Adams Johns Kennard Chartered Architects Chartered Quantity Surveyors CDM Co-ordinator

Design and Access Statement Hamsey Community Primary School, Cooksbridge, , BN8 4SJ

The following Design and Access statement is to be read in conjunction with the Planning Application:-

The School is located at Cooksbridge, Cooksbridge, Lewes, BN8 4SJ.

Access to the existing temporary classroom unit is via the playground which is located at the rear of the school. The new temporary classroom will be located in line with the existing unit in the existing car park area. The existing timber shed which is located at the rear of the school with access from the school playground. The shed will be removed from site and the existing ground made good to match the existing tarmac. The area will then be open to re-allocate as staff/ visitors car parking.


The proposal is to install a single temporary classroom on the site at Hemsey Community Primary School.

This is a small village primary school three miles North of Lewes. Numbers at the school have fluctuated over recent years with the current number on roll of 62 due to increase to 80 pupils from September 2009 (Three classes of 26/27 children each).

With an increase in pupil numbers the school arwe in need of more space to support the curriculum and extended school agenda. This proposal will allow the school to free up a small 30m² classroom will provide sufficient accommodation suitable for multi use/extended schools accommodation. The mobile classroom will provide sufficient accommodation suitable for the increased class size helping to raise attainment and an improved learning environment.

Two feasibility studies have been carried out to determine how permanent how permanent accommodation could be provided at Hemsey School. However as the trend for fluctuating numbers has continued, it has been possible to secure funding to pursue proposals. This will be monitored and children`s Services will work with the school to determine priorities.

The existing rear car park area has a staff and visiting facility for 8-9 cars. The existing staff requirement is for 5 car parking spaces. The proposed location of the new temporary will reduce the spaces by 1-2 car parking spaces for visitors.

Adams Johns Kennard Chartered Architects Chartered Quantity Surveyors CDM Co-ordinator

Design and Access Statement Hamsey Community Primary School, Cooksbridge, Lewes, BN8 4SJ

Design and Layout.

We are therefore seeking planning consent for a period of five years (September 2014) and layout of new temporary classroom is standard. The internal layout includes toilet facilities for the children which will be connected to existing main drain system.

The unit will be linked with the school main alarm system and intercom system. A separate intruder alarm system will be fitted and linked with the school.


There is no provision for landscaping around the new temporary classroom as the units will only be on site for a period of five years.

Between the existing new classroom it is proposed to erect a 1.200m high timber fence with wire mesh covering on the car park elevation to separate the car parking area main playground.

The fire exit which will exit onto the school side passage will be edged with reflective bollards at corners and mid-point and the ground marked with yellow hazard markings to ensure that no parking can interfere with the fire exit route.

Emergency external low level lighting to be located above fire exit doors. It is also suggested that low level lighting be located at the corner of the new unit for winter and evening parking, which will be controlled by the school as required.


The unit will be painted “East Green”. Existing window frames to be painted white. The existing 3 layer felt roof is black in colour. .

Crime Prevention

This is a small rural school with no major crime issues on site.


The school is welled accessed for all users and the new temporary classroom unit will be fitted with an accessible ramp at the front of the temporary classroom leading onto the existing playground. The fire exit steps to the rear located on the Adams Johns Kennard Chartered Architects Chartered Quantity Surveyors CDM Co-ordinator old car parking area. The fire exit access area from the rear steps of the unit will be hatched painted of the ground surface and 3 No bollards located on outer edge of the hatching. This will ensure that the fire exit is kept clear at all times.

The access to the existing unit will be unaltered.

Main access to site and rear of school is via narrow side passage way. This access leads to the existing staff and visitors car park.

Existing car park and rear timber shed to be removed from site

Existing car park and playground with view back to school and main entrance to site. Existing temporary classroom located in existing playground to remain on site in same location. New classroom to abut end elevation

Adams Johns Kennard Chartered Architects Chartered Quantity Surveyors CDM Co-ordinator

Existing timber shed, fence and brick wall to be taken down and removed from site. Existing ground to be reverted back to staff/visitors car park. New 1.2m high timber treated close boarded fence to be erected as barrier between car park and playground.