Our ref: PCS/109790 Your ref: 10/351/PP

Mr Nick Blowfield If telephoning ask for: Islands Council Andrea Dilley Development Services Council Offices 13 September 2010 School Place Kirkwall Orkney KW15 1NY

By email only to: [email protected]

Dear Mr Blowfield

Town and Country Planning () Acts Planning application: 10/351/PP Change of use of land from agricultural to create 8 allotment sites with 1 polytunnel Brinian (Land Near), , Orkney

Thank you for your e-consultation of 10 September 2010 specifically consulting SEPA on potential flood risk to this development site.

We have no objection to this planning application. Please note the advice provided below.

Advice for the planning authority

1. Flood risk

1.1 We have reviewed the information provided in this consultation and it is noted that, the application site (or parts thereof) lies adjacent to the 1 in 200 year (0.5% annual probability) flood envelope of the Indicative River & Coastal Flood Map (Scotland), and may therefore be at medium to high risk of coastal flooding.

1.2 Scottish Planning Policy states in paragraph 203, that “For planning purposes the functional flood plain will generally have a greater than 0.5% (1:200) probability of flooding in any year. Development on the functional flood plain will not only be at risk itself, but will add to the risk elsewhere.” Built development should not therefore take place on the functional flood plain.

1.3 For your information, based on the POL 112 method the estimated 1 in 200 year coastal flood extent (0.5% annual probability) is 2.98m Above Ordnance Datum. However, we wish to emphasise that this flood level is based on still water high tide and does not take into account potential effects of wave action, funnelling or local bathymetry at this location. With reference to the OS map and site location plan provided, the site would appear to be at least 3m above the estimated coastal flood extent. Furthermore, based on the form of

development proposed, in this instance it is considered that the proposal is unlikely to significantly increase flood risk at the site or elsewhere. We therefore do not object to this development proposal on flood risk grounds.

1.4 It is recommended that contact is made with your Flood Prevention Authority regarding this application as they may hold historic flood information for this area. If your authority requires further comment from us, additional information would be necessary to enable us to comment further upon the flood risk at the application site.

1.5 For your information, the Indicative River & Coastal Flood Map (Scotland) has been produced following a consistent, nationally-applied methodology for catchment areas equal to or greater than 3km2 using a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to define river cross-sections and low-lying coastal land. The outlines do not account for flooding arising from sources such as surface water runoff, surcharged culverts or drainage systems. The methodology was not designed to quantify the impacts of factors such as flood alleviation measures, buildings and transport infrastructure on flood conveyance & storage. The Indicative River & Coastal Flood Map (Scotland) is designed to be used as a national strategic assessment of flood risk to support planning policy in Scotland. For further information please visit www.sepa.org.uk/flooding/flood_map.aspx.

1.6 The advice contained in the flood risk section of this letter is supplied to you by SEPA in terms of Section 72 (1) of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 on the basis of information held by SEPA as at the date hereof. It is intended as advice solely to Orkney Islands Council as Planning Authority in terms of the said Section 72 (1). Our briefing note entitled: “Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009: Flood risk advice to planning authorities” outlines the transitional changes to the basis of our advice inline with the phases of this legislation and can be downloaded from www.sepa.org.uk/flooding/flood_risk/planning__flooding.aspx.

2. Standing advice

2.1 For all other matters, we have provided standing advice applicable to this type of small- scale local development which is available at www.sepa.org.uk/planning.aspx.

Regulatory advice

3. Regulatory requirements

3.1 Details of regulatory requirements and good practice advice for the applicant can be found on our website at www.sepa.org.uk/planning.aspx. If you are unable to find the advice you need for a specific regulatory matter, please contact a member of the regulatory team in your local SEPA office at: Norlantic House, Scott's Road, Hatston, Kirkwall KW15 1RE Tel: 01856 871080.

If you have any queries relating to this letter, please contact me by telephone on 01349 860302 or e-mail at [email protected].

Yours sincerely

Andrea Dilley Planning Officer Planning Service

Copy to: (Agent) Rousay & Wyre Development Trust, Sourin, Rousay, Orkney KW17 2PR FAO. Matthew Wigley