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Teched 2008 North America DVD Compatibility Issues.Pdf (617.2 TechEd 2008 North America DVD Silverlight version compatibility issue Microsoft has released the final version Silverlight 2 which is not compatible with the beta version that the TechEd North America DVD user interface was built on. Please see the instructions below for accessing the content online or on the DVD. Online Access (now upgraded to Silverlight 2) You can access the full DVD experience online using the released version of Silverlight 2 by going to and using your registration credentials to log-in. To install Silverlight 2 please go to DVD Work-around To access the recorded sessions and PowerPoint files from your DVD set please take the following steps: Contents TechEd Developers: Disc 1-5 Disc 1: Architecture, Business Intelligence, Infrastructure for Developers, Windows Mobile, Bill Gates Keynote, Unified Communications, Women in Technology Luncheon Disc 2: Database Platform, Development Practices, Dynamics Disc 3: Windows Embedded, Office and SharePoint, SOA and Business Processes Disc 4: Tools and Languages, Windows and Frameworks Disc 5: Web and User Experience TechEd IT Professionals Disc 6-9 Disc 6: Application Platform for Developers, Business Intelligence, Windows Client, Database Platform, Bob Muglia Keynote, Women in Technology Luncheon Disc 7: Dynamics, Windows Embedded, Identity and Access, Microsoft IT, SOA, Sponsor Sessions, Windows Server Infrastructure Disc 8: Windows Mobile, Management, Security, Specialized Servers Disc 9: Office and SharePoint, Unified Communications, Virtualization Instructions Step 1: From the start menu click on “Computer” Step 2: Right click the DVD and select “Explore” from the option menu Step 3: Select the session folder you wish to view based on the session code (see list below) and select either A) “Player” to view the session recording, or B) The PPTX folder to view the PowerPoint file Session List Disc Code Track Session Title Speaker Name/s TechEd Developers Decoupling Contract from Implementation: Microsoft .NET Interface- ARC201 Architecture Juval Lowy 1 Based Programming End-to-End 1 ARC202 Architecture Architectures: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Repeats on 6/5) Miha Kralj Software Development Life Cycle: Applying Service Orientation to ARC203 Architecture Juval Lowy 1 the Development Process 1 ARC204 Architecture Life beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate's Opinion Pat Helland 1 ARC205 Architecture Architects: How Are They Made? (Repeats on 6/5) Rockford Lhotka 1 ARC206 Architecture The Irresistible Forces Meet the Moveable Objects Pat Helland 1 ARC207 Architecture Pragmatic Architecture: The Role of an Architect Ted Neward 1 ARC208 Architecture Why Software Sucks (Repeats on 6/5) David Platt 1 ARC209 Architecture Understanding Software-Plus-Services: A Perspective David Chappell Data Protection with Cryptography of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 ARC301 Architecture Rafal Lukawiecki 1 and CryptoAPI: Next Generation 1 ARC302 Architecture Discussing Proven Practices for Using Smart Client Software Factory David Platt Designing for Testability: Bridging the Gap between Design and ARC303 Architecture Roy Osherove 1 Testing in Object-Oriented Software (Repeats on 6/6) 1 ARC304 Architecture User Experience (UX): Selecting the Right Client Technology Brian Noyes Building Next Generation Data Access Layers with the ADO.NET ARC305 Architecture Barry Gervin 1 Entity Framework (Repeats on 6/5) 1 ARC306 Architecture Choosing Communication Styles: SOAP/WS-* vs. REST David Chappell Using Sexy Extensibility Patterns to Build Long-Lived, Highly ARC307 Architecture Miguel Castro 1 Reusable Applications Evolving Reusable Libraries: Microsoft .NET Framework Base Class ARC308 Architecture Krzysztof Cwalina 1 Libraries, Lessons Learned The Science Behind Creating a Great User Experience (Repeats on ARC310 Architecture Mark Miller 1 6/5) 1 ARC311 Architecture Pragmatic Data Architectures: Six Measurable Attributes Paul Nielsen The Architecture of Rich Internet Applications: The Microsoft ARC312 Architecture Bob Familiar 1 Silverlight 2.0 Story Data Access Layer: Architectural Concerns for Object/Relational ARC401 Architecture Jeffrey Palermo 1 Mappers (O/R-M) with Examples in NHibernate 1 ARC402 Architecture Architectural Considerations for the ASP.NET MVC Framework Jeffrey Palermo Separation of Concerns: New Practices for Decreasing Coupling and ARC403 Architecture Mario Cardinal 1 Raising Cohesion 1 ARC404 Architecture Web Scalability via Asynchronous Systems Architecture Udi Dahan Jason Carlson; Sean BIN201 Business Intelligence Report Authoring with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services 1 Boon New Data Visualization Techniques with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 BIN301 Business Intelligence Sean Boon 1 Reporting Services Data Integration Best Practices in Microsoft Office PerformancePoint BIN302 Business Intelligence Alejandro Leguizamo 1 Server 2007 Planning 1 BIN303 Business Intelligence Data Mining from an Application Developer's Perspective Rafal Lukawiecki Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services: BIN304 Business Intelligence Dany Hoter 1 An In-Depth Look at Integration Taking Your Web Application Design to the Next Level with Data BIN305 Business Intelligence Peter Myers 1 Mining Josh Zimmerman; BIN306 Business Intelligence Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 Technical Overview 1 Patrick Baumgartner 1 BIN307 Business Intelligence A Developer's Guide to the Microsoft Business Intelligence Stack Andrew Brust Designing High Performance Cubes in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Akshai Mirchandani; BIN308 Business Intelligence 1 Analysis Services Robert Zare Implications of Custom Authentication for Microsoft Business BIN309 Business Intelligence A.J. Mee 1 Intelligence Not Just Spreadsheets: Microsoft Office and Excel As a Business BIN310 Business Intelligence Andrew Brust 1 Intelligence Development Platform Advanced Dashboard Creation with Microsoft Office Catalin Sipos; Leif BIN311 Business Intelligence 1 PerformancePoint Server 2007 Brenne Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services and Integration with BIN312 Business Intelligence Prash Shirolkar 1 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Inside Microsoft: How Microsoft IT Used Excel Services to Create an Mike Reese; Sergei BIN313 Business Intelligence Office Business Application That Supports Microsoft’s Top Gundorov 1 Executives Microsoft IT Design Patterns Used to Deliver Agile Business Pablo Trejo Montemayor; BIN314 Business Intelligence 1 Intelligence Solutions for Microsoft Executives Robert Venable Optimizing Query Performance in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Akshai Mirchandani; BIN401 Business Intelligence 1 Analysis Services Robert Zare Building and Deploying Advanced Microsoft Office PerformancePoint BIN402 Business Intelligence Patrick Baumgartner 1 Server 2007 Planning Applications Performance Tuning Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services 2005 Brian Knight; Grant BIN403 Business Intelligence 1 and 2008 Dickinson 1 BIN404 Business Intelligence The Subtle Powers of Data Mining Algorithms Rafal Lukawiecki 2 DAT201 Database Platform Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server Data Services Tudor Toma Microsoft Code Name Project “Velocity― for Scalable and Anil Nori; Muralidhar DAT202 Database Platform 2 Available Applications Krishnaprasad 2 DAT301 Database Platform LINQ to DataSet Erick Thompson Best Practices for Exception Handling and Defensive Programming DAT302 Database Platform Adam Machanic 2 in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Armen Stein; Mary DAT303 Database Platform Microsoft SQL Server Data Solutions Using Microsoft Office Access 2 Chipman Revolutionize Your Data Programming with Microsoft SQL Server DAT305 Database Platform Don Kiely 2 Table Value Parameters 2 DAT306 Database Platform Automating and Analyzing with SQL Trace Andrew Kelly 2 DAT307 Database Platform Developing Applications with Microsoft SQL Server Data Services Nigel Ellis 2 DAT308 Database Platform PowerShell Scripting in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Bob Beauchemin 2 DAT310 Database Platform Community Database Software Development David Reed 2 DAT311 Database Platform Safe Dynamic SQL Peter DeBetta 2 DAT312 Database Platform Grouping Sets and MERGE in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Itzik Ben-Gan Michael Wang; Peter DAT313 Database Platform New T-SQL Programmability Features in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 2 DeBetta 2 DAT314 Database Platform Date and Time Manipulation in Microsoft SQL Server Itzik Ben-Gan 2 DAT315 Database Platform Choosing the Right Encryption Methodology Peter DeBetta Building Location-Aware Applications in Microsoft SQL Server 2008: Isaac Kunen; Michael DAT316 Database Platform 2 Building Spatial Applications Rys New Unstructured Data Storage Solutions in Microsoft SQL Server DAT317 Database Platform Joanna Omel 2 2008 2 DAT318 Database Platform Consistency of Reads in Microsoft SQL Server Itzik Ben-Gan Database Related Application Analysis and Conversion: Power DAT319 Database Platform Igor Bekelman 2 Builder (Sybase to Microsoft SQL Server) Building Location-Aware Applications in Microsoft SQL Server 2008: Isaac Kunen; Michael DAT320 Database Platform 2 Introducing the Spatial Data Types Rys 2 DAT321 Database Platform Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integrated Full-Text Search (IFTS) Fernando Azpeitia Lopez 2 DAT322 Database Platform Real Time SQL Data Integration Rick Negrin 2 DAT323 Database Platform Handling Graphs, Trees, and Hierarchies in Microsoft SQL Server Itzik Ben-Gan Managing Unstructured and Semi-Structured
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