Gil Amelio - NEW FREE SPEECH PLATFORM 2.44 [Economic patriot score: 50)

Background Briefing: Americans can no longer rely on uncensored and unlimited access to the Internet. Free speech is being restricted every day! Silicon Valley can simply shut down customers and free speech because they do not like their point of view or they are concerned it could influence the election cycle. At the same time, these groups are working with main stream media, and even to control a narrative. New unrestricted social platforms that are not censored, are starting to emerge and need your help to reach critical mass.

Your Mission: To understand new potential new developing free speech social platforms and technology. We are in an Economic War!

NOTE: This battleplan is not providing investment advice, but sharing ideas to help encourage free speech, explore new social media platforms, and other new technologies. Dr. Gil Amelio shared entrepreneurial solutions to address problems he has seen developing in the communications industry. Do not miss Ep42, on 5G risks and opportunities where he provides an in-depth perspective on 5G.

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(OSINT)– Open Sourced Intelligence Briefing This includes quotes and summaries of conversations in the Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman and Dr. Gil Amelio. Dr. Amelio is an American technology executive. He is the former Chairman and CEO of Apple Computer and . He even invented the optical sensor that makes it possible to have a camera in your iPhone.

“It used to be that if you did something that got called into question, YouTube would investigate it first and if it was found to be true, you’d get the strike. But in this case and it seems like going forward if you do something questionable and you get accused, they give you the strikes and then maybe they take them away. That’s kind of guilty until proven innocent. has four million YouTube followers. He’s built a business on YouTube. And yet it seems like that business could be yanked from him in a second without any fairness or due process.” – Kevin Freeman, CFA

1. XOTV A new early stage video/OTT platform launching that supports content creators and allows free speech.

Listed below is a quick review on why alternative video/social platforms should be considered:

• You Tube/Google is censoring free speech with a filter against conservative view points.

• Silicon Valley based technology companies promote a liberal view point.

• You Tube denies they are censoring data, but it seems clear they are doing it.

• Information provided on Prager U is claimed to be offensive even though it is well-documented and educational.

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• Steven Crowder was recently threatened by YouTube and later demonetized. It seems like they are looking for excuse to censor conservative content.

• Social media should allow political discourse and parodies if they meet copyright rules.

• We are a nation built on the concept of freedom of speech. Fair social media platforms are needed now, more than ever.

Regarding XOTV and Censorship: “At XOTV, we don’t try to second guess content creators. All we try to do is eliminate the genuinely offensive stuff that anybody would be offended by. We will not censor free speech. And that’s it. When it comes to conservative versus liberal, go at it.” –Gil Amelio

2. XOTV is being developed as a free-enterprise economic opportunity. It is a Social Platform that allows content creators to profit and not just the big Silicon Valley monopolies.

“There is so much unhappiness from everyone about the YouTube experience today versus what it was when it was first founded. I think that’s why we’re getting so many people migrating to our platform. Take a look at it yourself and spend a little time there. I think you’ll find that it’s very well done. We are adding about 10,000 creators a month to the XOTV channel.” –Gil Amelio

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• With the Silicon Valley Monopolies, too often content creators feel unrewarded. The monetization levels change and it is usually in favor of the Silicon Valley giants.

• Highly successful content creators invest in building and audience with the risk being shut down overnight.

• XOTV’s OTT platform rewards creators with a revenue share arrangement where they get 70% and XOTV receives 30%.

• Typically, it is not cost effective for an individual or even large companies to develop their own platform. We solved that issue.

• XOTV is building a subscription-based channel that appeals to someone just getting started, or the content creator that is already highly successful.

• XOTV will use analytics to promote content based on audience interest.

• It is being built around the simple premise of serve the customer.

“The real people we are serving are the content creators. We have not had one complaint from with a creator or viewer about our platform.” –Gil Amelio

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“Well I’m more than a little bit concerned with where we’re headed without something like an XOTV. So many young people are voters, and their vote counts just as much as my vote. They’re getting all of their news from social media and from YouTube. And if someone controls the social media and YouTube platforms, democracy is in trouble. Dr. Robert Epstein talked about how Google is manipulating data. He’s a psychologist and the editor of Psychology Today. He said if you control the search results, you can control the election. And I think it must be true also if you control the social media news, you control the election. That’s an existential threat to democracy.”

–Kevin Freeman

3. Social Data and Data-mining your privacy – Now YOU can get paid for your data.

The people’s information is being mined, aggregated, and used to Big Data’s advantage. To fight back, a device is being developed that allows the user to monetize their own data for themselves. It is currently a public company called 5 Barz.

5 Barz is technology being developed as a network enhancer. The device provides enhanced telephone reception and a Wi-Fi unit that allows consumers to go on the Internet with a smart router. As the device communicates, the consumer has the ability to extract the information from that. The device will ask for their permission to mine user data and in return 5 Barz gives the user the hardware equipment free at no cost to them. Plus, the device company will give them a percentage of that back with a check every month.

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Why this could be of interest:

• There is a lot of your data being mined and collected by Google, YouTube and FB and you get nothing from it.

• It’s uncomfortable to think Google has kept all the information on every search that individual has done.

• People may not want advertising to them unless it’s fully disclosed.

• While big social does disclose information, there’s a difference between full disclosure and a forced click on that service agreement because you have to.

• What is needed is real disclosure where you are told the truth about what is being done with your data.

“I talk to others who have created content on YouTube. It seems like they’re constantly changing the rules and moving the goalposts. When you build up a big channel, it’s like Lucy pulling the ball away from Charlie Brown right as you are about to monetize and get rewarded for all this creation that you’ve done.”

–Kevin Freeman

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Why You Should Care:

• Free Speech is under attack and social media companies are getting bolder as it relates to censorship of ideas that do not align with their worldview.

• Free Enterprise solutions drive our economy. Learn some ideas from a technology leader. Dr. Amelio gave us the optical sensor that created digital cameras. He was a pioneer in the semiconductor industry. He was Chairman and CEO of Apple and lead director for AT&T. He’s been at the center of the smart phones and social media revolutions.

• Alternative social media companies need to be developed to counter the monopolies that may be working against your interest and free speech.

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In the Economic War Room, we encourage Americans to be the “small ships that make the difference.” You cannot rely on the government or the President to solve your problems. You have to make a difference. It is up to you to help take our country back. Economic Patriot Action Plan Step 1: Subscribe to TheBlaze and catch Economic War Room’s full weekly shows at BlazeTV brings straight talk on key issues that are being censored on other platforms. For a low monthly fee, you receive access to Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman, Plus , , Eric Bolling, Steven Crowder, Phil Robertson and more! Your monthly subscription make a difference in getting our message across America. Click Subscribe to TheBlaze and use Economic War Room’s code Econ. Get a free trial and a full year subscription for only $89.

Step 2: Look for alternative social media platforms that believe in free speech. Many of these are early stage, but are platforms to watch and potentially support.

Step 3: XOTV is developing a video platform for content creators and video. A potential You Tube alternative-

Other, social media that claim to be free speech platforms include: » A FB alternative free speech tool recently launched, All Social » has an emerging free expression competitor called Parler News. Learn more here -

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Step 4: If you are concerned about how you share your data, and want to learn more about 5Barz, go here It will be interesting to watch as this company develops. This is a micro-cap company trading on the pink sheets under the symbol BARZ. We mention this simply as a point of information. You would want to ask your advisor to research the company, its prospects, and its suitability for your portfolio before considering any investment. We do not recommend or advise on individual investments.

Step 5: Continue to follow up with your representatives as it relates to the importance of free speech and holding Silicon Valley accountable.

Look for ways you can mobilize or weaponize your money toward things that strengthen America. Nominate your financial advisor for our National Security Investment Consultant Institute (NSIC) classes at

We need more Economic Patriots on the team! Consider what can you do now to help strengthen America or even help someone in need. Keep in touch with your congressional representatives. Choose from the list or set your own goals: Get others to sign up at and review our weekly Economic Battle Plans™. Each of these will address critical solutions to the threats highlighted on this briefing.

Subscribe to our weekly Economic War Room show on TheBlaze. We need to break the digital ghetto that is limiting free speech regarding truth and liberty.

Follow, like, comment and share on Facebook and Twitter. We recognize these tools may be compromised at times, but when they are not filtered, they can be major platforms available to reach out to the public. page 9 Gil Amelio - NEW FREE SPEECH PLATFORM 2.44 [Economic patriot score: 50)

Share this Economic Battle PlanTM and our short video segments on Facebook or YouTube with friends. We set up the Economic War Room to be your resource for information, preparation, and mobilization.

Think about ways you can mobilize or weaponize your money towards things that strengthen American. This can be through charitable giving, spending, or investments.

Shareable QUOTE: (share this quote with your friends or at the office) “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to a slaughter.”


DISCLAIMER: Past performance is not indicative of future results. Neither Kevin Freeman, his guests or EWR-Media Holdings, LLC guarantees any specific outcome or profit. The opinions of guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts of this show, talent, or management. You should be aware of the real risk of loss in following any strategy or investment discussed on the show. Any thoughts provided are general in nature and not to be construed as advice. This material does not take into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs and is not intended as recommendations appropriate for you. You must make an independent decision regarding investments or strategies mentioned on this website or on the show. Before acting on information on website or on the show, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and strongly consider seeking advice from your own financial or investment adviser. We do not endorse or recommend any specific investments or advisors, nor do we provide investment advice.

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The EWR Collection Deck From Kevin Freeman


[+] Must Read/Watch


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page 11 Gil Amelio - NEW FREE SPEECH PLATFORM 2.44 [Economic patriot score: 50)

BACKGROUND ON DR. GIL AMELIO [+] On the Firing Line: My 500 Days at Apple

[+] The Man Who Saved Apple Isn’t The Subject Of Major Pictures isnt-the-subject-of-major-motion-pictures/

[+] RF Check Inc

ABOUT XOTV [+] creators-are-burning-out-and-breaking-down-en-masse


This New Social Media Platform Aims to Protect Your Beliefs and Privacy to-protect-your-beliefs-and-privacy/


Conservatives Burned By Twitter Flock To New Platform platform-parler-news/

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ABOUT 5BARZ [+] 5BARz Enters Big Data Market and Intends to Pay the Consumer for Their Data

5BARz Signs Agreement with Kaynes Technology for the Fulfillment of Cellular Network Extender Orders within India technology-113000201.html

THE WAR ON FREE SPEECH 2 Plus 2 Equals Whatever My Truth or Lived Experience Says It Is says-it-is_2985681.html

[+] U.K. Bans Gender Stereotypes In Ads

Survey: Almost Half of College Students Prefer Inclusivity Over Free Speech inclusivity-over-free-speech_2931701.html

Political Correctness Is a Tool for Socialist Censorship and Thought Control censorship-and-thought-control_2925061.html

Disturbing number of students say hate speech is not free speech, report says

[+] Major Group Of Scholars Calls For Universities To Protect Intellectual Freedom On Campus protect-josh-hammer

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The Searing Assault on Freedom of Speech Escalates: Time to Fight Back escalates-time-to-fight-back

Deniers of the war on free speech on college campuses are dead wrong speech-under-attack-college-campuses-cathy-young-column/424704002/

SOCIAL MEDIA INFORMATION CONTROL AND CENSORSHIP [+] Michelle Malkin: Big Data ‘Pulling the Plug’ on Conservatives ‘Who Might Tip the Scales’ in 2020 pulling-the-plug-on-conservatives-who-might-tip-the-scales-in-2020

Conservative Leaders Call on Facebook to Stand Up to Antifa’s Outrageous Violence leaders-call-facebook-stand-antifas-outrageous-violence

‘I Don’t Think It’s Fair’: BlazeTV Reporter Says Facebook Was Wrong For Dinging His Video

Amazon removes controversial books by ‘father of conversion therapy’ father-conversion-therapy-n1026446

MRC’s Brent Bozell: Facebook Shouldn’t Cave to Demands of Left-Wing Mob facebook-shouldnt-cave-demands-left-wing-mob

Inside Facebook’s information warfare team

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[+] Twitter is canceling the Dalai Lama over his sexist statement about a female successor html

Blaze TV Host’s Video Banned from Facebook: His Call to Pray for President Trump Labeled as ‘Hate Speech’ banned-from-facebook-after-issuing-call-to-pray-for-president-trump-nbsp- nbsp-nbsp

Whistleblower: Google Employee Compares Prager, Others to Nazis

Google Is Blacklisting Its Political Opponents political-opponents-part-1-of-4/

The YouTube ‘Adpocalypse’ and the Strategic Censoring of Opinion censoring-of-opinion_2956665.html

[+] Liberals Cry Censorship After YouTube Demonetizing Frenzy Hits SPLC Content

Google fires engineer who exposed ‘outrage mobs’

YouTube to Remove Thousands of Videos Pushing Extreme Views html

CrossFit | CrossFit, Inc. Suspends Use of Facebook and Associated Properties

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5 Times Google Revealed Its Extreme Bias

Google engineer goes public, spills beans on ‘hunt’ for Christians me-out/

Facebook Singled Out for Scrutiny, Potential Ban, Internal Document Indicates potential-ban-internal-document-indicates_2928720.html

[+] Candace Owens suspended from Facebook after she writes, ‘Black America must wake up to the great liberal hoax’

Amazon’s Use of Southern Poverty Law Center ‘Hate List’ Challenged by Consumer Group list-challenged-by-consumer-group_2912718.html

Facebook apologizes for banning evangelist Franklin Graham for 24 hours

Violent Leftists Facebook Hasn’t Banned banned

Journalism Institute Poynter Tries to ‘Blacklist’ 29 Conservative Outlets as ‘UnNews’ journalism-institute-poynter-tries-blacklist-29

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‘Day Of The Long Knives:’ Conservatives, Free Speech Advocates Condemn Latest Facebook Bans bans/

Steven Crowder: YouTube isn’t playing by their own rules their-own-rules

EU’s Tusk warns of risks in rise of U.S. tech giants in-rise-of-u-s-tech-giants-idUSKCN1S91AO

Arthur Milikh: How Big Tech uses ‘freedom of expression’ to quash free speech

Big Tech and Threats to Liberty

[+] EXCLUSIVE: Google Leftists Panic About Leaks, Threaten Employment of Colleagues about-leaks-threaten-employment-of-colleagues/

Blacklisted: Leaked Youtube Doc Appears To Show Election Interference appears-to-show-election-interference/

YouTube Removes Project Veritas Pinterest Insider Video Explained pinterest-insider-video-explained/

YouTube Pulls Project Veritas Video On Google Bias google-bias-james-barrett page 17 Gil Amelio - NEW FREE SPEECH PLATFORM 2.44 [Economic patriot score: 50)

Big Tech’s War on Free Speech by Christians & Conservatives Violates Our Civil Rights violates-our-civil-rights/

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