POSTAL: PO Box 3, eMalahleni, 1035 | PHYSICAL: Civic Centre, Cnr Mandela and Arras Streets, eMalahleni TEL: 013 690 6911 | FAX: 013 690 6207 EMAIL: [email protected] | WEB: www.emalahleni.gov.za

Mr Lebohang Mofokeng Cllr Salome Sithole Cllr A D Mkhwanazi Cllr Sunday Mathebula Mr Theo Van Vuuren MANAGER: MAYOR SPEAKER CHIEF WHIP ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNICATION

FOREWORD BY THE ADMINISTRATOR Let me start with an extract from the National Development priorities of maintenance and service delivery. The IDP, budget Plan 2030, which, amongst others, states: ‘A capable state does and SDBIPS have been approved. In the coming month, a revision not materialise by decree, nor can it be legislated or waved of the budget, based on the mobilisation of additional support into existence by declarations. It has to be built, brick by brick, from government and the private sector, will be tabled to Council institution by institution, and sustained and rejuvenated over time. to concretise the strategy. It requires leadership, sound policies, skilled managers and workers, From the end of September we will start engaging with our clear lines of accountability, appropriate systems, and consistent communities again on the new cycle of preparing an IDP. We trust and fair application of rules. that as we go on, we will be able to fully align municipal support For us to deliver services, we need strong institutions with with the real needs. the requisite capacities to translate policy intent into programmes We will also be having a budget session towards the end of this that are implemented to respond to the needs of the people. month, aimed at ensuring that the budget is more closely aligned We need institutions that are able to account for how public with the needs and development priorities. resources are utilised efficiently and effectively to deliver on agreed development outcomes.’ c. Long-term investments to re-establish the infrastructure We, as councillors and officials entrusted with providing base and allow for the future expansion of services and services and building and upholding a living environment for our growing the economy communities, need to take the above statements to heart. We This phase has started and is mainly based on developing plans find ourselves in the unfortunate position of having been found and funding arrangements and on mobilising support from all disempowered from fulfilling our obligations in a consistent and sectors. This is an enormous task, with an estimated R8 billion acceptable manner. needed over the next five years. We have started a process of recovery, beginning with the Turnaround Strategy as adopted by Council and the provincial The Turnaround Strategy has been accepted by Council and Cabinet. This process reflects on the statement above; it requires also approved by the provincial Executive Council. This strategy us to rebuild the Municipality brick by brick and it requires was informed by the IDP and various other inputs, and guided by leadership, skills and, above all, your commitment. the refinement of the 2013/14 budget as well as the SDBIPs. Much has happened since my appointment and the previous A further review and alignment of the budget was scheduled for memorandum to you and I am convinced that we have started September 2013. with the rebuilding process. It was indeed a challenging time, Detailed progress is monitored in two ways: firstly, through a but I believe that as a municipality we have made a huge stride monitoring function by the key members of the team in relation to towards restoring the Municipality to being a place of performance the strategy, and secondly, through monthly progress reporting on excellence and a vehicle for serving our communities. the budget and SDBIPs.

MUNICIPAL TURNAROUND STRATEGY BACKGROUND A comprehensive turnaround strategy has been adopted by the Emalahleni Local Municipality is situated in the Mpumalanga province Council and the Provincial Government to ensure that we address within the jurisdiction of the Nkangala District Municipality (NDM). all issues hampering our sustainability and performance. This Emalahleni Municipality is one of six local in the strategy serves as the road map for a comprehensive three-phased NDM and is situated in the west of the Nkangala District. It forms part approach, where we focus on the following: of the western regions of the Mpumalanga province and borders onto the province. The Thembisile Hani Municipality and Victor a. Short-term stabilisation and empowerment of the Khanye Municipality (previously Delmas Municipality) in the Nkangala Municipality District, and City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng, This stage focused on staffing and relationship matters, with border the Emalahleni Municipality to the north and west. The Steve the aim of enabling the Municipality to be responsive to the huge Tshwete Municipality (previously Middelburg Municipality) is located demands we face on a daily basis. This stage is still ongoing, but to the east and the Gert Sibande District Municipality borders is largely completed. Emalahleni to the south. The Emalahleni Municipality is strategically located in terms of the provincial context and transport network. b. Medium-term interventions through activities and funding It is situated in close proximity to the City of , City in the budget and IDP/Intervention Strategy of Tshwane and Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipalities in Gauteng, The focus in the IDP, and resulting budget and SDBIPS, is on and is connected to these areas by the and freeways. These creating municipal sustainability and addressing the immediate freeways converge at eMalahleni (previously ) in Emalahleni,


LGH2015_PROFILE_Emalahleni (MP).indd 228 2014/12/04 10:12 AM LGH2015_PROFILE_Emalahleni (MP).indd 229 Above from left: Energy and power house; Water treatment plant. treatment Water house; power and Energy left: from Above doing business withtheMunicipality. engagement incorruption by someofficials andhighcosts of allegations by external service providers ofhighlevels of like roads, electricityandwastewater treatment plants;and inconsistent water supply;poorstate ofmunicipalinfrastructure services. Someoftheproblems faced by theMunicipalityinclude in itsconstitutional mandate to ensure the provision ofbasic Municipality. This state ofaffairs hascrippledtheMunicipality expressed dissatisfaction withtheperformance ofthe The Executive Council’s decisioncameafter MECSkhosana of theRepublic ofSouthAfrica, Act 108of1996. administration interms ofSection139(1)(b) oftheConstitution decision to putthe EmalahleniLocal Municipalityunder 23 April2013. That followed theprovincial Executive Council’s Municipality astheirnew Administrator witheffect from introduced MrTheo Jvan Vuuren to theEmalahleniLocal Governance andTraditional Affairs, MrSimonSkhosana, The MECfor theMpumalangaDepartmentofCooperative POLITICAL MANAGEMENT CBD revitalisation. to Johannesburg; housingandaccommodation; andtourism and two highways, theN4headingto andtheN12heading nodal pointwhere theN4coming from Mbombelasplitsinto in theurbanarea adjacent to theN4highway; aninvestment Project; two malls,onesituated inthetownship andtheother due to thenewly established mines;theKusile Power Station KwaGuqa; housingandaccommodation across theMunicipality LED opportunitiesinclude:retail development ineMalahleniand LED OPPORTUNITIES Steel andvanadium • Electricity generation • mining • MAIN ECONOMIC SECTORS smaller towns andsettlements, aswell asfarms inthedistrict. areas. The towns fulfilthefunctionofservice centres to the business andsocialactivities,bothtowns have large industrial in theNkangala District. These towns offer thefullspectrumof Steve Tshwete Municipality)are thehighest order settlements stations. eMalahleniandMiddelburg (situated intheadjacent South Africa, dueto itsrichdepositsofcoal reserves andpower form partoftheregion referred to astheEnergy Mecca of Corridor. The southernareas oftheEmalahleniMunicipality freeway from Gauteng to , constitutes theMaputo N4 freeway, alongwiththerailway linethat runsadjacent to the the provincial capital,andultimately inMozambique. The from where theN4extends to (previously Nelspruit), Water: 013 690 6300 |[email protected] Service Delivery: 013 690 6300/6448 |[email protected] Roads: 013 690 6300 |[email protected] Refuse andWaste Removal: 013 690 6448|[email protected] Electricity: 013 690 6300 |[email protected] Accounts: 013 690 6241 |dorfl[email protected] RESIDENT QUERIES Manager ofCommunication: [email protected] Chief FinancialOfficer: dorfl[email protected] Administrator: [email protected] Executive Mayor: [email protected] EMAIL CONTACT DETAILS Director ofInfrustructure andBasicServices: MrKLMashile Acting Director Safety: ofPublic MrSEMatlebjoane Acting Director ofAdministration andHumanResources: MrMJVilane Acting Director ofDevelopment Planning:MrMEShongwe Office:Manager ofMunicipalManager’s MrSizwe Maisela OTHER SENIORMANAGEMENT Economic Development Manager:MrTefo Kadi Manager ofCommunication: MrLebohang Mofokeng Chief FinancialOfficer: MrJacob Dorfling Administrator: MrTheo JVan Vuuren ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT MMC ofLED:CllrPVan Castle MMC ofInfrastructure andBasicServices: CllrCNSimelane Safety:MMC ofPublic CllrDMSkhosana MMC ofDevelopment Planning:CllrLMNhlapo MMC ofAdministration andHumanResources: CllrLNtshalintshali MMC ofFinance: CllrPLMokoena MEMBERS OFTHEMAYORAL COMMITTEE Speaker: CllrADMkhwanazi Chief Whip:CllrSZMathebula Executive Mayor: CllrSFSithole COMPOSITION OFCOUNCIL Constitution oftheRepublic ofSouthAfrica, are notaffected. that thelegislative powers, asvested interms ofsection160(2)the executive andadministrative powers andfunctionsofCouncil and Itisimportantto note that thisintervention onlyrelates to the obligation to provide basicservices, includingfinancialcommitments. recovery planaimedat securingtheMunicipality’s abilityto meetits The Administrator hasbeentasked to urgently come upwitha THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT HANDBOOKSOUTH AFRICA2015 |229 SPONSORED PROFILE 2014/12/04 10:12 AM