Music Foreign Languages, Foreign Languages, Music, Social Studies Mathematics, Mathematics Social Studies Social Studies At Sacoiowea: Orchestra; Track; Cross-Country; Choir Accompanist; Thespians V. Pres.; Trl- At Marycliff: Glee Club; Band; Pep Club; Jr. Con Whitworth Spokane Jr. Symphony Sci; Children's Theater; I. I.e.; M.E.G.; C.S.M.C.; U-of WT At L.C.: Dosidrian V. F.N. A.; Dad-Daughter Music Awards; Pallodin Pres., Treas.; Classical Dessert '63; Christmas Awards; A.S.B. Comm. Club Treos.; Jr. Con; Mixer '62; Big Sister; At L.C.: G.F., A.S.B. A.S.B., Sr. Class Cons F.M.T. Councils; Glee Club Organist; H.R. Pres. U. of W. Sacred Heart Hastings School of Nursing

Hilda Josephine Dale Glen tlnda Sue Eunice Margaret Frederick Herbert SCHNEIDER SCHOENBERGER SCHROEDER SCHUELLER SCHULTZ Washington Libby Roosevelt Lincoln Heights Libby Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Social Studies G.F. V. Pres.; Head Classical Club; Tri-Sci; Ti-Girl Drillmaster; Jr. Band; A.S.B. Council Cheerleader; Jr. Con Frosh Boseball; 3rd in Adelante; Jr. Con Con; A.S.B. Council; G.F. Gonzaga U. Gen. Chairman; Cotton Frosh-Soph. Moth Contest Comm.; Christmas Con Council; G.F. Comm.; Day Con Gen. Chairman '62; A.S.B., B.F. Councils '62, '63; Big Sister; H.R. Sec; F.N. A.; '63; Pages Pres., V. Pres.; Gonzoga U. G.F. Comm. Big Sister Girls' State Finalist; E.W.S.C. Seattle U. Tiger Salesman Skidmoro

Frances Clyde Samuel George Wegner, Jr. Marsha Gayle Maureen 1 SEARS SCHUSTER SCOTT SCOTT SEAMAN Lincoln Military Sacoiowea Hopkins Jr. High School, Franklin Aberdeen, Wosh. Social Studies Academy, Science, Social Studies Commercial, Son Diego, Calif. Foreign Languages, Sociol Studies Journal Rep.; Red Cross A.S.B. Council; Bond Mathematics Social Studies Jr. Con Dance Line; Council; Debate; Jr. W.S.U. Con; Cheerettes; G.F., B.F. Council; Club '64 At Hopkins: Delegote Dad-Daughter Dessert A.S.B. Comm.; Church Publicity Comm.; All- to N.W.G.L. Conference; Serving Comm. '61; Choir School Ploy Set Design Drill Team; Pep Club Soph., Jr. Closs Councils; At L.C.: A.S.B. Council, G.F. Council; Journal Gonzaga U. w.s.u. Comm.; Jr. Con; Surprise Rep.; H.R. Offices Con; Big Sister K.B.U. U. of Minnesota

67 /

Ronald Frank Michael Logon Lillian Ann Cheryl Kay ^^uzanne Dorothy SEILER SENSKE SEVIER SEYL SHANNON Freemon High School Roosevelt Washington Sacajaweo Holy Names Academy Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Commercial, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Studies Social Studies A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Social Red Cross Council; Dad- Varsity Tennis; Football; A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; Daughter Dessert; Jr. Dasidrian Frivolities Gen. Amoteur Hockey Journal Rep.; Red Cross Con Make-up; Mother- Chairman; Entre Nous; Jr. Daughter Tea; Big Sister; Ski Club; Jr. Con; Jr. U. of Denver Council; Bond; Achievement Soph. Picnic; F.N. A. Dance Decorations; Whitworth G.F., A.S.B. Comm. Seattle U.

Robert Lee, Jr. Leemon Harlan Carrie Ellen Amy Emiko Donald Wayne SHELL SHERRY SHIFLETT SHIMtZU SHORT Washington Lincoln Heights Bollord High School, Lincoln Sacajoweo Commercial, Social Studies Seattle, Wash. Music, Social Studies Industrial Arts, Social Studies Foreign Languages Key Club; Senate Club; Commercial, F.T.A.; Orpheus Pres., H.R. Offices; A.S.B., B.F. Lettermen's Club; Home Economics V. Pres., Sec; Dosidrian B.F. Council; Councils; Jr. Con Dance Friendliest H.R. Boy '61, At Bollard: Pep Club Sec; Horizon Treos.; Soph. Picnic '64; Line; Ski Club; DECA '62, '63; B-Squod Foot- At L.C.: F.N. A.; May H.R. Offices; Club Wenatchee Jr. College V. Pres., Sales Monoger; ball; Varsity Baseball; Week Publicity '62; G.F. Cons; Jr. Dance; Jr. Red Cross Council A.S.B., B. F. Councils; Mother-Daughter Tea Con; Sr. Class Fifth U. of Hawaii H.R. Officers; Inaugural Clean-up '63; Surprise Executive; Bond Sec '64 Boll Gen. Chairman Con Clean-up '63; U. of W. U. of Southern Calif. Girls' Glee E.W.S.C.

Rita Ellen ^ary Lee Walter Myron Gory David Christine Louise SIMMONS SIMS SINES SINGER SKINDLOV Roosevelt Libby Socajawea Socajawea Socajawea Home Economics, Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies A.S.B., B.F. Councils; Not'l. Merit Finalist; Book Club; F.T.A.; G.F., Christmas Con '63; W.S.U. Con Proctor Moth Club; Vorsity A.S.B. Councils; H.R. Mother-Daughter Tea; Seattle Pacific U. Tennis; A.Z.A. Pres.; Sec; Horizon Pres.; Jr. Big Sister; Jr. Con Forum Club Treos.; Donee Tickets; Jr. Con; Costumes Comm.; Soph. Con Proctor Minstrel Show Make-up; Picnic; Horizon Officer; Stanford Mother-Daughter Tea; Minstrel Show '63; Big Sister Tiger Co-Faculty U. of Idaho Editor W.S.U.

68 James Nathan III Tim Elsworth Susan Louise ^Carolyn Rae Kathleen Suzanne SLEDGE SLEETH SMICK SMITH SMITH Sacoiaweo Libby Sacajaweo Socaioweo Sacoiaweo Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Foreign Languages, Music, Science Social Studies Science A.S.B. V. Pres.; Con A.S.B. Council; B.F. Horizon Pres.; Dosidrian Proctor; Jr. Class V. Council; Band; Baseball; Jr. Con; Christmas Con Tiger Staff Senior Album Initiate Chairman; Star- Pres.; Key Club; Das Drum Major; Jr. Con '63; Chorus; Ski Club Co-Editor; Tiger Soles- lighters; Choir; Usher- ettes; Red Cross; Ski Rheingold Pres.; Varsity Set Building Comm.; E.W.S.C. man; F.N. A. Sgt. at Arms; Track; Hello Week H.R. Offices Adelante; Dad- Daughter Club; Jr. Con; Mother- Tea; Dad- Choirman '63; Ski Club; U.of W. Dessert Nome tags Daughter '63; Dessert; B.F. Council; B.F. Tolent Choirman Quill Daughter Con Chairman '64 and Scroll; Big Sister; Big Sister G.F. Comm. Northwestarn A.S.B., U. of Idaho U. of Idaho

Leslie Ann VSaiiie Louise Paul Murray Joyce Marlene /fjkbmaf Radford SMITH SMITH SNOW SOBOL SOMMER Sacoiaweo WoshingTon Roosevelt Socaiawea Hamblen Foreign Languages, Commercial, Commercial, Commercial, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Foreign Languages Varsity Football, Wrest- Treas.; ling; Papyrus Club; Key Ti-Girls; Tiger Staff; Jr. , Achievement, 3 years; B.F. Council; Frosh Foot- Ski Ciub; Pages Con; Jr. Dance Tickets; DECA; Girls' Glee ball; B-Squod, Vorsity Dod-Doughter Dessert; Club; Senote Club; Jr. H.R. Con G.F. Council; Cotton E.W.S.C. Tennis; Jr. Dance Deco- Soph. Picnic; Offices; Con; May Week Day Con; Journal Rep.; rations '63; Boys' Chorus; Jr. Con; Mother- Donee Line; B.F., A.S.B, Horizon; Soph. Picnic; H.R. Offices; Club '64 Doughter Tea Councils Hello Week Decorations; Decorations; Christmas U. of W. W.S.U. Red Cross Council Con. w.s.u. E.W.S.C.

Patricia Katherine buane Edward Leonard Frank Gail Frances Robert Ernest SPEYER STALEY STALEY STALLINGS STAPLES Socojawea Libby Irving Fronklin Sacojoweo Mathematics, Science Industrial Arts, Art, Foreign Language Art, Social Studies Science, Social Studies Club Sec. -Treas.; Dosidrian Hist.; Orpheus; Social Studies Designed Medol for Graduate of Chicogo Chess Bowling Entre Nous; G.F. Council; Greater Spokane Music, U. Interior Design; H.R. H.R. Pres.; Journal Staff;' Arts Festivol; Adelonte; Offices; Big Sister; San Diego City College Tiger Staff; Jr. Con; Jr. Wrestling Jr. Con Dance Decorations; U.S. Coast Guard Stanford Quill and Scroll U. of Colorado 1

1/ Linda Mae Dennis Bruce Robert Eric Casandra Eleanor Elmer George STEENBERGEN STEWART STOFFREGEN STRAHL STRAHL Socajciweo Irving Flathead County High Grant Gront Foreign Languages, Mathematics, School, Kalispell, Mont. Home Economics, Science, Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies Frosh Football Ti-Girl Honorary Members- Pep Club; B-Squad Gonzaga U. After School Sports; E.W.S.C. Tiger Stoff Classes Ass't. Cross Country; B-Squad, Cheerettes; Dad-Daughter Editor; Tiger Salesmen; Vorsity Trock; A.S.B., Dessert Name tags Entre Nous Treos.; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; H.R. Comm.; G.F. Council- G.F. Councils; Dad- Offices; Club '64 Cotton Day Con Daughter Dessert Food Reservations Decorations; Home- Committee; W.S.U. making Club Quill and Scroll c.w.s.c. w.s.u.

Mary Susan Beverly Jean Sharon Kay Samuel Osomu Nicholas Mumm STRAND STREICH STREICH SUGIYAMA SUKSDORF Helen Bush School, Irving Socoiawea Irving Jefferson Seattle, Wash. Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Book Club; F.N. A.; Red Home Economics Social Studies B-Squad Football; Frosh At Helen Bush: Assembly Cross Council; A.S.B., Entre Nous; G.F. Council E.W.S.C. Boseboll; A.S.B. Council; Sec; Rombler Staff; G.F. Committees; Jr. '62; Jr. Con Comm.; Dad- H.R. Offices Tennis; Jr., Sr. Plays Con Make-up; Dad- Daughter Dessert '63; W.S.U. At L.C.: G.F. Council; Daughter Dessert Tickets; Big Sister; Club '64 H.R. Sec; Pages; Big Sister Decorotions '64 Thespians; Club Deaconess W.S.U. Decorations School of Nursing Colorado Woman's College

Melvin Harold ^ Vincent Victor, Jr. Kathleen Ann Ronald Philip Kenneth Eugene SUNDERLAND SVACEK SWANSON SWANSON TAGGART Adams Franklin Whittier Moses Lake High School, Libby Moses Lake, Wash. Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Science Commercial, Commercial, Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics, Science Industrial Arts Jr. Dance Tickets; Jr. Con Architectural Club Set Building Comm.; Horizon Pres.; G.F. At Moses Lake: Football; Chess Club; H.R. Offices Council; Jr. Con; Bosketball; Wrestling; E.W.S.C. Soph. Picnic Food Comm.; E.W.S.C. Math Club; Chess Club; Cotton Day Con '60 A.S.B. Council B-Squod Football; E.W.S.C. At L.C.: Football; H.R. Offices Wrestling; B.F. Con '64 U. of W. Sacred Heart School of Nursing Betty Kiku Michael Howard Kathryn Louise Richard Herbert Thomas Steven TAKETA TARVER TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR Lincoln Mark Morris High School, Hutton Sacojaweo Gront Wash. Foreign Languages, Longview, Social Studies Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Social Studies Mathematics, Das Rheingold; Choir; A.S.B. Council; Pep Club; Frosh, B-Squod Football- Social Studies Bengal Pep Club; Tl-Girls; G.F. Council; Starlighters; Girls' Glee; Jr. Con; Bowling Club; Football Con Proctor Big Sister; Jr. Con Make- B.F. Sec; Varsity Foot- Dosidrian; Jr. Achieve- Frosh up; Jr. Cioss Council; ball, Wrestling, Track; ment; Job's Daughters W.S.U. U. of W. Dod-Daughter Dessert; A.S.B. Council; Jr. Con; Soloist; Red Cross; Jr. Dance Tickets; H.R. Lettermen's Club; Key G.F. Comm. Offices Club; Head Con Proctor Stephens U. of W. U. of W. aDKDDGHODnoiroDii

Daniel Marc Susan Elizabeth Tana Mae John Frederick Susan Jane TEGLER TEMPLE TENOLD TESTER THOMAS Lincoln Heights Sacoiowea Socoiawea Hutton Irving Economics, Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Commercial, Foreign Languages, Home Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies Frosh, B-Squod Football; Ti-Girls; Entre Nous; Quill Office Courtesy Girl; Frosh Baseball; Jr. Con; Ti-Girl Cons; Ti-Girls; Jr. Con; Home- Journal Stoff; and A.S.B. Council; H.R. B-Squad Wrestling A.S.B., G.F. Comm.; making Club Hist.; G.F. Scroll; Debate; Orpheus '64; Pres.; Big Sister; Jr. Con Jr. Dance Tickets; Dad- Surprise Con; G.F. Sgt. at Arms; Club U.of W. Dod-Daughter Daughter Dessert; In- Comm.; Big Sister; Jr. Con; H.R. Offices Make-up; Dessert Decorations augural Boll Decorations; Mother-Doughter Teo '62; Whitman Big Sister; H. R. Sec. Club '64 Decorations W.S.U. W.S.U. W.S.U.

William Michael William Orlando Lillie Louise Craig Arthur Hikard Edward THOMAS THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THURBER Sculthorpe Jr. High School, Lincoln Heights Lincoln Heights LIbby Rancho High School, Sculthorpe, England Los Vegos, Nev. Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Music Art, Social Studies Music, Social Studies Yell King; Varsity Jr. Con Speaking Port; B.F. Council At Sculthorpe: Student Youth Wrestling; A.S.B., B.F., Frosh, B-Squad Baseball; Spokane Community At Rancho: Sun Council Sgt. at Arms, Red Cross Councils; Frosh Football; B-Squad College Forum; Negro History Treas. Club; Negro History H.R. Offices; B-Squod Wrestling; A.S.B., B.F., Week Assembly Track; Frosh, B-Squod Sr. Closs Councils; H.R. Columbia Basin Jr. College At I.e.: Pages; Glee Club; Football Offices; Mixer Comm.; King A.S.B. Council; W.S.U. Yell Tiger Salesman U. of W. Los Angeles City Jr. College Candace Louise Robert Bruce Potricia Louiia Kathleen Marie V^Crnest Jay TIFFANY TIFFIN TOURTELLOTTE TREFFRY TRIPP Roosevelt Sacojaweo Libbv Hutlon Adorns Foreign Languages, Science, Social Studies Commercial, Social Studies Mathematics, Mathematics A.S.B., B.F. Council; Home Economics AI!-NorthwesT Music Social Studies G.F. Sgt. at Arms; Girls' Con Proctor H.R. V. Pres.; Convention '61, '63; A.S.B., B.F. Councils; State Delegate; Sr. w.s.u. Girls' Glee Honor Bond '61, '63; Fresh Bosketboll, Class Treas.; Adelante Spokane Jr. Symphony; Baseball; H.R. Pres., Treas.; Ti-Girl Hist.; Dasidrian; People-to- V. Pres.; Friendliest H.R. Friendliest Fresh Girl; People Ambassador Fresh Oasidrion; Serenaders; U. of Michigan U. of W. Starlighters; Choir; Sur- prise Con Choirmon; Jr. Con Choreographer U. of W. ton)noDKiiiiniio[isooi]ODizi:sc3Dii®r:zi

Carol Ann Susan Margaret James Patrick iRonold Maurice Joyce Elaine TUBBS TURNER UNGARI VAN DAMME VAN LEEUWEN Sacoioweo Libby Libby I rving Lynden High School, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Industrial Arts, Lynden, Wash. Social Studies Ti-Girls; Clossical Club Santa Monica Jr. College Social Studies Mathematics, Science H.R. Sec; Red Cress; Pres.; Jr. Con Dance Pep Club; A.S.B., B.F. F.T.A- Pres.; Hememoking Horizon; Ti-Girls; Choir; Line; Big Sister; Horizon; Councils; H.R. Offices; Club Pres., Hist.; Ti-Girls; Orpheus Sec.; Adelonte; A.S.B., G.F. Comm. Fresh Basketball; Jr. Class, Red Cross, Jr. Con; Surprise Con U. of W. Journal Rep.; Jr. Con G.F. Councils; Jr. Con; '62; Dod-Doughter E.W.S.C. Jr. Achievement V. Pres. Dessert '63; Mother- Doughter Teo '62 Calvin College U. of Idaho

Jean Irene John Wesley Nell Gay Stephen John James Ellis VAN SICKLER VAUGHT VEDDER VENNEMA VINING Libby Libby Adams Socajowea Wotlo Wolla High School, Home Economics, Commercial, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Wallo Walla, Wash. Science Social Studies Choir; G.F. Council; Classical Club Pres., Social Studies Homemaking Club; Big W.S.U. Jr. Con Donee Line Sgt. ot Arms; Letfermen's At Wo-Hi: Yell King; Sister; Service Desk Pacific Lutheran U. Club; B-Squod, Varsity A.S.B. Council; Wrestling; Worker; G.F., A.S.B. Wrestling; B-Squod, H.R. Offices Comm.; Dod-Doughter Vorsity Tennis; Jr. Con; At L.C.: Yell King; Dessert '63 Boys' State Alternote; Wrestling; Holl Proctor Pacific Lutheran U. German Club V. Pres. W.S.U. Northwestern William Fredrick Gerald Wayne Michael David Leona Dianne ^ay von BRACHT VORLICKY VOSS WAID WAINES Sacajawea Roosevelt Grant Palo Verde High School, Socajawea Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Polo Verde, Calif. Commercial, Lettermen's Club; Varsity Sr. Class, B.F. Councils; Social Studies Commercial, Social Studies Boseboll; B.F., Red Cross Adelonte; Pep Club; Frosh Baseball Social Studies Entre Nous; Ski Club; Councils; Jr. Con; Club Frosh, B-Squad Football, Columbia Basin At Polo Verde: Gym- Ti-Girls; Horizon; G.F. '64 Decorations Basketball Jr. College nastics Club; Pom Pom Council; Choir; Jr. Dance w.s.u. Oregon State U. Girl; Red Cross Council; Tickets; Jr. Con; H.R. Sec. Basketball Bounce At L.C.: Red Cross Tickets '64 Council; Journol Rep. W.S.U.

Russell Roger Andrea Grace Lee Curtis Ernest Lloyd Shirley Jean WAKEFIELD WALLACE WALLAT WALSH WARREN Wilson Mutton Socojawea Adams Evergreen High School, Mathematics, Social Studies Art, Social Studies Industrial Arts, Seattle, Wash. Sociol Studies Social Studies Entre Nous; Thespians; Fine Arts Club Treos.; Social Studies Art, Drum Major; Band; Fire Ski Club; Pages; Bowling Club; Tennis; Christmas Con '60; Fine Arts; F.N. A.; G.F. Squad Copt.,- Orpheus; Christmas Con Student Teacher's Day Artist; Frosh Footbolt, Council; Cotton Day Silver Spurs; B.F. Con; Director '62; Jr. Con Club '64 Publicity Baseball Con Publicity Chairman; Moy Week; E.W.S.C. Publicity, Progroms; Comm. W.S.U. Jr. Con Set Design; Solo-Ensemble Contest; Horizon E.W.S.C. Dad-Daughter Dessert Greoter '63 Spokane Honor U. of Idoho Comm. Band; Ensemble Contest Canadian Bible College 1st Place W.S.U.

Ronald David Carol Jeon Tonya Sue Dianne Elaine ^rry Earnest WARRICK WEATHERMON WELLS WEYER WHITE Franklin Adams Sccaioweo Irving Libby Social Studies Commercial, Foreign Languages Mathematics, Social Studies Economics Social Studios Ski Club Pres.; A.S.B., Home Tiger Managing Editor, Boys' Bowling Leogue; B.F. Councils; Jr. Con F.N. A.; Cheerettes; Solesmon; Head, All- F.N. A.; Big Sister; Jr. Track Dance Line; Footboll; A.S.B., G.F. Councils; State Cheerleader; Jr. Achievement; Jr. Con Columbia Basin Bosebail; Wrestling; Jr. Con Refreshment Dance Princess, Choir- Progroms, Costumes; Jr. College Senate Club; Pep Club; Comm.; Journol Rep.; mon; Ski Club; Jr. Con Club '64 Publicity Lettermen's Club Big Sister Script, Specking Port; Comm. Entre Nous; U of Idaho Spokane Community Journot; U of W. College Quill and Scroll American U. of Paris i«rence Ralph David Callison Joel Lillie Kathleen Carol WHITTEN WICKLINE WILDER WILDER WILLIAMS Roosevelt HutTon Socotowea Sacajowea Libby Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science Science, Social Studies Vorsity Bosketboll; Quill ond Scroll; Jr. Con At Sacajoweo: Basketball- At Sacojowea: A.S.B. At Libby: Pep Club; Lettermen's Club; A.S.B., Script; Club '64 Reser- Football; H.R. Pres. Pres.; Football; Traffic Squad B.F. Councils; B.F., votions; Hello Week At L.C.: Choir; B.F. Basketball At L.C.: F.N. A.; Jr. Jr. Closs Nominating Publicity '60; Frosh Council; H.R. Offices At L.C.: Science Fair Executives; Journal Whitworth Rep.; G.F. Comm. Comm.; Senate Club Baseball; Frosh, B-Squad U. of W. Winner; Sec; Key Ctub Treos.; Football; Wrestling; S.S.T.P.; Spokane Community Christmas Mixer Gen. Journal Sports Editor; Tri-Sci; Ski Club; Math College Chairman '63 P.S.S.P.C. Delegate '63 Club Pres., V. Pres. U. of W. U. of W. U. of W. obv4oi^iaDn<(3»nDDisroi^o

Sharyn Lee Lorry Ardell Karen Marie Marilynn Roberta Robert Lynn, Jr. WILLIAMS WILLIAMSON WILSON WILSON WILSON Socajawea Libby Libby Sccoiawea Socajawea Social Studies Commercial, Science, Social Studies Mathematics, Science Mathematics, Science F.N. A.; Journal Staff; Social Studies Neptune's Daughters G.F. Trees.; Dosidrian Not'l. Merit Runner-up; Red Cross Council Soph. Picnic; A.S.B., Pres.; G.F. Council; Sec.; Orpheus Hist.; Summer Science Training B.F. Councils; Jr. Jr. Con Publicity; F. T.A.; Horizon Club Program, Whitworth '63; Dance; Jr. Con; Health Room Ass't.; Sec.; Usherettes; Jr. Con Tri-Sci Pres.; Forum, Baseball G.F. Comm. Dance Line; Big Sister; Moth, Adelonte Clubs; Country; Track E.W.S.C. W.S.U. Pages; Dad-Daughter Cross Dessert Entertainment; Manager; Jr. Con; G. F., A.S.B. Comm. Christmas Mixer '62 W.S.U. Publicity U. of W.

David Virgil Melissa Marie Gary Hugh Thomas Harding John Owen WINSLOW WITTY WOLFE WOLFENDALE WOMACH

Tempe Union High Sccoiawea Socajawea I rving Libby School, Tempe, Ariz. Home Economics, Science, Social Studies Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Music, Science Social Studies H.R. Offices; B-Squod Mathematics Classical Club V. Pres.; At Tempe: Sr. Band; Big Sister Baseball, Basketball; Varsity Interscholostic A.S.B., B.F. Councils Debate; Debate Pres.; Soph. Class Play; K.B.U. Boys' Bowling Club; U. of W. All-City Band, Chorus B.F. Council Entre Nous; Jr. Con Entertoinment; First, W.W.S.C. Toastmasters Speech Contest; First, Knights of Pythias City Speech Contest; Forum Whitman Y/illiain Mack Glenn Rodney Susan Anne Nancy Jo Cynthia Louise WOMBLE WOOD WOODFILL WOODMAN WOODS Socojawea Wilson Washburn High School, Socojawea Hilltop Jr. High School, Mathematics, Science Ski Club Minneapolis, Minn. Foreign Languages, Son Diego, Calif. B-Squad Baseball; A.S.B., U. of Montana Commercial, Social Studies Foreign Languages, B.F. Councils; Hall, Con Social Studies At Socoiaweo: Social Studies Proctor; Soph. Class At Washburn: R.A.C.; Newspaper Stoff Ti-Girls; F.T.A. Pres., Picnic; Jr. Con; Jr. Dance; Mother-Daughter At L.C.; A.S.B., Red Cross V. Pres.; Tiger Staff; H.R. Offices; Pep Club; Luncheon; Red Cross Councils; H.R. Offices; Quill and Scroll; Jr. Con; Ski Club Council; Welcome Week; Mother-Daughter Tea Horizon Sgt. at Arms; Jr. w.s.u. Winter Formal Deco- Comm.; Big Sister Donee Chairman; Ti-Girl rations; Fother-Doughter U. of Idaho Con, Luncheon Banquet Co-Chairman U. of Minnesota W.S.U. ciD2§a[i:sc332)i20s

Robert Steven Ronald Eugene Steven Allen Katherine Scott James Robert WOODY WRIGHT WRIGHT WUHRMAN WYNNE Bellevue High School, Libby Sacojawea Sacojawea Franklin Bellevue, Wash. Mathematics, Science Social Studies Mothematics, Science Foreign Longuages, Mathematics, E.W.S.C. E.W.S.C. Ti-Girl Sec.; Entre Mathemotics Social Studies Nous Hist.; All-City A.S.B. Council At Bellevue: Intromurols; Horizon Cabinet Pres.; W.S.U. Debote Horizon Pres.; F.N. A. U. of Arizona Sec; Jr. Con; Delegate to Horizon Nat'l. Con- ference, Son Francisco '63 Whitman

Paul Osamu Shari Yukiko William Lowell Judy Mika DorUne Louise YAMAGIWA YAMAMOTO YEEND YORIOKA YOUNG Lincoln Grant Socojowea Grant Grant Social Studies Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Science Social Studies Science, Social Studies Friendliest Frosh; Pep Mathematics Evergreen Jr. Toost- Ti-Girl Hist.; Sr. Class Dod-Doughter Dessert Club; A.S.B. Council; F.T.A. Sec.; Ti-Girls; mosters; Jr., Soph. Class Sgt. at Arms; Second, '62, '63; Jr. Con; Hall Proctor; Christmas Club '64 Publicity Councils; Architectural Typing Contest; G.F. Big Sister; Christmas '63 Mixer Clean-up Comm. Chairman; Jr. Con Make- Club Trees.; Jr. Con Council; J». Con Donee Con Mother-Doughter Publicity; Friendliest Line; Jr. Donee E.W.S C. up; St. Luke's Tea; Dad-Daughter H.R. Boy '62 Tickets, Decorotions School of Nursing Dessert Decorations; U. of Idaho Deaconess G.F. Council; Big Sister School of Nursing U. of Puget Sound Terence Kent Gary Alan Judith Rae Mary Lynn Jeannette Louise YOUNG YOUNGMAN ZACHER ZALAK ZEORLIN Roosevelt Lincoln Heights Sacajawea Franklin Sacaioweo Mathematics, Sciance Mathematics, Science Commercial, Home Economics, Foreign Languages, Social Studies Social Studies A.S.B. Pres.; Friendliest w.s.u. Foreign Languages Jr. Boy; Jr. Dance King; Adelante; Jr. Executives; F.T.A. Sec.; Adelante; G.F. Courtesy Girl; Toastmasters V. Pres.; Red Cross Council; Archery Club; Usherettes; A.S.B. Council; Vorsity Cross Country, Sr. Class Council; Red Cross Council; Inaugurol Ball Deco- Tennis; Key, Math, Jr. Con; Big Sister Jr. Con; Dad-Daughter rations Choirmon '64; Lettermen's, Senate W.S.U. Dessert; G.F. Council; Usherettes; Red Cross Clubs; Band Pres.; Big Sister Council Orchestra Whitworth U. of Idaho Stanford


^ihm. Henry Rudolph, Jr. Lloyd, Ronald Wayne Davis, Calvin Junior Neighbors, Mark Lewis Dolsmon, Russell Percy Pearson, Randolph William 1 Former, Michael Charles Ryan, Bernard Francis Foust, Vera Mae Scott, Daniel Paul V'^ller, Leonard Maurice Smith, James Richard

Michael Dominic ^ Solomon, Luis, Jr. Garberg, Elixobeth Lucile Soran, Mathew

Gardner, William Henry - Stohl, Robert Forrest ^'^rant, Leonard Marvin Stapleton, Patricia Marie Gray, Jerry Wayne Tipton, Blaine Jerold ^Holobrin, Michael William u Webb, Wayne Alan Hardy, Richard Henry Wilkinson, John Charles

Jolley, Gary Eugene Zug, Judith Lynetta King, Nancy Lou


Marty Parks Star

Dave Johansson Chris Gary Linda Steenbergen



Left to right: Pat Thomas, president; Ed Bock, vice-president; Mary Kumbera, secretary; Timme Highsmith, treasurer; Rick Blumhagen, fifth executive.


Left to right: Mark Pearson, president; Gary Assing, Vice-president; Linda Nelson, secretary; Peggy Conley, treasurer; Ken Privratsky, fifth executive.

MRS. CHISHOLM 2 Row 1: Mikie Thiot, Marylou Tryon, Nancy Tsutakawa, Saroh Suemori, Jo Ann Stier, Jim Crownover. Row 2: Heather MacGillivray, Clyde Bell, Koy Toi, Terry Tschirley, TereeVick, Bob Taylor, Linda Swenson. Row 3: Wayne Torbox, Kothy Stevens, Ken Utiey, Bob Van Slyke, LeeAnn Yaogsn* Steve Thomas, Connie Vetter. Row 4: Vicki Stokes, Bob Ti llman, Doug Stewart, Sjup-St. John, Pat Thomas, Carole Fish, Brian Stillwell, Keith Burley.



Row 1: Lezlie Walser, Judy Webster, Morlg Jensen, Sandy White, Diane Wotkins, Edreo nio Colon. Row 2: Lynda Wesf, Jackie Weaver, Lonnie Wiese, Jeonne Wertz, Jim Wa^mjje^ Robin Sorchet, Carol Wanomal

Sherrey Walker, Jim William s, Jim Wollingford, Steven Williams.

MR. DAUGHERTY 6 Row 1: Sandy Matter, Julie Maxey, Richard McGovney, Jim Mhyre, Bill McCormick, Dick Mclean, Peggy Mather, Molly McMillan. Row 2:

Kathy McDaniels, Borba ra Motthew s, Kitty McKnelly, Gary McLaughlin, Joe Mularski, Dennis May, Evelyn Maxfield, Susan Meadows. Row 3: Laura McWillioms, Michele Meyer. Marilyn McNaught-Dgyis, Mike Mont^no^ Dave^McLendon, Kirk McDonald, Bettie Jo McMichael. Row 4: Cherry McCash, John

Meyej^, Mich oel M^Ginnis. . Greg McCracken, Tim McTighe, Dennis

McCain, Bonnie Mcfodden , Bruce Mc Each ran. ^: 9 a o .r^ ^^,p p ip

MR. STOPHER 10 Row 1: Su e Donnen, Lynn Dahlin. Moggi Dunn, Julie Edwards, Heather Davies, Judie Domitrovich, Qary Qolka. Qory DeChenne. Lavonne David. Row 2: Ellen Dean, Gail Dalquist, Josephine Durden, Morgy Dietz, Cindy Dandreo, Diane Emery, Ruth DeCan n, Julie Dovis, Sharon Deal. Row 3: Bonnie Davis, Judi

Dixon, Ja^ne Duran t. Dove Dietzmon, Tom DeVleming, Jim Dixson, Paul Davis, Beth Donner, Michelle Davis, Shirley Davis. Row 4: Dan Eaton, Paul Ehmer, Steve Disliman, Bill Oevine, Sonny Eder, Bruce Domeron, Ed Degenstein, Jerry Demus, Dan Dillon.



Row 1: Dan Burkey, Linda Bruce, Carlo Brunske, Bev Col icoat^ Dee Canton, Cindy Burns, Kris Brown. Row 2: Vic Camyn, Nancy Brandt, Gail Bronson, Diane Brunner, Crick Brakel, Shirley Bro uQ. Shirley Byrd. Row 3: Bob Bro, Mike Corosello, Tom Buechner, Wayne Burley, John Brady, Dale Bruton, BiTTBurnet. Row 4: Bob Brown, Jim Brown, Bob Carbaugh, Steve Brown, Dale Bright,

Greg Burns, Jock Butle r, Craig Bush.

MRS. HOPKINS 20 Row 1: Lynn Hughes, Gabriella Remsing, Joyce Saint, Mary Rouse, Jack Schmitz, Bill Sallquist, Judy Riley. Row 2: Diane Schoch, Sharon Richards, Carl Schroetdgr, Linda Rostberg, Sue Schlicke, Dion Roffler, Barbara Scheel, Cindy Rogel. Row 3: Dave Richards, Craig Reynolds, Art Quine, Lorry Quack^nbysh, Marilyn Root, Carole Romberg, Paul Saad. Row 4: Jim Robinson, Art Sather, Gunner Schneider, AJflH-Rmv Bert Schilling, Ken Privrotsky, Bruce Preuninger, Georgia Ritter.


Row 1; K'lthy Gray, Roger Gence, Dorethg G ix, Linda Gest, MoHy George, Jane Grosser, Lrndo Groham, Jeanne Goodner. Row 2: Maggie Geraghly, Terry Weitze, Larry Groy, Susan Gordon, Carol Goldsworthy, Ed Gray. Row 3: Bfib Giendinning, tony Gionnou', Alice Goodrich, Linda Gerdo, Ken Goodwin, Lee Goudy, Jack Groves. Row 4: Harvey Gertson, Duane

Gerke, Lee Gertson . John Goss, Steve Gilbert. Steve Goodell, Dove Gotale, Walt Groves.


MR. READ 108

Row 1: Stephne Muije, Susan Moffott, Dick Morse, Pot Moron, Dole Morse, Colleen Morin, Don Morris. Row 2: George Helton, Potty Mullin, Steve Miller, Gory Miller, Vicki Montgomery, Steve Moore, Barbara Mize, Mary Ann Moffatt. Row 3: Carolyn Mischick, Fred Moulton, J^hn_MitchelL Cathy Miller, Randy Mohondro, Emily Miller, Roy Moss, Dixie Miller, Darrell Mills, Row 4: Morilynn Jean Murray, Bill Morlin, Mike Miller, Carol Murphy, Lorry Mummey, Peggy Mushlitz, Marshall MiazfiL Marilyn Alice Murray, Carl MuNendore.


Row 1: Judie Throsh, Roy Vervoir, Dennis Jye^Sue Vaudrey, Reggie Sutter, Barb Sundberg, Don Throil-

kill, Lenore Tjomslond, Jim Tombori, Jackie Swonson. Row 2: Greg Thomas, Mary Tobie, Richord Vromon, Kari Thiele, Mike Sullivan, Kothy Swonson, Bob Tomlinson, Lonnie Summers, George Veils. Row 3: U ndo Stre^ter, J_gmes Thompson, Ron Toitch, Margaret Swonson, Chris Tibbs, Gary Swortz, Sheryl Totro, Lynn Thompson, Lou-

onne Vertrees, B ill Thompsoji. Row 4: Tom Toone, Ram Thompson, John Thornton, Katy Tripleft, Jon Tucker, Doug Toylo^ Hollt Veium, Pom Tonn, Tim Troxinger, Jim Trusty.

85 MR. MARSHALL 113 Row 1: Mary Jo Cul bertson, Sher ry^ Cox, Morsho CroncTell, Leslie Corfe, Corglee Xotirey. ^roncis Coppay. Row 2: Djane^Cralg^lftt-fctjffS^Cgrel Co\jey, Sandra Connerley, Peggy Conley, Pot CouTson. Row 3: Donna Cook, Carol Coulson, Le e Cunn ing- ham. Bob Cummins, Paf Forster, Jim Cross, Lind a Crowlord, Steghgrnje Contos. Row 4: Doug CrameivJom Crook, Warren__£rgblSi Joh n Cox,

Bill Cowley, Steve Cojjsey, Mike Forster.


Row 1: Patt Pate, Terri Peterson, Elaine Okamoto, Jerry Pormentier, Maureen O'Keefe, Ngncy Pember- ton, Elyse Overhouser. Row 2: Carol

Peters, Judy Pickell, DorreH Pet erson , Terry Peterson, Michael Pierce, Karen Olsen, Karen Peters. Row 3: Margie Peacock, Donna Peterson, Rick Olson, Phil Porter, Louie Ocker, Vicki Peac h, Terry Plonk, Moxine Paul. Row 4: Craig Palmer, Lonn ie Olson, Butch Poschke, Sharon Person, Bob Otterness, Jim Plummer, Eric Olson, Venny Olson, Mary Plank.

MISS CROSS 124 Row 1: Pat Nuxoll, Jerry Mihart, Joanne Noil, Linda Nelson, Carl Nicholson, Richard Nishimura. Row 2: Lindo Neol, Cqnn]e_Meshem, Bob Numata, Bob Nishimura, Diane NevyetU-Judi Nilson. Row 3: Al Negrin, Nancy Numata, Rilljjninnd. Jerry Neswick, Lorry Nuenke, Judy Wierzbowski. Row 4: John Nyberg, Glenn Nelson, P ete NejsaiL_Dennis Nourse, Dove Sutton, Linda Wierzbowski, Greg Nail.


MRS. VECCHIO 202 Row 1; Sue Hyvari, Jodyjderxon, Lynne Hes s, Ron Hughes, limme Highsmith, Margreta Holen, Normo Hersman, Al Hern. Row 2: Lillian Hayes, Randy Howard, Bonnie Hefte, Borbaro Holland, Sandra Hunt, Janine Hughes. Row 3: John Hurley, Demerise Hunter, Nancy Heyer, Lisa Hull, Ron Henry . Louro- marie Hickey, Janet Hughes, Mary HowokL Row 4: Jim Hoppe, Steve Henderson, Allan Hesse, Paulo Hoet- zel, Don Helphrev, Lee Horner, Dan Hussey, Glen Hogin.


MR. McELVAIN 206 Row 1: Judy Howard, Brent Whicker, Mary Heidenreich, Bob Hijiyo, Dianne Hunter. Row 2: Doug Hoy, Lonita Hubenfhol, Pete Howard, Sharon Horton, Frank Haylett, Lana Hastings. Row 3: Sand^Hawley, Gary Hutsell, Betty Loll, Margorett Hill, Ken Heaton, Barbara Hill. Row 4: Stan Howord, Jeff Harshman, Tom Haugen, Dovid Hill, Monty Harke, Dan Hildebrand.

^1 ^ O

MR. BARTLETT 211 Row 1; Willie McDonald, Ginny Foster, Linda Ellman, Modfii-Egbert, Eornestine Finnie. Row 2: Bob Ferris, Jerry Fosbock, Cheri Duncan, Bar- bara Bruce, '^"••'^nrn M^nt^amnry Marilyn Flechtner. Row 3: Dave Rice, Dean Elkin, Albin Fogelquist, Dana Martin, Marianne Fiechtner, Jackie Flagon, Carole Franks. Row 4: Robin Eddy, Bob Garrison, Roy Fogan, John Elmer, Jack Froley, Mike Braune, Nick-£arme r. Susan Edgar.

88 MRS. BRUTON 212 Row 1: Dennis Schweitzer, Ellen Rohrback, Pam Rossing, Gloria Shirahoma, Gory Sharp. Row 2: Jeonne Schubert, Ron Spang, Linda Smestod, Arlene Sharp, Thomas Roe, Lynn Schoening. Row 3: Terry Sto llcop, Vicki Rothf Ronald Seifert. Joe Rosier, Nancy Schell, Morjeon Roth, Melvin Smith. Row 4: Dove Sather, Carolyn Sabo, Rolond Stearns, Dennis Schambron, Jim Stephens, Sharon Slote^, Russell Short, David Seim.


MR. GRAHAM 218 Row 1: Sherry Perkins, Kathy Rice, Grace Rice, Joan Quinn, Alice Roberson. Row 2: Joyce Palmer, Patricia Peterson, Lorna Riddle, Shirley Potrick, John Mohatt, Clinton Rehn. Row 3: Vickie Rigby, Linda Cook, Arlo Pogel, Gale Farrish, Robert Prater, Frank Pierson. Row 4: JoAnn Reed, Jim Polomis, Mark Pearson, Jomes Porter, Gregory Plummer, Carol Matheny, Lois Reed.

MRS. SPORN 223 Row 1: St eve As hlock, Helen Barony, Bob Bortleson, Julie Atwood, Dick Barrett, Cindy Archibold, B ill Bor- ton. Art Bell. Row 2: Joonne Bennett, King Anderson, Ellen Bell, Jim Argites, Lindo Bockmon, Dove Arderson, Connie Boldwin. Row 3: Sherry Anderson, Ron Apple, Doug Adams, Gory Boker, Lorroine Bomes. Jeff Ayors, Rito Borlow. Row 4: Noncy Anderson, Don Ander- son, Phil Kromer, Dovid Bornord. Susan Batten, Dave Bechtold. MISS GOOS 302 Row 1: Mary Kumbera, Judy Kloc, Ann Konishi, Pauline Larson, La- Donna Lear, Londa LaBounty, Bill Knott. Row 2: Mary Ellen Klages, Nettie Lee, Sharon Lartz, Maureen Larsen, Mark Langhans, Claude Kistler, Diane LaPlante, Ginger Kruse. Row 3: Claudia Kistler, Caro- lyn Lanning, Barbara Koss, Gary Koppert, Mike Krebs, Sue Koontz, Sandi Lackman, Nancy Kneelond. Row 4: Barbara Krause, Tom Lowson,

Melvin Smith, Glen Krum , Jerry LattimeTT Ken Langland, Chorlene. Koch, Lynne Kirpes, Sue Kruse.


MR. FAUBION 305 Row 1: Jean Johnson, Cathy Jacoy, Betsy Johnson, Susan Johnson, Mari- lyn Johnson, Kathy Iverson, Margie Iborro. Row 2: Linda Johnson, Marian Jared, Ron Hert, Tom Tum-

linson. Colleen Jenning s, Karolynn Johnson, Tom Joffe. Row 3: Louise Jeswine, DwayneJontz, Keith Jocobson, Barbara Jackson, Lois Jorvis, Steve James, Tom Johnson. Row 4: Paul Lowry, Mike Johnson. Nancy Johnson, Jim J ohnson, Dennis Jablonskr, David Jensen, Chris Johnston, Karen Jamieson.


1 Row : Patty Boyer, Mickey Boyce, Timmie Biesterfeld, Al Bowles, Pom Blair, Barbara Bolker. Row 2: Kath- leen Boothe, Bryan Bledsoe, Chorlene Blair, Pete Berghon, Condi Bingham, Connie Bootsman. Row 3: Curt Boehm, Tom Beyersdorf, Dor- lene Blair, Doug Blair, Dave Blaskowsky, Dole Borcklay, Tom Bloomfield. Row 4: Carl Bergh, Ed Bock, Rick Blumhogen, Karen Bios, Al Boutinen, Dave Berg, Dick Bower. MRS. FISHER 316

Row 1; Agnes Lujan, Betty Haley, Sally Manchester, Valerie Mast, Marilee Mahar, Cheri Libby. L aurie Lindsay, Jean Lowe. Row 2; James Martin, Maria-Rita LoCicero, Charles Lund, Betty Jo Manion, Diana Lovell, Cathy Lubin, Keith LfiiUe^ David Marquardt. Row 3: Laura Lynch, Horvey Malone, Lora Long, Scott Martin, Doug Long, Richard Malia, Ken Leonard. Row 4: Mike Lindner, Ronald Lockert, Art Lewis, Mark Levno, Roy Martin, John Luppert, Jim Mairn, Lew Leigh, Lorry Logsdon.


MR. ARGER 317 Row 1: Chad Kilmer, Caroline Jones, Barbara Kiem, Kothy Kas- perskyj, Karen Jones, Bryce Jones. Row 2: GaTy Kellis, Day[d Kelloaa. Kothy Jones, Cindy Jones, Paula Keiser, Jay Jones. Row 3: Ralph Jones, Bill Kellogg, Colin King, Jim King, Toby Joslin, Judy Jones, Dick Kern. Row 4: Tom Keosal, Ki rby Jones, RicJ<_KeMY^ Karl Kinder, Wayne Konnberg, Dave Kehle, Frank King.

MR. MEDLEY 319 Row 1: Linda Winters, Larry Wim- mer, Jim Zocher, Virginia Wright, Shirley Wintecroth, Lynn Yoma- moto. Row 2: Judy Winton, Diane Witter, Clarice Wilsey, Jeri Zeller, Tom Woodward, Blaine W.ood, Marc Wimberley. Row 3: Lijo Zilgme, MikS-Jtok*^ Fred Wilson, Jim Wolff, Sam Wood, Larry Wilson, Sue Zornes. Row 4: Jpe Yates, Bill Wonhingtsru.Gfl£y:_Ypho. Bill Yoke, Bob Zat, Diane VVroy, John Zeller, Lano Wray. MR. HALL 320 Row 1: Yvonne Davis, Charlotte Mason, Dick Withee, John Coy, Janet Cornell. Row 2: Mike Hannum, Jan Davidson, Lola Daniels, Ken Crydermon, Brando Wolbey. Row 3: Linda Delp, Bill Dowd, Georgia Dimico, Jeanne Crane, Wolter Cromie. Row 4: Terry Davidson, Doug Crabtree, Phil Cunningham, George Allen, Steve Crisp, Joyce Goad.

MRS. CUNNINGHAM 325 Row 1: Pat Chgrves, Karen Cham- berlin, Dick Clute, Julie Clay, Dale Cloninger, Jonet Coghill, Chris Carson. Row 2: Sue Chase, Vicki Corter, Terry Casey, Mike Codd, Joy Clark, Mike Clutter, Ray Cassel, Lynn Cederblom. Row 3: Judy Chris- tensen. Rick Christensen, Deonna Cole, Bill Coats, Fr^J^oe, Michoel Carter, Cheri Cater, Mory Clutinger. Row 4: Nancy Clifton, Don Cliff, Rick Chalfcmt^ Sharon Churchill,) Andrew Carr, Glen Christensen, Gary Chapman, Pat Chapman.

MRS. BONGERS 327 Row 1; Cprplyn_BiLUn9S^ Howard Atderson, Peggy Ashley. Row 2: Merle Bell, Doug ^tton, Mike Sobatini, Elaine Anthony, Peggy Becker. Row 3: Martha Paulson, Paul Fischer, Patrick Boles, Janis Adams, Nancy Boden. Row 4: Bob Alword, Bill Bonks, Dennis Ashe, Gory Assing, Dennis Ariizumi, Bob Ashley. MR. FREY 329-A Row 1: Sharie Griffith, Laurel Hanson, Loanne Hamilton, Gloria Harrison, Barb Hansen, Gay Griggs. Row 2: Ken Hathaway, Terry Griner, Sheryl Gustafson, John Horvev, Gail Green, Marlene Gusdorf, Russ Hartz. Row 3: Ron^HanuTij Jeanne Hanna, Spud Harper, Molly Harvey, Richard Harvey, Lynn Greener, Doug Harper. Row 4: Al Hanson, Elotse Haase, Tony_H[fiXt' Gail Harrison, Harold Hagen, Jan Green, Brion Honde.

MISS ROACH 330 Row 1: Kay Fowler, Alan Dietor, Diane Fenton, Duane Ferge r, Paula Erickson. Row 2: Jonice Ful- wiler. Chuck Gaylord, Janet Fall, Dave McKinley, Rachel Foster, Jjm Foust, Gretchen Garske. Row 3: Linda Greenslitt, Jerry Foshee, John Fay, Sue English, Dennis Evans, Marcia GaskelT7Row 4: Ginny Etter, Mary Fredericksen, Jim Gallagher, Al Finch, Nancy Gobler, Bill Gannon, Diane Galloway.

MR. HEMBREE 332 Row 1: Linda Sisk, Jim Smith, Jim Sciaccotti, Bob Sloan, Nancy Stein- heiser, Sandy Stark, Karen Steven- son, Sonde-Stiell- Row 2: Jerry Sears, Earlen Scogings, Pamela Snell, Sue Stingle, Kris Sond eren, Janet Stowell, Tommy Sola, Faye Strange. Row 3: Sue Stevenson, Bob Sfeinke, Douglas Sinclair, Ann Shelley, Norma Jo Scott, Jackie Snow, Sally Staley, Corol Schur- man, Mary Anne Smith. Row 4: Gory Seyl, Gail Simons, Sherry Springer, Dave Schweitzer, Terry Smith, Jim Sears, Willene Smick, Larry Shoemaker, Robert Stacey, Horold Smith"


MR. BUNN AN 6 Row 1: Ann Wakefield, Bob Mukai, Cindy Wood, Bonnie White, Diane Wynne, Lynn Wakomotsu, Kothy Yorioka, Julie Moriyo. Row 2: Geroldine Moore, Norm Wells, Don Mukai, Ed Washburn, Lorry White, Phyllis Myrick, Kathy West, Ward Walker. Row 3: Rick Wiseman, Molly McCcnnell, Linda Wolcott, Robin McPherson, Becky Mickelson, Owen Miller, Art Woolery, Kathy Warner, Larry Moore. Row 4: Art Murphy, Gloria Montgomery, Steve Meyer, Mike McRoe, Marc Mercury, Roy McElfish, Jerry Moore, Mark Mors, Ron Westlund, Marilyn Wahus.


MRS. WRIGHT AN 11 Row 1: Chris Takeshito, Alan Bor- gens, Frances Sullivan, Rolf Butler, Linda Bond, Jim Bolton, Kay Tobias, Nancy Stoley. Row 2: Rollin Thomas, Sondie Stanley, Barry Briggs, Lynn Tschirley, Jay Bowen, Bonnie Camp- bell, Johnny Brown, Floyd Brady. Row 3: Don Sutton, Ann Voss, Butch Breen, Charlotte Bowers, Greg Bogus, Pom Brown, Steve Burkwist, Sharon Tarbox, Dick Speer. Row 4: David Vergin, Joony Bush, George Coin, Sue Brown, Jay Bond, Linda Von Leeuwen, Pete Tplbot, Nancy Taggart, Don Brown.

MR. AINLEY AN 12 Row 1; Sandee Saunders, Bob Coolbough, Bonnie Derhak, Mike Craig, Nita Davis, Louise Copple- mon. Bob Savage, Truth Culbertson. Row 2: Norma Croig, Ron Sims, Bonnie Gamon, Linda Carter, Steve Peterson, Dy Ann Shaw, Rick Deno. Row 3: Chris Schneider, Eileen Foreman, Steve Snider, Karen Durbrow, Mike Schieche, Jon Cloe- son, Daisy Colon, Mike Dohmen. Row 4: Richard Smith, Russ Shover, Don Sims, John Carver, Moridel Carter, Jim Salter, Sherry Smith, Rudy Solomon, Sharon Code, Donald Davis.

96 MR. R. HAMILTON 22 Row 1; Larry Kelsch, Carolyn Karg, Ken Jones, Jim Lee, Martha Lawson, Nancy Keil, Gerry Kuwada. Row 2: John Jorgensen, Ann Lewis, Ken Korg, Gloria Keane, Linda Kent, Linda Lenke, Mike Kissin. Row 3: Norm Kruger, Chris Kopczynski, Bill King, Russ Jones, Chris Jones. Ken Kinyon, Roger Kevis, Maria Kasperskyj. Row 4: Lorry Lander, Craig Kopet, Don Kerr, Marq Kos- lowsky, Don Kelley, Hal Lackman, Beth Kolinoski, Bill Kelley.


MRS. WOODELL 116 Row 1: Kay Young, Debbie Emery, Joe Echols, Jim Elmer, Sandy Eron- •.on. Row 2; Bruce Finney, Cindy Dunlap, Ray Geroghty, Ricky Earling, Chuck Timberman, Ken Gates. Row 3: Edy Franz, David Eosh, Fred Gardner, Bodie Smith, Jerry Freeman, Pat Franke. Row 4: Susan Fruechte, Tom Fowlkes, Larry Ertz, Dove Ellis, Larry Fiechtner, Pom Franke.

MRS. WICKLINE 204 Row 1; Pat Ball, Peggy Borr, Sue Bodine, Karen Branson, Karen Blegen, David Bell. Row 2: Michael Bard, Jennifer Biehn, Bonnie Bell, Kay Bondy, Bess Brogan, Mary Brooks, Pete Briggs, Michael Brandon. Row 3: Gary Buckley, Bryan Barger, Vickl Bunn, Neddy Bayne, Lisa Brubaker, Bob Borth, Charlie Boothe, Michael Brady. Row 4: Pom Brooks, Dave Brown, Brian Blackhurst, Dick Bergeron, Gene Baldwin, Mike Berg, Douglas Brockway. MISS HUNT 209 Row 1; Sally Rader, Chris Ransom, Linda Rice-Jones, Susan Schafer, Harley Reckord, Shirley Sampson, Sonja Sallquist, Donna Sayword. Row 2: Doug Rouse, Betsy Reid, Susan Romney, Marney Reed, Dole Riddle, Mary Rose, Janice Secord, Sally Schafer. Row 3: Rosemary Rogers, Goyle Robinson, Molly Scommell, Bud Revious, Tom Sneva, Sharon Rosenbalm, Joann Schlosser, Mary Rostberg, Larry Richards. Row 4: Scott Sledge, Chuck Shelton, Mike Randall, Bob Snow, Bill Rodgers, Sarah Salmon, Virginia Sole, Jeff Riddle, Chuck Sleeth.


MR. WUHRMAN 210 Row 1: Dan Torpey, Gretchen Stuart, Linda Taylor, Liz Toitch, Gary Taitch, Toni Winston, Penne Wolford. Row 2: Jerry Thomas, Diane Whaley, Jerry Wyott, Jim Uprichord, Bill Wright, Potti Steen, Bruce Thompson, Merrie Wilson. Row 3: Judy Sweeting, Dick Spongier, Paulo Thornton, Ed Woodell, John Stillwell, Shirley Storment, David Venn. Row 4: Jeanne Tefft, Dennis Sutton, Tom Warrick, Dick Vining, Ron Wilcox, Jim Wade, Crawford Spens, Sue West.

MR. WICKLINE 216 Row 1: Gloria Cate, Barbara Cromer, Tommy Chamberlain, Dick Cook, Judy Chastain, Sue Clements, Jim Cromer, Linda Cenis. Row 2: Goil Dieter, Jay Delaney, Sherry Clutter, Jim Christensen, Kay Cormichoel, Myles Donnelly, Dale Dennie, Gory Doughty. Row 3: Susan Degersfrom, Claudia Conner, Pa- tricia Clare, Kothy Clark, Mary Ann Culler, David Douglas, Linnea Chandler, Ken Doyle, Sheila Diffley. Row 4: Phil Derby, Bacbara Dean, Bob Coon, Bob Stollings, George Colby, Bern Cummins, Nancy Deal, Jerry Cousins, Linda Case. MR. SKINNER 219 Row 1: Shirley Hamm, Laurel Greene, Darlene Hort, Al Griswold, Janie Hahn, Dick Grinstod. Row 2: Duke Shelton, Stan Halpern, Judy Hart, Mary Hotter, Mary Ann Gilpin, Syd Gunning, Jeanne Harras. Row 3: Louis Hatfield, Roy Hiller, Morcio Gibbon, Bud Wesson, Sue Goodrich, Sherry Gier, Jerry Clark, Bill Brady. Row 4: Lydia Greener, Judy Gill, Tom Honsen, Summer Gipson, John Guthrie, Jim Hawley, Bob Greene.


MRS. ATWOOD 220-A Row 1: Nancy Maxfield, Maureen McCann, Tommie Nordmark, Tom Nishimura, Diana Nestor, Ruth Mc- Donald. Row 2: Claudia Myers, Tommy McWillioms, Korey Moylon, Ray Munson, Bob Nelson, Mary Morehouse, Vicki Nichols. Row 3: Monzo Naff, Bonnie Mcintosh, Dick Moffatt, Gale Miller, Ken Morrison, Sue Moen, Kathy Morris. Row 4: Sue Norbeck, Bill Nagy, Steve Moll, Tom McLaughlin, Tom Neupert, Mike Mounsey, Sally Maxwell.

MRS. KNOX 221 Row 1: Don Molet, Jon Mockenzie, Paul Matsushita, Ron Lowery, Laurie Lindquist, Elizabeth Monz. Row 2: Dave Moguire, Lorry Morker, Bill Lund, Sue Moland, Marilyn Marshall, Gloria Mace. Row 3: Lorno Liacos, Leigh Linquist, Tom Logsdon, Dorothy Loll, Jim Long, Doug Livingstone, Judi Logan. Row 4: Dick Lynch, Jane Matthews, Roy Matsushita, Dove Litzenberger, Tom Mokela, Dick Mogney, Patti Long. MRS. HOWARD 222

Row 1 : Patricia Johnson, Jonice Hijiya, Randy Johnson, Penny Jorvis, Judy Hole, Gory Johnson, Nancy Huckabo. Row 2: Pat Hewett, Jean Hunter, Morcia Honda, Laurel Hotrum, Judy Helphrey, David Hepburn, Mark Hussein. Row 3: Liz Johnson, Cathy Huey, Arthur John- son, Pat Hildenbrandt, Patricio Herrmann, Mike Hutsell, William Heim, Ronald Johnson. Row 4: Angie Johnstone, Molly Holmquist, John Hov/ell, Kenneth Howser, Mike Hewins, Byron Hoffman, James Hibbs.


MR. ZOLLARS 301 Row 1: Rick Novak, Dana Pribyl, Darlene Parker, Linda Plummer, Reisse Perin. Row 2: Christine Peter- son, Bruce Ota, Sue Peterson, Sherri Porter, Joyce Presley. Row 3: Tony Popp, Marsha Peterson, John Os- born, Karen Peterson, Gwain Oka, Connie Phillips. Row 4: Terry Protto, Chris Williams, Bill Pierre, Bob Pearson, Bib Priess, Mike O'Rourke.

MRS. ROSSING 328 Row 1: Steve Aspinwall, Carol Akiyama, Sydney Allison, Carolyn Bright, Karen Anderson, Claudia Babin. Row 2: Mike Alfstad, Jeff Aiken, Diane Adams, Commie Ander- son, Eva Attaway, Loren Ayers. Row 3: Sid Austin, Mary Autrey, Sue Anderson, Leigh Bachenstoe, Dave Anderson, David Arnold. Row 4: Craig Austin, Mike Alward, Patti Balch, Ken Allison, Wayne Amundson, Jerry Anderson. Well, have YOU ever tried dancing to the Rooter Record?

It's all clear, Jack, say grace. MR. HURST AN 8 Row 1: Connie Chrisfman, Pom Costo, Beverly Colwell, Marion Clifton, Roxie Burger, Donna Bu- chanan, Lorry Carter. Row 2: Kim Contos, Merri Ann Campbell, Nancy Buery, Spencer Daniels, Kothy Curryer, Connie Byrnes, Mary Jane Corliss, Pom Conners. Row 3: Dawn Davidson, Joe Clark, Jim Cousins, Steve Cooper, Bob Clark, Roxanne Curryer, Linda Claassen. Row 4: Pot Cardinal, Daniel Carson, Terry Covender, Skip Buchonan, Karen Buettner, Molly Crick, Tom Burkwist, Jon Davidson, Sharon Chamberlain.


MRS. ADAMS AN 9 Row 1: Carol Bradley, Tom Ager, Andy Ariizumi, Sheryl Baker, Kothy Aoki, Tom Borckloy, Raymond Bell, Marc Akiyamo. Row 2: David Brooks, Jennie Adams, Don BIy, Jon Aylor, Joe Borr, Mary Bronson, Terry Ackerson, Dorothy Beaver. Row 3: Kris Andersen, Judi Bangs, Annette Ashley, John Brown, Chuck Bartlett, Greg Aronson, Tom Barrington. Row 4: Gordon Browning, Art Ashe, Dan Bartholomew, Mike Adams, Ken Bettinger, Doug Bakken, Al Brodwin.

MR. SIVERTSON AN 10 Row 1: Phil Germano, Bill Gaetano, Art Froese, Mary Claire Gence, Sally Gaylord, Terry Ellis, Steve Durant, Don Fay. Row 2: Bob Gix, Matt Gerald, Jerry Dyer, James Dyrdahl, James Glines, Tom Glines, Bill Gardella. Row 3: Tom Ferris, John Fowler, Mary Louise Domek, Wonda Fowler, Denise Gorceau, Lynn Douglas, Rod Fraser, Dick Fowlkes, Barry Fockler. Row 4: Steve Getman, Lorry De Volve, .Rich Ellis, Ann Fogelquist, Kathleen Foster, Joon Elsom, Kathy Elliott, Chorlene Dupper, William Dow, Randy Fuller. MISS OSCARSON AN 13 Row 1: Glorio Goodner, Kothy Gustafson, Denise Hayashi, Chris Henry, Kafhy Habbestad, Johr> Greener. Row 2: Lionne Herington, Bill Hanshaw, Terry Hill, Jerry Hen- wood, Ron Hondo, Kothy Hogemon, Linda Hogen. Row 3: Jim Hijiyo, Alvin Hoerner, Jim-Height, Bruce Havens, Geoy Hayoshi, Richard Hortley, Gail Gotzian. Row 4: Greg Higgins, Donna Goodell, Elvero Gustofson, Steven Guess, Clark Hess, Gordon Greve, Dave Haley, Rosa Guerci.


MR. BALDWIN AN 14 Row 1: Larry Kevis, Cindy Klassen, Larry Horner, Gordon Kannegoord, Connie Horluchi, Kenny Koto. Row 2: Sandra Krause, Linda Koyono, Kathy Kosai, Carol Klein, Marlene Johnson, Judy Kellogg. Row 3: Ricky Kluber, John Horn, Alan Kinder, Patricia Kirihara, Marsha James, Sharon Ives. Row 4: Duone Iverson, Doug Keepers, Judy Irvine, Berne Indahl, Pot Kocolek, Borboro Johnson, Dorlene Hewlett.

MR. FLETCHER AN 15 Row 1: Sandy Moggord, Roxonne Langland. Paul Luppert, Joe McCormock, Dennis McDonold, Wendy Lolly. Row 2: Louise McBride, Susan Lontc, Eileen Mathews, JoAnn Mogers, Carolyn Lawrence, Terry Moce, Laurie MacMoster. Row 3: Don Lyons, Kothleen Lund. Deonno Morsh. Sue Mogers, Trino Monion, Tina AXonion, Dale Lorsoo. Row 4: Bill Moxey, Jerry LeOoire, Dick McAuliffe, Anne Martin. Barbara McDonell, Bill Leckie. Jodie Moye, Mardo Langhans.

103 "The pause that refreshes"


Row 1: Rachelle Meenach, Pete Overvold, Roxanne Nelson, Bari Newton, Drew Overhauser, Bryan Mukai, Nikki Pemberton. Row 2: Cindy Novak, Peggy Retzlaff, Stephanie Peterson, Joanne Olson, Jerry Numata, Ron Mott, Linda Mukai. Row 3: Eugenia Repsold, Jim Ott, Dean Reed, Donna Nix, Dick Prater, Linda Pilant. Row 4: Jim Nichols, Carrene Newton, Carol Nechanicky, John Minnix, Denise Petrok, Lori Mercury, Ricky Pansie.

MR. ELLIS AN 20 Row 1: Dove Rice, Randy Smith, Jean Rice, Daniel Roberg, Linda Riley, Jill Shriver, Mike Sciaccotti. Row 2: Morv Richardson, Ronnie Saty, Jessie Rousseau, Justin Shimodo, Linda Rochlitz, John Edward Smith, Pom Rumford. Row 3: Steve Roberts, Stan Smith, Kathy Shonnon, Marian Scholes, Pot Rychlec, Sue Rosenbalm, Susan Saunders, Jim Schack. Row 4: Karen Smith, John Leon Smith, Mike Saad, Karen Sackville-West, Michael Rose, Kim Schasre, Jim Small.

MR. RICH AN 22 Row 1: Dave Stirn, John Triplett, Pom Stacey, Bill Tresko, Chris Sfokes, Jim Thayer, Marilee Terry, Michael Uno. Row 2: Kathleen Taketa, Jacob Urban, Susan Swanson, Doug Sowder, Pat Thomas, Laura Stauner, Jerry Tumlinson, Sherry Staley. Row 3: Marlene Taitch, Tom Stewart, Vicki Swartz, Doug Szafransky, Linda Terry, Wayne Stirpe, Sandra Sutton, Frank Suemori. Row 4: Susan Sweoringen, Jim Steiwer, Linda Teufert, Jim Starr, Janice Thompson, Tim Stycker, Linda Stevenson, Sterling Streich. FRESHMEN


Row 1: Brian Wilson, Jackie Zumhoff, Elaine Vromon, Carol Venn, Suzi Yamomoto, Ken Winter- roth. Row 2: Robin Wharf, Duncan Wilson, Mary West, Linda Wold, Carol Wolff, Linda Wood. Row 3: Anne Vennema, Katie Vennema, Arthur Voliquette, Ron White, Lynn Zeimantz, Sue Wilke, Mildred Vassar. Row 4: Debbi Vanhoff, Carol Wahus, Roger Witty, Dennis Whitten, Sammy Weinstock, Jim Weinstock, Neil Warren, Tom Yoke.








Hilda Schneider Molly McLellan Francis Rutherford Vice-President President Secretary

Joy Laughlin Margi Appleton Sue Miller

Treasurer Historian Sgt. at Arms


'Jan Comeaux Nan Comeaux ^Arlene Neveux President Vice-President Secretary

Marllynn Wilson Nancy Santschi Kathy Swanson

Treasurer Historian Sgt. at Arms



Larry Santschi Ken Iverson

Treasurer Fifth Executive


Eric Olson Ed BocJ(

Treasurer Fifth Executive


Dittrich. 2: Row 1: Karen Jamieson, Susan Salladoy, Lorry Keil, Stephanie Hurst, Sue Lonman, Dave Wickline, Richard Row Kathy Elkins, Dan Cenis, Loyd Phillips, Walt Genor, Rich Fowler, Rich Erstod, Jack Tenold, Ellen Dean, Liz Gabel. Row 3: Bar- bara Rykus, Lo Verne Mills, Gail Harrison, Lee Sherry, Steve Kelly, Doug Pullen, Clarice Wilsey, Norma Jo Scott, Sherry Williams.

Norma Jo Scott, Jack Tenold, Richard Row 1i Ellen Dean, Lir Gobol, Kalliy Lll^iiii, Susan Lanman, Larry Keil, Susan Salladoy, Barbara Matthews, Diane Galloway, Dittrich, Row 2: Soro Lindgren, Marvin Halpern, Greg Bergquist, Rich Erstad, Dave Wickline, Sherry, Doug Pullen, Vicki Nancy Tsulokawa. Row 3: Korlen Koontz, Barbora Jamieson, Carolyn Lonning, Nancy Heyer, Lee Lander, Donna Rhoda, Lynne He«».


Row 1: Mr. Wesley Read, Adviser, Julie Maxey, Nancy Ager, Kari Thiele, Marcia Goskell, Maggie Geraghty, Nadine Klobus- icky, Barbara Matthews, Candy Tiffany, Kathy Gray, Mary Zaiak, Ellen Johnson, C. Roe Smith. Row 2: Venny Olson, Sally Etter, Vol Perry, Claire Pemberton, Regino Coleman, Karen Jones, Crick Brakel, Sheryl Tatro, Janet Stowell, Mary Edgar, Sue Gaylord, Shelby McLaughlin, Kathy Emmans, Carol Tubbs. Row 3: Molly George, Cheryl Midia, Katy Triplett, Sherry Springer, Sandy Gregory, Linda Lord, Cheryl Cole, Nancy Moline, Meredith Boyle, Solly Calkins, Liz Gabel, Diana Nelson, Sue Schlicke. Row 4: Pat Chapman, Ron Foote, Len Staley, Bob Wilson, Gail Simons, Dick Hoesly, Doug Manchester, Drew Salmon, Nancy Raynor^ Cynthia Pugh, Dave Jones, Scott Marrin, Judy Zacher.


Row 1: Sue Schlicke, spring historian; Sheryl Tatro, spring sgt.-at-arms; Maggie Geraghty, spring treasurer; Ciaire Pemberton, spring secretary; Liz Gabel, spring vice-president. Row 2: Steve Gill, fall treasurer; Nancy Raynor, fall secretary, spring president; Nancy Moline, spring sgt.-at-arms; Dick Joss, fall president. ARCHERY CLUB

Row 1: DyAnn Shaw, Diane Emery, Diane Adams, Wendy Lally, Bodie Smith, Judy Irvine. Row 2: Bob Patricl<, John Osborn, Steve Guess, Bob Hornbuckle, Cherry McCash, Pamela Alden, Deanna Marsh. Row 3: Mr. Orlando Fletcher, adviser, Mike Yoke, Bill Yake, Lorry Mummey, Marc Mercury, John Brown, George Rohrbock.


Steve Moore, Doug Adams, Gary Roder, Rich Vromon, Bill Gannon. BOOK CLUB

Row 1: Andrea Doyle, Jeanelle Harris, Kathy Elkins, Sandy Heath, Lynda Lamb, Be^'erly Streich, Peg Frankel. Row 2: Mrs. Lois Knox, adviser, Jean Roberts, Karen Peters, Leslie Fitzgerald, Jonnie Mitchell, Linda Moye, Sue Goylord. Row 3: .Susan Empey, Chris Skindlov, Diane Galloway, Phil Cunningham, Sue Harris, Gayle Nice, Lynn Cederblom, Jeanne Crane.


Row 1: Sandy Heath, fall secretory,- Kathy Etkins, fall president; Sue Empey, fail vice-president, spring president; Sue Horris, spring secretory. Row 2: Jonnie Mitchell, spring treosurer; Peg Frankel, foil treasurer; Dan Cenis, spring vice-president; Jean Roberts, foil review chairman; Jeonelle Horris, fall historian; Phil Cunningham, spring review chairman; Jeonne Crone, philanthropic choirman. CLASSICAL CLUB

Briscoe, Kothy Gwyer, Sue Degerstron, Laurie Lindquist. Row 2: Mrs. Row 1: Morla Jensen, Morie Egbert, Soson Peterson, Bonnie Dick Lombert, Mike Block, Liso Hull, Gwen Funk, Dole Liliion Chorbonneau, odviser. Gory Roder, John Womoch, Albin Fogelquis*, Beomer, Steve Ven- Schoenberger. Row 3: Christine Schneider, Molly Horvey, Ken Privrotsky, Fred Keezer, Mol Glendinning, Nick nema. Gene Bolsfod, Lonnie (A/iese, Jonet Sotre.


Row 1: Kothy Gwyer, ' spring consul,- Molly hz Bolstod, foil progroa cttoirovan; rrec Geezer, chairman; John Womodi, spring consul,- Sie. Privrotsky, spring sgt.-at-onns.

115 this means war!"

An apple a day keeps the teacher off your back!


Karen Stevenson, Sue Maland, Kit Curtis, Joan Long, Janis Adams, Susan Tester, Clarice Wilsey, Gloria Mace, Marilyn Marshall, Truth Culbertson.


Row 1: Timme Highsmith, Sandy Matter, Helen Barony, Julie Moxey, Diane Schoch, Noncy Keil, Gretchen Garske. Sarah Suemori, Pam Rossing, Vol Most. Row 2: Candy Tiffany, Margie Peacock, Goil Dolouist, Karen Peters, Kathy Speyer, Nan Comeaux, Nancy Anderson, Barb Hansen, Ezma Henry, Mary Eriondson, Jennifer Biehn. Row 3: Kathy Swonson, Shirley Storment, Molly Harvey, Barbara Krause, Lynn Cederblom, Kathy Blankenship, Marilynn Wilson, Flora Nelson, Amy Shimizu, Karen McCracken, Connie Phillips. Row 4: Sue Stevenson, Nancy Clifton, Kay Smith, Pom Tonn, Jan Comeaux, Margo Moron, Sue Chase, Nancy Roynor, Kathy Treffry, Janet Satre. DEBATE CLUB

Row 1: Art Murphy, Bob Hunter, Tom Wolfendole, Kay Tai, Joanne Bursch, Gory Sharp, Bill Worthington, Sandi Lackman, Frances Schuster, Row 2: Ron Lambert, Joe Murphy, Victor Gross. Row 3: Mike Miller, Mr. Robert E. Salsbury Jr., adviser, Paula Keiser.

Both Lewis and Clark varsity debate teams competed during Pictured are the two

the first semester in the District 8 varsity teams. From left debate league, finishing third. to right are Victor Gross

During the second semester and Tom Wolfendole, several teams captured a 4-1 and Bob Hunter and record in the V^hitworth College Tyro Tournament, the Gonzaga Kay Tai. University Tournament and the Pacific Lutheran Invitational Tournament. Row 1: Mr. Horold Skinner, adviser, Linda Steenbergen, Cheryl Duncon, Barb Sundberg, Judy Terao, Diane Schoch, Susan Erick- son. Barb Coffey. Row 2: Ginger Kruse, Dian Roffler, Chris Cory, Heother Blume, Sheri O'Kelly, Kathy Kasperskyj, Flora Nelson, Jeanne Goodner, Sherry Streich, Karlen Koontz. Row 3: Nancy Anderson, Marilynn Murray, Sue Koontz, Ann Shelley, Pom Thompson, Nan Comeaux, Barbara Kiem, Ann Konishi, Lee Anne Voagen. Row 4: Marilyn Root, Lynn Thompson, Margaret Howell, Michelle Franklin, Jan Comeaux, Carol Murphy, Clarice Wilsey, Borboro Krause, Barb Koss.


*ow 1: Roger Gence, Francis Coppay, Connie Phillips, Kalhie Wuhrman, Sand! Heath, Mary Kumbera, Pam Rossing. Row 2: Barbara Eagle, Marilyn Gillmore, Kay Waines, Gloria Nauditt, Lauro McWillioms, Mary Ann Moffoft, Karen Peters, Pom Pearson, Jannie Mitchell. Row 3: Noncy Nowlond, Joan Phillips, Jim Emocio, Sue Tegler, Susan Solladay, Ruth Ford, Diane Galloway, Carolyn Sabo. Row 4: Ginny Etter, Joe Murphy, Bill Fernau, Roy Bennion, Margo Moron, Peg Mushlitz, Carole Romberg, Susan Empey, Karen Jomieson. Row 1: Mary Ann Motfott, spring sgf .-at-orms; Helen Barony, fall sgt.-at- orms; Sue Tegler, spring historian,- Gloria Nauditt, spring secretary; Kathie Wuhrmon, foil historian,- Linda Steenbergen, spring treasurer. Row 2: Michelle Franklin, foil 5th executive; Lynn Thompson, foil sgt.-ot-arms; Joan Phillips, foil secretary; Carol Murphy, spring sgt.-at-orms; Noncy Anderson, spring 5th executive; Sue Koontz, fall photographer.


Row 1: Rice, Sheron Vesia Nygaord, Judy Ann Havens, Carol McFolls, Jean Downey, Mr. Ronald Schoesler, adviser. Row 2: Dennis Read, Sharon Sallie Hersman, Smith, Mollie Kromer, Solly Horris, Mary Davis, Lynda Holcomb, Sandy Sanderson. Row 3: Mike Nagy, William Mathews, Horry Phillips, Bob Rooney, Jim Neill, Tom Devine, Bob Shell, Doug Mogers.


Row 1: Diane Fenton, Lynn Dahlin, Lee Wallat, Tammy Sola, Rollin Thomas, Kothie Baughn. Row 2; Marilynn Murray, Beth Donner, Al Finch, Michelle Davis, Bev Calicoot, Jack Cromer, Pat Nuxoll. Row 3: Mr. Stanley Faubion, adviser, Joe Ocker, Mark Levno, Scott Koller, Robin Eddy, Greg Bergquist.


Miss Hunt, adviser, Dan Row 1: Robin Hulen, Jannie Mitchell, Judy Terao, Victor Gross, Pom Rossing, Kay Tai. Row 2: Kotherine Gaiser, Tom Wolfendole, Bob Hunter, Maureen Fowie, Carol Sanford. Row 3: Steve Gilbert, Gory Singer, Bob Wilson, Dick Sack- ville-West, Mike Miller, Sue Harris.


Row 1: Judy Wierzbowski, Carol Akiyama, Beverly Streich, Joy Loughlin, Sondee Rosenbolm, Gail Dalquist, Sheryl Gusfafson, Kothy Gwyer, Dianne Weyer, Truth Culbertson, Ellen Rohrback, Nancy Tsutakowo, Joany Bush, Mrs. Ruby Philips, adviser. Row 2: Mary Tobie, Barbara Cramer, Ellen Johnson, Kris Gould, Marilyn Magney, Sandy Lancaster, Lana Wray, Barbora Bolker, Linda Lord, Kriss Anderson, Kathie Wuhrman, Judy Howard, Jeanne Schubert, C. Roe Smith, Paulo Hoetzel. Row 3: Sharon Churchill, Ann Buettner, Dee Derr, Nancy Numata, Janet Stowell, Tammy Sola, Karen Anderson, Kothy Jones, Sharon Lartz, Sharon Torbox, Lynn Tschirley, Sandi Lackman, Lorna Liocos, Carol Weathermen, Nancy Heyer. Row 4: Karen Kitzke, Debbie Emery, Barbara Dean, Mary Ann Culler, Leigh Backenstoe, Julie Corstens, Margaret Howell, Virginia Sale, Cathy Huey, Kothy Williams, Jeri Zeller, Morilynn Murray, Goyle Nice, Louise Jeswine, Roberta Larson.


Row 1: Joy Loughlin, spring president; Nancy Tsutokowo, fall treasurer,- Nancy Numata, spring historian,- Kathie Wuhrman, fall secretary; C. Roe Smith, fall sgt.-at-orms. Row 2: Ellen Johnson, fall historian, spring secretary; Barbara Bolker, spring treasurer; Jeanne Schubert, spring vice-president, Ann Buettner, fall president; Kathy Stevens, spring sgt.-at-arms; Karen Kitzke, foil vice-president. ". . . and not even a place to park my bicycle."


Row 1: Paul Matsushita, Marcia Honda, DyAnn Shaw, Marlene Gusdorf, Sondi Heath, Elaine Okamoto, IVlolly McMillen, Mary Jo Cubertson, Shari Yamamoto, Row 2: Mrs. Muriel Rossing, adviser, Mary Zolak, Bill VVorthington, Barbara Eagle, Donna Peterson, Diane Newett, Leslie Fitzgerald, Chris Carson, Marilynn Wilson, Lynn Greener. Row 3: Chris Skindlov, Cindy Woods, Mark Mors, Pat Chapman, Venny Olson, Joyce Van Leeuwen, Truth Brozovsky, Nancy Ager, Karin Kauper.


Row 1: Leslie Fitzgerald, fall secretary, spring vice-president, Cindy Woods, fall vice-president, spring president; Joyce Van Leeuwen, fall president; Nancy Ager, spring treasurer. Row 2; Karin Kauper, spring historian; Shori Yamamoto, spring secretary; Mary Jo Culbertson, fall historian; Paul Matsu- shita, fall treasurer.


Row 1: Mrs. Betty Lou Hopkins, adviser. Dale Morse, Bob Hunter, Lynn Yomomoto, Nancy Tsutokowo. Row 2: Jackie Weaver, Dan Goiser, Bill Yoke, Diane Newett, Jennifer Biehn, Jean Hunter, Karolynn Johnson. Row 3: Albin Fogelquist, Ken Langland, Steve Vennema, Terry Tschirley, Kothy Taylor, Carole Franks, Sharol Robb.


Row 1: Kathleen Taketo, Connie Horiuchi, Rosa Guerci, Kothy Yorioko, Norma Craig, Kothy Habbestad, Tina Monion, Rochelle Meenoch. Row 2: Miss Wilhelmine Timm, adviser. Linn Koyono, Lindo Johnson, Donna Bowers, Trina Manion, Louise McBride, Cathy Most. Row 3: Kothy Kosoi, Connie Byrnes, Annette Ashley, Marcio Langhans, Gail Harrison, Chris Carson, Ann Perry, Eileen Mathews. GREETING GIRLS (HI-FIVES)

Renee Garceau, Petie Neveux, Margo Moron, Jeanne Tefft, Sheryl Tatro, Mary Jane Row 1: Marcia Honda, Sheryl Gustafson, Corliss, Linda Cook, Mary McDuffie.


Jones, Shoron Huey, Volene Pattillo, Sharon Deal, Sarah Sue- Row 1- Glorio Shirohoma, Ginnie Wright, Collie Madden, Caroline Polmer, Pom Brown, Jeon Downey. Row 3: Mrs. mori Row 2- Tana Temple, Koren Cain, Jeon Van Sickler, Betty Lemley, Joyce Molly McConnell, Kitty Jellesed, Sheryl Ransom. Ann Cunningham adviser, Joyce Von Leeuwen, Norma Jo Scott, Sharon Code, Leeuwen, Dorothy Erickson, Jane Matthews, Sue Zornes, Steph- Row 4: Borbaro Lomax, Kothi Greening, Clarice Wilsey, Linda Van anie Hurst.


Row 1. Lavonne David, Bonnie Nordhagen, Eva McCue, Connie Neshem, Diane Bard, Judy Reed, Linda Gest, Linda Peochey, Evelyn Maxfield. Row 2. Mrs. Lois Woodell, adviser, Carol Couey, Cathy Fagan, Diane Craig, Karen Chomberlin, Nettie Lee, Betty Lemley, Laura McWilliams, Mary Heidenreich, Jackie Flagan, Mrs. Flora Gibbs, adviser. Row 3: Doris McGee, Kathy Williams, Shirlee Bartholomew, Penny Rothrock, Carlo Almquist, Lynn Greener, Eileen Garrett, Sharon Hurst, Jonine Lundquist, Koren Coin. Row 4: Lynda Moylon, Dorothy Erickson, Terry Lynn Davidson, Judith Dixon, Susie Hubler, Betty McClanahan, Cheryl Franke, Jeri Zeller, Sue McConnell, Judy Aukland.


Row 1: Jackie Flagon, spring 5th executive; Betty Lemley, spring secretory; Dorothy Erickson, spring president; Betty McClonohon, spring sgt.-at-arms; Linda Peochey, spring treasurer. Row 2: Eileen Garrett, foil president; Laura McWillioms, spring vice-president; Lynda Moylan, foil secretory; Judith Dixon, fall treasurer.


Row 1: Bob Lebdell, Paul Davis, Jim Sledge, Bob Numata, Dan Davenport, Dick Spongier, Ter ry Whitte n, Bob Blair, Row 2: Mr. Louis Livingston, adviser, Jerr/ Demus, Greg Noil, Don Johnson, Terry^Yoyng, Frank King, Eric Davis. Row 3: Eric Olson, Rick Blum- hagen. Bob Meyers, Bill George, Larry j antsc hi, Roy Bennion, Royal McClure. Row 4: Ed Bock, Steve Gill, Mark Pearson, Hans Gonzenbach, Pat Thomas, Lance Brighom, Lee Sherry, Ken Iverson.


Row 1; Roy Bennion, spring Don Davenport, fall president. Row 2: Terry Whitten, spring treasurer,- Ed Bock, junior board; Don Johnson, senior board; Bob Numata, spring secretory; Frank King, junior board; Steve Gill, fall secretary; Eric Olson, junior board. LOCKER COMMITTEE

Row 1: George Colby, Nancy Johnson, Michelle Davis, Pam Pearson, Jamie Hutchison. Row 2: Dennis McCain, Steve Henderson, Marshall Minzel, Steve Meyer, Tim McTlghe.


Row 1: Dale Morse, Bob Numata, Bob Hunter, Eric Davis, Bruce Erickson, Loonne Hamilton, Stephanie Hurst, Rachel Foster. Row 2: Bruce Samuels, Gordon Gray, Bob Nishimuro, Dan Gaiser, Molly McLellon, Terry Young, Jim Emacio, Roy Bennion. Row 3: Paul Ehmer, Gory Singer, Doug Manchester, Vic Svacek, Lee Bolzer, Mike Dirks, Mike Wilder, Lance Brigham, Bob Wilson.


Row 1: Janice Campbell, Kathie Baughn, Mary Edgar, Cheri Libby, Mary Ellen Kloges, Kothy Elkins, Mary Eriandson, Pam Rossing, Kathy Speyer. Row 2: Mrs. Spokane Hutchison, odviser, Lillie Thomas, Karen McCracken, Amy Shimizu, Claudia Kistler, Kay Smith, Vicki Lander, Vol Most, Marilynn Wilson. Row 3: Cathy Conrad, Patsy Clark, Bill Danke, Sue Stevenson, Ron Wilcox, Kemp Lill- quist, Russ Wakefield, Jock Tenold, Louise Jeswine.


Row 1: Mory Eriandson, spring sgt.-at-orms; Janice Campbell, spring his- torian; Amy Shimizu, spring president; Kathie Baughn, fall president; Kathy Elkins, fall treasurer; Carol Tubbs, spring secretary. Row 2: Cothy Conrad, spring vice-president; Jack Tenold, spring treasurer; Marilynn Wilson, foil historian; Bill Donke, fall vice-president.


Row 1: Carol Akiyama, Cindy Wood, Morthg Lowson . Darlene Parke r. Lynn Wakamatsu, Kay Young, Elaine Vroman. Row 2: Mrs. Fronces Vecchio, adviser, Maria Kasperskyj, Tammy McWilliams, Dione Adams, Gloria Moce, Linda Carter, Karen Anderson, Susan Hanson. Row 3: Diane Whaley, Jennie Adams, Pat Franke, Pam Franke, Bonnie White, Marilyn Marshall, Kay Carmichael,

Jean Hunter, Kothv Worner . Row 4: Chris Jones, Solly Maxwell, Judy Gill, Pattie Balch, Pam Alden, Pat Hildenbrondt, Eileen Fore- man, Molly Holmquist, Linda Wolcott, Mary Bronson. PAPYRUS

ow 1: Maureen Larson, Irirly Horrr.n fircg Bergquist, Barbara Bolker, Kathre Baughn. Row 2: Mrs. Alda Howord. adviser, Barry ndrews. R od Somm ^r- Stephanie Hurst, Ken Holmes. Row 3: Norma Jo Scott, Doug Pullen, Steve Gilbert, Loyd Phillips, Willi mick.


Row 1: Stephanie Hurst, spring secretary; Norma Jo Scott, spring historian; Jody Herron, fall historian. Row 2: Loyd Phillips, fall president; Barry Andrews, fall sgt.-ot-arms; Greg Bergquist, fall secretory; Rod Sommer, spring president; Ken Holmes, spring vice-president. QUILL AND SCROLL

Row 1: Linda Steenbergen, Tanya Wells, Chris Cory, Susan Lanman, Bob Dashiell, Steplionie Hurst, C. Rae Smith, Kathy Speyer, Mr. Donald G. Black, adviser. Row 2: Cindy Woods, Karen Jamieson, Margaret Howell, Clarice Wilsey, Dave Wickline, Norma Jo Scott, Susan Salloday, Liz Gabel. Row 3: Don Davenport, Barbara Lomax, Larry Keil, Rich Erstad, Walt Genor, Doug Pullen, Ellen Dean.


Row 1: Steve Crisp, Gory Kellis. Row 2: Dick Ross, Don Northcrcft. Row 3: Larry Nuenke, Rob Staples. Row 4: Art Bell. LEWIS & CLARK RED CROSS COUNCIL

Row 1; Dennis May, Margi Appleton, Peg Frankel, Ann Boyd, John Mitchell. Row 2: Ezma Henry, Genie Ellis, Joyce Presley, Joyce Palmer, Dee Derr, Sue Harris, Lois Jarvis, Molly Scammell, Kathleen Boothe, Pom Petrogollo. Row 3: Marilynn Murray, Deonno Cole, Willi Smick, Stephanie Contos, Mikie Thiot, Francine Guyer, Sharon Hersman, Cheryl Duncan, Gail Bronson, Bobbie Mont- gomery; Leslie Smith. Row 4: Paul Matsushita, Joe Murphy, Jerry Parmentier, Mike O'Rourke, Tom Toone, Kirby Jones, Russ Jones, Jeanne Werfz.


Row 1: Jan Davidson, Dave Dietzman, Carl Nicholson, Chris Henry, Katie Vennema, Pat Nuxoll, Sydney Allison, Diana Nelson, Sandra Sutton, Doretho Gix, Nancy Ager, Beverly Colwell. Row 2: Mr. David Williams, adviser, Dave Rhoodes, Larry Moore, Tom Lawson, Judy Howard, Karen Kitzke, Demerise Hunter, Mary Bronson, Sue Miller, Mary Louise Domek, Judy Gill. Row 3: Lorry Chew, Joy Deloney, Lee Cunningham, Bob Hornbuckle, Larry Santschi, Jamie Hutchison, Brian Breen, Beth Donner, Cheryl Seyl, Cathy Huey.



Row 1: Mr. James Homilton, adviser, Terry Young, Dick Ciute, Don Johnson, Dove Sother, Paul Saod, Greg Nail, Ron Warrick, Bob Blair. Row 2: Rick Blumhogen, Jeff Harshman, Terry Whitten, Bob Lobdell, Roy Bennion, Ken Iverson, Dole Dennie. Row 3: Keifh Jacobson, Gary Assing, Royal McClure, Larry Sanfschi, Bill George, Eric Olson, Charlie Gates, Jim Wallingford, Rod Sommer. Row 4: Steve Gill, Dennis Nourse, Walt Lowery, Lance Brigham, Pat Thomas, Lee Sherry, Mark Pearson, Bob Meyers, Ed Bock.


Roy Bennion, spring vice-president; Royal McClure, spring parliamentarian; Bill George, fall vice-president; Terry Witten, spring secretary; Bob Blair, fall secretary; Lorry Santschi, fall porliomentarion; Charlie Gates, spring treasurer; Steve Gill, fall, spring president; Bob Meyers, fall treasurer.


Row 1: Genie Ellis, Jan Borste, Ferol Mabry, Regina Coleman, Sue Strand, Chris Amsberry, Tom Brown, Bob Shell. Row 2: Carol Sandberg, Betty Brakel, Nancy Raynor, Nancy Nowland, Nancy Moline, Gloria Nauditt, Bill Hawley. Row 3: Richard Davis, Jamie Hutchison, Lorry Chew, Dean Marshall, Lowell Meenach, Sandy Lowe, Bill Fernau, Charlie Gates, Steve Melcher. Row 4: Steve Dompier, Robbin Best, Rich Fowler, Lee Balzer, John Espe, Steve Erickson, Walt Genor, Ron Anderson. Row 1: Ann Boyd, Connie Oliver, Keren Jones, Carol Sonford, Susie Alsworth, Tarn Bowley, Pottie Mitchell, Connie Baldwin. Row 2: Mrs. Beverly Sporn, adviser, Margi Appleton, Pam Pearson, Anne Krumsick, Liz Krouse, Ann Scammell, Nancy Ager, Mary Edgar. Row 3: Sue Strand, Ginny Etter, Ram Tonn, Marty Parl


Row 1: Tam Bowley, spring secretary; Anne Krumsick, foil secretary; Connie Oliver, spring president. Row 2: Carol Sonford, fall vice-president; Margi Appleton, fall treasurer; Ann Scammell, spring vice-president. Row 3. Pom Pearson, fall president; Susie Alsworth, fall historian; Barry Harris, spring treasurer. JUNIOR TOASTMASTERS

Row Ed Clark, 1: Tom Wolfendale, Jim Emacio, Terry Tschirley, Rod Halvorson, Victor Gross. Row 2: Bob Brown, Don Gaiser, Bob Nishimuro, Bill Yeend, Eric Davis, Bruce Erickson, Mr. David Williams, adviser. Row 3: Marty Parks, Bob Carbaugh, Ron Nilson, Brian Breen, Bob Rowe, Charles Gates. Row 4: Mike McGinnis, Bob Cunningham, Jon Anderson, Lance Brigham, Rich Erstad, Byron Brown, Bill Burnet.


Row 1: Bruce Erickson. fall treasurer; Dan Gaiser, fall president; Charlie Gates, fall vice-president; Ron Nilson, spring president. Row 2: Rich Erstad, spring fifth executive; Jon Anderson, spring secretary; Bob Rowe, fall secretory-, spring treasurer; Bob Carbaugh, spring vice-president.


Row 1: Mr. Alvin Byrne, adviser. Bob Leach, Georgia Ritter, Cindy Coulter, Ron Chrisfenson, Gwen Funk, Frank Pierson, Pat Charves, Francis Coppay, Sherry Perkins. Row 2: Eric Davis, Barbara Jackson, Dale Schoenberger, Pat Dalquist, Ann Scammell, Ruth DeConn, Jim Emacio, Jim Malm, Greg Bergquist, Michelle Franklin. Row 3: Barry Andrews, Sally Calkins, Dick Joss, Ferol Mabry, Byron Brown, Peggy Mushlitz, Rich Molia, Kathy Emmons, Steve Goodner, Barboro Bolker. Row 4: Bruce Erickson, Fred Keezer, Dick Hoesly, Steve Kelly, Bob Wilson, Lee Balzer, Mike Wilder, Jon Anderson, Rich Fowler, Lewis Eng.


Row 1. Volene Pottillo, Kathie Baughn, Kathy Elkins, Bonnie Briscoe, Carol Sanford, Jeonnette Zeorlin, Sheri Ellis, Diano Nelson, Chris Cory. Row 2: Petie Neveux, Pot Dalquist, Renee Gorceou, Heother Blume, Sharon Huey, Cathy Conrad, Sue Gaylord, Patsy Clark, Donna Rhoda. Row 3: Keren Kitzke, Pam Follett, Kay Smith, Vol Perry, Regino Coleman, Molly McLellan, Sue Lanmon, Cheryl Cole, Morilynn Wilson, Mary Zaiak, Liz Gabel. Row 4: Mr. D. M. Marshall, adviser, Gayle Nice, Morgaret Howell, Frances Hern, Morgo Moron, Sue Christensen, Suson Solladoy, Mory Ann Campbell, Vicki Lender, Kathy Emmons.


Sheri Ellis, toll president, Molly McLellan, spring president; Vicki Lander, fall secretary; Cheryl Cole, fall vice-president; Pom Follett, loll treasurer; Renee Gorceou, spring historian; Bonnie Briscoe, spring treasurer; Chris Cory, fall historian; Cathy Conrad, spring vice-president.


Row 1: Hilda Schneider, Candy Tiffany, Betty Taketa, Mary Erlondson, Joy Loughlin, Kay Waines, Barbara Coffey, Shar! Yamomoto, Linda Steenbergen. Row 2: Nancy Jacobson, Mary Ann Gokee, Karlen Koontz, Ellen Johnson, Ezma Henry, Jonnie Mitchell, Karen Anderson, Carol Tubbs, Kriss Anderson, Tona Temple, Norene Ritter. Row 3: Marilyn Gillmore, Linda Lord, Chris Amsberry, Eunice Schueller, Cindy Woods, Suzi Turner, Gwen Funk, Sue Tegler, Gloria Nauditt, Judy Aukland, Joyce Von Leeuwen, Karen Olson. Row 4: Barbara Eagle, Dorothy Erickson, Susan Empey, Michelle Franklin, Sally Calkins, Judy Carlson, Nancy Moline, Maureen Fowie, Nancy Santschi, Francie Rutherford, Ferol Mabry, Kothy Blonkenship.


Row 1; Mary Kumbera, Timme Highsmith, Stephne Muije, Lynn Yamomoto, Judy Terao, Borbora Hansen, Elaine Anthony, Sandy Stork, Ellen Rohrback, Cynthia Archibald, Ginger Kruse, Caroline Jones. Row 2: Kathy Iverson, Helen Barony, Elaine Okamoto, Kothy Rice, Jody Herron, Crick Brakel, Kathy Kasperskyj, Kothy Gray, Jeanne Schubert, Dian Roffler, Sue Koontz, Gail Bronson. Row 3: Vicki Stokes, Lynn Thompson, Pom Thompson, Vicki Carter, Noncy Numota, Mary Heidenreich, Jackie Flagan, Linda Delp, Nancy Schell, Mary Anne Smith, Louonne Vertrees, Kothy Swonson, Cherry McCash. Row 4: Ann Konishi, Kothy Jones, Barbara Koss, Nancy Johnson, Jeri Zellor, Holly Veium, Molly Harvey, Corol Murphy, Lee Ann Voagen, Barbara Jackson, Louise Jeswine, Linda Swenson. TI-GIRLS

Row 1; Miss Sonja Roach, adviser, Helen Lawrence, Judy Yorioka, Sue Harris, Cynthia Pugh, Meredith Boyle, Kathie Wuhrman, Miss Virginia Danke, adviser. Row 2: Linda Nelson, Jeanne Goodner, Kay Tai, Nancy Clifton, Diane Wynne, Maggie Geraghty, Carolyn Lanning. Row 3: Lynn Wakamotsu, Judy Hart, Linda Lenke, Marcia Honda, Chris Schneider, Bonnie Gamon, Maria Kasperskyj, Claudia Babin, Janice Hijiyo. Row 4: Sharon Tarbox, Judy Wilson, Pom Franks, Pat Franke, Paula Hoetzel, Beth Donner, Eileen Fore- man, Linda Van Leeuwen, Sherry Springer, Pam Brown.



It's A Grand Oi'Team!

It's A High Flying Team!

Manito Pond provides an ever-changing Kaleidoscopic background for the 1963-64 cheerleaders.

Standing (I. to r.): Diane Schoch, Sue Miller, Marilyn Gillmore, Linda Lord, Nadine Klobusicky. Seated: Joanne Nail, Hilda Schneider, Tanya Wells, Mary Ann Gokee, Head cheerleader for the football season was Hilda Schneider; for basketball season, Tanya Wells.


Row 1: Brent Whicker, Gary Taitch, Bob Harold, Dole Morse, Bern Cummins, Bob Berry, Bob Blair, Gory Miller. Row 2: Ron Ahl, Craig Thompson, Chuck Grossman, Steve Vennemo, Eric Davis, Joe Hatch, Ken Holmes, Steve Melcher. Row 3: Mel Smith, Ken Jim Wallingford, Graves. Row 4: Dove Privratsky, Tom Lowson, Bruce^ Erickson , Jerry Moore, Don Baggorley, Paul Saod, Jock Sather, l


Dick Clute. 2: Mike Row 1: Bob Eddy, Bill von Brocht, Gary Rader, DoveJohonssgii, Bob Ferris, Ron Worrick, Dennis May, Row Krebs, Don Johnson, Mike Tarver, Bill George, RoyoPMcClure, Jerry Jantz, Teirry Whitte n, Jim Zocher. Row 3: Bill Coats, Lorry Horper, Jqrni e Hutchison, Keil, Mike Corosello, Roy Bennion, Ken Iverson, Chorlie Gates, Terry Young, Rod Sommer . Row 4: Spud Bob Meyers, Rusty Kocaiek, Lorry Sontschi, Bob LobdeU, Rod Gebo, Lee Goudy, JeH Horshman. Row 5: Paul Koss, Rob Neilson, Eric Olson, Gordon Nyberg, Jim Bacon, Tom Keosal, Keith Jacobson, Brian Breen, Lorry Williamson, Pete Howard.


Row 1: Larry Keil, Charlie Gates, Ken Iverson, Doug Pullen, John Colby, Bill George, Bob Lobdell, Rusty Kacaiek, Dick Chapin, Dave Johansson. Row 2; Don Hayen, Dean Morshall, Mike Miller, Dove Hoyen, Bob Meyers, Ken Fransen, Lorry Williamson, Bill Womble, Ed Clark. Row 3: Tom Taylor, Gene Mead, Steve Erickson, Doug Manchester, Lee Balzer, Dick Hoesly, Tom Lawson, Jerry Jantz, Lowell Meenach, Mr, Carlos Floras, adviser.


Row 1: Ron Worrick, Ron Christenson, Jim Sledge, Jim Emacio, Paul Davis, Terry Young, Mike Comin, Bob Blair, Paul Yamagiwo. Row 2: Bob Nishimuro, Ed Woodell, Mike Schieche, Kerry Novell, Jerry Demus, Royal McClure, Terry Whitten,. Dick Taylor. Row 3: Pot Ireland, Bryan Barger, Doug Brockway, Bob Cunningham, Bill Horn, Rick Williams, Harry Phillips, Pete White, Dave Brown. Row 4: Drew Solmon, Bob Rowe, Jim Neill, Wolt Lowery, Jim Porter, Bruce Stewart, Mark Peorson, Jim Wallingford, Dick Sackville- West, John Carver.


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148 "Jingle Bells"


Row 1: Alice Roberson, Janice Campbell, Cheri Libby, Kathy Aoki, Sandy Stark, Kathy Rice, Sheri Ellis, Sandy Heath, Kathy Elkins, Sally Rader, Marilee Mahar, Jean Rice. Row 2: Claudia Kistler, Pat Hildenbrandt, Kay Smith, Anne Krumsick, Kathy Lopes, Roxy Curryer, Heather Blume, Connie Ensley, Vol Perry, Candy Tiffany, Bonnie Briscoe, Ann Boyd, Joyce Saint. Row 3: Joy Clark, Mary Ann Campbell, Kathy Taylor, Joan Elsom, Molly Harvey, Sue Chase, Ann Paulson, Donna Rhoda, Bonnie McFadden, Judy Carlson, Karen McCracken, Timmy Pfeiffer, Patsy Clark.


Row 1: Bob Zat, Larry Chew, Greg Layton, William Helm, Mike Black, Janice Campbell, accompanist, John Wilkinson, Gary Rader, Frank Haylett, Ted Burger, Dan Malet. Row 2: Steve Goodner, Mike Walker, Greg McLain, Joe Wilder, Mike Wilder, Phil Cunningham, Mike Lindner, Rod Halvorson, John Ortmeyer, Ron Hamm, Henry Ashe.

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Row 1: Sandy Heath, Ann Boyd, Mr. Gerald Hartley, director. Candy Tiffany, Sheri Ellis. Row 2: Gary Rader, Mary Ann Campbell, Ted Burger, Sue Chase, Timmy Pfeiffer, Mike Block, Judy Corlson, Tom Wolfendole.

Putting in hours of precious time after school, devoting themselves completely, the four Journal and Tiger photographers (left to right. Bob Gelb, Barry Andrews, Shelene Gay, and Richard DittrichI ore pictured assisting workmen with the construction of the new Lewis and Clark field house. Completely disregarding all danger to life and limb, and even ofter considering the limited cover- age of their school insurance policies, these dountless heroes have begun to clear, with makeshift tools, on area through which will go the cverposs to connect the two buildings. It all looks SO good!


JUNIORS Joanne Nail Dick Clute

Courtesy of Harriot Nelson Cowling


Margi Appleton Dan Davenport

Courtesy of Harriot Nelson Cowling LILAC QUEEN

Molly McLellan

Courtesy of Harriot Nelson Cowling


Outstanding Football Player Bill George B The Varsity Football team, under coach Bob Bartlett, hod a good year, tying for second place in the. league, A five wins, three losses record put the Tigers along with Rogers in the second place position in league play which was heavily dominated by Gonzaga. A road game with Kennewick High gave L. C. a six wins, three losses tally for the '63 fdotball season. The team, A captained by Bill George, had many outstanding players. Some of these were: Eric Olson, '63 a All-City Team back; Royal McClure,- Jack Graves; Gerald Moore,- and Dick Clute, all of whom helped do a fine job of running the plays behind the line! The line was held by aggressive players such as Bill George, a '63 All-City guard; Larry Santschi; Jeff Harshman; Ed Bock; Jerry Jantz; Bob Meyers; Ron Warrick; and Rod Sommer. L Next year promises to be a successful one for the Varsity team, with experienced players including Jack Graves, Eric Olson, and Gerald Moore returning to the gridiron to help lead the team to victory. The B-Squad finished the season tied for second place with Gonzaga. Although the team shared the second place spot, it tallied six wins—two losses to Gonzaga's five wins-three ties. The Tigers were close on the heels of L Shadle Park which led the league with a 7-1 score.

The B-Squad did a fine job. Coming up from the team are two promising sophomores, Craig Austin and Gary Buckley.

Playing hard, the Frosh team secured third place in the league. Two Frosh, Mike Rose and Art Ashe should prove promising in future years.


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';2 with outstanding players. It took third 'lis year's B-Squad team will provide next year's Varsity team many lace in city league standings with six wins and two losses.

Gaylord, Jim Long, John Nyberg. Row 2: Scott Sledge, Row 1: David Bell, Bruce Oto, Bill Burnet, Pete Briggs, Duone Iverson, Chuck Coon, Rolond Stearns, Dick Greg Bogus, Myles Donnelly, Scott Neilson, Greg Nail, Larry Groy, Steve Meyer, Bill Devine, Bob Craig Austin, John Goss, Jim White, David Eash, Speer Row 3: Cooch Corlos Flores, Ken Howser, Gory Buckley, Mark Hussein, Hamm, Larry White, Clyde Bell, John Guthrie, Robert Stacey, John Mitchell, Tom Snevo, Coach Eugene Sivertson. Row 4: Ron George Colby, Gene Baldwin, Brian Stillwell, Bobby Ashley, Brian Breen, Fred Coe, Craig Kopet.

play, winning one and losing three. I-

Bell, Art Ashe, Kim Conlos, Jerry Dyer, Bill Gaetano, Row 1- Dan Bartholomew, Jim Nichols, Richard Hartley, Bob Clork, Raymond Pat Thomas, Skip Buchanan, Terry Hill, Tom Stewart, Pot Kocalek Row 2: Jerry LeClaire, Bill Tresko, Ron Honda, Geo Hayashi, Arthur Valiquette, Terry Ackerson, Jerry Henwood, Dun- Ron White Jim Cline, Mike Soad. Row 3: Cooch Louis Hurst, Steve Cooper, Steve Roberts, Greg Aronson, Tom Borrlnglon. Row 4: Ban can Wilson Tom Ferris Dennis Whitten, Matt Gerald, Randy Smith, Rose, John Minnix, Dann Carson, Jim Starr, Bill Maxey, Mike Adams, Nev^on, Rich Ellis, Terry Covender, Wayne Stirpe, Michael Tom Burkwist. Royal McClure


The 1963 Varsity Football team was led by several outstanding senior players. Rod Sommer Among these Bill George was chosen for the first All-City team. Vern Jones and Larry

Santschi were members of the second All- City team.

Bill George, a four-year letterman, took top honors this year on the Varsity Squad.

Bill, a member of the '62 All-City team,

was chosen again for this year's All-City Club.

Joe Hatch Larry Santschi

Jerry Jantz Vern Jones

Mike Tarver Dick Chopin Ron Swanson

Roy Bennion


Rob Neilson

His superior playing, both defensively and,

in guard position made him a offerisively, the Ron Warrick top candidate for the first squad.

Vern Jones earned a berth on the second

All-City team with his stunning sprints for the goal line. Larry Santschi made an end

spot on the same team. His pass receiving

and fine line work earned him this position.

Howie Jones Gordon Nyberg Bob Meyers Bill Curtiss

Dan Baggarley



Bob Lobdell

Coach Squinty Hunter's last basketball team exhibited his coaching skills this year by taking the City League Title and seventh place in state ranking with a 17-4 record. In a strong, league the Tigers lost only to Rogers and University, while dropping a pre-seasori game to Coeur d'Alene and o tournament contest to Richland.

Many of lost year's players returned this year to build on almost undefeatable team in city league action. Outstanding players included Gary Assing, Frank King, Dennis Ashe, Terry Whitten, Clint Geiss, and Don Johnson. Jay Bond, a 6' 8" sophomore, showed tremendous potential and skill under the boards which earned him a place on the second All-City team. Bob Lobdell, a real team spark plug, made many spectacular ball steals, going up for long drive lay-ups or setting up the play for a score. This was his second year on the All-City team.

Lance Brigham, who walked away with top honors this season, was named to the All-City and All-State teams,- his second year for both. He set numerous records. Among them, his score of 291 points broke the old high of 204 points for a season. He averaged 20.8 points per game this year with o 17.8 career average. A tally of 114 field goals this year and 181 for his career broke the previous record of 76 and 146.

Even with such outstanding athletes as these, it takes a well-balanced team to do a good job. Coach Hunter proved this by scrambling the starting line-up almost every game.

As each year brings to an end a different era, so will this one,- it brings an end to the era of E. L. "Squinty" Hunter at Lewis and Clark and a termination to his basketball coaching. But this era of 39 years will not easily be forgotten, for during Squinty's years he has helped to guide the Tigers on to three State titles and 21 trips to State. Under his leadership Tiger teams have won 274 games while losing only 1 16 in league play.

Coming to Lewis and Clark in 1924, Squinty coached the team even before a league had been organized. Later he watched the league, then including only Lewis and Clark and North Central, form and grow into what it is today, a league encompassing eight schools.

Squinty has coached many great teams and great players. Lewis and Clark can feel proud and grateful that he spent his coaching and teaching years here, devoting his skills and talents into the development of character as well as winning teams.

Squinty will long be remembered at Lewis and Clark for all that he has given indi- vidual players, the team as a whole, and the student body. Most important of all he will be remembered for the example he has set.

With his mild manner and generous nature, Squinty is known to express little physical emotion even in the last tense moments of the most important game. He has been like an anchor steadying and calming the team's emotions and giving them the confidence to do their best. He has made sportsmen of athletes.


Good coaching of the B-Squad Basketball team, showed up not only in scores but also in sportsmanship by ending the season in second place.

Row 1: Curt Boehiti, Ron Henry. Row 2: Bill Lund, Tom Snevo, Barry Briggs, Howie Kellogg, Mike Alward, Greg Bogus, Jim White, Jim Bacon, Mike McRae, Gene Boldwin, George Qajn, Terry Smith, Craig Austin, Mork Mors, Bill Coats, Morq Koslowsky, Gory Boures.

Both fun and a challenge were met on the Frosh Basketball team. The Kittens finished a close second in league standings.

Art Ashe, Mike Adams, Bill Row 1: Ken Koto, manager, Larry Carter, Ron Honda, Don Fay, Andy Ariizumi, monager. Row 2: Moxey, Mike Rose, John Minnix, Terry Covender, Bob Gix. Lance Brigham: Second year first All-City, All-State teams,- tremen- dous ability in ail situations; leading rebounder and team captain; 20.8 point average. Don Johnson: Good ball handler; three varsity years; deadly with outside shot. I

k King: A promising guard and it asset in his junior year; good outside shots and driving lay-

Bob Lobdell: Second year All-City team; a real ballhawk and play- maker; sparked the team with fast breaks and lay-ins.




Varsity traci< jumped, ran, and put themselves into a successful year and seemed to have little trouble filling openings left by lost year's fine team.

Two of this year's most outstanding runners are Vern Jones and Rusty Kacalek.

Vern proved himself in the 440 event by outrunning practically oil competition he en- c countered throughout the season. Rusty, an 880 mon, did exceptionally well in the longer runs. He was very successful in the Cross Country season ond he continued his success over into track.

Mike Tarver and Bill Curtiss made use of their strong arms in the shot put and "put" themselves ahead of all competition. Bill set a new city record in this event. K Larry Marker and Bob Rowe represented the team very well in the mile event while

Bob NIshlmura took many firsts in both the high and low hurdles events.

Mel. Smith combined strength and co-ordination in his winning style at the high jump.

John Wilkenson tied the all-time city 100-yard dash record of 9.8 seconds.

Many of these men will return again next year to lead the varsity team along with several outstanding tracksters from the B-Squad team.


The B-Squad track team showed great potential for future years.

Row 1: Howard Kellogg, Larry Moore, Jim Long, Ron Sims, David Bell, Alan Borgens, Dennis May, Doug Sinclair, Dick Spongier. Row 2: Jim Polomis, Tom Keosal, Charles Shelton, Clyde Bell, Gerald Moore, Jim Mhyre, Dennis Ariizumi, Don Sims, Bill Brady, Dennis Armitoge. Row 3: Don Brown, Pete Talbot, Mike Borringfon, Charles Bergh, John Carver, Hans Gonzenbach, George St. John, Sandy White, Ken Toggart, Dan King.

The Frosh track team showed the results of hard work and long hours of practice.

Row 1: Bori Newton, Geo Hoyoshi, Don Fay, Ray Bell, Tom Ferris, Art Ashe, Dennis Whitten. Row 2: Jim Small, Dick McAuliffe, Vince Olsen, John Smith, Mike Sood, Jim Nichols, Lorry DeVolve, Wayne Stirpe. Row 3: Tom Burkwist, Ken Bettinger, Mike Rose, Som Weinstock, Steve Cooper, Donn Carson, John Minnix, Perry White. CROSS O

Outstanding Cross-Country Runner u Rusty Kacaiek

Placing fourth in the league, the N Cross Country team showed great spirit, never losing their enthusiasm

despite several defeats. This year's T runners were competing in one of the toughest seasons in city league R history. Y W Outstanding Wrestler Chuck Grossman

R High school wrestling, relatively a

new sport in Spokane, has come a

long way in popularity this year.

L.C.'s Varsity wrestlers tied for third

E in the league with West Valley. A

fourth place berth was earned in

the District meet which gave Bill George, Chuck Grossman and Ron S Swanson a trip to the state meet.



The 1964 Cross Country team showed great stamina and enthusiasm throughout the season.

Row 1: Ken Holmes, Mike Corosella, Bob Rowe, Doug Sinclair, Bob Van Slyl

STATE WRESTLERS Chuck Grossman Bill George

The Varsity wrestlers worked hard to help the sport gain the popularity it has.

Row 1: Ron Swan$on, Ron Ahl, Joe Ocker, Dick DeGroot, Chuck Grossmon, Croig Bush, Jim Vining, Rondy Johnson, Row 2: Mike Torver, Craig Kopet, Gordon Nyberg, Gory Miller, Steve Melcher, Doug Hay, Bruce Mickelson. Row 3: Dove Johansson, Gary Toitch, Darrel Podoyao, John Colby, Bill George, Brent Whicker, Craig Thompson.

183 Fast, action-packed matches were commonplace with the B-Squad grapplers.

Row 1: Colin King, Bill Devine, Jim Mhyre, Bob Coon, Paul Davis, John Meyer, Pete Howard, Jerry Fosback, Rik Thompson, Terry Tschirley. Row 2: Joe Votes, Wayne Torbox, Len Staley, Gory Doughty, Rick Kelly, Dave Blaskowsky, Dick Clute, Steve Goodell. Row 3: Bruce Thompson, Larry Mix, Bob Ferris, Bill Thompson, manager,- John Kelly, Rod Gebo, Byron Hoffman, Dale Dennie. B A S


Outstanding Baseball Players Bob Meyers and Sfeve Pratt B

This year's baseball team took to the diamond with high hopes in that six two-year A lettermen had returned.

The outfield was covered by Bob Lobdell, Dan Baggarley, Dick Clute and Bary Buckley. Lobdell and Baggarley earned reputations as two of the top hitters in the league, due to Lobdell's strong batting average and Baggarley's 4C0-foot home runs. Clute and Buckley L were speedsters in the league.

The infield was handled by Steve Pratt, Bob Meyers, Ken Iverson, Mark Mounsey and Frank King. Coach Pete Weitz considered Pratt and Meyers his best defensive infielders. Iverson, a man with a strong arm, defended third with Mounsey at second and King behind the plate. L Because of his ability and experience in previous seasons, Lee Sherry led the pitching staff this year. Also pitching were Eric Olson, Jim Leigh, Rob Neilson and Charlie Gates.

185 186 B-Squad baseball players will give next year's varsity team much good material from which to choose.

Row 1: Tom Nishimura, Gwain Oka, Ron Westlund, Mike O'Rourke, Bill Lund, Jim Elmer, Jon Mackenzie. Row 2: Jolin Brown, Chris Kopczynski, Borry Briggs, Ray Moss, John Osborn, Gory Buckley. Row 3: Morq Koslowsky, Jeff Riddle, Mike Mounsey, George Coin, Greg Bogus, Bob Coon, Mike Alward.

Spirit and energy characterized the frosh baseball team.

Row 1: Bob Gix, Drew Overhauser, Gordon Konnegaord, Bill Goetano, Kim Centos, Mike Scioccotti. Row 2: Randy Smith, Dick Hartley, Art Valiquette, Larry Carter, Tom Stewart, Jerry Dyer, Terry Hill. Row 3: Cooch Carlos Flores, Jerry Henwood, Terry Cavender, Stan Smith, Skip Buchanan, Bill Maxey, Mike Adams, Greg Aronson.



Outstanding Tennis Player

Larry Keil E

Placing high in the city league this year, LC netmen were up to N their usual standards. Much of their success can be accredited to Mr. Jay Stopher, their coach, and many returning players. Outstanding

Bill 1 N among these were Coats, No. man on the team, Gory Singer, Doug Pullen, Larry Keil, and Gary Rader. Undefeated last fall the I team dominated league play. S

G Outstanding Golf Player

Don Johnson

Return golfers from lost year's O team strengthened the Boys' Golf squad. From the tee to the green, this year's club was strong all the way. While seniors Don Johnson, L Brad Erickson, Bob Blair, Eric Davis, Jon Anderson, John Espe, and Dave and Don Hayen, led the team in '64, next year will have many out- standing golfers from the sopho- F more and junior classes. Many returning lettermen gave this year's team its strength.

Row 1: Terry Young, Gory Singer, Paul Ehmer, Phillip Porter. Row 2: Doug Pullen, Bruce Erickson, Lorry Keil, Steve Vennemo, Dole Morse. (Not pictured: Bill Coats.)

190 The boys' golf squad was led by Don Johnson, Brad Erickson, Eric Davis, and Bob Blair,

The boys' golf squad showed great patience and skill on the greens.

Row 1: Joseph Delaney, Dick Morse, Ward Wolker, Don Johnson, Eric Davis, Dave Hayen, Bob Blair, Mike Kissin. Row 2: Dove Litzenberger, Dove Kehle, Roland Stearns, Terry Protto, Steve Erickson, Don Hayen, Bob Greene. Row 3: Roy Martin, Jack Fraley, Brad Erickson, Jim Hatch, Jon Anderson, Mike Aifstod, John Espe, Rich Malio. The girls' tennis team produced champions again this year. Row 1: Carolyn Lonning, Nan Comeoux, Sherry Anderson, Morgi Applelon, Maggie Geraghty, Sue Lanman, Nancy Jacobson. Row 2: Kothy Iverson, Helen Barony, Chris Cory, Borboro Sundberg, Susan Hanson, Sandro Matter, Nancy Keil, Helen Lawrence. Row 3: Morgie Peacock, Stevenson, Sue Louro Lynch, Melissa larsen, Ferol Mabry, Froncie Rutherford, Jan Comeaux, Sally Staley. Absent; Nadine Klobusicky.

The girls' golf squad represented LC well in the league.

Row 1: Betty Brakel, Charlene Koch, Sharon Griffith, Nancy Raynor, Sheri Ellis, Jill Shriver, Gwen Funk. Row 2: Lynn Schoei Diane Adams, Jean Roberts, Mary Ann Gilpin, Heather MocGillivroy, Sally Etter, Gail Simons.



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202 STUDENT INDEX Bockman, Linda—89 ^ Ackerson, Terry-102, 163 Bacon, Jomes-145, 171, 178 personal counseling Adams, Diane-100, 113, 132, Baden, Nancy-92 192 Boggorley, Doniel-33, 145, * Adams, Doug-89, 113 162, 165, 186 cosmopolitan student body Adams, Jani5-92, 117, 147, Baker, Gary-89 148 Boker, Sheryl-102 Adams, Jennie-102, 132 Bokken, Douglos— 102 ^ Adams, Michael D.-32, 163 superior faculty Bolch, Potricio-lOO, 132 Adams, Michael J. -102, 171, Baldwin, Constance-89, 139 187 Boldwin, Gene-97, Ager, Noncy-26, 163, 171 ^ 32, 125, Boldwin, Robert-33 championship athletics 139 135, Baldwin, Vincent— 33 Ager, Thomas— 102 Boles, Patrick-92 Ahl, Ronald-32, 145, 183 Ball, Patricia-97 ^ Aiken, Jeff-100 suburban campus Bolzer, Lee-33, 130, 138, Akivomo, Carol-100, 123, 141, 146 132 Bongs, Judi-102 ^ Akiyama, More— 102 -92 CEEB scores required John-32 Banks, Bill Mbi, ^Barony, Helen-89, AtUen, Pamelo-113, 132 117, 120, 192 Alderson, David-89 143, Borckloy, Dale-90 Araerson, Howard -92 Barcklay, Thomas-102 Jis,lfstad, Michael-100, 191 at Barcus, Robin 33 Allen, George—92 Bard, Diane-33, 128 Allison, Kenneth-100 Bard, Michael -97 Allison, Robert-32 Borger, Bryan— 146 Sydney-100, 135 97, Allison, Barlow, Rita-89 Almquist, Carla-32, 128 Barnord, David -89 Alsup, Theodore-32 WHITWORTH Barnes, Lorraine—89 Alsworth, Susan-32, 139, 151 Borr, Jan -26, 31, 33 Alword, Bob-92 Borr, Joseph- 102 Alword, Michael-100, 171, Borr, Peggy -97 187 Barron, Solly- 34 Amsberry, Christine-32, 138, COLLEGE Barrett, Richard-89, 178, 182 143 Barrington, Michael — 179 Amundson, Wayne— 100 Barrington, Thomas— 163 Andersen, Kristine— 102 102, Bortell, William Anderson, Cameron (Cammie) (Robbiel- 34 100 — Berth, Robert-97 Anderson, David lOO Bartholomew, — Anderson, Donald—89 Daniel 102, 163 Anderson, Gerald (Jerry)— 32 Bartholomew, Shirlee-34, Anderson, Jan—32 128 Anderson, Jerry A. — 100 Bortleson, Robert-89 Anderson, Jon-32, 140, 141, Bartlett, Charles-102 191 Barton, Bill-89 Anderson, Koren D.— 32, 123, Bntie, Donna-34, 148 143 Bitten, Susan-89 Anderson, Karen M.-lOO, 132 Boughn, Kathie-29, Anderson, Kevin—32 34, 121, 131, 133, 142 Anderson, Krislen L.-32, 123, Bouwens, Donny—34 143 Boyne, Nedro (Neddy)—97 Anderson, Nancy-89, 117, 119^ Beomer, Georg (Nick)-34, 115 120 Beotty, Bert-34 Anderson, Robert—33 Beaver, Dorothy— Anderson, Ronold-33, 138 102 'Bechtel, Christie-34 Anderson, Sharon (Sherry)— Bechtold. David—89 192 89, Becker, Margaret (Peggy)— Hey look us over, Anderson, Suzanne— 100 \ 92, 1 47 Anderson, Ted (King)-89 .Bell, Arthur-89, Anderson, Thomas—33 134, 151 'Bell, Bonnie-97 Andrews, Barry -29, 33, 133, Bell, Clyde-83, 163, 179 Lend us an ear. 141, 152 Bell, David-97, 179 Anthony, Elaine-92, 143 163, Bell, Ellen-89 Aoki, Kathleen-102, 150 Bell, Merle-92 Apple, Ronald-89 Bell, -102, N.C. sends greetings Appleton, Margaret (Margi) — Raymond 163, 179 Bellinger, Shoron— 34 27, 33, 80, 108, 135, 26, Bennett, Dennis 34 139, 157, 192 Bennett, Joanne— Archibald, Cynthia-89, 143 89 Bennion, Roy-26, '64's the year! Argites, James—89 34, 119, 129, 130, 137, Ariizumi, Andrew— 102, 171 145, 151, 162, 165 Ariizumi, Dennis-92, 179 Berg, David-90 Armitoge, Richard-33, 179 Berg, Michael-97 Arnold, Dovid-lOO Bergeron, Richard—97 "Aronson, Gregory— 102, 163, ,Bergh, Charles-90, \187 179 eefahan, Peter-90 Aihe, Artis-102, 163, 171, 'Ber§quist, Greg-34, (Congrats to seniors, 179 110, . ^121, 133, 141 Ashe, Dennis-92, 170, 172, Berry, Robert-34, 145, 162, 178 SJ65 Ashe, HenrY-76, 150, 151 Bes\ Robbin-34, 147 Three cheers for frosh. Ashley, Annette-102, 126 138, flettinger, Kenneth-102, 179 Ashley, Bobby-92, 163, 178 Seyersdorf, Thomas—90, 147, Ashley, Peggy-92 ^ >48 Ashley, Willard-33 Bios, Koren-90 to all the Ashlock, Steven-89 And you through Biehn, Jennifer-97, Aspinwoll, Stephen — 100 117, ) 126, 132 Assing, Gary-81, 92, 137, 186 ,Biesterfeld, Lindo (Timmie)— future years 170, 90 Attoway, Eva— 100 Billings, Corolyn-92, Atwood, Julie— 89 147, 148 Bingham, Ann (Condi)— Aukland, Judilh-33, 128, 143 90 Block, Michael-26, best of luck. Austin, Croig-lOO, 163, 171 35, 115, The By gosh! 151, 152 Austin, Sidney-100 150, Block, Steve-35 Autrey, Mary Ann— 100 Blockhurst, Brian -97 W^yors, Jeffrey— 89 Blair, Charlene-90 Ayers, Loren— 100 Blair, Dorlene -90 S^ylor, Jan-102 Bloir, Douglas-90 B Blair, Pomelo-90 Bobin, Cloudio-lOO, 144 Blair, Robert-26, 35, 109, Bockenstoe, Leigh- 100, 123 129, 137, 145, 146, 191 ^lankenship, Kathleen~35, Brunske, Coria—84 117, M3 Bruton, Dole-84 Bloskowsky, David-90, 184 Buchanan, Donna— 102 Bledsoe, Bryan-90, 145, 162 BCiclionan, Howard-102, 163, Blegen, Koren-97 T87 Buckley, Gory (Lynne)—97, Bloomfield, Thomos—90 163, 187 Slume, Heather-35, 119, 142, Buechner, Thomas—84 COxNGRATULATIONS TO 150, 151 Buery, Noncy-102 Blumhogen, Richard-81, 90, Bueitner, Ann—36, 123 ^ 129, 137, 170, 186 Buettner, Karen-102 iPly, Daniel-102 Bundoy, Ronald~36, 151 SENIORS Boatsmon, Connie—90 Bunn, Vicki-97 Bock, Edward- 81, 90, 109, Burge, Charles (Chic)-36 ) 129, 137, 145, 162, 186 Burger, Rax ie- 102 Bodine, Sue Helen-97, 147 Burger, Theodore -36, 150, OF Boehm, Curlis-90, 171, 188 151, 152 iBogus, Gregory-96, 163, 171, flurkey, Dan-84 * 187 Burkwist, Borboro-36 >Bolkcr, Barbara-90, 123, Burkwist, Stephen—96 1964 133, 141 Burkwist, Tom-102, 163, IsTad, Eugene—35, 115 179 Iton, James—96 Burley, Keith-83 Bond, Jay-96, 170, 173 Burley, Nancy—36 Bond, Linda-96 Burley, Wayne— 84 Bondy, Dorlene (Koy)-97 Burnet, Frederick (Bill)-84, Bone, Terry—35 140, 163 from Soothe, Charles-97 Burns, Cynthia—84 Soothe, Kathleen-90, 135 Burns, Gregory— 84 3orgens, Alon-96, 179 BOtsch, Joanne-37, 118 Borhauer, Louise— 147 BvsV Craig-84, 183 *orste, Janice-35, 138 .Busti, Joonne-96, 123 iBoures, Gary— 171 iButler, John (Jack)-84, Bdytinen, Alfred-90 ^ 178, 182 Bowen, Jay—96 Butler, Ralf-96 AMERICAIV BUILDIIVG MH Bowen, Paul-3S flyrd, Shirley-84 Bower, Richord-90 Byrnes, Connie- 102, 126 Bowers, Charlotte-96 Bowers, Donna—35, 126 C Bowles, Albert-90 Coin, David -37, 147, 148 MAIIVTEIVAIVCE CDMPAHY Bowley, Mory Mark (Tom)— Coin, George—96, 147, 171,

, 35, 139 187 Boyce, Michael—90 Cain, Karen-37, 127, 128 Boyd, Ann-35, 135, 139, Colicoot, Beverly-84, 121 150, 151, 152 Calkins, Sally -37, 112, 141, North 112 Altamont Boyer, Patricia-90 143 Boyle, Meredith-35, 112, 144 Campbell, Bonnie—96 Brodley, Carol-102 Campbell, Janice-26, 37, 131, Spokane, Washington KE 5-2022 Brodwin, Alan— 102 150, 151 Btadwin, Douglas—35, 147, Campbell, Lorry (Mike)-37 148 Campbell, Mary Ann-37, 142,

Brody, Floyd-96 - 150, 151 Brady, John Pat-84, 147 Campbell, Merri Ann— 102 Brady, John W. (Bill)-99, Comyn, Victor-84 179 Ronton, Delorse—84 Brady, Michoel-97 Copplemon, Louise -96 >Brakel, Christine (Crick)-84, Corbough, Robert— 84, 140 1 12, 143 Cordinal, Patrick 102 Brokel, Elizabeth (Betty)-35, Corlson, Edward (Rick)-37 138, 192 Carlson, Judith-37, 143, 150, jrtindon, Michoel-97 151, 152 Brandt, Nancy-84, 147 Carmichoel, Kotherine (Kay)— YOUTHFUL! Branson, Karen (Marie)—97 98, 132 Jranson, Sandra—36 Carosella, Michael-84, 145, iroun, Shirley— 84 178, 182 Braune, Michael -88 Carr, Andrew—92 for style with Breen, Brian-96, 135, 140, Carson, Mary (Chris)--92, 145, 162, 163 125, 126 distinction . . . Briggs, Barry-96, 171, 187 Carson, William (Donn)-102, the Briggs, Peter-97, 163 163, 179 Brighann, Lonce-36, 109, 129, Corstens, Julie-123 charming Go-Places 130, 137, 140, 145, 170, Carslens, Patricio-37 , ^ 172 Carter, Lorry- 102, 171, 187 Bright, Carolyn-100 Carter, linda-96, 132 wearability of clothes Bright, Dale-84 Carter, Michael -92 Brinton, Devon-36, 178 Carter, Vicki-92, 143 Briscoe, Bonnie-36, 115, 143, Carter, Virginia (Maridel)—96 ' 150, 151 Carver, John-96, 179 from "Bro, Robert-84, 147 Cory, Christine—28, 37, 80, 'Brockwoy, Douglas—97, 146 119, 134, 142, 192 Brogan, Elizobeth (Bess)—97 Case, Linda—98 ronson, Gail-84, 135, 143 Casey, Terry—92 ronson, Mary-102, 132, 135 Sassel, Allen (Ray)-92 Brooks, Davicl-102 CoVillo, Mario—37 3rooks, Mary—97 C6t»o, Pomelo- 102 Brooks, Pamela—97 Cote, Gloria-98 Tubby's rooks. Rondel—36 Coter, Cheryl-92 rown, Byron— 36, 140, 141 Covender, Terry— 102, 163 Brown, David—97 171, 187 trown, Donold-96, 179 Cederblom, Lynn-92, 114, 117

rown, James—84 1 17 jBrown, John D.-102, 113 Cenis, Doniel-37, 110, 114 'Brown, Johnny M.—96, 187 fenis, Linda -98 Sport and casual wear for the rown, Kristin— 84 Cholfant, Richard-92 rown, Pamela-96, 127, 144 Chomberlotn, Jennifer— 37 rown, Potricia—36 Chamberlain, Sharon- 102 rown, Robert L.— 84 Chamberloin, Tommy—98 "Young at Heart" Brown, Robert M. 36, 140 :homberlin, Karen—92, 128 Brown, Stephen-84 Chandler, Linnea-98 Brown, Susan—96 :hapin, Richard-37, 138, Brown, Thomas—36, 138 146, 151, 162, 164 Jrowning, Gordon— 102 Chapman, Patricio-92, 112, 3rozovsky, Truth— 125 125, 147 E. 511 Thirtieth TE 8-1277 firubaker, Lisa—97 Chapman, William (Gary)-92 Bruce, Barbara—88 Charves, Palricia-92, 141 Bruce, Linda— 84 Chose, Susan-92, 117, 150, irunner, Kathryn (Diane)—84 151, 152 Chastain, Judilh-98, 148 Craig, Michael -96 Chew, John (Lorry) -38, 135, Craig, Norma—96, 126 138, ISO, 151 Cromer, Barboro-98, 123 Cramer, tKristensen, Glen—92 Douglas—86 Crandell, Marsha—86 Clhr|5tensen, James—98 Crane, Jeanne— 92, 114 tWIstensen, Judith-92 Crawford, Linda— 86, 148 "hristensen, Richard—92 Crick, Molly-102 ^irstensen, Susan-38, 142, Crisp, Steven-92, 134 Croffut, Thomas-39 Chiistenson, Ronold-38, 141, Cromer, Jock -39, 121 KING UNIVERSAL 146 Cromer, James—98 WASTE Christman, Connie— 102 Cromie, Walter-92 Churchill, Shoron-92, 123 Crook, Thomas—86 Claossen, Lindo— 102 Cross, James—86 Cloeson, Janet-96 Crownover, James—83 Clare, Patricia-98 ^ryderman, Kenneth—92 Clark, Edward-38, 109, 140, Culbertson, Mary Jo-86, 125 \146, 170 Culbertson, Trulh-96, 117, Kitchen Cabinets Cfbrk, GorY-29, 38 - 123 Ctbrk, Jerry-99 Culler, Mary Ann-98, 123 Clark, Kolherine-98 Ojmmins, Bern—98, 145 Clark, Morlys (Joy)-92, Skmmins, Robert—86 • 150, 151 Cunningham, Edmund (Lee)— Clark, Patricia-38, 131, 142, 86, 135 . 150 Cunningham, Phil-92, 114, Clark, Roberl-102, 163 150, 151 Clark, Vern (Joe)-102 Cunningham, Robert—39, 140, Dishwashers — Disposers Clay, Eileen-38 ) 146 Clay, Julie-92 ICurryer, Kathryn-102 Clements, Susan—98 'Curryer, Roxanne-102, 150 CJiff, Donald-92 Curtis, Kit-86, 117 CiNjon, Marion-102 Curtiss, Bill-39, 145, 162, Cljtton, Nancy-92, 117, 146 165, 178 Cllne, James— 163 Cloninger, Dale-92 Clute, Dick -92, 137, 145, Dohlin, Lynn-84, 121 156, 162, 184, 186 Dohmen, Michael—96 Clutinger, Mary—92 Dolke, Gory-84 Clutter, Michael-92 ' Dolquist, Gail-84, 117, 123, Clutter, Sharon-98 ' 139 DEFKSDAUlLrrY Coots, William-92, 145, Dolquist, Patricia-26, 39, FAMED FOR • 171 141, 142 Codd, Michael-92 Dolsky, Jeff-39 Code, Sharon-96, 127 pomeron, Bruce-84 Coe, Fred -92, 163, 178 Dondreo, Lucinda—84 Cfeffey, Barbara-38, 119, poniels, Lola-92

. 143 Doniels, Spencer— 102 toghill, Janet-92 Ddnke, William-39, 131, Colby, George-98, 130, 151 ^147, 148 Colby, John-38, 145, 146, Doshiell, Bonnie—40 163, 183 Dashiell, Robert-29, 40, Cole, Cheryl -38, 112, 142 134, 147, 148 Also C Pole, Deanna-92, 135 ^avenport, William (Dan)— Coleman, Regino—38, 112, ^25, 28, 40, 129, 134, 157 138, 142 David, Lavonne-84, 128 Colon, Daisy—96 Davidson, Dawn — 102 Commercial Laundry Equipment feoJon, Edreonia—83 Davidson, Janice—92 fesiwell, Beverly-102, 135 Dovidson, Jan P.-102, 135 Comeoux, Jan-26, 38, 108, ."Davidson, Terry-92, 128 117, 119, 147, 192 ©ovies. Heather— 84 Rent • Lease • Trade Comeaux, Nan-26, 38, 108, Ddvis, Anita-96 117, 119, 147, 192 Dbvis, Bonnie-84 Comin, Michael-38, 146, Davis, Cal-76 147, 148 .Dovis, Donald-96 Condron, Craig—38 'Davis, Eric-26, 40, 129, 130, Conger, Steven—39 140, 141, 145, 191 Zonley, Peggy-81, 86, 147 Covis, Julie-84 Conner, Claudia—98 Davis, Mary-40, 120 Zonnerley, Michael— 39 Davis, MicheMe-84, 121, 130 Zonnerley, Sondra— 86 Biivis, Paul-84, 129, 146, Zonners, Pamela — 102 N84 Conrad, Cathy- 39, 131, 142 Wvis, Richard-40, 138 Contos, Kim-102, 163, 187 Davis, Shirley— 84 Centos, Stephanie— 86, 135 iDavis, Yvonne—92 Cook, Donna—86 l5eol, Nancy-98, 148 Cook, Linda-89, 127, 147, Deol, Sharon-84, 127 151 Dean, Barbara-98, 123

Cook, Richard-98 Peon, Ellen-84, 1 10, 134 'Coolbaugh, Robert—96 Peon, Richard—40 ROGER COCHRAN Cooley, Joonn—39 Peon, Steve-40 Coon, Robert -98, 163, 184, PeConn, Ruth-84, 141, 147, 187 148 Cooper, Steven-102, 163, 179 DeChenne, Gory- 84 Copley, Corolee— 86, 147 Degenstein, Edwin—84 COMPANY Coppay, Francis—86, 119, Degerstrom, Susan—98, 115 U PeGroot, Dick-40, 183 Copsey, Stephen—86 Delaney, Joseph (Joy)-- Corkrum, Gordon (Mike)-39 98, 135, 147, 191 Corliss, Mary Jane-102, 127 Delp, Linda-92, 143 Distributing Quality Appliances Cornell, Janet-92 Demus, Joroslow (Jerry)— Cornwell, Dudley-39 84, 129, 146, 170, 186 Corte, Leslie— 86 Dennie, Dale-98, 137, 184 Costello, Patrick-39 Deno, Richard-96, 147 Couey, Carol-86, 128 •Derby, Phillip-98 Coulson, Carol-86 Perhok, Bonnie—96 Coulson, Patricio- 86 Derr, Dee-123, 135, 151 N. 1905 Washington FA 6-1921 Coulter, Lucinda-39, 141 Devine, Tom-40, 120 ^ousins, James— 102 Devine, William-84, 163, 178, Cousins, Jerry—98 184 Cowley, Williom-86, 147 iJeVleming, Tom -84 Spokane 4, Wash. Cox, John—86 Devlin, Judy—40 Cox, Sherry—86 Devolve, Larry-102, 179 Coy, John-92 DeWitt, Dor5ey-40 JCroble, Warren- 86 Dickerson, Paul-40 Crobtree, Douglas—92 Dieter, Goil-98 Craig, Diane-86, 128 Dietor, Alan-93 iietz, Morgy—84 Farmer, Michael-76 Dietzmon, Dave-84, 135 Farmer, Nicholas—88 Oiffley, Sheila-98, 151 Fay, Daniel- 102, 171, 179 Dillon, Daniel-84 Foy, John-93 .Jimico, Georgia—92 Fenton, Diane-93, 121 Dirks, Mike-26, 40, 130, 188 Ferger, Dale—43 Dishmon, Stephen— 84 Ferger, Duone-93 Dittrich, Richard-40, 110, 152 Ferguson, Mary (Froncine)— 43 Dixon, Judith A. -41, 128 Fernau, William-28, 43, 119, Pixon, Judith D. 84 138 Pixson, James— 84 Ferris, Charles (Tom)— Polsman, Russell-76 , 102, 163, 179 ANDERSON'S FOOD Domek, Mary-102, 135 iFerris, Robert-88, 145, 166, 184 Domitrovich, Judith—84 iiechtner. Lorry—97 Dompier, Steven—41, 138 iechtner, Marianne- 88 Donohoe, Tony—41 iechtner, Marilyn— 88 Donnelly, Myles-98, 163 finch, Alvin-93, 121 Donner, Moribelh (Befh)— ^ink, Scott-43 t;.84, 121, 135, 144 /inney, Donald (Bruce)—97 MARKET OSUghty, Gary -98, 184 rinnie, Eornestine— 88 Douglas, David -98 tiorito, James-43, 147 pougios, Lynn— 102 Fischer, Poul-92 bsLW, William -102 fish, Carole-83 PoUvd, Williom-92 ish, Dale-43 Downey, Jean -41, 120, 127 'Fitzgerald, Leslie-43, 114, 125 Poyle, Andrea-26, 29, 41, 114 ritzgerold, Maureen— 43 The Store With a Hear\ Poyle, Jenness—41 fldgon, Jacqueline-88, 128, 143 Doyle, Kenneth -98 Ffbdiers, Susan—43 Duncan, Cheryl-88, 119, 135 Fockler, Barry— 102 Dunlop, Cynthia—97 Fogelquist, Albin-88, 115, 126 Bunn, Margaret—84 Eogelquist, Ann-102 •Dupper, Charlene — 102 roisy, Edwin (Gerard)—43 Duront, Jane—84 Follett, Pamelo-25, 43, 142 Duront, Steve-102 Foote, Ronold-43, 112 Durbrow, Karen- 96 Ford, Ruth-1 19 burden, Josephine-84 Foreman, Mary (Eileen)— Dyer, Jerry-102, 163, 187 96, 132, 144 Oyrdahl, Jame5-102 Foreman, Joanne— 43 Fix-ster, Michoel-86 Forster, 'logle, Barbara-41, 119, 125, Patrick-86 143 Fosbock, Jerry-88, 184 torling, Ricky-97 foshee, Jerry—93 Phone Rl 7-3149 Twenty-fifth and Monroe €osh, David-97, 163 foss. Pomelo- 43 E«ton, Dan— 84 Foster, Donold—44 Echols, Joseph-97, 182 foster, Kathleen-102 fiKXer, Jddy, Robert-41, 145, 166, 188 Rachel-93, 130 Eddy, Robin-88, 121 Forter, Virginia—88 SPOKANE, WASH. Foust, James—93 •Eder, Matthew (Sonny)— 84 s Foust, Edgar, Mary-41, 112, 131, 139 Vera—76 fdgar, Susan— 88 fowie, Maureen-44, 122, 143 fdwards, Julie—84 Fowler, Alice (Koy)-93 Egbert, Alice (Marie)- 88, 115 Fowler, John-102 Ehmer, Paul-84, 130, 145, Fowler, Richord-44, 110, 138, 147, 190 141 Elkin, Dean-88 fowler, Wondo- 102 Fowlkes, Elkins, Kathleen-26, 27, 41, Richard-102 110, 114, 131, 143, Fowlkes, Thomas—97 , 150, 151 Froley, Jack-88, 147, 148 I illiott, Bonnie (Kothy)-102 191 Elliott, Noel-41 Fronke, Cheryl-44, 128 Ellis, David-97 Franke, Pamela-97, 132, 144 Fronke, Ellis, Eugenia-26, 41, 135, 138 Patricia-97, 132, 144 Paul C. Fossum, Inc. Frankel, Ellis, Richard-102, 151, 163 Margaret (Peg)—44, 114, tllis, Sheri-25, 41, 107, 142, 135 Franklin, Michelle-26, 44, 119, . 150, 151, 152, 192 Ellis, Terry-102 ' 141, 143 pllison, Cheryl—41 Franks, Carole-88, 126 Eltmon, Joseph—41 Fronsen, Kenneth—44, 145, 146, Benjamin Moore Paints Ellmon, Linda-88 162, 164 Fronz, Eliiier, James-97, 187 Edy-97 rWer, John-88, 151 Froser, Roderick — 102 -93 Elsom, Joan-102, 150, 151 jFredericksen, Mary Freeman, Jerry— Linoleum Emocio, James-42, 80, 107, 97 Froese, Arthur— 102 1 19, 130, 140, 141, 146 Emery, Deborah-97, 148 [ruechte, Susan—97, 147 -uller, Emery, Diane-84, 113, 123, 147 Leonard—76 =uller, Zolatone Emmons, Kathleen-42, 112, Randll-102 141, 142 rulwller, Janice—93 Empey, Susan-42, 119, 143 Funk, Gwendolyn— 26, 44, Wallpaper Eng, Lewis—42, 141 1 15, 141, 143, 192 Engebretson, Shirley -42 I 6 English, Susan—93 Gabel, Elizobeth-44, 1 10, Ensley, Connie-42, 150, 151 112, 142, 147 Erickson, Bradley-42, 134, Tile 145, 191 Gobler, Noncy-93 Erickson, Bruce-26, 42, 130, Gaetono, Rick—44 140, , 190 141, 145, Goelono, William-102, Erickson, Dorothy 163, -42, 127, 187 Builders Hardware 128, 143 1 Gage, Susan 147 Erickson, Paula-93 44, pahor, Michael— 76 Erickson, Steven-42, 138, 145, Goiser, Daniel-26, 122, 146, 191 44, 126, 140 Erickson, Susan— 119 130, 42, jGollogher, James— Erlondson, Mory-26, 93 42, 117, Gollowoy, Diane-93, 131, 143 110, Eronson, Sandra—97 txH4, 1 19 jGornon, Bonnie— 144 Erstod, Richard-42, 96, 110, 134, Gannon, William-93, 140 113 V parberg, Elizabeth (Lucy)— FA 8-6710 Ettz, Larry-97 WA 4-0900 ' John 76 Espe, -42, 138, 191 Gorceau, Denise—102 Elfer, Solly- 42, 112, 192 Gorceou, Renee-29, 44, 127, N. 1622 Division E. 9307 Sprague Etter, Virginia-93, 119, 139 , 142 Evans, Dennis— 93 Gordella, William-102 F Gardner, Fred—97 Fogon, Catherine-43, 128 Gardner, Joanne—44 Fogan, Roy— 88 Gardner, William-76 fall, Janet-93 3arlich, Rebecca (Becky)—44 Garrett, Eileen-45, 128 Greve, Gordon -103 Gorrison, Robert—88 Griffith, Sharon-93, 192 151 Garske, Gretchen-93, 117, Griffiths, Carmen-46, 147 riggs, Goy—93 . 'Griner, Terry -93, 147 Gaskell, Marcia-93, 112 Grinslod, Richord-99 Gotes, Charles--45, 137, 138, |<5rinstad, Thomas 46 Corygfatulationifi 140, 145, 146, 186 Oriswold, Alan-99 Gales, Kenneth -97 Gross, Victor-46, 118, 122, Gay, Shelene-29, 45, 152 ^ 140 Gaylord, Charles-93, 163 Grossman, Chorles 46, 145, to)Hie Gaylord, Sally-102 i 180, 183 Gaylord, Suzanne— 45, 112, Groves, Walter-85 142 Guerci, Rosa-103, 126 Gebo, Rodney-45, 145, 184 Guess, Steven-103, 113 Geiss, Clinton-45, 170, 173 Gumenberg, John—46 Gelb, Robert-29, 45, 152 Running, Sydney—99 thence, Mary Claire-102 5urney, Fred—47 Gence, Roger~85, 119 iusdorf, Marlene-93, 125 Genor, Walter-45, 110, 134, jMtofson, Albert-47

. 138 3ustafson, Elvera — 103 ©eorge, Molly-85, 112 justafson, Kathleen - 103 George, Williom-45, 107, 3ustafson, Sheryl-93, 123, 129, 137, 145, 146, 159, 127 162, 164, 183 Guthrie, John-99, 163 Geroghty, Margaret -85, 112, Guyer, Francine—47, 135 FROM 144, 192 Gwyer, Kathleen-47, 115, 123 Geroghty, Roymond—97 Gerold, Motthew-102, 163 H Gerdo, Linda—85 Hobbestad, Kathryn-103,

Gerke, Duane—85 . 126 Germono, Philip— 102 Hogel, Jame5-28, 47 Gertson, Harvey-85 t*pgeman, Kathleen— 103 Gertson, Lee—85 liSgen, Linda-103 PARK FLORIST Gest, Linda-85, 122, 128 Hohn, Jane-99 LIBERTY Getman, Steven-102, 147, hfalabrin, Michael—76 148 Holey, Betty -91 Gionnou, Tony—85 Holey, David-103 ©ionnou, William— 45, 145, Holpern, Morvin— 47, 110 mw GREEIVHDUSE 178, 182 Holpern, Stanley-99 Gibbon, Morcio—99 Holvorson, Roderick -47, 140, Gier, Sherry-99 ^" 150, 151 Gilbert, Stephen-85, 122, Hamilton, Mary (Loonne)-93,

• 1 33 130, 147 Gill, Judith-99, 132, 135 Homm, Michael— 47 Gill, Steven-25, 45, 112, Homm, Ronald-150, 151, 129, 137 ' 163 KE 4-9381 Eighth and Perry Gillmore, Marilyn—45, 119, Homm, Shirley—99 143, 144a Honnum, Michael—92 Gilpin, Mory Ann-99, 147, Hansen, Barbora—93, 117, 192 143, 148 Gilson, William-45, 147 Hansen, Thomas—99 Gipson, Summer—99 Honshaw, Bill-103 Gix, Doretha-85, 135 Hanson, Alan— 147 Gix, Robert-102, 171, 187 Hanson, Laurel—93 Glendinning, Malcolm—45, Hanson, Susan — 132, 192 115 Hardy, Richard-76 Glendinning, Robert— 85 Harke, Monty-88, 147, Glenn, Pot-45 148 Glines, James— 102 Horold, Robert-47, 145 Glines, Thomos— 102 Harper, Horry (Spud)-I45, Good, Joyce -92 162 Goble, David-85 Horper, Vicky—47 Gokee, Mary Ann— 46, 143, J'tflirras, Jeanne—99, 147 144a HA>i;as, Peter-47, 147 Goldsworthy, Carol—85 HfarHis, Barry-47, 139 Gonyou, James—46 Hpr/is, Neva (Jeanelle)-47, Gonzenbach, Hans—25, 30, Yl4 46, 129, 148, 179 Worris, $ally-47, 120 Goodell, Donna-103 Harris, Suson-47, 114, 122 Goodell, Steve-85, 184 135, 144 Goodner, Gloria — 103 Harrison, Goil-l 10, 126 Goodner, Jeanne— 85, 119, Harrison, Gloria—93 144, 151 Horshmon, Jeffrey-88, 137, Goodner, Steven— 46, 141, 145, 162 150, 151 iHart, Darlene-99 Goodrich, Alice-85 Hart, Joy -48 Goodrich, Suzonne—99 Hart, Judy-99, 144 Goodwin, Kenneth—85 hartley, Richard-103, 163, Gordon, Susan—85 187 Gormley, Michael—46 Hortz, Russell-93 Goss, John-85, 163 Harvey, John-93, 178 Gotzion, Gail — 103 Worvey, Joseph— 48 Goudy, Lee-85, 145, 178, Harvey, Molly-115, 117, 182 " 143, 150, 151 Gould, Chrisline-46, 123 Hastings, Lano—88 Graham, Linda—85 Hatch, James-191 Grant, Leonard—76 Hatch, Joe, 48, 145, 162, Grosser, Bette Jane—85 164 Graves, Jack-85, 145, 162, Hatfield, Louis-99 'Makers of Fine Portraits" 170 .Wnthaway, Kenneth- 93 Gray, Gordon-46, 130, 147, jHdtter, Mary-99 148 ^4flugen, Richord—48 Gray, Jerry—76 iHougen, Roger (Paul)—48 Gray, Kathleen-85, 112, 143 [Haugen, Thomos—88 S. 13 Howard Street MA 4-2821 Gray, Low/rence (Ed)— 85 fHdvens, Bruce- 103 Gray, Lawrence— 85, 163 ^ovens, Judy-48, 120 Green, Cheryl— 26, 46 Hawley, James 99 Green, Gail—93 'Hawley, Sandra—88 Greene, Lourel-99 Howley, William-48, 138 Spokane, Washington Greene, Robert-99, 147, 191 Hoy, Dou9las-88, 183 Greener, John— 103 ^Hoyoshi, Denise-103 Greener, Lydia—99 IHoyoshi, Geo-103, 163, 179 Greener, Lynn-125, 128 Hoyen, David-48, 146, 191 Greening, Kothryn- 46, 127 Hayen, Don-48, 146, 191 Greenslitt, Linda—93 Hayes, Lillian-88 Gregory, Sondra—46, 112 Hoylett, Frank-88, 150, 151 —

Heoth, Gory-48 Hoxsey, Suzette-50 Heath, Sandra-48, 114, 119, Hubenihal, Lonita-88 K\125, 150, 151, 152 Hubler, Susan -50, 128 iH*aton,Kenneth-88 Huckobo, Nancy— lOO Heft, Leoh-48 Huey, Catherine-100, 123, Hefte, Bonnie-88 135 Huey, Sharon-50, 127, 142 Heidenreich, Mary-88, 128, Hughes, Janel-8a 143 A Hughes, Janine—88 vj Learn to be a Heidenreich, Joe—48 .•* Hughes, Lynn—84 . i Height, Jim-103 Hughes, Ronald-88 Heim, William-100, 150, hvfen, Robin-50, 122 .151 Hull, Elizabeth (Lisa)-88, rtslphrey, Donald-88 .i 115 Proficient Secretary, Hejphrey, Judy-100 Hunt, $ondra-88 Itlelton, George— 85 Hunter, Betty (Jeon)-lOO, Henderson, Stephen-88, 130 132 Henry, Christine- 103, 135 Hunter, Demerise— 88, 135 Henry, E2ma--48, 117, 135 Hunter, Dianne—88 143, 148 Booklceeper, or Stenographer Hunter, Roberl-26, 27, 50, Henry, 6onald-88, 171 1 18, 122, 126, 130 ffenwoodTtTerald-lOS, 163, Hurley, John-88 - 187 Kyrst, Sharon-50, 128 Hepburn, Carolyn— 48 HOrst, Stephanie-26, 50, Hepburn, David -100 110, 127, 130, 133, 134 Herington, Llanne— 103 Hkjssein, Mark-100, 163 hern, Alan-88 Hussey, Dana (Dan)-88, 147 Hern, Frances-49, 139, 142 Hutchison, Jomes— 50, 130 Let Kelsey-Baird Secretarial School Herr, be Wiliiam-49 135, 138, 145, 162, 165 Herrmann, Patricia— 100 Hutsell, Gary-88 Herron, Joeilo (Jody)-88, Hutsell, Mike-100 your direct route to your career goals. 133, 143 .Hyvari, Suson-88 kHersmon, Norma—88 Hersman, Sharon-49, 120, Instmction provided by our well- 135 ^borra, Margie-90 Herf, Ronald-90 Indahl, Berne-103, 151 trained teachers is of the highest qual- Hess, Clork-103 \4nghan, Joel—50 Hess, Lynne-88, 110 Ireland, Patrick -50, 146, JHesse, Greg (Allan)-88 151 ity. Our classes, being limited in size, ,Hewett, Palricia-100 , Irvine, Judy-103, 1 13 JHewins, Michoel-lOO Iverson, Duane-103, 163 allow 1 you to receive (Heyer, Nancy-88, 10 ilverson, Kathy—90, 143, 192 individual in- Hibbs, James— 100 iverson, Kenneth-51, 109, 129, ,Hickey, Carolyn— 49 137, 145, 146, 186 struction and assistance. New classes Hickey, Louromarie—88 Jves, Albert-51 Hicks, Gary-49 Ives, Sharon— 103 ^Higgins, Gregory— 103 begin at frequent intervals. We oper- ^iggins, Robert-49 Highsmith, Timme-81, 88, Jablonski, Dennis—90 117, 143, 151 Jbckman, Bonnie—51 ate our own Job Placement Service, Hijiya,ni|iyu, James—juiiica 103 Jockson, Barbara-90, 141, Njiiya, Janice—-100, 144 Ml 43 and take pride in the Hjiiyo, Robert--88 Jtgfcobson, Harold (Keith)-90, achievement of Wldebrand, Daniel-88Do ^137, 145, 162 jHildenbrandt, Potricia-IOO, 'Jocobson, Nancy—51, 80, the many graduates that we have ^ : 132, 150 107, 143, 155, 192 Hill, Barbara-88 Jocoy, Catherine—90 Hill, David-88 ^offe, Thomas—90 placed in good jobs. Hill, Margarett-88 ^omes, Marsha— 103 Hill, Richard-49 James, Stephen—90 Hill, Terry-103, 163, 187 'Jameson, Larry—51 Hiller, Roy-99 iomieson, Barbara— 51, 110 Hoerner, Albin— 103 Hamieson, Karen-90, 110, 119 Hoesly, Richard-49, 112, Jantz, Dwayne—90 141, 146 lantz, Jerry-51, 109, 145, Hoetzel, Paula-88, 144 146, 162, 164, 178 KELSEY-BAIRD GRADUATES Hoffman, Bernard—49 lared. Morion-90 .Hoffman, Byron-100, 184 larvis, Lois (Kim)-90, 135 Hogin, Glen-88 Jarvis, Penelope— 100 EARN TOP WAGES Holcomb, Lynda-49, 120 lellesed, Kathleen (Kitty)-28, Hole, Judith-100 51, 127 Holen, Morgreta—88 lennings. Colleen—90 Holland, Barbara-88 lensen, Dovid—90, 148 Holmes, Kenneth-49, 133, Jensen, Mario— 83, 115 145, 147, 178, 182 Jeswine, Kathleen (Louise)- Holmquist, Molly-lOO, 132 90, 123, 131 Honda, Morcia-lOO, 125, Johansson, David— 51, 80, 127, 144, 156 145, 146, 183 Honda, Ronald-103, 163, 171 Johns, William-51 Hone, Gary—49 Johnson, Arthur— 100 - Hood, Gordon-49 Johnson, Barbara— 103 kelsey baird Hook, Robin-49 Johnson, Donald-25, 51, Hoppe, James-88, 147, 178, 129, 137, 145, 170, 172, 182 189, 191 Horiuchi, Connie-103, 126 Johnson, Ellen-51, 112, 123, secretarial school Horn, John— 103 \ 143 Horn, William-49, 146, 147 J6hnson, Elizabeth A. (Betsy)— fornaday, Barbara—50 90 lornbuckle, Robert—50, 113, 'Johnson, Elizabeth D. (Liz)— 135 100 Horner, Dorsey (Lee)—88 Johnson, Gary— 100 Horner, Robert (Lorry)- 103 Johnson, James E.—90 Barrett Bldg., 2nd Floor Horton, Sharon— 88 Johnson, James (Howell)—51 Hotrum, Laurel— 100 Johnson, James (Russ)—51 Hotrum, Ronald-50, 151 Johnson, Jean—90 Movanes, Daniel—50 Johnson, Karolynn— 90, 126 W. 418 Sprague Ave., Spokane, Wash. Howord, Judy-88, 123, 135 Johnson, Linda—90, 126 Howord, Mary-88 Johnson, Marilyn—90, 151 toward, Pete-88, 145, 162, Johnson, Morlene- 103 184 Johnson, Michael—90 MA 4-8957 Howard, Randy— 88 Jjhnson, Nancy—90, 130, 143 Howard, Stanley-88 Johnson, Patricio— 100 Howell, John-100 Johnson, Rondy— 100, 183 Howell, Margaret-29, 50, Johnson, Ronald — 100 • 119, 123, 134, 142 Johnson, Steven—51 Hewlett, Darlene-103 Johnson, Susan—90 Howser, Kenneth— 100, 163 Johnson, Thomas—90 Johnston, Christopher—90 Klein, Carol-103 Johnston, David—52 Kleiven, Susan— 53 Johnstone, Angela 100 Kipbusicky, Nadine-53, 107, Jolley, Gory—76 - V2, 144a, 192 Jones, Bryce-9I, 147, 148 l^lot, Helena-53 Jones, Carolyn-91, 127, 143 Kloc, Judy 90 Jones, Christine-97, 132 Kluber, Richard-103 Jones, Cynthia—91 Kneelond, Nancy—90 Wies, David-52, 112 Knott, William-90 Jones, Howard {Howie)—52, Koch, Charlene-90, 192 7162, 165 Koller, Scott-53, 121 CONGRATULATIONS iones, Jennings (Jay)—91 Konishi, Ann-90, 119, 143 Jones, Judith-91 Koontz, Karlen-54, 110, 119, Jones, Karen-91, 112, 139 143 Hones, Kothleen-91, 123, 143, Koontz, Sueilyn-90, 119,

148 » 120, 143 AND Jones, Kenneth—97 Kopczynski, Christopher—97, Jones, Kimball-52, 147, 148 187 JoV^s, Laurel—52 Kopet, Craig-97, 163, 183 Jones, Morgan (Kirby)—91, 13S TCoppert, Gory—90 Jones, Raymond (Mike)-52, Kosoi, Kathleen-103, 126 BEST WISHES 138 Koslowsky, Morq-97, 171, lones, Russell-97, 135, 147 187 Jones, Vernon-25, 26, 52, Koss, Barbaro-90, 119, 143 162, 164, 178 Koss, Paul-54, 145, 162, Jorgensen, John—97 164, 178 I Joslin, Andrew (Toby)- 91 Xromer, Phillip-89 Joss, Richard-26, 52, 112, (Crouse, Barbara-90, 117, 141 119 Jurgensen, Kristin— 52 Krouse, Elizabeth-54, 139 Krouse, Sondro -103 Krebs, Mike-90, 145, 166 Kocolek, Edward (Rusty)-52, Kromer, Mollie 54, 120 145, 146, 178, 180, 182 kruger, Norman—97 Kocolek, Patrick-103, 163 krum, Glen-90 Koiser, Judith-52 Krumsick, Anne—54, 139, Kolinoski, Beth-97 150, 151 Konegoe, Ron—52 Kruse, Ginger-90, 119, 143 Konnberg, Wayne—91 Kruse, Suzonne—90 Konnegaord, Gordon -103, Kumbero, Mary-81, 90, 119, 187 143 Kapus, David— 52 Kuwoda, Gerald—97 Kbrg, Carolyn-97 ^^oriun Studio Korg, Kenneth-97 Kosperskyj, Kotherina—91, LoBounty, Londo-90 119, 143 iLockman, Hoi-97 Kosperskyj, Maria-97, 132, Lockmon, Sandra-90, 118, 144 123 Koto, Kenneth-103, 171 tolly, Wendy-103, 113 Kpuper, Karin-52, 125 L«imb, Lynda -54, 114 Ktlyono, Kenneth-52 iombert, Dick-26, 54, 115 Koyono, Linda-103, 126 Lambert, Ronald 54, 118 Keane, Gloria—97 Lancaster, Sandra— 54, 123 Keane, Stephen— 53 Lander, Lorry -97 Keasol, Thomas—91, 145, lander, Vicki-25, 26, 54, ^162, 179 107, no, 131, 142 Keepers, Doug las -103 Longhons, Marcia-103, 126 Keevy, Craig—53 Longhans, Mark—90 Keezer, Arthur (Fred)-53, Longlond, Kenneth-90, 126,

1 15, 141, 151 . 148

I 143, 192 McElfish, Ray-96 «ace, Gloria-99, 117, 132 McFadden, Bonnie-83, 150, Mice. Terry-103 151 /i»ocGillivray, Heather-83, 192 McFalls, Carol-58, 120 Mackenzie, Jon-99, 187 McGee, Doris-58, 128 Congratulatiom, Seniors MacMoster, Laurie— 103 McGinnis, Michael-83, 140 Madden, Collie-56, 127 McGovney, Richard—83 Magers, Dove-56 Mcintosh, Bonnie-99 Magers, Doug-S6, 120 McKinley, Dave-93 from 'Magers, JoAnn— 103 McKinley, Thomas—58 pagers, Susan— 103 McKnelly, Kothlene (Kitly)- haggard, Sandra- 103 . 83, 122 Mogney, Marilyn— 56, 123 McLoin, Greg-58, 150, 151 AAogney, Richard—99 McLaughlin, Gory-83, 122 Moguire, David—99 McLoughlin, Shelby-58, 112 Mahor, Marilee-91, 150 'McLoughlin, Thomas 99 Mokelo, Thomas—99 McLean, Richard-83 GREENOUGH'S JWcLellon, Molly-27, Malond, Su5an-99, 117 58, Malet, Danny-99, 141, 150, 108, 130, 142, 158 J 151 .McLendon, David-83 Shopping Center Malio, Richard-91, 141, 191 McMichoel, Bettie Jo-83 Malm, Jomes—91, 141 'McMillen, Molly 83, 125 Molone, Harvey—91 )McNaught. Davis, Marilyn-83 Manchester, Douglos—56, McPherson, Robin-96

- 112, 130, 146 fiiRae, Michael-96, 171 Manchester, Solly-91 McTighe, Timathy-83, 130 * School Supplies Manion, Betty Jo— 91 McWillioms, Laura-83, 119, Monion, Freddie Mae—56 128 Manion, Tina-103, 126 'McWilliams, Tamara-99, 132 Manion, Trina-103, 126 Mead, Clayton (Gene)— 58, * Fountain Mansfield, Michael—56 146 Monz, Elizabeth-99 Meadows, Susan— 83 Marker, Lawrence—99, 178, Meenach, Rachelle— 105, 126 , 182 Meenach, Robert (Lowell)—

* Groceries Marker, Teresa—56 ' 58, 138, 146 Morquardt, David—91 'Melcher, Steve-58, 138, 145, Mqrsh, Deanna-103, 113 183 M^sh, Henry-56 Mercer, Marilee—58 * Drugs Marsh, James—57 ^ercury. Laurel — 105 Marshall, Charles (Dean)—57, IMercury, Marc -96, 113, 147

' 138, 146 Merrimon, Ronald—58 Marshall, Marilyn-99, 117, Meyer, John-83, 184 132 Meyer, Michele— 83 Martin, Anne-103 iMeyer, Steven-96, 130, 163 Sixth and Washington MA 4-2221 Martin, Dana-88 Meyers, Robert-58, 129, 137, Martin, Garry—57 145, 146, 162, 165, 185, Martin, James—91 186

Martin, Joanne - 57 'Mhyre, James-83, 179, 182, Martin, Roy-91, 147, 191 184 Martin, Scott -91, 112 MIckelson, Becky—96 Mickelson, Bruce-58, 183 Nail, Joonne-86, 144a, 156 Midia, Chervl-58, i12 Nouditt, Glorio-60, 119, 120, Miguel, Kothleen-59 138, 143 ASikolas, AAyles (Keith)-59 Neol, Linda-86 Miller, Catherine-85, 147 'Nechonicky, Carol — 105 Miller, Clyde-59 jNegrin, Alan—86 Miller, Gale-99 Neighbors, Mark—76 AAiller, Gary-85, 145, 183 JNcill, James-60, 120, 146 Miller, 118 Michael P.-85, Neill, Lorry-60 Miller, Michael R.-59, 146 JMeilson, Robert-60, 145, 162, Miller, Norman—59 i 165, 186 Miller, Owen-96 Miller, Paul -59 ftsleilson, Scotl-162, 163 Miller, Steve-85 tjelson, Diana-60, 112, 135, Miller, Susan-59, 108, 135 [ 142, 147 144a, 151 IKlelson, Floro Anne-60, 117, Mills, LoVerne-59, 110 119 Minnix, John-105, 163, 171, Nelson, Glenn—86 ' 179 Nelson, Lindo-81, 86, 144 Minzel, Marsholl-85, 130 'Nelson, Peter 86 iMischick, Carolyn- 85 — /Witchell, Janet-26, 59, 114, Nelson, Robert-99

i 119, 122, 143 Nelson, Roxanne— 105 Mitchell, John-85, 135, 163, jNeshem, Connie-86, 128

1 88 Nestor, Diano-99 Mitchell, Patricia-59, 139 Neswick, Jerry—86 CDNGRATULATIDNS Mix, Gary-59, 178 TJeupert, Thomos—99 Mix, Larry-184 'Neveux, Arlene (Petie)— 60 .Mize, Borbora—85 ' 108, 127, 142 Afloen, Susan—99 Newelt, Diane-86, 125, 126 TD THE Moffott, Mary Ann - 85, 119, Newton, Bari-105, 163, 179 120 Newton, Carrene— 105 Moffott, Richard-99 iNewton, Reginald—60 .Moffatt, Susan-85 Nice, Gayle-61, 114, 123, SENIOR CLASS

Moholt, John-89 1 142 Mohondro, William (Randy)— Nichols, James-105, 163,

85 1 179 Moline, Noncy-59, 112, 138, Nichols, Vicki-99 Witholson, 135 , 143 Carl-86, Moll, Steven-99 Nihort, Jerldine -86 *l4ontano, Michael-83, 122 Milson, Judith-86 wonlgomery, Barbara-88, Nilson, Ronald -61, 140, 186 135 Nishimura, Richard— 86 -Montgomery, Gloria—96 Nishimura, Robert- 86, 130, ^•nation @npany Montgomery, Vicki-85, 148 140, 146, 178, 182, 186 Moore, Gerald-96, 145, 162, Nishimura, Thomos 99, 187 Nix, Donna-105 iMoore,1 Geraldine—96 Nix, Shirley-61 Moore, Lorry -96, 135, 179 Noland, Earl (Bill)-86 ywoore, Steven-85, 113, 147, Jsloll, Sylvia-61

;• 182 NorbeCK, Susan-99 Moore, Wade—59 Nordhagen, Bonnie— 61, 128 Moron, Mar90-59, 117, 119, Tjordmork, Tamara—99 \ 127, 142 fjorthcroft, Donavon— 134 Moron, Patricia—85 ^urse, Dennis-86, 137, 170 Morehouse, Mary—99 Nx)>ak, Lucinda-105 Morgan, Janice—60 Novak, Richord-lOO Morin, Colleen—85 Novell, Robert (Kerry)-61, Moriya, Julie—96 , 146 -Morlack, Gerald—60 Nowland, Nancy-61, 119, 138 Morris, Don—85 Nuenke, Lorry-86, 134 Morris, Katherine—99 Numata, Jerauld— 105 Congratulations Seniors Morrison, Kenneth—99 Numoto, Nancy-86, 123, 143 Mors, Mark-96, 125, 171 iffymoto, Robert-86, 129, 130 VWorse, Dale-85, 126, 130, ^iAJyberg, John-86, 163 from [Mott, Ronald— 105 Jygaord, Erna (Veslo)-61, 120 Moulton, Frederic— 85 Mounsey, Mark~186 Mounsey, Mike-99, 162, 187 Dcker, Monley (Joe)—61, Moylan, Karey—99 121, 183 Moylan, Lynda-60, 128 fc^ker, Louis— 86 Muiie, Stephne-85, 143 P^onneil, Eileen— 61 Mukoi, Bryan— 105 J'fflynn, Michael—61 Mukoi, Donald-96, 178, 182 Dnand, David—61 Mukoi, Linda-105 Dko, Gwoin 100, 187 Mukoi, Robert-96, 147 Dkomoto, Elaine-86, 125, 143 Lanes Mulorski, Joe-83 . Civic Center Mullendore, Carl—85 XKeefe, Maureen— 86 Mullin, Patricia-85 XjCelly, Sharon-61, 1 19, 138 Mummey, Lorry— 85, 113 Dliver, Constonce— 61 , 139 Munson, Michael—60 pisen, George (Vince)— 179 Munson, Roy-99 Jlsen, Koren Louise—86 Murphy, Arthur-96, 118 DIson, Arthur-62 "We have the only candlepin lanes Murphy, Carol-85, 119, 120, DIson, Del (Rick)-86 143 DIson, Eric-86, 109, 129, Murphy, Joseph-60, 118, 119, 137, 145, 162, 186 135 Olson, Joanne— 105 west of the Mississippi" Murray, Marilyn Alice— 119, Olson, Karen Leona—62, 143 123 Olson, Lonnie-86, 162 Murray, Marilynn Jean— 85, Olson, Venny-86, 112, 125 121, 135 O'Rourke, Michael-100, 135, Mushlitz, Morgaret {Peg)-85, 147, 187 119, 141 Orlmeyer, John 62, 150, 151 Myers, Cloudia—99 Osborn, John-100, 113, 187 Myrick, Phyllis-96 Oster, Les-62 W. 333 Spragiie Always N Oto, Bruce-100, 163 Ott, Jomes-105 Parking Noff, Monza-99 Otterness, Robert-86 TE 8-2586 Free Nogy, Michaei-60, 120 Overhauser, Andrew (Drew)— Nogy, William-99 105, 187 Noil, Greg-86, 129, 137, Overhauser, Elyse—86 163 Overvold, Peter-105 Pugh, Mary (Cynthia)—64, 112, 144 Packard, 62 Danny— Pullen, Douglas-64, 110, 133, Podoyoo, Darrel-62, 183, 134, 145, 146, 190 186 Pogel, Arlo-89 Q W. 1023 Third Ave. Spokane 4, Wash. Quackenbush, Larry— Palmer, Craig-86, 145 84 Quine, Arthur-84 Palnner, Joyce-89, 127, 135 Pansie, Richard-105 Quinn, Joan (Dodie)—89 Porker, Darlene 100, 132 R Parks, Mortin-28, 80, 139, Rader, Gary-26, 64, 113, 140 115, 145, 150, 151, 152 Parmenlier, Jerry—86, 135 Roder, Sally-98, 150 Porrish, Gale-89 Randall, Mike-98

Paschke, Herman (Butch) -86 Ransom, Christine - 98 Pate, Patricia-86 Ransom, Sheryl-27, 64, 127 Patrick, Robert-62, 113 Rasmussen, Linda 64 Patrick, Shirley-89 Roynor, Nancy-26, 64, 112, Pattillo, Edythe (Valene)-62, 117, 138, 192 SPOKANE GLASS CO. 127, 142 Read, Dennis-64, 120 Paul, Anito-62 Reckord, Harley 98, 147, 148 Paul, Maxine—86 Reed, JoAnn-89 Paulson, Ann-62, 150, 151 Reed, Julia -64, 128 Poulson, Mortha-92 Reed, Lelond (Dean) 105 Paxton, Ann— 62 Reed, Lois -89 Peach, Vicki-86 Reed, Marney~98 Glass for every purpose Peachey, Beth-62, 151 Reese, William-64 Peochey, Linda-62, 128, 151 Rehn, Clinton- 89 Peocock, Marjorie— 86, 117, Reid, Elizabeth-98 192 Remsing, Gabriella-84 Pearson, Mark-81, 89, 129 Repsold, Eugenia — 105 137, 145, 146, 151, 162 Retzloff, Peggy-105 Pearson, Pamela-26, 62, 119, Revious, Arley (Bud)-98 130, 139 Revious, Darlinda (Kay)— 64 Pearson, Randolph—76 Reynolds, Craig— 84 Pearson, Robert— 100 Rhoodes, David-64, 135, 151 Auto Glass Our Specialty Pemberlon, Cloire-62, 112 Rhodo, Donna-64, 110, 142, Pemberton, Nancy— 86 150, 151 Pcmberton, Nikki-105 Rice, David L.-105, 151 Penfield, Douglas-63 Rice, Donna (Jean)-105, 150 Perin, Reisse-100 Rice, Grace-89 Perius, Roe Ann (Sandy)—63 Rice, Kathryn-89, 143, 150, Perkins, Sherry-89, 141 151 Perry, Ann-126 Rice, Oliver (Dave)-88 Perry, David-63 Rice, Sheron~65, 120 Perry, Valerie-63, 112, 142, Rice-Jones, Linda-98 Howard C. Warrick Business: MA 4-5274 150, 151 Richards, David 84 Person, Sharon—86 Richards, Lawrence—98 Home: 4-6897 Peters, Corol-86 Richords, Sharon— 84 KE Peters, Karen-86, 114, 117, Riddle, Dale-98 119 Riddle, Jeff--98, 187 Peterson, Christine-100 Riddle, Lorna-89 Peterson, Darrell-86 Ridge, Helen-65 Peterson, Donna-86, 125 Rigby, Vickie-89 Peterson, Elizabeth (Terri)— Riley, Judith-84, 147, 148 86 Ritter. Georgia-84, 141, 147, Peterson, Howard -63 148 Peterson, Koren— 100 Ritter, Norene-65, 143 ^'Peterson, Mork-63 Robb, Sharol-65, 126, 148 vPeterson, Marsha— 100 Roberg, Daniel-105 ^'^(erson, Potricia-89 Roberson, Alice-89, 150 VPeterson, Stephanie-105 Roberson, Jacqueline—65, Vwerson, Steven—96 148, 151 {[Peterson, Susan- 100, 115 Roberts, Jean-65, 114, 151, LOOK YOUR BEST reterson, Theresa—86 192 Petrogollo, Pam-63, 135 Roberts, Stephen 163

i Pelrak, Denise— 105 Robinson, Goyle-98 KiPfeiffer, Mori-Ann (Timmy)— Robinson, James 84 Y 63, 150, 151, 152 Rodgers, Williom-98 Phillips, Constance-100, 117, Roe, Thomas 89

' 119 Roffler, Dion-84, 1 19, 143 X. Phillips, Harry-63, 146 Rogel, Cynthia 84 --'120, --- iVphilliiips, Joan-63, 1 19, 120, Rogers, Edward— 65 138 Rogers, Rosemary -98 hillips, Loyd-63, 110, 133 Rogowoy, William— 65 BATAAN (jPickeil, Judith-86 Rohrbock, Ellen -89, 123, 143 fjPierce, Michael—86 143 N'ierre, Williom-lOO Rohrbock, George-65, 113

^ Pierson, Frank-89, 141 Rollerson, Donnell— 65 Pilant, Linda-105 Romberg, BARBER Carole-84, 119 SHOP Plank, James (Terry)-86, 151 Romney, Linda (Su5an)-98 ~ Plank, Mary-86 Rooney, Robert-65, 120 Plummer, Gregory—89 Root, Morilyn-84, 1 19 ^Plummer, Leslie (Jim)—86 Rose, Mary -98 S. Ill STEVENS \ Plummer, Linda-100 Rose, Michael-163, 171, 179 XPolhemus, Carl— 63 Rosenbolm, Sandra—65, 123 I ^olomis, James-89, 179 Rosebalm, Sharon—98 \U>opp, Anthony-100 Rosenquist, Lynn— 65 W Porter, James-89, 146, 162, Rosier, Steven (Joe)-89 170 Ross, Alan-84, 170, 174 .VPorter, Phillip-86, 190 Ross, Richard-134 vPorter, Sherlyn-100 Rossing, Pamela-89, 117, 119, Where Friends Meet iPortrey, Jerald-63 122, 131, 148 Powell, Steven-63 Rostberg, Linda- 84 ;vPrater, Richard— 105 Rostberg, Mary-98 'fPipter, Robert-89 Roth, Mariean-89 Prd»t, Steven-63, 185, 186 Roth, Vicki-89 Presley, Joyce-100, 135 Rothrock, Penny-128 Preiininger, Bruce— 147 Rouse, Douglas—98 ^Prevost, James- 64 Rouse, Mary-84 DIAL MA 4 9773 ^fribyl, Dano-lOO Rousseau, Thomas— 65 JPriess, Robert- 100 Rowe, Roberl-66, 140, 145, GREG ^Prior, Steven—64 146, 178, 182 JPrivrotsky, Kenneth 81, 84, Rutherford, Frances 66, 108,

, 115, 145, 162, 178 143, 155, 192, 199 nTpProhosko, Patricia— 64 Ryan, Barney—76 Protto, Terry-100, 191 Rykus, Barbara-66, 110

212 Show, DyAnn-96, 113, 125, 147 Sood, Michael-163, 179 Shell, Robert-68, 120, 138 Sood, Poul-84, 137, 145, Shell, Sandro-93 162 Announcing Sabotini, Mike-92 Shelley, Elizobeth (Ann)-93, 1 19 Sobo, Carolyn 89, 1 19 Sockville-Wesl, Karen-M7 Shelton, Duke-99 Our new location Sockville-Wesf, Richard-66, Shelton, William (Chuck)-98, 122, 146, 147 179 Saint, Joyce-84, 150, 151 Sherry, Leemon-68, 110, 129, St. Dennis, Douglas—66 137, 145, 186 St. John, George (Skip)-83, Shiflett, Carrie-68 179, 182 Shimizu, Amy-25, 68, 117, Soldin, Audrey~66 'avenport d^euiit^ 131, 147 Sale, Virginia-98, 123 Shirahomo, Gloria 89, 127 Solladay, Susan—66, 110, 119, 134, 139, 142 Shoemaker, Lowrence—93, 162 Sollquist, Sonia-98 Short, Donald-68 on Sollquist, William-84 Short, Russell- 89 Salmon, Andrew (Drew)— 66, Shover, Russell -96 112, 146 Shriver, Jill - 192 Salmon, Sorah—98 Simmons, Rita-29, 68 Solsbury, Patricio— 66 Simons, Goil 93, 112, 192 Salter, Jomes—96 Sims, Donald -96, 179, 182 Ilairstyling in the Parisienne trend. We Sompson, Shirley -98 Sims, Gory— 68 Samuels, Bruce— 66, 130 Sims, Ronald-96, 179, 182 Sandberg, Corol - 66, 138 Sincloir, Douglos-93, 179, specialize in party and dance styles. Sanderson, Von (Sandy)— 66, 182 120 Sines, Wolter-68 Sonford, Carol-26, 27, 66, Singer, Gory-27, 68, 122, 122, 139, 142 130, 145, 190 Five Stylists Sontschi, Larry-66, 107, 109, Sisk, Linda-93 129, 135, 137, 145, 162, Skindlov, Christine-68, 114, 164 125 Sontschi, Nancy—66, 108, Slater, Sharon—89 143, 155 Sledge, James-69, 107, 129, Sorchet, Robin-83 146 Sother, Arthur-84 Sledge, Scott -98, 163 Manicuring Fedicunng Sother, Dovid-89, 137, 145, Sleeth, Charles-98 162 Sleeth, Tim-69, 147 Sotre, Jonet-26, 67, 115, Sloan, Robert -93 117, 148 Small, Jomes— 179 Sounders, Sandra—96 Smestod, Linda-89 7-3161 Savage, Robert—96 Smick, Susan—69 Hotel Lobby RI Soyword, Donna—98 Smick, Willene-93, 133, 135 Scammell, Ann-67, 139, 141 Smith, Carolyn (C. Rae)-28, Lincoln and First Scommell, Molly-98, 135 69, 112, 123, 134 Schofer, Solly -98 Smith, Charles (Bodie)-97, Schafer, Susan—98 113 Schombron, Dennis-89 Smith, Forest (Richard)-96 Scheel, Barbara— 84 Smith, Horold-93 Schell, Nancy-89, 143 Smith, James R.—76 Schell, Roberta (Bobbi)-67 Smith, James W.-93 Schieche, Michael-96, 146 Smith, John-179 Schilling, Albert (Bert)-84, Smith, Kathleen (Kay)-69, 117, 182, 186 131, 142, 150, 151 Schlager, Phillip-67 Smith, Leslie-28, 69, 135 Schlicke, Suzanne-B4, 112 Smith, Mory Anne-93, 143 CONGRATULATIONS Schlosser, Joonn—98 Smith, Melvin B.-90 Schmitz, Jock—84 Smith Melvin S.-89, 145, Schneider, Chri5tine-96, 115, 178, 182 144 Smith, Randy-105, 163, 187 TO SENIORS OF 1964 Schneider, Donito (Down)-67 Smith, Sallie-69, 120 Schneider, Gunner—84 Smith, Sherry-96 Schneider, Hilda-67, 108, Smith, Stonley-187 143, 144a Smith, Terry-93, 171 Schoch, Diane-84, 117, 144o Snell, Pamela-93 Hello Schoenberger, Dole-67, 115, Snevo, Tom -98, 163, 171 141 Snider, Steven—96 Schoening, Carol (Lynn)-89, Snow, Jocklyn (Jackie)—93 SENIORS OF 1965 192 Snow, Paul -69 Schroeder, Carl—84 Snow, Robert-98 Schroeder, Linda—67 Sobol, Joyce—69 GRADUATION PICTURES Schubert, Jeanne-89, 123, Solo, Tompo (Tommy)—93, 143 121, 123 STUDENTS: Don't miss this Schueller, Eunice-67, 143 Solomon, Lewis—76 Schultz, Frederick—67 Solomon, Rudell (Rudy)-96 SPECIAL Schurman, Corol—93, 148 Sommer, Thomas (Rod)-69 SUMMER OFFER Schuster, Frances— 67, 118 133, 137, 145, 162, 164 Schweitzer, Dove— 93 Sonderen, Karen— 148 Schweitzer, Dennis— 89 Sonderen, Kristina-93, 148 fine photographs Scioccotti, Jame5-93, 186 Soron, Molhew—76 Scioccotli, Mike-187 Sowder, Doug — 105 1—8x10 opal portrait Scogings, Eorlen—93 Spong, Ronald -89 Scott, Clyde (Sam)-67 Spongier, Richard-98, 129, 3 — miniature portraits .95 Scott, Daniel—76 147, 156, 179 1 — size 16 2 wallet 11 Scott, George—67 Speer, Richard -96, 163 Scott, Norma Jo-93, 110, 127, Spens, Crawford—98 133, 134 Speyer, Patricio (Kathy)-28, Plus gift book of 60 stamp size pictures Seomon, Marsha—67 69, 117, 131, 134 Sears, Goyle—67 Springer, Sherry—93, 112, And your yearbook picture FREE! Seors, Jame5-93, 147 144 Sears, Jerry—93 Stocey, Pomelo— 105 Secord, Janice—98 Stocey, Robert-93, 163 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO . . . Street Floor Seifert, Ronald-89 Stohl, Robert—76 Telephone TEmple 8-3311, Ext. 205 Seller, Ronald-68 Stoley, Duone-69 Seim, David-89 Staley, Leonord-69, 112, 184 Senske, Michael—68 Stoley, Nancy—96 Sevier, Lillian (Joonn)— 68, Staley, Solly-93, 192 147 Staley, Sherry-105 Seyl, Cheryl-68, 135 Stallcop, Terronce—89 THE © CRESCENT Seyl, Gary-93, 170, 174, Stollings, Goil -69 188 Stollings, Robert-98 Shannon, Suzonne—68 Stonley, Sondro—96 Sharp, Arlene—89 Stoples, Robert-69, 134

Sharp, Gory-89, 1 18 Stopteton, Patricio— 76 '

Stark, Sandra~90, 143, 150, Tenold, John (Jack)-71, 110, 151 131 Starr, Jim-105, 163 Terao, Judy-119, 122, 143 Stauner, Laura— 105 Terry, Linda— 105 Stearns, Roland-89, 163, Terry, Marilee— 105 191 Tester, Susan-71, 117 Steen, Patricia-98 Teufert, Linda— 105 Steenbergen, Linda— 29, 70, Thayer, James— 105 80, 1 19, 120, 134, 143 Thiele, Kari-85, 112 Steinheiser, Nancy—93 Thiot, Michelle (Mikie)-83, Steinke, Robert-93 135 Steiwer, James-105, 132 Thomas, Charles (Pat)-81, 83, Stephens, Jame5-89, 178, 182 129, 163 Stevens, Kothleen-83, 123 Thomas, Doniel—71 Stevenson, Karen—93, 117 Thomos, Gerald-98 • Stevenson, Linda— 105 Thomas, Gregory— 85 Hand Engraving Stevenson, Susan—93, 117, Thomas, Lillie-71, 131 131, 192 Thomas, Patrick- 105, 137 Stewart, Dennis (Bruce)—70, Thomas, Roll in- 96, 121 • 146 Thomas, Steven—83 Watch Repair Stewart, Douglas— 83 Thompson, Bill-85, 184 Stewort, Tom-105, 163, 187 Thompson, Bruce-98, 147, 184 Stier, Jo Ann-83 Thompson, Croig—71, 145, 183 • Stillwell, Brian-83, 163 Thompson, James—85 Club Pins Stiilwell, John-98 Thompson, Janice— 105 Stingle, Susan—93 Thompson, Lynn-85, 119, 120, Stirn, Dave-105 143 Stirpe, Wayne- 105, 163, 179 Thompson, PameIa-85, 119, 143 Stoffregen, Robert -70 Thompson, Rikard— 71, 184 Stokes, Chrystal-105 Thompson, William (Mike)-71 Stokes, Victorio-83, 143 Thornton, John-85, 182 Storment, Shirley-98, 117 Thornton, Paula-98 Anthorized BULOVA Jeweler Stowell, Janet-93, 112, 123 Thrailkill, Donald-85 Strahl, Casandro-70 Thrash, Judith-85 Strahl, Elmer-70 Thurber, William-71 Strand, Mary (Sue)-70, 138, Tibbs, Christopher-85 139 Tiffany, Candace-25, 26, 72, Strange, Faye—93 80, 112, 117, 143, 150, 151, all work guaranteed Streeter, Linda—85 152, 155, 199 Streich, Beverly-70, 114, 123 Tiffin, Robert (Bruce)-72 Streich, Sharon-70, 119 Tillmon, Roberl-83 Streich, Sterling-105 Timberman, Charles—97 Stuart, Gretchen-98 Tipton, Blaine—76 Stycker, Forest (Tim)-105 Tjomslond, Lenore—85 S. 3107 Grand Blvd. MA 4-1794 Suemori, Frank — 105 Tobias, Kay—96 Suemori, Sarah-83, 127, 131, Tobie, Mary 85, 123 (upstairs) 147, 148 Tombort, James— 85, 147 Sugiyama, Samuel—70 Tomlinson, Robert— 85 Suksdorf, Nick-70 Tonn, Pamela-85, 117, 139 Sullivan, Fronces—96 Toone, Thomas-85, 135 Sullivan, Michael—85 Torpey, Daniel—98, 147 Summers, Elaine (Lonnie)— 85, Tourtellotte, Patricia— 72 147 Traxlnger, Timothy— 85 Sundberg, Barbara-85, 119, Treffry, Kathleen-72, 117, 148 192 Tresko, William-105, 163 Sunderland, Melvin—70 Triplett, John-105 Sutter, Reggie-85 Triplett, Kathryn-85, 112 Sutton, Dave—86 Tripp, Ernest (Jay)—72 Sutton, Dennis—98 Trusty, James—85 Sutton, Donald-96 Tryon, Marylou—83 "Congratulations Sutton, Doug-92 Tschirley, Lynn—96, 123 Sutton, Sandra-105, 135 Tschirley, Terry-83, 126, 140, Svacek, Vincent-70, 130 151, 184 Swonson, Jacqueline—85 Tsutakawo, Nancy— 83, 110, Swonson, Kothleen—70 123, 126 Swanson, Kathryn— 85, 108, Tubbs, Carol-72, 112, 131, 117, 143 143, 151 Swanson, Margaret—85 Tucker, Jon—85 Swanson, Ronald-70, 145, Tumlinson, Jerald— 105 162, 165, 183 Tumlinson, Thames-90 Swanson, Susan — 105 Turner, Susan— 72, 115, 143 Swortz, Gary—85 Tye, Dennis—85 Swartz, Vicki-105, 156 Swearingen, Susan— 105 Sweeting, Judith—98 Ungari, Jomes—72 Swenson, Linda— 83, 143 Uno, Michael -105 Szafransky, Douglas— 105 Uprichord, James—98 Urban, Jacob— 105 T Utiey, Kenneth-83 Toggart, Kenneth- 70, 179 Taggart, Nancy—96 Toi, Kay-83, 118, 122, 144 Vaagen, Lee Ann -83, 119, 143 THRIFTY AUTD SUPPLY Taitch, Elizobeth-98 Valiquette, Arthur— 106, Taitch, Gary-98, 145, 183 163, 187 Taitch, Morlene— 105 Van Damme, Ronald— 72 Taitch, Ronold-85 Vanhoff, Deborah -106 SPECIAL Takeshita, Christine—96 Von Leeuwen, Joyce— 72, 125, Taketa, Betty-71, 143 127, 143 Taketa, Kathleen-105, 126 Von Leeuwen, Linda— 96, 127, Talbot, Peter-96, 179, 182 144 Torbox, Sharon-96, 123, 144 Van Sickler, Jean-72, 127 Torbox, Woyne-83, 184 Van Slyke, Robert-83, 147, Torver, Michael-25, 71, 109, 148, 182 145, 162, 164, 175, 178, Vassar, Mildred-106 183 Voudrey, Susan—85 Tatro, Sheryl-85, 112, 127 Vought, John-72, 122 Taylor, Douglas—85 Vedder, Nell Gay-72, 151 Taylor, Kathryn-71, 126, 150, Veium, Holly-85, 143 151 Velis, George - 85 N. 2001 Division 7-4471 Taylor, Lindo-98 Venn, Carol-106, 148 FA Taylor, Richard-71, 146 Venn, David 98 Taylor, Robert-83 Vennema, Anne— 106 Taylor, Thomas— 71, 146 Vennemo, Kathcrine-106, 135 Tefft, Jeanne-98, 127 Vennema, Stephen— 26, 72, Tegler, Suson-71, 119, 120, 115, 126, 145, 190 143 Vergin, David—96 Temple, Tana-71, 127, 143 Verlrees, Louanne-85, 143 ,

Vervair, Roy-85 Wilson, Brian 106 Vetter, Connie—83 Wilson, Duncon 106 Vick, Teree-83 Wilson, Fred-91 Vining, Jomes-72, 183 Wilson, Jeon-83 Vining, Richard-98 Wilson, Judith- 144 von Brocht, Wiiliam-73, 145 Wilson, Karen-74 Vorlicky, Gerald-73 Wilson, Lorry-91 Voss, Ann -96 Wilson, Marilynn-74, 108, 117, Voss, Michael -73 125, 131, 142 Vromon, Elaine— 106, 132 Wilson Merrie-98 Vroman, Richard 85, 113, 147 Wilson, Robert-74, 112, 122, 130, 141 W Wimberley, William (Morc)- Wade, James-98 91, 147 Wahus, Carol-106 Wimmer, Larry—91 Winslow, David-74 Marilyn-96, 151 Wohus, Winston, Antonio (Toni)—98 73 Waid, Leona— Winterroth, Kenneth-106 119, 143, 151 Woines, Kay-73, Winterroth, Shirley-91 Lynn-96, 132, 144 Wakomotsu, Winters, Linda-91 Wakefield, Ann-96, 122, 147, Winton, Judith-91, 151 151 148, Wisemon, Eric (Rick)-96 Russell -73, 122, Wakefield, Withee, Dick-92 131, 147 Diane-91 Brenda-92 Witter, Walbey, Witty, Melissa-74 Walker, Michael -83, 150, 151 Witty, Roger- 106 '64 Walker, Sherrey-83 132 Best Wishes Class 191 Wolcott, Linda-96, of Walker, Word-96, 147, Wold, Linda-106 Andrea— 73 Wallace, Wolfe, Gary— 74 Thomas- 83, 122 Wallace, Wolfendale, Thomas-74, 118, Wollot, Lee-73, 121 122, 140, 152 Wallingford, James 83, 137, Wolff, Carolyn- 1 06 162 PRESTON'S 145, 146, Wolff, James-91 83, 147 Wolser, Lezlie- Wolford, Penelope-98 Ernest (Bulch)~73 Walsh, Womach, John-26, 74, 115 Walton, James-83 William -75, 146 HEIGHTS Carol -83, 139 Womble, LINCOLN Wonomaker, Blaine-91 Kathy-96, 132 Wood, Warner, Cynthia 96, 132 Neil-106 Wood, Warren, Wood, Glenn— 75 Warren, Shirley—73 PHARMACY 138, Wood, Linda-106 Warrick, Ronald -73, 137, Wood, Samuel-91 165, 186 145, 146, 162, Woodell, Edward-98, 146 Warrick, Patrick (Tom)-98 Susan - 75 (Ed)-96 Woodfill, Washburn, Bruce Woodman, Nancy Jo— 75 Woshburn, George— 83 E. Twenty-ninth Avenue Woods, Cynthia-28, 75, 80, 3010 Watkins, Diane-83 143 John-83, 122 125, 134, Watson, Thomas—91 Warren (Chip)-122 Woodward, Watson, Robert (Steve)-75 Your Neighborhood Rexall Store 83 Woody, Woymire, Jim— Woolery, Arthur—96 Carol -73, 123 Weothermon, Worthington, William-91, Weaver, Jacqueline— 83, 126 118, 125 Webb, Wayne-76, 151 Wroy, Diane-91 Webster, Judy-83 Lana-91, 123 James— 106 Wroy, Weinstock, Wright, Ronald-75 Weinstock, Sam-106, 179 Wright, Steven 75, 122 Robert (Terry)-85 Weitz, Wright, Virginia (Ginnie)— Wells, Norman—96 91, 127 80, Wells, Tanya-28, 73, Wright, Williom-98, 147 144a 134, Wuhrman, Koiherine-75, 119, Wertz, Jeanne—83, 135 Greetings Tigers: 120, 123, 144 Wesson, Harold (Bud)-99 147 Wyott, Gerald-98 West, Kathleen-96, Wynne, Diane-96, 144 Lewis and Clark! Lewis and Clark! West, Lynda-83 Wynne, James—75 West, Mayre-106 Shadle Park. West, Susan-98 Y "Hail to you," from Westlund, Ronald-96, 178, 187 Yoke, Mike-91, 1 13 True, at games, your hues fly high, Weyer, Dionne- 73, 123 Yoke, Thomas-106 Whaley, Diane-98, 132 Yoke, Williom-91, 1 13, But our spirit you can't deny. Wharf, Robin-106 126, 148 Wheeler, Scotf-83 Yamagiwa, Paul 75, 146 Our teams fought hard, our teams fought Whicker, Brent-88, 145, 183 Yomamoto, Lynn-91, 126, 143 White, Bonnie-96, 132 Yamamoto, Shari 75, 125, 143 long! White, James-83, 163, 171 Yomamoto, Suzi--106, 147 White, Jerry-73 Yates, Joe-91, 184 In football, thougli, your team proved White, Larry-96, 163 Yeend, William-75, 140 White, Perry-179 Yoho, Gary-91 strong. White, Pete-83, 146 Yorioko, Judy-25, 75, 144 White, Ronald-106, 163 Yorioka, Kathryn-96, 126 In Basketball? A different story! White, Sandy-179 Young, Dorlene 75 White, Sandra-83 Young, Kay-97, 132, 147 In it both teams won fame and glory. Whitman, Darrell-83 Young, Terence 76, 107, 129, -83, 186 Whitney, Gerald 130, 137, 145, 146, 147, 179 Lewis and Clark! Lewis and Clark! Whitten, Dennis-160, 163, 148, 190 Whitten, Terry-74, 129, 137, Youngmon, Gary—76 145, 146, 170 "Hail to you," from Shadle Park. Wickline, David-74, 110, 134 Z Wierzbowski, Judy-86, 123 Zocher, James— 145 The time has come to say good-bye Wierzbow/ski, Linda— 86 Zacher, Judith 27, 76, 91, 112 nigh. Wiese, Lonnie-83, 1 15 Zolok, Mary-76, 112, 125, 142 As graduation now draws Wilcox, Ronald-98, 131 Zat, Robert-91, 150, 151 — Wilder, Joel-74, 150, 151 Zeimontz, Lynn — 106 It's been fun to meet at games Wilder, Michael-26, 74, 130, Zeller, Jeroline-91, 123, 141, 150, 151 128, 143 To feel the friendship that remains. Wilke, Susan-106 Zeller, John-91 Wilkinson, John-76, 150, 151, Zeorlin, Jeonnette— 76, 142 And if by chance we meet some day 178, 182 Zilgme, Lijo-91 will Williams, Christopher-100 Zornes, Susan - 91, 127 That friendship bond stay and stay. Williams, Donald (Jay)-83 Zumhoff, Jackie (Jack)-106 Williams, James-83 Willioms, Kathleen-74, 123, STAFF INDEX Congratulations and Best Wishes from 128 Adams, Clara — 14 Willioms, Richard-a3, 146 Ainley, Charles— 18

Willioms, Sharyn-74, 1 10 Allers, Howord C.-20 Williams, Steven-83 Anderson, C. William— 16 Shadle Park High School Williamson, Larry— 74, 145, 146 Anderson, Ruth -21 Wilsey, Miriam (Clarice)-91 Arger, Gene— 13 110, 117, 119, 127, 134 Atwood, Daralyn-14 7 7

Baldwin, Raleigh A.- 18 Wonomaker, Bernice— 12 Bortlett, Grace- 19 Weitz, Peter B.-13 Bartlelt, Robert L.-I6 Wickline, Joyce C.-15 Barton, Pearl-12 Wickline, Virgil F.-17 Wilcox, Virginia — 15 Beigum, Helen— 14 C Williams, David J. -17, 135, 1. Block, Donold G.-14, 134 Willmon, Alice-23 Bongers, Phyllis-19 Woodell, Lois-22 Brophy, Wolter-22 Worthey, Wilbur-18 Brown, Ruth-23 Wright, Gerdo M.-17 Bruton, Bernice—20 Wuhrman, John L.— 17 Punn, Bernie 20 C— Zimmer, William— 15 Byrne, Alvin D.-13, 141 Zollars, Woltcr C.-23 Calvert, Martho-23 Corlson, Rose-23 LEWIS AND CLARK Cosey, Jack-23 ORGANIZATIONS < fchorbonneou, Lillian— 19, 115 Chisholm, Florence— 18 Adelonte (Spanish Club)-1 12 (Cronroth, Roy A. -12 Archery Club-113 Cross, Marguerite— 19 Band- 147 Cruse, Elmer-23 Bengal Pep Club-146 Cuhninghom, Ann— 20, 127 Book Club-II4 Curiie, AI-23 Boys' Glee Club-150 Danke, Virginia-21, 144 Cheerleaders— 144a The host diamond ring 1)u\ s are at iPougherty, Glenn D. 18 Chess Club-1 13 Devolve, Lorry- 23 Choir-151 Ciossicol (Latin Conner, Williom E. L.-12 Club) 115 Courtesy Girls - 1 1 SARTORI jewelers Ellis, Don G.-20 Faubion Stanley E.-23, 121 Dosidrian — 1 1 •Fisher, Genevieve—20 Dos Rheingold F(etcher,Orlondo-16, 113 (German Club)-126 Credit Gladly — up to a year to pay fibres, Corlos-19, 146, 163, Debate Club-118 187 Distributive Education Club No Interest — no carrying frey, Arthur— 16 of America (DECA)-120 charge fuller, C. Oliver-22, 147, 148 Entre Nous (French Club)— Gerpheide, Mary—21 119, 120 Gibbs, Flora E.-22 Fine Arts Club-121 Goodwin, Evelyn— 23 Fire Squod-122 Goos, Lydio S.-23 Forum Club-122 Grohom, Mortho O.- 14 Future Nurses of Americo Grohom, W. B.-16 (F. N. A.)-I23 I^ARTORI Gruber, June— 14 Future Teachers of America Guild, Dorothy-12 (F. T. A.)-125 Girls' Intromurals- 126 Master craftsman in Jewelry • Hall, Warren-I3 Hi-Five-127 Hamilton, James H^ — 16, 137 y •Homemaking Club— 127 • Hamilton, Robert-18 N. iHonley, Wali-23 journal Sioff-l 10 10 Wall Street MA 4-1756 junior Hartley, Gerold-22, 151, 152 Executives— 128 MHelton, Elin-12 Junior Toostmasters— 140 On the east side of Wall Street Hembree, Richord E.-22 Key Club-1 29 Hightower, Arthur O. — 16 Lettermen's Club— 145 hetvveen Riverside and Sprague Hogue, Steve M. — 13 4.ocker Committee— 130 >jopkin5, Betty Lou-19, 126 Math Club-1 30 Howord, Alda-14, 133 Orchestra-148 Huiieke, Helen- 12 Cirpheus Club-131 Hbht, Katherine-16, 122 Pages Book Club-132 Popyrus-133 Hunter, E. L.-21, 168, 169, 176 Hurst, Louis-16, 163 Quill and Scroll-134 Red Cross Hutchison, Spokane— 14, 131 Council— 135 Jensen, La Mar—23 tenate Club-137 Kohle, John V.-21 ki Club-138 Komp, Donald A. — 13 Stage Crew— 134 Starlighters— Knox, Lois H.-I4, 114 150 CONGRATULATIONS Kramlich, Fred-18 Irhespians— 139 Livingston, Louis S.-17, 129 Tiger Staff-28, 29 Marshall, Delbert-22, 142 Tiger-Tones— 152 McClincy, Bernodine— 12 Ti-Girls-143, 144 McElroy, Myrtle— 12 Tri-Sci-141 and best wishes Usherettes- McElvoin, E. E.-15 142 Medley, Vernon— 13 Miller, Clarence E.— 13 MHIer, Hazel-22 Miller, John-23 to the Mukai, Harv-23 ^ Neugebouer, Martha—23 Olson, Don L.-21 Oscorson, Suson — 15 Polmer, George W.-12 SENIOR CLASS OF 1964 Parker, A. L.-I I Peck, Groce G.-15 Philips, Ruby-20, »23 Pointer, Myrlle-23 Powell, David- 18 Read, Wesley- 19, 112 Renn, Rachel-20 Rich, Elmer R.-20 Roach, Sonja-21, 144 •Romig, Helen-23 Rossing, Muriel — 17, 125 Solsbury, Robert E.-15, 118 Schoening, Max F.— 17 Schoesler, Ronald-22, 120 Schubert, Marian J. — 19 Schultz, Eva-23 KRUMSICK CHEVRON SERVICE Scott, Robert B.-21 Sherburne, Doris J. — 15 Sivertson, Eugene G.— 18, 163 Skinner, Harold E.-19, 119 WHERE Smith, Horold- 23 Smith, Victor-23 Solin, Dorothy 12 Sporn, Beverly-15, 139 We take better care your car Stopher, M. Jay-22 of Swan, Chorlotte— 23 Timm, Wilhelmine-21, 126 Toevs, E. W.-17 Vecchio, Frances— 15, 132
