Minutes of Stoke Albany Parish Council Meeting Held on Tuesday 4th September 2012 at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall

Present: Councillors: B Squires, J Tugwell, D Small, J Wallace

Clerk: Leigh Parkin

Minute ACTION No. 1 Apologies: Cllr A Wiley, Kettering Borough Councillor

2 Approve and sign the minutes of the meetings of 11th July 2012 and 25th July 2012 (Extraordinary meeting) It was RESOLVED that the minutes be signed as a correct record.

3 Matters Arising:  Appointment of Representatives (Minute 4/July 12) – Mr Champion has confirmed that he will undertake the role of Snow Warden for the village.  7.5 tonne sign along Stoke Road (Minute 11.2/July 12) – Representatives from the Transport & Highways Department at NCC have looked at the Parish Council’s suggestion of revising the length of the 7.5t weight limit along Stoke Road to the junction to The Pastures Site. NCC has stated that before any revision could be made to the extents of the limit a new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) would have to be made to ensure the limit is still enforceable, this would involve a consultation process with interested parties. The cost of the order is in the region of £3,000 plus the cost of moving/renewing the signing at the entry to the weight limit and also amending the distance plates on the signing at the Magnetic Park Industrial Estate, Desborough. At present NCC is unable to commit to funding for such measures but will add it to their list of requests should funding become available in the future.  Ashley Road Hedge (Minute 14/July 2012) – the Clerk is to write to Mr Brankin-Frisby. It was noted that concerns have been raised by a member Clerk of the public about the brambles and ivy that support this hedge.  Play area trees (Minute 18.1/July 12) – Dawn Hughes, Tree Officer at KBC, has confirmed that the two birch trees that are in poor condition are to be replaced in the winter. The supports to the other trees will be removed.  Grass cuttings – play area (Minute 18.2/July 12) – KBC has confirmed that they do not collect grass cuttings. It is thought that the Parish Council Clerk pay for a cut and collect service. This situation is to be checked.

4 Declarations of Interest: None.

5 Representations from Members of the Public: None

6 Planning: 6.1 (For information only) KET/2012/0441 – Mr Brodie – Stoke Albany Golf Club, Ashley Road, Stoke Albany – Full application: Change of use from golf club house to golf club house and offices – The Parish Council made no comment on this planning application – Noted.

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6.2 (For information only) KET/2012/0212 – Mr & Mrs Heggs – The Old House, Lower Road, Stoke Albany – Application for Listed Building Consent: Alteration of fireplace and installation of replacement stone surround – This application has been approved by KBC – Noted. 6.3 KET/2012/0517 – Mr Tomlin – The Deer Farm, Stoke Albany Road, Desborough – Full Application: Installation of 2 no. wind turbines. It was noted that KBC has not consulted with the Parish Council in respect of this planning application even though the Deer farm is within Stoke Albany Parish. KBC will be asked for a copy of this application and whether the Parish Council Clerk can consider its’ comments at October’s meeting. 6.4 North Joint Planning Unit (NNJPU) - Consultation on Emerging Policies for the Joint Core Strategy – Noted. An additional email has been received from NNJPU highlighting that they have also published a draft Strategic Sites Background Paper providing more detail on the assessment of potential sites. The email is to be forwarded to Councillors and Clerk will be considered at October’s meeting.

7 Surveys/Questionnaires/Meetings: 7.1 Cllr Harker Tour of Kettering Rural Constituency feedback – Cllr Squires reported back on the main areas discussed with Cllr Harker – potholes outside the Village Hall, proposed Energy Centre, Desborough, 7.5t weight limit and County Councillor boundary review. 7.2 Gypsies and Travellers Training event – Monday 8th October 2012 – Cllr JT Tugwell is to attend. 7.3 Nene Commissioning Information Evening – Monday 22nd October 2012 – to be placed on October’s agenda. 7.4 /Police Authority – Have Your Say - Noted. The Parish Council did not wish to comment. 7.5 Invitation to a meeting with Mr Adam Simmonds – Police and Crime Commissioner Elections – Noted. 7.6 Electoral Review of Northamptonshire – Draft Recommendations – the comments made by the Parish Council in August 2012 were read and Agreed – ‘After careful consideration Stoke Albany Parish Council voted to support the proposal for new division boundaries submitted to the Local Government Boundary Commission by Northamptonshire County Council in respect of Kettering Borough. The Parish Council believes that it is imperative rural areas are represented by a dedicated rural County Councillor’.

8 Bus Shelters, Seats & BMX Track: Cllr Squires had undertaken an inspection of the bus shelters, seats and BMX track and reported that they are all in good condition.

8.1 Damage to a railing in the recreation area – The Jewson Branch Manager at has been in contact with the Parish Council to inform the Council that one of their lorries has run into the railing at the entrance to the Recreation Clerk Area. This situation is to be reported to KBC who will liaise with Jewson directly about insurance arrangements for the repair of the railing.

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9 Finance 9.1 Accounts for Payment: It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid: Cheque Amount Payee Reason for Statutory No. Payment Power 100754 £136.70 Mrs Leigh Salary (July/August s.111 LGA Parkin 12) 1972 100755 £34.20 HM Rev & PAYE (July/August s.111 LGA Customs 12) 1972 100756 100.37 Mrs Leigh Clerks Expenses s.111 LGA Parkin 1972 100757 £95.05 Greenbarnes Replacement parts s.142 LGA Ltd for the noticeboard 1972 LGA = Local Government Act

9.2 Receipts: Paid into Amount Received from Reason for Payment HSBC To be £14.16 Mrs C Prince Allotment Rent due 2nd June confirmed 2012

9.3 Bank Statement & Accounts:  HSBC Bank Balance at 29th July 2012: £4,730.13. Uncleared cheques: £0. Ledger Balance: £4,730.13. th  HSBC Bank Balance at 29 August 2012: £4,730.13. Uncleared cheques:

£0. Ledger Balance: £4,730.13.

9.4 KBC Town & Parish Council Funding Review 2012 – The Parish Council Clerk discussed the KBC review paper in detail including the questionnaire to be

completed. Proposed answers to the questions were drafted which will be

circulated for final agreement at October’s meeting.

9.5 To consider estimates received to repair the noticeboard – Two verbal Clerk estimates had been received. It was Agreed to contact Mr Arnott, Carpenter, based at Dallacre Farm, to confirm that the Parish Council would like him to repair the noticeboard on receipt of the replacement parts.

10 Traffic Calming, Community Speed Watch: 10.1 Desborough Road – A reply is still awaited from the NCC Road Safety Team with regard to the Parish Council’s request for a mobile flashing speed camera along Desborough Road.

It was Agreed to take this item off the agenda for future meetings as until a record of photographs, registration numbers can be made of lorries and speeding vehicles then further progress on this issue cannot be made.

11 Pocket Park – Nothing to report.

12 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 12.1 Tree & Plaque – Cllr Squires is meeting a representative from the National Forest next week who will recommend a tree and check the soil etc. Cllr Squires noted that funding for a tree has been offered through an anonymous BS

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donor. Cllr Squires is to report back to the next meeting.

Dawn Hughes, Tree Officer KBC, has confirmed that KBC is happy for the Parish Council to plant a commemorative tree on the playing field in the proposed location.

Cllr Tugwell has been in contact with Haddonstone with regard to purchasing a stone base for the plaque and the cost to do this. Cllr Tugwell will also contact JT Harborough Stone and report back to October’s meeting.

12.2 Village Hall Plaque: A letter was sent to the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee requesting confirmation that the Committee wishes the Parish Council to consider funding a plaque for the newly decorated upstairs room of the Village Hall. No reply has been received. Cllr Tugwell noted that she is due attend the Village Hall Committee meeting scheduled for September and will JT report back to the Parish Council.

13 Correspondence 13.1 NCALC Update – July/August 2012 – Noted. 13.2 Mick George Community Fund – Noted. 13.3 Northamptonshire Police Authority consultation articles for Parish Council newsletters – Noted. 13.4 KBC Forward Plan and Work Programme – August 2012 – Noted. 13.5 Northants CALC governance arrangements – Noted. 13.6 Local Works – New Opportunity for Town & Parish Councils – Noted. The Parish Council did not wish to reply to this consultation. 13.7 MGWSP – Area working – where we are today – Noted. 13.8 Nene Valley Community Action Wellingborough Funding Fair – 20th September 2012 – Noted. 13.9 Department for Communities and Local Government – Openness and transparency on personal interests – A guide for councillors – August 2012 – Noted. 13.10 NCC Master Composter volunteer scheme – Noted. The poster will be placed on the noticeboard. 13.11 Letter of confirmation from the Audit Commission that BDO LLP has been appointed as external auditor to audit the annual return of Stoke Albany Parish Council for five years from 2012/13 – Noted. 13.12 Northants ACRE AGM 12th September 2012 – Noted. No Councillor is available to attend. 13.13 Northamptonshire Transportation Plan – Thematic Transport Strategies Consultation – to be placed on October’s agenda.

18 Exchange of Information 18.1 Cllr Small reported that he has received a telephone call from a member of the public concerned about a planning application for a haulage company. Cllr DS Small is to find out more details. 18.2 Mr A Walters has contacted Cllr Tugwell about combining the PCC/Village Hall newsletter with the Parish Council. The Parish Council newsletter is not yet JT ready for publication and on this occasion cannot therefore be combined. Cllr Tugwell is to inform Mr Walters.

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19 Date of Next Meeting and Agenda Items The date of the next Parish Council meeting will be Tuesday 2nd October 2012 – Parish Council Newsletter, Nene Commissioning Information Evening, Town & Parish Council Funding Review 2012, Northamptonshire Transportation Plan Thematic Transport Strategies Consultation.

The meeting closed at 21:35 hrs

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