
Adequate fire Precautions Protect Providence Center The disastrous fire In the Yonk­ Other Inspections were made ers, N. Y., JewlshCommunityCen­ at the staff's request by Fire ter recently, which took the lives Department and Insurance Inspec­ ISLAND of nine children and three adults, tors to determine If there were focused attention on the fire safe­ any further precautions which ty of local buildings where large might be recommended by the THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. numbers of children and adults experts. These suggestions are meet regularly. being worked out. VOL. XLIX, NO. 45 FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1966 15c PER COPY 12 PAGES According to Dr. Bernard Carp, Among the additional recom­ executive director of the Provi­ mendations which were made are dence Jewish Community Center, the addition of signs clearly show­ and Harvey Lorberbaum, assis­ Ing the location of each exit and tant director, fire safety has been of each fire extinguisher, as well Jewish Youths Charged a matter with which the staff of as the addition or a second fire the Center has been concerned bell, and the Inauguration or tire constantly. drills. In Synagogue Burglaries Two recent fire safety Inspec­ In addition the National Jew­ tions had been made of the C en­ ish Welfare Board, with which NEW YORK, N. Y. - S_even and said he was studying for the ter a full month before the occur­ the. Providence JCC Is affiliated, J ewlsh youths were arrested last rabbinate. When he said he was rence of the Yonkers fire. has also made certain recom­ week on charges or stealing or also In the exporting business, mendations which have been care­ receiving stolen goods from more Magistrate Maglio Interjected: The first check, a regulation fully checked out by staff and than 10 Brooklyn synagogues and "What was he planning to ex­ annual Inspection by the Provi­ Center officers. many homes. The total loot garner­ port this time? The Federal au­ dence Fire Department, showed "The net result," according ed by the gang Is said to have run thorities, I am sure, will be check­ .•L that the fire precautions at the to Dr. Carp, "Is that the Provi­ Into several thousand dollars, and Ing his bllls of lading.'' Center were adequate--each floor dence Center membership and to have Included typewrtters, tape Parents of at least two of the has three exits; there are readily, community can reel confident In recorders, lamps and public ad­ defendants were In court. One of accessible fire extinguishers on the fullest safety of the Provi­ dress equipment, most of which them, the mother of Bernard each floor, and there Is a fire dence Jewish Community Center was recovered. The boys were Gruber, 19, of 4511 15th Avenue, alarm bell. facllltles and program." arrested after one or them tried wept as she spoke In Yiddish to to sell a typewriter which police a rabbi or one of the burglarized I' said had been stolen. synagogues. Rabbi The gang of seven Included "He fell In with these acquain­ Outspoken Deplores RABBI SAUL LEEMAN five r efugees and one Juvenile. tances. He did nothing. We moved When slX of the seven were ar­ here to Brooklyn from the Lower Decline Of Scholarly Leaders. Publication Society raigned In Brooklyn C rlmlnal East Side because I did not want NEW YORK CITY--Rabbl Ar- tng," says tnat, instead, "he has Court, Magistrate Anthony E, Mag­ him to have bad friends.'' ar Hertzberg of Temple E manu­ become peripheral to the major lio asked one youth If his 1»-rents Actually her son was not ac­ E ! , Englewood, N.J., who Is well­ social struggle of this age." Names Leeman were present. The defendant re­ cused of having committed any known for his outspoken comments "The Jewish community with­ plied: burglarizing. He was charged with on Jewish religious life, writes In which the rabbis are working To Committee "I phoned my father, and he having received a stolen phono­ In the current Issue of a month­ today sees Itself for the most wasn't Interested Incoming down." graph and keeping It In his house. Rabbi Saul LeemanoftheCran­ Thi:; young man, Wllllam Hal­ He had no criminal record, but ly review that the rabbinate no part," he writes "as the servant ston Jewish Center Is one of nve longer exercises any religious In­ of !ts own survival. There are pern, I 9 years old, said he lived like most of the others was a men appointed last week by the with friends at 4722 Beverly Road. school dropout. He was born In fluence over Its congregations. no great, Individual rabbinic J ewlsh Publication Society to serve In "Midstream," a Jewish careers, because there are no He was born In Germany and the Soviet Union. as a Committee or Translators lived In Israel and Brazil before For the most part, the young magazine, he describes the rabbi shared Jewish purposes on the for Its new Bible translation. This of today as higher salaried but A merlcan scene grand enough to coming to thls country. prisoners lived In comfortable ' new group of translators Is being Like two others, he had a surroundings, either In private ' less powerful than th_s, rabbi or evoke them." assigned to work on the K'tuvlm a generation ago, and lie deplores Rabbi Hertzberg holds that criminal record. Two of the slX homes or In a1»-rtment houses In (the Hagiographa or the Writings) have been under psychiatric treat­ the Boro Park section of Brooklyn, the decline. of scholarly rabbis. the present crisis "In the hearts - the third section of the Jewish The rabbi of today Is less a and souls of American rabbis Is ment, and only one of them seemed One defendant's mother told her Holy Scriptures - and wlll be­ to be Interested In school. He was son's lawyer: religious leader than an adminis­ caused by the bigness and the gin Its work on the Book of Psalms. Sherman Kahn, 20 years old, of "I gave him everything. He trator, pastoral psychiatrist, book success of the synagogue, the de­ Committee members are Dr. reviewer, entertainer and com­ personalization of the Individual 1965 East Seventh Street, who was wanted for nothing.'' Moshe Greenberg, Professor of taking courses at Brooklyn College (C ontlnued on Page 12) mentator on cultural and politi­ rabbi, and the strengthening of Biblical Studies, University of cal life, he writes. the central rabbinical bodies of Pennsylvania; Dr. Jonas Green­ "All of these," he says, "are the various branches of Judaism." field, Professor of Semitics, now much or the business of Jew­ In an Interview, he pleaded Berkeley University; Dr.Saul Lee­ US May Sell Food To UAR, ish life, not because the rabbis for the abandonment of such rab0 man, Rabbi of the Cranston Jew­ really care about any of them, blnical administrative functions as lsh Center; Dr. Martin Rozenberg, and not, as some of their crit­ membership on boards and com­ Rabbi of Port Washington, N. Y,, Israel, On Equal Terms ics have been maintaining, be­ mittees . and called for the re­ and Dr. Nahum Sarna, Professor WASHINGTON - Israel has foreign reserves available to pur­ cause the American rabbis have turn of the rabbi to "his classic of Bible, Brandeis University. Dr, requested a renewal of surplus­ chase arms. The Administration's become vulgar. The rabbinate to­ !Unction of being a creative Jew­ Chaim Potok of the Jewish Pub­ food assistance which the Johnson agreement to these terms ls con­ day Is, essentially, neither Judge lsh scholar so that he has some­ lication Society will serve as sec­ Administration Is· considering sidered probable, J».rlly to pro­ nor leader. It Is the agent of thing ... uniquely his own." retary of the committee. favorably, according to Informed tect · Itself against charges that a remaining powerful and perva­ "The rabbi " heconcluded "Is The original committee, which sources. Earlier this year theAd­ more favorable terms were sive emotion about Jewish to­ not supposed 'to speak for' the three years ago published the new mlnlstratlon announced Its Inten­ granted the United Arab Republic. getherness.'' consensus of his congregation; he Torah translation, wlll continue tion to sell surplus food to Israel The financing terms for Israel Rabbi Hertzberg, contending Is supposed to speak for the wis­ work on the second section of only for dollars, but Indications are expected to follow somewhat that the "rabbi's more contem­ dom of the Jewish tradition on the Bible, the prophets. Members now are that Israel can get the the pattern or the$55-mllllon,slx­ porary role as the leader of the moral and spiritual Issues with­ of that committee are Dr. Max food on easier terms. month agreement reached last Jews In a hostile world, or as In the congregation regardless of Arzt, vice-chancellor, Jewish Israel has applied for $70 mil­ week with the United Arab Re­ a moral guide to their political what his congregation might Theological Seminary; Dr. Ber­ lion In surplus foods In the next public. Under that, Cairo will J».Y action, Is constantly diminish- . think." nard J. Bamberger, Rabbi of Con­ two years, and hopes to pay !or tor about one-fourth of the sur­ gregation Shaaray Teflla, New It In her own currency. If this plus food In dollars and the rest York City; Dr. Harry Freedman Is permitted, she 'will have more In Egyptian currency. Kansas Jewish Community of Sydney, Australia; Dr. H. H. The agreement with Cairo had Ginsberg, Professor of Bible, Jew­ IIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIUIIIHlllltlllllllllllfflHIIHIIIIII the effect of Increasing the pres­ ish Theological Seminary, and sure on the Administration to re­ Disputes Its Obituary Notice Harry M. Orlinsky, Professor of lmre Noth, First new surplus-food shipments to Is­ LEAVENWORTH, Kan. - The this year, he said, Marvin Rosen­ Bible, Hebrew UnionCollege-Jew­ R. I. Jewish Baby, rael. By quickly entering Into an Jewish community of this city, berg, congregation president, had lsh Institute of Religion. agreement with Israel, the Admin­ though small quantitatively, Is very made arrangements to have serv­ Dr. Leeman, a graduate of the Born Jan. 5, 1966 istration may be able to offset much alive and anything but extinct, ices transmitted by telephone Teachers Institute of Yeshiva Uni­ some of the Congressional criti­ It was dee la red here recently In through the cooperation of Rabbi versity, received his Ph. D. In the The first Jewish baby ·of the cism It expects for having resumed order to correct erroneous Im­ William B. Silverman, of Temple field of Bible studies from the New Year In Rhode Island seems economic assistance to Cairo. pressions spread In the press. B'nal Jehudah, In Kansas City. Jewish Theological Seminary. He to be Imre Noth, who arrived at By coincidence, the previous The error, terming Leaven­ More than 50 Jews living In wrote an evaluation of the new 5:19 A.M. on January 5 at the agreement with Israel - a three­ worth's Jewish community "ex­ Leavenworth and Ft. Leavenworth translation of the Torah when It Providence Lying-In Hospital. The year program providing for $76 tinct," was due to a correct re­ participated In those services, he first appeared, for "Conservative first child and ·son of Mr. and million In surplus food - ex­ port about a small synagogue here declared. Judaism" and for "Jewish Educa­ Mrs. Theodore Noth of 20 Taft pired June 30 at the same time having sent several Torah scrolls tion." Rabbi Leeman was a student Avenue, formerly of Tel Aviv, as the agreement with the EgYP­ to Israel, according to Ralph W. "The loyal Jews of Leaven­ of Dr. Ginsberg, a member of the Israel, he weighed In at seven tlans, Since October, Israel has Slckel, secretary of Temple B'nai worth," he stated, "feel It neces­ original committee of translators. pounds, six ounces, been urging a renewal of her agree­ sary to clear up this grave mis­ The new baby Is named after ment, to provide $70 million In Jeshurun. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Those scrolls, he said, had understanding. Readers are In­ Mr. Noth's late father. The J».­ wheat, feed grains and vegetable belonged previously to a small vited to come here and see how a More Answers To Segal ternal grandmother, Mrs. Eme­ oils .over the next two years. In synagogue, The House of Jacob, small group of living Jews carry rich Noth, and the maternal grand­ addition, Israel has asked for $39 which had to dissolve because on. the teachings and command­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menahlm million In development loans. the congregation found It Impossi­ ments of Judaism In spite of ob­ To Appear Next Week Pltchon, all live In Tel Aviv. Both surplus-food agreements ble to maintain a required num­ stacles.'' A number of an swers to 11111111111111111fi111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 have an Indirect mWtary \mpa<:t ber of worshipers for a mlnyan He noted that Leavenworth Beryl Segal's article In last RABBI FOR RED BERLIN on the Middle East, despite their (quorum of 10). However,'1enoted, Jewry has a very active B'na1 week's Herald, .,The Home and WEST BERLIN-TheJewlsh­ humanitarian purpose. "the congregation of Temple B'na1 B'rlth chapter, 1»-rtlclpates In the the Survey.'' arrived too late Congregatlon of East Berlin, In the To the extent that the United Jeshurun still very much exists." ·work of Hadassah, maintains a for Inclusion In this week's Communist-held section of the Arab Republic can obtain surplus While the temple does not em­ Temple Sisterhood, aids the work publication. city, has named Edmund Singer to foods from the United States, It Is ploy a full time rabbi of Its own, of the National Council of Jewish They wlll appear In next be Its new chief rabbi. Rabbi able to plant and to sell more he said, services are held at the Women, and contributes funds to week's Herald. Singer has been living until now In cotton to the Soviet Union to fl- temple. During the High Holy Days Israel causes. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n1111111111111111111 Budapest. (Conttnued on Page 12) ------

2 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY,JANUARY 7, 1966 Israeli Pioneer Hero Golden Brown Crisp •ADVERTISING~ Seawater Desalfing PINEAPPLE PANCAKES Abraham Shapiro, Dies · Hot Syrup and Butter lAYOUT--ARTWORK Cont erence Slated EAST SIDE DIMER TEL AVIV - Abraham Sha­ .• , have an ADache?? TEL AVIV - Israeli and piro, who was a hero when Tel · 360 Waterman St. Red Bridge • Call 351-3767 American experts will meet In Avlv and Petah Tlkvah were small Washington In February to study Jewish 'Islands In a Palestinian three reports on the Joint United Arab sea, died last week In Petah States-Israeli plans for developing Tlkvah. He was 95 years old. the project In this country ror The old fighter was best known desalination of seawater. as the leader of the defenders of Petah Tlkvah In Its pioneer­ The announcement was made Ing days. by Mekorot Water Company, Ltd., Sixty Bedouins and !our Jews the public utility charged with the were killed In the battle, and development of major Irrigation Mr. Shapiro became a legend In projects and of water supply ror 'hts lifetime. Jauob N. Temkin all of Israel. Mekorot Is owned After that encounter, the - jointly by the Israel Government, Bedouins or the Abu Klshek , Hlstadrut, and the Jewish Agency tribe, living near Petah Tlkvah, Life - Accident - Sickness - Major Medical CAMP CO-DmECTOR -- Dr. jointly with the Jewish National became friendly neighbors. In sub­ Robert L Krasner, a microbio­ Fund. sequent Arab riots Petah Tlkvah logist on sabbatical leave from The reports to be discussed In was never attacked again. 469 Angell Street Providence College, has been Washington, a spokesman for Me­ Bedouin tribes called upon him named co-director of Camps We­ korot stated,. will deal with the occasionally to adjudicate their Providence, Rhode Island keela-Nalad In Hartford and Tur­ economic aspects _of the plan ror disputes. ner, Maine. He has served on the a nuclear plant to be used for Mr. Shapiro gained fame ror EL 1-5000 RES. PA 5-2576 camp stair for a total of eight desalination, the specific prob­ rearlessly riding on horseback Into years, most recently as assis­ fems regarding atomic develop-­ the countryside In pursuit of Arab The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. tant director, and before that was ment and the organizational set­ brigands. He was said to have a staff member at Boy Scout Camp up of the entire project. ridden as far as Saudi Arabia Yawgoog. He was awarded the chasing robbers. Bucklin Medal ror service to To further the final studies ror So highly was he esteemed Providence district scouting, and the project, Mekorot announced that government authorities fre­ PIERCE & ROSENFIELD has directed a large New York that It has allocated $500,000 ror quently called upon him to mediate State scout camp. the next fiscal year. Arab blood feuds. ,~ MEAT & POULTRY MARKET ~ Dr. Krasner, who Is spending his sabbatical leave at the U.S. 136 OAKLAND AVE . (across from Temple Beth David) Army Biological Laboratories In Frederick, Md., has also been "The House Of Prime" program director or a youth camp I. I In Japan. His wtre, the former SAMUEL GOLDBERG Sugarman Memorial Chapel. PRIME - BONE IN - CUT TO ORDER Lee Friedman of Cranston, Is a Funeral services for Samuel Burial was at Wellwood Ceme­ • graduate nurse, and has worked Goldberg, 62, or 46 Grandview tery, Long Island. with him at camp. Avenue, Saylesvllle, who dledSun­ A son of Isaac and Rebecca : Delmonico STEAKS lb. 1. J 9 day, were held privately at the Wittner, he was born In New York • _T_E_fi_D_E_R ___ Y_O_U_N_G___ K_ O_S_H_ER_E_D______A Herald ad always gets best V. R. Knight Funeral Home In City, where he lived before moving results - our subscribers com­ Cumberland on Wednesday. Burial to Pawtucket three months ago. prise an active buying market. was In Moshassuck Cemetery, He was a messenger for a de­ : CHICKEN LEGS 1b. Central Falls. He was the husband livery service. • 5 Sc Joe TAKES HOME of Marlon H. (Blackmar) Gold­ He Is survived by a brother, • OUR LOW, LOW PRICES - MEANS SAVINGS TO YOU FIVE ORDERS QUITE OFTEN berg. Emanuel Wittner of Pawtucket. FRIED Born in Providence, a son of • • • the late Morris and Molly (Pearl) KENTUCKY CHICKEN FREDERICK KA VOL SKY Goldenberg, he had lived In Funeral services for Frederick FREE DELIVERY •t~:~i~~' JA 1-3888 756 Hope .St., Prov. Lincoln ror 27 years. He was the 861-9010 Ka vol sky. 75 , of 293 Franklin owner and operator or the former Street, Fall River, Mass., a prom­ Saylesvllle Pharmacy ror over 30 inent attorney, who died Dec. 30 , years and at his death was the were held the following day at owner and operator of the Ross Templf Beth El In Fall River. Drug Company, In Garden City, Burial was In Mt. Hope Cemetery, Cranston. Swansea, Mass. He was a past master or Unity A graduate of Harvard Law Lodge, F. & A.M., Cumberland, School. he ma.lntalned law offices and a member or the Rhode Is­ In Fall River and served as chair­ land Consistory. He was a 32nd man of the government appeal agent degree Mason and a member of for the Selective Service. Palestine Temple Lodge or Shrln­ The husband of the late Mrs. Holiday spending ers. Ida (Frant) Kavolsky, he was born Mr. Goldberg was a graduate of In Fall River, a son of the late the Rhode Island School or Phar­ Louis and Fanny (Smolensky) Ka­ macy, class of 1924. vol sky. He had lived In that city Survivors Include his son, Ross all his life. leave you strapped? H. Goldberg of Lincoln; six sis­ He was a veteran of World ters, Mrs. Frank Paull or Cran­ War I. ston, Mrs. Julia Geller or Free­ He held membership In Temple port, L. L, Mrs. George Hoch­ Beth El, Adas Israel Synagogue. man, Mrs. Max Nulman, and Mlss the Masons. the Elks, the Fall Ann Goldenberg, all of Pro_vldence River Masonic Consistory and the and Mrs. Benjamin Brenner or Aleppo Masonic Temple. Long Island; three brothers,Jacob Surviving are three brothers, and Simon Goldenberg, both or David and Samuel C. Kava! sky, Providence, and Max Goldenberg of both of Fall River, and Joseph Brooklyn, N.Y. Kavolsky of New York City; four • • • sisters, Mrs. E. S. Feinstein and Hospital Trust has a good BENJAMIN ABELSON Mrs. Harold Solow, both of New Funeral services for Benjamin York City, and Mrs. Charles E. ~ solution. A low-cost Personal Abelson, 72, the owner of the Schuman of Fall River, and Mrs. Ii))__ "L oan. Park Liquor Shop at 916 Chalk­ S. H. Kushner.. of .Providence. . stone Avenue, who died Dec. 30 of a severe beating he suffered HERMAN J . REKANT Or perhaps you have insur­ when the store was held up, was Funeral services !or Herman held the following day at the Max J. Rekant, 72, of 38 Twelfth Street, ance premiums coming due, or tuition , Sugarman Memorial Chapel. who died Tuesday, were held Wed­ Burial was In Lincoln Park Ceme­ nesday at the MaxSugarmanMem­ tery. Mr. Abelson lived at 142 orlal Chapel. Burial was In the fees, or medical bills.You can borrow the Hillside Avenue, Pawtucket. Jewish Cemetery, Middletown. He · The husband of Ida (Welner) was the husband of Shirley (Rosen­ needed amount and have monthly pay­ Abelson, he was born In Boston thal) Rekant. on April 18, 1893, a son of the Born In Poland on M1

David WOULD RATHER Being Edited At Hebrew University PROFESSIONAL A TEL AVIV--Scholars at He­ trom generation to generation the - SWITCH THAN FIGHT brew University In Jerusalem are art of reading the texts and even HAIR CUTTING preparing a new edition of the a prescribed melody for them. In KENTUCKY c~~~~~N · Hebrew Bible, using ancient man­ the eighth century, when vowel • No Gimmicks- uscripts that have recently come signs and cantlllatlon marks were • No New Fads 756 Hope St., Prov. 861 -9010 to light and treating the Aleppo Invented, the Masor.ltes began In• • Just A Real Good Codex as the basic text. This scribing the symbols In Old Testa­ Haircut ; codex (or manuscript book) Is ment folios. Those folios were • Still $1.75 said to be the very one that rab­ for study purposes but not for y STmN BERNAT, M.D. blnlco sages In medleval times rt tual readings In synagogues. COlolE IN AND MEET Opened his offiee for treated as the master text of the The Aleppo Codex Is such a AL CESINO and TONY LANNI S.nerel Practice Scriptures. the end said the 24 books had et The manuscript was feared lost been wrl tten by Solomon Ben OUR MANICURIST, 8. 8. In I 948 when Arab rioters burned Buya' a and "pointed and given a ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES 184 A119ell Street Providnce, R.I. and plllaged the Old Synagogue In full Massorah by the great scholar Wayland Manor Aleppo, Syria. However, about and wise sage .•. Mas ter Rab Aaron, i Receives by Appointment three-quarters of It has been res­ the son of Master Rab Asher." Hotel TELEPHONE cued and smuggledlntoJerusalem. According to the colophon, the Barber Shop Office Reoldence The salvaged pages are being codex was carried off to Egypt compared word by word with as booty by the Sel Juks who sack­ 500 ANGELL ST., PROV. 421-3155 751-5908 ENGAGED-Mr. and Mrs. Archie Spe&.u also French, Italian, strolls recovered from the Dead ed Jerusalem In 1071, and It was PL 1-7700 German. Hungarian, Yugoalav Sea caves and other manu­ ransomed by the Jewish commun­ Straus of Richmond, Va ., an­ scripts and fragments, some of ity of Cairo. nounce the engagement of their them more than 1,000 years older Maimonides, the gr eat 12th daughter, Janet Murie l, to Alan than the Aleppo Codex. The edi­ century scholar who lived In Cairo, Robert Davis , son of Mr. and DISTURBED? tors have also been collating the said In hi s Code laying down rules Mrs. Jeffrey Davis of Providence. Miss Straus attended the A­ Your Auto Insurance texts with blbll~al quotations for writing Torah scroll s that gleaned from the New Testament his authority was "a copy ... that merican University In Washington, Premium CAN Be Lower' ~ and rabbinic literature of the was formerly In Jerusalem ... and D.C., and was graduated from Misbin Agency, Inc. $ period of the Jewish Temple, as everybody accepted It as authori­ the University of Richmond, School of Business Administration. She Is liclr: MtAlin 34 Pontiac Ave., Providence 781-9676 ~ well as with ancient translations tative for Ben Asher corrected Into Arabic, Aramaic, Greek, La­ it many times." a member of Alpha Society. Mr. Davis was graduated from tin and Syriac. Professor Gosher-GOttstetn All dlvergencles attributable Providence College and attended said Maimonides' refe rence was the University of Arizona Graduate FRED SPIGEL'S to ancient Hebrew rexes are ro undoubtedly to the Aleppo be printed underneath the basic School In Tucson, Ariz., where he Codex pointed by Aaron Ben As­ was elected to Phi Alpha Theta, text In the new edition, offering her. However, the Ben As hers KOSHER MEAT MARKET what the editors believe wlll be National Honor Society In Hi story. were a dynasty of Masorltes and A summer wedding Is planned. · 243 RESERVOIR AVE., PROVIDENCE HO 1-0425 the most complete compilation of some experts belleve Maimonides variant readings ever assembled. alluded to a text pointed by Aaron's Midget SALAMI or BOLOGNA each 89c The project ls scheduled for fat her. completion by about the year 2,- How the code reached Aleppo Death Sentence 000. The first volume w!II be Kraft White American CHEESE - bulk 55c Is un certain but It Is believed the Book of Isaiah. A sample here tha t It was brought by Mai­ lb. edlton containing the Introduction monides' great- great- grea t­ for Collaborator Cooked ROAST BEEF 1.79 and four chapters has al ready been grandson. Rabbi David Hanagld, lb. 69c distributed to scholars through­ who moved to Aleppo In 1375 LONDON - Ivan Melnlkov, Whole RIBS out the world for comment be­ and rook various manuscripts wt rh a Russian citizen accused of parti­ fore the full volume goes to press. him . The Alepro Jewis h community cipation during World War Il In Dlvergencles between the guarded the treasure so Jealously the murder or underground Aleppo Codex and Hebrew texts that when Prof. A. H. Cassuto fighters, has been condemned to familiar to contemporary rabbis of the He brew Uni versity visited death by a Soviet Court, accord­ RUTH'S APPAREL do not affect religious beliefs or the city In I 946, he was not per­ Ing to a dispatch received here hi storic record, according to Pr of. mitted ro spend more than a few last week from Moscow. 764 Hope St., Providence Chaim Rabin, one of the editors. days examining It and was for­ He pleaded guilty to ha vlng He said In an Interview that the bidden to photograph It. been a member or the nazl occu­ differences are In grammar. spell­ Two year s later 1t was pation police force: He fled In ing . punctuation, accents and the burned. 1943 when the Soviet Army ap­ ==~L.E:: like. Only 11 pages of the Penta­ proached the area In which he DUE TO OUR LIMITED SPACE WE HAVE However, he observed that old­ teuch were salvaged. However, was collaborating with the nazls, but was caught and arres ted r e­ TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING LINE er sources contained variant r ead­ most of the Prophets were some­ ings that frequently we re fun da­ how saved. cently. mental . ON ALL FALL KNIT DRESSES Apart from Dr. Rabin, a pro­ fessor of the He brew language , • &. SUITS the members of the editorial board are Prof. Moshe H. Goshen-Gott­ stein of the Semitic lingul s tlcs depar011ent and Prof. Shmeryahu 40o/o OFF Talmon of the department of Bible studies. DE 1-4030 Secul ar schol ars of the Bible believe that before Hebrew holy YOU'RE FACING BIG CHANGES writ was refined and delimited by the Sanhedr in, the supreme coun­ WHEN MEDICARE GETS HERE cil of the Jews, at the end of Medicare, whether you like it " Why are we giving so much the first century, scribes copying or not, whether it's right or money lo YOUR parents and so prophets' manuscripts frequently wrong, will probably be one of little to mine?" QUALITY TALKS edited and sometimes amplified the major developments of your EXAMPLE NO. 2 - Mr. and texts. There were thus different life. No matter how old yo u are. Mrs. J ohn Jones, both having re­ versions in circulation. Medicare will ease some suffer­ tired parents with meager savings Louder Than Words That seems to explain why ing and save some lives of those and both frightened by the fan­ biblical verses quoted by rab­ over age 65, to be sure. But it tastic costs that would fall on binic sages In Talmudic litera­ will go beyond this, to affect the them if the parents developed ture sometimes appear incorrect fortunes of people between age serious illness, are paying health to today's Bible students. It also 40 and 55, of merchants, of 18- insurance premiums for both sets Go Where The Hunting Is Good! accounts for some of the diver­ yeai:-olds, and of those in charge of parents. Medicare will provide gencles In old translations. of savings accounts at the bank. what their premiums have been From the second century on­ Because the illness and threat­ buying, so in July they will be ward, there appears to have been ened illness of Granpa and Grand­ reclaiming $34 a month to spend. only a unified Hebrew text In ma have dammed up a veritable There may still be private insur­ circulation. All translations from flood of money all these years, HUNTING FOR A GOOD, DEPENDABLE USED · the Hebrew since then were ap­ ance to supplement Medicare. But coming of Medicare parently based on an Identical and with the it will not be so expensive. The next July the dam is going let CAR? TRY BEECROFT CHEVYLAND FIRST. text. to Jones may feel the supplement is Blblllcal manuscripts In those go. not necessary since Medicare will OUR USED CAR LOT IS LIKE AN OPEN BOOK. days were deciphered by specially EXAMPLE NO. I - William have eliminated the treat of a Smith, married and the father of financial disaster to them. trained scholars called "Maso­ WE INVITE YOU TO CAREFULLY INSPECT OUR children, is contributing $40 EXAMPLE NO. 3 - Jimmy rites,'' who passed down orally three QUALITY LINE-UP. a month for the medical needs of Green, a high school senior intent his aging parents. Whatever it is on entering college soon, has the that ails the parents may well be assurance of a college fund of • LARGEST SELECTION OF. CLEAN CARS. Israeli Business cured if they can get treatment $2,300 his parents have been by competent doctors and reason­ building for him through the • MOST ARE ONE-OWNER TRADES. Seeks Partners able hospital care, which will be years. But Grandpa, age 68, NEW YORK - The Depart­ pro••ided by Medicare but which shows up with cancer. And a • FULLY GUARANTEED. ment for Economic Affairs and until now nobody could afford. In series of operations. And med­ Investments of the Zionist Organ­ any case, this treatment and care ical bills of $8,300. With savings izations of America had announced • MOST MAKES AND MODELS. can start in July and will be vir­ of $850. There is no health in­ that It has available a list of 47 tually free except for a fee of surance. It is better to save Israeli enterprises and workshops, $3 a month. So, however things Grandpa than to educate Jimmy, • REALISTICALLY PRICED. ranging from hotels to manufac­ go, the son should be freed of so · the $2,300 college fund plus turers of cooling compressors and his $40 a month burden. a mortgage on the home goes to textiles, who are seeking part­ So Smith and his wife will re­ the hospitals and doctors. ners abroad. claim enough of their income to Medicare will remove the threat The list has been compiled by make installment purchases of a to Jimmy's $2,300. The additional the Israel Government Investment refrigerator and a sofa or of a expenses it saves his own par­ Authority and submitted to the second-hand car. They will be ents may provide him the money " THE HOME OF GOOD SERVICE " Department. relieved of the constant threat to join a fraternity. that the $40 could have jumped ~OUTt-J~h•• f,Hy..,· 1,... ,,lt,',U) L/,k:,f)T (HfV ROl[ l DfAUli. N9w GOLDEN YEARS 36-pav• booklet A Herald ad always gets best" to $80 at any time. They will be now ready. Send SOc in coin to Dept. results - our subscribers com­ done with one of the serious CSPS, care ol this newapa.per, to lox 333 Niantic Ave. Provide nce 944-2500 .1672 , Grand c ..1trcd Stcrtion. New York prise an active buying market. cockleburs of marriage, which is 17, N.Y. - ~


' ' - Going Out Of Business Sale - .,I I ' Complete Liquidation Of Entire Stock SURPRISE CELEBRATION A surprise thirtieth wedding Gifts From All Over The World anniversary party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Aronson of 83 Colonial Road by their children, SALE BEGINS JANUARY 10, 1966 ..... Stephen Aronson of Albany, N.Y ., and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flamer, at the Flamers• home al 73 Shef­ CRAE'S GIFT CENTER field Avenue, Pawtucket, on Sun­ 247 Academy Avenue Providence day evening, January 2. About 60 guests attended the party. VISIT IN FLORIDA Susan and Lenore Shatkln, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Shatkln of Cranston, spent the school holiday In Miami Beach, Fla., with their uncle and aunt, Lean on EXPERIENCEI Dr. and Mrs. Josef Intrater of ENGAGED - Dr. and Mrs. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. OUR YOUNGER SET-Traci Ann Charles Potter of Fosdyke Street Rosenfield, one year old, Is the announce the engagement of their 30TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas daughter, Miss Deborah Ruth Pot­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chernov Rosenfield of 44 Foster Street, ter, to Elliot Maynard Brener, of 71 Farragut Street were honor­ Pawtucket. MURRAY TRINKLE son of Dr. and Mrs. Roy Brener ed at a dinner on their thirtieth Paternal grandparents are Mr. with over 28 years experience in all types of of Oak Park, wedding anniversary, at the home m. and Mrs. Bernard Rosenfield of Miss Potter, analumnaofClas­ of Mr. and Mrs. Sandlck Chernov, floorcovering is again personally servicing his Providence. Maternal grand­ slcal High School, wlll receive her 70 Grassmere Street, Warwick. own clientele. Orders strictly from samples. A parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. B. 'A. degree from the University At a surprise evening party their phone call will bring quick results. Finest work­ Gevozdz of Seekonk, Mass. of Rochester In June. Mr. Brener granddaughter, Michele Elise manship guaranteed. Chernov, presented them with a Paternal great-grandmother Is May I Be Of Service To You? was graduated magna cum laude Mrs. Fannie Rubin of Providence. from Harvard College In 1964. gift. JA 1-2410 PL 1-3762 He Is pi:_esently studying for his MOVE TO NEW ADDRESS MURRAY TRINKLE FLOOR COVERING CO. Ph. D. In clinical psychology at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fishman Dr. Braude To Lecture Boston University, under a trainee and their daughters have moved grant from the National Institute to a new address, 130 Sheffield of Mental Health. A venue, Pawtucket. They formerly For Chautauqua Society A June 26 wedding al Temple resided at 116 Waltham Street, READING IMPROVEMENT Beth El Is planned. Pawtucket. At Don Bosco College ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Rabbi William G. Braude of AND STUDY SKILLS Abe 1s SMART . Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Broad­ Temple Beth El will represent Poor Reading and Study Skills May Be Your Trouble the Jewish Chautauqua Society as HE INSISTS ON man of Providence announce the DEVELOP CHICKEN FROM engagement of her daughter, lecturer at Don Bosco College In Newton, N .J ., on Sunday, Jan. 23. • COMPREHENSION • SPELLING & VOCABULARY Fredda Konlsky, to Stuart M. Yar­ • STUDY HABITS • CONCENTRATION las, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis The rabbi will speak on the sub­ KENTUCKY c~~~~N Yarlas. Miss Konlsky Is the ject, "N•,w Light on Ancient 756 Hope St., Prov. 861-9010 daughter of George Konlsky of Lore." CLASSES START JAN. 29 Providence. The rabbi lectures on college and will meet Saturday momin91 from Miss Konlsky Is a graduate of campuses under the auspices of 9 lo 12 lo, 12 wHh for Cranston High School East and the Jewish Chautauqua Society, an Junior Hiqh, Senior Hiqh and Colleci- Stuclenh Plus School of Busl ness In Boston. organization which seeks through Mr. Yarlas was graduated from education to create better under­ the University of Rhode Island, standing of Jews and Judaism. The JOHNSON & WALES READING INSTITUTE and Is currently teaching at John­ Society Is sponsored by the Nation­ • DE 1-3915 son & Wales Junior College of al Federation or Temple Brother­ Business. hoods. An August wedding Is planned. Jack Yogman Named Junior High Classes Top Seagram To Begin At Center . Edgar M. Bronfman, presi­ Classes and clubs for Junior dent of Joseph E. Seagram & high school students will start Sons, Inc., has announced the aP­ How to during the week of Jan. 31 at polntment or Jack Yogman as ex­ the Jewish Community Center. ecutive vice-president. Mr. Yog­ Typing will be given on Mondays man has been vice-president, as­ build a port from 7 to 9 P. M.; guitar for be­ ·Slstant to the president and a ginners, on Tuesdays from 7 to director or the company. for a storm 8 P .M., and for Intermediates, He Joined Seagram In 1957 from 8 to- 9 P. M.; Junior Peace after having been a partner In Corps, Wednesdays at 3:30 P.M.; Stevenson, Jordon & Harrison, Ham Radio Club, Wednesdays from management engineers and con­ A little stockpile of U. S. 7 to 8 P.M., and personality plus, sultants. He has held engineer­ Savings Bonds can turn for girls only, from 7 to 8 P.M. Ing posts with E. R. Squibb & on Tuesdays. Sons and Federal Telephone and into a mighty snug harbor Clubs at the Center are Le­ Radio Corporation division of In­ in an emergency. gionnaires, for seventh-grade ternational Telephone and Tele­ boys; 7th Grade Girls, which Is graph. Mr. and Mrs. Yogman and being organized; and Rogues and their two children live In Stam- WHY PAY MORE ! If an emergency never Roguettes, for eighth-grade boys ford, Conn_.___ _ crops up (and we hope it and girls, respectively. Steve CHILDREN'S CONCERTS FEATURING THIS WEEK doesn't), you're ahead con­ Feinstein may be telephoned atthe The Rhode Island Philharmonic Center, UNl-2674,rorlnformatlon Orchestra Children's Concert SUNDAY THROUGH FRIDAY siderably more than your about these activities. Committee has announced the JANUARY 9 - JANUARY 14 Bonds cost you. schedule for the quartet-quintet Hitlerite Believed programs to be brought to public, 1., parochial and independent schools Bonds earn interest at a Bormann Living from Jan. 5 through Feb. 1. A total guaranteed rate. At ma­ of 102 concerts wlll be played by Shoulder Roast lb. 99c BONN - The late Adol!Elch­ turity, you get back $4 for mann, hanged In Israel In 1962 two string quartets, a woodwind after being convicted of crimes quintet and a brass quintet, In 38 every $3 you invest. And against humanity, went to his death Rhode Island communities, Includ­ your investment is backed believing that Hitler's right-hand ing Block Island. Approximately man, Martin Bormann, and other 45,000 elementary school children by the United States of leading nazls, were alive, ac­ wlll hear the chamber music pro­ America. cording to Klaus Eichmann, AdolPs grams. Lead players of the cham­ son. ber groups are Joseph Conte, NEW YORK BREAKFAST Klaus Eichmann made that Florence Weintraub, Frank Mari­ And there's that quiet naccio and Julio Tancredi, statement In an Interview In the Beef Frye ½Lb.Pkg. 49c satisfaction that comes magazine, Quick, published at Mu­ from knowing your Bonds nich. He said his father believed that, among other leading nazls More Pressure ROKEACH - MOTHER'S - QUART JARS · are helping Uncle Sam stlll alive, was Heinrich Mueller, 2 9 8 build the cause of freedom chief of the Gestapo. On Egypt's Jews Gefilte Fish lbs. Each lb. ( The German· Government has a PARIS - The Egyptian gov­ throughout the world. $25,000 reward posted for the caP­ ernment recently Increased Its ture of Bormann, who Is re­ pressure on the Jewish community OFTEN IMITATED - NEVER DUPLICATED So get with the millions portedly In hiding In SoQth .to emigrate from the country, ac­ All Meats And Poultry Koshered America. Klaus Eichmann himself cording to a report received by of Americans who have lives In Argentina. He also told the the Jewish Community Council (SOAKED AND SALTED) found Bonds a safe port in magazine that his father was con­ here. victed "unjustly." or the 2,500. Jews that remain­ a storm. And a solid base The younger Eichmann also ed In Egypt out of the original for the future of their said a plot had been planned by a total of 64,500, hundreds of ad­ CAPE KOSHER FOODS families. leader of the nazi-type Peronlst ditional famllles were forced to youth movement to kidnap and leave the country. "KEEP KOSHER AND SAVE" 8117 U.•. •nlnp Bonds torture Israel's ambassador to """·•~-:i:".~==,c~= rs,, Argentina, to force Eichmann's A Herald ad always gets best · 58 WASHINGTON STREET , PAWTUCKET, R. I. 726-1200 release, following his 1960 abduc­ results - our subscribers com­ Branch Outlet Stores: Ne w Be dlord- Mottopon- Swompscott tion by Israeli agents. prise an active buying market. That Is the end of the letter. And that end, friends, was so un­ expected, so strange, so non­ FROM FRIDAY TO FRIDAY American, and, I would' say, non­ J ewlsh, that I decided to answer A letter It. It Is very hard to talk of the THE ONLY ENGLISH JEWISH WEEKLY IN R I AND SOUTHEAST MASS Ukraine. I left my native land And A Remedy because the country was In a tur­ l!':f;~~•~i::: ~~~ moil. There was no government on _ • •-· ANDBox 6083,_ Providence, R. f. 02904 - Telephone ™- ~~ • OFFIC,;: H!;RALI> WAY, OFF WEBSTER ~T., PAWT., R. L 02.Nl the Ukraine after the Revolution. By Beryl Segal Only bands of soldiers roaming 11.....in, UltoP Ed.ttor After my reflections on the Arukh, the Jewish Code of Laws, around the land, robbing, plunder­ celebrations of Chanukah, here and Implicitly. In that Code of Laws ing, destroying, beating, raping and Second Class POl:tage Paid at' Providence, Rhode Ialand In my home town on the Ukraine, nothing Is done for appearances, killing, and there was no one to i'!tac~~~~d~::.~ F~~~ee:n;:~~s J~iic e~:r~s 8cin ~~lJ!:t?°-&:r ~~~fJ .::U~'!: appeared In the Herald, a letter for demonstrations, for the spec­ stop them. They had the guns and .Ubtcrlptlons are contlnuous unless notified to the contrary tn wrtuna. came to me by an unnamed reader. tacle of tt. Everything prescribed we had none. The letter, truth!ully speaking, was by the Shulchan Arukh, from get­ So we left the Ukraine, It was a !l:el:~J:n~~u~t· :ir1 1 t~:;p~~ 11!Y rnrro;hl~ signed, but you can hardly call ting up In the morning to lying land beautlfUl with fields and for­ ~:~~r• tt~ :~:~r:::::t ests, orchards and flocks, but It t;n~t!f.:i~P1:,i,C•~0;rr~:r:rcc:~c?~:~t~~~r':"m pie .. notify tbe manaaement "A Nauseated Reader" a real down to sleep at night; from the name. first of the year to the last; from was a land that destroyed Its In­ FRIDAY, JANUARY 7,. 1966 The letter was written on blue birth of a human being to Its last habitants. paper with a fioral design on the breath of life, everything Is re­ Now, the letter asks, wh y don't left side. It was written In a fine quired of the Jew to do because I go back? Guns And Butter handwriting, In good English, and he Is a Jew and not for the show The last news we had from our tt was very brief. It was a rather of It to the outside world, little town on the Ukraine tells The ways of diplomacy are, we sometimes suspe The very development of short­ get a high school diploma Is $5,- and to your apparent lack of In­ sij10o~·.;,·yf~nJA~{s~~196~oh. Ta lmud Class. ages of skilled workers In this 300 a year--agalnst $10,600 for formation. families headed by a college grad­ You Indicate In your article 7:00 o.m.-Cone-. Mishkon Tfil oh, Talmud Class. boom phase ls helping the teen­ MON.DAV, JANUARY 10. 1966 ager by opening more jobs for uate. that tt seems strange that a Study 10:00 a.m.-Women's Ass'n. Miriam Hospital, Board Meeting, tlle less skilled In the service and Despite the temporary rise In of the Aged In Greater Provi­ 12:30 p.m.- Cranslo n Chapter Hadassah, Regular Meeting. Jobs for the unskilled, over the dence was re<:ently undertaken by 7:00 p.m.-Temple Beth El Bowling League, Midseason Banql \. jurable goods lndustr,les. A grim 2 force Ironically brightening his longer range no expansion In job Mr. Simon Krakow of Boston, who 3~&g ~::::~t;:~ 1~~~~;uif,e/08~K~t;}~ ~f Pythias, ~gu .,r Meeting. numbers Is anticipated for the Is the Aged Study Consultant for 8:00 p.m.-Business & Professional Pioneer ~omen, Regular Meeting. job outlook too Is the draft call 8:00 p.m.-Lad. Aux, Sackln-Shocket #533 JWVA. Regular Meeting. lncrease--whlch could siphon off unskilled labor force. The big­ the Combined Jewish Phil­ 8:00 p.m.-Lad. Aux. Reback-Wlnston #406 JWVA, Re8e.lar Meeting. gest growth will be In the pro­ 300,000 or more young men In anthropies of Greater Bostgn. I Ts~o~sh:v~t~t~;·yL;,1~~;;:rd Bloom #284 JWVA. oard Meetil!S_. 1966. fessional and technical fie! ds de­ cannot understand why you think Even the untrained, under-edu­ manding a college degree, and the It strange for an expert to be :~;83 ~~';;~:~~:\~~';: ii!~~C:r t~~~ 1~!~!~~~~•, !~~~i~:~nf~mple cated hlfh school dropout Is a next biggest wltl be In the semi­ brought Into the community to Emanu-EI. professional fields requiring at "winner' In Job trends today, for make a study. Specialized consult­ A;~ ~::::i1~~~~hu0 ~1 J~~1rs'.11~~~hu~i;,1'iio!~u~~ifnC:~111 g. J(,bs are now reaching down Into least one to three years of post­ _ants are used for studies by WEIJN"ESDAY. January 12, 1966 the ,bottom of the employment bar­ high school education. almost every Institution ranging 1~:00 u.m.-Bnrenu of J ewish Education. Classee In Israeli Short Stories. In blunt summary, the drop­ 12:30 p.m.-Ptov. St.>c. Nnt'I Council J ewish Women. Regular Meeting. rel cli ng. omy wlll not last Indefinitely. And s:oo p.m.-Jewlsh ~ommunlty <=;e nter, Boa rd Meeting. when the heat cools, the first to periodic unemployment. And as one city, 8.00 p.m.-Touro Fra ternal Assn., Reg11h1. r Meeting. be laid off and the I ast to be authority emph as I ze s, "His Jewish Welfare Funds and Fed­ Tt\J.fs'OA.V~J~t~'tJA:,:'-;;1,c~ ~~apter B'na l ll'rlth Women, Regull\r Meeti ng. chances for any Job leading to a 9 hired will be the unskilled young­ erations conduct numerous sur­ 10:~0 a.m.-Bureuu of Jewish Education, Clusse5 in Ivrit Ka lu. ster. In the words of st. Louis career are Just about nil ." veys In many cities In an attempt 1: 30 p.m.-l'loneer Women of Providence, Board Meeting. University professor Lucius F. (Distributed 1966 by The HallSyn­ to understand and Improve com­ 8:00 p.m.-Slstcrhood Temple Beth Am , Boa rd Meeting, Cervantes- In a recently published dlcate, Inc.) (All Rights Reserved) munal services. /~ THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1966 7 Students Protest quitted, the court declared there Tag Conditions was considerable suspicion about Professor's Record his denial that he killed Dachau BRIDGE . 1!0NN _: -Sli West German Inmates. He admitted he had as­ On Egypt_Aid, student organizations protested at 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 sisted In e1CPerlments under or­ a press conference here against ders of Gestapo Chief Heinrich By Robert E. Starr the record of wartime medical Himmler. AIPAC Requests experiments on Inmates of the . A fortunate opening lead gave w NEW YORK - A statement Dachau concentration camp car­ today's declarer a chance to make N E s opposing resumption of United ried out by Dr. Siegfried Rulf, p 2S 4H 4S Molly CALLS IN a precarious contract but even p p p States economic aid to Egypt un­ now a professor at the Univer­ then the play had to be timed SH tll the Cairo Government "aban­ sity of Bonn and head of the AN ORDER EVERY DAY perfectly or the hand would have The bidding was quite com­ dons Its agresslve policies," and Medical Association In Bad Godes­ been doomed to defeat. petitive, East starting the pro­ noting that Egypt and other Arab berg. KENTUCKY c~f~~N Mrs. Harold Schwartz and Mrs. ceedings with a "Weak" 2 bid states "remain In an avowed state Prof. Rulf was tried by an 756 Hope St., Prov. Milton Rlgelhaupt, of Pawtucket, which served to disrupt some of war against Israel, In violation Allied mllltary tribunal In Nurem­ 161-9010 were North and South and were rounds of communication between of their obligations to the United berg In 1946, Though he was ac- vulnerable. The Bidding: his opponents. South was some­ Nations," was Issued by the na­ what "fixed" so decided to Jump tional executive committee of the North right to . game reallzlng she could American Israel Public Affairs • K,J, 4 Com mlttee (AIP AC) following a not have time to get Information I KOSHER ¥J, 10 , 7,3 J one-day meeting held here. LI E, from her partner. West's 4 Spade u s DELICATESSEN ♦ Q, 6,3 bid was meant to be a sacrlflce "We have always favored eco­ ,f, 7, 5, 4 but as the cards are 4 Spades nomic assistance to all people 731 HOPE STREET 621-9396 In the Near East," the statement West . East can actually be made. North's 5 Heart bid turned out to be the declared, "but we have advocat­ • 10, 9, 8, 3 41, A , Q , 7, 6, 5, 2 ed conditions to assure that our 6,2 • 4 real sacr!flce as an opening Spade ¥ aid would not underwrite pre­ ♦ A , J , 9,7,2 ♦ 10, 8, 5 lead would have set the hand. ,f, K ,J ... Q, 6. 3 West, however, did lead the parations for aggression." The Diamond Ace and then switched com mlttee , which ls headed by to the Spade 10. Declarer saw Rabb! Phlllp S. Bernstein, of South that she had 2 llkely Club losers Rochester, has !ts national head­ 41, Void In addition to the Diamond al­ quarters In Washington. L L. ¥ A,K,Q,9,8,5 ready I ost so her chances I ooked Kenen ls executive director of ♦ K , 4 the AIPAC, BUSINESSMEN'S SPECIAL ,f, A , 10, 9, 8, 2 quite dim. She had one chance, though, and decided to take !t. The statement a~serted that, PASTRAMI SANDWICH 75c If s he could strip her 2 hands whlle the United States proposes of both Spades and Diamonds and to aid Egypt In the amount of OR TONGUE SANDWICH 85c one of her opponents had a double­ $55,000,000, Egypt has allocated ton King or Queen of Clubs she exactly that s um, $55,000,000 per Cole Slaw or Potato Salad Israel Produces 80% year, for the next 10 years, to could make the hand, but her Coffee - Only Pareve Cream Used Of Its Food Needs timing and play had to be perfect purchase arms to carry out a com ­ for- any sllp and s he was los t. mitment by Pr esident Nasser "to NO SUBSTITUTES - J ERUSALEM While destroy Israel." the number of agricultural work­ The first Spade was carefully "It ts an ironic coincidence," ruffed w! th the trump Ace and ers ls progressively decllnlng be­ the committee stated, "that the KOSHER - SLICED OR BY THE PIECE - RUMANIAN cause of mechanization, the food the Diamond King cashed. Next International community ls re­ production In the country con­ a small Heart to the 7 and a quired In 1965 to spend $55,000,- tinues to rise, according to well second Spade ruffed with the King 000 for the United Nations Re­ informed economic sources. Is­ of Hearts. Another small trump ller and Works Agency for Pales­ PASTRAMI 1b. 99c r ael• s fa rm s now provid~ about was led to Dummy's Jack pulllng tine Re!Ugees and for the United 80% of the fo od consumed by the the outstanding trump, the Dia­ Nations Emergenc y Force to KOSHER - COOKED WHOLE popul atlon. mond Queen cashed on which a maintain the status quo In the lb. 1.79 The cultivation of the dunam Club was discarded and then the Near East- operations which SLICED of soil once requi red 12 to 20 last Spade ruffed. At this point would not be necessary If the TONGUE lb. 1.98 working days. Because of mechani­ neither declarer nor dummy had Arabs wou ld cease their drive M & S - KOSHER zation the same yield can be Spades or Diamonds. toward war." achieved In two to three working days. Now, the End Play. The Club 6,000 J EWS IN DENMARK -KISHKA lb. 69c Experts e stimate that 11% of Ace was played foll owed by a DENMARK - The Jewish those now employed on the land small Club won by West' s King, community of Denmark, which SMALL - FAT - CHUBS are capable of producing all the rendering that Individual helpless. dates back to the early part of food required for the population. Any lead back gave the Declarer the seventeenth century, today 2 for The volume of food produced ls a sluff and ruff. She could dis­ numbers some 6,000 persons, WHITEFISH 39c card Dummy' s last Club while ruf­ nearly all of whom llve In the expected to double In the next YOU 'RE PAYING FOR KOSHER - MAKE SURE YOU GET IT! 10 years. fing with her own last Trump. capital city of Copenhagen. Had the Diamond Ace not been led, · Declarer would have had to SHARETT MEMORIAL ruff another Diamond In her own John L Costa Francis J. Costa NEW YORK - Hadassah has hand In order to set up the End named !ts department of oncology Play which would have exhausted American Blue Print MILLER AND GEORGE at the· Hadassah-Hebrew Univer­ her of trumps. Now no -lead by sity Medical Center In Jerusalem West could help her. CO., INC. in memory of Moshe Sharen, one Investment Securities Moral: Defender's Aces were Blue Prints - Diazo Prints of the chief architects of the Jew­ made to take Kings. Do not lead ish State, it was reported here by one unless certain there is no Photo Prints 330 Hospital Trust Building Mrs. Mortimer Jacobson, Hadas­ better lead. Partner's suit ls usu­ Offset Printing LeRoy V. Elder Howard R. Merriman . sah president. ally the proper lead. Plate Making LeRoy F. Burroughs Henry D. Phelps LAST WEEKS Electronic Stencil Cutting ---James P. Elder --- I CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWER ... Stencil Duplications E. Elmer Johnson J. Milton Latham Drawing Materials Howard· R. Merriman Jr, AOROSS 2. Verdi 21. Mr. 35 Westminster St., Prov. 1. French city heroine Du- Telephone 421-6070 5.London 3.Compass rocher Tel . 861-1868 Est. 1946 buggy point 22. Knight. 9. African 4.Con- ly mammal junction wander- 10. Weird 5. Everlasting ing 12. Kind of 6. Harvests 23. Tested, duck 7. Seed as ore 13. Dow-Jones covering 26. Sainte: term S. Measure of abbr. ALL OUR CUSTOMERS 14. Resort distance 29. Free 15. Baldwins or 9.Renews 30. As- 34. Tibetan ARE BIG ONES Winesaps 11.Worm sumed priest 16. Hesitation 15. Polynesian name 35. Scorch syllable drink 32. Roulette 37. Exclama- 17. Projecting 17. Piece out bet tion 18. Pride 33. Chills and 38. Biblical roof edges You'll find everybody at Steingold so easy to talk with and 19. Aquatic 20. Pen fever name so easy to do business with. rodent 2. '!, 4 b 1 & 21.Mea.dow ~5 ~ 24.Comeln ~· 10 II No pressure here - come in and browse. Perhaps you would 25. Gas " ~ company 12. I?, like to see for yourself if that LeMans is all that people say it is. customers ~ Or again, you would like to take a squint at the Grand Prix - sit 27. Firmament 14 ~15 28. Eloquent ~ in and get the feel of it. Come in anytime, thars what we're speakers lb ~., I& here for. 30. Nlmble ~ ~ ~ ., 31. Rough lava l'I 2.0 22. Z!:o 32. Song ~2.1 Want to feel like a King again? Stop in at Steingold anii 35. Ship's 24 25 z.1, be treated royally - even though it's only for a $6.87 adjustme• Um berplece ~ in our Servicenter. 36. Once more 21 29 2'1 37. Mountain · ~ crest '!,O ~'!,I 39. Plant for ~ ~ ~ tanning '!,2. ?,'!, '!,4 ?,5 40. Listened ~ ~ 41. Comfort ?,I, '!,7 '!,& STEINGOLD Pontiac 42. Breezy ~ !,'I 40 766 BROADWAY, PAWT. PA 3-4700 DOWN ~ 1. Ground 41 42. On Route 1 at the Massachusetts State Line squirrel ~ ~ ~ ------8, TIIB RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY .JANUARY 7 1966 . JOE ANDRE'S Sam PREFERS Eleventh Century Manuscript Places ORCHESTRA OURS OVER BRANDS X-Y-Z Music for that Yery special affair Jews In S!cily Before Norman Conquest • Weddings • Bar Mitzvahs, KENTUCKV :c~~~~~N ·944-3344 756 Hope St., Prov. NEW YORK--Norman Gold, a old synagogue south of Cairo, Res. ST 1-9080 member of the Department of Or­ where a large community of Jews , 861-9010 iental Languages and Civilizations lived In medieval times. A valu­ at the University of Chicago, an­ ·able collection of Gentzah manu­ Best Wishes For A Happy And nounced a week ago the discovery scripts Is now In the Bodlelan of what he called the oldest ex­ Prosperous New Year Library at Oxford University. · tant legal document of Jews In Sicily was part of the Byzan­ Sicily. The assistant professor of tine empire from 535 A,D. until medieval Jewish studies said It 878 A.D.. when Moslems from WALTER CHUCNIN Is Important because It Is dated North Africa completed the 1020 A.D., and shows that a Jew­ conquest of the Island. Registered Representative · ish community flourished In Syra­ At that time the Jews of cuse under the Arabs before the Syracuse -were expelled, and they Normans conquered the Island In resettled at Palermo, Italy. They TUCKER, ANTHONY &_R. L. DAY 1080 A.D. were not heard from again until Mr. Gold reported his find­ the 12th century. TURKS HEAD BLDG., PROVIDENCE, R. I. ings at the 38th annual meeting Discovery of the legal docu­ Memhets New York Stock Exchange TEmple 1-2500 of the American Academy for Jew­ ment Indicates that the Jews ish Research at the Jewish Theo­ either were not entirely expell­ logical Seminary of America. The ed, or that a new group of Jews, BAR MITZVAH-lrwln Lee Bomba, meeting was presided over by Prof. · perhaps from North Africa, settled son of Mr. and Mrs. BoruchBomba Saul Ueberman of the seminary, In Syracuse before the Norman of Sumter Street, became Bar out-going president of the conquest, Mr. Gold ·suggested. Mltzvah on Oct. 30 at the Provi­ RONALD H. GLANTZ ~cademy. The document ts written in dence Hebrew Day School. A din­ What Mr. Go! d reported on Jiidaeo-Arabtc-that ts, Arabic ner-dance In his honor was held ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW was a parchment leaf that found I anguage in .Hebrew script - In the evening. Guests attended Its way to Egypt and then, In with some occasional Hebrew from Rhode Island, Massachusetts, due course, to Oxford University words. Connecticut, New York, Ohio, Wis­ Announces the removal of his law office to In England. At the meeting, Dr. Salo Baron, consin and California. It had been ciasslfted there professor-emeritus of history at Maternal grandparents are Mr. 940 HOSPITAL TRUST BUILDING as an "illegible document," and Columbia University, was elected and Mrs. Samuel Jacobs of Provi­ scholars generally ignored it un­ Providence, Rhode Island president of the academy. dence. til Mr. Go! d noticed t t and used ultraviolet ray photography to 52 1-0600 bring out traces of the wrt ting. Continued It is a court document about Erhard Assures one Elijah, the son of a silk merchant of Sy racuse who had Cooperation With Israel been foun d guilty, by the judges Register Now For of the Jewish community, of ap­ WASHINGTON - Ge rman Jewish people throughout the propriating some silver ingots Chancellor Ludwig Erhard assured world and in Israel ." Jewish Community Center from another's tnherttance. a B'nal B' rtth delegation that, as The B'nt B'rlth president said Elijah went 10 the Moslem of­ long as he remained Chancell or, also: "Your Final Indemnification NURSERY SCHOOLS ficial s who ruled in Syracuse at a "special" German post rton to­ Law promised Immediate payment ward Jews and Is rael would con­ to many claimants who had been EAST SIDE ond SOUTH SIDE the time and brough1 them back to the Jewish court. There, be­ tinue . He said also he would re­ waiting for over 20 years. "Yer, Ages 3-5 • Transportation Available fore an open Torah, he was made veal his response to points raised only 10 days ago, the enactment to recite the Ten Commandments by the delegation In a public state­ of your budgetary law imposed - Fully Accredited - ment at a s ubsequent date. How­ By The R. I. State Board 01 Education and to swear that he had not taken restrictions on those payments. the silver. ever, the delegation members Your Gove rnment's fatlure to • MORNING ANO AFTERNOON SESSIONS DAILY termed hi s comments to them The Moslem officials re­ recognize the compelllng nature BEGINS : FEBRUARY 9 CALL: UN 1-267' covered the money that Elijah privately as "revealtng and re­ assuring." of indemnification payments has had been required to pay as surety rocked the confidence of the entire for the silver. Members of the delegation, which called on the Chancellor Jewish world. It has created new The event was recorded on uncertainty about German inten­ GA 1-1229 MRS. LEO GLEKLEN GA 1-1229 Thursday, April 21, 1020. at Blair House, where White House guesls are lodged , included Dr. tions." OF Mr. Gold was puzzled by cer­ tain legal ·peculiarities In the William Wexler, B'nal B'rith At a later meeting, Chancellor document. For example, the prac­ president; Rabbi Jay Kaufman. ex­ Erhard told the National Press PETTERSON TRAVEL INC. tice of reel ting the Ten Command­ ecutive vice-president; and Mau­ Club he hoped that the "modest 76 Dorrance Street Pro'!.idence 3, Rhode Island ments before the open Torah as rice Weinstein, chairman of the and tnslgnlficant" questions re- a form of oath ts not otherwise B'nat B'rtth International Council . . matnlng be tween West Germany Suggests attested to in historical sources, The group spent more than one and Israel would be solved and he noted. hour wt th Mr. Erhard. that he took personal satisfaction Plan Now For All Student Tours Thru The Dr. Wexler reminded Mr. The parchment ts one of the in his role In establlshtng diplo­ United States And Europe Erhard tha1, on May 12 , 1965, matic relations with Israel. I will b• happy to help you do research on the cities to 90 to. Your so-called Genlzah manuscripts, he wrote to Prime Minister Levi trip will be improved tremendously if you get acquainted with each which were discovered near the Eshkol of Israel that "the attitude The Chancellor spoke In re­ place before you go. end of the I 9th century In an of the German Government In the sponse to a question that re­ I SElt All ADVERTISED TRIPS, CRUISES, TOURS AND FLIGHTS past has proved rhar we are aware called the "special German of the special German position position" toward the Jewish Eshkol Returns towards the Jewish people all over people and Israel he voiced during the world, including Israel." He the establishment of diplomatic then said: "We would llke to ex­ relations with Israel. He was asked To Busy Agenda press to you our sense of dis­ to tell how this "special position" JERUSALEM - Prime Minis­ may and grave concern over what had been refledcted in the develop­ ter Levi Eshkol was back home seems to be happening In Germ any ment of West German-Israeli re­ last week after two weeks of today in Its relations with the lations. hospitalization, and continued his efforts toward formation of a new FUEL OILS coalition Government, necessi­ tated by the results of the general elections held Nov. 2, The present BURNER SERVICE Cabinet Is a caretaker Govern­ ment. Eshkol was released from Ha­ HEATING SYSTEMS dassah-Hebrew University Hos­ pital after spending two weeks AIR CONDITIONING recuperating from what the med­ ical bulletins called "exhaustion," brought on by his election activi­ ties. The first thing he did when he came home was to light the CALL 461-7161 Chanukah candles. Then he con­ ferred with Foreign Minister Golda 15 NARRAGANSETT AVE., PROVIDENCE, R. I. 02907 "Here is$ ll~BLf- Meir, receiving from her the latest reports on affairs concerning the . THIRTY YEARS OF PERSONAL SERVICE now you can qo to college." Mapal-Achdul Avoda alignment. He conferred with Gen. Yltzhak A frightening figure, you'll agree. but a conserva­ Rabin, chief of staff of Israel's tive one. Your .so n or

10 THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1966 A subscrfpdon , to tlie Herald who "has everything" else. Call ts • Rood gift for the person 724-0200. U.S. Allows Missile Sale To_Arabians WASHJNGTON - The State Department last week announced tts approval of a sale of a mas­ sive $400,000,000 comprehensive I OUI MAN IN MIAMI IIACH air defense system to Saudi Arabia, I I001 Cellini Ave., MIDMI IMcll, Ja.. Including the latest jet fighters and NAME ...... ______missiles, tn a combined British- American consortium transaction. ~~l~i ·;;;: ::::i:::::i:.:::::::.::::::::;~::::~:?i'.:::_:::::::· : The department said the trans­ action "does not represent any de­ parture from our tradit1onal policy toward arms sales 1n the Middle East." American "poli.cy was ·de:. ------· ftned as llmltlng arms sales to DR. LEON G. BURT Mid-East nations to amounts "es­ sential for self-defense and In­ AND ternal security." The huge quant1t1es of air weap.. DR. ·JOSEPH STERN · ons were approved to permit Saudi Arabia to establish a mod­ ern air defense potentiality, • I OPTOMETRISTS The Raytheon Company, of Le,.._ ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR OFFICES TO lngton, Mass., has received a letter .\ or Intent from Saudi Arabia to 119 WEYIOSSET STREET purchase a supply or Hawk mis­ (Diagonally across /rom Ibo Outlet and Ibo Crow• Hotel) siles totaling over $100,000,000, A letter of Intent usually precedes . OFFICE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tue9day through a firm order. Saturday, Thuraday evenings to 9:00 p.m. Raytheon Co. officials said that Tel. 331 -5080 . included In the order for the mis­ sile systems, authorized by the United States Government for ex­ port, will be vehicles and other associated equipment, spare com­ Mrs. Arthur J. Press ponents, program management as­ sistance and a maintenance train­ The marriage of Miss Carol Mrs. Press, analumnaofPem­ BROWN UNIVERSITY Ing program. Hawk missiles will be Shelnblatt, daughter of Mrs. Jo­ broke College, class of 1962, re­ EVENING EXTENSION DIVISION COURSES produced mainly at Andover, Mass. seph Shelnblatt of Elizabeth, N,J ., ceived her master's degree in (The sale of Hawk missiles to and the late Dr. Shelnblatt, to English literature with honors Starting the week of February 7, 1966 Israel was authorized by the late Dr. Arthur J, Press, son of Abra­ from Columbia Un iversity this President John F. Kennedy. Israeli ham Press of Lowden Street, Paw­ year. She Is an editorial assistant Applications being received for evening courses in ART (Des ig n and missile teams were trained In the tucket, and the late Mrs. Molly with Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Drawing, Painting), BOOKBINDING, ECONOMICS (Economics, Labor U.S., and the Hawks are now em­ Press, took place Saturday even­ Inc., New York City publishers. Legislation, Labor Relations), EDUCATION, ENGINEERING (Metallurgy, place

TI-iE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1966 II CHICAGO NAMES COLE Providence Medical CHICAGO - Harry X. Cole has been named general chair­ Association Installs man for the 1966 campaign of the Combined Jewish Appeal of SMART Dr. Stanley D. Simon Metropolitan Chic!go. people naturally e x p e c I Dr. Stanley D. Simon, Provi­ more from Dario Ford . .We'll dence orthopedic surgeon, presi­ save you money and help dent of the Medical Economics THANK YOU I would lilt• to tak• this m•on1 to keep the Council of Rhode Island and chair­ thonk all my r•lativH and fri•nds man of the Committee on Medical who Hnt m• flow.,, and cards whil• I was a pati•nt at Norwood, Mou. • Economics of the State Medical Hospital. · Society, was Installed last week MR. CHARLES PERLOW WOLF 151 lafay•tt• Str•.t as president of the Providence Pawtucht from your door by giving Medical Association, at Its 119th the best deal ot the lowest annual meeting. He succeeded Dr. price. We have no Ralph D. Richardson. Harry SAYS Other officers elected were Dr. Gustavo A. Motta, vice-presi­ OUR CHICKEN IS THE FINEST dent; Dr. Bertram H. Buxton Jr., PATENTS secretary; Dr. William J. Mac­ KENTUCKY c~~~~N on our business procedures, Donald, treasurer; Dr. Ralph D. 756 Hop• St., Prov. but they are certainly hard Richardson, councillor to theState 861-9010 to duplicate. You'll feel so Medical Society; Dr. Alfred L. good you'll want to Potter, trustee of the Medical Li­ brary; and Drs. John P. Grady, • William A. Reid, Richard P. Sex­ _...,; trinity ton and Wilson F. Utter, members WHISTLE of the Executive Committee for :~ s~uare three-year terms. playliouse Doctor Simon, a native of Brooklyn, was graduated from Shakespeare's Cornell University and Medical School. He Interned and was a resi­ Delightful Comedy dent at the Hospital for J olnt Diseases In New York, and after four years In the Navy during "Twelfth Night" PerformancH TuH. - Sot., 1 :30 p.m. 550 PAWTUCKET AVENUE World War D, he began to prac­ Matinffl Soturdoy, 2:30 p.m. tice In Providence. A past presi­ Student Tickets, $1.50 PAWTUCKET PA 2-1960 Mrs. Robert N. Smith Phone For Reurvotion1, 351-4242 dent of the Rhode Island Ortho­ lroad and l,idgham S11 ., P~ov . Miss Patricia Lee Welpberg, Mrs. Smith was attended by pedic Association and the staff as­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ her sisters, Miss Nancy Wein­ sociation of Miriam Hospital, he Is tram U. Weinberg of Soutl\ Or­ berg, maid of honor, and Miss a director of Physicians Service ange, N.J., was married on Sun­ Abby Weinberg, Junior brides­ and a member of the State Society All forms of personal and business insurance day, Dec. 26, to Robert Noah maid. House of Delegates. He has written including • Life • Accident • Group • fire • Smith, son of Cantor and Mrs. The bridegroom's brother, Mi­ extensively for medical Journals Jacob S. Smith of 288 Hamilton chael D. Smith, was best man. on orthopedic and allied disabili­ Automobile • Casualty • Bonds Street, Providence. The bride was graduated from ties. Rabbi Avraham Soltes of Great the University of Rhode Island Neck, Long Island performed the College of Nursing. Her husband Murry M. Halpert ceremony at the bride's home. attended the University of Rhode Peace Will Be He was assisted by Rabbi Saul Island and Is now In the senior 800 Howard Bldg. Leeman of the Cranston J ewlsh class at the University of Pitts­ DE 1-9100 Residence: DE 1-6949 Center and the bridegroom's burgh Dental School. Theme Of Parley grandfather, Rev. Meyer Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make NEW YORK - Some 500 A reception followed. their home In Pittsburgh, Pa. clergymen and laymen from the major faith groups In this coun­ BOSTON SYMPHONY try will participate In the first National Inter-Religious Con­ ORCHESTRA I' ference on Peace, March 15-17 In Erich Lcinsdorf, Music Director Washington, D. C. SABBATH OBSERVANCE accompanied by Miss Violet Sponsors of the meeting ex­ PROVIDENCE CONCERTS 15 Teves Marks, will conduct the service pressed the hope that this gath­ Candlellghtlng Tlme--4:13 P.M. at Temple Beth Israel tonight, ering will "sharpen the numerous Veterans Auditorium with the assistance of Rabbi Jacob Issues concerning world peace and CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL Handler. t;:dward Fink will report help to mobilize the mainstream Program For Thursday Evening Jan. 13 at 8:30 of the religious Institutions of Jean Martinon , Gu est Conductor Rabbi Pesach Krauss and Can­ on his trip to the USY National (Music Director, Chicago Symphony) tor Philip Macktaz will conduct Convention. An Oneg Shabbat will America behind effective pro­ Mendelssohn : Sy mphon.v No. 4 grams to achieve world peace.'' Constant: Twe nty-F our Pre ludes the late service at 8 P.M. today follow the 8:10 P.M. service, at Stra uss: Erin Held enleben at Congregation B'nal Israel, which Rabbi Handler will preach The convocation plans were an­ Woonsocket. Bible study will be a sermon entitled •• Modernity and nounced at a press conference at­ S,ngle tickets SS.SO, $4.50, SJ.SO (tax exempt) chapters 12-17 of Genesis, pages Eternity." tended by the co-chairmen at the At Avery Piano Co., 256 Weybosset St., Tel.: 421 -1434 45-60 In the Hertz Pentateuch. Saturday services will be held House of Living Judaism, the ad­ Hours 9:30 to S; on Concert Night Tickets at Box Office After 6:30 at 7:15 A.M. and 9 A,M,, and ministrative center of Reform Ju­ CRANSTON JEWISH CENTER at 11 A.M. for the Junior con­ daism. "My Views on Intermarriage" Discussions at the Washington will be Rabbi Saul Leeman•s ser­ gregation. The Talls and Tefllln group will meet for a Brother­ meeting will center around three mon topic at 8:15 P.M, services hood Breakfast on Sunday morn­ workshops for which special back­ today at the Cranston Jewish Cen­ ing, and at 9:30 A,M. Religious ground papers are being pre­ ter. Rabbi Leeman and Cantor pared by authorities In Interna­ Jack Smith will officiate, and Mrs, School classes will be held. The Confirmation Class will meet at tional affairs. Bernard Barasch will be organist. 7 P.M. on Tuesday. These Include: "The Changing An Oneg Shabbat will follow the Dally Mlnyan Is held at 7:15 Communist World" - covering services, and a special mixer A.M., and daily Hebrew classes aspects of the evolving pattern of Specialists on 1 for the Single Adults, who will be * Otoup at 3:15 P.M. communism, and an evaluation of Arraneementt • guests of the Cranston Center at ---- our relationship to It; "Commu­ * Golf and Ski Packages.. ) services. Members of the group TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM nist China and the Conflicts In * Resorts and HoNls I will be hostesses at the mixer, "A Vision of the Future" will Asia" - the role that Red China * Student Tours to which all single adults are be Rabbi Charles M. Rubel's ser­ plays with special analysis of Viet * Honeymoon Specials Invited. mon topic at late services to­ Nam, Korea and tensions In India, TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL day at 8:15 P.M. at Temple Beth Pakistan and Taiwan; and "Forms Members of the USY, assisted Sholom. Rabbi Rubel and Cantor of Intervention, Moral ResPQnsl­ by the USY choir under the di~ Karl Kritz will conduct the serv­ bllltles and Limits" - dealing PRICE TRAVEL rectlon of Stanley Freedman and ices and Fred Very will be organ­ with such questions as the moral ist. Saturday morning services will Justification for United States 776 Ho e St. Providence 831-5200 begin at 9 o'clock, and Mtncha Intervention abroad and what Kroeger Believed services at 4 P.M. Rabbi Rubel should the religious attitude and will continue his Prayer Book approaches be In such cases. talks. The Talls and Tephllln Club It was pointed out that "as the ►'-''''' ''' ''1 In West Germany will breakfast after attending the 1963 Rellgton and Race Confer­ ROME - Ehrhard Kroeger, adult services at 8:30 A.M. on ence served as a • catalyst• to a former nazl SS officer whose Sunday morning. The Pre-Confir­ heighten religious Involvement on extradition to West Germany was mation Class will meet after the the civil rights Issue, this meet­ ~ DAVIS' ~ refused last year by a Bologna breakfast, and the Men's Club Ing could do the same for peace." court and who has been living In will hold a special meeting on Italy since, was reported by I• Sunday at 10 A.M. Ben-Gurion To Write - 721 HOPE STREET - DE 1-4239 - tallan police last week to be In West Germany. TEMPLE EMANU-EL For Histadrut Weekly Officials said that Kroegerwas Rabbi Joel H. Zalman•s ser­ TEL AVIV - A small thaw accompanied Dec. 13 by Italian mon topic at 8:10 P.M. services In the freeze between Mapa! Party FRAN KS .!t.':';. lb. 7 7 C [~ police officers to an express train today at Temple Emanu-El will and the dissident Israel Workers :1 leaving Bolzano !or West Germany be "Judaism's Attitude Toward List (RafO formed by former Pre­ and that, two hours later, the Converslon--Blbllcal and Tal­ mier David Ben-Gurlon emerged ·train carrying Kroeger crossed mudic Times." Rabbi Ell A. Boh­ recently with the disclosure that the Austrtan-Itallan border at nen and Cantor Ivan E. Perlman, Ben-Gurlon planned to resume the Brenner pass. assisted by the choir directed by regular weekly contributions he ea. They added that this procedure Benjamin Premack, will conduct made to Davar, the organ of the ~ ~Iffi!~~~v 1Oc ~ _pointed to expulsion. the services. Music by Katchko, Hlstadrut, Israel's labor federa­ The West German Embassy In Goldstein, Einstein, Goldfarb and tion, before the split. Rome said It had no Information Heitman will be heard. Friday's Issue of Davar about a renewed extradition re­ Sabbath morning services will carried, for the first time since quest and the West German Con­ begin at 8 o'clock In the chapel the Rafi-Mapa! split, an article sul In Milan said that the only re­ and at 9:30 In the main synagogue. by Rafi leader and former Deputy ~lfEiRitfG •~-69c~ quest It had received In the mat­ Paul Glassman, son of Mr. and Defense Minister Shimon Peres. ter was a query from Dusseldorf Mrs. Samuel Glassman, will be­ public prosecutors about Kroeg­ come Bar Mltzvah during these Give a gift subscription to The er's whereabouts. services. Herald. l .,;::~ ~,:~~ ~;:~:;.;: J j

'Peace In Viet Nam' Seminar Scheduled "Peace "and Viet Nam" will be the theme of an all-day seminar next Tuesday, Jan. 11, at East Providence High School, spon­ sored by the Interfaith Committee • Carpeting & Draperies on World Peace. The Committee • Designing & Leasing Includes persons from the Roman 235 ALLENS AVE. Catholic Diocese of Providence, the Board of Rhode Island Rabbis, KEAN KLEAN SERVICE CO. PROVIDENCE, R.I. the Rhode Island State Council of Churches and the Eastern Holiday Special: 781-1654 Orthodox Church. The Rev. Edwin T, Dahlberg, 9 x 12 rug cleaned for $1 former president of the National Home repaJrs, and celllngs whltene Council of Churches, wlll discuss for as little as $7 each. Floo the activities of the Clergymen's washed and waxed in home or office. Emergency Comrnlttee which re­ RAUL L. LOVETT cently toured Viet Nam. other Please call HO 7-8601 participants will be the Rt. Rev. ufn Msgr. George Higgins of the Na­ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW tional Catholic Welfare Council, 43-Special Services BAR MITZV AH--Steven T, Sholes, who will speak about the ethics of son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J, OOMESTIC HELP PROBLEM? J\nnounces the removal of his law office to peace, and Dr. Earl Warren of the Mrs. Capuano, will hand-iron all Sholes of 310 Norwood Avenue, University of Rhode Island. laundry, MA 1-9781, 1-day service 940 HOSPITAL TRUST BUILDING Cranston, and grandson of Mrs. A United States State Depart­ $5/ basket, pick-up. l•l Morris B, Sholes of Governor ment spokesman wlll describe Providence, Rhode Island Francis Farms, Warwick, be­ American Invo lvement In Viet For the General Practice of Law came Bar Mltzvah on Nov. 27 Nam, at the evening session of the CARD OF THANKS at Temple Beth Israel. seminar. 331-0700 Fred Kelman Photo I wish to thank all my friend, Sylvia SERVES and neighbors for their thoughfuS­ U.S. May Sell Food OUR CHICKEN neu during my recent illness. TWICE" A WEEK HARVEY PABIAN To Both Israel, UAR KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN f;j I .., M~H•I (C ont!Qued from Page I) 756 Hope St., Prov. Depend On Hillside For l-1 861 -9010 nance the purchase of Sov iet arms. Designers • Manufacturers • Erectors This polnt was made by Sena­ ., ,0.f Former Contractors Freelance SKIN & SCALP N.Y. WORLD 'S FA IR, 19'39-40 tor Jacob K. J avlts, Rapubllcan of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i ·- ' NEON SIGN SERVICE New York, who said In a state­ MODELMAKING ~ ment that It was 11 a poor bargain" Service ~ Preparations Outdoo r Adv. • Office Doors • Gold luf lf Cairo after receiving $55 m\1- True~ Lettering • Profession•/ Signs • Po,t•rs --•-- ~ llon ln surplus foods, ls able to • lndudri•I Mettl Letters • Sil k ScrHn ISee your designs in ~ Hillside Pharmacy • Quantity. ' spend a llke amount on wa r ma­ terial purchased from the Soviets plaster of- paris. S 749 East Avenue, City Line f v NEON • v ElECTRIC and partially flnanced through sale ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,,,Ca 11 ,,351·3767 ,,, ,,..,,,,, 1' Building tke S.st Since 1921 of Egyptian cotton to the Rus­ f STATE SIGN CO.* sians." * Senator J avlts 0rged the Ad­ 836 EDDY ST. HARVARD ANTIQUES PROVIDENCE 941 " 6477 mlnlstratlon to end It s "contra­ 101 Lonsdale Ave., Pawtucket dictory policy In the Middle East, (Across from Stop & Shop) which on the one hand looks to promote peace ln that area and For every day giving be unique on the other hand tends to heat Give a lovely old antique. Buy from the post a gift with a future . up the arms race." We have loads that ou9ht to suit ya . According to offl clals , the The coffee's on, just think of that. United States, In extending new Come and browse or stop to chat. MILLER'S surplus food assistance to Cair o, has made no effort to lay down a BEV ROSEN RHODA STARR RHODE THE RHODE condition that Calro cut back on 722-2927 724-1697 ISLAND'S INTERNATIONAL ISLAND'S its purchase of Soviet arms. To Mon. Thru Sot. 10-S - Or By Appointment a certain extent the United States CLOSED WEDNESDAYS FINEST FINEST can help redress the arms balance DELICATESSEN by making surplus food available to Israel on favorable terms, FRIDAY, JAN. 7 THRU THURSDAY, JAN. 13 Burglaries Charged IT'S ACADEMIC UNCOMPROMISED QUALITY You want to further your career To Jewish Youths and we are seeking career people. FOR TWO GENERATIONS (Continued from Page 1) One rabbi, whose synagogue - Our Most Important Ingredient - had been looted, threw up his hands Frisch's and said: "What can you say. It Is In­ comprehensible. Why should they Restaurants FROM OUR OWN KITCHEN - SAVE 79c do II? What did they have to gain from robbing a synagogue? I don't Offers outstanding opportunity for young men or women between know.'' the ages of 23 and 40, in their management program. Management Detectives who had visited the experience or some college preferred. Frisch'• Restourants offer you Roast Beef 1b. 2.19 homes of the boys said that In the opportunity to earn while you learn. Salary commensurate with some cases the parents, while con­ education and experience. There are many fringe benefits, pension and vinced their sons were not guilty,. retirement, bonus and stock purchase, insurance and paid vacation. FRESHLY SMOKED - LARGE - _SAVE 40c had said that If they were, they Apply in person from 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. at 756 Hope St., Prov. - every should be punished. The detective, day but Sunday. Harold Willert, added: 1 L~::r!~: Lb. , .19 "It was pretty strange for an Whitefish Irishman like me to find a Torah in somebody's closet." A rabbi explained later that FROM OUR OWN KITCHEN - SAVE 10c this was a sort of display Torah, 1TJ, --~llorL•• ,.. , :0..:i- not one of the Scrolls that Is kept for __,., BAKEllf ..i«ciolfa · In the Ark of the synagogue, The 1-.; Torah Is a scroll of the Five Ea_ch3 FRESH BREAD - ROLLS AND PASTRY (irapenut Pudding 9c Books of Moses. All of the defendants were to BAKED FRESH SEVERAL TIMES DAILY! , MADE WITH FRESH EGGS AND FRESH MILK have a hearing In Brooklyn Crim­ inal Court on Jan. 5. The three - ALSO - KOSHER FRESH MEAT DEPARTMENT youths arraigned last week were ·J ochanan Davis, 16, of 937 46th Our Fresh Meat Department Is Closed at Noon on Friday Avenue, who was born In Austria; Hope St,eet Only and All Day Saturday. Hope s,, .., Only Edward Kolb, 16, of 829 49th ~ARTSt!f Street, born In Hungary; and A­ These specials are in effect SUN ., JAN. 9 - FRI., JAN. 14 braham Klein, 17, of 1019 46th CANDIES Street, born In Ruman!a. AT PAWT_ AVE. After a night In jail, young Kahn received permission to leave STORE ONLY STRICTLY KOSHER - OVEN READY the cell and wind phylacteries around his left arm while he said Broilers each 1.19 morning prayers. BEDOUINS IN SCHOOL WARWICK BEERSHEBA - The govern­ •PAWTUCKET ALL STORES ment has bullt schools for the 5-42 Pawtucket Avenue 1619 Warwick Annut children of the Bedouins adjacent 540 Pawtucket Ave., Rte. 1, Prov.-Pawt. City Line Gateway Shop. Center to their tents In the deserts of Next to Korb's Bakery Hoxsie Four Corners 1617 Warwick Ave., Hoxsie (Gateway Shopping Center) 8:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, the Negev. These school s are a revolutionary Innovation In the l!fe 508 Armistice Blvd. (at Newport Ave.) PROVIDENCE ALL DAY GARDEN CITY of the primitive wandering tribes. If the older Bedouins are con­ n6 Hope Street Cranston, R. I, *OPEN SUNDAY, MONDAY and EVERY DAY (Kosher Only) sidered a lost generation, their I A.M. to 7:30 P.M, SUNDAYS 9 A.M. to 7 :30 P. M. children are now looking forward •· (Da rlington Store Only, Closed Sun. and Holidays ) to a better future.