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Downloaded from Brill.Com09/23/2021 03:05:29PM Via Free Access 14 BIJDRAGEN TOT DE KENNIS DER FAUNA VAN CURAÇAO. Resultaten eener Reis van Dr. C. J. VAN DER HORST in 1920. Brachyuran Crabs collected at Curaçao BY Mary J. Rathbun Associate in Zoology, United States National Museum. (With one plate and four text figures). In 1920 a report ¹) on Dr. BOEKE’S collection of crabs and shrimps from Curaçao and other Dutch West Indian Islands was published. Dr. VAN DER HORST’S collection forms an important addition the to the fauna of Curaçao, especially as to Xanthids and Majids, or spider crabs. Four new species the small and have been described are more were discovered among forms, already briefly ²). They fully described and figured below. Family DROMIIDÆ. Dromia erythropus (George Edwards). Cancer erythropus George Edwards, in Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, etc., vol. 2, 1771, N° 37. Caracas Bay: under stones near shore, 3. V. 20, 2 juv; in coral, 13. V. 20, 1 juv. Family CALAPPIDÆ. Calappa gallus (Herbst). Cancer 46, 1. gallus Herbst, Naturg. d. Krabben u. Krebse, vol. 3, part 3, 1803, pp. 18 and pi. 58, fig. Caracas Bay: seine, 8. IV. 20, 1 <ƒ. Family LEUCOSIIDÆ. Randallia curaçaoensis Rathbun. (Plate III, figs. 1, 2, 3). vol. 103. Proc. Biol. Soc. of Washington, 35, 1922, p. Spanish Water: 3. IV. 20, 1 ovigerous 9» holotype; 1 smaller, immature 9, paratype. Length of carapace of holotype 8.4 mm., width 7.5 mm with Carapace subcircular, covered, except on the anterior and antero-lateral portions, large, unequal, close-set, pustulous granules; intestinal region well defined, cardiac region ill defined, gastric and hepatic regions not delimited. A granulated tubercle on the hepatic region. The tuberculate antero- lateral margin terminates at the swollen and tuberculate pterygostomian protuberance. Intestinal margin arcuate, without lobes or spines in female. Front bilobed, each lobe covering an antennule; median point not visible from above and exceeded by the projecting epistome. Orbit without conspicuous emarginations. den 1) Stalk-eyed Crustaceans of the Dutch West Indies, in: Rapport betreffende een voorloopig onderzoek naar Prof. Dr. BOEKE, "toestand van de Visscherij en de Industrie van Zeeproducten in de Kolonie Curasao, uitgebracht door 's part 2, Gravenhage, 1919 (1920), pp. 317 —349, 5 text-figs. vol. Oct. 2) New species of crabs from Curasao. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 35, 17, 103—104. 1922, pp. Downloaded from Brill.com09/23/2021 03:05:29PM via free access 14 Chelipeds covered with flat granulations, coarse on the merus, becoming gradually finer until the near fingers. Ambulatory legs slender, sub-cylindrical, finely granulate. Abdomen and exposed part of sternum of female coarsely granulate. outline and absence of Distinguished by its coarse, flat granulation, simple spines. Family PORTUNIDÆ. Callinectes marginatus (A. Milne Edwards). A. Milne Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. vol. 30. Neptunus marginatus Edwards, Paris, 10, 1861, p. 318, pi. Spanish Water: 3. IV. 20, 1 immature 9. Spanish Port: 10. IV. 20, 1 J; 20. V. 20, 1 9 juv. Family XANTHIDÆ. Carpilius corallinus (Herbst). Cancer corallinus Herbst, Naturg. d. Krabben u. Krebse, vol. 1, 1783, p. 133, pi. 5, fig. 40. Caracas Bay: in net, 26. IV. 20, 1 cT 1 9 and 27. IV. 20, Ï cT; 24. IV. 20, 1 Liomera dispar (Stimpson). Bull. Chlorodius dispar Stimpson, Mus. Comp. Zoöl., vol. 2, 1871, p. 140. Caracas Bay. in coral, 7. IV. 20, 3 cT 2 9, 1 d" and 19 have both branchial regions swollen by isopod parasites; I.V. 20, 1 cT> also parasitized on both sides. Liomera longimana A. Milne Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. vol. 7. Paris, 1, 1865, p. 221, pi. 12, fig. Caracas Bay: 19. IV. 20, 1 . Platypodia spectabilis (Herbst). vol. Cancer spectabilis Herbst, Naturg. d. Krabben u. Krebse, 2, 1794, p. 153, pi. 37, fig. 5. West Punt: 14. V. 20, 3 d" 1 9. Caracas Bay: 5. V. 20, 1 cf, Xanthodius parvulus (Fabricius). Cancer Ent. auct. et vol. 451. parvulus Fabricius, Syst. emend., 2, 1793, p. Caracas Bay: under stones near shore, 3. V. 20, 1 9- Leptodius floridanus (Gibbes). Chlorodius Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. vol. 175. floridanus Gibbes, Sei., 3, 1850, p. Spanish Port: 10. IV. 20, 1 9. Cycloxanthops denticulatus (White). Xantho denticulatus Nat. vol. White, Ann. Mag. Hist., ser. 2, 2, 1848, p. 285. Caracas Bay: under stones near shore, 3. V. 20, 1 c? 2 9- Eurypanopeus abbreviatus (Stimpson). Ann. Nat. Hist. N. vol. 211. Panopeus abbreviatus Stimpson, Lyc. Y., 7, 1860, p. Caracas Bay: under stones near shore, 3. V. 20, 3 9 (2 ovigerous). Panopeus herbstii Milne Edwards. Nat. vol. Hist. Crust., 1, 1834, p. 403. Caracas Bay: small pool, 26. IV. 20, 1$ juv., soft shell; under a stone, 26. IV. 20, 1 cT- Spanish Water: 17.1V.20, 3 juv.; 7. V. 20, 1 ?. Panopeus occidentalis Saussure. et 502. Rev. Mag. Zool., ser. 2, vol. 9, 1857, p. Spanish Port: 10. IV. 20, 1 immature $. Downloaded from Brill.com09/23/2021 03:05:29PM via free access 15 Panopeus rugosus A. Milne Edwards. Crust. Mex. Rég. 1880, p. 314, pi. 57, fig. 4. Spanish Water: 3. IV. 20, 2 cf* 3 juv.; in sand, 4. V.20, 1 $ juv.; from Porites furcata, 1 9 juv. Spanish Port: 6. V. 20, 1 c? juv.; in sand, 17. IV. 20, 1 ovigerous $. Caracas Bay: 19. IV. 20, I <ƒ; in coral, 13. V. 20, 1$ 1 juv. Panopeus boekei Rathbun. Rapport van de Visscherij en de Industrie van Zeeproducten in de Kolonie Curasao, uitgebracht door Prof. Dr. 336 4 and 5. J. BOEKE, part 2, 1920, p. [20], text-figs. Spanish Port: 10. IV. 20, 1 $. 71 Caracas Bay: I.V. 20, 1 $; 26. IV. 20, 3 cf; in sand, 13. V.20, 1 o . Hexapanopeus caribbaeus (Stimpson). caribbaea Ann. Nat. N. vol. 108. Micropanope Stimpson, Lyc. Hist. Y., 10, 1871, p. Caracas Bay: under stones near shore, 3. V. 20, 1 9; from coral, 28. IV. 20, 1 juv. Actaea rufopunctata nodosa Stimpson. Actaea nodosa Ann. N. Stimpson, Lyc. Nat. Hist. Y., vol. 7, 1860, p. 203, Caracas Bay: in coral, 7. IV. 20, 1 cT- Spanish Port: 20. V. 20, 1 O. Actaea palmeri Rathbun. Proc. U. S. Nat. vol. Mus., 17, 1894, p. 85. branches of Porites 29. IV. 1 Caracas Bay: among furcata, 20, cf. Actaea setigera (Milne Edwards). Xantho Milne Hist. Nat. 390. setiger Edwards, Crust., vol. 1, 1834, p. Caracas in 1 4 branches of Porites 29. IV. under Bay: coral, c? juv.; among furcata, 20, 1 juv.; stones, 18. V. 20, 1 c? 1 juv.; under stones near shore, 3. V. 20, 1 <ƒ 10 4 juv. Actaea bifrons Rathbun. vol. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. Iowa, 4, 1898, p. 262, pi. 4, figs. 3 and 4. Spanish Water: in Porites furcata, 1 9- 10.5 width Length of carapace mm., 15.2 mm Xanthias granulimanus (Stimpson). Pilumnus Bull. vol. 2. 143. granulimanus Stimpson, Mus. Comp. Zoöl., 1871, p. Caracas in IV. Bay: coral, 7. 20, 2 cT; in coral, 7. IV. 20, 1$ juv.; 5. V. 20, 19; under stones near shore, 3. V. 20, 1 ovigerous $. Xanthias vestitus Rathbun. (Plate III, figs. 4, 5, 6). Proc. 103. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 35, 1922, p. Spanish Port: 6. V. 20, 3 c? (1 holotype) 4 £; 16. IV. 20, 2 6 9 (1 ovigerous). of width of 5.2 Length carapace of cT holotype, 4.6 mm., 6.4 mm.; length female, mm., width 7.6 mm. Entire animal except extremities of fingers covered with a very short feltlike pubescence which and other and the antero-lateral conceals granules inequalities obscures. teeth. Carapace very flat posteriorly, anterior third deflexed. When the felt is removed the regions are seen to be fairly well the is the in the middle the indicated, urogastric region depressed, grooves forming an H of carapace Fine and especially deep. granules are scattered sparsely on the antero-lateral, postero-lateral and posterior portions. There are four shallow, blunt, antero-lateral teeth besides the angle of the orbit the which is small and inconspicuous; first is long and low, the second and third are subequal, the as wide fourth Fronto-orbital distance a little fourth smallest. Carapace very nearly at tooth as at third. half width of between less than third the over as great as carapace; front, antennae, one carapace width, from orbital anterior median notch V separated margins by deep grooves, margin bilobed, 7 shaped. Downloaded from Brill.com09/23/2021 03:05:29PM via free access 16 Chelipeds subequal; carpus and manus covered with granules; fingers light-colored; propodaf horizontal at where it the smooth. finger except tip crosses dactylus, gape narrow. Ambulatory legs its and May at once be told by feltlike covering pale fingers. Phymodius maculatus (Stimpson). N. Chlorodius maculatus Stimpson, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. Y., vol. 7, 1860, p. 210 [82 ]. Caracas Bay: in sand, 13. V. 20, 1$ juv.; I.V.20, 1 juv., identification uncertain. Ozius reticulatus (Desbonne and Schramm). and Lagostoma reticulata Desbonne Schramm, Crust. Guadeloupe, 1867, p. 34, pi. 4, fig. 6. stones in the U.V. 1 1 Spanish Bay: among surf, 20, c? ovigerous $. Pilumnus gemmatus Stimpson. Ann. Nat. Hist. N. vol. 214. Lyc. Y., 7, 1860, p. Caracas Bay: in coral, 5. V. 20, 12 and 23. IV. 20, 1 9. Spanish Water: in Siderastrea, 29. IV. 20, 1 9; in Porites furcata, 5. V. 20, 1 c? 1 $ 1 juv. Pilumnus holosericus Rathbun. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ. vol. 1 Iowa, 4, 1898, p. 268, pi. 5, fig. Caracas Bay: under stones near shore, 3. V.
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