とっておきの港区 魅力発見読本 The Best of Minato City - Read, Discover, and Enjoy 흥미 깊은 미나토구 매력 발견 독본 令人留连忘返的港区 魅力发现指南 令人留戀忘返的港區 魅力發現指南 ようこそ港 区へ

このたびは、数ある滞在地から、港区をお選びいただき誠 に ありがとうご ざ います。

港区は、日本の玄関口として、国内外からたくさんの観光 客をお迎えしています。人気のファッション、飲食店や商 業施設が集まり、最先端のトレンドを生み出している一方 で、神社仏閣をはじめとする歴史資源も数多く残されてい ます。また、近代的な高層建築が立ち並ぶ都心にありなが ら、四季の移り変わりを味わえる豊かな自然環境を有して いる点も魅力のひとつ。日中には約100万人もの人々が活 動する躍動感溢れるこの街には、人情味に満ちた昔なが らの地域コミュニティも共存し、温かみを添えています。そ んなバラエティに富む表情を見せる港区での滞在をお楽 しみいただくため、私たちは常に皆様の安全・安心と温か いホスピタリティの提供に取り組んでまいりました。

日々進化を遂げ、多様な魅力を発信し続ける港区でのひと ときを、どうぞ存分にお楽しみください。


2 Welcome to Minato City 미나토구에 오신 것을 환영합니다 Contents Thank you for choosing Minato City out of numerous 이번에 많은 방문지 중에서 미나토구를 선택해 주셔서 진심으로 2 ようこそ港 区へ places to stay. 감사드립니다. Welcome to Minato City As a gateway to Japan, Minato City welcomes many 미나토구는 일본의 현관으로서 국내외에서 오시는 많은 관광객을 tourists from around the world. Home to popular fashion 맞이하고 있습니다. 인기 있는 패션, 음식점, 상업시설이 모여 있 [ Photo Gallery in Minato City ] boutiques, restaurants and commercial facilities that set 어 최첨단 트렌드를 이끌고 있는 한편, 신사나 사찰을 비롯한 역사 4 美的好奇心を満たす、 the latest trends, the city also boasts countless historical 자원도 많이 남아 있습니다. 또한 근대적인 고층 건축물이 늘어선 みなと芸術回廊 resources including shrines and temples. The city’s rich 도심에 있으면서도 사계절의 변화를 느낄 수 있는 풍부한 자연환 Set Your Aesthetic Curiosity Free natural environment, one of its many charms, allows its 경이 있는 점도 매력 중 하나입니다. 주간에는 약 100만 명의 사 at Minato City Art Corridor visitors and residents to enjoy the four seasons, despite 람들이 활동하는 약동감 넘치는 이 거리에는 인간미가 물씬 풍기 [ちぃばすで巡る港区 ] being located in the heart of Tokyo surrounded by mod- 는 예전 그대로의 지역 커뮤니티도 공존하고 있어 따뜻함을 더해 ern high-rises. During the day, this vibrant city teems 줍니다. 그런 다양한 표정을 보여주는 미나토구에서의 시간을 즐 14 街に佇むモニュメント with activity as a million people go about their daily lives, [ Take a Tour of Minato City on the Chii Bus ] 기실 수 있도록 저희들은 항상 여러분께 안전, 안심, 그리고 따뜻 yet its busy streets also coexist with traditional local Monuments of Minato City 한 환대를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. communities that impart warmth and a human touch. To 하루하루 진화해가며 다양한 매력을 꾸준히 발산하고 있는 미나토 [ Enjoy a historical walk ] make sure our guests enjoy their stay in this diverse city, 구를 마음껏 즐기시기 바랍니다. we have always worked to provide safety, peace of mind 18 港区 御朱印めぐり Tour the Temples and Shrines and warm hospitality. of Minato City and Collect “Goshuin” Seals The city is constantly evolving, and we will continue to provide information about its various charms. We hope [ 商店街を歩こう! ] you fully enjoy your stay! 20 赤坂通り商店会 [ Explore the City’s Shopping Streets! ] Akasaka-dori Shopping Street

欢迎来到港区 歡迎來到港區 [ My Favorite Place ] 感谢您莅临港区。 感謝您蒞臨港區。 22 安藤洋一さん 作为日本的玄关,港区欢迎来自日本国内外游客的到来。 身為日本的門戶,港區歡迎來自日本國內外遊客的到來。 Yoichi Ando 在港区,您不仅可以品味人气时尚,享受便利的餐饮及各 在港區,您不僅可以接觸人氣流行時尚,享受多樣的餐飲 23 Minato City Seasonal Events Guide 类商业设施,领略最前沿潮流,更能欣赏为数众多的神 及各類商業設施,領略潮流最前線,更有許多神社、寺院 季 節 のイベントガイド 社、寺院等历史景观。此外,在高楼耸立的现代都市中感 等歷史景觀可以參觀。此外,在高樓聳立的現代都市中感 受四季更替的自然景观,亦是港区的一大魅力。日间约有 受四季更迭的自然景觀,亦是港區的一大魅力。白天約有 24 Minato City Information Sightseeing / Safe & Secure / 100万人活跃于此,年轻人的青春活力与本地居民间的浓 100萬人於此活動,年輕人的青春活力與本地居民的濃厚 Clean & Beauty 厚人情,一同为港区增添温暖。为了让您能尽情体会港区 人情,一同為港區增添一股暖流。為了讓您能盡情體會港 的多彩表情,我们一直致力于发挥主人翁精神,提供安 區多姿多彩的表情,我們一直致力於發揮東道主的精神, 28 Minato City MAP 港 区 マップ 全、安心的游玩环境。 提供安全、安心的遊玩環境。 30 Minato City Wi-Fi Service 与时俱进,不断散发多彩魅力。港区祝您玩得开心。 與時俱進,不斷散發豐富魅力。港區祝您玩得開心。 31 Questionnaire / Promotion アンケート/プ ロモーション

※この冊子は、特に記載のある場合を除き2019年(令和元 Mayor of Minato City 年)7月1日現在の内容を掲載しています。 ※消費税率の変 미나토구 구청장 港区区长 港區區長 更に伴い、掲載している料金が変動する場合があります。

3 Photo Gallery in Minato City

[特集] Autumn! ト 美的好奇心を満たす、みなと芸術回廊 Set Your Aesthetic Curiosity Free at Minato City Art Corridor 미 을 미나토 港区 港區

1 港区 Minato City Local History Museum 2018年(平成30年)11月開館。常設展では、区の自然・歴史・文化をデジ タル技術を取り入れながら紹介。建物は1938年(昭和13年)に建てられた 旧公衆衛生院で、展示物はもちろん、味わい深い館内の意匠も必見です。

The permanent exhibition at the Minato City 于01年0年11开。在设 Local History Museum, opened in November ,数港区的自然、历史以及 2018, introduces visitors to the city’s natural, 进行。历史的为众 historical, and cultural assets using digital 院,于1年1年,了 technology. The building itself was built in 1938 内外,历史的内 and previously housed the former Institute of 得一。 Public Health. Let alone the exhibits, its taste- ful interior design is something to see as well. 於01年0年11開。在設 ,港區的自然、歷史以 01 11 관. 상설전에는 구의 자연, 역 及。歷史的為 사, 문화를 지 기을 도입하여 . 건물은 院,於1年1年,了內 1에 건축 구 공중위원으로, 전시물은 品外,歷史的內 물 중한 느의 의장도 보. 得一。

4 5 2 Opened in 1941, the Nezu Museum showcases works of pre-modern Japanese and East Asian art col- 根津美術館 lected by businessman Nezu Kaichiro Sr. The current main building was designed by architect Kengo 2 Nezu Museum Kuma. Its garden spanning over 17,000 m is truly an urban oasis. 実業家の初代根津嘉一郎氏が蒐集した日本・東洋の古美 실업가인 초대 네즈 가이치로 씨가 수 于 1 9 4 1 年( 昭 和 1 6 年 )开 馆 , 是 展 於1941年(昭和16年)開館,是 집한 일본 및 동양의 고미술품을 전시 示作为实业家的初代根津嘉一郎 展覽實業家根津嘉一郎一世蒐集 術品を展示する美術館として1941年(昭和16年)開館。現 하는 미술관으로 1941년 개관. 현재 收集的日本及东方古董的美术馆。 的日本及東方古董的美術館,現 在の本館は建築家の隈研吾氏の設計。1万7,000㎡を超え 본관은 건축가 구마 겐고 씨가 설계. 现在的主楼是由建筑大师隈研吾 在的主樓是由建築大師隈研吾設 1만 7,000㎡가 넘는 정원은 마치 도 先生设计的。超过1万7,000平方 計的。超過1萬7,000平方公尺的 る庭園はまさに都会のオアシスです。 심의 오아시스와 같습니다. 米的庭园可谓是都会的绿洲。 庭園可謂是都會的綠洲。

6 3 The Suntory Museum of Art’s exhibition space on the third and fourth floors of Tokyo Midtown was de- signed by architect Kengo Kuma. The high stairwell and interior with furnishings that make abundant use サントリー美術館 of wood and washi, or traditional Japanese paper, provide a unique art space full of natural warmth. Suntory Museum of Art '도쿄 미드타운'의 3, 4층에 있는 전시 位于“东京Midtown”3楼和4 位於「東京Midtown」3樓及4樓 「東京ミッドタウン」の3・4階にある展示空間は、建築家の隈 공간은, 건축가 구마 겐고 씨가 설계. 楼的展示空间,是由建筑大师隈 的展覽空間,是由建築大師隈研吾 研吾氏が設計。吹き抜けや、木・和紙を使った設えなど、自然 층간을 개방하고 목재와 화지를 사용 研吾先生设计的。天井以及用木 設計的。挑高的天花板以及用木 하는 등, 자연의 따스함이 느껴지는 材、日本纸等装饰的艺术空间, 材、和紙(日本紙)等裝飾的藝術 の温もりが感じられるアート空間が広がっています。 아트 공간이 펼쳐집니다. 能让您感受到自然的温馨。 空間,能讓您感受到自然的溫馨。

7 ©木奥恵三/©Keizo Kioku 4 The Panasonic Museum of Art regularly holds special exhibitions with a focus on architecture, crafts, and design closely related to Panasonic’s business. The museum is also home to some 240 works パナソニック汐留美術館 by Georges Rouault, one of the largest collections of the artist’s works in Japan. Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art 파나소닉의 사업과 관계가 깊은, 건축 举办以Panasonic有关的建筑、 舉辦與Panasonic有關的建築、 パナソニックの社業と関わりの深い、建築や工芸、デザインを 및 공예, 디자인을 중심으로 한 기획 工艺、设计为主的企划展。此 工藝、設計為主的企劃展。此 中心とした企画展を開催。また、国内屈指のコレクションを誇 전을 개최. 또한 국내 굴지의 컬렉션 外,还收藏了Georges Rouault 外,還收藏了Georges Rouault 을 자랑하는 조르주 루오의 작품을 약 的约240件作品,其数量之多可 約240件作品,其數量之多可謂 るジョルジュ・ルオーの作品は約240点が所蔵されています。 240점 소장하고 있습니다. 谓是日本国内屈指可数的。 是日本國內數一數二的。

8 5 The National Art Center, Tokyo boasts one of the largest exhibition spaces in Japan, with a massive floor area of approximately 14,000 m2. The museum hosts special exhibitions to showcase a variety of artworks, in addition to disseminating information related to art and organizing various programs. The 国立新美術館 undulating glass structure of the museum building is an inspiration unto itself. The National Art Center, Tokyo 국립 최대급, 약 1만 4,000㎡이나 되 利用日本国内最大规模约1万 利用日本國內最大規模約1萬 国内最大級、約1万4,000㎡もの広大な展示スペースを生 는 넓은 전시 공간을 살려, 기획전을 4,000平方米的宽敞展示空间,以 4,000平方公尺的寬敞展覽空間, かし、企画展をはじめ、さまざまな発信を行うアートセンター。 비롯한 다양한 발신을 하는 아트 센터. 企划展为主展示各种美术的艺术 是以企劃展為主展覽各種美術作 물결치는 듯한 유리 벽 건물이 이곳에 中心。波浪形起伏的玻璃外壁能 品的藝術中心。波浪形起伏的玻 波打つガラスの建造物が、否応なく感性を刺激してくれます。 오는 모든 이의 감성을 자극해 줍니다. 自然地刺激您的感性。 璃外壁能自然地刺激您的感性。

画像提供:国立新美術館 Image courtesy: The National Art Center, Tokyo 9 6 ュ The Ad Museum Tokyo 江戸期〜現在までの広告・約32万点を収蔵 し、多角的なアプローチで体感できます。デジ タルアーカイブでは、多彩な切り口から広告に 親しむことができ、時間が経つのを忘れてしまい そうで す 。

The Ad Museum Tokyo houses some 320,000 pieces of advertising materials from the Edo period (1603–1867) to the present day. Its vast collection and digital archives provide an absorbing experience and an op- portunity to explore the world of advertisement from diverse perspectives. 에도 시대현지의 광고 약 만 점을 수장하고 있으며 다 적인 어로치로 가니다. 지 아이에서는 다로 방식으로 광고를 근하 느낄 수 있어서 시간이 가 는 을 어 정도입니다.

了时代到现在的约万, 数,让您多全地了,能让您流 ,时间的在。

了戶時代到現在約萬, ,讓您全地了,能讓您流 ,時的在。

10 7 森美術館 Mori Art Museum 「六本木ヒルズ森タワー」の最上層に位置す る、国際的な現代アートの美術館。企画展開 催中は無休。夜遅くまで開館しているため、 会社帰りでも立ち寄れて、新鮮なアート体験 が 楽しめます 。

The Mori Art Museum, located on the top floor of Rop- pongi Hills Mori Tower, features an international collec- tion of contemporary art. Whenever a special exhibition is on, the museum is open every day. The museum keeps its doors open until late at night for those who wish to get a refreshing dose of art on their way home from work. '롯폰기힐즈 모리 타워'의 가장 높은 층에 위치한, 국제적인 현 대 아트 미술관. 기획전 개최 중에는 무휴. 늦은 밤까지 개관하 므로 퇴근 후에도 들러서 신선한 아트 체험을 즐길 수 있습니다.

是位于“六本木Hills森大厦”顶楼具有国际性的当代艺 术美术馆。举办企划展期间无休。因营业到很晚,所以 下班后也可前往感受别具一格的艺术体验。 是位於「六本木Hills森大廈」頂樓的國際性當代藝術美 術館。舉辦企劃展期間無休館日,因開館開到很晚,所 以下班後也可前往感受別具一格的藝術體驗。

画像提供:森美術館 Image courtesy: Mori Art Museum, Tokyo 11 utumn!Photo Gallery in Minato City A[spot information]

©木奥恵三/©Keizo Kioku

1 港区 2 美術 3 ント美術 Minato City Local History Museum Nezu Museum Suntory Museum of Art

Note MAP 1 MAP 2 MAP 3 季節によっては料金、営業時間が異な 03-6450-2107 03-3400-2536 03-3479-8600 る場合があります。詳細については各ス 有料/A fee 有料/A fee 有料/A fee ポットにお問い合わせいただくか、webサ www.minato-rekishi.com/ www.nezu-muse.or.jp/ suntory.jp/SMA/ イト に て ご 確 認 く だ さ い 。

Prices and hours may vary de- [住所]白金台4-6-2 ゆかしの杜内[営業時 [住所]南青山6-5-1[営業時間] 午前10時〜 [住所]赤坂9-7-4 東京ミッドタウン ガレリア3F pending on the season. For details, 間]午前9時〜午後5時、土曜は午後8時まで 午後5時(入館は閉館の30分前まで)[休館日] [営業時間]午前10時〜午後6時、金曜・土曜は please inquire with the respective locations or check each website. (入館は閉館の30分前まで)[休館日]第3木 月曜(祝日の場合は翌日)、展示替期間、年末年 午後8時まで[休館日] 火曜、展示替期間、年末 曜、年末年始、特別整理期間[料金] 常設展 始[料金] 特別展 一般:1,300円、学生:1,000 年始[料金] 一般、学生(高校生・大学生)は展 계절에 따 이나 업시간이 지 一般:300円、小・中・高校生:100円、特別展は 円、企画展 一般:1,100円、学生:800円[アク 示会によって異なる(中学生以下は無料)[アク 는 경가 있습니다. 상한 내에 대해 서는 해 시설에 문의하시거나 사이트 別料金、建物見学は無料[ ア ク セ ス ]東 京 メト ロ セス]東京メトロ銀座線・半蔵門線・千代田線「表 セス]東京メトロ日比谷線・都営大江戸線「六本 에서 인하시기 바랍니다. 南北線・都営三田線「白金台駅」 参道駅」/ちぃばす 青山ルート「青南小学校」 木駅」/ちぃばす 赤坂ルート「六本木七丁目」 季不同,及业时间有 [Address] Yukashi no mori, 4-6-2 Shirokanedai [Hours] [Address] 6-5-1 Minami-aoyama [Hours] 10:00 [Address] Tokyo Midtown Galleria 3F, 9-7-4 Aka- 。情各景 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturdays until 8:00 pm (Last am to 5:00 pm (Last admission: 30 minutes before saka [Hours] 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Fridays and 。 admission: 30 minutes before closing time) [Closed] closing time) [Closed] Mondays (if a holiday, closed Saturdays until 8:00 pm [Closed] Tuesdays, New 季不同,及業時有 Third Thursday of the month, New Year holidays, and the next day), New Year holidays, and during chang- Year holidays, and during changes of exhibits 不同。情各景 museum maintenance periods [Prices] (Permanent es of exhibits [Prices] (Special exhibition) Adults: [Prices] Admission varies by exhibition for adults 。 exhibition) Adults: 300 yen; elementary, junior high, 1,300 yen, students: 1,000 yen. (Museum collection and students (high school and university students; and high school students: 100 yen. Extra fees apply for exhibition) Adults: 1,100 yen, students: 800 yen free admission for junior high school students special exhibitions. No fees apply for visitors who only [Access] Omote-sando Sta. on Tokyo Metro Ginza and younger) [Access] Sta. on Tokyo 消費税率の変更に伴い、掲載している料金 wish to see the building. [Access] Shirokanedai Sta. on Line, Hanzomon Line, or Chiyoda Line / Seinan Metro Line or Toei Oedo Line / Roppongi が変動する場合があります。 Tokyo Metro Namboku Line or Toei Mita Line Elementary School stop on Chii Bus Aoyama Route 7-chome stop on Chii Bus Akasaka Route Prices may vary after the consumption tax rate changes. Event Information Event Information Event Information 비 변경에 따 한 이 변동는 10/19 (Sat)-12/15(Sun) 9/7 (Sat)-11/4 (Mon, Holiday) 9/4 (Wed)-11/10 (Sun) 경가 있습니다. 好 ト ント芸術 的更,的可能会 り た 美 ち 洋 美 有。 Japan-Austria 150th Anniversary: The Begin- “Beautiful Lives —Birds and Flowers in “Mino Tea Wares: Kiseto, Setoguro, Shino, and Oribe” 的更,的可能會 ning of Japan-Austria diplomatic relations― Japanese and East Asian Art” ※11月11日〜来春まで、改修工事のため休業予定。 有更動。 The early Meiji era seen by photographers Scheduled to be closed for repair work from November 11 until next spring.

12 画像提供:国立新美術館 画像提供:森美術館 Image courtesy: The National Art Center, Tokyo Image courtesy: Mori Art Museum, Tokyo

4 ニ美術 5 美術 6 ュ 7 美術 Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art The National Art Center, Tokyo The Ad Museum Tokyo Mori Art Museum

MAP 4 MAP 5 MAP 6 MAP 7 03-5777-8600( ハローダイヤル ) 03-5777-8600( ハローダイヤル ) 03-6218-2500 03-5777-8600( ハローダイヤル ) 有料/A fee 有料/A fee 無料/Free 有料/A fee www.panasonic.co.jp/ls/museum/ www.nact.jp www.admt.jp/ www.mori.art.museum/

[住所]東新橋1-5-1 パナソニック東京汐留ビ [住所]六本木7-22-2[営業時間] 午前10時 [住所]東新橋1-8-2 カレッタ汐留[営業時間] [住所]六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー ル4F[営業時間] 午前10時〜午後6時(入館 〜午後6時、金曜・土曜は午後8時まで、ただし7 午前11時〜午後6時[休館日] 日 曜・月 曜[料 53F[営業時間] 午前10時〜午後10時、火曜 は閉館の30分前まで)[休館日]水曜(祝日は 月〜9月は午後9時まで(入館は閉館の30分前 金]無料[アクセス] 都営大江戸線「汐留駅」/ は午後5時まで(入館は閉館の30分前まで)[料 開館)、展示替期間、年末年始、夏季休業期間 ま で )[休館日] 火曜(祝日の場合は開館し、翌 ちぃばす 芝ルート「新橋駅」 金]企画展によって異なる[アクセス] 東 京 メト ロ [料金]企画展によって異なる[アクセス] 都営 平日休館)[料金] 企画展によって異なる[アク 日比谷線・都営大江戸線「六本木駅」/ちぃば 大江戸線「汐留駅」/ちぃばす 芝ルート「新橋 セス]東京メトロ千代田線「乃木坂駅」/ちぃば す 田 町・赤 坂・青 山 ル ート「 六 本 木 ヒ ル ズ 」 駅」 す 赤坂ルート「乃木坂駅入口」

[Address] Panasonic [Address] 7-22-2 Roppongi [Hours] 10:00 am to [Address] Caretta Shiodome, 1-8-2 Hi- [Address] Mori Tower 53F, 6-10-1 4F, 1-5-1 Higashi-shimbashi [Hours] 10:00 am 6:00 pm, Fridays and Saturdays until 8:00 pm, gashi-shimbashi [Hours] 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Roppongi [Hours] 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, Tues- to 6:00 pm (Last admission: 30 minutes before and until 9:00 pm from July to September (Last [Closed] Sundays and Mondays [Prices] Free days until 5:00 pm (Last admission: 30 minutes closing time) [Closed] Wednesdays (excluding admission: 30 minutes before closing time) admission [Access] Shiodome Sta. on Toei before closing time) [Prices] Admission varies holidays), New Year holidays, museum sum- [Closed] Tuesdays (if a holiday, closed the next Oedo Line / Shimbashi Sta. stop on Chii Bus by exhibition [Access] Roppongi Sta. on Tokyo mer holidays, and during changes of exhibits weekday) [Prices] Admission varies by exhi- Shiba Route Metro Hibiya Line or Toei Oedo Line / Roppongi [Prices] Admission varies by exhibition [Access] bition [Access] Nogizaka Sta. on Tokyo Metro Hills stop on Chii Bus , Akasaka, or Shiodome Sta. on Toei Oedo Line / Shimbashi Chiyoda Line / Nogizaka Sta. Ent. stop on Chii Aoyama Route Sta. stop on Chii Bus Shiba Route Bus Akasaka Route

Event Information Event Information Event Information Event Information 10/5 (Sat)-12/15 (Sun) 8/28 (Wed)-11/11 (Mon) 10/12 (Sat) - 3/21 (Sat), 2020 On view now until 10/27 (Sun) ュ る 美術にむ た! るる と ン “Image Narratives: Literature in Japanese “World-class creatives, here and now! 2019” “Shiota Chiharu : The Soul Trembles” “Raoul Dufy-Painting and Textile Designs” Contemporary Art”

13 ちぃば す で 巡 る 港 区 街に佇むモニュメント Take a Tour of Minato City Monuments of Minato City on the Chii Bus 미나토구 港区 港區 どなたでも に できるコミュニス「ちぃばす 」で、ラか な区のにれるとかけませんか。は、道行くを見 る角のパブリックアートをご紹 介 。だんはりてしまいそうなニュメ ントたちも、その来や意 味をれば がガラリと変わるかもしれません。 Today's Route 芝ルート Shiba Route If you’re looking for a quick journey to experience the various charms of Minato City, we 虎ノ門ヒルズ オーバル広場 suggest you take the “Chii Bus,” a community bus that anyone can use casually. In this 人型巨大彫刻「ルーツ」 issue, we will introduce you to some of the city’s works of public art that watch over people Large human-shaped sculpture passing by. Normally, you might just walk past these monuments, but if you learn their “Roots” at Oval Plaza in Hills origins and meanings, you might have a totally different impression of them. 63 구도 이이 가 58 社区, 社區, 한 커뮤니티 치이 人都可轻地来一 人都可輕地來一 芝給水所公園 로, 다양한 미나토구의 매력을 港区魅力的游, 港區魅力的遊, Shiba Water 경하는 여을 나시다. 您的是耸立在人来人 您的是聳立在人來人 Supplying 67 Station Park 이번에는 거리를 지나는 사람 的的 的的於 68 日本テレビタワー 들의 경이 는 거리의 공공 一直市 一直市的地 「日テレ大時計」 미을 . 에는 그 지 的您可能不会在 ,在您了到的 Nippon Television 나리기 모트도 ,在您了到的来历 來歷及,許會 Tower’s Ni-Tele Really Big Clock 그 의미를 면 이미지 及,会的 的有觀。 가 바지도 모니다. 有观。

芝ルート 主なバス停 Shiba Route main bus stops 28 田町駅東口 三田線三田駅前 新橋駅 1 Tamachi Sta. East Gate 28 Mita Sta. on the Mita Line 58 Shimbashi Sta. 1 プラザ経 愛宕一丁目 御成門駅 港区役所 Via Plaza Shinmei 63 Atago 1-chome 67 Onarimon Sta. 68 Minato City Hall

14 Shiba Route 虎ノ門ヒルズ オーバル広場 MAP 8 人型巨大彫刻「ルーツ」 63 Large human-shaped sculpture “Roots” at Oval Plaza in Toranomon Hills 愛宕一丁目 Atago 1-chome 無料/Free [住所]門1-23-1 1 min. www.toranomonhills.com/ [Address] 1-23-1 Toranomon

をえるをったオブジは約 10 と 을 끌어안은 사람 모양의 오제는 10의 기가 . 인을 대표하는 계적 아티트인 하 렌자 の大きさ。スペインを代表する的アー 의 입니다. 의 어로 으로 계의 다양 スト、ジウメ・プレンサ氏の作品です。8 을 표현. 다로 문화를 발신하는 도노 의 つの を合わせた造 によって「 상으로 미의 도를 바보고 있습니다.

の多性」を表現。多彩な文化を発信する 高10的一人的作品, 「門ヒルズ」のシンルとして来の東 有力。是最代表的 京を見つめています。 的作品。来 表的多。作为多的发地 This massive 10-meter-tall sculpture of a person sitting 的,的来。 with the arms wrapped around the knees is the work of world-renowned Spanish artist Jaume Plensa. The 高10一人的作品, sculpture, formed by combining the letters and charac- 有力。是最代表的 ters of eight languages, expresses the world’s diversity. 的作品。來表 As a symbol of Toranomon Hills, where diverse cultures 的多,作為多的 converge, its eyes are fixed on the future of Tokyo. 門的,東的來。

15 Shiba Route 日本テレビタワー「日テレ大時計」 Nippon Television Tower’s Ni-Tele Really Big Clock 58 MAP 9 無料/Free 新橋駅 www.ntv.co.jp/shiodome/index.html Shimbashi Sta. [住所]東新橋1-6-1 2 min. [Address] 1-6-1 Higashi-shimbashi

汐留のランドーク「日レタワー」2階 시오도의 드마 니 층에 있는 대 시계로, 명한 미자 하오 감이 자인한 にある大時計は、あのがデ 이는 시계. 시간이 면 음이 연주고 다양 ザインをけたカラクリ時計。時が 한 장치의 이 보는 사람을 즐 해줍니다. れるとをで、さまざまなけで見 于地日本大楼的大 る を 楽しませ てくれます 。 是设的活大。 一到时间会, 游客来欢。 Found on the second floor of Nippon Tele- vision Tower, a landmark in Shiodome, this 於地日本大樓的大 huge cuckoo clock was designed by Hayao 是設的大。一 Miyazaki. It plays music and entertains people 到時會,會有許多開 ©Studio Ghibli with various gimmicks at set times of the day. 動作,遊客來歡。

이지 시대에 준공어 오동 Shiba Route 芝給水所公園 안 도에 물을 공해준 구 Shiba Water Supplying Station Park 시바 수. 그 상부에 있는 공원 한편에 인리제의 오 67 無料/Free 제가 있습니다. 지의 모 MAP 10 습을 보여주는 건물도 www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/ 御成門駅 보. Onarimon Sta. shisetsu/koen/shiba/08.html [住所]芝公園3-6-7 本是于时代,长 10 min. [Address] 3-6-7 Shibakoen 年以来一直为都民供 的。 为,在有不 期に工され、年都に水を供してきた「旧芝水所」。 ,时 その上に設けられた公園の一画にスンレスのオブジが 的,得一。 立っています。時のをすレンガ造りの建物も必見です。 本是於時代,長 年以來一直為東居民供 The former Shiba Water Supplying Station was built during the Meiji period 的。 (1868–1912) and supplied water to the city’s residents over many years. There is 為,在有不 a stainless steel sculpture in a corner of the park built on top of the facility. The ,時的 brick building that stands as a reminder of bygone days is a must-see as well. ,得一。

16 ちぃばす・お台場レインボーバス

ルートMAP Chii Bus Chii Bus & Rainbow Bus Route Map 오다 Odaiba Rainbow Bus

港区内をぐるりと巡る便利なバスをご利用ください。 Take this convenient bus for a tour around Minato City.

ちぃばす Chii Bus 小学生以上 100円 Elementary School Students and Older 100yen 芝 ル ート Shiba Route プラザ経 Via Plaza Shinmei 東ルート -East Route ルート Azabu-West Route 青 山 ル ート Aoyama Route Chii Bus 赤 坂 ル ート Akasaka Route 高 ル ート Route 芝南ルート -Konan Route 田 町 ル ート Tamachi Route Odaiba 発 Bus Depot Departure & Arrival Rainbow Bus

お台場レインボーバス Odaiba Rainbow Bus 大人(中学生以上) 210円 Adults (Junior High School Students and Older) 210yen 小学生 100円 Elementary School Students 100yen お 台 場レイン ー ス Odaiba Rainbow Bus

「ちぃばす」「お台場レインボーバス」 共通1日乗車券 500円 (土・日曜、祝日、8/13~15、12/29~1/3のみ利用可能) "Chii Bus" and "Odaiba Rainbow Bus" One-day Pass 500yen 2019年(和年)10月以、掲載している料金が変動する場合があります。 (Valid only on weekends, holidays, August 13 to 15, and December 29 to January 3) Prices listed may vary in October 2019 or later.

17 Enjoy a historical walk 国行の間でもブーになっている「」。 かつては経をした際にしてもらうものでしたが、 は参のとしてされます。現在区にはたくさん 港区 御朱印めぐり の社とおがあります。それれにが異なるを かりながら、隈の社をってませんか Vol. “Goshuin” seals are enjoying a boom among foreign tourists. In the Tour the Temples and Shrines of Minato City 2 past, these seals were given when you offered a handwritten copy of a sutra, but today they can be received by paying a visit to a shrine and Collect “Goshuin” Seals or a temple. There are many shrines and temples in Minato City, and they all have unique goshuin seals. How about touring the shrines and 미나토구 고슈인(朱印) 투어 港区朱印巡礼港區朱印巡禮 temples in the neighborhood to collect these seals?

烏森神社 Karasumori Shrine

始は平期。である3のう 시는 이안 시대. 제신인 주 중에서 예의 여 신인 아노노미토를 모시는, ち、芸事のである「(アメ 전국에서도 보기 드문 신사입니다. 기본 고인에 ウズメミコト)」をる 国 でもし 는 의 도모에 문양 신한 마 사문이 い社です。本のには4 자인어, 제사 계절 사 는 한 고인 을 을 수 있는 경도 있습니다. のとの社がデザインされ、 事や季節行事に合わせて特別な 立于安时代。此神社的大神 一为神天,在日本国内 をい た だけることもあります 。 。本设为四神 MAP 11 的神社,在、季活等 Founded in the Heian period (794–1185), 时,会的。 03-3591-7865 Karasumori Shrine is one of the few shrines 無料/Free in Japan that worship Ame-no-Uzume-no- 立於安時代的神社,的大神 Mikoto, the goddess of performing arts. The 一為神天,在日本國內 karasumorijinja.or.jp/ standard goshuin consists of four tomoe 。本設為四及神 crests and a god-bird crest representing the 的神社,在、季活動等 [住所]新橋2-15-5[アクセス] ・東 京 メトロ shrine. There is also a special goshuin that is 時,會的。 銀座線・都営線「新橋駅」/ちぃばす 芝 given during festivals and seasonal events. ルート「森社」 [Address] 2-15-5 Shimbashi [Access] Shimbashi Sta. on JR, Tokyo Metro Ginza []午前9時〜午後5時 [料料金] 1500円 Line, Toei Line / Karasumori Jinja [Reception] 9:00 am to 5:00 pm [Offering (fee)] 500 yen per seal stop on Chii Bus Shiba Route

18 외국인 여자들에도 하고 있는 고인. 御 朱 印 を い た だ くとき の マ ナ ー 거에는 사경을 을 인해주는 이지만, 지은 What's "GOSHUIN" 를 다는 의미로 수여습니다. 현 미나토구에는 여러 신사 절 이 있습니다. 분위기가 다 고인을 으면서 신사 사원을 は、その社や院とごをという意 고인은 그 신사나 사원 인연을 는다는 의미가 있으 어해보는 은 어가 味があり、きちんと参してからいただくのが。ま 며, 정식으로 를 하고 나서 는 이 예의. 또한 일 적으로 고인 수을 지하는 이 매이다. 그 바로 た、一般的にはを参するのがナーとさ 在外国游客间流行。本来是在供 을 수 는 경도 있으니 사전에 인하 れています。その場でき入れを行っていない場合も 得的,为了寺院得的 ありますので、事前にご確認を 有您与神社寺,地 。在港区有多神社寺,为了得各的 领为。此外,一来 ,境内的神社寺 Goshuin seals are meant to represent a bond between 是自行的,有,可能不会您 you and the shrine or temple, so etiquette requires ,此了前是了 在外國遊客流行。本來是在供 that you worship or offer prayers before asking for 時得的,為了參寺院的 a seal. It is also considered good manners to bring a 有與神社寺院,地參 。在港區有許多神社及寺院,為了得各有 goshuincho, or a goshuin seal book. Some temples 領。此外,一來是 and shrines may not provide handwritten seals on the 參自行的,有,可能不會您 的,到的神社寺院 spot, so be sure to check before paying a visit! ,此了是了

増上寺 Zojoji Temple

新東京にも指定される上は、 신도 100경에도 지정 지 절은 도가 가의 선 위패를 모신 절로서 지도 많은 사람들 家の提としてなお多くの 이 상하는 명찰. 본존은 도가 이에 공이 からを集める。ご本 진 에도 가지고 있다는 은 본존아미 は、家公がの際にもえて 여상으로 부, 업, 을 여주는 상으로 있습니다. いたという「本(来像)」 で、、事、をもたらすご 为景的增寺,于是 的,此直到一直是受人们 MAP 12 のあるとしてられています。 的。为时的 来,作为能来 03-3432-1431 Named one of the 100 Views of New Tokyo, 利、作、的。 無料/Free Zojoji Temple is a distinguished temple that many still revere today as the family temple 為東景的增寺,於是 www.zojoji.or.jp/ of the Tokugawa family. The main object 的寺,此直到現在一直是受 of worship enshrined at the temple is the 人們的寺。供的是時 [住所]芝公園4-7-35[アクセス] 都営 Black Image of Amida Buddha, which Ieyasu 的本來,作為 線・大江戸線「大門駅」か/ちぃばす 芝ルート Tokugawa used to take with him when he 能來利、作、的。 went to war and is believed to bring good 「区所」 fortune in competitions, work, and career. [Address] 4-7-35 Shibakoen [Access] Daimon Sta. on Toei Asakusa Line or Oedo Line, etc. / Minato City Hall stop on Chii []午前9時〜午後5時 [料料金] 1300円 Bus Shiba Route [Reception] 9:00 am to 5:00 pm [Offering (fee)] 300 yen per seal

19 商店街を Vol.2 赤坂通り商店会 歩 こ う! Akasaka-dori Shopping Street Explore the City’s Shopping Streets! かつては芸のとして多くの料が点在してい ましたが、古くからのは分となくなりま した。それでもとのによって各 イントを開催し、の性化にめています。 Interviews また、をる取りや、赤坂社の大 での江戸山をさせるなど、さまざまな 個性あふれる商店街を訪れ、 商店会会長 文化発信にもしています。 President of the Merchants' 小出 俊二さん 思 い 出 を 持 ち 帰 って み ま せ ん か? Association Shunji Koide Each shopping street has a unique character and charm. This area formerly thrived as a geisha town. Many tradi- A perfect place to visit for a memorable experience. tional Japanese restaurants used to dot the neighborhood, 을 but few long-standing private establishments remain today. Still, we collaborate with other shopping streets in the neighborhood and hold various events in an effort to revitalize the community. We also engage in various activities to preserve the townscape and promote our local culture, such as reviving the traditional Edo-style float in the grand festival of Akasaka Hikawa Shrine.

거에는 이의 거리로 수많은 음식점이 있지만, 부 있 인 상점은 많이 습니다. 하지만 근 상점가 력을 해 이트를 최하며 고장 활화에 노력하고 있습니다. 또한 경관을 지는 노력 아사히 신사의 대축제에서 전 에도 산장식한 수를 부활시는 , 다양한 문화 발신 에도 주력하고 있습니다.

,作为多餐,现在人餐 大。便此,时与的商来 MAP 13 各活,为区力。 此外,景观以及神社大中的 www.akasakadori-machi.com/ 彩等,为。 (赤坂り)

,是,許多餐,現在人 [アクセス]東京メトロ千代田線「赤坂駅」/ちぃばす 赤坂ルート 的餐大。便此,時與的商 「赤坂駅前」か 各活動,為區力。 此外,景觀以及神社大中的 [Access] Akasaka Sta. on Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line / 戶彩等,為一心力。 Akasaka Sta. on Chii Bus Akasaka Route, etc.

20 Pick up! 発酵食堂 東京 850 PIT Tokyo 850 PIT (Fermented Food Eatery)

行に感なが集う赤坂にあって、の 発品を提供してくれるのがこのお。や白ワイ ン けといった多 彩な を いたードメニューが で、高感なく性たちにも大 おに は自家発ドリンクの門も設されています。

Situated in Akasaka, an area where fashion-conscious people gather, this restaurant serves healthy meals with an emphasis on fermented foods. Their diverse range of menu items include dishes that use ingredients like koji (rice malt) and white wine marinade. The place is highly popular among working women with a keen sense for the latest trends. Next to this restaurant, there is a store specializing in home-made fermented drinks.

에 감한 사람들이 모이는 아사에서 건을 지하는 발 식을 제공해주는 이 이 가. 이나 도주 절 다양한 식를 사한 가 풍부하여 에 감한 장 여에도 아 주 인기 에는 자가제 발 드 전문점도 설어 있습니다.

于流行感的時尚人的,是一提供发 品的。白的各 的类多,受时尚业的欢迎设有自 的发饮品。

於流行感的時尚人的,是一提供發 おすすめは(日替り)やお(替り)のプレートランチ(午後2時まで) 品的。及白的各 です。を使ったごはんからドリンクまで発品くし。カラダ 的類多,受時尚業的歡迎設有自 的發飲品。 の 中 からレイに なります よ 。

We recommend our fish (daily specials) 은 선매일 바 고기매주 03-3505-0888 and meat (weekly specials) plate lunch- 바 이트 런치오 시지입니 es (served until 2:00 pm). Everything we 다. 현미를 사한 부 드지 www.850-pit.tokyo/ serve is fermented, from brown rice to 발 식으로 가. 안에서부 정화는 drinks. Our meals will make you beauti- 느입니다. [住所]赤坂6-4-20 赤坂ラージュF[営業時間] 午前11時 ful from the inside out. 〜午後9時30分( 午後9時)、日曜はランチの営業 类天更类更 類天更與類更 [Address] Akasaka Village 1st floor, 6-4-20 Akasaka 店長 Manager 的餐得。 的餐00得 [Hours] 11:00 am to 9:30 pm (Last order: 9:00), open only 的到饮品,类多的 。到飲品,類多 for lunch on Sundays 森岡 樹 さん Itsuki Morioka 发品,能内外的。 的發品,能內外的。

21 My Favorite Place るり そさを に た Minato City Tourism Ambassador’s 在。のかららしてきた Selection を生かし、みなとという地域情 の集にわてきました。高の 歴史的なをンフレーでい表 すならとおとのある街でし うか。そして、このでお気にりの をげるとすれです 。とりわけ1に建された の 々 た る が き で 、 だ ん か ら くに出かけます。いたるとこに歴 史や情が感じられ、ぶらりとする だけでも心がちきます。

Communicating the appeal of a place where history still lives

I have lived in this city since I was five. Now at the age of 76, I use the knowledge and My Favorite Place experience I have gained over the years in my current job editing a community news Sengakuji Temple MAP 14 港区 magazine called Minatop. The historical 03-3441-5560 安藤 洋一さん characteristics of Takanawa can be described 一有料/Payment required to access certain areas Yoichi Ando as “a city of temples, former residences of www.sengakuji.or.jp/ feudal lords, and hills.” My favorite place in 001にされた高地区地域情みなと the area is Sengakuji Temple. I particularly 集ーフ、内長などさまざまな地域活動をいつつ、ご自が [住所]高2-11-1[時間] 午前7時〜午後6時(期 love the majestic appearance of the temple たが街の魅力を多なコンテンをして発信し続けています。 10月1日〜は午後5時まで)[アクセス] 都営線「 gate, which was built in the 19th century, 駅」/ちぃばす 高ルート「高丁目」 Yoichi Ando is the chief editor of Minatop, Takanawa area’s district’s and I often go there on my daily walks. You community news magazine that was founded in 2006. He has been [Address] 2-11-1 Takanawa [Hours] 7:00 am to 6:00 pm can feel the history and elegant charm of the providing various information about the charms of the city where he (5:00 pm during the winter period starting on Oct. 1) grew up while serving as the leader of a community association and place everywhere, and just strolling the area [Access] Sengakuji Sta. on Toei Asakusa Line / Takanawa engaging in a range of other local activities. is a soothing experience. 2-chome stop on Chii Bus Takanawa Route

22 Minato City Seasonal Events Guide ント

Pick up! 掲載イントは予定です。変更・中となる場 MAP 15 合もありますので、あらかじめごください。 Minato City Japan-Wide Product Exhibition in Shimbashi 10/24 [Thu] - 25 [Fri] 一般社区会のーペー Season Calendar Autumn ジ で も イ ント を お ら せし て い ま す 。 区内と国自体のをすきっかけくりとして、2009年(平成21年) Please note that the schedule of events 9 September shown here is subject to change and that からスタートしたのが「国物展」です。2016年(平成28年)からは・新橋 the events may be cancelled. Event infor- 赤坂 駅前「広場」と「田公園」の2会場で開催。区と定をんでいる5都を mation is provided on the Minato Travel & Akasaka Hikawa Festival Tourism Association website as well. はじめ、国の町から、物やなどりすりの物品が集まります。 り Scarecrow Festival 계절 이트는 예정입니다. 변경 은 중지는 The Japan-Wide Product Exhibition started in 2009 to serve as an event where the local 경도 있으니 미리 양해 부드립니다. 일 shopping streets and municipalities from around Japan can come together and collaborate. 사단 인 미나토구 관광 이지에서도 10 October Since 2016, the event has been held at the Steam Locomotive Plaza in front of JR Shimbashi 이트 정보를 공지하고 있습니다. Station and Sakurada Park. In addition to the five sister cities of Minato City, municipalities all across the country will gather to showcase their delicious seafood, local sake, and various 的活为中内,有可能更 Japan-Wide Product Exhibition in Shimbashi other specialties. ,。您可以在一社 人港区观会的主关 ン 구내 상점가 전국 자치의 全国流是为 全國流是為 活。 T8 Halloween Story 2019 in / Takanawa 를 진하는 계기를 만들기 위 进区内商与全国地 進區內商與全國地 해, 00부 시한 이 전 的活動為的活動,更 的流会,于00 的流會,於00年 국 물산전입니다. 01 ,。您可以在一社 11 November 年1年立的。 1年開的活動。 부는 신바시 역 광 人港區觀會的得活 01年年开, 01年年開 장 사다 공원의 에서 動。 ン 在前 ,在前 Illumination lighting 최. 구 정을 은 的会 及會 도시를 비롯하여 전국의 시정 行。了有与本区了 行。了有與本區了流 ちうり 에서 해산물 토주 선 流的市外,有 的市外,有來 visit-minato-city. Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Festival 물산이 모입니다. 来自日本各地的自体的 自日本各地的市地 tokyo/ja-jp/events 地等。 的及地等。

23 Minato City Information Creating a tourist-friendly city Sightseeing す街になるために

区では、東京レール町駅、アクアシ Provision of Information お台場、六本木ヒルズ、京品駅に インメーションセンターを設置。に立 つや多応のなどをしてい で港区をに Showcasing the charms of Minato City to people around the world! ます。また、スポットのを像や 영 미나토구 을 신 で 楽しめるコンンも 実しています 。 港区 港區

In Minato City, we have tourist information centers set up at the Tokyo Monorail Hamamatsucho Station, AQUA CiTY VISIT MINATO CITY - The best of Tokyo - ODAIBA, Roppongi Hills, and Keikyu Station. website Facebook Useful sightseeing information and multilingual maps are provided at these places. Videos and social media English contents that provide tourist spot information are also available.

미나토구에서는 도 모노일 하마마 역, 아아시티 오다이 바 상업시설, 롯기, 이시나가 역에 관광 인 이션 를 설치. 관광에 도이 는 정보 다어 대 지도 visit-minato-city.com 을 하고 있습니다. 또한 관광 명 정보를 상 로 즐 수 있는 도 실니다.

港区内的、、本 360° Minato City 、品设有观中心,提供观 Promotion Movie 的各类及多地。此外,您可以各类 及观景。

港區內的東、、本 English 、品設有觀中心,提供觀 的各類及多國地。此外,您可以各 類及社體得觀景。 https://www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/kouhou/movie/1904-vr.html

24 港区ンメンン ンメン ン トンメン モ ン ン メン ン Minato City Tourist Information Center AQUA CiTY ODAIBA General Informa- Roppongi Hills Mori Tower General Keikyu Tourist Information Center Shinaga- Minato City (3rd floor concourse of Tokyo Monorail tion Desk (AQUA CiTY ODAIBA 3rd Information Desk (Roppongi Hills wa Station (Next to Information Hamamatsucho Station) floor) Mori Tower 2nd floor) Takanawaguchi ticket gates) Center 900AM〜700PM MAP G 1100AM〜900PM MAP H 1000AM〜900PM MAP I 830AM〜930PM MAP J

ト Nighttime economy ンなを心ででる、ト What is nighttime economy?

A Tokyo classic for a romantic night view © ナ イト タ イ コ ミ ー と は す る と 을 에 을 「夜の経動」。レストランやー、 場、レジー設といった夜のアク ビにえ、夜間や 「東京タワー」が夜間もごいただけるのをごですか 高さ 関といった生 インラもまれます 。 いまや 、これらを 実させることが 消 費 150のメインデッは午後11時まで(入場は午後10時30分まで)。 高につながるとあって、国際的なト 春に生まれ変わった高さ250のトップデッは午後10時45分まで レ ンド ワ ード とし て 目 さ れ て い ま す 。 区ではやのが (入場は午後10時15分まで)。東京の夜を分にお楽しください。 ・ 心 に ご せ る くりに め な がら、ナイトタイコミーの ・ Did you know that Tokyo Tower is open at night, too? The 150-meter high main deck 性 化 にもをいでいます 。 is open until 11:00 pm (last admission is 10:30 pm). Newly renovated last spring, the Tokyo Tower 250-meter high top deck is open until 10:45 pm (last admission is 10:15 pm). A place Nighttime economy refers to eco- where you can enjoy one of the best night views in Tokyo, this is definitely a place you 03-3433-5111 MAP 16 nomic activities conducted at night. should visit if you are in the mood for a romantic night out . 有料/ ee In addition to restaurants, theaters, www.tokyotower.co.jp/ and recreational facilities where such 도 를 간에도 이 가한 을 고 계니 이 10의 인 는 오 11시지 activities typically take place, it also includes medical services, transpor- 입장은 10시 0분지. 에 어 이 0의 는 오 10시 분지 [住所]芝 公 園 428[営業時間] 午前9時〜午後 tation, and other essential services 입장은 오 10시 1분지. 도의 경을 마음껏 즐기. 11時(入場は午後10時30分まで)[アクセス] 都 for life in the city. Given the boost an 営大江戸線「赤橋駅」か/ちぃばす 東 active nighttime economy gives to 您是道在能观 您是道東在能參觀 consumption, it is drawing attention ルート「東一丁目(東京タワー下)」 高10的大一直 高10的大一直 as an international buzz word. In 业到11100。 業到1100100。 [Address] 4-2-8 Shibakoen [Hours] 9:00 am to Minato City, we are working to pro- 11:00 pm (Last admission: 10:30 pm) [Access] mote and energize the city’s nighttime 年春天然一的0高的 年春天然一的0高的 Akabanebashi Sta. on Toei Oedo Line, etc. / economy while also striving to create 业到10 業到10 Higashi-azabu 1-chome (Tokyo Tower-shita) a city where tourists and residents can 101。尽情享受的景 101。盡情享受東的景 stop on Chii Bus Azabu East Route live or stay safely with peace of mind.

25 Minato City Information Creating a safe and secure city Safe & Secure 安と安心街り

Crime Prevention Disaster Prevention

街にる安 メを Safety measures in commercial areas Disaster prevention information delivered by email! 区では、もがで心して夜 の ス ポ ット を 楽 し む こ と が で や、大・水などのを きるよう、区内のに、 のスートン、、パソ 「区生パトロール」 コンのメールに信するサービス を置し、きなどの行 です(応は日本・)。 をすることにより、来の You can sign up to receive disaster preven- tion information by email on your smart- 心をっています。 phone, cell phone, or computer in the event of an earthquake, heavy rain, flood, or other To make sure everyone can enjoy tourist spots at night safely and with peace of disasters. (Supported languages: Japanese, mind, the city deploys Minato City Safe Living Patrol Parties in key commercial English) areas within the city to protect the safety of visitors by preventing touting and other forms of harassment. 区ーページから、「 구에서는 구나 안전하, 안심하며 에도 관광 명를 즐 수 있도록 구 내의 주 번화 メール」で。また 가에 미나토구 활안전 찰대를 치하고, 객위 의 위를 방지하여 방문자 は 、 コ ー ド か ら メ ー ル ア ド レ 의 안전을 지고 있습니다. スを取れます。 为让大能安全、安心地游玩间观景,在区内的主地内设有港 ※信費はとなります。 区活安全。客等行为,让您玩得开心、心。 Visit the Minato City website and search for “di- saster prevention information mail,” or read the 為讓大能安全、安心地遊玩觀景,在區內的主地內設有港 email address using the QR code. 區活安全,客等不行為,讓您玩得開心心。 *Communication charges will apply.

26 Minato City Information Creating a beautiful city 다 을 Clean & Beauty 美街みを

港区ででみなとをめす “Minato City Smoking Rules”are in effect in Minato City under municipal ordinance 미나토구에 미나토 을 니다 港区港区 港區港區

区内でらすやく、れるなどてのがるき 在港区内活、作以及来的人本。在全港区内的 道、、游以及开地等外 ルールです。区内の道、公園、園、公開空 などの公の場所では、 到 所 是港区设的。 所 在港區內活、作以及來的人本。在港區全區內的道 、、遊以及開地等外 ※指定場所とは、区が設置、または指定する場所です。 These are rules regarding smoking that everyone who lives in, visits, and works in Minato City is expected to observe. At all open public places in 到 Minato City including streets, parks,children's playgrounds, and public 是港區設的。 open spaces: 1. Do not drop cigarette butts on the ground. 2. Do not smoke in places other than designated smoking areas. 3. When smoking on private property, be mindful not to subject others to secondhand smoke in public open spaces. 所ク *Designated smoking areas refer to smoking areas that have been installed or designated by Minato City. 所 미나토구내에서 활하는 사람이나 일하는 사람, 방문하는 사람 모 사람들이 지 Smoking is permitted only in locations with 입니다.미나토구내 전역의 도로, 공원, 어이 이, 공 외의 공 the “Minato City Smoking Area” mark. 공 장에서는 연은 미나토구 연 장 마가 있는 장에서 만 부드립니다. 에 에 에 指定場所はこちら 在有港区的地 Smoking area search 지정 연 장 구가 설치 또는 지정하는 연 장입니다. 在有港區的地 in Minato City

27 Minato Minato City 港 区 MAP Minato City. Minato Wi-Fi access Wi-Fi access ポ イント で す 。 区が設置する -Fのアクセス point locations in point locations 28

Information ンン City Office etc. City Office First Cabin Nishiazabu First Tamachi Pullman Tokyo な Hamamatsucho Tokyo Henn na Hotel AZUR takeshiba HOTEL BAYSIDE BAY TOKYO INTERCONTINENTAL Tokyo Okura Hotel Tamachi Gracery Hotel SHIBA TOKYO THE CELESTINE HOTEL Akasaka Felice Hotel Hamamatsucho MYSTAYS HOTEL PREMIER Akasaka MYSTAYS HOTEL PREMIER Hamamatsucho MYSTAYS HOTEL tokyo Mielparque Hotel LiVEMAX Shimbashi Hotel Inn Akasaka MaRRoaD 港区区 City Office City Hall / Shiba Regional Minato 区 City Office Azabu Regional 赤坂区 City Office Regional Akasaka 区 City Office Regional Takanawa 港区 City Office Regional Shibaura-konan 港区 Daiba Annex City Office, Regional Shibaura-konan 港区ンメンン Center Information City Tourist Minato Desk Information General CiTY ODAIBA AQUA ンメン Desk Information General Hills Mori Tower Roppongi トンメンン Station Shinagawa Center Information Tourist Keikyu ンメンン ン ュ ン 赤坂 赤 坂 メ ン赤 坂 ン トン I J F E A C G B D H 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 区な ンメン

ン SENGAKUJI-STATION KEIKYU EX INN SHINAGAWA ン DAIMON-STATION KEIKYU EX INN HAMAMATSU-CHO SHINAGAWA KEIKYU EX HOTEL TAKANAWA KEIKYU EX HOTEL the b akasaka the b akasaka-mitsuke the b shimbashi the b roppongi Tokyo Tower Sakura The Prince Shiodome Tokyo Hotel Park The Royal Sheraton Miyako Hotel Tokyo Hotel Miyako Sheraton Hotel Tobu Shinagawa ン N Tower Hotel Prince Shinagawa Hotel ン Shimane Inn Aoyama REI Hotel Tokyu Atagoyama ン Inn Shimbashi-karasumoriguchi Fresa Sotetsu ン Inn Tokyo-Tamachi Fresa Sotetsu ン Inn Hamamatsucho-Daimon Fresa Sotetsu 一 Tokyo Dai-ichi Hotel Hamamatsucho Chisun Hotel Shimbashi Stay Tokyu Takanawa Stay Tokyu ン Hotel Grand Tokyo 会 Kaikan Tosho Cabin Akasaka First Cabin Atagoyama First ン 赤坂 赤坂 ン さ トン トン 赤 坂 トン 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Placement spots Placement Hotels 港区 Museum History City Local Minato 美術 Nezu Museum Museum of Art Suntory Shiodome Museum of Art Panasonic 美術 Tokyo The National Art Center, The Ad Museum Tokyo 美術 Mori Art Museum Hills Plaza in Toranomon at Oval "Roots" human-shaped sculpture Large Big Clock" Really "Ni-Tele Tower’s Nippon Television Park Station Supplying Shiba Water Shrine Karasumori Zojoji Temple 赤坂通り商店会 Shopping Street Akasaka-dori Sengakuji Temple Exhibition in Shimbashi Japan-Wide Product Tower Tokyo of Japan Asia Center Hotel ANdAZ TOKYO Inn Azabu Olympic Kasuga Ryokan Daiba Tokyo Nikko Grand Tokyo Hyatt Grand Takanawa New Hotel Prince Grand HANAKOHRO / TAKANAWA Takanawa Hotel Prince Grand ン INN Hamamatsucho KEIO PRESSO ュ 会 ン ニ 美術 ント美術 ンン ンン ンニ ン ト ンン 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ト

29 Minato City Wi-Fi Service

区では、区内各所に無料でできる公衆無線のサービ 미나토구에서는 구내 에 로 이 수 있는 공중 선 서비를 제공 하고 있습니다. 1 시간은 0분, 1일 수 제한은 습니다. 일본어, スを提供しています。1の時間は60分、1日のの 어, 중국어번자, 간자, 한국어에 대하고 있습니다. はありません。日本、、中国(体・体)、 港区内各为您提供。接时间0,日 国に応しています。 接数。同时日、、中体、体及。

Minato City provides free public wireless LAN services in various loca- 港區內各為您提供。線時0,日 tions. A single access provides 60 minutes of internet connection, and the 線。同時日、、中體、體及。 service can be used any number of times a day. The service is available in Japanese, English, Chinese (traditional/simplified), and Korean.

Minato City Wi-Fi Spot Information

ア Shiba Area 赤坂見駅 1口 Akasaka-mitsuke Station Exit 1 門駅 口 Toranomon Station Exit 9 赤坂区合所 Akasaka Regional City Office How to Use 内町駅 口 Uchisaiwaicho Station Exit A4 青山一丁目駅 ビル Near Aoyama-itchome Station NTT Building 新橋駅 銀座口 Ginza Exit 赤坂駅 公園 Near Akasaka Station Hikawa Park 初時にメールアドレス 新橋駅前 口広場 West Exit Plaza front of Shimbashi Station いちう木入口 Gaien Icho Namiki Entrance またはアカウントの、 新橋駅前 口広場 West Exit Plaza2 in front of Shimbashi Station 前駅 前道橋 Near Gaiemmae Station Gaiemmae Footbridge 約の意が必です 谷町駅 口 Kamiyacho Station Exit 4 表参道駅 5口 Omote-sando Station Exit B5 (は365日間)。 成門駅 口 Onarimon Station Exit A5 表参道駅 3口 Omote-sando Station Exit B3 区本(芝区合所) Minato City Hall (Shiba Regional City Office) ア Takanawa Area You will need to provide your email address or SNS account 大門駅 口 高区合所 Exit A6 Takanawa Regional City Office information and agree to the 町駅 北口 Hamamatsucho Station North Exit 品駅高口 Shinagawa Station Takanawa Exit terms of service when registering 田町駅 三田口 Mita Exit ア Shibaura / Konan Area for the first time. (The information will be stored for 365 days.) ア Azabu Area 芝南区合所 Shibaura-konan Regional City Office 六本木一丁目駅 3口 Roppongi-itchome Station Exit 3 田町駅 芝口 Tamachi Station Shibaura Exit 록 시에 일 주 또는 乃木坂駅 駅前 Near Post Office in front of Nogizaka Station 品駅 南口 Shinagawa Station Konan Exit 계정의 록, 이 약에 동의가 니다정보는 일간 저장. 六本木駅 口 Exit 6 お台場学園前 In front of Odaiba Gakuen 六本木駅 4口 Roppongi Station Exit 4 お台場レインー公園前 In front of Odaiba Rainbow Park 接时 区合所 Azabu Regional City Office お台場公園東口広場 Odaiba-kaihinkoen East Exit Plaza ,同约 日。 駅 口 Azabu-juban Station Exit 5 芝南区合所台場分 Shibaura-konan Regional City Office, Daiba Annex 広駅 口 Hiro-o Station Exit 1 線時地社 ア Akasaka Area 台場区センター Daiba Civic Center 體,同 天。 赤坂見駅 前道橋 お台場公園中場 Odaiba-kaihinkoen Central Plaza Near Akasaka-mitsuke Station Toyokawa-inari Footbridge 台場点 Near Daiba Intersection

30 Questionnaire Present! Promotion ントにさ 港区モン 港区 ンを Minato City でをントす で す Promotion Symbol Mark Answer our questionnaire and receive Minato 설문조사에 부디 협력해 주십시오! City’s original wallpaper and earn a chance to 미나토구 한정 월페이퍼와 추첨으로오리지널 부채 ク 国内外にかれ多様をけれる都 win an original Japanese fan! 를 선물로 드립니다. Open & Universal City 港区 港區 化のりと歴史がく都 Cultural & Historical City 安全で安心できる都 응모하신 개인정보는 선물을 발송하는 데에만 사용합니다. 취득한 개인 Safe & Secure City 業 정보는 앞에 기재한 목적 이외의 이용 및 본업무 위탁처 이외의 제3자에 게 공개, 제공하지 않습니다. 개인정보의 취급에 관해서는 충분히 주의하 街並みのしさで魅する都 며, 개인정보의 보호에 관한 법률 및 기타 관련 법령을 준수하여 엄중하 A logo created as a symbol for promoting Scenic & Clean City 게 관리합니다. Minato City and designed after traditional Personal information of applicants will only be used for the Japanese shop curtains hung at the en- アスに富んだな都 delivery of prizes. The obtained personal information will trance to welcome customers. The image Accessible & Convenient City not be used for purposes other than the aforementioned, or disclosed or presented to third parties other than consigned of the curtain swaying in the wind and split companies. The handling of personal information is strictly into three parts forms the shape of “M,” 温かいしさと活気にまれる都 monitored and managed in compliance with laws related the city’s initial. Each of the six colors also Warm-Hearted & Active City to the protection of personal information and other related laws and regulations. has a meaning. 미나토구 시티 프로모션을 추진하 港区 港區 는 상징으로 제작된 심벌마크. 디자 인은 점포 앞에 걸어 손님을 맞이하 迎 迎 는 '노렌'이 모티브. 바람에 흔들리 港區 며 세 개로 나뉜 모습이 구의 이니 港区 日 English 한국어 셜인 M 모양을 상징하고 있습니다. 또 각각 6개의 컬러에도 의미가 담 とって おきの 区 www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/cp/ 겨 있습니다.

31 Cover & Back Cover 港区 Minato City Local History Museum MAP 1

Minato City Travel Information と港区 発行: 区 集: 区業・ 105-8511 東京都区芝公園丁目525 03-3578-2111(代表) F 03-3578-2559

行物発行: 31053-3245 2019年(和年)9月 www.city.minato.tokyo.jp/

The Best of Minato City 미 미나토구 -Read, Discover, and Enjoy 발미나토구 Published by Minato City 편번1011 1-5-25 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, 도도 미나토구 시바 1 Tokyo 105-8511 번 Tel: 03-3578-2111 전화0111대표 Fax: 03-3578-2559 0 港区 港區 发行港区 發行港區 1011 區1011 都港区1 東都港區1 0111 0111代表 0 0

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