UN Secretary-General Receives 2001 Fulbright Prize for International Understanding he Fulbright Association awarded the 2001 J.William Fulbright Prize for T International Understanding to Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations, in a ceremony at the Library of Congress on Dec. 3. The prize, which carries a $50,000 cash award, is made possible by a grant from The Coca-Cola Foundation. (continued on page 12) Librarian of Congress Jan1es Billington Welcon1es Fulbrighters and Friends to the Library

Nations. Elected to the Senate in 1944, General Annan and the memory of he sponsored in 1946 the legislation Senator Fulbright, two successful that created the largest international heroes of international cooperation, exchange program in human history, with a library that is not only the many of whose alumni are with us in world's largest, but is also the audience today. the most globally inclusive, with The United Nations has grown into 121 million items in 460 languages and a great forum for airing and helping to 1.4 billion free transactions on its Web resolve the world's most contentious site last year. issues. Never has the UN been more The Library of Congress, with its determined and better able to address unique international collections, these issues than under the leadership special reading rooms for all of the of Kofi Annan, the remarkable major continents, dedicated curators, secretary-general of the United and specialists in many of the world's Nations, whom we honor today. cultures, symbolizes, in the heart of Already recognized by the Norwegian Washington, our nation and the Nobel Committee, the secretary­ Congress's acknowledgment that general and the organization over the accumulated treasures of the Librarianof CongressDr . JamesH. Billington which he presides have more than world's wisdom provide the earned the plaudits they received. essential foundation for s the Librarian of Congress, I Whether he learned his negotiating international understanding. am particularly pleased to skills in his A welcome you this morning native Kumasi to a celebratory occasion that brings or through his Fulbright together two men known for assignments in A~~<>( : I A 'I l<>N furthering international understanding Addis Ababa, through imaginative institutional Ismailia, means. William Fulbright, though he Geneva, Iran, has passed on, continues to be present Bosnia, or New with us, not only in the name of this York, he is prize, but more essentially, in the spirit clearly able to that created it. persuade A graduate of the University of disputants and Arkansas, a Rhodes Scholar who read promote civil history at Oxford, the youngest solutions where university president in the United others have States in 1939, William Fulbright began seen only his long public service in the Congress intractable in 1942 in the House of Representatives. situations. There he co-sponsored the Fulbright­ It is Connally Resolution, which put the appropriate to Congress on record as favoring link both the membership in a postwar collective current security organization. That leadership of Dr. and Mrs. Billington with 2001 Fulbright Prize Laureate organization became the United Secretary- Secretary-General Kofi Annan and "Tribute," by sculptor Sergio Dolfi

2 Atnbassador John Negroponte Pays Tribute to Secretary-General Annan, Fulbright Progratn

As a result, the international improve the overall efficiency of the exchange of scholars, teachers, and UN system itself. students These, too, are through the certainly Fulbright the kinds of Program has Today you are honoring a man who qualities and become the embodies the spirit of the Fulbright accomplishments permanent Senator Fulbright crown jewel Program as well as anyone I have had in mind 1n our ever known. A scholar himself who when he created nation's has studied extensively in the United this great cultural program in engagement States, Kofi Annan represents the pursuit of a overseas. best in diplomacy and the best in better world. One of my international understanding. Mr. Secretary­ proudest General, let me U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John D. Negroponte moments join the Fulbright was helping Association in t's a great privilege to be here today to found the U.S.-Mexico Fulbright congratulating you for your not only as U.S. Ambassador to Commission ten years ago. That outstanding contributions to Ithe United Nations, but as a commission, like so many others, international understanding. career diplomat who has long been represents a profound bilateral associated with the . commitment to scholarship. It's a commonplace to remark on The real genius of the Fulbright occasions like this that those who Program is that the rest of the founded something like the world has made it its own, for Fulbright Program probably never we all must recognize that dreamed it might enjoy so much neither leadership nor success or such great longevity. knowledge is the prerogative Who could possibly have thought, so of any single nation or people. many decades ago, that we would be Today you are honoring a standing here, in the year 2001, man who embodies the spirit celebrating Fulbright exchanges by of the Fulbright Program as honoring someone so distinguished well as anyone I have ever as United Nations Secretary-General known. A scholar himself who Kofi Annan? has studied extensively in the But the truth is that Senator United States, Kofi Annan Fulbright and his colleagues represents the best in undoubtedly did envision that we diplomacy and the best in would be here today, and I'm equally international understanding. sure that they expected our successors He has led the United Nations to be here 50 years from now. They forward in efforts to keep the were visionaries, and they set the peace, combat terrorism, Ambassador Negroponte,Assistant Secretaryof State for Education and Cultural Affairs Patricia de Stacy Harrison, bar very high. Only excellence met support human rights, and Fulbright Prize Selection Committee Chairman Lee their standards. encourage development, and Hamilton congratulate Secretary-GeneralKofi Annan.

3 Assistant Secretary of State Patricia Harrison Celebrates UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan

am, of course, especially pleased beneficiaries of this man's dedication communities and their countries to be able to participate in this and commitment to building a sense of because decisions yesterday were Iimportant event as we honor community among nations. How right made to invest in the future . Secretary-General Annan, a person and fitting that he receive this award. As President Bush and Secretary of held in high regard not only by world As we have heard, in 1943 then­ State Powell work to strengthen global leaders, but by all people of good will Representative Fulbright called for the partnerships to fight terrorism and working toward the goal of United States Congress to endorse the promote peace, we must do our job. international understanding. creation and And our job is to invest maintenance of a today so that United Nations the world will have organization. Our job is to invest today so continuing generations I think you that the world will have of leadership who, like would agree, Secretary-General Mrs. Fulbright, continuing generations of Annan, will be there to that were the leadership who, like work as he does for senator here with community among ustoday,he Secretary-General Annan, peoples and nations. would be the will be there to work as he And that work must be first to celebrate continued if we are to the secretary­ does for community among live in peace. general's peoples and nations. I commend the achievements Fulbright Association and applaud for their dedication and Chairman for honoring Secretary­ Hamilton and the Fulbright Selection General Annan and extend our Committee 's inspired choice for the gratitude to the Coca-Cola Foundation Fulbright Prize. for sponsoring this award, and of Assistant Secretary of State for Educationaland Ladies and gentlemen, now more course, to Dr. Billington for his Cultural Affairs Patricia de Stacy Harrison than ever, since the terrible events of commitment to the Fulbright Program, September 11, we need to invest in the twice a Fulbrighter, but most of all, to Secretary-General Annan' s record leaders of tomorrow who will promote the Secretary-General. Thank you, of accomplishment spans four decades international understanding and follow thank you, for your leadership. and the seeds of greatness were there in the footsteps of Secretary-General even when he was a student at Annan. For more than half a century, I 1ilhrigh1 Macalester College, and later, at MIT. with the support of the American Fulbright I think the world is certainly grateful government, governments abroad, and that the young Kofi Annan had the the private sector in the United States i\S ,",OCli\TION ---Fulhri ght opportunity not only to experience and throughout the world, the America, but to impact those with Fulbright Program truly, as the whom he came into contact, helping ambassador has said, is the centerpiece Americans develop a better among the international exchange understanding of , its people, programs sponsored by the State and culture. This early investment in Department. It has worked in a international education can be concerted and consistent way to recognized now, today, as the educate, to encourage global beginning of a lifetime of achievement. awareness, and to develop Today the secretary-general will competencies and understanding of receive the Fulbright Prize for commonalties among people and International Understanding. And cultures. A quarter of a million though we are honoring him, it is all of Fulbrighters in our country and in 140 us, Americans and citizens of other others across the globe are a positive Secretary-GeneralAnnan and Assistant countries, who are the winners, the force and resource to their Secretary of State Harrison

4 Chairtnan Lee Hatnilton Stresses ltnportance of International Education and Global Cooperation

n behalf of the Fulbright Prize foreign policy. It erodes mistrust, Selection Committee, I am strengthens the bonds of 0 pleased to join you in understanding, and encourages celebrating the selection of Kofi Annan reconciliation among peoples. I recall as the 2001 recipient scores of times of the J.William International education is the when foreign policy Fulbright Prize for challenges were International single most effective tool of made easier because U nders tan ding. American foreign policy. It key actors were And I thank beneficiaries of Coca-Cola for its erodes mistrust, strengthens exchange programs generous support of the bonds of understanding, that helped them to the Fulbright understand other award. and encourages reconciliation countries better. The Fulbright among peoples. Fulbright exchange Program is a programs are the national treasure. gold standard for For 55 years, it has sent and received international education. They deserve Lee Hamilton, director of the Woodrow Wilson the best and the brightest of American our gratitude and support. International Centerfor Scholars and former and foreign scholars . The benefits to Kofi An11an is, in the diplomatic chairman of the House International Relations Committee, served as chairman of the 2001 this nation and other nations are historian's phrase, a man of common Fulbright Prize Selection Committee. incalculable. sense and uncommon abilities . He is a International education is the diplomat who recognizes existing single most effective tool of American forces and circumstances and makes support. If it did not exist, we would the most of them for the well-being of desperately need to create it. mankind. He takes tough positions The UN serves U.S. interests well. Fulbright with a soft voice, and- time and again Its broad objectives- to promote - sets us on the right course. His peace and security, manage dangerous quiet voice of compassion, conviction, conflicts, meet transnational moderation, and goodwill is heard by challenges, support sustainable many of us above the sound and fur y development, reduce poverty, care for awash in so much of the chest­ refugees, and foster respect for human thumping political rhetoric of the day. rights - match American objectives. I have especiall y appreciated that As the world's premier diplomatic Secretary-General Annan ha s forum , the UN often enables the U.S. to improved the sometimes difficult gain greater leverage and backing for relationship between the United American policy. It facilitates burden Nations and the United States. Thank s sharing among nations and lower costs to the secretary-general, American for the U.S. than would be incurred if political leaders have gained a new America dealt with problems by itself . respect for the United Nations, and one In short, the UN does not subvert, day the y will be as strong in th eir but multiplies American power. support for the UN as the American Our goal should be to strengthen people are. the UN and make it more effective. By honoring Secretary-General This is an event to remember. Annan we also recognize the We celebrate the Fulbright exchange institution he leads. The UN is an program and the contributions of a indispensable institution that deserves most extraordinary diplomat and the Secretary-Genera/ Annan and the Honorable Lee Hamilton strong U.S. political and financial critical institution he leads.

5 Fulbright Prize Address Kofi Annan Speaks to Fulbrighters

hank you, thank you very much. Today we know that just as no nation is pluralism, and upholding the rule of I don't know what I can add to all immune to conflict or suffering, no law, can channel internal dissent Tthe wonderful things that have nation can defend itself alone. We need peacefully and thus help avert the kind been said by the each other as of civil war that has taken such a heavy lady and the friends, as allies, toll on the people of Afghanistan during gentlemen on as partners, in our the last quarter century. the podium struggle to with me, and uphold our Afghanistan is but one of many also the very common values eloquent and to fulfill our conflicts in the world today statement made common needs. that deserve our concern and by the The United Chairman of the Nations at its best our compassion and solidarity. Selection can be the true We must remember, also, that Committee, Lee home of the the main challenges facing the Hamilton, and dialogue among of course, by the civilizations, the international community President of the forum where such before 10 September have not Fulbright dialogue can Association. flourish and gone away. But let me promote genuine simply say that understanding. My dear friends, the appalling I am deeply Without this terrorist attacks on this country on honored to dialogue taking 11 September focused the world's receive the 2001 place every day, attention on the reality that a collapsed Fulbright Prize among all nations, and destitute state such as Afghanistan for International within and Understanding. United Nations Secretary-GeneralKofi Annan, between I am 2001 J.William Fulbright Prize laureate civilizations, particularly cultures, and pleased to receive an award named groups, we will not be able to overcome after J.William Fulbright, a visionary the wounds of 11 September. That is a statesman and a founder and supporter lesson in almost every part of the world of the United Nations. His belief in the but nowhere more so today than in values of the United Nations Charter Afghanistan, a country devastated by and his commitment to securing peace decades of war, drought, and political through cooperation inspires us even oppression driven by ethnic and other today. differences. The Fulbright Exchange Program is We have learned from painful a model for the kind of dialogue among experience that authoritarian and cultures and civilizations that the highly personalized governments, and United Nations has been promoting of course, ethnic discrimination and around the world. Today, perhaps human rights violations, have been at more than ever, international the root of that country's conflicts. understanding is essential to world Conversely we have learned that only peace-understanding between faiths, democratic governments, by protecting Ambassador Donald F. McHenry congratulates between nations, between cultures. minorities, encouraging political Secretary-GeneralAnnan.

6 provides fertile ground for armed 7.5 million Afghans who are vulnerable groups to plan and prepare and suffering as possible. unspeakable acts of terror at home and Beyond this, and beyond this most abroad. It must bring home a second urgent need, as we are all aware, my lesson and a special second reality, ...... _representative too. The answer I" I· , t Lakhdar Brahimi to such violence -----Fulbright has been hosting and to the --Iu lhrii,,1 talks in Bonn sources of aimed at grievance, which producing a provide an basic agreement excuse for such on the acts, is more establishment of democracy, not an interim less, more administration freedom, not less, that is acceptable more to all Afghans development aid, and accountable not less, and to all Afghans. If more solidarity all the Afghan Rep. James P. Moran (VA-8 "'), Secretary­ for the poor and parties as well as General Annan , with Sen. Paul 5. Sarbanes (MD) dispossessed their neighbors in background. of our world, and the wider not less. international achieve it, any arrangement arrived at The United community give must reflect the will and the needs and Nations is their full the interests of the Afghan people and urgently engaged Fulbright Association President Charles H. Harff, support, there is enjoy their full support. in helping Secretary-General Annan, and Roger M. Mi/grim , now a real Afghanistan is but one of many chairman of the A ssociation's Fulbright Prize Afghanistan Committee. opportunity to conflicts in the world today that embark on a new create the sort of deserve our concern and our beginning. First and foremost, we must broad-based, fully representative compassion and solidarity. We must do all we can to help meet the government that the United Nations remember, also, that the main humanitarian needs of the Afghan has been trying to help the Afghan challenges facing the international people. Winter has already set in, and people achieve for a long, long time. community before 10 September have we must feed and shelter as many of the A stable Afghanistan, living at not gone away. Indeed, they have peace, become more urgent, whether it is the protecting the devastation wrought by AIDS, the rights of its continuing poverty that afflicts billions people, carrying of our fellow men and women, or out its the environmental degradation that international threatens all peoples and all nations. obligations, I believe critical to addressing these denying obstacles in an effective and a lasting terrorists a safe way is a far greater understanding haven,and of the bonds that exist across all posing no boundaries . The Fulbright Association threat to its has made an immense contribution neighbors and to the kind of knowledge and enjoying their appreciation that is necessary to respect and sustain and deepen that solidarity. I Mr. Harff, Assistant Secretary of State Harrison , Mr . Hamilton , Chairman support must be salute your contribution and wish you and CEO of the Coca-Cola Company Douglas N. Daft, Ambassador our common all success in the future. Thank you Negropont e, Secretary-G eneral Annan , Mr s. Annan , and Dr. Billington. objective. To very much.

7 Kofi A. Annan

he seventh secretary-general of negotiating with Iraq on the sale of oil several delicate political situations. the United Nations and the first to to fund purchases of humanitarian aid. These include a mission in 1998 to help Tbe elected from the ranks of Mr. Annan also served as assistant promote the transition to civilian rule United Nations staff, Kofi A. Annan secretary-general for peacekeeping in Nigeria; diplomacy in 1999 to forge began his term on January 1, 1997. operations and as under-secretary­ an international response to violence in Mr. A1man' s priorities have been to general. From 1995 to 1996, following East Timar; the certification revitalize the United Nations through the Dayton Peace of Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000; and ato comprehensive strengthen the program of refonm:; ------:-~~-----7 further efforts, since the organization's traditional · ti n renewed outbreak of work in the areas of rTfie 1u{6rightJtssocia O violence, to encourage development and the f resent Israelis and Palestinians to maintenance of international is prouutop resolve their differences peace and security; to • through peaceful encourage and advocate tT A , ({,: «u[6riafit prize negotiations. human rights, the rule of law rrFteJ .V V iuJam J I V f: He has also sought to and the universal values of ♦ tiona[' improve the status of equality, tolerance and human for Interna women in the secretariat dignity; and to restore public J • and to build closer confidence in the organization partnerships with civil by reaching out to new to society, the private partners and, in his words, by sector, and other non- "bringing the United Nations state actors. His 2000 closer to the people." Millennium Report, Born in Kumasi, Ghana, on 'X9fi Jtnnan . "We the Peoples: The April 8, 1938, Mr. Annan studied [ J tfie 'Unitedg{fitions Role of the United at the University of Science and Secretary-(jeneraoJ Nations in the 21st Teclmology in Kumasi and Century," called on completed his undergraduate member states to work in economics at Macalester 1)ecem6er3, 2001 commit themselves College in St. Paul, Minn. From to an action plan 1961 to 1962 he studied at the for ending poverty Institut Universitaire des Hautes and inequality, Etudes Internationales in Geneva. In recognitionof improving As a 1971-72 Sloan Fellow at the his contri6utionsto . education, reducing Massachusetts Institute of . wa{ understanding HIV/AIDS, Technology, Mr. Annan received a jurtfienngmu safeguarding the master's degree in management. amongpeop{es environment, and Mr. Annan began his career at protecting peoples the United Nations in 1962 with the from deadly World Health Organization . Since conflict and violence. then he has served with the UN Agreement ending In April 2001, the secretary-general Economic Commission for Africa; the the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he issued a "Call to Action" to address the UN Emergency Force; the Office of the was the special representative of the HIV/ AIDS epidemic, which he High Commissioner for Refugees; and secretary-general to the former described as his "personal priority," at UN headquarters in New York. In Yugoslavia. and proposed the establishment of a 1990, following the Iraqi invasion of As secretary-general, Mr. Annan' s Global AIDS and Health Fund to serve Kuwait, Mr. Annan was asked to first major initiative was his plan for as a mechanism for some of the facilitate the repatriation of reform, "Renewing the United increased spending needed to help international staff and citizens of Nations," with an emphasis on developing countries confront the crisis. Western countries from Iraq. He improving coherence and Mr. Annan is married to Nane subsequently led the first UN team coordination. He has used his office in Annan. They have three children.

8 Fulbright Association & Coca-Cola Company Honor UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan

Remarks by Charles H. Harff, has led the United Nations since 1997. essential efforts to improve education President, Fulbright Association He has strengthened the UN' s political and investment in developing work and development in maintenance countries, and he has restored public n the events of this fall, the of international peace and security, he confidence in one of the world's Fulbright Association and its 6,500 has advocated human rights as well as greatest international organizations by Imembers have gained a new the rule of law and the universal reaching out to new partners. For his resolve in our commitment to the values of equality, tolerance, and work in conflict resolution and his Fulbright Program of international human dignity. He has sharpened the promotion of international cooperation educational and cultural exchanges. world's focus on the need to address and peace, the Fulbright Association A private, not-for-profit organization, vigorously and to dedicate meaningful is honored to present the 2001 the Fulbright Association is supported resources to the HIV/ AIDS epidemic. Fulbright Prize to United Nations not only by individual Fulbright He has provided leadership to Secretary-General Kofi Annan. alumni and friends, but by more than 165 colleges and universities and international organizations. An integral part of the Fulbright Association's program is the clear Remarks by Douglas N. Daft, articulation of the critical role our Chairman and CEO, Congress has in providing the funding The Coca-Cola Company necessary to ensure that Senator Fulbright's vision remains as vital ofi Annan is truly a man of today as when he conceived the peace, a man who works program. All of us who have received Ktirelessly in these very difficult Fulbright grants believe that people times to create a world in which we all and nations must gain greater mutual may live free of fear. And he understanding of cross-cultural challenges us, in his efforts to ensure differences to promote peace and to the health, education, and safety of all improve the quality of life for all of us the world's people. He puts forth who share this globe . We know the these challenges thoughtfully and with Douglas N. Daft presents "Tribute" to Fulbright Program is a powerful tool in persuasion. Secretary-General Kofi Annan . achieving these goals . When the Coca-Cola Company The Fulbright Prize recognizes hosted a forum on the United Nations us peace. Kofi Annan embodies that those who have made outstanding AIDS Initiative in June, Secretary­ ideal. Therefore, it is fitting that he contributions toward furthering General Annan said, "The assembled receive the Fulbright Prize and, next mutual understanding among peoples business leaders represented one of the week, the Nobel Peace Prize. and who have helped break barriers greatest forces in the world." But the greatest reward of all to that divide humankind. The Fulbright And then came the challenge, as he him consists of the lives that will be Prize laureates exemplif y the purposes added, "You 've never been fully saved and the lives that will be made of the international educational and utilized in the campaign against HIV better and a world that will be safer cultural exchange program created by and AIDS. It's high time that we tap and more just because of his dedication the late Senator Fulbright. your strength to the fullest." to this ideal of understanding. The Fulbright Prize Selection Kofi Annan' s message is simple, It's now my privilege to present Committee made its choice in July, and it's clear. Whatever measure of His Excellency Kofi Annan with a selecting as our laureate the same resources and influence we possess, we sculpture which is emblematic of the distinguished leader who, together must, as human beings, use it for the Fulbright Prize. Created by our own with the United Nations, will receive good of the world. As Senator Atlanta artist Sergio Dolfi, the artwork the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. Fulbright emphasized throughout his is called "Tribute," which is only Our 2001 Fulbright Prize Laureate career, it is understanding that brings fitting to today's activities.

9 Fulbright Association Institutional Members

Albany State University Lewis and Clark College University of California, Berkeley American University Louisiana State University University of California, Riverside Armand Hammer United World College Loyola Marymount University University of California, Santa Cruz Association for International Practical Luther College University of Central Florida Training Lynchburg College University of Connecticut Barry University Macalester College University of Delaware Baylor University Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Denver Benedict College Mesalands Community College University of the District of Columbia Boston University Miami University University of Georgia Brigham Young University Michigan State University University of Hawaii Bronx Community College Middlebury College University of Houston-Downtown Bryn Mawr College Mills College University of Illinois at Chicago Buffalo State-State University of New Minnesota State University Moorhead University of Illinois at Urbana- York Morehouse College Champaign California State University-Fresno Morris Brown College University of Kentucky California State University-Hayward Mountain Empire Community College University of Maine Carl Albert State College Nassau Community College University of Maryland Case Western Reserve University Nazareth College of Rochester University of Maryland, Baltimore Central State University New York University County, The Graduate School Chicago State University Oberlin College University of Miami Cincinnati State Technical & Oklahoma State University The University of Mississippi Community College Pace University University of Missouri-Kansas City Claremont McKenna College Pennsylvania State University University of Missouri-St. Louis Clark Atlanta University Ramapo College of New Jersey University of Nebraska-Lincoln Colgate University Reed College University of Nebraska-Omaha The College of William and Mary Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Nevada-Las Vegas The Cooper Union for the Advancement Rhodes College University of North Florida of Science and Art Rice University University of Notre Dame Drew University St. Louis Community College at University of Pennsylvania East Carolina University Florissant Valley University of Portland Elmira College St. Olaf College University of Scranton Fairfield University San Diego State University The University of the South Ferris State University San Francisco State University University of South Florida Fisk University Santa Monica College University of Southern Colorado Florida State University Smith College University of Tennessee Fordham University South Carolina State University University of Virginia Franklin and Marshall College South Dakota State University University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Gainesville College Southeast Missouri State University University of Wisconsin-Madison The George Washington University Southeastern Louisiana University University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Georgetown University Southern Illinois University at University of Wisconsin-Platteville Georgia Institute of Technology Carbondale University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Georgia State University Southwestern Baptist Theological University of Wyoming Goddard College Seminary Valparaiso University Harford Community College State University of New York at Albany Vassar College Houston Community College System State University of New York at Oswego Virginia Commonwealth University Humboldt State University State University of New York at Potsdam Wayne State University Hunter College of the City University of State University of New York at Fredonia Wesleyan University New York Swarthmore College West Texas A&M University Idaho State University Syracuse University West Virginia University Illinois Wesleyan University Texas A&M University Western Washington University Indiana State University Texas Christian University Widener University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Towson University Wilberforce University Institute of International Education Trinity University William Paterson University Iowa State University Troy State University at Dothan Williams College John Carroll University Tufts University Wright State University Kansas City Kansas Community College University at Buffalo Yale University Keene State College University of Alabama-Birmingham York College of the City University of Kent State University University of Arkansas New York Lake Forest College University of Baltimore Youngstown State University


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11 Kofi Annan Receives 2001 Fulbright Prize (continuedfrom page 1)

Secretary-General A1man was greater understanding of others. Mr. Annan and the United Nations selected in July to receive the 2001 Previous Fulbright Prize laureates are have also built a strong foundation to Fulbright Prize for his work in conflict former South African President Nelson increase international cooperation and resolution and his promotion of Mandela; former United States President action against terrorism. international cooperation and peace. ; former Austrian Federal "The 11 September attacks were Former House International Chancellor ; former assaults on humanity, and humanity Relations Committee Chairman Lee Philippine President ; must respond to them as one," Hamilton, who chaired the international President Vaclav Havel; Mr. Annan has said. "Every nation and Fulbright Prize selection committee, former Chilean President Patricio every people have a responsibility to said, "Kofi Annan is a most deserving Aylwin Azocar; United Nations High fight against terrorism by ensuring that winner of the 2001 Fulbright Prize. Commissioner for Human Rights Mary differences and disputes are resolved During his outstanding tenure as UN Robinson; and former President of through political means, and not Secretary-General, Mr. Annan has . through violence." revitalized and transformed the world's Fulbright Association President The international committee pre-eminent international institution. Charles H. Harff said, "The Fulbright convened by the Fulbright Association He has enhanced the UN' s capacity to Association is honored to award the to select the 2001 Fulbright Prize promote and preserve international 2001 J. William Fulbright Prize for laureate was comprised of Chairman peace, streamlined UN operations to International Understanding to Lee Hamilton; Prof. Ana Anton-Pacheco, make them more efficient and effective, Kofi Alman, whose distinguished career Universidad Complutense, Madrid; and initiated important new efforts to at the United Nations, particularly as Dr. R. Fenton-May, a member parh1er with the private sector and secretary-general, has exemplified of the Fulbright Association's nongovernmental organizations. fostering international understanding Board of Directors; His Excellency Mr. Annan' s strong leadership and through exchange, the principle on Yoshio Okawara, president of the unsurpassed diplomatic skill have which the Fulbright scholarship Institute of International Policy contributed tremendously to the program is based." Studies, Tokyo; and Her Excellency resolution of many dangerous conflicts In June, Mr. Annan was Beatriz M. Ramacciotti, ambassador and to the advancement of international unanimously reappointed for a second and permanent representative of Peru cooperation and peace." term as secretary-general, an action by to the Organization of American States The Fulbright Association created 189 member states unprecedented in (1994-2000). the Fulbright Prize in 1993 with a grant United Nations history. His key Prof. Ana Anton-Pacheco, from The Coca-Cola Foundation to initiatives include reform of the United Dr. Fenton-May, Ambassador recognize individuals who have made Nations, programs for women, efforts to Yoshio Okawara, and Ambassador extraordinary contributions toward combat HIV/ AIDS, and promotion of Beatriz M. Ramacciotti all received bringing peoples, cultures, or nations to peace and prosperity in Africa. Fulbright grants to the United States.

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