St Andrew’s Church of School Chedworth Celebrating Children

Where everyday is an open day

Respect Trust Forgiveness

This Prospectus will give you a flavour of our small, rural, Church of England School. A few great reasons to choose our school;

• Excellent teaching and committed, caring, approachable staff • Strong emphasis on Christian values and behaviour

“There is always someone to talk to at a moments notice.” Lucy Lane- Fox, Parent

• Beautiful rural setting, superb premises and outside space • Children are treated as individuals, making them happy and keeping them safe • A friendly, encouraging community with good outside links

“Due to its inclusive, encouraging, safe and happy feel, St Andrew’s has been brilliant for building my children’s confidence, and helping them to become helpful, polite and kind young people.” Mrs Jenny Sykes, Parent

Friendship Compassion Generosity s a Church of England Primary School, our ethos is firmly grounded in Christian alues.V We are committed to celebrating each child in our school. We seek to provide opportunities, recognising the gifts and talents of each individual. Our close knit community allows us to help Aour children to grow and flourish, both personally and academically. Celebrating Children

“My children are reaching their potential and feeling good about themselves. They love school and are very happy. They are part of a family and learning so much.” Sally Smith Parent

“St Andrew’s has allowed my children to develop into well rounded and confident individuals. Support has been provided when needed without making the child feel different. It has provided the best possible start in life.” G.Leighton Parent

Generosity Perseverance Thankfulness t is important that all our children feel safe and happy. We believe that if they are, they will enjoy and achieve at school as our latest excellent academic results show. We make learning exciting through:

I Well planned and matched work Practical learning Visits out and experts in school Residentials Enjoy and Achieve Brilliant resources Child led learning Topic weeks Opportunities to reflect Secure and meaningful assessments Supportive environment Sport and competition Excellent results After school and breakfast club (8am-5pm) Performance and drama Music and instrument teaching Excellent church links “His reading has come on well and he is confident and learning all the time.” Sophie Mc Pherson, Parent

Courage Justice Peace e are a small friendly school, one big happy family. The children are central in all we do. We have Golden Values that we must all keep. ‘We are gentle in all we do’, ‘We choose our words carefully’, ‘Think! Think! Think!’, ‘It’s OK to tell an adult’, ‘We represent our school with pride’. We have a Buddy system and we all look out for one another, and share playtimes for Wthe whole school so that all the children look out and care for one another across the years. We are fortunate to have a strong and active PTA which provide additional funding and resources to benefit our children. Our Community Counts

Our school is at the heart of our village and the wider community. We have close links with St Andrew’s Church, The Cheery Club for the older members of the area, The Horticultural Society, The High Five Partnership Schools (local schools working together), Chedworth Pre-School who are based at the school one morning a week to familiarise the pre-school children with the school setting, local tennis and other sports club, secure links to the Secondary schools, talks and visits by the police and fire brigade.

In the wider community we have links with local and international charities including: St Andrew’s funding two children to attend a school in Kenya, our teaching staff volunteering at schools in Malawi in the summer holidays, adopting a panda through the world wildlife fund and many more.

“My children have made strong local friendships and they feel part of the community. They are always happy to go to school.” Kate Ash, Parent

Hope Humility Creativity Our Superb Setting

estled in the beautiful St Andrew’s Church of England school, Chedworth offers a safe, peaceful and rural location with spacious grounds. An outdoor classroom, an outdoor stage, adventure playground, a secure pond and conservation area and access to a woodland and pasture learning area gives our children a space to explore and reflect. N We have a dedicated early years classroom and playground with safety surfacing, a huge naturally lit modern hall, large airy classrooms, interactive smart boards and computers in each of our four classrooms.

“The school hall, garden and pond and village facilities make this school superb.” S.Smith parent

“The hall is brilliant for all the PTA events as we can all get together for the benefit of our children.” S.Parker Chair of PTA

Service Responsibility Wisdom e recognise the value of providing care for your children before and after the school day. WTherefore we provide wrap around care from 8am to 5pm. Beyond the school day

Our Breakfast Club runs from 8am-8.30am at a cost of £1.50 per child. At 8.30 am the children go straight to their class. Our After School Club is available every day from 3pm-5pm at a cost of £3 per hour in half hour blocks allowing complete flexibility to meet every parents individual needs. Booking can be on the day and we do not require any long term commitment to set hours or days. Both clubs are extremely popular and terrific value.

We also have School Clubs that the children can attend for free which include drama, art, cookery, gardening, orchestra and games. All our clubs are run by staff who work at the school.

“‘The things my children have been taught have really helped them at Secondary School”. Mrs Janine Baker Parent

Justice Friendship Thankfulness ith our fantastic hall and outside space we deliver high quality sport for all our children. We have up to date equipment covering sports like hockey, tennis, football, rounders, netball and basketball. WWe believe strongly that our children should have two and a half hours exercise each week.

Within our High 5 Partnership we hold tournaments and competitive matches. We have a sports coach in once a week to work with all the classes. We run a games club for our children and help signpost children with talents to local clubs. Sport

Perseverance Generosity Wisdom Notes... St Andrew’s Church of England School Chedworth Celebrating Children

Where everyday is an open day Contact us

St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School, School Lane, Middle Chedworth, , GL54 4AJ

01285 720427

E mail: [email protected] [email protected] Just 10 minutes from !

Respect Trust Forgiveness