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PO Box 413 Toorak Victoria 3142 Australia T +61 3 9827 3883 F +61 3 9827 1270 jenny darling & associates pty ltd abn 29 084 520 598 1 2 Featured titles/authors


Forget Batman. My hero as a kid was The Riddler.

Words can be an endless source of both fun and frustration. Some of us are word junkies. Some see words within words: where we simply see celebrate others see Crete and Elba; where we see Stolichnaya they see holy and satanic . David Astle should know. He loves words and celebrates them on a daily basis. From an early age he lost his head in language and letters and succumbed to the thrill of wordplay. Words are his profession and he has been designing word puzzles and cryptic crosswords for twenty-five years. At this very moment someone, somewhere is chewing on their pencil cursing DA (as he’s known in the trade)!

In I WAS A TWEENAGE VERBAHOLIC David will examine and dissect his word brain for our benefit. His plan is to turn our brain strain into a reverie of words as he enlightens us about the secrets of cryptic crosswords and shows us how cryptic clues work. At the end of the book you’ll understand all the tricks of the cryptic world and have learnt the joy of the ‘aha!’ moment.

David Astle is the author of two novels and two non-fiction works. Between books, he drives the world to delight and despair as the crossword setter DA appearing in both the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age. I WAS A TWEENAGE VERBAHOLIC will be published by Allen & Unwin in 2010.

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Proposal available. Manuscript available October 2010.


Day shapes his characters with a poet’s insight, and brings the simple things to life. It’s like watching a storm roll in from the sea: beautiful, powerful and moving. Good Reading Magazine

In the coastal town of Mangowak the local hotel on the hill is demolished to make way for a new estate of luxury eco-apartments. In the riverflat below the hotel, artist Noel Lea lives on his family’s run-down property, which just happens to be on the site of the original hotel of the town—the Grand Hotel—which burnt down in the 1890s.

Unable to believe the town’s only pub is going to be knocked down, Noel and a few friends begin to joke about re-opening the Grand Hotel and running it as a bohemian establishment. Noel finds himself the unlikely publican of an even unlikelier hotel as the Grand comes alive with the hopes, loves, and disappointments of all who drink in her.

In THE GRAND HOTEL the borders between reality and the imagination become porous, the walls come down between history and the present day. Peopled with unforgettable characters, this stunning novel is a vivid and poignant sweep through the absurdities of contemporary life.

Gregory Day is a poet, musician and the author of two novels, THE PATRON SAINT OF EELS (2005) and RON MCCOY’S SEA OF DIAMONDS (2007). THE GRAND HOTEL will be published by Random House in 2010.

Awards ■■ Winner of the Australian Literature Society Gold Medal in 2006

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Final manuscript available November 2009.

4 Garry Disher wyatt

Think Elmore Leonard, Michael Connelly, Ian Rankin, Patricia Cornwell…and pencil in there the name Disher. The Australian

Disher is definitely not to be missed. Toronto Globe & Mail Always notable for the keen intellect of his tales…one of the best writers in this country. The Australian

There’s no one quite like Wyatt. He can handle a weapon and move invisibly around the city. He can see an opportunity and make a plan. He’s not interested in morals. He knows how to keep emotions out of it – or thinks he does.

When opportunity comes along in the form of Alain Le Page, international courier of stolen goods, Wyatt teams up with his old colleague Eddie Oberin and Oberin’s ex-wife Lydia Stark to pull off a heist that should set them up for the rest of their lives.

Which might not be much time at all. And then there’s the question of Lydia.

Garry Disher has written over 40 books. His works include literary, crime and children’s/young adult novels and story collections, history texts, anthologies and writers’ handbooks. His latest book, WYATT, sees the return of the eponymous professional criminal—a brilliant twist on the traditional detective novel—and is forthcoming from Text Publishing in February 2010.

Awards ■■ KICKBACK Winner German Crime Fiction Prize, 2000 ■■ THE BAMBOO FLUTE CBC Book of the Year, Younger Readers, 1993 ■■ THE DIVINE WIND Ethel Turner Prize for Young Adult Fiction, 1999 ■■ THE DRAGON MAN Winner German Crime Prize, 2002

Rights Text Publishing. Bound proof available.

5 Mem Fox

Australia’s most beloved and best-selling children’s picture-book author.

Mem Fox is Australia’s most highly regarded picture-book author. Her first book, POSSUM MAGIC, is the bestselling children’s book ever in Australia, with sales of over three million copies. Mem’s recent picture book TEN LITTLE FINGERS AND TEN LITTLE TOES is a New York Times Bestseller and is published by Harcourt in the USA, by Walker Books in the UK and Penguin Australia. Her latest books, HELLO BABY and THE GOBLIN AND THE EMPTY CHAIR, have both received starred reviews on publication. They are published by Penguin Australia and Beach Lane Books USA Other titles include WOMBAT DIVINE, WHOEVER YOU ARE and TIME FOR BED.

Awards ■■ POSSUM MAGIC Highly Commended, Children’s Book Council Awards, 1984, NSW Premier’s Children’s Book Award, 1984, on bestseller lists for 32 months, 21 years old in 2005 and still in hardcover. ■■ WILFRID GORDON MCDONALD PARTRIDGE American Library Association Notable Book, 1985 ■■ WHERE IS THE GREEN SHEEP Winner Children’s Book Council Book of the Year: Early Childhood, 2005 ■■ TEN LITTLE FINGERS AND TEN LITTLE TOES Winner - Cuffy Award, 2008,Winner - ABIA Book of the Year for Younger Children, 2009

Rights Contact Jenny Darling & Associates.

STOP PRESS TEN LITTLE FINGERS, TEN LITTLE TOES is #1 on the Oprah’s Book Club Kids’ Reading List for children under 2!

6 Lian Hearn Tales of the otori

A cocktail of fantasy and historical fiction set in feudal Japan, the Otori books give the reader a world that is rich with character and detail, yet effortless to read… Hearn is to be congratulated for the pleasure she has brought into the world with this wonderful quintet. Sydney Morning Herald

Original and exquisitely wrought. The Observer

Equal parts historical fiction, high fantasy and revelatory Taoist fable, the now complete Tales of the Otori is a saga to be treasured. Publishers Weekly

Lian Hearn is the author of the internationally acclaimed Tales of the Otori series, which has sales of three million copies in 36 territories worldwide. The original trilogy—ACROSS THE NIGHTINGALE FLOOR, GRASS FOR HIS PILLOW and BRILLIANCE OF THE MOON—took the world by storm, and was followed by the release of a prequel, THE HARSH CRY OF THE HERON, and the series’ concluding tale, HEAVEN’S NET IS WIDE.

Lian Hearn is at work on a new novel of historical fiction set in Japan.

Awards ■■ Preis der Jugendlichen (German Youth Literature Prize), 2004

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Finished copies available.

7 Eva Hornung DOG BOY

In exploring what it might be like to be a dog from a human perspective, dog boy sheds much light on what it is like to be human. Utterly compelling and believable. Yann Martel

An imaginative tour de force—a powerful, painful read. The Week

She holds in constant tension the borders between our animal and our human selves…there is a terrible beauty at work in its pages. This is an amazing feat of imaginative power on Hornung’s part, a book that traverses every sensation from delight to utter heartbreak. … The true strength of this remarkable book is that Hornung encourages us to question where exactly the border between animal and human is located. Canberra Times

Hornung’s writing is beautiful and assured: her descriptions of this dog boy life are vivid and visceral and sensual and utterly compelling. She also writes about the dogs with breath-taking beauty—the penultimate climactic scene will squeeze your heart. Dog Boy is an ambitious concept, magnificently realised—you’ll never look at a dog in the same way again. Sunday Telegraph

Grotesque, moving and utterly astonishing…Horning has come up with something improbably different in Dog Boy…a story that never veers into the impossible. Hornung takes delicate footsteps between the disturbing and the moving. A bare plot outline can only highlight the grotesque and

8 freakish in Dog Boy, but the book is also heavy with themes of joy, loyalty and love…Who but a dog knows if Hornung has successfully penetrated the canine mind, but it’s hard to imagine anyone doing it better. Herald Sun

Abandoned in a big city at the onset of winter, a hungry four-year- old boy follows a stray dog to her lair. There in the rich, reeking, darkness, in the rub of hair, claws and teeth, he joins four puppies suckling at their mother’s teats. And so begins Romochka’s life as a dog.

The story of the child raised by beasts is timeless. But in DOG BOY Eva Hornung has created such a vivid and original telling, so viscerally convincing, that it becomes not just new but definitive: Yes, this is how it would be.

DOG BOY shows us our brutal, tender, frightened selves; exploring what our animal nature brings to our humanity.

Eva Hornung is a writer of literary fiction and criticism. Many of her works explore ideas on culture, exile and belonging. DOG BOY was published by Text Publishing in March 2009.

Awards ■■ HIAM Winner Australian Vogel Award 1997, Winner Dobbie Literary Awards 1999 ■■ MAHJAR Winner Steele Rudd Literary Award, 2004 ■■ THE MARSH BIRDS Winner Asher Literary Award 2005, Shortlisted The Age Book of the Year 2005, Shortlisted NSW Premier’s Literary Awards 2005, Shorlisted Commonwealth Writers’ Prize – SE Asia & Pacific Region

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Finished copies available.

Rights sold ■■ USA: Viking ■■ UK: Bloomsbury ■■ Canada: HarperCollins ■■ Netherlands: House of Books ■■ Spain: Salamandra ■■ Italy: Piemme ■■ Germany: Suhrkamp


A serious comic talent, comfortably fulfilling his promise as one of the Sydney Morning Herald’s anointed Best Young Australian Novelists. The Age People were supposed to remember who they were and where they lived. They were supposed to remember who loved them and who did not and where their grandmothers were born. Martin Jeremiah Westley didn’t remember any of it, including the fact that he was Martin Jeremiah Westley.

Martin Westley has lost his memory and quite possibly his mind. He has a wife who despises him, a son who ignores him and a daughter who is drifting away. He has a nice house, a not-so-nice factory and an aggressively attractive mistress. But something is deeply, terribly wrong, and he knows he needs to make it right. So Martin Westley walks. Along the way he picks up a cowboy hat, a sense of purpose, and an Indian who isn’t really an Indian. And if he’s lucky, he might just recover his life.

MARTIN WESTLEY TAKES A WALK is the sweet, satiric laugh-out- loud funny story of a man trying to find his way home.

Andrew Humphreys has twice been named as one of the Sydney Morning Herald’s best young Australian novelists for the novels THE WEIGHT OF THE SUN and WONDERFUL. MARTIN WESTLEY TAKES A WALK is due to be published by Random House in March 2010.

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Final manuscript available December 2009.

10 The Estate of Elizabeth Jolley

Her fiction shines and shines and shines, like a good deed in a naughty world. Angela Carter, New York Times Book Review

Elizabeth Jolley is the author of 14 novels and four short-story collections. LEARNING TO DANCE, a new collection of work edited by Caroline Lurie was published in 2006 followed by a paperback edition in 2007. Her trilogy—MY FATHER’S MOON, CABIN FEVER and THE GEORGES’ WIFE—were recently relaunched as Penguin Modern Classics and will be published by Persea Books USA.

Awards: ■■ MR SCOBIE’S RIDDLE Age Book of the Year Award, 1983, West Australia Fiction prize, 1983 ■■ MILK AND HONEY New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award, 1985 ■■ THE WELL Miles Franklin Award, 1986 ■■ THE SUGAR MOTHER Winner of the Inaugural France-Australia Award for Literary ■■ MY FATHERS MOON Age Fiction Prize, 1989, 3M Talking Book of the Year, 1989 ■■ CABIN FEVER Federation Australian Writers/ANA Fiction Prize, 1991

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Finished copies available.


Most of my works would die with me, I fear; but one or two might continue selling for a while. Georgette Heyer In her fifty-year career Georgette wrote fifty-five novels and never had a failure. With the exception of the five books she repressed all of her titles are still in print. She wrote across several different genres and historical periods but it is with the English Regency that her name has become synonymous. Today Georgette Heyer is universally recognised as the creator of the Regency genre of historical fiction.

Although the Regency world she created was faithful in its historical detail it was also a carefully constructed entity which reflected the Edwardian values, ideas and social mores with which she had grown up. Georgette felt at home in the Regency because it was an era which reached forward into her childhood and writing about it enabled her to escape to a time which felt safe, comfortable and familiar. In the twenty-first century it is her version of the Regency which has set the standard for research, writing and the re-creation of the period. Since her death her books have continued to inspire writers and readers across the globe. Georgette Heyer’s literary legacy endures.

12 When my biographer collects my letters for publication, he’ll have a job expurgating them, won’t he? Georgette Heyer

Georgette Heyer was a phenomenon. A bestselling author who never had an editor and whose publishers printed her novels as written – often without reading them. Clever, witty and comically ironic she had the storyteller’s gift from the beginning. Of her fifty-five novels, fifty-one are still in print. Today her name is synonymous with the Regency genre of historical fiction, but she also wrote contemporary, detective and historical fiction and never had a rejection or a failure. All of her books sold well – most of them in the millions. She still sells. Six hundred thousand copies in the last five years and that’s just in English.

Over the last ten years Jennifer Kloester has gathered an extraordinary collection of new material on Georgette’s life and writing. She has found more than five hundred new and untapped Heyer letters and nine previously unknown short stories. She has been given unfettered access to Georgette’s notebooks, private papers, baby book, family photograph albums, first editions and the remainder of her reference library. This biography gives Georgette Heyer the recognition she deserves. It is written for anyone with an interest in how and why writers write and for those who love biography for its own sake. It is also written for the four generations of her readers who love her novels and yearn to know more about their author, for all of us who pick up These Old Shades or Arabella whenever we need a pick me up!

Jennifer Kloester was completing her undergraduate degree when she discovered Georgette Heyer. Compelled to read all Heyer’s work Jennifer decided to make Heyer the subject of her PhD thesis. She used her background in English literature and history to complete GEORGETTE HEYER’S REGENCY WORLD in 2005.

Rights Contact Jenny Darling & Associates. Manuscript available.


Every woman can learn the ancient art of seduction! It doesn’t matter what body shape you have, how old you are; or whether you haven’t done anything like this before. Being comfortable in your own skin and owning your body is the sexiest goal you can aspire to and the most erotic weapon you have at your disposal.

No longer confined to dingy clubs and seedy bucks nights, striptease has come out from behind the curtain: pole dancing classes sit alongside aerobics and martial arts in mainstream gyms and burlesque performers are in demand. Author and experienced exotic dancer Lana Knight believes that all women should be able to explore their sexuality, build self-confidence, improve health and fitness and tap into creativity using her fun and supportive book.

THE STRIPPER BIBLE takes the reader from the evolution of striptease to finding the stripper within. Lana Knight then teaches readers the moves of striptease and how to put all they’ve learned together in a knockout performance. There is a series of advanced tips throughout the text for those willing to take on Lana’s ‘Bachelorette of Strip’! Even those not game to try them will find these tips from a professional dancer surprising and fascinating.

Lana Knight has 6 years experience working as an exotic dancer in Melbourne, Australia. Her mum is still on a diet at age 62 and provides Lana with the inspiration to encourage women to accept and love their bodies, find confidence and enjoy expressing their sexuality. Lana’s dance career spans over 20 years in a diverse range of styles. She teaches exotic dance and belly dance in private and group workshops throughout Australia.

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Full manuscript available.


In 2002, Walkley Award- winning photojournalist Megan Lewis went to live with the Martu people—one of the last Indigenous groups in Australia’s vast Western Desert to come into contact with Europeans. Through this stunning collection of photographs and oral stories, Conversations with the Mob captures the beauty, humour, sadness and friendship of a traditional Aboriginal tribe at odds with western culture.

Megan Lewis was born and raised in rural New Zealand. At the age of 21, she moved to Sydney and was employed by Reuters. During that time Megan’s work regularly appeared in various international publications including the Washington Post, the International Herald Tribune and a front cover of Time magazine. Megan is now based in Perth, working as a freelance photographer. During her career Megan has worked in many challenging locations and situations. She has photographed all manner of people—from the most exalted to the most destitute. She remains an optimist.

Awards ■■ 2005 Walkley Award—Photographic Essay; 2006 Photographers Choice Award

Rights Contact Jenny Darling & Associates. Finished copies available.

15 Susan Maushart THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONNECT How Three Totally Wired Teenagers (And a Mother Who Sleeps with Her iPhone) Pulled the Plug on their Technology. And Lived to Tell the Tale.

Raising three teenagers as a single parent is no Contiki Cruise at the best of times. But when Dr. Susan Maushart decided she and her family should all set sail for a six-month screen-free adventure, it suddenly came closer to Mutiny on the Bounty.

Their digital de-tox messed with their heads, their hearts and their homework. It changed the way they ate and the way they slept, the way they “friended,” fought, planned and played. It altered the very taste and texture of their family life. In the end, the family’s self-imposed exile from the Information Age changed their lives indelibly—and infinitely for the better. This book is their travelogue, their apologia, their Pilgrim’s-Progress-slash-Walden- Pond-slash-Lonely-Planet-Guide-to-Google-free-Living.

At the simplest level, The Winter of our Disconnect is the story of how one highly idiosyncratic family survived six months of wandering through the desert, digitally speaking, and the lessons they learned about themselves and their technology along the way. At the same time, the story is a channel to a wider view—into the impact of new media on the lives of families, into the very heart of the meaning of home.

Dr Susan Maushart’s impressive and varied experience includes a directorship with the Moore River Project in Western Australia, which resulted in the publication of SORT OF A PLACE LIKE HOME. Maushart’s subsequent books, THE MASK OF MOTHERHOOD, WIFEWORK: WHAT MARRIAGE REALLY MEANS FOR WOMEN and WHAT WOMEN WANT NEXT were all published internationally. THE Winter of our Disconnect will be published by Random House Australia in May 2010.

Awards ■■ SORT OF A PLACE LIKE HOME Adelaide Festival Award 1994

Rights Contact Jenny Darling & Associates. Final manuscript available December 2009.

16 Mark Mordue TENDER PREY

Nick Cave is one the most iconic figures in modern rock ‘n’ roll – and easily one of the most famous artists to ever emerge from Australia. Yet for an artist of his stature there is no major biography on his life-and- work available today. Everything in print is dated by at least a decade, or adrift in the realms of rock-fan hagiography.

TENDER PREY will change this dramatically: mapping Cave’s life right up to the present as he moves across the planet, producing an internationally regarded body of work in music, film and literature – and a turbulent personal mythology along the way.

At 51 years of age, Cave now has a body of work that includes 20 albums, 5 film scores, 2 novels, a book collection of his lyrics, prose and plays, 3 fully produced scripts, and appearances as a performer or actor in almost a dozen films. He continues to play and tour internationally, with a slew of awards and accolades in every creative field. The singer has proved immensely hard working and productive at every turn despite his drug problems and a nomadic, even chaotic lifestyle that has made him a fearsome Romantic figure of Byronic proportions in the rock ‘n’ roll world.

Nick Cave’s life of extremes and wandering and the remarkably fertile artistic expression that has accompanied it remains a story yet to be fully mapped and told.

Mark Mordue is a journalist, essayist and the founding editor of Australian Style magazine. His first book, DASTGAH: DIARY OF A HEADTRIP, is a travel-book-with- a-difference and was published by Allen & Unwin in Australia and Hawthorne Book in the USA.

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Proposal available.

17 Patrick O’Neil SIDEWAYS: Travels with Kafka, Hunter s & Kerouac

There is much pleasure to share on this journey, during which the author’s untidy circumstances are tempered by his acute observances on the subtleties and nuances of the human condition. Australian Bookseller & Publisher

How much freedom does one man need?

Student by day, copyeditor and bartender by night and in love for the first time, Patrick O’Neil wanted something more. He wanted to be Franz Kafka. Problem was, he didn’t suffer from tuberculosis, nor was he Bohemian, Czech or Jewish. Instead he was a chain-smoking 21-year-old Australian uni student with lamb chop sideburns who wore the same pair of dirty brown corduroy flares every day. But he wasn’t going to let that stop him.

Paddy comes to write his own path, from Sufi tribes and psychedelic trances in the Sahara to gangstas, pistols and pirates in Kingston. With an eye for the absurd and a flair for comedy, SIDEWAYS is an irresistible blend of adventure and occasional foolhardiness, chance encounters and unlikely friendships, humour and hope.

Patrick O’Neil scraped through an Arts degree then embarked on a largely inglorious career as a newspaper journalist. He has spent every cent he’s ever made on travelling. SIDEWAYS: TRAVELS WITH KEROUAC, KAFKA AND HUNTER S. THOMPSON was published by Penguin Australia in March 2009.

RIGHTS Jenny Darling & Associates. Finished copies available.

18 Sonia Orchard THE VIRTUOSO

A beautifully nuanced study of the intricate links between sexual desire and musical creativity—a moving‚ melancholy and deeply impressive debut. Gail Jones

London, November 1945: at a bohemian party, a young music student meets the charismatic concert pianist Noël Mewton- Wood. The two immediately become lovers, and the affair unleashes an overwhelming passion as grand and sublime as the music they both love.

Ten years on, the student, now a successful writer, reflects on the affair.

This assured, beautifully written debut novel is inspired by the brilliant life of Australian pianist Noël Mewton-Wood. Sonia Orchard vividly evokes the artistic world of post-war London in a novel of striking illuminations about music and imagination that is also a compelling and deeply moving love story.

Sonia Orchard is a freelance writer and author with a background in classical music and marine biology. Her first book was an autobiographical story called SOMETHING MORE WONDERFUL. THE VIRTUOSO was published by Fourth Estate in February 2009.

Awards ■■ Winner of the Debut Fiction category, Indie Book Award 2009

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Finished copies available.

19 Peter Rose RODDY PARR

Roddy Parr—young, good-looking, ambitious—has just completed his thesis on the fiction of David Anthem. Anthem, a member of a famous legal and political dynasty, is the nation’s most celebrated— and most enigmatic—writer, with a past that is complex and mysterious.

Anthem’s publisher Julia Collis introduces them and before he knows it Roddy has joined the Anthem household as David’s secretary, making himself indispensable.

Then the rumours begin to circulate, compromising Roddy’s place in this glamorous literary world. And after a long silence Anthem begins writing again. Who will prevail: the Master or his restless young secretary? How far will the biographer go to write David Anthem’s story? And what will be expected of him in return?

Peter Rose is a poet, memoirist and novelist as well as being the editor of the Australian Book Review and the former publisher of Oxford University Press, Melbourne. His latest anthology, THE BEST AUSTRALIAN POEMS 2007, collects many of the outstanding poems of the previous year. RODDY PARR will be published by Fourth Estate in 2010.

Awards ■■ ROSE BOYS National Biography Award 2002

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Final manuscript due 2009.

20 Gabrielle Williams BEATLE MEETS DESTINY

I absolutely adored every page of Beatle Meets Destiny Readings

A book for teenagers and for the teenager in all of us.

When Beatle (who was named John Lennon after John Lennon) meets Destiny (whose parents always choose names with meaning) on Friday the 13th he’s in love, and he’s struggling. Beatle is superstitious. He knows that 52% more people are admitted to hospital from car accidents on Friday the 13th than on Friday the 6th. Black cats, ladders, broken mirrors? He’s terrified of them all. And don’t get him started on horoscopes.

As it was Friday the 13th he didn’t plan on being out late, because while he tries not to let his superstitions rule his life, he knew it wouldn’t pay to push that 52% statistic too far. But then he met Destiny, and his destiny changed.

Destiny, with those perfect lips that make her lisp just so. Destiny, so smart, funny and sweet. Destiny, who has no idea about Beatle’s girlfriend…

Gabrielle Williams feels like she has teenagers over at her house all the time, so she decided to use them for material while they used her food, drinks and couch space. BEATLE MEETS DESTINY was published by Penguin Australia in September 2009.

Rights Jenny Darling & Associates. Finished copies available.

Rights sold ■■ ANZ: Penguin ■■ USA: Marshall Cavendish ■■ Germany: Blanvalet ■■ Film: Anna Justice.

21 Tim Winton


In this rich and austere collaboration, photographer Martin Mischkulnig has joined writer Tim Winton to produce a meditation on the peculiar collision of beauty and ugliness that characterises Australia’s far-flung towns. By showing us the bizarre and funny and sometimes stubborn hope of people who live in desolate circumstances, they invite us to wonder about what we build and how it affects our communities. SMALLTOWN is a beautiful book about ugliness. It might change the way you see Australia.

Tim Winton is not just a great Australian novelist; he is a great novelist, full stop. The Times

The pre-eminent Australian novelist of his generation and the only writer to have won Australia’s most prestigious award, the Miles Franklin Award, four times, Tim’s literary reputation was established early. He is the author of over 20 successful titles including short stories, adult fiction, books for children and teenagers. His work has been sold into 25 territories. His new novel, BREATH, was published by Penguin Books Australia, Picador United Kingdom, Farrar Straus Giroux USA and Harper Collins Canada, with translation rights sold to de Gues in the Netherlands, Luchterhand Germany, Editions Payot & Rivages France, Opus Israel, Paz e Terra Brazil, Neri Pozza Italy, Leda Romania and Zalozba Mis in Slovenia.

22 Awards ■■ Four-time winner of the Miles Franklin Award, for SHALLOWS, CLOUDSTREET, DIRT MUSIC and BREATH. ■■ Twice-shortlisted for the Booker Prize, for THE RIDERS and DIRT MUSIC. ■■ Tim Winton’s books are regularly voted among Australia’s favourites in polls and have been recognised with prizes including the Deo Gloria Award, the Age Book of the Year Fiction Award, the West Australian Premier’s Award, the Christina Stead Prize for Fiction (NSW Premier’s Awards), the Colin Roderick Award, and the Indie Award.

Rights Contact Jenny Darling & Associates.

STOP PRESS CLOUDSTREET is set for the screen at last. Preproduction on the mini-series is scheduled to start in November 2009 with filming commencing in March 2010. It will screen in Australia in 2011, the 20th anniversary of the book’s first publication.

23 Fiction authors

Carmel Bird

Carmel Bird is an acclaimed author of fiction, non-fiction, short stories, essays and several anthologies. Her new novel, CHILD OF THE TWILIGHT, will be published by Fourth Estate in 2010.

Kate Cole-Adams

Kate Cole-Adams is a writer and a journalist. Her first novel, WALKING TO THE MOON, was shortlisted in the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards (Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript) in 2006 and was published by Text Publishing in Australia and Quercus in the UK. Kate is currently working on a non-fiction work about anaesthetic and consciousness.

Steven Conte

Steven Conte’s first novel, THE ZOOKEEPERS WAR, was published in 2007 by Fourth Estate in Australia and was recently published by Quercus in the UK. It will be released in Spain by Debosillo in 2010. He is currently working on his second novel.

Awards ■■ Winner of the 2008 Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Fiction

Sophie Cunningham

Currently the editor of the prestigious journal Meanjin, Sophie Cunningham has had a long and successful career as an editor and publisher. More recently she has turned to writing. Her first novel, GEOGRAPHY, was published in 2004, followed by BIRD, her second novel, in 2008. Both are published by Text Publishing.

Greg Day

Gregory Day is a poet, musician and the author of two novels, THE PATRON SAINT OF EELS (2005) and RON MCCOY’S SEA OF DIAMONDS (2007). His new novel, THE GRAND HOTEL, will be published by Random House in 2010.

24 Garry Disher

Garry Disher has written over 40 books. His works include literary, crime and children’s/young adult novels and story collections, history texts, anthologies and writers’ handbooks. His latest book, WYATT, sees the return of the eponymous professional criminal—a brilliant twist on the traditional detective novel—and is forthcoming from Text Publishing in February 2010.

Lian Hearn

Lian Hearn is the author of the internationally acclaimed Tales of the Otori series, which has sales of three million copies in 36 territories worldwide. Lian Hearn is at work on a new novel of historical fiction set in Japan.

Eva Hornung

Eva Hornung is a writer of literary fiction and criticism. Many of her works explore ideas on culture, exile and belonging. Her latest novel, DOG BOY, was published by Text Publishing in March 2009.

Corrie Hosking

Corrie Hosking began as a playwright, before writing short stories and articles. The manuscript of her first novel, ASH RAIN, was the inaugural winner of the Adelaide Festival Award for an unpublished manuscript in 2002. Her most recent novel, EATING LOLLY, was published in 2008 by Fourth Estate.

Andrew Humphreys

Andrew Humphreys has twice been named as one of the Sydney Morning Herald’s best young Australian novelists for the novels THE WEIGHT OF THE SUN and WONDERFUL. His latest novel is MARTIN WESTLEY TAKES A WALK. It is due to be published by Random House in March 2010.

Dorothy Johnston

Dorothy Johnston’s latest crime novel is EDEN. It is the third book in the Sandra Mahoney series and was published by Wakefield Press in 2007. She is also the author of literary novels including THE HOUSE AT NUMBER 10.

25 Simone Lazaroo

Simone Lazaroo is the author of two award-winning novels: THE WORLD WAITING TO BE MADE and THE AUSTRALIAN FIANCE. Her third novel, THE TRAVEL WRITER, was published in 2006 and a new novel SUSTENANCE will be published in 2010.

Awards ■■ THE WORLD WAITING TO BE MADE Winner TAG Hungerford Award, Winner Western Australian Premier’s Award - Fiction 1995 ■■ THE AUSTRALIAN FIANCE Western Australian Premier’s Book Award - Fiction, 2000, Shortlisted Kiriyama Rim Pacific Prize, 2000

Sarah Myles

Sarah Myles’ first novel, Transplanted, was published in 2002. She is currently at work on her second book.

Sonia Orchard

Sonia Orchard is a freelance writer and author with a background in classical music and marine biology. Her first book was an autobiographical story called SOMETHING MORE WONDERFUL. Her latest novel, THE VIRTUOSO, was published by 4th Estate in February 2009.

Deborah Ratliff

Deborah Ratliff’s debut novel THE TREE was published 2001. She is currently working on her second novel.

Peter Rose

Peter Rose is a poet, memoirist and novelist as well as being the editor of the Australian Book Review and the former publisher of Oxford University Press, Melbourne. His latest anthology, THE BEST AUSTRALIAN POEMS 2007, collects many of the outstanding poems of the previous year. His new novel, RODDY PARR, will be published by Fourth Estate in 2010.

26 Matt Rubinstein

Matt Rubinstein is a full time writer currently at work on a new novel, a feature film script and several short film projects. His third novel, A LITTLE RAIN ON THURSDAY, originally titled Vellum was runner-up for the 2001 Australian/Vogel award. It went on to be published by Text Publishing in Australia as well as in the UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy and Poland.

Carrie Tiffany

Carrie Tiffany works as an agricultural journalist in Melbourne, Victoria. Her first novel EVERYMAN’S RULES FOR SCIENTIFIC LIVING was published to great reviews in Australia, the UK, USA, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands. Carrie is currently working on her second novel.

Awards ■■ EVERYMAN’S RULES FOR SCIENTIFIC LIVING Winner Dobbie Award, 2006, Winner Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards, Fiction, 2005, Winner Victorian Premier’s Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript, 2003, Shortlisted, Miles Franklin Award, 2006, Shortlisted, Orange Prize, 2006, Shortlisted, Guardian First Book Award, 2006

Tim Winton

The pre-eminent Australian novelist of his generation and the only writer to have won Australia’s most prestigious award, the Miles Franklin Award, four times, Tim’s literary reputation was established early. He is the author of over 20 successful titles including short stories, adult fiction, books for children and teenagers. His work has been sold into 25 territories.

Charlotte Wood

Charlotte Wood has worked as a journalist and editor for many years. She is the author of three critically acclaimed novels. THE CHILDREN, Charlotte’s third novel, was published in 2007 to resounding praise.

Awards ■■ PIECES OF A GIRL Winner Jim Hamilton Award for an unpublished manuscript 2000 ■■ THE SUBMERGED CATHEDRAL Shorlisted for the Miles Franklin Award, 2005, Shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, SE Asia & Pacific Region, 2005

27 The Estate of Elizabeth Jolley

Elizabeth Jolley is the author of 14 novels and four short-story collections. LEARNING TO DANCE, a new collection of work edited by Caroline Lurie was published in 2006 followed by a paperback edition in 2007. Her trilogy—MY FATHER’S MOON, CABIN FEVER and THE GEORGES’ WIFE—were recently relaunched as Penguin Modern Classics and will be published by Persea Books USA.

The Estate of Dorothy Porter

She uses words like notes in a musical score… her imagery is fresh and acute.Sydney Morning Herald

Dorothy Porter is a poet, verse novelist and librettist. Dorothy’s last verse novel, El Dorado, was published by Picador Australia in 2007. In December 2008, Dorothy Porter died suddenly and unexpectedly. She had just completed her new collection of poetry The Bee Hut, published by Black Inc in September 2009.

Awards ■■ THE MONKEYS MASK Age Poetry Book of the Year 1994, National Book Council’s Turnbull Fox Phillips Poetry Prize, Best Books of the Year in the Times ■■ WILD SURMISE Adelaide Festival Award, 2004 ■■ EL DORADO Shortlisted for the Age Poetry Book of the Year 2008, Shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Literary Award 2008, Shorlisted for the Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature

28 Non-fiction authors

Robyn Arianrhod

Robyn Arianrhod’s first book, EINSTEIN’S HEROES: IMAGINING THE WORLD THROUGH THE LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS, has been sold into the UK, USA, Japan, Korea, France and Turkey. Her new book, SEDUCED BY LOGIC, is forthcoming from University of Queensland Press.

Awards ■■ EINSTEIN’S HEROES Shortlisted 2004 Age Book of the Year (Non- Fiction), Shortlisted 2004 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards (First Book of History)

David Astle

David Astle is the author of two novels and two non-fiction works. Between books, he drives the world to delight and despair as the crossword setter DA appearing in both the Sydney Morning Herald and the Age. His new book, I WAS A TWEENAGE VERBAHOLIC, will be published by Allen & Unwin in 2010.

Josiane Behmoiras

Josiane Behmoiras only started writing in English in the late nineties; French and Hebrew were her earlier languages. In 2004 she completed an MA in creative writing at the University of Melbourne. This became her first book, MY MOTHER WAS A BAG LADY, (originally published as DORA B) a memoir of her mother, published in 2007.

Danielle Clode

Danielle Clode works as a science writer. She is the author of KILLERS IN EDEN, CONTINENT OF CURIOSITIES, VOYAGES TO THE SOUTH SEAS and PREHISTORIC GIANTS: THE MEGAFAUNA OF AUSTRALIA. She is currently working on her fifth book, a history of bushfire in Australia, for Melbourne University Publishing.

Awards ■■ VOYAGES TO THE SOUTH SEAS Winner Nettie Palmer Prize for Non-Fiction 2007

29 Hanifa Deen

Hanifa Deen is a third generation Australian, of Pakistani-Muslim ancestry. She is a human rights activist and a social commentator. Hanifa’s latest book, THE JIHAD SEMINAR, was published in 2008 by University of Western Australia Press. She is currently working on a new edition of her book about Muslim women in Australia, BROKEN BANGLES.

Awards ■■ CARAVANSERAI Winner NSW Premier’s Literary Award 1996

Richard Evans

Richard Evans is a journalist and an academic. Richard’s first book THE PYJAMA GIRL MYSTERY: A TRUE STORY OF MURDER, OBSESSION AND LIES was published in 2004. His latest book, TWELVE DISASTERS THAT CHANGED AUSTRALIA, has just been published by Melbourne University Publishing.

Jenny Hocking

Jenny Hocking, Professor and Director of Research with the National Centre for Australian Studies in the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences at Monash University, is widely published in contemporary Australian politics, national security and labour history. Jenny is the author of the acclaimed biographies LIONEL MURPHY: A POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY and FRANK HARDY: POLITICS, LITERATURE, LIFE, and has written two books on Australia’s counter- terrorism security legislation. Her latest book, GOUGH WHITLAM: A MOMENT IN HISTORY, is the first volume of a planned two volume biography and was published by Melbourne University Press in 2008. The second volume is due in 2010.

Awards ■■ GOUGH WHITLAM: A MOMENT IN HISTORY Shortlisted for the Age Book of the Year (Non-fiction), 2009

Jennifer Kloester

Jennifer Kloester was completing her undergraduate degree when she discovered Georgette Heyer. She used her background in English literature and history to complete GEORGETTE HEYER’S REGENCY WORLD in 2005. She is currently working on a definitive biography of Georgette Heyer.

30 Lana Knight

Lana Knight has 6 years experience working as an exotic dancer in Melbourne, Australia. Her mum is still on a diet at age 62 and provides Lana with the inspiration to encourage women to accept and love their bodies, find confidence and enjoy expressing their sexuality. Lana’s dance career spans over 20 years in a diverse range of styles. Her book, THE STRIPPER BIBLE, takes the reader from the evolution of striptease to finding the stripper within.

Megan Lewis

Megan Lewis was born and raised in rural New Zealand. At the age of 21, she moved to Sydney and was employed by Reuters. During that time Megan’s work regularly appeared in various international publications including the Washington Post, the International Herald Tribune and a front cover of Time magazine. Megan’s book CONVERSATIONS WITH THE MOB, captures a traditional Aboriginal tribe at odds with western culture.

Susan Maushart

Dr Susan Maushart’s impressive and varied experience includes a directorship with the Moore River Project in Western Australia, which resulted in the publication of SORT OF A PLACE LIKE HOME. Maushart’s subsequent books, THE MASK OF MOTHERHOOD, WIFEWORK: WHAT MARRIAGE REALLY MEANS FOR WOMEN and WHAT WOMEN WANT NEXT were all published internationally. Her latest book, THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONNECT, will be published by Random House Australia in May 2010.

Humphrey McQueen

Humphrey McQueen is a freelance historian and cultural commentator. Humphrey is the author of 19 books that cover history, the media, politics and the visual arts. His latest work is A FRAMEWORK OF FLESH - the first instalment of his research into the history of builders’ labourers and their unions.

Mark Mordue

Mark Mordue is a journalist, essayist and the founding editor of Australian Style magazine. His first book, DASTGAH: DIARY OF A HEADTRIP, is a travel-book-with- a-difference and was published by Allen & Unwin in Australia and Hawthorne Book in the USA. He is currently working on TENDER PREY, a biography of Nick Cave.

31 Patrick O’Neil

Patrick O’Neil scraped through an Arts degree then embarked on a largely inglorious career as a newspaper journalist. He has spent every cent he’s ever made on travelling. His latest book, SIDEWAYS: TRAVELS WITH KAFKA, HUNTER S. AND KEROUAC, was published by Penguin Australia in March 2009.

32 Children’s/YA authors

Lorette Broekstra

Lorette Broekstra teaches illustration at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Tafe and the Council of Adult Education. There are five books in Lorette’s Baby Bear series. There are currently three books in her new series about Hugo the hero elephant. Lorette’s latest books include WHAT’S THAT NOISE and WHAT’S THE TIME MISSY MOUSE.

Awards ■■ BABY BEAR GOES TO THE ZOO Winner Crichton Award for Illustration 2000 ■■ BABY BEAR GOES CAMPING Shortlisted 2001 NSW Premier’s Literary Award, Notable Book Children’s Book Council 2002

Alison Croggon

Best know as a theatre reviewer in Australia and a poet internationally, Alison Croggon’s BOOKS OF PELLINOR fantasy series—THE GIFT, THE RIDDLE, THE CROW and THE SINGING—has been an international success, captivating readers in Australia, the UK, USA, Germany and soon to be published in Poland, Spain and Portugal.

Awards ■■ ATTEMPTS AT BEING Shortlisted Kenneth Slessor Poetry Prize 2002, Nominated Pushcart Prize 2002

Mike Dumbleton

In addition to children’s books, Mike Dumbleton has written a range of educational texts and has also had his work adapted for stage and television. Five of Mike’s picture books have been selected as ‘Notable Books’ by the Australian Children’s Book Council. His latest book is WHAT WILL BABY DO?

Awards ■■ WATCH OUT FOR JAMIE JOEL Shortlisted Adelaide Festival Awards for Children’s Literature, 2004 ■■ PASSING ON Shortlisted Children’s Book Council Awards, 2002 ■■ DOWNSIZED Notable Book Children’s Book Council Awards, 2000 ■■ MUDDLED-UP FARM National Simultaneous Storytime Book 2004, Book of the Year Speech Pathology Australia, 2003, Notable Book Children’s Book Council, 2002

33 Mem Fox

Mem Fox is Australia’s most highly regarded picture-book author. Her first book, POSSUM MAGIC, is the bestselling children’s book ever in Australia, with sales of over three million copies. Mem’s recent picture book TEN LITTLE FINGERS AND TEN LITTLE TOES is a New York Times Bestseller and is published by Harcourt in the USA, by Walker Books in the UK and Penguin Australia. Her latest books, HELLO BABY and THE GOBLIN AND THE EMPTY CHAIR, have both received starred reviews on publication.

Judy Horacek

Judy Horacek is a well-known Australian cartoonist and writer. Six collections of Judy’s work have been published, the most recent of which is MAKE CAKES NOT WAR, published in Australia by Scribe and in the USA by Andrews McMeel. Her new picture book for babies, THESE ARE MY HANDS, was recently published by Penguin. A new board book, YELLOW IS MY FAVOURITE COLOUR, will be published in 2010.

Awards ■■ WHERE IS THE GREEN SHEEP? Winner Children’s Book Council Book of the Year: Early Childhood, 2005

Meme McDonald

Meme McDonald began her career as a theatre and festival director, specialising in the creation of large-scale outdoor performance events. Since then she has worked on writing, photography and film projects. Meme has written a number of award- winning books with the Aboriginal performer Boori Pryor. Her crossover novel, LOVE LIKE WATER, was published by Allen & Unwin in 2007.

Awards ■■ PUT YOUR WHOLE SELF IN New South Wales Literary Award, non-fiction, 1993, Braille and Talking Book Award, 1993 ■■ MY GIRRAGUNDJI Children’s Book Council Book of the Year Award, Younger Readers, 1999 ■■ THE BINNA BINNA MAN Ethel Turner Prize for Young People’s Literature, 2000, Ethnic Affairs Commission Award, 2000, Book of the Year, New South Wales Ministry for the Arts, 2000

34 Boori Monty Pryor

Boori Pryor was born in North Queensland. His father is from the Birrigubba of the Bowen region and his mother from Yarrabah (near Cairns), a descendant of the Kungganji and Kukuimudji. Boori is a multi-talented performer and basketball player who has worked in film, television, modelling, sport, music and theatre- in-education. He is a recognised speaker on Aboriginal issues. Boori has written several award-winning children’s books with Meme McDonald and SHAKE A LEG, a picture book with illustrations by Jan Omerod will be published by Allen & Unwin in 2011.

Awards ■■ MY GIRRAGUNDJI Children’s Book Council Book of the Year Award, Younger Readers, 1999 ■■ THE BINNA BINNA MAN Ethel Turner Prize for Young People’s Literature, 2000, Ethnic Affairs Commission Award, 2000, Book of the Year, New South Wales Ministry for the Arts, 2000

Gabrielle Williams

Gabrielle Williams feels like she has teenagers over at her house all the time, so she decided to use them for material while they used her food, drinks and couch space. Her first novel for young adults, BEATLE MEETS DESTINY, was published by Penguin Australia in September 2009.

35 Centre Place, Melbourne, 2008 Photo: Adrian Mark Saunders

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