Thoyyreall hoadod our way. Thoii ee 0 ,rrival mavbe oxnocted on or about

:egrs will please call and settlo at oiicc,

io has sold to Sanilac county parties. Caught On The Fly. ;& -___ RQV. R. H. Govort, Munroo and six- veok. war-old dau~htor,of Botroit, gavo a Caro Fair-Oct. 3 to G. nizsical nricl literary o~tor~ai~~~i~ntat ParmorS, tr;tiIL hOZ.SSS for Vassar Fair-Soptombor 36 to 39. ‘armors’ ram. Purss thirty-d ollars ho Baptist Church ~odxios~ayovon- Pontiac Fair-Septombor 26 to 29. ,nil lots of frur to Soot. ug. Thoso who ~~ttolnde~lspeak qnitc Bad Axe Fair-Septomber 2G to 28. Lsolc out for spociitl b~~r~ainsat if not excol, forrrror occasions. Caw ClCS Pl’alfr-SOntcltlbor 1‘9 to 22, hing and Jams’ during tho fair. Also Fiftaon hui~dredpremium lists were North Branch Fak-September 27 08 thoir ad. this week issued this year, which is five hundrod Angus ~c~ilv~tryand \vile spopt ~rominontcitizens and busirmss inter- moro than last season, and at tho wato yawn-lta- :unday at tho “L33owoy 17arm7’7 1g sts. Fine coated book paper and they are being called for, from far aiid lorthenst Elkland, df-tone cuts were usod in printing noar, by €armors and st~cl~-raisors,is a J. H. Winegar was in Caro g on day he ~up~lement~.It is t V8 QVQI’ S 3u~cientguarantoo of a largo oxhibit. y is recovering from aason, noxt Sunday. The rilcos this year promise to 130 S. Champion bas o~~~gedthoTonnant doubly intorostiln~, Entries of fast Someone said tho Turks wero in Touso Rink for tho woofs: of tho Fair, uont school tax. Under the old tax horses aro already pouring in, ;own Monday evening. md will give a LLgrand lance.^' zw, which allowed townships to retain to tho amount a€ on0 tliou~ai~c~ aim will be run on tho ho school tax, Tvhethor collocted Join the vast majority and you will r not, tho school tax in many north- snd one of the best half-milo tracks in re, as you are with a hustling paper. iring up at Cass City about Sept. 19. to Cass City during F the stat@,are positive drawing cards. ’t fail to got aboard. rn townships absorbed all the state 90 you wish fo $0 Miss Annie Berwick is visiting at nd county tax collected. Miss Lilly Wiclrware rotur~~odlast Tho ~~T~RPR~~~feols safo in guaran- vriting desk? We Tho Saginaw, Tuscola & Huron R’y. voniug from tior vi teeing all who attend tho Fair and uclr a desk froin L. A McJSorrgall, at Pt. rill run a spocial through oxoursion Racos a most ploasant, pro~~~bleLimo, rain from Bad Axe and all points Fall in with tho crowd and attond. Tho Ti~scola,TXuroii & S:milac Fair long its lino to the World’s Pair next o the corrospo~d~iitsocuring tho lar- ond day, Bopt 11. The train will loavo ;est list of now, yoarly cash su~scrib- ,t Cass City will c~m~~i~coa \NOQ~C 3ad Am at 6 o’cIock a. m., and the ~o~c~~~I~~~TPIE PAIIZ. rain iiovt ~~~~~d~~y.WC:~lrohasto with aro for tho round trip from that pleco e had boo11 visit- ~QIX proparations. ho races to talrs placo at tho Jill bo 88.90. Tickets will bo good up Driving Park during the coming Caroitos liavo aii~o~uncedtlreis inten- o and i~~cludin~Sap. 28, air are tho most promising of any put Massrs. LzLing (G, Janes, of the Cass Xty roller mills, liavo socurod Mr, Jas. on tho track, J, A n, Mich,, as manit- inten~ento€ races, business. Mr. Eg- 3d entrids from s lert is an aspert, having milled in horses in the state. ral of tho bast mills in the state. las twico secured Brst premiu? on ting, thoy will undo $@ad to furnish music during tho last lour at tho Michigan State Fair. Tho Bdly intoresti~~. three days of the Fair. nil1 is undorgoing th~roughropairs Tho Socretary’~oClEic~ from now 1x11- Mrs. E. Lurnloy is visiting friends 8ndwillsooiiboroady to turn out ii uoar Bothwoll, Ontario. Mr, L~i~iloy’s loursocond to nono in tho state. It ti1 tho first day of tho Fair will bo in mother accompanied her. fill bo the aim of tho mill to supply at the township clerk’s oflica in tho Town ,I1 timos, anything in the way of mill upplies. ‘rho patronago of tho public ,ad farming community is inv 2ivo the Cass City rollor mills a tho Fair Grou p homo industries. taken bodily from its columns. Chas. MI. Wobbar is in the n~arlcet Bay City, was in t that it will be kgain for hay.‘ 130 has beon ast wselc and made arrangements (Suudays oxcoptad,) until tho first day ;ho privilege of erocting u lar iporating his stoam riding gallory on iear the railroad track for tho ho fair grounds during the continu- if hay. Mr. Wobber is at Flint this meof the fair. This contrivance is v~o~k,looking aft wilt on a larger and more expensive ...... mothsr hay pross. )Ian than the merry-go-round. The For tho bonofit ron horses traverse a circle 51 feet ;bought we were in “clond earnost” last KXOSS, but gallop as nice as you please, dr. ~eado~says that ths ~onveniently can are roquesto~ to A mek, wo stttto that the World’s Fair )roved very popular where Correction. will not close during tho wook of the #stit up, not only with the children rnalro thoir ontries previous to tho ‘air at this place. They have concluded opening day. ;o ltoop opon and bo sort sf side-show )ut with adults as well. It will un- ioubtodly prove quite an attraction, Any person wishing Mr. Lee and famil can secure them previous to the open- 3tte the fore part of tho waek to moot vere the guests of ing of tho Fair by ad~ros~in~tho Soc- lays notice of tho withdrawal of do- 9rs. Mc. on hor return from lior Pt, amilg over Sunday, msits. Tho law of Michigan provides, Euron visit. The Review of ~eviewsfor Soptem. rotary by mail. ;hat savings banks can demand ninety th, of the North pork, boof or mutton can bo prodcced )or contains many current portraits of ~remiumlists can bo had at any of lays’ notice of tho ~~ithdrawalof do- Iranch fair, has our thanks €or com- ;han %hat from w~ie~t,and $1 pox ntsrest, and is full of frank discussion llimontary tickets. Tho datos arc ~ushelcan thus oasily bo r~~tli~~~lfrom )f current topics. The editor state5 loptembor 27 to 29. iis views upon the money and businese ;he grain. ~uestionsof the day, and the numb01 Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong loft yos- ~ovordrive ahorso up to a shade erday mornin~~forCanada, whore the s notable for a strong artic thr bos stalls woro assigned to the Xupor- heto fasten him whon a hitc~iin~ion of the distin~is~edPr VOls isit for a time and attend the woddin mst can be just as oasily usod. Invsr- intendent of racos to bo ro~s~’~~dfor f the former’s sister. Colst, who writes to tho sd the bly tho animal pro~ptlypr~cooc~~ tc ~eviow of Reviews on the silver ques. horses entori~~for purses, free ol ...... 6 00 F 61 The PortJZuron Times says tho 50C rip all tho ~oliagowithin roach ox mn, There is also a statistical and -. leople who have ~ttendedtho world'^ 31so gnaw ofE as much bark as possible charge. Maho your ontries early and ’air from there have taken ~2~,0~out As a rule this does net improvo tho ap- seciiro a stall, f the local circulation. poaranc~or condition of the treos. It ~ ho point of view of thc Tho 2 and ~-year-oldraces promiso te Mr. and Mrs ey and never improvos tho tempor of thc lvor. Tho distin#uish~~ ‘. ~~~~to~~n,August 7, l@S, swnor, oith~r. Vhwt No 1 white ...... ,,$ E aughter, Irene, Pinn ey ~u~horityof Professor Laiz~onc~ Vhertt: No: 2 whits:.., ...... ti( rere the guests Wixom~ _laughlinalso analyzes the moneta~~ ntries in spood departmo~tclo Vhent, No. 2 red ...... t Caro, on Wedn0sday. ;ituation. This number of the Revion The pages of the Pontiac Gazette are s attractivo from numerous stand o large we have to tact tho papor uy: ioints, but it will appeal specially tc art^, Ho hnd it in operat~onat tho n ths side of our oBc0 in order to Jmso who are concorned with tht free-for-all ? ead it with any degree of comfort, :urrent ~na~cial~uestiox~~. Miss Hannah ~c~ou~allroturnod o “Soma timo ago wo recoivo~a lottei ’rom tho ~oc~otaryof the cfass Citj i ...... laturday evening last from her paron. QP ...... a1 home a Pt. E~w~rd,Out., where shc ?air A~sociatio~,askin -- ...... 700 70( Igurcs on printing tho The New rick Brick ...... 2 OQ 2 ti( ias been visiting for about six weolre ...... ,..2 60 Y 01 last. ’or tho Cass City Pair...... 40 The ~~T~~F~~~~forco has boor . The new ~~Q~ric~~brick block wa! ‘hustling” night and day for the pas run over ;wo weeks, in consoquenco of an un- The end is not a stono at the sido of tho road, wlaicl cousod one of tlta liind ~~lio~~sof thi lcavos Cass ~ity;kt 7:X a. m. stan~ar(~ carria~o to :lock” with aiiothor rii that was pussmg. This; ~~i~l~t~r~e~l$11 9Q1110, porhaps, engag- animal still more and it ~li~~~~~~~a~~~of b~~nos~,wha did ~roal~ingtho l~~~~-be~tand recho, Th horse passcd on with tho tbills and tw~ con soourod by Just qs wo go to pTos8sa lyepor;tor qn- bnC 7ims stopped alto Tho building is 22x50 feet, coiling 13 qo,upcos t,hat Fprqsr ~~~o~ilcoy~who t h1f a milo. Miss Ell Coot high, and is at prosent 0110 story. mons~on my accounts. All ~c~ount~ llV& fivs Iqlles northwest of $,owq, lost will drive four miles oizt af hor roac for owhlino in booming tho fair, WE Thirty fopt back tho room is divided hjq bqrn by flra last &y.miGg. TaTtiqq- now to oscapo pa3siqg a certaiq bi! opine that it ~~~~ldQVW run tha saving by a part~tion,~~t~~L~i~ig to tho coil- lass 4dt yet dbtai@d., stoqo, texr.t,a one, h, Fair A~~o~i~t~onis E ing, and bwk of this am two rooms--- publio ~~~to~~p~~~~~o~du~tedin tho in. ~tnoptical do~artmon~ and a ropair Tha now law o~~c~~dby tho la? tereats of dl rand no Fair Associatior room. The former room is 9x20 loot b,egislaturo confers tho right of suf should sond aim dollar from Iiomo; iin in sim and tho latter 11x20. Tho front on in dl school, rlllag charges are mado for wiiidows consist of eight panas each and oity olestiona iii the state under this was cortainlj 7x5 foot in sizo. The doublo doors sot tho samo xqplatioizs as man, oxc~ptnot tho case in tho instance abovo ro hack about €our ‘foot from tho front, tboy qqst be able to road. This quali’ forrcd to. The Caro Association trim which rondors the wholo front splon- AC;hGiOlP thsy niust (l~~~onstrateby that plan of saving onco upon a timo- did “show windows.” The back rooms reaclin~tho constitution of $he stthto of they will not try it agpin.”--[Carc aro well lighted by two large windows Michigan bsforo tho Board. of Rogistra- Democrat. Thanks! Brother Slocum each 3$&& feet. Tho floor is mado of tion. This ro~uiromont,inasmuch as We might also add, incidently, thai hard maplo wood. Tho store is sup- t?tt their sateern and in recognition of his it is not applicablo to man, is an in- the socr0t:iry did as instructed and se plied with new countors, sholving, otc, at, ltnown as “Valloy Whi faithful rnombership and fldolity to tho sult ta tho tolligoiieo of tho woinon of curod tho bid of a foreign publishing Tho basement, which extonds under and which yioldod shels to tha order, D, Brookor road tho resolu- J. Michigan. We’ll wager that there aro house on ths job of printing the prom tho wholo building, is six foot deop, acro ; will tost G1 ds to bushd tions that wers’adoptod and the pres- more moi~thon womon in Michigan ium lists, but tho bid of the homc and mado to receive 0x10 of tho “How- entation was made by J. A, McDougall. who do not know their A. B. C’s. Tho OE~COwas found to be- SQVO~dollarc ard” furriaces, which will bo Len, tho peanut butcher on the P. 0. ladios’ should solnd tho mon of tho last 0s fall. The ruof is covoroil wi & N., throatans suicide. He took his legislaturo loathor medals. steel roofing, which is tho

best girl to the picnic Wodnosday ~~~R~~~~~ hoartily onc~orsostho -)*o-I(___- staatial roofing mado. afternoon and spent his cash lavishly. following itom which appoarod in last leu ~~’~~1;~~~.Miss Matio Higgins, She came in to seo him of on his even- wook’s Caro Ac~vcrtisor: ‘“Moro drains I wil1,py the highest market prici efBciont assistant, has ing trip. Just as the train was pulling arc boinrr csn~tr~zcte~in Tuscola out and he was waving his last adiou, for all kinds of Apples (with tho oxcop hesaw her get into a buggy and go tion of cidor applos), dolivared in Cas tiac chines which must bo sold I a

with two cans kerosene and

1: T. 14. Fritz’w SION ell-known young Dr of age, living in ty-first day-Aftor sowr m SENATE -Twcn%y-flfth cla Provi- North Plains township, Ionia county, petitions for nnd’against rbpoal had boon ioint resblution inaliing so s at last been settled. prosonto$, tho 1.1otisa bill to Eapeal tlio contonnial anniversary of tI The doctor was found dead in his cell met death in a most peculiar manner. Sherman law wa,s taken up, and Mr. Sher- IRISH HOME RULE BILL PASSES cornorslono of tho Capitol OF THE NOVELIST. The young man had climbed nearly to man procooclod to address tho Sonato upon Washington. was passod. Potit at the county jail at Denver, Col., the top of a tree about 7’0 feet high to tho measure. Pie defondod the 8herinan THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. prosontad for tho ropoal bill axid somo where he was awaiting a rehearing on law, becauso at the tho of its assago it awninst it unless LL substitute was also which he had dis- was a comDr‘omlso botwoon two &lls which pgssed. Mr. P3utlor, of South C!arolina. sub- the charge of having poisoned Mrs. n extra precaution mitted an amendment to tho ropeul bill Josephine Barnaby,”a wealthy widow, tied the end of a romovin- tho tax on state baiilt circulation: also of Providence. The murder was ofls’ Odd v provide$ such banlrs socure thoir circula- said to have been done to cover up Dr. Graves’ alleged defalcations ager of Mrs. Barnaby’s estate. Dr. Graves suicided by using rnor- phine. In a satchel in the doctor9scell mons is ended. The bill was passed at were found five letters, the first one 1o’clock iu the morning by 301 to 2G7. young man’s neck and broke it before It was hurried to the house of lords, aid could reach him. 130 died in a ver ad- c1asr;od such charges as utterly falsc. 9,r. Slioiman spo~rofor two iiouri and a half his and Elio hoartily ap lauded at his conclu- sion. str. ‘~ollorfinhod liis spoocli sf ttio residence to the house of commons tho bill was re- While digging a well at Jackson provious clay 011 the nation:il bank circula- was *a triamplial journey, the streets muiittoo on p~ns~ons. tion bill and ,z r tor a short oxocucivo session being crowded with cheering multi- b., ori’orod u rcsolution TjVilliarn Orr was buried at a depth of tho Senate adjournod. llou~m.--12ules wore 15 feet under six feet oE earth. The discussad but no action wa4 tnlron. Tho tudes. The galleries of the house were e of cards and ended soil was of a sandy quality and caved ciowded also, and the members were After the firing of in about .half way down. 110 was early in their seats. The d was talren out dead thrce hours later. Orr continued by Justin McCa and John Morley, chief secretai Ire- Ing tho secrotnvy of tho troasur*y to issuo certilic:~tcsnot to cscood 20 por cont of tho amount- of -old coin and bullion in tho treasury aria to uso and oxpend tho samo prominently connected with the Santa in p:bym&t of intorost on ‘t~iepublic debt Fe Esilway at Chicago, cotninitted or any otlier doimnci, liability or o~igatiod suicide in an vans st on boat house, The National bank at Sturgis has of tho Unitod States, He said th:Lt tho pas- reopened its doors. sago of tho concurront rcsolution would while melanclioly over tlie loss of his allow tho issuo of from ~~~,~u,0O[)to**235,000,- position, Iie was a man of education, Benton IParbor has purcli~sed 30 UOO in gold cortificatos. llro resolution was refinement and step by step worlred acres of land for a new cemetery. laid on tho tablo. Tho Fouso bill of rouoal 3ut in uccorrlaneo with tho provisions of ol! tho Sherman law was the order, and Mr. tho act. and wliothor any part and ifso himself up through the many depart- Michael Golden, a switchman, ’was Wolcott, of Uoloradq, a~d~~os~o~tho Senato wliat -ohof tho papor rnonoy rddocmed ii ments of railroad work only to at last killed by an engine near Woodville. in opposition to it. .I!h spcoch was full oe felt by the spectators and by the gov- gold sy tho Treasury lkpartment sinco be put aside and driven to take his shar~wltticisnis and sarcasrn dtroctod at ernment adherents and the culmina- March 3,11193, wits sonceivod aftor redomp- Burand expects to manufacture thoso senators who liad clianged from bi- tion of the work in the house was ac- Lion or in any ma?yer wlthlield from gon- metallists to xnononiotaliistq or whoso oral circulation. llio rosolution was ro- the setting fort wheelbarrows at the rate of 10,000 a views while :L arcntly in tfio’interost bf comp~niedby rounds of frantic cheers forrod to tho financo co~mitt~o.Mr. year. silvoir were quF& tiio op o ito. nir, \Volcott from the galleries and upon the floor, Kyle Pop,, 8. U., o’iorcd a free cofn- his own indebt~dn~ss liold strictly to tilo sj€’var argumont and When the announce~entthat tlie ago amondniont to tlio roponl bill wllich Rudolph Elling, a German bachelor As a letter writer Mr. Mieawber, medo mlbny good POhtS. air. CalPorg, Of was referred to the tlnanco cornmlttco. farmer living in Lamotte township, Louisiana. uuccossor to the lato Sonator house hqd passed the home rule bill 0111- we reveled in such flourish- Tho roposl bill was talren up. and Mr. Sanilac county, was found hanging by know, Gibson, followed nlr. Wolcott in an ar u- by a vote of 301 to 2C7 was received by lorn, Rep., Ill., addrosseti the Sonato in favor ings, and his most amusing peculiar- mont for-thn ropes1 bill. ~t was iiis mattion the crowd outside they went wild. BP repeal, although ho did not bolievo that the neck by neighbors who called at established a -me sppoch in tho Senate and was a vory good tho Sherman law was who11 rssponsiblo for his house. He hadnot been seen for ities wereexhibited when he found otlort. l{esolutions oxprossing sorrow at They cheered, shouted, sang, embraced tho present depression. dr &olio Ilorn himself seated at his desk In one night school, which meets with great tho tleath of l~oprosontntivo.riutchlor, of one another, smashed hats and did Tex.. said: “A sottlomont bf the’ mono$ several days, and the appearance of favor. Pennsylvania, wero agreed to, and as a fur- other absurd things to show their robloin can only bo settlod by tho ostab- the body indicated that he had been or two pl:Lcus in his letters Bickens ther mark of rospoct tho Genato uujournod. ap Pishmont of a bimetallic curreac as it ox- dead for some time. An inquest was ortioned to th The grasshoppers have affected oats l-loosn-Tho silver nion stole a march on preciation of the house’s action. ist oci prior to ISS;]. ~hopooplo whnovor bo the son has noted a character is ti^ n the tax rolls this year is 81,931,- considerably and are eating binding their opponent and gained u victory which content until tho wron‘r of 1873 by ahlch held and a verdict found that he came speech or two of his sire, which 214.69, and the tax rate of ratio of makes il; impossi blc for tho gold mon to im- rum-half of tho rnonoy c?!! the cohitry was to his death by his own hand. Di bwine. pcdo tho consid~ra~ionof biaiotallic or other stumpod out in order to doublo tho pur- might have been app~~opri~telyput taxation is 1.7 mills on the dollar. The tinancia1 logislation th:tt may bo roDortod A MILE A MINUTE. pointment in a love affair wa into tho mouth of Mr. Micawber. chasing power of tho other half lias boon cause of the rash act. apportionment among the several coun- by the committees on coinago or banking undono and rovorsod.” Mr. koiier bo- Those paternal utterances the son ties of the state is as follows: pdcurrency during the comin session Bloctrio Strost Cars Carry Passengers ran an address upon his nmand~orit - Ihc time-l~onoredcustom in t~ieAouso he: i;roviciinW for ’iroo coinago but tiio S. C;;hductor ~~iliod. relished hugely, and even reveled in. been to mnko tho reports of com~~~ttoeson boaate ~d~*u~nodboforo 110 dad finished, a~~~,opIDiationsand ways and moans privil- ollins, conduc~oron a Mich- I have never hitherto seen a lettor sgod mattor,.; at all cimos. and ivliori tho now 3ale to Cincinna~i,all the brakes of an igan Central freight train, was in- of the real John Diclcens to put be- ~arsliall,for $10,000 for alleged breach rules more bciug considered dbi r. P pringer. side one of the racy cpisbles given in sf promise. ~l~airmanof tho con~~itt~oon bnnlrinr: and ~~-comin~train of two -- stantly killed near Utica by falling zurroncy, ~uddonlysprang an a~oiidn~ontsimultaneously at ltifc from a box car and being crushed be- the novels. By a rare chance, hotv- A tent of L. 8. M. was or~ani~cdastendin- tho same favoritism to tho corn- rho Latar Xoports From tho Soutlrorn neath the wheels. His train had brolcen T. mittco onObin1ting mil, corroncy. Rlr. MI- on IIunt street. For Cyclone Sliow Awful Slaughter. evor, one of theso docu~ontslately at Algonac by Mrs. Mary M. DLLG~,of gura immodin~olyfo~low~~ with an arnond- quarter from this point th& road IS in two and he walked oil the car im- carno into my possession. Nothing men$ also incluuing tho co~~~tt~eon coiti- Instead of the first reports of the inediate~yin front of the detached sec- ago; and aLlthou~~litheso a~endm~~itsware down grade. It malreg a long cui*ve cyclone being e~a~~erate~,later and moro *“Chaiqacteristica1,”as Elia has ugatuck has a new free-stonc sliarply ~pposod,~t~~oy\Yore aclop tcd. Un ,or before intersecting with roadway, tion, which was upon him before he could be desired, and cortam more ~uthe~~icaccoLzn~~ show that no could’escape. llis widowed mother, a it, 1am is said to*be destined to tlils rule tho cwmmltteo on c-oinngs can which street it enters at right angles. one had any idea of the awful carnage all lovers of ‘ 4B0z’?will welc~~~with report a silver bill at any tinio arid forco its The grade for four hundred yards be- brother and two sisters reside in De- achieve fame. cons~doi.:~tionby tlJO IloLlSG Sild tho COrnnlit- of the storm. ~~ec~i~-e~Averill, of the the epistolary sp~ci~en fore en~e~~i~~~roadwa~is five or six troit. Golliiis was 26 years old. pleasure o€ The Flint River Rgricultuml toe on banlritil~and currency can cn,iog tho Port Royal rG; Augusta road wires that this choice character: samo raciiitio~~orforcing its moasures to a feet to tlie hundred. The motor man the loss of life on Sea Islands, S. C,, ------.b--.l has changed the date of its ann when the brakes failed tried to reverse Xronwooti’s $u~~rin~-~yi~l~oi~34 EDWARD3 %TREET, PORTMAN SQUAPG’E, 14 to Oct. 2, 3 and 4. exceeds anything yet reported, and February, 18~7.--Gmtlomx1: It has occurrod the wheels, but the wires of the con- will not fall short of six hundred, There are a number of new cases of to mo that at a m3mont of som3 dim:ulty you For the first time two women are troller burncd of?, and the motor man, typhoid fever at Jessicville, a suburb mrty bo willin7 to oxtond to in0 your obligin r conductor and forty-five psssseugers can~idatesfor positions on the school of Ironwood, due to using infected well essist~nco‘ If not ~nconvcn~o~~or 1 inconais- board at. Charlotte. were at the mercy of that wild train. water. The Ironwood hospital has tont with your arran :omonts, will you do me Swifter and swifter sped the two been closed and the sick are cared for the favor to dedtlct tho Four Pounds I omyou fated cars; louder and more despairing as best can be in boarding houses or from tho onclosod Bill for $320, duo 7th April, with foro shillings tho amount of tho intorust, grew the screams. Around the great; bodies have been found on elsewhere. Two hundred and eighty- bend the train shot at 50 miles an hour end lot mo havo tho balance, ,615 11s. 3 Do not about Beaufort and Port R nine applications for .relief were made supposo I ask this on any other footing than with speed accelerating every second. two millions of property to the county board in one day, show- that of an act 01‘ obligation conforrsd otl me, Into Broadway it dashed at 70 miles wreclred near the same points, Every ing the awful clestitutio~ of the and I assure you, thou4h smtll in amount, its an hour. Tearing across the street it one of tbe fifteen or twenty islands ;Boots Lo rno ara mnttors of firavo cansidora- lying around Fort Roy tion, boortuso anything that should my absonco from my dutioi in th arein mourning. On would be productive of fatAi C~TOC~S there is a bunch of You may consicier it an intrusion great iron frame of the car every hillside there 5 15 should apply to you in a momant of difllo From to per cent of the oa and struck a huge iron door p graves. The beaches, the undergrowthes and ancllfeal it to be so: but, rocollecting Kas been destroyed by grasshopp trees and shrubbery, the your interests are bound 1.113 with thoso ol Grstiot and Blidlsnd counties, the inlets are revealing bodies mn, I flittor mymlf if you can confer a fin Charles Bralcemab is held fo into tlie building.. Over this mass of every tima an investig~tionis made. upon tho fothor without ~r~ns~rOss~n~any ~ul~-erizedruin the rear car leaped to rulo that you hrtvo laid down, and without in- the circuit court at Port Hziron, ~liar~ed Those who 3pe at all ~~st~d~bout you may fool dlspoqoil to do de$tructi~n. All around in this keap No2 YOI~OW 41 41 conv~n~once, so. with poison in^ M, E. Nutt’s col the country and the habits of the ...... *. *. 1 do not onhanco it wlion 1 SAY thtt tho of confusion were scattered the dead people in the storm visited sections are Oats-No 2 Whit0 spot .... 28% .. 28% 1Lyo...... *, 0, ..a. ,. . 0. * f... 41 .. 44% and dying human freight, So far as confident in their predicti~nthat the bo ai:nal. o~~i~atI~n can be learned not a soul escaped. One P~isy-N~1TI~Otl~y...... 10 00 .. 12 00 death roll will run as high as 500. Potatoos..NewButtor-Ilairy porpox fb...... bu ..(I. one-half tho tlio world have a large crop in good condition, Lion of curroncy of was instantly killed and 18 were either Borne of the best people of this section 1840 ,... 4.119 manager of the business at thai place, tho do~onoti~stionof silvor a~ountin~ or seriously injured. ~roamerypor lb...... 21 .. 24 A merchant at Tecurnseh is malring in tfie air rrogato to ~7,~*~,0~~,*~~~i! woult bo fatally of the state even place the loss at more who was standing near by, noticed the Eggs per doten ...... 13 ..) 14 contracts with farmers to take their impossi~~onccuratoly to doscrrbo, btill -a?-; than one tho us an^^, It is around Beau- Livo oultry-Fowls.,..,. 8 .. 0 top log start to roll, and sliouted to next yield of ,wheat at $1 per bushel. this process of des~ructionhas ’beon golnff fort and Port Royal that the death rate Gprfn~cliicltons por fb., 0 ,. 10 quiotl on sinco 1872, and its rosult IS sooi? 20,000 ~AKCHE~, Sprin? duc~cs...... o .. 10 Ericlrson to come back. The latter ap- in prYces lower in many tliings than has WORKERS was the greatest, but in neither of the parently did not hear, but went on a The Blue mine, at Negaunee, owned ovor beon lrnown in the momory of man, Chicago, flavor. There is nothing botter in by Capt. Sam ~it~:bell,has closed rlioy Woro Suiidny School ~~~rl~~rsimd towns were many lives lost. Around step or two, when he saw the log com- h r. Ooclrroll, of Missouri, inter~ectod a the two towns there is a complete the novel than tho proposal of the g jumped for the water the down, thro~vin~100 men out of work. statoment of tho production and coinaw of Marched to a Izugo lially ut Dotroit. and as gold and silver from 1~1to IN:! w%ich chain of islands, and it was over these bill. ‘l’lis ~vrito~~,it will be seen, est rnethod of escape. In making tho 5. L. ~tevenson’srecently burned showod a producion of gold amount in^ to The Sunday schools of that the angel of death hovered, leav- jump his foot slipped and he fell with ~,2~0~~~1,20~,wliilo tho coinago amountod to Wayne county turned o $4, and he asks them carriage shops at Port Huron will be S2 7b7 714 679. of silvor tlia pro~uct~o~iwas 8,- ing in hls path sorrow and desolation Lrod ...... ,.. 6:1%.. 67% e favor” to deduct this his head on a log, when tlie falling log replaced by a building 128x167 feet in wlielming numbers for the Eally Day Corn No 2.... .*.. 37% 3746, 4~0,7~.~~~,’Z;hlXG bho coinago Was ~~,~~~,6~~~- greater than has ever been known be- ...... ,. rather p~oblematic~bi~~, came down upon it, c size. %I. Thoro being a lapso in the speechmalr- celebration. They took undisp~ted fore. Oats...... ,.,...... *. 2755.. 28 into a shapeless mass ing Mr. Voorlieos moved for a voto LO sub- possession of such Detroit thorough- Ryo ...... 41 .. 41 and thou-what is the point of the At the Xorrie mine, Iron~~ood,600 st1t~tot)iobill re ortod from tho Sonato --C+ Mess pork per bbl...... 15 00 5. l5 03 stant death. fares as the could use and assumed Lard par cwt.... 07% ~hole-~~lethim have the balance, miners have resumed ’ work, while 400 financo com~ltteofor tho House ropoal bill FAST TRAIN W-KECKED...... 7 90 .. 7 _L control of BeGe Isle without a protest. idle miners have been set to This brought up :In ar~u~ontas to tfiolr $15 15s”-a d0light~ulmethod of dis- f. ~osto~li;o~ps up rclittiva merits and a passa~e-at-arms There were more than 20,000 in the , nK. between Massrs. Aldrich and Cockroll as to rsslics Cattle-Nativeg ....Nsrv .. ..Xork.+ .. S 3 37yPto 4 80 ~h~r~in~his debt and incurrin~a procession and easily 50,000 at the A. Hogs.,...... 6 75 .. 6 50 A large consignment of Kent county tho stand in^ of their ros~)ect~vo~art~os Sh~op-~oodto choice.,.. 2 00 3 75 new and more sub~tantialone. 44A zer’s drug stor mliicli was ctt O~Pby an o~ocuti~rossssfod .. fruit and vegetable^, purchased on the The Chicago li~itedexpress train Lambs. ‘ * * I * .. .I *. ‘ *I,, .* * 4 ’”;. 6 26 moment of some di~~culty”and the market at Grand nap oon and C. T. being called. Ad~ourn~d,Hoas~,--The ~l~oat-~o2 rod ...... a,&.. 69 meat market, in ~~acousta,burned. rules of debato was conttnuod ~~it~iout for Boston broke through a frail iron ~orn-No 2 whito, rsonal superv~sio~of much progroas being made. was hugely enjoyed. There were ...... 46 .. 45% bridge on the Boston (G; Albany rail Oats...... l.LIL....L.. aJj/p eston, was sent to Ch ~unday school drum corps, bands, ... uniformed cadets, pretty children road, one and one-half miles east of the bare spot in the state horticultural ttle Creek ladies have Chester, and four ~a~ner Charles ~€errittassa ca Mass., cars too, is the hint as to tho ~x~iibit.The co~si~nmentincluded were crushed, lcilling at least 15 per- school trustee. They will make a hard sons, fatally injuring six others, while qu~stionnot being l~l~ely fight to elect her. at least a score were badly hurt. met” or “taken up,” for he roolrs, o€ ~n~ted,after The wreck is the worst ever lrno~vn out that it is 4Lanact of obl sRen~ingnearly 70 years of life in sin- on the railroad. The bridge was being co~fei~~~edon me;” as wcll lo bliss, has given her heart and hand st~en~t~enedfor he big loco~otives more si~ni~ca~ithint that their *#in- o Milton ~utto~,of Osseo. etc., and ~~ayor Pingree, Rev. erson, of the and the wor~ingen who were put- torests are bound up with those of and It was roforr~dto tiis eommittoo on ting on the plates were at inner when he Agricult ixral college is investi- foreign rolations, 6110 d~b:~teon tho xopoal ~niversityof C and others ad- my son.” This s~e~sto have hadits sting the ravages of the ~nsectthat is bill was rosu~ned. Blr. ~~oorlioosgnvo notice dressed assemb ildren. There e. The loconiotive passed eflect, for we find the minut~lycal- and causing much that 110 would ask for a vote on tho quostion were prize drills by tho cadets, ball ture, but was stnaslied, culat~~interest b of longor daily sossions of tho ~on~to.Esocu- the tender being thrown a, long dis- on the rowers in Te~umseh, tive session. Adjourned. ~io~~~,-~€r.Me- games^ foot races, bicycle races, swim- sliillin~s”-altered in ano t Lnurin, of South c‘arolins, mado an at- ming races, boat races and many other ce county Pair at and in a di~~e~~entink to 6 us assault was made on tempt to got In a bill a~itlio~i~i~~fitho issuo athletic games which filled out a day e, farmer bachelor eld ~cptemb~r2G, 27, of $l25 000 008 trousury notes undcr tlis act partment~rtnd tliat tho o~timatoas a wliole A pleasant touch is the itor a, will be $1,350 hung of ‘OJ~but’an ob oetion was mudo and it foli. 0 emjoyment for both large gave no a~~~~rancothat the hravv surplus The rulos of dobato cont~nuodand vas vorg a twenty feet below, but two or old w~ioatwou~ bo roquirdd. corn tho point of ‘~inconv~ni~~c~” , including $300 for marm a livoly tilt botwocn Bir B~c~ii~~in yioldoa a littlo with more snti~racto~ycrop the free-for-all trot or pace. selves, as though this wem and ~bn.~atc~i~ngs being parti~ularlyin- the track. reports, but in spite of bettor advices from objection that could roaso teresting, ~lnan~on[ln~orit to make it nocos- illod, tho moro ~mport:intcotton producing st About the middle of September the smy for seven momburs to makc an ob;ec- --- pri~oor t11at staple W~Sltiivnncod presented by the firm, who ree inches in Ovid lawn tennis club proposes to tion before business could bo IAocliod-now special The ~icaraguacanal has gone into llio ~11dustr~:~lsituation mends liut li 16 ro~uiroson1 onu ob~,o~t~on-waslost, bond for street im~rov~~~entto employ ~liosigns of i~~rovomo~tobscrvod a weoi otherw~se,he assumed, be eager to give a tourn~ment,together with bal- illr. ~raccy,of dew Yoric ottoreil an amend- hands of a receiver. ago are scarcely susLaii~odfor wliilo t~olvohonor his paper. Tho dis~layod ascensions, horse races, games ment striltinfi out tlio c1:luso in rulo 21, por- idlemen was de~eatedat resident Cleveland’s reported “can- toxtile and thirteen iron aid stool concerns sports of various kinds. mittin- amen~~nontsto oonoral approprin- the adverse vote being cast havo rcsumcd aftor sto~p~~o,fifth-iivo flourish at the close-* ‘signal obliga- tion bks wlion tlioso amond~ontsare in by miners o~~ninghouses, who thou~lit ’ was notliing more than toxtilo iind t~vonty-onoiron and stoel con- tion conf~rredon, ~en~l~rn~n,your At nattle Creek the Houclr furniture tho*into~ostof xotroncli~o~itof oxpondl- teeth. cerns have stopped. In addition tl~irto~n Lures, Lliis was so vl~orouulyo mowd that tho plan of the city to employ the des. otliors havo re~u~Od~vo~l~in~ force, and a o~li~cd,0tc.”~was a favoi-ito for foiled. ITairc probably liad solne factory has been comp~eted, and the 11r Tracoy ~v~tli~rowtho amou~mont ,ur. titute at $1 per day was a sclieme to James Davis, of London, largo number of works, lncludlnfi most of of Mr. RIicawber’s. The letter is in- money, and it was lrnown. 13e thinks machinery is being installed. It is ex- kyio of ~jississi~)p~,o-rorcd an atnoniment lower wages all around. The defeat buried alive at Wade’s briclry thosf3 at Fall liver, havo roducod wagos pected that work will commence on ~n~r~asin~tho number of rnonibors constl- from 10 to 20 por tout. A rn~)ro~~i~ct~fu~tono dorsed on the back, “John Dickcns, he recog~i~edthe voice. of bonding ~ylllrender it necessary to neck, back and one arm were broken, is soon in iron and steol marliota, but novor- ~ovembei.1and 25 men will be em- Luting a quorum of ,tho co~~ittooof tho Zilrsq.,” in the writer’s own hand, whole LSouso to :I, ma ority of tho members open soup houses a month or two Electric light wires blown down by which myst~~rious;it loolcs ploy ed. of tho House, Undsr tho rulos, 100 mombors earlier. a storm in ~’liilade~phiacvera run se~rns as aro made a quornm in committoo of tho though it had been ~Ieturn~~dto him. Dr. 11. R. Mills, deposed by Customs svhole. \Vitliout, action upon tho amendmant, against by Anthony Vanderslpe and an Inspector Crockcr, of Port Xiluron, has aftor a number of members had spoliou unknown Italian. Both were instantly Pond as we are of Diclcens curios .I the issue, tho 1Iouse addournod. doubt i€ thora could bo found any been appoin ted supervising inspector upon Willi rily Ge- killed. of immigrant% for the state, the ap- -.--em--.- ranged during the services at the l3ap- more ~uaintlyattracti~e pointment coming through Ur, ro~vn~~la6 ~rnxi~ ~~p~~l$. tist church at Capae and escaped from lettor of ~ic~wb~~~-~icl~~ of the state board of health. hangs framed acorns to have a sort Ben ICuiper and wife and Albert his guardians and ran down the rail- it The prison barn located on Cooper Reidburg and wife, of Grand Eapids, road track with probable suicide in- flesh and blood. street, opposite the Jackson prison, went fishing in Pine Lalte, near Bel- tent. I-Ietvas caught and cared for. ing accents and men by the stab was destroyed by fire, together with inont. In changing positions the boat ELISand oxplena- ~Iergonenwas also the hay, grain, etc. The horses and capsized, and all were thrown into the tions to Traddles and ~~~pe~~eld. hut will recover. vehicles were the only things saved. water. Reidburg and wife were saved, 44That bill, sir, wil The fire is supposed to have caught the latter just as she was sinking the a new significance. from a pipeeused by one last time. Kuiper and wife were m en. Fi Mr. and Mrs. EIomer Burrows were Two cases in which firo was caused ch’s Ap~oint~o~if;s. thrown out of their cart while return- by water are reportcd. In one il ing from Cedar Springs to Courtland, been frustrated. the following dispatch to Congressman flood caused the wat ampbell, of Coldwater,’ and Robert One wheel of the road cart passed over The Diamond pl ass works in Wilson: “Please accept for yourself enough to reach a p Gibbon, of Detroit, members of the the woman’s face and blr, Burrows Rokomo and Elwood, Ind., which and your associates in today’s achieve- was kiclrcd in the head by a horse. close last May, will reopen next week Both are verv low and will die. Thev with a force of 1,400.. had been recently married. Marie Prescott, the actress, died at the hospital of the Good Samaritan, from the effects of an operation to re- move a tumor from which she had long lady who held a prominent social posi- Buffered. Miss Prescott retired from tion in that citv. has commenccd suit the stage last winter, .after starring several years with‘her husband, B, D. her Bad cllied out, She would not even listen to him. (*bliss Pierson told me that years %go,” she would say to hiin when he mrrected any glaring inaccuracy, until no was ready lo anthamatizu Miss eccentricities were loss than nothing Piorson. Perham his ,cwhtest horror was ths continuit use she mado of the word ‘g~~teel,”and gave to ~omowords a to the city of Como, as she had ex- peculiar accent for the same reason. pressed a wish to sea it. I-Ze ordered Sir Carlos began to detest t a rechorche dinner at the hots1 where sound of the word, She could they alighted; and it happened that tempered when she chose; b amongothpr things a dish oY green she preferred to bo sulky o peas was served. she could be equally disagre Sir Carlos now recognized the fact that, although his wife was beautiful ,wear that duty is to select and en- #gage a kitchen girl; so IIonry roached tho intelligence ofKce. There

r beautiful eyes were looking round his iieclt. This was tho least purt of the shock he was destined to sul‘l‘er. hfaggio helped hersolf most liberally to the groen peas; and presently her hus- band, looking up suddenly, saw his ‘ *beautiful,’I never said he love 1 her, beautiful wife using her knife instead M7hat had she done? What did ha ily ?” of her fork. mean by it?-wliilo he cursod the ob- #$Whattime do you have biieakfast?” *Mag&,’I ha cried angriiy, #‘what stinate folly which had ruinod his lira “’DOOS tho-missua help make tho are you doing?” *

out a mis~ivin~as to thoir future sacred hands of the clergy were laid happines~.

ggie was no coin~anion he *most wondeI~fu1 book in tho world is one which is neitl~er written book or paper. She haci 4 thousand times each day Sir Carloa enqe of life, save such as she had met nor print~d. Every letter is cut in tho leaf, and as the al~~rnate leave^ thanlced W0aven that he had followed with in her au it’s shop. I[€ she told Tho Flrvt Air Pump. his own ~nclin~tion.It was so sweet an anecdote, its coar~enessand vul- are of blue panor it is as easily read as the best print in^. The labor re- tho ail* to teach his bea~u~ifu~girl wife. so de- garity ~i~tLirbedhim, When she had its inven- li~~itfu~to watch her rosy mouth with tallcod to him about her now d~esse~,quired and tho patience necess~~ryto cut each letter may be imagfned. b he the prss- abo it the irnnression sho intended to d of Gar- make on Lady Carew, and her plans work is so perfect that it seems aa though done by ~a~liinsry,yet ev~ry car0fu lly whon she could live at Firhotme, she matallic had no more to say. character was made by hand. “ha ho~is~hc~ea~two foot jn (~i~~ete~, er vulgarity jarred upon him a, book is entitled ’ The Passion of lost the very hariptcst time of hiu life! hun~rcdtimes each day. She had no Christ.” It is a very old volume, @elf you want a woman to be taste. bha never ioolced well dr~sse~;nnd was a ci~riosityas long ago as trained in any particular way, train sho wore inhaK1i~oniouscolors, and 16.40. It belongs to the family of the Priiico do Ligno, and is now in Frzlnco. ei- yourself, ” thought Sir Carlos. spoiled the effect of ttie most artistic He spent a week of perfect bliss. costume by wearing t Rudolph JI. of ~ei~~anyoffered for it rnents. 11,000 ducats. He had told her freq had never loolred so w liavo in 15~~1 as she had looxed in it prints. Then Maggio rage, believing that he meant to insult her. Great Britain, t3,766,003; Italy, 1,970,- Sir Carlos knew nothing of this girl 090; Austria, 1,850,000; Switzerland, l,GOO,O0~;~wed~n and Norway, 1,570,- 000. The amount of savings deposits in Austria, ~~1~,~00,000;in France, $550,0~0?000;in Great Britain, $536,- OO~,O~~;in Piwssitl, ~720,~0~,00~;in Italy, 8346,000,OOJ; in Sweden and

Omnibus With Pneumuti e 1-i d a 11

circulation? What would b making exchanges with the civilized

Does cheap money produce high prices? Is either silver or gold, or both, under any system of bimetallic csinilgo an in- fallible measure of valuest Why would a coinage ratio mined by international agreement bo

patronsgq in the past and so- liciting a continuance in our new quarters, I remain itself recently in financial circles. Scar- city of gold is one of the causes that pre- Yours respectfu cipitated the hard tirn pats, yet here was pa premium over gold. Overabundance of silver-its consequent depreciation-was another cnus~of tho trouble, said the ex- perts. Yet tho fact was presented in exchange marlcets that even silver was at a slight premium over gold. The rea- An iI~i~epoIiileiitnewsptiper. Published awry son in both cases was the scarcity of pa- Fri&L)’Iklor~~lIIg [It tho ~NTE~I’I~I~~STEAM PIiINT- per and silver. Gold could not be user: Cass City, Tuscoln Co,, for small change in business transac- Michig:m, tions. Tmars of ~u~~~~~~~’~~~~:Orin par, $1.00; six ~noriths,GOcts.; throe iiionths, 30cts. strictly in “HOWcan 4,0~0,000i~finitesii~al micro- I Will pay for itseIf twice in one season, ailVilIice, organisms, with their psychic idiosyn- Business Ioct1s. bcts. per lirio lirst; lrise crasies, their perfect sensory and motor Scts. per lins each insartloxi thoreafter. ~ystei~s,their wondfous di~estive,as- Cards of Tltanks, Xtcs. e:1ch. si~ilativeand circu1:itory organs, occupy nesolutiolls of Co1id01e~1c~,Etc., 21/2CtS, per lins. a space no largcr than a grain of sand?” Items announcing ~nt~rtuixi~ne,I~tsJEtc,, where With one liors money is to be derived, bcts par line, When bills Well. we givo it up. are ordered a riotice will be given free. Notices for Chairtable Entartaixnnents, FREE, A reasonable amount of space granted to citi- ze,iis for the, discussion of matters of public in- tersst. Rates on dlsplay or standing ailver~is@~oIits ctln be obtailled at tho offlco. Tho wide circulation of the ENTERPRISEin the and not less than one million peo~le have found just such a friend in Dr, Icing’s New Discovory for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds,--lf: you have nevm used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has won- derful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest, and Lungs. Each bottle is guarnteed to do all’that i?, claimed or money vill be refunded. lrinl bottles free at T. R. Fritz’s drucstore, Large Lion in tho United States this September, bottles SOc and $1.00. In New York city alono 100JOO~working- ______~__ men aro out of employment and a pro- ‘l’hr

will bo welcome.

jaen JQ biIt$lrJess, imd, ,Byery perfaon we lave sold P. P: P, to says ‘it is the best 3lood nuriher known. Yours triilv. I 3wer to a young inan who asked for n, 'S ents

Lem Svlrostor has roturnod fron

who has bson visiting rolativos of this some of tho farmers. No rain, nc place, roturnod homo Saturday. money, and the h *.. trial to our minds. our part will bo sma very likely in number in the hill. The Sir Knights here had a SUP prim on Saturday night at the closo oi their review, by the Ladies' of thc Maccabses headed by their commandor marching into tho hall with baskets t is ill this wealr. Phe order was given to b ablos, and they wero s Nith abundance of good th Geo. Karr put out a littlo Are the ;he Sir Knights did~justiceto. But ither day that burnod up hislog fence, 3irKnight JohnLown was tho most iurprised when the Ladios prosentod ,, The date of the annual school meet- iim with a fine cane bolt armed rock- ng in No. 3 is oltiangod to tho second ngchair as a token of their esteem Monday in July. 'or his services in taking care :of their John Lamunyon was re-eloeted nodorator in No. 3, and Mr. Schweglor ~~ can not quot assessor in No 2. was found in, ths cran-

r it by calling on Jas. Walters is prospecting for

vator. iI Tho Messrs. Beach wero callors in !hispart Sunday. Miss Annio Martin is v with 'riends here this week. T. Butler and lady of spent t 3unday at J. P. Hendrick's. Mr. andMrs. Brown, of Ga unday at R. Webster's. ly services will be e Church next Sun a it, the last examination, E

.urn, of Cleveland Ohio, at a salary of 155 Duuno St., New Yotk, N. Y. Ed Hendrick and family, of Oscoda, 2ounty iq visiting his father, J. other relatives.

into tho ditch, and is filling his ounce that they are Phe whool brok6 and both occupants ington as usual. wero thrown violently to tho ground. bout want to Sebewain~on a pleasuro and the shing tour the fora part of thc was ILDING week. in a precarious condition. Tho Ladies' Aid Society will 6''lVO '2 At the Ccrrrier of ~a~~iand The pignicof tho 0,L. on the 31st L, social at R. Webst0r,s next ThursdaS Leach streets, ult. was a grand suocoss. Over 500 peopls wors present ~venin~,14 inst, for tho &3&3flt Sunday school, All me invited Ladies' ~hampooinga Specialty. a~ountedto 8x90. speeches, otc., were t tend, day. Tho ,order was well repro- Rev. will ~~s~~liin the ted by brethorn from othor lodges Run s h~~~o~~~~~d~y0 at 7;30, This will bs tho la% sorvic~ I and after dinner in tho of IDe~roIt,for the! purpose of acc~mmo~at~ brothorn formed into order precode~ bofore co~fe~enceand probably hi! 'in$ hi; frie~~'a~~patients €bat cannot visil by tho master .and deputy.o€ L. 0. L., frtroivdl sermon. or consult him at ~~troit,has opened an oflief orrnal possossion of at the point named below, and will be there Ono i~to~esti~~~foa. turo ci€ the afi"a2r wqs co~tcik(~in~for a tea s~e~di~i~:I very pleasant e~oni~~pro and Miss Pam. lliiss ~entodhor with a fine album us : in ~~llc~tingsevouty tokon of their ostcom and frio~d~lii~ crtl Su~erintendentof Miss Pzyr ~~urt~endollars. ~~Ritarinm~,was two y ~L~~X~G'&'aB s . s_- Rev. J, Bacon, returqod from Canada Vriclay. . t ~stran~~rhas just rutur enesseQ*co~~ty~

er went to Alcron last ~~tu~dayto visii

- In order to introduce Tho Cniiaditln Agricultni DISEASES. Rhoumntlsm Scrofuloiis Ulcers and Sores. 1st into nctur horxios, tho publishers 1i:tvu tlecido, Glnndulnr Swellings Rhcthntlarn, Alnlnrln, old Chroato to present a11 fhlf Yo:wlY Literilry Attruetioh io Ulcari thnt hnvo reshod nil trontment, Catarrh, Miss Manly,~slg-ttsmixl-lawof Rev. J i

subscribers emcornpot!, frw of chage. All that i IleCosStLry IS to take ih OW SheOtS of pitper ~LIII make all tliu words you can out of the lcttur in the three words, "'World's ColumbitLn Xxgc sition " and send them to us inclosing $1 for si Wr. Xllet? ~e~~aa~Co.. Elkhart, Xnd. montf;s subscription to eithdr Tho Canadi&nAgrl DEARSins : For 20 years I was troubled with culturist or The Ladies' Horna Mag:tziiie, two o heart dificasc' Would frequcntl haw falling tho choicest illustriLted periOdicctls of the day. spells and smbthcring at ni he. &?d to sit up01 Tho sorider of the largest list will receive $3 yo MILL R THE P. 0.& N. get out of bed to broatho. %ad pain in my left weok i'orlifei 2nd $1 OOU in gold. 3rd $500. 4th sido and back most of tho time;. at lnst I became $250; tith, $100;. Ghi, kickat to tho WohiZ'Y' Psi dromical. I, was vcry nervous and nearly worn and ton days exponsos; 11la1ios orgnns ladle out: lenst excitement would cause -me to and go11ts gold lllld silver waitthus, siliver to, faint. I wm SQrVkeS diamolld rings iU1d over loo00 othe also much ~ewi~p~~q'lua~~irlg altogether tl10 mos't vitluabl t r n 11 b 1 e d prize 112 ever ofierod by ctny publis her. end fo with fluttering For tha last fifteen ears I could riot slucp onmy lcftsido or backuntilgcgan taking our New Heart Ctcrs. I had not taken it very rang until I felt much better nnd'I can now sleep on either side or back with6ut tho lenst discom. fort. I huvo no on stoinach or 0 able to do all persons and pliices b:vrod, 4. No ch:wges io trouble and con packing or shipping but all prize winners will b expected to ho111 us to exteiid our circulimtion I 3

andmaciam a h, and Mr. W, .. Robartsoil Printing Comp:tny, Petorboi

on Blood Diseases in of calamity shape ithat man for thc next world?” God says, ‘“That’sno of water, your common instinct woull the way 1 deal with this man; it ii reply, “Thanli you.’’ And yet, hot stroke after stroke, annoyance aftei many chalices of mercy we get hou annoyance, irritation alter irritation by hour from the hand of the Lord, ou and after awhile he will be done, an( B’atlier and our Kinr, and we do no a glad spectacle €or angels and men.’ even tliinlr tc tions and em A SANFL~ANGISCO man who left hle very devout on the Fabbath who are iome in Xngland thirty-six years far from that during the week. A 1 that large fortunes can soon be scat water gushing u ago, and never took the trouble’to country merchant arrives in l#liiscity, tered by being paid out in small sum! in the cascade, laughing over thl and he roes into thestore to buy goods ’ of money, and tho largest estate oi rocks, pzttcring in the shower, clap nations. A strong drop a postal card to the, old folks tcrest is rotained in just hoard that his father ant of a man who professes religion, but C~rist,iancliara~tei. is so~~etiinesen ping its hands in the sea? Who think has has no grace in his heart. The country I’tircjy losl; by these s~iialldepletions. to thank God for that? Who thinks tc waldsen by the pass mother are dead, and is sorrowink 3,--~OV. T. DQWitt ‘Pill- OP~Ofor cboso QM~ mcwdiant is s tvinQed. Sle is too ex- We must brinx*the religion of Jesu: thank God for the ah-, the fountain o inals oE many of 11 all classes viz: “YVeck- hsusked to go home that, week; lie tar- Christ to help us in these little annoy. life, the bridge of si~nb~~~ms,the pat1 the Illair, in additio Ecligi~ii.”The loxt I all thy ways acknawle rics in town. On Sabbath he goes to ances, 110 not say that anything if eat fan on a hot hum here has been a ‘some church €or coasnlation, and wha too insi~nilicantto alfect your char thinks to thank Go( lands and ages to set apart certain is his ~in~~~~~entto find that the ma1 ay sink a wsliip. Onr ful physical organ isin dap,places and occasions for especial who carries around the poor box is th lucifer match may destroy a temple. this sweep of vision, this chime of liar writer of stories, religious service, and to think that very one who swindled him. J3u A queen got her death by smelling 01 mony strucli into the ear, this critncoi .c and Bertel Thor- they formed the rcalm in which re- never mind-tlie dea on has his blael a p~i~one~rose. The scratch of a six tide rolling through arter’esand veins waldsen, the sculp- ledgo can find his opportunit; coat on now, and loolrs solemn, an1 penny nail may give you the lqclrja,w. this druxni~in~of tho tor, are awarded in August a, well as in April. Et’r ligion was chiefly to act. Now, while holy days and holy places have their goes home tallring about that blessec Coluxnbusby asking for a Oj march of immorta equal honors by the ot 8 bad idea, especially as pro government of use, they can never be a substitute for sermon! Christians on hun bread and a drink of wa a vision is GO be rnado against overworl continuous exercise of faith and lings during the week, Franciscan convent carne to is. one of you while Dexnmarlr in the prayer. In other words, a man cannot ’4 hat man does not, reali covery of a new world. And therc eo ion of that nest dollar he has ii is great conne&ion between trillm be 60 goo& a Christian on Sabbath that a od is lookiiig righ and immensities, between nothingE were withdrawn the heavens woulc he can afford to be a worldling all the withhold their rain and tho eartt While Danes week If a steamer start for South- wall of his mone; and everythings. Do yoa not suppose . ampton, and sail one day in that di- safe: and that the day of judgment i that God cares for your insi~ni~cantwould crack open under our feet, anc will not admit that whatever of true coming, and that “as the partridgi sorrows? Why, my friends, there ih famine and desolation and siclinest greatness in ai-t and iiteratiire the rect‘on, and he other six days sail in and woe would stalk across the earth land has produced rvach(3d its po nr of other directio s, how long before the sitteth on eggs and hatchet11 them not nothing insig,rificant in your life. so he that getteth riches, and not b: How dare you tali@ the responsibility and the whole earth would become i culmination in these two men 0’1 stt1:imer will g t to Soutliampton? place of skulls. the outer world, not prone to rate Justas soon as a min wilt get to r ght, shall leave them in the midst o of saying hat thereis? Do you not heave11who sails on the S bbath day his days, and at his ond shall be 1 know that the whole universe is no1 0, my friends, let us wake up to ar their true value race c~~arac~eristi‘s, fool.” But how m;tny there a ashamed to take care o€ one violet? 1 appreciation of the on mercies o so considers it, A d rscn, in rnany toward that which is good, and the respects, was nutional in his o her sis days of the weelhristiao, silenced by the aDpcarance ;ma11 scale, you would not on a large Iable for the church. $,ale. If you cannot stand the bite of But I remark aga land can rely, both for their own if th e great theme of God ztncligeigion, bring the religion of Jesus Christ into support and for export, is fish, and STOW, my friends, if we h rve the rtalic- I midge, how could you endure county, Pa., ha9 been on the bench he on of Christ in onr soul, we will talk xeatli of a basilisk? Iur ordinary blessings. Every autuma 1,508 that supply s~ernsinexhaustible. The ;he President of the United States and has tried jury cases, and has anadians have tlieir heads bbout it in an exhilarant mo d, It is Our national ~overnmentdoes only been reversed by the supreme got it in nore refreshinn than the waters, it is bink it beliti ing to put a tax on pius, ;he govwno s make proclamation, and that the Icelanders are tired of a ]righter than the sunshine, it gives a Lnd a tibx on buclrltbs, and a tax on we are called topthtzr in our church ,O give thanks to God for his voodness. fight for existence in their inhospita- nan joy here, an? prepareshim for ;hoe7. The individual taxes do not mount to much, but in the aggreg~te very day ought to be athanlrsgiv- :verlasting happiness be lore the We take most of the bless- ,o miliion~ and millions of c ollars. . ,hrone of God. And yet, if life as mat ter of course. We ,he theme of religion be in- Qnd 1 would have you, 0 Chriscian a nan, put a high tariff on every annoy- 1iLvO had ten thousand blessings this west can ad^, a good farm arid the ,reduced into a circle, ~verythin~is which we have not the fragrant tributes to the dead imple~entsto work it are oll’ered. bile, ~cc~-silenced, unless, perhaps, tace and vexation that comes through actor’s memory have CO~Qfrom Mrs. * “NO Banish poet’s nkme has gained jour soul. This might not amount to Before the night comes tn aged ~hristisnman in the corner vo will have a thousand more bless- Jack Gardn~r,tho ccl~bratedBoston a higher repu~ationall over the vvorl IIUU~,in single cases, but in the ag- If the room, feeling that something ever think of mention- socic ts leader, and Julia ~ard than that of Hans Christian Andersen. mght to be said, puts one foot over yregate it would be a great revenue His life thro~ighoutwas like a wonder- ,he other and sighs heavily, and says, If spiritual strength and ~atisf~ction. Chaplain ~~ilb~rncharmed his hear- ful fairy tale. J3e was born of a very ‘Oh, yes; that’s so!” My friends! the 1. bee can suck honey even out of a ers by his address at the Chicago con- poor family in the little market- tow^ ydigion of Jesus Christ is not some- jettie; and if you have the grace of gress of educators of the blind. of ~d~n~ein 1805. Bt-ing possc.ssed ,hing to be groaned about, but some- 2od in your heart. y u can get sweet- speaks slowly in mellow and resonant neither of money nor of lriiowledge he iat which would otlierwise hing to talk about and sing about, tones and his dietion is elo~ue~~came to the metropolis. presen~lypro- Tour face irradiat~d. ‘I’he trouble is an~oy. A ret~~rncdmis- ~houghthe sightless preacha is 70 cured powerful friends, and died as ,hat men prof~ssingthe faith of tho the v~n~r~Ltcdidol of his i at ion at Fospel are often so inconsistent that years old, he is an active, self-reliant C~pen~i~genin 1875. Xo wonder, ,hey are afraid their conversat~onwill mn n. lot harmoni~e with their life ~Vt~ :an not talk the gospel

my sphere. If a iiian does not serve iis cou ,try in a sl~~rinis~ihe will not the ~vomen’s co~le~e~are all ovor- n a ~~iLt~i.loo.And if ?ou are not cro~dedand that they have to ties, he adopted as his own all the land itself. ‘aithful go~n~out a~ainst tho single- &wayliundreds of applicants. IT i~n~ed~is~ortunes o this life, you !s ape whilr so many perished, ,hat when two Christian people talk as oo-morrow aro lrnoclring at the d ,hey ouglit about the things of Christ Mould not be faithful when great dis- colleges for men and tad heaven God gives~pcciaiattention, tsta-6 with their tl~~Ind~~ringiirtillery is a believer in e~lucation for wom~n as decorated md he writes it all down. Malachi :am8 rolling uown over the soul. ‘Illis brings me to another point. Pther bridges. You get to Boston in and not a disbelie~vcrin collegiate co- ,:16: “Then they that feared the Lord #afety. Then youreturn home. Not ,allxed one to the other, and the Lord I)ye ought to bring the religion of educ~tion, Icsus Christ into all of our trials. If an ac~ident,not an alarm. No thanks. iearlrened and heard, and of In other words? you seem to be more It has been found necessary to re- NC have ik bcrcavement, if we lose our pair ~ashington,shome at Mt. Ver- ’ortune, if some great trouble blast grateful when fifty people lose their to lives and you get of€, than you are noa, andin,portion of the wood worlr ilre the tem~~st,their we go to God under the ban~uctin~hall in the to or comfort; but ye~t~rd~Lyn the lit- grateful to God when you all’ get off, rnents. “Oh!” you Jhannoyances of your store, or oflice, and you have no alarm at all. Now southe~stcorner of the building is be- ay, “that s a very good thc3or.y for a shop, or factory, you ought to be thankful when you ing replaced by brick and mor ni\n who manages large business, )r escape from acciden but more thanli- a Lid you go to God .f , Relic hunters were so nu~nerou~ ebo has preat truflic, who holds a lid not. ful when they all i scape. 1n one case persistent that a guard was put yeat estate; iti is a grand thing your gratitude is somewhat selfish; in or bankers and for Pliippers, the other, it is more like what itought the accumulating pieces of wood, olnd but in my thread and needle igion of the Lord Jesus Christ into to be, tho intent^^^ is to distribute them tore, in my tri~~ilningcsta~lish~e~~t, [he most o dina~~~triaAs oE your life. Oh! these common mercies, these among the various museums through- n my insignificant wor of life, you You have your misfortuncs, you havp common blessing., how little we ap- out the world. annot apply those grand gospel lprin- ‘our anxieties, pou have you preciate them and how soon we for- iuns. yon ”tire iples.” Who told you that:”” 110 I ou “Oh!y sap, grt them! Like the ox grazing, with SEVE ~S7~~1~SCOLDS, :now that a faded leaf on a brooli’s ,haPo my character. Since 1 the clover up to its eyes, like the bird iirfaee attracts Gocl“sattentiov as cer- rh Id, since I lost niy property, i have picking tho worm out of the furrow- azlitt’s wife cared nothing for his ieen very dill’erent inan from what ainly as the path or a bliizlnpsun, a never thinking to tlianli God who ities and kept him in hot water by nd that the moss that crLeps up I he was,” My brother, it is the little makes the gra\s grow, and who gives respectpeople honored and esteem. him with veneration, ide of the rock sttr‘icts God’s atten- innogonces of your life are sour- life to every living thing, from the ion as certainly as the tops of Oregc,n ng your dispositi animalculs in the sod to the seraph Uis bi grapher says: line and Lebanon cedar, iina that the noral character, a on the throne. ~hanl~sgivin~on the of his wife’s sayings to him, which dersrn died there was g rackling of an alder under a cow’s tnd less of a man. 27th of November, in tho autumn of irlg all over the country. On the day loof sounds just as loudly in Gods ear the year; but blessings, hour by hour of his burial all shops and all schools ,s the snap of a world‘s conllagratioo, an&dav bv day and no thanks a were shut down. Lkithin tho church ,nd that the most insignificant thing 501.1 say, “Why don’t you strike btit peihaiJs 1 wronged the brute noeye was dry, as the coEn, decked n your life is of enough importance to larder?” With his mallet and his not know but that, among its other in- with flo.wers, was being carried out to ,hisel he gaes click, click, cliclrl and stincts, it may have an instinct by the tones of the funeral march com- pou can liarclly see from stroke to which it recognizes the Divine hand posed for Thorwalclsen’s burial by and Lynch is having his turn. Acco troke that there is any impression that feeds it, I do not know but that Andkrsen’s highly gifted friend, t hs inato reports his work in the fi :omposer, I. P. E Eartmann, who was s on Fi‘aturtlap,w o anything so insignificant but God Jod is, through it, holding communica- as requested to dl help you in it. If you area fisli’er- j going on. YOU Lion with what we call “irrational playing the organ himself, It was tan, Christ will stand by you aa he trike harder?’’ ‘*Oh!” he replies, :reation.” The cow that stands under Tenerally felt that in Andersen Den- id by Simon whenshe dragged Oen- that would shatter the statue; I must ;he willow by the water-course, chew- mark had lost one of those sons of hers lake it in this way skoke by stroke.” .ng its cud, looks very thankful; and that had most highly contributed to 9ddd to President Younrr’s stag esaret. Are you a dkawvtr jot’ eater? bhrow a luster on the nation all ov9r the last few da E suggestion ismade t will be wifh y9U as at the ‘well .nd he continues on by week and who crln tell haw much a bird means -be ionth until after a while every marl the civilized world. And Denmark. EIornung, Pierce ar 1907 the 300th ~~.~iversary nb, when talking with the Samari- by its song? The aroma of the flow- ’ zctionf means one nat enters the studio is fascinated, 31s smells like incense. and the mist e landing of the English in James- in woman. Are you a custom-house the league is goin Hcor?-Christ will call you as he did umpire eystem, w latthew at the rec*eipt of custom. he man who has only a day’s wages L hi EET PEAS. for hor nephew would have led lief to bestow upon tho housemaid, who human comfort had to be conspicuous- was Fan of the Teeth, a few hints on ly marked on the upper leather with the best managemont of fires and tho the stamp of the malrer, and also that proper care o of the taxing officer. The sum to be paid was regulsted by the size of the fellow-servant boot or shoe. So, apart from the ques- be c-1 tion of bcauty, in those days it was a seo, it real advantage to have a small foot. in tho end,” said my aunt. In 1666 a tax was imposed on all pas- I dashed into tho sitting-room to sengers travcling in I3oll:md by land find, helpless with supp~e~sedlaugb- or water. In 1791 this tax was still in ter, the maiden with the black velvet force. In 1674 a duty of five conm was hat. I was costless, as has boon re- levied uRon each person who entercd zounted (people nwer stay long wit,li f~ tavern beforo noon. The tax was increased for aiternoon visits. Per- z man wlio lacks a cost), my hair sons wlio assembled in a private house was on end, and I was flushed. But after3 o’clock in the afternoon for the hambers which consist o connactcd by a tiny hallway giving on to tho landing by one door. There- fore it will be plain to the meanest was a duty on inari.ia~esand deaths. mind that onco the hall door is ocou- Tlie amount of the tax varied accord- pied by the enemy the only other

44’l’mgono,” she s What ridos on top of tho hay: to me until one memoi~ableafternoon at the word, to hunt lo What feasting in ~r~il~rno~hcr’sparrot1 when, without Irnoclr, word, or warn- cham beus. And now I must pat y i father had told him not to leave the ing, a ~~ound-faced,~olc~eiz-ha~r~d, Cousin Ethol just buriod blue-eyed inaidon, in an asti~alrli~~n-of the Teeth, boiling with rage, With Its uyas oponod w She As yours, my swcot dolly faced jaelrot, a gray skirt and a black was an austere woman of th I couldn’t do that, dojr, LO yo velvet hat, charged into my room not tgobe trifled with. Oh stop dolly1 whzt am I thlnltinz, after the most approved fashion of all ‘&AndI’m sure me and L Why &mot I xivo you away? the comedieg, crying: 44”B~arold Joe!” wyo talros all tho trouble that we can There’s D poor little girl I love dcarlg, And sho’s only ten yams to-d&y, My namo was not, and never will with seventeen sets of chainbe~sto bo, Joe. There was no neod for ex- be gone througli, and tho bells riug- How happy your brfyht oyos would make harl Sho novor had ~l~ythi~~~~lilro you 1)lanations. Sister, and only sister, ing on every landing all day long. With all your fino dross03 und trinl~ots. was stamped all over the faco of the ’Tisn’t as if I was afraid of my work, Yes, dolly, that’s just what I’ll do. (‘IIope er may die.’’ maiden. ~verybod~who has been For I’ave kep’ myself ever since I posmssed of an only aistor understa~s of thirteen-nor out. ” the manner in which one of the tribe when that lady A calf ‘“having seven legs” is tho Tharo is not n, passion SQ scronglv rooted ssion, beca&& it acts on the Kid= * sag. t n tho huqan breast a6 onvy. Good-by: on%last kiss, I’m half sorry enters a brothsi*’s rooms. 3n the staircase spoke to me an’ tolu latest monstrosity r f.~The maiden gave a little scream as me that I yas inatt~ntivean’ Lucy, Brunswiclr, N. J. I Cure DyapapPiia and ~OI~st~~~tIon. Our Wamilg IIorss. I turned. She apologized. Could I too, an’ smbts all about your room, A married couplo Dr. 81ioop’s Ji‘ostoratfvo Norm Pills s tell ber whereabouts Mr. Joseph ’roo with Hodical t3oolc to provo One bright spring morning we were person to bear, so Johnnie climbed myin’ that I was to take extra care are aged ninoty-nine and ninety-three ’or 2c stamp. lrwqqists hc. Dit. called to tiis stable to make the ac- over the fence, excla ~upard’schambers were? of you, girt I was put out. DO as years, respoctively. Box iv. ltacIt10, Wls, quaintance of the ncw colt. The stall I could not; for you may live seven- touched the ground: you would be done by, I think8, an’ According to Canon Fa door was opened and there he stood, teen years * in chambers without Cupid doom’$ ho3ftato to fo~oc~osehis I “Never‘toolc er dare, ’n never will.” show no fa’roi- to any chambers more rnor tgagcs. the blaclcest little fellow imagin~ble, Tlie fire bells sounded just then and knowing tho face, lifo, or occupation i with a tiny wliite star in liisforehead. than another, foi- some one must lose 1 Johnnie and pi\Tillie started to go to by- it; and if it isn’t you, it will be Ele looked at 11s and we loolced athim; the fire, but found it was too far Paris now gats its water supply after that, for some minutes, both seine other ~entleman, An’ there from six great ~prings; it travels sides seemed waiting for an introduc- aren’t no smuts in your room not to of aque- through eighty-three miles A11 of us know how othor pcoplo should tion, The colt toolc a shaky step or he soen, an’ Lucy, I lrnow she ’8s ducts. two forward, and with raised ears and You will observe that there was been on the fourth Boor since, I come sgcnil their rnonoy. There are 173,000,000 Mohammedans usly advanced to. nothing whatever in t.hese procsed- down with the slops; but 1 didn’t say A Prig Thing. ‘ the world already and 400 mission- wasd us. s%€y~pap’y ’ud buy ine one, too, if ings to bring a blush to the thinnest noth~nl~to that lady when she said in “It is the bi~~cs~thing I hvc of fcllo~vs~lipwas ariesare sent out from Cairo every Vht? I’d as’ fcr’t. ’? cheok. what she ssid~an~,Lor’, sir, what Why tlic business ndvcrtlsc offered him, but he only smelt it and Tho imp of pcrversity, wh year to malco fresh converts. column by 13. li’. Solinsou & Co., of 1 then coinmenced chewing the sleeve. r the left,” sneerin~ly, ’ave you bin doin‘ to the fuIa~~che~~r~ r the right,” tliseatenii~~ly. generally playing about on the -all pulled across the, room? Lucy T~le~hon~meteris the new instru- Another hand gave a little pat to his mont that repistors the time of eash neck, and presently four lisnds were ing for six shillings a week, met me ’asn’t been ’ere no more than tho cat. strolring and caressing the solt black in Ithe hallway, saying: An’ you ’avin to see your friends in conversation at tlie telephone from *ile coat. From that hour the colt was gontleman to see you, sir your bedroom-as if it was OUP fault!” time of ringing up the exclian claimed as our own, and, indeed, he Behind hfm stooef two b‘Fanny,” said ‘‘if there has boen off signal. I, ~~~113~1~~Vc~~J~Iic~~~~R~~~v~ C became the pet of the household, sub- knew, and any other Lsvan 17 Bucks c This argument could n I at my fault, that fault is niine. Take, of EIC~~~~~~:~~Ie~~sc inform your re1 mitting with much good nature to have received with joy. a, a girl of 16, drives the posl~i~,ercnic~ylor the tliousrrnd ing almost killed by kindness. with mere boasting w oh take those lips away, an n struck out together and The maiden at my h 3 i~slf-~ov~reign. mail staga between Princeton and arise from dcraugcd femnlc organs. Bays passed and that “croolccd- on to be flllcd but I will soud two bot rolling in the dust. Then after inucli singularly pretty head, and, whisper- It was B damning conf Fleetwood, and can manage a four- ing d4VVhat shall I doP1’ bol Tuilt, roceivod as such. Fan removed they will scnd their Expres into the sitting-room. hersolf with man in the county. corrcspoll~ienccstrlct1y All this was strictly in ace 35’8. my rcplies and rcxncdy with the rules of the stage; but why lEeentarad was noticed that tho men who had S. Marchis1 Uticc, N. P. it should have taken place in my in ha been without salt for three months, 6hambers I could never understand. table. and who had been wounded, however quietly resumed their fecding. And yet I was deeply thankful that “I’ve took tlzem in thoir teas,” sha slight, died of tho We had always looked forward to she had not gone forth, like Una, un- the time when Traveler, as we called 8 was tellin’ thoy would not heal him, would be ZL full-grown, shining der the noses of my visitors. Uncle a real nice In Russian temper blaelc horsc, and so it was quite a sur- John-yes, it was an uncle, evon as an’ I don’t plodgo is taken for one yoar. Tho prim to us t hairs among is the case in a com~dy~~~vouldhavo that, ’’ first tirno a member breaks the pledge the black, eascd rapidly lau~hed;and, since she was anothor Id think coming out in the street. Johnny of ha roceivos ~in0tce~with a birch rod, ~~~~ people arO not obit until he was unmarred by man’s sister, that would have been had any mention of the soubrette-to and with aach ~~cc~edin~offense Sen cn Dountyso. Mad.hense Uomp. miid forUo,, circuFmTifan,@ a single speck, the contrast making even worse than Aunt Alicc’s hawk- be sure, Fan was ratl~ertoo an~ular punish mora lustrous his big black eyes. We eyed in~pectionof‘ the maiden, and were forgetf~lof the strange fact that for the soubrette-refusing a tip, our erocer or sorid 10 conts to all white horses were once blaclc colts; ~ubse~uentdescription oE her faco, ($Andyou’re a lady, too Fan,” said EALL’B C~~A~~~OURE fs a 1i ui to all hor righteous is talien incornally and acts dirod~y never was a white colt, and if 1. “Keep it. Few people return tho blood and mucbus surfacos of tho SYS. at’s SO,’, patting money. Still ewer di~miss*precou- tom, Yond for test~monialsfroo, Sold bJ Druqists 7% Regulator over marlo. N curiosity. ,Tolinny on the head, as the coals of people in the hall- coived suspicions. ’l b. J. ~;QI~NEY& uo., pro~.,:~olodo,(2, fire byrned deep in that young man’s An inspiration told get Sho withdrew sl~ghtlyalarmad. way. mo _- conscience. Johnnie’s behavior was rid of in$ cost and rumple my hair. I stepped into llway to set A full stomach gfveth courage. evening, and his efforts Desperate €oar made me very wise, down the empty ator syphon ference to the morning XsrVs Clover t skillful and successful. most courteous, and genial to excess. in the place ap The door ~~e~~o Oomp~orioufllood Purifier,and givescures fr cO~~8t~P~tiO~ 250. M)a As he went to bed he said to himself: “Oh, so glad to see, you,’’ said I; l~a~in~to the landing was half-o~en. ‘6’Pitole papy ’bout the dare an’ “but I’m afraid you’ve come to a reg- I heard voices descend in^ the stairs. Speak kindly of tho rich; they nood it. Procured in U. 8. and all Willie’s pap-y bein’ bettera him, he ular camp in the wildex~ne~s.Frtot 0 was really very nice, JOO, - Zorclgn countries. Ten times there would be a tumble, but wouldn’ do nuan-but I guess I is, my sitting- roc)^ is upside down- about it. Said he had a sister of hie corn Srrlve.” emmlner in U. S. Pat. oy rofundod, bsk your ~~ixrantrcdor no fe~ Traveler would instantl~stop and won’t.’’ t~atfool of a hou~eniaid has been own and laughed,” 7th SC.. W~~~nG~n.D, U: stand quietly waiting for them to re- -- mnrfs. doing to the fire that has ’mp. Than I’m sorry for his gain their places. sist0r, that’s all. IJe drinks like a Tho roso cannot inhalo its own frn~ranco One of Traveler’s most prominent There proba was a bog or filled itlz smuts, and I’ve girl who did not dream of possessing made erything out again. Ash, ~hy,only laat night I found Thls Trndo Nark is the best traits was his disli being kept . -- on waiting, and one S morning he for his or her own pleasure a band of But come into the bed~oom, since him on his hands and knees on tho undestoolc to dcm te it. On pygmies who should do what they you’ve taken the trouble to climb all second floor, and had to help him ta were bidden like so many ani~ated WINS~O~’B~O~T~IN~ SP~UPfor Chfldrcn ~oothing. he was kept standing at these stairs. ’I’ Even as I spoke in the bed.” I dolls. ~warfshave been found in in the 1 aiting for some of the ball, I Beard the heavy ar~-chair The next chambers! As I hopo to The best mon nevei* know horn good they A. J. TO~~R,B~ST~N, MAS ive him to ~h~il~ch. ~vheeledup against my ~i~ti~~-roomclear my c~aracte~beforo all judges, aro. d driven off and af~ei~ door, and there was a sound of em- it was the man in the next chamber^! asonable time he started 81 e h ha tic ust tin^. I thanl~ed heave^ I ha3 ~ea~dthe infernal din Pssold on n, ~u~r~nt~~,It cures fnclpient ~~n~i~rn~ height of a full-gro~vn tion. IC iy tbe besC Cough Cure. %.cts., cioctn 62 $1.00. four feet five inches, and that was pleased to afflict me that it episo~eat 2 o’cloelr in the mo~nin azeltine, W~rren,Po, ew weigh over sevent~-six pounds. had sent at least “one heart still and rifew of Joe’s c~mments ~~i~lio~sof ~~tLc~~~~s nro cstan ovory They are marvellously swift of foot, ready to play out tho play.” left the ~i~un~rard.How should the year by tho ~usLral~anabo~i~~nos. and as they smear them~elvesover Into my humble bed roo^ I led n know ~xactly into whose ture of oil and red ochre, t~oserel~tive~; and r~omsshe lzad penetrated?*and here FITS-All fits ~t~pp~dXrco by DIL. ~1‘1~~’sQ very strange a~pearance. NICirVB i~~S~~l~ICit.No ilt after first dng’5 use. the ~ann~rof wo was Joo saddling me with my noi vclous curcs. Treatitlo nnd 0.00 trial hottlo freo to Yi& ers care to enco~interany caa05. Sond to Dr. Kllne,OJI ArchSt..Phifadelphia,~a, ing inven~rioswith her eyo, and in- bor’s booted slumbers. quired as to w~eth~r1 was wcll X grippod tho sy~~on-headin an It is always wise to dis~ountthe faco ut it was the auntie a~on~of wrath, The ateps werr value of a WOrnllrL p~thetickiss and the remark that a~mo~toppos~te my landing, Therc was more soda-watc~~than had I had bazn sorioudy Lroublod for somc followed~&‘~yboy, how hot you are,! I. tino mttli ind~~ost~anc~~~~~~p~tion and a Aren’t you ~~ell?”-that seared my thou~litfor in the tube, and tho in woalr stornaclr my sysiom bocorning a11 run sirable additio~s to tlie plsy- perfectly innocent soul like hot iron. ncoction exhausted its& down, and din$ fifty pourrds in tvoight. I rooms of children, since they had about mivon up hopcs of again bofnr a Through the s.y~upatlietickindness Perfected crime must bring with it a zzle, spit, and runt. Xi we11 man ~\I”honI came ZLCI’OW ~r.~oana’s havk been said to eat inen alive. They ~ys~o~~~~1)ilIs. wiicli soon restored me ta of his new owners he came back and are as black as coals, and seein find mnse of ease and rest. It is the un- roar through the houso. met with Such a, welcome as would to hoslth, I gaining ~~v~n~y-~vQpounds in it desirablc to tattoo themselves. This here!” said Joe. you hear, throe ’tvoelis. Givo them 5 trial and soe have overwhelined any other horse, ? That’s a soda-w~te~i mhaLthoy will do for you. OAPT. 1COl3T. but he toole it quietly with that sad artistic v~ntui~ethey usually begin COOK ando on N S Scud& DULUTII for MapsRAILROAD and Circ when they are d years of age, using t it a~ain-so early,” Writo br.J, A. bo&b 6t Co., Catsliill, N. V, expression of his, and lia~~inghead, Iars. They will be sent to you After his return he became a perma- bottle-glass for the purpose of getting ut he didn’t loolr as if he their flesh into a condition to receive The sweet voico died away, and 1 Vhon yonr son’s bcaril is grown it Is time nent ~xtur~on tbo farm, for the for you to shltvo vour chin. steady work of which he proved him- tho colQr and retain it. Thcy eat fish, was alone with my sorrow and m;) self invaluable, though seldom ridden turtles and wild honey, and are rarely my aunt that tho folly of that houso- 8y phon. Add~s satisfied with a lunc~e~nthat docs o to ~r~asl Land Commissi~ner,St. Paul, mi^^ or driven by us. Once I wag rash maid preventod her from finishing To-day I know so moth in^ of plod That is what you ought to let your ---- enough to drive him, and that time not provjde them with sis pounds of eatables. ~heyl~v~in huts mado of anything this side of ~oomsday,and and con~truction;and, as I said,. 1 astureb go to. 6ome pastures haven’t was enough! U;c crawlcd most of the lcaves, and in spite of their freedom, that the dust would not wttle down understand the v~~lisimilitudoof thc? enough grass but what a few old liens which amounts to wildness, are ex- till twenty minutes aftor that. modern Frendi farce. Yet would 1 woul~pi~l~c~ean.Now if you want cee~ing~yi~~itable,-~~arper’s Young Thore was a crowing, choking sell all my insight for tho single luxuri~ntpllStuses or winter wheat eo do. noise, that might have been a stnoth- privilege of explaini~gto Milly (my fields sow Salzer’s seeds. Think 01 it! Six tons of hay per acre and sixtg- ho sou rrnti I?lolr. wed chuclrle, from the sitting-room, five bushels of wheat. Such yields Tho other day quite a number of make farming pay. Cut this out and visitors and cousins and aunts were was open. send 4 cents in stamps to-day to John assembled at the house of Mrs. X to A, Salzcr Seed company, Lacrosse, inspect Iier six-weeks-old baby, sniby of R12i~iilriad. Wis,, and receive free a paclrage of Xever was there a slower horse than “Dear little creature!” said one. Traveler-until hc was turned out in ot his father’s eyes, hasn’t he?” he annual manufacture of looking tho pasture. Then he was a new s,” said another, “and glass in Europe at the present time, creature; with a plunge and a lriclc he r’s mouth, undoubtedly.” iq Innocence that only cunning can according to tho latest statistics, iE would start on a ~alloparound the Whereupon little cousin Bobby, who bestow. 1 hall-openod the sitting- field, with head and tail up, full of has had enough of it, chimes in: room door, coughed vahemontly, and life and spirits. But if some one “He would approach with a bridle his head

reddie is it bad boy, aged 6, a his brother Charlie is 4. Freddie waa by the thickness of the glass, becaust the thicker they are the strongei TRAL RAILROAD, 194 Clark &cot, Chicago, thsy must be; but, speaking soien Ill., for 8 freo copy of a large, colored bird% tifically, thick glasses are defsctiva seed and with the, lxception of ti few seiits. o 15 cents each. The Tenth Annual Harvest festival tnder the Buspices of the Catholic iociety, was held last Thursday, and ority ovcr all othhr blood piir cras a sdobess in every way. The vhatover. Ayer a 2iarmpurilln letids veather was all that could be asked or and the attendance was large. Che Cass City Cornet Band furnished OR SALE.--2M mesof good uillmpr nusic throyghout the day, and the of which there is 40 acres of groe roung people danced and enjoyed 111 be sold in lots of 40 acres or upwar hemselves ,until a late hour at night. ifter paying expenses the society :leared about one hundred‘ and thirty 3 pairs Ladies’ 1-20s~for 25c.

ed to contribute PTIST CIHUBC

thousand eight hu OR SALE.--Good Blockey English shlre colt. Present, JohIl C , In the mutter of BrolCQto drive. Cash OX’ the. ~ 8-18 E. 13. PINNEY.

Ellshu J. Maiiii~i, and orititlad to inherit the lrcrids of which he died seized, Thereupon it Is ordered, that Tuesday, the 26th day of SeptembgI iiext, at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon, be assignad for the 1leiLrlKlg Of said petition arlil th:tt the hein: ut law of said deceasoil, and dl1 other persor)s interostod in said estate, are required to appobr at u session of said Court then to be holden la the PrObiLte offbe, l~itiie Village of C~L~O,ttW show cause if any there be, why tho pr;~yerof thc ytitloner ’should not be grdnted: And it !t unday evening, con- urther ordered that said potitionor give noticc luctod by the Woman’s Home Mission. $0 the persons iiiterestod in sald estate ot thc 3ry Society, was well attended and un- pendency of siid petitioii and the head& thery. Papers were read of, by causiy a copy of this order to be publ~s~iiid . in the Cass ity hnterprrse D iiowspapor priiitod ring to the origin, and circulated in said Comity, three success1 yeeks pruvious to said dny of hearing. JOBN C. LALNC [A TRUE COl’Y] 9-14 Judge of Probd TARN FOR SALE-Partly improved, - Address 14 or inquire of PRANK M~CRAUKEN I Deford, Mdh: I Stephens, of Southfield, OR ~A~~-~u~eG yours old, in loal to the Bee Ells Courliss, visited her p&re,?‘ts F Robinson horse; also yourling colt and second hund buggy or would trade mare for In the 3rd. inst. good driver. W, A. ANDEIIUON, Old lady Schenct, of Imlay‘ City, is 5-5 Casu CIty. here visiting her grand-daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Sharp. Mrs. Jennie Lovejoy, who has been visiting her mother Mrs. Wills, has re- turned to her home at St. Clair. OUSE FOR_SAEE--or rent. IIiguire of zero, and by birch canoe in the sum. 9-1 DR, J. H. McLEAN. We were not surprised 6ut pi rnerseasou:.. The effect of the Gospel to learn that Chicago wo~ldclog upon the hdarts and lives of Indian World’s Fair during the Cads Cifg chiefs, codjurors, medicine men, etc. ING NEATLY DON was told in- a striking manner. All


River District) of the M. will be held at the Wisnor Church best qualities of N Oct. 4 and 6 next. A splondid prograrr tables, Fine Candi has been arranged. Pull particulm

In our last issue we announced thai the county fair would be held on Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday, Octob or 3,4 and 5. Since,then it has boor learned that these dates conflict wit1 eady for s lso r when found showed that he had been the Caro fair, and in order to avoid thtit the directors of the Huron coun ty fair met this. week and made thf dates for holding our fair a week ear lier, September 26th, 27th and 28th These dates place us between the Car( and Cass City fairs.--[Bad Axe Demo R. C. Beach and son, George H., werc crat. Is Headquarters f in town Sunday. A row of considera~leproportion! The new roller grist mill will starf occurred at Ga~etownlast Saturda: evening, and resulted in John Stroeto, up the coming week. I and son George getting badily disflg The fall term of the Catholic school ured. The row occurred in the hote commenced Monday last. * at that place and it was found neces Andrew Armstrong, of Ubly, WB sary to call a doctor to dross thesenio ooks of All Kind the parental home over Sunday., Streeter. Warrants were issued fo: Among the many conveni ~omandTi~Toohey and John Cor new school house is a large they were brought beforc oynick of this place Nonda: morning and plead guilty to the chargc Lead Pencils, IC. boxes wi her sister, Mrs. 0. L. Murray, of -“De‘ of assault and battery upon Georgr troit, Sunday. Streeter. They were Aned $25 aacl and costs on this charge and pleadet Wm. Wood the contractor on .*the not guilty to the same charge preferroc school house, returned Monday 3‘ron: by the elder Streeter. This caso wai his trip to Chicago. put over until Friday morning whar A, J, Palmer and wife, and :Miss they will have a jury trial. Tho affai. Jennie els son left Monday fog a tec caused considerable excitement las day’s visit to the White City, * Sunday; tho report having reached thii place that the older Streeter had beel ~~rd~~~d.~[CaroDemocrat. -.

~~~~~*~~~~~,uot aware of tho dangeri ofcoustj afiioa, neglect the proper r0m edy till &e habit becomes chronic, or in

~rnc Curd No. 28, Taking effect Junt evening was the most ordorly~,and business-like, that has been experisnc- ed for many years, The districg fl- nances are in excellent conditi’on: ._ We only had to raise $400 by direct tdX for the ensuing year, amd th tho interest on our $2,500 $100 and interest that pays lots purchased last spring we had 155 children of sch zenses just taken shows an increasd of and to give restful deep, so diRcult toob tam while tr~yell~~~,Dr. WLseler’f

paid : $6 for clover, $7 for No, 2 hay, $& ’or No. 1hay after I press it-doliv- inrlred :h have mdon boar& cars at any station north these stations inuy )f: Gagetown. Drop me a card, I will CONNECTIONS. W-With the F, &

esorving Praim.

Qesr Discovery for Consumption. JUr. King3 New We Pills, Bucklon’a Arnica 3alve and Electric Bitters, rind have reve:,handled remedies that sell its well, ir that have given such universal satis- action, We do not hesitate to guarntee hom every time. and we stuud ready to

The carpenters are h,~ new 4dditbn t