
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Woo..Mercy Daddy! Welcome To My World The Story by Jimmy Valiant Woo..Mercy Daddy!: Welcome To My World The Jimmy Valiant Story by Jimmy Valiant. Description : Regardless of what era you come from, you have probably been entertained by James Fanning at some point in your life. You may have known him as "Handsome Jimmy," or perhaps as the "Boogie Woogie Man." There's a slight chance you remember him best as "Charlie Brown." These were some of the aliases used by James Fanning during his 40-year career wrestling under the name Jimmy Valiant -- and one thing is for sure, there's only ONE. Handsome Jimmy goes back in time, to unravel the history of his childhood; the important lesson's that he learned and how he was molded into an independent adult. He follows up with the interesting tale of how he ended up in the wrestling business to begin with. Valiant looks back on all his famous mentors, and discusses many of the interesting people he worked with over the years. Perhaps the most triumphant portion of Jimmy's career, was during his legendary stint with as the Valiant Brothers; Together, Handsome Jimmy and Luscious Johnny dominated several of the top wrestling territories including the prestigious World Wide Wrestling Federation, run by Vince McMahon Sr.. Handsome Jimmy also had a lengthy run as the top heel in the Memphis territory feuding with Jerry "The King" Lawler. From there, Jimmy Valiant transformed himself into the "Boogie Woogie Man" and became an NWA legend working for Promotions. For the better part of the 90s and the opening part of the 2000s, Jimmy Valiant has owned the independent circuit and made it his ambition to give back to the business with his World- famous Boogie's Wrestling Camp located in Shawsville, Virginia. Everywhere he goes, the Boogie Woogie Man is quick to invite everyone within earshot to come visit he and Angel and be their guest at BWC on any Sunday of the year, between twelve noon and four p.m. -- free of charge! The Valiant's have poured the time, money and most importantly their love into the creation of Boogie's Wrestling Camp. Judging by the photos and description included in this book, it sounds like an immaculate landscape. The grounds also include a wrestling museum and a truly special Hall of Fame featuring items from Jimmy's past and tributes to many other wrestlers. It sounds genuinely amazing and I plan to visit BWC Hall of Fame and Museum some day. I think everybody should! I have done my best to skim over the famous career of literally one of the most charismatic wrestlers of all-time. However, there is so much more included in this book covering all of the places the notorious Jimmy Valiant has laced his boots; You will also read very candid personal testimonials about JV's family and children, his painful battle with various addictions on the road, his terrifying brush with death, and his inspiring path towards meeting his one true soul-mate. The real treasures of this book are the dozens upon dozens of fascinating road stories disclosed in the pages of this book. At times I felt like I was right there sitting next to the Boogie Woogie legend in a car riding from town-to-town, absorbing his knowledge and wisdom in extreme doses. When I finished this book, I felt a rare love and respect for a man whose life is a celebration of peace and friendship. Thank you, Handsome Jimmy! Rating : 9 / 10 --- If you want to read a book about a bitter old man who hates everybody, then buy Ole Anderson's book -- but if you want to take a ride on the rollercoaster of positive energy, then order your copy of "Woo. Mercy Daddy!" at JimmyValiant.com today! Reviewed by Brad Dykens on December 3, 2006. A review by William Hatfield: Reinvention. A word commonly used when describing an entertainer's ongoing metamorphosis throughout their careers. Some people are able to constantly reinvent themselves, some are only able to adopt new looks that aren't exactly from the heart, and others are never able to change with the times and adapt to new circumstances and accurately reflect the current social climate. It happens with musicians, actors, stage performers, and wrestlers. Reinventing oneself is all too often a publicity stunt, or worse yet, copying someone else's originality. Whether you know him as Handsome Jimmy Valiant or "The Boogie Woogie Man" one thing is for certain, Jimmy Valiant has been reinventing himself his entire life. That heartfelt continual transformation is so emotionally and entertainingly laid out in his fantastic autobiography, "Woo. Mercy Daddy! The Handsome Jimmy Valiant Story" (available at www. jimmyvaliant. com) Let me start off by saying that I don't generally endorse products of any kind, of course on the show we mention certain things or events that our guest are promoting, and while there may be things that I like personally, I try to let the fans decide if it's something they want to check out. With that said, I, like many long time wrestling fans, ordered Mr. Valiant's book. I have to tell the people, this is not only one of the best wrestling books written, this could be one of the greatest autobiographies ever written. I have read other books where you get the feeling of being talked at, instead of to, you feel that the author is arrogant and unappreciative, or worse yet, is bitter and has spewed only venom. Let me assure you that Boogie's book will give you a feeling of serenity and joy, excitement and hope, and ultimately help you to understand why this man was beloved by all who met him. This was one of the only books where I actually didn't want the story to end. You feel almost as though you are in the midst of a conversation with Boogie. Mr. Valiant tells each story in a unique and loving way. If we all were one tenth as passionate about life as the Boogie Woogie Man, I think a lot more people would be happier with their lives. Jimmy Valiant is no saint, which he readily admits, but he's not self deprecating either, which I think is an important lesson for people who've lived on the . I could empathize with many of his lifestyle choices and I think that anyone who's ever been a hard partier can gain valuable insight into that lifestyle from reading this book. Jimmy teaches that beating yourself up doesn't work nor does it help, and the best thing you can do is learn from your mistakes, improve upon yourself and set goals. We are at this moment in time the sum total of our experiences, good, bad, or indifferent. What we've lived through makes us who we are at this exact moment, to change anything would mean to regret the past. I took away from this book that regret is useless, and knowledge of one's self is the most important reinvention tool one can use. This book is part biography, it's part wrestling history lesson, it's a family chronicle, but I feel, that most importantly it's a love story. A love story of passion for one's career, one's family, and the love of an Angel that changed a hard living man into a loving and devoted husband. In this book, you will get everything, from his start to his finish, everything in between and then some. It's an almost surreal feeling, as though, one man were telling the life stories of several men, weaving them together with such care and dedication that you really do feel as though you are privy the thoughts and activities of an amazing cast of characters. And believe when I say, that if you are a wrestling fan, hell, if you are a person with any emotion whatsoever, you need to read this book. That's the best thing, yes, it's a wrestling book, but in so many ways it isn't. It's a story about a man coming to terms with himself, accepting himself, finding love and salvation, Someone who even has a cursory knowledge of wrestling would love this book. So I encourage anyone and everyone to visit www.jimmyvaliant.com to order your copy now. As I finished the book, I sat back, reflected on what I had just read, and only one thought came to mind. "Wooo. Mercy Daddy. what a life!" Woo..Mercy Daddy!: Welcome To My World The Jimmy Valiant Story by Jimmy Valiant. 2007 Jimmy Valiant Because of my website and my books, over the past few years I've had the honor of getting to know Jimmy. No one's better than Jimmy. Jimmy Valiant Book Review. I was emailing with Jimmy Valiant this week and he asked if I'd mind telling all of you about his book. All he had to do was ask! First up, I bought my own copy of the book and loved every page of it. Jimmy's story really is an amazing one and you get it all. Jimmy doesn't pull any punches and he's honest about his own shortcomings. This book is a must read in my opinion. Without a doubt, Jimmy Valiant was one of the most loved wrestlers ever to wrestle in Memphis. Proof of this is a poll I did in Dec of 2007. It was a tournament that had 32 Memphis wrestling legends facing off. The final match ended up being vs Jimmy Valiant. Here's some info from Jimmy's website: Come read of a man who rose from humble Tennessee beginnings to legendary international superstardom in . One of a select few WWE Hall of Famers. Before , before , before The Rock there was "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant. Indulge yourself in his intriguing tales of the dark side of professional wrestling. Read about one of the most charismatic true wrestling icons to ever climb into a ring…. none other than the Boy from City. Get an intimate glimpse at Valiant’s personal life and his relationships with other wrestlers, friends, family and fans. Handsome Jimmy was a classic villain during the sixties and seventies and was one of wrestling’s top box office draws. In the eighties and nineties he reinvented himself to become the ultimate crowd pleaser. Watch his transformation from Handsome Jimmy to the Boogie Woogie Man and the carnage left behind from the wild bloody brawls. Jimmy Valiant was perhaps the most colorful bad-good guy character in mat history, influencing the likes of "Superstar" Billy Graham, Jesse “The Body” Ventura and , plus, many more. He is a worldwide celebrity and one of the most famous and beloved entertainers in wrestling history. He has captured the hearts of wrestlers and fans alike, which may be his greatest achievement. Jimmy Valiant made an imprint on the world of professional wrestling unequaled to any other. One thing that you can say about this kind, generous, loving and awesome man is “If you become a friend of Jimmy Valiant you become a friend for life.” That statement alone says so much about his character. This statement is so true about Jimmy. The Jimmy Valiant experience was forty-years in the making and will motivate and encourage you. It takes examples of his personal and professional life and shows how to stay positive through the bad and often challenging times. Jimmy has done things his way throughout his forty- year career in the wrestling business by being a little different from the rest. He stood out and thrilled fans from all walks of life. Believe me, this book is a movie in the making. How do I get the book? The only way that fans can get a copy is from Jimmy Valiant personally, at his home address: BWC 2916 Alleghany Springs Road Shawsville, VA 24162. Or, also through Jimmy's website HERE. The U.S. price if ordered on site is $35.00 + $10.00 S & H. Total $45.00 money order only payable to Jimmy Valiant. Or, it can be purchased at BWC any Sunday from 12 'til 4 p.m. for only $35.00. Either way it will be personally autographed by Jimmy Valiant. The book has 566 pages. Titled "Woo. Mercy Daddy! Welcome To My World The Jimmy Valiant Story." Written by WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy Valiant with Angel. Woo..Mercy Daddy!: Welcome To My World The Jimmy Valiant Story by Jimmy Valiant. Show: Wrestling Epicenter Guest "Boogie-Woogie Man" "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant Date: 2/16/06 Your Hosts: James Walsh, Brendon Brooks, Ben Benya, & Francine. This week, we bring you a show a little bit too hot for even the Blaze. We bring you the single most offensive show we've ever done. And, somehow, that makes it a fun one to listen to! Between the accidental swearing of a caller (Patrick Kelley from the Weekend Warriors show) to the Michael Cole going absolutely crazy. audio clip to the start of the Tylene Buck XXX interview that will air on the 3 Count Wrestling show at www.WrestlingEpicenter.com. Whew, And, having a WWE Hall of Famer who is not only a true wrestling legend but a true nice and good man in Jimmy Valiant, is just the icing on the cake to what is a fun show! JIMMY VALIANT. "The Boy From " leads us into the interview with the "Boogie Woogie Man," himself, "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant. Immediately, Jimmy goes into how he started wrestling in 1964 and his last match was in 2004 and any topic is open. Walsh brings up Jimmy's book "Woo, Mercy Daddy! Welcome to my world." Jimmy V explains that he started his interviews with "Woo, Mercy Daddy! 'The Boogie Woogie Man' feels good, baby!" The book is 566 pages which, Jimmy says, could be considered a double book, considering some of the recent releases. The book itself was co-written with his wife, Angel, and is in his own words. Benya asks the next question: "Where can people pick up this book?" Jimmy is only selling the book at his Wrestling Camp and Hall of Fame Museum in Shawsville, VA, at book signings and on the internet at www.jimmyvaliant.com (which he plugs a lot!). Next subject is the WWE Hall of Fame: Jimmy was flattered and very honored when invited to join in 1997. He explains that a year earlier, he was flown into Baltimore to watch and get inducted. Jimmy brings up his Hall of Fame museum, which Walsh asks a question about. Valiant plugs his website, then explains that it's only open on Sunday, regardless of any holidays it falls on for four hours (12-4 PM). Walsh asks the secret to Valiant's longevity in the business. After plugging his book, Valiant goes into how he started in the 60s, when someone had to get you into the close knit business. He also goes into a little on how he abused his body and how his wife saved him, the virtues of being a businessman and giving 100% in the ring, so the promoters could trust him. is next up, as Walsh brings up the differences between "northern" and "southern" wrestling and relating to the fans. Jimmy says "they're basically all the same." He then goes into working for the WWWF for Vince McMahon Sr and other major territories. He finishes off with "wrestling fans are wrestling fans," another plug for his book and calling Hogan, Flair and Steamboat "kids." In 40 years of wrestling, Jimmy has seen many changes in the industry: "It seems like the wrestling business changes every 10 years." "In the 60s, we did so much more wrestling. The name outside on the marquee says 'Wrestling,' so that's what we did." "In the 70s, they started doing more elaborate stuff." He then goes into how springing off the ropes for a forearm would bring people out of their seats and a story about holding Jack Briscoe in a for 60 seconds. "In the 80s, they started getting bigger and coming off the top ropes." He puts over 's flying headbutt and "Beautiful" Bobby [Eaton]. "Then in the 90s, they started getting bigger and more agile. You know, they're monsters now." Valiant mentions his wrestling camp again, and how he teaches the "old" and "new schools" of wrestling and his wife's cooking. Walsh brings up Hogan and JBL quote of "The kids today are learning the moves, but they're not learning wrestling." Jimmy agrees with that, saying that at his camp "They're gonna learn the wrestling and the moves." He then goes into how selling moves is important. Jimmy has done alot of reunion shows with Evan Ginsburg. Two weeks earlier, he did a show with Captain Lou and "Luscious" Johnny. Jimmy then mentions his deal with Jakks Pacific for a Legends figure, including a potential 3-pack with Albano and the Valiant Brothers. Valiant gives us another plug for his book and website in the process! In the 70's, Jimmy was replaced with Jerry Valiant and, later, Bobby Valiant. Jimmy explains that he was the original "Valiant," a name gave him in 1969. After joining up with Vince Sr. in New York, he was teamed, in 1973-4, with "Luscious" Johnny. Then, in '78, the "Valiant Bros." did a series of tapes with Vince Sr., but Jimmy contracted Hepatitis (both types) and almost died. Vince Sr. needed a replacement and brought in Guy Mitchell (The Stomper) as "Gentleman" Jerry Valiant. Once Jimmy recovered, they did 6-man tags (before the Freebirds)! Benya comes in with "'Beautiful' Bobby Valiant" (), and their bad blood. Jimmy clarifies that Heenan was never a "Valiant," although Bobby did manage the Valiants once. Was Jimmy in Vietnam? No. However, he talks about an angle Jim Crockett did about Jimmy being down on his luck and something called "Boogie Jam '84." They mention how Jimmy was a vet. Then next subject is Jimmy's match at WrestleReunion with and and Jimmy's feelings toward these "giant fan fests." "They feel good, I talk about them in my book 'Woo, Mercy Daddy." He also "Hates to disappoint the fans" concerning fans wanting autographs, and talks about how he goes out of his way to meet them. Walsh's next question, "Have you wrestled your last match?" "Yes, yes. All done." He mentions the date, December 25, 2004, and a commemorative plaque on the wall at his camp and HOF museum about his first match, May 5, 1964. Valiant goes into how that plaque was made 5 years earlier and how it motivated him to make it to that date. He then goes into his match at WrestleReunion, where the promoters kept raising the price until he broke down and agreed to do it! : "I just seen him at that Florida deal." He also goes into how they meet at the event every year in Las Vegas. : "One of the best bodies. Tremendous arm wrestler." Valiant then goes into how Rude had a groin injury and Valiant had to encourage him to heal and come back. The Barbarian: "A big, strong man. Toughest cat I ever met and I love him." Manny Fernandez: "What a great athlete. What a great performer." The Legion of Doom: "I was there when both of them started." He then says that he "had to talk to them kids!" He then goes into how he would often wrestle "Precious" in Mid-South. Ole and : Valiant talks about the Gene and Ole Anderson team of the "Minnesota Wrecking Crew." Walsh makes the mistake of repeating "Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez before going into. : "Super, good looking cat. Like a movie star." Angel: "She's my sweetheart, she saved my life." After a while, he plugs his book, camp and museum. Vince McMahon Sr.: "If he tell you something, it would happen." Vince McMahon Jr.: "When I worked for his father, he was still commentating." He then puts over Vince's taking over the company and all the money he made. Woo..Mercy Daddy!: Welcome To My World The Jimmy Valiant Story by Jimmy Valiant. INTERVIEW PAGE. Talk about perpetual motion! Fans of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling in the early and mid 1980s who remember the bundle of energy named Jimmy Valiant will be happy to know that the �Boogie Man� hasn�t slowed down a bit. Whether he�s putting new pieces of wrestling memorabilia up in his amazing Hall of Fame wrestling museum, tweaking his Sunday show at Boogie�s Wrestling Camp, or arranging for an upcoming personal appearance, the Boogie Man is non-stop action. Recently I had the pleasure of visiting with Boogie, his lovely wife Angel and their prize pooch Roxie, at their beautiful Shawsville, Virginia home�which is also home to Boogie�s Wrestling Camp (BWC) and Hall of Fame Museum. And now, without further ado, it�s time to get up close with Jimmy Valiant! David Chappell September 2008. David Chappell: Thanks Boogie for inviting me to BWC! I�ve always wanted to come up here! Jimmy �Boogie� Valiant: First, Dave, I want to thank you for coming brother. And thanks to Dick Bourne, too. Again, man, every time I talk to anybody, they say the greatest wrestling website out there is the Mid-Atlantic Gateway! Chappell: You�re way too kind! Boogie: Aw brother, you guys do a great job with it. And I just take my hat off to you. Chappell: Wow�thanks again! Dick and I really enjoy it. Boogie: I know it gets more hits than anything! Probably up there with WWE, man! Chappell: (laughs) Dick keeps tracks of some of those stats! But I hope you�re right, because we want a lot of people to read this, and discover what a great operation you have up here at BWC! Boogie: God bless ya�ll! Chappell: Tell everyone a little bit about what you have going on at BWC. Boogie: Yes, yes�this is going on our 17 th year here at Boogie�s Wrestling Camp and Hall of Fame Museum. My wife Angel and myself broke ground here in September of 1992, and our first graduating class was in September of 1993. September 14 th , will be our sixteenth graduating class! Chappell: How time flies! Boogie: We�re really proud of this, and it�s something we put together ourselves. You know, people came all throughout my career asking me, �How do you get into professional wrestling�how do you do this?� Chappell: Yep, I bet you�ve gotten hit with that question a time or two! Boogie: When I started out, Dave, it was a very close knit fraternity of wrestlers. It was almost impossible to get in. The only way you could get in was if one of the pros, the old-timers, would bring you in. And introduce you, and then they would accept you and take you under their wing. They�d accept you if you weren�t a wise-guy, you know! Chappell: Being a wise-guy wouldn�t get you too far, I wouldn�t think� Boogie: If you were a hard guy and, you know, real cocky, that didn�t go over. Hey, be cocky in the ring when you go out there�but not cocky when you�re in the dressing room and believing your own publicity! But if they accepted you brother, then they brought you in�you were in. But if they didn�t, believe me brother, you wouldn�t have a chance! Chappell: I believe it! Boogie: Because for one thing the old-timers, brother, they had the cauliflower ears and the twenty inch necks, and man, they�d actually hurt you! Chappell: Stretching the newbies! Boogie: They�d break your arm; break your leg; break your neck. Man, you know, you would leave our business running out the door with your tail between your legs� Chappell: You were either broken in�or left broken! Boogie: You bet! Either broke in, or you were gonna be broken, right! If you didn�t make it, you were gonna be running with your tail between your legs like a scalded dog! Chappell: So, against that backdrop, you and Angel started BWC� Boogie: Yes, Angel and I started this for the kids, because I had a great career over forty years. I wrestled over 10,000 matches, drove four million miles over U.S. highways getting to the matches. So, man, now I�m here�and all I want to be is a goodwill ambassador for professional wrestling. Helping my kids live out their dreams! Making their dreams come true�and you can make it happen right here at BWC! Chappell: You sure had a storybook career, Boogie� Boogie: I�m here for the kids�everything is for the kids. I call them kids, but I�ve got guys starting out thirty, forty, fifty years old wanting to do something in our business! Chappell: Your kids are all ages! Boogie: Hey, if it�s a referee, announcer, timekeeper, put up the ring, take the jackets back, valet, manager and of course a wrestler�you can learn everything right here at BWC. Chappell: Tell us about the BWC facilities�they�re very impressive! Boogie: We have a number of different buildings as you can see Dave. We have the Hall of Fame, the Auto Museum and it�s all right here. We�ve done this, as something to give back to professional wrestling. Professional wrestling has been so good to me, Dave. Angel and I put this together. It�s my dream, our dream, together to do this�not only for the kids that want to break in and train and be in the professional wrestling business, but for FANS, all over the world! Chappell: This is really a must see for any professional wrestling fan, that�s for sure! Boogie: We�re only open on Sundays, 52 Sundays a year from 12 noon to 4:00. We�re only open at that time. The big gates open then. I want to invite everyone on your site, who is reading this now, to come and be our guest. And the good part about this, Dave, is when you come Sunday as a fan, you have full access to every building. Chappell: And there are LOTS of buildings. Boogie: You can come in and enjoy everything the whole day, and watch the kids train. We have matches you can see. And the good part about this�it�s free! Chappell: Sure as heck can�t beat that price! Boogie: Everything�s free! So you come to Boogie�s Wrestling Camp/Hall of Fame Museum any Sunday� Chappell: And you�re very easy to find. Exit 118 off Interstate 81 in Virginia towards Shawsville. About 8 miles to Alleghany Springs Road�hang a right and go six miles. The Camp is on the left. Those directions good? Boogie: Oh yes, brother. Please come, be our guest, and it won�t cost you a dime. Spend the day with us! Chappell: If someone wants to be trained by the legendary Jimmy Valiant, what�s the process? No Results Found. We're here to help. In case you can't find the book you're looking for on Biblio.com, we recommend the resources below for finding books: Add to Want List. Save your search to a want list and we'll notify you by e-mail as soon as we locate a match. Find it on BookGilt. BookGilt is our fast, yet robust metasearch for antiquarian books that searches across dozens of sites worldwide. Find it in a library. Can you guess which first edition cover the image above comes from? What was Dr. Seuss’s first published book? Take a stab at guessing and be entered to win a $50 Biblio gift certificate! 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