United Benefice of , & Over Wyresdale

PENTECOST Sunday 23 May 2021

WELCOME TODAY’S SERVICES AND READINGS Dolphinholme St Mark’s 11am Eucharist Quernmore St Peter’s 9.30am Eucharist Christ Church, Over Wyresdale 5.30pm Evensong Acts 2: 1-21; Romans 8: 22-27; John 15: 26-27; 16:4b- 15 Collect Prayer for Today Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, ignite in us your holy fire; strengthen your children with the gift of faith, revive your Church with the breath of love, and renew the face of the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Health and Safety Procedures · Gates and doors will be left open, so there is no need to touch them. Windows will also be open {please dress accordingly!} · Please social distance {2m} along the path and in church at all times. · Please use provided hand gel as you enter and leave. · Please fill up from the front and sit only where you see a service book. Please take the pew sheet but NOT the service booklet when you leave. No hymn books will be used. · Leave from the back rows first. · Please avoid chatting on entering and leaving church, but go straight to your seat. · Children will need to remain seated with family groups, so please bring appropriate distractions as necessary. Sidespeople will be available to help, should you require them. . Please place your offering in the box, at the rear of church, either before or after the service.

Today we celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost marks the beginning of the Church, so Happy Birthday to the Church! Next Sunday is a 5th Sunday and so we will be having a Benefice Service at 10.15am at St Mark's, Dolphinholme. There will be no service at St Peter's or Christ Church. As we start to welcome back to church those who have been shielding, we want to ensure that everyone feels as safe as possible. We are confident that our safety protocols are doing the job, but to give extra reassurance, Cindy and Chris have decided to take lateral flow tests every three days. This also gives added reassurance when home visits are required.

A reminder to everyone that we must continue to use safety protocols and to exit church promptly at the end of a service.

The next Deanery Synod meeting will be at 7pm on 26th May, via Zoom. We will be discussing the Church of document, 'Living in Love and Faith.' All are welcome to join the meeting.

The Diocesan Synod nominations have been extended until June. If anyone would like to stand, we have a number of spots to fill and you don't have to be a deanery rep to stand. It's an opportunity to learn more about the workings of the Diocese and to have your say. Meetings take place 3 times a year. Please contact Cindy for further information. St Mark's Dolphinholme dqowbenefice.co.uk www.achurchnearyou.com/dolphinholme-st-mark/

In Our Year’s Mind for MAY Sheila Elizabeth Halhead, Phoebe Grace Fox, Hannah Jane Cookson, John Douglas Locker, Ellen Gorst, Richard Gorst, Joan Elizabeth Kelsall, Anne Thornton, John Pye, James Thomas Pye, Annie Grace Cookson

Thank you to everyone who attended our APCM and to all who have agreed to stand for PCC or to be sides pen and women. The 1991 Committee now has a just giving page to support St Mark’s. It’s been a tough year for everyone but if anyone feels they would like to make a one off donation to help 1991 until we can once again dance, eat and be merry please either visit https:// www.justgiving.com/campaign/Dolphinholme1991groupcharity or see Rosie Prest or Barbara Gorst The St Mark's 100 Club has raised £1000 this year and has produced 24 happy prizewinners. This is a reminder for those whose subscription runs from May that the next payment is due on May 1st - £52 for 12 months or £26 for 6 months. New members are always welcome. For further details contact Katherine Hakes.

Since we began saving small change in the Mile of Change tubes an amazing £2599 has been raised. Please return tubes or get new tubes from Kath Pye.

St Peter’s Quernmore dqowbenefice.co.uk www.achurchnearyou.com/quernmore-st-peter/

In Our Year’s Mind for MAY Norman Wareing, Chris Sparks, Gordon Webster

St Peter's APCM will take place in church on 27th May, beginning at 7pm with the Vestry meeting, followed by the APCM at 7.15pm. Papers will be circulated beforehand to keep the meeting short. Please inform Stephen or Cindy well in advance if you intend to relinquish your role.

Christ Church Over Wyresdale dqowbenefice.co.uk www.achurchnearyou.com/christ-church-over-wyresdale/

Our APCM will be held on 24th May, in church. The vestry meeting will be at 7pm, followed by APCM at 7.15pm. Anyone who wishes to be on the PCC should endeavour to attend. Exciting news that we now have B4RN in both church and vicarage! Very grateful thanks to all who helped to make this possible, especially the wonderful team at B4RN, Allen Norris, our volunteer diggers, the PCC and, in particular, Caroline

Next Week’s Services & Readings TRINITY SUNDAY Sunday 30 May 2021

Dolphinholme St Mark’s 10.15am Benefice Eucharist Quernmore St Peter’s No service today—join us at St Mark’s Christ Church, Over Wyresdale No service today—join us at St Mark’s Isaiah 6: 1-8; Romans 8: 12-17; John 3: 1-17 Please take this sheet home with you or pass it on to someone you know who could not be here today. You can also find the pew sheet on the website. If you have any items for this pew sheet please contact [email protected] by the end of Thursday to ensure inclusion on Sunday To receive a digital copy of the pew sheet every week simply subscribe via the website at dqowbenefice.co.uk (on the Blog page)! VICAR Rev Cindy Rigney 01524 793125 [email protected] CURATE Chris Walker 01524 382397 [email protected] LLM –Licensed Lay Minister Anne Brigg 01524 751402 PRAYER CONCERNS Please pray for all who are in hospital at this time and all who care for them. Please pray for all who are anxious. WINDOW ON THE WORLD please pray for The people of Gaza & Israel as the cease-fire holds The people of Madagascar amid their drought The people of India seeing a rise in ‘black fungus’ cases in the middle of their Covid crisis The people of the Lebanon struggling with their ’toxic water’ crisis

Hearing loop in operation