October 2012 First published in current form, September 2005 The “Mission House” CICC Head Office, Takamoa, Rarotonga ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- TO roto i teia nutileta/CONTENTS: Tere o te Orometua Ngateitei ki Tere o te CICC Vainetini ki Tahiti Nga-Pu-Toru 2013 Au nuti mei te Ekalesia Rotorua BB Founder’s Day i Rarotonga nei Au nuti mei Mangaia Updates from the Bicentennial Akaouanga i te Buka Tapu Coordination Unit Descendants of Rev. J.J.K. Hutchin Nuti potopoto visit Rarotonga Products being sold at the CICC Uipaanga na te PCANZ Head Office in Takamoa Nuti mei te Ekalesia Atiu Church and other history CICC Archive i Takamoa nei Rotorua Ekalesia project Nuku i Rarotonga nei Share your photos Ko vouvou ma teia o te Ekalesia Atiu / the Mamas & the Papas of the Enuamanu CICC Comments/queries/free electronic copy?
[email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Published by the CICC Head Office, P.O. Box 93, Takamoa, Rarotonga, Cook Islands Phone: 26546 Fax: 26540 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.cicc.net.ck 2 1. AKATOMO’ANGA ia orana e te iti tangata tapu no te Atua i te au ngai katoatoa; to te Kuki Airani nei, tei noo ki Nutireni, Autireria,