[E- learning: B.Sc. Part-III, Botany Hons.]

SOCIAL IN INDIA Dr. Arvind Kumar Department of Botany, T.N.B. College (T.M. Bhagalpur University), Bhagalpur-812007

The word Social forestry was coined by Westoby and used in the Ninth Commonwealth Forestry Congress in 1968. According to Prasad (1985) “Forestry outside the conventional which primarily aims at providing continuous flow of goods and services for the benefit of people". India was one of the first countries to have launched social forestry. In 1950, the festival of planting was instituted by the central government as an annual feature. Since then, rapid developments have taken in the field of social forestry. The National Policy (1952) strengthened the emphasis to be laid on these programmes.

Social forestry refers to the management and protection of forests and on barren lands with the purpose of helping in the environmental, social and rural development. The term was first used in India in 1976 by the National Commission on , Government of India. Social forestry refers to the management of forests for the benefits of local communities. It includes aspects such as , , and afforestation of deforested lands with the objective of improving the rural, environmental, and social development.

The main goal of social forestry is to grow and to meet the growing needs of people in reference to increased demand for timber, , food, fuel, and food to reduce the pressure and dependency on traditional forest areas. The practice also aims to protect agriculture from adverse climatic conditions by improving the environment, increase the natural beauty, and increasing the supply of forest produce for local use.

Types of Social Forestry

1. Agro-forestry

Agro-forestry involves the growth of trees and agriculture in the same setting to provide landowners with agricultural and tree products on a commercial basis. The objective of agro- forestry is to gain positive interactions between the two systems. The systems can be separate or fully physically integrated within a single business enterprise.

This type of social forestry is ideal for an individual looking to venture into farm forestry while maintaining the existing agricultural enterprise. Agro-forestry offers businesses economic benefits, social benefits and increased productivity as well as the provision of ecological goods and services.

2. Farm Forestry

In the farm forestry setup, the objective is to manage trees for a specific purpose within a farming context. The common purpose is usually timber plantations on private land, but the setup can be applied to a range of enterprises that are managed in a variety of ways using different parts of the trees. Farm forestry offers many benefits that include shelter and pasture for animals, additional diversified earnings, improved living environments, increase in the capital value of the , improvement, and maintenance of soil and water health, sustainable management of natural resources and increases in biodiversity.

3. Extension Forestry

Extension forestry is increasingly becoming common in urban centers and most living estates. Extension forestry involves the planting of trees on the sides of canals, roads, and railways as well as on wastelands. This type of social forestry is beneficial in the creation of forests on the common village lands, panchayat lands, and government wastelands.


Community forestry refers to the management of communal land. The village members collectively decide and implement projects on the communal land. The local population takes part in planning, managing, and harvesting of forest . The population also shares a proportion of the socio-economic and ecological benefits from the forest. The purpose of community forestry is to increase the involvement and reward for local people. It also seeks to provide a balance between outside and community interests.

Although the concept and practice of social forestry have existed for centuries, it is constantly gaining a new dimension because of its benefits including its potential for tackling the challenges of global warming. Following are the benefits of social forestry :-

Benefits of Social Forestry

1. Increased Biodiversity

Growing of trees in barren lands within the community helps to increase the biodiversity value. As trees grow larger, the nature of the habitat will change. Well managed forests encourage biodiversity as they offer habitation for various animals, plants, shrubs, insects and birds among others. In social forestry, trees and associated plants become the source of food and shelter for a variety of small animals and birds.

2. Carbon removal

In the fight against global warming effect, trees play an essential role in the removal of carbon from the environment. Trees use carbon dioxide when growing and thus, removing it from the environment. Social forestry is seen as the best way to reduce carbon dioxide in urban settings. Trees energy-saving effect also indirectly lowers the carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the demand for power.


Another important benefit of social forestry is soil conservation. Tree roots prevent soil erosion by holding soil in place, mitigating the negative effects of soil erosion. Decaying tree leaves also help form an organic layer on the ground that makes the soil rich while also allowing water to percolate into the soil, reducing the likeliness of runoff and soil erosion. They also act as mulch reducing evaporation. Roots also reduce soil compaction, increasing the rate at which rainfall infiltrates soil as well as the capacity of soil to store water.

4. Health benefits

The effects of trees and nature on human health are well reported. Trees and nature are natural remedies for stress and anxiety. Planting trees to human habitats can contribute to better health and improved general wellbeing. It is also becoming common to find hospitals growing trees due to the healing effect of trees. Studies have shown that hospital patients with a view of trees outside their windows can help them recover faster and with fewer complications.Trees also absorb atmospheric pollutants that can have a negative effect on people health such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter. Traditionally, trees and forests have been a source of medicinal value for communities around the forest.

5. Community enrichment

An area with an abundance of trees is more attractive . Furthermore, properties in an area with an abundance of trees are more valuable than the same properties in an area without trees. Trees create shade that helps improve the longevity of outdoor furniture and even pavement.

6. Noise reduction

Noise is a big trigger of anxiety and stress. Loud noises can disrupt sleep, affect how people relate with others, and even cause illness. In fact, prolonged exposure to high levels of noise and noise pollution is considered a major cause of hearing loss. Although rules and regulations are being put in place to reduce noise pollution in many nations across the globe, embracing social forestry in urban areas can mitigate the effects of noise pollution. Trees reflect and absorb sound energy reducing the noise pollution. Furthermore, the noise of trees caused by branches and leaves as they swirl on a windy day helps to mask man-caused sounds reducing the negative noise.

7. Improve air quality

Trees also help to clean and improve the quality of air. An acre of trees is adequate to generate enough oxygen for up to 18 people. Trees also absorb gaseous pollutants that negatively affect people health by creating conditions such as asthma and breathing difficulties. Particularly, trees help to clean air by absorbing gaseous pollutants into their leaves and then trap and filter particulates on and through their stems, leaves, and twigs.

8. Energy conservation

Trees act as natural air conditioners. The evaporation from a single tree can have the same cooling effect as ten room-sized, residential air conditioners operating 20 hours a day. Planting two or three trees in the compound can shade your home from the hot sun eliminating the need to cool your home and thus, lowering the energy needed to heat the house. Trees can also make good screens and act as windbreaks when placed in the path of the prevailing winds improving heating efficiency. 9. Social benefits

Trees are associated with various social benefits that make the neighbourhood more attractive and valuable. Social forestry helps to create inviting and cool areas for relaxation and recreation such as parks and playgrounds. Trees also add exciting colour and beauty to the neighbourhood as seasons change.

The green colour creates a calming effect and helps relieve eye strain contributing to the wellness of the community. Trees also help to screen unattractive views and soften the harsh outline of metal, masonry, steel, asphalt, and glass. Trees also encourage interaction with neighbours by providing areas where people regularly meet.

Criteria for choice of species section for social forestry

In order to implement schemes of social forestry, the first important consideration is the choice of species to be planted. As this depends on several factors, it is necessary to know the considerations which govern the choice of species.

 Trees constitute the major component and other components like grasses, bushes, fodder and even crops tend to be relegated to secondary position.

 Trees suitable for road side planting should be hardy, evergreen or winter deciduous, wind firm, fast growing at least in the early stages and fairly tall.

 Species should be suited to climatic, edaphic, physiographic and biotic factors.

 Tree for farm forestry should have long tap roots, attenuated and winter deciduous crown so that they may not affect the productivity of the agricultural .

 Tree should have attractive crowns and shrubs should be amenable to into attractive crown shapes.

 They should not have prominent thorns and their planting and caring should be easier and economical.  Species should be multipurpose in use or , fodder, food, oil, tanning material, host of silk or tussar worms or lac insects etc.

Trees used for social forestry

The following multipurpose tree species commonly used in social forestry: Acacia nilotica, Ailanthus excels, Albizzia procera, Albizzia lebbek, Anacardium occidentale, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Azadirachta indica, Bahinea speices, Casuarina equisetifolia, cocus nucifera, Dalbergia sissoo, Emblica officinalis, spp., Gmelina arborea, Maduca latifolia, Mangifera indica, Morus alba, Pongamia pinnata, Populus spp., Syzygium cumini, Tamarindus indica, Terminalia spp. and Ziziphus mauratiana.

Constraints in obtaining people’s participation in Social forestry  Antipathy to trees.  Credit schemes, market support measures and tax rules.  Lack of appropriate technology.  Lacking of appropriate policies and public awareness.  Lacking of suitable organization.  Most people show future ignoring behaviour.  Small size of holdings and land ownership.  Social forestry generates common property resource.

Implementation in India

Several state governments have already started social forestry projects with the financial support of international agencies like world bank, Swedish International development authority (SIDA), Canadian International Development Authority (CIDA), US Agency for International Development (USAID). Important government initiatives to support social forestry are MGNREGA, and Forestry Research, Natural Regeneration and Enrichment of Forests etc. and awareness campaigns like of Van Mahotsava, environment day, wildlife week etc. A well implemented and managed social forestry programme can meet the requirements of people, besides generating additional income from the sale of the surplus products. A well- executed and accomplished Social Forestry programme can play important role in uplifting village life along with enhancing environmental sustainability.
