THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNAL THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMP77"1" 23. 1915 5 TEDDY WILL RUN? Gift Glove CIoe Personal Friend Says He or for KSpJ Will Sot'k Presidency Again. your employes make A Big Day for Xmas Xmas Giving easy ! His Hat Will Be Thrown In the Buyers Here! King About 3Iarch 1.

FORCES ARENQW AT WORK .." ,50 eX-tAAv"- Gary Dinner Had a Stronsr Po- K' Quito For Hart Schaffner & litical Significance. 0 y ' Marx finest $22.50, $25 KepnM.caa Hopefuls'- Alarm- and better and ed by Colonel's Attitude. Overcoats So New York. Dec. 23. Former Presi Check This List for Convenience Hurry! For the offer is of such tremend- dent R (;-v- It wiil a sain "throw his ous rat in the ring:' about March 1. Un- - importance that the man who fails to id that he witi remain passive. viil This u tmer.C was made by a close Bring it Along Here! participate in it certainlv regret th los. person;! I a r, I political friend of the The clothes are duplicates of the very styles, patterns and farmer president. Here is the manner side sleeping garment, very com- weaves that we ourselves sold at higher prices a few ks ago :n which the situation will likely shape fortable. Union lrom the wef up: bt-s- t makers in fine cotton, yarns they're Hart. Schaffner & Marx present season stocks they gave Colore I will er.df-avc-r to wool and wool mixtures. Finest us a concession to "clear the decks." The styles include famous ke-- Buy p 'l.uci-ll- y Will in new, ?.!fr.t until after New $2 imported neckwear the fifty-fiv- Year's day. big English squares, also pure Varsity e suit mode!3 every right style. Plaids, stripes, ' n January he win issue a. buirle bag-- . Leath- silk knitted. Electric seal cap. plain colors, mixtures everything worth while. Overcoat styles are Fine leather collar glomes. sets. call to the rVnr.sylvsnia Progressives Fur Full Icrm-ntte- d, semi-fitte- d, box back, h hnvf sto. J o r.obiy y him, in $1 Will Buy er back clothes brush. Leather Ulster and Auto I n la ifIp h:a. bill fold. fine leather pocket styles Kersey, Meltons, Vieunns, Cheviots, rough s50 t. KerT'iarv - ho will talk to the cig"ir case, i:iir.o;s Chicago. Leather collar bar. Playing book. Fine leather Scotch mixtures. Best values in good clothes that t Bull Mosers in gloves, Per-rin-'s i'- .w ; r. ' K Mark Cross English V. UUi . . , ...... I F that. lonel osvtl: cards and case. Combination J '' gloves. fin- WU Buy w.ii e.j o the Ve.t Indies, where he cIothc-- and hat brush. Leather Imported Mens $5 i w; II f- thrt-- wet-k- or a r bill fold. Clothes brush leather est accordion ribbed, all silk m T.:h. up for the battle that . Ladies drop stitch silk Man's or Lady's all leather trav- is to f- Ho w. back, 4 coat hanarera in leather Admit andiday. cup hose. Men's silver mounted eling bag. leather lined, Man's case. Nickel drinking in case, VVcr, h.s r'.urn. it is declared the case. pocket book, walking stic k, Man's umbrella, suit double straps and shirt Never greater values in : 11 p r. I y Leather pliLn hand le, .r;d-n- t w c admit comb, or silver trimmed fold. Man's fine golf cloth smok- is a .Mr.d:d.i'o. Lare French ivory Ladies' foidimr suit case umbrel- ing a promi- - bottle, Heavy irold piated links. jacket, Man's heavy blanket who tok French ivory perfumery la. cuff robe, girdle, piped seams ren; pirt i.'or-- Roosevelt s cam- - French ivory tray. French ivory Heavy told plated scarf pin. silk Overcoats than now at r-- e pockets, Very heavy Rope :i :n I'M:!, sa:d Tuesday r.icrht: pieces. Men s Scotch Roll plate chain and knife. and kr.'Av that ridunel Roosevelt manicur.' full dress shirt. Gold rcarf Knit sweater, any color. Shaker save a full $5 on every coat every coat you buy is fine '. wool gloves. Men's lined kid and - plaited and plans to heC' n:e t. candidate for the pins. Very fine white- Knit sweater, double col- YOU Copyright Hart ScZuJTaer & nomination in Mocha ir loves. Ladies" dress and shirt, Manhattan shirts, negligee for even the men who are accustomed to pav very high Un t s will !ind him ficht- - street gloves. 2 pairs ladies or laundered. N'ickle pla:ed va- lar, Fine Heather mixed wool .r. ;n r "n :n the Minnesota pri- Phoenix hosiery, 4 pairs cuum bottle, imported silk golf jacket. Very fine silk pa- prices. Popular Balmacaans and Auto Ulster styles satin yoke3 and satin piped seams. ' -sk four-in-han- d. mary r .V ir-- h 14. He will lis It- hosiery. Men s pure Pajamas in mad- jamas, plain and figured, indiv- piaia uacK, an wool overcoatings, sell or velvet collars, all sizes 34 to oO. If you v. k- ir. M vi setts. Sherman in silk Men's pure silk hose, ras, soisette. or outing flannel, - idual boxes. Heavy silk mixed bought your overcoat yet you'd do Ti: m:fh :n Michigan, and Cum- two in box. Men's fi'-r- hose, t'nion suit in the best makes. Union suit, Pus- haven't winter better it here and now for the - Manhattan fine r:i r in low1.. 4 Silk Half d zen i , sake of purse and appearance . . . - three in box. Men's lisle hose. reefer muffler. sy Willow silk s h rt Fine silk $15 ?:; rdi". has ciu-e- d to he puh- in box. Fancy lisle suspenders in fine handkerchiefs. Men's Jer- umbrella, tight roll. silver s - i ftj the r int-- of certain Rpuh- holiday boxes. Fin-- ' In- sey sweater, any color. Terry mounted handle. Silver trim- JsgT" Ask for Our Fine Silk Lined Blue Serge Suits n candidates he m:ht suppurt. itial t. Silver and gdd buckle cloth bath robe. Blanket cloth med Malacca walking stick. Fur at $15 '.t.-- wr-- th .t i'.ipv either will not run In holiday box. Elastic "Live" lounging robe. Xear seal fur lined All - : Reindeer sloves. fur o k r.ockd down belt. Initial handkerchiefs, $ in cap. Fur gloves. Knitted silk gauntlets. Leather traveling set. "H--- kr.i'Ts, for instance, that h n Iker-f.hief- s, easy-sli- p neckwear. - box. Initial pure liren Lady's fine hand bag, silk lin- If ;cr'- wutd not rtsiirn from the 4 in box, Initial very fine ed with mirror and engagement Big $5 Sale of Boys' Clothes Here Now! s i ci urt ir."h and run the risk handkerchiefs thre in box. cards, Oiiiette safety razor set, Patrick I ninth Marklnawx for Boy Boyg' Ft newt Norfolk Suit (Like dfer-- d by Wilson. four Ladies' Embroidered Swiss 2 pint, fine- nickle plated va- JT'ST by express, ta the big. new. Cut Above) With Extra Pants, $5 That Gary Dinner. linen handkerchiefs. one la- cuum bottle. Genuine sealskin Tartan plaids, now so popular; all ages The Suits in'In.lfd In this offer are "Th'1 Oiry dinner was merely aj dies tino emi ro id red linen $3 Will Buy car. Ladies1 manicure and toilet from the little fellow to the boy of 1; speWal purchases f the xurplus stix ks f r'.V' r par f the rame to rally the handkerchiefs. Ladies' fine wool sets. Knox hats. Stetson spec ;al thrse are also sold exclusively well known Huudre.l to f , pH.KJKJ from, pnr"1 sr- - l cr- wd Si a r f Fa n cy C ryst al C loth sc ft hats, dancing pumps. La- in Topefea by Palace, at ff inWiniin "tibie around Roosevelt a;ain. men's fires. "Kngiisli 'nri!urnys." ! - laun- dies" Sr ' Suirs "The But'. nationn conven- shirt. Fancy percale shirt Fine leather collar bag. silk satin even ing slippers. All mailt" of hnvy "'ovriafiMs-- fnr boys win. is t,j 7 in ChirMeo. at dered our't?. White plaito J and Lady's Travel- silk men s nisrht robes. Ladies Little Tots "ovlty Salts Troar r:n :i Jure dr-- s lined. fine bar, wont Tvtr Norfolk tr." :mie as tr.e icepunucan na- - plain shirt. One fine im- silk fibre sweaters. Men's and A new line just in by express: the latest rao.ieis. to Is je..r. nnl KVK V- Y Sf IT four-in-ha- ing clock in leather case, French c- nv- - nti. n. This arrangement ported silk in hol- women's fine shoes. Full dress New York novelty for the little hapa HAS AN KXTUA PAIU OF TUOT'SKUrf four-in-han- dr-s- 8 rid!t" driving- ly box. 2 all siik ivory harrd mirror, French ivory sets, Full white vest-- tin tin years, including T Jl.Vi' H. The boat values is r the purpos of a b"tter lare Bilk velvets, $5.0C . in holly box. White or set, dozen at $5.00 ev?r offered at f;r R. that's all." brush. Manicure 17 " -I ' Smart for boys of 6 to vear or n- Roosevelt airain declined fancy silk muffler in holly box. ladies' imported Swiss embroid- Ovtr'int9 sir upon Fast black taffeta umbrella. v!vet rollnrs. in ulnirle or doub! brastfd srvles nrnl personally tinhy to comment the ered hand k ere hiet's linen. Silk Ion (f. full rut. convertible oM:ir styles. Maib of flur- - r; ir dinner, or to outline his political Handsome walking stick. Fine anle, practical, warm. all. wool overfoutius, plain t '..r.s. H curtly refused to discuss sold plate scarf pin. Fine old knitted reefer muffler, Man's Auerbach Guettel suaaes or ian"y enww, uumatcnaiiDie ? ri utrmor.t of National Chairman plate cuff links, F ne sold plate large, silk, full dress rr.Ui.fler. values, at $5.00 Co1 " W. rro-eres-- stud set. Fine old tie holders, Fine gold cuff buttons in silk tVrkins. of the ; t s. hat "I am afraid we shall have Imrial vestogram for he watch, velvet case. Gold scarf pin in in- Eoys Xmas Furnishing Here Cheap! ;ft S E-- i r 1 & W i I so n w col- sulk ti. d.-- Rocs'-veit.- or Arro dividual box. Ladirs" fins Boys' Boys fine, y'v nnfl Oirls stra extra ''f 1 A sp :kesman for rvdonel Roosevelt, lars in box. Liffht whrht per;aie umbrella, twill fit :n suit rae Oi Toous 50c Yalirca. shirt.-- f Dome: Knitted nfflitfee ihA i it however, made thi.3 statement: pajamas. flannel. Fine Man's silk umbrella. Imported Boya' and Girls' fur jrannt-lef- s St'O-i.-- "Cidon--- Roosevelt will w t enter muslin nierht robes. Domt ilan-n- el frame. Lined Automobile gaunt- and leather tr liepahhcan or nisrht robe. Union suit, white, let, black Turkish leather. Tan grloTPs toJ-- rJ Dovs rnii iJrH. qu.T op e:h"r the I'roressive : pt 11 - Boys' Girls' plcsh cowboy, cowgrt ri. -. - eoru or natural wool. Shirt an ! reindeer Angora lined gloves. and pr- .ont:aI primaries. But if no mi- ctJj clothing CO. with nri fn'liiin suls. A IX 3 ha earbands n hy either or both conventions, f 111 drawers, wool and cotton. and dozen all silk half hose. col- gray,ti brow a, blue and wonilerful new assort- ht- natural wool. Warm winter cap ors to choose from. Siik mixed accepts." $1-0- ment, from CI f)A M anwhile. despite the statement of with fur in band. pajamas, one suit in box, Out-- EN cJlora 0 down to 1.UV Hi-h- h-- - TONIGHT s that not a candidate p.nd wd r. 't accept if nominated, his cam-- 1 is prosecuted. Murray; W. Crane, of Massachusetts, who was ir r .wn t'ohy. :s puldio;y working for -j t h Bay fare native son. I'ri- -' v..-- - he frankly declared SHARE WITH EMPLOYEES Ku- - o-- ? is 'h1 man to Wilson." Hit !MtM"k for Iluirlies. Every day of YOUR life you will get happier dividends Formor National Chairman Frank. International Harvester Company An- if you give good H HifhC'-r- is fr-- Huirhes. as is DO IT a Piano to HER this Christmas DO - IT rr.i.r Whitman if Elusrhes i.s a can- nounces Plan to Allow Workmen for Xmas tth-rv- Flowers df! i.t ise, Vv'human hopes to Liiiy Stot.-- liclovr cp. r.'! idate himself. to Market. The Spirit of Christmrj reaches the highest expres- J 'i n;o f I u -- hs will speak before sion of love in Flowers as gift3. th in this city on Chicago. Dec. 23. The Internation- Will Secure J ir. irv I At that time, it is al Harvester company announced a Here you will find all that is best in Cut Flowers, will be forc.-- 0 1 hi to his .dan to assist its 3 3.00 employees to Plants, Corsages, Baskets and Wreathes. I l.'nless h- - expects to be $ 0 You New become stock hoi dors and sharers in a u'-- ! t Piaoo - accept the n.minaton. he the company's profits. risonas Wreaths v.i'.l pr - .iidi have to cancel hij en- I'nder the plan, which becomes . tomorrow, all employees, will Roso-f- Arariran Beauties. Window wreaths, auto wreaths, A" di'.'.n-'-- at the Waldorf in April. have an opportunity to purchase prof- $5 or So a Month Will Pay for It Come in Now Carr.aLions. Kaster Lilipa. yellow and cemetery wreaths In a, win's I'l2. Jus'icp Kuhvs declared that he it sharing in company, and white Xarciasis. Hyacinths variety from n ' certificates the of combinations l:d th'1 presi'lenrv ani he p n n ts for will be ma d e and Sweet Peas. a:-d- ly . nv which in S5c to S5.C0. ha rvj. rated this state-rr.-r.- r. monthly installments from their sal- aries. Blooming Plants i r IVr.r e. r?- - Xmas Trees elt-c:- wha These certificates, it is provided, Poinaettlafl. Begonias. n C- ! r i so t Azaleas. Roosevelt ;ttrly may be convened into stock at a rate &. Cyclamen. Lilies. Hra-cinth- Blocked and to mM, f ".- - :.t. h :r; a r Tuesday Easter ra3 - rived below S3.00. - market value. Kloman Nord Primroses and I'rimulaa. 50c to nh- and .it Waldorf Ator:a. To every empb yee : ur.(l- who takes It rst he was sum- - of the offer before March 1. Leave your orders early with your Cards and we will hr ly Wdham Barnes and 1 J 1 ri. company will to hi? t the add proper ..ther leaders, who are payments one per cent of hia earnings care for and deliver at the time. s r- - jiarrrio j bv th c- donei's annually. Always Reasonable. l:'"rri. It is WiS' Prices Barnesi Interest will b paid at the rate of itn.l i'T.r- ?e would be to five per cent per annum on all em- down the cardidacy of Kusrhes pa: ' th--- ployees mr.ts. and credits on the T'Tvent ri- nur.ati- n sroins to K profit sharing certificates. Provision HUBBARD'S - made f r postponement of payments 529 Ave. liiirton Artu.'ol. T'x. in case of illness or unavoidable lay Phcrc 10. Kansas Theodor- E. tlurtr.. Ohio's favor-nt-- 1- off. Certificates can bo turned into son. is comir as fast as an ss cash at the will nf the employee. The can l.rir. him and is due plan will terminate in Januarv, 1921. t arrive today. In addition to h.Ls alarm .ar the shadow that C- Ionel is castir.c "n the wad. he MANY BIO BILL TOTERS K".vel:- uar.ti t- ask a tvr questions of (ow. err-- Whitman. Whitman is ail-;r- d t. ' have promi ed his support to Bur--t n Thn he s:idilor.Ey withdrew it in StrrM Car Conductors Complain of the f iv .r of Hughes with the hope that he Number of 510 Xotcs Presented 7 r . s rzii swir.e under the wire himself as ri a irl in Payment of Fares. Several conductors of the cars of the 1 GREGORY OUT Topeka Railway company are a- n f?:r ISJ.ET that there is an epidemic of sm.s ten dollar bill "torers" in Topeka. The 9i old e.i? of eettinc on the street car Vacuum Electric Kana ity Xesrro C'onTk-te- of Mur-do- r and flashing a "ten" on the conductor is iraatei! a Parole, by f"T a free ride is being- worked over- Cleaner Washer time these days, it is claimed. (lovomor ( apprr. "The men who do this are usually Other Pianos New and Used younsr conduc- PIANOLA 1,000 Pianos -- fellows." explained one "a;.per has ranrad a pa- tor. They are of the ro'iarh-nec- k role ro Louis "ir? ry. Wyandotte type and think they are pulling off a We Can Certainly Please You! 3 The Christmas Spirit Shines in cou r. t y near", sen t to the pe ri: ten ry f:r.e stunt. The ther day one of the Player-Piano- tia m-- STEIN n WAY s for niu .n 1 t was on the takland where the We have more Pianos end more well known makes than can be t - n practice is overdeveloped, ser pr;s for 'he murder of Roy went on his for a New We Mart.r. cr ,pr.i-- of the Kansas City, run prepared. He had nine rolls nf S509 Upright carryall the Pianolas. found in any one store in the United States ELECTRICAL GIFTS Kan . :r-"- arr. nickels in his pockets and when the Steinway Pianola. Weber Such presents a sewinjr or talkino; machine As ,t rsuir of th1 Mart:n killing a yoims man with the ten dollar bill for a New Pianola, as motor. El ri'e rir.t faced the Kansas s:de frt on the car he proceeded to charee Steck Pianola, Grilstovo, toaster, egg boiier, coffee percolator, iron heat- Stuy-vesa- nt Us tow. n n t i:. n til rate schools the bill much to the chagrin of the $750 Grand Wheelock Pianola, Give an Hour of Your Time, or Write Us w- - r- few-mor-e er, heating pad express most fittingly your desire to give - prvid-- the r.esroes did the ynunsr man. If we can ""ad a Pianola, tr'1:! subside. Martin was killed in of "em up with nickels we will Stroad REAL help and LASTING pleasure in the home. n par'c Th'-r- he was working with be able to stop this practice." Pianola. All on easy (.orre members of the high VOSE, $360 terms. fek ry sch 'I tra'-- Ore-o- and Netrroes Were Insulted." sfl ? Have your house wired for electricity, and en- other M-.- 1 yjr.z men thr-- clods ani stones at St. Louis. Dec. 23. The St. it wk. Mtmj& - n KURTir.!ANN, - Prices as m joy benefits. Telephone 4080 .o- ,v r: i'n ana wn-- iart:n pro-- Louis Symphony orchestra of 75 $325 its for an Illum t- - &: T'l thr'terei t., pur nesro pieces last r.isrht rave it-- - Christmas and these well known, de- Low as $550 ination engineer to cau ana give you plans and f out rh- - p;.rk. Orcnrv drew a re-- present to th people of St. Louis a r .n l The 'bulift pene- - free concur: in the coliseum. Esti- pendable pianos: Weber, ELBURN CSQC estimate. trnre.i Martin's heart. mates of the attendance vary between Ludwig. Strich & Zeidier, Player SohfsfWsicCo. p:;noe Piano... ijLJ3 to the 5.000 and 7. "00. Several hundred s. Grerv hps made an excellent reenrri feelinsr c ff nded because they Estey, Harwood. Schaefler. HARWOOD 714 KAXSAS AVOTE, TOPEJi.V. KAXSAS. Tie an office trusty under the ad- - were asked to sit V- one section, in- Barmore, and 1 and tf97C The Topeka Edison Co. y rr.:nUr-U- : r. 0 1 D of both rnddine and Bot- - stead of scattered throughout the Many Others Player Piano... I kin and because of his good prison buildinsr. departed in a body before pl2UiP 10 Our Store Open Tonight SOS Kansas Ave. Telephone 4080 record, was given a parole. the concert began. Ii a Month