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Ebert, Tara

Working Paper Interdisciplinary Trust Meta-Analysis. Analysis of High Rank Trust Articles between 1966 and 2006

Discussion Paper, No. 2007-01

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Suggested Citation: Ebert, Tara (2007) : Interdisciplinary Trust Meta-Analysis. Analysis of High Rank Trust Articles between 1966 and 2006, Discussion Paper, No. 2007-01, Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, München, http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/ubm/epub.1388

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INTERDISCIPLINARY TRUST META-ANALYSIS Analysis of High Rank Trust Articles between 1966 and 2006

Tara A. E. Ebert

Discussion Paper 2007-18 March 2007


Online at http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/



Contents...... II Abstract...... III 1 Introduction ...... 1 2 Method of Meta-Analysis of Trust Articles ...... 1 3 Contributions of the Meta-analysis ...... 3 3.1 Development over Time of Number of Trust Articles and the Literary Highlights .. 3 3.2 Multidisciplinarity of Trust ...... 6 3.3 Objects of Trust Relationships ...... 9 3.4 Categories of Trust Interactions and their Facets...... 11 4 Key Contributions and Future Research Directions ...... 18 Appendix ...... 19 References ...... 92



A meta-analysis of approximately 800 trust articles written from 1966 to 2006 in A+, A, and

B journals are structured and analyzed. Contributions from the number of published trust articles, multidisciplinarity, trust objects, trust interactions types, and occurrence of key variables – in addition to the term trust - are deduced.


1 Introduction

The topic of trust can be found in articles from a wide-range of disciplines, e.g. from psychology, sociology, or economics, to mention only a few. Most of these, however, only give a short, very general overview of the meaning of trust, while focusing on special research questions regarding trust, i.e. trust between employees and management (e.g. ROUSSEAU/TIJORIWALA 1999); trust between strangers (e.g. MACY/SKVORETZ 1998); trust in alliances (e.g. NORMAN 2004); and, trust in e-service providers (e.g. JONES ET AL. 2000). As of yet, no overall interdisciplinary structure of trust research has been done. Consequently, a meta-analysis of trust research is the best way to shed light on the phenomenon of trust and give a suitable structure of trust research.

2 Method of Meta-Analysis of Trust Articles

The goal of this meta-analysis is to provide answers regarding the various facets of trust. A universal and clear high-quality pattern of trust will be developed on the basis of all articles in journals of an A+, A, and B nature from the beginning of 1966 until 2006.

A structured approach is necessary to determine the source material for the review. The major contributions are likely to be in the leading journals (cp. WEBSTER/WATSON 2002, p. xv). Thus, the basis for the complete meta-analysis is composed of A+, A, and B ranked journals to guarantee the highest level of quality.

The ranking of the journals was chosen from the VHB 03 out of the “Journal Quality List” from 07/05/2006. 290 out of 891 journals fall in the rank A+ (32 journals), A (125 journals), and B (133 journals)1. This approach guarantees an interdisciplinary review which completely covers high-quality and relevant trust literature and is thus not confined to one research method, one specific time horizon, or one specific trust context.

1 Rank A+ implies an index ≥ 9, A ≥ 8, B ≥ 7. The evaluation scale ranged from 1 (very low) to 10 (very high). The results were adjusted according to the different experience levels of the respondents. VHB03 is a ranking developed on behalf of the Association of University Professors of Management in German speaking countries (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft – VHB). The „Journal Quality List“ is compiled and edited by Dr. Anne-Wil Harzing, with the primarily goal to assist academics to target papers from journals of an appropriate standard. 2

In the first step, the articles taken from the 290 selected journals were scanned for the word “trust” with the help of the research database EBSCO2. Other similar words, like confidence or reliance, were not taken into account because of their term differentiation (cp. DESPORTES 2006; SIEGRIST ET AL. 2005). Approximately 3,200 articles were found.

In the next step, non-relevant articles were excluded. The content of the 3,200 articles were searched3 to test their suitability for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Articles were excluded using the following method: In located hits where a) ”trust” is negligible, meaning it is simply referred to in a sentence in the abstract or in the whole article or b) the term “trust” has a completely different meaning in a financial and/or accounting context, e.g. “unit trust”, which is another word for investment firm, or “trust” as a legal independent corporation with its own administration. Likewise, articles with similar words were excluded, i.e. trustee, Educational Trust Survey, trust fund, antitrust, investment trust, pension trust, royalty trust, trust-region method. Furthermore, book reviews were not included to avoid double information in the survey.

The meta-analysis spans 808 relevant remaining articles from initial 3,200. The following figure reflects the described procedure of building a suitable basis for the meta- analysis.

891 journals 290 journals ~ 3.200 articles ~800 articles

VHB03 word content

A+, A and B- „trust“ - hits in „trust“ – content basis for meta- journals out of EBSCO hits* analysis „journal quality list“

*End of research July 2006 Figure 1: Procedure of building a meta-analysis of trust articles

2 EBSCO is an electronic research database for articles out of 10.000 academic journals and other sources since 1922. 3 In the period June and July 2006. 3

These 808 articles are pasted in an Access-Database. The database has two kinds of columns: 1) Columns which can immediately be transferred from the article and 2) columns which can not be filled out before understanding the content of the article. The database comprehends main criteria like year, subject area4, key variables5, journal ranking, trust relationship in different depths (between objects and sub-objects), interaction category (IntA) between persons (P2P), organizations (O2O)., communication channel or virtual reality (CC/VR), intra-personal (P) or intra-organizational (O), to mention only a few. The detailed explanation of each column will be found in the respective chapters. Thus, the structure of the literature review is concept-centric6 concerning trust relationships and not author-centric (cp. WEBSTER/WATSON 2002, p. xvi). The set-up of the database is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Set-up of Access-Database

The contributions of the Meta-analysis will follow in the next chapters.

3 Contributions of the Meta-analysis

Key contributions to the increase of trust articles, literary highlights, multidiscipliarity, objects of trust, and categories of trust interactions are given.

3.1 Development over Time of Number of Trust Articles and the Literary Highlights

In 1966, the first researchers began publishing highly rated articles about trust. Until 1993, however, trust was rarely the focus of research. In the course of the last couple years, there has been an increase in the number of trust articles written, with a peak in 2003 (109 publications).

4 The subject area was adopted from the „Journal Quality List“ mentioned above. 5 The key variables were taken from the abstract of all 808 trust articles. 6 Literature Reviews are concept-centric, when concepts determine the organizing framework of a review (cp. WEBSTER/WATSON 2002, p. xvi). 4




60 number ofnumber articles



0 1966 1967 1969 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 year

Figure 3: Development of number of trust articles over time

This growth probably developed because of the continuously increasing international stress of competition in the last 15 years (cp. RUGMAN/COLLINSON 2006, p. 33). Customer loyalty and thus trust becomes an important competitive advantage to gain sales from a regular clientele. The international stress of competition leads to a clear trend of joint ventures and firm co-operations, which is denoted in the past years. Furthermore, the establishment of e- commerce increased the likelihood that customers switch companies more readily because of the improved, easier access to price and service information.

This increase of trust articles in research is boosted by the following ten highly cited7 articles in the past which shaped trust literature: CROSBY ET AL. 1990 (Citation index (CI): 242) analyze the quality of the relationship between salespersons and the customer that determines the probability of continued interchange between those parties in the future. Future sales opportunities are mostly dependent up on relationship quality (i.e., trust and satisfaction).

ANDERSON/NARUS 1990 (CI: 407) present a model of distribution firm and manufacturer firm working partnerships. Communication and cooperation were antecedents which

7 “Highly” means more than 150 citations in the EBSCO database in November 2006. The “citation for the whole database” from EBSCO was consulted in this analysis. 5 promoted less conflict and higher satisfaction as consequences of trust. Especially the respecification of cooperation as an antecedent rather than a consequence of trust is found.

LARSON 1992 (CI: 164) examines social control in network organizational forms through an inductive field study in high-growth entrepreneurial firms. A process model of network formation that highlights the importance of reputation, trust reciprocity, and mutual interdependence is presented.

MOORMAN ET AL. 1993 (CI: 160) show that interpersonal factors are most predictive of trust. Those most strongly associated with trust were variables like: Integrity, willingness to reduce uncertainty, confidentiality, expertise, tactfulness, sincerity, congeniality, and timeliness. Further variables which also affected trust were: Formalization of the user’s organization, culture of organization, organizational power, and customization.

GANESAN 1994 (CI: 189) suggests that long-term orientation in a buyer-seller relationship is a function of two main factors: mutual dependence and the extent to which both partners trust one another. Dependence and trust are related to environmental un-certainty, transaction- specific investments, reputation, and satisfaction in a buyer-seller relationship. Especially the two dimensional definition of trust in credibility and benevolence must be emphasised.

MORGAN/HUNT 1994 (CI: 522) study B2B relationship marketing and examine commitment and trust as key mediating variables of successful relationship marketing. Shared values, communication, and less opportunistic behavior influence trust. Consequences of trust are cooperation, functional conflict, and less uncertainty.

MOHR/SPEKMAN 1994 (CI: 158) examine primary characteristics of partnership success (satisfaction and sales volume). These characteristics are partnership attributes of commitment, coordination, trust, communication quality, participation, and the conflict resolution technique of joint problem solving.

MAYER ET AL. 1995 (CI: 344) represent a definition and a proposed model of antecedents and outcomes of trust including characteristics of the trustor, the trustee, and the role of risk. Factors of perceived trustworthiness which influence trust are ability, benevolence, and integrity. Trustor’s propensity is a moderator of trust in the proposed model. 6

DONEY/CANNON 1997 (CI: 169) examine five cognitive processes through which industrial buyers can secure the trust of a suppliers firm and its salesperson. Antecedents of the buying firm’s trust in the supplier firm and its salesperson were characteristics of the supplier firm (reputation, size) and the salesperson (expertise and power) as well as the characteristics of the relationship to the supplier firm (willingness to customize, confidential in-formation sharing, and length of relationship) and select traits of the salesperson (likeability, similarity, frequent business contact, frequent social contact, length of relationship).

GARBARINO/JOHNSON 1999 (CI: 173) segment the customer base of an organization into low and high relational groups to assess how evaluations vary for these groups. The authors analyze the relationships of satisfaction, trust, and commitment to component satisfaction attitudes and future intentions. For high relational customers (consistent subscribers of theatre against occasional subscriber), trust and commitment, rather than satisfaction, are the mediators between component attitudes and future intentions.

This short overview concerning relevant articles that focus on trust research already shows the wide spectrum of interrelations that trust is embedded in (e.g. satisfaction, communication, commitment), psychological aspects (trust propensity and cognitive processes), and different measurements of trust (e.g. trust or benevolence and credibility) as well as variables with an unclear causality (e.g. cooperation).

3.2 Multidisciplinarity of Trust

The growth in the amount of trust articles is also due to trust’s multidisciplinary character. Analyzing approximately 800 articles shows that the research areas8 are broader than the fields mentioned above. Trust functions as a relevant research question in the following areas of research:

8 The research areas are the defined according to the subject areas listed in the „Journal Quality List“ by Harzing. Organization Behavior/Studies, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations (OS/OB, HRM, IR), Marketing, General & Strategy, Psychology, Management Information Systems, Knowledge Management (MIS, KM), Economics, Operations Research, Management Science, Production & Operations Management (OR, MS & POM), Finance & Accounting (F&A), Sociology, Innovation, Public Sector Management (PSM), Entrepreneurship, and Communication. 7

OS/OB, HRM, IR 24,4% Marketing 22,4% General&Strategy 15,3% Psychology 9,8% MIS, KM 8,2% Economics 7,7% OR, MS &POM 4,6% F&A 4,5%

research area Sociology 1,6% PSM 0,5% Innovation 0,5% Entrepreneurship 0,4% Communication 0,2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% % of represented research area of trust articles

Figure 4: Frequency of research areas of trust articles in %

Even if the relation of articles per journal and subject area is analyzed to avoid that special subject areas have more journals and thus more articles than others, the rank of the subject areas nearly stays the same and only a slight shift can be detected: General & Strategy (9.5 articles per journal at an average in the period from 1966 to 2006 in the research area General & Strategy), Organization Behavior/Studies, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations (9.4), Marketing (7.9), Psychology (6.1), Management Information Systems, Knowledge Management (5.1), Sociology (3.3), Economics (3.1), Operations Research, Management Science, Production & Operations Management (2.8), Finance & Accounting (2.8), Innovation (2.0), Public Sector Management (2.0), Communication (2.0), and Entrepreneurship (1.5). 8

General&Strategy OS/OB, HRM, IR Marketing Psychology MIS, KM Sociology Economics OR, MS &POM

research area F&A PSM Innovation Communication Entrepreneurship

012345678910 number articles per journal per research area

Figure 5: Number of trust articles per journal in research areas

Trust research is predominantly undertaken in the fields of “General & Strategy”, “OS/OB, HRM, IR”, “Marketing”, and “Psychology” for several reasons. As mentioned above, the increased stress of competition over the past years has led to a higher focus on trust research. Especially in the “strategy” and “marketing” departments, questions about ’s trust and programs about customer loyalty arise. The augmented numbers of joint ventures and firm co-operations not only implicates trust problems between organizational cultures and their employees, but also the importance of trust mechanisms - as a complement to control - for contractual Business-to-Business relationships to work efficiently. Thus, a huge amount of trust articles can be found in the research area “OS/OB, HRM, IR”. “Psychology”, as the fourth predominant area for trust research, mirrors the psychological character of trust. Trust is a very emotional, fragile, and interpersonal theme which can not easily be quantified, but is the basis for every interaction. Psychological processes are relevant for trust building. Thus, marketing managers have to recognize the psychological workings of customers during the development of trust building measures.

Top journals which publish at least 3% of the analyzed trust articles are Journal of Business Ethics (5.7%), Journal of Business Research (5.4%), Journal of Applied Psychology (3.7%), Organizational Science (3.5%), and the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 9

(3.0%). This result mirrors the arguments given above for the ranking of the particular research areas. Summarizing these results leads to the observation that trust is a multidisciplinary construct. This multidiscipliarity developed in the last 60 years. The focus of trust research in theses different disciplines continues to be on the strategic organizational behavior between organizations and marketing themes.

3.3 Objects of Trust Relationships

This analysis is based on the second category of the meta-analysis (cp. Chapter 2). The database had the four defined columns: “Object 1”, “sub-object 1”, “object 2”, and “sub- object 2” (cp. Figure 2). “Object 1” and “object 2” describe the overall categories for the trust relationship. “Sub-object 1” and “sub-object 2” describe the sub-categories for trust relationship.

The overall category denotation of the “objects” (e.g. “person”, when a consumer, or “organization”, when a supplier was interviewed) was achieved by the context, the hypotheses, or the questionnaire at the end of the articles. 808 articles can be allocated to the three overall “object” categories: Person, organization, and product/technology. Before explaining the three tangible definitions of the overall “object” – categories, a short discussion about a putative fourth “object” category is necessary.

Some studies analyze, for example, consumer’s trust in an e-vendor. The “communication channel” or “virtual reality” seems to be a putative fourth “object” category in the meta- analysis. The reason why this consideration is rejected will be explained in the following paragraph. Communication channels are not only defined as the conventional types of media, like TV, radio, journals, poster, advertisement in buses, stations or airports, and sponsoring, but also the Internet (cp. KOTLER ET AL. 2003, p. 861). In this article, the term “Internet” is broadened by the word “virtual reality”9, according to COIFFET/BURDEA (2003, p. 3), in order to include terms like e-commerce, e-vendor, or virtual communities. Thus, virtual reality is a sub-category of the communication channel.

9 Virtual reality can be described as unifying realistic (or veridical) realities with artificial reality. It is a high-end user-computer interface that involves real-time simulations and interaction through multiple sensorial channels (COIFFET/BURDEA 2003, p. 3). 10

The communication channel or virtual reality is in fact a medium through which an organization appears and interacts (cp. SAINI/JOHNSON 2005, p. 362). The direct interaction takes part between the person or organization and the communication channel. However, the person or organization also indirectly interacts with another person or organization. Thus, the communication channel makes interaction possible. When, e.g. a consumer has trust in an online provider, the consumer will interact with the website of the service provider, so the website is the virtual illustration of the interacting partner. Consequently, the communication channel or virtual reality is defined as a medium which enables interactions between persons and organizations. For this reason, it will not be named as a further object category in the meta-analysis. In order to account for this information, an additional column with the mnemonic “CC/VR” is included in the database (cp. Chapter 2).

The object “person” stands for terms like one person (e.g. natural person, consumer, stakeholder) or group of people (e.g. team, group).

The object “organization” contains terms linked to an organization (e.g. firm, company, buyer, supplier) as well as to persons who represent an organization (e.g. frontline-employee, salesperson, representative). This allocation is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it is vital for the analysis of the relationship between a consumer and the organization. The contact between a consumer and an organization is often linked by a direct contact with salespersons. The classification of a salesperson as a person would lead to an omission of relevant facts in a consumer-firm relationship. Secondly, the relevant interpersonal joint variables with trust (e.g. trust in a front-line employee) in business with will be included in the research model. Thirdly, studies show that consumers transfer the characteristics of a salesperson to organizations or brands. Trust in organization enhances customer’s trust in the salespeople (cp. ANDALEEP/ANWAR 1996, p. 47). Fourthly, it was not often clear in the articles whether or not the supplier or buyer was an organization or a single person business. Lastly, the frontline-employees, salespersons, or representatives give organizational instruction (e.g. achievement of sales volumes) which leads to more sales orientated behavior. Thus, they pursue another goal which plays an important role in trust relationships because of the empirically proven negative affect of sales orientation on trust (cp. BEJOU ET AL. 1998, p. 174).


The third “object” category implies all terms linked to products and technologies (e.g. trust in money or software technology). Of the 808 articles analyzed, only five articles fall under the “object” category product or technology. This extremely low number of articles can be attributed to the fact that trust objects are persons or person-like entities. The consideration to include and account for “trust in a product or technology” as a research gap is rejected. The reason for this low number most likely is due to the misunderstanding of the word “trust”; the more appropriate definition would have been “to have confidence in a product or technology” because performance-based information is the core of this special relationship and the object is not limited to a person-like entity (cp. EARLE/SIEGRIST 2006).

Consequently, the important contribution of the meta-analysis at this stage is that the “communication channel” must be seen as a medium for trust interactions and that trust objects are persons or organizations/person-like entities. This, in turn, assures the general possibility of reciprocal interaction between the objects because of their interactive character. Some researchers’ definition of trust even implies that the interaction needs to be reciprocal (cp. BLOIS 1999, p. 201).

3.4 Categories of Trust Interactions and their Facets

Different trust interactions with different facets emphasize the need of differentiation in trust research.

The basic understanding of interaction between two interacting partners is reflected in the Game Theory. The goal of the Game Theory is the optimal definition of contracts between interacting partners concerning an allocation of resources, division of risks (under uncertainty), and behavioral control (cp. RASMUSEN 1994). In the course of trust and interaction, there are further favorite theories, like Transaction Cost Theory, Principle Agent Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Theory of Reasoned Action, Rational Choice Theory, and Resource Dependency Theory, that play an important role in explaining the relationship of further variables (e.g. opportunism) which are considered when discussing trust10.

10 A suitable overview and the discussion of trust in the main mentioned theories is given by MÖLLERING (2006, p. 13). 12

Trust implies the possibility and precondition of interaction. The structure of trust interactions – the next contribution of the meta-analysis - clearly follows the definition of the trust objects discussed earlier. Consequently, there are three main types of interaction: Trust between persons (inter-personal or P2P), trust between organizations (inter-organizational or O2O), and trust between a person and an organization (inter-person-organization or P2O).

The statement by LARSON (1992, p. 77) that interorganizational trust (O2O) reflects interpersonal trust (P2P) is bisectional. It can be rejected. It is correct that an organization is an agglomeration of individuals. However, persons who are responsible for business relationships between organizations pursue an organizational goal which might, in turn, differ from their private goals. A superior organizational goal of interacting with another company, which will be traced by the management, will mirror the personal goals of each single manager. The goal congruence and likelihood of opportunistic behavior of the interacting partner is a critical factor in relationships (e.g. LEISEN/HYMAN 2004, p. 997; MARTIN/CAMARERO 2005, p. 92). This aspect of different objective function has also been picked up in the Game Theory by the calculations of equilibriums11.

A quatrisectional structure is proposed by GANESAN/HESS 1997. Here, the focus is on Business-to-Business (B2B) trust research. They compose four distinct entities: 1) Interpersonal trust which exists between an individual buyer and a sales representative; 2) organizational trust which exists when buyer and sales representative have different levels of trust in the selling and buying organizations; 3) intraorganizational trust which exists between a buyer and the buying organization and a sales representative and the vendor organization; 4) interorganizational trust which comprises trust between organizations (cp. GANESAN/HESS 1997, p. 440). Transferring these categories from B2B to a global trust structure implies that the second and third dimensions merge into one category “trust between persons and organizations” (P2O). The separation of “trust in one’s own organization” and “trust in a foreign organization” is then nothing but a sub-category. Therefore, a trisection seems to be the best solution.

After having introduced the trisection, an analysis of the frequencies concerning the interactions types will be given. Beginning with the communication channel, P2P, O2O, and P2O interactions will follow.

11 Equilibriums are pairs of strategies in which each player’s strategy is the best response to the other’s (cp. HOLLER/ILLING 2003, p. 57). 13

From the meta-analysis, it can be deduced that in 1998 the first articles focused on trust interactions through the medium of “communication channel”. Since the year 2000, the special forms of these interactions have been given more attention in trust research (1998: 2 articles per year, 2005: 20 articles per year). In this very short time, the medium already includes approximately 15% of the research articles. This is primarily due to the fact that in the last years e-commerce became an important channel of business. Simply put, consumers are not interacting with salespersons in stores to the degree that they used to, but rather with the company’s website. Trust in e-service-providers is one of the main reasons for online purchases (i.e. GEFEN ET AL. 2003, p. 307, GEFEN/STRAUB 2004, p. 417).

In inter-personal interactions only 2% of the trust articles include the medium “communication channel”. But in 45% of the 808 articles, inter-personal relationships play a very important role in trust research. Inter-personal trust research can be separated into two interactive categories, differentiating between: 1) private interaction, which implies a relationship between persons outside an organization, e.g. partners (wife and husband), children, neighbours; and 2) business interaction, which implies a relationship between persons who belong to an organization, e.g. (new) employees, manager, and supervisor, to mention only a few.

27% of the overall trust articles focus on inter-organizational relationships. Approximately 1% of these take the communication channel into account. The following analyzed interactions can be separated into relationships between: 1) Internal interactions (organizations are joint), e.g. partner firms (alliance partner), parent, affiliate, and network firms and 2) external interactions (independent and separate organizations), e.g. buyer, supplier, and manufacturer, to mention only a few. Frequent interactions between organizations develop as a result of co-operations, supply chain businesses, or joint ventures.

The remaining 26% of the articles analyze interactions between persons and organizations. Nearly 50% of these articles include the communication channel. The meta-analysis shows that interactions between persons and organization can be divided into the following two categories : 1) Internal interaction, where the person belongs to the organization. This kind of category is also called “organizational trust” (cp. CALDWELL/CLAPHAM 2003), e.g. trust 14 of the employee in the organization he/she works for and 2) external interactions (person does not belong to the organization), e.g. trust by the consumer in a service-provider.

The following figure resumes trust interactions including and excluding the communication channel and represents the percentage of frequencies of interaction in trust research.


virtual reality person or organization communication channel

45% 2% 1% 26%

person 11% organization

Figure 6: Categories and frequencies of listed trust interactions in %

To support the procedure of a trisection of trust interaction, the analysis of joint “key variables” – named in addition to trust in the abstract of trust articles - will improve the appreciation of trust facets. The key variables lead to different understandings of trust interaction characteristics. Depending on the interaction type (P2P, O2O, P2O), key variables adopt different relevant weight and thus place emphasis on the need for separating trust research in this trisection.

The next figure shows the frequencies of a cut-out12 of the key variables in the trust concept. The order of the named key variables follows after their listed frequencies in all 808 trust articles.

12 Frequencies and not research results of the single trust articles were regarded for two reasons: 1) To include information from theoretical papers and 2) to avoid the confusion of research results in different contexts which would lead to distorted results. Key variables are chosen which were named in at least 2% of all 808 articles. 15

frequency of key variables in trust articles (in %) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

perception performance information useability commitment satisfaction control cooperation partnership/collaboration quality trustworthiness communication culture risk ethics distrust justice and fairness attitude independence affect transactionscosts key variables power industry experience value reputation reciprocity leadership (re-)purchase conflict loyalty reward and benefits sociodemographics expectations negotiation confidence belief opportunism time security involvement motivation

Figure 7: Key variables in trust research 16

A major result of the key variable analysis is the fact that all key variables actually play a role in all three trust interactions. Only the frequency of occurrence of each single key variable is different and leads to different facets of trust interaction characteristics.

To show the relevance of the trisection, some highlights of the importance of key variable analysis can be pointed out. The key variables which stand out for their special interaction (P2P, O2O or P2O) will be given below.

In interpersonal relationships (P2P) key variables, like performance, perception, information, communication, control, cooperation, and justice/fairness play a significant role in trust research (cp. Figure 8). Especially key variables, like communication, distrust, justice/fairness, leadership, socio-demographics (e.g. gender), and motivation play a more important role in P2P trust interactions, unlike the two other trust interactions.

20% 18,3% 18,0% 18%

16% 14,6% 14% 12,2% 12% 10,9% 10,1% 10% 9,3%




2% frequency of keywords trust in (inP2P articles %)

0% performance perception information communication control cooperation justice and fairness key variables

Figure 8: Frequencies of key variables in P2P trust research

Again, the meta-analysis shows that inter-organizational interactions (O2O) are especially marked by the importance of partnership/collaboration, commitment, cooperation, performance, useability, transactions costs, and control (cp. Figure 9). Furthermore, unlike the two other trust interactions (P2P and P2O), the key variables culture, independence, industry, and opportunism play a special role in O2O trust research. 17


30,1% 30%

25% 21,0% 20% 18,3% 18,3% 16,4% 15,1% 15% 13,7%


5% frequency of keywords in O2O trust articles (in %) (in O2O in keywords of articles trust frequency 0% partnership/collaboration commitment cooperation performance useability transactionscosts control key variables

Figure 9: Frequencies of key variables in O2O trust research

In contrast to the other two relationships (P2P and O2O), P2O-interactions are affected by the perception of the organization, information, useability, satisfaction, perception of quality, trustworthiness of the organization, perception of risk.


24,6% 25%

20,8% 19,8% 20% 16,9%

15% 14,5%

11,6% 11,1%


5% frequency of keywords in P2O trust articles (in %) (in articles trust P2O in keywords of frequency

0% perception information useability satisfaction quality trustworthiness risk key variables

Figure 10: Frequencies of key variables in P2O trust research

This result shows that trust interaction differs in specific focal points.


4 Key Contributions and Future Research Directions

Key contributions of the meta-analysis show that there is a growing number of published trust articles. This might be due to competitive stress, ten relevant core articles, and that trust is realized to be a multidisciplinary construct in business research. Trust objects are persons or person-like entities. The communication channel can be defined as a mediator in trust research. Trust research can be structured into three interaction types P2P, O2O, and P2O. The occurrence of the three trust interactions depends on special “key variables”.

In trust research there is still the need for a “Trust Theory”. Through the analyzed joint key variables it can be shown that trust interactions have different characteristics. It can also be demonstrated, however, that they are all relevant in trust interaction. This leads to the perception that a “Trust Theory” must cover all mentioned key variables directly or in- directly. This critical knowledge gap is the core of this meta-analysis.

Gaps in trust research continue to exist. The first point to consider is a lack of a detailed analysis of the differentiation between “private and business” (in P2P) or “internal and external” interactions (in O2O, P2O). Does trust depend on hierarchy, distance of relationship, dependency of interacting partner or the distinction between private or business interaction? The second point to consider in order to achieve good model values is the analysis of trust measurement may vary depending upon the three interaction types.



The following table is structured first concerning the interaction category (IntA – P2P, P2O, and O2O), second after the communication channel/virtual reality (CC/VR), and third after the name of authors.

CC/ P/ VHB Authors Year IntA Sub-object 1 Sub-object 2 Key Words CI Journal Subject area VR O 03 Journal of Brown, Houghton G.; Poole, CC/ use, affect, communication, power, Management 2004 P2P individual individual F&A B Scott M.; Rodgers, Thomas L. VR trustworthiness Information System embodied Cassell, Justine; Bickmore, CC/ Communications of 2000 P2P individual interface use, trustworthiness MIS, KM B Timothy VR the ACM agent International artifical Castelfranchi, Cristiano; Tan, CC/ Journal of 2002 P2P human agent agent, virtual trustworthiness MIS, KM A Yao-Hua VR Electronic environment Commerce CC/ Information Gallivan Michael J. 2001 P2P individual group O control, cooperation, performance 3 MIS, KM B VR Systems Journal Grabowski, Martha; Roberts, CC/ communication, culture, Organization OS/OB, 1999 P2P individual individual O 4 A Karlene H. VR performance, risk Science HRM, IR Journal of communication, coordination, Jarvenpaa, Sirkka L.; Knoll, CC/ Management 1998 P2P individual individual O integrity, perception, trust F&A B Kathleen; Leidner, Dorothy E. VR Information propensity System

Jarvenpaa, Sirkka L.; Leidner, CC/ experience, communication, Organization OS/OB, 1999 P2P individual team 19 A Dorothy E. VR culture, space, time Science HRM, IR

affect, cohesiveness, Jarvenpaa, Sirkka L.; Shaw, global virtual CC/ communication, (in-)dependence, Information 2004 P2P indiviuals O 1 MIS, KM A Thomas R.; Staples, Sandy D. teams VR information, perception, Systems Research performance 20

Journal of Leimeister, Jan Marco; Ebner, virtual CC/ Management 2005 P2P individual experience, competence, perception MIS, KM B Winfried; Krcmar, Helmut community VR Information Systems

confidence, expectations, Naquin, Charles E.; Paulson, online CC/ Journal of Applied 2003 P2P individual negotiation, performance, quality, 8 Psychology A Gaylen D. negotiations VR Psychology satisfaction

competence, (in-)dependence, Paul, David L.; McDaniel Jr., CC/ 2004 P2P individual individual partnership and collaboration, 2 MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A Reuben R. VR performance

CC/ control, goal congruence, Piccoli, Gabriele; Ives, Blake 2003 P2P team team 6 MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A VR perception Radcliffe, Larry L.; CC/ Management 2003 P2P individual individual information Gen&Strat B Schniederjans, Marc J. VR Decision Raghuram, Sumita; Gamd, organization CC/ experience, (in-)dependence, Journal of Raghu; Wiesenfeld, Batia; 2001 P2P supervisor O Gen&Strat B member VR sociodemographics Management Gupta, Vipin Journal of organization CC/ communication, control, power, OS/OB, Rämö, Hans 2004 P2P person O Managerial B member VR quality HRM, IR Psychology

Stewart, Katherine J.; Gosain, CC/ beliefs, communication, control, 2006 P2P team member team member MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A Sanjay VR motivation, quality

person, CC/ communication, information, Journal of Waither, Joseph B.; Bunz, Ulla 2005 P2P individual member of Comm B VR likeability and liking, performance Communication virtual group Journal of Xianjun, Geng; Whinston, CC/ Management 2004 P2P individual individual information F&A B Andrew B.; Zhang, Han VR Information System 21

ACM Transactions Yu, Ting; Winslett, Marianne; use, cooperation, information, 2003 P2P individual individual CC O on Information MIS, KM B Seamons, Kent E. negotiation Systems Journal of Abbink, Klaus; Irlenbusch, Economic 2000 P2P individual individual reciprocity 9 Economics A Bernd Behavior & Organization Organizational Abele, Susanne; Bless, Herbert; OS/OB, 2004 P2P individual individual perception, time Behavior & Human A Ehrhart, Karl-Martin HRM, IR Decision Processes Organization OS/OB, Adler, Paul S. 2001 P2P individual individual O authority, price 38 A Science HRM, IR International affect, commitment, Albrecht, Simon; Travaglione, senior Journal of Human OS/OB, 2003 P2P employee O communication, justice and 1 B Anthony management Resource HRM, IR fairness Management Alderfer, Clayton P.; Brown, organisation acceptance, awareness, Journal of Applied 1972 P2P investigator O 2 Psychology A Dave L. members information, satisfaction Psychology Alesina, Alberto; La Ferrara, Journal of Public 2002 P2P individual individual experience, distrust 11 Economics A+ Eliana Economics

Alge, Bradley J.; Ballinger, employee/ expectations, (in-)dependence, Personnel OS/OB, 2004 P2P team leader O B Gary A.; Green, Stephen G. subordinate performance Psychology HRM, IR

experience, communication, Organizational Alge, Bradley J.; Wiethoff, OS/OB, 2003 P2P team member team member O (in-)dependence, information, 6 Behavior & Human A Carolyn; Klein, Howard J. HRM, IR quality Decision Processes

Ambrose, Mauree L.; organization organization Journal of Applied 2003 P2P O justice and fairness, perception 14 Psychology A Schminke, Marshall member member Psychology Ammeter, Anthony P.; Human Resource OS/OB, Douglas, Ceasar; Ferris, Gerald 2004 P2P individual individual O (in-)dependence, responsibility 2 Management B HRM, IR R.; Goka, Heather Review Journal of Anderhub, Vital; Engelmann, Economic 2002 P2P individual individual cooperation, reciprocity, reputation 2 Economics A Dirk; Gü, Werner Behavior & Organization 22

affect, communication, Organizational Anderson, Cameron; OS/OB, 2004 P2P individual individual cooperation, emotion, negotiation, Behavior & Human A Thompson, Leigh L. HRM, IR power, quality Decision Processes

Anheier, Helmut; Kendall, The British Journal 2002 P2P person person transaction costs Sociology A Jeremy of Sociology

Appelbaum, Steven; Everard communication, involvement and Management 1999 P2P manager employee O Gen&Strat B Andrea; Hung, Loretta T. S. participation, leadership Decision Appelbaum, Steven; Bartolomucci, Nicolas; Beaumier, Erika; Boulanger, Management 2004 P2P employee manufacturer O culture, leadership, satisfaction Gen&Strat B Jonathan; Corrigan, Rodney; Decision Doré, Isabelle; Girard, Chrystine; Serroni, Carlo

corporate corporate Journal of Business OS/OB, Arjoon, Surendra 2005 P2P O confidence, ethics, responsibility B member member Ethics HRM, IR

Journal of Aryee, Samuel; Budhwar, supervisor, attitude, commitment, OS/OB, 2002 P2P employee O 26 Organizational A Pawan S.; Chen, Zhen X. employer performance, satisfaction HRM, IR Behavior Journal of OS/OB, Atkinson, Sally 2004 P2P manager manager O distrust Managerial B HRM, IR Psychology Journal of Atkinson, Sally; Butcher, OS/OB, 2003 P2P manager manager O communication, motivation 2 Managerial B David HRM, IR Psychology Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku; Li, Journal of 2002 P2P salespeople supervisee O performance 22 Marketing A+ Haiyang Marketing Journal of Product Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku; Li, 2006 P2P salespeople supervisee O commitment, control Innovation Innovation B Haiyang Management 23

commitment, communication, Journal of the Babin, Barry J.; Boles, James 2000 P2P employee individual O ethics, perception, responsibility, 9 Academy of Marketing A S.; Robin, Donald P. satisfaction Marketing Science

Journal of Business OS/OB, Baker, Sherry 2002 P2P individual professions communication, ethics 1 B Ethics HRM, IR International Banai, Moshe; Reisel, William Journal of Human OS/OB, 1999 P2P manager superior O nationality and ethnicity B D. Resource HRM, IR Management Strategic Barney, Jay B.; Hansen, Mark 1994 P2P individual individual transaction costs, trustworthiness 104 Management Gen&Strat A H. Journal Barr, Abigail 2003 P2P villager villager expectations, trustworthiness 3 Economic Journal Economics A

Accounting, Barrett, Michael; Cooper, 2005 P2P individual subordinate O coordination 2 Organizations and F&A A+ David J.; Jamal, Karim Society Academy of Bauer, Tayla N.; Green, similiarity, leadership, 1996 P2P subordinates supervisors O 22 Management Gen&Strat A+ Stephen G. performance, sociodemographics Journal

Becerra, Manuel; Gupta, Anil senior senior communication, perception, Organization OS/OB, 2003 P2P O 3 A K. manager manager trustworthiness Science HRM, IR Games and Berg, Joyce; Dickhaut, John; 1995 P2P individual individual control, reciprocity, reputation Economic Economics A McCabe, Kevin Behavior Bews, Neville F.; Rossouw, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2002 P2P individual individual O industry, ethics, trustworthiness 3 B Gedeon J. Ethics HRM, IR Bhattacharya, Rajeev; Academy of Devinney, Timothy M.; 1998 P2P individual individual 23 Management Gen&Strat A Pillutla, Madan M.; Devinney, Review Timothy M. Bigley, Gregory A.; Pearce, Academy of 1998 P2P individual individual O distrust 33 Gen&Strat A Jone L. Management 24


Journal of experience, control, cooperation, OS/OB, Bijlsma-Frankema, Katinka 2004 P2P manager individual O 1 Managerial B culture, distrust HRM, IR Psychology familiarity, commitment, Journal of Bligh, Michelle C.; Pearce, OS/OB, 2006 P2P leadership team member leadership, likeability and liking, Managerial B Craig L.; Kohles, Jeffrey C. HRM, IR value Psychology

ethics, (in-)dependence, distrust, Journal of Business OS/OB, Bluhm, Louis H. 1987 P2P individual individual 3 B perception, value Ethics HRM, IR International Journal of Human OS/OB, Blunsdon, Betsy; Reed, Ken 2003 P2P employee management O industry, affect 3 B Resource HRM, IR Management Boeckmann, Robert J.; Tyler, attitude, involvement and Journal of Applied 2002 P2P citizen P 1 Psychology A Tom R. participation Social Psychology

Bogenrieder, Irma; learning learning affect, career, performance, Organization OS/OB, 2004 P2P 2 A Nooteboom, Bait group group reputation, risk Studies HRM, IR

experience, information, American Bohnet, Iris; Huck, Steffen 2004 P2P individual individual O Economics A+ reputation, trustworthiness Economic Review Journal of Bohnet, Iris; Zeckhauser, Economic 2004 P2P individual stranger distrust, risk 3 Economics A Richard Behavior & Organization Bonoma, Thomas V.; Johnston, OR, MS 1979 P2P male, female own person control, risk 2 Decision Sciences B Wesley J. &POM communication, control, Strategic Boone, Christophe; De 1993 P2P individual own person P leadership, perception, 5 Management Gen&Strat A Brabander, Bert performance Journal Academy of Bouty, Isabelle 2000 P2P scientist scientist 26 Management Gen&Strat A+ Journal 25

International Bower, Anthony G.; Garber, Journal of OS/OB, 1997 P2P principal agent cooperation, reputation 2 A Steven Industrial HRM, IR Organization cooperation, justice and fairness, Journal of Business OS/OB, Bowie, Norman E. 1985 P2P individual individual 2 B negotiation, value Ethics HRM, IR Journal of Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, cooperation, ethics, nationality and Economic 2004 P2P neighbor neighbor 4 Economics A Herbert ethnicity Behavior & Organization

Brashear, Thomas G.; Boles, Journal of the James S.; Bellenger, Danny N.; 2003 P2P salesmanager salesperson O commitment, satisfaction 5 Academy of Marketing A Brooks, Charles M. Marketing Science

Human Resource Brewster, Chris; Scullion, OS/OB, 1997 P2P individual management O control 19 Management B Hugh HRM, IR Journal

trust in culture, ethics, leadership, Journal of Business OS/OB, Brien, Andrew 1998 P2P employee O 11 B profession trustworthiness Ethics HRM, IR Brockner, Joel; Siegel, Phyllis Organizatio- Administrative A.; Daly, Joseph P.; Tyler, 1997 P2P employee nal O authority 44 Gen&Strat A+ Science Quarterly Tom; Martin, Christopher authorities Brockner, Joel; Wiesenfeld, Organizational OS/OB, Batia M.; Martin, Christopher 1995 P2P employee individual O justice and fairness 25 Behavior & Human A HRM, IR L. Decision Processes

Brower, Holly H.; Schoorman, Leadership OS/OB, 2000 P2P leader subordinate O integrity, leadership, perception 10 B David F.; Tan, Hwee H. Quarterly HRM, IR

Organizational Brown, Michael E.; Treviño, ethics, justice and fairness, OS/OB, 2005 P2P employee leader O 2 Behavior & Human A Linda K.; Harrison, David A. leadership, perception, satisfaction HRM, IR Decision Processes Multivariate Browne, James A.; Howarth, 1997 P2P individual individual P 3 Behavioral Psychology A Edgar Research 26

Brownlie, Julie; Howson, 2005 P2P individual general trust P Sociology Sociology B Alexandra

Journal of Product product product communication, conflict, justice Bstieler, Ludwig 2006 P2P O Innovation Innovation B manager manager and fairness, performance Management Buchan, Nancy R.; Croson, own, American Journal Rachel T. A.; Dawes, Robyn 2002 P2P individual culture, reciprocity 5 Sociology A nationality of Sociology M. Bunker, Barbara B.; Alban, Journal of Applied 2004 P2P team member team member O conflict Psychology B Billie T.; Lewicki, Roy J. Behavioral Science Journal of Burks, Stephen V.; Carpenter, Economic 2003 P2P individual individual reciprocity, trustworthiness 2 Economics A Jeffrey P.; Verhoogen, Eric Behavior & Organization Journal of Burnham, Terence; McCabe, Economic 2000 P2P individual individual use, trustworthiness 2 Economics A Kevin Behavior & Organization Games and Buskens, Vincent 2003 P2P individual individual control, culture, information Economic Economics A Behavior Group & expectations, information, OS/OB, Butler, John K., Jr. 1999 P2P manager manager O 11 Organization B negotiation, quantity HRM, IR Management Group & OS/OB, Butler, John K., Jr. 1995 P2P student student conflict, information, distrust Organization B HRM, IR Management Journal of Butler, John K., Jr. 1991 P2P manager employee O expectations, reliability 1 Gen&Strat B Management Journal of Social Butler, John K., Jr. 1986 P2P male female affect, control, perception Psychology A Psychology

confidence, control, ethics, Journal of Business OS/OB, Caldwell, Cam; Karri, Ranjan 2005 P2P employee individual O expectations, performance, 2 B Ethics HRM, IR stewardship 27

Cammann, Cortlandt; Lawler Journal of Applied 1973 P2P worker management O attitude, performance Psychology A III, Edward E. Psychology Journal of Carpenter, Jeffrey P.; Daniere, Economic 2004 P2P individual individual cooperation, culture 3 Economics A Amrita G.; Takahashi, Lois M. Behavior & Organization Journal of altruism, ethics, risk, Economics & Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon 2004 P2P principal agent Economics A trustworthiness Management Strategy Chami, Ralph; Fullenkamp, use, altruism, information, Journal of Banking 2002 P2P co-worker co-worker O 4 F&A A Connel satisfaction & Finance Journal of Business OS/OB, Chan, Marjorie 2003 P2P worker manager O control, distrust B Ethics HRM, IR Academy of nationality and ethnicity, Chattopadhyay, Prithviraj 1999 P2P employee peers O 31 Management Gen&Strat A+ sociodemographics Journal Chattopadhyay, Prithviraj; Journal of Applied 2001 P2P employee peer O altruism 14 Psychology A George, Elizabeth Psychology first line owner, OS/OB, Chell, Elizabeth; Tracey, Paul 2005 P2P managers O competence, expectations Human Relations B managers HRM, IR (supervisors) Chen, Chao C.;Chen, Ya-Ru; Organization OS/OB, 2004 P2P employee manager O justice and fairness A Xin, Katherine Science HRM, IR Journal of Chenhall, Robert H.; commitment, control, performance, Management 2003 P2P employee manager O 2 F&A B Langfield-Smith, Kim value Accounting Research Organization OS/OB, Child, John; Möllering, Guido 2003 P2P manager local staff O confidence, performance 11 A Science HRM, IR Childers, Terry L..; Skinner, Psychology & 1996 P2P individual respondents commitment, cooperation 2 Marketing B Steven J. Marketing Journal of Choi, Chong J.; Lee, Soo H.; 1999 P2P individual individual transaction costs 5 International Gen&Strat A Kim, Jai B. Business Studies 28

Journal of Personal Choi, Nak H.; Dixon, Andrea affect, control, information, 2004 P2P salesperson supervisor O Selling & Sales Marketing B L.; Jung, Jae M. involvement and participation Management Journal of Clark, Murray C., Payne, Roy manager/ OS/OB, 1997 P2P employee O use, distrust 12 Organizational A L. management HRM, IR Behavior Journal of Clegg, Chris; Unsworth, Occupational & OS/OB, Kerrie; Epitropaki, Olga; 2002 P2P employee management O use 4 A Organizational HRM, IR Parker, Giselle Psychology Journal of Cochard, François; Nguyen Economic 2004 P2P trustor trustee Economics A Van, Phu; Willinger, Marc Behavior & Organization Journal of Colombo, Ferdinando; Economic 2006 P2P principle agent commitment, information, value Economics A Merzoni, Guido Behavior & Organization Colquitt, Jason A.; Scott, Brent Organizational justice and fairness, performance, OS/OB, A.; Judge, Timothy A.; Shaw, 2006 P2P individual personality P Behavior & Human A risk HRM, IR John C. Decision Processes Games and affect, altruism, information, Cox, James C. 2004 P2P individual individual Economic Economics A reciprocity Behavior Journal of Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A- involvement and participation, OS/OB, 2002 P2P employee employer O 3 Organizational A M. justice and fairness, reciprocity HRM, IR Behavior Crittenden, Victoria; communication, conflict, Journal of Business 2006 P2P manager employee O Marketing B Woodside, Arch G. coordination Research Journal of Applied Cummins, Robert C. 1971 P2P leader worker O leadership, performance, quality 2 Psychology A Psychology International Cunha, Miguel P. E.; Kamoche, commitment, control, performance, Studies of OS/OB, Ken; Marziliano, Nicola; Da 2003 P2P teamworkers teamworkers O B power Management & HRM, IR Cunha, João V. Organization 29

Cunningham, Barton J.; justice and fairness, perception, OS/OB, 2000 P2P employee supervisor O 8 Human Relations B MacGregor, James performance, quality, satisfaction HRM, IR

Journal of Business OS/OB, Dahl, Tor 1989 P2P individual employees O ethics, information, quality, value B Ethics HRM, IR Dahlstrom, Robert; Nygaard, Journal of 1995 P2P individual individual control, performance Marketing A Arne Retailing Davis, James H.; Schoorman, Strategic David F.; Mayer, Roger C.; 2000 P2P employee managers O industry, performance 13 Management Gen&Strat A Tan, Hwee H. Journal De Cremer, David; DeWitte, personality, Journal of Social 2002 P2P individual P Psychology A Siegfried general trust Psychology De Dreu, Carsten K.W.; conflict, cooperation, information, Journal of Applied Giebels, Ellen; Van de Vliert, 1998 P2P individual negotiator Psychology A negotiation Psychology Evert Human Resource attitude, commitment, OS/OB, De Ridder, Jan A. 2004 P2P employee management O Management B communication, quality HRM, IR Journal DeGroot, Timothy; Motowidlo, Journal of Applied 1999 P2P individual individual O affect, performance 2 Psychology A Stephan J. Psychology Journal of justice and fairness, perception, Occupational & OS/OB, Deluga, Ronald J. 1994 P2P supervisor member O 6 A quality Organizational HRM, IR Psychology Human Resource OS/OB, Dietz, Graham 2004 P2P individual individual O partnership and collaboration 1 Management B HRM, IR Journal Journal of Applied Dirks, Kurt T. 2000 P2P team leader O leadership, performance 18 Psychology A Psychology

group group Journal of Applied Dirks, Kurt T. 1999 P2P O affect, performance 19 Psychology A member member Psychology

Dirks, Kurt T.; Ferrin, Donald Journal of Applied 2002 P2P employee leadership O beliefs, leadership Psychology A L. Psychology 30

Dirks, Kurt T.; Ferrin, Donald affect, attitude, perception, Organization OS/OB, 2001 P2P employee individual O 37 A L. performance Science HRM, IR

scientists, culture, partnership and OS/OB, Dodgson, Mark 1993 P2P manager O 33 Human Relations B engineer collaboration HRM, IR

group group commitment, information, Journal of Business Doucette, William R. 1997 P2P O Marketing B member member satisfaction Research department, head of Academy of Driscoll, James W. 1978 P2P team member school, perception, satisfaction 21 Management Gen&Strat A+ college Journal president Journal of Duarte, Neville T., Goodson, OS/OB, 1993 P2P employee supervisor O performance 10 Organizational A Jane R. HRM, IR Behavior Journal of Dunn, Jennifer R.; Schweitzer, 2005 P2P individual trustee affect, control 1 Personality & Psychology A+ Maurice E. Social Psychology

similiarity, confidence, control, Earle, Timothy C.; Siegrist, Journal of Applied 2006 P2P individual individual cooperation, information, Psychology A Michael Social Psychology performance, value

industry, critic, perception, Journal of Earley, P. Christopher 1986 P2P worker supervisor O 2 Gen&Strat B performance, praise Management

Schmalenbach Eberl, Peter 2004 P2P employee employee O bonding, control Gen&Strat B Business Review Journal of Eckel, Catherine C.; Wilson, Economic 2004 P2P individual individual attitude, control, risk 1 Economics A Rick K. Behavior & Organization Journal of the Edwards, Jeremy S; Kidd, John OR, MS 2003 P2P individual individual information, negotiation 3 Operational B B. &POM Research Society 31

Academy of Elangovan, A.R.; Shapiro, 1998 P2P firm member firm member O distrust, opportunism 25 Management Gen&Strat A Debra L. Review Games and Engle-Warnick, Jim; Slonim, 2006 P2P trustee trustor affect, trustworthiness Economic Economics A Robert L. Behavior Journal of Engle-Warnick, Jim; Slonim, Economic 2004 P2P individual individual O experience 2 Economics A Robert L. Behavior & Organization Fahr, René; Irlenbusch, Bernd 2000 P2P trustee trustor justice and fairness, reciprocity 3 Economics Letters Economics A

Falk, Dennis R.; Johnson, group group Journal of Social 1977 P2P communication, satisfaction 1 Psychology A David W. member member Psychology

Farh, Jiing-Lih; Tsui, Anne S.; similiarity, partnership and Organization OS/OB, Xin, Katherine; Cheng, Bor- 1998 P2P subordinate supervisor O A collaboration, sociodemographics Science HRM, IR Sbiuan Journal of Strategic Farrell, Mark A. 2003 P2P employee management O commitment Marketing B Marketing Farris, George F.; Senner, OS/OB, Eldon E.; Butterfield, Anthony 1973 P2P individual own O experience, culture, satisfaction 1 Industrial Relations A HRM, IR D. Fehr, Ernst; Fischbacher, Urs; American 2005 P2P individuals own P affect, perception, risk 1 Economics A+ Kosfeld, Michael Economic Review Journal of group, Engineering and Ferrante, Claudia J. 2006 P2P worker O information, performance Innovation A management Technology Management Journal of Ferres, Natalie; Connell, Julia; attitude, commitment, perception, OS/OB, 2004 P2P employee employee O 1 Managerial B Travaglione, Anthony reward and benefits HRM, IR Psychology use, cooperation, perception, Ferrin, Donald L.; Dirks, Kurt Organization OS/OB, 2003 P2P individual partner P reward and benefits, 8 A T. Science HRM, IR trustworthiness 32

Journal of altruism, cooperation, culture, OS/OB, Fichman, Mark 2003 P2P employee individual O 1 Organizational A justice and fairness, reciprocity HRM, IR Behavior Journal of Fisman, Raymond; Khanna, Economic 1999 P2P individual individual O communication, information, value 4 Economics A Tarun Behavior & Organization Journal of Personal Flaherty, Karen K.; Pappas, commitment, justice and fairness, 2000 P2P salesperson salesmanager O 3 Selling & Sales Marketing B James M. perception, satisfaction Management

Forster, Thomas H.; Nilakant, Journal of Applied 2005 P2P individual individual O culture, performance Psychology B Venkataraman Behavioral Science Franklin, Kathryn M.; Janoff- Journal of Bulman, Ronnie; Roberts, John 1990 P2P individual individual sociodemographics Personality & Psychology A+ E. Social Psychology Journal of Frey, Robert L., Jr.; Adams, management management conflict, cooperation, negotiation, 1972 P2P Experimental Psychology A Stacy J. spokesman spokesman perception Social Psychology affect, attitude, authority, Journal of Friedler, Eran; Lahava, Ori; 2006 P2P individual authorities awareness, perception, Environmental Economics A Jizhakib, Hagar; Lahavc, Tali sociodemographics Management Friedman, Hershey H.; Journal of the control, information, Santeramo, Michael J.; Traina, 1978 P2P individual celebrities 4 Academy of Marketing A trustworthiness Anthony Marketing Science communication, justice and Fulk, Janet; Brief, Arthur P.; Journal of Business 1985 P2P employee supervisor O fairness, distrust, perception, 2 Marketing B Barr, Steve H. Research performance Journal of Gächter, Simon; Herrmann, affect, attitude, cooperation, justice Economic 2004 P2P individual individual 1 Economics A Benedikt; Thöni, Christian and fairness Behavior & Organization OS/OB, Gaines, Janet H. 1980 P2P individual superior O industry, affect, communication 4 Human Relations B HRM, IR 33

Gaines, Stanley O., Jr.; Lyde, Michael D.; Panter, A. T.; Journal of Steers, Neil W.; Rusbult, Caryl 1997 P2P individual individual Personality & Psychology A+ E.; Cox, Chante L.; Wexler, Social Psychology Michael O. control, justice and fairness, arbitrator/ Personnel OS/OB, Giacobbe-Miller, Jane 1995 P2P individual O negotiation, perception, power, 7 B third party Psychology HRM, IR value Glaeser, Edward L.; Laibson, nationality and ethnicity, Quarterly Journal David I.; Scheinkman, José A.; 2000 P2P individual individual 45 Economics A+ trustworthiness of Economics Soutter, Christine L.

use, culture, (in-)dependence, Goel, Sanjay; Bell, Geoffrey Journal of Business OS/OB, 2005 P2P trustor trustee distrust, perception, power, risk, 1 B G.; Pierce, Jon L. Ethics HRM, IR value

Group & Gómez, Carolina; Rosen, OS/OB, 2001 P2P employee manager O perception, quality Organization B Benson HRM, IR Management attitude, commitment, Gopinath, C.; Becker, Thomas new Journal of 2000 P2P employee O communication, justice and 10 Gen&Strat B E. ownership Management fairness, perception Journal of industry, conflict, culture, Gordon, Alexa L. 1996 P2P team member team member O International Gen&Strat A partnership and collaboration Business Studies Journal of Applied Gordon, Leonard V. 1973 P2P personnel patient confidence, reward and benefits 1 Psychology A Psychology International management commitment, perception, Journal of Human OS/OB, Gould-Williams, Julian 2003 P2P individual O B and workers performance, satisfaction Resource HRM, IR Management Organization OS/OB, Grey, Chris; Garsten, Christina 2001 P2P individual individual O control, culture, power A Studies HRM, IR Academy of authority, control, leadership, Grimes, Andrew J. 1978 P2P employee manager O Management Gen&Strat A power Review Guerra, Gerardo A.; Zizzo, Journal of 2004 P2P individual individual use, beliefs, manipulation Economics A Daniel J. Economic 34

Behavior & Organization Journal of Gurtman, Michael B. 1992 P2P individual individual distrust 3 Personality & Psychology A+ Social Psychology

Hall, Angela T.; Blass, Fred R.; affect, leadership, perception, Leadership OS/OB, Ferris, Gerald R.; Massengale, 2004 P2P stakeholder leader O B performance, reputation, risk Quarterly HRM, IR Randy

Journal of Applied Halliday, Sue V.; Hogarth- pregnant expectations, information, 2000 P2P professionals 1 Management Gen&Strat B Scott, Sandra women perception, satisfaction, value Studies OS/OB, Hanlon, Gerard 2004 P2P individual individual O control, reputation 2 Organization A HRM, IR Hanlon, Gerard 1998 P2P individual individual culture, power 10 Sociology Sociology B use, coordination, information, Organization OS/OB, Hart, Paul; Saunders, Carol 1997 P2P individual individual partnership and collaboration, 47 A Science HRM, IR power Journal of Business OS/OB, Higgins, Susan H. 1996 P2P labor management O ethics, performance, quality B Ethics HRM, IR affect, opportunism, Management OR, MS Ho, Teck-Hua; Weigelt, Keith 2005 P2P individual individual A+ trustworthiness Science &POM

industry, control, information, Journal of OS/OB, Hoecht, Andreas 2004 P2P individual individual O partnership and collaboration, Managerial B HRM, IR reputation, risk Psychology

OS/OB, Hoerl, Richard T. 1974 P2P individual group Human Relations B HRM, IR Holm, Håkan J.; Danielson, 2005 P2P individual individual power Economic Journal Economics A Anders Journal of Economic Holm, Håkan; Nystedt, Paul 2005 P2P individual individual sociodemographics Economics A Behavior & Organization 35

Academy of Hosmer, Larue T. 1995 P2P individual individual O ethics 107 Management Gen&Strat A Review

use, communication, culture, Human Resource management OS/OB, Hubbard, Nancy; Purcell, John 2001 P2P employee O expectations, information, quality, 2 Management B action HRM, IR time Journal Journal of Business Huff, Lenard; Kelley, Lane 2005 P2P manager individual P affect, customer orientation, culture Marketing B Research

industry, commitment, culture, Organization OS/OB, Huff, Lenard; Kelley, Lane 2003 P2P manager individual P 6 A trustworthiness Science HRM, IR

group, Journal of Hunt, Len M.; McFarlane, 2006 P2P individual decision- Environmental Economics A Bonita L. makers Management Journal of Economic Hwang, Peter 2006 P2P individual individual cooperation, fear Economics A Behavior & Organization Organizational Hwang, Peter; Burgers, Willem OS/OB, 1997 P2P individual individual cooperation, fear 2 Behavior & Human A P. HRM, IR Decision Processes Journal of cooperation, transaction costs, Economic James, Harvey S., Jr. 2002 P2P individual individual Economics A trustworthiness Behavior & Organization Jeanquart-Barone, Sandy; communication, quality, Journal of Social 1994 P2P individual individual 1 Psychology A Sekaran, Uma sociodemographics Psychology Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Mahmud, Minhaj; Martinsson, 2005 P2P individual individual Economics Letters Economics A Peter Advances in Johnson, Michael D., Auh, affect, loyalty, (re-)purchase, 1998 P2P employee employee O 4 Consumer Marketing B Seighyoung satisfaction Research 36

confidence, involvement and Jones, Allan P.; James, Journal of Applied 1975 P2P leader employee O participation, leadership, 4 Psychology A Lawrence H.; Bruni, John R. Psychology perception Decision Support Jones, Andrew J.I. 2002 P2P individual individual attitude, beliefs 4 MIS, KM B Systems

Academy of Jones, Gareth R.; George, experience, attitude, cooperation, 1998 P2P employee team O 23 Management Gen&Strat A Jennifer M. emotion, mood, performance, value Review

goal congruence, leadership, Journal of OS/OB, Jung, Dong I.; Avolio, Bruce J. 2000 P2P leader followers performance, quality, quantity, 15 Organizational A HRM, IR satisfaction, value Behavior

Kankanhalli, Atreyi; Tan, power, reciprocity, reward and 2005 P2P individual employee O 4 MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A Bernard C. Y.; Kwok-Kee, Wie benefits American Karlan, Dean S. 2002 P2P individual individual use, information, trustworthiness 1 Economics A+ Economic Review awareness, information, obedience, Academy of Kegan, Daniel L. 1971 P2P employee team O partnership and collaboration, Management Gen&Strat A+ value Journal

Kernan, Mary C.; Hanges, Paul communication, information, Journal of Applied 2002 P2P individual management O 9 Psychology A J. justice and fairness, quality Psychology

Journal of Banking Khan, Ali M. 2002 P2P individual individual trustworthiness 1 F&A A & Finance

Kickul, Jill; Gundry, Lisa K.; ethics, justice and fairness, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2005 P2P employee leader O 1 B Posig, Margaret leadership, perception Ethics HRM, IR International co-worker, Kiffin-Petersen, Sandra A.; Journal of Human OS/OB, 2003 P2P employee management, O attitude, trust propensity 1 B Cordery, John L. Resource HRM, IR team Management 37

Academy of Kim, Chan W.; Mauborgne, subsidiary head office, industry, attitude, commitment, 1993 P2P O 27 Management Gen&Strat A+ Renèe A.; top manager management justice and fairness, satisfaction Journal Kim, Peter H.; Dirks, Kurt T.; Organizational competence, information, integrity, OS/OB, Cooper, Cecily D.; Ferrin, 2006 P2P employee manager O Behavior & Human A distrust HRM, IR Donald L. Decision Processes Kim, Peter H.; Ferrin, Donald beliefs, competence, integrity, Journal of Applied L.; Cooper, Cecily D.; Dirks, 2004 P2P individual individual 6 Psychology A distrust Psychology Kurt T. Applied Kim, Uichol; Helgesen, Geir; Psychology: An 2002 P2P individual general trust P culture, leadership, value 1 Psychology B Ahn, Byung M. International Review Journal of Business OS/OB, King, Jonathan B. 1988 P2P individual individual ethics 1 B Ethics HRM, IR

Accounting King, Ronald R. 2002 P2P auditor manager O affiliation, communication 9 F&A A Review Kirkman, Bradley L.; Rosen, experience, leadership, Journal of Applied Benson; Tesluk, Paul E.; 2006 P2P individual team O 1 Psychology A performance, satisfaction Psychology Gibson, Cristina B. Kleinke, Chris L.; Taylor, Journal of Social 1991 P2P individual individual similiarity, communication 1 Psychology A Christy Psychology

control, information, manipulation, Klimoski, Richard J.; Karol, group group Journal of Applied 1976 P2P perception, performance, Psychology A Barbara L. member member Psychology satisfaction, sociodemographics

Journal of Business OS/OB, Koehn, Daryl 1999 P2P individual individual O ethics, value 8 B Ethics HRM, IR Academy of Konovsky, Mary A.; Pugh, 1994 P2P employee supervisor O justice and fairness 82 Management Gen&Strat A+ Douglas S. Journal 38

Korsgaard, Audrey M.; affect, attitude, communication, Journal of Applied Roberson, Loriann; Rymph, 1998 P2P employee manager O 6 Psychology A justice and fairness, performance Psychology Douglas R.

Korsgaard, Audrey M.; affect, justice and fairness, Journal of Sapienza, Harry J.; Schweiger, 2002 P2P employee management O 4 Gen&Strat B perception Management David M.

Korsgaard, Audrey M.; affect, attitude, commitment, Academy of Schweiger, David M.; 1995 P2P team leader cooperation, justice and fairness, 53 Management Gen&Strat A+ Sapienza, Harry J. perception Journal

communication, conflict, justice Korsgaard, Audrey; Brodt, Journal of Applied 2002 P2P employee manager O and fairness, perception, 10 Psychology A Susan E., Whitener, Ellen M. Psychology responsibility, trustworthiness

experience, security, autonomy, OS/OB, Kotler, Tamara 1989 P2P individual individual 1 Human Relations B quality, sociodemographics, value, HRM, IR

Annual Review of Kramer, Roderick M. 1999 P2P employee employee O distrust, reward and benefits 60 Psychology A Psychology La Porta, Rafael; Lopez-De- cooperation, dominance, American Silanes, Florencio; Shleifer, 1997 P2P individual individual O 10 Economics A+ performance Economic Review Andrei; Vishny, Robert W. Journal of Personal Lagace, Rosemary R. 1991 P2P salesmanager salespeople O similiarity, reciprocity 11 Selling & Sales Marketing B Management Academy of autonomy, monitoring, Langfred, Claus W. 2004 P2P students team O 11 Management Gen&Strat A+ performance Journal Lau, Chong M.; Buckland, senior involvement and participation, job 2001 P2P superiors O 4 Abacus F&A B Christen managers related tension 39

attitude, involvement and Management Lau, Chong M.; Tan, Sharon 2006 P2P subordinate superior O participation, justice and fairness, Accounting F&A A L.C. job related tension Research

Lawler III., Edward E.; involvement and participation, Journal of Applied 1969 P2P employee management O Psychology A Hackman, Richard J. reward and benefits Psychology Academy of Leana, Carrie R.; Van Buren 1999 P2P employee employee O goal congruence 77 Management Gen&Strat A III, Harry J. Review Journal of similiarity, justice and fairness, OS/OB, Lee, Cynthia; Farh, Jiing-Lih 1999 P2P employee supervisior O 10 Organizational A perception, sociodemographics HRM, IR Behavior

justice and fairness, order Lee, Cynthia; Pillutla, Madan; Journal of 2000 P2P employee supervisor O fulfillment, perception, power, 7 Gen&Strat B Law, Kenneth S. Management sociodemographics

Journal of information, partnership and Management Lee, Heeseok; Choi, Byounggu 2003 P2P individual individual O F&A B collaboration, performance Information System competence, information, Management OR, MS Levin, Daniel Z.; Cross, Rob 2004 P2P employee employee O 7 A+ trustworthiness Science &POM

Academy of Lewicki, Roy J.; McAllister, 1998 P2P individual individual O job related tension, distrust 92 Management Gen&Strat A Daniel J.; Bies, Robert, J. Review use, familiarity, beliefs, Artificial Liau, Churn-Jung 2003 P2P agent agent MIS, KM A information Intelligence Lindskold, Svenn; Forte, Journal of Social Robert A.; Haake, Charles S.; 1977 P2P individual individual sociodemographics, trustworthiness Psychology A Psychology Schmidt, Edward K. 40

attitude, confidence, involvement Liou, Kuo-Tsai; Sylvia, Ronald and participation, justice and OS/OB, 1990 P2P employee individual O Human Relations B D.; Bruk, Gregory fairness, satisfaction, HRM, IR sociodemographics

OS/OB, Lorenz, Edward H. 1992 P2P labor management O cooperation, power 9 Industrial Relations A HRM, IR Organization OS/OB, Lyon, Fergus 2006 P2P manager group cooperation, power A Studies HRM, IR Cambridge Journal Lyons, Bruce; Mehta, Judith 1997 P2P individual individual opportunism 7 Economics A of Economics

Mackenzie, Scott B.; Journal of the Podsakoff, Philip M.; Rich, 2001 P2P individual leadership O leadership, performance 19 Academy of Marketing A Gregory A. Marketing Science American Macy, Michael W.; Skvoretz, use, control, cooperation, 1998 P2P strangers strangers 12 Sociological Sociology A+ John trustworthiness Review

Maguire, Steve; Phillips, Organization OS/OB, 2001 P2P trustee trustor O control A Nelson; Hardy, Cynthia Studies HRM, IR

Personnel OS/OB, Maier, Norman R.F. 1966 P2P individual individual distrust 2 B Psychology HRM, IR

Organizational reciprocity, reward and benefits, OS/OB, Malhotra, Deepak 2004 P2P individual individual Behavior & Human A risk HRM, IR Decision Processes Malhotra, Deepak; Murnighan, Administrative 2002 P2P individual individual use, cooperation 13 Gen&Strat A+ Keith J. Science Quarterly

Mayer, Roger C., Davis, James integrity, perception, performance, Journal of Applied 1999 P2P employee management O 42 Psychology A H. trustworthiness Psychology Academy of Mayer, Roger C.; Davis, James business 1995 P2P individual risk 344 Management Gen&Strat A H.; Schoorman, David F. partner Review 41

manager, Academy of Mayer, Roger C.; Gavin, Mark 2005 P2P employee management O performance Management Gen&Strat A+ B. team Journal Academy of McAllister, Daniel J. 1995 P2P professionals managers O cooperation, performance Management Gen&Strat A+ Journal McAllister, Hunter A.; information, likeability and liking, Journal of Social 1986 P2P individual individual Psychology A Bregman, Norman J. perception Psychology Journal of McCabe, Kevin A.; Rigdon, Economic 2003 P2P individual individual reciprocity 9 Economics A Mary L.; Smith, Vernon L. Behavior & Organization McEvily, Bill; Perrone, Organization OS/OB, 2003 P2P individual individual O coordination, reward and benefits A Vincenzo; Zaheer, Akbar Science HRM, IR McGrath, Cathleen; Journal of Applied 2003 P2P individual individual O Psychology B Krackhardt, David Behavioral Science

conflict, cooperation, reciprocity, OS/OB, Meeker, Barbara F. 1984 P2P individual individual 2 Human Relations B risk, sociodemographics, HRM, IR International Melander, Anders; Nordqvist, Studies of OS/OB, 2001 P2P individual individual industry, beliefs, dominance B Mattias Management & HRM, IR Organization Journal of Business OS/OB, Michalos, Alex C. 1990 P2P individual individual O security, quality 5 B Ethics HRM, IR Journal of Mikulincer, Mario 1998 P2P adults adults security, control, distrust 11 Personality & Psychology A+ Social Psychology Academy of Mills, Peter K.; Ungson, 2003 P2P employee manager O control 3 Management Gen&Strat A Gerardo R. Review competence, culture, ethics, Journal of Business OS/OB, Milton-Smith, John 1995 P2P individual leadership O 5 B quality, responsibility, Ethics HRM, IR

cooperation, ethics, risk, Möllering, Guido 2001 P2P individual individual 10 Sociology Sociology B suspension 42

Molm, Linda D.; Takahashi, commitment, negotiation, American Journal 2000 P2P partners partners Sociology A Nobuyuki; Peterson, Gretchen reciprocity, risk, trustworthiness of Sociology

Moore, Samuel F.; Shaffer, experience, communication, Journal of Social Leigh S.; Pollak, Edward L.; 1987 P2P individual individual 1 Psychology A information, performance Psychology Taylor-Lemcke, Patricia Journal of use, commitment, culture, Moorman, Christine 1995 P2P employee employee O 97 Marketing Marketing A+ information, performance, time Research (JMR) International Morgan, David E.; Zeffane, Journal of Human OS/OB, 2003 P2P employee management O involvement and participation 2 B Rachid Resource HRM, IR Management Mulder, Laetitia B.; Van Dijk, Journal of beliefs, cooperation, manipulation, Eric; De Cremer, David; Am 2006 P2P individual individual Experimental Psychology A motivation Wilke, Henk Social Psychology

Mulki, Jay P.; Jaramillo, Journal of Personal attitude, commitment, ethics, Fernando; Locander, William 2006 P2P salesperson supervisor O 1 Selling & Sales Marketing B satisfaction B. Management

Nelson Kay M.; Cooprider, Jay 1996 P2P IS group IS group O information, performance MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A G.

Accounting, Neu, Dean 1991 P2P individual individual contract 3 Organizations and F&A A+ Society Journal of Nicol, David M. 1996 P2P individual individual culture International Gen&Strat A Business Studies Norris, Stacy L.; Zweigenhaft, commitment, monitoring, Journal of Social 1999 P2P individual individual Psychology A Richard L. sociodemographics Psychology

Oliver, Amalya L.; OS/OB, 2001 P2P trustor trustee O use Human Relations B Montgomery, Kathleen HRM, IR 43

Omodei, Mary M.; McLennan, Journal of Social 2000 P2P individual individual P distrust, reliability Psychology A Jim Psychology involvement and participation, Journal of Applied Onyx, Jenny; Bullen, Paul 2000 P2P individual individual 11 Psychology B reciprocity Behavioral Science

communication, information, OS/OB, O'Reilly III, Charles A. 1978 P2P sender receiver O perception, performance, Human Relations B HRM, IR satisfaction

Journal of Applied Psychology

Parker, Sharon K.; Williams, Williams, Helen 2006 P2P co-worker co-worker O motivation Psychology A Helen M.; Turner, Nick M.3

Journal of Applied Psychology

communication, expertise, communi- Journal of Business Patzer, Gordon L. 1983 P2P individual likeability and liking, perception, 6 Marketing B cator Research persuasion

International Payne, Roy L.; Clark, Murray Journal of Human OS/OB, 2003 P2P employee manager O industry, culture, trust propensity B C. Resource HRM, IR Management Pearce, Jone L.; Branyiczki, Organization OS/OB, 2000 P2P employee employee O attitude 10 A Imre; Bigley, Gregory A. Science HRM, IR Management Peters, John 1998 P2P individual individual Gen&Strat B Decision Organizational Peterson, Randall S.; Behfar, group group OS/OB, 2003 P2P O conflict, performance 4 Behavior & Human A Kristin J. member member HRM, IR Decision Processes Pillai, Rajnandini; Williams, affiliation, empathy, leadership, Leadership OS/OB, Ethlyn A.; Lowe, Kevin B.; 2003 P2P individual leader 3 B perception Quarterly HRM, IR Jung, Dong I. 44

Pilliai, Rajnandini; matched commitment, justice and fairness, Journal of Schriesheim, Chester A.; 1999 P2P subordinates O 1 Gen&Strat B leaders leadership, perception, satisfaction Management Williams, Eric S. Journal of Pillutla, Madan M.; Malhotra, manipulation, distrust, reciprocity, 2003 P2P player 1 player 2 Experimental Psychology A Deepak; Murnighan, Keith J. reward and benefits Social Psychology Pless, Nicola M.; Maak, culture, ethics, integrity, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2004 P2P individual individual O 2 B Thomas reciprocity, recognition Ethics HRM, IR Podsakoff, Philip M.; industry, attitude, commitment, Journal of MacKenzie, Scott B.; Bommer, 1996 P2P emloyee leadership O 51 Gen&Strat B leadership, perception Management William H. Journal of Premeaux, Sonya F.; Bedeian, 2003 P2P employee supervisor O control, monitoring 4 Management Gen&Strat B Arthur G. Studies cooperation, ethics, insincerity, Journal of Business OS/OB, Provis, Chris 2000 P2P employee employee O 4 B negotiation, power Ethics HRM, IR Journal of Pugh, Douglas S.; Skarlicki, new Occupational & OS/OB, 2003 P2P layoff victims O attitude A Daniel P.;Passell, Brian S. employer Organizational HRM, IR Psychology

Pullig, Chris; Maxham III, organizatio- organizatio- Journal of Business 2002 P2P O information, leadership 11 Marketing B James G.; Hair, Joseph F., Jr. nal member nal member Research

commitment, justice and fairness, Ramaswami, Sridhar N.; Singh, Journal of 2003 P2P individual supervisor O loyalty, performance, reward and 4 Marketing A+ Jagdip Marketing benefits, satisfaction

Journal of Rao, Alaka N.; Pearce, Jone L.; business partnership and collaboration, 2005 P2P manager O 2 International Gen&Strat A Xin, Katherine partners reciprocity Business Studies Journal of Rempel, John K.; Ross, communication, conflict, 2001 P2P wife husband 3 Personality & Psychology A+ Michael; Holmes, John G. satisfaction Social Psychology 45

Journal of the sales perception, performance, Rich, Gregory A. 1997 P2P salespeople O 23 Academy of Marketing A manager satisfaction Marketing Science

Academy of Roberts, Karlene H.; O'Reilly communication, information, 1974 P2P subordinates supervisor O 16 Management Gen&Strat A+ III, Charles A. perception Journal

Administrative Robinson, Sandra L. 1996 P2P employee employer O experience, distrust, negotiation 2 Gen&Strat A+ Science Quarterly Journal of Robinson, Sandra L.; OS/OB, 1994 P2P employee employer O satisfaction 103 Organizational A Rousseau, Denise M. HRM, IR Behavior Rosanas, Joseph M.; Velilla, cooperation, ethics, loyalty, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2003 P2P individual individual O 2 B Manuel motivation Ethics HRM, IR

use, information, job related Accounting, organizatio- Ross, Andrew 1994 P2P member O tension, performance, reward and Organizations and F&A A+ nal members benefits Society

American Ross, Catherine E.; Pribesh, 2001 P2P individuals individuals distrust, perception 6 Sociological Sociology A+ Shana; Mirowsky, John Review Ross, William H.; Wieland, Journal of Applied 1996 P2P individual individual O use, conflict, control 4 Psychology A Carole Psychology

Rotenberg, Ken J.; Cerda, expectations, nationality and Journal of Social 1994 P2P children children 1 Psychology A Carrie ethnicity, sociodemographics Psychology Journal of Rotter, Julian B. 1967 P2P individual individual P power, price Personality and Psychology A+ Social Psychology American Rotter, Julian B. 1971 P2P individual individual P information Psychology B Psychologist Rousseau, Denise Journal of Applied 1999 P2P nurse management O beliefs, motivation, quality 18 Psychology A M.;Tijoriwala, Snehal A. Psychology Rowley, Daniel J.; Sherman, cooperation, leadership, Management 2003 P2P individual individual 1 Gen&Strat B Herbert performance Decision 46

industry, cooperation, motivation, Roy, Matthew H.; Dugal, Management 1998 P2P individual individual O partnership and collaboration, 1 Gen&Strat B Sanjiv S. Decision performance

commitment, communication, Ruppel, Cynthia P.; Harrington, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2000 P2P individual stakeholders O ethics, justice and fairness, 8 B Susan J. Ethics HRM, IR perception

Sakalaki, Maria; Richardson, Journal of Applied 2005 P2P individual partner perception, quality, trustworthiness Psychology A Clive; Bastotnis, Marina Social Psychology Journal of Savery, Lawson K.; Waters, OS/OB, 1989 P2P subordinates superiors O leadership 1 Managerial B Henry J. HRM, IR Psychology Schiffman, Leon G.; Sherman, political Psychology & 2002 P2P individual distrust, time 2 Marketing B Elaine; Kirpalani, Nicole office holders Marketing OS/OB, Scott III, Cuthbert L. 1980 P2P individual individual attitude, control Human Relations B HRM, IR superior, management, Journal of Scott, Dow 1980 P2P employee O 2 Gen&Strat B MBO Management consultant American Journal Seligman, Adam B. 1998 P2P individual individual confidence, culture, expectations 5 of Economics & Economics A Sociology Journal of Serva, Mark A.; Fuller, Mark attitude, perception, reciprocity, OS/OB, 2005 P2P group, team group, team Organizational A A.; Mayer, Roger C. risk, trustworthiness HRM, IR Behavior Sgro, Joseph A.; Worchel, Academy of Philip; Pence, Earl C.; Orban, 1980 P2P cadets leader leadership 1 Management Gen&Strat A+ Joseph A. Journal Organization OS/OB, Shamir, Boas; Lapidot, Yael 2003 P2P subordinate superior O use, perception, trustworthiness 5 A Studies HRM, IR 47

general trust, Strategic industry, culture, perception, Shane, Scott 1994 P2P management investment, P 29 Management Gen&Strat A transaction costs new entry Journal

American Shapiro, Susan P. 1990 P2P individual individual control Sociological Sociology A+ Review group, group, Journal of Business OS/OB, Shaver, Dan 2003 P2P practitioner ethics, power B community Ethics HRM, IR group International Shih, Caspar 1993 P2P individual individual O Journal of Public PSM B Administration Journal of Shubik, Martin 1990 P2P trader individual Economics B Economics Simons, Tony L., Peterson, Journal of Applied 2000 P2P group, team group, team O conflict 39 Psychology A Randall S. Psychology goal congruence, distrust, Organization OS/OB, Sitkin, Sim B.; Roth, Nancy L. 1993 P2P employee employee 38 A reliability Science HRM, IR Journal of Human OS/OB, Slemrod, Joel; Katušcák, Peter 2005 P2P individual individual attitude, trustworthiness A Resources HRM, IR Smith, Michael L.; Louberge, Journal of Risk & 1986 P2P agent agent F&A A Henri; Shapiro, Arnold F. Insurance

experience, communication, Journal of Product Smith, Preston G.; Blanck, culture, (in-)dependence, 2002 P2P individual teamleader O 5 Innovation Innovation B Emily L. information, perception, Management performance, reward and benefits

confidence, expertise, (in- Organizational Sniezek, Janet A.; Van Swol, OS/OB, 2001 P2P judge advisor )dependence, partnership and 4 Behavior & Human A Lyn M. HRM, IR collaboration, power Decision Processes 48

communication, information, Review of Sobel, Joel 1985 P2P agent agent motivation, performance, 23 Economics A+ Economic Studies reputation Sorrentino, Richard M.; Hanna, Journal of Steven E.; Holmes, John G.; 1995 P2P individual individual sociodemographics, uncertainty 9 Personality & Psychology A+ Sharp, Ann Social Psychology Journal of cooperation, information, Economic Spagnolo, Giancarlo 1999 P2P individual team O 5 Economics A monitoring, power, reputation Behavior & Organization Spector, Michele D.; Jones, team Journal of Social 2004 P2P team member O sociodemographics 2 Psychology A Gwen E. member Psychology Group & Spreitzer, Gretchen M.; Mishra, industry, control, information, OS/OB, 1999 P2P employee manager O 6 Organization B Aneil K. performance, risk HRM, IR Management Journal of Business OS/OB, Taka, Iwao; Foglia, Wanda D. 1994 P2P leader employee O ethics, leadership, loyalty B Ethics HRM, IR Talaulicar, Till; Grundei, Jens; Journal of Business 2005 P2P manager manager O 2 Entrep B Werder, Axel V. Venturing

Thomas, David C.; Ravlin, similiarity, culture, nationality and Journal of Applied 1995 P2P employee manager O 10 Psychology A Elizabeth C. ethnicity, perception Psychology

Tomlinson, Edward C.; Dineen, Journal of 2004 P2P individual individual O insincerity, time Gen&Strat B Brian R.; Lewicki, Roy J. Management Treadway, Darren C.; Hochwarter, Wayne A.; Ferris, Gerald R.; Kacmar, Charles J.; Leadership OS/OB, 2004 P2P employee leader O competence, leadership 3 B Douglas, Ceasar; Ammeter, Quarterly HRM, IR Anthony P.; Buckley, Ronald M. Triandis, Harry C.; Feldman, general authority, distrust, Journal of Applied Jack M.; Weldon, David E.; 1975 P2P individual P Psychology A trust/distrust sociodemographics Psychology Harvey William M. Tropp, Linda R.; Stout, Amanda M.; Boatswain, group group Journal of Applied 2006 P2P acceptance, communication Psychology A Chenelle; Wright, Stephen C.; member member Social Psychology Pettigrew, Thomas F. 49

Academy of Tsai, Wenpin; Ghoshal, 1998 P2P employee employee O nationality and ethnicity, structure Management Gen&Strat A+ Sumantra Journal International Journal of Human OS/OB, Tzafrir, Shay S. 2005 P2P work force manager O performance 1 B Resource HRM, IR Management Journal of Valley, Kathleen L.; Moag, organization organization Economic 1998 P2P O communication, information 28 Economics A Joseph; Bazerman, Max H. member member Behavior & Organization Van De Walle, Don; Challagalla, Goutam N.; Journal of Applied 2000 P2P team member leader O leadership, perception 10 Psychology A Ganesan, Shankar; Brown, Psychology Steven P. Van Lange, Paul A. M.; Van Journal of Applied Vugt, Mark; Meertens, Ree M.; 1998 P2P individual individual beliefs, cooperation Psychology A Social Psychology Ruiter, Rob A. C.

organization organization experience, cooperation, culture, Journal of Business OS/OB, Van Marrewijk, Marcel 2004 P2P O B member member performance Ethics HRM, IR

Journal of Human OS/OB, Waldfogel, Joel 1994 P2P individual individual O 7 A Resources HRM, IR

Journal of (in-)dependence, involvement and OS/OB, Wang, Yuan 2003 P2P manager employee O Managerial B participation, performance HRM, IR Psychology

Journal of Applied Weaver, Charles N. 2006 P2P individual individual attitude, information Psychology A Social Psychology Journal of Webber, Sheila S.; Klimoski, project OS/OB, 2004 P2P client O loyalty, performance Organizational A Richard J. manager HRM, IR Behavior Research in Weber, Mark J.; Malhotra, OS/OB, 2005 P2P individual individual (in-)dependence, risk 74 Organizational A+ Deepak; Murnighan, Keith J. HRM, IR Behavior 50

Human Resource HR OS/OB, Whitener, Ellen M. 1997 P2P employee O justice and fairness, perception 1 Management B management HRM, IR Review

Journal of Whitener, Ellen M. 2001 P2P employee management O commitment, perception 20 Gen&Strat B Management

Whitener, Ellen M.; Brodt, Academy of Susan E.; Korsgaard, Audrey 1998 P2P employee manager O perception, trustworthiness 74 Management Gen&Strat A M.; Werner, Jon M. Review European Journal EWC EWC OS/OB, Whittall, Michael 2000 P2P O attitude, negotiation 5 of Industrial B member member HRM, IR Relations

Wieselquist, Jennifer; Rusbult, Journal of commitment, (in-)dependence, Caryl E.; Foster, Craig A.; 1999 P2P individual individual 15 Personality & Psychology A+ information, motivation, perception Agnew, Christopher R. Social Psychology

International Willemyns, Michael; Gallois, Journal of Human OS/OB, 2003 P2P employee manager O communication, perception, power 1 B Cynthia; Callan, Victor J. Resource HRM, IR Management Journal of Williams, Kipling D.; Karau, 1991 P2P individual co-worker O expectations, performance 16 Personality & Psychology A+ Steven J. Social Psychology

beliefs, emotion, (in-)dependence, Academy of group group Williams, Michele 2001 P2P information, motivation, 19 Management Gen&Strat A member member perception, trustworthiness Review

Organizational Wilson, Jeanne M.; Straus, OS/OB, 2006 P2P team member team member O communication, cooperation Behavior & Human A Susan G.; McEvily, Bill HRM, IR Decision Processes Wintrobe, Ronald; Bretin, American 1986 P2P employee employer O performance, quality, quantity 3 Economics A+ Albert Economic Review Journal of Social Wolfe, Raymond N. 1976 P2P individual individual attitude, control, distrust Psychology A Psychology 51

International Wong, Yui-Tim; Wong, Chi- justice and fairness, loyalty, Journal of Human OS/OB, 2002 P2P employee supervisor O B Sum; Ngo, Hang-Yue performance Resource HRM, IR Management Journal of Personal Wood, John Andy 2006 P2P sender receiver communication, trustworthiness Selling & Sales Marketing B Management Journal of Applied Xin, Katherine R. 1998 P2P employee manager O culture Management Gen&Strat B Studies Organizational decision OS/OB, Yaniv, Ilan; Kleinberger, Eli 2000 P2P advisor information, reputation 7 Behavior & Human A maker HRM, IR Decision Processes Journal of Business Yoon, Mahn H.; Suh, Jaebeom 2003 P2P employee manager O perception, quality, satisfaction 1 Marketing B Research Young, Angela M.; Perrewe, Journal of 2000 P2P mentor proteges O expectations, perception 9 Gen&Strat B Pamela L. Management OR, MS Young, Jerald W. 1979 P2P individual individual control Decision Sciences B &POM International experience, reward and benefits, Journal of Human OS/OB, Young, Louise; Daniel, Kerry 2003 P2P employee employer O 2 B satisfaction Resource HRM, IR Management Zacharatos, Anthea; Barling, motivation, perception, Journal of Applied 2005 P2P employee management O 4 Psychology A Julian; Iverson, Roderick D. performance Psychology Zak, Ann M.; Gold, Joel A.; Journal of Social Ryckman, Richard M.; Lenney, 1998 P2P individual individual awareness, perception 2 Psychology A Psychology Ellen Zak, Paul J.; Borja, Karla; American Matzner, William T.; Kurzban, 2005 P2P individual individual distrust Economics A+ Economic Review Robert Zak, Paul J.; Knack, Stephen 2001 P2P agent agent ethics Economic Journal Economics A Journal of Zaltman, Gerald; Moorman, use, information, distrust, quality, 1988 P2P manager researcher 8 Advertising Marketing B Christine time Research commitment, control, information, Administrative Zand, Dale E. 1972 P2P manager individual O 94 Gen&Strat A+ distrust Science Quarterly 52

International Journal of Human OS/OB, Zeffane, Rachid; Connell, Julia 2003 P2P employee manager O B Resource HRM, IR Management Zhang, Yan; George, Jennifer employee, communication, competence, Journal of 2006 P2P employee O Gen&Strat B M.; Chan, Tsang-Sing senior quality Management Journal of Zick, Rubin 1975 P2P individual stranger reciprocity Experimental Psychology A Social Psychology Journal of the Aiken, Damon K.; Boush, Web, sales CC/ security, perception, 2006 P2O consumer Academy of Marketing A David M. channel VR trustworthiness Marketing Science Web site, CC/ Communications of Alter, Steven 2003 P2O customer ethics, responsibility MIS, KM B sales channel VR AIS Journal of CC/ Anderson, Dick 1999 P2O consumer organization Interactive Marketing B VR Marketing Anderson, Rolph E.; Web site, CC/ , inertia, loyalty, Psychology & 2003 P2O customer 13 Marketing B Srinivasan, Srini S. sales channel VR purchase size, satisfaction, value Marketing

CC/ Decision Support Ba, Sulin 2001 P2O individual organization responsibility MIS, KM B VR Systems CC/ Ba, Sulin; Pavlou, Paul A. 2002 P2O customer seller information, price, reputation, risk 39 MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A VR

Ba, Sulin; Whinston, Andrew e-commerce, CC/ Decision Support 2003 P2O consumer reputation 6 MIS, KM B B.; Zhang, Han auction VR System Backhouse, James; Hsu, Carol; website, sales CC/ Communications of Tseng, Jimmy C.; Baptista, 2005 P2O individual security, information, quality, risk MIS, KM B channel VR the ACM John

Balasubramanian, Sridhar; security, empathy, perception, CC/ Management OR, MS Konana, Prabhudev; Menon, 2003 P2O investors online broker performance, quality, satisfaction, 3 A+ VR Science &POM Nirum M. trustworthiness 53

Bart, Yakov; Shankar, information, involvement and internet, sales CC/ Journal of Venkatesh; Sultan, Fareena; 2005 P2O consumer participation, order fulfillment, 2 Marketing A+ channel VR Marketing Urban, Glen L. privacy, risk Journal of CC/ Management Bhattacherjee, Anol 2002 P2O individual organization integrity 20 F&A B VR Accounting Research Bolton, Gary E.; Katok, Elena; e-commerce, CC/ information, reputation, Management OR, MS 2004 P2O customer 3 A+ Ockenfels, Axel sales channel VR trustworthiness Science &POM internet, Journal of Bruce, Norris; Haruvy, Ernan; online CC/ 2004 P2O customer affect, price, quality, reputation 1 Interactive Marketing B Rao, Ram auction, sales VR Marketing channel

use, acceptance, convenience, Carter, Lemuria; Bélanger, interent CC/ Information 2005 P2O citizen information, quality, MIS, KM B France channel VR Systems Journal trustworthiness

Journal of Catterall, Miriam; Maclaran, corporal and CC/ 2002 P2O individual ethics 1 Consumer Marketing B Pauline digital body VR Behaviour e-vendor, CC/ affect, commitment, distrust, Journal of Cho, Jinsook 2006 P2O consumer Marketing A sales channel VR trustworthiness Retailing International Clases, Christoph; Bachmann, virtual CC/ Studies of OS/OB, 2003 P2O individual commitment B Reinhard; Theo, Wehner organization VR Management & HRM, IR Organization Das, Samar; Echambadi, Raj; CC/ McCardle, Michael; Luckett, 2003 P2O individual web, channel use, security, affect, information 1 Marketing Letters Marketing A VR Michael service Davis, Robert; Buchanan- provider, CC/ Journal of Service Oliver, Margo; Brodie, 2000 P2O consumer channel, 4 Marketing A VR Research Roderick J. service provider attitude, communication, International De Ruyter, Ko; Wetzels, CC/ OR, MS 2001 P2O customer organization perception, quality, reputation, risk, Journal of Service B Martin; Kleijnen, Mirella VR &POM value Industry 54


e-commerce, CC/ use, communication, cooperation, Management OR, MS Dellarocas, Chrysanthos 2003 P2O individual 15 A+ sales channel VR quality, reputation Science &POM

Eastlick, Mary A.; Lotz, Sherry service e- CC/ commitment, information, privacy, Journal of Business 2006 P2O individual Marketing B L.; Warrington, Patricia tailer VR (re-)purchase, reputation Research Journal of Everard, Andrea; Galletta, CC/ affect, perception, quality, (re- Management 2005 P2O individual online store F&A B Dennis F. VR )purchase Information System Friedman, Batya; Kahn, Peter online CC/ use, cooperation, information, Communications of 2000 P2O individual 20 MIS, KM B H.; Howe, Daniel C. technology VR perception, performance, value, the ACM CC/ Psychology & Garbarino, Ellen; Lee, Olivia F. 2003 P2O individual organization experience, affect, price 6 Marketing B VR Marketing channel, internet, CC/ OR, MS Gefen, David 2000 P2O individual familiarity, power, (re-)purchase 17 Omega B service VR &POM provider

IEEE Transactions Gefen, David; Karahanna, e-vendor, CC/ use, experience, perception, OR, MS 2003 P2O customer on Engineering B Elena; Straub, Detmar W. channel VR (re-)purchase &POM Management

Gefen, David; Karahanna, channel, CC/ 2003 P2O individual use, perception, (re-)purchase 6 MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A Elena; Straub, Detmar W. internet VR Gefen, David; Straub, Detmar CC/ OR, MS 2004 P2O individual e-vendor familiarity, control Omega B W. VR &POM International CC/ confidence, control, Journal of Gordijn, Jaap; Yao-Hua Tan 2005 P2O individual organization 1 MIS, KM A VR trustworthiness, value Electronic Commerce CC/ Journal of Business OS/OB, Grabner-Kraeuter, Sonja 2002 P2O buyer internet use, information, quality 7 B VR Ethics HRM, IR 55

Grewal, Dhruv; Hardesty, use, justice and fairness, Journal of internet CC/ David M.; Iyer, Gopalkrishnan 2004 P2O individual perception, price, (re-)purchase, 1 Interactive Marketing B retailer VR R. time Marketing Grewal, Dhruv; Munger, e-tailer, CC/ security, expectations, price, Psychology & Jeanne L.; Iyer, Gopalkrishnan 2003 P2O consumer 5 Marketing B channel VR (re-)purchase, value Marketing R.; Levy, Michael Advances in Gupta, Reetika; Kabadayi, CC/ beliefs, loyalty, perception, 2005 P2O individual website Consumer Marketing B Sertan VR trustworthiness Research

experience, familiarity, Journal of CC/ information, perception, Ha, Hong-Youl; Perks, Helen 2005 P2O consumer brand Consumer Marketing B VR performance, satisfaction, Behaviour sociodemographics

International online Hampton-Sosa, William; CC/ use, beliefs, perception, trust Journal of 2005 P2O customer company, 2 MIS, KM A Koufaris, Marios VR propensity Electronic web site Commerce Harris, Lloyd C.; Goode, Mark CC/ Journal of 2004 P2O individual online service loyalty, quality, satisfaction, value 8 Marketing A M. H. VR Retailing digital CC/ experience, conflict, expectations, Communications of Hart, Peter E.; Liu, Ziming 2003 P2O people information 1 MIS, KM B VR information the ACM system

Hoffman, Donna L.; Novak, web CC/ use, industry, control, information, Communications of 1999 P2O customer 80 MIS, KM B Thomas P.; Peralta, Marcos providers VR (re-)purchase the ACM Jones, Sara; Wilikens, Marc; stakeholders, CC/ Communications of Morris, Philip; Masera, 2000 P2O individual information 5 MIS, KM B service VR the ACM Marcelo Jutla, Dawn N.; Bodorik, Peter; CC/ Information 2006 P2O user organization control, privacy MIS, KM A Zhang, Yanjun VR Systems Kim, Dan J.; Song, Yong I.; academics, CC/ Decision Support Braynov, Sviatoslav B.; Rao, 2005 P2O organization MIS, KM B practitioners VR Systems Raghav H. Kim, Hee-Woong; Xu, Yunjie; CC/ experience, (re-)purchase, Journal of the 2004 P2O individual organization MIS, KM A Koh, Joon VR satisfaction Association for 56

Information Systems CC/ Decision Support Klang, Mathias 2001 P2O individual organization ethics, reputation 4 MIS, KM B VR Systems Knights, David; Noble, Faith; CC/ Organization OS/OB, Vurdubakis, Theo; Willmott, 2001 P2O individual organization control, power A VR Studies HRM, IR Hugh CC/ Journal of Business OS/OB, Koehn, Daryl 2003 P2O buyer organization use, ethics, information 5 B VR Ethics HRM, IR Journal of Leamer, Edward E.; Storper, CC/ communication, (in-)dependence, 2001 P2O individual organization 11 International Gen&Strat A Michael VR time Business Studies International experience, culture, Lee, Matthew K. O.; Turban, e-commerce, CC/ Journal of 2001 P2O consumer sociodemographics, trust 37 MIS, KM A Efraim sales channel VR Electronic propensity, trustworthiness Commerce

Liang, Huigang; Xue, Yajiong; information, opportunism, prescription CC/ Communications of Laosethakul, Kittipong; Lloyd, 2005 P2O customer perception, transaction costs, MIS, KM B service VR AIS Scott J. uncertainty

computer International Lin, Chieh-Peng; Ding, Cherng program CC/ experience, information, loyalty, Journal of Service OR, MS 2005 P2O customer B G. language, VR quality, satisfaction Industry &POM service Management Luo, Wenhong; Najdawi, CC/ Communications of 2004 P2O user health portal use, security, information MIS, KM B Mohammad VR the ACM International McKnight, Harrison D.; e-commerce, CC/ Journal of 2001 P2O customer beliefs 25 MIS, KM A Chervany, Norman L. sales channel VR Electronic Commerce

McKnight, Harrison D.; use, beliefs, information, web-based CC/ Information Choudhury, Vivek; Kacmar, 2002 P2O consumer innovativeness, perception, quality, 40 MIS, KM A vendors VR Systems Research Charles (re-)purchase, risk, 57

International Monsuwé, Toñita P. Y.; web, online CC/ Journal of Service OR, MS Dellaert, Benedict G. C.; De 2004 P2O individual use, experience, attitude 1 B shopping VR Industry &POM Ruyter, Ko Management online- International Mukherjee, Avinandan; Nath, banking, CC/ 2003 P2O individual commitment 8 Journal of Bank Marketing B Prithwiraj channel, VR Marketing service Olson, Judith S.; Olson, Gary CC/ Communications of 2000 P2O participants website culture, trustworthiness 9 MIS, KM B M. VR the ACM International e-commerce, CC/ Journal of Pavlou, Paul A. 2003 P2O consumer use, perception, risk 24 MIS, KM A sales channel VR Electronic Commerce

use, attitude, beliefs, control, Pavlou, Paul A.; Fygenson, web vendor, CC/ 2006 P2O consumer information, perception, power, MIS Quarterly MIS, KM A Mendel sales channel VR (re-)purchase

seller group,commu CC/ Information Pavlou, Paul A.; Gefen, David 2004 P2O buyer nity of online perception, reputation, risk 14 MIS, KM A VR Systems Research auction sellers Journal of Pennington, Robin; Wilcox, CC/ Management 2003 P2O consumer organization attitude, (re-)purchase, reputation 8 F&A B Dixon H.; Grover, Varun VR Information System Rifon, Nora J.; LaRose, Robert; CC/ confidence, expectations, Journal of 2005 P2O individual web side Marketing B Choi, Sejung M. VR information Consumer Affairs

Journal of Rodgers, Shelly; Harris, Mary e-commerce, CC/ experience, convenience, emotion, 2003 P2O women, men O 4 Advertising Marketing B A. sales channel VR satisfaction, sociodemographics Research

technology, CC/ Communications of Rosenbloom, Andrew 2000 P2O user use, security MIS, KM B internet VR the ACM 58

International Roussos, George; Peterson, trading trading CC/ involvement and participation, Journal of 2003 P2O MIS, KM A Don; Patel, Uma partners partners VR partnership and collaboration, Electronic Commerce Journal of the service CC/ Saini, Amit; Johnson, Jean L. 2005 P2O individual affect, information, performance Academy of Marketing A provider VR Marketing Science Salam, Al F.; Iyer, Lakshimi CC/ Communications of S.; Palvia, Prashant; Singh, 2005 P2O consumer website attitude, beliefs MIS, KM B VR the ACM Rahul Schlosser, Ann E.; White, web site, CC/ Journal of 2006 P2O consumer beliefs, (re-)purchase, risk Marketing A+ Tiffany B.; Lloyd, Susan M. channel VR Marketing CC/ Communications of Schoder, Detlef; Yin, Pai-Ling 2000 P2O customer firm industry, risk 11 MIS, KM B VR the ACM CC/ experience, security, cooperation, Communications of Shneiderman, Ben 2000 P2O user website 9 MIS, KM B VR loyalty the ACM mobile CC/ Communications of Siau, Keng; Shen, Zixing 2003 P2O customer 12 MIS, KM B commerce VR the ACM CC/ Organization OS/OB, Stewart, Katherine J. 2003 P2O individual organization similiarity, beliefs, perception 15 A VR Science HRM, IR

Strader, Troy J.; Ramaswami, online seller CC/ Communications of 2002 P2O customer perception, trustworthiness 2 MIS, KM B Sridhar N. (ebay) VR the ACM

International e-commerce, CC/ security, control, information, Journal of Suh, Bomil; Han, Ingoo 2003 P2O customer MIS, KM A sales channel VR integrity, perception Electronic Commerce International CC/ Journal of Tan, Yao-Hua; Thoen, Walter 2003 P2O individual organization use, negotiation, risk MIS, KM A VR Electronic Commerce International CC/ Journal of Tan, Yao-Hua; Thoen, Walter 2000 P2O individual organization use, control, performance MIS, KM A VR Electronic Commerce 59

Urban, Glen L.; Sultan, website, CC/ Sloan Management 2000 P2O buyer 5 Gen&Strat B Fareena; Qualls, William J. seller VR Review CC/ Communications of Uslaner, Eric M. 2004 P2O customer website experience, risk 1 MIS, KM B VR the ACM internet, CC/ Communications of Uslaner, Eric M. 2000 P2O individual use 1 MIS, KM B channel VR the ACM

Van Den Berg, René J.; Van internet, sales CC/ Production OR, MS 2001 P2O individual distrust B Lieshout, Jannine M. channel VR Planning & Control &POM Van Der Heijden, Hans; European Journal CC/ use, attitude, perception, Verhagen, Tibert; Creemers, 2003 P2O consumer website 1 of Information MIS, KM B VR (re-)purchase, risk Marcel Systems Viega, John; Kohno, system CC/ security, distrust, quality, Communications of 2001 P2O internet MIS, KM B Tadayoshi; Potter, Bruce architects VR trustworthiness the ACM Wang, Sijun; Gremer, Dwayne Journal of CC/ security, information, D.; Beatty, Sharon E.; Foxx, 2004 P2O consumer online retailer Interactive Marketing B VR trustworthiness William Marketing Journal of the online Wang, Weiquan; Benbasat, CC/ use, competence, information, Association for 2005 P2O individual recommen- MIS, KM A Izak VR integrity, satisfaction Information dation agents Systems Yang, Shu-Chen; Hung, Wan- CC/ information, involvement and Psychology & Chiao; Sung, Kai; Farn, Cheng- 2006 P2O individual organization Marketing B VR participation, perception, quality Marketing Kiang

familiarity, security, awareness, Journal of e-commerce, CC/ Yoon, Sung-Joon 2002 P2O consumer (re-)purchase, reputation, Interactive Marketing B website VR satisfaction Marketing

Yousafzai, Shumaila Y.; use, security, communication, CC/ Psychology & Pallister, John. G.; Foxall, 2005 P2O customer e-banking information, perception, 1 Marketing B VR Marketing Gordon R. trustworthiness

communi- Botan, Carl H.; Taylor, cation affect, communication, nationality Journal of 2005 P2O bosnian CC Comm B Maureen channel, and ethnicity, trustworthiness Communication Government 60


Journal of Public Garretson, Judith A.; Burton, claim affect, attitude, awareness, 2000 P2O consumer CC 7 Policy & Marketing B Scot information information, perception, risk, value Marketing information Journal of Milne, George R.; Boza, 1999 P2O consumer management CC information, perception 17 Interactive Marketing B Maria-Eugenia practices Marketing Van Birgelen, Marcel; De decision information Journal of Service 2000 P2O CC O culture, information, satisfaction Marketing A Ruyter, Ko; Wetzels, Martin maker in report Research International Adamson, Ivana; Chan, Kok- 2003 P2O customer bank commitment, confidence 1 Journal of Bank Marketing B Mun; Handford, Donna Marketing Journal of Addis, Michela; Holbrook, 2001 P2O customer organization recognition 7 Consumer Marketing B Morris B. Behaviour frontline employees, Journal of Agustin, Clara; Singh, Jagdip 2005 P2O consumer company use, loyalty, satisfaction 2 Marketing Marketing A+ policies, Research (JMR) practices attitude, awareness, performance, Management Ambler, Tim 1997 P2O customer brand 9 Gen&Strat B price Decision

confidence, consumers product Journal of Andaleeb, Syed S.; Anwar, 1996 P2O customer salesperson knowledge, expertise, likeability 5 International Marketing A Syed F. and liking Marketing

Journal of Business Aryee, Samuel; Chen, Zhen X. 2004 P2O employer organization O career, performance Marketing B Research

Bass, Bernard M.; Mitchell, justice and fairness, leadership, Journal of Applied 1976 P2O professionals organization O Psychology A Charles W. distrust, perception Psychology 61

Beckmann, Til; Forbes, distrust, partnership and European Financial 2004 P2O employees firm O F&A B William collaboration Management

Beekun, Rafik I.; Badawi, culture, ethics, justice and fairness, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2005 P2O stakeholder B Jamal A. responsibility Ethics HRM, IR

customer orientation, ethics, International Bejou, David; Ennew, 1998 P2O customer adviser, seller loyalty, performance, risk, 14 Journal of Bank Marketing B Christine T.; Palmer, Adrian satisfaction, transaction costs Marketing

Bennett, Robert J.; Robson, use, contract, satisfaction, Cambridge Journal 2004 P2O clients advisers 2 Economics A Paul J. A. transaction costs of Economics

Cambridge Journal Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd 2005 P2O individual organization Economics A of Economics Journal of Boecker, Andreas; Hanf, confidence, control, perception, Economic 2000 P2O consumer supplier Economics A Claus-Hennig reliability, risk Behavior & Organization Journal of Business OS/OB, Brockway, George 1993 P2O client salesperson perception 1 B Ethics HRM, IR

Advances in Bunker, Matthew P.; Ball, 2005 P2O customer firm affect, commitment Consumer Marketing B Dwayne Research Journal of Busch, Paul; Wilson, David T. 1976 P2O buyer seller attitude, power 30 Marketing Marketing A+ Research (JMR) management Management Busco, Cristiano; Riccaboni, accounting acceptance, conflict, culture, 2006 P2O employee O Accounting F&A A Angelo; Scapens, Robert W. system trustworthiness Research (MAS)

justice and fairness, perception, Caldwell, Cam; Clapham, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2003 P2O trust attitude organization quality, responsibility, 3 B Stephen E. Ethics HRM, IR trustworthiness 62

Chami, Ralph; Cosimano, business Journal of Banking Thomas F.; Fullenkamp, 2002 P2O individual ethics, value 2 F&A A ethics & Finance Connel

consumer, affect, attitude, control, loyalty, Chaudhuri, Arjun; Holbrook, Journal of 2001 P2O brand 107 brands performance, price, (re-)purchase, 50 Marketing A+ Morris B. Marketing manager value

Chiou, Jyh-Shen; Droge, affect, loyalty, perception, quality, Journal of Service 2002 P2O individual organization Marketing A Cornelia; Hanvanich, Sangphet satisfaction Research

Organizational Cohen-Charash, Yochi; commitment, performance, OS/OB, 2001 P2O individual organization O 63 Behavior & Human A Spector, Paul E. satisfaction HRM, IR Decision Processes ethics, responsibility, risk, Journal of Business OS/OB, Corbett, Dan 2004 P2O individual organization B satisfaction, Ethics HRM, IR Management Cowles, Deborah L. 1997 P2O individual organization communication, trustworthiness 6 Gen&Strat B Decision Crosby, Lawrence A.; Evans, Journal of Kenneth A.; Cowles, Deborah 1990 P2O customer salesperson perception, quality, satisfaction 242 Marketing A+ Marketing L. Culnan, Mary J.; Armstrong, use, information, justice and Organization OS/OB, 1999 P2O customer organization 27 A Pamela K. fairness, power, value Science HRM, IR

De Chernatony, Leslie; Riley, Journal of Strategic 1997 P2O individual brand information, perception Marketing B Dall'Olmo F. Marketing

International industry, justice and fairness, De Ruyter, Ko; Wetzels, service Journal of Service OR, MS 2000 P2O customer loyalty, perception, quality, 1 B Martin provider Industry &POM satisfaction Management Deery, Stephen J.; Iverson, Journal of Applied 2006 P2O employee organization O use, affect, cooperation, perception Psychology A Roderick D.; Walsh, Janet T. Psychology Delgado-Ballester, Elena; International partnership and collaboration, Munuera-Alemán, Jose L.; 2003 P2O individual brand 2 Journal of Market Marketing B quality Yagüe-Guillén, Marí J. Research 63

Journal of accounting use, (in-)dependence, transaction Donabedian, Bairj 1993 P2O individual O Accounting & F&A A service costs Public Policy Dunlap, Riley E.; Beus, Curtis use, industry, attitude, Journal of 1992 P2O individual food industry 1 Marketing B E. sociodemographics Consumer Affairs Garbarino, Ellen; Johnson, Journal of 1999 P2O customer organization attitude, commitment, satisfaction 173 Marketing A+ Mark S. Marketing company commitment, ethics, responsibility, Journal of Business OS/OB, García-Marzá, Domingo 2005 P2O member, organization B value Ethics HRM, IR stakeholder

use, security, attitude, commitment, Organization OS/OB, George, Elizabeth 2003 P2O employees organization O 3 A reciprocity, responsibility Science HRM, IR

Glückler, Johannes; Organization OS/OB, 2003 P2O individual consultant price, quality, reputation 4 A Armbrüster, Thomas Studies HRM, IR

International Gremler, Dwayne D.; Gwinner, Journal of Service OR, MS 2001 P2O customer employee familiarity, communication 4 B Kevin P.; Brown, Stephen W. Industry &POM Management

experience, confidence, International public Harisalo, Risto; Stenvall, Jari 2003 P2O civil servant cooperation, distrust, partnership Journal of Public PSM B organization and collaboration, satisfaction Administration

Strategic organization commitment, cooperation, ethics, Hosmer, Larue T. 1994 P2O stakeholder 20 Management Gen&Strat A member innovativeness Journal Hummels, Harry; Roosendaal, similiarity, awareness, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2001 P2O individual organization O B Hans E. communication, value Ethics HRM, IR Journal of Personal use, satisfaction, trustworthiness, Jap, Sandy D. 2001 P2O customer salesrep 12 Selling & Sales Marketing B value Management 64

Johnson, Devon; Grayson, service perception, performance, Journal of Business 2005 P2O consumer 1 Marketing B Kent provider reputation, satisfaction Research Journal of consumer, information, quality, reward and Kardes, Frank R. 2006 P2O their intuition Consumer Marketing B manager benefits Psychology

experience, familiarity, Kennedy, Mary S.; Ferrell, salesperson, Journal of Business 2001 P2O consumer competence, ethics, quality, 13 Marketing B Linda K.; LeClair, Debbie T. manufacturer Research satisfaction, trust propensity

Journal of OS/OB, Kiefer, Tina 2005 P2O employee organization O experience, perception Organizational A HRM, IR Behavior Kjonstad, Bjørn; Willmott, control, ethics, integrity, justice Journal of Business OS/OB, 1995 P2O individual organization O 7 B Hugh and fairness, value Ethics HRM, IR

employee, Journal of OS/OB, Lee, Hyun-Jung 2004 P2O shop floor organization O competence Managerial B HRM, IR workers Psychology

service Leisen, Birgit; Hyman, Michael provider, Journal of Business 2004 P2O patient affect, awareness, satisfaction 2 Marketing B R. primary care Research physician Journal of Lewis, Barbara R.; Soureli, loyalty, perception, quality, 2006 P2O consumer bank Consumer Marketing B Magdalini satisfaction Behaviour Journal of Ligneau-Hervé, Catherine; health care information, (re-)purchase, Experimental 2005 P2O individual Psychology A+ Mullet, Etienne provider sociodemographics Psychology / Applied Journal of Personal Longfellow, Timothy A. 1995 P2O individual salesman ethics, perception, performance Selling & Sales Marketing B Management MacDonald, Chris; McDonald, non-profit Journal of Business OS/OB, 2002 P2O stakeholder conflict, ethics 1 B Michael; Norman, Wayne organization Ethics HRM, IR 65

International Macintosh, Gerrard; Lockshin, salesperson, attitude, commitment, loyalty, Journal of 1997 P2O customer 29 Marketing A Lawrence S. store (re-)purchase Research in Marketing MacLachlan, Douglas L.; retail Journal of 1976 P2O public control, perception 1 Marketing A Spence, Homer institution Retailing Magill, Gerard; Prybil, confidence, ethics, integrity, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2004 P2O customer organization B Lawrence distrust, stewardship Ethics HRM, IR Journal of Maltz, Elliot; Kohli, Ajay K. 1996 P2O customer sender commitment, power, quality 62 Marketing Marketing A+ Research (JMR) Martín, Sonia S.; Camarero, Journal of Service 2005 P2O consumer firm opportunism, quality Marketing A Carmen Research

McGuire, Thomas G. 1983 P2O patient physician experience, quality 1 Economic Inquiry Economics B Critical McMillan, Keith P. 2004 P2O individual auditor control, job related tension Perspectives on F&A B Accounting use, culture, friendliness, Journal of Business Merrilees, Bill; Miller, Dale 1999 P2O customer salesperson 4 Marketing B reciprocity Research

Journal of Personal Milliman, Ronald E.; Fugate, 1988 P2O client salesperson use, experience, control, persuasion 3 Selling & Sales Marketing B Douglas L. Management Journal of Möllering, Guido; Bachmann, OS/OB, 2004 P2O employee organization O Managerial B Reinhard; Lee, Soo H. HRM, IR Psychology Moorman, Christine; culture, expertise, insincerity, Journal of Deshpandé, Rohit; Zaltman, 1993 P2O individual researcher 160 Marketing A+ integrity, power, time, uncertainty Marketing Gerald Journal of Moorman, Christine; Zaltman, 1992 P2O user provider use, commitment, information Marketing Marketing A+ Gerald; Deshpandé, Rohit Research (JMR) 66

expertise, information, likeability Advances in Mowen, John C.; Weiner, 1987 P2O individual organization and liking, manipulation, 1 Consumer Marketing B Joshua L.; Joag, Shreekant persuasion, trustworthiness Research

Organizational Nakayachi, Kazuya; Watabe, authority, perception, risk, OS/OB, 2003 P2O public organization Behavior & Human A Motoki trustworthiness HRM, IR Decision Processes Journal of Business OS/OB, Oakes, G. 1990 P2O client agent 7 B Ethics HRM, IR O'Malley, Lisa; Prothero, use, experience, loyalty, Journal of Business 2004 P2O consumer organization Marketing B Andrea motivation, perception Research

marketing Journal of Osterhus, Thomas L. 1997 P2O consumer persuasion, responsibility 14 Marketing A+ source Marketing

government, American Paige, Jeffery M. 1972 P2O rioter political partnership and collaboration Sociological Sociology A+ system Review government, American Paige, Jeffery M. 1971 P2O rioter political information 5 Sociological Sociology A+ system Review Journal of Pollay, Richard W.; Smith, 1969 P2O client agency distrust, negotiation 1 Marketing Marketing A+ Roebrt L. Research (JMR) Journal of the Ramsey, Rosemary P.; Sohi, 1997 P2O customer salesman perception, satisfaction 8 Academy of Marketing A Ravipreet S. Marketing Science International Ranaweera, Chatura; Prabhu, Journal of Service OR, MS 2003 P2O customer organization (re-)purchase, satisfaction 1 B Jaideep Industry &POM Management Journal of Renner, Elke; Tyran, Jean- loyalty, price, quality, reward and Economic 2004 P2O buyer seller Economics A Robert benefits, trustworthiness Behavior & Organization 67

Rohm, Andrew J.; Milne, Journal of Business 2004 P2O consumer organization use, information Marketing B George R. Research Journal of Rosen, Catherine E. 1977 P2O consumer health center use Marketing B Consumer Affairs use, control, information, Journal of Public physician, Roth, Martin S. 1994 P2O consumer involvement and participation, 5 Policy & Marketing B health care motivation Marketing Rothkopf, Michael H.; Harstad, 1996 P2O bidder seller fear, information, reputation Journal of Business Gen&Strat B Ronald M.

Sargeant, Adrian; Ford, John commitment, perception, reward Journal of Business 2005 P2O donor non-profit Marketing B B.; West, Douglas C. and benefits Research

voluntary Psychology & Sargeant, Adrian; Lee, Stephen 2004 P2O donor commitment 1 Marketing B organization Marketing Satava, David; Caldwell, Cam; investor, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2006 P2O organization culture, ethics B Richards, Linda stakeholder Ethics HRM, IR Journal of Schnitzer, Monika 1995 P2O shareholder manager use Industrial Economics A Economics Journal of Schoenbachler, Denise D.; 2002 P2O customer organization information, perception 9 Interactive Marketing B Gordon, Geoffrey L. Marketing Human Resource Scholarios, Dora; Marks, industry, attitude, commitment, OS/OB, 2004 P2O employee organization O 1 Management B Abigail perception, satisfaction, HRM, IR Journal Scott, Susan V.; Walsham, Organization OS/OB, 2005 P2O stakeholders organization reputation, responsibility, risk A Geoff Science HRM, IR International Seal, W.B. 1998 P2O customer organization trustworthiness Journal of Bank Marketing B Marketing Journal of Searle, Rosalind H.; Ball, justice and fairness, distrust, OS/OB, 2004 P2O stuff organization O Managerial B Kirstie S. perception, reputation, risk HRM, IR Psychology stakeholder, Journal of Business OS/OB, Shankman, Neil A. 1999 P2O agency conflict, ethics, insincerity, loyalty 15 B principle Ethics HRM, IR 68

International Sharma, Neeru; Patterson, Paul, experience, commitment, Journal of Service OR, MS 2000 P2O consumer advisor B G. satisfaction Industry &POM Management International industry, commitment, perception, Shemwell, Donald, Jr.; Cronin, service Journal of Service OR, MS 1994 P2O customer (re-)purchase, risk, B Joseph J.; Bullard, William R. provider Industry &POM sociodemographics Management Academy of Sheppard, Blair H.; Sherman, team, trusting team, trusting 1998 P2O (in-)dependence, risk 9 Management Gen&Strat A Dana M. parties parties Review manipulation, perception, Journal of Applied Siegrist, Michael 1999 P2O student organization 12 Psychology A performance, risk Social Psychology Journal of the Singh, Jagdip; Sirdeshmukh, service 2000 P2O consumer cooperation, loyalty, satisfaction 38 Academy of Marketing A Deepak provider Marketing Science Sirdeshmukh, Deepak; Singh, frontline industry, competence, loyalty, Journal of 2002 P2O consumer 54 Marketing A+ Jagdip; Sabol, Barry employee trustworthiness Marketing ethics, involvement and Journal of Business OS/OB, Sójka, Jacek 1999 P2O employee organization O B participation, distrust Ethics HRM, IR Spake, Deborah F.; Beatty, service commitment, reliability, Journal of Service Sharon E.; Brockman, Beverly 2003 P2O consumer 2 Marketing A provider satisfaction Research K.; Crutchfield, Tammy N.

customer, communication, empathy, Strong, Kelly C.; Ringer, Journal of Business OS/OB, 2001 P2O stockholder, management information, justice and fairness, B Richard C.; Taylor, Steven A. Ethics HRM, IR employees satisfaction, time

Swan, John E.; Bowers, Journal of Business Michael R.; Richardson, Lynne 1999 P2O customer salesperson attitude 18 Marketing B Research D. Journal of Personal Swan, John E.; Nolan, 1985 P2O customer salesperson distrust 20 Selling & Sales Marketing B Johannah J. Management 69

Swan, John E.; Trawick, Fred, Journal of Personal buyer, Jr.; Rink, David R.; Roberts, 1988 P2O salesperson 18 Selling & Sales Marketing B purchaser Jenny J. Management

Tax, Stephen S.; Brown, experience, commitment, justice Journal of Stephen W.; Chandrashekaran, 1998 P2O customer organization 91 Marketing A+ and fairness, loyalty, satisfaction Marketing Murali

Tonkiss, Fran; Passey, Andrew 1999 P2O individual organization O confidence 12 Sociology Sociology B Critical Unerman, Jeffrey; O'dwyer, people, audit and perception, reward and benefits, 2004 P2O 2 Perspectives on F&A B Brendan public accounting risk Accounting service Van Birgelen, Marcel; De decision Journal of Service 2001 P2O research O information, quality, satisfaction Marketing A Ruyter, Ko; Wetzels, Martin maker Research centers International Van De Walle, Steven; 2003 P2O citizen government performance Journal of Public PSM B Bouckaert, Geert Administration Journal of the Verhoef, Peter C.; Franses, commitment, (re-)purchase, 2002 P2O customer organization 19 Academy of Marketing A Philip H.; Hoekstra, Janny C. satisfaction Marketing Science Organization OS/OB, Walgenbach, Peter 2001 P2O customer supplier use, control, distrust, quality A Studies HRM, IR

Wang, Eric T.G.; Chen, Jessica Decision Support 2006 P2O manager organization O reputation, transaction costs MIS, KM B H.F. Systems

nonprofit West, Edwin G. 1989 P2O consumer Public Choice PSM B organizations Journal of confidence, emotion, expertise, White, Tiffany B. 2005 P2O individual expert Consumer Marketing B perception, quality Psychology Organization OS/OB, Whitley, Richard D. 1991 P2O individual organization O authority, coordination, loyalty A Studies HRM, IR Academy of Wicks, Andrew C.; Berman, 1999 P2O stakeholder manager ethics, distrust, performance 47 Management Gen&Strat A Shawn L.; Jones, Thomas M. Review 70

Advances in Wiener, Joshua L.; Mowen, expertise, perception, persuasion, 1986 P2O customer mechanic 3 Consumer Marketing B John C. quality, trustworthiness Research Wong, Yui-Tim; Wong, Chi- OS/OB, Sum; Ngo, Hang-Yue; Lui, 2005 P2O employee organization O information, performance Human Relations B HRM, IR Hon-Kwong Journal of Personal Young, Louise; Albaum, 2003 P2O customer salesperson use, attitude, perception 2 Selling & Sales Marketing B Gerald Management Research in economic OS/OB, Zucker, Lynne G. 1986 P2O individual structure 92 Organizational A+ structure HRM, IR Behavior Allen, David K.; Colligan, motor vehicle repair CC/ use, experience, information, Information David; Finnie, Andrew; Kern, 2000 O2O 3 MIS, KM B leasing companies VR performance, value Systems Journal Thomas

Gallivan Michael J.; Depledge CC/ use, control, partnership and Information 2003 O2O organization organization 5 MIS, KM B Gordon VR collaboration, quantity Systems Journal

Journal of use, commitment, (in-)dependence, Hart, Paul J.; Saunders, Carol CC/ Management 1998 O2O organization organization information, partnership and 30 F&A B S. VR Information collaboration, power System

Kasper-Fuehrer, Eva C.; CC/ communication, ethics, Journal of 2001 O2O organization organization 8 Gen&Strat B Ashkanasy, Neal M. VR information, trustworthiness Management

website, CC/ security, distrust, motivation, Communications of Looi, Hong C. 2005 O2O enterprise O MIS, KM B channel VR perception AIS Pantelia, Niki; Sockalingam, CC/ Decision Support 2005 O2O organization organization conflict MIS, KM B Siva VR Systems

Young-Ybarra, Candace; CC/ information, partnership and Organization OS/OB, 1999 O2O organization organization 24 A Wiersema, Margarethe VR collaboration, transaction costs Science HRM, IR 71

CIC Wiertz, Caroline; De Ruyter, conflict, cooperation, partnership (customer Journal of Business Ko; Keen, Cherie; Streukens, 2004 O2O customer CC and collaboration, performance, Marketing B interaction Research Sandra quality, satisfaction center)

chief chief executive executive expectations, partnership and Journal of Business Adobor, Henry 2005 O2O officers, officers, Marketing B collaboration Research senior senior management management

European Journal Akkermans, Henk; Bogerd, represen- represen- OR, MS 2004 O2O information, performance 2 of Operational A Paul; Van Doremalen, Jan tatives tatives &POM Research

International cooperation, (in-)dependence, Journal of Andaleeb, Syed S. 1995 O2O buyer seller 13 Marketing A transaction costs Research in Marketing Andaleeb, Syed S.; Ingene, commitment, (in-)dependence, Journal of 1996 O2O buyer supplier 36 Marketing A Charles satisfaction Retailing Anderson, James C.; Narus, Journal of 1990 O2O distributor manufacturer cooperation 407 Marketing A+ James A. Marketing cooperation, ethics, partnership and Journal of Business OS/OB, Argandoña, Antonio 1999 O2O organization organization 1 B collaboration Ethics HRM, IR International Arino, Africa; Abramov, culture, negotiation, partnership Studies of OS/OB, 1997 O2O European Russian 1 B Mikhail and collaboration, risk Management & HRM, IR Organization

affect, culture, partnership and Journal of Armstrong, Robert W.; Yee, 2001 O2O buyers seller collaboration, perception, 2 International Marketing A Siew M. satisfaction Marketing 72

Journal of Aulakh, Preet S.; Kotabe, monitoring, partnership and 1996 O2O U.S. firms U.S. firms 22 International Gen&Strat A Masaaki; Sahay, Arvind collaboration, performance Business Studies

control, coordination, power, Organization OS/OB, Bachmann, Reinhard 2001 O2O organization organization A quality, risk Studies HRM, IR Bell, Geoffrey G.; Journal of Business OS/OB, Oppenheimer, Robert J.; 2002 O2O buyer supplier ethics, distrust 3 B Ethics HRM, IR Bastien, Andre

Bharadwaj, Neeraj; Matsuno, affect, performance, (re-)purchase, Journal of Business 2006 O2O supplier firm Marketing B Ken satisfaction, transaction costs Research

manufactor Journal of the Bialaszewski, Dennis; communication, perception, 1985 O2O dealer represen- 8 Academy of Marketing A Giallourakis, Michael trustworthiness tative Marketing Science

confidence, reliability, reputation, Journal of Business OS/OB, Blois, Keith J. 2003 O2O customer supplier B trustworthiness Ethics HRM, IR

Management Blois, Keith J. 1999 O2O organization organization 1 Gen&Strat B Decision

Journal of Blois, Keith J. 1999 O2O business business 1 Management Gen&Strat B Studies Boersma, Margreet F.; commitment, cooperation, Journal of Business Buckley, Peter J.; Ghauri, 2003 O2O organization organization 2 Marketing B perception, performance Research Pervez N. Brashear, Thomas G.; Manolis, sales control, justice and fairness, Journal of Business 2005 O2O salesperson 1 Marketing B Chris; Brooks, Charles M. manager perception Research Journal of Brouthers, Keith D.; Brouthers, risk, transaction costs, trust 2003 O2O organization organization O 9 Management Gen&Strat B Lance E. propensity Studies 73

Journal of Buchan, Nancy; Croson, Economic 2004 O2O partner partner expectations, trustworthiness 1 Economics A Rachel Behavior & Organization Information Bunduchi, Raluca 2005 O2O customer supplier use, transaction costs 4 MIS, KM B Systems Journal Burchell, Brendan; Frank Cambridge Journal 1997 O2O firm firm perception 4 Economics A Wilkinson of Economics Journal of network network Carney, Mick 1998 O2O transaction costs 5 Management Gen&Strat B firms firms Studies

Carson, Stephen J.; Madhok, use, communication, information, Organization OS/OB, Anoop; Varman, Rohit; John, 2003 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration, 8 A Science HRM, IR George performance, risk, trustworthiness

Journal of Cavusgil, S. Tamer; Deligonul, U.S. 2004 O2O distributor use, opportunism, transaction costs 2 International Marketing A Seyda; Zhang, Chun manufactorer Marketing

cooperation, (in-)dependence, IEEE Transactions Chae, Bongsug; Yen, Hsiu J.; OR, MS 2005 O2O supplier retailer information, partnership and on Engineering B Sheu, Chwen &POM collaboration Management

Journal of Child, John; Chung, Leanne; 2003 O2O parent affiliate control, performance, power 4 International Gen&Strat A Davies, Howard Business Studies Chryssochoidis, George; Journal of Business 2004 O2O importer exporter experience, price, quality Marketing B Theoharakis, Vasilis Research Cole, Harold L.; Kehoe, Patrick International 1998 O2O organization government affect, reputation, trustworthiness 4 Economics A J. Economic Review

control, cooperation, opportunism, Coletti, Angela L.; Sedatole, business business Accounting 2005 O2O partnership and collaboration, 2 F&A A Karen L.; Towry, Kristy L. partner partner Review trustworthiness 74

International Journal of Physical (in-)dependence, partnership and OR, MS Corsten, Daniel; Felde, Jan 2005 O2O buyer seller Distribution & B collaboration, performance &POM Logistics Management International Coulter, Keith S.; Coulter, business Journal of 2003 O2O clients familiarity, empathy, performance 1 Marketing A Robin A. suppliers Research in Marketing

Cullen, John B.; Johnson, Jean affect, commitment, partnership Journal of World 2000 O2O organization organization 17 Gen&Strat B L.; Sakano, Tomoaki and collaboration, performance Business

Journal of Currall, Steven C.; Inkpen, 2002 O2O organization organization use 6 International Gen&Strat A Andrew C. Business Studies Organizational Currall, Steven C.; Judge, use, conflict, partnership and OS/OB, 1995 O2O organization organization 23 Behavior & Human A Timothy A. collaboration, risk HRM, IR Decision Processes

control, partnership and Organization OS/OB, Das, T. K.; Teng, Bing-Sheng 2001 O2O organization organization A collaboration, performance, risk Studies HRM, IR

Academy of confidence, control, cooperation, Das, T.K.; Teng, Bing-Sheng 1998 O2O firm firm 136 Management Gen&Strat A opportunism Review International Daugherty, Patricia J.; Richey, marketing, industry, commitment, Journal of OR, MS Glenn R.; Hudgens, Bryan J.; 2003 O2O logistic partner B performance Logistics &POM Autry, Chad W. personal Management De Rond, Mark; Hamid, autonomy, control, cooperation, Organization OS/OB, 2004 O2O organization organization A Bouchikhi performance, quality Science HRM, IR 75

use, bonding, communication, Journal of De Ruyter, Ko; Wetzels, manufac- 2000 O2O marketing empathy, (in-)dependence, justice Management Gen&Strat B Martin turing and fairness, reciprocity Studies

De Wever, Sigrid; Martens, OS/OB, 2005 O2O organization organization performance Human Relations B Rudy; Vandenbempt, Koen HRM, IR Accounting, control, coordination, power, Dekker, Henri C. 2004 O2O firm firm 9 Organizations and F&A A+ transaction costs Society Dhanaraj, Charles; Lyles, Journal of Marjorie A.; Steensma, Kevin 2004 O2O organization organization performance, value International Gen&Strat A H.;Tihanyi, Laszlo Business Studies Doney, Patricia M.; Cannon, supplier, industrial Journal of 1997 O2O control, performance 169 Marketing A+ Joseph P. salesperson buyer Marketing Academy of Doney, Patricia M.; Cannon, 1998 O2O organization another party culture, transaction costs 58 Management Gen&Strat A Joseph P.; Mullen, Michael R. Review Journal of Dyer, Jeffrey H. 2000 O2O supplier automaker partnership and collaboration 15 International Gen&Strat A Business Studies

control, opportunism, partnership Strategic Dyer, Jeffrey H. 1997 O2O organization organization and collaboration, transaction 83 Management Gen&Strat A costs, value Journal

information, performance, Organization OS/OB, Dyer, Jeffrey H.; Chu, Wujin 2003 O2O supplier buyer transaction costs, trustworthiness, 20 A Science HRM, IR value

industry, commitment, Journal of communication, (in-)dependence, Evirgen, Cuneyt T. 1996 O2O organization organization International Gen&Strat A partnership and collaboration, Business Studies performance, power 76

Frazier, Gary L.; Jaworski, commitment, partnership and Bernard J.; Kohli, Ajay K.; 1994 O2O buyer supplier 2 Marketing Letters Marketing A collaboration Weitz, Barton A. Fruchter, Gila E.; Sigué, Simon commitment, control, distrust, Journal of Service 2004 O2O organization organization Marketing A P. opportunism Research Journal of Fryxell, Gerald E.; Dooley, affect, control, perception, 2002 O2O parent parent 5 Management Gen&Strat B Robert S.; Vryza, Maria performance Studies Gainey, Thomas W.; Klaas, Journal of 2003 O2O client vendor use, satisfaction, transaction costs 1 Gen&Strat B Brian S. Management

Journal of Gale, Douglas 1978 O2O agent agent use, value 9 Economics A+ Economic Theory

seller, use, similiarity, (in-)dependence, Journal of Ganesan, Shankar 1994 O2O buyer represen- partnership and collaboration, 189 Marketing A+ Marketing tative reputation, satisfaction, time

seller, Ganesan, Shankar; Hess, Ron 1997 O2O buyer represen- commitment 1 Marketing Letters Marketing A tative Gao, Tao; Sirgy, Joseph M.; commitment, (in-)dependence, Journal of Business 2005 O2O buyer supplier 1 Marketing B Bird, Monroe M. perception Research Garcia-Canal, Esteban; Duarte, Management Cristina Lopez; Criado, Josep 2002 O2O organization organization time 1 Gen&Strat B Decision Rialp; Llaneza, Ana Valdes Journal of control, (in-)dependence, Management Gefen, David 2004 O2O vendor client F&A B perception, quality Information System expectations, (in-)dependence, OR, MS Gefen, David 2002 O2O organization organization 6 Omega B perception &POM

Geykens, Inge; Steenkamp, channel International 1998 O2O organization use, industry, satisfaction 2 Marketing A Jan-Benedict E. M.; Kumar, partner Journal of 77

Nirmalya Research in Marketing Geyskens, Inge; Steenkamp, Journal of channel use, commitment, power, Jan-Benedict E. M.; Kumar, 1999 O2O organization 37 Marketing Marketing A+ partner satisfaction Nirmalya Research (JMR) International Geyskens, Inge; Steenkamp, channel commitment, coordination, Journal of Jan-Benedict E. M.; Scheer, 1996 O2O organization 59 Marketing A partner (in-)dependence, power Research in Lisa K.; Kumar, Nirmalya Marketing university IEEE Transactions Gopalakrishnan, Shanthi; OR, MS 2004 O2O firm research culture, structure 1 on Engineering B Santoro, Michael D. &POM center partner Management Journal of Business Gounans, Spiros P. 2005 O2O organization organization commitment, quality 1 Marketing B Research marketing Journal of Grayson, Keny; Ambler, Tim 1999 O2O organization service use, partnership and collaboration 16 Marketing Marketing A+ provider Research (JMR) Journal of commitment, conflict, culture, Griffith, David A. 2000 O2O organization organization 11 International Gen&Strat A satisfaction Business Studies Gronhaug, Kjell; Henjesand, partnership and collaboration, Journal of Strategic 1999 O2O buyer seller 1 Marketing B Inge J.; Koveland, Anita reciprocity Marketing category Gruen, Thomas W.; Shah, Journal of 2000 O2O retailer management conflict, opportunism, performance 1 Marketing A Reshma H. Retailing process

use, industry, familiarity, Academy of Gulati, Ranjay 1995 O2O firm firm partnership and collaboration, 90 Management Gen&Strat A+ transaction costs Journal

European Journal Gunnarsson, Claes; Jonsson, use, commitment, loyalty, OR, MS 2003 O2O organization organization 1 of Operational A Seth partnership and collaboration &POM Research 78

Gutrich, John; Donovan, Deanna; Finucane, Melissa; Fochte, Will; Hitzhusenf, Fred; experience, cooperation, Journal of Manopimoke, Supachit; 2005 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration, Environmental Economics A McCauley, David; Norton, perception, quality, value Management Bryan; Sabatier, Paul; Salzman, Jim; Sasmitawidjaja, Virza Academy of Hagen, James M.; Choe, industry, partnership and 1998 O2O buyer supplier 14 Management Gen&Strat A Soonkyoo collaboration Review Hailén, Lars; Johanson, Jan; Journal of 1991 O2O organization organization (in-)dependence Marketing A+ Seyed-Mohamed, Nazeem Marketing Small Business Hancké, Bob 1998 O2O firm supplier firm use, power, quality Entrep B Economics Journal of Personal Hawes, Jon M.; Mast, Kenneth expectations, information, 1989 O2O buyer seller 22 Selling & Sales Marketing B E.; Swan, John E. perception, risk Management International Heanue, Kevin; Jacobson, Studies of OS/OB, 2002 O2O organization organization B David Management & HRM, IR Organization Hewett, Kelly; Bearden, foreign culture, (in-)dependence, Journal of 2001 O2O headquarters 27 Marketing A+ William O. subsidiaries performance Marketing

Homburg, Christian; Kuester, Journal of commitment, culture, quality, Sabine; Beutin, Nikolas; 2005 O2O organization supplier 1 International Marketing A reward and benefits Menon, Ajay Marketing Howorth, Carole; Westhead, information, negotiation, price, Journal of Business 2004 O2O vendor buyer Entrep B Paul; Wright, Mike (re-)purchase Venturing International information, opportunism, Journal of Physical OR, MS Hoyt, James; Huq, Faizul 2000 O2O buyer supplier partnership and collaboration, risk, Distribution & B &POM transaction costs Logistics Management 79

Humphreys, Pakl K.; Li, W.L..; commitment, communication, OR, MS 2004 O2O buyer supplier 40 Omega B Chan, L.Y. performance, (re-)purchase &POM

Ibbott, Christopher J.; O'Keefe, Information 2004 O2O firm firm control, reward and benefits 2 MIS, KM B Robert M. Systems Journal Inkpen, Andrew C.; Currall, control, partnership and Organization OS/OB, 2004 O2O organization organization 2 A Steven C. collaboration Science HRM, IR

cooperation, partnership and Ireland, Duane R.; Hitt, Journal of 2002 O2O organization organization collaboration, reward and benefits, 24 Gen&Strat B Michael A.; Vaidyanath, Deepa Management transaction costs, value

Journal of use, coordination, partnership and Jap, Sandy D. 1999 O2O buyer supplier 30 Marketing Marketing A+ collaboration, performance, time Research (JMR)

expectations, goal congruence, Management OR, MS Jap, Sandy D.; Anderson, Erin 2003 O2O buyer supplier opportunism, performance, 4 A+ Science &POM transaction costs

Academy of Jeffries, Frank L. 2000 O2O firm firm motivation, negotiation 16 Management Gen&Strat A Review Johnson, Jean L.; Cullen, John Journal of similiarity, cooperation, culture, B.; Sakano, Tomoaki; 1996 O2O partner partner 24 International Gen&Strat A reciprocity Takenouchi, Hideyuki Business Studies Johnson, Julie T.; Barksdale, Journal of Business 2003 O2O customer salespeople expectations, satisfaction 4 Marketing B Hiram C., Jr.; Boles, James S. Research Journal of Law, Johnson, Simon; McMillan, 2002 O2O customer organization beliefs 14 Economics & Economics A John; Woodruff, Christopher Organization Johnston, David A.; Journal of OR, MS McCutcheon, David M.; Stuart, 2004 O2O buyer supplier performance 4 Operations A &POM Ian F.; Kerwood, Hazel Management 80

Journal of the Joshi, Ashwin W.; Stump, partnership and collaboration, 1999 O2O manufacturer supplier 27 Academy of Marketing A Rodney L. reciprocity, transaction costs Marketing Science

Management Kajuter, Peter; Kulmala, Harri 2005 O2O customer supplier Accounting F&A A I. Research International Journal of the Kay, Neil M. 1996 O2O organization organization Economics A Economics of Business

commitment, information, Journal of Business OR, MS Kent, John; Mentzer, John 2003 O2O buyer supplier performance, satisfaction, time, 5 B Logistics &POM transaction costs

Kidd, John; Richter, Frank- Management 2003 O2O organization organization industry, culture, ethics Gen&Strat B Jürgen; Li, Xue Decision Organization OS/OB, Kieser, Alfred 2001 O2O organization organization coordination A Science HRM, IR Journal of the Kim, Keysuk S. 2000 O2O distributor supplier use, power, reciprocity Academy of Marketing A Marketing Science

commitment, partnership and Journal of Strategic Knight, Louise A. 2000 O2O organization supplier 3 Marketing B collaboration, (re-)purchase Marketing

Journal of information, partnership and Koojaroenpaisan, Pranee 1997 O2O organization organization International Gen&Strat A collaboration Business Studies Journal of cooperation, power, risk, Korczynski, Marek 2000 O2O organization organization 6 Management Gen&Strat B transaction costs Studies 81

Journal of industry, control, dominance, Korczynski, Marek 1996 O2O firm firm 1 Management Gen&Strat B opportunism, performance, risk Studies

distributpor Kozak, Robert A.; Cohen, partnership and collaboration, Journal of Business 1997 O2O of western supplier Marketing B David H. reward and benefits Research red cedas Journal of Kumar, Nirmalya; Scheer, Lisa affect, attitude, commitment, 1995 O2O dealer supplier 99 Marketing Marketing A+ K. conflict, (in-)dependence Research (JMR) Lane, Christel; Bachmann, Organization OS/OB, 1996 O2O organization organization risk A Reinhard Studies HRM, IR Management Langfield-Smith, Kim; Smith, electronic 2003 O2O IT operations control, transaction costs 6 Accounting F&A A David company Research control, coordination, entrepre- entrepre- Administrative Larson, Andrea 1992 O2O (in-)dependence, reciprocity, 164 Gen&Strat A+ neurial firm neurial firm Science Quarterly reputation Journal of salesperson, Lee, Don Y.; Dawes, Philip L. 2005 O2O buyer use, partnership and collaboration 1 International Marketing A supplier Marketing

Leonidou, Leonidas C.; commitment, communication, Journal of overseas Katsikeas, Constantine S.; 2002 O2O organization conflict, cooperation, 1 International Marketing A customer Hadjimarcou, John (in-)dependence Marketing

manufac- commitment, communication, Lewin, Jeffrey E.; Johnston, Journal of Business 1997 O2O distributor turing cooperation, (in-)dependence, 14 Marketing B Wesley J. Research principal information, justice and fairness

Li, Julie J.; Zhou, Kevin Z.; senior Journal of Business Lam, Simon S.K.; Tse, David 2006 O2O headquarter use, communication, control Marketing B manager Research K. 82

International negotiation, order fulfillment, Lin, Fu-ren; Sung, Yu-wei; Lo, Journal of 2005 O2O customer sellers performance, quantity, time, trust MIS, KM A Yi-pong Electronic propensity Commerce

Journal of Personal expertise, loyalty, perception, Liu, Annie H., Leach, Mark P. 2001 O2O salesforce customer 9 Selling & Sales Marketing B power, quality, satisfaction Management

Lohtia, Ritu; Bello, Daniel C.; trading commitment, culture, dominance, Journal of Business Yamada, Teruhisa; Gilliland, 2005 O2O buyers 1 Marketing B partner, seller performance Research David I.

cooperation, negotiation, Cambridge Journal Lorenz, Edward 1999 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration, 12 Economics A of Economics transaction costs, trustworthiness

International Studies of OS/OB, Lorenzen, Mark 2001 O2O organization organization coordination, transaction costs B Management & HRM, IR Organization Journal of Lovett, Steve; Simmons, Lee 1999 O2O person person use, ethics, uncertainty 35 International Gen&Strat A C.; Kali, Raja Business Studies

Journal of industry, cooperation, partnership Lui, Steven S.: Ngo, Hang-Yue 2005 O2O organization organization 2 Management Gen&Strat B and collaboration, transaction costs Studies

cooperation, opportunism, Journal of Lui, Steven S.; Ngo, Hang-Yue 2004 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration, 1 Gen&Strat B Management transaction costs 83

Lui, Steven S.; Ngo, Hang-yue; use, similiarity, cooperation, Journal of Business 2006 O2O architect contractor Marketing B Hon, Alice H.Y. reputation Research

commitment, culture, partnership Journal of Luo, Yadong 2002 O2O organization organization and collaboration, performance, Gen&Strat B Management reciprocity

Lusch, Robert F.; O’Brien, commitment, cooperation, reward Journal of 2003 O2O retailer supplier Marketing A Matthew; Sindhav, Birud and benefits Retailing

MacMillan, Keith; Money, commitment, communication, Journal of Business Kevin L; Money, Arthur; 2005 O2O non-profit funder Marketing B reward and benefits Research Downing, Steve Journal of attitude, partnership and Madhok, Anoop 2006 O2O organization organization 1 International Gen&Strat A collaboration Business Studies cooperation, partnership and Journal of Madhok, Anoop 2006 O2O organization organization collaboration, satisfaction, International Gen&Strat A tolerance Business Studies use, industry, partnership and Mayer, Kyle J.; Argyres, Organization OS/OB, 2004 O2O organization organization collaboration, risk, transaction 7 A Nicholas S. Science HRM, IR costs McKnight, Harrison D.; Academy of organizatio- organizatio- Cummings, Larry L.; 1998 O2O partnership and collaboration 93 Management Gen&Strat A nal parties nal parties Chervany, Norman L. Review Miller, Monty G.; Fitzgerald, Stephen P.; Murrell, Kenneth culture, partnership and Journal of Applied 2005 O2O organization organization Psychology B L.; Preston, Joanne; Ambekar, collaboration Behavioral Science Rajendra

commitment, competence, Miyamoto, Tadayuki; Rexha, Journal of Business 2004 O2O buyer supplier cooperation, perception, 2 Marketing B Nexhmi Research satisfaction 84

commitment, ethics, information, Moberg, Christopher R.; Speh, Journal of Business OR, MS 2003 O2O buyer supplier quality, (re-)purchase, reward and 3 B Thomas W. Logistics &POM benefits, risk

communication, conflict, Strategic cooperation, partnership and Mohr, Jakki; Spekman, Robert 1994 O2O manufacturer dealer 158 Management Gen&Strat A collaboration, purchase size, Journal quality, satisfaction

industry, perception, transaction Cambridge Journal Möllering, Guido 2002 O2O supplier buyer 4 Economics A costs, trustworthiness of Economics

use, commitment, conflict, Monczka, Robert M.; Petersen, coordination, (in-)dependence, OR, MS Kenneth J.; Handfield, Robert 1998 O2O supplier supplier information, partnership and 31 Decision Sciences B &POM B.; Ragatz, Gary L. collaboration, quality, (re-)purchase, reward and benefits

Morgan, Robert M.; Hunt, Journal of 1994 O2O organization supplier commitment 522 Marketing A+ Shelby D. Marketing Accounting, competence, control, Mouritsen Jan; Thrane Sof 2006 O2O firm firm Organizations and F&A A+ (in-)dependence, transaction costs Society Strategic industry, commitment, cooperation, Mudambi, Ram; Helper, Susan 1998 O2O supplier buyer 10 Management Gen&Strat A information Journal salespeople, culture, empathy, integrity, justice Journal of Business OS/OB, Murphy, Patrick E. 1999 O2O organization 8 B supplier and fairness Ethics HRM, IR

Muthusamy, Senthil K.; White, commitment, partnership and Organization OS/OB, 2005 O2O partner partner A Margaret A. collaboration, reciprocity Studies HRM, IR 85

International Narasimhan, Ram; Nairb, information, performance, quality, Journal of OR, MS 2005 O2O buyer supplier B Anand time Production &POM Economics Narayandas, Das; Rangan, use, commitment, partnership and Journal of 2004 O2O buyer seller 13 Marketing A+ Kasturi V. collaboration, power Marketing

Norwegian Ness, Håvard; Haugland, Sven private cooperation, (in-)dependence, Journal of Business 2005 O2O Road Marketing B A. contractor negotiation Research Authorities coordination, partnership and OS/OB, Newell, Sue; Swan, Jacky 2000 O2O organization partner 10 Human Relations B collaboration HRM, IR Journal of World Nguyen, Thang V. 2005 O2O organization organization time 1 Gen&Strat B Business Nicholson, Carolyn Y.; sales Journal of the similiarity, likeability and liking, Compeau, Larry D.; Sethi, 2001 O2O buyer represen- 14 Academy of Marketing A partnership and collaboration Rajesh tatives Marketing Science

control, cooperation, (in-)dependence, opportunism, Organization OS/OB, Nooteboom, Bart 1996 O2O organization organization A partnership and collaboration, risk, Studies HRM, IR transaction costs

Academy of Nooteboom, Bart; Berger, 1997 O2O supplier firm perception, risk, transaction costs 63 Management Gen&Strat A+ Hans; Nooriderhaven, Niels G. Journal

partnership and collaboration, Journal of Business Norman, Patricia M. 2004 O2O firm partner 4 Marketing B satisfaction, transaction costs Research

Journal of World Parkhe, Arvind 1998 O2O organization organization control, cooperation 11 Gen&Strat B Business Journal of World Parkhe, Arvind 1998 O2O organization organization culture, distrust 14 Gen&Strat B Business Academy of Parkhe, Arvind; Miller, Stewart 2000 O2O organization organization ethics, distrust, opportunism 1 Management Gen&Strat A R. Review 86

Payan, Janice M.; McFarland, Journal of 2005 O2O organization organization use, (in-)dependence, information 4 Marketing A+ Richard G. Marketing

American Journal Perelman, Michael 1998 O2O agent agent distrust, quality 1 of Economics & Economics A Sociology buyer, Perrone, Vincenzo; Zaheer, use, culture, motivation, Organization OS/OB, 2003 O2O purchasing supplier 6 A Akbar; McEvily, Bill (re-)purchase Science HRM, IR manager

Perry, Monica L.; Sengupta, commitment, coordination, Journal of Business 2004 O2O organization organization 2 Marketing B Sanjit; Krapfel, Robert performance, risk Research

salesperson, Journal of Personal Plank, Richard E.; Reid, David company, 1999 O2O buyer use, perception, reliability Selling & Sales Marketing B A.; Pullins, Ellen B. product, Management service Strategic (in-)dependence, opportunism, Poppo, Laura; Zenger, Todd 2002 O2O manager manager 46 Management Gen&Strat A performance Journal

commitment, confidence, Pressey, Andrew; Tzokas, Management 2004 O2O buyer supplier perception, performance, reward Gen&Strat B Nikolaos Decision and benefits

Ramasamy, Bala; Goh, K.W.; Journal of Business 2006 O2O organization organization commitment, communication 1 Marketing B Yeung, Matthew C.H. Research

conflict, culture, (in-)dependence, Journal of Rao, Asha; Schmidt, Stuart M. 1998 O2O organization organization negotiation, perception, power, 9 International Gen&Strat A time, transaction costs Business Studies

confidence, expectations, Decision Support Ratnasingam, Pauline 2005 O2O Cisco Compaq MIS, KM B trustworthiness Systems 87

Organization OS/OB, Reed, Michael I. 2001 O2O organization organization control, expertise, power A Studies HRM, IR

industry, culture, justice and Journal of Business Ricard, Line; Perrien, Jean 1999 O2O customer salesperson fairness, perception, performance, 5 Marketing B Research satisfaction

Rindfleisch, Aric 2000 O2O organization organization cooperation 4 Marketing Letters Marketing A

commitment, cooperation, culture, Journal of Rodríguez, Carlos M.; Wilson, alliance alliance 2002 O2O (in-)dependence, partnership and International Marketing A David T. partner partner collaboration Marketing

industry, attitude, commitment, ethics, partnership and Journal of Business Román, Sergio; Ruiz, Salvador 2005 O2O salesperson customer 1 Marketing B collaboration, perception, quality, Research satisfaction

Rousseau, Denise M.; Sitkin, Academy of Sim B.; Burt, Ronald S.; 1998 O2O firm firm 105 Management Gen&Strat A Camerer, Colin Review

industry, experience, cooperation, OS/OB, Sabel, Charles F. 1993 O2O organization organization 26 Human Relations B distrust, HRM, IR

Communications of Sabherwal, Rajiv 1999 O2O client vendor cooperation, culture 14 MIS, KM B the ACM Journal of industry, opportunism, transaction Economic Sako, Mari; Helper, Susan 1998 O2O supplier supplier Economics A costs Behavior & Organization 88

IEEE Transactions Santoro, Michael D.; Saparito, university industry, communication, OR, MS 2003 O2O firm 5 on Engineering B Patrick A. partner partnership and collaboration &POM Management Academy of Saparito, Patrick A.; Chen, beliefs, customer orientation, 2004 O2O SME banks 4 Management Gen&Strat A+ Chao C.; Sapienza, Harry J. motivation Journal Journal of Schmitz, Hubert 1999 O2O organization organization culture 6 International Economics A Economics Journal of Schurr, Paul H.; Ozanne, Julie cooperation, manipulation, 1985 O2O buyer seller 71 Consumer Marketing A+ L. trustworthiness Research Accounting, Seal, Willie; Vincent-Jones, Auditing & 1997 O2O firm firm cooperation, distrust F&A B Peter Accountability Journal use, cooperation, culture, Journal of Selnes, Fred; Sallis, James 2003 O2O customer supplier 4 Marketing A+ information, performance Marketing

commitment, communication, Siguaw, Judy A.; Baker, Journal of Business 2003 O2O distributor supplier customer orientation, perception, 2 Marketing B Thomas L.; Simpson, Penny M. Research satisfaction

commitment, cooperation, job Siguaw, Judy A.; Simpson, Journal of 1998 O2O supplier distributor related tension, performance, 53 Marketing A+ Penny M.; Baker, Thomas L. Marketing satisfaction

Simpson, James T.; Mayo, beer Journal of Business 1997 O2O supplier use, commitment, satisfaction 10 Marketing B Donna T. distributor Research Singh, Jagdip; Kilgore, Jean E.; Journal of Public Jayanti, Rama K.; Agarwal, 2005 O2O organization organization use, industry, culture 1 Policy & Marketing B Kokil; Gandarvakottai, Marketing Ramadesikan R. 89

industry, cooperation, Journal of Personal Smith, Brock J., Barclay, marketing marketing 1999 O2O (in-)dependence, partnership and 4 Selling & Sales Marketing B Donald W. managers managers collaboration Management

industry, cooperation, partnership Smith, Brock, J.; Barclay, marketing marketing and collaboration, perception, Journal of 1997 O2O 2 Marketing A+ Donald W. managers managers performance, satisfaction, Marketing trustworthiness window and Smith, Paul M.; Ross, Erik S.; Journal of Business 1997 O2O door supplier (in-)dependence, information 1 Marketing B Smith, Timothy Research distributor Organization OS/OB, Stephens, Carroll U. 2001 O2O organization organization A Science HRM, IR

commitment, competence, Journal of Styles, Chris; Hersch, Lisa 2005 O2O organization organization negotiation, partnership and International Marketing A collaboration Marketing

Sullivan, Jeremiah; Peterson, Academy of Richard B.; Kameda, Naoki; 1981 O2O firm firm conflict, culture 7 Management Gen&Strat A+ Shimada, Justin Journal Journal of Svejenova, Silviya 2006 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration International Gen&Strat A Business Studies International Journal of Physical supplier, OR, MS Svensson, Göran 2001 O2O customer industry, perception 1 Distribution & B customer &POM Logistics Management Management Svensson, Göran 2001 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration 2 Gen&Strat B Decision International control, dominance, job related Studies of OS/OB, Sydow, Jörg; Windeler, Arnold 2003 O2O organization organization B tension Management & HRM, IR Organization 90

Decision Support Tan, Yao-Hua; Thoen, Walter 2002 O2O organization organization control MIS, KM B Systems Organization OS/OB, Tomlinson, Frances 2005 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration A Studies HRM, IR Accounting, Tomkins, Cyril 2001 O2O firm firm control, information 22 Organizations and F&A A+ Society use, experience, commitment, Journal of Applied Turowski, Dieter 2005 O2O company company F&A B negotiation Corporate Finance communication, cooperation, Valenzuela, José L. D.; Journal of Business OS/OB, 1999 O2O customer supplier ethics, partnership and 2 B Villacorta, Fernando S. Ethics HRM, IR collaboration, perception, quality Accounting, Van Der Meer-Kooistra Jeltje; 2000 O2O outsourcer supplier control, culture 6 Organizations and F&A A+ Vosselman, Ed G. J. Society Van Durme, Joël; Brodie, 2003 O2O organization organization cooperation, reputation Marketing Theory Marketing A Roderick J.; Redmore, David Journal of commitment, control, culture, OS/OB, Van Marrewijk, Alfons 2004 O2O organization organization Managerial B quality HRM, IR Psychology International conflict, cooperation, Studies of OS/OB, Van Witteloostuijn, Arjen 2003 O2O organization organization B trustworthiness Management & HRM, IR Organization distrust, partnership and Journal of Applied Vangen, Siv; Huxham, Chris 2003 O2O organization organization 10 Psychology B collaboration Behavioral Science Journal of Business OS/OB, Volery, Thierry; Mensik, Stan 1998 O2O organization organization partnership and collaboration 3 B Ethics HRM, IR

manufacto- commitment, involvement and Journal of Business Walter, Achim 2003 O2O supplier Marketing B ring company participation Research Whitley, Richard; Henderson, Organization OS/OB, Jeffrey; Czaban, Laszlo; 1996 O2O supplier customer (in-)dependence A Studies HRM, IR Lengyel, Gyorgy 91

communication, culture, Witkowski, Terrence H.; Journal of Business 1999 O2O buyer seller expectations, nationality and 3 Marketing B Thibodeau, Eric J. Research ethnicity, reputation Wong, Y.H.; Chan, Ricky Y.- organization organization Journal of Business OS/OB, 1999 O2O opportunism, quality 19 B K. member member Ethics HRM, IR Woolthuis, Rosalinde K.; Organization OS/OB, Hillebrand, Bas; Nooteboom, 2005 O2O organization organization use, contract, control A Studies HRM, IR Bail Yamagishi, Toshio; Cook, American Journal 1998 O2O buyer seller commitment, culture, uncertainty 12 Sociology A Karen S.; Watabe, Motoki of Sociology Zaheer, Akbar; McEvily, Bill; Organization OS/OB, 1998 O2O manager manager performance 1 A Perrone, Vincenzo Science HRM, IR Strategic Zaheer, Akbar; Venkatraman, 1995 O2O organization organization transaction costs 71 Management Gen&Strat A N. Journal culture, (in-)dependence, Journal of business business Zaheer, Srilata; Zaheer, Akbar 2006 O2O nationality and ethnicity, International Gen&Strat A partner partner partnership and collaboration Business Studies Journal of Zhang, Chun; Cavusgil, Tamer 2003 O2O buyer seller use, culture 6 International Gen&Strat A S.; Roath, Anthony S. Business Studies Eiser, Richard J.; Miles, Susan; acceptance, attitude, perception, Journal of Applied 2002 - public technology 7 Psychology A Frewer, Lynn J. risk Social Psychology Communications of Neumann, Peter G. 1992 - people computer use, experience MIS, KM B the ACM Parasuraman, Raja; Miller, computer, Communications of 2004 - user 2 MIS, KM B Christopher A. automation the ACM genetically Poortinga, Wouter; Pidgeon, Journal of Applied 2006 - individual modified similiarity, risk 1 Psychology A Nick F. Social Psychology food Journal of Banking Taub, Bart 1985 - individual paper money 1 F&A A & Finance table 1: Interdisciplinary trust articles from 1966 until 2006



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