While the EU-28 are chosing a new President of the European Commission and are on the brink ▪ PASCAL LAMY of a new parliamentary term, we look back on what is still viewed as the golden age of European Président emeritus of the construction. Going beyond the achievements with outcomes that remain open to criticism, the Delors years form a valuable heritage in terms of the conception of Europe, working methods Jacques Delors Institute and political style.

This text derives from a With his “Laudator temporis acti”, Horace Thatcher’s relentless request for a rebate on conference given by Pascal referred to the age which advances the the country’s budgetary contribution. The temptation for a morose censorship of the circumstances were also made favourable by Lamy, President emeritus of present period and a glorification of past the fact that staunchly European leaders were the Jacques Delors Institute, times. Centuries later, Boileau depicted a in power at the same time, which was like an on 28 January 2019 at Bois- grumpy old man who “past times extols, alignment of national stars over Brussels. Seigneur-Isaac (Belgium) the present to debase”. This is the risk we France’s president was Mitterrand, who was take when discussing the Delors period always committed to Europe, while Helmut upon the invitation of Ber- 1 (1985-1995) described as a golden age of Kohl governed in Bonn and Felipe Gonzalez nard Snoy. European construction in comparison to the in Madrid. Margaret Thatcher can be included present day. in this list, as she was supportive of Jacques Delors for a long period before making him an adversary.

1 ▪ Favourable circumstances Jacques Delors’ very appointment as Pre- sident of the European Commission was pos- To protect ourselves from this risk, we must sible thanks to these happy circumstances. first of all acknowledge that this period François Mitterrand wanted a French citizen enjoyed favourable circumstances2, which to preside the Community’s future executive contrast with those experienced today. At the body, and had Claude Cheysson in mind. time when Jacques Delors took the helm of the Cheysson was then blocked by a British veto. European Commission in 1985, the European Helmut Kohl, who had had the opportunity to Summit held earlier in Fontainebleau had get to know Delors in his capacity as minister, put an end to several years of the laborious helped the French President by suggesting acceptance of the United Kingdom’s Delors, who was ultimately selected in an membership in the European Community, impromptu manner. punctuated in particular by Margaret

1. Read also “The European Commission, History and Memories of an institution (1986-2000)”, Publications Office of the European Union, vol. 3, June 2019 2. Pascal Lamy, “The Delors Commissions and their trade secrets”, Tribune, Jacques Delors Institute, 10 February 2016

1 ▪ 6 Yet a good headhunter entrusted with finding ideas must drive the world. The sources of his the right candidate would most likely have conception of a project for a united Europe are ended up advising on the same person. threefold: historical, political and institutional. Jacques Delors’ personal credentials were He combined these threads to weave the very well suited. His professional experience framework of his European action, which at the Banque de France, his specialisation always fed into his thoughts in return and the in economics, which he taught, his trade two ultimately became indistinguishable. union experience, his time at the French Plan Commission, then as an advisor to In terms of his thoughts on the historical Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas, his aspect, Jacques Delors summed this up, in experience as an MEP, elected in 1979, and particular in his Memoires, by his famous lastly as French Minister of the Economy statement: “survival or decline”. This and Finance all prepared him for approach, which is not without this role at the presidency of the pessimism, stems from the fact Commission, a position which is that he belongs to the generation both highly technical and political. which experienced World War II. YET A GOOD HEADHUNTER His father was seriously injured Other factors that contributed to ENTRUSTED WITH FIND- during World War I. These two developing a favourable context ING THE RIGHT CANDIDATE conflicts have always influenced for the European project in the WOULD MOST LIKELY HAVE his vision of Europe, concerned mid-1980s were the negotiations ENDED UP ADVISING ON THE that the values of the continent to enlarge the Community to “SAME PERSON. to which he was attached, and Spain and Portugal, which which expressed in his opinion were enthusiastic candidate countries. The Emmanuel Mounier’s personalism, still had a quality of the European commissioners that place in the future. In short, Delors believed governments sent to Brussels also helped that we had to build Europe and its values for to create a promising climate, with reliable civilisation to survive, and that, if we failed, characters including established figures such they could be condemned by history. as Lorenzo Natali and younger figures such as the Irish Peter Sutherland. Jacques Delors Delors did not have an Atlanticist view of also benefited from the complicity he was Europe. His cautious attitude with regard able to foster with the eminent Secretary- to the USA was less in the French tradition General of the Commission at the time, to be willingly critical of Washington, and Émile Noël. We must also remember the more about a deep questioning of whether contribution of leading Belgian figures in his the Americans took the European project entourage, such as Étienne Davignon, Pierre and its originality seriously. After each of his Defraigne, Jean Durieux, the late Philippe meetings with a US President, he hoped that Maystadt, Jean-Louis Lacroix and Jean he had conveyed the idea that Europe really Godeaux. They formed the social wing of the did exist. His attitude was akin to a conception Belgian Christian Democrats. of Europe that could nowadays be qualified as geopolitical. It is based on the affirmation of a European identity, the affirmation and very survival of which required a union of 2 ▪ The three threads of Delors’ conception of Europeans. Europe His conception of the European project can Compared to the evil geniuses at work in also be appreciated in its political dimension. Europe today, the Delors period had its Jacques Delors placed “his” Europe at share of good fairies. Yet going beyond the the confluence between European social happy conjunction of all these separate democracy and Christian democracy, which circumstances, its action was based primarily structured post-war politics in Western on a well-defined “Delorean” vision of Europe. Europe. What may appear a conventional It was the backbone of his ten years at the position was in fact a unique stance for a Commission. Jacques Delors believes that politician from France, which did not have any

2 ▪ 6 real social democrats or Christian democrats the term “Staatenbund” to “Bundesstaat”. as they did in Germany, Italy or Belgium. For Jacques Delors, the juxtaposition of these two conflicting notions, federation and His conception of the economy, of social nation-state, provided the solution to the affairs and of politics were in line with the project for a united Europe. It reflects his own most central parties of the two dominant position, borrowing equally from Spinelli’s currents. With them, he always believed that federalism and De Gaulle’s nationalism. He social policy could not be conducted without believes that the union of Europeans is made economic growth and that growth which is by both peoples and States. In his political unbalanced from a social perspective is not role, he paid as much attention to heads of sustainable. Policy requires a certain degree State and government as to the European of planning and regulation in addition to Parliament. He was the first President of the social dialogue between responsible social Commission to really treat this Parliament as partners. He recognised market efficiency but a serious and mature counterpart. Similarly, also saw the need to review the markets. It in his institutional practice, he always placed was with this in mind that he stimulated the himself in a triangle connecting the Council, Schumpeterian undertaking of liberalisation known to be almost like a Senate of Member that is the Internal Market, convinced that States, the Parliament, recognised as the increased competition on a European level expression of the people, and the Commission, would enable companies to make productivity which he took care not to identify publicly as a gains, and therefore generate greater growth, European government, which, had he done so, but understood that this approach must be would have earned him the admonishments supported by a policy of social dialogue. He of national governments. therefore invited European employers and trade unions to Val-Duchesse in Brussels. He refrained from theorising or elucidating Another support policy was that of structural this conception of institutions but had to funds which offset the effects of opening up to bear seeing it dented on several occasions. In competition, assisting in particular Southern particular during the talks for the Maastricht European countries to equip themselves Treaty in 1991, during which the traditionally with the necessary infrastructure and skills. sovereignist approaches of French and British In short, Jacques Delors took right-leaning diplomacy dictated, with the complicity of measures for competition and left-leaning the Netherlands in particular, that alongside measures for social and territorial cohesion. the Community Method, in which the Commission enjoys the monopoly of initiative Later on, in the early 1990s, he added an to express the European general interest, new environmental dimension to these key competencies operate according to a more conditions for sustainable growth. While his inter-governmental method that Jacques rural origins in Corrèze made him initially Delors deemed less efficient. His institutional distrustful of the environmental movement, conception remains strongly attached to the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 and his the Community Method, the only method he participation at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 believes really works. convinced him, well before many political leaders of his time, of the need to accompany It is through the prism of these three growth with environmental protection historical, political and institutional measures with the same importance as dimensions, considered together, that he social and territorial cohesion measures. saw , which he believed to be an absolute necessity for reasons that For Europe, his conception is institutional. were ultimately ethical and political in equal This can be summed up in his expression measure. Yet this conception is meaningless “Federation of Nation-States”. For if it is not embodied in political action. This is constitutionalists, this is an oxymoron where the “Delors method” shone. which presents a problem specific to Europe more than a solution for it. The concept is actually close to Habermas, who preferred

3 ▪ 6 3 ▪ The Delors method and style He had learned previously when teaching economics to his fellow trade unionists to Taking the risk of summing the method make abstract concepts accessible and to up excessively, it can be described as a simplify complicated mechanisms. This carefully planned and sequenced itinerary, is why people still say “in Delors’ time, we in which each step triggers the next. Minor understood Europe”. adjustments are made where necessary, which implies constant attention paid to Remembering this conception, this method every factor in the environment which may and this style applied to promote European disrupt or be detrimental to following the integration also involves taking stock of them, course plotted correctly. In short, the method almost thirty years on. Jacques Delors moved outlines the path to follow and adds radars as Europe’s unity forward in many fields, with the milestones. These radars flag up all obstacles exception of defence and security. He has or avatars which, if they were neglected, could always wisely considered that the itinerary lead to taking a wrong turning and would for these two fields would be much longer have required a great swerve to stay on track. than that applied for the market and the The Delors method is quite scientific in this currency. The latter conform more to rational respect. approaches, while the idea of a “European army” also has an emotional dimension It was applied to achieve the Internal Market. and requires Europeans to share the same The aim of the itinerary, set as early as 1985, dreams and the same nightmares. was to succeed, in 1992, in removing borders - an idea which was more popular at the time that it would be today. This aim involved a harmonisation or mutual acknowledgement 4 ▪ Vulnerabilities and weaknesses of standards and regulations, for which the differences between countries had up to then The aim here is not to list all the benefits the justified border controls. As explained above, Delors years brought to Europe. These are this process of opening up had to be assisted already known. It is more useful to attempt by structural funds, which were going to to discern any weaknesses “inside the House result in a major increase in the resources that Jacques built”, according to the title of of the Community budget. The Single Act of an essay by British researcher Charles Grant 1986 dealt with all this. (1994).

Following this itinerary, the Internal Market The main political weakness is that the called on the Economic and Monetary Delors house’s foundation is the subtle Union to put a stop to national devaluations balance between Christian democrats and distorting competition. Jacques Delors social democrats. Its model is historically achieved this later with Maastricht. Upon his dependent on this. This implies that these departure from the Commission, he left the two forces must remain dominant and of “White Paper” which outlined a new itinerary comparable weighting. This was the case for the coming years, which (even then!) within the for a long predicted the need to equip the European time. Once this balance was disrupted, the Union with digital infrastructure, something balance between the economic, social and he called “information highways”. environmental components was also upset. Market efficiency was then increased, without This shows that his conception came with greater regulation and with less pressure to a method of action. Yet a third element, mitigate the social repercussions. Much of the “Delors style”, must be added. Jacques this “neoliberal” Europe was not Delors’ vision. Delors’ style included his great ability of sharing his vision and his convictions with Delors’ house also has a weakness, namely decision-makers and public opinion. He that Europe is insufficiently constituted knew how to surround his projects with a against the growing forces of globalisation. narrative he created with the utmost care. When faced with a shock, as was witnessed

4 ▪ 6 during the 2008 financial crisis, the Jacques Delors did, however, have some framework of European regulations was intuition of this intrinsic cultural deficit in not yet sufficiently robust. The Union was the European project. He therefore created not resilient enough. Jacques Delors had the “carrefours de la culture”, which brought identified this weakness from the outset with together intellectuals, social science regard to the Economic and Monetary Union researchers and artists. Today, in a far- at the time of the Maastricht treaty. He told reaching bid to correct this deficit, we must European leaders that out of his proposals, begin by studying contemporary European they had selected a Union that was ultimately anthropology, as do all the new university very monetary and insufficiently economic. chairs created for this purpose, the first Europe was given greater maturity in some of which was at the Catholic University of areas of regulation but not in others. These Leuven, with the support of the Jacques different speeds almost led to the collapse Delors Institutes in and Berlin. They of the euro during the recent crisis. Jacques explore the differences between Europeans Delors shared a post-Westphalian vision with to gain a better understanding of their identity Jean Monnet, and with most other people behind everything that obstructs it in their at the time. This vision was unfortunately respective representations. One example is premature, as Marcel Gauchet the way in which history is taught said in an interview published to young people, because as recently by Normale Sup: “The EU children we take on a number of has absorbed itself in an internal narratives and images. PLUS EVEN MORE CLEARLY process while the European NOW THAN TWENTY YEARS peoples, against this backdrop of AGO, BETWEEN AMERICAN globalisation, were very logically HYPERCAPITALISM AND 5 ▪ A Europe which has become more asking for a response to external CHINESE HYPERCOLLECTIV- pressure”. necessary and more difficult “ISM, THE EUROPEAN MODEL MUST REMAIN AVAILABLE. More fundamentally, we lacked This painstaking work is worth perspective at the time, in taking it because European integration the gamble, with the founding fathers, that is more necessary today than in the Delors economic integration would automatically period, but is also more difficult. It is result in political integration. According to necessary for external reasons: faced with medieval alchemy, economic lead should the world around us, the rivalry between China have been converted into political gold. It and the USA, with Russia and the Middle East, was believed that between the European we need a united Europe. This global context consumer, worker and producer and the takes us back to the dilemma of “survival or political citizen, there was necessarily a decline”. A strong and stable Europe is also continuum and yet the species barrier cannot necessary because it alone can guarantee the be crossed with impunity. The historian Elie protection of our European identity, in that it Barnavi presented a good analysis of this in is an identity based on values. In this respect, his essay L’Europe frigide (frigid Europe) in Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi Jinping are, 2008. Being a citizen implies belonging to a paradoxically, helping us to measure this community, to accept to make a collective need for Europe to provide a balance between effort, where workers and consumers think economic and social policy in a world that in terms of supply and demand in a sphere is and will remain globalised. Even more which remains economic and rational. The clearly now than twenty years ago, between “democratic deficit” often criticised on a American hypercapitalism and Chinese European level is not about the kratos, i.e. the hypercollectivism, the European model must Union’s institutional structures, but about the remain available. Faced with this need, Brexit demos. There is, rather, a deficit in belonging. is bad news. It is taking away from European This deficit exists on other levels but not, or construction, and from European civilisation, hardly, on a European scale. Europe often a major country and is making Europe less appears clear to non-Europeans but remains strong against the rest of the world. vague to Europeans.

5 ▪ 6 Integration is, however, more difficult because while the challenge today is to protect values, these very values can be unsettled within Europe. They have been seriously affected in Hungary and Poland. The foundation itself may be affected by the erosion of these democratic values. Therein lies a short-term battle on what European necessity involves. We must hope that after the European elections, the Heads of state and government and the European Parliament will appoint as President of the Commission a figure who is able to meet these challenges which are even more formidable than those that Jacques Delors had to face. Let us wish this person the same capacity to inspire, and expertise that is as extensive!

Managing Editor: Sébastien Maillard ▪ The document may be reproduced in part or in full on the dual condi- tion that its meaning is not distorted and that the source is mentioned ▪ The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessa- rily reflect those of the publisher ▪ The Jacques Delors Institute cannot be held responsible for the use which any third party may make of the document ▪ Translation from the French: Barbara banks ▪ © Jacques Delors Institute 18 rue de Londres, 75009 Paris Bureau à Bruxelles : rue du duc 139, 1200 Bruxelles 7 ▪ 12 [email protected] www.institutdelors.eu