Unit B: Topic 3 AND BREEDING

● people ______plants to meet their ______

● selective ______is choosing specific for their special ______● the plants are ______and their offspring inherit the ______of both parents. ● ______can change plants by going inside the plant ______and changing some of the ______material

● the parts of the plant that control the ______is the ______

Asexual Reproduction

● one ______plant grows new plants from its______, stems or . ● the young plant is ______to the parent.

There are three methods of . 1. Layering ● produces plants from the ______● branch from the parent ______to the ground and covers with soil then grows ______

2. ● a branch from one ______and attaching it to another tree.

3. Cuttings ● cut a small section of a ______or stem to grow a new______

Sexual Reproduction ● involves ______parent that produce______

● plants are slightly ______from the parents ● reproduce using ______● helps ______adapt to changes

Cone Bearing Plants

● female______contain (______)

● ______cone has (sperm)

● pollen blows in the wind to______cone

● egg is fertilized and seed is formed in the cone

Flowering Plants

Pollination ● Pollination occurs when pollen has been______from the anther to the______.

● When the pollen grain ______on the stigma it creates a ______called the pollen ______as it travels toward the ______.

● When the ______cell from the pollen grain reaches the ______or ovule the sperm joins with the______.

● This is called ______.

● The fertilized ______will become a tiny new plant inside the.

● We call this tiny new plant the ______.

Fruit ● fruit is the growing______of the plant

● protects the ______of the plant until they are ripe

Seed Dispersal

Read page 127 and describe the six ways plants can disperse seeds.








● the ______of the seed into a ______.