FCA and I3P launch “Digital Factory” to promote solutions through the open innovation process

● “Digital Factory” is the exploratory call for proposals launched by FCA Bank and I3P, the Innovative Enterprises Incubator of the Polytechnic of Turin, in view of the Bank’s technological transformation. ● Participation in the call will be open to innovative start-ups and SMEs, free of charge, and submissions will be accepted until 6 January 2021. ● The winner will be able to develop a Proof-of-Concept (PoC), working side by side with FCA Bank and the Group’s subsidiaries.

Exploring innovations existing in Italy and abroad, to advance and implement new solutions through Open Innovation, to achieve the technological and digital transformation of the banking sector. With this objective in mind, FCA Bank and I3P, the Innovative Enterprise Incubator of the Polytechnic of Turin, launch “Digital Factory”, an exploratory call for proposals for innovative start-ups and small and medium enterprises.

“Digital Factory” will focus on the development of Fintech and Insurtech solutions that will support payment processes, new insurance and financial risk assessment systems, alternative credit management methods, financing and microcredit products for the automotive finance industry through the use of algorithms and innovative methodologies. The focus will be also on the creation of automated and smart systems to analyse insurance and financial needs and to perform gap analyses to generate customized profiling for new customers and, in the remarketing phase, for existing customers.

Participation in the process is free. Submissions should be uploaded by 6 January 2021 into the website https://digitalfactory.fcabankgroup.com. The projects will be evaluated by a committee of experts, who will select the finalists by 5 February 2021. These shortlisted candidates will be able to illustrate their proposal at the final event, which will be held in February 2021.

The winner selected by the jury will then have the chance and the resources to develop a Proof-of-Concept (PoC), to test and prove on the field the feasibility of the use case presented, thus beginning its interaction with FCA Bank and the Group’s subsidiaries.

The launch of the “Digital Factory” call for proposals in cooperation with I3P – part of the “Start&Pulse” program of Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance – is another step in FCA Bank’s digital transformation process, which is designed to improve the customer experience, on one side, and to create leading-edge banking and insurance products, on the other. This process, undertaken to innovate the entire banking sector, has already resulted in significant developments for digital payments, from the e-Wallet (the digital wallet that can contain different payment tools) to the Payment Hub, which will enable FCA Bank to manage the large number of transactions related to in-vehicle payment services.

“We have great confidence and expectations in the collaboration with I3P, a partner with which we share the approach to technological innovation and which has shown to be on the frontline of open innovation solutions”, said Giacomo Carelli, CEO of FCA Bank S.p.A. “In fact, we at FCA Bank strongly believe in the innovative impetus of start-ups and SMEs, especially for a sector such as ours, where the digitalization of processes and services has been accelerated by the pandemic emergency”.

"We are very proud to be able to cooperate with FCA Bank in its Digital Factory project, by providing support to the Open Innovation activity intended to activate collaborations with start-ups”, said Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P. “Open innovation initiatives represent significant opportunities both to explore new technologies and services and to develop human capital”.

FCA Bank FCA Bank S.p.A. is a bank engaging mainly in car finance, with the aim to meet all mobility requirements. It is an equally-held joint venture between FCA Italy S.p.A., a company of the global automotive company Automobiles N.V., and Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance, a leading consumer credit company of the Crédit Agricole group. FCA Bank S.p.A. provides financing products to drive the sales of prestigious car brands in Italy and in Europe. The loan, lease, rental and mobility financing programs provided by FCA Bank S.p.A. are specifically designed for sale networks, private customers and corporate fleets. FCA Bank S.p.A. is operational in 17 European countries and in Morocco, directly or through branches. At 30 June 2020, FCA Bank had total assets of approximately 30 billion. For more information: www.fcabankgroup.com

I3P The Incubator of the Polytechnic of Turin supports the creation and development of innovative high-tech start-ups with significant growth potential, founded by university researchers and students and external entrepreneurs, providing strategic consulting, coaching and mentoring services as well as fundraising support and spaces. Established in 1999, I3P is a joint-stock company held by Politecnico di Torino, Fondazione LINKS, Camera di Commercio di Torino, Finpiemonte, Città Metropolitana di Torino and Fondazione Torino Wireless. Its mission is to support the entrepreneurial eco-system, with the aim to generate economic development and employment in innovative industrial supply chains. I3P cooperates with private parties and public institutions engaged in research and higher education, in technology transfer services, in financing innovation, and in internationalization processes. In 2019, I3p ranked as World Top Public Incubator by UBI Global World Rankings of Business Incubators and Accelerators 2019 – 2020. For more information: www.i3p.it

FCA Bank HQ Communication Valentina Lugli - 011 0030743 [email protected]

Ufficio Stampa Mailander Damir Biuklic – [email protected] Carlo Dotta – [email protected] Giovanni Santonastaso – [email protected]

Ufficio stampa I3P Press Play – Comunicazione e pubbliche relazioni Anna Bellini | +39 375 5333083 | [email protected] Alessandro Tibaldeschi | +39 333 6692430 | [email protected]